Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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HW TOT) 17
O i-Ja iLJXiLJi
1 o
Its superiority is unquestioned
Its fame world-wide
Its use a protection and
against alum food
a guarantee
and you will learn what is the "power behind the dough' In
' the nigh-class powders it is cream of tartar, extracted from
clean, delicious grapes, and that is healthful In the low-grade
powders it is "phosphate alum' or "sodium aluminum sul
phate' which is also alum, a mineral acid, and that makes
the food unhealthf ul.
Of what use are twenty-five ounces for twenty-five cents,
if eight of these ounces are alum ?
Food baked with alum baking powders 2s found to
contain a portion of the alum unchanged 1
The continued use of alum made food impairs digestion,
causing dyspepsia. When buying baking powder, examine
the label and take only a brand whose label snows it to be free
from alum
Sewer Bonds Are Carried by a Majority of
Oyer Two to One.
' L aunuanaananun
T Precincts Only Give a Majority
Aanlaat the Bond Result Known
In Half Hoar After Poll
Are Cloned.
. Th sewer bond carried by an over-1
whelming majority in the special election
yesterday. Although the vote wai rather
light on the proposition, those who did vote
by great odds' favored the issue of bonds.
The total number of voles cast was l.&w,
. of which 1.10S were for the bonds and 601
against. The niajorlty In favor was 607. or
over two to one. About 1W votes were
wasted because the voter failed to properly
' set the machine in attempting to cast his
ballot, so the total number of those who
visited the polls was In the neighborhood
of J.sflO, scant one-half of the voters of the
city, in two precincts the vote stood
against the Issue of bonds. These precincts
were the First ef the Second ward and the
first of the Fifth ward. This vote com-
. mils the- city of Bouth Omaha to an Issue
tif irso.flOO worth of bonds to be expended
In accordance with the plans of the engl-
. ier who made the survey, Andrew Rose
water. The result of the election was known
by 7. to, just half an hour after the polls
closed. The election was a quiet one every
where. No arrests were made In the city
during the day. There were only a few at
the clerk's office when the returna were re
ceived, but all of tiese seemed to be well
pleased with the result.
All the saloons were closed yesterday In
accordance with the order of the Board of
Kire and Police Commissioner.
The dutailed vote la as follows:
First ward--
First precinct
Second precinct
Second ward '
First precinct ,
Secona precinct
-I Third ward
First precinct 1S
Second precinct w
Fourth ward
First precinct in
Second precinct a2
Fifth ward
First precinct 38
geconr precinct "b
' Sixth ward
First precinct 137
Second precinct. 113
Totals ;..
For. Against.
...l.loS 501
Baa Remove front Beys.
There was an informal meeting of the
school board last night In the office of
Secretary Rich. The conference was called
: $43.45 I
FED. 20 MARCH 6 1
Wabash City Office,
1S01 Farnam St, Omaha, Nab. 11
by President Morrill for the purpose of
considering the case of the seven boya
who were suspended a week ago on charges
of carrying skeleton keys to the' locker
sytem. After considerable discussion, the
board agreed to reinstate the boys next
Monday morning. They have been out of
school Just a week. It Is believed by the
superintendent and the principal the sus
pension has had a good effect and the
discipline has Improved to a degree among
the other pupils. There are members of the
board, however, who are Inclined to look
with disfavor on the matter of suspension.
except where .tho cases of incorrigibility
become a menace, to the other pupils. At
best they argue a suspension Is not to be
looked upon as a punishment that Is salu-
tory In Its effects. Too many boys would
enjoy it as a holiday, and those who did not
should be at work rather than out. The
use of these arguments resulted In the
prompt reinstatement of the boys.
Naddenlr Becomes Insane.
