Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
THE IMMK DXTLT WE: WEDKESDAT, FEBHUAKT 14, 190(1 tl SPECIAL NOTICES will be tabea aatll 19 . far tb evening edition and wntll . the vara I ns and ! edition. Rate 1 l-a fr rt laaerllea, le a ntril thereafter. Natfciaa; taken for lea thaa JK for tka rt laaer tlna. Thee advertisement ba : raa eoaaeeatlvely. Advertlaere, by raaaeatla a bered check, can nave anawere aI I reused to numbered letter In care of The Hee. Anawere ao nddreed will ba dellrered an preeentatlon af cheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Business, Shorthand. X pe w r 1 1 Tele B raphy, Normal and English. Students Bomitted any day. Catalogue free. Ad dress H. B. Boyle. Pres.. Boyle Bid;., Omaha, Neb. At COLUMBIA OLUMB1A OIAMHIA OLUMBIA RKCORD8 KCOKDB KCORDrt LCORD8 EDUCED EDL'CKD EDUCED EDUCED R TO 25c, 35 f 50c AND 60c. The Columbia Phonograph Co. 16a Farnam St.. Omaha. R M233 CITY SA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of tire escapes, snutters, oooia mm ale. O. Andreen, Prop.. 103 B. lutli St. K i4 WE PHESS 'EM Your bosom friend aro safe with us. No dancer to your linen with our up-to-dat STEAM PRESSURE MACHINE. CITY STEAM LALNDKY, . :09 and 11 So. 11th St. Tel. Doug. R M4ol M2 Uilo Tioc R- RUMBEL SON, 1124 DdlC 1 Ico Kn. lith St.. Omaha, ' R-67G SIGN FAINTING, S. H. Cole, 1302 Dougla. R oil ICE! ICE! We can furnish plenty of good spring water Ige from 12 to 16 Inches thick for $1.50 per ton, free on board cars here. Valentine Ice Co., Valentine, Neb. R M 933 Hi 8TEINWAY plauo, upright, big bargain. Perfieid llano Co., loll Farnam St. R-578 CLOCK REPAIRING. I guarantee. W. J. Richard, 2210 Cap. Ave. Tel. Doug. 234. R Mu Fi INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 2Sth and Davenport. K M3U1 t'U MARTIN MEYER, hlrt. underwear to or der. R MAW Febia PL'DI I NIC American herbs. 1624 N. 21st t CKrllIOBl. omuna. Neb. Tel Red T. R M4o Mi GUNSMITH, keys, trunk-locks, repairing. Hetlln, 217 8. luh. TeL Douglas 29.4. R 208 OMAHA Electrlo Works. Electrical repair ing. Prices right. 106-12 N. 11th St. TeL Doug. 1181. R M366 F.24 WE BUY and sell typewriters. We will sell your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 328 Nevlllt Blk. Tel. Doug. 4603. R 154 Feb.20 ' KINDLING for sale; good wood, sawed and split, ready for stove. BALbACH it HAUEDORN Planing mill. 'Phone Har ney 1663. RM32S Feb 21 ELBASSER St BRICE. Machinists. 317 b. 12th St. Tel. Doug. E837. K 476 1'ebJl J. H. STAN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. 2427 Lake. Tel. Doug. 4727. K M204 Mli TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TeL Doug. 3630. K 672 CHICAGO LAUNDRY", 214 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 2o5. R MM Feblit HAY, $6.50 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. R-M277 Ml Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. 1819 Farnam R 661 SURVEYING. BUckensderfer, S12 Bee Bldg. R 646 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, live stock or on your salary, don't hesitate to come to us. you can pay us back to suit your convenience. Charges as low as any and much less than many. No red tane. Omaha "Mortgage Loan Co., Ill) Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2295. 306 S. 16lh Bt. tEMtabiienea lisr-i X M20J MONPY at rates but little higher than .hiring hv lunli, e-.. one can afford to borrow now. W I , A . . ... ivsii money o people holding a steady position. No endorser required. Also on piano and furalture without r. inoval. -Louna. made without publicity or knowledge of anyone. No charges of any kind taken, out in advance. Pay back In email wuckly or monthly payments. ODen every evening. . Take elevator to : third iioor. . . : RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 0,-306 I'aJnon Block. 16th and Farnam, ' A. hot DR. PRIBKNOW'S PRIVATE. MONEY loaned on furniture, planoa, salary i!or4e .etc., in any uuioant, at lest, tuaa lialf (he rate; no red tute; perfect pri- iiiuiieumio auenuuu; on any terma AVHiitod; payiueuta auspeuded in case of MLkiieka or out of -employ menu Room - -.0. .. -w cx auvu OL. JIl-U2 $ $ INDEPENDENCE S S Why v oblialud lo oliiuis? Hi easy to iiMJiity i mn. No ltd tape. P .. ... .. 7- iv . j. i,ue, illl KnVl l-MII IU U h'V ' . . ..- v i 11 k , 1 1 1 1 km m uuui I, MONEY laOANKU SALARIED PEOPLB - sviiwuv an ui ii , euay iay' ii4t is, awaaa 111 a' Wl ab ailO tJJUJ , . '' . - ' . xliU CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHoEMX LHtJjlV CO., Tel. Dou. iu. t tai-a paxtun Blk X.-m SEE the Western Loan company for furni title. Oiamond and salary loan Mrn v Ue Bik., loth, and Harury. Tel. Doug ' X-613 ' FURNITURE, Live Slock. Salary Loans. Duff Greeu Loari C-. Room Barker Block. X 463 CHATTBL. salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 15oi Farnam Su X li MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew. elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Read, J, 319 8. U. X 615 'EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodate ilia;; all business conlldouUal. llol Douglas. X-616 PATENTS 11. A. 6TUKGE8, registered attorney; pat , enta, trade marks, copyrights; no fe un . less successful. 