THE OMAHA DAILY HKE: SUNDAY, FEBHUAHY 18. r 01 t of thk nnniitnv. There were 1.ii.",i.7T a t Im frtm idnime 1-1 India 'hirtnn Thi figure fur ls"S also proliahly ciin nnr l.tssi.issi. Vs., which recently who burned. The sword whs the one used by when m captain of I'nlted Ctnt-s engineer In the wnr with Mexico. John Ptrwiirt McCnlg s Pcotch hunker, left tuactlmllv h II iiie estate. consistluB of I15.n a year and movables worth for the erection of st ttnes of himself Bud his relatives and the bulldlner of artistic towers on prominent parts of his land. Ills sister contested Ills will, but the Kdinhoroudh court of sessions has upheld It. James Russell, a well known character about the north end of Rostnn and a resi dent of this country for about sixty years, astonished his acquaintances a few days BRo by applying for nnturallEation papers. It had been supnosed tor many years that he was a rttisen. He cinne from Scotland when a boy and fought for tho south in the civil war. serving under Ptonewalt Jm kson. It has taken all these yesrs to overcoire his feeling of antagonism to the union. An artist traveling In Morocco, having found it difficult to make pictures of the Arabs there, writes: "t once tried to sketch some Arabs In Algiers: thpy con tinually evaded me. nnd at last an old Moor with whom wo were on the friendly terms produced by constant bargaining for embroidered rags spoke to me on the matter like a father, for my good. 'It Is not," be said, 'that any harm will ensue to those whose picture you .make: It. Is you yourself will suffer Inconvenience In the next wnrW. Allah will say to you: "Fol lowing your own will and pleasure, you have made those figures. I now command you give them souls." And where, my friend, will you be then?' " l.tllOR A0 IMrtSTKY. it Is claimed that there are more tliHii Japanese cobbling shops In Ran Francisco. There Is a movement o foot In the state of New York to abolish the Htate Board of Ilarber Examiners. Iron moulders" unions are voting on the proposition to hold an International conven tion in July. The last was in 1W2. Tho large number of S.SMi artisans and laborers are. at present employed by the New Zealand government on co-operative road and railroad works. The record of fatal accidents In the an thraclte coal region 111 1!i6 totals up Hio killed In and about the mines. The non fatal accidents numbers about 1,SA In Chicago there are ) labor unions and It Is estimated by the nest Informed labor men that Ihe number of members Is not less than SOn., nor more than S.V,mr. Of I7.oni men now employed on the Pa nama canal about l.Wo are AmcrlHna. There are SuO shoe factories In this coun try using the union stamp, according to a report recently Issued. These factories give employment to tn.OuO union shoemakers. The law passed by the Oregon legisla ture In making It a crime for an em ployer to require a woman to work more than ten hours a day. has been upheld In a recent de Islon bv the state circuit court. It Is estimated that the total ntimler of farmers' unions in existence is S.HTn, with a membership of :50.nm. A marked feature of these unions Is political co-operation wjth organiced wage-earners. RKI.INIOI a OTF.. John Teter Mulilcnbuig. the Woodstock preacher of re olutlonary fame. Few more enthusiastic and devoted nil slonarlcs lire connect!! with the lri sb -tcrtan hoard than Rev. Dr. Hunter Oorbett. who at 70 years of hk" Intends to return to his work In China, although he has sciit fortv-three vests of his life laboring in that field. Willi headquarters at Cle Koo A recent dispatch from Rochester, N. V.. announcing a plenarv council of the Roman Catholic church at Haltlninre Is Iwsed on a misapprehension. Hlshop Colton of Ruffahi Is quoted ns saving that no such council has been called. All American bishops have been Invited to attend the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of lay ing of the cornerstone of the Pnltlinors ca thedral. April Jft and Ihe report probably originated from this fact. The Synod of Missouri has set spall Oc tober 25. 