Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Lare Shipment of Fine
Direct from St. Gaul, Switzerland, on Pale Monday at. money-saving
prlrog at lace department. Elegant setnl-niade robes of fine batiste,
plain ond dotted Swiss with deep flounces, wide band and panels, In
serted medallions, tucks, shirring, etr., the season's1 very latest styles
astonishing values, at, each
$7.50, 7.98, 9.98, 12.98, 15.50 s $29
Special Bargains in Made Up Rujfs
These rtiss are made from odd lots and remnants. Made In all
sires and colors and are sold at extremely low prices for quick sale.
l-.1to- Brussels Rug, worth f Bf Brussels Rug. worth 1 BlV
I1S.SO. lit II. OU iisjo. nt IsstDU
-3tIi- Velvet Bur, worth
!".'.. at
l-xlj Velvet Rua. worth
1:7 50. at
.16 50 nV!!.n .! h. ... 1 7. 50
22.50 VHon..1'a':..T:rth.... 23.50
New spring line of 9x12 Body Brussels Uugs Just arrived.
I J CD J Oj n
y 1 1 mm n I..H'-
mi special barbains m seasonable q,erchahbi&e
New Spring Silks
Tlie latest novelties from both American and Kuroiitan
mnnufaeturers in a broad variety of designs. 'Many aro
confined to Hrandeis for Oinalia.
Pleated Crepe, one of the season's
a most generous assortment of new
to be found here only
at, yard
The swell new gray silks, checks
many pretty ideas, also many
fine Swiss Taffetas,
RADII M SILKS, both plain and the new dots, also
many chameleon effects, 4.5 inches wide
Specials in Black Silks
Rlnrk Tnffeta. 27 inches wide, all silk,
guaranteed to wear. f-ifir
special UW
Yard wlile black Taffeta fully guar
anteed, and the bent value ever
offered for the money, 98 C
27-ineh wide Natural .
Wash Silk
.i.uuu yards or tne nnest imported iik holierine, cream,
black and all colore. Pongee, Chiffon Lisse.
tine English Holland linen, white silk, and
Korean silk, all at. a yard..
New wool taffetas and taffeta poplins, all the latest shades. O r
including the rose, special for Monday, at, a vard O JC
We announce the arrival of a beautiful line of Imported robes direct from
, Paris, linen embroidered robes, net robe, dresses and lingerie waists,
at 91.25, $12.75, up to $25.00
Some of the Charming Spring Styles
New Voiles, Errllennes, Chiffon Panamas, Voile Sole, Silk Voiles, Silk and
Wool Loulsenes, Checks and Plaids in large variety, t JJA
and a choice selection of grays, at, yard 14H 10 1311
Our Wash Goods Department Is filled with the latest and most fashion
able materials both foreign and domestic.
Swisses 23c, 30c, 6tc, 75c and up.
Embroidered Batiste at 85c and $1.00 a yard.
Fine Sheer Linens SOc, 75c up to $1.25 a yard
Hand Made French Linens,, 46 inches, in the new shades, at 85c a yard.
Bankers In Ion of the World.
Omaha lodge No. 1 held Its regular meet
ing Friday evening, with President F. L:
Weaver . In the chair. A committee, con
stating of Miss M. Hit. dork, Mrs. Hutchin
son and Mr. Kain, was appointed to report
upon the application presented for mem
bership. Memhera and friends are Invited to the
entertainment to he given nt Washington
ball Thursday evening, February 22.
Woman Belief Corps.
National President Mn. Abbie Adams of
Superior lias issued general orders No. tt,
of which the following Is a part:
"The time la close at hand when contri
butions to the southern memorial fund will
M called for, which fund l used for the
decorating of the soldiers' graves In the
south. From various caumi imub of this
fund in frequently delayed until too late to
be UHed for the purpose for which it was
donated until another year. Thjs fact In-
aucea us to request that contributions for
this purpose he In the hands of the de
triment treaMurer not later than April 10.
hereby giving amble time to Demi it
through the national treasurer to the tiuur
tern.HBter general of the Grand Army of
the Republic, by whom It is expended.
'It is requested that the loyal and com
mendable Plan of presenting a flag to the
high school of tho city where the depart
ment convention Is held be continued.
"The following additional appointments
on the national president's staff are here
with announced:
"National Special Aides Mellle C. Hards
Central City. Neb.; Harriet A. Wilcox.
