Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 16
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 190G. WANTED MALE HELP TRAVELING Salesman, heavy hardware. Traveling salesman, vehicle. Superintendent of construction, $2,000 per annum. Office clerk, $70, Nebraska. Stenographer, $00, Nebraska, Offlrn manager; must be able to Invest $1,6. I Bookkeepers and stenographers, young men, $40. If you are in search of a position call at our office or write us. Tell us what you are capable of doing and we will find It for you to do. WE8TERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (INC.) Dept. B, 840-3 N. T. L. Bldg. B 3S5 18 , TWO first-class coatmakers wanted; for Particulars address Elof Anderson. Boise, daho. B-M369 19 MEN Everywhere, to distribute our sam pled; $3 daily, steady; no canvassing. "Oliver," Monroe Bldg., Chicago. B 470 18x WANTED Four men to travel in each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods; salary $21 per week and ex penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced; experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 409 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. B 475 1RX IN six weeks we educate you In salesman ship, secure you a position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address the Bradstrect System, Rochester, N. Y. B 4W i8x RAILWAY mall clerks; salary $800. Mareh examinations; preparation free. Franklin . Institute, Rochester, N. Y. B 418 18x LEARN show card writing by mall; good pay while learning; (union wages, $18). Address Globe Institute, Dept. T.. Mln neapolls. Minn. B 400 18x WANTED Young man with strong church connections, Interested In economics, to organise lecture- course In resident city. Most excellent opportunity for student, teacher of professional man with some leisure. For basis of compensation and full particulars address F. H. Monroe, Mgr., 610 Stelnway Hall, Chicago, 111. B 429 18 FRATERNAL Insurance deputy; high class proposition; you had better see us about this at once. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N (INC.) Dept. B, 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' B-383 18 STEADY position year round knitting hos iery at your home; $10 a week; machines furnished on easy payments; write for particulars. U. S. Woolen Co., 60 State, Detroit, Mich. B 617 18x WANTED Experienced salesman for ex tensive fine line of advertising calendars, leather goods, etc.; largest and best as sortment. Address, with references, stat- . Ing experience, Aug. Gast Bank Note St Ldtho. Co., St. Louis, Mo. B WANTED To represent manufacturer of reliable articles. Have good agents In field. Durkln, Reeves ft Co., Pittsburg, pa. B 610 lHx YOUNO married couple wish Instructor with whom to read English literature. Address S 33, Bee. B-621 18 CANVASSERS wanted In every section to Bell lightning needles and self-threader; sella on Bight; write for particulars. The Lightning Needle Co., 691 Broadway, New York. B-614 18x WATCHMAN for factory: $12 per week; 7 nights. Must have some knowledge of boilers. Give references. Address S 43, Bee. B M5S3 19 ANY person to distribute our samples; $18 weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire,' 4 Wells St., Chicago, HI. B 604 18x WANTED General agent to represent us Jn this locality; man with some ability. We offer the best plan to buy orange groves In southern California on small monthly payments. ' Permanent position with liberal pay to good men who can produce business. Write today. Califor nia Fruit Growers' Association of Los Angeles, 238, II. W. Hell man Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. B 599 18 . WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced lady assorter. Bluff City laundry. Council Bluffs. C-232 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must give reference. 3tU4 Leaven worth Bt. C 282 18x WANTED Qlrl for general housework. Apply Mrs. Frederick RusUn, 3511 Harney SHIRT girls wanted at King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th and Jackson. C 316 WANTED A girl for general housework; family -of two; must have best ref erences. 'Phone Harney 1035. C M361 18 WANTED Lister and sorter. City Steam Laundry, 211 8. 11th. C 348 17 WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. Frederick Rustin, 3511 Hurney Bt. C SiH LADY TO TRAVEL Reference required; salary $21 per week; expenses advanced. J. 8. Ziegler ft Co, 323 Dearborn St., cnicago. i LADIES To do piecework at home; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to jtoyai co., si to. Monroe, cnicago. C 469 18x STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $40. Oliver operator. Stenographer and bookkeeper; good chance tor advancement. Stenographer, $.V). Stenographer, $t. Cashier and bookkeeper, $40. Write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN RBF. ft BOND ASS N (INC.) UCPI. St, MO-2 IN. X. Li. tflOg. C 3X4 18 600 PEOPLE) to make kitchen aprons by dosen; increase business; small room therefore: home work. Permanent. Stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. American Apron Co., 44I-8 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 416 18x WANTED Bright women to take charge of local territory for manufacturer; also traveling manager; salary to start. S15. paid weekly; expenses advanced. Miss CampDell, 70 Dearborn, Chicago. C 436 18x LADIES wanted do sewing at home mak lng sanitary belts; good wages, steady won; particulars, stamped envelope. Lnox CO., uept. las, cnicagoi c 137 ISx MANICURING taught by correspondence write for circular. Oriental Manlcuro Parlors. 