617 N. Y. Lif. Omaha. f -6a F. J. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SHARPK MACHINE- WORKS-Patenta procured, :nventlon developed, drawing. .' pat 1 errs, eastings, machine work. 604-6II . B. 10th Bt. -67 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Block. 4 WANTED MALE HELP DRUG (tore bought and old. Drug clerka wanted. F. V. Knleat, 624 N. T. I B 681 WANTED Ootdon presa feeder. A. L Root. Inc.. 1210 Howard St. B 63 Call at our offlc or writ u for com plete Hat of vacancies. Wi can place vou If you ar looking for a clerical, bookkeeping or stenographic po sition. We have som good position open at the present time. WMTBH.N REF. BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Dept. U, 640-841-M2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 2S 13 WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodled men between ages of 21 and 35; cltixens of United States, of good character and tem pernte hat. Its, who can epeak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 13th ami Douglus 8t., . Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or Sioux Clly. Ia. B 172 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Hundreds of graduates wanted through out this territory. Our diplomas mean top wages. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn expense. Position wait ing. Call or write Moler Barber Col lege. 1118 Farnam Hi. B M917 lox BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1606 tar nam; bst service; nine chairs; no Jong Malting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, c. B 43 FebMX EOY-Burge Shirt Co., 21st and Farnam. B M410 F 28 WANTED A good live man who has had experience In moving buildings; will pay good wages and give steady work by day or month or year. L A. Aturphy, Sioux Falls, B. D. B 6 Mch4x WANTED-.Non-unlon compositors, $20; 64 hours; stoneman, $22.50; steady work. Greeley Prlntery, St. Louis, Mo. BM 850 14X VOL'NQ MEN for Ry. braking and firing. Address Ry. Dept., 209 S. 12th, Omaha. H MH61 M7 WANTED Good harnessmakers; nlso sad dlemakers, on high-grade hand-made work; good pay and steady work for good men. Fremont Saddlery Co.. Fremont, jMeb B MSWl Is WANTED Competent bookkeeper, man or woman : apply with references, stating salary expected. Address S 14, Bee. B 11273 lax YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and railway business. Oldest school. Every graduate placed. W. B. Skelton, Balina, Kan. B M'j62 Feblsx WANTED A stenographer for about one hour a day; machine lurmsnea. aoiiipm g n. B-246 13x WANTED Men to accept bargains In land, hotel and gallery. R. S. Konram, x.iiun tleld. Neb. B M803 MoX WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Ladles who, can sing, for a traveling ladies' quartet, also lauy pianisi. Call between 10 and 2 and 6 and . C. E. Joyston, Hotel Millard. C M169 14x WANTED Experienced lady assorter. Bluff City laundry, council muns. C 2a- W ANTED Experienced carpet sewer. Ap ply carpet dept., J. L. Brandeis aons. v ' C 239 14 WANTED A good cook; no washing; good wages. Mrs. C. U. Keller, 2Ui C 246 WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. Xagi, we bo. ism di. C M260 15x WANTED A girl for general housework, small tumily. 2603 Pierce St. C 238 16x AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering ail acciuenia, diseases und occupations; something en tirely new and Issued by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; c.'Jt but $6 per annum ach, payable monthly if desired; largo vommlselona paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 3tf Broadway, New York. Estab lished 20 years. J M584Mch4 AN EXPERIENCED Investment solicitor to promote a nlgn-graae realty inveai ment Address Frisco-Santa Fe Ijand and Development Co., 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. J M171 17 BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Nos. laus-lO Jiarney St., a stones ana imst ment. heating plant, modern conveniences. Apply R. B. Towle, care D. J. O'Brien Co. J-M369 20 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen for Kan sas, .NeuranKa, lowa and Illinois, tteier ences from last employer required. Stale age, whether single or married, number of years on road, if employed at present, salary expected. Good position for the right men. E. Myers Lye Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 847 13 WANTED An experienced liquor salesman In stale of Nebraska witn estaDiisneo fol lowing and who can handle trade wa have there. Good salary to right man. Address P. O. Box 734, Bt. Joseph, Mo. L 237 14 WA NT'ED Local and traveling salesmen, all lines, to carry new prontaDie article; send 8 cents for pocket sample. O. 8. Mat thews, 1902 Lucas Ave., St. Louts, Mo. , L 272 14x WANTED Young man with first-class reference to sell our rlULons and carbon to offices. Steady position. Salary and commission. Address Treasurer, Box 46, Rochester, N. Y. L 201 13x WANTED SITUATION NO. 1 COMPOSITOR, fair all around printer, wishes situation. Address 11. n.. Gazette office, Geneva, Neb. A M257 16x POSITION wanted by competent lady col lector; reference given. Auuress b , care Bee. A 