Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 17
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 190G. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE HENRT B. PAYNE, 8. P. BOSTWICK. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. HURRAH FOR GREATER OMAHA! Real estate la In demand. Here are some good bargains. Here Is a sacrifice sale for some one. In the West Farnam district, owner leaving city, has Instructed us to get an offer this week on his property, consisting of 9 rooms, oak finish downstairs. double par lors, dining room and den, hnll, four bed rooms, mantle and (crate, rooms conven iently arranged fur entertaining; large cor ner lot, east front, high and sightly, .with beautiful shade trees, paved street, per manent walk, stone steps. Don't fall to let us show you this property Monday or Tuesday sure. "The early bird catches the worm." A nonresident says, "sell his house quick." It Is located on Cass St., north of Henry W. Yates' residence, south front, t rooms, fine shade, w tl. barn. Come In and Investigate It and make us an offer. Three fine dwellings in Hernia Park, strictly all modern and up-to-d ite. In i!rt class location, arranged In price from (3.150 to $4,000. Can show you these houses any time. 4241 Douglas St., a beautiful cottage home JTist completed, of five rooms and bath, nickel plated plumbing, porcelain tub, large dining room, with hay window, gas and electric light combination fixtures, house Just papered with beautiful patterns, large attic, very conveniently arranged. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. ACREAGE S acres near 42d and Redlck Ave., $160 per acre. 25 acres In northwest part of city, $200 per acre. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE C. M. BACHMANN, 438 PAXTON BLOCK, FOR SALE -room house, city water, bath, barn, south front, lot (0x100, close to Hanscom Park. ' Price, $2,260. 11-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, lot 55x123, east front, 22d and Poppleton Ave. Price, $2,300. 1-story 4-apartment flats, five room cottago In rear, lot 66x140 north 17th St., good tenants, rental, $D84 a year. Price, $0,300. 1-story 8-apartment flat, lot 60x140, North 18th St., yearly rental, $1,080. Price, $7,000. X-story, 7 rooms with alcove, double flat, all modern, fur nace, lot 4xl40, on Park Ave; yearly rental, $780. Price, $7,000. Five 8-room detached houses, all modern except furnace, east front, one block to Harney and Walnut Hill cars, close, to Crelghton college. Price, $8,500. 8-story briek building, corner lot, on South' 16th St., lot 60x 1S7, room to build, 187 feet fronting on 16th St Price, $10,000. '4-room house, lot 60x150, city water, fruit trees and berry bushes, 9th and Bancroft. Price, $1,000. 4-room house, barn, chicken coop; a fine place for some one wanting a home and raise chickens. Price, $600. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. ' RE ACRE PROPERTY Three acres Just outside city limits, $650. Two acres Just outside city limits, $425, and one acre for $22S. ZH acres, finely located, city water In front, near school, grocery store, convenient to street cars, $1,150. Near good city school and paved street, nine acres of fine garden land. Just think of the price, only $100 per acre. I. N. HAMMOND, 'Phono 799. 322 Board of Trade. RE $3,20 ia new 7-room square house with gas and electric combination fixtures, fine open dumbing, good furnace, full cellar with aundry, cemented walk around house, street paved. In fact the neatest and best place In town for the price. The Byron Reed Co. m B. 14th. 'Phone Doug.