Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Kef
Dally Be (without Sunday), one year. .14.00
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Illustrated Bee, one ear i-SO
Sunday on ywr J-J"1
Saturday Bee, one year 1.50
Daily Re (Including Bunday). pr week.. 173
1hIIv. Bee (without Hundayi. por week..
Kvenlng Fe (without Bunday), per week
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week. .10c
Sunday He, per copy be
Address complaints of Irregularities tn de
llery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Be Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Penrl Htreet.
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Washlngton-oJl Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to new and d
Itnrlal matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or poatal order
payable to The Be Publishing Company.
Onlv 2-cent itampi received a payment of
mall account. Personal cheeks, except on
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Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, rs.:
C. C. Roeewater. secretary of The Pee
Publishing company, being duly awnrn.
aava that the actual number of full and
complete crmles of The Pslly, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of January, 190K, waa aa follows:
I rvfl.Mo it attw
2 31,07 18 Sl.TTO
a ni.TWl 19 3t.45l
4 81.T70 SO 82,a4
5 .11. wm Li ao.irtn
6 ... M.tMIO 22 , 81.4
7 no.ino 2S i.w
.TC i 31.47
ft 31.mO a 31,57
10 rtJf.OOO S 81.410
II 3l,ft:W 27 .12.3XO
12 .)!... 3110 28 80.0M)
13 32.440 28 8I.BSO
14 21.l:x 30 3t,3tt
U .' 31.H70 81 81.RCO
16 31.T70
Total 1 ,003,400
Ia-ss unsold copies , U,o:iM
Net total sales.......... 0a.4M
Dally average...
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me thta 31t day of January, 190.
(Seal) M. B. HUNGATE,
Notary Public.
''" , , .
Subscribers leaving- the city tem
porarily should have The Bee
mailed. o them. Addreaa will be
rhansed aa often aa requested.
Is not the jollification of the Demon
ian Tammanyltes a little premature?
On the ship subsidy bill, the two Ne
braska senators harmoniously diverge.
. Mr. Rockefeller In not so far away
that he cannot connect with the divi
dend Just declared by tlie Standard OH
Now hat the Pennsylvania legisla
ture ban' adjourned! tlie, courts may de
cide bow much of its reform legisla
tion waa really enacted.
Woman suffragists have moved upon
Washington. ?The Smoot case hearings
should be rosuinud, as that is about the
most widely known product of equal
suffrage la. l?tah. ' . .
The double shuffle song and dance of
the hyphenated on tbe double service
telephone still continues. Now you see
It md tow you don't. Everybody
lemonade to the bar.
That increase of 1 per cent iu the an
nual dividend of the Union Pacific
ought to be sufficient proof that that
road could easily pay Its taxes without
going into bankruptcy.
I ' ,
Governor Cummins will not serve on
Tom Lawson's Insurance proxy commit
tee. The Iowa governor in his quest
for a third term has plenty of work at
home to keep biro busy.
Since, Mr. Balfour has accepted the
Chamberlain Idea It Is just possible
Colonel Bryan and Grover Cleveland
may be fighting shoulder to shoulder
before tbe end of time.
The .ostracism of Major Gillette at
Savannah while he was discovering the
crooked work of Captain Carter causes
oue to wonder if that "jiollte society'
of tho south is also a myth.
Tbe 'recent visit Of Louisiana spe
cialists to Ceutral American ports Is
expected to result In an embargo on
the tropical mosquito, but it will still
be safe to trust to fumigation and oil.
Now that tbe socialists have decided
to nominate candidates for municipal
offices, the bustle and Jostle at the free-
for-all primaries will be Intensified and
tbe political pot will bubble and boll
From the number of railroad offl
clala preneut at the conference between
the mine workers and anthracite mine
operators it would seem that tlie rail
road question Is broader than Givfu rale
The failure of Tat Crowe to go on the
wltuoss stand lu bis owu behalf Indi
cates that the talkativeness of the fa
pious bandit is exclusively for news
paper notoriety and is manifested only
wheu ho 1 not. under oath to tell the
truth. ,
While studying tbe questlou of the
suppression of contraband traffic In
arms delegates at Algeclras might learn
something from American Influence In
Santo Domingo, where revolutionists
have been compelled to quit at the end
of a week because tbey ran out of
Why should the leudlng organ of
democracy distress Itself about the pos
sible ineligibility of State Treasurer
Mortensen to become tbe next governor
of Nebraska. If Mortensen should prove
to be Ineligible after election, John II
Mickey would bold over, and the gov
rnment at Lincoln will still live
Tin opinion of Mr. Conger, former
minister to Cliinii, In regard to exist
In; conditions In that country ami the
expediency of our government taking
precaution against threatened trouble,
la likely to liave weight nt Washington.
