Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1906, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily
No Filthy Sensations
Best tir. West
Cos Into th Homi
Best i". West
Chinese Discrimination Against American
Goods is Extending.
State Department Lwues Two Reports from
Representatives on Subject.
If Attack is Oallod Off at Once Its Effects
Will Lonir Remain.
fttudent Class anil tiullds, GaeoirPd
tor Chinese In Amrrlri, Force
Them to Boycott Anier
lean floods.
WASHINGTON, .r ob. i5. From the many
reports received by the Btute department
rrom Ha representatives l.i the east relative
to the antl-Amerlcan boycott. Its extent,
the prospects of its continuance and the
amount of Injury it has inflicted on Ameri
can trade, two, ("elected at random, from
the north and south have been made pubic.
In neither is there any hint of violence, and
the movement, it Is stated, is confined
strictly to trade limits.
The report roni north China brings the
history of events up to the close of 1S06.
At that data 'the boycott movement had
beer "nearly all talk" In the principal
cities, says the correspondent.' who adds:
The student class, as the willing workers
of the boycott organization, has done Us
l.est to keep the issue alive, and to some
extent has succeeded, much against the
wiMnrs of the merchants, who have had
enough and never want to see another -boycott.
But this talk and undercurrent of
agitation has not been shown to any great
extent In the business aftnirs related to
American products. There has been tim
idity in buying and In some Instances can
cellation of orders under the spur of
threats, but despite denial from some
Americans, It Is well known to the ma
jority tUat such conduct on the part of
the Chinese buyers ha not been the rule.
Till statement, however, does not apply
to the product of the Standard Oil com
pany, which has lieen opposed In many
places outside of the principal cities In
northern China. As to that condition. It
can only be said that thorough Investiga
tion will prove that trade competition has
as much to do with It as Chinese an
tagonism. That underhand methods huvo
been employed against the Standard Oil
company and the British-American Tobacco
company is Becoming plainer every ui.
At present the attack on these two com-
? antes Is apparently centered in and around
lankow, where obscene circulars have ap
peared and also many evidences of un
friendly Intent.
Merchants nwllllnn; to Participate.
Hut -at Soochow, Chinklang, Changehow,
Wunu, Kluklang and many other places
tributary to and on the Yangtse there has
ulso beou more or less antagonism of late.
Tne merchants are against the boycott,
but under the lasli of the guilds that must
give a half-hearted acquiescence, at least,
if the officials so desire they cun squeich
tne recrudescence of the movement In this
section, and by so doing will gain the sup
port of the merchants. But, attain, there Is
tho now powerful student class, which,
under the teachings of the foreign edu
cated Chinese and perhaps others not
irlendly to American Interests where they .
iiirnlllsli i wrl '"" , ha -developed nn I
Influence , recognised by officials, guilds,
merchants and laborers.
. From south . China and, . In fact, clear
down to the Straits Settlements, comes the
report that there Is no Improvement iu the
boycott situation; that trade Is badly af
fected in most lines, and there Is little or
no ' business outside the small European
trade. An American sewing machine com-
pants reports that Chinese are afraid to go
Into Its places. "Although some would like
to buy, hut dare , not have a machine In
their possession, still the authorities claim
there Is-,, no recognition of the, boycott
The report ooncludes:
If the boycott Is culled off tomorrow it
will tuke many years to remove the 111 ef
fect from the Injury done. At Penang
American firms could not move any Ameri
can goods In their godowns and Chinese
refused to take the goods which they hud
already ordered.
' British Vsssosti for Canton.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. The oflloers
of the Doric bring the news of the dispatch
of two British guuboala to Canton Just be
fore their departure from the Orient. The
vessels Were the gunboats Moorhen and
Sandpiper, which were lying ut Bamshul,
orders. Just before the Doric left Shang
hai It was reported that there had been an
uprising In the Sunning district, near Can
ton, and that the muglstrate and many peo
ple had been killed. It was stated that
rebels had gathered In force and were
marching on Sunning City. The inhabitants
w ut the district were fleeing to Macao.
In Canton the boycott is most rigid.
There messages from Sun Francisco urg
ing a continuance of the boycott are pasted
on the walls. In addition to the anti-foreign
ugitatlon In Canton there Is an antl
dy nautili movement. The officers of the
Doric learned that In Canton Hunan braves
were being drilled, with a view of taking
irt In an uprising against the present
, Missionaries laeasy.
NASHVILI.E. Tenn.. Feb. 15. The execu
tive committee of the Board of Foreign
Missions of the Presbyterian church of
the Vnlted States, through its secretary.
Dr. 8. H. Chester of this city, today ca
bled Its missionaries In China cautioning
them In regard to the uprisings In that
country and authorising them to draw on
the mission fund for any amounts required
to meet all possible emergencies.
The church has seventy-eight missionaries
In China and much uneasiness is felt In
regard to their safety, especially those In
the north Kinngsu mission, stationed at
llsuchou Fu, Ilwain Fu, Bit Chic and
Tslng Klang Pu, none of which is a treaty
Foreign Mission Attacked.