1. for the celebration of the diamond Jubilee of its synodlcal college for women. Rev. Charles II. Toole, a Metlaxllst Preacher and mission worker In Auckland, N. 7... was recently elected a member of parliament on the prohibition Issue. Chief Rabble Mell of Trieste recently com pleted fifty years tenure of office. The Jubi lee was celebrated In all the synagogues. The chief burgomaster personally tendered his congrat illations to the chief rabbi. Rev. J. Frederick V. Kltxmcyer. when Installed pastor of the Lutheran church at Woodstock. Va., on Sunday, wore the clerical gown that was ued by Colonel In the WlKrntinln si"'- fiewt there are thirteen mnanctlc ipirntlon t'lnnts In oi eratlnn and it Ik kiiI'I Unit till w" of elertro-tnii:rtetl.rn I.' KXHtiy Increasing; the yield oi sine. In Hint district. .Fame V. VMrViKt of Hartford, Conn.. Imp one of tin- ttnrt collections fif wnr relic In the country, and the tiinnrt Army men of his state are trying to secure It for Connecticut. There ore innre than 2.80 different articles. The sword of rjenenil Itnlieit K. lsr has y been removed from the ruins of lburnm. tn Homo of Joseph nrvsn of Richmond. V7TTTT KICK J M TEN DAY VkaV MPS 3o JL I V This stock has increased in value 50 since January 1. It is now selling at 55 cents per share cash, or 60 cents on installments of 10 down and 10 a month tor nine months. It will jump Z5 the Zoth and will continue to increase. Lstimated value of this stock in two years, Irom lour to eight dollars a share. WHY PASS UP THIS PROFIT? In just ten days from to-day you will be either one of the hundreds of people who were shrewd enough to accept my advice and who bought Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. slock before the raise and who made a clean immediate profit of 25 or you will be one of the regretters who take cold comfort in the thought, "I had a chance, but passed it up.'' If you are rich enough in this world's goods so you can safely be indifferent to money making opportunities you still have the responsibility of considering the interests of others who may be directly or indirectly de pendent upon you. If, on the other hand, you have to work for your living, as the majority do, and I am one of the majority, you owe it to yourself as a matter of fairness to read carefully all that follow, consider and ACT PROMPTLY. ' There is yet time for any investigation you want to make as to the value of the stock of the Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. If you have a notion that because this stock is advertised or offered at a low figure that it can't be worth much, disabuse your mind of that illusion. Take my word for it, that this stock is cheap at any price under $2.00 a share. If you won't take my word for it, investigate and satisfy yourself in the matter, not by simple imagination but by learning the facts. I make a business of finding safe and profitable investments for' money savers. I employ the most reliable experts to assist me in determining the safety and profit values of an enterprise before I recommend it to the Fublic. I can't afford' to endorse. anything that isn't sound. I couid not remain in business if I did. I can't deal in "prospects," nor can I permit my clients to do so through ine. 1 won't speculate with my own money nor will with yours. ' It is gratifying to receive calls from scores of people who have investigated for themselves and who say, "Mr. Underwood, I had my doubts, but since investigating I am convinced The Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. is all you sav for it and L want to be one of the stockholders and am sure I cannot invest my money to better advantage." For the benefit of the doubters: I will pay $t,ooo.oo