Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
. teB OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY- '1ft, 1905. if NII I HI I 1 1 III I t" . . v . wiiim FDR 511 F MKpri I AMCnilC nFflTH NflTinFS Ul bUltll. HUllUkU will be takes til 13 ra. for the ataa- edition and until A . m. for tha Bonlai Sunday- edition. Rates I l-3e iord flret laaertlon, la a word thereafter. Xathlae; taken for lea tkaa SOe for fke flrat laser tloa. . Tkeae adrertlaemeat mast ke ran roaseeutlTely. Advertisers, fcr reuaestlaar aam tiered rket-k, kaTO answers ad dreaaed to a aamkered letter la ear of Tha Ree. Answers an addressed will fco delivered presentation at eherk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE av Avn virniT RPHfini. unfitness, Hnortoana, typewriting, iiea rnphy. Normal and English. Students admitted any day. Catalogue free. Ad- flrrss H. H. Boyles, Pres., Boyles Bias.. uinuu, ieo. i COLUMBIA OU'MBU OLUMHIA OLL'MBIA RECORDS KCORD8 ECORD8 ECORDS R EDUCED EDUCED EDUCED EDUCED TO 25ct'Kc, 50c AND 60c The Columbia Phonograph Co, 1621 Farnam BC, Omaha. R M236 CITT SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per rent. R 671 MONHEIT'B HAIR STORE. 1411 Farnam. Electrical, scalp, ' facial and chiropody treatment. Wigs, ; switches. Hail orders tilled. .Tel. Douglas 2333. R 3u0 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make IM clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sales, u. Anareen. Prop., uu &. lotn st. R-A74 ,WE PRESS 'EM Tour bosom friends are sale with us. Mo diuiger to your linen with our up-to-date CltAM rKtlSULHK MACii-LN fcl CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 209 and 211 bit. 11th BL TeL Doug. 264. R Ma MJ Rao Tirc R- Bt'UBEL & SON, uaitr i icO Nio. litn Ht Omaha. 1124 R 676 SIGN PAINTING, S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. JH ti ICE1 ICEI .We can furnisn plenty of good spring water Ice from li to It Inches thick for li.oo per ton, free on board cars here. vaienune Ice oo., Valentine, Neb. R M 935 18 STEIN WAY piano, upright, big bargain. i erutiu riauo c., 1U ivuua rJU R-671 CLOCK REPAIRING. I guarantee. W. J. Rlcharda, 2219 Cap. Ave. Tel. Doug-. 7a R UJU Fl INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., iltih and Davenport. it A1AU1 11 A MARTIN MEYER, skirts, underwear to or- uer. HtiSm ebl PFRkTIN's American herbs. 1624 N. Ust '-'"'JSi, Omaua, Neb. Tel Keo?d. CUNSM1TH. keys, trunk-locks, repairing ; Heflln, 217 8. luh. Tel. Douglas 2y4. H'JCM OMAUA Electric Works. Electrical repair- in., rricts rignu ixm-u n. utn bu isu uoug. uu. R U3bt FJM .VV E BUY and sail typewriters. Ws will sell juur mariune on a small conumssion. Omana Type writer aVaxhange, iuo Nevui dim., xet. iuug. aMO. . IV 1M t tb.JJ KINDLING for aala; good Wood, sawed and split, ready for stove. BALBAUH UAutuuh uudng, milL 'Phons Uar- w 1 1 'wa. ..... i f i si ,1 s r ea o ' KtiABflE 4k BRICK. Machinist. Hi b. Ulh St. Tel. Doug. ES37, R 4.S if eUU d. II. STAN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Bui 'jer. lum, -iA lake. TeL Doug. . R MJM MU imlture jep'd & upholstered. Tel.Doug.8S6 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TeL Doug. k CHICAGO LAUNDRY, Z14 N. 16Ut. TeL ' Doug. -OA. R-MiH. r eblft HAY, t&M per ton. Wagner, tul N. 16th St. R J1-.7 Mu Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. 1HI Farnara j ' K bol SLRVkiXLNgL Itllrksnsaerfer. 8U Bee Bldg. R Mu BUSINESS CHANCES 7 and 8 PER CENT GUARANTEED Ion t be satlKfled with S and 4 per cent Oil your money. - We will pay you 7 per cent ou three-year bonds and k per cent on live-year bonds, In - sums from upward. This guarantee is backed up bv ti.e assets of the most successful trust company In the southwest, the honor of tlnuuciers of unexceptionable standing and the resources of beautiful Indian Territory, wnlcn produces wheat, corn and cotton ou the same loj acres, and of MuHkogee, the greatest and fastest growing city of 20,(mo lu the world. Write to us today. Investi gate us. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. Muitkogee, Indian Territory. Y-333 IS A LONG established, exceptionally sue ccmilul and proutaule wholesale business In oinana oners l,uw) lu w,uuo stock for sale lo desirable party or parties. Full Investigation will convince any Investor tnat tins opportunity la one of the best ever oltereu in Omaha. Address 8 is. cure lie. X-JM j ' I'OR SALE or exchange for Improved land, implement business In small but good town, rich tanning country In Platte valley; good reasons for selling Block. $A,u; real estate, fl.tiuo. will pay to investigate. Address Oclavia Imple ment Co., Oclavia, Neb. Y MSutf 2vx 1 tiAE a good article to manufacture in Oiuuha In which there Is a good profit excellent marael and bright future; de sire to ernicl capital, both active and silent, to incorporate u company of 1.5 - capltnl. Pnnclpals only. Address 8 XI care ilee. Y Ma4 Wx BLACKSMITH and wagon shop for sale or