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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1906)
B TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 190G. 3 CRAB ASD PRODUCE MARKET Bfoond Day BeY.Ted Option Trade is Brisk. MUCH CORN AND OATS CHANGE HANDS Weetlnaj Will Be Held la Few liar Arc n Raal for Fatar Trading Local Mar- Wet Rtn(, OMAHA. Feb. 17. 1906. The second day of revived option trading i int umana exenange was a nrisk one. on track. No. 1 northrn, W"V: NO. northern. 7$c; May. fl1; July, 8rc. uais 10 arrive ana on traca. CHICAGO GRAIX ASD PROYISIOS" Prices Board of Trade. CHICAO. Feb. 17 Bearish new from Ar gentina and India caused a. fresh decline today In the local wheat market. For the Mny delivery final quotation showed a net loss of c. Corn and oat were each down He. Provisions were a shade lower to 27c higher. For the third fucceastv day the wheat market was dominated by the bears and as on the preceding days prices yielded materlnlly. At the opening- the May op tion was ort to c at Mc to iwttc. ror a time the market held steady at the Initial decline, there being a fair demand by commission houses, lit traders were the principal sellers during the tirst half MW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS decrease, $U,7,8n0. Circulation. TAn.0; decrease, $47S.6nO. Legal tenders, ITS 4J8,"; decrease, IMS.bOO. Siecle, $lo,6".J; de crease, $i.3M.6". Reserve, $J67.94K,;ilJ0; de crease. 100. Reserve reaulred. 1X2.- Market U Active- and Lower Thnmcbont Kcl-nVieS1,?.7 Entire List DECLINE FROM ONE TO TWO POINTS General Level of Valaes Falls Below Lord Reaehed Last Month aad More Holdlaga Are) Dlsloged. NEW TOHK. Feb. 17. Severe decline re sulted from the active trading of the two hour session. The selling was made up of heavy speculative liquidation combined with a centered bear attack on tne martin, which was accredited to the generalship More than 1'iu.Ouo bushels of corn and oats of the session. News of the day was el- changed hands. The local dealers sy most exclusively favorable to the bears, thai. J...... ' .1 . , . - 1 I a t .,- 1 . I. .. .1 t ,!,. Kw-mi hni'. I llQ maF. 1 " 7 miv ui:ici iiuiiru iu irianis a. H'rui iwui I nnvnni inn n-1 wi mo m -- ....... -.. - ...... i with th marxe. nere independent of Chicago. A ket became aomewnai nrmer iwauw ui "irmi (.m...,,.,.-. meeting will ba held early next week to covering by shorts. At this time May prestige of many successful bear cam- ntf nM a V. . I . . . - . I j 1 . . . I, .. .1 fio I . A. K"! hi. T -tn in hu ll D V an- LHII in IIIR 1)11 HL. IU -1 CTIUCIIVI. n ' u.i a U 1 IUI IUIUIQ UftUIIIK. I i-i tj. . w-ivi . . v. J i - - . . . For a time shorts rilsnlnveri disoosltlon other sham reaction occurred and the price was propitious ior mi success u mo i- . . v. - . . i. . . ... I - . .. i ... I . K. 'I'h. mar-Wat tnr-k OI iViajf UlUlJin-U v o--tiv. .iic ii....... . closed weak with prices nearly at the lowest point of the day, final quotations on May being at tic. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 3S8.000 bu. Primary receipt were 469,t du.. ag-tinst bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Lulttth and Chicago reported receipts or i4 cars. agalnBt iSl cars last week and 288 cars one year ago. Despite tne weakness 01 wneai, mraiuor posits, i;,17,3('i. decrease. $169,660. New York Money Market. XTTTTtr V l 1 1? U" ITnl. 17 MnVli'V-Cr 11 firm; no loans.' Time loans, firm; 60 and 90 dnys and 6 months, G'i per cent. per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in hankers' bill at HWrvJ 4 for demand and at H Kibrn .was for sixty-day bills; posted rates. It.&liftM M and 14.g71a4.B1H; commercial mils, H.D-if .S2y HILVER Bar, 66Vc; Mexican dollars. S1H. b o N u s - uoTcmment ana raiiroaa. steady. t ic sing Quotations on Donas today were as follows: U. 8. ret. ta, ref.... 10314 Japan It, M aerie.. 10 tig fairly steady. strengthening to cover, th market holdin iJiter the entire absence o news, and a private cable from Argen tina placing the exportable surplus at last year's figures started selling anew, The May deliveries made a new low record, Liquidation continues In Liverpool with re ported rains In India and liberal Australian shipments additional Incentives. The mar, ket -closed 4c lower. Weather conditions throughout the winter wheat belt tend to allay apprehension. Further snowfall the last twenty-four hours affords protection The demand for flour and caste wheat con' tinuea disappointing. Local trade In corn was larger than In wheat, wltn lowest .rices made at th opening. Thereafter tn market proved steady compared with other grains, but receipts were liberal aa compared with year ago and the demand continues slack The trade In oats was hunt, k'il buying at Chicago at renirthened the marae but liquidation of early purcliases wheat developed wenki.ess, carried back to the low bolnt. Clearances were 244,tK)0 bushels of wheat, barrels of flour, 2W,) bushels of corn and 315,iOii buhheis of oats. Primary wheat receipts were 4GU.UO0 bushels and shipments 16u,0"J bushels, aicalnst receipts last year of I40.fluo bushels and shipments of 121, bushels. Corn receipts were jl,UJii bushels and shipments luti.uuo bushels, against re ceipts last year of l'l,(uo bushels and shlp-.i menu or zott.uoo bushels. Liverpool clored SW'i'l lower on wheat and 94i'Wd lower on com. Locally the range of quotations was as roiiows: The renewed decline or this week na 1 brought prices back to the neighborhood reached In the decline In January. A fall below this level was bound to nave tne effect of dls odo-lns speculative holding) which were retained through that decline. Add to this feature the weaknea or tne technical nosition of the market, the reel- Inr of discouragement over the speculative outlook, which has been gaining force do eoupos V. a. la. rtg do eoupon V. I. old 4. rf . do eouvon C. I. n. it. r(.. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s... do Atcblnon ca. 4s. do adj. 4 Atlantic C. U 4a Bol. Ohio 4... do IV4I Br. R. T. . ble steadiness was shown by the corn steadily with the perception of the persls market. There waa a slight decline at tho opening because of lower prices at Liverpool, but all of the loss was quickly regained on covering by shorts. During the greater part of the day the feeling was firm, but the late break in wheat caused a slightly easier tone at the clise. Large primary receipts and the prospect of a contlnuea nnerai movement wtu bearish factors. May opened Mc to H'Vc tent dron tn tirlces. the action of the mar ket finds sufficient explanation without re- chicaso A. t. ference to the news of events naving any more substantial bearing on value. Th bank statement proved mor favora ble than had been expected. Only a nom inal Inroad waa made upon the surplus, which It was feared might be wiped out. The loss In cash waa only about half of what was Indicated by th known move. t early, lower at 4'i42Vc sold ud to 4S43'Ac and ments of money for the week. The prlncl- p. B. O. , when at Lo receipts were l pal Interest attached to the loan Item, and'l.or.