Mr. Conger's long service In China gave
him a pretty thorough knowledge of the
people and when he expresses the be
lief that the present situation is really
serious it is entitled to consideration.
Hint the administration views the mat
ter with no little nnxlety is attested by
trustworthy rcjwrts from Washington.
It Is said that the State department
boa become convinced that the Chinese
government la not only failing to take
the proper step to put down the threat
ened uprising against foreigners, but
that it la actually fomenting It. This
Information, it is stated, lias reached
the department from what are regarded
as authoritative sources In China and
also through foreign governments. The
situation Is represented to bo very simi
lar to that which preceded the Boxer
uprising and Is regarded as even more
serious because of the undoubted awak
ening of the Chinese people and the
rapid strides they have made since
The latest information is to the effect
that the lioycott against American
goods Is growing, which doubtless
means that hostility to citizens of the
I'nlted States is also increasing. It Is
noteworthy that thus far only Ameri
cans have been the objects of hostile
demonstrations. Other foreigners in
China huve not been troubled, nor have
the goods of any other country lieen
boycotted. What cam bo done to pro
tect our citizens and our Interests is
a question thnt may well perplex the
president and bis advisers. If the
efforts of diplomacy fail, and thus
fur they appear to have been futile,
shall our government adopt aggressive
measures? It would seem to be the
view at Washington that this may have
to le done. A Washington report says
this government is willing the Chinese
government and people should know
that It is alive to the situation and Is
prepared to send an expedition to China
In the event of an uprising there which
might affect American Interests.
The overwhelming victory of the
British nigral party did not kill the
Issue of fiscal reform. It was not ex
pected to by those familiar with the
fighting qualities of Mr. Chamberlain.
Although the general popular verdict
was so strongly against him, his Bir
mingham constituency stood by him and
this support was sufficient to stimu
late him to continue the contest for
a change In Great Britain's fiscal pol
icy. Now the former premier, Mr. Bal
four, still recognized as the unionist
leader, has got upon the Chamberlain
platform and he should give some
strength, though perhaps not a great
deal, to,, the reform propaganda. Jn a
speech a fpw'days tigo be said that the
results of the general election could not
be accepted as a final verdict against
fiscal reform and that while reform
must bo delayed some years It will
come. He Is now declared to be in full
accord with Mr. Chamberlain and may
be expected to take an active part
thenceforward in advocacy of reform
However, as the liberal party Is be
lieved to be secure In power for several
years there is no immediate danger of
any disturbance to the world's com-
merclol relations with Great Britain
through change of the latter' fiscal
policy. Should British trade decline In
the meantime and industries suffer the
Chamberlain plan may gain adherents,
but not otherwise.
The passage by the senate of the mer
chant marine bill, which received the
support of all but five of the republican
seuators voting. Indicates that the
tneusnre will become law at the present
session. It will undoubtedly have some
republican opposition In the house, but
there is reHson to believe that it will be
supported by a large majority.
The bill has two distinct forms of aid
and encouragement for our ocean ship
ping and ocean commerce. One Is in the
form of new mall subventions to ten
specified lines to be established from
Atlantic and gulf ports to ports In
South and Central America, Cuba, Mex
ico and South Africa, and from Pacific
ports to Jupan, China and the Philip
pines. Thus the purpose of the bill Is to
establish steamship lines which will de
velop our trade with countries In the
southern part of this hemisphere and
with the far east. The Importance of
enlarging this trade Is generally recog
ulzed bad It Is also very generally un
derstood that this can lest be done by
having direct steamship lines between
our Atlantic and gulf ports and the
ports of the southern and oriental coun
tries. It has been very conclusively
shown that so far as South America is
concerned we are at a decided disad
vantage In uot having American lines
running directly to the principal south
ern ports. Our dependence upon for
eign ships has operated to our detriment
commercially. It la certain that we shall
experience a like disadvantage in tbe
oriental trade if American steamship
lines are not established between our
porta and those of Japan and China. We
shall have to meet a vigorous competi
tion for this trade and we cannot do so
successfully if we must depend upou
foreign ships for tbe transportation of
our products.
The bill Is the most conservative, la
regard to the subventions provided for,
that bus ever been presented to con
gres o conservative, indeed, that
Coubt has been expressed whether It
will Induce the establishment of the pro
posed lines. The subventions are to con
tinue for ten years and It la estimated
that the total cost to the national trees
( ury will be a little la excess of HO.OOO.-
nm, or an average of about f4.00O.OtX)
annually. We should then have. If the
purpose of the bill is realized, a new
tonuago of 1,500.000 registered for over
scos carrying, with an lucrenso in our
southern and oriontol commerce of great
value to industrial and agricultural in
terests. The question Is a purely prac
tical one a matter of business. Wc are
reaching out to all parts of the world
and every year the necessity fqr ex
panding our markets in order to dispose
of surplus products of our Industries
grows more Imperative. Our competi
tors have an advantage in possessing
adequate transportation facilities of
their own. in this respect we must fol
low their example if we would secure
our share In the struggle for trade.