Omaha; Jennie P. Limes, Superior; Helen
K. Cook, Lincoln; Ainiee J. Kennv, Blair;
Kstelle K. Gage. Milford; Sarah 'L. Felt
Superior: Kate K. flitting. Superior: Annie
K. Aekwtth. Grand Island: Julia S. Bnwen.
Hastings; Isahelle Sutherland. Superior;
Fidelia M. Ruplper. Harvard; Utile Ashby,
'National Aides Louise Alexander. Lin
coln: Wealthy Kemp. Fremont: Bessie
Roberts, North Bend: Jennie Truynor.
Omaha; Gertrude Davis, Lincoln: Minnie
Williams. Blair; Elizabeth Hull. Omaha;
La lelle Sttlson, York; Elisabeth E
Mitchell. Nebraska City; Kllza R. Riley,
Kalrhury; Agnea Mlover, Blue Spring."
George Crook Relief corps No. M and Its
friends en.lnved a kensington at the resi
dence of Mrs. J. H. Butler, 141K North
Thirty-third street, lufct Friday afternoon.
Sewing, games, mimic and refreshments
If vou are In need of quick money, w
will make you a loan of any amount from
I1O.0M to 3o0.00 on your household goods
furniture, piano, organ, live stock, etc., or
will make you a salary loan upon your In
dividual note without security. If you are
regularly employed.. Tou can pay us back
In small easy weekly or monthly payments.
We arrange these payments to suit the
borrower, and allow full rebate if the loan
is paid before due. Our rates are the
lowest ever quoted by a reliable loan com
pany. Our treatment Is courteous and our
business with you a matter of confidence
It will pay you to get a loan from us. A
credit once established, you will be able to
come and draw on us whenever In need of
a little ready money. We are the oldest
concern In our line In the city and we
the originators of the easy monthly pay.
ment plan, which makes the cost much
less to the borrower.
Omaha Mortgage. Loan Co.
11 Board of Trade Illdg. Tel.
(Established !.'. go. 14,1, H(
most exclusive novelties, shown In
spring shades
id. V show
tat stripes in
will be In great demand. V show
Broche effects and neat stripes in
Bargains in White Silks
Brocaded Hahuti.i In pretty neat de
signs. 27 Inches wide will
launder fine,
27-Inch wide Natural
Wash 811k
36-lnch wide Natural fCti
Wash Silk UVC
1 L Vt I U i 11 1
were the order of the day. This corps has
planned to hold a kenslngton every two
weeks hereafter instead of having after
noon business meetings.
Royal Arcanum.
The last issue of the Royal Arcanum
Bulletin states officially: "Members ad
mitted prior to October 1, 16. should bear
in mind that they have until April 1. 1S0,
In which to select one of the options. Those
who have already made the selection of un
option need not trouble their minds about
It, but those who are on the regular rate
and contemplate changing to option A. B or
C must do so and have the proper records
made before April 1. Having once selected
an option, a member cannot change to reg
,ular rate."
Knlajnta of Maccabees.
Omaha tent No. 76 met Thursday' night.
Preparations arc being made for next
Thursday evening.- when the entertain
ment committee will have John J. Holtlen.
champion wrestler of Nebraska, 'and his
trainer, V. J. Huston, hi a match. Two
clever amateur boxers will also be on hand
to add Interest to the evening. It was de
cided to have an open meeting and mem
bers are requested to bring their friends.
A dunce will be given in the near future.
Anclrut Order of I ulted Workmen.
North Omaha lodge No. 159 met Inst
Wednesday evening with a big attendance.
The committee in charge of the annual
prize mask ball to be given Wednesday
evening nt Workmen temple report mat
nil arrangements have been completed for
the event.
Knights of Pythias.
Triune lodge No. 54 held an Interesting
meeting lust Thursday evening, work be
ing had in the first and second ranks. On
next Thursday evening. February 2'.', th.'
rank of "knight" nil! he lieslowed.
Pythian Veteraus.
