Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1906, Image 1
Omaha; Daily Bee. Dnn Dltnnnn Bee Phones numbers: Bolnre ...... loalM KM CtrruUt Ion .... Toti:l HOT Ktlltorial ...... DookIm SOt UCG I NUMBERS: Bnalneae rWnaglaa 288 Circulation .... DourIm 7 Editorial noog.la201 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOTlNtXfl, FEBKUAKY IP, 1!)0, SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. The t KING SPEARS TODAY British Parliament Will Open with Medieval Pomp and Splendor. GREAT INTEREST IK ANNUAL SHOW Route from Palace to Hall Will Be Lined with Oheerintf Thousands, BRILLIANT SCENE lir HOUSE OF PEERS Clerical and Political pienitaries Will Attend in Quaint and, Varied Uarb. GREAT CHANGES In rluJsE OF COMMONS Unlit af Reveal Kteetlon Brlaajs Mtr Sw rare ta the Front and Interest Is laereased '.accordingly. IXlNDON. Feb. !. 1 nr first session of the second JUrllHtnent of the reign of King 1'Mward; VII. and the twenty-seventh of the Cnlted Kingdom will be oiened tomor row afternoon by the king. Blnoe hla ma jesty ascended the throne ho lias personally opened each of the six sessions of Parlia ment, adding much to that moat ceri? monloua occasion. Tomorrow's event has Hie tidded Interest In that it will be the first new Parliament to be opened by the king, but more particularly because of the great rhange that has come over the per sonnel of the House of Common a a ro nlt of the recent general election. The pvgeant will be much Ilk those that havo gone before, aomewhat detracted from by the absence of the qnren. who is at Copen hagen to attend the funeral of her father. King Chrltln. and the prince and princes of Wales, who are In India and who In the post have preceded the king and queen to Westminster, giving additional color to the show. Weather permitting there will be no diminution, however, In the size t,f the crowd who will turn out to witness the precession and show their loyally t.- the sovereign. The quadrangle on which Buckingham palace faces and all the open spaces In the vicinity wilt be crowded with people, while the mall, which skirts St. James' purk. the horse ' guard parade. Whitehall and rarllament street und Old Palnce ynrd, will le lined by thousands who will atiinil for hours and for that reason, possibly, will cheer more heartily than ever as the gold enisled state coach drawn by eight le.autlfully caparisoned i cream horses passes at a alow walk. Th I line of the procession will be flanked by the foot guards and police, not for protec- j Hon, but a a part of the ceremony, while j a sovereign's (escort of the Household cav alry. In addition to a detachment of the Teomen of the Guard, will act as a body-, guard. The state coach 'will le preceded by six state carriages occupied by the women and men of the household. la the Chamber of Peers. This procession and the return journey from Westminster to Buckingham palace la for th. benefit of the general-public, i The great' speceacle'. ts for the favored ones,' who will find themselves In the peers' (number of the House of IOids. There will gather an Imposing assembly of peers, poet-eases, ecclesiastics. Judges, ambassador and ministers of . foreign countries with thutr. wives. The peeresses will bo tite first to arrive and will have taken their places before the peers reach the House. Kxoepl In the case of the dukes, for whom a bench Immediately below that of the duchesses ! reserved, the order of. precedence among the peers Is not ob served, the early arrivals taking their 'rholee of Ihe seats and the lute ones wherever they can find room, liberals, con servatives, free trailers and tariff reform ers freely mingling. All will wear their heavy crimson robe. The. bishops In sear Jet robes with long ermine copes, the Judges In black and gold or crimson and white, will Increase the lmpreiveness of the scene. Amidst alt this the ambassadors and ministers of foreign nations, wearing their varying uniforms, broad green or crimson washes, ntarn and decorations, will constitute the most brilliant group In the assembly. Among them will be Whltelaw Held, the American ambassador. In plain black court dress. In the galleries every seat will be occupied by somebody offleltllv or socially. prominent. Arrival of the Kla. The approach of the king, who will be met at the entrance to the House of Ixirds the great oflWr of state and escorted Vu the robing room, where he will don his mantle of purple and ermine, will be an nounced by heralds in medieval tabards. Preceded by officers of state bearing the imperial erown. cap of maintenance and aword of atate, the latter In its scbt.vrd held aloft, all having distinctive signifi cance, the king will p-oceed to th House of I.rris and soon afterward dispatch the gentleman usher of th black rod to sum mon the members of the House of Com mons, many of whom, anticipating the command, will have already crowded Into the galleries. This will not interfere with the carrying out of the formality, black rod proceeding .to the lower house and there delivering the king's message ss fol lows: j Mr. Upesker, ih king commands this hon orable house to attend his ma lest v In the House of Lord to hear the kings speech read. Those who wait patiently for the sum mons, chiefly the older members to whom the ceremony la not new. will accompany the speaker to the bar of the House of Lords, when the king, reading from a printed ropy, will deliver his message to the legislators. The formality will soon be over and the king will pass out of the chamber In the same manner as he entered 11 W hat the King Mar gar. . it is unaerscooa mat tne King speech at the. opening of Parliament today will Include an expression of satisfaction for Great Britain's continued peaceful rela tion In Europe, especially with