The political career and official record
of every man who presents himself as a
candidate for public office Is a proper
subject for public discussion. The can
didacy of William J. Broatch for the
office of mayor naturally recalls his
political career to citizens of Omaha
who are familiar with his antecedents
in public life. There are, however,
thousands of newcomers In Omaha to
whom the record of W. J. Broatch is a
blank. For tbe benefit of this class, as
well as for those whose memories ninst
be refreshed, a retrospective glance will
uot be out of place at this time.
When William J. Broatch became
mayor of Omaha for the first time he
was also n member of the Missouri
River commission at a salary of $2,500
a year. It was expected that he would
make way to some worthy republican
as soon as he was placed on the pay
roll of the city, but If that Idea had ever
entered his head he did not manifest a
disposition to carry it out. but he con
tinued to draw two salaries of $2,500
a year during his entire term as mayor.
As mayor of Omaha, Broatch rode
rough-shod over subordinates, played
fast and loose with the taxpayers and
played Into the bands of tlie public
utility corporations. A sample brick
of Broatchlsm was the signing of an
order to the city attorney to confess
Judgment for a $45,000 gas claim then
pending in the courts, to which, accord
ing to eminent attorneys, no Jury would
have aworded $5,000. The order to pay
this bogus claim was signed only a few
minutes before midnight and was the
last act of Broatch ns mayor during his
first term in 1SS".
When Broatch was again elected in
1805 as an outcome of a frenzied anti-
Cathollc crusade, Broatch resumed his
odious methods, and his last act as
mayor for the second time was the
signing of a midnight contract with the
electric lighting company for arc lights
at an extravagant price. Like the
$45,000 gas claim order, the electric
lighting contract was railroaded
through during the last half hotir of an
expiring council and a dismantled
mayor. ,
The most rank and Indefensible ac
tion of William J. Broatch, acting In
an official rapacity, was the appraise
ment of the chattels of the lessee of
the state penitentiary. A bill ap
propriating $.15,000 for this purpose waa
log-rolled through tlie legislature by the
penitentiary gang and Broatch was ap
pointed as one of the three appraisers,
The chattels consisted of several pair
of spavined old mules, four or five old
wagons, n Job lot of convict clothing
and supplies, and some worn out ma
chinery and tools. A most extravagant
estimate of the value of this aggrega
tlon of brie-a-brac was $5,000, but
Broatch and his two associate" ap
praised the chattels at $.T1.000. voting
themselvea $500 each for one day's In
spection. and leaving $500 In the treas
ury as a balance. It took several years
for Broatch to outlive this scandal, but
it can never be atoned for.
The career of Mr. Broatch tis mem
ber of several police commissions Is so
well known that comment would be
The point that has lieen raised as to
the Ineligibility ' under the Nebraska
constitution of one state officer for an
other state office during the term for
which be may have been elected throws
a new light on one little chapter in our
political history. In 1S02 tho name of
Thomas J. Majors was substituted for
that of the regular republican nominee
for lieutenant governor, the duly noml
nated candidate having been forced to
resign from the ticket because Ineligible
from not having been a citizen of the
state the required length of time. Two
years later Thomus J. Majors became
the republican nominee for governor
and made the race, being defeated nt
tho polls, by Silas A. Holcomb. If the
constitutional prohibition upon a lieu
tenant governor seeking the governor
ship holds now, It must have held then,
and Majors would have been Ineligible
to occupy the executive chair even had
be received a majority of the votes cast
at the election. The sranp;e part of It
Is that during the campaign of JSft4
which was the most hotly contested In
the history of Nebraska, no one ever
thonght to question the eligibility of
Majors for the place be was seeking.
Omaha has expended more than $15,
OOO.ono for public Improvements within
the past thirty-five years. This, of
course, includes the wooden block pave
ments and other perishable makeshifts
which created an imperative demand
for the scavenger tar law and a gen
era! clean-up. What portion of the $15,-
000,000 expended for permanent lin
provements can be considered as a
municipal asset at this time Is prob
According to the city engineer's re
port, the municipal asphalt repair plant
bas effected a saving of SS per cent in
the cost of repairs of asphalt paved
streets. But the greatest benefit da
rived from the municipal asphalt plant
has been the ability to get action w ith
out waiting for the aid or consent of
contractors, who always put off to the
next day what should have leen done
on the previous day. '
The clause of the Nebraska state con
stitution relating to the Ineligibility of
an executive officer to another state of
fice reads as follows:
None of the officers of the esecutlvs de
partment shall be eligible to ny other
stale office dutina; the period for which
they ahall have been elected.
There may be some question as to
Just what the legal effect of this de
claration may lie, but there Is no ques
tion that it is flagrantly nngrammatical.
