Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DATTA BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1908. A SOCIETY HITS SWIFT PACE Closing: Days Before Lent Will Be Tilled with Merriment. ONE BUSY WEEK FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER fialely of l-osl Days EboobtIi o Keep All Busy " t'omlogf Wrrk'i f elenrtar la Fall t nates. What She's Doings. Now Mlladl awful" husy. Afternmtn of Holidays; Channina; t'hrlstma moves and so forth HushiiiK "Cleanup bargain" days. The Social raleadar. MONDAY yul Vlvt. duo .o..mlal party. 1 tfcSUAV-mt: rvrains and Mi: ClarKe. n, luncheon and matineu arty; Miss Alton French entertains the Thlmtue uiub; Miss May Hamilton'! theater party; Mrs. -Nathan Mernani and Miss Merrlam. a brldaa 'jMNK6DAY Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mer rlam and Miss Men mm, a card party; Mrs Rnlieri Young's card party; Mr!. A. O. hdwards, a euchre party; Mr. and Mrs. Will Oftden, a dinner rly; Metropolitan club party; Mn. Iloagiund a luncheon. THIRHDAI-Visiting .Nurses' association reception In afternoon and evening; Mrs. F. W. SlahauRh and Mri. W. . Hin hauRh, a reception from 2 to 4 o clock; Mr. George I'lutner'a luncheon; Weller i larke card paity: Mrs. W. J. broatch. a bridge party; Mrs. 11. K. Fredrick, a euchre party. ' ' BATI RDAY Mr. and Mra. O. W. Joalyn. a dancing party; Miss Alice Bwitsler. a luncheon; Mr. and Mil. James Cook en tertain the Marchlonette club. Six very full and very delightful days, which reached high tide Bt. Valentine's day, made last week one of the busiest of the winter. Thla meek the coming- of another favorite will inspire another long list of unusual affairs, and, as the heart and valentine have worked overtime every on of the last seven days, so the "llttls hatchet," the cherry tree and other sym bols of the father of his country will be employed during the next seven. Foremost on the calendar is the birthday party of the Visiting Nurses' association. Just one more week and part of another and then Lent. And society Is making tha most of the few remaining days, too, for every day until the very last of the pionth, which will be Ash Wednesday, is written close with luncheons and teas and recep tions and card parties galore. Coming late aa it does this year. Lent will bring the finish of the season for 190, for April will be hero before Easter comes, and after that no one really expects much in. tho way of Indoor affairs unless the weather proves Impossible. Of course everybody will not observe Lent religiously, for so ciety has many outside of the Catholic and Episcopal churches, but there will be so many who do keep the forty days that only without these and scores who annu ally leave town at thla time it would be difficult to have a very large affair without literally going the highways and byways. All considered. It has been a lively sea son, although there have been compara tively few notable things, and not a few of the fashionables are looking forward to Lent with pleasant anticipation of a much needed rest and opportunity for at least planning the summer trousseau. A prominent member of the musical set, who until her marriage to an Omaha man resided In Paris, counted among her treas urea a crust of bread that had gone through the siege of Paris. On occasions she has exhibited this unique souvenir to friends, and . with much pride. Recently her amall son. who has entered upon his 2d year, watched such an exhibition with evi dent Interest, and when, a little later, his mother looked for her crust It had disap peared. As no trace of it could be found. It was concluded that the young man had eaten it. The Young Women's Christian association will hold Its annual colonial Thursday evening In the association parlors in the Paxton block. It will bo a costume party, and the following unique program has been Issued: Dame Wells will begin by performing In ye new worldlle way. Mistress Julia Newcomb will speak a piece called by the name of "I'ncle Mnse and ye Kggs." Dame Sheets will then synge "Dear Days of Long Ago." Mistress Newcomb will speak another piece called by ye name of "U92." Mistress Louise Shaddack will play two pieces on "ye little fiddle." Dame Alkln will watch ye manners of ye young womenne and speak about ye good things to come. J. B. Ye multitude will be fed by ye young womenne appointed so to do. What the Future Holds. Mm. George Plainer will entertain at luncheon , Thursday. Mrs. Robert Young will entertain at cards Wednesday afternoon. Mra. II. A. Perkins and Mrs. J. B. Clark will entertain t luncheon at the Commer- A STUDY IN LAMP LIGHT Have you ever stopped to figure wh your lamp light la so poor And then take time to ponder what