IONION, Feb. l.WThe correspondent at
Shanghai of the Standard, telegraphs as
follows: News has reached here of another
attack on foreign mission at . Nanking,
province of Nganhwel. nn tho left bank
of the Ynngtscktng river. No loss of life
is reixirted,.
Ytsterdny an attempt was made here by
a trusted Chinese servant to murder the
secretary of the French municipal council
while he was asleep. The attempt was
frustrated and the assallunt wan arrested.
Many of the great provincial viceroys are
displaying a marked anti-foreign attitude,
which they would hardly dare to so oienly
assume unless they thought that Peking
approved their conduct. In the foreign
settlements of treaty ports efforts are be.
lug made prlvatxly to recover privileges
granted to foreigners.
In Some quarters Japan is believed to
vli w the possibility of firmed Intervention
tielng necessary with equanimity since- it
would provide It with occasion to obtain
from China wast It failed to exact front
Russia. .
la Shanghai two additional oompanies of
Continued on Second Page )
Count (..trllanp a He Will ot
Accept n l.urae rtm from
III Wife.
PARIS. Feb. IS. --The financial negotia
tion In the Castcllanc case do not relate
to fount Ronl allowance iiftor separation
from hi wife, formerly Anna Gould ofNcw
York. UK lie has simplified this brnnrh In
stating that he doe not expect a large
amount. The count' announcement waa
made to one of the lawyer of the countess.
It man most emphatic and substantially In
the following terms: .- .- .
I declare to . U J swenr to the cx-
art nee of '
l . n. that I not only
no not de,
any sum i
The counv
to the effect
Ho.rtm a year
sufficient for
The attitude
yers of the c "
outstanding it
an enormous su.
contract gives ',
Income not subje
a. 1 will not aecipt
ore my marriage.
- -.Vf 'he statement
?tuntisly refused
' lhat It was not
aves the law
der only hi
vlch reaches
ne. marriage
ir separate
..or the debts
of her husband. '... . ontract ensures the
protection of the countess' fortune against
being absorbed In the present controversy,
and also prevent the count' creditors from
taking legal action against the countess.
At the same tline she doe not appear dis
posed to exact the strict letter of the con
tract and the financial negotiations are for
the purpose of making some arrangement
for a compromise with the count's credi
tors. The amount Involved ha been swol
len to enormous proportions by excessive
charge for money advanced. The extent
to which the countess will voluntarily liqui
date these claims Is the chief question un
der negotiation and the determination of
this will probably determine all the other
Although the lawyers expert eo proceed to
an early decree they recognize that a slight
element of Indecision remains on the part
of the eounte, due to her continued feel
ing toward her husband and her repug
nance to Involve her family In a scandal.
The foregoing fact are from those di
rectly In charge of the countess' Interest,
thus showing their desire to testify to the
count' correct attitude during the case.
The count has made a second Ineffectual
attempt to bring about a reconciliation.
The next step will be the service of a writ
upon the defendant, but the clerk of the
court ha not yet received orders to serve
.the document.
Delegates at Alarerlras Spend Recess
In Trylnsr to Arrange an
ALGECIRAS, Bpaln. Feb. 16.-The situa
tion of the Franco-German controversy
over the vital points of the proposed Mo
rocco reforms remain unchanged, although
a feeling prevails among the delegates that
some decisive step Is not far off.
Jt is conceded that the continuance of
the Franco-German pourparlers shows that
tho critical stage has not yet been reached
and that the adjournment yesterday of the
sessions of tho conference until Saturday
gives an opportunity for an active renewal
of the efforts to reconcile the French and
German contention's.
BEltUiV, Feb. 15. It Is seml-offlclally
declared that the riply of M. Itevoll, the
head of the French mission at Algeciras,
to the explanation by Herr von Radowltz,
the first German delegate of Germany's
views on the Moroccan police question,
produced an excellent Impression on the
German delegate and that In consequence
tho present French attitude towards the
situation at Algeciras Is much Improved.
PARIS. Feb. 16.-The semi-official Temp
this morning says the time has now come
"for a public discussion before the Alge
ciras conference with Europe and America
as witnesses of France's good intentions
toward Germany."
The paper furthor asserts that prlvnte
efforts among the delegates to Induce
France to retreat from its position are
henceforth useless, adding:
"It is now for the assembled conference
to decide whether, as Germany contends.
France's claims are irreconcilable with the
Integrity of Morocco, the sovereignty of
the sultan and commercial liberty."
The foregoing is the first Indication that
Prance does not desire to pursue any fur
ther tho efforts which Ambassador White,
the Mirrquls Viscount Venosta and other
representatives of neutral powers are mak
ing for a private uccord before the con
troversy reaches the conference.
"LONDON. Feb. W. A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Algeciras says: Mr.
White tlTnlted States ambassador to Italy,
and one of the American delegates to the
Algeciras convention) Informs me that the
rumors that the United States will arbitrate
the differences between France and Ger
many are absolutely imaginary.
l nlonlst Peer Krfuses to Follov Hal
four to ItaaUs of Protec.