It Is now a foregone conclusion that
South Omaha will add another quarter
of a million to its bonded debt on the
strength that the nonresident property
holder will pay most of the taxes and
most of the nonresident taxpayers hail
from Omaha.
Pesnlte their political differences It
Is probable that Senator Elklns fully
represents the views of his distin
guished father-in-law on the subject of
railroad rate regulation. Here demo
crats can rally to the standard of 1904.
Fcrharm after the imperial commis
sioners return home they may convince
Chinese merchants thnt the boycott is
a mistake, but so far they have shown
no disposition to make tbelr conclusions
known In America.
Now that Admiral Itojestvensky has
denied the existence of submarine boats
In the fisjht of the Sea of Japan am
bitious inventors may know that they
have practically nn undiscovered field
in which to work.
Worries of Statesmen.
Chlraao News.
Brmc statesmen In Washington would
rive their eye teeth If they could know to
a certainty that the antl-pasa bill ta going
to paas- I" that event they could make
an Impressive display of activity in sup
port of It.
Incentive to Goodneaa.
New York Post.
Two hundred young men applied for con
version yeaterday at the revival meeting
of the John D. Rockefeller. Jr., Bible class
This followed the report that the stock of
Standard Oil was to be more widely dls
tributed to make the corporation popular.
Scientific Rate Maklna.
Chicago Kecord-Herald.
The beat aample of freight rate making
by a railroad conies from Panama, where,
prior to American control, bricks were
cluaslfled as "crockery, uncrated," and
compelled to pay tlO a ton freight for a
few miles haul. A railroad man, former
Engineer Wallace of the canal, tells the
story, and the funny part of it is he seems
to think It a Joke. , .
Olve Them Room.
Portland Oregonlan.
Senators Aldrlch and Polllver announce
that in dismissing , the freight rata bill,
each Intends to say to the other exactly
what he means la plain NortU American
language that .cannot be misunderstood or
misinterpreted. Oo,4t, Nelson: go it, Jona
than. The country .will enjoy the spectacle
of your smashing' the traditions of your
august and honorable body.
Better Go Slow.
Springfield Republican.
An official of the anthracite coal asso
ciation estimates that the primary selling
companies have a stock of 10.000,000 tons
on hand, and additional there to ia an "im
mense stock" tn the hands of wholesale
and retail dealers. Furthermoie, the mild
winter will leave consumers unusually well
supplied at the end of the aeaaon. This la
a situation . hardly .aa favorable for the
success of a strike as the United Mine
Workers might wish.
Reservation Land Openings.
Portland Oregonlan.
The government will order "openlnga"
thla year of a total of 506.000 acrea of In
dian reservation landa. Bills providing for
these have passed the house. The landa
covered are In Oklahoma, being portions of
the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache reaerva.
tions. The usual provisions were made for
the platting and sale of town site. The
area of reservation lands Is still great, and
aa the Indians are 'steadily diminishing In
numbers, these land openings are likely
to continue for many years. They will.
Indeed, and should, continue until each
Indian has a fair allotment and no more,
Good arable land, lying uncultivated
through sentiment, will not be the order
In thla country half a century hence.
Meetlnac of Coal Mine Owners and
Leaders of (ho Miners.
Baltimore American.
It is greatly to the credit of the anthra
cite miners and operators that they have
decided to meet together In friendly con
ference In the city of New York for the
purpose of attempting to adjust their dif
ferences without a strike or a lockout. Of
course, each side will have to yield some
thing If suoh a friendly settlement Is to be
made, and It is hardly to be expected that
either will be so generoua as to give up all
that la claimed by the other. If they cannot
come together, however. It Is sincerely to
be hoped, for the welfare of all concerned,
which also includes the consuming public,
that the points which cannot he determined
will be submitted to arbitration, and that
work will proceed without suspension while
tho matter Is under discussion. The Inter
ests of the public should be considered aa
well as those of the miners and operators.
It ia a tremendous duty tbey owe to their
matrons to hold the rights of the lat
ter in view as well as their own claims agid
counter claims.
It would seem that a simple footing up
of the expense of a strike would be suftl
cient to Impel each other to yield here and
there a little, rather than evoke such enor
mous loss to workmen and employers, to
aay nothing of the suffering and Inconven
ience entailed upon the public. Taking
it In its best effocts. a strike Is a catastro
phe and an affront to sensible economy.
If Injustice la being done either party to
the contract, publio sentiment can usually
be depended upon to enforce the right
and mutuality and twentieth .century in
telligence should always enable the parties
to a controversy to get together on common
ground of friendly Intercourse and sincere
Such a conference as this has not always
been possible, and is an encouraging sign
when It Is possible. Too often there Is an
Insurmountable bitterness from the outset,
both sides 'sparring for advantage." this
uncomfortable temper growing by feeding
upon Itself until friendly agreement Is Im
possible. Thla sentiment appears to be
wholly wanting in the correspondence of the
mining leaders and operators, and the mil
lions who burn coal will hope that the
kindliest of eounaels will prevail to the end
and that tbe end will be a friendly and
dinined composition uf all differences.