240 WANTED By sober young man. position In wholesale house or express work. Address K 23, Bee. A MJii isx BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information anu quick action, s MOATS, 3u3 Karbuch block. Y 6M) LANDS, itulse. A town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange. Module, la FOR SALE A general merchandise stock. doing a good business, in one of the best towns In eastern Neuraska; a good dis count for cash; Invoice about $6,oCo. Ad drees P 60, care Bee. Y 873 14 EXPERIENCED business man desires to buy active half or third interest in es tablished real estate and Insurance busi neHS in Omaha. Four years in buslaeas In Omuhu know city. Address P 62. oar Bee. Y-878 Ux BLACKSMITH and wagon shop for sale or rent; in good town In southwestern Iowa. Address 8 13, Omaha Bee. Y M258 17x FOR SALE Desirable location In heart of the retail district. Address S 12. care Bee. Y M244 19x FOR. RENT Iarge warehouse, good track age. Apply C. 11. Crelghton, Palace Sta bles. Y 267 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CDCMPH GERMAN AND SPANISH. rlCl , CHATELA1N SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Davldge Bldg., 18th A Farn. M897 LETOV8KY'S union orchestra. Tel. Dg.7214 -M4o$ F-2 PRIVATE Instruction in German, French, Spanish, Italian, English and history classes formed. Zella F. Helm. No. t, Hamilton Flat. -453 FeUSx WILLIAM MILLER, VIOLIN TEACHER. Lessons at pupils' home. 2S33 Farnam St. TeL Red 6U6. 82$ llx VIOLIN teacher Wm. Miller Lessons at pupils' home. 2231 Far. su Tel. Red 6135. -274 Ml 3 PLUMBING CHAPMAN A MA HAN. Repair promptly don, price reasonable., ku t. itn. Tel, Red 6864. -327 Fb2! The whole its needs in these FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam E 692 FURNISHED room with hot and cold water, gas, electrlo light and telepohne, for genCeman. 217 8. 26th St. E696 loug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks FURNISHED rooms rent quickly If prop erly furnished. We sell everything to rurnlsh them on easy payments. We don t ask Installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., x 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. E 264 13 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms. 2234 Farnam, Flat C Tel. Doug. 2208. E7U1 NEWLY furnished rooms, XS34 Davenport; walking distance. B 433 OXFORD EUROPEAN HOTEL. Weekly ratee. E M485 Feb31 CELLENT outh front, modern fur nished room with alcove, for one or two; rtieala close; 'phone in house. Dr. Prib benow, 2674 Harney St. E M223 THREE or four elegantly furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping-. 2018 Davenport. E M280 15x ONE or two neatly furnished rooms, mod. em, near town, suitable for light house keeping. Address 8 3. Bee. E 173 13x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NICELY furnished room for one or two. new and strictly modern, close In. Tel. Douglas 7309. A few boarder can re accommodated. 2204 Douglus. F 941 SOUTH front parlor, with or without board, for two gentlemen. Also side room for same; all modern. Call at 1714 Douglas St. F M243 15x THE ROSE, 2tt Harney: Nice warm rooms, with good board; also day board or meal tickets. F 263 MarlOx Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-698 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F-694 THE FARNAM 19th and Farnam Bts. F f 11 ROOMS and pood board. $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. F-897 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1503 8. 28th St. G M774 THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heat and light, $22.00 per month. 3016 Pacific. G 9u4 15 X 8 ROOM8, first floor, with heat, light and water; $30. 1821 Farnam St. G M93J NICELY furnished steam he&.tid rooms, with or without board; reasonable. Mid land Hotel, 16th and Chicago F M521 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED cottage; five rooms; mod ern; good location; no children. Address P 66, care Bee. 940 16x HOUSES FOR RENT Uni ICCC'n oil part of the city. R. nUkJOCOc. peter Co.. Bea Bldg. 601 UOl tQPQln all parts of the city. The nUUSCOft jr. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D M HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. LJ CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nina room and barn, to block from 24th car, Blnney Bt. Tel. uarney wu. u wi 7-ROOM house, 1530 South 28th. Clark Powell, 2044 Farnam bt. Phone wo. D 650 SEE US when shipping household good to lartSM cities west. we can save you moneA. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., .14 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. H9o. D M355 Si THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack, move and store It. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Omee, lllfe Farnam, Tel. Doug. 1669. D 602 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Ollice, 1713 We li ster St. WE furnish the home complete on easy payments. The best stock in Omaha to select from. $100 worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. D 262 13 t-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Bachmann, 444 Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. l-24 J. SCHWARTZ, Moving Van, 1510 Webster Tel. Doug. 2U46. D-M917.F17 2218 CHICAGO, 8 rooms, modern, $30; 2&13 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $25; ' other. Ringwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M468 CENTRAL 4-room corner flat Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. jnrov FIVE-ROOM modern house and barn. 2409 N. aotU. D453 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front. 