427 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y C 619 18X CO GIRLS for blanket department. Hemls Omaha Bag CO. C M583 19 WANTED Experienced salesladies. Mill lnery Dept. Hayden Bros. Apply to Mr. conway. c MaM 19 OIRL for general housework, small family, 9JU s. gist su c MS1U 19 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations: something en tirely new and issued by lias society only; easily understood and easily sold: ovt but $4 par auuum each, payable monthly If desired; large oomuuaslon paid immeuiaieiy ana exclusive lenuory allowed. Address National Accident jJu. clety, 320 Broadway, Mew York. Estab lished a years. J MaMjdche ISO a MONTH salary and expenses to men with rig to Introduce our Guaranteed Poultry and Stock Remedies, bund for contract; we mean business and furnish best reference. U. R. Bigler Co., X 51s, Bpringneiu, u. j jujo isx AN EXPERIENCED Investment solicitor to promote a nign-grade realty invest menu Address Frisco-Santa Fe Ind and Development Co., 414 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Kieo. J-M171 17 RELIABLE man or woman to travel, dis tribute samples and employ agents. Lo cal managers also. t a week and ex. ptoses. Ziegler Co., 225 Locust St., Phi la deiphia. J M34 lfex A PERMANENT BU8INESS-60 to $150 and upward per week, POSITIVE. Rep resentatives wanioa everywnere to oper ate sales parlors for the BEST ladies' and gents dress snoe Known: ten oi-1k Inal sight-selling, health and comfort features; factory to consumer; previous experience unnecessary : pront possibili ties unlimited: NO RISK. Reply oulck. KUSHION KOMFORT SHO CO.. Bos ton, Mass. J WANTED AGENTS WRITE us about our Common Sense Olove; splendid line for country stores and ro- cerles; good money In It. Common Sense Manufacturing Company, Box 81, St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of sarsaparllla fur 36c; best seller; 3f0 per cent profit; write today for terms and ermory. r. k. ureene, iu iKe bi., Jhlcago. J 125 WEEKLY easily earned by ladv agents taxing orders for us; outltt prepaid; we start you In business and make you In dependent; write for circular and terms. woman a Apparel supply Co., (Jhlcaao. AGENTS Learn to fit glasses by sending ior our tree boox on the eye. it will ten you all about it; get a profession that pays from 175 to $150 a month. The optical profession will do It for you; no Acid so peasant, profitable or so little worked; no oneer necessary to work for some one else at a meager salary. For a short time only we are sending our book free; it will teach you to be an optician and costs you notning. A postal card win bring it ny return mail, al charges paid. Jacksnnlan Optical college, Dept B-33, Jackson, Mich. OUR big $1.50 combination box containing perfume, talcum powser, dentifrice, soaps; costs agent 15c; sells at sight; deal with manufacturer. Davis Soap Works, 33 t.nion I'arK I'laee, Chicago. J EVERY woman wants It; thread-cutting thimble: sells like hot cakes: Kold mine for agent; sample loc; catalogue free. Agents wanted. II. B. Watson Co.. Dept. 0, Moores, Pa. J SELL, our reservoir dustless Poor and car pet brushes in stores, school, residences, fiubllc buildings, hotels, halls; field un Imlted; reduce dust 97 per cent, actual test; gold medal at St. Louis World's fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller, with opportunity to build up permanent trade; exclusive territory; no competition; state experience. Mil waukee Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 116 18x AGENTS, keep posted; ' ' Novelty News,' ll Washington St., Chicago, illustrated monthly, covers novelty Meld; trial three months, loc. J 497 lbx REPRESENTATIVES Male and female; burglar proof fasteners; makes windows dustproof; no rattling, no weather strips needed; easily adopted; samples for 10c, it interested; territory given. Clifford Mfg. Co., Palmyra, N. J. J-W6 18x FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Is now the average profit divided among our soap agents and branch office managers every day. This Is fact, not Action. Want a few more men who are not afraid to work hard In wet or cold or dull seasons for big money. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 476 ISx AGENTS "Illtchoulck," anywhere; pat- enieo; Dig seller; norse owners delighted. Pocket Hitchingpost Co., Muncle, Ind. J-477 18x WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men witn rigs to introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J AGENTS WANTED For the "Brownie Shoe Fastener; patented; 100 per cent profit; valuable premiums for agents; send 10 cents (coln for sample and par ticulars. Milton s. wrowi tion F, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN To sell candles to dealers; lift monthly and expenses; experience unnecessary. Aldrlch, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. J 602 18x YOU can make $3,000 yearly handling our gasoline lamps and lighting systems; write quick for territory, catalogue and particulars. J. F. Lawrence, manager, 302 W. Lake St., Chicago. J 600 18x LEADING packing company will give ex clusive agency to reliable parties to han dle special line of choice goods direct to consumers In large cities. Write Immedi ately. Commercial League, Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia. J-3S1 18x AGENTS make $5 to $10 a day conducting mail-order business at home, orotnee, using evenings or spare hours If employed. We teach you how and furnish every thing needed catalogues, advertising, etc. Supply merchandise as orders come In to you; small expense starts you; big profits; stamp for particulars. Chicago Specialty Co. (Est. 1806), Chicago. J 426 l&x REAL- ESTATE man and good Hustlers secure agency ror our Texas lands; ex cursions twice each month. Write at once. Swenson's Iand Agency, 625 New York Life Bidg., Chicago. J 435 18x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting out liberal oner. $o dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 424 18x PICTURE agents. Large 24x28-lnch framed wall pictures, cost 3c complete, sell for smc easy; its subjects; credit given; en close stamp for catalogue. Portrait Co., Wayne, 111. J-421 19x AGENTS $30 weekly guaranteed selling our self-generating gas burners, fitting com