- Sec, a... I Price. car, with, olcontract grade. the contract on -ported of 9 IWw.. ; do n il'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ,...ioi4 do etc. ri .1KH do 4'i ctfa II .lotvi' do Id wrtw r .ItSH L. N. snl. 4a 1IH .1014 Man. e. ( 4t l2Sk .l4, M Contrml 4s do lat Ino I4H . Minn, at St. U 4s.... IT 1UH M.. K. T. 4s 10"4 .1MH do t nt . Mti N. R. R. o( M. a. to. M .101 N. T. C. f. It I4 .104 N. J C. (. la 1I1H . 94 No. Paclta to l(i . M I do It 7444. Central of 0. ta....U44N. A W. e. 4a 101 lat lno v o, a. Li. rfdf. 4s n do id lno Mit Penn. sonr. IVja 101 ' do Id Inc M Raadlns son. to 10i' Oiaa. at Ohio 4Ha....lMH St. U. at 1. M. e. to..lHVt II St. L. a B. F. tc. to 17 0., B. at Q. n. 4a....lH St. U 8. W. c. 4a.... II C, R. 1. P. 4a.... II 8a board A- U to... L do col. la lot So. PaclOc to 14 CCC. t ll L I 4a.. 77V, do lat 4a ctfa ; Colo. lad. la. ur. A. 74 So. Railway la Ill do aerlra B 77 Tnat P. la lMi. Colorado Mid. to 14 T , St. L. W. to.. a4Vi .. I4i I'nlon Pacific to 104 ..llXT'i do ennr. 4a 149 ..100 V. 8. Steal Id la II .. I Wabaah la , ..HH do 4)b. B . . ili Waetern Md. 4a.. ..losi W. at L. E. 4a. ..lutfVi Wis. Cantral 4a.. Colo. So. 4s... Cub la Japan to OfTerert. .11414 . rvt . Ms . IIS . MV4 Oats were nrm early in tne aay. i.uwi " YL "Z "ul jL Hockins Val. 4t Inter tne marxet Decame eueier. cnui ........... - "T.--i.T- bought actively during the fltet half of caused a ,ar" '-PRn8ln ?f , ? the session, the demanu D- inK niauc-j u i viruno. ua um r.. ... . i . a . h. unhnuni Miv an exnansion is not open to uouui, uui i a- i. . . H .i n j - lieinjr ireamiv" ",. .... ii. k n enravn l.mltn thmnirh the The provisions market was Sironf pe- present irom muu nuiiwumu. cause or a luc aavnnce in ion pnv.- ui ... - live hogs and a large Increase In ship- trade for January, published today, shows mints of meat and lard. The covering by ahorts In pork was a feature ot tne aay, the large resources at command In th foreign exchange market In the excels Articles. Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat May Julv Sept.... Corn May July Sept Oats- May July 73 V, 7i?s 7CHA ?4U oTNUTHIV 3TSI 3TI1 3TV! rH 27 75HBI 7ij THi 37 2TP 27U 75HB 74 H . 7i T7HR 374 A 37 W 174 B i l. . i .1... -tmnir hrniirhniit the values for exDorts over Imports of $64,000, entire day the close on May pork being 000, compared with about $26,000,000 for tha . .... . . ... a,. ,,n -i. nrnpM ntf .innnurv i ne severest nreisura .r7. iucause ot w pr ,l"Z,...i ViZi th. wldeit MIcm C.ntral declines are found In Reading, Union Pa cific. Smelting, Colorado Fuel. Amalga mated Copper, urookiyn Transit ana others which have been most Important In the excessive speculation of lata. The rieeltne In nrlees. however, was sreneral throughout th list to th extent of being 1 and 2 points. The revensn rallies at the last evidently were due to nasty llerd closed barely steady with May of! a shade at $7.82H'U7 86. v.Mtitiiuteii reeeints Tor Aior.uay am Wheat. 12 cars: corn. 427 cars; oats, w cars; hogs. B4.ono head. The leading futures ranged a roiiows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.j Yes y. Indian wheat shipments for the week were 72,000 bushels, against 15,010 bushels last week and t32,000 bushel last year, Australian shipments were l,a3,000 bushels, aKainst l.w.ifu bushels last week ana i.m. VjO bushels last year. Minneapolis stocks Uecrensel zil.'JoO bushels ror the week. World's wheat shipments for Monday are cstimnted at ll.lou.ouo bushels, against ll.12o.i4M bushels luat week and 10.312.U") bushel last year. Cash corn sold at the lowest price of the season- nt Chicago yesterday and shippers said the position of the cash market wus the most demoralized they had seen It In recent years. Tho seaboard yesterday sold 170,om bushels of corn. lOO.ouO bushels of oats, and New York sold 68,000 bushels of Manuooa wnrat. Omulia Cash galea. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 1 car. 75c. COR.N No. 8. 1 car. 360 : 1 car. Soc. Omaha Cash Frlcea. WHEAT No. 3 hard. 739vi5c; No. i hard, iWulSc; No. 4 hard, boy7oo; No. 2 spring. 73ie'4Hc; No. 8 spring. 7tHg73c. CORN No. 3. tfftc; No. 4, WH4y&34c; No, yellow, 354jc; No. 3 white. 37c. OATS No. 3 mixed. 27V'27Hc; No. white. 28c; No. 4 white, rVtf2oO. RYE No. 2, 63c; No. S, 67V4C. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats Omaha 68 20 Wheat May July Corn May July Bept. Oats- May July Pork- May July Ln rd May July Ribs M.ny July 83MfH83H 82H 8"! S3H 82Vi 82U 8H4 SZ& Kfi 43ffH 4H 43VH 43H s's OVift 43H44 43 2!4 ifl7s H 2H 29 291 28T S7 29 15 70 . 15 90 15 70 15 90 15 56 1 15 50 16 60 15 40 15 46 15 30 ' 7 RTH 7 90 7 82H 7 85 7 85 7 97tj 8 00 7 92Va 7 95 7 95 8 2CVi 8 30 22 27H 8 20 8 37V4I 8 37H 8 27V4 8 30 8 30 profit-taking by the successful bears and h.... Blattrlo the closing tone was unseiuea anu wrnii. Total sales or bonds par value, ii.ow.wu. The following were the quotation on th I I' mud rralt New York Stock exchange: Balaa. Hlgn. Low. cinas, No. 2. Cnsh quotations were ns follows: FT .OUR Dull and easy: winter patents, $1.76'4 00: straights, $3.503.85: spring rat- Atehlann ents. $37013. K6; traignts, d.ome.i. iu; oaaern, iro WHEAT No. 2 spring, 82(g84c; No. 8, 77 79e; No. 2 red, 84fi86c. CORN NO. Z, VW!3'HCi ro. yellow. -j'40c. . , OATS NO. 7. 2W: ino. I wniie, Jitij.inicj No. 8 white, 28Vfi30Hc, PVP T.n 1. K.1C. BARLEY Oood feeding, 374a38c; fair to choice malting, 4Wi4c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $107; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.12: prime timothy, $3.35; clover, con tract grade, 14.1S Adami Gipress Amalgamated Coppar American C. at F American C. a P. pfd.... Aiuarlcan Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil pfd.. American Expraas American H. A L. pfd ... American Ice, aecurltlea... American Llnaeed Oil American Llnaead Oil pfd. American Locomotlro .... Amer. Locomotive pfd.... American 8. A R American 8. at R. pfd American Sugar Rennlnf.. Tmer. Tobacco pfd ctia... Anaconda alining Co fd""'"";;!l"! Atlantla Coart Lino Baltimore at Ohio Daltlmor A Ohio pfd...... Brooklyn Rapid Trenail... Canadian Pad no Central of New Jeraey.... Chteapeaks at Ohio Chlcaio at Alton I'hicaao at Alton pfd Chlcaao Great Weetern. ... Chicaso at Northweatern . Chicago, Mil 14.190 111 I.I0O 4344 147 110 1104 41 414 1,000 15 "4 II 100 44 44V4 T014 111 101 144 n no 17 44V4 n-4 71 114 4 iu 140 140 104 10 IS 170 171 U M 101 10 140 111 1M Ml 7 17,100 It Tl t 1.200 171 170 171 111 quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atchison adj. 4a 5"4 Adrenturo do 4a 10JV. Allouea , Mex. Central 4a 71 I Amalgamated ., Atchlaon 19 American Elne do pfd Atlantic , Boatoa at Albany. ...267 Bingham Boston ft Mama l. t:ai. ft Heels.., Boaton Elevated 1M Centennial ...lilt Copper Range . ... t. Pair Weet N. T., N. H. ft H...IW14 Franklin .... L'nlon Pacific I6O44 Granbr Amar. Arge. Chein... 19 lalo Rorals .. do pfd 17 iMaaa. Mining . Amer. Pneu. Tube.... 10 Michigan ....... Amar. sugar 140 iMohawk ao pro UK ;Mont. c. a c.. . .HI1 Old Dominion . .. 44 iOaceola .10 'Parrot . 90 iQulncy . IS 4 shannon . 47 Tamarack .... . 50',, Trinity .10 United Copper . 7lT. 8. Mining... . 11'C. 8. Oil . U4 I'tah . 