Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 18
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, WML HOUSES FOR BENT FOR Rt'" NT March 1, In the center of West (rnnm district, almost new modern house of seven rooms and reception hull; 112 Ho. 35th St., rent $t0 Telephone Douglas 3466 or Harney 15.TO. L M367 lg tlfM ICCCln parts of the city. R. tlUUOtOc. Fetsrs Co., Be BM. 6ul UfMlCPQlo all parts of b cU- Tn HUUiMo, F. Davis W.. U8 Bee Bldg. D 8o4 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. barker Bile CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nine rooms end barn, block from 24tn car, Btnney BL Tel. Harney 830. P-608 7-UOOM house, 1630 Bouth 28th. Clarke Powell, 2044 Farnam St. 'Phone 921. D fioe BEE US when shipping household goods to large cltl-s went. We can ave you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER! CO., .14 N. sixteenth Bt. Tel. Doug. 1196. D M355 ten THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack, move and etore It. H. good Storehouse, 1UO-24 N. 19th. Ofllee, loUVi iarnam. Tel. Doug. 1569, D 6vi W a MOVE! planoa. Haggard Van A Btor age Co. Tel. Doug. I486. Office, 1718 Web ster Bt D-Ott -ROOM modern bouse, except furnace, $30. C. M. Bachmann. 436 Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 2030. D 224 J. SCHWARTZ, Moving Van. 1510 ' WebetM' Tel. Doug. 2046. D M917.F1? 2218 CHICAGO. 8 rooms, modern. J30; XS13 Woolworth Ave., a roome. modern, l&; others. Rlngwalt Broe., Barker Blk. CENTRAL. 4-roora corner flat Thiard, 220 N. 23d. D M398 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front 668 Bo. 28th St.. 340 per month. O-W. Loom!. u " HOVSB furnishings can be bought of us fully 26 pe" cent cheaper than at the In stallment stores. We huve the best stock In Omaha. Our terms. $15.00 worth, S1.C0 OMAHAkFURNlTl'RR A CARPET CO.. Between 12th and 13th on rarnam 8t. D 649 18 8 ROOMS, modern. 406 N. 23d St NINE rooms, modern, 3111 Mason at, $30 month. Owner. 2u9 B. 12th Bt. D 769 TWO new 8-room modern flats, 2211 and 2218 Burt. Inquire 724 N. 2d. D--M343 Is J. Bchwartx. movi'g van. 1610 Web. Doug VH6 D- 631 Mchli 130 NORTH 26TH, 8 rooms $35.00 18o8 Davenport, 7 rooms 1:5.00 2718 Bouth 16th St., 6 rooms $18.50 SUM Hsmlltan, 5 rooms $12.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D 636 18 FOR RENT-HOUSES. 4904 Chicago, 9 rooms, modern, $30. 425 Webster, 9 rooms, modern, $20. 820 N. 60th Ave., 7 rooms, modern, $25. 2i26 Parker St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace, $20. 1125 8.. 31st St., 9 rooms, modern, $40. L. L. JOHNSON CO., Phone Red 1246. Room 3. Barker Blk. D tOO IS FOR RENT Two new 6-room cottages and one-half acre ground; $10 per month. Ready about March 1st B. Arlon Lewis, lw6 New York Life. ' D-398 18x HOUSES TO LET. 1B37 Park Ave.. 9 rooms, modern $35 28J0 Dodge. 8 rooms, modern $30 1914 N, 27th, 8 rooms, gas, city water.. $15 813 N. 22d, 4-room cottage, gas, water.. $15 817 N. 22d, 4-room cottage, gas, water.. $15 2319 N. 24th, 4 rooms, gas, water $10 W. Farnam Smith 4-Co., 18 Farnam Bt. D 403 18 FOR RENT. 9-room modern house, 4117 Farnam St.. $35 Modern cottage, 8 rooms and bath, 4706 N. 24th St $1S Small cottage and barn in rear of 20o Burt St " 2d-floor fiat, east, 2708 Burt St $ 9 8-room cottage. 111 S. 28th Ave $ s ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 109 First National Bank Bulldina. Telephone, Douglus 722. , D-648 18 ' LOOK THESB UP. ' 141ft TM. 17th. S-r.. cltv water. IS. 50. i 9a N. 28th, 4-r.. good well, close in, $10. 4410 N. 2flth, good 6-r. cottage, nice lot, fine well, $U. 8216 Corby, 6-r., city water nnd cistern, $12.50. 2312 Michigan Ave., 6-r., city water, corner lot, close In, $16. 8204 Lincoln Blvd., 6-r., modern, nearly new, 122.60. 985 N. 23th. 6-r., city water, close In, $1T. 1646 Bo. 27th, good 7-r. strictly modern house, In park district, a bargain at $25. 8308 Lincoln Blvd., nearly new, choice house of 7 r., strictly all modern, beautiful lo cution, close , to car, $36. 803 Ho. 27th, 8-r., strictly modern, close In, 1 $33. 41(17 iJifavcttc Ave.. 8-r.. .strictly modern, paved street, choice district. $.12.50. 1008 Bo. 2!th, 8-r., strictly modern, $37. 812S Cass, 9-r., all modern house, good barn, $32.60. 909 Bo. 27th, 9-r., bath, gas, closet, water, etc., close In. near car, $28. (68 8. Mh, 10-r. all modern, choice, $10. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bid. D-3S9 18 2MH SARATOGA, 6-r., new, $14. 1915 Mason, 6 rooms $15. 81j6 Marcy, 7 rooms, modern, $12. We have others. See us. 8WEET BEST, 613 N. Y. I D-3S7 18 HOUSES FOR RENT. TEN rooms, modern, at N. W. cor. 18th and Orace Bts.; two bath rooms; suitable for two families; rent $36 per month. Apply to J. A. Scott. : Omaha National Bnnk Bldg., forenoons only. D SSI 18 FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 84th and Dewey Ave.; rent $12 month. Inquire of Garvin Bros., 16th and Farnam 8ts. D-C62 18 EIGHT rooms, SK2 North 40th St., strictly nil modern, opposite Mr. Joslyn's resi dence, fine location; Inquire at the house; possession given March 1st; rent 'O rer month. D 664 18 $20008 rooms, 1515 N. 17th Bt. $13.00 rooms 8'." N. 35th Bt. $10.004 rooms. S27 N. 26th Ave. N. P. DODGE & CO., Bee Bldg., 1714 Farnam. D-664 18 2614 Bristol St., 1 nne large rooms, house all modern. Just painted, pnnered, varnished, etc. W. F. Dunmeig, SS20 Chicago Bt. D 596 18x Ft"R BENT--rcom modern house, 802 N. 40th. $30. 