-297. RE SPECULATION In land 1b rampant all over the country, fiom the Gulf to Cut-Off Lake and the North Pole. When the land frenzy subsides, will the fever spread to the cities? Shrewd forecasters say it will; indeed, that la has already begun. It is already rife at Los Angeles, Seattle and New York City, and indications point to the fact that we are rapidly approaching the line of demarkatlon right here in Omaha. The prudent prospective buyer, therefore, will prick up his ears at all these things and quietly load up in advance. No. 1. Up north, near 19th and 'Grace and two car lines, we now offer for the first time a special bargain in the shape of three new modern detached dwellings built upon a large corner lot, with enough vacant ground for another. The property is priced very low at $7,500, but as the owner Is anxious to sell we believe he will take $7,000 on a quick sale. The annual income Is $850. Call at once. No. 2. Down south. In a lovely location, 2tt blocks from the Sherman Avenue rnr, an almost new 2-story dwelling of 6 rooms, completely modern, large corner lot, for $2,500; $1,000 cash, balance $20 monthly. No. 3. A splendid 8-room house in a beautiful neighborhood, near Crelghton College, on a south front lot 60x150, for only $3,600. Leased until April 1st at $35. A barn. Come quickly. No. 4. In the cream of the West Farnam district, a lovely building lot for $1,600; $900 cash, balance easy. No. 5. Near 28th and Leavenworth, an extra large corner lot, suitable for tlx or eight high grade flats or four detached dwellings, only $3,000. DENNEY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE EDWARD M. PLATER. Price $2,250. Don't fall to see It Key at 4219 Farnam Bt. 311 J Mason St., here Is a genuine pirk-up for Homo one on easy terms: 8 rooms, all modern, paved street, fine shade; owner hoiiKht It for a home on contract, un account of unavoidable circumstances Is forced to sell It. Immediate possession. Small cash payment needed, balance monthly. VACANT LOTS. Finn "building lot three blocks from Crelghton college, south front, only $), with s-wer, water and gns In street. Very cheap. East front lot on Georgia Ave., near Pop pleton; a beautiful place for a permanent home. Owner will sell for $300 to $400 less than It Is worth today. Here Is a proposition for some one wants to build 99 feet on Park ave., on grade; paving, permanent walk, all paid; sewer, water and gas In street, with wlley In rear; easy walking distance. Price Is right. Don't fall to let us show It to you. We make a specialty of managing Omaha property, collecting rentals, paying taxes, writing fire and tornado insurance in good old line companies, making city loans at low rotes and selling real estate. List your property with us for sale or rent. RE LOTS LOTS LOTS $12$ to $400, located near 24th and Fort and 35th and Grant Sts.; $25 down and $3 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE W. H. GATES, G17 N. Y. Life Bid. 'Phone 1294. $875 A well built 5-room cottage, south front, at 2922 Burdette St., renting at $10.50 er month. $1,000 7-room cottage, elky water, lot 50x100, on Blnney, near 24th. Very cheap place. ' $1,300 5-room cottage and corner lot, on southwest corner 27th and Pinkney Sts., city water, shade trees, a nice location. $1,400 A 7-room cottage, well built and in good order at 1624 Ohio, south front, near Sherman Ave. $1.600 A 6-room house at 2221 Pacific St., with ground 60x183, front ing on two streets A great snap. $2,000 An 8-room 2-story house, modern except furnace, with ground C0x81, east front, at 2818 N. 19th Ave., nice location, a good home. Owner leaving the city. $3,000 7-room new modern house, built for a home, on Maple St., near 21st, lot 50x122. 83x140, east front, on 19th (boule vard), little north of Grace $750. Northeast, corner 38th and Hamil ton, fronting south, opposite some nice houses only $425. 120x127. on Decatur, near 36th St. Here are three 40 foot lots for only $475. Ten-acre fruit farm in northeastern part of city, 1,200 bearing cherry trewa of good healthy age, 2,000 cur rant bushes, a good 7-room house, shade and some other fruit, barn about 30x40. Can sell this for $3,000. Five-acre place out West Dodge St.. small cottage, well and cistern, barn, renting at $8, for $1,250. One block of four acres In West Omaha with some old buildings, shade and some fruit trees, part of it lays low. It is very cheap at $1,600. RE A NEW HOUSE Of 6 rooms, reception hall and bath; full slsed basement, best of furnaces, combina tion fixtures, rooms nicely arranged and good slxe. lot 60x133; owner bought this lot cheap, contracted for material before the advance In price, located on one of the Deai streets in me norm part or tne city and In excellent neighborhood. This house cannot be duplicated for price asked, but other business arrangements compel owner lo sen lor K.suo. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 13 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1064. RE 4o6 18 FOR SALE Nice (-room cottage south part of city, two blocks from boulevard; big yard, shade and fruit trees; a bar gain. Call 301 Brown Blk. RE Ml 54 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BRAND NEW rooms, all modern except furnace, on Orand Ave., near 2h St., price $2,0). BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE MUST SELL NOW Owners have instructed us to sell these properties at earliest oppor tunity. Any reasonable offer will be submitted. Nearly every piece is lower than we asked a year ago. $3,750 Four cottages and- full city lot; close in; paved street and alley; rents $492; al ways rented. A great bargain. $1.800 7-room modern house ex cept furnace, near 27th and Cuming; large east front lot; handsome shade trees; new plumbing; . good condition throughout; worth $2,500. Owner forcing sale at $1,800, easy terms. $2,600 South and east front corner on Cuming, near 27th, in feet on Cuming, with small house. The Real Estate exchange appraised this at $3,300, without the house Can we do Rny more to prove that this is a snap $4,500 Double front lot on 16th and 17th Sts., with both streets paved; lot 60x210, in walk Ing distance. An 8-room house on 17th and 5-room brick on 16th; room for more houses. $2,000 New 4-room cottage, with good chicken houses and two acres of ground in Benson six blocks from car; all fenced chicken tight. This is a bargain and only takes $700 down. $1,400 New 6-room house and two acres of ground, all lencea; good cistern and pump in kitchen: one mile north of Benson, on Orphanage road; only $400 down, balance on monthly payments. $1,250 Five acres of rich garden land, north of Krug s parit; well worth $1,600. $2.250 10 acres of rich garden land north of Country club, on Orphanage road. Juat the place for fruit or chickens. N.P. DODGE & CO. BEE BLDG, 1714 FARNAM ST, RE $1,800 SNAP 8 rooms, modern except furnace, futl 2 storv. recentlon hall, front and back par lor, large dining room and kitchen, good mantel In parlor, four bed rooms with good closets and bath on second floor; front and hack stairway, good brlcked-up cellar; new gas fixtures, storm windows nnd screens and everything In Al repair; lot 60x106, ono block from farnam car, near utn ana Capitol Ave. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam SL Tel. Druglas 1064. . KiS oj is REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. Forced sale of some desirable lots. Eastern owner Instructs us to close out all his remaining property this spring. He has 27 lots In Hazel Terrace ad dition, located between 16th and 20th streets, a few blocks south of Vinton. Convenient to two car lines. Most any price. . Terms to suit. Abstract of title. Call at office for plat showing the unsold lots. REED BROS., 1710 Farnam! RE OMAHA 9-room strictly modern house, nearly new, 30th and Pierce Sts., $7,000. 422 S. 24 th St., 6-room house, modern except furnace, also 5-room house on same lot facing on 24th Ave., modern except furnace, ground 37,4x 140 feet. $6,000, or either for $3,000. 541 S. 26th St., 8-room, new, strictly modern house, $5,500, with 33 feet, or $7,000 with 66 feet, part on time if desired. 2907 Lake St., 5-room house, city water and cistern, lot 25x100 feet, $800. DUNDEE Large 8-room modern house, 60th and Cass Sts., two lots, $4,250. 4933 Davenport St., 9-room house. modern except furnace, two lots, plenty of fruit. $3,300. Large 9-room house and barn, two lots, at 49th and Davenport, $3,250 820 N. 50th Ave.. 7-room modern house, price $2,500 with one lot, or $3,500 with three lots. LANDS 38 acres 1 mile north of Florence, 5-room house, barn and plenty of fruit, $6,500. 