to any one who can prove that the Hoosac Tunnel & Mining Co. is not all I claim for it. And the publishers of this paper will tell you my guarantee is good. In previous lsues of this paper I have told you all about the great enterprise of the Hoosac Tunnel tc. Mining Co. of Idaho Springs, Colo. I can recommend that enterprise is deserving your patronage, because after careful investigation I found: First, the management to be absolutely honest; second, that every dollar that I might invest in that Company will earn (or me larger dividends than I could probably get from any other source, and third, the price at which I can buy this stock now should make me rich hv its natural increase in vain, to say nothing of the income f rom d vidriids. You can do as well as I. but vou must act now. This Company is wholly responsible and is engaged in a legitimate and definite enterprise, and must not be confused with the tnanv wildcat mining speculations in which investors are offered stock. The Hoossc Tun permission to Mr. Geo. Armstrong, Cashier Capital National Hank. lenver. Cr.lo.; The First National Rank. Idaho Springs, Colo.; Mr. C. S. 'Birkins, President Merchants' & Miners' National Bank, Idaho Springs, Colo.; Mr. Joh of Commerce, Idaho Springs, Colo.; Mr. George W. Dutton, Mining Editor Sittings News, Idaho Springs, Colo. Investors who care enough for their money to preserve it and make it earn large dividends can readily distinguish a wildcat scheme from the Hoosac Tunnel cfc Mining Co. Hoossc Tunnel & Minins; Co. refers by special n T. Mallalleu, Secretary Chamber PIERCE UNDERWOOD, Specialist in Profitable Investments. etter Than a Salary in Income for Life Not a Speculation In fairness to yourself, and those who depend upon you, read the f olio win n THBN ACT. SOMB OF THB MBN WHO KNOW: From January 13, 1906, issue of The Idaho Springs Siftlngs-News. The tunnel Is already equipped with a splendid plant of machi nery. Including an 80-horse power boiler and a ten-drill Leyner air compressor, and the mouth of the tunnel is located at a most ad rantKi,'eous point, being within a stone's throw of the Colorado & Southern railway and aide tracks at the mouth of Trail Creek, where coal and supplies may be delivered at a small cost. This will permit of shipping the lowest grades of ore that may be encoun tered and it uewd never be touch ed with a shovel, and when broken down In the stopea can be loaled Into the tram cars from ' the c hutes, after which It may be dumped directly Into the railway cars for shipment to the smelters, or thrown into the crushing ma chinery of the concentrating mill. Mining men familiar with the Hoosac unhesitatingly say that It . is one of the most attractive min ing tunnels In the district, and they predict that It will become an extremely profitable proposition. ' M. D. QUIOX.ST, President of th Hoomo Tan & el fc Mintnff Co., Idaho Springs, Colo. Tt) WHOM IT MAY COXrEUX: Tfiit 1 to rrify that I hart knmn Mr. ft I, Q-iijley for th past frivvm or IwrIt yfrm, rid it Jitforui m plMir t9 f that lit to a thoroucMy jrliaNe crnttnnau Id tTn par ticular. Mr. Quilt? ! a intmnt man of 1..m rxparlervr aoa haa bvn in.n,ntly aticrtaafiU In tha va"tuii rntorrHiatM In wluch h ha rn gftfod. 11a boar n axcvlU-nt reputation for enwgv ami conarrrailiir, and ha tna with him tha hat wish of the UTiderairntd tut lha f.iturt. Vary rrtjaKrfuIljr. 7 it. K ARMSTRONG, A. Cuhicr. Capital Natlmual bank. Denrar, 'mm H. P. DXOXnVSOH, MlnSnr and Metallurgical SBgiaaer. 