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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1906)
TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: FT? ID AT, FERRCAHY 16, V.m. i 10 Broken Lines of Ladles' Ultra 53.50 Shoes Saturday $1.69 $MWk St Window Great Sale of Ladies' Silk Moire Suits Saturday at ' 511.77 ill WIHO0W MP OMAIIa ..liHHKR I'OUKOAST fVlclny Fall- and Wamtor PTSlv sM P 9 o)m c at v Friday Big Lot of All Kinds of Remnants For bargain Friday Will Be on Extraordinary Bargain Giving Event at Brandeis. A Carload of New Spring On Sale First Time Friday in Basement t New flllk Organdies, soft, lustrous fabric, printed floral designs of great beauty at yard Dotted Silk Moussellne, plain colorings, large variety, for evening and street costumes at yard Fine Imported Madras, pretty stripes, checks, figures and jarqnard effect, suitable for men's shirts and shirt walsta, on sale for yard Slightly Imperfect Drwi Prints. aa Jong an they last In the .forenoon, will go at yard Finn Merceriied Sateen, blnck and all colors, you will recognise them as the quality you always pay 4V yard here Friday at per yard 15c Yard wide light and dark Percales perfect length, at, per yard-only New lot Curtain 8wlss, dots and fig ured designs, ten to twenty-yard lengths, at yard , 8!c Ic Friday Dress Goods Specials New lot of fine Black and Colored Dress Goods brought forward for Friday thousands of ' yards that sold up to $1.50 a yard, will go at per yard Seasonable Dress Goods that are valued up to 33c yard we will close out quickly every length , in black or colored at per yard , BLACK GLORIA SILK forty-six inches wide in Annex 25c 10c 25c Every Imported Dress Pattern, I French Organdies I n basement lengths from i to 15 yards, for I short lenclha tnanv tn v. null in. iPin n wim ,:un,ir. "X SB I v. lll p;o on SAle Annex, worth up to $1.76 . JC I at per ysrd a yard, at, yard saw j on,y lie SILK REMNANTS Importer's sample line silks, bright colors, good lengths for trimming, fancy work, etc., at, each 51015.25c 15c Yard wide black lining silk, thirty inch drapery Bilks, poplins, black and white sateens, fancy silks, all on sale, 'in at, per yard . , amJC 98, IB fiWBfflfc n EN'S AND BOYS' Friday Shoe Bargains in Basement rh'iM-frt,8Ktem h,e i8 V.ery "1ec,al bargain for Fridav. ". , " VII. ' Vlcl kid. lam nr h. . ' PC ton, at. a pair JliC 6 to 8H. at niSSE5' AND CHILDREN' 5 50C QUALITY ALL FELT SLIPPERS ISc 15c 19c 19c Press 7ic I f In thr Forenoon from 8 to 10 We will sell Be grade full stand ard Cambric Lining, in all colors, at per yard In the Afternoon, Beginning at 1:80 We will sell mill lengths A. F. C, Toile Du Nord and Ited Seal Dress Ginghams, all the desirable stripes, checks and plain colors the value is well known JP Friday afternoon at yard JC VELVET REMNANTS--For collars, girdles, mlllln-C tl td If? ery, etc., black and colors, each J-IU-I!-Z 3C SHOUT LENGTHS OF SILK To close out all short lengths of silks accumulated from tormer sales, on bargain square at, per yard Special fine taffeta, messalines, moires, peau de cygne, pretty ngnt tuiKs, the new many worth $1.00 on sale at checks. 59c ODD LOTS OF EMBROIDF.KIES Bargain tables of fine medium and narrow widths embroideries and insertings, all new 1 T r and pretty patterns, will go at, per yard, . . t C-JiC-jC REMNANTS OF WASH LACES Bargain tables of narrow and me dium widths torchon, French and German Vals, and fancy laces, edgings and insertions, good assortment, will go r f at, per yard JC'DC Carpet Remnants in the Basement Big square fine sample pieces of velvets, wlltons, axminster and Drus8els carpet remnants worth up to $2 each....; AT THE USUAL FRIDAY BARGAINS S3 Children's Bloomer Russian Suits at $1.50 Handsome suits for boys, ages 3 to 8-cut in Russian style, embroidered front and sleeves made of fancy cashmeres and BZf cheviots, usually would sell at $3 Friday's special oiler .'. U " $2.50 and $3 Child's Reefers a.t 98c One lot of odds and ends of bovs' reefers all small sizes, 3, 4 and 5 fx A years-worth up to $3-to JpC & clear them up $5 Boys and Yun$ Men's U.'sters. . . . $1.98 ; Men's $7.50 Overcoats, $3.75 One great lot of men's stylish cut overcoats in blarv n,fj whoTV 44nKd 60 ,nch ,0DK' -nip r aiy iaa 7 C who deires to be warm; good and serviceable and stylish Oi0 Boys' flannelette waists, r- I nn,-.' . . , '"ou worth iuc, at . 