Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, PmH
mio1 mrniKH.
rTvi sells 8ro
Strieker! sella rrlt
in xiotct- juny i usi T f' r .
Plumbing and heating. Blxby Bon.
Dr. Woodbury, der.tisl. jn Tear! street.
Woodring-Brhmldt. undertakers. Tel. 338
VM T. M - 1 1 I .
Leff en's Improved torlc jense give satis
faction. )
Jf you want a rood position enroll In i
western Iowa college.
Shoe repairing, ruber way, by machine
or iiand, at Bargent a.
Hlcka, the old. reliable merchant tailor,
make our clothe to ordr.
Picture framing Alexander Art Stora,
KW Broadway. Telephone !lnt.
L.' Rosenfeld V Co.. wholesale and retail
tore, sell purest liquors and aines.
Tlie nobbiest and best fitting garments
ara made to order by Hicks, the uiiior.
Satisfactory wstrb work and Jewelry re
pairing at LefferVa. Every job guaran
tee. Get busy. Iianclng every Thursday even
ing. New armory. S cents. Whaley r or
chestra. Full line of fancy lam mnd with
beaded Irlnge and fancy crystal glass
fringe W. A. Maurers cnlna siore.
Twenty to SO per rent off on Turkish
roracrs and on ell upholstered and purior
goeus this ween at Keller a: 1 "arnsworih.
Ttie Lady Maccabees will give a Colonial
baH Tuuraday evening. February X at
th new Uucckliw hall. Tic "-A. 2b cents.
Hafer, Uie progressive lumber Oeaier uf
Iowa and ajcorasKa, still saves you Ji per
wmt. Cet a mailer ana watch bis business
Charles F. Devereux of Pittsburg. Pa., '
and Ella Lee of Lexington. Mo., were mar-
Field jeaveruay y ,
u. W. Keller, reliable. up-to-date fumi- ;
ture store has a nice piece ot furniture I
for tve-ry room In your house. Come aud t
rk lb.
Council Bluffs Paint. CXI and Glass com
pany Slort. J lie pe pile like lo traue at cms
store. Kead The Or- and you will kuuw
me reaaoii.
Clark irug company will make you a
permanent t usumier by giving you eveo
tblng in the drug line at prices thai will
pitiase you.
Bquire at Anius. money to loan; cash on thPI.e gh. va attlred in the same hand
hand, no delay, aty and farm property for I lI" "- c""" r,,,.- ,h.
saie on easy Lemis ot paymcni. Oltlce. iul Home sealskin Jacket, but had replaced the
Voarl street.
lea wagon, good as new. fur anie at a
coal yard, near tretgnt house, 14lli
Ave. and ein BU
H. Borwlck. wall paper store, has the
finest aisplay and the latest designs of linn
wall puper. Bide walls, (rolling and border
all shown at once.
The hearing of Louis Jensen charged with
Illegally conducting a saloon in Cut tiff was
continued yesterday In Justice Gardner s
court until Mar h 20.
ir.ri.-t. t i .. n y ,,r Uuv-ini ir Wh.. n rl
DB.L KKIII . " V ..I 11,' ... B i. .... . .. .
j led yeslevuuy at the county court nuuse
by Rev. Henry UbLong.
John Olsen. the grocer on West Broad
way, Is having a splendid trade, timid
dairy butler and fruxh eggs always on
band. Match lor prices.
J. Katelmam'B feed and Junk store will
furnish you all kinds ot teed ano baled hay
and grain at lowest prices, i-le saves you
money. RU3 Bouih Main.
Iiuiun Bhoc company, IB South Main,
will make you satialactory prices on foot
wear, 'try a futtr of U..tU and
ahoes. hut'lKTK and overshoes.
Missouri oak drr cord wood. IS a csord;
hellbark hickory. $7; Arkansas anthracite.
HM per ton less than bard coal. V m.
"WeUili, M North Main St. Tel. 12K.
The Manhattan restaurant and bar are
giving the biggest meal in uwn. Bhort
orders; with pure croam tor excellent
coffee. Try and yon will be delighted.
Beeley 4k Felton. proprietors of the Crys
tal mills, are manufacturing the celebrated
Superlative flour. First-class grocers sci
H. Latest improved iimuhinery lusialled.
Bheely tk Lane, marble and granite works,
East Broadway, are the people to patronise.
They aave you 25 per cent .and give you
the finest material and best workmanship.
F. A. Spencer, furnace and sheet metal
works; plumbing, steam and hot water
beating, gas fitting, bathtubs. Buppoae you
figure with him and save 2t per cent.
Bouricius Piano House, 236 West Broad-w-ay
gives you some valuable Information
about pianos. Tou will do well to consult
them beiore purchasing. Best makes car
ried. Petersen aV Bchoening company. It is an
acknowledged tact ttiai this furniture and
hardware store surpasses thein all. Me
chanics' tools enough for everybody. Cret
Jensen Nicolalsen, wall paper store,
are ready for business. You will be de
lighted to make your selection of pajier
lor parlor, silting room, bed room and
Efforts by his numerous creditors and
alleged vlctima to locate J. A. Rogers, the
erstwhile manager of the Eclipse skating
rink and Eclipse collecting agency, have so
far proved futile.
I a Bpeclal bargains tor this week. Fifteen
i 'T v s h i-tmaris car line, west of tha
r bami for D0 each on easy monthly
Jajment. Abstract and perfect title. Thlg
. r,.r nnnortunltv to procure a good
First National Bank building. I write fire
Insurance. Theme 203.
Look at Lefferta
next week.
Washington window
rtaae Bargrala tar Tasaarraar.
m iu,.in- th ritv. Ljift on sale.