LONDON, Feb. Iq.-.Y:::. furiuer Premier
Balfour's formal entry Into the ranks of
the "whole hoggers." as the Chamber
lainltles have dubbed the deal, public In
terest In today's meeting of the unionists
at Lansdowne house wus discounted and
little was left lor the assemblage to con
sider, but questions of party organization
! and a general plan of campaign. The
presence of the duke of Devonshire, former
president of the council, however, with his
free food followers, was considered in some
quarters as giving promise of enlivening
the proceeding.
From 500 to too unionists attended the
meeting which lasted an hour and a half.
No reporters were admitted, but It Is
known that the proceedings were amicable.
The duke of Devonshire, however, showed
no disposition to yield bis views on fiscal
reform. On all other question he will
give willing support to thi party.
He regretted that he had read th
correspondence between Messrs. Hal
four and Chamberlain, published this
morning. Indicating that they have sub
stantially reached an agreement on this
question. The duke Intimated that he
would have to consult with the free fooders
of the party to their future action.
Mr. Chamberlain also spoke. He declared
that If the duke of Devonshire's views
prevailed the majority of the unionist party
would have to sub'nlt to, the minority.
A resolution expressing confidence in Mr.
Balfour was passed.
F.mperor tines to C opeahare.
BERLIN. Feb. 15. Kinperor William
started today from Herlin to attend tin
funeral of King ChrlstUtiv of Denmnrk.
He will embark on the. liuttlealiip Preua
sen for Copenhagen.
Fire hi ttieaater Teiaa Eatlaa-nlahed.
HONOLVl.C. Feb. lS.-The fire on the
steamer Texan has been extinguished. The
veaael a plates are intensely hot, but the
agrnta think that the steamer has not bee
seriously damaged.
House Votes to Increase Appropriation for
Experiment Stations.
i i
Adjournment Is Taken Intll Monday
na nn Indirect Compli
ment to Mr. Long
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. The "morning
hour" prevailed In the houe today until
after 6 o'clock. The net result was the pas
sage of a bill to Increase to $30,000 a eur
the federal appropriation to each state and
territory for the support of agricultural ex
periment stations, and a bill repealing the
present law granting American register to
foreign ships wrecked and repaired on the
American coast In the discretion of the sec
retary of the Department of Commerce and
Labor, snd requiring a special act of con
gress to grant such register.
On motion of Mr. Adams (Wis.) a bill
was called up which provides that after
five years the annual appropriation to each
state and territory for the support of
agricultural experimental stations shall be
$.m.nriV This appropriation Is now $150,000.
The Increase is to begin next year by the
adiltlon of $5,000 and $2,000 n year to be
added to this ench year until the full
amount shall be reached.
The feature of the day was the attempt
of Mr. Payne, chairman of the ways and
mean committee, to get up his bill for the
consolidation of customs collection districts.
A furious opposition developed and by a
roll call a large majority voted against con
sidering the bill. Again, when tho experi
ment station bill came up the debate re
verted to the Payne bill and It was with
difficulty that It could be brought to an ehd.
An Indirect compliment was paid to Mr.
Longworth by a vote to adjourn today un
til Monday, although nothing will appear
In the record of this purpose.
Mr. Dick Makes rn Extended Speech
In Support of the Mensnre.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. The senate
today passed to the consideration of the
Joint stntehood bill and for an hour and a
half listened to a speech by Mr. Dick In
support of the bill as reported from the
committee on territories. The Ohio sena
tor's speech received careful attention from
the senators present, but the attendance
was at no time large.
Among the auditors in the gallery were a
number of Indiana In native costume.
Mr. Dick did not conclude hi speech and
as he was not prepared to resume tomor
row the senate decided not to sit again
until Monday.
Mr. Dick devoted especial attention to the
contention that the act creating Arisona
had made provision for the ultimate con
version of the territory Into a utate, con
tending that this was not a pledge for the
preservation of territorial lines.
The senate had as auditors today a num
ber of the members of the Equal Suffrage,
association, who, after their hearing before
the committee on woman's suffrage, re
paired to the senate galleries.
. The senate at 3:43 p. m. went Into execu
tive session and at 6:li p. nu adjourned
until Monday.
Many of them feel an interest in ques
tions Involved in the Joint statehood bill,
and they were present for tho purpose of
seeing the' measure launched upon Its voy
age through the senate.
The Benate look up the calendar and the
following bills were passed:
Authorizing the Campbell Lumlier com
pany to construct two bridges across the
St. Francis river in Clay county, Arkansas.
Prohibiting the unlawful wearing of the
insignia of the Grand Army of the Republic
and other soldier organizations.