8-room modern bous", 1158 Oeorgla Ave., $33. Fine 1-storv ivcdern c'tage, nice yard and shade, Sno8 Masnn. $r. Furnished apartment in "The Normandie," for a few months, only $'. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 Farnam Bt. D 687 8-r, city water. S110 Maple 8 6 00 8-r, city water, 2'1J Bristol $1500 t-r. city water, 3115 Ames Ave $12.60 8-r, cltv water. 4-1)2 N. 34th $12.50 T-r, 8403 Farnam $16 00 7-r, modern, 2474 Harney rs 00 7-k modern. '197 H. 2Sth $20.00 8-r, city water, 2866 Maple $18 00 t 8-r, modern, 1202 Bo. 9th t...$:(000 8-r, modern, with barn. 4468 Farnam.... $30 4 8-r, modern. 2W1 Farnam $25.00 F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. D 693 18 SPECIAL. Good t-r. flat on No. 17th car line, S 50. Choice 8-r. strictly modern house In West Farnam. to be vacant April 1; tX Payne, Bostwlck & Co.. 801-3 N. T. L. D 6TS 18 All modern house, 11 rooms, newly papered, range; tilth and Horney. Owner pavs water; 840; vacant March 1st., I. Zlegler, 4Ut Ware block. 'Phone Douglas ISitl. P 2 18 WANTED TO RENT A WIDOWED lady with grown son and daughter would like to rent about a nine room furnished house; best references. Address L 24, care Bee. K 26 18x WELL furnished centrally located, living apartment; front exposure; bath and steam heat preferred; single gentleman; permanent. Address 8 26, rare Bee. K-6) 18x fOl'NG nmrrli.l iup'.e desire place to room and board with private family; modern conveniences. Addres 8 41, Bee. K-674 18x 8M1TIC PREMIERS. Centrai Typewriter JuLGiuuuje, lool Leavenworth, tli u MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, lira stock or on your salary, don't hesitate to come to us. Tou can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges as low as any and much less than many. No red tape. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 11$ Hoard of Trade Rldg. Tel. Douglas 2295. B. 16th Bt. (Established 1892.) X-M303 MflNFY l rates but little higher than l,lul,cl charged by banks. Every one can afford to borrow now. Ws loan money to people, holding a steady position. No endorser required. Also on pianos and furniture without re moval. Loans made without publicity or knowledge of anyone. No charges of any kind taken out In advance. Pay back In small weekly or monthly payments. Open every evening. Taka elevator to third floor. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., $07-308 Pazton Block. 18th and Farnam. X 854 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONET loaned on furniture, planoa, salary horses, etc., In any amount at less than half the rate; no red tape; porfect pri vacy! Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In caae of sickness or out of employment. Room 814 Karbach Blk., 209 8. 16th Bt X-6U When In need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 632-1 Paxton Blk. X-668 $$ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obligated to others? It's easy to get money of me. No red tape. Pay when you can. BOW EN, 7u3 N. Y. Ufa. Open evenings until 7. X zi MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments, unices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 414 New York Life Bldg. a-ax BEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, diamond and salary loans, 331 Ne ville Blk., 161a and Harney. Tel. Doug. &! X-613 FURNITURE, Live Btock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Room 8 Barker Block. X 488 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St X 414 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, $19 8. 11. X 614 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-614 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN At 5 and 6 per cent, on Improved real estate, in amounts $500 and upward. No delay, we pass on security. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. w Low Rates. Private Money. $100 and Up. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W Money to Loan on Real Estate Payne Investment Company l irst Floor N Y. Life Building. Telephone 1781. w t rt.. i jlD City mans and warrants. W. Farnam slmilh 4k Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. w sa MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, W 623 BUILDING loans on residence property i i per cent W. B. Meikle, Kamge Blk. W-634 LOWEST RATES Bemis. Pazton Block. W-64 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. w-a OARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam; city loans. I and 6Vi per cent Interest; no delay. W-427 $l,000,0u0 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates: no delay. Thomas Bremian, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-641 I & 6V PER CENT loans on city property W. H. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W-6J9 WANTED City, loans. R, C. Peters & Co, W 630 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Heed Bros., 1710 Farnam Bt W 631 WANTED SOME T.OAN8 OF $1,C00 TO $2.0110. BREKN & BLOOM, 613 BEU BLDG. W-632 LOW RATEB-O. F. Carson Co.. 413 N. Y. Life. W 389-Feb26 LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building purposes. Hast ings St Heyden, 1609-tt Farnam. W-601 18 FOR RENTSTORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N 2th St, South Omaha. Appiy tu manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement elevator; will rent 22x100 separately; 1UU3-U6 Farnam St. Inquire 814 Flint Na tional Bank Bid. 1647 BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Nos. 13U6-10 Harney st., $ stories and base ment, heating plant, modern conveniences. Apply It, B. Towlo. care D. J. O Brlen Co. J M M) 20 WB WILL start any worthy person In the advertising business; experience or capital unnecessary. Commercial Service. 7173 Downing Bldg., N. Y. I UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Large banking room formerly occupied by the United States National bank. Also smaller offices. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam Bt. I-S65 II WANTED TO BUY UNDERWOODS. Central Typewriter Ex change, lwji Leavenworth. 16 18x WANTED To buy a butcher's Ice box. Ad- . omce. w fearl St., Council Bluffs, xj LA N D WANTED I have customers for Dacota lands, 160 to lu.ouO acres; send lega.1 descriptions and price first letter. Box 400. Buffalo Center, la. N 612 lSx WANTED Shetland pony surrey; state price, condition and manufacture. Ad dress A. B. C. York, Neb. N 438 18 LATHE from 12 to 16 swing, also drill press at once. Address 8 20, care Bee. N-M295 WANTED To buy. good second-hand ro tary neostyle; state condition, price and where It can be seen. Address L 80, care N-361 17 W ANTED-To buy, one 60 or 70-horse power boiler Give description and price Vt aterloo Creamery Co., lt17 Howard St. ' N-378 M WANT to buy a lot in Kountze Place ot owner. 8 2s. Bee. N ul 18 WANTED TO PURCHASE. Roller-top deek. chairs, utile and possibly other office furniture, if at bargain and In good condition. Address 8 r, Bee 18x REMINGTONS Central Typewriter Ex change, 1 Leavenworth. g-6I5 18 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHEN CALVE SINGS She is always accompanied on a Smith & Nixon piano. It's pure sympathetic tone renders it an ideal support for the voice. Its use by so great an artiste should commend it to you. THEN AND NOW "When Chopin made music divinely fair Upon an ancient spindle-legged square, No sage was there to make prediction Of what he could have done on a Smith & Nixon. WE SELL THEM THE NAME THAT GUARANTEES QUALITY. PERFIELD PIANO CO. 1611 FARNAM STREET. . A DOLLAR WORTH 200 CENTS If you invest it in one of the many pifino or organ bargains we offer Monday. Each one has been carefully overhauled and is in first class condition. ' "We will accept any of them at the full price, now asked, as part payment on any new piano in the store any time within THREE years from date of purchase. Kimball Upright Piano $50 McEwen Upright Piano 1 68 Crown Upright Pianos- $65 Chlckerlng Upright Piano $70 Kimball Upright Piano $75 Arlon Upright Piano. $87 J. P. Hale Upright Piano $115 Schubert Upright Piano $160 Ludwlg Upright Piano $240 Decker Bros. Square Piano $85 Terms $3 to $10 cash and $2 to $5 per month. Call at once and secure one of these bonifide snaps. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. 1513-15 Harney Street. BODA FOUNTAINS, any ele. 1818 Farnam. (a) HU SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell DrugCp., OroahL Q-" HALL'S safes, new. 24 band. 1818 Farnam. GENUINE Hall s saXes. 1110 Farnam BL Q 11930 Feb. 13 FOR SALE A l a bargain, material In stone wall at 17th and Douglas Bts. See R. W. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Rosewater, Bee business oittce. FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb BECUND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS rOR SALE It you want a bargain in steam fltungs call and look over the following supplies: 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. I'nese have been taaen out on account ol changes in our steam plant and are In gouu condition. Aduress Bee Building Co., or see W. U. Bridges, engineer, nee Bldg., Omaha. Q &a 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; a each, complete; worm tu. iWis D'vpu 4 Mu7 k-M MILCH COWS, en easy terms. Ud and Center. 4 FOR SALE-At a discount, due bill lrora one ol the most desirable lite insurance companies, which may be appiiea on a Brsi year's premium; any one considering taamg out a policy can save money. Address f 6t, care Bee. W ul W AT k A f Jc v furnace and stove ii ni li urlviJ repairs, iurnace pipe and tillliigs. lei. Duug.