4-W m " ' - - -
OcisTlnaJ price SiaO. Will ae.ll on easy pay-
V manta. tlS- Bee at the big piano bousa.
Cchmoller A Mueller Piano company, fcol
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Have you figured with Geo. lioagland
)unber yard on South Main street? Toa
may aave a lew dollars by getting aatt
snataa from him.
It. S. Kerr, real estate dealer, has some
ulendid bargains for you in city and farm
property. Call at b Bday. and be will
tell you all about It-
Art being advertised In this paper; we
wonder ahat you are paying for them?
iMiat .think for a minute that you cannot
get these goods from us and at CL T
KATES Just because they are not adver
tised over our name.
ti uu King s New iis-uvery 7c
sue King s New luscovery
sue Hay s Hair Health
t:.UU pmkhaii' s Vegetable Compound
Vuc iMian s Kidney Pills....
.. 4..C
11. o liueutlier s Bitters
11 m 'er una for
II. Ml Swamp Root
Kant sHooa Shoulder Brans
wo Liatiosnne tmit UTj
Cheater s Oenuius Pennyroyal
Pins ti
... . r.vs W VI - It VI l.lailr. , Vl,fa. . T-..
w Lniff v s Malt Whisky Ibc
Frue ui-uvery tn 4'ouiicil Bluffs. Omaha
or Bouih Omaha any place within ihe
city limits: tf out of town, send In your
mail orders, aa we etellver te our depot at
these iwsme.
f K. T TATES. Proprieter.
Corner Fifth aveuue and Mala street.
-Council Bluffs. la. Pbtme 233. -Corner
Sixteenth autf Chir-oge Sts., Omaha.
Twenty-fourth and N Bta., Soutn Omaha.
I haul dead animals. ( per head
eat-bege. aahea, manure and all rub
bish; oleaa vaults and eessitooia All
work dvne is guaranteed.
Calls promptly attendee ta.
Phono, Aa-taai.
21 Purl St tofteUes.E3. Officii?
- - levdr Attendant tf TJeetred
St. Tr-1. 4S.
Lajpe 5rrmber of People Call at Jail to Se
the Fated Prisoner.
T Be Arrelgaed ir Helta)
(kartr, bat Trial et Likely t
Be Hela This Terss ef earl
Expert ta Give Ball.
Pat Crowe was permitted to hold a veri
table reception at the county Jail yesterday
morning and Jailer Gallup estimated that
about W people were afforded an oppor
tunity to view th prisoner and shake
hands with him If they so desired. Vp to
about 2 o'clock in the afternoon every per
son with a curiosity to see Crowe was af
forded the opportunity, but at that hour
Crowe., who said he had not passed a good
night, de'
clared lie would Uke to enjoy a I
siesta, so the doors of the county Jail were
' closed against visitors.
When the first of the crowd anxious to
take a look at Crowe arrived at the county
Jail Crowe was asked If he wished to see
them. "Let them come; the more the mer-
j rier," was Crowe's reply, and he extended
l hearty greeting to the first comers.
There was some comment on the streets
ff riOTmlttla to poM. a(l a rt
of hero, and It la understood that Sheriff
Tannins- has riven orders that the prlson-
pr-B visiting list In the future lie materially
Among the early visitors to the county I
all yesterday morning was a young woman
who from her apparel and personal de
scription is thought to have been the Mrs.
Badie Meadows of Omaha who was such a
consnicuous figure during Crowe's trial
green trimmed nat sne wore ai tue inm
... L 1 .. c 1 ... v u tinrm tU4 to
hold a short conversation tbrough the bars
with Crowe.
Arrata-assrat Maaaay.
During the afternoon some friend mint
Crowe a dainty lunch from some restau
rant, fearing the menu provided by Jailer
Gallup might not ult his palate. Crowe
aroused from bis siesta and after par
taking of the lunch lay doan again.
Messrs. English and Ritchie. Crowe's
Omaha attorneys, visited him during the
morning and then called upon County At
torney Hess. As a result of their visit, it.
is understood that Croa-e will lie arraigned
Monday morning. It was also stated that
his counsel expects to be able to securs the
necessary bail of 11.500 for him. It is doubt
ful if Crowe will be brought to trial at this
term of court, as it was stated yesterday
that Attorney English would be aa-ay for
about three weeks, and consequently would
not be able to give it his attention until
some time after his return.
It was not generally known that Sheriff
Canning had in his possession since Ie
pember It Governor Mickey's warrant for
Crowe's arrest tinder the requisition asked
for by Governor Cummins, as this had
purposely been kept quiet, and the gen
eral Impression had been that Governor
Mloker had derided to defer action on the
requisition until the Omaha authorities
wer through with Crowe. The warrant
called for Croa-e' s arrest at such time as
Crowe should be lawfully discharged from
the rustody of the officers of the state of
Incidentally In an interview yesterday
Crowe stated he had been orTetrd 1500 a
month to Join a theatrical company, but
as yet had not made up his mind a-hether
to accent the offer or not. "The fact Is.
I am not at present so situated that I I
can accept the offer, but I guess it wont
be so very long before I will be able to,"
be added.
Ussisy Smlffi.
At tha Broadway Methodist church the
pastor. Rev. James O'May. will take as the
subject of his sermon at the 10:10 a. in
service "Baptism," and at the 7:10 p. in.
service "The Fiery Hand." Sunday school
will be at noon and the Epworth league
devotional and Bible study meeting at
(:S0 p. m. At the evening service the
choir, under the direction of Mr. Mitchell.
a-111 render this program:
Orkan Prelude-Vision... Rhineberger
Mrs Lena Pirns-Sylvester.