mon kerosene lamps; brilliant, portablo gas light; absolutely safe, no competl tion; description free. Eastern Gaslight Co., 280 liroadway, .New lorlt. J 420 19x GAS LAMP: makes Its own gas; light equal to electricity; neater heats any room in sero weather: cooker cooks anything: all three In one at cost of 1 cent dally; agents making big money. Crown Co.. 123 Lib erty at., uept. S34, New York. J 611 l8x THE WHITE HOUSE WEDDING Ten beautiful stereoscopic views of great ab solving interest; scenes, decorations, etc.: single set, 25c; six sets. $1; Mif money for agents, continental View t o., 126 Mar ket St., Chicago. J 622 18x AGENTS can easily make $10 a day selling our gold window letters, novelty signs snd changeable signs; catalogue free. Sul livan Co., 406 w. Van Buren Bt.. Chicago, 111. J 61b 18X MANAGER wanted, every city and coun try. nandie best paying business Known; legitimate, new. exclusive control: no in surance or book canvassing. Address Chas. Halstead, 34 West 2tith St., N. Y. J-618 18X POSITIVELY best line ever offered: abso lute necessity, home or office; 100 per cent pront; agent made titc last montn: branch office, crew managers make more. United Chemical company. Dept. 14. New x orK. J suo lsx SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED John Sexton ft Company, importers, manufacturers and wholesale grocers, 16 to 22 State St.. Chl , cago, want active, progressive, hustling sulesmen, to sell farmers and all larita consume, Sexton & Co., are the largest grocers in America, selling dl rectly to this class of trade, and are pioneers of the pure food movement. A permanent trade, paying tine income. quickly bum up; good relc&cv nuirea. SALESMEN Splend'U side line; spert&l. ill's; sell to all 'ines or business; eiy sellers; big commlsxlou. Pershing Ml. Co., Houtn BencT, lr.fl. I W A K"rit- VI lot,-, unl.taman In anil f . trui iraue; column jon hub; win earn you per year; uiv,4.j.:4io, xjuch hot Vf Cedar Rapids, la. U MX i8x SALESMEN WANTED--fli claAS. every county in Nebraska; i.eed by every farmer: sells at sight; permanent posi tion; i wo years contract; investigate. Address State Manager, Box 64. Manllns, in. L-6U ISX WANTED Young man with first-class ref. erence to sell our ribbons and carbons to offices; steady position: salary and com mission. Aridregs Treasurer, Box 46, Kochester, N. Y. L teg 18x WANTED A few experienced, first-class road salesmen, men capable of earning high salaries! staple line for retail mer chants; old established Jobbing and man ufacturing company. P. O. Box 41. Mln neapolls, Minn. L, 473 lsx CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. with staplo line: high commissions with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to rigni man. jess n. umitn Co., Detroit, Mlc-n. Lr-488 li WANTED Salesmen for 1904 to self our 1100, and 0 assortments of Jewelry to general trade: roods first-class, terms liberal: special advertising features for merchants, which makes them easy sell. ers; liberal commissions. McAIHster Coman Company, 354 Dearborn Street, cnicago. L- S8 U)X CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality, rlty and country trade: salary and ex penses or commission; experlenoe unnec essary; enclose stamp for particulars. National Cigar Co.. Dept. 29, Toledo. Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Traveling salesmen, all lines, to handle latest seller; everyooay inieresieu; loO per cent profit can be made; vest Focket sample 10c (silver); money re unded if not satisfactory; no samples to be carried. Dietary Co., 100 P. O. building, Mount Vernon. New York. L 491 18x WANTED Salesman for Neb.; Jewelry as sortments direct from factories; place fermanent to man with ability to earn .'.(HO and expenses annually. John 8. Allan, Detroit, Mich. L 192 ISx SALESMEN City or country; quick sales; big profits; outfit Tree; no capital or ex perience required. Write for particulars. Alpine Fireproof Safe Co., B 43. Cin cinnati, Ohio. L 483 ISx TRAVELING salesmen capable of earning l,8(io per year and expenses. Manufac turer, Lock Box F. Paw Paw, Mich. L TRAVELING sulesmen for Nebraska and Iowa; strong staple line; great induce ments to trade; high commissions; $30 wvekly advance; permanent to right man. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. WANTEI-epecleJty salesmen of ability wun established patent medicine nouse; salary and expenses; good opportunity for men with ability. Box 555, Chlcano. L 546 18x WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant side line con venient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittances. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. L 430 18x BIG MONEY Quick returns. We manu facture the largest exclusive line of ad vertising fans appealing to all classes. Best months, March and June. Liberal commissions semi-monthly. Samples free to established salesmen. Write today. The Kemper-Thomas Co. Fan depart ment, Cincinnati, O. L 428 ISX WANTED Salesmen by an old established wnoiesale grocery House, to sell hotels, farmers and other large consumers. Ex clusive territory. Fine Income assured to honest, energetic men. Unquestionable reference required. John Sexton A Co., 16-22 State St., Chicago. L 427 18 CLOTHING SALESMEN. A. ft A. W. Sommerfield ft Co., Cincinnati, o., desire salesmen for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois (eastern Kentucky and Tennessee), West Virginia, Kansas, Nebraska and Texas, on attractive terms to sell "The Four Hundred" specialty; suits and over coats, $5 to $10.50, and trousers $1 to $3.50. Our label reads: "Wear guaranteed or another garment free." Good opportunity for live men; state where employed at present and previously, also give refer ences; applications treated confidential. L 465 18 WANTED By notion house Just opening. traveling man ror jsebraska ana lowa; reference and bond required for samples; strictly commission contract