Henry Basford, a carpenter who hue been
employed ln4he packing houses about the
city for several years past, fell at Twenty-
sixth and N street yesterday during the
noon hour. He was seen standing In front
of the Plvonka block for some time, but
suddenly he threw himself backwards and
fell to the walk. When he was reached
by Mr. Lake, who was across the street
from him, he was raving and striking
bout him -In a demented condition, not
seeing or hearing anything. Dr. Koutsky
was called and the unfortunate was taken
to the city jail where he striggled violently,
yelping like a dog and trying to bite. After
about two hours he became nuleter and at
last fell asleep. It may be that the stroke
Is simply temporary and that he soon- will
be rational again. Owing to the violence
of the man it wns not thought advisable
to take him to the city hospital, where most
of the help consists of women. lie Is still
at the city jail.
Holdup Men Busy Agala.
A. R. Moon, who lives at Twenty-fifth
and O streets, was held up about mid
night within half a block of his home. The
robbers secured between $4 and t&.
Improvement Clan Smoker.
The smoker of the Highland Park Im
provement club was a great success lit
every way. All the seata In the club
room were occupied and there were a few
who stood up in the rear. The president
of the club had spent much time lu the
preparation and hla efforts were well O-
preclated by those present. Boxes of cigar
were kept in circulation and there wiu
plenty of" the fragrant aroma In evidence
Through this the winning voices of the
club members penetrated as one and an
other responded to the request of the chair
for an expression of ews. Besides the
club members proper there were a num
ber of local party leadevn who. held the
floor on topics kindred to cvi improve
ments. ' The Elks quartette of Council
Bluffs rendered many selections which met
with approval. ' All the songs were of a
humorous character. The club by a ris
ing vote expressed Its appreciation of
their services.
M. Mabery told lu a humorous way of
the early life and organisation of the club.
C. W. Miller followed along the same line.
A. H. Murdock spoke on the "Improve
ment of the City Government," but took
time to say that permanent sidewalks and
curbs and gutters were among a few of the
things which had been accomplished by the
aid of the Improvement clubs. In munici
pal affairs he advised the Influence of the
eluba be directed toward the selection of
the best men for the offices and when they
are once elected to keep after them and
see that they did the wishes of the peo
ple. Spasmodic reforms were worth little;
It la the continual pointing to better thing
that counted In the end. Jay Laverty
poke on the idea of persistence and con
centrated effort. He said he waa glad to
get the support of a good club behind htm,
He said It was through, the efforts of the
Highland Par Improvement dab that
the erection' ot the new addition to the
Lincoln school was rendered ' possible.
Stick' to one thing long enough and you
will accomplish more than by taking up
a dozen scattering propositions. W. C.
Lambert spoke on the present state of the
attorney's office and told of the business
which had been accomplished. He also
explained many things where the advice
of the office might be a help to the im
provements In the city. H. C. Murphy
talked about the great pleasures and bene
fits to be derived from the construction
of parks and the necessity of having an
organized body such as the clubs to bring
these things about.
A light lunch was served as a closing
feature and after more cigars and a song
by the quartet, Hie meeting adjourned.
Magic City Gossip.
Lewis Mabery, Twentv-flfth and C streets.
Is reported sick with diphtheria.
Peter Debers, 2628 Y street, reports the
birth of a girl.
"Long Tom" O'Connor, Twenty-tifth and
A streets, has a girl; bom Wednesday.
Fred Mllslnger reports a boy baby. He
lives on the county line at Twenty-fifth
John Loamy and Pat O'Connor each got
four dnvs in jail for being Intoxicated and
C. L. Johnson of Chicago Is spending a
few days with Chnrles Miller at Twenty
eighth and R streets.
The case of Peter I'vlck was postponed
until February au at i p. m. He is to be
tried for keeping open on Sunday.
James Williamson of Des Mnlnes Is visit
ing In the city with Thomea Quinn. He Is
looking after real estate Interests.
The senior class of the high school was
entertained last night by Miss Grace Mc
laughlin. S13 North Twenty-fifth street.