80 acres Just north of Center St., 1 mile west of city limits, $1C5 per acre. 64 acres 5 miles from postofflce on Center St. road, been used for hog ranch and has all necessary buildings and water system, good place for hog or dairy farm; must be sold at once. Come quick if you want a bargain. For price and further particulars see us. We also have a number of other good investments. L. L. JOHNSON CO. 'Phone Red 1246. Room 3 Barker Blk RE 401 18 BUSINESS BLOCK Eastern owner has Instructed us to sell a two-story, pressed brick, stone- trimmed building, with stores and flats, on a good business street, which once sold for $-"0,01)0. The. building is in first- class repair throughout Owner Is offer ing same for $15.si0. This is well worth Investigation. It's bound to be worth more money in a very short time the way our city Is forging ahead. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. KB 188 U HANSCOM PLACE Eight rooms and laundry, steam heat. Dam ana u, rooms au large ana luceiv arranged, good bam, on corner lot about I feet above grade and nicely terraced; permanent walks, paving on both streets and on west side car line: lot alone worth FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & ln FARNAM ST. HOUSES FOR SALE $f.50 for desirable 7-room modern house on th Ave.. near Farnam 8t : lot fii'xl36 feet. $6.V) for good 8-room modern house un Farnam Ht., near 4oth St.; oak finish; lot 4xl07 feet. $o,oiw for well built 9-room modern houw on R 2Sth St . near Poppleton Ave.; hot water heat: lot 60x150 feet. $4.n good 7-room modern house on 8. 28th St.. near Pacific: lot 50x150 feet. $3,5)10 for excellent 7-room house, modern except furnace, nigniy polished oak fin ish, sliding doors, mantel and grate; on BnauldinR St.. nenr 25th St.: lot 50x128 feet $3.4' for l?i25 California St., 8-room modern house with barn, lot ftixl.' feet; reduced from $3.en0 for nulck sale. Investigate. $2,750 for well built 7-room modern cottage home with mantel and grate, full cement ed basement, fine furnace (new), good .cistern, cement walks, nice lawn; on Bristol St.. near 27th St. Something aood. $2,7tO for 7-room cottage, modern except neat, duiii anout years ago lor a nome, good barn, beautiful shade trees, fine lot. boxl28 feet, southeast corner 25th and Bpaulding Sts. $2,Un0 for Sid N. 25th St., good 8-room house. modern except heat, within easy walking distance from postofflce. $2, for southeast corner 2Sth Ave. and C hicago 8t. new 6-room house with re ception hall, modern except furnace, on Boulevard, lot 50x152 feet. Will sell im provements and one-half of lot for $2,250. $2,500 for a good 6-room modern cottage, furnace heat, with large barn, near Crelghton college; lot 31x165 feet. Onlv $5i)0 cash down, balance payable monthly, will sell more ground if desired. $2,100 for 7-room house and barn on Bristol St., near 27th Ave.; lot 66x132 feet; all improvements and 33x132 feet for ll.MW. $1.8u0 for 8-room 2-story house, modern ex cept furnace, mantel and grate, lot 5,'1xli5 feet, one block from car line, near Dun doe. Immediate possession. $2,260 for t-room cottage and full lot, 60x127 feet, on Hamilton St., near 25th St. NEAR MILLER PARK - 4-room cottage, all good slse rooms, south front lot, $1,0"). Terms if desired; only 2 blocks from car. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE- WANTED Correspondence with real estate dealers In all parts of the country. Wo have exceptional bargains in farm, ranch and business property that we want to list. Write us for list, commission rates, etc. Anderson Bros., Brlstow, Neb. RE M335 24X $3,250 1117 So. 33d, a very good 7-room cottage, bath, gas, furnace, etc., fine lot. 60xlii7, with good barn. This place was built for a home. . Near the Field club. The Byron Re?d Co. 212 S. 14th. 'Phone Doug. 297. RE Shimer !& Chase Go., Real Estate' Investments. ARE YOU MAKING PREPARATION for tomorrow? Are you securing and Im proving suburban acre age that later on will care for you? 