356 Dearborn Btrt, Chicago. "In mv Judgment -thi lnouc Tunr.! if Mining c. La all tha fnuD(ttlni! fnc a rmu'Oit and ccliiiiilj pmfl:iit huaiuraa. It it thoroughly foturivair-i and the ilmitut of aulety fcr Litoat iuvm:l).g m it i i raii-,tl.y at4nta. ' Yo'i t.erd haa no nwitaurr wnaitTer fa adviatng yuur frtaodf ami 0thra to it in th W k tha lltviaar lnuni A Mmlnc Co. t. lKKlNOV Miii.Jig Kuiiufr, Abora la Mtrrt nS .ciiiilH irpixt mai to Mr. rnrterwxxxd iiftr t thorough rxanituatinn at ilia iinoaao TVnne. A Minu.g o. an tn" hy Mr. Diokiaacin. who ia 01 it of liia baat knowa mimrg n:ginara and waa frr.nrrly: ' AMiayar Hiu Grauda Smfltar, Hocorro. Nw Uiro, Awrr St. I.miia h Za.'at(Ka Or ro Jlmlnri, Mexico. Nianagrr Calumt BtnHring A Ratknliig: Cu.. (.'hlcago. Coimiuing VI ining & lv all.irgiml Engineer. UeDfer. Colorado. Atfijrr In chaige of Or hhimuenta from the KTanua inncl Miuei Company .f Ouray, t olo., and iha Coxniuudtira Uiulua C. of, lo., at lliahlo. Olo. J. A. TOWXaxiTD. Cr.pltaUst, Who psrsosally lovitl-t4 aafi uur okasad a larf blook of ktook. ' nii-ao. Jan. II. 1D0. Pi!rr t'nrtenload, llilrafi, rmiarial Aitnt, Ueoaac Tunml a Minim . : r,-r Sii I am fUd to rrport that I hat mv a cartful anl panuiial liiroifnj.i of tht Rniaae Tiinral a MiUrf Co. lrrprii d Idaho epri:!(. Ctio arrl found I; not. aalr ail ywi meMnitrf It to be, but much txtur. 1 bava aent Ton mr avibarrlpticm for wvwlf and friauda lur a lar block of thia alok. vli'ch attuka for llattf. Youra with roxralula O.mi, . A. TOWNSENr'. Ellawarth Bulletin, rklissa. 1BSCS VHDIBWOOD, poolellst la rrentasla Xnrtmats, 1 40 Saacbora 8trt, Ohloa-o, ria aaolal Agrsnt of tho Koosae Taa boI H MlBlnf Co. I bata wpVorxl baat aiperta to tu'aatifata tha Hxm' '1'uac.M a Mining 4. T.lrrwi .md rviKirt npoc it. t bar alai irniiaU via'.l tta iirl'tiea ana iratiga'.ed aauw aa wail aa tlia rnuutirai n( tba manageiuant and t rmild put alttn-d to al ywi aia at ara of tlua atork ou my afidt ajnart warv aitlter ttw entarvriae or tha management iiTHlaaat iiui at your patrooaga m 7r r o'K'traltan. 11r titt t. in inr rn oa. la rraap at any t M laaa than 2 t.l a tl.ara ajul tha rutrpnaa it af auai'Hiit bjignltuda to bar pormtttad a rD ltaJiiatton ,4 from 10,(MJU.OOO tn $16 (MX).m.i. hi amal! parnuilltatlon mnu tngiar dlride-idi te the at vkltnldara and la tl'a bat arldanca in tho world ef tha deenry of Uia managtnTit and lha raapact It hnl'li f"T tho emknilatuo and su anciai c;-'oraUaf. of the public. Prom January 11, 1906, Issue of The Idahe Springe Mining Oasette. Mr. Underwood la the financial agent for the Hooaae Tunnel a Mining Company, which speaks well for the company, aa Mr. Un derwood has for years refuted to handle any mining securities without absolute knowledge as to their ralues. The fact that the Hoosac Tun nel will now be pushed with great rigor has greatly Increased the value of every property ihrough which It will pass and the ray stocks are going up argues well for the future of both the Hoosac Company and properties upon the line of its tunnel. He who doubts the truth of every statement and sneers at every proof, never becomes wealthy or famous for shrewd judgment. Devoled to Mining as a Business. The Hoogie Tunnel and Milling Company, a Colorado corporation rapltallied for SLWitMHiO. took fully paid op sud noD-ssaeasuble, Ig au onterprlac deroto.t oiolualroly to Ml.MNu Ah A BVglNKB8. It Is officered by rues of tho highest reputation and personsi integrity. Ttio properties and privilege of the Co in pa ny sr cleulatd to produco srjcu revenue a will nisko tno stockuoldor independent tor life. Idaho Springs Colo. Idaho Sjirlngg, Colorsdo, la on of tho largeat and Is one of the oldeat mining ramps In the Btato. It Is 08 mlleg woat of Denver ou tho Colorado & Southern Kalirnad. Gold predominate, hut silver, od and slue sro fouud lit quantities onrt eome i-oppor. The vslua of the ore pro duced here runs Into the mllllunn nnuunlly, and competent mining engineers say that these mines bare but Juat begun to deliver luelr enonnou tounage of precious ore. OVER THREE HUNDItKD PKOlJtCI!.i3iLi.E ' th district and twlee as many near onea to he opened up uioat of which require cheap tranaportntloa to et the ores to the railroad or mllla, and tbig means transportation tuunaia