to start, but excellent opportunity for nne permanent position to right man. Standard Notion Co., Detroit, Mich. L 423 18x SALESMEN of all lines of business (solen oid siae line) to sen our advertising tans; 76 different styles, newest, latest patterns; JUBt the thing customers want; we pay the largest commissions; many of our men give their entire time to our line and make from $76 to $125 every week; guar anteed best side line ever offered: write promptly, with references. The Gebhart Company, 16b to 1673 Central Ave., Cin cinnati. O. L 422 18x HIGH priced rood men Investigate our proposition to install splendid Jewelry de partments In general, clothing, drug and other stores everywhere; Irresistible plan, long time, big pay. Expenses ad vanced. Pioneer, high-rated house. P. O. Box 0-756, Chicago. L 119 18x A LARGE manufacturing concern desires the services of a few snlesmen to haiulln a new and splendid seller; salary and commission. A splendid opportunity is afTorded capable men. Address Manufac turer, 816 Farmers' Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. L WE HAVE the most attractive money- making proposition for salesmen and an equally attractive proposition for them to offer their customers. Longwear Tinted Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 412 18x WE PLEASE salesmen with liberal com missions and make It easy to sell dealers under our guarantee to both them and cohsumers. D. T. Weir White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 413 18x SALESMEN wanted In every town to sell tne lightning needle and seir-threader; easy seller: big commission. The Light ning Needle Co., 691 'Broadway, New York. L 613 18x WANTED SITUATION WANTED By sober young man. position In wnoiesale nouse or express worK. Address K. -a, nee. A M2iil lsx BOOKKEEPER and collector, seven years practical experience, also rour years as collector. References and bond. Address 8 37, cure Bee. A 397 lbx WANTED Position as housekeeper by neat, capable, woman; references; women desiring a servant need not reply. Ad dress 8 40, care Bee. A 567 18x POSITION wanted by an experienced young indy to do either collecting, bookkeeping or clerical worn. Address a 22, care Hee. A-526 18 COMPETENT and thoroughly experienced young woman, owning typewriter, desires worn portion or day, or omce space and time privilege as part compensation for ner services. Address B 42, Kee. A 669 18x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT $11.008 rooms, 27th and St. Mary's Ave. $ 8.002 rooms, 27th and St. Mary's Ave, 6.oo 2 rooms, Z7th and St. Mary's Ave. $16.002 rooms, Withnell block, 15th and iiarney. $15.00-2 rooms, Withnell block, 16th and Harney. N. P. DODGE ft CO.. Bee Building, 1714 Farnam, ana 18 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1509 8. 28th St. . " b-UII I ROOMS, first floor, 7ith heat, light water; 3Q. l2i r'ernam Bt. . u Mis DENSMORESi Oentral Typewriter Ex change, 1603 Leavenworth 615 18x FINANCIAL IF YOU have $1,000 or more which you wish to Invest in U-year gold bonds (llrst lien on business property), wlu-re you will not have the trouble of reinvesting and your coupons can be deposited In any ban it Tor payment, see THE PUTNAM CO., 604-5 N. Y. Life. 680 18 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES 'NO trust prices." brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables, $10o; also bar fix tures cheap. Mo agency expenses, cata logues free. Chas. Passow ft Sons, Chi cago. 1.4 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 12J. 690 HE8S ft SWOPODA. K1S Farnam. 689 FENCING FENCE your lawn with Iron or wire fence made by Anchor Fence Mfg. Co.. 906-7 N. 17th St. Tel. riea M.Z FOR RENT FARMS ONE HUNDRED-ACRE farm In East Omaha, good buildings, suitable for dairy of twenty cows. Apply to J. A. Scott. forenoons only, 206 Omaha Nat. Bank Building. 390 18 sfi ACRES. i miles northwest of Benson all In cultivation. $-rooiu house; $4.00 par Cr" L. L. JOHNSON CO.. 'Phone Red 114. Room 8 Barker Blk. M236 ti TO acres miles northwest of Benson, un improved, i.ou per acre, ueorge at co. 1A -amain. zao if THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to $0,000 bomes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer mors them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 4 cents per word In small type or Slot per incu u si in large irpsw FOR SALE FARMS Ranches and Farms For Sale or Exchange An 1.80O-acre ranch consistina of the finest kind of hay land, grasina land and agri cultural land In Garfield county, Nebraska, including 100 head of cattle, 7 head ol horses, all of his farm machinery, 2ml tons of hay. Price, $16,000. Will exchange for good farm. 4.800-acre ranch In Loud county. Ne braska, 3u0 head of cattle, 40 head of horses, all the farm machinery, l.OO acres of this can be cultivated; mostly all bot tom land. Will exchange for good farm land. 240 acres of land In Cass county, Ne braska, only three miles from a good town, all under cultivation, fair Improvements. Parti- wants to exchange for a farm in the central part of the state, on account of rheumatism. There Is no bettor farm in Cass county. 480 acres of land in Knox county. Ne braska, 300 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and hay land, good Improvements, no better soil anywhere. $6,500 encumbrance running ten years. Will exchange equity for a small farm. Price, $40 per acre. 65 acres of good land, good Impiovements, two miles west of Plattsmouth. Will trade equity of $3,000 for a good residence In Lin coln or Omaha, braska, 3 miles from good town, good Im provements, can all be cultivated. Price, $ti,0u0. Will take part payment of good city property on this. For further particulars regarding the above write FALTER ft TATE. Plattsmouth, Neb. H-696 18x Kansas Lands 6 full quarters, $550 per Quarter; fine level wheat land. 1,610 acres, 1 mile from town, good, sub stantial improvements. $7,600. Is lull quarters, wu per quarter. 