'Are you setting out trees and vines whose fruit you will gather in the to morrow? REMEMBER, WE HAVE THE ACREAGE Large tracts, small tracts, improved and un- . improved. Small fruit farms with bearing orchards and vineyards. Also equally good land awaiting the husband man. Chicken farms on the edge of a big city affording a home market for eggs and squabs. acre inside city limits, no Im provements, $100. 1 acre, sightly, vacant, cheap at $125.. 10 acres, east slope, 3 acres 6-year- old grapes, 2 acres plums and" cher ries, 4-room house, barn, living water, $9,300. . 16.85 acres on county road. Just off macadamized road, handy to South Omaha, m -story house, barn, shed and corncrlb, $3,000. 25 acres, two sets buildings, apple. cherry, peach and pear trees, grapes ana small fruit. Including one acre strawberries, $5,000, half cash. 10 acres west side city. 6-room house, $2,000. BUILDING SITES, TRACK AGE, DWELLINGS. Shimer & Chase Co., Builders of Modern Houses 1609 Farnam, Ground Floor. Telephone Douglas-3867. RE NORTH OMAHA HOME AT VERY LOW PRICE $1,060 for good 7-room 2-story house, new roor, cemenud cellar, cistern water in kitchen, fine 'I, barn for four horses, buggy shed, chicken house, corncrlb, coal shed, etc.; some fruit, nice shade trees. two corner lots, 90x128 feet. House alone worth more than price asked. A special reduction price for quick sale on account owner leaving city. Possession March 1, 19U& GEORGE & CO., 10)1 Farnam. RE 557 1 H MODERATE If you had started to buy a home before, you might have had It peld for by this time, why not make a start now. This is Just a few samples of what v.t have in our list: i $1,750 27th and Ersklne, new S-room mod ern cottage, with large reception hall, on full lot, 1 block fodge St. car. $2,1502615 Camden Ave., rooms, modern, Just completed, on full lot, one block 8. of car line to Florence; easy terms. $2,160 Patrick Ave. and 26th St, nearly new, all modern 6-room house, hue lot, fenced, barn. $2.600-lttth and Vinton. Bluff View Add., one of the new, all modern cottages built in this addition this summer; owner must sell. $1,700 KiH Corby St., ( rooms, city water, semer and gas, paved street, llrst-clasa condition, ready to move into; owner leaving city. MODERATE PRICED LOTS If you cannot start to pay on a house and lot, begin paying on a lot; we ran make easy terms, some as low as $- down and $5 per month. , $500 S. E. Cor. 29th and Indiana Ave., full lot. $00-H. W. Cor. 22d and Maple. $:T5 Decatur St.. east of Lowe Ave. $300 2sth Ave., between Pratt and Bristol. $a 2Sd and Oak. 'on grade. $350 2Sd. between Laird and Sprague. $3T5 Manderson St.. west of tb. $650224 St., between Laird and Sprague. $6oo ad til., north of Manderon. tcou Seward, between 4oth and 41at. $60-Caplto! Ave., Ret. 4sth ani 49th, Dun dee. $G0 Davenport. Bet. 49th and 60th, Dundee. $700 Ktb and Pinkney. all iavwt. XTuo Marcy St., East 13d St., on grade. $7u0 Lafayette St., Bet. tn nd Kith. $726 MlanU St., 8. front, close to 21sU $760 Lalhrop St., In Kountse Place. We write Fire Insurance. Open Monday evenings till 9 p. m. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 'Phone Douglas 756. VACANT $4,500 for 66x132 feet. N. E. corner ISth and Webster Sts. Want ofTer. $4.O)i0 for 64 feet, double frontage on two . paved streets, only 10 blocks west busi ness center. Choice. $2.5X for 66xf.4 fret, with 14-foot strip ad joining, rnnklng 66x68 feet, went front on 22d St., 66 feet north of California St. $1,0 for 60x140 feet, west front on KM St., 250 feet north of Woolworth Ave. Want offer. $3,iioo for 22x66 feet on 13th St. between Harney and Howard Sts. $1,600 for several choice lots, 48x136 feet each, having double frontage and nicely located, near Karnam car line, 14 blocks from business center. $1.5ii0 for Oi'xHO feet, east front on Sherman Ave., Just south of Charles St. $S"0 each for two lots. Goxian feet each, on 89th St., near Cass St. Cheap. $750 for 9oxl30 feet, southeast corner 38th and Seward Sts. $450 for 60x137 feet, double frontage on Chldwrl! St. and Indiana Ave., near 2Sth St. $4oo for 60x136 feet on S4th St.,- Just north of Davenport St. $325 for SoxU-o feet, north front on Grant . St.. near 