might prove to be a cure? You know cbeap oil smells badly and admit the lamp does smoke. The wick is charred so badly, note the chimney's cloudy coat. Now. If you wish to find a cure, one which will prove the best Just give our NATIONAL LIGHT OIL a good and thorough test. It will not smoke the chimney, It will . not charr the wick. The fdor you'll not notice for there Is ncne of it. This oil will v a bright, white light and we iuow itiat you'll agree That NATIONAL LIGHT OIL makes as pretty a sight as In a home you see. So, when next you give an order to Mr. Groceryman Just tell htm you want NATIONAL LIGHT when sending down the cn. On one point you had best make sure and you will do quite right To see that Mr. Groceryman delivers NATIONAL LIGHT. However if he doesn't Just call, mall us or phone Aud we will see that NATIONAL LIGHT Is sent right to your home. FREE TRIAL Mall or phone your address and name of your grocer and we will be glad to see that you get a free trial of NATIONAL LIGHT OIL and WHITE ROHE GASOLINE. The Mutual Oil Tank Line Co. NATIONAL IOHT OIL and WHITE ROSE OASOI.INK. The only HK8T OIL ami gasoline. There ia NO OTHER U-st nor anr ji'bt as good." ' TUoue, ltouglaa-lltU, OntMba, Xeb. clal club, followed by a matinee party at the Burwood Tuesday. Mrs. II. E. Fredrick will entertain at euchre Thursday at her home. Mrs. W. J. Broatch will entertain a small bridge party Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. O. Edwards will entertain In formally at cards Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alice Bwitsler has cards nut for a luncheon to be glten Saturday compli mentary to a guest. Qui Vive Dancing club will give a colonial "powder and puff" party Monday evening at Chambers' academy. Miss May Hamilton will give a theater party at the Boyd Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Richardson. Miss Alice French will be hostess of Tuesday's meeting of the Thimble club at her home on Howard street. Mr. and Mrs. James Cook wilt entertain the members of the Marchlonette club with their husbands at supper Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn have erds out for a dancing party to be given In the ball room of their home Saturday evening of this week. Mrs. O. A. Hoagland. Mrs. Will Hoag land and Mrs. Paul Hoagland will enter tain ut luncheon at the home of Mrs. G. A. Hoagland In Dundee Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Merrlam and Miss Mer rlam will entertain at cards Wednesday. Tuesday Mrs. Merrlam and Miss Merrlam will entertain in the afternoon at bridge. Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh and Mrs. F. W. Slabaugli have cards out for a reception to be held at the home of the latter, on West Farnam street, Thursday afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller aud Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke will entertain at cards Thursday evening complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fleishel. Thursday after noon Mrs. Weller and Mrs. Clarke will en tertain at cards for Mrs. Fleishel. Members of Metropolitan club nre plan ning a pretentious affair for Wednesday evening at the club In celebration of Wash ington's birthday. A program Is being pre pared by the men In strict secrecy as the feature of the evening. A dance and sup per will follow, the program. Chief among the several affairs planned for Thursday will be the afternoon and evening reception of the Visiting Nurses' association held at the Elks' club. In the Ware building at. Fifteenth and Farnam streets. The evening reception was ar ranged this year that the men might be Included. Among other attractions planned for the program will be music by the First Presbyterian church Quartet. Pleasures Past. The Kountie Place High Five club was entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. J. H. Fisher. The resident students of Brownell hall entertained a small dancing party Satur day evening at the Hall. Qmlkron Alpha PI fraternity gave an other enjoyable dancing party Saturday evening at Chambers' academy. The members of the Harmony ct .b were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Van Court Saturday evening at their home on Wirt street. Miss Catherine Thummel entertained a party of twelve young friends at a matinee party at the Boyd Saturday afternoon In celebration of her 13th birthday. A party of Omaha club women Is planning a trip to Cuba, expecting to be absent about three weeks. Among them will be. Mrs. P. R. Glover and Mrs. Fred Crowley. It will leave Tuesday morning for New Orleans, where It will spend two daya of Mardl Gras week and then sail for Havana, 'Mrs. Elisabeth Rltter entertained the Coffee Kranchen at her home. 2008 Farnam street, Thursday afternoon. The prizes were won by Mrs. Stur and Mrs. Tlpke. The guests were .MesnV-efi Richard, Beck maty Fruhart. Jobst, Lr ;. Sturi. Stoecker, Boemer, Tlpke, Tibbens, Schmltz, Nagle, Specht, Kroht. Epenneter, Schaeffer. Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dorward enter tained for their daughter and son. Miss Beatrice Cole and Mr. Joseph J. Dorward, at a Valentine party. The decorations were emblematic of St. Valentine's day. The evening was spent In valentine games and music, after which a luncheon was served. Those attending were; Misses Marguerite Havens, Irene Eion, Marie Southard. Geraldine Clnpp, Cnrinne les sen. Nellie Howard, Marguerite Busch, Edith Fisher, Clara Barnes, Emma Hoff man, Irene Kessler, Helen Rlepen, Marjorie Sehram. Messrs. Bret MrCulInugh, Jerome Heyn, Fred flofman. Albert Busch. Ray mond Anderson, Howard Roe. Howard Fln layson. George Bushman, Walfred Wyk man, Harry De Lamatre. Edward O'Brien. Morris Bllsh, Harold Thorn, Gilbert Barnes. One of the unique and largest luncheons of the winter was given Saturday by Mrs. Frank Haller. at the Llninger home at Eighteenth and Davenport streets, about eighty guests being present. The four tables representing the four sasons 'of the year were laid In the art gallery. The spring table was decked with violets, sum mer with roses, autumn with autumn leaves, wheat and com, and winter with holly and rime. Miss Merrlam, Miss Thomas, Miss Galloway of Eau Claire. Wis., and Miss Jaynes presided at the spring table; Mrs. W. B. Millard. Mrs. Charles Martin. Miss Margaret Wood and Miss Marie Coffman at the summer table; Mra. Haller, Mrs. Reba Morgan, Mra. Georze Beecher and Mrs. F. II. Cole at the autumn table, and Madam Powell. Mr!. Georae Barker. Mra. T-nr-v mil ir !..,,... J Van Nostrand at the winter table. Besides Mhe flowers there were other iUv, .- estlons of the season employed In work ing out the decoration. Following the liVncheon a program was given In the drVwing rooms. The women present wero: Mries. R. C. Hayes, Spratlen. Vlneonhaler. E. ' C. McShane, Sorenson, Scoble. H. M. Buthnell of Lincoln, Foley, E. A. Cudahy, 3. M. Cudahy. Munger. Beaton, Roach, R'ibert Gllmore, Doup, Warrick, L. Wake Uy, Weeks. B. F. Crummer, W. H. Clark. Victor Caldwell, N. . Merrlam, Fred Davis, Rugg. Henry Wyman. Andrew Rosewater! Harry Burkley, H. T. Clarke, Jr.; J. W. Griffith, George Martin, Bancker. Charles Martin. Frank Martin, Well. E West brook. Ed Hart. W. J. Connell. Thomaa McShane, W. B. Millard. H. 8. Jaynea, J. W. Thomaa. W. H. Garratt. S. A. Mc Whorter. Whltmore, Morgan. Beecher F Cole. A. J. Love. W. F. Allen. Silver. George Palmer. Pinto, C. C. Allison. Rich ard Carrier. Ellis. T. J. Mahoney, Robert Smith. Aycrlgg. Borglum, Warren Black well. Fred Davis. W. Smith. Dempster. R. W. Connell. E. A. Benson. Powell, Van Nostrand. Barker, O. Rarker, Wint R C Moore, Hertche, Samuel Bums.' John Brady. Williams. Mwrenoe. Caldwell. Gil bert. Dodge. Weltiel. Cleavland. Heth Lacy, W. A. Paxton. Harford. Balbach. Bishop. Parker. Misses Jaynes. Wood Gal loway. Thomas. Crummer anl Cofttsan. Social Chit Chat. A daughter was boro to Mr. and Mra. Lee Herdman Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Crelghton and fam ily moved into their new home at Benson last week. Mrs. Julia Anderson, who haa frequently been the guest of Mrs. Luther Kountie, passed through Omaha last week en route tt Japan. Mlsa Mildred Urai who recently under went an operation for appendicitis In Chi cago. Is convalescing satisfactorily. Mrs. Lomax la with hor daughter in Chicago. Mr. Edward Rosewater will sail March II for Rome to attend the universal postal congress, to which he is a dekgate. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Koae.ater and their daughters. Miss Roewater and Mrs. N. P. Fell of Cleveland. O.. also their grand daughters, Miss Anna Fell and Miss Nettle Elgutter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenblum announce the engagement'of their daughter. I.ena. to Mr. Abe O. Isaacson of Des Moines. Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess are again in their home at Twenty-second and Cap itol avenue, which since last fall has been undergoing general renovation and remod eling. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gemge. who have spent the Isst two weeks at the Hotel Coronado. Cornnado Beach, Cal.. have gone to San Francisco aud are at the Grand Palace for a time. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fuller expect to leave Omaha the last of March to go onto a ranch near O'Neill, expecting to make their residence there for some time for the benefit of Mr. Fuller's health. Miss Minna Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morltc Meyer., who l. spending the winter In New York, has taken up vocal work under Prof. Heinrtchs of the Metro politan Opera company and will not return until April. Invitations were Issued last week for the wedding of Miss Florence Graham Kll Patrick, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Kilpatrlck. to Mr. George Wehlier Mlxter of Moline, III., which will take place Tues day evening. February Tt. at this Kilpatrlck residence on Chicago street. Miss Kilpat rlck will have no attendants and there will be no reception except nf the wed ding guexts. Mr. A. Walton Harold Bush and Mine Deal Jeun Stephens were married on Wednesday evening at the home of the offi ciating clergyman. Rev. E. Comble Smith. Miss Stephens, who came to Omaha from Michigan, her birthplnce, lias been em ployed at the millinery department of J. L. Brandcls ft Sons' store, and Mr. Busn Is a clerk in the office of the military secretary of the Department of Missouri. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. BuhIi and some friends celebrated with a dinner at the Henshaw. They will make their home at the Utopia for the time. Come and Go Gossip. Mr. K. W. Dixon has gone east and will not return until early In April. Miss Grace Meyer Is spending a fort night with friends In Grand Island. Mrs. Charles Thomas of Topeka is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. F. H. Davis. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Crummer are enlor talning as their guest Mrs. Furman of Den ver. Mr. John Battin is In Chicago attending the dinner of the Cornell Alumni associa tion. Miss Ethel Holt has returned from Min neapolis, where she has been attending school. Mrs. C. K. Martin, mother of' Mr. W. E. Martin, has gone to California for an ex tended visit. Mrs. E. Wakeiey left Saturday for Spring field, O., where she will visit her daugh ter. Mrs. Craln. Mrs. C. F. McGrew loft Wednesday for southern California, where she will remain about six weeks. Mrs. M. Spiesberger has as her guests her sisters. Mrs. L. Elson of St. Louis and Mrs. Spiesberger of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen and Mrs. Howard Baldrige have returned from a four weeks' trip to California. Mrs. Louis Wolf and two children, accom panied by Mr. Ben Swartx. left Saturday for Wabash. Ind., to visit friends. Mrs. Louis Rothschild has gone to Des Moines, where she will be the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Harry Hlrsch. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunter of St. Paul, Minn., who were guests at the I'rlau-Bnker wedding, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. J.' C. Huteson. who have spent the last month on the Pacific coast, are expected home the middle of the week. LECTURE ON THE PHILIPPINES Chaplain silver to Deliver Illustrated Talk on the Island and the Natives. The illustrated lecture on "The Philip pines and the Filipinos," to be delivered by Chaplain H. Percy Silver, t'nltod States army, at Rohrbough's hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, Monday evening, the 19th Inst, should prove a great attraction, owing to the interest of the public both In the subject and the lecturer. Chaplain Silver is too well known In Omaha to need any Introduction, and his experiences In the islands give promise that the lecture will be well worth hear ing. The views to be shown have been obtained at great cost and are considered one of the best collections on the subject ever shown In this country. Piles Quickly Cured at Home Iustant Relief, Permanent Care Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to cure if you go at it right. An operation with the knife Is dangerous. humiliating and arely a permanent sucesa. There la just one other sure way to be cured painless, safe and in the privacy of your own home It Is Pyramid Pile Cure. We mall a trial package free to all who write. It will give you Instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start ou well on the way to ward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sixed box from any druggists for 50 cents, and often one box cures. If the druggists trie! to setl you some thing just as good. It is because he makes mora money on the substitutes. Insist on having what you call for. The cure begins at once and continues rapidly until tt Is complete and permanent. Tou can go right ahead with your work and be easy and comfortable all the time. It ,1s well worth trying. Just send your name and ad lieas to Pyra. mid Drug Co.. 1I7M Pyramid BuiMlng. Mar shall, Mich., and receive free by return mall the trial package In a plain Wrapper. Thousands have lieen cured In this easy, painless and Inexnenslve way. in the pri vacy of the hon'e. All drugeist. 