Hymn 1 Heard the Voice of Jesus Bay
Quartet Tnere's " a Wldeness in Gocl s
Merer J- B. r earls
McC.arger andetaoln shrdlu ahrdlu cm
Misses Chambers and Ranck. Messrs.
McCargar and Mitchell; soprano
solo. Miss Luile Chambers. -Anthem
Great Shepherd. Hnar. l'iccolominl
Soprano solo. Miss Lutie Cnsmbers;
tenor solor. Mr. Ned Mitchell.
Offertorv Selection from "A MiUHUm-
mer Nights Irearu" Mendelssohn
Mrs. Lena Btms-Sylvester.
Hvmn Come. Said Jesus Sacred olce
QuartetPraise the Lord
of Heaven. .
...F. L Morley
Misses Chambers Slid Ranck. Messrs.
McCargar and Mitchell.
Hymn-Just as 1 Am Brs bury
Postlude-Selectton lutine
Mrs. Lena Sims-Sylvester.
There a-111 be preachtng servn-es at the
First Presbyterian church at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. In the morning tlie pastor.
Rev. Marcus T. McClure. will take as the
subject of bis sermon "The FuUlller." and
in the evening his theme will be "Folloa-lng
Christ at a Dlstanoe." Sunday school a-lll
be at noon and the young people's meet
ing at : P- tn.. when the subjeict will be
"Christ's Life Work, and What We May
Learn About Our Oa-n Work."
First Congregational church. Rev. Otter
beln O. Smith. V. ., pastor. Morning
' sen-Ice at
10:30; evening service at 7:au,
!" 7c. Sunday echool at noon, prayer meeting
...Wc i Wednesday evening at 7. to; morning sub
' ni ! Ject. "A Great Hour in the Life of the
Master. icvening suojei-i, i w mi
Versus the Head In the Pesllny of Na-
1 tlona." This will be a Washington and
j Lincoln anniversary service. Th members
of Abe Lincoln post and the t nion a et
erans' legion a-ill attend this service. Spe
cial muaic
There will be preaching services at the
Swedish Lutheran church. Rev. B. X.
Glim, paster, at lv:Sb a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
In the evening Rev. Bern lis rd Madsen of
Hepburn. la., will preach. Sunday school
will be at noon.
Preaching services a-ill be heard at the
Reorganised Church of Jeeus Christ of
Latter Pay Saints by Elder M. H. Cook
at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school
win I at nana and meeting of Z. L . R.
society at p. m. -
First Church of Christ, Scientist. wiU
bold services at 11 a. ni. In the Jewish
temple on North Seventh street, when the
subject will be "Christ Jesus " Sunday
school aill beat ll li p. m. and tn regular
mid-week testimony meeting Wedneaday
evening at t o'clock.
There will be preaching services at
11 a. tn- and 7.3P p. m, at St. John's Eng
lish Lutheran cboreh. la tlie morning the
pastor. Rev. G. W. Snyder, will take as
the subject of bis sermon "The Rule of
Wellington and Lincoln," and la lit
evening "Our Home." Sunday school will
be at ?. a. m. and young people meet
ing at 7 i. m.
"At the Second Presbyterian church the
pastor. Rev. Harvey Hostetler, will preach
this morning on "White Robe." and in
the evening on Jacob s 'Wanderings."
The Second Church of Chrtat. Scientist,
will hold services In Woodman hall n th
Merrtam block at in. 45 a. m., when the sub
ject will be "Christ Jesus." Sunday school
will tie at 11:4b a. m. and the usual mid
week testimony meeting 'Wednesday even
ing at 7:46 o'clock.
At Bu Paul's Episcopal church there will
be holy communion at i a m.. morning
prayer and sermon at 10:S(i o'clock, Bunduy
school at nooh. instruction on the subJe-.-t i
of confirmation at 4 p. m. and evening
prayer and sermon at 7:Jf o dock. In the
morning the rector. Rev. H. W. Starr, will
take a the subject of his sermon, "Did
Henry VII. Pound the Episcopal Church?"
The topic of the evening: sermon will be
"The Parable of the Good Bamarltan."
Prsssiei t
Take Another
Try at
Art bar lvt.
County Attorney Hess expressed himself
as greatly surprised and much disappointed
over the verdict of acquittal In the Arthur
Lev' case. Mr. Hess' Information is thai
the Jury at first stood seven to five for con
viction and this, coupled with his feeling
that the case rrrescnted bv the state was a f
strong one, adds to his disappointment.
Mr. Hess announced yesterday that an
other charge in connection with the holdup
of the Harden saloon a-ill lie presented
against Loci to the grand Jury a-hen It
reconvenes on March t. One or more of
the customers in the saloon at the time
of the holdup were roblied and another in
dictment on the charge of highway rob-
bery will be asked uguinst Levi
Clyde Miller, a young man charged with ;
embezzling part of the day s receipts of a
J-ourtn oi juiy ceieoration at Ascot ara. ,
la., last year, conducted by Ryan Brothers. I
was placed on trial in the district court '
yesterday lief ore Judge Green. The case
was not concluded when court adjourned
for the day and a-111 be resumed Monday.
Before Judge Thornell was tiegun yester
day the trial of the damage suit of W. A.
ITlnme ufl. 1 n HT trie Vi orlrl-l-leriLlfl mitiliari-
lng company. Prindle took objection to an :
article nublished In connection with ins
retirement from the management of a local j
express business and asks H.9DC damages.
Temun C. Kulken has begun suit for dl-
vorcc from Pauline Frances Kuiknn. to !
whom he was
January 1. 1803.
deserting him
married in t'rbana. 111.,
He charges bis wife with
seven months after their
C. Hafer, a Council Bluffs lumber dealer,
brought suit yesterday against H. E.