480 acres. 9 miles Irom Rtchneld. 200 acres bottom. 6 to 12 feet to water, splendid beet or alfalfa land; $700 per quarter. 9u0 acres In a body, 2,600. 3,30o-UA:re ranch, well improved, living water, large rich bottom; $16,000. 20 fine quarters, $4iD per quarter; buyer to take all. 100 acres adjoining good town, well Im proved, $2,E00. 4 good quarters, good soil, $45 each. 960-acre well improved farm, a producer, $6,b00. 6 good quarters, good soil. K.tuo ror tne tlx. The soil is dark. deen. rich loam, well watered by springs, wells and living streams: all crops are grown profitably ; short, mild winters, plowing the year round; summers pleasant and climate very healthy; modern schools, churches, etc. i axes very low. 4 new lines railroad contemplated. 1.921 acres l mile from station, VJ per acre for quick deal. 880-acre farm near Osborne, Kan., 300 acres under plow, 400 more can be culti vated; well Improved; $25 per acre for quick deal. Would exchange for rental. F. M. DRAPER, Real Estate Broker. Atchison, Kan. Omaha correspondent, P. O. Box 718. H 633. 18x 151.000 FOR 160 ACRES of good level, rich farm land, located south of Paxton, Neb., in Perkins county. Can sell you either a quarter, half section or a whole section; can make terms. Also have five sections good level land In Cheyenne county for $6 an acre. 48u acres in Kimball county at an acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1609V Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. l-HX3 is Farm Bargains Look Them Over . 0 acres. Pierce Co., price $35 per acre; mortgage. $1,160. Will sell or trade. 380 acres well Improved Irrigated land in Morgan Co., Colo. Price, $20,0U). Will sell or trade on easy terms. 880 acres improved land near rairiax, . D., $20 per acre, one-fifth cash, balance time. 'W ill furnish blenty of stock and machinery to run place with. No trade. ve can sen or trade you a iarm or ranch any place you want It. Tell your troubles to us. We will help you out. Frank & Efner, 321 Neville Blk. 'Phone 310. H-632 18 DODGE COUNTY FARM 160 acres only 3 miles east of Fremont; nice level land, good son, nne improve ments, which contdst of one 6-rooni house, modern, with Kas. furnace, bath. etc.. and also an 8-room house, fine large barns and sheds, all equipped for feeding farm or for tine home, 15 buildings in all. The Improvements cost over $12,000 and the farm Is very cheap ror tne price, iu,wu. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. -1781. li a 18 HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM 10 MILES FROM OMAHA 156 ACRES $15,600 This farm Is northweet of city, near Mili tary road; lays fine, land In highest state or cultivation, 24 acres meadow and pas ture, balance under plow; 9-room house, barn, 10 norses and u cows, corncrlb, granary, came sneos anu nog nouse. Also machinery shed; two windmills. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. H-M556 24 7-ACRE FRUIT FARM U MILES EAST OF COUNCIL BLUFFS Imcrovements consist of good 7-room liouHe, wagon shed, chicken house, ice nouse, etc.; nne wen and cistern. Alt kinds of small fruit, all bearing. One hull' mile from church and school. Price, GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. 11-559 18 PIERCE COUNTY FARM 320 ACRES OF 75 LAND FOR 40 AN ACRE, Flve-'mlles from Pierce. Lays beautiful, Dark loam soil. Not an acre of waste laud. THE IMPROVEMENTS are elegant. Cost over $6,ooo. House, barn, stable, granary, corn cribs, wagon sheds, milk house, stone cellar, etc., all of the very best. Orchard, grove. In fact every thing you need, call at once. 1-. r uimi L-a ,nuiiiwv T . m V I .,-1.3 V V'.'J .... . , Tel. Douglas 49. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. 11-676 is 60 ACRES 2 1-2 MILES FROM BENSON Good soil, no rough land, 40 acres culti vated; 7 acres fine orchard, 10 acres beauti ful hardwood grove. IMFHUVKMLai S: good 4-room house, i barns, granary, cribs, chicken house, etc. It's a hue place a. id "cheap dirt" at $6,600. As a speculation It's a sure winner. D. V. 8HOLES COMPANY. Tel. Douglas 49. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. H-676 18 $6 PER ACRE will buy half section fine prairie land, not sandy. In fargins Co., jeo. Ai. ocnaier, rortsmuuin, ia. H-M606 24x FARM FOR SALE 120-acre farm In Ring. gold county, lowa; lair house, barn, corn crib, well and cistern; loO acres In corn, that went 60 bushels to the acre; balance nuture and timber: Drice. IJb per acre: this Is a bargain at $50 per acre; (or the tric you cant duplicate anywhere. write or call on the Glenwood Abstract Co., Glenwood, la. H 493 18 NORTH DAKOTA Has the best land for $1150 an acre In America, ttlg crowds going. e-c. rates. For facta see w in. n. Brown wo., in rown Co., 181 u- r ilandanNo. I Ball MC, Ctuoago, Ul Da. FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; leu years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. B,, Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A.T H-a SECTION 35-10-15, Buffalo county. Ne braska, 320 acres cultivated, balance pas ture, fnced; good soli, good buildings Price, $16,ouu, easy terms. Address owner, 443 Board of Trade Bldg, Omaha. Neb. H-ML5 18 FARM FOR SALE 100-acre farm, fair Im provements, no better soil In Nebraska; $50 per acre If sold at once. Address F. W. Herck, Boelus, Nb. li M144 34 CALIFORNIA Bend 10 cents for a fi-mos. subscription to the Western Empire, 16 Times block Ixis Angeles, Cat.: contains eneh month five pases of questions an swered to homeseekers. H 402 18x FERTILE land in Texas; $1 per acre by our pian. Auuress a iu, care nee. H-M249 19 CALIFORNIA Irrigated grain, alfalfa, iruu iarms; in best districts; rrom ten s.cres; long, terms. All or partially farmed to produce you annual Income while pay ing. We loan money for improvements. Deed In trust and representations guar anteed from first payment. Write for details. CALIFORNIA FARM IMPROVEMENT CO., 236 H. W. Heliman Bldg., Los An geles, Cal. 11 BEST bargain In South Dakota. 