VVhai Is a Iransportation Tunnel? In the Idaho Springs Mlnln; piatrlct, eororlng practically all nf Clear Creek County, aa I nae told you, there are oror a'0 roluea being actively operated, and there are probably three times aa many that are not operated. -tome of tliem equal, if not of greater value. These mi lira are located, many of them. Is almost Innrcesaiijle places upon the mountain tops and aides, usually where the vein rropn out above the ground. When Ihe mine owner or compauy oper ating has followed the relu down iuto the ground a sufficient dlaiauce, holatlng machinery la neceaaarv to draw tip the ore. en.'b niacUliiciy is operated liy gteaiu and require coal. The coal baa to be hauled up from the mil road, anywhere from half a mile to Are or six miles dlatant, and the coat of hauling It up from the railroad to these mountain top and aides Is oftentimes more than the coat of the roal Itielf. After the ore has been hoisted out of the pit, or shaft. It niiiat he hauled !' wagon back lo tbv ml Load, and there reduced by a mill or shipped direct to tho smelters St Denver. The enormous cost of getting the or np out of the shafts and to the railroad means that only high-grade ore hb l utTllied. thnt la, ore that will ruu enough gold to the too to pay all these buideuKonie ticiiMg and still lexve gome profit. If tbea expense coi.'d nuly he reduced. I lie huudreda of luiu owner would mnke a greater profit oa the high grade ore and would also he nKe to market pruciii nliv all of their low grade ore. Now It la a geographical fact. In the Idaho Springs District, that the ore relu grow thicker and richer the dcrpei under the surface they go. lu aoui Instance they have teen tapped 1.1MJO and 2 feet below the anrfiice nu l fouad to he from two to all time a thick as ou the ur fnc and from two to ten time as rich In quality. Sow. Imagine a tuunel ruu through auch dis tinct vein of ore. Imagine tlie enae of the operator of the mine, going iuto the tnuuel and bleating the ore from overheitd and fluniplug It Into our car, and lettiug ua run If out through our tunnel direct to the railroad nt a coat to the mine owner of H "O a ton, a agamat a cost of event' dollar- a ton by the former method of working on the surface with s steam bolat and the requirement, of coul. etc., dr.. to be franaported by wagon over the mountain tops. Klv huudird toux a day la s fair average of what one mlL rsn produce lies such a tunnel cuts It vein under the circumstance iiH"ted. Ten auch mines wouhf produce a fair averace of &.OM1 ton a dn: W would produce ln.isO ton day, etc.. which at au average rate of Il.OO per ton means an enorav.iii earning rapacity for ihe tunnel, while the cost of operating I comparatively light. Such a tunnel also drain the water from the mines, for which a reasonable ehariro I made, also from our powerhouse power l furnished for the various mine, also electric lights for ths miner, ail of which mean a profit to us. Rich Properties and Perfect Title. T. e proiicrtv and privilege of the Hoosac Tunnel and Mining Compauy pouslitg of Ova Patented claims. .12 acres of l'l.v -r Ur-'tind. Tuunel Site. Water Ulghta and the righta per laiulii '" " Transportation Tor. ml. 'ihe l oinpany a title to these properties sud privilege eon slot of I'nlted States 1'atenta Itlie nit pcrfe.-t title olnalnahle for a mlnei. covering the Mining I lain and fiarcr Grnniid. and the till.