A gathering of the Pythian veterans will
le held Monday evening at the Honshu
hotel. The occasion is the ninth annual
dinner of the association. The socletv now
numbers about thirty members, a majority
of whom reside in Omaha. Tills reunlnin
Is held annually on the natal dav of the
order of the Knights of Pythias. February
18. Among the more prominent Pvthians
who will be present will be Grand Chan
cellor George A. Magnev and other mem
bers of the grund lodge. Toasts and
speeches will follow the dinner. The
nresent officers of the Veterans are: John
O. Govs of Pellevue. president: Gt-nrge H
frager. Dr. O. 8. Wood. John M. Macfar
land. vice presidents: M. II. Hoerner, treas-
it r
Are remnrlabl'i br.ait'irul color, (le
sions and embtUishm'n's are all fctchingly
feminin. The point emphasized in tlw
new sitI tlylr art the eUmir sleeves and
bolero and "pony" jacket effects. To up
predate kmc very 'fctihinif' tlurn suits art
you should study Hrandcis sh'nring fomor
roic. I'rires
1485 2250 29" 7500
An unusua! value in new spring
New Eton Suits of splendid quality b-osd-eloth
coats are collarless and made with
Inlsld velvet nnd braid at neck and cuffs,
tailor strapped with velvet buttons st ends,
skirts are circular effects In all the new
est spring colors. An especially attractive
spring offering, at
We announce a special bargain In
new spring sgirts tor Monday,
as nobby in appearance as the
most expensive circular flare
skirts, etc., at
Thousands of yards of fine Cambric,
patterns, rresn ana crisp, gooci, durable qualities insertions, hands and
many up to 9 Inches wide, worth as high as 20c a yard; at, a yard. '. . .
Iv-fvi 'AVJfln T4,i-iilTrirlfr?fc Including Corset Cover
jXlXa Hie rjIIlUrOlCieriCS Flouncing, beautiful new
. A I1? 4UMM . . . 1 .a .,L . 1.1.-1. r n - . . .
uy iu xi men?: niuc, nurui an niRii
Ladies' $3 Shoes $1.98
2,000 pairs of ladies' shoes, purchased
from a Boston wholesale shoe house,
regular $3.00 values at $1.98. These
are fine vici kid, patent kid, in lace or
button, the new drill leather, gun metal,
college cut, in light
or heavy extension "9
soles, bright new
fresh spring shoes,
cell at
on sale
urer; E. E. French, secretary and his
torian. Woodmen of the World.
A mnsk hall was given by Alpha camp
No. 1 degree team. The prizes were awarded
as follows: Hest character costume, Mr.
Charles Eden; Miss Annii Wllletts, hest
general costume; Miss H. Murdls, moat
comical costume, and C. E. Holllday.
Charles Peterson and Charles Hndcliffe the
first, second and third prises for men, re
spectively. The committee on arrange
ments will report next Tuesday evening
regarding the entertainment to be given
Tuesday evening, February 27.
Royal Achates.
Phoenix lodge Ims recently amended Its
hy-lsws anil meets now on Wednesday
evenings of each week. The last week
witnesses the first of the mid-week seslons.
nnd after the regular lodge business was
transacted a valentine box was opened,
ref rei-hinents served nnd other social
features enjoyed. This lodge meets every
Wednesday evening In the month, except
the first, when the lodge room Is occupied
by another order. On February 2K the
lodge will give n social tit tho hsll, at
which the women or the boxes will be the
prizes In the competition.
Tribe of Ren Hnr,
Mecca court. No. 13. held un oen mtset
Inir Thurwdnv evening. Committees have
been nprnilnted to arrin" for m card party
and dance to be held Wednesday evening.
.March 1. The hiimiuet hall adjoining the
lodge room has lieen aerured for this
purpose and those who desire to nhiy
curds tan do so without being disturbed
by the dancers.
Fraternal I nton of 4 merles.
Ri nner lodue. No. 11. held Its regulnr
session Thursday evening. Several appli
cations were received and acted upon. Iist
Mi'ndey the degree staff visited Magic
Cliv indue. Xo. SO. st South Omaha nnd
conferred the degree of fraternity upon
a class of sixteen cnndldstes. Next Thurs
day being Washington's birthday arrange
men are being made for doings appro
priate to the date and occasion. One fit the
novelty transactions of the evening will
lie the award of a nrize for attendance. All
members should take a night off and help
celebrate. ,
I.udlea of Maeeabees.