-MiO. Umaha ttiove Repair Works.' 14 US McliH PIANO FOR SALE Party who purchased piano only a lew weeks ago wiii sen 11 at a discount irom uie caau price paio. Aduress f U, care bee. y rt FOR 8AUS About X yards of dirt at 29in aud Fainum. Will till lot at low tigure. N. P. Dodge Co., 17 14 Farnam 6l W Mik6 II PIANO Square, S10; M cents weekly. Per held Piano Co., lull Farnam bt. stii WE Tit LUX EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tsDles and oar tuttures; catalogue free. 'ihe Brunswick Baiae Colielider Co., 4U7 8. lvlh til., Umana, iseo. cj alt! J WE furnish the home complete. Get our prices ueiore buying. We don t asg in stallment prices. Our terms, worlu, per week. OMAHA FLKN1TURB CARPET CO., Between Uln and Ulh on Farnam Bt. is CRIBBING, fir Umbers. 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber, fcul Douglas. 4 esl 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1418 Dodge bu SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators; made by Johnson, the incubator man. Bend for 124-page free catalogue, & poultry Illustrations. M. M. JoUuson Co., Clay Center, Meb. Q o SECOND-HAND BTEINWAY UPRIGHT piano; big bargain. 818 McCague Bldg. Q-Mk Mcnj TWO ROLLER top desks, office chairs, fiat bin desk, typewriter, all good as new. will sell at liberal discount K. W. Baker, Superintendent Bee Bldg. Q-872X FOR BALE At a bargain, bar fixtures and glassware, cigars and stock of The Lobby, formerly located In Bee building. Ad dress P 68. oare Be. J m FINE mahogany piano, nearly new. Must sell. 8ul8 Davenport. U-M28S is AUTOMOBILES, second-hand, good as new, fully equipped; some big snaps. Omaha Auto Co.. 718 80. 14th. A, Bihler. Mgr. Q-MS6H 18 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re pairs, furnace pipe and fittings. TeL Douglas-880. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Q-418 M14 LARGE grocer's coffee mill and National cash register, cheap. 8u8 N. 16th. Q MS74 30x VERT CHEAP Elegant weathered oak buffet, oak dining room table with six chairs to mat oh; all Haw. 'Phone H-d-nm, Douglas QLst lSx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Kimball Organ $17 Mason & Hamlin Organ $18 Farrand & Votey Organ $19 Whitney & Holmes Organ $20 Shonlnger Organ $22 Chicago Cottage Organ $23 Bridgeport Organ $25 Sterling Organ $28 McPhall Square Piano $45 Llndeman Square Piano $90 Q LEAVING city, household goods for salo, 819 8. 26th Bt. Q-634 FOR BALE A new steel range cheap at 4303 Erskine. Q-M396 24 FOR SALE 6,000 feet H-lnch hoisting cable. In good condition. Apply 407 Brown Blk. Q M5tt 19 FOR SALE 100 pairs well assorted ball bearing roller skates. Ritchie, 220 Bo. 15th, umaha. Q-670 Mx SHOLE'B VISIBLE. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. Q 815 18x FOR BALE Remington typewriter No. 8, desk and chair cheap. 8 45 Bee. Q M600 19 FOR SALE Underwood typewriter and drop top desk; good as new. 1803 Leav enworth St. Wx rptirtDATTntlDOirn VT ( nnria Plvmntlth Rock and Brown Leghorn cockerels. 6o2 B. Z7tn Bt. Call tsunaay aiiernuon. jei. Harney-1443. . Q-613 18x REMINGTONS'. Central Typewriter Ex change, I608 Leavenworth. j sit lax DRESSMAKING FASHIONABLE dressmaker will take a small amount of additional work. Spec ialty, shirt waist suits, evening waists and dresses. Miss Bowles, 'Phone Red 6887. 382 Feb2Ux DRESSMAKING In families or at horns. Miss Sturdy, 2608 Davenport. Tel. Harney 1002. liM LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess, 2024 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 4113. M-913 F17 DRESSMAKING by day In families; ex perienced In cutting and designing. 182 N. lth. -91 F?7x LADIES' TAILOR Riding habits and even ing coats. 2iaVi Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 8611. 29-Mch 14 MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladles' tailoring and evening gowns. 'Phone 2476. 2504 Dav'pt M-623 Mar 1 FOR expert dressmaking assistance, 'phone Douglas 8718. 888 Feb2S M'DOWELL'S school. 1628 Far., room 24. M9S2 LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Ti . . wu W. .... ,n a Tol rtfiuir 1111 X-M507 MchlS LOST AND FOUND LOST January '29, a small black lodge book, between 1416 Chicago St. and 15th and Douglas, probably on 16th St. Return to 1416 Chicago Bt. Reward. us mx If)8T Between the Boston store and Fry's a red silk crochet purse, sliver top. Re turn to it omce. fiewsru. vw u CLARENCE I have recovered the watch that you purchased for me st MANDKL- Ufc.HU . lassie. uom aun LOST About 3 p. m. February 17, at 21st between Farnam and Davenport, a black ostrich feather boa. Finder will be re warded by returning same to Mrs. T. L. Kimball, 1236 Park Wild Ave. O M3 19 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney ; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 17 N. Y. Life. Omaha. 