1,400 acres 111:11, UIHCK IUI1U, BUI1M uiMiy, opuiK county, small Improvements, adjoining school section, artesian well, finely lo cated; only $17.60 acre. Small cash pay ment, balance 20 annual payments. Will I'lrii,, uniaiiiT- .v annum ia) nurii in. in divide. R Mather & Co., Cedar Rapids, 1 a lflit'i ifl TEXAS farm, 320 acres, Including small lake, in northwest Texas, on Santa re road. Two miles from depot, public school, postofflce. Booming town and set tling rapidly. Owner must sell Immedi ately. Fare paid buyer to Investigate. Land can be Bold within six months with large profits. An opportunity that needs Immediate action. Particulars If you mean business. E. L. Swenson, room 625, 171 La Salle St., Chicago. 11482 I8x Good Improved Farms Morris county, Kansas, $30 to $K per acre; go with us on our next excursion, Tues- l dsy, Feb. 20. Fare, $10. WEBSTER & MILLER. 616 So. 16th St. H-618 18 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERS ON PRICE AND TERMS CON SIDERED. 4 rooms, new, 27th and Boyd $1,250 4 rooms, 29th and Sahler (T0 6 rooms, 45th and Decatur l.n) 5 rooms, 29th and Douglas 1,500 6 rooms, 2Sth Ave. and Dodge 1,1'tt 6 rooms, 38th and Brown 550 7 rooms, 45th and Decatur l.&W 7 rooms, 21st and Manderson 2,000 8 rooms, 22d and Clark 2,0 8 rooms, 23d undo Manderson 2.500 2 cottages, 1.1th and Webster 2.500 3 cottages, 27th and Loko 2,500 6 lots, 27th and Ruggles, each 3K) 9 acres on N. 13th St 900 110 feet on a 13th St., near Boulevard, city water ana sewer in street 400 I have a larco list of houses and lots In various pnrts of the city. Quia , ii m - j t.'ii t.-v'., TT TIT .Tr RE-617 18x ROBINSON & WOLF. Three 6-room cottages, West Farnam dis trict In good repair, renting for $34 per month. Price, $2,700. A six-apartment frame flat on South 16th street, renting for $60 per month. Price, $5,000. Four brick flats In the west part of town. renting to Al tenants for $1,800 per year. Price, $18,000. The owner will consider a reasonable offer and will take a low rate of Interest. ROBINSON & WOLF, Tel. Douglas 2418. 423 Paxton Blk. RE 620 18 BARGAINS. Full south front lot on Farnam. be tween 38th St. and 38th Ave. If you want to dcuble your money buy this lot. Only ll.bUO. Three lots on 42d St.. lust north of Far nam, close to both Farnam and Dodge street motor lines. $65o each. All three ior fi.t&o. One of the finest lots rlaht In the cream of the West Farnam resldenco district, all paving, curbing, sidewalk and sewer taxes paid, for quick Bale. at $2,250. 165 feet on Leavenworth St., for quick sale at $1,700. 82 feet frontage on one of the best streets In West Farnam district, perfect grade; all paving and sidewalks paid for; finest location in city for block of houses. Can offer this week for $4,250. 10 acres southwest of city for $1,600. 17 acres with house, southwest of Elm wood park, only $3,000. 220 acres good land near Fort Morgan, Colo., only $4 an acre. Twenty quarter sections, 3,200 acres, all smooth, level land, good soil, in eastern Colorado, for $3.60 an acre. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1169. RE 611 18x F. D. WEAD 6-r. cottage with bath, closet, city water, sewer, south front, on Wirt near 25th, $1,275. 8- houses of 4, 6 and 6 rooms, on Nicholas near :xth St., with south frontage of Ml ft. This 1b the snap of today; close ea etate for all, $2,250. 6-room cottage, 2513 Bristol, on paved St., lot 33X132, $1,600. 6-rooms, city water, on South 20th Ave. near Vinton; $3oo cash, balance easy;$l,25o. 6- room cottage, 23d and Meredith, full lot, $1,300. 7 rooms, south I Ions com park, with city water, cistern and gas, new mantel and grate In parlor, full lot, south front, $l,8uo. 7- room house, 38S9 Franklin, very attractive, house; plenty of shade; cement walks, $2,100 6-room cottage, on Webster near 17th St., city water, gas and sewer, $2,150. 7 rooms, good house, on South 15th St. near Canton, nice yard with fruit trees, stone foundation, 2 stories, well built, too large for owner, wants smaller home, might take lot In part purchase money, $2,L50. I 10-room houses near Crelghton college, one modern with good furnace, other partly so. They now rent for $56 per month. This is a downtown snap at $5,250. t 7-room houses, on Hearney near 26th, with lot 70x132, south front, good bargain at $6,600. New home on South 11th St. near Martha, has furnace and open plumbing, east front, $3,100. ( lots with 8-room house, price for all $800. 1 7-room houses and barn on 17th St. near Nicholas, with 75 ft. of ground, good in vestment, for all $3,000. F. D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS. -RE VACANT PROPERTY We are offering the best bargains In tho city In downtown vacant property, right . In line with the new western growth. Sure to double before close of 1910. THE PUTNAM CO.. 5o4-6 N. Y. Life. RE 681 18 FOR SALE By owner, 6-room housa, partly modern, near car line and on paved street; corner lot dxl32; largj shade trees; good home, good investment. Rents for $15 to $17. If taken at one, $2 Suo; $750 cash. Address B 44. care B. e. RE-6V3 18 FIVE, 10 and 10 acres, near Benson, $226 an acre- new t-room house and 8 acres, $l,4i, easy terms. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St. RE-698 18 EIGHTY-ACRE Iowa farm For quick sale, ,& per acre: 10 miles from Council Bluffs; good land; fairly well Improved and with extra fine orchard. H. Q. UoOe. 14 Pearl 6L, Council Bluff I- liH FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters 6k Co. l-room modern house, oak finish, located on east front lot Poxloft, on 3oth Ave., close to Farnam. Price $5,000. 8-room house, with servants' room and laundry In the basement: bath, furnace, large cellar, good bam, lot 6oxl'i6. Price for quick sale, It.ooO. 24-1 Charles street, Is a large ten-room house, modern In every way, combination fixtures, hot water heat, oak finish, large barn, 100-barrel cistern, good lawn; In ftict It Is an up-to-date homelike place. Owner lesvlng city and wishes to sell. lrlce $"0t0. 