Mrs. H. W. Vore entertained several of
her Omaha friends Wednesday In honor of
the T&th birthday or her rather, William
There will be. a carnival of nation at the
Young Men s Christian association Tues
day evening. Most of the guests will be In
A. J. Caughey and wife and Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Lett went to Lincoln yesterday for a
few days' visit with their respective sons,
who attend the State university.
Peter Lenagh. Thirty-ninth and I. streets.
reports the birth of a boy. This makes the
third candidate who lias developed since
nunc an assistant ior tne spring campaign.
The Modern Brotherhood of America will
noia a snort session mriaay, February 16.
after which there will be entertainment for
the members and their families and friends.
L. B. Walmer has resigned his poult Ion
witn tne i nmn biock laras National bank.
He goes to Wolbach, Neb., where he has
charge of the office of E. D. Uould, one of
the Dig teeaers oi tnai section.
I Democrat! Opposing Dahlman Still at Sa
for Bnoceuor to Ed P. Bmith.
List of Aspirants to City Municipal
Office Filing with the City
Clerk Continues to Grow
linger Eaeh Day.
Dr. A. H. HlrPl has positively deolln-d
to become a democratic mayoralty candi
date and the anlt-Dahlman hunch la con
siderably discouraged over the prospect of
getting a strong opposition candidate Inlhe
field. Pr. Hippie said he could not afford
to sacrifice his dental practice for what
ever chance he might have for the nomi
nation and election. Various Individuals
and delegation waited on him, but to no
effective purpose.
One of the bitterest of the antl-Dahlman
crowd put It like this:
"When Ed P. Smith came out with his
platform of reform end radical dealing with
corporations and the liquor Interests he
created the scenario for a battle between
the corrupt and the clean element. The
other end got to work Immediately, organ
ised, put Dshlman In the field and have
been working along steadily ever since.
The men who wanted to see the local de
mocracy standing for the best In municipal
government rallied around Smith. When
Smith withdrew he left them in a bad
lurch. The suggestion of Hippie bettered
the outlook somewhat, but the doctor's
declination ha left us discouraged. Times
are good and we find that desirable men.
business and professional, whom we would
like to get behind feel the same as Smith
and Hippie that they cannot afford to
drop their business and go Into the contest."
The indications are that after all Dahl-
man may have a clear field for the demo
cratic nomination, though this does not
mean that he will have the united support
of his party. The democrats who profess
to want cleaner government, free from cor
poration control, say they will never back
bahlman under any circumstances. Their
votes would go to Hennlngs at against
bahlman because they regard him as a
man, who, by his official acts while treas
urer, has shown himself to be an un
prejudiced enforcer of the laws and free
from corporation domination.
The- same faction of local democracy Is
still working on a councllmanlc ticket and
it is announced that the slate is almost
Completed. If It does not have a head
of a like character, however, it Is possible
the backing counted upon cannot be rallied
to Its standard. Besides this It is feared
that some ot the candidates my funk under
the conditions.
Mike Lee. who Intends to be the next
councilman from the Second ward to suc
ceed Fred Hoye, Is preparing to have
printed a set of unique campaign cards
something on the order of those that did
so much to help him In his campaign for
state representative. On those cards Mr.
Lee recited some of his personal and
domestic achievements since coming to
Omaha. The cards for the municipal com-
nalarn will tell something of Mr. Lee'
record In the council during the day no
longer quite fresh In public memory.
It Is reported among the politician that
Euclid Martin, once 'the democratic leader
of the tate. Is in a receptive mood regard
lng a mayoralty candidacy. The wise ones
laughed the rumor to scorn. They admitted
that Mr. Martin ma feel tnat way snout
It, but they said his aggressive anti-union
labor record ahd some of his past political
tie-ups make any such thing absurd en J
out of the question. "He couia not get
handful of votes," was the way one high-up
democrat put It.
Mr. Berger flnnlly sat down and became
The meeting then resolved Itself Into an
nthuslaetlc gathering of republicans, who
stoned attentively to tho various candi
dates for nominations.