Ripples on the Correal of I.lfe In the
A philanthropist of a type rarely seen
In the limelight of publicity, but whose
deeds are shrined In the hearts of thou
sands of strangers In a strange land, died
In New York last week. For twenty years
or7 more Patrick McCool represented the
Catholio church as Immigration agent at
the port of New York. Irish Immigrants
were his principal care, particularly un
married Irish girls. In a score of years he
assisted st the landing of (115,000 Irish Im
migrants of whom 9X1.000 were Irish girls.
He advised them, helped them to their
destination and aided to get work. He
and Miss Alma Matthews, representing the
woman's home missionary society of the
Methodist Episcopal church, many years
ago agreed that If they were to achieve their
full measure of usefulness It must be In
the line of practical assistance to arriving
Immigrants. 'They were to be safeguarded
on arrival and sided on their way. Tracts
and moral lectures were subordinated to
this end. Religion came before and after-
.wards, but not at the moment of landing.
If a ship arriving late at night found Miss
Matthews at the station, and Mr. McCool
was not there, it was no unusual thing to
see her take with her to her mission home
a party of Irish Catholic girls who were
given a clean bed and a good supper, and
In the morning sent to Father Henry's
mission next door. If McCool was there
snd Miss Matthews was not, the same
thing happened. Due mainly to the In
fluence of these two earnest workers, the
Immigrant missionaries forgot their creeds,
snd Jews and Christian united In the work
of helping materially all the souls temp
orarily In need of their care.
Police Commissioner Bingham reported
the number of men enrolled In the police
force on January 1, with their pay. In his
recent appeal to the aldermen for an ap
propriation, as follows:
Title. Palarles.
1 commissioner of police f T.WX)
t Inspectors of police at SS.Omi..
S deputy commissioners at $1,000. 12,000
J4 Inspectors of police at H500. ... 49.0"0
S5 captains of police at $2,7fiO 233,71
4U srrgeanta of police at $2,000., R22.000
2M detective sersreants at $2,000... 502.000
57 roundsmen, at $1.500 sfi7,000
MS patrolmen at $J0 772,nno
41B patrolmen at $900 873.500
729 patrolmen at $l.ono 729,000
4M patrolmen at $1.150 4W.100
24 patrolmen at $1.260 307.500
1 patrolman 1,.Y0
patrolmen at $1.850 10.sit0
4.4SJ patrolmen at $1.400 6.197.R00
1M doormen at $1.000 W 000
(6 matrons at $l,ooo fiS.nno
SI surgeons at $3,500 80.500
1 superintendent of telegraph... 4,000
1 assistant superintendent of
telegraph 3.000
1 assistant superintendent of
telegraph 2.700
1 chief lineman l.BOO
linemen at $1.200 7.200
2 boiler Inspector at $1.300 2.600
Of these, a sergeant, two roundmen, and
sixty-eight patrolmen are paid out of the
health department appropriation, compris
ing the sanitary police, and eight patrol
men aslgned to duty under the tenement
house commission are paid from its appro
priation. The cost of advancing patrol
men to higher grades In 1908 will be $297,000,
At one of of the regular devotional meet,
ings held recently In the Bowery branch of
the Young Men's Christian association, at
Broome street and the Bowery, relates the
Herald a clergymen delivering the sermon
to the motley assemblage of human
derelicts who had drifted In more for
warmth and shelter, perhaps, than for
spiritual consolation, had occasion, Incon
gruously enough, to use a Oreek phrase.
The word had hardly passed his lips when
one of the company, a young man, neces
sarily shabby and unkempt, or he would
not have been there, arose and in a well
chosen speech prefaced, with an apolory
for his Interruption, called the attention
of the preacher to the fact that he had
mlsauoted the ancient poet from which
the Oreek sentence had been chosen.
Inspired by curiosity to know how a man
of such unmistakable education had fallen
to so low a level, a Herald reporter made
Inquiries, and the result was the amazing
Information that fully one-fourth of the
"tramps," "unemployed," or whatever
may be the fitting term, who apply to the
Bowery branch of the association for aid
In the course of every year are college
bred men, and In many cases graduates of
some of the best Intltutlons of learning In
the world. This Is borne out by the
recorded statistics of the branch, and It
was emphasised a few days ago In a state.,
ment from H. W. Hoot, the secretary. In an
appeal for funds to aid in the erection of
a larger building. The condition has pre
vailed throughout the eighteen years of
existence of the branch, but has become
more marked in recent years, in conse
quence of circumstances which will be set
forth presently.