668 80. 2Stn St., $40 per month. G. W. Loo ml. D 449 I ROOMS, modern. 408 N. 23d St. D M206 17x FIVE-ROOM modern house and barn. 2409 N. 20th. D 463 NINE rooms, modern, 1112 Mason St., $30 month. Owner, 209 8. 12th St. D 769 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Be office, city hall building, 417 N 25X1 St., Soutb Omaha. Apply to manager. 1 144 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing. 44x100: three floor and basement. elevator; will rent 2xluc separately; iuus-od arnam si. injuli sit irt M tlonal Bank Bldg. 1847 DRESSMAKING FASHIONABLE dressmaker will take 1 mall amount of additional work. Sdcc laity, shirt waist suits, evenlna walxta and dresses. Mis Bowles. 'Phone Red t. 392 Feb2ux FOR SALE An excellent stock of hard war In good Iowa town; no trade; best or reasons lor seiung. tiou Talbott, jarouaou, z 18 13 DRESSMAKING In families or at ham. Miss Sturdy, IMt Davenport. Tel. Harney LADIES' shirt waist suit our specialty. Bulges, 2024 Farnam SL TeL Doug. 411s. M 913 F17 DRESSMAKING by day In families; ex perienced. In cutting and designing. 1426 N. 19th. -691 FI7x MRS. ROYS, cloak, ladle tailoring and evening gown. 'Phone 2471 2504 Dav'pt. M-62S Mar 1 FOR expert dressmaking assistance, phon Douglas 3711 ina Fub-4 M'DOWELL'g achooL 1621 Fr., room 24. -M9a INSURANCE THE: National Mutual Fire Insurance com pany, McCagu Bldg., writ Are, light ning and tornado Insurance en both city and farm property. A horn institution and receiving extended patronag of Omaha people. 'Phene Dougla 696. familv should advertise FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SEE. US Before ordering your Abstract when gelling or buying renl estate. We are prepared to give you the low est figures In Omaha. Our work Is recognized to be the standard of accu racy and care. Established In 1885, we hare made more Abstracts In Douglas county than any other company. When you are negotiating a sale telephone Douglas 829 to see what the Abstract will cost All Information and aid In perfecting titles cheerfully and courte ously given. MIDLAND GUARAN TEE & TRUST CO. Bee Bldg. 1714 FARNAM ST RE 232 13 FARMS and city home. Kemp, Real-Es-tater. Blair, Neb. RJii 20 FOR SALEA home worth $30,000 for $12, 000; west side. Address L 17, Bee. HE M8i rooms, modern, 3113 Mason St.; part cash, baL monthly, bee owner, 2uv S. 12th BL RE M768 March FOR SALE Store, lot and stock clean general merchandise; consideration, $4,oOu; snap If taken soon; 20 miles from Sioux City on Omaha road. Address P 46, care Bee. - RE MS02 20x ci8- W illiamson Co. J- RaV-770 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on N. lath St., only S4,aOV. Thla is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Lit Bldg. KE 617 ACREt LOTS on 8. 40th, Bouth Omaha, $.100; Ave acres near South Omaha, $l,0uo; acre lots on county line, $26o. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam. RIKMIIU 15 FIVE, 10 and 20 acres, near Benson, $225 an acre; new 6-room house and 2 acres, $1,400; easy terms. N. P. Dodge 4c Co.. 1714 Far nam St. RE M-"78 14 THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. 3, N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana. $57.85. RE x7 FOR SALE Nice 6-room cottage south part of city, two blocks from boulevard; big yard, shade and fruit trees; a bar gain. Call 301 Brown Blk. RE M158 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lancb Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming, low prices; tea years' time. Land Dept. U. p. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A. H-6ii SECTION 35-10-15, Buffalo county, Ne braska, 320 acres cultivated, balance pas ture, fenced; good soil, good buildings. Price, $16,000, easy terms. Address owner, 443 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 1 H M176 IS FARM FOR SALE-'lSO-acre farm, fair im provements, no better soil in Nebraska; per acre If sold at once. Address F. W. Lerck, Boelus, Jb. II M144 24 39 ACRES. W, mile northwest of Benson; an in cultivation, o-rooni nouse; tt.ou per acre. L. L. JOHNSON CO.. 'Phone Red 1246. Room 3 Barker Blk. . MJ1S 17 FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT Two good dairy farms, aoout lira mnca soutn ot council HIurTs post office; one farm has about 200 acres, of which 20 acres Is In alfalfa, 80 acres under cultivation, about 40 acres in pasture and the balance In hay land. The other place has 140 acres, part under cultivation and part in pasture and hay land. The rent on these farms is only $2.50 per acre. Both places are well Improved. Apply to Leonard Everett, Council Bluffs, la. 228 13 FARM FOR RENT 227 acres In Pottawattamie county, Iowa. rine improvements? good nouse and barn and excellent farm in general. Terms, $3 per acre. Call or address, Fitzgerald Dermody Co., Suit 636 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. M 256 13 NORTH DAKOTA Ha the best land for $12.50 an acre in America. iig crowus going. Kxc. rates. For facta see Wm. 11. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mandan. No. Dak. H Ml5 FERTILE land In Texas; $1 per acre by our imu. Auureu o 1U, care jee. , . H M249 13 THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 home of farmer and stock raiser, so If you have a good piece of land lo sell at reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost 01 an auvertiseinuni is small 2 cents pur word in small type or $2.8o per Inch If set In large type. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City ivans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith c Co., 1320 Faruain St. MONEY TO LOAN Payn Investment Co. W-Hi23 BUILDING loans on residence property: 5 per cent. W. B. Meikl. Ramg Blk. W-624 LOWEST RATES Beinla, Faxton Block. W PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. W-6J. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, ana ft per cent interest; no aetay. W-!7 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas llrennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W6ia f A Mi PER CENT loana on city property W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W 6J9 WANTED City loan. R. C. Pater A Co. W 30 FARM, CITY AND BUILDINO LOANS. Reed Bros.. 1710 Farnam SL W 631 WANTED SOME LOANS OF $1,000 TO $2,000. BREEN BLOOM, til BEE BLDG. W 632 LOW RATES O. F. Carson & Co, 413 N. Y. Life. W-39-Feb26 WANTED $5,609 at per cent; aecurlty, $10,000 real estate and personal property. Address P 55. Fee W HS 16X BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES "NO trut price," brand new olid oak billiard and oool tables. $100; also bar fix turaa cheao. No acencv expenses. Cata logues free. Chaa. J'aasow at Sons, Chi cago. in WANTED TO BUY WANTED Shetland pony urrey tat price. Condition jntT m.nuf acturi. Ad- or A. U. C, Ytjy; ;ia -m 14 I BsBBUBBnfJnK rtise 8 wants. PERSONAL t tllMrvMtl C1TI 8 T K A at LAU1N UK I Tel- Dou a4- hiwtiisii ail S. Utn fct. R-71 JOIN THE "HOSPE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC CUT RATE CLUB." Save you one-half your sheet music bills, or give you twice as-much music for your money. Writ us for particulars or call at the sheet music department. A. Hoepe Co., 1613 Douglas SL, Omaha, Neb. L M4S1 FebJl PLEATINGsiir.SiS and samples. THE UOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug, liuo. U S42 Mm. UlrtVJlX E 1 11 KmTlh i N16. id A., r. 2. DR. JACKSON. R. 4. Frenxer block. Chronic disease a specialty. Consulta tion free. U-6 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army horn for women at 3614 N. 24tn St., Omaha, Neb. U-M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 637 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at oncu. 1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NuW. perfieid Piano Co., 16U Farnam St. . U 640 GET our prices If you have a house, flat or room to furnish. We don t ask in stallment prjees. OMAHA Fi UMTURE & CARPET CO., 1201.1-121 l-l U3 Farnam St. U 365 13 MRS. MERGE8i pianist, 209 S. 20th Tel. Doug. 4o6. U M520 Marl PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 636 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in tact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lull St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will caU. U-611 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c Week. We repair all miikes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. Doug. 16u3. Cor. loth and Harney. U 641 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghlon Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Call answered day or night. U 129 'Phone Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfieid Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 644 TIWT KELLY'S Doug. 3D30. LAUNDRY. PHONE U-646 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. SOUKUP & CO., expert clean ers and dyers, 618 S. 13lh St. Tel. Doug. 1729. U M155 F20 OMAHA PRESSING CC. Clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Tel. Doug. 6656, 16th and Dodge Sts. U 659. RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. U 64J SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 290 F21 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY MtiO. M. illilDi.MlUbeii,, 412 tiu. 161U, Room 2, becond Floor. U mji F17 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies auopteu. Lest and cheapest In the city. 2dl9 S. 13iu bt., uuuiid, iSeb. , L-mn Febl7 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 A 3, 160a Farnam. Li Wo MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massae; tuorougmy 111 st ew worn. Lutitt uiyant, iii, ee Biug U-MM4 fit MME. PA REE of N. Y. Shaving. Facial Massage, Manicuring. 209 Douglus Blk. U 41941 Fix PRIVATE HOME during confinement; unuic, ouvyicu. .t ouv i. ia; terms reasonable. 