Bchlueter. contractor at the Ioa-a School
for the Deaf, for tl.007.9S balance on ac
count for material sold. An attachment
against BchJueter's machinery, etc., at the
Institution was issued.
Far Sale. '
Modern 9-room da-elllng, near Bloomer
school. 14,000.
Modern 7-room da-elllng, near Bloomer
school. 14.500.
Forty lots on 8. IHh St.. 150 each.
Lots tn Babbitt Place, up to grade, t250.
Lots in Highland Place, up to grade, ti2V
Insure your house and furniture.
Tel. CL Charles T. Officer, 410 Broadway.
Order your cigarettes from Percgoy ft
Moore Co. Wanted, everybody to know
that Pe.regoy A Moore Co. sells cigarettes.
Ask for Central Cigar store.
Mucrl confectionery store, 38 Broada-ay,
is hsvlng a big trade on chocolate creams
and bon bona. The 2fc and Uc boxes can't
be beat.
Tounkerman Seed Co. still takes the lead
aith the purest seeds of all kinds that
never fail to gro Orders promptly filled.
Write for prices.
laaaae Man Picked I .
A stranger, evidently a laboring man
about 45 years og age, became suddenly and
violently Insane on Broadway, near Scott
street, yesterday afternoon and his actions
attracted a big crowd. It took several
policemen to get him into the patrol wagon
to take him to St. Bernard's hospital. Dr.
Barstow, memlier of the Board of Com
missioners for the Insane, was called to !
see the man and he ordered an information
filed against him before the board. The
man was extremely violent at the hospital
and nothing could he learned from him
as to Identity. In a small pocket memo
randum hook found on him was the name
Henry Rooblns. a-rltten in a pencil, and
this Is supposed to be bis name.
Btephan Bros., plumbers. L2S W. Bdwjv.
still takes the lead with fine porcelain
lined bathtubs and everything In plumbing
supplies. Prices araays satisfactory.
Bwansnn Music Co. will sell you a piano
from 1250 and up. They carry a first-class
line of musical instruments of all kinds.
N. T. Pluming Co. Tel. 250. Night L
Pe-aseat I'eere reeveetlew.
A oon-ention of cement users of western
Iowa is to be held In this rity Wednes
day. Thursdsy and Friday of this week.
J. W. Cooper of Minneapolis was In the
city yesterday making arrangements for
the meeting. The sessions will lie held
In the big ball room of the Grand hotel,
-hre headquarters will be. and according
.. -. i .
i an. iuuit me convention will tiring
at least 200 visitors to Council Bluffs
A similar convention has been held re
cently in Lincoln. Neh. The purpose of
the ronvention. according to the call Issued
Children Face
Many Dangers
'' Wark iti Werry mm Clear ( mm.
Isearal ef Their fteheel Days aa
How They t ea Be elrgardea.
To thousands of boys and girls the
confinement of the schoolroom and the
duties imposed by their studies art a strain,
a very serious straiu. Many become
broken In health by this strain and are
physically weakened for life.
Give your bovs and girls good healthful
jura, strengthening food and you go far
.-., , . T" '
,. V- "Z "nS,r
aialta-tlta. the crisp, delicious, whole
wheat food, contains every food element
necessary to the maintenance and un-
building of the bumaa body and mind
especially beneficial for children.
"Malta-Vita" la no meaning leas coined
word. It stands for its literal translation
from the Latin and means exactly what
it aays. "Malt Life." The original phraas.
'For the blood is tbe life," is the starting snrf ni ..I .
- ui auuia-
Ua- on account of its large percentage
of maltose, or malt sugar, a natural sweet-
"una eeni. eajuty uigeauoie ana readily t
assimilated by tbe human economy, form
ing rich, healthy blood.
Malta-Vila is ao good to eat not at a.!!
like tha tasteless variety of breakfast
foods that the whole family welcome its
appearance on the table. And It's always
ready te eat.
Now for aaie by all g racers, 10 cents.
by Manager Cooper. Is to adopt such speci
fications as will Insure a uniform product
In all lines where cement Is used and te
discuss the subject matter taken up at the j
National Cement Vsers" association. North- '
west Products association and the Iowa j
Cement Vsers' assoclstlon. sll of which '
have Just closed their second annual con- i
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer swere reported to The Bee
February 17 by the Title Guaranty and i
Trust '.wimpany of Council Bluffs:
James Cars and wife to John A.
(.'arse, rwV and wV ne 31-7-4ii.
w. d SIR.! ;
Jams Curse and wife to Marraret
Z;"1''1"'1; flil?
st. curse, e sei 2i7l'-4l ana s
swi X-7n-i. w. d.
I one
2. mm
Henrv Krv to Emmet Ttnley, part
ne1 "ei lfi-74-43. w. d
R. O. Falk to James Peterson, w 25
acres n sl 10-74-43. w. d
Lena Bousfleld and hustiand to Henry
B. Myer, n1 nwl, nw" H-Tt-13, a-, d.
A. G Clawsun and wife to Alice
Foutch. lots 6. 7 and K. block 3i,
Ferry add to Council Bluffs, w. d .
Bertha B. Bhuman and husband to
Mathias Geigr. lot S. in sutKtiv of
out lot A. in McClellRnd. w d
Horace J. Evans to Elmer L. Fehr,
lots f,. 7. 8, . 10 and II. block C,
Perrv's 2d add to Council Bluffs,
w. d
Ames W. Cssadv and husband to Al
lien W. Casady. bits i and 4. block
47. In Riddles subdiv In Council
Bluffs, d
MiiRgte Peterson to Nels Peterson, e1
neV It and H sei, Il-7fi-3. w. (I.