Establishing lighthouses and fog signals
on Cape Illnchlnbrook Island, William
sound. Cape Spencer and Cross sound. In
Promptly at ! o'clock the vice president
laid the Joint" statehood bill before tho sen
ate, in accordance with the action of the
senate making that measure the unfinished
Mr. Dick of the committee on territories
was recognized as the first speaker and
he read a carefully prepared speech In sup
port of the measure, especially favoring
the consolidation of Arizona und New Mex
ico as one state and of Oklahoma and In
dian Territory us another. He said that
everybody recognizes lhat Oklahoma and
Indian Territory are prepared for admission
and he thought that every one acquainted
with the facts ought to agree that with
out consolidation New Mexico and Arizona
are not prepared to assume the duties of
Canal Zone Governor Knows othlnar
of Concession to I ulna OH Co.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Governor
Churles E. Mugoou concluded bit: testimony
today before the senate committee on inter
occmic unals. He disclaimed knowledge
of the granting of the concessions to the
I'nlon OH company of California to con
struct a pipe line across the isthmus within
the canal zone. '
Senator Morgan put in evidence a num
ber of copies of applications from other
concerns for similar rights, together with
letters from the secretary of war and
Chairman Shohts of the Isthmian Canal
commission on tho subject of the presi
dent's order granting the concession to the
California company. This correspondence
Included a letter written by the secretary
of war saying thut any other company
could get similar concessions If It desired
Governor Magoon urged the passage of
laws governing mining rights, saying gold
and coal were to be found on the isthmus;
ordering Vhe commission to pay the em
ployes' salary to their families In th
I'nlted States if desired; for fW correction
of land titles and broadening of the sone
court with provisions for appellate review
of the acts of such courts, lie closed hv
urging the committee to visit the Isthmus
before concluding It Investigation. The
committee adjourned until Monday, when
Chairman Shnnts will resume hi testimony.
Sis Hundred Indictments and Fonr
Hnndred Convictions.
WASHINGTON. Feb. Ji.-Light was
thrown on the land fraud Investigation by
Secretary Hitchcock at an executive hear
ing before a subcommittee of the house ap
propriation committee today. In support of
his estimates of (JOo.Ott) for continuance of
Uie prosecution. Mr. Hitchcock explained
that iVOi) Indictments and too convictions al
ready have been obtained by the Interior
department In nineteen states.
To the great surprise of the subcommittee
Mr. Hitchcock said that Louisiana leads In
the number of laud frauds uncovered by
hln department and has more than Oregoit,
Washington or any of the states which are
supposed to ba the chief offenders. Cali
fornia also shows a long list of frauds.
Henry Herald. First Editor of the
Omaha Bee. Passes tna In
San Francisco.
BAN FH A NCIBCO, Feb. 15.-Hrnry Gcr
sld. n well known newspaper man, is tlcad
In this city, aged K year. Gerald, to
gether with Its present proprietor, Edward
Rosewater. founded The Omaha' Dur
ing the early 70S) he was associated with
Henry tleorge on the Evening Post. lb
also started a number of Irish snd Catholic
periodicals on various parts of, the coast.
"He was by nil odds the most gifted
and best educated newspaper writer wo
have ever had In Omaha." said Mr. Kdward
Rosewater when b heard of the death of
his old associate, '"He was n Joint founder
of The Ben In this way: I had him to edit
It for the first three or four months. He
began with It at the outset. He came to
Omaha at my suggestion. - He had been an
editorial writer on the New York Evening
Post, under the management of William
Cullen Bryant, and for Horace Greeley on
the Tribune. He was' in India for a long
time, in fact was married there. Gerald
was a fine gentleman. The last time I
saw him was one day when he walked out
of the office, saying he was through. He
was an ardent admirer o the late George
Francis Train and used to write a great
many flattering articles about Train.
"Gerald. In fact, ws the man who named
The Bee," added Mr. Rosewater. "He and
I were leaning over that little form on the
Imposing stone, thinking what we should
call the little sheet. I said we'd call It
the Punchnello. But that didn't strike
Gerald at all.
" 'Oh. what do you want to call It that
name for?' he asked with considerable Im
patience. " 'Well, what would you call It?' I asked.
" 'Why.' he replied, "call It The Bee. A
bee gives honey and can sting. That will
be a good name.' . ,
'"All right.' I said, 'call It The Bee; It's
only a temporary affair anyway; It soon
will be dead and The Bee will do as well
as anything else, I guess.'
"So we called It The Bee and for the first
six weeks his name appeared as editor and
proprietor, though he- was nob the founder.
"I got Gerald to come out to Omaha from
New York to edit the Tribune In 1R70. The
Tribune wa Just slanted by a number of
us and was to be edifed by a. fine Massa
chusetts editor,' but .ihe Bay State mun
failed to arrive and the other director said
we couldn't get out the papor. .1 Insisted
we could, and they asked me who would
edit it. I replied I would. I wrote the
skeleton of what we wanted to print and
Gerald took It and embellished It. and for
weeks the readers thought our fine Massa
chusetts editor was here, for Gerald was
the finest writer and most learned editor
who ever waa In Omaf a, except none.
"The last time I heard from Gerald was
on Tho Bee's twenty-fifth anniversary, and
It was the first time since he had left me
years before."
F. R. Avery. Trenimrer of Mnnnfae
tnrlng; Company, Drowns Him
self Senr St. Lonls.
EAST ST. LOUIS. trJ jMbu. IS With the
greatest deliberation F. ' B. Avery, treas
urer of the Avery Manufacturing company
of Peorlu, 111., today committed suicide by
breaking the Ice on a small lake near Cen
tervllle, six miles south of here, and hold
ing his head under until he wai dead.