One Holds lined Over Her Mouth
While Companion necares
Her Por net book.
While paxxlng the corner of Thirty-first
:id Farnam streets at J o'clock last night
Miss Ethel Fleming, employed as maid In
the family of C. I. McLaughlin, Normandy
partments, was attacked by two holdup
men. one of whom grappled roughly with
er and held one hand over her mouth while
the other wrenched loose and Mole her
pocketbook. A scon as released Miss Flem
ing ran to the McLaughlin home and re
ported the Incident? Tho police were then
notified and officers sent to the scene. No
trace of the highwayman was found during
the night and no good description could be
secured. Miss Fleming had S In the pocket-book.
Phoenix .Mataal Lite.
In speaking of it annual statement,
Vhlch shows a handsome gain In business
fr the year just closed, Mr. John M. Hoi-
combe say:
"The Phoenix Mutual Life ha loaned in
the last thirty year more than l,003,ooo
on Nebraska real eatate without loss 'of
either principal or Interest. The managers
of this company desire to Increase it bus!
nesa in a moderate, neaitny manner, on
such term and condition aa will produce
satisfactory results, by admitting only
those who are In a general way In the same
claaa a It present member. Great si
is not necessary to produce the most sails
factory results in life insurance. Indeed
beyond a certain point. It is attended with
distinct disadvantages.
"The replies to the New York tnveatlgat
lng committee brought out the fact that
the Phoenix Mutual has entered into no
syndicate agreements, that its general re
tamers paid ounng tne last ten year
amounted to Vl.lvs, and that it ha not cou
tributed to any campaign fund. It pay
annual dividends and iasuee no deferred
dividend policies. ,
Important Chang on the Rook Island.
Commencing Sunday, February U. train
No. t, leaving Omaha Union, station at I: JO
p. m., wfll leave at 1:05 p. m., reaching Cole
redo common point , same tun aa for
Make Tear Want Known Through Thf
ee Win A4 Page.
Every possible effort Is being made by the
Broatch crowd to spread the Impression
that Mayor. Moore has decided to support
Broatch. Authorized reports from th
mayor's home are to the effect that he has
done nothing of the kind, but probably will
come nut in a week or two with a state
ment defining hi position. No orders hav
been given out by the mayor for the sup
port ef Broatch, despite all false reports
Insiduouslv circulated by the Broatch
Following are the new filings:
Republican Michael Lee, councilman.
Second ward: George D. Rice, councilman
Ninth ward; Charles Lang, councilman
Tenth ward; James A. Deverly. councilman
Eleventh ward; Mathew E. Muxen. council
man, Sixth ward; George Cou, councilman
Tenth word; William F. Conger, council
man. Eighth ward.
Democrat Lvsle I. Abbott, committee
man. Third district, oevenin ara, t,
Dunn, committeeman. Fourth district, Sev
enth ward; Bd P. Berryman. committee
man. Second district. Seventh ward; Frank
Weaver, committeeman, First dlstrlc
Seventh ward; John Hahn, committeeman
Second district. Second ward.
Socialist Peter Mehrens. comptroller;
F. F. Mlchelsen, mayor; Thomas H. Bowen.
councilman, Fifth ward: Parker S. Condi
councilman. Ninth ward; John Huba, coun
cilman, Twelfth ward.
The Douglas County Republican club will
hold lis semi-annual meeting In Swedish
Library hall, US North Fifteenth street.
Friday night. Officers will he elected.
Assistant City Attorney Herdman sticks
to his contention that the supreme court
decision on the Dodge primary law opens
the door wide to any qualified voter to par
ticipate In the municipal primaries regard
less of whether he was registered for the
election last fall or not. He Insists that all
any voter, otherwise properly qualified, has
to do Is to swear he supported at the last
general election the candidates of the party
with whom he desires to affiliate. Herdman
further contends that "support" does not
mean, necessarily, voting for these candi
dates, but may signify mental, moral or
financial sympathy with the ticket or tho
candidates upon it. Whether City Attorney
Breen takes the same position at his as
sistant la not stated.
under hallucinations, but hss not before
threatened to take her own life. She was
Placed under the care of Police Snrgeon
Moreman and confined In the matron's de
partment at the station.