France, and a desire for a friendly solution of the Moroccan conference. It will also contain aa announcement concerning conditions In South Africa, the anpolntment of a com mission to proceed thither to examine Into the question of a franchise, and that mean while the Imitation of Chineae to the Transvaal shall be stopped and that the terms of the Chinese ordinance be sub Jecud to revision. The suggestion of the following legislative program will be made. Aa educational bill, a trade dispute bill, a workmen's rompesatlon act, an amend ment of last year's act for the relief of the unemployed, the repeal of the Irish coercion aot, the introduction of a Scot, tlsh education bill and of bills for the equalisation of ratea In Londoi and other minor measures. trlaoaa Marshal Aeejaltted. NOGLAE8. Arts.. Feb. 18. Cnlted 6tatee Urnl 11. F. Dunlels. who was arrested Friday on th charge of selling a mine for Whhh he had no til le. had a preliminary Asai fcation yesterday and was acquitted. FUNERAL OF KING CHRISTIAN Body of Dead Monareh Ijild la Its Last Hexing Place at Roakllda. ROSK1I.DF- magnlflrt afternoon n in Id the1 tones of tl pets, was I. hi prodece whose rental, klldc red sir'" The coffin I. black nnd "go high officers ir. only decoration a tribute from Leaning against isrk. Feb. IS. In the . ilr church here this V King Christian IX. J guns, the sonorous J, the blare of trtim- lth the long line of e Danish throne. V ihe chapel In Ros- tancel beneath a . supported by uniforms. The -, -j?iilden branch, Jj of Denmark. i ' nltflr rail were floral tribute from foreign monarch and trib ute from the Danish royal family. Queen Alexandra, the dowager empress of Russia, the queen of Denmark, the duchess of Cumberland and Ihe other royal women emerged from .the apse Just before 2 o'clock and seated themselves In the front row of chairs to the left of the coffin. Then a stir at the door of the cathedral heralded the n-rlvnl of the king and while the organ played Reethoven's majestic funersi march the royal procession swept up the center aisle. King Frederick was attired as a Danish general. Kmperor Wil liam. In the uniform of a Danish admiral, walked at his left and the king of Greece at his right, both keeping a trifle behind him. King Haakon and the other royal personages and the representatives of for eign sovereigns followed. At the catafalque Dr. Roerdam. prlmme of the Danish church, with Dr. Paulll, court chaplain, and Dr. Bondo, dean of the cathedral, awaited the king. The royal party took seats witli the roynl ladles. King Frederick nearest the altar with Queen Louisa, next to whom sat Emperor William. The service began with the singing of a hymn and then Dr. Roerdani delivered a long panegyric touching on trie principal incidents of the king's reign, dwelling on the great economical and political strides of the country tinder his bereflclent rule, and addressing consoling words to the many bereaved royal personages, through out Kurojie. The sermon was followed with another hymn, the roynl mourners Joining In the singing. Then to the strains of the funeral march composed by Hartmunn on the ocouslon of the death In 114 of Albert Ftertel Thor valdsen. Deniniirk's great sculptor, which was Hceomimnled by trumpets and cym bals, eight officers, carried the coffin from the chance) across to the chapel of Freder ick, where it was deposited in 'he sarcoph- j ugus. . Kartli being thrice tnrown on ins i coffin the IxirJ's prayer wus repeated and the service concluded with the benediction. FALLIERES SUCCEEDS LOUBET err Presldeat of France Inducted Into Office with Simple Ceremony. PARIS. Feb. IS. Clement Amiand Fall ieres today assumed the duties of president of, France, while former ..President Loubet. passed into ( private life. , The eremony of the transmission of office took place In the Elysee palace at 4 o'clock this after noon while the crowds massed In the sur rounding streets shouted "Ijong Live the President" and "Ixing Live Fallieres" and every military garrison In Franco thun dered a salute of twenty-one guns. President Loubet. surrounded by the members of his cabinet, the presidents of the senate and chamber of deputies and the members of the military household, welcomed M. Fallieres, and In a few ear nest words committed the executive func tions to the new president. The reply of M. Fallieres was without formality. It was a simple acceptance of the new re sponsibilities and an assurance of his best efforts In carrying them out. Mm. Fallieres and Loubet both wore evening dress with the broad scarlet sash of the Legion of Honor across their breasts. The presence of other military staffs In full uniform gave a touch of brilliancy to the scene within the palace, while the escorts of culrraaler which accompanied Mm. Fallieres and loubet to and from the palace gave fitting dignity to the occasion. Following the ceremony, the forme.r president and his family withdrew to their private apartment In the Rue Dante. Presi dent Fallieres did not remain long at the palace, returning to his former home, where his wife awaited him. President and Mme. FalHeres mill take up their resi dence at the Klysee palace tomorrow. CRISIS IN BUDAPEST TODAY If Parliament Refaaes to Obex lllsso latloa Order King Will Ise ' .Foree. BUDAPEST. Feb. . Tomorrow bids fair to be an Important and significant day in the conflict which the Hungarian people, represented by the parliamentary coalition. Is waging against the throne for the rec ognition of constitutional liberty as against the royal prerogative. Parliament will be dissolved by the crown by, force of arms If necessary, but up to tonight there is no information aa to the method that will he employed by the crown to compass this end, as the coalition this evening la equally In the