Advices received today were to the effect
that Avery had Inst night tried to commit
suicide In a hotel at Cairo, but had been
prevented and a guard had been placed
over him. During the night he escaped
freni the guard. Search for him was in
Today pussengere on a northbound Illi
nois Central train that stopped at Center
ville noticed a man leave the train, walk
toward a little pond and He down near the
edge after having broken the Ice with his
foot. It was presumed ho Intended washing
his hands.' as he was stooping down when
the train pulled out. The matter was
talked about on the train and when it
reached here an Inquiry waa telegraphed
back to Centervllle.
The agent replied that a man's dead body
had Jusl been found lying by the pond.
Yardmaster -Bennett Immediately secured a
switch engine and went to Centervllle and.
examined the body. Two notes were found
In the pockets. One was written on the
back of a receipt und read:
To My Dear Wife: If I am found deai
it Is not bv my own hand. A tourh gang
has me In bad. F. R. AVERY.
The other note was scribbled on the In
side of a sealed envelope addressed to J. B.
Bartholomew, Peoria, 111. There was no
paper enclosing, tho words being written
on the Inside of the envelope and read:
I am going In the river at St. Ixuis
February' 15. lis.. F. R. AVERY.
An undertaker's wagon brought the body
to East St. Louis. A telegram wan sent
to J. B. Bartholomew at Peoria and he
called up on the telephone to instruct that
the body be prepared for shipment to
The suicide occurred about 11 o'clock to
day, but nothing was known here until the
body arrived from Centervllle late this
PEORIA. Feb. 15. F. R. Avery, secretary,
treasurer of the Avery Manufacturing com
pany of this city, who committed suicide
near East St. I.ouis today, is believed to
have taken his life while Insane as a note
left by him for hi wife when he left
home Tuesday Indicated that he was
mentally unbalanced. An investigation of
Avery's accounts with the Avery Manu
facturing company hus shou iiiern to b
perfectly straight.
Former Omnhn Man Has tlrri.
nons Time of It In Old
. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) "Twenty-two years ago I mounted
my horse at Omaha and rode south. I
was a young man then, full of dreams of
a great fortune. My people expected me
back soon. I am only going now.
"I passed ahead of the Santa Fe track I
at El Paso, Tex., and went on Into Mexico.
I waa following a dream of great wealth,
of finding some inexausiible mine. 1
pulled up rather tired out and eager for
the humblest Job at railroading on th-
Mexican Central road. 1 worked alongsid-t
pet ns there who spoke nothing but Span
ish." J. C. Caskey, manager and president jf
the Vera Cruz Stevedoring company, toM
this story at the Coates house today. H
is a man of o now, wealthy and unmarried
"After awhile they gave me a Job firing,"
he said, "and later on I became locomotlvs
engineer. Then I went fortune hunting and
money-losing again and ended again by
taking a Job stevedoring. Now J own the
Representative Burke Secures Appropria
tions for South Dakota Schools.
Fnnernl of Ml t,rare Thnrstnn
Attended hi l.nrae imbrr of
elirakans Who Are In
Xntlounl I hpltnl.
iFrvm a Stan correspondent,) I
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. tSpocia I Tele-
gram.) Representative Burke loony si- j
cured the insertion in tho .Indian uppropii- i
ation bill, now being considered In the I
house committee on Indian nifalrs, of the
following Items for. Indian schools in Souili I
l'akota: At Chamberlain, $7,ti0t( for a new !
sewerage system ; H.l'M for tire house and
water tank. At Flandreau, $:'t500 for a
cement covering of buildings; .'.'') for a
silo. At Rapid City. $3.nm for an office
building. At l'ierre, $'..0ij0 for general Im
provements; $10.W for an artesian well
water system and Irrigation plant.
The final meeting of the Indian affairs
committee will be held next Monday, dur
ing which session It 1 expected the meas
ure will be practically completed.
Personal Mention.
Joseph 8. Cook and Judge W. C. Walton j
of Biair, Neb., arrived In ashlngton to
day. Ernest E. Hart of Council Bluffs. Ia., re
publican national committeeman for Iowa,
Is In Washington on a few days' visit. '
Fred Smith and wife of Omaha were in
Washington today en route home. They
spent the greater portion of the day at
the capital and leave for Omaha tonight.
Funeral of Miss Thurston.
The funeral of Miss Grace P. Thurston,
eldest daughter of ex-Senator John M.
Thurston, wus held from the residence of
the family In this city today, Rev. Dr.
Frank M. Bristol, pastor of the Metropoli
tan Memorial church, officiating. Tho ser
vices were marked by a degree of sim
plicity, while the floral offerings were ex
ceedingly notable. In addition to the im
mediate family. Including Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence L. Thurston, the senator's daugh
ter, Jean, and her husband, there wa an
exceedingly large representation of the
Nebraska colony present, among whom
were Senators Millard and Burkctt, Con
gressmen Kennedy and Kinkaid, W. E. An
drews, auditor of the Treasury department;
Judge John R. Webster of Lincoln. George
R. Butlin and E. B. Henderson. At the
close of the services the body was deposited
In a receiving vault In Glenwood cemetery,
pending Its ultimate removal to Omaha.