19C I B finest blue and gray shirt Boys- all wool flannel waists. m I blouses worth An worth Ho, at .....JC I $1.50, at ZOC Misses' 11.75 vlcl kid stock tip lacs shoes r at. a pair I. Ill Women's $iS0 patent colt or vlcl kid shoes all Bn solid and all sizes, at. a pair IiOU Women's hand made Turkish housa slippers, ACr red. black or tan. at. a pair 4VC Women's 11 00 warm housa slippers, rad flannel er lined, all solid, at. a pair OVC Women's WOO patent colt, fur trimmed slippers, 7Ar at. a pulr stC Indies' Kelt Leather Trimmed, lac Shoes. 75 worth $1.60, at. a pair OC Sewing Machines and Supplies V have a fuU line of First-Class Sewing Machines, as well as part and attachments for all tho popular machines made; all of beat quality. Oood Machines Rented at 76c per week. Repairing done in first-class shape and at very reasonable price. Call ua up when in need of anything In this line. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Caoitol Ave. Teleakeaa 1ST4. The 115. Government h Back of Miller's Old Standard Whiskey and vouches for Its AGE, id STRENGTH and PURITY It Is bottled In bond every bottle has the government stamp. THE BEST FOR HOME USE. MILLER'S I if it comes from 1309 Farnam St., mutt food Omaha. ITiller't Whuliet, full quart 80c, $1.00, St.Sfi Five Fast Trains DAILY TO Chicago and the East vis the CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track rarlway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Tickets nrf "ul! information on sddII estion ta ticket otltre HOI and 1403 Fsrnim SL, OMAHA, NEB. TEL. DOUGLAS 431. i Onii i .MM 111) 1 fJi ft ft mfi f 1414 FARNAM ST. Coal, Cold, Colder TAKE A HINT AND ORDER NOW BEST GRADES Anthracite and Soft Coals Telephone Douglaa-431 It stands alone, I IWUISKEY 5JSS I is uncord'lioniHy Sifperiortolh foreign article. Yen save tht import duty of IJi t ijsllon when you buy it. funfy shot -5 lmoi 'rrvi TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS, 1517 Duulas St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Th Brat Fa ram LII Il M GREEN TRADINS STAMPS EVERT TIME ABOUT THE BIG PICTURE FRAME SALE SATURDAY SATURDAY Quarter-satved Oaks, Birchs, Mahoganys, "Walnuts, Golds, Etc., Etc. FOLLOWING ARE THE SIZES OF FRAMES: 8x10, 10x12,-11x14, 12x16, 14x17, 16x20, 20x24; ffK vahies up to $5.CK)-in three lots, at 49c, 39o Jr$QM See "Window. IN THE DR. Y GOODS BIG REMNANT SALE FRIDAY. All our short lengths of ginghams, percales, flannelettes, outing flannels and calicos, in lengths from lVfc to 10 P yards, worth to 15c a yard; Friday, a yard JC All our short lengths kimono flannels, fleece downs and waist ings, worth from 18c to 75c a yard, good lfl lengths; Friday, a yard 1UC All of our short lengths of fine imported white waistings, enough for a waist in each pattern, worth 50c and y C 75c a yard; Friday, a yard. w J C Lace, Embroidery and Ribbon Remnants, lc Friday, 9 to 10 A. M., we will place on sale a big lot of embroidery, ' lace and ribbon remnants of all kinds; each, at Neckwear Sale, 2c Friday, from 10 to 12 M., 500 pieces of fancy wash stocks and turnovers, worth 15c each ; 6ale price, Friday, each. . .' 25c Face Veilings, 5c Friday, from 2 to 5 P. M., 100 yards of fancy and plain mesh face veilings, worth 25c C yard ; go at, a yard J 15c Hosiery 5c Children's fine and heavy ribbed hose, fast dye, sizes 4 to 7, regular 15c value; Friday, 2 to C 3 P. M., pair...: Ladies' Wool Mittens, 10c Pair The balance of our A 20c black worsted mittens; Friday, a pair IUC GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Onttng Flannel Gowns In an extra fine quality, always "E. sold for $1.25 each; Friday, each i UL Ladies' Fleece Lined Wrappers Trimmed with braid, regular 1QP 98c ones; Friday, each, only Kitchen Aprons Made of good gingham, worth 25c each; 1 Kn Friday, each . XUl Boys' Flannel AValsta Oood, heavy ones, our 60c ones; Kn Friday, for. LkJIj Bennett's Big Grocery Leaders in guod values. lkst goods at lowetit prices. Grape-Nuts, package 10c Horseradish, bottle 6c Anderson's Tonrto 3Vi, can do I Pei per Bauue, bottle. tc Corn, !