8-room modern house, hardwood finish, walking distance. Price $4.'Ji0. Facing south on Franklin street. Just west of Military avenue, we have a well built, seven-room modern house; downstairs and the halls are finished In onk; the up stairs rooms finished In birch; house neatly papered; lot 50x150. Price $2,850; $1,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. 4550 Seward St. Is a one-story cottage of five rooms, with city water, electric lights, bath room and piped for furnace; house Is not completed; anyone purchasing now can have the bath room fixtures and furnace put In at cost. Price $1.9'i0. New seven-room house, modern In all ap pointments, well located, near 24th street car line. This Is now under construction and workmanship will show for Itself. It Is a genuine bargain at $.,750. On Sherman Ave., nenr Locust St., we have a new 6-room house, modern except heat, with cemented cellar; lot 40x124. Price $2,4(X). In Monmouth Park we hnve an 8-room house, with barn, well and cistern, ce mented cellar; three lots, making 144xl'Jl, and small fruit consisting of grapes, cher ries and gooseberries, that we can sell for $2,500. This Is nn Ideal place for one seek ing a home with large grounds. VACANT Two lots, making lOOxKO, Just south of Pratt, on 29th, St. Price $400 for both. Full east front lot on 35th St., Just north of Davenport. This lies well. Price $TCW. Submit offer. R. C, PETERS & CO. 'Phone, Douglas 89S. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 BEE BLDG. Real Estate Insurance FEMIS PARK $3,000 7-r. mod., hot water heat, lot 40xlfl0. bam. Fine home. $1,OK-Corncr lot 31th nnd Hamilton. Fine site for residence. CLIFTON HILL $2.400 7-r., mod., furn., cistern, barn, ce ment walks, fruit trees. $2,100 7-r., water, gas, cor. lot 50x130, barn, nice trees. $2,5(0 fi-r. cottage, water gas, cor lot 50x 120. fine barn, trees. $3,600 8-r., mod., now and aliout ready to be occupied, full lot, trees. $1,500 6-r. cottage, water, brick cellar, nice grate in parlor, barn, lot MX120. rseeds pnlnt and papering. Bargain at price. $1,200 6-r. cottage, new roof, new paper, barn, trees. Can be bought for rent pay ments. WALNUT HILL $1,800 7-r., built by owner for home, near, car line and school. House can't be built now for tills price. WEST FARNAM $3,600 7-r. mod., furnace, Just completed, full lot, permanent walks. $5,500 8-r., mod., furnace, oak finish, new. Built by owner for home. $5,500 9-r., mod., on Blghtly cor. 80xKX). Owner leaving town. RE THESE ARE CHEAP BUY THEM NOW $7,000 ll-room modern house. In fine re pair, Dodge St., near High echool. $6,50022x132, with 2-Btory brick building In heart of wholesale district. $6,00060x132, on Farnam west of 24th, with good 7-room cottage. $4,25050x140, corner, with 7-room modern cottage, hard-wood floors, modern plumbing, fine shade trees, perma nent sidewalk and pavement. 3uu3 Mason St. IMssesslon at once. - $3,000 Full east front lot, with 9-room house and barn, on 29th St., near Farnam. $1,300 6-room house, modern except fur nace, 21st and Manderson. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $2,10050 ft. on 38th Ave., north of Dodge $1,350 East front on 37th, near farnam. $1,200 Fine south front on California, west of 38th. $1,100 Fine east front on 22d, near Leaven worth. Close In. $1,07560 ft. on 3th St., near Chicago, very sightly. $ 900 Fine south front on Lafayette Ave., east of 38th. $ 350 North front on Hamilton, near 36th. $ 15060 ft. on 41st, near ljeavenworth. I have other bargains in both vacant and Improved properties in all parts of the city. See me before buying and list your property with nie for a quick sale. J. W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam Street Tel. Douglas 529 RE WM, D. REED 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. $5,20O-Attractlve. new, strictly modern reHldence of 8 rooms, beside recep tion hull, butli and storage room; lurge, high cellur; oak finish, grate and mantel; complete In every way; ex cellent close-in locution. $4,2o-Beautlful locution In Dundee; large, modern residence In excellent repair; two full lots. $3,750 Nearly new house, 7 rooms be sides hull and bath; one of the very choicest locations in Bemis Park, souu'thlntf first cluss for little money; possession April 1. WM. D. REED 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3217. UE-572 18 SNAP NEAR FLORENCE. Be wise and secure a choice home near Omaha In unsurpassed fruit belt north of Florence. Fruit and vegetables of su perior merit are grown there. Five acres cared for will yield support and comfort for decline of life. Talk this matter over with your wife and call on J. P. BROWN, Hotel Florence, Florence, Neb. RE M371 23 FARMS and city homes. Kemp. Keal-Es-tater. Blair, Neb KUr-M FOR SALE Store, lots and stock clean general merchandise; consideration, $i.ouu; snap if taken soon; 20 miles from bioux City on Omaha road. Address P 46, car Bee. KE-MISW 20x INVESTMENTS A-l proposition on S. 16th Bt.; total renU, $756 per year, always rented. Price $., uu. $396 A year rent on an Investment of $3,':50. This property is at 1710-2712 Parker St.; a double house of 6 rooms each, with sewer, gas and city water; lot (Wxlil; street paved and permanent walks pa.d; owner spent $6to putting property In first class repair last year. The Byron Reed Co. . m - a , . . v. 