9alt of Company Anrnlnst City Dinted
for Kehraary ST, Federal
j The trial of the case of the Omaha
'. Water company against the City of Omaha
for approximately Jino.rmn hydrant rentals
fo the year IS04 has been definitely fixed
for Tuesday. February 2T, before Judgn
Carland In the I'nlled Slates circuit court.
The trial of the case of George Ilepp
against the American Smelting and Refin
ing company was begun Thursday morning
In the United States circuit court before a
Jury, with Judge Carland on the bench.
Suit Is brought for personal damage sus
tained by the plaintiff while In the employ
of the smelting company, In the amount
of $J0,flW).
Inn Hanuaet and Microbes Only Open
to the Fnlthfnl of the
The Fontauele club held a banquet at
. . . . . . . ', : known to fail,
iuhto u.r rprrcnes aim vtiLim exnui imiiom.
to which newspapermen were not allowed
to listen. The cry 'raised In the mid
dle of an earnest apica! from the chair
that reporters were in the room caused
consternation and general alarm until the
password had been passed to prove all
present entitled to scats. The affair lasted
three hours.
A Methodist Minister fteremmeada
Chamberlain's Conch Hemedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy In our home for seven years and It has
always proved to be a reliable remedy. W
have found that It would do more than th
manufacturers claim for it. It I especially
good for croup and whooping cough.
Pastor Mllaca, Minn.. M. E. Church.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy Is a cer
tain cure for croup and has never been
When given as soon a the
ctoupy cough appears it will prevent th
Less Than Price
A l ist of Special REDUCTIONS of
Interest to
Men and Women
letluced to.
UnilCU'C 73oand 11.00
iiumtn o
daUy cloth
Gowns, reduced to.
end ma'
Like WHO Animals
hat tear and rend you are the pains of
Biliousness, Kidney Trouble. Cure guar-
nteed by Electric Bitters: 60c. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Iaqarst Over Hlte.
An lnuuest was held Thursday nioinina
at Coroner Bralley' office to determine the
cause of William Hlte s death. The jury
found Hite came to his death through his
own carelessness Tuesday night on the Mls
I sourl Pacific right-of-way, between Nlcho
1 las ahd Grace streets. Hlte will be burled
at Bellevue Friday afternoon.
nun nnriiip
UniLUntll 0 nelletta Sleeping
Gowns, 60o and 75c value
reduced to
odd lots,
25o and 35c value
reduced to. . . . .'. . .
Men's Mufflers
60c value, reduced to...
Men's Hose
25c quality, reduced to..
SOo and 75c quality,
reduced to.
11, 11.25, 11.60 quality,
reduced to
15 c
Casstrtiere '
and wool-
Announcements of the Theaters.
Lewis Morrison himself will positively
appear In "Faust" at the Krug theater
for four nights, starting next Sunday mat
inee, in the part of Mephiato, supported by
strong company drawn from the best
of the "legitimate" school. The beauty of
the new scenery, the startling electrical
effects and the newly written choral and
instrumental music will be welcome fea
tures, but the opportunity to witness Lewis
Morrison's impersonation of Satan will
prove the magnet which will draw strong
est In the new production.
The Inquiry for seats for "The Clansman"
Indicates that this newest of the season's
sensations In the play line Is to meet with a
flattering reception In Omaha. Thomas J.
Pixon, jr., the author of the drama, is well
known for his positive views, and his pro
nouncements on the race question have at
tracted as much attention here as any
where. It Is certain that during the stay of
the company In Omaha the attendance at
the theater will be large. The dates are
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings, with a matinee on Wednesday.