-poun! n...f.,.. v...&o I CofTue, fresh roasted, pound.. IDe Picklss. assorted, bottle 8u 1 Tea Sittings, pound packaae 12o Twenty Ori-sn 'radinc Stamps with lb. pkg-. Bennett's Capitol Coffee 2&c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with lb. Basket Fired Japan Tea 3So Ten Green Trading Stamps with 3 pkgrs. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat J6c Ten Green Trading Stamps with - pkgs. Bennett's Capitol Wheat 20u DIAMOND S RPECIAL Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Strawberries, Cher ries, Pineapples per can 25c - . " And Twenty Greeu Trading Stamps. Ten Green Trading Htainps with 2 pkgs. Bennett's Capitol Outs 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond H Chill Sauce 25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with lu-lb. sack Yellow Cornineal 18c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 2 enns Mount Kineo, M:ilnt . Corn 2Te Five Green Trading Stamps with sack Worcester Table Salt, best on earth ou BEXXF.TT'8 CANDY SUCTION. Seven hundred pounds Plantation MolnsHes Mixed Candy something new, deli cious, fresh made pound 12a COAL! COAL! Money saved on' every bucketful. A saving from $1.00 to $ 1 .50 a ton iu actual cjikIi. Clean coal -coal that's full of heat, comfort and cooking servicv coal that burns to nothing. Dennett's coal makes friends with everylxMiy. l'rompt tlellverles by our own teams courteous driver. Satisfaction from A to Z guaranteed. COAL OFFICK, - MAIN FLOOK. Get Next to a Good Thing But in That sounds slangy, and we don't especially admire blung. this case it expresses something "good," which is worth the money, Our SPADRA COAL is one of the Pl'RKST and BUST hard coals on the market. It is a free burning coal, is easy to kindle and is always sure to ignite. Spadra coal is the highest grade of Arkansas coal, and you need have no fear of trying it. $8.50 a Ton B. HAVENS & CO. Telephone 317. 219 S. 16th St. California for a "colonist" ticket via the Santa Fe, Omaha to California, Daily, February IB to April 7. ,. Berth in Tourist Pullman, ft.t.7A extra or free seat In chair rar. TouriKt Pullmans, Omaha to Ioa Angeles without change, of cars. The way is ..through picluremjue New Mexico and Arizona, a mile nrxivc the rm.K IMiMtlek track. Harvey mealw. v All the Way. . . Kor fuM particulars asx Ask Samuel Larimer, Pass. Agt., 406 Equitable Bldg.. Des Moines, la., for full particulars. i Sill , Friday Is Remnant Day Remnants of ftlll-a, lirtta 1'I. V,l, ifniA, l,lfin, Flannels, t gather mlth broken lines and ai'x k iemi,nM til tttAt M1 fiarments -all gu at aarrlflca prlea. Y'u ttutut aff4 -) bargains Silk Remnant Bargains llemnnnls of JT Inrli i,t,r c.f-in. 1111. nanla of fnrirr silks, reiimni f plttui i.nuiaiiiene ixsn ! rygi sK'mm.iii, ao peau de soles all I lie.. Sft.-, II and $1 ah silks i:trs sperlsl ssle on fny silks All thnv liesullful silks on our rouriler, bmli lsln ri1 tni y -Tf. morrow s , sr1 , l'.lg siil on w.vli silks K-trs fine grsds-30-lneh, si srd Our 7fK- vs I yen-Inch, -i-yr1 Our II 2i value IM-lnrh, n -jnrd . . Rom ehlns silks and nov-HI: For two horns, from to IJ a. m rslr on od'l ('its of plBlll sod sllks-mlsed fsbrl-s- at yard , Wool Dress Goods Remnants From A SO to is sjoon. We will sell Sn.ono ysrd of wool and silk and wool dr-.s goods, end fin mohslrs. worth from fl to U at, yard ,41),-. Zfic, rk and From S to 4 JM P. M. We will sell fine dress goods. In hlsrks and colors, ranging from II to 14 a ysrd. In sll wool, silk snd wool and flna mo hslrs, lengths from 2'A to Rfi-j ...ft.Jc 19c 5ic 85c s tug fsn- 10c lo i. i.l (.rM t,nr fioth, long mill ! .. .,, Ity IV.. file .' UU Iuuii..i.ii i,t i I. ,) siribr1r snd mus iii. i'l l;i a , Irl Ut.fil.m . t'llr lv to i . .1 V; ! si, 4 4ic and xi: to 49c 8c yards, at. yard, 1fl". 2fr, JBr, REM i A JITS OF I.IMr.s. Thst sold from 2Sc to rc yard. will go at, ysrd Itomnitnts of other goods too to mention. 40c.. . 10c numerous Linen and Muslin Remnants of tsble linen. In bleached, un bleached, mercerized and colored, In good lengths from It to Si yards long, goods thnt sold from 25c to 11.36 ynrd, In 5 lots at, yard, 12Hc, t 25c. S9e, 49c and OOw Pattern Cloths, In plsln and fringed. 