41. Victoria .104 IWtnona . II Wolerlna Amer. Woolen do nfd Dominion I. aV 8. do pfd Maaa. Oaa United Shoe Mach.. do sfd , North Butt , I', g. Steal do pfd Weating. common . JJld. Asked. ,.. .. ..110 .. 13 .. it .. ..711 .. : .. 71 .. 14 .. in, .. 9 .. ts .. .. 11 .. 17 ,.. 1 ... 4: ... r. .. ..107 ,.. 10 ,.. IB ... :: ... 4 ... I ...134 . 4.700 71 10 114 . I0.I0O 144 141 00 124 113 . S.IO0 141 100 101 . tt.ftflO 174 . 11.100 to 100 10 . l.tOO 140 . 4.000 110 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Ebow Decided Gain is Value for Week. HOGS TWENTY CENTS HIGHER FOR WEEK Choice She and Lambs Rot Mack Dlffereat for Week, with Coaa snoa to Median Kind Al most a Qaarter Lower, . 8OUTH OMAHA, rb. It, 1901 ...1H I r .. in no i 17 I 17 TV, 74., 71 Ill Tt 11 ... I 74 T 144 40 I 17 74 1:1 1M I rtv4 Cattl. Hogs. Siieep, ... t.Dl 4,k4 i.lu3 ll.IJi 4.17 7.231 10.8JO 8,804) 7 II 71 17. II II. 74 r. M M 4 M Tl... II 0 u n. ti. 0. w. 41 ... Loo ... $.649 ... t,34 .... 100 l.tVi 4,11 ..1I.4TR ..18,233 ..17.04 ..H.Sf-0 ..11,996 .4U1 47,054 50,234 67.61 t0.88 66.144 84.578 ;.2til Hi.430 15.746 $4,378 81.237 $1,567 41 4 74. Ti. 7 IT. Tl...... 74 71 71. 7$ IU I 144 ! ....It Ill in .... I7 II .....0 m iu , K7 Ill 1U , 110 Ill 114 Ill 14 17 to 1W lot til .m .141 .III .114 .HI .161, .tlT .114 .141 40 I 17 0 $ 17 ... r ... I T ... I Kt ... I 0 110 I M 4 I 10 IN M IN ... lie ... I N ... I N ... I M ... I N 10 I 10 ... I 10 ... I N 10 I M ... I Id M M M I 10 140 I M to I ao Mil ... I ... I M 10 I I t I I M I H M .. 4.. SI: tI::-: el::::: s 74 I It .... It .... 71 .... to TO Tl 0 14 T 47 la..... 14 II TO II 44..... Tl M 44 17 IT M...., 4 40 1M 40 M HI Ift ll M Tt ..Ml Itl .III .114 .HI HI .104 ll .1' t 114 til .III J 10 .Itl .141 .III ,.121 ,.m ,141 ,.! ,11 .XI ,.n ,.IM ..IM .117 ..Ml .144 ..IM ..141 ..f4 f M IK K I M'-t I 11 i 11 I lt4 I 11 I 4 I ll4 I M i us ! H 12 I 11 I ll 10 I US .. I M ,.. I IIS ,.. Ills 4 j MS ::: h to I II :::'S ... I I ... IN ... Ill 40 I 17 ... I 17 ... 117 ... I 17 ... I 17 ... I 00 SHEEP Th market on sheep and lamb M T. Vsti?-iS0'?' ,1- snow' the receipt In aa good condition at Ml point ReeelDls went: Ofilclal Monday Uflicial Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Olllclal Thursday .. Official Friday omcuu gatui dar .. Thl week Iat week Two weeks ago , Three weeks ago Four week ago Last year same week., The followlnr tania of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ny on could ask for during th first half for th year to dat. compared with last of th week. On Monday and Tutsday th year: )m. . Inc. Dec, terdencj of price Was, If anything. Uttl Cattle 123.(46 108,801 20,645 .... higher. On Wednesday It wa noticabl Hog 8so,208 1,040 69, IM .... that while the good kind sold very, readily Sheep 182,447 lltt.oSl 1,561 at good steady prlcos. there waa a dislu- CAT! LB QUOTATION'S. cunation on th p' of Uuyti to tag Th following will show th prlc paid fmm,on medium sort. Vnfortu- for th different kind of cattl on th n lib"? rceipt of Hr.nth 1 in,. .... and Friday consisted vary laraely of these Oood to choice corn-fed steer $5 1(V3S SO unoirabl ahaep and lambs that is tuft Flr to choice corn-fed steers 4.8OH6.10 ""t wss only half tat. AS buyer wer Common to fair oorn-fed teer.... t.oota- 80 'rlly w "P by their liberal pur- Oood to choice cow nnd heifers... chase earlier In the week they heltatd Fair to good cows and heifers i.UfS3.7S taking on unfinished stock and th Canner and cutter i.bWl ) ntfket on that kind declined very consld- Oood to choice stockers and feeder I.w4. 40 bly both day from lack ot buying sup Fair to good suckers and feeders.. l.sOqjS.HO port. At th clos of the week good to Common to fair stockcr 8.75'ttl Bo choice sheep-and lambs r not o very null, (tags, eto I.kKu.4.00 mucn ainerent from what they were Oood veal calves..... t.iantitMO week ago, but th common to medium to I point lower. There was considerable switching from March to later positions nd total sales were reported or iV'O bass. Inrludlnr March at .7'(i.75c: April. !c; May. I !iiti.ttc. Fixit K10 quiet; No. T Invoice, -io. OMAHA WHOLKSAI.U M 4 It KET. Coadltlon of Trade and Qnolatloa oa atapl aad Faaey Frodsef. EGG8-K-'ceitils liberal; candled stock un settled at lie. LIVB Pol' LTRT Hens, 10c; Old rooet- ers. 6c: turkeys. ISc; ducks, 11c; young rooster. H'gl'H-: geee, 80. DKKtidliU Ht 'L LT 11 Y Turkeys. Ifi2fc: old turns. lMi'6": rhlckens. lliTllc; old roosters, 7c; duck. 1213c; geese, lttc. HUTTE11-l'nc-King stock. Iic; cnoico 10 fancy dairy, lSMtBc; creamery, 2Vif21Sc. HAT Price quoted by Omulia Feed corn- pnyt No. 1 uplsnd. WW. med'um, sooo. coarse, $4 "frn.u0. lty straw, $6.10. HRA N Per ton. Ill SO. HIDES, PE1.T8 AND TAI.7X3W-N0. 1 green hide. c: No. t. 8c; No. 1 saiten, 11c; No. 2, lie; green bull hides. Micl cured, ItflOc; dry hide. 163t)c. Hois hides, larije, $3.25: small. $:.50. Sheep pell, each. BOrirm.2.-.. Tallow. No. 1. ,c: No. I $e) rough, lHc TROPICAL. FRUIT mii-rtr dox or bu 1-10 , i'"." . Hallowe'en In 70-lb. boxes, per lb. Ic; 8ay er, per lb., 4c; walnut-stuffed, 1-lb. pkg. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hors. Omaha $J.iK8V0O ts lucue 97H v.iucago I.MI41 u Kansa City l.toj4.85 I li Ht. Louis 2.10u.26 l.26'sV 20 Bloux City 8.76-iiO.W. t.7b6 ine following tabl (hows vi.e avwiag prlc ot hog at south Omaha tor th la I several days, with comparisons: Oat. I 190. U04. 11804. l0i.lJj.lOl.l00. Feb. 1. Feb. I. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. fceu. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 14. Feb. 15. Feb. 16. Feb. 17... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. J ) 4 Ml 4 74 I a. Al Ti so I 41 I U t 63 I M tl 8 9i 4 7j 4 S5 4 74 I 4 83 4 74 I 'n 4 Mi 70HI 4 ti u 171 6 78; 8 8 I 89 V. Mi, 4 U 4 77 4 81 a 4 8, 4 89 70 I Ml 80 01 4 7; 4 77 a 4 81 4 81 4 85 4 Hi I 04 4 73 S 03 8.11 I 12, 76 I It 4 it 01 I s w 78 I V2 6 75 6 00 00 71 U 9 001 72 6 02 6 W I K 6 Ml a 5 78 4 W 6 81 e 861 93 7 01 4 17 4 ! 4 U a 4 M 4 71 I 21 4 6 Ml 4 74 4 U 4 aO I 23 I 24, 8 81 8 21 I 111 t 2t 8 $1 6 10 8 24 8 81 I 2k 8 ai 4 7 4 83 4 78 4 75 4 83 4 78 4.100 mo l.tno o 11 II 11 MO &t 10 NEW YORK GENF.RAL MiRKGT ttaotattoa of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. FLOUR-Recelpts 12,mn bbis.; export, 14,711 bbls.; market dull und barily steady: Minnesota patents. 41.40 .iv; Minnesota bakers, $3.50(a'3.; winicr iatenls. S4.UX;i-l.4'J: winter straiKht. $U.Sj4J Iw; winter extras, $2,754(3.26; winter low biuues, J.s. nye Hour, quiet; fulr to good, fci.iu4j4.UO; choice to fancy, Chicago T. ac T Chlcaao T. T. rli. PKOV 1SIUA8 Mess pora, per 001., io.uuv Colorado Fuel A Iron. ISM. T.ard. rer 100 lhs.. $7.7;W!i7.75. Short rniorado Southern.. ribs sides (loose), $Sflo(8.10. Short clear Colorado A 80. lat pfd.. aide (boxed), $8.4siffJS.55. Colorado a Bo. Id pfd. Receipts and hlpments for the day wer Conaoiiaateo oaa as follows: , Keeeims. BniDmenis Flour, bbls.... 20,700 28.6fi0 Wheat, bu 2S.00O 18.100 Corn, bu 202.W 112.000 Oats, bu los.ww isj.ow Rye, bu .i" Barlev. bu 121,300 44,500 A St. Paul.. 11, toe ill 100 i 100 34 100 100 14,100 44 1,100 11 400 7t 1,400 11 1,000 174 ls 40 75 tl II no tao 171 171 II 11 II II 100 too 40 M 71 10 1 11 71 S 10 s On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was nrm: creameries, nesc; dairies. 