rem; in good town in southwestern Iowa. Address b Li, Omaha Bee. Y Maa i7x TO BUY OR" BULL any business and for best information and quick action nee MOATS. Ml Karbach block. -4tJ LANDS, mdse. a town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange. Modaie la Y tUl Febzs FOR SALEDeslrable location In heart of the retail district. Address B 12, car Bee Y Mi lux ' FOR RENT Large warehouse, good track age. Apply C. 11. Crelghton. palace Sta bles. yM7 TOR BALK Rooming and boarding house soma trade; central. S 28, Bee odtee. Y M310 Ui OENEVIEVB-Meet me In Omaha en the Jotli. I have the solitaire that you se . lecled at MANDELBERO'S. LOUIS. Y-M34S FOR SALE Store, lots and sttick clean general merchandise; considecatlon, ti.Ouo; snap if taken soon; SO miles from Sioux City on Omaha road. Addrera P 45, car Bee. , Y MMB Mch2x JOR SALE An excellent stock of hard ware In good Iowa town; no trades; best of reasons for selling. Roll A Talbott, Rronson. Is. Y M32s 22 FOR SALE Grocery store or meat market. Addresa W. E. O., car Bea t'ltioe. South Omaha. Y-M23U Zt PLUMBING CHAPMAN MAHAN. Repairs promptly dona Price reasonable. Ui N 1th. Tel. Red HM -427 rua LRUG stores bought and sold. Drug olsrks "" r. v. Kniest, 44 li. I. L. B-Otl RUT AIL clerks, sprint trad. Credit man. Bookkeeper. Stenographer. Young wan to learn carpet business. e are brokers of brain ant ahtlitv position tliroiief) us Is the bent method. LHIhRN RKK. BOND ASSN., Unc), "epi. ti, MO-l-a N. Y. Lilt Bids;. B-324 15 NVANTED-For 17. 8. Army, ablebodled men between sees of a and 36; cltliens of United States, of good character and tem perate ha hits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to "niuuini umre, i3tn and Douglas Bis. umiiH, Lincoln and Urand island, into r oiuuk city, ia. B lia WANTED Snappy advertlxlns; solicitor or vnienoar man to sell in Omaha our unique advertising map hangnr. Immense sellers " mom exclusive buyers. Liberal com missions, handy samnlus. exclusive ter rUory. Give experience and referencea svenyan Map Co., Des Moines, la. B-M3U7 17 BOY Burgess Shirt Co., 21st and Farnam. WANTED A good Hvs man who has hsd experience In moving buildings; will pay good wages and give steady work by day or month or year. 1. A, Murphy, Sioux Kails. H- n. n Mhiv YOUNG MEN for Ry. braking and firing, Auuress ity.-jjepi., m B. litn. umatia. B MXttl M7 dlemakers, on high-grade hand-made work; good pay and steady work for good men. Fremont Saddlery Co.. Fremont, xeo. a xusoi is YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and railway business. Oldest schooL -very graduate placed. W. B. Skelton, eaiina, Ivan. B Mw2 r eolax WANTED Men to accept bargains In land. notei ana ganery. K. s. ivorrritn, L,itcn neld. Neb. B M8U8 Mox WA NTED A n intelligent lad to work In a Dank; a ralr salary and an opportunity to learn the buxlness will be given the right boy; must be over lt years of age and live with his parents. Address, giving nge, rererences and previous experience, ii any, a .i, care Bea is Sin 1 WANTED A solicitor to sell watches, diamonds and Jewelry on credit; salary guaranteed and coinmlSHion. Address o X, care Beo Office B MXi7 18 WANTED Men to distribute circulars n (11 per l.COt); cash in auvance; no humbug we mean business: write uulrk and In. close stamp for particulars. No-Dirt Mfg. loo iii. am di., uiramie, wyu. . B M347 15 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced lady assorter. aiun. city laundry, council Blurts. C-J33 WANTED A good cook; no washing; good iuia. v. jo. iveiier, iMA cuss. C 246 WANTED A girl for general housework, small I ami I y. zmh Pierce St. C 23 lox EXPERIENCED girl for general houae- wora; must give reference. jM leaven worth St. C 281 18x WANTED Good klrl for aeneral house- woin, lanuiy uiree, an grown. tiooti wages. Mrs. D. V. Sholes, 1120 S. 31m Su C iJ lb WANTED Girl for seneral housework Apply Mrs. F rederick Ruslin, Soil Harney Ok o-XL&i li WANTED Good restaurant cook for small town; steady job. Address S 17, care Bee, WOMAN to keep house for man and wife, no children. UOl S. 20th, Omaha. O MSG! 16x SHIRT girls wanted at King-Graham Mfg, co., iitn ana jacKson. c 16 WANTED An experienced girl for general uouHewora; goou wages; two in lanilly; references required. Mrs. C. O. Mont gomery, jr,v7 Leavenworth. Phfme Har neya37. C-M346 WANTED SITUATION POSITION wanted by an experienced young iauy 10 uu euner collecting, DOOKKecplns vi viviivu wui, Auuiess s a, care tiee, A ul? WANTED Office position by capable' youm; man; experienced slenocrraDher and respondent. Well educateu; best refer- A M302 16X ' WANTED By sober younsr man. nositlon In wnuinwio iiouse or express work. Address iv pee. A MiJil 1KX AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our yupuuu- policies, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations, something en- uicijr new auu issued oy this society onlv: eatiilv utiriAi-ariuiH mnA ...n,, ...1.1. but $6 per annum each, payable mummy u oesirea; large commissions ywu iiuiiii.