- to the I'rutipo: tstlou Tannei privilege t aecured un der tt.e Uwa of the Slate of Colorado. How the Company Will Make Money. Fv?'Cn";.ArL.TR"tJJlIliE'' 'which la already bored over HO feet), will be rua through eighty actlvo Billies, which have to date produced about IliXt.Ono.OiMj ) liy espenstva urfc and ahft worklsga. several will be rut thl year. Ten such mine csu nd enough ore through our tuouel to earu for ua auuually profits of between on and two million of dollar, after de ducting ail operating expenses. This tunnel will. he a hlg producer for more ibsn s uatural II fe ttioe. THF. ygAT HOOIIAC MlXICg sre th imtST to be cut by our tunnel, which I no howl to within feet of this mammoth body of ore. and WU CrWN TUESEIINKS, which eonts'n essugh ore. estimated ') eugliiceis. to run from l.,Vio.'to to tons, and which assay, 13 10 to 10.00 s ton. The cost of mining ore Is so slight that profits of many millions w:.l nci'.e to the toc.hoider t tills Compauy. J HR HOOSAC; Mil U will be th third source of pro8t. At Ihe mouth of the TTMNEI. this Co.iipany will ert at ou--e a luo-ton concentrating mill, which will ot only troat the or. of the Company's mines, but will slso do custom work lor the other mines ef ths neighborhood. The earning or sncli s mm win ue oeiweeu ,m,is' aoa ii.iw a year. .THRfciV j'ls TIN'T I'gdr IT KAKXIXtj yfcATVKBS-tau of them of -esnsrltnte the Imeinea of the lunuci and Mining Comiiauy t'hle buslres I uallk most propositions rffered the public IT 1 NOT s speculation or a preapect. Salety of the Company's Management The Hooaae Tunnel and Mining Cempssy has for tta President and active Uauager. and us of th principal owner f the euterprlee, Mr. B. D. (julgley who for 85 years baa been ous f tu foremost operators of the idsbo Bprlugs District, lur. yulglejr 1 a man of eiceptlomil ability, strength of character sud genuine worth, lie ia bigbly ludoised by all the bankers ef Idaho bprisg and savers! ef the prluclpal banks af Ixnter, by the newspaper publuher. by of euoriaou proportions the Chamber of Commerce nod hv all who rvmrnli. uhA anureclate. real worth and rest man hood. Mr. Qulgley Is pledged to the Company to carry till enterprise without digression or interruption, lo the greatest possible success and In the speediest possible manner with all re gard to aufety. economy and general business prudence. Sir. yulgicy I lint a Wall street mag nate, schooled In the fine art of atock Jobbing and manipulation of the people' inouy. H Is a practical nnd competent man of honor, titled by disposition, education, experience snd suc cess to the orinnlier, the leader, snd the impeded chief of thl enterprise. He well deerves this compliment, a receutly expressed la sn editorial In the Idaho Spring Slftiugt-Xews. ss follows: 'Mr. ynig'.ey. to whom the credit Is due for hsviug successfully financed thla proposition. I one of our olden snd most Conservative mine operstors. He has a thorough knowledge of the mines of tillpin snd Clear Creek Counties, hi operations therein covering s period of 35 year. He I energetic, experienced, snd of unquestioned Integrity, sud every dollsr committed to hla csre will be. consecrated to the operation sud development of tho properties under hi charge. "This, token lu connection with the merit of th propositions named. Is s guarantee of s successful issue. 4SlMS Why You Are Asked to Join. s to The Hoossc Tunnel snd Mlolng Company can borrow enough monev to accomplish Jt ruose. but the directors sud stockholders will not nermi th,.' . .. ..... i. j.u.i, such sn tent. There sie big capitalists who would put up the money, tint they would want to own the business themselves, snd then the owners snd you if vou were a stock holder, would n it hsve the profit that the buslne will snrely earn. So' vou 'sre aaked to corns In with hundred of other ss a psrtuer snd buy st the present ground-floor pries as much stock ctlve operation. If the estimate of our expert are realixed by one tblrd the fig lie this stock will be worth uiauy time It par value of tl.tsi per ahare. Vour ITi uvldeud. It la raopable tu auppo-, would lie annually per shsrs many times mors Ion easy term) ss you feel you can afford to buy. P management of thla Company la auch thst your Investment of $0.00 or I5O.00 or $100.00, or whatever it may be, will be aa oonscleiihously accounted for and probably more o than If you