In the books kept by Mr. Hoot the In
mates of the house are classified under the
heads: University, Collegiate, Academic,
High School and Common School. In the
year Just closed the total number of men
aided was 8,228. Of these seventeen were
placed in the first category, 1S4 In the
second, seventy-one in the third and 417 In
the fourth, making an aggregate of 63S who
had received better than a common school
education. In 1904 the total waa 646. In
the order of eta-ht. 139. 16J snd SS7, the num
ber of those of alt classes received In that
year having been 2.S12. According to the
annual report of the Bowery branch to
the parent organisation, the proportion of
men helned who had en loved the ad van.
tsges of university, college, academic or
high school education was 26 per cent last
Perhaps no Judge In the metropolitan
district has Incurred the hatred of more
criminals than Judge Asplnall, of the
County court in Brooklyn. He has always
been severe with confirmed crooks, and es
pecially with brutal ones. More than onco
a prisoner has made open threats In court
to "do up" the Judge when he gets out of
jail. Several of these men have even
threatened to kill him. A friend of the
Judge asked him the other day If anything
had ever come of these threats, The Judge
smiled and said:
"The long sentences these men have re
ceived usually have taken ail desire for
revenge out of them. I have never been
assaulted or harmed by any of them after
tbelr sentences have expired. I have re
ceived scores of letters with threats. It
Isu't exactly nice to get pictures of hearts
with daggers in them and blood dripping
from the wounds I have received many
such but I am convinoed that there Is
nothing like a long term In prison to cure
that tendency to a criminal."
Lodging houses for men are no novelty
in New York, but a boarding house In
which only this sex Is entertained is some
thing new. Such an establishment exists
and flourishes, however, lit an uptown
street, and the only women who ever en
ter Its doors are members of the landlady's
family or her servants. So decided Is the
rule of the house that men may not Invite
their woman friends to dinner, even on
Bunday. There Is never any lack of guests,
and the landlady declares that half the
troubles of her lot are obliterated along
with the women. Their absence seems
to have no discouraging effect on the men,
who are all eager to remain In the house
in spite of the monotony of seeing only
tbelr own kind there.
feana)lnnla Senators 11 an of Rate
Kearalat Ion.
Kansas City Star.
The president has been careful not to
"father" any particular rate measure be
fore congress. Ills general rate policy
has been well defined, and both the Polll
ver snd the Hepburn bills, which nre sim
ilar, conform pretty closely to that policy.
But the president has not directly dic
tated either of these measures. But in
view of the fact that the Hepburn bill,
which has already passed the house, has
been criticised by friends, of rate regula
tion, and the further ract'thut this Is the
bill to be advanced In the senate, snd
which the frlenda of the railroads proposo
to amend radically, the president has di
rected a reserve bill to be di-jrtrd by Sen
ator Knox.
It is well known that 8rnator Knox,
even since he left the cabinet, haa been
one of Mr. Roosevelt's chief advisers in
the consideration of the problems that are
put up to the chief executive, more espe
cially those Involving linn law points. It
is admitted that the rate hill demands the
very beat of legal talent If It is to with
stand the assaults that surely will be. made
upon It. The Hepburn bill, although clear
enough in Ita Intention, Is ambiguous In
several points of construction. It assumes
that tv.s courts have full power to review
all acts of the Interstate Commerce com
mission, and while this power Is manifestly
Inherent, It Is deemed wise to embody a
provision for such review In the bill. And
this, it Is said. Is one of the main points
of the Knox bill.
The right of an Individual or a corpora
tion to appeal to the courts from the de
cision of any administration or legislative
decree is inherent In the fundamental law
of the land. But Senator Knox would
have the rate law point out that the ship
per and tho railroads alike would have the
right to appeal from the decision of the
Interstate Commerce commission. To
deny this right would make the law uncon
stitutional. To leave It undefined might
In some way weaken the bill. The uttempt
to limit the scopt of Judicial review might
have the same effect aa to deny such re
view. Mr. Knox, in his Pittsburg speech in
November, defined the point in this way:
That the original making of rates should
be left with the railronds; that the newly
empowered Interstate Commerce commla
nion should act only on complaint from
the shippers; that being an Impartial and
expert board, the commission shoudl have
the right to annul a rate and substitute
for it a new rate believed to be reasonable
and to put the new rate In effect, and that
the shipper and the carrier should then
have equal rights to appeal to a higher
court from the decision of the commission.
This takes away the Idea that the commis
sion would become the "rate-making power
of the country." It would also put the
chief burden of appeal on the railroads
rather than on the shipper, for the pre
sumption would be that the shippers would,
as a rule, be much more ready to abide by
the decisions of the commission than the
railroads would be.
Senator Elltlna "Conversion" on. tho
Rate Question.
Kansas City Star.