-uiuvvijr una exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, New York. Estab lished 20 years. J MoSiMchs AN EXPERIENCED investment solicitor to promote a nign-grade realty Invest ment, Address Frisco-Santa Fe Land ieveiopmeni CO., 414 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. J M171 17 WANTEE-SALESMEN WiVTrn.n.u.i... - i r i"ui, lowa ana Illinois. Kefer enoes from lust employer required. State age, whether single or married, number v. frmp ui, may, n ernpioyea at present, sulary expected. Good positions for the right men. E. Myers Lye Co., St. Louis. Mo. L-J01 16 WANTED Experienced salesmen for Kan ence from lust employer required. State -iiriMBi single or married, numtw" of years on road, if employed at present salary expected. Good positions for the right men. E. Myers Lye Co., St. Louis. L 331 16x PATENTS H. A. 8TURGE8. registered attorney; nat. j....-, .....m, Vu.jrii,u; no ree un less successful. 417 N. Y. Life. Omaha F. J. LARSON & CO.. natent 1...... Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 66 BHARPE MACHINE WORK8-PatenU crtiCureil. 'nvntlnna r--- , w.w.uvu, UIKW1I1KS, patterns, casUngs, machine work. 6tH-6ii 8. 10th St. 4s7 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na- uonai invcstmeni Co., U Douglas Block. 4SN WANTED TO BUY LATHE from 12 to 16 swing, also drill press u . mi. .a A a ii.. . . k a aw, care nee. N-MJ95 21 WANTEll TO Pt'BPU i aii. Rolier-top desk, chairs, table and possibly vim,, lurnuure ir at uar gum and in good condition. Address 8 27. care Bfi N-326 16x LOST AND FOUND L08T Between Crelghton Medical college and 2022 Burt, a Indies' ii.h . .. himberinan'a fob. Return to Crelsihton Dental colleae. vie u u, IU, CLARENCTJ I have recovered the watch that you purchased for me at MANDEL 1 Timm a t-i- , . " ui ui LAW AND COLLECTIONS' ATTORNEYS everywhere. Tha New Snow- cu., main noor, N. x. L. TeL Loug. I2S. 4V7 J. M. Maofarlana. 209 N. Y. L Bldg. TeL OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON InsUtute, 411 N. T. L. TeL Doug. esi . DR. WELLS, D. O. and D. Neville Oioca. The whole family should advertise its needs in these wants. I FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS UEWBY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. . B-wa FURNISHED room with hot and cold ?tZ "e!tr'o "eht and teiepohne, 'or genueman. 217 S. 2bth SL E aW Doug. 611 O.M.E. Uaul Trunks E-i95 W.EJ 'urnlehed. modern, steam heated jn rarnam, Flat 6. Tel. Doug. E 7H1 KRNI-81rED oms rent quickly If prop .Lt flurnlJ,h'J- We sell everything to " ,tn?,n on ay payments. We r.MrtS"S.,lr""nllment Prices. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. E-31S 15 NEWLT furnished rooma. 2534 Davenport; OXFORD EUROPEAN HOTEL. Weekly E M4SS Feb31 X.'LKNT "outn frot. modern fur nished room with alcove, for one or two; meals close; 'phone In house. Dr. Prlb benow, 2574 Harnev St irwv FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE ROSE. 20M Harn.v Jv-i rooms, with orood hoard: ,!. H,. K. ' or meal tickets. F-253 Marlox Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks , F-69S VIENNA Hotel; private dining: rooms, cafe. r 6W THE FA RN A M 1 t h and Farnam Sts. F 841 wi vnicago at. t byt UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 10S S. 28th St. u M774 THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heat ,!., 4.vv iiiuiiin. auiti r'acinc. G 804 15x t ROOMS, first floor, with heat, light and wmer; ju. iai r arnam Bt. G MS36 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED cottage; five rooms; mod ern; gooa location; no children. Address P 66, care Bee. 940 16x HOUSES FOR flENT UUaiJUJu, Petera 4s Co., Bea Bldg. tool HOI IS FS 13 U Prta of the city. Tha nUUOWo,!,- jjavui Co.. iM Bee Bldg. D au4 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. D CHOICE MODERN HnMKL Nina rooms and barn, H block liom 24th oar, ninney bu it 1. uarney tsu. u bus 7-ROOM house, 1530 South 2Sth. Clariie roweu, 2044 Farnara SL 'Phone 92L D-656 SEE US when shipping household goods to large cities weal. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., .14 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. UMi. D M355 THE Omaha Van tc Storage Co., pack. move and store li. H. goods. Storehouse, LUU-24 N. lath. Omoe, lellVfc Faiuaiu. Tel. Doug. -1659. D tiOJ We furnish the home complete on easy payments, the best stock In Omaha to select from. $10o worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. D 313 15 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. i49u. omce, iiia v va ster St. D 6u3 -ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Baclimann. 44o Paxton Blk. TeL Red 339. D 2i4 . SCHWARTZ. Moving Van, 1510 Webster Tel. Doug. -Jm. D M917.F17 2218 CHICAGO, 8 rooms, modern, $30; 2hll Woolwurtn Ave., a rooms, modern. vt: othera King wail tiros., marker Blk. DM 156 CENTRAL 4-room corner flat TIzard, 220 N. 23d. D M.trt FOR RENT Nine-room houee, east fronL 66i So. 28th St., $40 per month. G. w, Loomis. D 449 ROOMS, modern. 