dark, with the public. The coalition has no program of action. It Is prepared to enter Its protest in any way possible and has provided for alt con tingencies. The last meeting held by the party showed that Its spirit was clearly for resistance. It was declared then that the I tTr-n' alleged unconstitutional act should I he resisted It. order to show to the world j at large that (. would not be accepted by Ihe Hungarian leople. Each side declares ! that It Is In the rlsht and la . success. It was reitertied tonight that the gov rrnment had twought a regiment of Rou mar.ton trottyi to Budapest. If the day passes without serious clashes the dissolution of Parliament will still be Important for Hungary, for the crown will have to call new elections, in which the coalition Is fullv confident of maintaining Its majorities, or failing to call the elec tions. It will mean the breaking of the constitution by the king and will necessi tate the Introduction of absolutist measures of government. Rockefeller Kot la aplea. ROME. Feb. 18. It haa been ascertained that the person who arrived at Naples on Thursday on board the Deutschland and who was reported by the correspondent at Naples of a Rome paper to be John D. Rockefeller, was not that gentleman. W1LKKSUARRE. Pa.. Feb. U.-Four men were killed by an explosion that OK-umxl early today In Hie Buttonwoud mine, oper ataed by the Parish Coal company, about ivu miles from this city. DOLAN WRITES TO MITCHELL Miners' President Charged with Playing to the Galleries, SAYS OPERATORS CALLED HIS BLUFF Plttsharx Leader aya Oraraalsatloa is Beatea Because of Blaadera of Its Rsevatlvo Head. PITTSBfRO, Feb. IS. In a atatement he made public tonight President Dolan of the local district Cnlted Mine Workers of America scores the method of John Mitchell, national president of the mine workers, and charges him with trying to shirk the responsibility for the position In which the mine workers are at present. Dolan also accuses Mitchell of "playing to the galleries" by threatening the operators with a national strike, but that the "opera tors called the bluff." Mitchell is further charged with sending organizers Into the local field to defcHt Dolan and that money belonging to the organization was used. Mr. Dolan'a Statement. The statement says: President Mitchell In trying to shirk the responsibility for the mess he hss gotten the miners of this country Into by saying that 1 am evidently trying to divide the miners' forces. 1 am nut. 1 am trying to save the miners from the danger which threaten them because of Mitchell's lack of courage. Mitchell, and Mitchell alone. Is responsible for the serious situation which confronts the miner. He got started wrong in the Joint convention and did not have the courage and common aense to make a temporary retreat when he saw he was worsted and should take up the fight along oi her lines. He led the argument for ihe miners by demanding on advance in wages on the claim that price of coal were higher at that time than they were two years ago. The operators Immediately took him at his word and offered to bring in the books of nil the companies In the country, large and small, and have them examined if the miners would agree to take a reduction if the price were shown to he lower, the operators to pay an advance If the price were shown to be higher. Operator Call Muff. V. I,. Robblns asked Mitchell to accept that offer. Mitchell never let on he heard the question. Robhins repeated the ques tion a half a doxen times und Mitchell sat starinir Into soace. Robblns appealed to the chair and the chair ruled that Mitchell might to answer the question. Mitchell then iirose and said: "1 decline to anxwer." From that time on our cake was (Tough. Mitchell may say that 1 am not smart enough to write an intelligent statement, but a limn does not have to have a college education to know when he is whipped, and the operators had us whipped from that moment. When Mitchell saw what u mess he was In he tried to scare the operators Irom following up their advantage tiy nmking radical statements and playing to the gal leries. He thought lie would scare the operators by the thoupht of a national strike, but the operators called our bluff. After this blunder of Mitchell we were In nice shape to ask the-public to shut oft their coal and stop the mills and factories and then have the newspapers make public sentiment lor us by telling everybody how Just our cause is. From the time Mitchell made that first blunder he went from bad to worse until the Rvnii resolution made our situation hopeless and we came on without an agree ment. Mitchell lias always lucked cour age. He !s more csreful nf his own repu tation as a aucceasful leader than .he Is of the Interests of his oeonle. Never In his career has he foueht 8gal'it the oopular tide, no matter whether it was right or wrong. Two years ago when the ooerators whipped hm Into line for a reduction he disappeared from the convention with an attack of what he called "nervous nros tratlon." and after he get out of the Turk ish bath he made all the miners' leaders fight to have the deleffstes accept the re duction be'ore he would d so. Not lafrlendly to Mitchell. Mitchell says 1 was always unfriendly to his administration. I was not. although he had fought me. I had the "gall" to be a candidate for national vice presi dent against dim in InM and he never forgave me. 1 have letters in my desk to prove that he sent organisers Into this Held and issued orders to spare no expense to have me defeated for district president In mv oan liehl and it whs the union's money and not his own that he was willing to be so lavish with to vent a personal spite. It has been evident for years to every body connected with the labor movement thst Mitchell