Ilollister hive i(-inl club met at the
home of Mrs. J. R. Custafson. 2421 S.iuth
Sixteenth street Tuesdnv evening. Febru
ary S. Cards and social diversions were
th features of tie gntherlns, and were
followed with refreshments. The next
miHthor will be held nt the home o' Mr.
Tto Walters. M East Pierce s'reet. Coun-
I ell Muffs, Tuesday evening. February JV
Degree of Honor.
Superior lodge. No. U. of Sooth Oninha
had a meeting Wednesday evening. After
s short session of the sreneral Indirn work
the rooms weVe opened to friends. M'ilcil
numbers were given by Miss Clara West
cott and M'fee Orace and Iiera Pe'er
son. Mrs. W. N. Holt and Miss Marie Rait
gave recit.'itions and then followed dancing
and ref resliments.
Modern Wood me a of America.
The mask ball given hy the Foresters of
Reedi camp Friday was a success finan
cially, as well as In attendance.
The Foresters of camp No. 131 have made
arrangements for tl.eir fifteenth annual
ball next Wednesday evening. Nothing
will he left undone to make an enjoyable
Rock Springs camn, No. 66j, held a
masquerade I will at Its hull last Wednes
day. Five prises were awarded: First
prlre for finest woman's costume to Miss
Nellie Winn; second to Miss Mamie K111
dell. The first prize for lh most conceal
woman's costume was awarded to Miss
Tillie 1'annian; ttrst prize for the finest
men's costume was awsrdcd to Einll tlro
nian and the second prise was awunled to
Willitm Arnold.
Palatlaa; fur ttie Itrlile.
Mr. Catherine M. Carlisle of this city
s nt Miss Aii. e I . Koosevclt a a wedding
present a imwt Ix'Satifui painting entitled
"Hutch i'ii Pasture," which she sketched
while abroad In Holland. Mrs. I 'in hale was
a girl friend of Ms Alice Hathaway 1-e
afterwards Mrs. Theodore Koosevelt. file
mot tier of Miss Alice, and whs shown many
kindnesses by her while an art student at
Cooper institute before going abroad.
Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, all
as one a yara; at, a .vara. .
8rtc. extra heavy all linen
cream table damusk, yard..
$1.75 ready to use all linen
nnttern tnhle cloths eneh
Hemst'tched linen
aiuares, 18x72. 30x30,
scarfs and
up to $1.50, for each
15c Renaissance Japanese
dollies, each
30c Renaissance Center
Pieces, each
Six Very Great Bargains in
Drapery Department
New aprlnc lace curtains,
worth up to $2.50, at pair.
New Spring lace curtains, f
worth up to 3.50, at pair.
ch Covers, for Monday
ly at each
Fort Riley. '"ad or tne iweniwiu w
FORT RILEY. Kan., Feb. 17. (Special.) "V'apta'ln Ieon B. Roudles, quartermaster.
The announcement from Washingtan that returned Wednesdav from a trip to Wash-the-
bit and brldoon will be udopted for mgion and other eastern points,
our mounted service created great satis- .rn basket ball team of the Pnlverslty
faction here. The bit and brldoon has 0f Nebraska will come to Fort Hlley to
been used In t!te course of Instruction In ,,1hv the Twentieth battery team next
equitation In the school of application for Tuesday. .
cavalry and field artillery for over two Hishop Millspaugh came up from Topeka
years, during which time the Instructor, Inst Saturday, and on Sunday evening con
Captain W. C. Short, Thirteenth cavalry, ductei divine services at the chapel,
has repratedlv recommended its adoption Private Terrance Williams of the hos
for the army! This recommendation was pltal . corps has purchased his discharge
recently concurred In by the cavalry board from the service.
and the favorable action - of the general Cuptain William N. kenly. artillery
staff followed. 1 corps, has gone to V Hshinium. 1.