The week of "Iroquois" at the Burwood Is
drawing to a close, with no diminution of
the attendance. Interest in the piece has
grown rather than flagged, and it is sure
to be seen during its three remaining per
formances by a many people a can get
into the house. For next week the bill will
be "Men and Women," with O. D. Wood
ward In the cast.
Marriage Licenses.
The- following marrlace licenses
been issued:
Name and Address.
Henry J. Petersen, Irvlngton, Neb...,
Clara M. Schaefer, Irvlngton. Neb...,
Michael E. Hileman, Gretna ,
Edith Cockerill, Oretna ,
... 21
... IK
Joseph Kozlovskl. South Omaha 8i
Elizabeth Roth. South Omaha 3il
Henry N. Pollock. Omaha 30
Nellie Rosenberg. Omaha 26
Arthur W. H. Bust. Omaha 82
Deal J. Stephens. Omaha 32
Edward Rose berry, Omaha 22
Minnie Carlson, Craig. Neb 25
Walter Adams, Omaha 22
Ettle Vance, Omaha 17
Otto O. Wilde, Howard county 23
Anna M. Nelson, Omaha 22
Whether you are or not you will be Interested by a vUit
Admittance free at east entrance Exhibit is on the stage.
Cottage which took the grand prUe, at the St. Louis World's
Fair, showing ARTISTIC WOOD INTERIORS for halls, Hying
and dining rooms, country homes, summer cottages, reprodu
cing the same decorative effects In yellow pine as are repro
duced in oak, mahogany, etc. We have nothing to sell, but
something superior to show.
Pronnfctive builder, architects and contractors will be es
pecially Interested. EXHIBIT CLOSES FEBRUARY 21.
Curt J. Meitzen. Omaha.
Mattle M. Brown, Ida orove, la..
Frank Ilelgard. Jr., Omaha :.
Alice Carter, Omaha
Eugene 8. Barney, Bellevue
Marie C. Tex, Millard
Henry Hemiksen, Aurora, Neb...
Marian C. Chrislensen,- Lincoln....
Ivan P. Llndberg, Lyons. Neb
Hannah A. Peterson, Lyons, Neb.
Gardner W. Talbot, Omaha
Eleun C. Carlson. Omaha
DM MONDS Edhoim, tttth and Harney.
The p rot ec tin leal display booked for
the Fifth Ward Republican ward meeting
last evening did not materialise as was ex
pected In some quarters. President W. B.
Christie ot the club took the bull by the
horns when he celled the meeting to order
nd announced that the meeting was called
for merely social purposes and that all
regular business would be suspended until
the next regular meeting. He further ex
plained the meeting was tor the purposo
of hearing from a number of candidates
present and for the members to get better
acquainted with each other.
"I hop no man ha come to spring any
endorsements, as I want to assure you
gentlemen that the chair will sit down
on anyone who tries to start an endorse
ment this evening. We will hear from J. J.
Smith, candidate Sor councllmanlc nomina
tion from the Twelfth ward."
At that point John Berger, a recent resi
dent of the Fifth ward, rose to point of
order, but was everruled by the chair. Mr.
Berger seemed Insistent that the books of
th club be opened to membership then and
there and through hi remarks injected
a little ginger Inte th proceedings. Mr.
Christie a gala explained that all business
would be postponed until th next meeting.
College Entertainment.
The following Is the program to be given
tonight (Friday) by the Omaha Commercial
college in the college auditorium. This In
th'i twenty-first annual entertainment of
the institution and promises to be the most
popular and Interesting ever given:
Intermezzo A-sa-ma Van Alstyne
Cuscaden's Orchestra.
Recitation The Engineer's Story
Flora Reed
Recitation Prof. G. M. Ritchie
WT.litllng Solo Blmple Confession... Thome
Mrs. Dr. Myrta A. Wills.
Debate Resolved. That Sectarianism is
Detrimental to Christianity
Affirmative, J. C. Freof; Negative, Roy
A bolt.