Senator Elklns, In his political capacity,
has "professed religion," That Is to say,
he has declared that he Is for the presi
dent's rate policy. There might be great
rejoicing among the righteous over the
return of this one sinner but for the fact
that Mr. Elklns declares, also, that he al
ways has been for the president's policy.
A profession and a falsehood do not go
well together. It is possible, of course,
that Mr. Elklns ha really experienced a
change or heart on this Issue and that he
may have deserted the goats for the sheep.
But he has not been a sheep thus far,
unless he has been wearing a very bad dis
guise. The country has not forgotten the
rate hearing last year by the senate com
mittee, over which Mr. Elklns presided, to
say nothing of his general attitude on rate
legislation heretofore.
But that the senator from West Vir
ginia should assume a virtue, even if he
has It not, looks rather plausible. In the
latter part of his statement there Is a
"key" to the situation. "The ' people of
our state," he says, "should be slow to
believe the exaggerated reports that reach
them from Washington through hostile
sources about our senators and members
of congress." Clearly Mr. Elkins is con
cerned about what "our people" may think
of him. This is something new. It is
an anxiety that he never manifested be
fore reform sentiment took hold of West
Virginia. And even now he might not be
disturbed but for the fact that his term
of office will expire next year and that
there is abundant evidence that any man
who hopea to retain himself In power
through machine organisation in Weat Vir
ginia, now or In the near future, will have
a mighty hard fight with the reform ele
ment. The state administration Is turning
things over and Is making progress against
those corporations that have oppressed tbe
Elklns' seat Is insecure. The tide Is
against the bosses, more especially against
the bosses who are also corporation mag
nates. But will It help Brother Stephen to
"profess" without also "confessing?"
Lawson's Moves to C'oatrol Life In
nranco Companies.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Thomas W. Lawson believea he holds
proxies enough from policyholders of the
Mutual and New York Life companies to
control the next annual electlona of officers
for those companies, and Governor Johnson
of Minnesota, who has looked over his fig
ures, entertains a similar belief. If thla Is
true, and If Lawson were to exercise his
control In his own Interests, the fact would
be disturbing. To be sure, the big New
York companies are even now pretty closely
allied with large speculative Wall street
interests and Lawson control might prove
quite as honest ss has been the recent con
trol of the companies: but the prospect of
having these vast bodies of trust funds al
lied to a speculative plunger of the Lawson
type Is perhaps even a little less alluring
than their alliance with the Harrlman,
Ryan and Standard Oil Interests. But Law
son disclaims any purpose to exercise con
trol himself, and he seems to be acting in
good faith when he offers to place his
proxies in tbe hands of a committee com
posed of Governor Cummins of Iowa, Gov
ernor Johnson of Minnesota and several
other men of like prominence. It Is now
reported that Cummins and Johnson will
accept his invitation to act, and the may
possibly be trusted to make as good a s.
lection of managers aa the New York Inan
clal interests now dominant In thin big
Insurance companies. Anyhow. tr.t.r la no
Immediate cause for panic anion the policyholders.
Coal. Wood. Coke, Kindling.
W. th beat Ohio and Colorado Coals, hot, laatlngi
Also tho Illinois), Harms, Shsrldan, Walnut Block, Cost, Eta.
For gsn.rsl purposes, us Chsrokso Lump, f 5.50j Nut, $8.00 psr ton
Missouri Lump, $4.75; Lsrgo Nut, 4.S0-maks hot,4quk fir..
Our hsrd coal Is ths 8CAANT0N, ths bsst Pennsylvania! ,'stithraelta
Wo slso ssll 8padre, tho hsrdsst snd elssnsst Arksnsss hsrd eoal
All our cost hand serssnsd snd wslghsd ovsr sny elty seslss doslrsd
tallforala Frnlt Shippers Row Call
Them "l)mi."
Sun Francisco Chronicle.
It is stated that the claim agents, or
whatever they call them, of the Southern
Pacific and B.uita Fe railroads, have dis
covered that Immediately upon the Issuano
of the Injunction forbidding the payment of
rebates on freight rates, the shippers of
fruit began promptly to put In what are
alleged to le enormous unfounded claims
for "damages'' to fruit In transit which,
the rnllrnnd authorities state, they virtu
ously refuse tn pay. The implication la thst
the fruit men sre determined to retain ths
Improper advantages to which they have
been accustomed' and are taking this
method of getting them.