Captain J. E. McMahon and Captali W. where he will spend bis tlu. e months
8. McNalr were apiH.lnted tire marshal leave of absence with his family,
and assistant, respectively, in the artillery The basket ball team of the Twentieth
sub-post Tuesday field battery has received an Invitation to
Colonel iv t. Godfrey. Ninth cavalry-. k" lo Kunsas City and 1 play the champions
went to Fort Leavenworth Saturday on of the world at the indoor athletic meet
business connected with the Uiyai Uio:i. In Convention ball in March
He returned Tuesdav and resumed com- Veterinarian Lester h. 1113 'ou"1. "
mand of the post and school. While :U tlllery corps, returned Monday from leave
Fort Leavenworth Colonel Godfrey was the of ' al nee spent In ashlngton.
guest of Hilgadler G. neral J. F. Bell. (-wporuls 1 emy P U n kr and
Nine bake.s graduated Iron, the training A V. ilder ot the rwen -se ond battel
school for bakers aj.d cooks Thursday, '"'J 'Sv.rPrivSS. I'at.v M.
and were assigned to dillcreni organlzu- f I '" ul,, 'tJ V
n.,na iin.1 his i hi the country iHinnell, tinny . Shier unit alter a.
A new IJliiHs of nine Recruit s ".tSd lnl- H J? """""Uo-
WSelfeunt Curr of the Uetu.hment of in,- i'A'u
ners und horvc sl.i.eis. has opim-d a bar- U1",,"K. the small chap, of the
ber Shop In the post. The team i already advertising for
(in Thursday the new term in the train- , J",,',,,,',,,.,, wills an- others .if their size
lug school for lanlers and ho.'J-j shoers welgiil in lite state. Harry (kilvle,
opened here. Ihe last t.rm .Vised In mll f pHt Wuurtei master Sergeant
November, since which time the p.ant of OK,ivjp )!( business manarn'r.
the training school has been usfl Vor the rrhl. ,1(,w garbHge crijmatorv Is again In
Instruction of officers in hippolo'J and BUC1.f ssful operation and Is consuming alt
horse shoeing. The members of - now L, ..rhmr which accumulates about
clujis began arriving early this we-i, and
bv Thursday 110 men hod reported, -.ronilng
from every mounted organization In the
United States. The course of instruction
cover four months. About half of the
men will toe Instructed m horse shoeing
and the other half In farriery.
Second Lieutenant E. V. Armstrong,
Thirteenth cavalry, was relieved Wednes
day as Instructor In calisthenics in 'the
cavalry sub-post, and Second Lieutenant
8. W. Wlnfree. Ninth cavalry, was de
tailed in hi stead.
Corporul Jay W. Weller of the Twenty
second battery, field artillery, was reduced
to the grade of private Thursduy, lor the
good of the service.
Miss Florance Taylor, daughter of
Colonel Sydnev W. Taylor, aniliery cotps,
ha gone to Fort M.-H.-nry. Md., to visit
hor sister, Mrs. Morrison, wife of Lieu
tenant W. li. Morrison of the coast ar
tillery. A number of soldiers from the post went
to Chanute, Kas., the first of the week to
attend a convention of the Young Men'
Christian association.
First lieutenant i C Smith of the
Second cavalry, who hus been on leave
of absence, reported for duly at the .st
Monday und will remain here until the
arrtvul of the suuudron of his regiment,
which comes about March 1.
Plans are lHlng formulated by ' the '
Twentieth battery to start a battery
Dr. Lyon9
Tooth Pouder
Cleanses and beautifies the
t6etb and purifies the breath,
Used by peopla of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
fwaggr little pony and polo covert coats
are the thing this spring. We are show
ing an Immense assortment, buying them
ss we did st the first, opening of the
spring market, we nre able to show a line
that is in every way complete. Prices
498 7 50 IQOO 4o 2900
A Special in
Cover! Coats
19og mnn tailored covert Jackets, satin
lined, strapped and stitched, fancy braid
and button trimmed, collarless style, full
coat sleeves, also 4l'-incll half llnd coats
with belted backs ami huckl". collarless.
with Inlaid velvet nt neck and cuffs. Ex
ceedingly good values, at
Swagger Spring Skirts The circular
flare skirt Is the thing this season and
Rrandels" is showing the widest possible
variety to get the choicest styles of the
senson yon should make 98
your selection now. Prices Up
ranging from ...
new, pretty
new, pretty T f f
edgings- J2C-02C-IIIC
broideries and
many are
75c Renaissance Japanese rQr
Center Pieces, each J"W
11 fin Renaissance Japanese fQr
Center Pieces, each Jzr
15c Japanese Drawn .Work tl r
Dollies, each A l
20c Extra large Bleached Iflc
Turkish Towels, each iw
39c All Linen Hemstitched 2Sc
Towels, each ,
Best Oil Opaque Window COC
Shades, 36x84, go at ea....