Dental Surgeon Franklin W. Wing Is or
dered to Fort Omaha for duty.
Captain Marcus D. Cronin, Twenty-fifth
Infantry, will report to the governor of
Nebraska at Lincoln for temporary duly
with the state militia.
Postal Matters.
Samuel W. Clark has been appointed post
master at Bartley, Red Willow county,
Neb., vice W. F. Miller, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Endlcott, route 1. Carey A. Pickering, car
rier; May Pickering, substitute. Iowa
Decorah, route 8, Adolph Running, cur
rier Gilbert Running, aulwtitute. South
Dakota Woonsocket, route 1, George C.
Qulnn, carrier; Mabel M. Quinn, substi
tute. Route 8, Sidney Wlnslow, carrier;
Percy Wlnslow, substitute.
Representntlve Lonarworth Entertains
President Roosevelt and Company
of Friends at His Home.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Representative
Longworth tonight entertained at a bach
elor dinner at his home, S31 Eighteenth
street, Northwest, at which President
Roosevelt and Secretary Tuft were among
the guests. The other guests were Mr.
PerklnB, who is to be best man at the
wedding of Miss Roosevelt and Mr. Long
worth, Vlcomto de Cliambrun, brother-in-law
of Mr. Longworth; Theodore Roose
velt, Jr., Major Henry and Messrs. Felsch
man, Norman, Shaw, Wallingford, Wln
throp, Anderson. Painter, pumpkins, Her
ron. Bangs and Whitney.
Wedding presents are mill arriving at
the White House and details of a number
of the gifts became known today. One of
the gifts that has attracted considerable
interest, thut of the empress of China,
will not reach here until after the wedding
It was expected that this evening there
would be a rehearsal of the wedding, but
It did not take place. Mr. Longworth
stated early tonight that there would be
no rehearsal during the evening, but be
yond thut vouchsafed nothing as to any
rehearsal plans.
The marriage license was issued by the
clerk of the court today at 4:15 o'clock.
Shortly after 4 o'clock Mr. Longwortii.
accompanied by Nelson Perkins, his best
man, three of the ushers, Messrs. Bungs,
St aw and Norman, and three other friend
who refused to give their names, appeared
at the city ball and announced his deslrj
for a license to marry. The assistant clerk
of the court, William F. Lemmon, filled In
the blanks as Mr. Longworth responded
to the usual questions In such cases. Ho
gave his age as 36 and that of Miss Roos
evelt at 22.
Twenty members of the Metropolitan club
united In presenting a square bealen silver
salver of antique design, with autographic
reproduction of the signature of tho
donors. ,
The present of the members of the Taft
party with which Miss Roosevelt traveled
to the east waa a gold necklace, the al
ternate links set with diamonds, with a
pendant of aqua-marine of wondrous slx.
and translucence, surrounded by diamonds.
The aqua-marine alone is said to he val
ued at over $1.5P aside from the setting.
Accompaning this present was a card,
inscribed as follows:
With love and best wishes to our Alice;
from the members of the Taft party.
The personal gift of Emperor William of
Germany liiia arrived In Washington. It Is
a finely wrought bracelet of rare value and
will b presented to Miss Roosevelt tomor
row by Ambassador 8ieck von Sternberg.
Supreme Director Frank E. Doollaar
f Illinois Removed from
SPRINGFIELD. Hi.. Feb. 15. The board
of supreme directors of the Court of Honor
at a meeting held In this city today ousud
from his position ss supreme dlrnrmr Frank
' E. Pooling of Springfield, who wa found
by a committer of experts to have failed to
turn over $.".0"o which he hud collected from
members of Springfield district court No. 36
for November assessment and who has been
Indicted by the Sangamon county grand
Jury on a charge of embezzlement.
Nebraska weather forecast
Snow or Kaln Frldnyt Wnriner In F.nt
Portion. Saturday Fnlr nnd Colder.
Temperature nt Omnhn Yesterdnyi
Hour. Hea. tlnnr. Ie.
Rn. m I t p. m '
n. in I 2 p. ni 1
T n. m .t p. m
x n . m t 4 p. m
n. m .1 II p. in '
! n. m A t p. m "l
I n. m 11 T p. tn 22
12 in i N p. m SI
O p. in St
Tclearaph and t able C ompany Reach
ing Out for Competitor and
BOSTON. Feb. 15. tPpcclal Telegram. V
The annual report of the trustees of the
Mackay conippnlcs was Issued today and
state that the companies own a part of all
the capital stock of seventy-four prosperous
cable, telephone and telegraph companies
In the I'nlted Ktates. Canada and Europe.
Including the Commercial Cable and Postal
Telegraph systems. The report further
slates that the Muck.iy companies Is one of
the largest stockholder In the American
Telephone nnd Telegraph company, com
monly known ns the Rcll Telephone com
pany, and that during the p:ist year It ha
acquired control of the North American
Telegraph company, which for twenty years
has owned nnd operated a telegraph system
In Minnesota. Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois.