is suffering from a common, ordinary dose of "big head." He is work ing all the time toward one-man power and the truth of the matter is that he Is not In touch witn his own people or with the mining situation. Circumstances havn made him. The thie ha always been in his favor until lately and now he docs' not measure up to his Job. It takes some thing besides a Prince Albert emit anil a (.grnatlon In in duuou nine ui niase i it-Mi labor leader. It takes common sense and courage, and the man who lacks either ought to hire somebody to tell him of his shortcomings and retire from his job P. DOLAN. Work oa Anthracite Scale. NEW YORK. Feb. 18. John Mitchell nnd his associates on the anthracite miners' subcommittee today finished their work of preparing proposals for an agreement and will probably meet with the coal operators' subcommittee Tuesday or Wednesday. It was stated that no formal document would lie submitted, but that the miners would notify the operators that they were ready for a joint meeting of the subcom mittees and would then state In general terms what they expected the operators to grant them In the new agreement. It Is expected that several meetings will take place before a final agreement or disagree ment would be reached. It is practically certain that the miners will make a firm demand for the eight-hour day for all men employed about the mines. ' One of the miners' representatives said today that Ihe eight-hour question was more Important to the men than any other demand that had been mentioned. If at the meeting with the operators this week no agreement should be reached, the miners would have to go back to Pennsyl vania and the whole matter would be sub mitted to a tri-disrrlct convention, that being a convention of the three big anthra cite district which control the entire coal field. Ni matter what may be the result of the conference here it will have to be rati fied by the convention to be called In Penn sylvania. The present contract between the opera tors and the men does not expire until March SI. so In case of a disagreement in New York the miners will have Ave weeks to consider what course they will take, and to make preparations If they decide to strike. CATHEDRAL - FOR ST. LOUIS Plaaa af Home Firm Accepted for Straetaro to Coat Two . . Millions. T. IXM.M8, Feb. 1. Archbishop Olennon of the Catholic archdiocese of St. Louis, In behalf of the cathedral board, has an nounced the acceptance of the plans pre pared by Barnett, Haynes A Barnett for the cathedral to be' erected here at a total cost of S2.O00.0n0. The competition was In ternational, plans having been submitted by architectural firms of Washington. D. C. Parts. France; Boston, Mass., and Cologne. Germany. Th exterior of the cathedral will be of Romanesque architecture and the In terior Bysantine. . It will be built of gran lie and It is expected it will be finished In three year. JOHN A. M'CALU PASSES AWAY Palalesa Knd C ornea to Former Presi dent of ew York I I fe Mi. day Afteraoon. NEW YORK. Feb. WeJohn A. McCall. until recently president of the New York Life Insurance company, died at S:S3 this afternoon at the Laurel house. In lake wood. N. J., where he had been taken three weeks sgo. In the hope that the change might benefit his health, which had suf fered a breakdown two month ago. The hews of the death was not given out by the family until some lime after the end. Then Mr. McCnll's son. John C. McCall, briefly announced: "The end has come. My father ha passed awsy." Mr. McCall had been unconscious since about 10 o'clock this morning, except pos sibly for one brief minute this afternoon, when his eyes opened and looked Into the face of his wife, whd was bending over him. He smiled and am he did so his eyes closed again and he remained in the coma until the end. I One of the last person Mr. McCall talked to was his old friend and paator. Rev. Father Matthew Taylor, of the Church of the Blesed Sacrament, In Vet Seventy first Btreet, this city. ; He went to Lake wood yesterday to see Mr. McCall at the latter's request. Bishop James A. McFaul of the diocese of Trenton arrived In l.ake wood last evening, but did not see Mr. McCall, who had long keen his friend. This morning at T o'clock tie bishop said mas In the church of Our! IJidv of the Lake at Lakewood, offering prayers for the re covery of the stricken man. The attending physicians notified the family at 1 o'clock this afternoon that the end was close st hand. Mrs. McCall had been at the bedside constantly since last evening. All of the seven children were summoned. It was an nounced that Mr. MeCall's death was due to enlargement of the liver and the end had been peaceful and without pain. Mrs. McCall Is now under medical care. She had become worn out by the long vigil at the bedside of her husban I and when he died she practically collapsed, al though It Is thought her condition will not develop seriously. The body will be brought to New York tomorrow morning and will be sent to the McCall residence on West Sseventy-seoond street. The funeral will be held Wednes day at the Church of the Blessed Sacra ment, j John A. McCall was born in Albany, N. Y., March 1819. He entered the Insur ance business early in life and hi 18SS was appointed state Insurance commissioner by Grover Cleveland, who was then governor. He relinquished that position to become controller of the Equitable Life Assurance society, which position he held until he be came president of the New York Life lu 18iC. , DONAHUE AND CROWE CASE Friend of Chief Indignant at the lunlnaatlons of the World x Herald. Friends of Chief of Police Donahue do not conceal their indignation over the car toon In Sunday's World-Herald, the pur port of which Is to . carry thq Idea thai the -chief did nothing