686 F. J.' LARSON CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 6a BHARPR MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterrs, castings, machine work. 804-UJ B. 101 h Bt. I -887 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na. tlonal Investment Co., 63 Douglas Block. IMS "FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS CARRIAGES We have the largest stock In America, of Retlnlshed Closed Csr rlages, prices from 83uu to $S00; Reflnlshed - Hearses, prices from 8800 to 31.0UO: Re- finished Casket Wagons, prices from t-26 to 8376. Write and tell us exactly what you want and get our list and photo- grapns. JAMBS CUNNINGHAM, SON at CO., 661 Wabash A vs., Chicago. P 431 Ms ONE brood mare, In foal; 1-year-o'd mare: 2-year-old mars; I Shetland ponies and pony rigs, fiasy teriua, 3d stud center. sw PERSONAL LAUNDRY C I T T 8 T t A M Tel. Doug. 864. Ul a UUi Ki R Til JOIN THE "HOBPH POPULAR SHEET MUSIC CUT RATH CLUB." Save yoi one-half your sheet muslo bills, or give you twloe as much music for your money. Write us for particulars or call t tns sheet muslo department. A. Hosps -- 1618 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb. U-M481 FebSl DOLLY All Is ready. Belect the ring st A A V T -v r - ntr , i n - il AUAibiJxisvnu 0. n. si. - u MSJ PLEATING ".m and Samples. llibi UOLDMAN PLEATINU -'!,. 800 Douglas Block. Tol. Doug. 1936, U 42 WAfiNFTlP treatment Baths. Mm. DR. JACKSON, R. 4. Frenxer block Chronic diseases a specialty. Consults tion free. U-636 ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 88i4 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. U-MNW OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Rumge Blk. It Ml PIANO CLUB Pianos delivereu at once. i weekly. All inusio lessons tree. JulN NOW. fertleid riano t,0., 16U Farnam St. u-mv MRS. MERGES. Dianlst. 209 S. 20'h Tet Doug. 4t86. L' Mow Marl PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardeli, 2216 - ..1 1H, 1JHUK, ft.ll I, U THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. tli St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4134 and wagon will caV. U 611 WE RENT sewing machines, 76o week. Ws repair all niukes of machines; second hand machines, 85 to 810. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. Doug. I6g3. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 641 NANCY Will you be mine? I purchased the ring at MANDELB ERG'S yesterday. Jack. U-M340 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 Phone Doug. 701 and a man will call nnd tune your piano, )2. Perneld Piano Co., lull Farnam. U 644 TRY KELLY'S - LAUNDRY. 'PHONE Doug. 3530. U 848 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the mnnlh 1. Dntlvl'D A. frt . ! ........... u n u , t em. end dyers, 618 S. 18th 1728, U M166 F20 OMAHA PRESSING CC. Clothes cleaned and repaired;' satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Tel. Doug. 6658, 16th and Dodge Sts. U 859. RJjPTURE CURED -No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. U 643 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mail: cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. . U 290 F21 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY MRS. 21. RlllEXHOLSE, 412 ho. lbtti, Room 2, becond Floor. U-MK14 F17 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest In the city. 2318 8. 13tU St., Omaha, Neb. U-381 Febl7 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1606 Farnam. U-6M MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massage; thoroughly first class work. Lutle Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg. U M44 FU MME. PA REE of N. Y. Shaving, Facial Massage, Manicuring. 808 Douglas Blk. U-3lMl Flkx PRIVATE HOME during confinement babies adopted. Call at 8u9 N. 22d; terms reasonable. 'Phone HoibUM. VMm F23 ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR removed from lb2o Douglas street to rooms 1-4-6, Arlington Block, 1611 Dodge Mrs. Inza Spuinbower Savage, proD. 1L Douglas 2660. . U-M;99-M6 MASSAGE specialist for chronto diseases Joseph Ruben, room 218, Bee Bldg TeL 66u8, Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed. . U Mi33 Moh6 MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115 U-M&te Mch8 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 So. 21st Hi Tel. 8669. U-M8S7 Mth8 DR. SHIPMAN. Specialist Diseases of the heart, liver and stomach. 618 Bee Bldg. U 873 "Sympathy" and 40 other songs, 6o. Feenan 6. 13th. U-M276 JlT JOE For the last time! If It Isn't & "MAN. DELBERU" ring I can never be yours. U M341 SCALP AND FACE Treatments specialty; Swedish massago. halrdresslng, manicuring, etc. MISS HALL, Tel. Douglas 6186. 206 Neville Ulk. U-M33S WB CAN share cars next week for Bait Lake or I.os Angeles. If shipping house hold goods to these points soon see us Expressmen's Delivery Co. U M373 18 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mrs. Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. U- HANDSOME young lsdy worth 833,000 wants acaualntnnce nf linnorehlA Mntiom... early marriage; no objections to poor mm If honest. Address Mrs. W 697 Fulton St., Chicago. u MORPHINE. opium, laudanum, cocoaine habit myself cured; will Inform you of uaj uiirs pennunem nome cure, Aliiry Baldwin, Box 1212. Chicago. i; OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 230 Cuming. Tel. D-ug. 4521. u- WE DESIRE husband for reflned, educated lady, age 80, worth 850000; widow, 26. worth 816,000. Family Clrcl-j, Toledo. O. U 4M 18x WILL you marry If properly Introduced by mall to Just the person you are look ing for? Let me explain my new olan; no advertising; pay when married; small registration fee; for particular people; established 26 years. Walter McDonnell, 4X3 Madison St.. Chicago. U-190 18x ATTRACTIVE young widow, very wealthy, but lonesome, wishes to correspond with some nice gentleman; object, matrimony. Address Box 98, Harvey. III. U 474 lSx FURNISH your home st our store. We sell on easy payments. We don't ask In stallment prices. Our terms, 11,00 worlh, 32.011 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE It CARPET CO., Between 12th and 18th on Farnam Bt. U-661 18 VERY wealthy middle-age gentleman, alone, lonesome, wishes lady correspond ent. Obpect. earlv marriage. Address Box 128, Harvey, 111. U 426 lSx BEAUTIFUL, affectionate young heiress, slightly Is me from accident, desires a good, companionable husband. Address Marie. Box 107. Oak Park, Iil. U-415 18x NURSES' college, Pueblo. Colo.; six weeks course; open April 1; diplomas; msssage taught. U 433 18x MANUSCRIPTS REVISED If you havs written anything, let me see It. If you are Interested In Journalistic work, write to me. I am an old and experienced newspaper correspondent. I will help you. Enclose stamp. Address S 19. lies. U-608 IS ACTORS snd actresses always wanted; learn the profession by mall from proprie tor of big company; positive success: testimonials, etc., free. Ross National School of Acting, Lock Box 922. Milwau kee, Wis. U 6J lsx OIRL8 WRITE Am a young man. wanting . v.. n Tl V . T t 1 ..I H - w . TT JIM ic jm a m PERSONAL THE HONEST FARMER Bald Farmer Janes to his brother Hiram, "When piano men call I always fire 'em; I'm sorry now, 'cause the housa seems gayer than It use 'ter Since daughter bu t that brand new Brewster." WE SELL THEM Perfield Piano Co. 1611 Farnam St. U-677 IS HypIia Ont"l Typewriter Exchnnge, 1603 Leavenworth. . isx MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY. MR8. M. RITTKNHOUBE. 412 No. 16th, Room 2, Becond Floor. U 618 MarlS PROTECT YOUR HOMES. Useful llttlo article for every househo.d; no home safe without them. Send loo for sample; agents wanteu. oafety, Suite 1566, 11 Broadway, New loik. U-604 18x WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of re finement, anxious to marry; photographs and descriptions freei O. B., Box 7, Canon City. Colo. L 110 I8x ARE you looking for an Intelligent, refined or weauiiy correspondent or companion reliable; no trlflers. Address the Corre spondence Club, Box 13i, Cleveland. Ohio. U 411 lSx WANTED-Acqualntance of elderly gen tleman, who owns his own nome and a few thousand, matrimonially Inclined, by widow in middle life, home 'loving, re spectable. Answer with particulars. Ad diess S 31, Bee omce. U 624 18x UNDERWOODS. Central Typewriter Ex change, 1603 Leavenworth. U (il5 lax MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Haymond'a Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; .10 pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 days. Ws have never known of a single failure Price, 82 by mail. Raymonds Monthly Regulator in liquid, 13. Dr. R. a. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams Bt Chicago, 111. 647 LADIES. 31.000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling KRUO KOLO Remedy. Barely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 8 to 6 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mail 81 60 Double strength 32.00 "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H SOUTHINGTON CO., KANSAS CITvi MO. -643 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. -449 LADIES Dr. Darwin's Compound Cotton Root Tablets will relieve obstinate irregu larities; tl. Guaranteed powerful and harmless. Address Dr. Darwin Co., Beck ley Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. T PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest In the city. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. M5o6 Mchl9 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best, safe, reliable. Take no other. S'.nd 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa, DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office 2206 Cuming. 