50 cents. Write to-day for a tree package. WOMAN U CLUB AND CHARITY Commenting upon the recent meeting of the social science department of the Wom an's club, when the labels of the Con sumers' league and trades unions was the subject under discussion, and representa tives of several labor organisations guests, the Western laborer of February 10 said: To say thst we enjoved the proceedings of the session would but faintly express our appreciation of the meeting, which was as much of a surprise to some prominent "labor men" who attended as It was to ourselves. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, which at once gave us an inkling of the business transacted and a better or more accurate and intelligent record we have never listened to from any secretary of a trade union, and the ease and composure with which the president and secretary performed their duties would be creditable to the officers of any union. Commenting upon the meeting of the t'nion Labor league Wednesday evening, when Miss Mary McDowell waa the speaker, and the general discussion that followed the address, a prominent club woman, one largely instrumental in bring ing the "labor men'and the union labels before the club at the recent meeting of the social science department, remarked to anothtir Interested woman: "I was so sur prised and gratified at that meeting Wednesday evening. The men's talk was all so sane and their argument so logical. There was no excitement or violent talk. They all seemed agreed that there should be no ill feeling between employers and the employed, and that when trouble arose it should be adjusted by arbitration." A better Illustration could not be tfound of the reason for the existence of the Con sumers' league, and. It might be added, for the wisdom of the club women conttmilng to support that organisation and Us white label for a time at least. Both the above comments were made In all seriousness by representative members of two of the most potent forces of the day, organised labor and organized womanhood, and yet each to the members of the other organisation Is equally ridiculous. They point to one great amazing fact the ignorance of each organization of the other. As men are de luded with the Idea that women's clubs are hysterical and unbusinesslike, so the ma jority of women hold labor unions synony mous with mobs and violence. Both ideas are equally wide of the mark. Is there any thing to occasion "surprise" In the fact that a college-bred woman should be able to present minutes that should "at once give an Inkling of the business transacted" at a previous meetlpg and that they should be "accurate and Intelligent," or that an other woman of culture and broad experi ence should be able to preside with "ease and composure that would be creditable to the officers of a labor union"? On the other hand, is It reasonable to suppose that organized labor could have attained Its present strength, with Its splendid record for bettered labor conditions and legisla tion, If Its leaders had not been sane and logical, level-headed and forbearing? There Is a great revelation In store for these men and women in organization. Each has been negligent of the interests of the other, and both have suffered for It. It is a fact that there have been riots caused by labor unions and that many a club meeting has been rife with gossip, but Is It fair that the labor union should be judged by the mob leaders or the club movement by the Incon sistencies of Its Inexperienced members? The ruffian and the disorderly element of a strike Is as representative of the labor union as the frivolous, gossiping, hysterical, shallow-brained woman la of the woman's club. Both organizations have been Judged largely by the regrettable element of their membership and one has suffered no more than the other. The flaw hunter and the press have made the most of every oppor tunity to criticise and ridicule, and unfor tunately they have been taken too seri ously by many. In the same editorial the Western La borer refers to one of the "drawbacks" of the Woman's club as an "obstacle to united practical action In getting tangible and quick results," namely. Its fads. Con tinning It says: But the most detrimental fad In women's clubs is the disposition in some of them to establish an excluslveness. caste, rank or class distinction, because of the social status or wealth of some of Its members. Now. the Western Laborer places an aristorracv of brains, like that displayed by Mrs. Burhank. on the highest pinnacle for recognition and homage, rather than the women of mere dollar and diamonds. We would have the woman's clubs re member that we are all