'Phone Douglas at. 212 B. 14th. RE 6u0 18 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on N. 181b Bt,. only $4A This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room J, ew York Lite Bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Three (3 60-ft. east front lots, well lo cated. In Walnut Hill, one block from the car; $l,5on for the three. Two 48-ft. lots, high and sightly, on Larl more, nenr Stth, loth for $400. Well located lot In Kountse Place, paved Street. Price $SOO. Three (3) lots, northeast corner of 42d and Dodge, $2.UM for the three. Full lot on lxiwe- Ave., one block north of Joslyn's home, permanent walk snd pavement; specials all paid. Price $1,600. BOULEVARD TERRACE located Just west of the Hansoom park district, with a fine elevation and a view that Is unsurpassed; it cflers Intending homo builders a rare opportunity to secure a homo Where surrounding properties will all be new nnd Increased values assured. Our prices are right on this property and we shall be glad to show It. ACREAGE Ten (1) acres on 3fith strecfc one mil south of Q street car line. This lies fine and can be divided Into five (5 or two and one-half (2Vfc acre tracts. Price, $J50 per acre. Four and one-quarter (4'i) neres on South 1.1th boulevard, on the Itcllovue Interurban car line. Price, $3(0 per acre. Thirty (30) acres on Center street, about two miles from the city limits. This la 4lne laying ground. Good title and ex tremely cheap at $3,000. Sixty-five (65) acres on Center street, on and one-half miles from city limits. Well Improved, choice soil. An ideal suburban site. Price and terms quoted to anyone Interested. Two acres and six-room house, on mil north of Country club. Price, $1,400. Two and one-half acres and seven-room house, good shade, two blocks from school, one-half mile to car. Price, $2,100. Bee Bldg. INVESTMENTS Trice $:"r()0, Bent $ili0 Kjrst class liontiin, near 25Ui nnd Dotifrlas. Double modern tint, nine rooniH nu ll, lot 50x143 foot. Trice $10.00:, Bent Sl.UOO Three brick flats, liioilcni. In choice locution near 'J"lli nnd .TucUson. Trice $i.mi. Bent pi-OO Near 27th and Harney, double Hut. modern, In walking distance. Trice $lo.oo. Hc-nt $ l.rvjo Near 17th and Jackson, double flat and two cot tages. Tills ground Is liound to In crease in value. HOT'SKS. Trice $.sr0. Bent $1:12-Six room cot tage, near 3."th and Mason Sts. Tart on payments. Trice $700, Bent $102 On easy pay ments, four room cottage, city water, sink. 2213 No. 2rlh St. Trice $1.20O, Bent $120 On easy pay ments. ,'JOHI Tlukney St., good five room cottage, barn and TiO foot lot. BBAND NEW Cottage 4112 No. 28th Ave., one block south of Ames Ave. car lino, five rooms, porcelain bath, gas, sewer, closet, cemented cellar and lot 70xT25 feet. Trice $1,800, part on tortus. GARVIN BROS. 1004 Fnrnam St RE HOUSES FOR RENT. 2645 Chicago, 9-room modern, barn, $37.60. 2!64 Iiarney, 9 rooms, modern, $33.60. a8 Charles, 8 rooms, modern, IX.00. 3014 Ames Ave., 6-room flat, $9.00. 3317 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage, $12.00. SOUTH OMAHA. 1401 N. 23d, t rooms, modern, $22.50. 357 8 . 28th. 6-room cottage, $10.00. GARVIN BROS., 1G04 FARNAM. OO INTO THF1 CHICKEN BUSINESS. 10 lots on north 16th, near Fort, on paved street; $300 cash, bal. to suit; has 6 room and burn; $1,500. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. RE 688 18 FOR SALE. 40 acres Just west of Dundee, fine and sightly, all ready to subdivide. Will bo sold cheap If taken now. Act quick. S. ARION LEWIS, 906 New York Life. RE 399 18 Cis- W illiamson Co. - tJ?P,d' RE 771 FULLY modern cottage, seven rooms, finely finished, built for and occupied as a .home; not heretofore offered for sale; cars one block; Bemis Park. 1312 North S4tlu $3.4ii0. half cash, balance monthly pay ments. RE M370 13 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. Vol are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when Lou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 108 N. Y. ife Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2-J44. - RE- DUNDEE LOT Near car line, on Davenport. Bargain for this week only. Owner, Payton, 410 Be Bldg. RE-M3:!9 1 FOR SALE 7-room house and one acre of f round, all in fruit all In bearing, on lorenr car line. M. A. Stephens, 8039 Curtis avenue. RE 438 18x FOR SALE 6-room cottage and t lots, j 4010 Burdeffe St,. Omaha. RE 401 18x i R. BALL 62 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red J217. $4,6001616 Wirt St.. 8-room modern house, new, hot wate eat; nne home; large lot and good I 1. Reasonable terms. $2,6002219 Locust bi..jjiodern except fur nace. This Is a good home with a nlea barn. $2,200918 8. 81st St., 6-room house; pay ments, $300 cash; balanca by the month. $1,800 itil9 N. 19th Ave., 8-room house, mod ern except furnoue, rented for a year at $20 per month. This Is a good bar gain. $1.376 8outh 27th St., near Woolworth Ave., 4-room house, city water. Easy terms. $1,260 Five acres of ground, 3-ioom house and barn. North of West Dodge. $700188 feet east front on 26th Ave., en biuck from street car line. HE 678 18 SIX ROOMS-NEW Sherman Ave. and Emmet, east front, well built, fully modern; small payment down; very low price; see them. See 2825 N. 24th, corner Ixcust; fully mod ern, nearly new, six rooms, oak finish, electric lights, large basement; rental value, $30. Price for thirty days. $3,000. C. S. 8HEPARD, 308 N. Y. Life. RE 694 18 A Good Investment One 6-room cottage, on 4-room cottage; city water; rents $LS per mo. Owner writes me to sell for $2.uuo. 2o21-23 Pierce St. J. 11. Parrolte, Puxton block. RE 593 18 $2,500 SN.P t rooms, all modern, and barn, south front, on Farnam St., west of 4oth; easy terms, $2,600. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 690 18 The only West Farnam District Snap. 9-room house, all modern, oak finished on, first flour, east front, lot soxluO on 36th Ave., south of Farnam; owners leaving city. Be quick if you want a bargain as well as a nice home; fcj.jOO. F. D. WtAU, 1J24 Douglas St. RE 689 IS $7,600. double brick of rooms, (41-60$ Bo. 2lh St.; ground for another building. F. D. WEAD, l&M Douglas St. KB 691 18 FOR SALE If you are looking for a nice downtown cottage, which is a great big bargain, see us. Tel. Douglas 987. The Futnaja Co, tot- N. T. Life. Aj--67$5