'Phone Douglas 3)67. CLAIRVOYANTS REV. EDITH EVELYN EDWARDS and Madame Bean, the world's greatest spirit ual test mediums, will hold meeting for purpose of demonstrating the truth of this grand and beautiful thought, that there is life beyond the grave; will be In spirational music, independent and psychometric tests. Lecture on "Biblecal Spiritualism" Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Patterson block, 17th and Farnam. They are now located, Room 1, Patterson block. Tel. Douglas 3030. S-637 18 YOUR fortune told free with names, dates, tacts, etc.; luve, business, everything; send birth date, dime and stamp. Verne, 1243 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 8411 Vx MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-661 REV. EDWARDS, psychometric Independ ent medium, gives names and predicts for tune. Room 1, Patterson block, 17th and Farnam. S M234 17 WHEN YOU are worried or In trouble call on Mrs. Faust, 17o9 Jackson St. 8 MS06 J7x PROF. AND MRS. FAU8T. After all others fall consult the reliable Fausts. They do not depend upon much advertising, but in practical results. The future plainly revealed. They guide you In all the affairs of life. Reading, 60 cents. 1709 Jackson St. 8-618 18x PRINTING I VNf.QTAn High-grade 1906 Calendars. LirNtjoiAU B E Cor- u, 6L an,i & JORVb Capitol ATS. -784 THE JENNINGS P'T'O CO.. Doug.-5380. 668 I-VTCDA CO., fins Job prlnUng. NU 1 ClA 1610 Howard. Tel. Doug. 2uv7. DOUGLAS P't'g Co., 1608 Howard. TAUL SNELL Printing Co., 810 S. 12th street. ZuMcni MUSIC AND LANGUAGES rnCVrU GERMAN AND SPANISH. ritlW.n, CHATKLAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Davldgs Bldg., lMh St Farn. -UUi LETOVBKY'S union orchestra. Tel. Dg.7210. Mioe F-2 PRIVATE Instruction In German, French, Buanlsh, Italian, English and history) clauses formed. Zella F. Helns, No. i, Humllton Flat. -4 Feb2x VIOLIN teacher Wm. Miller Lessons at pupils' homes. 2232 Far. si.. Tel. Red 6135. r 274 MIS BL1CKENSDERFER9. Central Type writer Exchange, 16u8 Leavenworth. 616 18x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Drug stocky nice busl nes town of 500, southeast Nebruska; will sell right or trade for town residence or rami. Address 8 89, care Bee. Z 6ti8 18x TO TRADE Modern, 8-room house, Chi cago, for Omaha property. Address S 32, ilee. Z-M36S lsx IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put sn sd. in and you will soon get It- DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'B private or class less jus. adults, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. m. Tel. Douglus 1041. ti-i Mens DONALD To Insure our married happiness snd good luck, tha ring must be fioni MANDELBERG 8. E. M2U LAW AND COLLECTIONS- ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main Door, N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 138. A J. It. Marfarland, 80 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6868. -a TICKET BROKERS LARSON A JOHNSON. 1400 Farnam. TeL Douglas 198a. -868 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P H. P Ml bin. HOk Farnam. 'Phone Doubt. DEATH NOTICES PROCTOR James C. son of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor f 2418 Parker street. Funetal sen-Ices at St. John's Kplsoopal church, Twenty-sixth and Franklin. Bun day st 1:30 p. in. promptly. DA LT Patrick, sged i years. Funeral Monday morning. Felrusry 19, at S SO a. m , from the family residence. 116 Mnrlha street, tn Bt. Patrick's church, where high triads will be offered up. Inter ment8fSt. Mary's cemetery No flowers. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmsnn Oentleman, 701 N. 16th. T. 66M. . M-6J2 Marl OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. 691 DR. WELLS, D. O. snd M. D. Nevllls .Block M458 M2 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES OMAHA Seymour Camp No. 16 will meet at Myrtle hall, commencing ti"fi J veanesaay evening, uo- V tr.h... Ok IB.1T. M- II. REPF1ELD, Consul Commander. . JNO. N. CRAWFORD. Clerk. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES NOTICE. To the owners of all lots, parts of lots and pieces of real estate abutting upon Charles street from Fortieth street to Forty-first avenue, in the City of Omaha; ou are hereby notified that the City Council of the City of Omaha has, by Res olution No. 236. declared It expedient and necessary to change the grade of Charles street from Fortieth street to Forty-first avenue, which resolution Is In the words following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Omaha, the Mayor Concurring, That It is expedient and necessary nnd hereby declnred expedient and necessary to chango the grade of that part of Charles street from 40th street to 41st avenue, In the City of Omahn, to correspond with the present elevations of said street upon the profile and In accordance with specifications and plat thereof as prepared by the Ctty En gineer snd kept on file In his office; and, Resolved, further, That the Cltv Clerk be and Is hereby directed to publish this resolution In the official paper of the city for five consecutive dsvs, with a notice thereto attached notifying the owners of the real estate abutting upon said street that unless the record owners representing forty (40) per cent of the real estate abut ting on