42d St. Lies nicely. $300 for 50x130 feet, north front on Decatur St., 350 feet east of 40th St. $250 for 43x150 feet, northeast corner 46th and Nicholas Sts. $125 for 120x120 feet, north front on Sara- toga St., Just west of 40th St. INVESTMENTS $14,500 for three modern 2-story brlcV flats In desirable residence district and In best of repair; rental, $1,500 per year. $10,500 for three new 7-room 2-story modern square hous'-s, 12 blocks west of business center; rent, $105 per month. Will sell separately If desired. RE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 5-room cottnge. city wnter, sewer and gas, near 23d and Leavenworth. $l,5u0. Owner instructs to sell. Make offer. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE- COTTAGE HOME CLOSE IN ON REASONABLE TERMS $2,150 for 1111 N. 18th 8t.; well built seven room house; all modern except furnace; porcelain bath, three bedrooms, largu ' parlor and sitting room, large basement; within easy walking distance; good place for L". P. shop man. GEORUE & CO., 16ol Karnam. RE-MK5 20 WHO WILL. BE THE FIRST? MUST SELL by March 1, my beautiful 8-room all modern residence, 3112 Mason St.; 12 min utes by car from postofflce; full lot, south 'front, shade, new furnace, maple floors; paved. Price, $L-,S0O; cash, G50. balance $25 monthly payments. Owner, 209 8. 12th St. RE-M337 ACRE LOTS on S. 40th, South Omaha, $300; five acres near South Omaha, $1,000; acre lots on county line, $250. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam. RE 366 17 GREAT BARGAINS 112 S. 28th Ave., 6-room cottage, rents fof$10 a month. Price $1,100. 2526 Wirt St., 6-room cottage, with bath, city water and gas. Price $1,300. 2910-2912 Seward St., two 6-room cottages, good neighborhood, south front, rents for $17 per month. Good investment. Price $1,600. 382Q N. 20th St., 1-story 6-room house, east front on the Boulevard. Price $1,600. 4?09 Cuming St., 7-room house, good barn. Price $2,200. 2317 S. 12th St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace. Price $2,500. Easy terms. 316 N. 41st St., 11 rooms, all mod ern, two lots, east front. A great bar gain for the money $4,500. House alone cost $4,500 and the lots are worth $1,000 apiece. 3616 Lincoln Boulevard, 9 rooms, strictly modern, well constructed, beautiful home, finished Ip quarter sawed white oak, nicely arranged. Price $6,500. 2510 Pierce St., 8 rooms, modern, $2,800. 2958 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace. See it and make us an offer. 1204-6-8 N. 24th St., brick building with three store rooms on first floor nnd three flats above, well arranged, in good repair and alwavs rented; also 2408 and 2410 Caldwell, two 9-room modern houses. Total rental $120 per montn. Price $12,000. Payne Investment Company, First Floor New York Life Building. teiepnone uougiaa-17 81. RE $1,300 A good 5-room cottage on Charles Bt. near 33d. South front, nice shade and iruit trees. &uty terms. The Byron Reed Co. 212 8. 14th. "Phone Doug. 297. RE PRICED HOMES H $2,5001706 8. 27th St., 8 rooms, modern, good parn; oe sure to look at tins. $2,350-2S15 N. 16th St.. 6 rooms, new. all modern, on lot 4oxl.'2 feet, paving and permanent walks paid; owner about to leave city. $2,6002831 Miami St., rooms, all modern 1 year old, is not large enough fur present owner, close to car, full lot $2,350-1025 N. 33d. (Bemls Park). rooms. modern but furnace, paved street, now vacant, price reduced KO. $2,100 25uS Pierce St.. 8 rooms, large lot. $750 Hamilton St., Just west 5th St. $300 Spencer St., Bet. 22d and 23d. lutiO-Mason St.. East S3d St., paved. $1. WO Corner Jtlh Ave. and Mason. SOSO AND tToO LftT In Sulphur Springs additlo'i; these lots r ron i soutn on liinney Ht. and north un VUt St., just east of Shenuuu Ave., and are the beut values offered in Omaha; tine location, high grounds, good view; will builtl a -house for you and sell It on monniy payments. ACRES. ( acres, 1 mile west of Miller Park $760. 1 acre, 4 block west of Miller Park S2&0. 