17"4(a 4Uc. Eggs, weak: at mark, I.OO''a4.3S. iiuckwheat flour dull, $2.10 spot 13c; firsts, 13,c: prime nrsts. I4c; extras, 1 m fit . - I'll 114 A-1 1 O m- una 10 arrive. oio. xieee, urauj, COKNMEAL Barely steady: fine white und yellow, $1.16; coarse, $1.03)Jl.o6; kiln ariea, 2.uu' j r 1 cj ionunai; so. s wesiern. 40c x. o. D. alloat. New York. OAiibiii-uuii; leeaing, zc, e. 1. r., Bur- laiu; mailing, ajiuuc c. 1. (., uuntuo. WHEAT- Heceipts. 18.000 bu.: exDort. 2J2H bu. ; spot market easy; No. 3 red. Bic elevator: ino. x red. w&o f: o. o. alloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, WSc f. o. a. allout. there was further decided weak ness In the wheal market today, the sell ing motives being big Australian ship ments, lower cables, snow west, weak out side markets and stop loss selling. It closed 'yc net lower. May, 8(uNl 3-160. ulosed ao c: July. o7'uoiic. closed at Hinc; September. MviJo-)c askedt closed COrJ.N RecelDts. 132.225 bu.-: exnorts. 7,j bu.; sales, 25,ouo bu. futures; spot market steauy; No. 2, 48c elevator and 4iVsz f. o. b. afloat; No. i yellow, 47c; No. 2 white, 48 Sc. uptlun market opened lower witn oest wueat out recovered on llirht offerings and with the west, and closed net unchanged. May. 4a'u487o. closed 4ti c; July, 4ifU"t9i,tc, closed 4a c; Suptum- oer ciosea ai ic. OATS Receipt. 10.500 bu.: exDorts. SB.225 BMi muraei oareiy steauy; mixea oats, 2t to ii pounds, 4c; natural winte, o04U pounds, Jl ;tw'iC, cupped, white, in to 40 pounds, owajou. MAT-Uull: snipping. 47Mitl5ZHc: good to cnoice, iuajsuo. HOPS irm; state common to choice. iw crop, 11 m iuc; iaoa, vuiic; oius, D'yic. niuM atroiirf; uafveston, e to 30 poumis, 20c: CAllfornia, 21 to fc pounds. 21c; texas ury, i to ) pounds, lye. St. Loot General Market. RT. LOUIS. Feb. 17. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, S64jsc; track, b itMOc; May, 8o3js04,c; July, 7c; No. 2 hard, smuwe. CORN Steady: No. S cah. 40c: track. 40440H,c; May, 40H'84vlc; July, 41V41So. OATS Dull; No. 2 cash, 30c; track, 3tH'S 81c; May, 2irc; July, 2c; No. 1 white, 32ii32Wc. l.OL K Bteaay; rea winter patents. ia .to 64.50; extra fancy and straight, fcS.youi.Zd; Clear, $2..J3.25. Bfc-t;i Timoiny. steady at z.oo' COHNMEAL Steady. $2.20. BRAN Steady : sacked east track: 84S5c HAY Steady: timothy, $S.mxSH,50; prairie, $0.1104111.00. WHISK. xeteady, $1.31 IRON .vl"l'ON TIE-$1.01. BAOGING 9c. HEMP TWINE-7HC. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, lit, ft.). Lard, steady: prime team. 17.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, I Preaaed atael Car JK.37; clear rib. $s.Vjy; hort clears. $a.75. fmi Steel Car p(4 Bacon, steady, boxed, extra shorts, $9.12,; 'u"",l, P'c cr Corn Products Corn Prod u eta pfd Daiawaro 4k Hudaon X la ware, L at W Dearer A Rio Oranda IJcnrer A Rio Oranda pfd.. Li 1 ttlllera' securities Brio Erie lat pfd Erl Id pfd General Blectrlo Hocking Valley Ilnola Central lnternatloaal Paper International Paper pfd.... International Pump International Pump pfd.... Iowa Central Iowa Cantral pfd Kauaaa City Southern Kanaas City So. pfd Loutavllle A Naahyllla Manhattan L Metropolitan Securltlea .... Metropolitan Street Ry.... Mtilcan Cantral Minneapolla A St. Louis... M , St. P. A S. 8. M M . St. P. A 8. S. Ii. pfd.. Mlaaourt Pactno Mitaourt, Kanaas A Texas.. Mlaaourl, K. A T. pfd national Lieaa National R. R. of If. New York Cantral... New TorS. O. A W Norfolk A Weetern Norfolk A W. pfd North American - Paolftc Mall Pennaylvants People's Uaa Pllltburf. C, C. A St. L. 1.000 II 100 11 00 10 10 440 1. 100 44 175M, 171 17 17 100 t.aoo 11.100 500 1.100 1 w 41 77 71 1,100 171 '"40 171 oo n 100 14 14 V4 107 440 41 II II 41 77 V, 70 170 . ..KKffH4 171 111 44' 440 ! aa II 4!V T7 to Foreign Fznanetal. LONDON, Feb. 17. Money wa In good request tn the market today and rates were easier on the distribution of $12,600,000 in railroad division dividends and the raise of Japanese money. Discounts were shade easier. Trading on the Stock ex change was dull and prices were Irregular, pending the sttlement. The king' speech at the dpenlng of Parliament Monday 1 awaited with Interest, especially among trader ln Kaffirs, who are suffering from depression and fears of difficulties in re gard to the carry-over. Consols were fairly steady at the lower level. Home rails were sustained by the announcement of a work ing arrangement between the Northwest ern and Midland railroads, whose stocks grew firmer. Americans opened dull on the prospect of a bad New York bank state ment, rallied to slightly over parity on rsew iora uuying orders and closed steady. Foreigner were weak ln places. Peruvians, Russians and Japanese reacted. Kaffir were heavy and Inactive. Japanese impe rial fis of 1904 were quoted at 1027. BERLIN, Feb. 17. Price on the Boure today were Irregular. rAHiB, Fen. ;t. price on the Bourse today were calm and firm at the opening and became active and very firm later, owing to confidence ln the success of the Algeclras conference. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 84.25 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 493. The private rat of discount was 2V, per cent. Bunday. FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following snows tne number of stock- ers ana leeaers shipped to th country Fri day and their point of destination: cattle Ca,ri, a. r. woouard, Anderson, la., Q A. Metier, Paul, Neb., M. P , E. H. Spangler, Mynard, Neb., M. i O.. William Dalley, Auburu, Neb., M. P Blackman & Co., Woodbine, la., I. C James Banter, Magnolia, Minn., M. AO. A. B. Fletcher, Rockvlll. Neb, U. P.... A. D. Groff, Plckrell, Nb., U. P M. Noble. Creston. Is. Q O. W. Ramsey, Oakley, la., Q 1 M. C. Mortensen, Dannebrog, Neb, U. P. J. W. Yockey, Comstock, Neb., Q Cameron A W.. Tekamah, Neb.,-M. A O. J. H. Atkins, Wayne, Neb., M. & O Hlllerker & F., Fremont, Neb., F. E The official number of cars of stock orougni in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H sea. M. & St. P Wabash , Missouri Paolflo Union Pacific svstem C. 4 N. W. (east).... C. & N. W. (west)... C. St. P., M. at O.... C, B. A Q. (east).... C, B. A Q. (west)... C, R, I. A P. (east). illnols Central Chicago OL Western tt 14 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. 17 Bank clearing for to- Htla day were $1,438,744.12 and for the correspond- lie I I n cw Ant laal tmm t1 O'.- CI Cfl iie u.w . I t.MV,uai.K. 1906. 19fl. 10 40 1.400 11 00 11 T.4"0 141 1.000 150 118 1,00 70 ll4 1.100 111 111 4,1'XI 14-4 11 74 4 II to 1 14 10 40 ..$l,ty4.1.7 $1.222,812.M 1.631.878.97 1,041. S"0 Tl 1,407.6.47 1.475.36.65 1.304.184.69 1.438.744.12 975.872 99 1,249.438 44 1.0S9.6S2 48 1.254.687.88 100 75 pfd. 1,100 1,100 1.000 1,104 4 41 U clear rihs. 19.37: short clears. $9.50. POPLTRY Firm: chickens. WW. springs. 12Mio: turkeys. 15Hc: ducks. 13c; geese, 00. urTTEK-uuiet; creamery, (ia;c; dairy, Ioki'.'Ic. EUtiS Lower at IZHc. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 3,000 11,000 Wheat, btt 33.0UO 40.U0 Com. bu 2,uO 53. C Oats, bu 5-i.OiO 4a,0UO Kansas City Grain ana frovlalons. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 17. WHEAT kuutins Reading lat pfd Readlns id pfd R. public Steel Krpubllc Steel pfd hock laiand t'o Kock Ieland Co. pfd 8t. L. A g. P. Id old.... M. Lou 1 1 Southwestern.. St. Lou ii 8. W. pfd Southern Paclfla Southern Pacific pfd LouLhem Hallway Eoutnern Itallway pfd.... Tenneeaoo Coal A Iron... Texaa A Paelflr Toledo. St. Louie A W 144 144 1IHV4 U 114 i. 74 m 171 -H 4j II U 17 14( 40 T 40 100 44 114 8 10 10.) isa 41,104 117 114 114 .....' I.400 141 1.100 61 1.100 17 II 11 10 IT 4444 1.404 100 00 4T 11.000 1 lii 1.100 M 100 II II 40 40 11 10 100 10C-4 l.KJo 1,4-JO 104 1.100 11 J-0 100 400 400 lt.inO 44 46 14 46 100 11TU 17610 I4H 1,030 lt 600 16t 1. 100 14 310 sa LEAiittit-t-itni; acid, ic. Lower; May, 75c; July. 73Sc; September, "rXl- ' 1 a w "' Cu PROVISION S-Leel, steauy; family. $11.50 73,c. Cash: No. t hard. 7dijj77c; No. 3. f l'OB0'p"ifir P "'141 fu im ftlu.w; It. -, in.k.iik.ii,, eil liains, tM.UUii "I'lJiac; No. I red, E9c; No. S, koyssc. l'nlon Pacific pfd a. 50; packet, 10.uull.oo; city extra India CORN Steady; May, 39c; July, Sjc. iiU4 statea kiprea:'.:'.:: lues, Cut meals, nrm: 1111 n- Cash: No. 1 mixed. 3c&33Uc: No. 2 white, i nioit mn m.i 111 iu nu led bellies, o.bi9.6o; plcaled shoulder. $7, picaiea nams, ii.imiiu.w. Lard, easy; west ern steamed, $s,06; refined, barely steady; continent,; south America, $3.64; compound, $0.1;:v'il).3;. Pork, firm; family,; short clear, tl6.uuigl7.aO; oholce pralrl. $8.0cii.6a 3Uc: No. 8, lie. V. S. Steel pfd OATS Lower: NO. 3 Whit. 2ttfr3oVc: Va. -Carolina Chemical No. 2 mixed, 30C. Va. -Carolina Chem. pfd. RYE Steady at 5ty&Dac. wabaen ... HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.80JU.OO; Sf'5, pM tXJiGS Steady : Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 13c; case count, l.o: cases returned, He less. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 26c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 31, 5:.imJ Corn, bu 6.iv) 60.OO) Oats, bu &.0j0 la.yuu Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 17. BL'TTER- Flrm: He higher; extra western creamery. 29c. EGGS Market lc lower; western fresh. loo at mark. CHELSfc-Dull; New York full creum. u,ai4c Mllwaakee (Jrala Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 17. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, o4fjK6c; No. t northern. omlMc; May, tic asked. xt 1 rj ot ead y ; ro. 1, 6)tj4iC, BARI4SY Dull; (ample, ai'uKc. CORN-Weak; May, 42S42'iO asked. Peerla Market. ' PEORIA. Feb. 17. CORN Dull: No. I yellow. IWo; No. 8. 8c;. No. 4. STHc; no grade. 83o. u.M a easy : iso. 1 wnite, c; Mo. 1 white, 29'4c; No. 4 white. 3c. W rllaUt-on tne Duals of $1.Z8. Liverpool Qrala Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 17.-WHEAT-Snot. nominal: future, dull: March. 6a aWd: Mav. .'t I , ..!.. ... I at -u, vuiy. aw -au. 14jk: Spot, easy; American mixed, new. la Ud; American mixed, old. 4s 7J- Fu tures, ouu. Marcn, la lld; May, 4s d. Wool Market. LONDON. Feb. 17. WOOL Th arrivals or wool lor th second series of aurtlun sates amount 10 uaJes. Including 46,000 luiwurat-a nirect 10 SDinners. Th. 1 1 i.,ri. Taleala Seed Market. I this week were: New South Wale. 1.447 TOLEDO, O . Fb. 17 8 E ED Clover, I ba': Queensland. 83 bale; New Zealand, ash and February. $8.72: March. HL7W; l.W3; Cape of Good Hop and Natal. 1.723: April. $S.o7; timothy, fl.tki; alalko, ts.10. bingainiiv, 1,034; Antwerp. 1.08; Varlou piiiiiia. KT Ii kl'ts VC vk 4 nmAT ci . .. Dalath Grata Market. medium aradus. eonihin n.t .l,.ihi -Z.i TvI'T I'sntl TCW XT- T n a ssa a . I & . I . .. a- . . . ... . T ."". w. a .w.i.vai any., .1 a liunuero, IB 'so; I Luw waiivu, ao4uu. mess, H6.Zw4jlli.I0. TALMi w rtarely steady; city, 5c; coun try. 6a6c. HlCt wulet; domestic, fair to extra, 1 tliA . japtii. niiniiiiai. POPLTRY Live, quiet: western chicken, lie; iowis and turxexa, 140. Hreaaed. steady; western chlct.-j.-ia, luyl3c; turkey, u-Uiic; in in, lO'Cli'iaC. ll LTTE It Firmer; trcet price, extra, creamery, 2oc; uinctal prices, creamery, common, to extra, 16Vtx. t.nala-riiM -w . fjl crtam, small anu Urge. C..Kred wiiTv, September, fancy. l4Wc; stall-, uctutieiO best. - U'l 13c; st;it, lat made, s.jiall av-erag, best, l.'c; ta'u, large, i:Vjc; state, .fair. llUu EGGf Ixwer and somewhat demoralised: tat. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy sa lected lilte. mi.'2c; state, cho.'ce, lkrifJuc; stale, mixed extta. 17V,o; weatern nrsts, laV: vtern seconds, 118. ic; southerns. 1.-V,'3 1010. Sllrn-rnyol t Gruia Market. (Superior q r.'I'.oni tor MiQneapolls de livery 1-nu ull.iwlng quotullon war re im rted at .Viii.iuvi, by F. D. Day A Co., livuj uuuiu u: iijoi ounuing: Artlcle.4.0i n. I Hlh. Low. Clos. Ye. Wella-Farso Expreea Weetlnfhouaa laclrl .... Weetern t'nion Wheeling A Lake Erie.... Wieconiita Central . Wlaconala Central pfd Northern Pacltlo Central Leather Central Leather Sloai-Shur, -Id I it, ted Stelta Rubber I'nlteo gta'.ee Rubber pfd. lotal aai.a ror ma dar, tl.luO 4u0 too 1.000 107 47 44 100 111 100 43 , 400 1H 100 tiw too 67 , 14.000 m . 4,000 43 100 104 400 16V, BOO IJ 400 101 17.200 iharte. II 104 M 41 44 4 II 44 117 17 II 161 U 14 64 141 40 101 47 II 44 iii" i n ti 64 111 41 104 14 41 Vi 12 104 4a .4 64 14 44 117' S7 111 13 164 n 17 114 41 104 a 474a 1141, 44 Z30 IM 3i 1 17 iia 41 "i 101 44 441. 104 104 London Closing Stock. LONDON. Feb. 17. Closing Quotation on in biock exenange were: Conaola. money 0 N. T. Central. do account XS Norfolk A W. Anaronda 14 1 1 do pfd Atrhlaon ; Ontario A W. do pld 10 Peuneyleaala . Baltimore A Ohio. ...116 Rand Mines .. Wheat I May.,.!SlT.0! July. Flax May.. July.. i i i i 8? 81 814 K I 43; 63 63 Kl'a 1 13 1 IS I 1 14 1 14Hl 1 14 1 H Canadian Pacilo ....174s. keadlna Chaa. A Ohio 4i; do lat pfd Chlraso Ot. W 11 1 do Id old C , tt A 84. P. ...... .144 Southern Hallwar PeBeera l-4 do pfd Ueneer A R. 0 4j Souther Pao'.Sc . do pfd l, tnloa PaclSa Kris 46 o pfd da lat pfd 4ota U. S. Steal do Id Did 74 I do Bfd tlllnola Cantral 171 Wabaek Loulevllla A Naeh...l4J do pld BILVER-Bar'. 'flrm, 80 U-16d per ounc. nu.Cii-t per cent. ..u: .. t .. 71 .. .. 70 .. II .. II .. Mi ..101 .. 17 ..164 ..luu .. 41 ..110 .. aa Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Ftiday Saturday Totals $8,761,832.87 $6.836,018. 20 Increase over last year, $1,928,817.61. Statement of the Bank of Germany. fc :RLIN. Feb. 17. Th weekly atatement f the Imperial Bank of Germany howa tne following cnange: (jasn in hand, Increased, 37.9H0.OO0 marks; treasury note, Increased. I.68O.O0O mark: other aeourltie. decreased, 17,300.000 mark; note In circu lation, decreased, 4,i4D,uw mark. Treaanrr Statement. WASHINOTON. Feb. 17. Today's state ment of th treasury balances In th gen eral tuna, exclusive or tne i60.tJO,nuo gold reserve, shows: Available cash bo lance. 8148.S81.0K6; gold coin and bullion, $74,969,- ?; goia certincates, tu.2Vl.U0. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. COTTON Bnot closed auiet: middling upland, u.zoc: miu dling milf. 11. 50c: sales. 400 bales. L1VKRPOOU Feb. 17. COTTON Snot In fair demand; prices $ points lower; Ameri can middling rair. e.atd; good middling, (04d; middling, (99d; low midline:, t.72d; good ordinary, 6 64d: ordinary, 8.