3 E. F. MeGee and wife to P. P
jvjeinpuara, hub xa atiiu j. uinri
In Bums' add to Council Bluffs.
q. c. o
J. P. Greenshlelds and a-ife to G. E.
McConnell. lot 2u. block 1, In Wilson
Terrace, in Council Bluffs, w. d
Total twelve transfers J. nt
Fine Colorado farm land. IP per acre.
Improved ranches. tiO to IX jr acre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, U
. ner sere A hlr intt. Excursion February
Far. tLX F. C. Lougee. 124 Boutk
Maln twl
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
into. Books are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 13S Teur
street. Council Bluffs, la.
The Vienna restaurant serves excellent
mem sou ... ...v,
annetizing manner; aeuciuun cdiikc aim
fure cream. Meal tickets at reduced rates
414 Broadway
If your eyes are out of order see Lef
fert. There is no better opticiun In this
vicinity. His work is guaranteed to be
Just as represented.
O. C. Brown's confectionery and ice
crenm parlors. Every man. woman and
child likes to trade at O. C. Brown's. 546
Broadaay. Chocolate creams and bon lions.
Ba-alne & Mauer, bardwarde store. Quick
! Meal range, only KS 40. Ocean Wave
washing machine, Ifi.BO. Every family
should have one at this price. 16 W.
Talk af Krw Elevator.
J. E. Von Iora and J. A. Cavers of
Omaha, of the Covers-Von Porn Elevator
company, conferred with the executive
committee of the Commercial club yester
day relative to erecting an elevator on
First avenue and Thirtieth street, as tor
merly proposed by Cooper & Von Torn.
The company seeks the vacation of a por
tion of Thirtieth street and several mem
bers of the city council were celled In ta
the conference. Messrs. Von Porn and
Csvers were informed by the aldermen that
the city council stood willing, as It did
before on Cooper & Von Dorn'e proposition,
to vacate the portion of the street asked
for provided tliey would put chase the
abutting lots. It is understood that
Messrs. Von Horn and Cavers are willing
to comply with this requirement.
B. T. McAtee's grocery Is the people's
rholoe. It's acknowledged as the leading
grocery In a-estem Iowa. Their trade 1
constantly increasing aith pleased rtmtom-
I rs.
Henry H Van Brunt, leader- of loa
prices on wagons, buggies, road carts and
haT.ess. Witch for prices. Tou a-111 be
I Harry Schmidt, photographer. Tour
monei- back if photos are not the best on
earth. Engage Bitting at 40S W. Broadway.
Artistic in every particular.
Marriage Ureases.
licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
Edwin Dvorak. Havelock. Neb
Margaret Btahl, Crete. Neb
Charles F. Pevereux. Pittsburg, Pa
Ella Lee, Lexington, Neb ,
Charles Cromble. CVunrll Bluffs
Eliaa Knight. Council Bluffs
Mere Tass I seal IS amber ef Events
Eallvea the Tlsse.
Mrs. Henry' Cutler a-111 give a kensing
ton Tuesday.
Miss Mabel Cook is the ruest of Mrs.
1 Georgs W. Miller of Omaha.
Mrs. A. P Annls. 1K07 Fifth avenue, will
entertain at cards Wednesday.
Mrs. George H. Mayne has Issued in vita,
tinns for a luncheun Wednesday.
Mrs. Robert Wallace will entertain at a
kensingtou and lea next Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Mesaner left
yesterday for a week s visit in Pes Moines.
Miss Lena Prake of Jefferson, la.. Is the
guest of her brother, Mr. H. O. Prake, Tl
Sixth avenue.
Mrs. Leonard Everett, 810 Second avenue,
is entertaining tier mother, Mrs. Elbert,
and Mrs. Harriet 'Walker, both of pes
Mrs. Virginia McConnell of Chicago is
visiting her mother, Mrs. M. M Robin
son, and sister. Mrs. G. A. Vanlnwegan,
of this city.
The Jolly Sixteen Card club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. James Ct.rist
eueen Wednesday evening. Prises were
won by Mrt. Tyson, Mrs. Roy e tiffeen of
Omaha. Mr. Keller and Mrs. Tyson. A
dainty lunclieon was served.
Mrs. Horace Everett is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. J. A. L. Waddell, in Kansas
! City. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell expect to
' leave shortly for Pern, Souih America,
where Mr. Waddell a-111 superintend the
construction of a laage bridge.
The invitation dance given by Harmony
chapter oi the Eastern Star Friday nlgln
aas one of the must largely attenaed
affairs of the season. The dance was given
In the big hall in the Masonic Temple.
Punch was served during the evening.
Mrs. J. C. peetktn gave a heart lunrheon
w odueeday nigra in honor of Mrs. ri C
tieetkin. who aill leave shortly tor Seattle
Th; ul 're "tlr l f"ur ni11 lfblel
and in the center of each was a largt
' heart boquet or roses. An elaborate course
luncheon waa aered.
; Mrs. Fred Pavis was the hostess of a
number of uninvited vet none the leas
welcome guests Thursday evening at
home. 11 South Eighth street. TI
he guest
were maaked and dressed iu various artis
tic costumes. Twenty-four were present.
Refreshments were served.
In honor of her guest, Mrs. C. L. Kenney
of Penver. Mrs. J. C. Peetkin. ail Mill
street, entertained at cards Monday even-
; awarded Mrs. Kenning, airs. Uannmg Mr.
, Paul Wickham and Mr. Frank Kaed. A
I dauuy luncheon aaa a reed.
n i . . k'Hitr vmu u . uujm
gave a card party Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Purfee. LM Park
w v Tk rH,u uM x .. ..
avenue, for the heneht of the creche. High
five was played, and prise were awardnd
Mrs. Weicti, Mrs. Crock well and Mrs.