406 N. 23d St. D M206 17z NINE rooms, modern, 8112 Mason St., $30 month, owner, aw a. mn et. u 7w TWO new 8-room modern flats, 2216 and 2218 Burt. Inquire 724 N. 22(L D M345 IS FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bea office, city nan building, 417 N ttith SL, South Omaha. Apply 10 manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xlu0 separately ; 1003-05 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Na tional Bank Bldg. I k47 BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Noa. 13IK-10 Harney si., 3 stories and base ment, heating plant, modern conveniences. Apply R. B. Towle, care D. J. O'Brien Co. J M269 21) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Twja nicely furnished rooms, ennui te, wun neat; lor light house- Keeping, uy orotner and sister; state location and rent In reply. Address P 17, Ree. K 2)1 16x WELL furnished centrally located living apartment; ironi exposure; bath and steam heat preferred. Single gentleman; permanent. Address 8 26, care Bee. K-325 16x FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Depu U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Depu "A. H-asl SECTION 35-10-16. Buffalo county. No. braska, 320 acres cultivated, balance pas ture, fenced: innil .,ll . - 7 , MUllUlllKa. 10U0; Sf" tern,- Address owner, i nwg oiug., cimana. Neb. ' H-M175 U FARM FOR 8ALE 160-acre farm, fair 1m- i,.u..mrun, uu ueiter sou in Nebraska; w V lt, "oll,at on-e- Address F W. Berck. Boelus. Kb. U M144 24 NORTH Dakota Has tha best land for $12.50 an x-r. i America. Big crowds going. ExC. rats tor facu see Win, H Brown Co.. 131 La Salle St., ChlcagoT III., or Mandan No. U-M FERTILE land In Texas; $1 per acre by our piau. Aaaress B 10, care Bee. H-M249 19 TICKET BROKERS LrS5'2iaM,OHN80N' 1 "rnam. t.l TI."w"ckt-. v.rywh.r . . ... ihiuiii, A4w rirawa, ruoDt Xouir. 6 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trust prices," brand new solid oak Diitiara ana pool tables, $100; also bar na tures cheap. No agency expense. Cata logue Irea. Cbaa Pasaow A Buna, cbl- -La FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON Three Flat Propositions We have two locations for flats and one fiat building near the high school, Crelgh ton college and within walking distance of all parts of town. First-4 feet, west front on 25th, south of Chicago St., and S44 feet deep, with two old houses, which rent for 20 per month. Room for three flats and the rent will carry the property until you nre ready to build. Our price la 22,750, which Includes all pav ing paid for. Second On the 8. W. corner of 24th and Davenport. 69x54 fnet, with old house rent ing for tlO per month. This Is a corner lot and well worth the money, $2,500. Third Three 10-room modern flats. No. 07. 309 and 311 No. 25th St.. Just north of Davenport, on the east side of 25th. All In the best of shape and newly painted and papered. Renting for $97 per month. Oround 66x544 feet. Price, $8,000. Do not ask to go through these houses, but call at the office and we will show you the property. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2181. . RE-320 15 51.700 HOME 1((1 Corby St., 6 rooms, has city water, gas and sewer, 4 good large rooms on first noor and two bed rooms on second floor; paved street; south front; close to car; now vacant, ready to move Into. $2,350 HOME t ira N. 33d St. CBemis Park), C rooms nas city water, sewer, gas, bath, hot and ,r -nneciion, paved street, good iU. .,Z "". can arrange terms.. u nnerman Ave., 6-room new house Is all modern but furnace; on paved street owner wants to leave the city and has ;U me price to 2,8d0, ir sold by next Monday. HASTINGS & HE YD EN, 1G-H Farnam St. RE 323 15 HOMES BIG AND LITTLE Here are samples more all over the city: Handsome new -r. strictly modern house, large lot, hardwood downstairs, Bemls park, overlooking boulevard, worth the price asked $4,750. . Well built 6-r. all-modem cottage, nearly new, large lot. east front, shade and fruit trees $3.5u0. Just built, modern 5-r. cottage, room on second floor for 2 more rooms. 60-foot .t'.T,r'ard' near Harney car; reasonable at $1,400. , , 5-r. cottage, city water, lot 66x132. fine trees. Spencer, near 24th SL car $1,000. 4$i'000Ot xm b.loc,k from Harney enr- Wallace, Brown Blk. RE 290 13 28TH AVE;& DODGE Seven-room all modern 1 full two-story house; was built four years' ago by owner . a n0me and ' In A 1 repair. Hard pine finish; rooms all lartte and nicely ar ranged; best of opifU! plumbing, good fur. nace, and tull-slzed puscment. Price for 82x142, .'