$Sd. The) sales of the day were S.Oii) bales, of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export ana inciuaeo i.bvj Dales American, lie celnts, .?nn bales, all American. ST. LOPIS. MO.. Feb. 17 COTTON unlet; middling. 10 15-lGc: sales, none: re celpts, 379 bales: shipments, SS9 bale; stock. 43.774 bales. NEW ORLEANS. L.. Feb. 17 COTTON spot quiet and steady: sale. 2.200 bale orninary. 7 lo-lttc; good ordinary, 9c; low middling. 10c; middling, 10 ll-16c; good miaaung, ii ii-ioc; middling rair llc. Ht ceipt. 1,4,4 Daies; stock, 306,254 bales. Snarar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Febi 17. BPOATl Raw nominal: fair refining. fc: centrifugal M i"t. ji-io8.J'o; moiaasea sugar ac; re- nneu. auiei: ino. . c: ISO. 7. !S: Nn . 90c; No. 9. S.i5c; No. 10, SROc; No 11. J.7jc: No. 12. 8.70c: No. IS. J6c; No. 14, $6Sc: con fectioners' A, 4.35c; n-ould A. 4.8oe: cut loaf. 69ic: crushed. S.30c: Dowdered. 4ik!: grsntilaterl. 4fc: cubes. 4.70c. MOLASSFS Pteadv: V"" Orlenna nnrn kettle good to rliolce. S(V3p. NBW ORLEANS, 1.. Feb. 17 SPOAU firm; open Kettle, centrifugal. 833v-c: cen trlfural white. 8H4o; yellows. $C3")c seconds. 2S 1-lAe. MOLAPSR3 Ocen kettle aflsTlilV.. l.l furxl. 7"?2Ic. 8YRPP 2&T30c. Metal Market NFW YORK. Feb. 17 M FIT AT Jt The metal markets were generallv quiet and un changed In the absence of cables. Bnot tin I quoted at $36 007 3fi.m. Lake and electro lytic enpner rsnee from $17 7EH8 60 and casting at m.Mn.sru. 7d I dull at ti.3&fif 4fi and spelter at K.O'.IS. Iron wa renorted uncntnged. 8T. I I PIS. Feb. 1 7. M T A Lfl Lead ieoy, lo.r.Vi. spelter, dun. $s.90. Merchandise and Specie. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. Total Imrjorta of merchandle and dry goods at th port of New York for the week ending today were 1 HV I n: 1 liS! 1 Ul Minneapolla Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. H Sc; No. 1 northern. koc; to ar rive. M'.cj ro. i nortnern. I9c; to arrive, 7!-Sc; No. 3. 77Vu7lVie; No. 1 durum, 73c; No. f durum, .V. Corn: yellow, 35c; No. $, 8ic. Oat a: No. $ white, Vc; No 8. $i26c. Harley. 3l46c. Rye: 66 v;. ia. vasn, 4l.ll, JUtty, ai-l.-i,. V' The rale of discount In th onen market i valued at rt s sR 7a Tntal imi...i. ea -I...-. Will.. 1- -II . .. . . M . I - . . , - . . . . . v . iwr iivii untai le-n per Kin, ior iur ai me pon or mew Torn ror the week end month' bills. 4 per cnt. Ing today were $ll.Tt8 silver and lis Asa amid I Total export of specie from th port of New York for the week endlnr today were rnc luna, rco. i. losinar Quotations I anwr anu i,9i4,uiv auia. on mining iocs wr. Adasis Co Alice Breoa BruDawtrk Co .. Coaoatork Tunni-l Cou. Cat A Vs.. Horn Silrer lroa Sllvar Leadillle Co .... 6 ..174 .. 4) .. II Uule Cklaf ... Ontario Opklr Phoenix . s iPetoel .It 8atasa .11 ,Elerra NeTads .476 Unall Hopes .. . 4 Istaaaar .MS ..464 .. I .. .. 14 .. I . a NEW YORK. Fb. 17 Th statement of th clearing house bank for th flv dav thl week allow th bank hold $6,789.9-J& over the legal resenr requirement. Thl 1 a decrease or fiu.aoo under last week. Th atatament follows: Loans. H.0M.SX) AtO: dtacreaaa, $.614,0U. Dapoa.Ls, $LU4a,6ta.lUt; ' REAL ESTAT12 TTt AKSFERS. Charles J. Adam to T. R. Strewn, lot . nanga sutxiiv oi lot 14, Burr Oak add ... 1 aYA jonn wanace and wil to Mary D. Oodwln, lot 1, J. $, 4 and 8, block 11. Boyd's add Llnd W. Paine to William H. Rus sell. nV4 lot 1. block 66. South Omaha. Tin jamea v. McDonald and wife to Mar garet A. Cook, lot 18, block 8, Wal nut Hill add 1 uiiia j. uranam and nuanand to Hattle L. lie Keen. wU lot fc. blork IS. Shlnn's add LSM aieieu nacLJonaid o warararei a. cook. lot 1. block 8, Walnut Hill add frade ar lidj2(o lower, lotni would say ully 2ic lowar. A hinted above, tn break this week was du entirely to th flooding of - th market with unrlnlahd dock, contrary to th advice of every one. Shippers hav been warned almost every day of late In tne columns, a well a by utter irom thalr commission men not to ship in any thing until it wa well finished tor mar ket. Still In their anxiety to empty their feed lota they ar shipping In a lot o tuff which has to b sold at a sacrifice and which not only break the market on It own kind, but also weaken th market on the good grade a well. Th trouble cm to b du to th fact that ther ar a larse number of new feeder who Imagine their sheep ar finished and wno snip them to market long be for thsy ar ready. It I a very difficult matter for a man to Judge of hi own sheep whlU they are at home wher there la nothing with which they can be compared. A an initanc ot thl, a feeder who wa her l.'tst Monday and saw the ewes that broujht $6.40, tha tlneat bunch that na been hero tin year, aid that hi stuff at home wa lust aa good, but when they arrived here yesterday, they were not fat enough for the packers and ao nad to go to a feeder huver at 14 KO. In spite of the decline noted above, this market is still well ln line with all others. In fact. South Omaha ha been the nign market for some tlm back owing to the efforts put forth here to prevent snippers rrnm nnnrllnar trie market. Uuotatlona for red sheep and lamDS ar neaus iu crate, o.-a. a a fr.llr.wa- flood to choice lamb. Colo- REEK CUTS radoa. $6.907.10: good westerns, $g.7tfi.ii; No. l ribs, 13c; iso. z rins, 11c; wo. I good yearlings, $5.76S6.16; good wethers, ribs, I0V5C; No. 1 loins, 16c; No. 8 loins, 12c $o.4o6.76; ewes, $4.8&a.26. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET I ORANGES California, extra fancy Red- land navels, all sixes, $1 1; fancy navels, $MtS; choice, all sixes. $2 6.2. 76. LEMONS Llmonlers. extra fancy, zo Sis. $3.26: 800 to 860 slses, 13.75. FIQ9-Ca font a. Per 10- b. carton. 7TK3 8.1c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, llci six-crown, 13c. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch. $1.7o!jj2 XS; Jumbos. $! 50413.00. TANGERINES California. Per box Ot about 125, $3 00. jkapk r K u IT Florida, per rox, tt.ww 7.50; California, per box. $4.0Oii-4.6O. FRUlTfy. PBA R8 Winter Nellls and Mount Vr non, $2.60. AISLES California Bellflower. $1.60 per bu. box; Hen Davis. 11.76 per bu. boxj Wlnesaps, $2.25 per ! box; other varieties. $2.004j1(50 per bu.; New York apples, $6.60 per bbl. UKAt bs-imported maiasras, n.aoio.tsa. OLD VEiiETAHUiS. POTATOES Horn grown, per bu., 600 5c; Bouth Dakota, per bu., 760, ONIONS Homo grown, yellow and red, per bu, 85c; Spanish, per crate, $2.00; Colo rado, red and yellow, per dvi., i.w. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. liW. LIMA BEANS Pel lb.. 5c. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin. In crates, per lb., 8c. CARROTS. PARSNIPS ANU TURNIPS Per bu.. '5:y75c. CELERY Kalamoxoo, per dog., 265J3.C. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 8-bll. bbl., $2.00. NEW VKUETABLtS. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 80 lbs. net, $6.00. WAX BEANS Per hamper ot about 80 lbs. net, $600. STRING BEANS Fer hamper of about 80 lbs. net, $3.oop4.00. EGG PLANT Florida, per dos.. F..3,fn.D0. GUEEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper Of about 10 do.. $3.