Violin Solo Lcgende Carl Bohm
Robert Cuucadcn and Orchestra.
College Paper. "Search Light"
Editor, Owen Crltchfleld: Editress. Eleanore
R citation Prof. O. M. Ritchie
March and Chorus from "Tannhauser"
Wagner Orchestra
Police ( are lor Woman.
At the request of Mrs. C. E. Walker, fja?
Harney street. Mrs. Mary Lowry, motl-.ei
of Mia. Walker, was tsken to the police
station last night for safekeeping, as she
had threatened to do herself Injury and her
relatives feared they could not care for her
properly. Mrs. Lowry, who Is SO years of
age, ha shown signs of falling mind on
several occasions, .lining which she labor
THERE are thousands ef men whose mind are weak and Impaired, and
whose bodies are unsound and decreased. They suffer from th follle
and excesses of youth, which weaken their physical, mental and sexual
powers. They are weak, nervous, tired, diny, languid, despondent, absent
minded; hav weak, aching back, palpitation of th heart, capracioua apppetlte
frightful dreams, a constant tear of Impending dar.ger,-night losses and day
dralna, which unfit them for work, study, business or marriage. Other are
sunenng irom private diseases, suen as uonorrnoea, meet, Htricture, vanco-
,niargea jfroetate or Biooa poison (Syphilis).
Are you one or tnase men? Are you staggering under the burden of a
secret weakness, which I a slow. but sure drain on your strength and vitality?
In your present condition are you fit to hold a responsible position? Can any
body rely on you or can you rely en yeurself? I your body almost wrecked
and your brain In a whirl? It is terrible to be In till condition, but It I still
wore to allow It to progress and become more aggravated, for It will then All
your whole life with failure, misery and woe. There are thousands of ruined
and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhapptness, lacking tn love
and companionship, through the sexual weakness and physical Impairment of
man whose years do not justify sue h a condition. We nave gladdened the
heart of thousands ot young and mlddl-agd men who. were plunging to
ward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimen of physical manhood,
full of vim, vigor and vitality.
We Cure Safely and Thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases .
and all diseases and weaknesses ef men due to Inheritance, evil habits, eg.
cesses, self-abuse or tb result of specific or private disease.
We snake no misleading statements, deceptive er aannalnesa-IIke
prepositions to the afflicted, neither da we promise to eara them la
few day nor osier cheep, worthless trentnsent ta order 4a seenre
their nntronage. Honest doctor of rerosralsed ability do not resort
to each methods. We guarantee perfect, safe and lasting; ears la
th enlekest possible time, without leaving; Injurious after effects la
the system, aad at th lowest rest possible for lioaest, aklllfal aad
1 successful trentment.
rorr Censultotloa
If you cannot call writ for aymptom blank.
and aamlnatlea Office Hours t a. m. to I p. m. Sunday, 10 to 1 only.
1308. Farnam St., Between) 18th and 14th St.. OMAHA. NEB.
Nine connecting off ices
on the fifth floor
These offices are particularly suitable for anyone wishing a suite of several connect
ing rooms. They will be rented only in suites of three or more rooms. There is one
large southeast corner room with a vault, two splendid rooms facing Farnam street
and the other smaller rooms facing Seventeenth street on the fifth floor of
Thee are the office new occupied by the Updike drain Ce , whe will mev t th drat floor a
eon a the business effloe of Th Bee I transferred 1ft the corner room en th ground floor.
It 1 very aeldom that an opportunity occur to aceom
modat teaanla needing large apaca and handom office.
Th orrtce In The Bee Building I just
building. All night and all day fundey elevator service steam
a little better
R. W.
water and adequate Janitor servlee all
BAKER. Bupt.
R. 41 Baa Bldg.
least than In any other
heat electric llaht
Included In th rental price. Apply to '
C. a KOSEWATEK. Sec'y.
R. 100 Bee Bid