.U0; or 64xl, $3,5UO. Terms, about $l,ouo cash, balance iQ per cent. House has been renting for $ao .month, but is vacant at present lime and (rnmediute possession given. ... - W. FARNAM18MITH A. CO.. 1320 Farnam SL Tel. Douglas 1064. KK-1 16 NORTH OMAHA HOME AT VtRY LOW PRICb $1,0G0 for good 7-room 2-story house, new roof, cemented cellar, cistern water iu kitchen, tine well, barn for 4 horses, buijgy shed, chicken house, corn crib, coal shed, etc.; some fruit, nice shade trees; 2 corner lots, SOxlia feet; house alone worth more than the price asked: a special reduction price for quick sato on account owner leaving city; posses sion March 1, 19u6. , GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. R-E 32! 17 INVESTMENTS A-l proposition on & 16th SL; total rents, $75 per year, always rented. Prioe, $5,750. 1396 A year rent on an investment of $3,250. This property la at 2710-27U Parker St.; a double house of 6 rooms eacu, with sewer, gas and city water; lot 60xL4; street paved and permanent walks paid; owner spent $Uw putting property la hrst class repair last year. The Byron; Reed Co., 'Phone Douglaa-297, 212 S. 14th. RE 322 16 FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Keal-Ks tater, Blair, Neb. RJii Al FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for $12,- vm. west siae. Address U II. Bee. RE MSit FOR SALE Store, loU and stock clean general merchandise; corslderatiun, $4.0uu snap if taken soon; 20 miles from Sioux City on Omaha road. Address P 45, cara . titd Ma02 20X ci W illiamson Co. - RL-J7 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on N. lath SL, ouiy 4.m0. Tliis is a oargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New ior a Life Bldg. RE-417 THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. J, N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Sell lands ln Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana. $52.85. RE ii FOR SALE Nloe (-room cottage south part of city, two blocks from boulevard; big yard, shade and fruit trees; a bar gain. Call 301 Brown Blk. RE M158 WHO WILL BE THE FIRSTT ML' ST SK.LL by March 1, my beautiiui g-room all modern residence, 3112 Mason St.; 12 min utes by car from postofhee; full lot, south front, shade, new furnace, cedar flours, paved. ITIce, $2,500; cush, $u50, balance $ monthly payments. Owner, 209 S. litli Si. RE-M 337 WANTED Correspondence with real estate dealers In all parts of the country. We have exceptional bargains in farm, ranch and business property that we want to list. Write us for list, commission rates, tc. Anderson Bros., Bristow, Neb. RE-M335 24x FARNAM STREET IXT South Front, on Farnam, near 42d, HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. $550. 439 Board of Trade. RE 333 16x FTVE 10 and $0 acres, near Benson. $!6 an acre; new e-ronm house and x acres, 11.40); easy terma N. P. Dodge at Co., 1711 Far nam St. V RE M334 16 DUNDEE LOT Near car Una, ou Davenport. Bargain for this 'week only. Owner, Paxton. 410 H-e Bldg. RE M32 In Hkit Wrltlasj ta Advertisers remain bea It takes only an extra stroke or two of tha pea to mention Ike fact that you aw th. ad. la Tha Bea, PERSONAL DP.1AX-,A,, ready. Select tha rtnf at wrtnirljiu a. tj. J. M. U M33 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 254. 211 8. LUn bt. R-Tl JOIN THe -HOSPE POPULAR SHEET i;LL8JL!-CUT RATE CLUB. ' Save you J"-?1 your heet music bills, or give you twice as much musio for your money. music department. A. Hospo Co, iui uougias St., Omaha, Neb. U M481 Febll DI Catim-all KINDS I LCAI 1 iN Vj Ruchln, r. tiutions. f.- nrl.a list aim samples. THE GOLDMAV CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1936. U nu MAGNETlPtment Baths. Mme. illtun K I JV-Srai1Q- ug N. ia, M n., r. X DR. JACKSON. R. 4. Frenser block cnronlc diseases a specialty. Consult a- uon 1 ree. ANY POOR OtRI. . A t . friend call - -- v - . . . . BtT6intf'eb.mea ' U-MIOO'' e' mama a. rv - - - - vv vil lllatVirUIl Ui 11I"S OOITWHO" OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U Ji PIANO CLUB r-ianos deliveruu at once. $1 weekly. All tnusio letisons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld riano Co.. 1611 Farnam SL U-U40 GI1.T our prices If you have a house, flat or room to furnish. We don't auk In stallment nrl- OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., A4M-1211-12U Farnam St. . U-311 15 MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 a 20th TeL 1 1,1111- , r ,,..1 " . 1WU, U AlWdV Will t'RIVATE home during confinement; babies hno ..1ai ..... 7 .. .. in a y . utu aim auopieo. Airs, uaraeii, i v-.uiiLa. iei. Doug. Uil. U s liiE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth- J " ' ,', ,act' knythlng you do not need; We Collect, renalr anrl aull wt 111 N lltll St., for cosl of collecting 'to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon tin vui. U Oil renJTi Bewln8 machines, 76c week. We renair ail in 1, u r 1 . 