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, dos. bunches, 750. BHALLOTTS Louisiana. per dos. bunches, 7nc. HEAD LETTUCE- Louisiana, per bbl.. $12.0iK(j 15.00; per doeen heads, $1.7632.00. Lh-A f ruCE Hothouse, per doson beads, 60c. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per dos., $175. radishes Hothouse, per dozen Duncn- es, 5o75e. Ml BHROOMS-Hothouse, per id., soc, CAULIFLOWER California, about Zt t 1 1 B U I t I Cattl Steady, Hoa Ten Cents Higher and Sheep aad Laanbs Strong;, CHICAGO. Feb. 17. CATTLE) Receipts. SOU head; market steady; uevs, ao.iotyv.ov, cows. neners. 4a.KWO.vo, caivas, 16.26i&.26; good prim teers, $5. 4034.36; poor to medium, J.iUitf0.40; stocaer auu laeuere, 12 TIWi-4 60. tiOUS Receipt. is,utw neau; taumaieu Monday, 48,000 head; market lOo higher; mixed and butchers. $6.9636 25; good heavy. No. 8 loins, !"ic; No. 1 chuck, 5fec; No. 2 chuck, 4'4)c; No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. i round, 6o; no. 4 round, sc: No. 1 plate, 4o ; No. i plate, JWc; No. 8 plata, 3o. ni91.ibUlilll!iULO. CIDER Per keg, $3.76; per bbl.. $6.76. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c: Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin limberer, 15c; twin. 15c; young Americas, 15Hc NUTS walnuts, no. i son snens. new crop, per ID., lb4c; nard sneus, per ID, Yic. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Pearaut. per lb.. 6c; roasted. per ID., bc tnin wamuis, per io.. iwua. 16.10ru41.22H; rough heavy. $5 95fc6.05: light, Aimonas. .oil ' . 17V.; pig) $6.60C.0$J bulk ot sal, "hells, per lb.. Inc. Cocoanut. $4.25 per 4lO0j.16. . I r-ni-au Vrra wt.. H.- ,aiih..f in. h..d- market tr,-B.TPr W fcr.tTVsT. 11c; .un! yearUnn U 756 tembi ""h. P9: I,"ch- "tinned and dressed, 8o;- yaarungs, o.i&, tamos, .. .. in "i '.,, Up. ..imon. 'i1c!: crappies, evivo; eeis, isc; dibk uuas, c Kansas City Ltv Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Fb. 17. CATTLE Receipt, 309 head, including oo naaa soutnerna; market ateaay: cnoic export and dressed beef taers. 15.4Cta6.10: fair to The disposition of the dav'B rar-elnta waa I rood. 14 (mrriC 26: western fed steers. $3.75ii as follows, 4Lch buyer purchasing th num- 6.60; Blockers and feeders, $3.00j6.00; south- al)e) 0Vsters, $l.Of7J2.0O per 100; Llttl Neck ber of head Indicated; ern steers, $3.755.00; southern cows, $2.25Q clams. "$1.60 per 10). Total receipt 128 whiteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per do., 65c; lobsters, green, 83c; boiled lobsters, 37c ! bluensh, 16c; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; haddock, 10c; shrimp, $1.00(91.60 per gallon: smelts, 12c; cod. lie ( rrenn, ai.w wr h-4 Buyers, Omaha Packing Co. uwirt and company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Other buyers Cattle. Hoars. 13.76: native cows. $2.24.36: native heifers. nt'n A RS Granulated cane, ln bbl.. 85.06 l.loz I J axfib.uu; duiib, )i.wi.m; cajves, tww granulated cane, in sacKB, 40.V1; granuiaiou. .118 . 8 7.50. Rer-elnta for th week. 47.600. HOGS Receipts, i.oiw neaa; marxet vit lOo higher; top, $6.15; bulk of sales, 10.06a a lt-Yll . kAaeu I.: lJ-Wfiil 1. nanlrnra I all 'it V.Xv-rsa neat jt t . twfl v. a siv.ncia, w-vJtf 6.12Vi: pigs and lights. 6.8d.06. Receipts for the week, 61,(00. CAT'fLE-It was th. usual Saturday hotl- Ktt.tSM'SSS isioa ay ln th cattl division, nothinar or V,.n. R18: market steady, native lambs, $5.o0O 6.90; western lambs. ia.90Q6.D0; ewes ana yearlings, $4.26i&.bO; western fed yearlings. Totals 16 .188 8.307 1,622 8.7&S 8,070 day ln th cattl division, nothinar or oonsa. quenc being received or sold, 'in rctpt nr.. iiKva uesa rory uuerai, oeing oon alderabiy In exesa of last weak' narures and mor than doubl th run for the cor- aapvnuing weea 01 a year ago. Tn clos Ot the market would aaam to inrfinta, however, mat the receipt hav bn none $560i6.16; western fed sheep, atookers said feeders, $3.6004.76. $4.2&&5.76; t. Ixnl Ltv Stoek Market, BT. LOUI8. Feb. 17. CATTLB-Rcelpts. too larg to satisfy tne dmands of tu 800 head, including 200 head Texan; market Hiarnei. 1 strong; native snipping ana export steer, It would b hard to Imaarlna a mnra, sal. I 14 XTfrfH. 2R- dressed beef and hutrher steers Isfactory market for bear cattl than tire- 11.866.26: ateer under 1.000 lb.. 13.00tM.66: vailed during th tint four day thi wk. stockers and feeders, $2,609-00; cows and in apu 01 targ receipts th trad was heifers, 12.104.40' canners, $2.oojz.60; bulls, actlv and Price strons to hiahar ivn v IS artfiA 5R: calves. 12 SOrtrT 60: Texas and In. day. Th demand wa sufficient to take dlan stsers, 13.0Cr04.00; cow and heifer, vervuuiig offered at most satisfactory 12.10fl3.90. prices, Ui market as a whol blng th HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market IV7i10c highest Of any tlm ao far tills vaavr. On hlirher! tilers and lla-hta. 15 SBlfMlS: rule kern Friday th rclpt war unsualiy baavy, $5.75S6.18; butcher and best haavy. $5.06 anu aa vacaei noa lueir eraer pretty i 6.20. ?5 XrUZ1!!? Ih?' V?, J?"? ""f. "lu?"-' ft-5S-. CKhnk fancy Cl U$i ...... i m .w n ... . . I.'- i - laiiius. ao.wuo.w; mill akna uuDaa. e vviau u. w. . . - i t. ox. -.. ., ; - , . , , $2.60; -mustards. $2.603.10; sweet pota toe. $l.a54ji.2s; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins, ewaii.w; wax ueans, z-id,, VMUWic; Lima beans. Z-lb., 75iir90cl$1.35; spinach. $1351(2.00; cheap peas, 2-lb.. 80c; extra. 7bUoc; tancy, i.Kiai-'t. het In sscks. 11.91. SYRUP In barrels, Z4C per gal.; cases, ( 10-lb. cans, $1.6o; cases, 11 6-lb. cant. $1.60; cases, 24 zvt-io. cans, ll sw. COFFEE Roasted: No. 86, 250 per lb. No. SO. 2o'c per lb.: No. 25, USo per lb.; No. 20, 15c per lb.; No. 215, 12Wc per lb. r.9 .t-ll , I. 1...11 kink irmnA. V . FliUUn Hiiuicin J c t uia" i m u v braaka, per cwt., $2.00; best high grade patent Minnesota, per cwt., $2 30; straight patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; second patent Nebraska, $1.90. CURED FISH Family whiteflsh, per H bbl., 100 lbs., $4.60,; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 ids. : uioaters, tivou; no. i, a.w; No. z, k'6.ou; ino. a, insn ino. x. $17.00. Herring, ln bbls., 200 lbs, each: Nor way, 4k, tieuu; Norway, aa, tu.w; Hoi land, mixed, $11.60. Holland herring In kegs: Milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, $3.26; No. 8 car pet, $2.40; No. 3 plain. $3.25. CANNCU uuuwa v ur ii, iianaara west ern, 65 i( 6" c ; Main, $1.25. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, $l.Xi31.60; 2-lb.. 7HCa$1.00; pine apples, grated. 2-lb., $2.A62.3o; sliced, 11.9 t2.20; gallon apple, fancy. $1.60; Cali fornia apricot, $1.4tvg2.00; pear, $1.75 O t. , r.aliu. fanfv tl 7Vfii all- tl I action th market at th clos of th week stockers, $3.0oBS.90. la stll ful v 164i:o hlah.r than at th. elna. Tv,k'""' la still fully 164i26o higher than at the close oi last ween. Cow and heifers had abodt the aam ex perience as fat steers, except that they howed still mor advance during th first, four day of the week and did not mak aa Kw York Llv Stoek Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. BEEVES Re ceipts, 893 head; no trad of Importance; two ear enangea nsnas at arjout ateaay much loss on Friday? io that at th close Pces; beef slow at 64jyc for native ide; EVAPORATED FRUITS Fancy Mulr of th week they are abSut 2So hSh" export, today 1,086 Head cattle and 6.W peache. 