8 4 and 10-4 slses, (slightly soiled), regu lar $1.25 and 11.50 quality 7(Jr to close, at, piece ' One lot of Turkish cotton and linen huck towels, In bleached and unbleached large sizes sold up to 124o at, piece 10c uvl dlll's mil'.w tons and 'if 1nt,'f rri work, l.xl 2 to ni tf,-t di sM from tv II . mi il.. It- and Kn:pni ,4 Kwlt.g In hloarlied and l.o s-h'! i.'s'l,. from 1 m TV minr i.,nf.'i ir, ym i'il't- si d, 4, ,y and ! iiinii of li-( It. k, In Mmrfiv4, im ,H,).r and silver t,lea'l:e1, a-4. B-4 and lni it sr. remnants from eur regular ei.c aid 4ticud all best tuands ul touslln. S'l- b ss flics, pa. Ouolt. hIiwikiI, p.-i erell slid r"mlt aild les'ilsr from t)r to Jtc yd , B at. ard IOC neinnsnis of pillow rasing, ftom 42 to Ui lri-hes wide. In good lengths, these In clude t'tlra. Atlantic Parrjerall aiwl iwkwoki, aoio rrom I3c o Hit ysrd, at. ysrd , Wash Goods In the Domestic Room M.ono yards of era vstue In spring wash, roods, glnghsms, etc that sold from lor to 25c a yard. A. V. (ilnhm. Foil Tu Nord. F.verett classes. Amerlcsn Indigo blues. SH-lneh percales. ;-lnch madras, dress plaids ano oiner carioaa goons, will go at yarn, ic, zc, s'V, Re, TVfce and Flannel Department Remnants of ISo and ISc. extra Panne velvet, all new patterns, per yd.... Remnants of toe, Flannelettes, per yd Remnants of best made Outing rianneis, at, ya Reirnsnts of best mads 16c Sllkollne, at Remnants of ISc, extra heavy cotton Flannel, at yd Remnants of silk embroidered Flannels. over fifty different patterns to select from, less than cost. Remnants of heavy Outing Flannel, dl at. yd k " Remnants of 10c, 30-inch wide Can ton Flannel, at, yd 10c heavy 63a 3ic 63c 6ic 7ic Three Rousing Furnishing Specials MEN'S WHITE LAUNDERED SHIRTS. Such well brands as Lion, Mnrarch and Griffon, slightly soiled, but worth reg ularly $1.00, choice Friday while lOr they last, at, each t7 MEN S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Heavy fleece lined 60c values. iQn at, garment " LADIES' SWEATERS In great variety of weaves and colors, worth up to $4, QQC mostly small sizes choice 2rCW Oranges! OrangesI Our car of fancy highland Navel oranges, as advertised arrived, and is the finest car we have received this season. This car Is composed of medium large sizes snd are very sweet, Juicy and rich flavor. Those who have tried the Highland Navel oranges always come back for more. Wa buy direct from the growor and have no brokers, or commission bouse pro fits to pay. this we give to our customers. Friday we will commence to sell thesa Fancy Highland Navel oranges T70'rntj: 25c Per dozerr NO LIMIT. 15c ALL TOU WANT. St H AVPER3 BROS. GOLD BEADS are very much worn thesa days. We are showing soma handsome strings 14-K gold, all slses of beads from 19.00 to Same patterns In gold filled. $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 Spend a few minutes In our store. LOOK FOB NAME. 5. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 11 DOUGLAS ST. - LOW 0I1E-WAY RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC FROM St EVERY DAY TO APRIL 7, 1906, $25.00 525.03 S25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $20.00 to San Francf-irux Loa An gelei, Ban Diego and many other California polnta. ta E t a r a 1 1, FalrhaTatT, Whatcom, Vancouver and Victoria. to Portland, Astoria. Ta coma and Seattla. to Ashland, Roseburg, Bu gene, Albany and Salem, including So. Pac branch lines In Oregon, to Bpokana and interme diate O. R. A X. points ta Wena tehee and interme diate polnta. to Butte, Anaconda, Helena and all intermediate mala Una polnta. to Ogden and Bait Lake City and Intermediate mala Una points. For Fall Information Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM St. I'llO.NE DOL'ULAS JS4 u m mer in S3ew Orleans February 22nd to 27th are the dates of the Maxdi Gnus, the greatest carnival held anywhere in the world. Very low rates via the Illinois Central. For detailed information and beau . tiful illustrated Mardi Oraa booklet call at 1402 Farnam St., or write, SAMUEL NORTH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, OMAHA, KEB. Pa Br. Sabaarlatloa - Uaa dollar a rr.