The report shows that the Mackay com
panies has no del-t and that there are
$4O,fit5.SO0 of preferred share and $il.3o0.too
of common share. During the past year
$4.iT7t"i.Of preferred share have been Issued
In exchange for share In other corpora
tion paying a much or greater dividend
thnn the corresponding dividend on the
Mackay preferred share.
The report state that the Income of the
constituent companies Is largely in excess
of the amount required to pay the Mackay
companies dividends. The excess Is used
for extension and reserves. The trustees
Mate that they confine themselves In their
Investments to first-class cable, telephone
and telegraph stocks.
The laying of a filth cable In the Atlan
tic ocean and the establishment of cable
communications with Newfoundland and
the laying of the new cables to China mid
Japan are referred to. The trustee are:
Clarence H. Mackay, William W. Cook,
George O. Ward, Dumont Clarke and Ed
ward C. Piatt.
The American Telephone and Telegraph
company, of which mention Is made In the
above Item, operate the telephone trunk
lines in Iowa. Illinois. Minnesota and Wis
consin, and 1 closely identified with the
Nebraska and Kansas Telephone com
panies. This Is the first actual admission
that these telephone system were under
the control of the Postal Telegraph com
pany, although it has been known In high
financial circles thnt such was the case.
Former Xebraskan Ends Earthly
Tronblea and Leave Wife and
Children Penniless.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 15. (Special Tele
gram. Despondent because he had ben-
served with a dispossess warrant effective
today and was penniless, and therefore un
able to engage other living quarters, Alex
ander E. Holder, aged 87, recently from Mc
Cook, Neb., entered a vacant car in the
carbarn at Newstead and Finney avenues
and fatally wounded himself with a re
volver. The bullet entered his tight temple
and lodged In the car woodwork. He was
taken to the city hospital, where he died
shortly afterward. His wife and four
children, ranging from 3 months to 5 years,
are left destitute at 4550 Euston avenue,
whence they momentarily expect to be
ejected by the constable.
Satloual Association Forms Pure Food
Orgnnlsntlon nnd Will Add
Innnrnnce Feature.
ATI-ANTIC CITY, N. J., Feb. -j.-The
National dinners' convention toduy decided
to form a national organization of pure
food puckers to raise a fund for a defense
of their products when subject to attack.
The association members will agree to an
assessment of n tax of two-tenths of a
cent on each package containing a label of
the association. To create the defense
funl the convention endorsed a national
Insurance protective plan for their Industry,
Resolutions were adopted condemning tho
express compnnits for "almost prohibitive
rate on sample goods" and condemning the
railroad companies for "unfair discrlmlna
Hon In freight traffic."
I i
Harrlman Interests Purchase Link la
Proposed orlh nnd South
Trunk Mil,
ST. PAL'L. Minn.. Feb. 15. A Pioneer-
Press special from Mankato. Minn.," says:
It is reported on seemingly reliable auth
ority that the Duluth, St. Cloud, Glencoe
& Mankato Railway company has passed
Into the control of the HarritAan Interests
and that the Illinois Central road will
operate the line when it is completed. It Is
further said that the road will be built
through to Duluth, making direct connec
tion between the head of the lakes and tho
gulf of Mexico, forming a trunk line with
no single competitor..
Process Server I nnble to Find Walter
Jennings. Wanted In Oil
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. -The Btandard Oil
Inquiry Instituted by the state of Missouri
went on for a few minutes today. Max
Palmedo, a subpoena server from Missouri,
said he had been to the town house and
also to the country estate of Walter Jen
ning at Cold Spring Harbor, and was un
able to serve him. The hearing then was
adjourned until tomorrow evening.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Feb. 1
At New York-Arrived: Barlwrosaa, from
rsi emen; vii.ii h uiufTMH', irom itamourg
Knlled: I A gavole, for Mavre; Caisel. f.c
Bremen; Bleucher, for Hamburg; Oscar II
for Copenhagen.
At Boston Arrived: Ivernis, from Liver
pool; Sardinian, from Glasgow.
At tjueenstoan Sailed: Crdric, for Nen
At Alexandria Arrived: Republic, from
New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Ontnrian. from
York. Belled: Carpathln. for New York.
At Liverpool Arrlvefl: Teutonic, fron
New York; Haxonla. from Ruston. Sailed
Corinthian, for Halifax: Boothwark. fo
Halifax. t
At Bahla Arrived: Admiral Jauregul
rrv frmM flun I.Vi.iki'lapn ,-la S ...... 1 ..
South American ports, for Havre and Dun
kirk. At T .milnn A rH. U...lnu . -
I uostoa. eauea: coruuniaa. xor New Yoi
' jyjjy qj qqE CASE
Deliberations by Twelve Men Begin at Lats
Hour of the Night.
All Day Jury and Hundreds of People
Listen to Lawyers.
Crowe's Oonfession as Embodied in Letter to
Priest Vital Point.
Says ' that Is Why It Did o
Mnke n More Extensive Fight
with Witnesses of
Its Own.