Japanese Cretonne, alll new styles,
W patterns to select from tptQ
go at vard
Curiam Swiss, 8-in. wide, IOC
all new patterns, go at yd...
laundry, patterned utter the one con
ducted by the Twenty-nlnelh battery tU
Fort Ieavenorth. While the latter or
ganization was at Fort Hiley last summer
as a part of the first provisional regiment
of field artillery its portable laundry plant
attracted no little attention, and it Is prob
able timt other batteries will follow the
I lnp ,,0Ht averaging about thirty-five
wnu-nn Lmds ner dav.
Recruit Oliver C. Hrown, who came here
from Jefferson Barracks, Mo., last year,
to act as cook to the detachment of
farriers and horseshoera. was relieved from
that duty Monday and assigned to the
Twentieth battery, field artillery.
First Lieutenant W. P. MolTet has been
relieved from nnd Second Lientenunt P. J.
R. Klehl detailed on special duty with
Troop C, Thirteenth cavalry.
Fort Mobrara.
PORT NIOURARA. Neb. Feb. 17.
(Special ) Cnriioral William Uroyles, Com
pany M, Twenty-fifth infantry, was placed
in conflniinenl In the guard hoin on
Frldav, the 16th. on tho c-hurge of stealing
174 from the wife of William Culdwell,
first sergeant of Company I. It Is alleged
that the marshal of Valentine found the
monev In ids stocking.
Captain Thcidore B. Hackur. subsistence
department, on duty at department hend
luarteri in Omaha, visited the post on
Thursday, the loth and MUivhased a huge
quantity of flour from the Valentine mill
for the troops Ha tinned here.
Second Lieutenant Harrv S. Grler and
wife are receiving cons rat illations over tho
arrival of a son on Friday morning, the
Colonel H' niy A. Green, military secre
tary's d Diirtinent. visited the Post on Fri
day, 'he Itith Inst., and Inspected the post
Lieutenant Harry 8. Grler. Twenty-fifth
Infantry, ha been designated as nffi.Vr
In charge of the library at post headquar
ters. Chaplain Steward I in charge of the
post library In the front part of the gym
nasium building.
Cxptnlii Michael J. I.enlhan returned
from Washington on Saturday, the 17th.
Miss Effie Randall has recovered from
her Injuries received by being thrown from
a horse.
Whili. st worl- on Monday, the 12th,
Private George W. Hlsce'. Comp'inv l
Tnty-flf:h lifnlrv a prisoner awaiting
result of trial bv gener"l ourt-n"r'i',
struck another prisoner. Prlvele Wi'ilani
nii to''. ConiDtnv K. Tv nt v-tif t'l 'nf-"try.
over the head wit'i a pick-axe. Inflicting it
severe wound. Hlseel will lie tr'ed "sain
e- the charg" of assault with intent It
Private Guv Jlayinond. Comnanv l
Twenty-fifth Infantev. wbs tred durin? tlie
week, his trial iHSitn- four da vs. for
sssiiulting and attenmtinv to kill Private
Strelen. Comuany K. Twenty. fifth In
fantry hy shooting at him with a revolver.
A new general court-martial has been
appointed to meet at this post. Cantaln
Joseph P. O'Ntil. Twenty-fifth infantry, is
of Fine
Silk Embroidered Flannels
We have bought from a manufacturer retiring from th
flannel business his entire stock on hand -400 bolts of white
embroidered flannel. It sells regularly from ."0c per yard
up to $2.50 per yard. "We bought this stock extraordinarily
cheap, and offer it tomorrow in four lots:
All the white embroidered flannel that usually sells at nOr per "y Pn
yard, goes at, per yard... 4 JC
All the white embroidered flannel that usually soils up to $1.00, 1Q
per yard, goes at, per yard TC
All the fine white embroidered flannel (hat usually sells up to J r
$1.50 per yard, pxn at. per yard i OC
All the finest hand embroidered white flannel, hemstitched, flne scal
lop and heavily embroidered, that usually sells up to $2. SO ( O
per yard, go at, per yard . J OC
These are on display In our show window and have been admired
by thousands.