4 -,.ti i hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co, uuu. ltwa. cor. 15th and Harney. U-641 iMANCY Will you be miner I purchased illr ."" " iAPuii;L,Bt.rMJ-S yesterday. U M340 ff !'" .medlcal and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con- mure: an treatment supervised u.r v;oueKe proressors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. -" aunwerea aay or night. U 129 'Phone Doug. 701 and a man will call and m V piano, ii. perfleld Piano Co., U 644 TRY KELLY'S Doug. 3530. LAUNDRY. PHONE U-646 WK TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. SOUKUP & CO.. expert clean- iinl yeis, 019 o. lain at. Tel. douk. U Mlo5 F20 OMAHA PRESSING CO. Clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction , ..'TIS" niuarate. Tel. Doug. lll aUUftV DLL U-WVt 11 p 11 KBD,"No knife' n0 t. " ior oooaiet. uuick Cure Rupture Co.. 6U W. O. W;' Bldg U 64J SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut prices. Myers-Dillon Liru t VJ." 1. f ul . U 290 F21 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY MRS. M. RII'TKNUOLSE. 412 No. lbin. Room 2, Second Floor. U M914 F17 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba- Tv ,Z U ' " ,;eu'?l. " the - - ui,, viiioiia, IN eo. U-Wi Febl7 rR nnv -i,ir,... n . wu, at j, i-arnam. w MANICURING, shampooing, sea In treaT ment. faciai massa ilfoVoi WrVC Ci4Ug Work. LsUlle um , rl. 7 ar -p wv -V.a AJIU. . i U-MX4 MME. PA REE of N. Y. Shaving, Facial Massage, Manicuring. 209 Douaias Hlk U Mini flhx PRIVATE HOME during continement; babies adopted. Ca 11 at 600 N. 22d: iBi,: reasonable. 'Phone Red Wwo. U M300 F23 ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR lul""; , Jougias street to rooms $-4-5, ArUngton Block, 1511 Dodae Mrs. inza Spainhuwer Savage, prop. lV . U XUi3-ili MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases. Joseph Ruben, room il8, Bee Bldir rii guaranteed. experience; work u juovh Mch6 MASWUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4116. U MDas MchS PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mis, Tel. 3559. lr. King, 2oi so. 21yt Hu U MSbi ilch8 . Tty aui mi a kr a i.. n . . hea.r 1 ZUf 1 "VT" Of the , -w.i.-vu. uis uue Bldg. U i "Sympathy' and 40 other soncs. So WaLith. U-M275MU J??Ti!r".,"!t U'?e! If " ,8n'1 "MAN- CARR1F . "ur"- "ion i SCALP AND FACE Treatments specialty; Swedish hairdresHlng, manicuring, etc . . MISS HAUL, massago. iei. Douglas 6lo. Neville Hlk. . U MJOn MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's pnia women h monthly reguiitor. has brought happiness to thousands ut wo"'en.; no pain, no danger, no interier- ""-' " worn, lenei in to 4 days Wa Price. $2 by maii." Raymond'J T Monthly Regulator In liquid, $3. Dr. R o dJI' mondRe nedy Co., Room 35, 84 AdamsSL, LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively ng ERGO guarantee my Never-Fsili KOLO .Remedy. Safely relieves lonL-r' moal ooslinaie cases of delayed Mm7tki. OH a li SuUTHlNGTON CO., kANSAS CTT f . MO. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Narva Food PIUs"-$l box. postpaid. Shsr'Iai tc MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. -649 PRINTING 1 VNfiSTAn High-grade 1908 Calendar o ,;.7,T.- ? B Cor. 16th SU and Oi JUI V L, capitoi Ave. ; THE JENNINGS P"TO CO., Doug.-50. -668 WiTTFRA co- flM )ob Prtntlng. FJ I tlr iioward. TeL Doug. 7. DOUGLAS P t g Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 444. , . 9o0 March SNELL Printing Co.. $10 S. 12th street. -MOIIll FENCING FENCK your lawn with Iron or wire fence made by Anchor Fence Mfg. Co.. $05-7 N. 17U SL TeL Jt4 414, -t Ml Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm Dain or interference with work. Mall i L Double strength $iO0. "SPECIAL FOLD r. 1 1 run lijiuicfi r i-.k. SODA FOUNTAINS, any sisa. Uil Farnsm. Q-li a ,.?jiiy " ILJ J A M 3 CO. BEST MIXED oolink. from Harry H. DavH undertAk PAINT. Sbarmaa A McOonoeil Dru t'o. Ins- rooms. 411 South Fifteenth street. In- Umaba, U 6i halls safes, new. Id hand, ma Farnsm, J-64 WiuftWiAS Hall s sales. 1U0 Farnam 6L Ov MSob Feb. in rnn baib - . w . TT wai li r?7h iJsiV1. nL,,r,Sl ",,0, all at and Douglas Sta See R. W. Ber. uperln.enlent Bee building, or C C. Rose water. Bee busuieas oftlce. W-lTix B aa-a ... X oAi-jv iwo lire scholarships on S'nTT business college. Address Dwlght ..wUa, uuum nee, umana, Neo. STEAM FlTTlISiGS rOR SALE U you want a bargain In steam nltings caU aiia iook over the following suppucs: 12-lnch Austin s horizontal separator, 1.4-inch AusUn s verUcal seuarator. vertical separator. These have been taken out 01 changes in our steam oLnt on account of and are In HIU kA, till. 1.. 1 , . h'.0',!8 WW- "r'ugea, engineoi, uea vu.ja, 100 SINGLE Iron be, I. anrm ,h " "wi. uuuipieie; worm So. uis D vpu t Vtf Aatui . "IU COWS, on easy terma 4Sdal!d fM " ocount, due biU lioiu one ol the most in.irmii in. 1,,-,, vu.iiiicj, wiucQ may oe applied on oral ears preuuuoi; any one considering Address P 61, care Bee. . . w v uuut'. can save inouei. V4 KO( WATER BACKS j ."ii" J '""; . LMug.-Iss). Oman I icLiur )i urn. W Ala Monl4 9VK p,"h y w weeks a-o wui sea it l. discount trura loe casu mice oid. '-n- a w, Aett. t yuti WE HAVE for ssle X6u0 flrat n.,.ruu- " " .w au iuuu WU1U1 A10.IAIU, due Ull uu toiler im ol Aioweli, 312 lieu "'" J-Ma4, FOR SALE Furniture, carpets, stoves and trrijuiuix 10 lurnisn tne home, on easy payments. We don t auk installment li ivei. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO.. wwi-u-jad r aruain 01. 4 311 15- eAXJt About sou yards of dirt at ."in ana r axuurn. will nil lot at low iigure. in. f. Dodge ft Co.. 1714 Farnam 01. W MJ06 1? piano Square, $10; 50 cents weekly. Per- ..v.w v., wu a., ihuii u v. aa I WiS TRUST EVERYBODY, easv uvmnni. and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool taoles and bar luiurtu: catalogue tree. iiie Brunswick Balke cuueuaer io., wi B. loin bU, Omaha, Neo. U Mbil CRIBBING, fir Umbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 9ol Dougiaa 14 U 100 STOVES to select from at low prices. 1 - li t ,' u (7r. RSirnlrii.. 1 ' 1 i , , . 11,, 1 . . . . U-o9 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA The famous Old Trusty incubators; made by Johnson, the incubator man. Bend for L24-page free catalogue, 2do poultry illustrations. ax. m. jonnson CO., Clay center, i-.eo. n ckju SECOND-HAND 8TEINWAY UPRIGHT piano; Dig bargain, sis Mccasue BUI. Q-Mm MciiJ TWO ROLLER top desks, office chairs, flat top ophk, typewriter, an goou as new. -win sen at noerai aiacouni. rt, vy . HaKer. . oupenntenaent uee mag. y box FOR SALE At a bargain, bar fixtures and glassware, cigars and stock or The Lobby, formerly located In Bee building. Ad dress f t3. care Bee. Q 92 FINE ninhogany piano, nearly new. Must sen. ans uavenport. y-nziw is MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF YOU 11 nn A uvimw II KIWlll. I Much ' or little, on furniture, pianos, live sioca or on your salary, oon t hesitate to come to us. You can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges as low as any and much less than many. No red tape. Omaha Mortgxge I-oan Co., 119 Board of Trade mag. Tel. iiougiaa .-93. 8i S. lath si. itabiisnea imz.) X M2U3 1WONPY at rate" but ,lttIe higher than one can afford to borrow now. w. i... . . .... M. uoming a I s'eaay position. No endorser reauired on pianos ana furniture iih,. moval- Loans made without publicity or knowledge of anyone. No charge, of ani r-u . . aaaa a.a.aag VUb 111 4V.U VaVUvB, aT&y DaiCK IU small weekly or monthly payments. Open everv venin- Take elevator to third floor. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., paxton Block. 16th and Farnam A. Dot An. rnict,ivuw a private Mnvi. loaned on furniture, pianos, salary h el" ln "y ",U0U"L t less man half the rate; no red tape; perfect ori- vacy; Immediate attention; on any ternia .. ..... , puBuvuuwi in i.m. iT i : , y t zrr 'py"'ut. woom .1 A.uauu J1B, (Mm O. 1UIU Ul. X 12 $ $' INDEPENDENCE $ $ T 4i . v-v t.. 1 ; . . . get money f me. No red tape. Pa v wiihu you can. uu v 7uj Ni v i i. " V. V . UlUl,,. lit I. h ' , MONEY LOANED SALARiaD PeTJpIb and others without fcumy; euav lmv. 11111 tu 4 IffinuM tn fi . ! "TT iiieuui. uuiuea in m priuulpal cities. Tol- wvu, , ..w. Awia xiie liiug. A. 611 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOAN PHOENiA. CREDIT Co . TsL Doug. i, wj-a Paxton Blk. oKK the Western Loan company for furnl vmti uwiiiuiiu aa,iia oacx i . luaiiB. . i rv vine Alia., loin ano Harney. Tel. Doug. A 61 i FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loana iuu urecu ujbu v-u., nuuiu k Mai Hal Block. X-4a4 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., loot Farnam St. X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horses, cows, aic C. F. Reed, $i S. U, X-i EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business conndeutial. I3ul Duuaiaa A Sis MUSIC AND LANGUAGES FRF NTH GERMAN AND SPANISH. rrCln, cHATELAIN SCHOOL OF Davidge Bldg., lfcih & Farn. MbJi LETOVSKY'S union orchestra Tel. Dg.730. -11U6 V-M PRIVATE Instruction ln German. Franoh. oimiiubu, iiuaui .naiiaii ana nistory; i-iuw mime!. .aiia r. neiiis. ISO. 1. VIUl-iN leacner wm. Miller Lessons at pupils; nomes. aen t sr. si. Tel. Ked 6135. 274 U13 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. can at rso. iu eoutn lain Bi., upstairs. Resultf ul prediction absolutely given. Sl REV. EDWARDS, psychometric Indeprnd, ". - ior- tuna noom i. raiterson diock, iTth and Farnam. S M4 17 WHEN YOU ara worried or In trouble call on Mrs. faust, liiw Jackson Bt. MIH 17X FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1J6. II ESS SWOMODA. 14U Farnam, -4(9 Jh-SUP-James Bv, February 11, 1L aed yi-ars. Funeral tills (Friday) afternoon at t trtment trest Uvu. Deceased had made bis home for the past with Mr. and Mrs. ft. N. seven lean Meallo. years HILI-Oeorge II., Fvbruarr IB, 190, aged 67 vears. Ftineral Snturday at i o'clock p. m. from latniiy reaiiionce. r.