Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Imiiti f olio Should Be Under Control of
All tb Powtn or One Itutril.
Hrltlah Papera Inclined to Think
egottatloaa W ill Fall t nlese
Urnr Hrrrdff front
Ita Present Position.
PARIS, Feb. 11. A fresh semi-official
note emanating from Germany and claim
in that fjermany's amour propre demands
that the police of Morocco be either regu
lated by the xor.e system under the va
ilous powers or entirely entrusted to
neutral nation has attracted much atten
tion here.
The Tfmp today dernlea lta leading
article to the note, pointing out that either
tha special rights of France, which were
recognised before the opening of the Alge
clras conference. muit be confirmed with
out thereby injuriously affecting the gen
eral riglita of the other iiowcrs. or France's
claim must be entirely rejected and the
general rights of other powers thue re
main unguaranteed in other words, the
resumption of the former situation'.
If, however, the paper says, the confer
ence at Algeclras gives Ita mandate to
France, It would be In the nature of a
guarantee for the integrity of Morocco,
averting the possibility of French mllltary
dominatlon and permitting all nations to
rap' an equal advantage from the open
!nor. As a whole, the powers represented
af the conference would 'guarantee the
proper carrying out of Its decisions. This
solution of tlie iUcst!on. the Temps de
clares. Is the only one acceptable to
The Gsulols, dealing with the subject of
the situation of the A I pee Iras conference.
says that Kmperor Nicholas, who was In
spired by the principles he expressed in
suggesting The Hague conference, has al
ready Intervened in favor of a solution of
the customs question In Mrocco and is pre
pared to repeat the, Intervention if neces
sary In order to facilitate a combination
which would be acceptable to France with
out in any way wounding Germany's sus
ceptibllties. LONDON', Feb. 11 Telegrams from con
tinental capitals and editorials In the Lon
don papers this morning reflect the renewal
of uneasiness over the anticipated fuilure
of the Algeclras conference on Moroccan
reformg In consequence of the deadlock on
the French and German contentions with
regard to the question of police. A long
Algeclras dispatch of a semi-official nature,
published in Paris today, seems to fore
' shadow an abortive result. If not the actual
rupture of the conference, and declares that
tha lines have been reached beyond which
it Is Impossible that France can go.
Special dispatches from Algeclras to the
Jondon newspapers admit the crltlca.1 aspect
' of the situation, but counsel patience. They
are inclined to the view that Germany, hav
ing called the conference, cannot allow It to
break down. The editorials decline In any
case to believe that war could result even
If the conference failed.
tile street, by breaking through a renr
window last night. Their presence was
discovered by Brundt llocg. who was pass
ing, and who ran to Mrs. Hansen s resi
lience next door. He returned with the k y
and as he wss about to unlock the door
the nun broke n front window. Jumped
out and made their escape. They secured
fir tiraln Hate from Minneapolis t
the .alf Hlta the Local
The recent rate of IS cents put ill by the
Northwestern and Illinois Central on course
grain from Minneapolis to the gulf, the
same rate niaha enjoys to the gulf, has
set the grain men of Omaha to wondering
what the future of this market will be If
the roads are permitted to Ignore the rights
of Omaha. One reason given, thai Minne
apolis has a waterway to the gulf, will not
do for this season of the year when the
Mississippi is froxen over.
gome of the grain men say they are sat
isfied when Omaha has the same rate to the
Wheat Continue! to Ftrsr Balls, Though
Ind.t Reports Weaken European Cablet.
May loses One-F.lghth Higher Than
Frevlooa Day After Level
Market Throughout
the Morning.
OMAHA. Feb. 10. 1."
The wheat market continued to look
On track: No 1 northern. 24c; No. S
northern. 04c; May, t4c; Julv, T5V.
OATS To arrive and on track. 4c.
Condition of Trade an Quotations on
Staple and Faney Pre nee.
EGOS Receipts liberal: candled stork un
settled at lnnlfcc.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 4c; old roost
ers, 6c; turkeys. 15c; ducks, loc; young
roosters, S'nse; geese, sc.
DRESSED POULTRY Turkevs. I.ff2br:
old turns, li'tflOc; chickens, KMjllc; old
roosters. Tc; ducks, lli&llioi geese, S'uWc.
BUTTER Parking stock, IV; cholre to
fancy dairy. lWilSc; creamery, IHi'Jl'V'.