jrSatever to-etteot the capture of Pat Crowe. "The position taken by the World-Herald all along in this case and towards me la so well known that comment ta hardly nec essary," said the chief when asked about the matter. "The records and the facts show what the Omaha police department and myself did In this case nnd I am con tent to let the record speuk for Itself. The World-Herald apparently never let an op portunity slip to discredit our efforts and print false stories about various Incidents of the case. It will be remembered that at the time of the kidnaping the World Herald Insisted young Cuduhy was only In hiding with dlsreputuhle companions. When Crowe was arrested at Butte this paper carried a long story to the effect that E:dle Cudahy himself was implicated in the kid naping, according to statements accredited to Crowe, which Crowe later denied. A a matter of fact the police did everything In their power to apprehend Crowe and to work up a strong case against him. Dur ing the five years he was at liberty, after the commission of the crime, we kept In close touch with the witnesses and wore aide to produce all of them at the trial. The fact that Crowe visited this vicinity more than once, nnd was not arrested I j not a fair criticism to the local police de partment. We never received any assist ance from the persons to whom Crone talked and made known his Identity. These were afraid to talk until after that gentle man had left town. I paid $300 out of my own pocket as reward money for Crowe's arrest, and I do not know of anyone else who hacked up his Interest In capturing him with a like amount of rssh. "The whole record In th case Is open ttt the closest inspection. I am satisfied Im partial observers cannot find my flepart ment at fault." VIOLENT DEATHS IN NEW YORK Mne Persons Killed and Many Minor Accident Ma'r snndsy Qntet In r.otham. NEW TORN. Feb. Is.-Nine violent deaths, with a long chapter of minor acci dents and shooting affrays, some of which may result fatally, constituted th usual Sunday report submitted to headquarters today by th police of New . York and Brooklyn. A street murder in th Italian quarter heads the list. There were three cases of suicide, all In Manhattan; one man was ground to death heneath the wheels of an express train in th subway, a woman was burned to. death In her Greenwich street home, another woman was accidentally killed by Inhaling Illumi nating gas In a West street hotel, while the man who had I" cuipanh-d her to' the place was found in n iritlcal condition: a man ' was killed by escaping gas in Brook lyn and the body of a young man was found In a canal In South Brooklyn. Three women, overcome by gas In a tenement in West Forty. third street, were taken to a hospital, and will recover; two soldiers, one a sergeant and the other a corporal of artillery from Fort Tot ten, were overcome In the Second Avenue hotel, where they spent last night, and are In a critical condition at a hospital. The murdered man was Michael Char carco, who waa attacked with a stiletto, the police declare, by Vincent Venltigllo, who had long been his friend. The as sailant escaped. The men had been drink ing and quarreled. The man killed In the subway was An tonio Rossi, It years old. a track walker. His body was literally rut to pieces and scattered along the track for some dis tance. When men carrying parts of the body arrived at the Fourteenth street sta tion there waa something of a panic on the crowded platform. Several women fainted. A report quickly spread that a serious ac cident had occurred and several hundred persons poured Into the subway. Police reserves had to be called from tmo m. tluns before the place could be cleared SPECIAL TRAIN FOR PRISONERS - Labor Leaders Charged with Complicity in 8tennenbe rg Mnrder Spirited Away ACTION SURPRISES GOVERNOR M'DONALD Requisitions Renehed Hearer and He Spent Two Hoars Considering Matter Before Honoring Them. DENVER, Feb. IS.-Charles H. Moyer and William D. Haywood, president and secretary, respectively, of the Western Federation of Miners, and C. A. Pettlhone, a former member of the executive board of that organization, ' who were arrested In this city last night on warrants charging them with complicity In the murder of for mer Governor Steunenburg of Idaho, were taken from their cells In the county Jail at an early hour this morning by an armed guard of twelve deputy sheriffs, escorted to the I'nlon station and were there placed on board a special train that a few min utes later left the station, carrying the en tire party, prisoners and armed deputies, over the I'nlon Paclllc railroad, enroute for Boise, Idaho. Denver Officer Make Arrest. The three men. who were tsken out of the city as prisoners of the Idaho authori ties, were. It waa learned today, arrested last night by three different officers after extradition papers had been signed by Governor McDonald. The papers were de livered to the governor on Thursday last, but not a word to that effect wns allowed to escape from the executive chamber. In fact. It Is believed that no one except the authorities who came with Ihem to the city were advised that Governor McDonald had In his possession the papers Issued In Idaho, Governor McDonald signed the papers not later, it is believed, than 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and a short time afterward left the city for Colorado Springs. The governor Is not expected to return liefore Monday or Tuesday. governor McDonald Talks. Owing to the absence of Governor Mc Donald from the city last night no state ment could be obtained concerning ills action on the request of the Idaho author ities for the extradition of the three men. Over the long distance telephone tonight. Governor McDonald said: 1 am surprised to learn