descendants of Adam and daughters of Eve. with one fnther God who has never treated any of His children as human stepfathers and stepmothers' sre said to, do, nor has He manifested the Indifference that woman does to the sufferings of her less fortunate sister or man who preys on his less for tunate brother. In this the writer Indicates an even greater misunderstanding of the women than by his estimate of theh- capacity. While the Woman's club Is the most broadening Institution that has ever come to women, and as democratic on' organi zation as the world knows today. It has not and probably never will entirely eradi cate the "exelusiveness" referred to. It Is to be hoped It never will. Excluslveness is every woman's privilege; It saves her from uncongenial association, hut to ac cuse the club woman of snobbishness la merely to exhibit a grave misunderstanding of the club woman and the club move ment. It would be narrow Indeed to ex pect of the club with Its widely divergent interests that which the Christian church has failed to accomplish. The General Federation of Women'a Clubs Is an or ganization unique; there Is no association of men or women to which It can be com pared. Altruism and the most selfish self culture have an equal voice In Its councils and its body. It Is as much for the wife of the millionaire manufacturer In ita art clubs as for the wife of the poor farmer who studies domestic science in lti country club!, or the student of social science in the departments of the big city department club. Naturally, outside of the club, these extremes have little in common by mutual consent that must re main so; but one needs but to attend a single biennial convention of the General Federation to learn that In the club there is but one aristocracy .and that, too. is recognized by common consent an aris tocracy of brains. It la the thinking, working woman who counts In the club and she Is fast teaching her sister! to rec ognize each other's rights to even be "ex clusive" In social matters. As for ac. ruFing the club woman of Indifference to the suffering of her less fortunate sister, that Is little short of slander and no better proof can be asked of It than the present petition being made by club women for an Investigation by the government of the industrial conditions of women and children. "Boy Saving" will be the subject at Mon day afternoon's meeting of the social sci ence department of the Woman's club. Superintendent Hayward of the Kearney Industrial School for Boys will be the speaker and will be followed by E. M. Robinson of New Tork, boya' secretary of the National Toung Men's Christian asso ciation. E. F. Denison of the local asso ciation will also speak of the local work and "Mogy" will make aome auggestlous whereby the club women may help the probation officers In the local work. The program will begin at t o'clock. A meet ing is called for at the committee ap pointed aome time ago to confer with school board regarding a special school for delinquents; also of the committee ap pointed to further the work of the Con sumers' league in Omaha stores. The current topic department will meet Tuesday, February lo, at 2 p. in. Mrs. Clara Burbank will conduct the meeting. The following program has been ariangivl: "The Late King Christian," Mrs. V. H. Glover; "Three Months In Europe" tlllus t rated). Mrs. H. P. Jensen; solo. Miss Gladys Chandler; "Russia," Rev. E. Combie Smith; "The White House Wed ding." Mis. II. S. McDonald. The extension owikers of the Toung Women'! Chlstian association under the Amerlcnn committee will hold a conference at Chicago, February CO to i'2, at the Chi cago Beach hotel. Mlsa Florence Felt of the local association will attend. She will spend Sunday with her parents at Gales burg, 111. The study claas of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Tuemjuy In the audience room of the public library. The local chapter P. E. O. society will hold Its annual election of officers March I at the home of Mrs. Noll. 55 Georgia avenue. ANOTHER PLAY BY AMATEURS Tonn People's Dramatic ( lab of M. John's Will Pat on Another Drama. The Toung Peoples' Dramatic club of St. John's Episcopal church will give an other of their original plays written by R. T. King. This Is a western drama en titled "The Bar F Feud" and is directed by R. C. Klota and managed by Percy E. G wynne. The pl;iy is given for the benefit of thu church and will be in the Guild ball. Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets, Thursday evening, February :"2, 1906, at 8:15 p. m. Cast of characters: William Barry, owner of Barry's ranch Percy E. Owvnne. Mrs. Barry, his wife Miss Watt. Owen Barry, their son Mr. Lawsnn. Evelyn Mills, their niece Miss Bishop Alice Newcombe, friend of Miss Mills Miss Jamleson. Lew Fleming, cowboy Cliff Gardner. Harry Gruliain, cowboy Harry Atwood. Charlie Hatfield, foreman on Barry's ranch Gus Stringer. Sam Freeman, proprietor of the Bar F R. T. King. Jessie Freeman, his daughter Miss Mary Fenn. Mary Freeman, his daughter. .Miss Plxley. Lawrence Wlnstead, a forger . Fred SIdncr. Bd. Mills, living down' the past Bert Houghton. Buck Parrish, proprietor of the Horkv Road Inn William Houghton. DANISH BROTHERHOOD DINES Nineteenth Anniversary of the Local Lodge Celebrated by Four Hundred Members. Lodge No. 19 of tho Danish Brotherhood celebrated the nineteenth anniversary of its founding last night at Washington hall. Over 4"I0 were In attendance. The program during the early part of the evening In cluded dancing and music. The dance hall was fittingly decorated with the American and Danish flogs, with the emblems of tho order In a prominent place on the stago. At 10 o'clock a banquet was served In charge of Mrs. Sogard. It was followed by toasts, T. Kiel being In charge. Prom inent among the speakers wen. John Mich aelsen, who reviewed tho progress of tin lodge. nd P. Thlnd, president of the ludgn, who welcomed the guests. One of the fea tures of the program was patriotic music, the national hymns of America und Den mark being rendered. The banquet lia'i was lighted by 200 candles, all other lights being extinguished. MR. J. A. KERVAN. during the last lo years owning a high class merchant tail oring establishment, haa formed a partner ship with MK. CHAS. W. WEDKLL, for 20 years cutter with Wllliam-Snillh Co., and the new firm will be known hereafter as KERVAN WEDELL, Tailors, both first-class cutters and designers of gentle, men's garments. First-class work at mod erate prices. We wlBh to announce the ar rival of a large line of the latest imported suitings and coatings. Mr. Kervan also desires to thank his friends and customers for their patronage In the past, and holies for a continuance of their trade with the new firm. New Music. "Mrs. O'Harahan" t Molly's mother), ami "You Can't Guess Who Flirted with Me," the new songs; "Rose Leaves," the new "Hearts and Flowers" are the leading sellers this week in the sheet music dept. of J. L. Brandcls & Sons. They are dem onstrated by capable talent. Omaha lilarh Kcknol Notes. The regular meeting of the German so ciety was held last Wednesday afternoon. After the singing, to which the society givea considerable attention, a program was rendered by Chatelaine's pupils. A song, "Dcr Llnderhauin." was rendered by the chorus. This was followed by reci tations by twelve girls and three lioys. The girls represented the hours of the day and told of events transpiring In each; the boys Impersonated the pendulum, bell and hands. In closing the chorua Bang, "Eln Wlegenlied." Before adjournment sev eral pictures were presented to the school by Miss Chaplan on behalf of ir-nclely. The central theme of the in giam ten dered by the ljtln society was "Hume, Ancient and Modern." Mae Orirn spoke of "The Water fcuo.ily and Fountains of Borne" in un interesting manner. "Tt.e Garden! of Ancient Home" was Mui'tan Neef's entertaining and Instructive luuject. "The Tenements of Ancient ' Rome" 'fur nished an appropriate theme to Kuiph Ross. The grand old edillce of "St. Peter's" was carefully descrlhed by Lucille Patterson. Delia Jacobson vividly pictured that most interesting of Roman buildings, "The Vat ican." Helene fiyme fittingly closed tho enjoyable program by a recitation. It Is a matter of much gratltication to note the organization of the parliamentary law classes under Mr. C. M. Bracelen. The classes have a large enrollment. No credit Is allowed on the work and this fact em phasizes much more the eagerness witn which the pupils have taken hold of the opportunity, tine class meets each day and through the entire week on a different period. Mr. Borglum'e Pupils. A recital waa given by several of Mr. Borglum's advanced pupils at his studio In the Davldge building on Wednesday even ing, those participating being Mrs. Olds, Miss Belsey, Miss Hancock. Mlsa Davis, Miss Meek and Mr. Berrvman. A piano recital will be given by Mrs. Walter Purcell Olds, Miss Grace Hancock, Miss Barbara Belsley and Mr. Cecil lierry man, advanced pupils of Mr. August Borglum, assisted by Mr. Fred a. Ellis, baritone. In the Davidge building on Thurs day evening, February 23. Son Nueceeds Father. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Feb. 17. At a meet ing of the board of directors of the Nash ville. Chuttannoga ft St. LouIb here todny Major E. C. Ixwis of Nashville was elected acting president and John W. Thomas was chosen a member of the board to succeed his father, the late Major John W. Thomas. Law Record fr Wheat. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. New low records for the season were made in wheat todny. Mav touching fcs H-ldo at the close. The market has been declining steadily for sev eral weeks under a pressure of home sup plies and lack of export demand. STRAIGHT TALK If you are In need of lessons In Dancing go to a teacher who ia In the habit ut teaching the correct atyle. In MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S Reliable School you will find whit you desire. lessons for Adults Tuesday and Friday, ( p. in. Tel. Douglas 1CU. Open a Charge Account with Mandelberg DIAMONDS ON CREDIT WEAR THEM NOW-PAY ME LATER Straight From the Shoulder Talk The only kind that Interests either of us. That's mv way of doing business straight from the shoulder. I sell DIAMONDS, WATCH KS, SILVKKWAHK, CtT GLASS and K1CH JhWEI.KY on KASV PAY MKNT8. If my wares have not the necessary merits to attract yoa and to hold your patronage then 1 do not expect to do business with you. HI T I IM) KNOW THIS, that there are a great many people who would like to own a diamond thU very minute, but cannot conveniently plank down all the necessary cash. Xow If you will take the time and Btep In and see, me and Inquire about MY EASY TAYMKXT I'LAN I know that WK notice I say we, as I have no set rules or terms can arrange the payments to suit your entire satisfaction. You don't have to buy that's up to you. 1 will be glad of a call anyway. YOt'K CHKDIT IS JOOU. Yes, I do watch repairing, too, and guarantee all the work to be first class. A. Mandelberg 22 HAVE YOU SEEN THE MULTIPLEX? What is itt It is like an album only that it is a wall album, on which we show 500 FRAMED PICTURES, con venient to handle. Just bring your friends to see it. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas We Employ 12 Men in Our Old JZutcti Cleanser TAKES A LI, THE HIRD WORK OCT OP KFEPINO THING CI,E Alf. ID BUTCI CUlNStf will do mora cleaning- quicker and with less labor than all the soap powders and scouring; agents put tog-ether. Loosens dirt, absorbs1 It and carries It away eleaa. Made from a fine, pure volcanic mineral No caustic, alkali or acid In it to roughen or redden the hands and will not scratch. BOLD IN LARGE SIFTING TOP CANS 10 AT CENTS OLD DUTCH CLEANSER. CLEANS SCOURS SCRUBS POLISHES Pots, Pana, Kettles. BInks, Bath Tuba, Tiling, Marble, Wood Floors, Wlndowa, Metals, Eta. No dirt Is so thick, so hard crustad or O greasy as to resist Its power to LOOSE AD CARRT A WAT. 10 AT ALL GROCERS 10c LARGE SIFTING GAR I0P. Uade by the Cudahy Packlnc On SouUt Omaha. Nan. Here's Where We Toot. Splendid fabrics and winsome pat terns tailored In our very best fasiiion every suiting a beauty every suit made to meamire to emphasise ynur individuality in the McCarthy Wilson way. And all of them selllna; rt these irlces: $50 Suitings made to measure for $27.f.. $45 HuiliiitfN made to measure tar $IO KuitiiiKH made to measure for V.20.00. $35 SuitlntfH ntude lo mpasui for $17.50. $30 Suit in v nififlo to measui for $15.00. MacCARTHY-WllSON TAILORING CO. I'hone DoiikIis inns M U. ibtli Sueet. Next door to Wabash lit'ket Office. Omaha's Leading Jeweler rnam St. Picture Frame Factory. PIANO REBUILD ING, TUNING AND REPAIRING The Matthews riano Co. have fitted up a thorough and mod- . ern repair shop in their new quarters and with a most ef ficient .force of workmen are prepared to rebuild pianos and turns them out like new at very modorate cost. Let us call and furnish an estimate on the cost of repair ing, refinlshlng or other nec essary work to place your . piano in first-class condition. Artistic tuning a specialty. All work thoroughly guaran teed. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. 1513 Harney St. , Omah , Neb. Opposite ifurwood Theater. Note All estimates made free. ATOMIZERS We- carry a rery complete tine 01 iy MIZEB8 and NEBULIZERS of all kinds. . and are making extremely low prices on same. Our stock comprises forty kinds, , ranging In price from JSC la j.ou A well known style la the DFTvTLBIBB Atomizer No. 11 1 which wa sell for l.2S-by mall. SI. 38 We guarantee our Atomizers to WOBJC PERFECTLY. Write for Catalogue of Rubber Goods. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Cor. lOtk am Dodco, Oalki AUDITORIUM ER Beautiful Exhibitions in Fancy Skating by Miss Nellie Donegan Every AflernoM ani Evening This Week ADMISSION - - 100 TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Sunday 1 1 : JO a. in. to 8 p. m. 40c and aOc At the CHESAPEAKE IS 10 Howard Street. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER mm, Mm 'rtVti4i?itiii: SUNDAY--at IShe CALUMET a J f, j.