After a trial lasting eight days the fate
of Put Crowe was committed to the hand
or the jury at li):0T last night. At that
time the Jurymen Hied out of tho, court
room to the Jury room In the basement.
where the) were locked up for their de
liberations. Judge Sutton remained In the
court room until ll::w. when ho left for
hla home with Instruction that he would
not return to hear a verdlot. If one should
be reached, until thl morning. If the
Jury rhotild agree during the night he or
dered that It remain In tne Jury room until
he reached the court house In the morn
ing. County Attorney Slnhaugh finished his
closing argument of almost three hours at
9:50, and without wasting any- time Judge
Sutton read his Instructions, which were
rather long and required almost fifteen
minutes to finish. At the close he ordered
the crowd In the court room to remain
In place until the Jurors had left the room.
The people were packed so closely around
the door thut the bailiffs had to forco
their way through In order to clear a path
for the twelve men. While a large number
of the people left after the defendant had
been taken from the room handcuffed to
Deputy Sheriff Haze, hundreds remained
until after Judge Sutton left and the bailiffs
ordered the room cleared. A large number
of these were women, some of whom had
been in constant uttendance at tho trial
since its beginning. As early as 6 o'clock
throngs of people were on their way to
the court house tn order to get good posi
tions to hear tho final proceedings.
Crowe Center of Attraction.
Pat Crowe, who Is charged wrlth one of
the most sensational crimes In history, was
the center of attraction. Among the hun
dreds of men and women present more of
them were there to see Crowe than to hear
the arguments of the lawyers. Every move
he made was carefully noted. After the
Jury had left the' room the crowd broke
Into the space Inside the ' railing and
formed a circle around the defendant. Some
of tho more forward begun shaking hands
with him while the rest stood staring at
him until Deputy Sheriff Haze led him,
somewhat embarrassed by the commotion
tie- was musings Utck to Uhe- - Jit u? wait
for a verdict. . ,
Among the most Interested of the specta
tors were about 150 young boys. They
were eagerly climbing on anything handy
that would give them a sight of the de
fendant. Finally Judge Sutton ordered Pro
bation Officer Bernstein to remove them
from the room and he obeyed the order
as far us he waa able. Many of them still
hung around the hall to watch the de
fendant a he was led away. During the
interval between the time the Jury with
drew nnd the closing of the court room at
11:30 the crowd lounged around and talked.
Instructions ef Court.
The Instructions given by Judge Sutton
wero about the same as those usually given
In such vases. The Interest . centered in
the one regarding the nulure of the crime
charged. The defense had made a fight
to have an Instruction to the effect that
violence threatened against one person to
Induce another person to give up money
was not robbery, but Judge Sutton held
wilh the state that the allegations would,
If proved, constitute the crime of robbery.
The Instructions also were to the effect
that a verdict of guilty could be returned
upon only one of tho two counts charged
In the Information. If the Jury returned
a verdict of guilty on count No. 1 It wag
Instructed to return a verdict of not guilty
upon the other and vicu versa. The only
difference In the counts Is that one charges
the money was taken "through force and
violence and putting In fear," while the
second did not charge force and violence,
but only "putting In fear."
At an early hour this morning the watch
ers outside the Jury room were notified by
tho animated argument progressing within
that the twelve men hud not been able up
to that time to agree on a verdict.
Court Room and Hall Thrnuaied.
The court room and adjacent halls were
crowded when court convened for the final
session a few minutes after 7 o'clock. Many
of the spectators at the afternoon session
returned to the court room after a lunch and
took their place an hour before time for
beginning. People continued to force their
way Into the door until every nook and
cranny In tho room was occupied. It Is es
timated almost i,(aa) people were present by
8 o'clock.
County Attorney Slabaugh began his ar
gument at once without any preliminaries.
The first part r.f his remarks wire of a per
sonal nature In reply to intimations made
by Mr. Ritchie thst he was ' influenced by
money In the prosecution of the case. Mr.
Ritchie objected to a statement by Mr. Sla
baugh that Father Murphy was sick and
could not come to Omaha. Judge Sutton
directed him that there was nothing In the
evidence to show that and It ought not to
be referred to. Mr. Slabaugh asked why
the defense did not cull Father Murphy If
It thought the letter was not sent to Mr.
Cudahy by him. He then went into dis
cussion of the evidence establishing the
crime and declared there could be no doubt
about the l'S.(-X, as trustworthy witness
had sworn to the whereabouts of the money
In detail. He pointed out that exactness In
detail In the evidence of a large number of
witnesses would I taken as an Indication
that the evidence had been "fixed." He
spent considerable time discussing the iden
tification of the defendant and his picture
by the witnesses. The fact that Crowe was
seen frequently In company with James
Callahan Just before the kidnaping he held
to be a suspicious circurr.stance. After
covering the evidence Mr. Slabaugh read
the letter from the kidnapers found In the
Cudahy front yard.
At ( the morning session Ivputy County
Attorney Kltrh devoted hall' an hour to
finishing his argument, begun Wednesday,
and Mr. EngM-th. for the defense, at once
plunged Into his plea for Crowe. At 12
o'clock, after he had talked an hour and
a half, an aald ha would wmi llule