that a special train was used to convey the officials of the Western Federation of Miners from Denver. I had no knowledge of a plan to secretly spirit the men out of town. Iast Thursday morning Deputy Warden Mills of the Idaho penlu:ntinrv. who had arrived In Denver the day before, callod upon me at my office und presented the requisition papers for the arrest of the three men. Charges or complicity in me niurnci of former Governor Steunenburg were set forth. I spent ail of that day, as well as Friday and a part of Saturday, Investigat ing the charges against the feneration offi cials and In the end I honored the papers. I guv.!, out no Information about the pa pers being In my possession lest It should be tho means of creating a movement to keep the men from the authorities who were in Denver to arrest them. Governor McDonald was asked . If any member of the Colorado National guard was" ulnong the men who tffarfled the spe cial train on Its way out of Denver. "Not to my knowledge," lie replied. The governor was told that Adjutant General Wells was absent from the city and was pressed to answer If he had gone on the train with the prisoners. The governor explained that General Wells had been granted a leave of r.b nence by himself and that ir lie had left for Boise on the special he went as a pri vate rit'zen. BOISE, Idaho, Feb. li. The authorities le-e refuse absolutely to give out a purtlcle of information respecting the na ture of the evidence against President Mover and Secretary Heywond of the Western Federation of Miner or that In the ease of George A. Pettlbone, who is also being brought here on the special train from Ilenver. There ' only two mrn here who know the facts, the governor and J. H. Hawley, chief counsel for the prose cution. Both refuse to deny or affirm the report that Harry Orchard, the man in custody for the murder of former Governor Steunenburg, has made a confession. They meet every other question In the same manner. Mr. Hawley, however, stales positively that they ""have evidence sufficient to con vict all three men. There are indications that other arrests are pending but on this point there is no conclusive evidence. It seems the authorities secured Ihe extra dition of the thr'-e men nnd nud every thing arranged for their removal before they were arrested. George A. Pettlbone was connected with the Coer D'Alene riots in 12, and was one of five men sentenred to prison in Detroit, for a year for violation of the in junction of the federal court restraining the miners from Interfering with the miners. President of Burke Inion Arrested. WALLACE. Idaho, Feb. IS.-Vincent St. John, president of the miners' union of Burke, Idaho, according to the statement of Sheriff Angus Sutherland of Shoshone county, is now in the county Jail at Wal lace, Idaho. He was arrested this after noon on a. telegraphic order from Boise. Sheriff Sutherland drove to Burke, which Is seven miles from Wallace, found St. John In bed. arrested him and brought him to Wallace. St. John refuses to say any thing about his arrest or the causes there for. and the sheriff Is equally close mouthed, but It Is almost certain It Is In connection with the murder of ex-Governor Steunenburg at Caldwell. Idaho. St. John has been voting under the name of John W. Vincent, and Is also known by that name In his dealings with the Burke anion. Ho came to the Coeur D'Alenes directly after the union troubles In Tellurlde. Colo., a year and a half ago. He has been em ployed In the Hercules mine at Burke as a common miner. He Is married but has no clilldren. The arrest was msde so quietly that Burke apparently was not aware last night It had occurred. JEWELS PLACED ON THE ALTAR People af Xloa City Make Naertfleea ta Restore Financial gtaadlag of lastltatloaa. CHICAGO. Feb. 18 -Th firat public ad dress of Deputy General Overseer Wilbur Glenn Voliva to the people of Zlon City made today was a dramatic appeal for an act of self-sacrifice to restore the city and Its institutions to a sound financial hails. As a result the congregation deposited upon a table placed before the speaker's platform their most valuable possessions. Women removed their rings and bracelets and deposited them aa an offering. Men gave up their watches, diamonds and checks for various amounts aa pledges, ranging In size from It cents to SS.tuO. The greet tabernacle held the largest audience It baa contained for many montha, NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Monilnyi Warmer In onth Por tion. Tneailar Falri Colder In Xnrth smI Portloa. Temperatmre at Omaha Yesterday I Hoar. re. Ilonr. Ilea. Ha. m tut 1 p. n ' A a . in ..... . JVJ 2 p. in . 44 T a. m , 8.1 rt p. m 4-4 a. ni n.1 4 p. in 4lt l a. m...... xt A p. r...... 4d 10 a. m. . . . e. a:i 41 p. m It 11 a. in ...... .11 T p. m 4.1 13 m XII M p. m 41 l p. m PRESIDENT ON RATE MAKING Chief Rxeeatlve Anxlnos that F.ssenee of llepbnrn Bill Be Retained. WASHINGTON. Feb. ls.