Tuncy. Light refreshments were served.
Mrs. T. Gunnoud. 734 Willow avenue,
gave a dinner Thursday evening for Ura.
W. M Frederics. Covers a ere laid for
Mrs. Frederick, Mrs Lihke), Mrs. tyta-
Starts Monday Morning Promptly at 1 0 A. M.
Wt- have purchased the entire stock of 0. K. Scofield Cloak & Suit Co., eonpipt
inp of strictly high class wearing apparel for women and misses and we propose
to continue in the same place under the same style and adhering strictly to the
good policy of The O. K. Scofield Cloak & Suit Co. in selling none but the best
in style and quality, lut under the new management the business will be con
ducted on a more liberal basis by carrying a large variety and selling at more
reasonable prices than heretofore. But before we announce
great changes must be made, in fact the entire store will be gone over and re
furnished and, therefore, we. hold a
Everything in our store is included in this Reorganization Sale absolutely
nothing reserved.
All Winter Goods at a Great Sacrifice
Also thousands of dollars worth of new spring goods just received in the past
few days, that have been bought by Mr. 0. K. Scofield fur the spring trade, con
sisting of
Smart (lev Spring Tailor Suits, Jackets, Skirts, Waists, Etc.
Sale Starts Monday m7sconELD
Morning at 10 O'clock swS Morning at 10 O'clock
man, Mrs. Ed. C. Brown, Mrs. Oulnes,
Mrs. Hess. Mrs. Arnd. Mrs. Gunnoude and
MIsb (jrertrude ImvenTiurt. An eluliorate
course dinner a-as served.
Mrs. George IH-Ujiree entertained Wednns
da afternoon at her home, 11C4 Fifth ave
nue, the meniliers of the C. M. L. cluli.
Six-handed high five aas the game of the
afternoon and jinses a-ere awarded Mrs
J. P. M inn and Mrs. C. H. Hammer. The
arlnrs a-ere prettily decorated in red and
white and a course luncheon was served.
Mrs. Hurry Messner entertained about
twenty of her friend. at a valentine party
Wednesday eveninn. Flinch and high five
were the amusements of the evening and
ptites were tiaardert Miss Clara Olson,
Mrs. Vande Bogart. Mrs James Chrtsten
son and Mrs. Vive Gunnison. The rooms
were decorated In red and green. A course
luncheon -as served.
In honor of Mrs. W. II. Frederick. Mrs.
Llnkey, assisted by Mrs. Eietman. enter
tained Wednesduy evening at the home of
Mrs. Llnkey on UlttfT S'reet. Those pres
ent were Mrs. Amd. Mrs. Lainkey. Mrs.
Spettnan, Mrs. P. Gunnoude, Mrs. Ed. C.
Uroa-n. Mrs. M. C. Gaines, Mrs. 3. Hess
snd Mrs. Frederick. Cards were pluyed.
A daintily appointed luncheon was serve..
Misses Winifred Lindsay and Virginia
Paton entertained a number of their
friends at a valentine party Wednesday
evening at the home of Miss Lindsay. M
Pernn avenue. The rooms a-ere decors ted
in a shower of hearts snd valentines. Miss
Lila Ball and Mr. Glen Mills were victors
In the valentine contest. About thirty were
present. Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed of Fourth
avenue entertained informally at curds
Thursday niit In honor of Mrs. Kenney
of lienver. Sixteen were present. High
five was the game of the evening and
prises were won bv Mrs. J. C. Oeetkin and
Mr. Al Francis. EhcIi guest aas then pro
vided a-lth an arroa- for the heart piercing
contest. In thin. Miss Burgens and Mr
Millard Hoagiand were the victors. A
dainty course luncheon aas served.
Mrs. I. J. Mitchell entertained the mem
bers of the Junior Philsteas Tuesday after
noon. A short program aas given, con
sisting of a solo by Miss Laura Robinson,
piano solo by Miss Lulu McCartney, rend
ing by Miss Ruth Anderson, piano soln by
Miss Aura fiweet and a reading by Miss
Laura Matthews. After the program re
freshments were served. Those present
were: Aura Sweet. Edith Backrider. Lulu
McCartney, Emma Balda-tn. Tluth Ander
son. Laura Mathews. Vlrgie Bhlssler. Wini
fred Sieinbaugh. Ada Fuller and Blr.nche
Miss Mabelle English was hosless at an
Informal heart masquerade Tuesday even
ing at her home, 11(8 61xth avenue. Every
guest represented some kind of a heart.
The decorations were in red hearts and the
program for the evening a-as printed on
red hearts. The priae for the musical con
test was won by Mr. Glen Mills, the valen
tine contest a-as won by Miss Mary Egan,
while Mr. Mills was again victorious In the
"Cupid art gallery" contest. A dainty
heart luncheon was served Those present
were: Misses Ada Pagensterher. Nelle
Gross. Vlrrlnla Patton, Rachel Klein. Wini
fred Lindsay. Grace Smith. Mrr Egan.
Agnes Pheney; Messrs Gus Vogeler. An
drew Peterson, Glen Mills. Harry Ke.rney.
Thurman Curry, Dick Egan and John Lee.
Visiting officers of the National Associa
tion of Hardware Dealer and of the Ne
braska association were guests of honor at
a banquet Monday night at the Grand
hotel bv the members of the locsl associa
tion. The guests of honor aere Messrs.
W. P. Boeardus of Mount Vernon. O.
president of the National association : B.