New Arrivals at the White Goods Counter
An entirely new fabric that bids fair to be the greatest seller in
the white goods business, and first shown in Omaha on our
white goods counter. "Lingerie Ixmg Cloth", it has the soft
ness of fine long cloth and the sheeruess and durability of pure
linen. It is very light weight and transparent, just the thing
for the new lingerie waists. To introduce it in Omaha we make '
122csumI 15c'
Great Basement Bargains Monday
Imported Madras, highly mercerized, attractive designs, stripes, figures and
jacquard effects on white grounds Just the thing for f g
fine, new spring waists and shirts
for, a yard
Finest white Cambric, Longcloth, Nain
sook and Muslins Just the quality
for fine undermusllns, " I
at, yard O.C
Extra fine quality regular 25c India
Linon, In mill lengths, Irt
at, yard I VIC
Dotted and figured drapery Swiss, a regular 15c qual'ty,
Monday, for a yard
W will sell blue, green and brown checked
genuine Amoskeag Apron
U Ingham for, ,
the senior member, and First Lieutenant
F. W. Ball, battalion adjutant, is judge
advocate. The other members of the court
are Captain J. D. Lietch, Captain Edgar
A. Macklln, First Lieutenant Louis B.
Chandler, Second Lieutenants Douglas
Donald, Alfred Brandt, James Blyth,
George W. Luwrason nnd Paul H. Clark.
The old general court hns two more cases
to try before they adjourn. Private Rag
land of Company I and Private Dunlap,
Troop C, Sixth cavalry.
Colonel and Mrs. Iloyt have gone to
Washington, D. C, from New York and
are registered at the Ebbltt house.
Word has been received that Influence Is
being brought to bear on the general staff
to have the station of the Twenty-fifth In
fantry changed. The only opening there
Is for our regiment is In Texas and we are
certainly better off for social conditions
nnd climate where we are now. Most
of us would willingly stay here in prefer
ence to Texas for the remaining two year
that we have to spend In tiie states.
Company M. Twenty-fifth Infantry, gave
a dunce In the gymnasium on ThursUuv
evening that was well attended by frlenda
from valentine.
The Twenty-fifth Infantry orchestra gave
u concert In Gordon hall on Wednesday
The usual weekly hop for officers and
ladles of the garrison was held on Fri
day. Major and Mrs. Penrose left for Minne
apolis on Friday to attend the wedding
of Lieutenant Pearson, Ninth Infantrv. and
.Mine Wadhams of Minneapolis. Lieuten
ant Pearson was formerly of ihe Twentv
tifth and met Miss Wadliains while she
was visiting with Major und Mr. Penrose
at this post.
The troops of this command were paid
on Friday the ICtli lnsl.
Captain and Mrs. J. P. O'Neil enter
tained the Bridge club 011 Saturday night
Captain Joseph P. O'Nell will be in com
mand of the post during the absence or
Major Penrose.
The past week hss been suftielemly ..!.!
to permit the qunrlermaster to put tip the
full supply of ice for the post that will 1
i"i uuiniB tne summer.
Fort Meade
FORT MEADE. 8. D., Feb. 17.-(8peclal 1 J
11,11 wu4 n
ui.T'iMy vvKjiiiiH, rriiruir) s. . aptain
snd Mrs. Cole entertained Lieutenant and
Mrs. Miller and Lieutenant and Mrs. Jones
at dinner. The same evening Major and
Mrs. Hunter dined with Major and Mr.
Sands. Lieutenant and Mrs. Glover gave a
seven-handed euchre party, also oil Thurs
day evening.
Friday evening Ctiptaln and Mrs. Cole
lieutenant and Mrs. Read.
Griffith and Lkmentint Carter dined with
Major and Mrs. Hunter and family.
Friday evening :iji Interesting game of
basket ball was played between E and R
troops, when B troop won with a score of
21 to 16.
Wednesday evening a thrilling game of
basket Dull was played between A and K
troiips. A trooD was successful In winning
with a score of 14 to 7. The same evening
the hospital corps forfeited their game
with Troop B.
Monday evening. February 12. Lieutenant
and Mrs. Read entertained at a card party.
Fuiine was played. The prizes were won
hv Mrs. McCulloch, Mis Helen Hunter.
Lieutenant Glover and Lieutenant lie
Namev. 1 .Icutemtnt and Mr. Read cele
brated their tentli anniversary on thai day
and they received many presents of "tin."