There has not, that we know of, been any
injunction forbidding the private refrigera
tor car lines to give rebates. These lines
claim to be wholly Independent of federal
Jurisdiction under the Interstate commerce
act and the courts have, not yet settled the
question. In fact, a Santa Fe official was
recently reported as testifying that rebates
on fruit shipped under refrlgerstion wers.
st the time of giving the testimony, being
paid right along.. j The Armour and Santa
Fe lines have recently' announced a reduc
tion of refrigeration, charges for next
season with the statement that they will
never, never give rebates any more. It Is
quite possible that this public announce
ment of refusal to allow damage claims,
which are really rebate claims, may be
only an Incident In a wrangle over actual
damage claims. There can be no doubt,
however, that If the large shippers of fruit
are really to get no more rebates under
that name they will leave no stone un
turned to get back the same money under
some other name. The real root of the evil
Is the determination of large shippers to
get better rates than their smaller competi
tors, and they force concessions by concen
trating their shipments on one line until
the other lines come to terms. It would be
well If more attention were given to the
rascality of the shippers In this matter.
The railroads are often more sinned against
than sinning. It remains to be seen
whether unjust advantages to large ship
pers can be prevented by any legislation.
Shippers will certainly sttempt to force
such concessions by diverting freight from
roads which refuse them.
The Swedish - American residents of
Chicago are planning a "John Ericsson
day" for March 9, celebrating the victory
of Ericsson's Monitor, over the Merrlmao
In the civil war.
A man who committed murder In New
Jersey three weeks ago has been tried,
condemned and la to to be hanged Febru
ary 23. Yes, there are some good points
about New Jersey,
The National Society of the Daughters
of the Empire State has made Alice Roose
velt a wedding gift of membership In that
organisation, with a badge of beautiful de
sign to symbolize the compliment.
Mr. Stuyvesant Fish, president of ths
Illinois Central, calls attention to the prac
tical defeat of one of the provisions of the
charters given to great corporations in the
practice of delegating the powers of a large
board of directors as fixed by the charters
to small executive committees.
Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, In con
versation with a friend the other day,
laughingly observed that If he had any
Idea as to the amount of work he would
have to perform, he would never have
taken a Job as a member of the United
States senate. He is compelled to answer,
on the average, 125 letters per day. .
No member of the British Parliament
is permitted to say bluntly and directly
that another la drunk, ' but He' 'may 'hint
at the tact in paraphrase, as when Mr.
Gladstone, replying to an unconventional
speech of Disraeli's remarked: "The right
honorable gentleman has evidently had ac
cess to sources of inspiration that are not
open to me."
"I don't see," said the pretty daughter
of the pretty widow, "where I stand much
chance of getting married. If mamma
doesn't like the man I choose she won't
let me have htm. If she does like him.
she's Just as likely as not to marry him
herself !" Cleveland Leader.
Uncle Joslah First time you ever milked
a cow. Is It? Well, you do It a thunderln'
slKht better than most city tellers do,
Visiting Nephew It seems to come nat
ural, somehow. I've had a good deal of
practice with a fountain pen. Chicago
"Boss," began the beggar, "can't you help
me? 1 ain't ate nothln' for three days."
"Oh, I see!" exclaimed Crabbe, "trying
to make a record for fasting, eh? Well,
I'll help you nil I can. Don't let me tempt
you to eat. Good-day." Philadelphia Press.
"Say, paw."
"Well, sonr
"What's a oritic?"
"A critic, son, Is an artistic knocksr."
Milwaukee Sentinel.
"Say. old boy, I scorched a hit in my new
auto, and now I find myself in hot water."
"What can I do for you?"
"Why, ball me out." Baltimore Amer
ican, .
"Do you think that spiritualistic medium
waa really controlled by the eminent finan
cier you wished to consult?"
"Yes. I recognized his methods. She In
sisted on getting the money first and mak
ing me take all the chances." Washington
"They say he gambles."
"Yea, but he does It in a perfectly hon
orable and gentlemanly way. lis Invaria
bly loses." Chicago Tribune.
"Talking about nitrate kings, I know
"Who Is he?"
"The cabman." Clevelond Leader,
w'EI.1., I DO.VT KNOW.
New York Press.
They say that money cannot buy
The sweetest things in life .
Health, heaven, friends, respect, content,
Or e'en a loving wlte.
They say that money cannot buy
These things for me, alas! But I
Well I don't know!
What bought my private car? Just wealth.
What bought my lovely yacht.
Which sails me to the lands where health
Is found on every spot?
What pays my specialist, dear Jim,
To keep me In such perfect trim?
Well I don't know!
What bought the most delightful wife
A man could hope to win?
What buys her every wish In U'e
The clothes she dasxlea In?
And If her heait beats not for me, "
And I am not adored, von see,
Well-I don't know!
And heaven? O, of course, I don't
Expect to get In free: '
But If the Lord meant what He said'
Concerning charity, ,
The tithe 1 11 give beore I die
Will slip me through the needle's eve..
Or, I don't know.
For happiness? Well, money bought
This -cer.t cigar;
It bought this chair In which I loll.
It bought this private car;
It bought this cognac and, I guess, .(
If sll this is not hauDlnesa,
Well-1 don'( know!