R. Miles of Mason Citv, la., member of the
executive committee of the National aasoci
tlon. and W. 8. Wright of Omaha, presi
dent of the Nebraska association. Covers
a-ere laid for e-xteen. the others present
lielne Messrs. W. M. Glass. Omaha: P. C.
TieVol. president of the loefil association:
Charles Swalne. Charles Maurer W. R.
TieVol. Oecrre Hatidsrhv. T. N. Petersen,
Henrv Bperling. Ferd D Fmpkte. E L.
Fmt.kle F. H. HUl, L. C. Empkie. E. L.
Tlie Cut Ris girls entertained a numler of
their young friends at a valentine party
Wednesday evening at the home of Mini
Marie Vomeliu on Seveulh street. The
liar I or aas tastefully dec-orated In Hie club
colors blue and gold el. He hearts held a
prominent place In the remainder of the
decorations. High five was the lnnlii fea
ture of the evening, the prizes being
awarded Mihs Hultii GuJnes and Mr. Will
Culler. A heart luncheon was served at
small tables, ahlrh aere lighted by candles
aith heart shades. Those present aere:
Miases Iran Smith. Vera Epeimun, Dora
SlK'iman. Helen Gaines. Leone Pierre, Be
atrice Holloaay. Tulare Llnkey, Louise
Siephan. Amanda Bu kman. Marie Cor
nelius. Bess Sherlock. Mina Sedgwick.
Messrs. Jay Cleaver. Grover Benn. New
ton Ferrel. Donald Msvne. Frank Hen
niger. Harold Porter. Roger Coker. Will
Cutler. I-aul Wadvaorih. Felix Shefler,
John Cooper and Allen Sayles.
Tlie biggest social eveni of the week
among tlie younger set was the dinner
given Friday evening at the Grand hotel
by the Omega Eta Tau fraternity. The
long table m tlie dining room was a boa er
of orchids and maiden hair ferns Mr
Felix Slieffler presided as toastmasier, and
many altty toasts and anecdotes were
aandalched In between the courses. An
elaborate all-course dinner was served.
Covers were laid fur Misses Edith Orgun,
Huxeltine Covert. Margaret Metcalf, Mitia
Sedgwick. Hasel Bri.wn. lrma Smilh. Mary
Hayoen. Vera rVpetman. H-Wu Walker,
Ruts Felt. Tulare Llnkey. Eliaatieth
Crane. Louise Strpiian. Murle Cornelius.
Leon Pierce. Grace Smith, Haael Arnd.
fieri rude Reed: and Messrs. Felix Slieffler.
Myron Van Brunt, Will Cutier. Kcaer
Coker, Jay Cieever. Grover Lano, Earl
Baird Harry Baldwin. John Cooper. New
ton FerrelL Emmet t Hawkins. Frank
Henmnger. John Lvdon Albert Meneray,
Gienn Mills, Holland (n la. Allen Maylea.
Harry Reynolds and Paul WadKWonri.
Miss May Sedgwick acted as chaperone.
See Leffert's for a diamond instalment.
It will pay good dividends.
n u
Senator Saunders Drafting One to Be Pre
sented in Senate Monday.
Heaee Passes Pare Food Bill. Arrrpl.
lag Senate Araendmeata. eea
Measare Kew Gees te
the GeTrrssr.
(From a Stuff Correspondent.!
DEB MOTNES. la., Feb. 17. (Special Tele
gram.! Senator Saunders Is preparing,
a-lth the assistance of other senators, a
primary election law which will be Intro
duced as a substitute to the Crnssley bill,
a hlc.h is on for special order Monday. Feb
ruary' !. The Saunders bill provides for
county primaries direct, but for the elec
tion of. delegates to nominate all offloers
above those of county. With other sena
tors, Saunders is understood to opie the
Crossley bill, believing it would prohibit a
poor man from running for a state office,
and destroys the influence of the county
unit in state affairs. The Crossley bill re
quires a primary vote cm every officer In
the state and eliminates the convention ex
cept for forming plutforms.
Heose Paaees Pare Food Rill.
The house today took up and .passed
unanimously the Cummings pure food hill,
ecceptlng the changes made by the com
mittees and In the senate, and making sure
that the bill will become a luw. The chief
changes made In the bill since the first
hearings relate to the time of applying tlie
law. As tlie bill aill go to the governor it
! gives the dealers one year after July 1 next
! tn Aiaruia nf r.M aloftr wliloh thev have
purrliased prior to that time, all the -old
stock not being subject to the provisions
nf the bill. Mr. Cummings explained the
' bill and explained why the agricultural
t committees had decidad that It was not
j best to longer a-ait for congress to act.
Any bill by congress can only affect inter
; state business, and he believed It certain
the senate would not permit any bill, to
I pass at this session. The Iowa legislature
1 had grown tired of waiting for congress to
' act. The bill carries an spproprlation of
' I10,0"o for the enforcement of the law.
R erase te Esfsree Patrletlesa Display.
I The house discussed for some time a hill
j by Hambleton to require tnat the flag be
displsyed from nil publir school buildings
. in towns of over 2.WG. There a-as strong
opposition to the bill on the ground that
It a-as an effort to enforce patriotism by
the criminal statutes. The clause providing
for punishment for custodians of buildings
who shall fall to display the flags was
stricken out. The bill was finally lost S7
to XT.
Mr. Hollembeak Introduced a bill greatly
enlarging the scope of the law forbidding
the importation into the state of nursery
slock a-lth impurities and diseases.
(.alTrstee Hill Taarsday.
The senate and house committees cm
cities and toatis a-111 have a healing Mon-
da)- on the so-called Galveston comnilsslon
bill, and it is expected the bill will be re
ported out of committee by Thursday in
order to exclude it as early as possible
from the politics of the city campaign,
eeaate Has Basy Day.