-President Hoose velt In recent tnlk with senator and representative hes stated that while he Is not attempting to dictate the terminology of the railroad rate hill, his preference Is that the suhstance of the Hepburn bill should be kept. He ha taken occasion to say that he csres very little for the form of the bill if the "essence" Is k"pt. There are two or three minor point b to which he thinks amendments may possibly be made with advantage, as for instance, In stead of making a thirty-day limit for the time when a regulation Is to take effect, to make it go into effect at any time set by the Interstate Commerce commission. The president has felt that there are nrgu- ments both for nnd against the proposal that if a stay Is granted the railroads shall be required pending the decision to pay into court the difference between the rates as they exist and as they will exist if the commission's ruling Is sustained. The president has emphasized the fact that the main point Is appeal to the courts. The Hepburn bill Itself, the president believes, allows such appeal and so does every other proposed bill in both houses. The proposals coming rroni Senators Al drich, Foraker and others who hold simi lar views to that, looking to a complete retrial of the caso by the courts, both as to the law and the facts, the president does not believe in. He believes, as outlined In his speech before the Iroquois club last May, that the appcul to the courts should bo only to test whether the order of tho commission Is In whole or In part con liscalory and also to test the legality of the order. The president is entirely indifferent as to the form of the provisions In the bill so long as the substance is right aa set forth above. Tlie president regards all this as contained In tliu Hepburn bill, but does not care ns to the form In which the pro visions are put, so long a the substance Is kept. HENNINGS AGAIN ENDORSED City Treasurer Receive Hearty Sup port of Uermaa-Amerlcaa Repub lican flab for Mayor. The German-American Republican club at a meeting held In Patterson hall yester day gave an enthusiastic endorsement to the candidacy of - A. -H. Honnlngs for 1W3W,-- Aboirt-wixfj'- were-pieaent.- atrweg them many prominent German business men of the city. The resolution adopted by the club expresses the belief of the members In the honesty, Integrity and ability of Mr. Henntngs and declares he has demonstrated his ability for a busi ness administration during his Incumbency as cltj- treasurer. The undivided support of the club Is pledged and a committee of twelve to assist In the campaign was ap pointed. Otto Kinder presided at the meeting and Mnx Felerman was secretary. Two com mittees were ent out to find Mr. Hen nlugs and escort him to the hall, but both failed to locate him. The resolution read: Whereas, We. the people of the city of Omaha, are now in the nilihit of a munici pal campaign for which we arc called upon to elect our city officers to serve u for the coming three years, end thoroughly believe that men of acknowledged honesty. Integrity and ability should be chosen to fill these lmortnnt offices. We recognize and approve the wave of popular govern ment that is passing over the country st the nresent time. In which the people are demanding a "square deal'- from the hands of all public officers, as we are conscious w are gettlnr from the administration of the strenuous Roosevelt. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we believe we have found the above qualifications In the person of A. H. Hennlngs. who ha demonstrated his ability for s business administration during his inrumhency ss city treasurer of our city, who has kept every promise he has made to the peonle. who has never ac cented street railway passes, free light, free water or free tc-'enhone service, nnd has always been eenservative and Is no fanatic, and I' elected will he mayor for all nf the nenple and not for a certain class. Resolved. Tlnt we, the members of the O-rman-American Republican club of the city of Omnia, heartily endorse him for the nffVe of mayor and pledge to him our undivided support. SCANDAL IN INSANE ASYLUM Medleo-I.eaal Morlelr Makes Merlons Chara-es Aaalnsi Management of Government Instllntloa. WASHINGTON. Feb. 18.-A committee composed of Dr. Charles M. F'nmon and Attorney Richard V. Evan, appointed by the Medtcn-f gsl society of the District of Columbia tA Investigate the condition of affairs st St. Elizabeth's government asylum for the Insane, located nar this city, have made a report to the society In which serlou statements are made re garding the management at that institu tion. A copy of the report will be sent to the president and It Is said th grand Jury may be called on to make an investiga tion. The committee disclaim any intention or desire to reflect upon the personal Integrity or ability of Dr. White, the superintendent of the hospital, but said it would appear from complaints made to the committee that straiglitjackets. handcuffs, etc., are In frequent use. That the feeding tube has on occsslon been thrust through the nostril down ih throat as a means of punishment and discipline as well as nf alleged necessity. Many other like occur rences are reported. The committee state that the conditions surrounding many ex soldlers and sailors confined in St. Eliza beth's reflects no credit on either the hos pitsl authorities or the government. Refer ence is made to the bull pen. where it is said some S00 are confined. The report say Dr. White, the superin tendent haa to leave all details of care and treatment to subordinates, and disclaims any intention to reflect upon Ills personal Integrity or ability. Movement of Oeeaa Vessels Feb, 1,. At New York Arrived: St. Paul, from Southampton: I'mbria. from Uverpool. At Naples Arrived: Romanic, from Bos ton. At Liverpool Arrived: Carmania. from New York. At Movllle Arrived : Columbia, from New York. At Southampton Arrived: St. Louis, from New York. At Boulogne Sailed: Rotterdam, for New York, and passed the Lizard February IS. At Queenstown Sailed: Campania, for Ntw York. At Dover flailed: Pennsylvania, for New York. EVENTS OF THE WEEK House Will Begin Consideration of Arm Appropriation Bill Tuesday. MOVE TO ENCOURAGE MARKSMANSHIP Measure Contains Provision for Increase of Pay for Good Shooters. PROPOSAL FOR JOINT MANEUVERS Appropriation of $700,000 for Thia Purpose Will Provoke Discussion. STATEHOOD BILL IN THE SENATE Mr. Dirk Will Cwntlnne Ills gpeeeh la. Favor of the Bill Today Pare Food Bill Also omea I p. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11-The house of representative will dispose of one of the regular annual supply measures the army appropriation bill this week. Monday will lie the first "suspension" day of the session. Suspension day is a procedure win-re a member may. If he ha made arrangements with the speaker In advance, be recog nized and over a motion to suspend the rule and pas a bill. If objection I raled a two-third vote will obviate the objection and pass the bill, after n debate of forty minutes, which In automatically ordered by the objection. I'nder thia order nny hill on the calendar 1 eligible- for consid eration. Chairman Hull of th military affair committee expects to call up the army ap propriation bill Tuesdny. He estimates that It will be Thursday or even Friday before tlie measure I finally disposed of. The general debate on the bill will occupy Tuesday and at least a part of Wednesday. Procedure under the five-minute rule will not be curtailed and a day or more will be consumed In scrutinizing the details of the bill under this order. The provision of the bill abolishing the grade of lieutenant general of the army will be the text of a number of speeches. The provision Is "new legislation" and con sequently subject to a point of order. The making of a point of order Is wltliiit th province of any member and the provision may go out of tho hill In this manner. To Kueourage Mnrkamanhlt. To encourage marksmanship In the ui my the committee has Inserted a provision In the bill creating three grades of experls and providing for Increased pay for each grade. The first grade oarrlcs with If added pay of $1 a month, the second grado K und the third $3. It 1 estimated that the aggregate increase In expenditure under this provision will amount to I7.ia a quarter. The benefit to the army by en couragement of rifle expertness Is regarded as more than compensatory, and while the provision is, like that abolishing the grade ot lieutenant general, subject to a point of onler, the military committee believes that the provision wUVremaln In thet1U. A provision for Joint "army and militia, maneuvers Is another topic proline of dis cussion. There Is an aggregate of T00.(wo carried In the measure for this purpos. The plan. Is to have tho maneuvers held In many sections of the country. Regular army troop are to be marched from tholr regular posts to the sites selected for the maneuver and mill t la within a convenient location will be asked to participate. In this way general benefit Is expected to be throughout both organizations. The bill contains a provision abolishing mileage pay for ' officers and men when traveling hy sea. In tho place of mileage In this instance the actual evpetiseS of the trip are to be paid by tho government. Re tired officers are by this agreement allowed to receive nilleego under rertain restric tions. The use of army transports 1 re stricted by the bill to transporting troops and supplies o( the army. The hou'! will probably content Itself with working but five days this wci a, Viking adjournment from Friday until Mon day. ' Program of the senate. The senate's program, so far as li hus been arranged, provides only for the con sideration of the pure food bill and tlie continuance of the discussion of the state hood bill begun last Thursday by Senator Dick. The vole on the pure food bill will la taken on Wednesday, and it Will lie discussed to a considerable extent duiiiiK Monday and Tuesday. Senator Heyuuru has given notice that lie' will call the i-lll up Monday for tho purpose of offering and permitting others to offer amebdmenta. '!!: vote will be taken Wednesday, Immediately after the close of the routine business. Senator Dick will continue his speech Monday in supisirt of the statehood bill, but there I no derision ns to who Mill follow him. Senator Bnverldge says that he expects the opposition to choose a u ator to reply to th Ohio senator, but no on on tht side appears prepared to pro ceed with a set speech, and It now appear probable that the proposed amendments to the bill may be taken up for consideration at an earlier dnte than ha heretofore been expected. All Interest centers In Senator Foraker'a provision giving both territories an r.p portunlty to vote separately on the ques tion of Jqint statehood for New Mexico and Arizona, and It is not Improbable that that point may be quite suddenly reached. The acceptance of the amendment would not have the effect of bringing the discus sion of the measure to a close, because there are other questions on which the sen ate is divided, hut It would materially cur tail It and In the end Insure the passage of the bill. Senator Beveridge expresses confidence that Ihe bill will not be amended In any respect by the senate. The oppo nents of the bill concede the closeness of the division and feel that their chances are all in the Foraker amendment. Tlio conference report on the urgent deficiency bill will be reported during the week, but It will probably create very little, If any, discussion. Confereere at Algeclras. Th Algeclras conference on Moroccan affairs does not promise immediate re sults. The discussion of the conference, the policing of Morocco, will proceed this week. Tlie exchange of notes which has taken place Ixqween France and Germany lead to the belief that both countries are desirous of reaching an amicable adjust ment of the questions involved. F.very prominent swimmer In the Cnlted States has entered for the Indoor swim ming cahmplonahlps to be held at the New York Athletic club, beginning Feb ruary II and continuing for four days. In addition to the races, many prominent clubs will be represented by water polo and relay teams. The national convention of the Ameri can Institute of Mining Engineers will r. held at Lehigh university, Mouth Bethlat htm, Ia.t on February 1'