- rMortn i-wwniy-nrii Interment Prospect Hill oemetery Funeral nrivsle V-' " - --prl"lf- rainlly reaidonce, X North l-wwnty-nrtn UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann Gentleman, 708 N. 14th. T. 5ML M a Marl MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESlATE WANTED City ivans and warrant. w. Farnam Smith at Co, Ilk) Farnara Bt. W-2I MONK if TO LOAN-Psyns Lnveatment Co. W CI BUILDING loans on residence property s per canL W. B. Melkla, Hamge Blk. ; w-4 LOWEST RATES Bamis, Paxton Block. . W PRIVATE money. F. IX Waad, U29 Douglas. w as. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loana 1 -wva ... . . uu oeiay. w-c; $1.000.00 TO LOAN on business and I U ,v trTi" Ma dence properly in Omaha; lowest rates- na delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1. N. Y. Citm. W 12 $ It i PER CENT loans on city pronertir W. 3. Thomas. 1st National Bank mai , W-6J9 . WANTED City loana R- C Petera Co. FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOAN'S Reed Bros., 1H0 Farnam SL wa . WANTED SOME LOANS OF $1 CM Tn $3,000. BREEN & BLOOM. 4X1 BBW BLDO W &J2 LOW RATES O. T. Carson A Co., 413 v Y. Life. .t,-i DRESSMAKING FASHIONABLE dressmaker will take a b.iiou amuuiii 01 aacnuonai work. Spec ialty, shirt waist suits, evening waists and dressea. Miaa Bowles, 'Phone Red &s87- 392 Febaox DRESSMAKING tn families or at homa u.. u. ....... nanM , . . noma. oluiuj, va jBTouporx. Tel. Harney 1002- -650 LADIES" shirt waist suits our ececialtT . , ... u uoug. tiu M-913 F17 DRESSMAKING by -day In ramlii... fli 10 1. """"J assigning. isj " 691 F27x LADIES' TAILOR RIdlna- hahlta .nj l . 01 n, . Tn - " . . ,1 - "" uyt saj-nam au J el. Douglns 861 ' 298Mch 14 MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladlea' talloHng and - nit. Aooa iitv pl, M-623 Marl FOR eyrert dreaamaklng assistance. Jphons ana. a FebZi M' DO WELL'S school. 162$ Far., room 24. M932 FOR RENT FARMS (9 ACRES. 3U miles nnrthwnai nt tj. ,u tmuiiuon, a-room House; 14.00 per acre. " L L. IOKNHON rv 'Phone Red 1246. Room 8 Barker Wlk. M336 22x 70 acres $ miles northwest of Benson, um Jiilr 'w a acre, ueorge & Co.. 1601 Farnam. ggg 17 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This aarrlaulturaJ weaklv n 3T i v w,wv ui 1 era idq mlocjc raiMn it you have a good piece of land to sell at a ivwiuimwi. luiub you wiu ana a buyer unioiur them. The coat of an Hvariismani a'q niii il net, in large type. FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this uuiumn, put an aa. in ana you will soon 'L . g-a WANTED To trade one-half secUon of nuuue county land tor stock of general merchandise. Wilson Ki enter, 8L Ed ward. Neb. z M921 lox DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'a Pj1y"t or oUss leaaons; adults. TUM- nd VA Uorh li Mchl DONALD To Insure our married happiness ana gooa iuok, tut ring must be from MANDHLBERG'S. E. M34.1 LEGAL N07ICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING notice is uereoy given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Co. will be held at the office of said eomnini In TJnnnln Ma- brKli. H o'clock a. m., on tha 7U day of March. A. D. 1901. ' j w.uv. wi kiiv a ui tt reuiDra. v. n., rreaiaeni. - A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, Fab. 8. 1906. VabSDSOt RUSH ON CUPID AND MflRRII I Fourteen Couples Seeare Parmlaalon to Marry la One Day la Douglas Couatr. Whatever the cause may be Cupid and Harry Morrill, marriage license clerk of the county, certainly are doing a rushing business. Fourteen couples were given permission Thursday to merge their life's fortunes, and as Pat Crowe's trial wan still in progress Mr. Morrill was still stand ing at his desk, pen ln hand, ready for furth"r action. It was a Careful Ob- server wno opinea mat tne magnetic power of the Crowe trial, by which tha court house has been kept full of people all week, had a vital effect upon the volume of busi ness transacted by Messrs Cupid and Mor rill. The Oldest Inhabitant thought per chance the fact that Alice Roosevelt was to be married Saturday might have soma bearing upon It. The average age of tha fourteen men securing licenses Is 28 and that of tha four teen women 23. ORDER ARRANGES CONVENTION Modern Brotherhood of America Plaas ou Hlar JWee.lasj lu Ooialis est October. A committee of the Modern Brotherhood Is meeting with Commissioner McVann of the Commercial club to arrange for the bi ennial meeting of the supreme council of the order some time In October. The com mittee, consisting of F. H. Scott -of Stan ton, member of tha board of directors; 8. 8. Hayman of Grand Island, stata man ager; A. Kearney of Stanton. J. H. Austin of South Omaha. Frank L. Weaver of Omaha and M. A. Snieed of Dakota City, will arrange the date of tha meeting, se cure a hall and make other arrangamants. Five hundred delegates art expected to at- tBnrf ,h. v..,.. , . wiim. w umocra ana deputies, which will make the total attend ance In the city I.6ft) or J.OOO. The Brother hood was organised In April, 1897. and has membership of 71.110. Entertaining uu ratsar. Dan't entertain a chronic, runlng sore or wound. Cure It with Bucklea'a Arnica Salve. I6cs guaranteed. For aala af Bha man A MeOonneU Drug Cr 1 li i!