were th owner of the Company and had ths active management In your own charge. Probable Profit to YOU Several Hundred Per Cent Annually. ' This Is treasury stock thst Is offered snd (he price st which yon can bur It todar Is far below iie value at which It will be held when the TLXXKL MILL and mivh .J psny sre in active operation. urea tney sts roine from d thsu you hsve to pay for It now Past Opportunities That Have Produced Vast Fortunes thought to Be Duplicated by 'the Hoosac Tunnel and Mining Company Enterprise. The man or woman who hsx s preconceived notion that imestineuts In s Mlnlus enter prise cannot be profitable to the small lurestor had het Investigate the facts befois becoming too flimly wsddod to uch s theory. A few of ths vnt opportunities that were offered the ama investor (th general pqullc). precisely the tame as this proposition is being offered sre ss fal lows: "I'nlon Consolidated" m quoted it 1c share and In a year It was selling for $10 00 s share. The man who bought 50 shares st $.50 made S.Vs.1 on the tncactlon. In addition to bis uiviuvwi.. j ue uiou wuo i"'iui m iir.irr Muwuvr tfr snare uiaue in proportion The "Consolidated Virginia" roae from 11c per shire to $66 witblu s single year $'J.l In -ikabei.s" lu 13M 1 now worth t l.l'O.Ki, and, Id addition you would bavs l.XIO.OO In dlvld.ud. $100 Invested lu "Oold Coiu" stock In 18M Is no worth $2,000.00, snd lo sddltloa sou would bsvs re elved $1,000 In dividends. ' n invented lu "Jack I'ot" la ltft4 Is usw worth $1,900.00. sud In sddltloB you would have received 7Ju.oo In divldeuda. $ Invested In the "fclktou" mines lu shout 00 days realised $S,M0. "Ursnlts Monutaln" abarea were peddled on the atreeu of fct Loui at 10c with but few buyers, ia six months II sold for $10.00, sud lu less thss two yesrs It wss Quoted for 1TE 00 per shsrs. sod bas psld over $l,0u0,uo0 Id dividends. ' received What Your share $5.90 essh. or $4.00 psysble tl.oo down snd sf.On a nt of stock, psr vslue $10.00, estimated vslne wltbl $11.00 cash, or $12.00 paysbii lo par cost down slid Should Earn. mnnlh f . flu m..n.V.a Mill o one yesr $20.00, within 'two yes buy IS S&O. - - , " SWWW WB I BJ SSJIJ, 10 per cot a tuoutl. fur uia moAiha, COUPON llrOfi PIERCE CKbERvVOOD. Hartford Bldg , C hicago. Dear Sir: I hereby subscribe tor sbsrss of th capital stock ef ths Hoosac Tunnel snd Mining Co.. Idaho Spring. Colorado, and agree to pay you per share. ilAu nor shsre If your reailttsncc psye your subscription In full, or 00c If you pay on Inatslimeots of 10 per rent no sod 10 per rent pr month.) I enclose herewith my rerulttaueo for Pleas acknowledge receipt. Yours trnly. Name ,' Address .vote: sunscnptiou for less than ten abarea will bs accspted. If you bsv lu the C $5.00 or can save $1.00 a month for sis uioutha roa can own tea mr. psny. Mors If you eaa pay for them. Don't delsy. Hiibscrlb fnr sll you csu pay fo slther st sncs or on monthly laslsllmcuts. YOU W ON'T ItmiKK'f IT. This stock mi i " miuin, lin.Ub C SIAIAU ft). om- r. Is . The earninits of this company should not only pay YOU enormous dividends all the natural days of your life, but your children and grandchildren can reap the same benefits. The difference between Rockefeller, Russell Satfe and other very rich men and the majority of people is that Rockefeller and the men of his type grasp their oppor tunities quickly, while the majority of people spend so much time making up their minds that fortune gets tired of waiting and flies away. No persons are so poor they cannot buy this stock and see better days. No persons are so wealthy that they can profitably afford to ignore this offer. will buy M shares of stock, par value $30.00, estlnisitd vain wllhla eu year $30.00, within two yesrs, sltiO.OO. $.'