'Phone Red t9yo. U M300 F23 ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR removed irom ltJO Douglas street t rooms 3-4-6, Arlington Block, 1511 Dodge, Mis. inza Spainhower Savage, prop. T01. Douglas 2560. . U M,99-2'6 MASSAGE specialist fcr chronic c incases. josepn nuoen, room 19, uee mug. Tel. touts, Omuna; 27 years' experience; worn guaranteed. U Mail Mch.6 MASQUE costumes. Lltben. Tel. 4116. u Ma) Mch8 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2ol No. 21st HI. Tel. 3659. U-Mai7 Mclia DR. SHIPMAN, Specialist Disease of the Heart, liver ana stomach, tug Bee Bldg U-873 ' I GIVE the genuine French pack for the lu;o, aim ui lajuuua JUIUJO eil uleacll- ing process. It doc not make the lac ore and bleaches from four to six shades lighter in a single treatment. Mis Haul 2u6 Neville Blk. 'Phone, Doug. 61K6. U M134 17 "Sympathy." 40 other songs, 5c. Feenan, 608 Btm U M276 M13 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills. women s monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 days. W have never known of a aingle failure Price, $2 by mail. Raymond's Monthly Regulator In liquid, $3. Dr. IL G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adam SL Chicago, 111. (7 ' LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGo KOLO Remedy. Safely relieve longeat, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Perloda in 3 to 6 day without harm, pain or interference with work. Mail 11 m Double strength $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR B H boUTHlNGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY! MO. 6ig BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray' Narv Food Pills" $1 box,' postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 649 PRINTING I YNP.TAn High-grade 1906 Calendar 7. 8- E. Cor. 16th SL and & JORVb Capitol At. 764 THE JENNINGS P'T'O CO.. Doug.-63S0. 6o ITlTCRA A CO., fin Job printing. NU 1 CIAA 1&10 Howard. Tel. Doug. :w7. DOUGLAS P't'g Co., 1608 Howard. Tel. 644. 930 March9 S.SKLL Printing Co., 310 8. 12th treet. 266-Mohll . LOST AND FOUND LOST Large black seal purse containing mall amount of change and Burwood matinee check. Return and receive re ward. Mr. C T. Swobe, 118 So. !th. Lost-Mal 14 LOT Pocketbook on 83d. between Dodg a.u.1 Farnam ata. Return to Oscar Wil Uams. Ill 8. 33d St. Reward. Loat M2X0 14X i ' . ,, . . LOST-pgUsh bull-dog; one brown y; J laig bras collar. leL 42ML Lost-448 UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann 4 Gentleman, 701 N. 16th. T. &M. M-622 Marl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any alxe. 18l Farnam. Vi-911 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman at McUonnell Druj Co., Omaha. (4 6S2 HALL'S aafe. new, 3d hand. 1811 Farnam. Q 664 GENUINE Hall safe. 1110 Farnam SI Q-11936 Feb. 18 FOR SALE At a bargain, material In ton wall at 17th and Douglas Sts. See R. W. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Kosewater, Bee business ofllc. Q-171X FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams. Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. (J-S29 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS rOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 1.8-lnch Austin' horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin' vertical separator. These have been fatten out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Ue Bldg., Omaha. 14 632 FOR SALE Furniture, carpet, stove and everything to furnish the home, on easy payments. We don't ask installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. Q-263 13 10O SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; $2 each, complete; worth $6. Ml D'vpu 4 M4u7 F26 MILCH COWS, on easy term. 43d and Center. U 299 FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one of the most desirable life Insurance companies, which may be applied on a first year premium; any ohe considering taking out a policy can save money. Address P 67, care Bee. y 907' PIANO FOR SALE Party who purchased piano only a lew weeks ago will sell It at a discount from the caali price paid. Address P 63, care Bee. J 906 WE HAVE for sale $6,500 first mortgage on Imi actes of land worth klo.ooO, due 1.11 6 per cent. Jeff or is & Howell, 312 Be Bldg. Q M2M PIANO Square, $10; 60 cent weekly. Per fieid Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. Q 663 WB TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407 8. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Q-M627 CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 901 Douglas. y 661 $00 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1413 Dodge SL U-669 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators; made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue, i6y poultry Illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. Q 660 SECOND-HAND STEINWAY UPRIGHT piano; big bargain. 