Wednesday eenlnr Lieutenant Griffith
entertained a number of the officers and
ladies at a card party. The game played
was "fru" and the evening wa thoroughly
en toyed by all.
Wednesdav afternoon the Ladies' Card
club met with Mrs. Cole. The prizes were
won by Mrs. Read and Mr. Weaver.
Saturday evening, February 0. the reg
ular weekly officers' hoo was held In the
r- t hall. There was an unusually large 1
The same evening Maior and Mrs. Mc
culloch entertained Lieu tens nt and Mrs.
I;, id. Liemenan' snd Mrs. Jones, Mr. and
Mlf Hunter at dinner. ,
Mortality statistics.
Tlie following births and i!e:-.ths have
been reported to the B strd of Health
duiing Hie twenty-four hours ending at
noon Saturday:
I inril-iiwifcf "liip-iuii, owl -uim
eighteenth, b-iy: Charles He-r.aiad. 1311
S. utli Fourteenth, gul; Willi im G. Heals,
IP North Twenty-ninth, boy; H Gerber,
it.": South Sixteenth hoy; Gunder L. Oun
derton, U4 North Twenty-eveiith. boy.
lelhs Mrs. B. L. 'lll. St. Joseph's
hospital. I'j, James Porter, county hospl-
tal. 71. Ethel Curtis, 1710 Burt, li; Jijalmcr
Special Sale
splendid values, I g(
Beautiful Silk Organdies, floral effects,
prettiest colorings,, worth J?
25c, on sale at, yard IjC
Regular 15c Mercerized Comfort Cov
erings, satin finish, could also be
used as drapery, Monday C
at, yard DO
We will sell from the bolt Washable Cotton
v names in iigni ana aarx
grounds, Persian floral and
figured designs, at, a yard....
Bergstrom, 1108 Farnam, 86; George A
Hill, 96 North Twenty-fifth, 7; Emmi
Lund, 630 South Twenty-slxtn avenue, M,
Anna Dvorak, 1.116 South Twelfth, 20; Anns
Kovarlk, 1706 South Fifteenth, 48; Jamei
C. Proctor, 241S Parker, 30; Alfres
Schwartz, Thirty-fourth and Manderson,
Typical Winter Sight, with Oroinil
Covered and Precipitation.
O'oti tinning.
The snowfall of Friday night wss about
two Inches, or to be more accurate, on
and eight-tenths inches In depth. The snow
came down very gently and afforded a beau
tiful view of a typical winter night. The
snow was heaviest in the eastern half of
the state, there being but llttls snow re
ported in the western portion. Much good
Is expected from It.
The thawing weather of Saturday has
had the effect of putting the streets In a,
sloppy condition and the street commis
sioner's force Is doing some good work In
getting the snow and slush hauled away.
The snow has caused but little interference
with ice cutting; because of Its light na
ture It is easily swept off the ice. The
average thickness of the ice is about twelve
inches und It Is regarded as of an excep
tionally good quality. The local outlook
for Sunday Is for lair weather, with iw
Important changes In temperature.
Fearful Carnage
occurs every day from cuts. Injuries, ate
Stop blrctltg and heal the wounds with
Bucklen's .Vnlca Salve. 116c. For sale by
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Bee Wtnt Ads Are Business Boosters.
P. A. Teast of Hyannls, Neb., arrived at
Omaha yesterday for a brief business trip.
He Is staying at the Murray hotel.
Thomas and John Donlon. Sill Pinckney
1 street, and James Lyons, 8-112 Maple street.
utK'unw eilKaseu ill a uiuimen urawi ii
o'clock yesterday afternoon. A general
fight ensued, out of which Lyons emerged
with two cuts on his face and other
bruise. Emergency Officer Rlnn was sent
from the police station in response to a
request, and arrested the trio. Police Sur
geon Moraman patched up the wounded
man and ail were placed behind the bars.
Dr. Humphreys' Scyenty
Seren breaks up Grip and
A fresh Cold U stopped by th
timely use of "Seventy-seven.''
A neglected Cold or Grip are
btoken up by the continued use
of "Seventy-seven."
One advantage of "Ssventy
seven" over ail other- 1 emedies
is, that While iriOit rnodlciliea re-
dues, the tonicity of "77" sustains
the system during the illness.
At PrusslWt IS
r siftlles.
M.aMm is..
J sus Jh, h.w vrk.