said street file protest with the City Clerk within thirty days from the approval of this resolution that the Mavor and council will, by ordinance, change the gr.ide of said street ns proposed. Introduced by Councilman Chas. 8. Hunt ington. Passed January 30, W. H. ELTIOURN, City Clerk. H. B. ZIMMAN. President of the Council. Approved Fehnmry R, 19". FRANK a MOORT?S. Mayor. You ar further notified that unless thn record owners representing forty per cent of the real estate abutting on said street file protests with the City Clerk n or be fore March 7, 1906, thirty days from the date of the npnrovnl of snld resolution, the Mayor snd Council will, by ordlnsnce. chnwre the grade of said street ns proposed. Omnhn, Nebraska, February 13, 19ft. W. H. ELTtOURN. Feb-16-W-17-19-20 City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting .of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Co. will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on ths 7th day of March. A. D. 1806. By order of the board of directors. C. H. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln. Nebraska. Feb. 3. 1908. Feb6 D30t RAILWAY TIME CARD BURLl.NGTOM STATION lOTU MAS OK BurllngtOB. Leave. Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Arrive, a 8:30 pm a 6:30 pm s. 7:10 am a 6:80 pm a 7:40 pm 7:40 pm a 9:06 am al2:2fl pm bl0.25 am a 8:80 am a 7.10 am a 8:80 am s. 2:00 pm a 7:25 am a 3:66 pm a 7:26 am al0:68 pm all :80 am a 8:43 am a 8:10 pm Northwest Express all:10 pm Nebraska Local a 8:00 am Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:15 pm Ft. Crook &. Plattsin'h.b 2:50 pm Bellevue & Plattsm'h...a 70 pm Denver Limited Bellevue & Pao June... a 8:80 am Bellevue & Pac. Juno.. .a 9:10 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 4:00 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Iowa Local a 1:15 am St Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City-8t. Jos'h..al0:45 pm Kansas Clty-St. Jos h. .a 9:15 am Kansas City-St. Jos'h..a 4:46 pm UNION STATION TKNTH AND MARCY CaloB Pact lie. IiSavs. Arrive, Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a 8:10 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 8:80 am California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all :3d am al0:46 pm Fast Mall a 1:K nm a 3 80 pm Colorado Bpeelal a 7:45 am a 7:44 ant North Platte Local a S:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 8:16 pm t:00pm Chicago, Hock Island A a-aclfta, EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:28 am a T:10 am Chicago Express va 7:00 am a 8:66 pm Chicago Express, Loci.bil.'!i am a 4:30 pm Ces Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll 50 am Chicago Fast Express. . a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pra WEST. Rooky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am a 8:15 am Colorado Express a t:06 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pra al2:ut pss Chicago Jk Northwesters. Bt. Paul Daylight a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited a 8:38 pm 8:16 am Carroll Local a 4:82 pm 8:60 am Bt. Paul Fast Mall. .....a 8:28 pm T:08 am Bioux C. & St. P. Local. b 8.60 pm 8:85 am Fast Mall I. SO pm Chicago Expreus .......a B:5t pm a 7:80 am Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:88 am Lincoln 4t Long Pine. ..s 7:40 am 10:86 era Casper Wyoming. ....e 2:6o pm 8:18 pm Dead wood & Lincoln. .a 8:50 pm 6:15 pm Hastings A Albion b 2:50 pin 6:15 pm Chicago Local all:30 am 8:46 pm Chicago Limited all:00 pm 11:1 am Chicago Great Wester. Leavs, Arrive. St. Paul A Minn.. a 8:3s Dm a 9ii Bt. Paul & Minn. Chicago Limited Bt. Paul & Minn a 7:46 an. a 7:66 pm i. rau, -. m i mo orm htcago Limited a 8:00 m a 10 so am Mcago Express al.utam a 8 :30 pm Vabash. Chi Ws e T aiiI. VirnrHl. .a 6:80 pm a 8:40 an b, lOUIS IAICBI I.IVIU Council Bluffs) .... ....a 8:18am alOSOpm Council Bluffs) b 1:00 pnn bU:S0ara Chicago, Mllwavke ft it. Fsml. Chicago Colo. 6pol..a T:U am a 7: am California & ur, hjl..a t 4a ora a pm t.8 T Imlfad A f am . ft vn Z Marlon & Cedar k. uo..o am bU.OO pa Illinois Ceatrat. Chicago Express Chicago Expre a 1:0 am a pm Chicago Limited a pm a T:0 am Uinn. & Bt. Paul Ex..b;00am b l:(6 da is, m. fit ta 1 1 t.tA m 1-ftA v,m I Cf Minn. A Bt. Pa n Ltd.. a 7:8U a uiuuiri Pac I So. Bt. Louis Express a 8:00 am a8:S8pm K. C. A BU L. Express.. all :ls pm a S :08 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBS TE 81 niaigni Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water Chteago, St. Paal, Mtssoarl Paelaa. Leavs. Aniva, .bS tOpm bll sopm Mlaaeaaalie UISM, Twin nty Passenger b 8:80 am b 8:10 4m Bioux City Passenger.... a 3.00 pm all:80am riDlrlanit fteA.1 h 6:4 nm k S-1A " f P'u bii:ju am b 6:46 pm b 8:10 am .0 8:46 am c 6.08 pm t'm.Pluill 1 1WM I . Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dad except Saturday, e Sunday only, a Dally eg. cept saonaay. WIWWWVWBSt eve Kid new & Bladder trouble at once. Cures In 48 Hours" URINAKY DISCHARGES