12'4c; choice Mulr peachei. llt.o; i.... fci...:.j 1. ouartera of beef. rini-v vellnw 12'i.c- hO-fl nmnu a.."7n ."ii wit ihi DuuiuBj, jim ii ik ll ei aa.ou i - : - . was paid for cows during the week, but. a a matter oi course, they wer very good. Th very excellent demand that ha prevailed all tne week for cow and heif ers Is a noteworthy feature of th cattl trade. Blocker and feeder were not In vnrv targe supply on an CALVES Receipt. 148 head: nothing doing for lack of stock; nominally steady. Dressed In light supply and steady at sHtt 14c for city dressed veals and tVllVc for country dressed. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpts, I.M3 head; almost nothing doing; BUr holding orated black rasoberrles. 36c. fancv nun v dav of the week but I ior aieauy prices; i-umniun ao viiuicer lainos ibc, cnoice, tc; is ther were a few coining all th time. Cjuotawo at h.2r.37.ii0; no aneep nere. upricota, Uc; while the country demand wa temnorarllv cut off by th severe storm of Tuesday, ln consequence of this some little aocumulation of feeders took place toward the latter part oi wis ween, and in reeling wa generally cnaier aa a reaun oi mi HOGS Receipts. 1,773 head; no sales: market feeling taoy on uunaio advice. fancy yellow, 12'4,c: 60-60 prunes, 7o; eu-70, 7tc; fancy New York ring apples, llc; choice, lotto; fancy 4-crown loose musca tel raisins. iVic; 1-crown, 7c; 2 -crown. 6WCJ fancy seeded tn 1-lb. cartons. 7u: choice seeded, In 12-os. cartoons. 7Ve; ast ern pitted cherries, 17c; Now York vap- c, tancy ancy nectarines. 8c: fancy choice royal. 10Vo: Hal. low en date, 6 Vic; glace citron. 17c: died. 16c; lemon, ltVac; orange. Wise st. Joseph Lira Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 17. -CATTLE T .,,.11 a VkK hall H ' Til .rU.t ftf Aarlv- nalluu Feeder hav not shown tha advance that tl linftfi 1ft- enwa and helfera. ll.6odi4 Mi: fat cattle have, largsly for the reason that stockera and feedera. U.0U1H.W. they were already high; still they gained HOGS Reoelpts. 8.938 head: market 6tf Li!?.whJlt.1"rLnJf.'h rr.yo'th. l higher; clo.ed weak: llgh . K.8M6.07H. TunTcy proedin.a oP he John' F SSX r.1- "T.r'T1"" 'r,r.. m." medium heavy.; pulk Of sales. Lumber cotnnanv of Nahvtll T.nn -VS iri in i . , . . . - . ' . - i HilEEf ANU LAMBS KeoelptS, S0g head; market aleady; lambs, $7.00; wethers, at th close, the market could not at th present tlm b quoted materially higher iimn ii was ai me end oi lost weg. Representative sale: -BULLS. J. At. Pt. Mu At. Ir 1 11W) I 00 4 urt i it lltJUS tor a Saturday ther was a very detent run of hugs, 119 fresh car being reported in. Th total for tn week shows a slight falling oft, a compared with last weex, put a heavy gain over a year .ago. In fact, the receipts this week are mor than double what they wer fwr th corre sponding week of last year. Condition war generally In seller' favor thl morning and every on started out asking considerably mor money for hi holdings. While buyers wer a little slow at first about nutlinv rin the m&rli.r wna reasonably active when the trade wa one South Omaha unuer way, witn values generallv a big 6o oluu higher than yesterday. Th hoa sold laigely at 16.9oga.9.Vk. a against tillVi'l o o. n ycaieruay. i ne lop, ao.uu. was 60 hipher than tne best price yesterday. This ha bean a great wawk t th seller of hogs, aa everything had bean coming their way. At th opening th hogs solil ln identically th same notches SB at th close of the previous week. Turing the Limber Company Falls. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 17. A receiver wa appointed here thi afternoon for th F. E. Creeltnan Lumber Manufacturlna- company by the federal court. The failure I said to be In connection with the bank- th failure of th Bank of America of. Chicago. Slonx City Live- Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 17.-Soclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head: mar ket steady; beeves, $.) fc,tjj 60; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.7684.ou; stockers and feeders, $3 .oyji-l.iu; calves and yearlings, $2.761.8.60. HOUS Receipts, l.cou head; market 60 higher, selling at $5.iottt.fc; bulk of sales, 4S.BD'7B.D. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal wssiern mantel yesicraay ware aa louows: Cattle. Hog. Sheeo. 6,132 4. .44 7,103 v Kan City o St. Joseph ts5 St. Louis 6u0 4.0UV Chicago J l.tVA) S.Ka) 3.938 Totals .7,817 8-J.6K1 11.904 Oil and Rosin. NFW YORK Fah IT fil I A-fr.Itinu.t next tnre day value advanced rapidly steady; prime rrud. f o. b., mills, I4o; and after a nliirht reaction nf eviHav w-i. n.-i...- i.iIaw bi.i. ... . .a, ' o. ...,... -. . 4 . still decidedly higher than at th beclnnln rertned New' York. 47 tin- vhilarli.ithiu unri ' -iei. ..mi vn-j luvincr luuar in xjaitimore, 41.10; in ouik, ( Turpentine, naiMv. i- mu ecu v mailer tiian 11 wn 1 quiei II U'fli.c. at tn cios or last week. hile th aver- ROSIN-Steady; strained, common to -ii pi --- -1 wiiit-11 iiuss were sailing today I good. 4-1. yo. W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. We offer subject to sale 20 to K0 shares IXIOX 8TOCK YARDS 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1D64 MY SPECIAL LETTERS TELL ALL ABOUT GOLDF1ELD Tonopah, Bullfrog, DtamondMeld and the new discoveries at Is Just about 16.90, one year ago the averaga prue waa n aa. two years ago b 03, three year ago $7.02. Th last mentioned price wa th highest at which hog hav solj on thl market during the nvinth of Feb ruary sine 183. when thy averagad $8.18 on in iiin or in montn. Repreaentatlv sale: At. Sh. Ft Ko. ..140 ... Ill so.... ..IU 4 i 44 41.... ..114 40 I H ..IM ... I 14 74 ... ..IT1 40 I W II ... ..Ill ... I 14 II.... ..lal 44 I M Tl.... ..Ill ... I rH4 II.... ..14 ... 4 IT. 14 ... a IM ... I Itl (.... 14 lit IM I lie, 41.... MANHATTAN All th latest developments and tha best SAVANNAH. O.. Feb. H.-rOIL-Turpen- lom ' buy' tha ur!St UlVlUt:rU HATERS WAILHD FREE. WRITE TODAY. L. TRKVOR LEWIS. 49 Eiehan( Plaoa, Nw York. Ano at Manhattan. Kym Co., Nevada. a. N. Ho. 104.. IS... 44... 44... 41... II... II... 11... II... At. ..11 vSA ..IU .114 ..tol . t ul ..III .HI ..HI Sk rr ... I H IM 44 44 I 14 ... I M ... I M .v I ... IM 44 4 M tine, firm at 09c. ROBIN Firm: A. B. C. I). a K and $3 86; H, $4 16; I, $4 60; K. $6.16, M, $6.40 P. Oak T171 it. Ur 1 IT j fVi tv-rv, T VJ, IJ , fT if, fV.CV- OIL CITT, Fa., Feb. 17 OIL Credit bal noes, im; shipment. 44.866 bbls.; aver- are. .tM bbls. : runs. 71. (US bbls : averaaa. 69.9t bbls.: Uma. shipments. 60.233 bbls average. 68,741 bbls.; Lima, runs, 49,224 bbls.; average, si.awi ddlb. Cog Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-aDOFFEBiTh market ior oorr future ooesed ateadv In th absence of Important offering wltn a paruai loss ui puini during in ses sion on somewhat dlaarjoulntlnv Th market cloa4 sisady, ot uoohaogetl F. Du Day Cl Co. Oftlara 1st Stock. Grain. Provision Skip Year Or at a tm Is. raaeh oat, lio-lll Baar4 ! Trac HiagM Omaha. Tlpsn Bnl4V Ci-14 Kxchaox Bid.. South Omaha. Bell Tbone t!4 ludpodeolf hoa S.