The senate today met a nail hour earlier
than usual and put in one of the busiest
days of the session. The Warren school
bill a-as made a special order lor next
Tuesduy at 10:10; tne bill to remove the
circle from the ballot was put doan as
j No. 1 on the calendar; the bill directing
j the governor to call a convention of dele
gates un me tjuaaiiuii ui electing v m Lea
Slates senators by direct vote aas made
a special order following the Warren school
bill; the primary election law was made
a special order for Monday, February Ua,
The bills passed today by the senate were
the bill exempting libraries, hospitals and
art galleries from payment of the col
lateral Inheritance tax; a bill changing the
tee fur recording articles of Incorporation
from a straight fee of fl to a fee by tha
hundred words, with a minimum of C , a
bill requiring that divorces be reported te
the State Board of Health along witk other
vital statistics; a bill appropriating money
to pay tbe expenses of tbe committees
e-hicb vlsiied tbe state Institutions and In
vestigated echool and penal matters; a bill
authorising toanst.lp trustees lo accept
gifts fur library and other purposes, a
bill allowing tbe killing of gar. bullheads
and certain other kinds of fteti; a bill per
mitting townships to Join aith cities and
loa-na within their border in voting
U IXaou&suiTco.
a'e tarts Monday
millage tax for library support; a bill mak
ing inlands enclosed lands as applied to th
game lawn
Senate Bills.
Bills Introduced In the senate today were:
By Hartshorn, spproprlutlitg money to
Henry Eyler as rental for lake beds: by
Smith of Ies Moines, two bills limiting
the rights of telephone and telegraph coni
(anles lo the use of streets und requiring
them to secure franchises in cities snd
towns: by Elerlck. prohibiting the Impor
tation nf fruit trees disessed or hsvlng In
sects; by Hsya-ard, relating to special meet
ings of boards or supervisors: by Whipple,
a committee hill increasing powers of frs
ternal insurance companies to loan money
and erect home offices; by Brooks, allowing
state and savings banks te extend their ar
ticles of Incorporation : by Smith of Mit
chell, amending the law relating to admis
sion of patients at Knoxville.
Mate Ceaeledes weeds y.
The state will conclude Its taking of tes
timony in the trial of W. L. Carter for the
murder of Ed Gresser Monday. The state
has taken the full week. At the closing
session before adjourning till Monday the
defense scored a winning point In the ex
amination of one of the slate's stsr wit
nesses. A. Spencer of Levy. Spencer Is a
storekeeper and was sure Gresser came to
Des Moines on the sttme train with him.
Septenilier 2. The defense in the cross
examination secured contradiction from
the witness.
Mother Kid as ps Calldrea.
Contrary to the court s decree Mrs. I sola
Harvey has taken her children and left the
state. J. J. Harvey, her husband, secured
a divorce from her January SI on ths
ground that she had threatened to take
his life with a shotgun. She filed a cross
petition charging that he had not taken a
bath In the twenty years of their married
life. Four days ago the divorce decree aas
folloa-ed a-lth a decree giving the children
to the father, and the mother at once left
for parts unknown. It is ltelleved she went
to Oklahoma.
Chief Hsrtls Isssesied.
Chief of Detectives Ell Hardin was. tods y
suspended from tbe police and detective
force of this city by Chief of Police J. W.
Jones, pending a hearing before the po"'
and fire commission. Member of the com
mission have given it out that there will
be a hearing Tuesday next. The charges
against Hardin are that he insulted women
a-ho came to his off! or on business.
Jadse Ulaae Sick.
Judge L. G. Kinne of the State Board of
Control is seriously sick at his home with
heart trouble a-hlch folloa-ed an attack nf
pneumonia earlier 1n the winter. There
is thought to be no immediate danger.
Caal rssferrser Mareh IS.
While the official rail has not been for
mulated, yet it is practically decided thsf
the conference bcta-een the miner and.
ooal operators, held annually In this city,
to fix waeea. will be held March 12. Ths
convention of the miners will be held the
week previous. The meetings are nlwsys
held In the Independent Crder of Odd
Fellows' building on Locust street. It Is
believed there will lie no strike In this
state end that the conference will result
In the fixing of satisfactory wage.
Read te Eater Dea Molar.
Superintendent Bluke of the Nea-ton
Northwestern road a-ill he in this city
Monday aith other official of the road to
arrange for the entrance of the road into
I tli la city. Th plan contemplates a connec
tion aith the interurban some place north
i of Highland Park and it is proposed tu
give an Interurban service over the line to
Ame by the middle of the Bummer.
The Chicago Lumlier company of IV
Moines, owning many yards over the state,
has Increased its capital stock from ll.oti.
0i" to M.OWi.SOO and will use the money to
Invest In pine land in Louisiana.
Break All leiwrtt.
AH records in curing Coughs, Colds. ete
are broken by Dr. King New Discovery
for Consumption, bs- and SUM. For ai
toy Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.
Paddock m: Har.dechy hardware stole
are having big aale on the White Line
Family Washing machine; no other maks
can begin. to compare with it.
Grave. 1S6 Perl street hair goods for
ale and made to order; corns removed
atlliout pain. Gives you best satisfaction
and aave you money.
J. Marcus, Qien avenue grocery si ore.
at W. is one of the busiest iu
tn Council Bluffs. Get prices on tea aid
coffee, fruit and vegetable.
lgr'to. tbe otily mantle that needs no
match. For aale at W. A. Maurrr'r rtilmi
S. M. Williamson aill sell you a talkiu
machine with all tbe popular records lor
your borne, ai.ich a ill make pleasura ami
liap:.iness for aU
i i3