1 acre. 7 blocks west of Miller I'ark tlfiu. lit acres, S miles northwest tit Florence, all fine, rich, level land; would sell all or u acres; price, iuo an aore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHOLES' WEST FARNAM HKSIDKNCK I rooms, all modern, beautiful east-front lot, stone walk and stors. asphalt street on one side. Tills Is the southwest corner of 35th Ave. and Howard, Sixl ft.; house has oak finish. Is In good repair, nicely arranged and will make an Ideal home for a famllv. Owner is leaving the city March 1 and must sell at once. Price. $5.5cs. Ixiok this over and make us a proposition; no reasonable offer will be HANSCOM PARK COTTAGE, $1,030.00. . Tor " CAN T DVPLICATK IT FOR DOl'BLK THE MONET. 6 rooms, porcelain bath, new plumbing, completely modern except furnace, which can be put In for $1.': lot Is little below grade, but has splendid shade trees: No. 1222 S. 27th St. Oo to see it and you'll buy It. MODERN 7 ROOMS, No. 2130 So. 34th Street. Lot 50x133 ft., splendid location, street paved and paid for. permanent walks; house is a beauty and there is a good barn. Price, $3,500; owner lives in It. Go out and look at it. ACRE SNAP. 220x196 ft., east front, on 15th. block south of Vinton (see sign), good for fruit, greenhouse oi chickens. Goes this week at $600 cash. DENMAN PLACE. On Taylor and Boyd Sts., between 33d and 36th Sts., only one block from Ames Ave. car line, we offer 60x130 ft. lots from $150 $250, on easy terms $50 cash and $10 per month. Actually worth double. Call for plat. D. V. Sholes Tel. Douglas 49. DESIRABLE HOME 8 rooms, all modern, paved street, south front, near 25th and Spauldlng, price $2,750. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE $2,000 3018 Franklin, a new 6-room cottage, porce lain tub. closet, hot and cold water con nection , gas, sewer, lot 60x127, south front. Easy terms. The Byron Reed Co. 212 S. 14th. 'Phone Doug. 297. RE JOHN N. HASKELL Offers Fruit, two acres In bearing cherries, plums, etc.; land slopes gently to south and east. Is rich and fertile, located only a little over 10 blocks from Walnut Hil car lino. If you want to raise fruit you can't afford to start it yourself and wait 6 or 10 years for results when this choice tract is of fered for only $700. Time Is money and this la a chance to save time. 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6133. RB-661 IS BARGAINS. 10 acres, east of Benson $2,000 Fkrence Boulevard, 2 lots iJ0 Decatur. Bet. 25th and 26th Sts J9W 16th, near Martha, 66x140 feet $1,500 Near Crelghton college, wjxuo ieet....j,uw 10 lots and house, west of Hanscom Place, good place for chickens, etc j,vpu cnttaees. SW2 rental $.1,750 2 new brick flats. $100 rental $S.5"0 3 new detached houses, $1,260 rental. .$10.5(0 brlrk houses, 11.4-H) rental I00O JCHN N. FRENZEK. OI'P. OLD P. O. RE-636 18 $2,500 Poor health causes owner to leave city. will sacrifice his new 7-room nome, moa ern except furnace, 60-foot east front lot. The above price takes It. if sold by Feb runrv 25; located at B22 N. 32d. SWEET & BEST. TEL. DOL'GLAS 1472. RE 3S8 IS THR Glover Cuban Land Co.. R. 3, N. T. L. Rllg.. Qmaha. Sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana. $57.S5. RE ao7 CLOSE IN CORNERS $6,000 N. W. Cor. 21th and Capitol Ave, 64x115, with 7-room house. $7,500 N. W. Cor. 20th and Davenport, 60x132, with good 7-room house. $8500 8. W. Cor. 24th and Dodge. 106x124, with two houses. $5,000 S. E. Cor. 20th and Webster. 66x66, with a good 9-room all-modern home. $10,000 N. E. Cor. 2Fth and Dodge. 124x124, with good 10-room modern house. renting for $U0 per year. The Byron Reed Co. 212 8. 14th. 'Phone Doug. 297. RE Four stories and trackage We have for rent, a four-story brick building, with cement basement 22 feet frontage on Farnam St., between 0th and 10th Sts. Trackage in the rear. Elevator and large burglar proof vault POR TERMS APPLY TO C. C. ROSEWATER, BIKREUARI TELEPHONE 2 IS, ROOM 100, BED BUILDIKO, FOR SAI P-I-RFAl PSTATE SPECIALS: TWO 5-ROOM COTTAGES, $G.-)0.00 Each. Fine repair, new roofs, newly painted and papered; lot fttxin ft.; rented for $14 Cr month: Nos. 2 snd Shler St.. blork to paved street. 