318 McCague Bldg. Q M660 Mem) TWO ROLLER top desks, office chairs, flat top desk, typewriter, all good as new. will sell at liberal discount. R. W. Baker, Superintendent Bee Bldg. Q 872x FOR SALE At a bargain, bar fixtures and glassware, cigars and stock of The Lobby, formerly located in Bee building. Ad dress P 53, care Bee. Q 92 FOR EXCHANGE READ THIS! For Bale or Exchange Fine residence, bnrn, chicken house, etc., nearly one acre corner lot, situated in vllluge Rock Islund Co., Illinois. Also six acres, house, barn, good well, etc.. In outskirts of same vllluge; fine for poultry, fruit or truck ararden: two minutes' walk from railroad station. Will exchange for desirable Omaha prop erty. For particulars address Lock Box 83. Cordova, 111. Z 270 14x, IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. Z 983 WANTED To trade one-half section of Boone county land for stock of general merchandise. Wilson A Klester. St. Ed ward, Neb. Z M921 16x CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. S-51 RBV. EDWARDS, psychometric Independ ent medium, gives names and predicts for tune. Room 1, Patterson block, 17th and Farnam. 8 M224 17 Wiien You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. LAW AND COLLECTIONS- ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main floor, N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 133. 667 J. M. Macfarland, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Doug. 6S58; 668 TICKET BROKERS LARSON JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam Dougla 1925. TeL CUT RATE railway ticket everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 15u6 Farnam. "Phone Doug. 784. . 665 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. 691 DR. WELLS, D. O. and Block ' M. D. Neville M458 M2 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Te). Doug. 1258. 690 HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Fri nam. 689 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent at 27th and Leavenworth Sts., $15. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1614 Farnam Bt. P6t DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S private or class lessons; adult, Tues. and Frl., 8 p. ni. Tel. Douglas Ml. 919 Mch FENCING FENCE your lawn vith Iron or wire fence made by Anchor Fence Mfg. Co.. 205-7 N. 17th St. TeL Red 614. -49 Ml LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Nolle 1 hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Co. will b held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of March. A. D. 19K. By order of the board of directors. C. H MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Llnoom, Nebraska. Feb. 2. 1908. FehS TWH GOVERNMENT NOTICES U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. ROCK In land, 111., Feb. 10. 19o$. Sealed pro posals for Leek In Mississippi River near Molina, 111-, will be received here until 12 m., March 12, 1, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on applica tion. & S- Hiohe, MaJ- Engr. 10-II-12-14 MU RAILWAY TIME CARD I'lUOft STATIC-! TKHTH AND MARCY taloa Facile. Leave. ArrlT. Overland Limited a :40 am a 1.11 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:1$ pm a 1:10 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a JO am California A Ore. nix. .a 4:J pm a 6:10 pm 1,0s Angeie Am aiu: pm FRft Mall Colorado Ppeclal .... North Platte Ixcal.. Beatrice Local a 1 :5i nm a 1:30 pm a 7:46 am a 7:44 am a 1:10 am a 4:60 pm b 1:16 pm d 1:00 pm Cbleaao, Reek lalauid f ala EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:28 am a MO am Chicago Expresa a 7:00 am a 1:66 pm Chicago Express, Locai.bll:! am a 4:10 pm lies Moines Exuraa....a 4:39 pm bll:60am Chicago Fast Exprea..a 6:40 pm 1:16 pm WKBl. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .a 7:20 am a 1:15 am Colorado Express a 1:06 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texaa Ex. a 4:40 pm ali:w6 pre Chicago A KortbOTcaiera. St. Paul Daylight a 7:60 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 1:00 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited a 8:38 Dm 1:16 am Carroll Local a 4:& pm 1:60 am St. Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm T:06 am ttioux flr BU f. icai.D :w pm 9:35 am Fast Mail 1 ao nm Chicago Expres Norfolk A Bonesteel.., Lincoln at. Long Pin. Casper A Wyoming... Deadwood A Lincoln. Hastings A Albion..... Chicago Local Chicago Limited .a 6:6t pm a 7:3"; am .a 7:40 am 10:86 am . 7:40 am 10: am . 1:60 om a IS i,m a 1:60 pm 1:16 pm b 1:60 pm all SO am all:00 pm ' 6:15 pm 1:46 pm U;l am Cbleage Great Weetera, Leave. Arrive. SL Paul ft Minn.... St. Paul A Minn.... Chicago Limited ... Chicago Expraaa .. Wabaab. .a 1:30 pm & 7:1a am .a 7:4a an. a 746 pm .at :00pm al0 3On .a 6:06am a 240 pm SL Louis Expres a 1:80 pm a 1:40 am St. Louis Ixjcal (from Council Bluffs) a 1:16 am alO tOpm Stanberry 1-ooal (from Council Bluff) bt:00pm bll:10am Chtoaao, Mllwaake t at. Paal. Chicago A Colo. Epeo'L.a 7:66 am a 7:35 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 6:46 Dm a 1:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:3b pin a 1:20 am Marlon ft Cedar R. Lo..b 1:46 am bll:uo pm lllinola Central. Chicago Express a 8:0" am a 2:66 pm Chicago Limited a 6:t0 pm a 7:3u am Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ex..b8:00am b 1:65 pm Minn, ft bt. Paui Ltd.. a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am llleaourt Paelno. SL Louis Express a :00 am a:80pra K C. 4t SL L. Express, .all :1a pm a 6:ou pre BtRLlGT05 STATION IOTH A MASON Ilnrllngtoa. Lea-e. Denver A California.... a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all :10 pm Nebraska Local a 8:00 am Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Lincoln Ixtcal Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:16 pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm'h.b 2:50 pm Bellevue ft Plattsm'h...a 7.