.00 rssh, or $24.00 psysbls 10 per cent down snd 10 per ' s month for nine months, will buy 40 ibsres of stock, psr value $40.00, esttmsted value within on year. $100.00, within two years $AK).00. $44.00 csah, or $40.00 psysbls 10 per ceut down snd 10 per rent a month for nine months, will buy 80 shsres of ctock, par value. $80.00, estimated vslue within oos yesr $200.00, within two years $400.00. $3tl.o0 cash, or $04.00 psysbls 10 per cent down snd' 10 per cent a month for nine months, will bny 1V0 shsre ef stock, psr rslus $100.00, sstinistsd vslue within ous yesr $400.00, within tw rests $800.00. $170.00 cash, or $192.00 payable 10 per cent down sad 10 per rent a month for nine months, will buy H'M shares of stock, par rains $0.0o, ostlmated value Within on yesr $900.00, within two yesrs $1,600.00. $:U2.00 cash, or $1184.00 pays hie 10 per eeut down and 10 per rent s month for nine months, will buy 640 shares of stock, par value $640.00, satlmated vslus within one year $1,800.00, within two years $3,2i0.00. $704jio csah, or $768.00 psysbls 10 per cent down snd 10 per cent a month for nine month, will buy 1,20 shsres of stock psr valne $1,230.00, estimated vslua within on rear $3,200.00, within two years $4,400.00. $l,K7."i.O0 cssb, or $1. 500.00 psysbls 10 per cent down sud 10 psr cent a month for nine months, will buy 2.960 shsres of stock, psr vsla $;,6Xi.OO. estimated vslus within an yesr $0,40000 within two yesr 12.80tMSi. $2,816.00 essh. or $8,072.00 psysbls If) per cent down snd 10 per cent s month for nine months, will buy 9.120 shsres of stock, psr vslus $5,120.00 esttmsted vslus within ana yesr $12,800.00. within two yesrs $23,600.00. Be One ol Us On Easy Terms. Ton caa taks sdvastsgs of s real OPPORTUNITY snd be a partner In this enterprise on terms thst cannot be s suurce of inconvenience. You probably often spend mors money la a Ingle day ou smnsements or thlug that see unnecessary thsu would bs required te buy a good block of this stock. Subscribe at Once to Insure Getting Any o! This Stock If you want further partlcnlara before aubscrlblug. write st ones to the undersigned. Th directors of the Hoosac Tunnel end Mining Company hsve decided to offer this stock st 60 cents s shsrs on Installment, or M cut s sharp If paid for cash with subscription, for a short period only. They reserve the privilege of advancing the pries without notice, sud ths pries WILL B 8 INCREASED It APIDLY ss circumstances Justify until It resehes or exceeds tb psr vslua of per share. The Company reserves the right to tske tb stork off the msrket st any time the development of the business would seem to Indirsts thst tba future sals ef stock Is sntlrsly unnecessary. It Is believed thst the Tuunel. which Is si ready rua 600 feet and which will soon strike th grast lioossc vsln, will produce euonga revennu from oar own MINK ts psy all farther operating sipenses, cost of MlLp construction sod lesvs as soipl profit besides. It Is not sa Idls snd stereotyped phrase to say to you. T "tW, "There Is s tide In the sffair. of l. ui which, taken at Its flood, leads on to fortune," ste. Highest references In behalf of both the Company snd Its sgenr. the uuderslgaed, will be forwarded to those who require them. The mnt complete lufnruistloa, Including government msps, etc., will bs supplied. To ssslst In sny Investigation that any (XUlV'pCAu , BANK, TKl'8TCOMPANY.CAPITAMST.r. 8YNDICATt. wighes to undertake, Tti'vlew of making aa Investment, every facility will be supplied for such sn Investigation, but soy delay dus t such will uot protect you against Ihe Increase In the price of thla dock. It I now offered at many time ! thsq Its resl value in the estimation of the Directors sud present stockholders, and will be advanced 25 per cent or more februsry 28'h. QC1CK ACTION Is XKCEHrJAkY IK YOU WANT TO t,ET IN AT THK PBE8KXT A BSVItDI-Y LpW PRlC T Fill Out. Cut Oil and Mall the Coupon To-Day TO PIERCE UNDERWOOD Specialist In Profitable Investments, Financial Agent., 140 Dearborn St., Chicago. tea