3 blocks to street car. These are dirt cheap. Stop renting snd buy thrse. Kssy terms If you want them. SOUTH SIDE RESIDENCE, 813 Worthington Place. AP.TOINH imOWNEUi HALL GROUNDS, beautiful location. 10 rooms, nicely ar ranged, oak nnlsh. hot water heat, fine plumbing, two fine mantels; In fact, a, strictly modern house in every respect, with fme large ground lOfixlJTH ft. Owner has left city and Is anxious to sell, which means you can get a bargain, that doesn"t come every day.. Property n easily worth $12,000. We can sell for $8,009 cash. investment; Three modern, fr-room brick houses, near 27th and Jackson Sts., renting for $100 per month. This Is In the best part of town and In splendid repair; doesn't need, a cent spent on It and pay W per cent on the price $10,000. Just aa safe as gold. $1,200.00. 44xS6 ft., S. W. corner 1fith and Vinton Sts., paving paid and permanent walk; best business comer In south part of town. IT IS CHEAP. snoLEs; sub. Fronts west on 19th, Just south of Vlntoiv close to car, high snd sightly. Look at the ground; lots 40x120 fL $000 each. 6 par cent off for cash. Company, 722 N. Y. Lifo Bldg. RE SPLENDID BARGAIN 8-room house, all modern, house very Well built, south front lot, nicely fenced, near Crelghton university, walking dlstanoa . from town $4,000. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RSJ- WG. SHRIVER, 1023 New Tork Life Bldg. Fine new home In Bemls Park, large tot $ 4.T50 Elegant home, corner, both streets paved, Hanscom Park, on west side car t 6,000 Elegant home fronting on Hanscom Park, north side f 6,000 8-room modern house, barn, shade trees, fruit, etc., 26th near Bristol.. $ 2,000 6 nice residences In Kountxe Place.. 7- room modern house, 26th and Sahler $ 1,600 8- room new, modern house, Spalding near 24th v $3,000 vaant 40 foot lot, Patrick Ave and 2tith $ Corner on Decatur, near 33d St. car line $ Lot Just east of Hanscom Park $ 2 lots south of Hanscom Park, both . .$ 400 400 600 eoo 10 acres in Benson, Improved house, etc $1,300 10 acres In Benson, lays fine, south and east slope $ 1,200 - SO acres southwest, on Center St., paved road $3 760 Trackage on 11th, near Nicholas, only $12 per front foot. Large trackage near 7th and Jones.. $15,000 2uOx2uO feet on Belt Line, near Dodge.. $ 1,600 FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for 811,. 000; west side. Address L 17, Bee. RE M8&J THE TITLE to your home is of paramount Importance. Be sure your ab stract is made by a responsible t abstract company, that can make good any loss you may suffer by errors In the abstract, We have filed In the county court pf Doug : las county a bond In the sum of , $10,000.(0 with the American Surety company of New York as surety, which absolutely protects your in terests. THE J. FRED KERR CO., 1008 N.T. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2244. ' RE 897 IS TRACKAGE- PROPERTY Site for factory, warehouse, mill or other Industry. Several acres if needed; close to business center. For special and con fidential Information address 8 29, Bee. RE 478 18x 70 FINE resident lots In Deer Park at any old price; 6 of them sold last week.' We will build a house on a large lot and start you In your own home for vXi to $100 cash, balance on very easy monthly payments. Wo have 4 to 8-room houses on nice large lots on yery easy terms. Working people can always find us In tha evening. J. P. Jackson Co., 1611 Freder ick St. 'Phone, Asli-4332. RB 630 18x SUMMER home for $10 cash, balance $6 a mo., no Interest. Manitowoc Beach cool est spot on Lake Michigan wide, sandy beach bathing boating fishing golf tennis, etc. Fine hotel, 10 mln. ride to city on electric car goes every 20 mln. Lots selling fast many summer homes going u;i. Write liefure these choice lots are gone Price $60 up. A paying Investment. Illustrated catalogue free. Manltowoo Trading Co., Milwaukee, Wis. RE 480 1SX M.O"0; owner aaka 16.000, but might accept $4,650. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1X9 Farnam fiU . JzL Douglas 104. Hastings Heyden, Telephone Dougbu-S 400, M4-I Paxton Block, . Jtl-