-60 pm Denver Limited Bellevue ft Pao Juno... a 1:30 am Bellevue ft Pao. June. .a 9:10 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 4:ii0 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am St Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas Clty-8t. Jos'h. .alO:45 pm Kansas City-8t. Jos'h. .a 9:15 am Kansas Clty-St. Jos'h. .a 4:46 pm Arrive, a 3:30 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:10 am a 6:30 pm a 7:40 pm a 7:40 pm a 9:06 am 12:0 pny bl0:2 unl a 8:30 arii a 7:10 am a 8:80 am a 2:00 pm a 7:25 am a 3:55 pm a 7:25 o.m al0:63 pm all:) am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH A WEBSTER Missouri Paalfla. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water Cblcaso, St. Paal, Oniafea. Tmin City .Passenger.... Sioux City Passenger... Oakland Local ., Emerson Local , Leave. Arrive, .b 3:50 pm t)12:S0pm Minneapolis A .b 6:80 am b 1:10 pm .a 2:00 pm all:20 am b 6:46 pm b 1:10 am .e 8:4s am c 6:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 1 Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Dally ex cept Monday. TWO MEN ARE LAID AT REST W. A. Gardner Burled at Forest Lavrn and J. M. Welshans at Prospect Hill. W. A. Gardner of 4018 Cuming- street wa burled Tuesday afternoon at Forest Lawn cemetery with Masonio honors. Owing to the severe weather the usual Masonio rites of. the grave were observed at the home, Paul Froellch, master of Covert lodge, No. 11, Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons, having charge of that part of the service. The religious service waa performed by Rev. A. 8. C. Ckirke, pastor of Low Ave nue Presbyterian church. Member of the Covert lodge assembled at Masonic templo and were accompanied to the Gardner home by an escort from Mount Calvary com mandery. No. 1, Knight Templar. B. O. Lewis, a brother-in-law of Mr. Gardner, came from Falls City to attend the funeral. Burial wa at Forest Lawn cemetery. The funeral of J. M. Welshans, the Coal . Hill Coal company salesman, who was killed at Woodbine, la., last Saturday, was held Tuesday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Welshan's father, A. T. Ayers, 407 Seward street. Rev. Newmun Hall Burdlck and Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, pastors of the Second and Lowe Avenue Presbyterian churches, respectively, conducted the serv ice. The burial was at Prospect Hill cem etery. While trying to catch a freight train out of Woodbine last Saturday Mr. Welshans was struck hy a passenger train and almost Instantly killed. The pall bearers were selected .from the membership of the Modern Woodmen of America and Travelers' Protective associa tion and were R. C. Doxlcr, H. P. Leavltt. L. W. Lobeiidcr, J. B. Cunningham, C. J. Ochrotree and F. J. Campbell. JAPS KIND TO CHRISTIANS Mikado's People Said to Re Friendly to Missionaries for Their Influence. Rev. Henry Topping, a member of the Baptist missionary station at Toklo, Japan, Is In the city, a guest at the Paxton. en route back to Jupan. He said: "I am somewhat disposed to think the Chinese boycott of American goods re reives a considerable stimulus from Japan for commercial reasons. The Japanese are a very shrewd rai;e of people and are on the constant lookout for their own Inter ests. The ant'.-forelga feeling has com pletely vanished in Japan, and the gov ernment la very frlfndly toward the Chris tian missions. The government will not be averse to the Christianizing of tho entire j empire, but U does not look at It from a religious, but from a necouomlc, political end moral standpoint. They have brought about perfect order In Formosa and will do the same In Corea. I think the Uir.e may come when the Japanese government will establish a national religion, with stror.g leanings toward the Christian flth. There le little or no religion In Japan now. Whit they liav Is an admixture of Shln tolsm. Ancestor worship. Confucianism and Buddhism." Mortality Statlatlea. The following births and death have been reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hour ending at noon Tuesday: Births CaVl K. DsnleTson, 261 Sherman avenu. bov; F.lwood Kwan, 3223 Webster, Klrl; Charlis C. Kill, 4407 North Twenty fifth avenue, girl; C. Lustner, 1841 North Twenty-first, boy; John Mlhot. 2018 Martha, boy; William Trusty. I608 Burt. girL Death W. A. Gardner, 4018 Cuming, 60; John M. Welshans, 4o27 Seward. 61; Marvin Newell Grant. 2o2$ Chicago, 6 months; Thoma A. Wyinan, 1706 North Twenty fourth, 12; Arthur C. Blair, 1614 Elm, 1 month. Good Overcoat Weather. The cold weather 1 bringing th over coat thieve to th fronL Th polio are receiving numerous report of stolen over coat and other gannunts. Ed Dledrtck of 1114 Dougla atreet lost a valuable coat Monday evening. A rravenette coat waa taken from Mr. C. M. Jacobeon'a boggy at the Bennett store. An overcoat wa tolen from J. A. Bank of MortA Stay. tnta a treat. V