HAT Prices quoted bv Omaha Feed com
Iany: Nn. I upland. $6.W; medium, $5.50;
coarse. $4.5ofift.rn. Rve straw. $0.50.
FRAN Per ton. $16 5".
green hides, V; No. 2. Mc: No. 1 salted
very good to the bulls, though Eurojiesn He; No. 2. 11c; green bull hides. f'a9c;
cables showed a little weakening due to ''"red. JkJJKi,-; dry hides. Way. Horse
more favorable reports from India, vei hides, large, 53.25: rmall, $2.50. Sheep pelts.
the domestic situation did not brighten
any. The cvsid weather continues through
out the winter-wheat belt and there Is no
hint of moisture. Shorts showed their ap
prehension by covering and May closed the
day an eighth higher than yesterday, after
a pretty level market ail morning. The
bulls continue to express great confidence
tlnt,e seahonrd which Kinuu fttv has ' ,n n'n Prices, nasing uicir Hopes on
Atlantic scanoard w men Kansas llty has. , damae to the winter wheat crop. May
finished at j4c, July at &4c and bep-
temner at ltt',c.
and when the rate from Omaha Is but 1 cent
higher than the rate from Kansas City to
the gulf, but here cornea the roads to the
south and haul grain 300 miles farther than
from Omaha at the same rate. This Is ig
noring the Omaha market. It may hot do
so much damage In Itself, but where will It
end? What will stop the southern roads
from making the same rate all along the
line at the smaller stations and Ignoring
Omaha altogether? 'What will stop the
southern roads from going Into the state
and making the same ratea to the gulf as
from Omaha? Where would Omaha's pres
tige as a grain market then be? Omaha
should be made a baaing point for all
southern grain from this territory and the
grain exchange should unite to see that the
roads recognise Omaha. Kansas City al
ready has all the advantage over Omaha on
Corn was weak and managed to fall off
about a fourth of a teat at the close, as
com;ared with the previous day. Some
pretty large sales were reported In Chicago
but the demand continued light. Sales
were being made from the country dis
tricts despite the decreasing quotations
sent out. The close showed May corn at
43c; July. 44c, and September 44Sc. I
Trie oat market remained about the
same; dull and weak. The closing prices
Were: May, IWViC; July, 29 -c, and Sep
tember. 2fcHc.
Bradstreets' clearances show Pacific coast
clearances were small, only 11.7A barrels of
flour and 253,ono bushels of wheat, while
Atlantic and gulf ports cleared 253.K35 bar
rels of flour and l,794.00u bushels of wheat.
TJe primary receipts of wheat were 528.
X fiushels and shipments of lh2.) bushels,
as opiiosed to Il9.i0 bushels received and
217. Out bushels Hhipied last year. Primary
receipts on corn were 461 .010 bushels artd
shipments of 462.0) bushels, against re
Yonn Danish' Explorer Mill En
denvor to Aacertaln Geography
of Arctie Circle.
LONDON, Feb. 1L (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Captain MJkkelsen, the young
Danish explorer, has sailed from England
on an Arctlo Journey, which It la calculated
"wUI -htst'-t we -years. 'Before1 leaving the
captain explained that the object of the
Journey was to Inquire into theory Put
forward fifty yeara ago to the effect that
a chain of Islands exists between Banks
land, to the north of Cape Bathurst, In
Arctie Canada, running to the westward
and extending probably almost across
Retiring Straits, In the direction of the new
Siberian Islands.
If this theory Is proved to be correct It
will solve many of the moat important
iueLiona connected with the Arctic prob
lem. For Instance, some authorities hold
that the Eskimos formerly Inhabiting the
coasts of the Parry Archlpellgo came
across from Siberia by means of the chain
of Islands. Captain Mlkkelaen will be ac
companied by a Mr. LitrUigwell of Chicago,
who Is bearing half the cost of the expedi
tion: Dr. Ditlevsen, a Danish geologist and
writer, and an American doctor.
The dash from Bauksland to the wef
- ard will be made by the captain and Mr.
Llffirigwell, with forty dogs and a pony.
Provisions for 140 daya will be taken, and
s the explorers go along they will kill
their pony' and dogs for food.
grain from the southern part of the state ! celpts of lire.oni) bushels and shipments of
and the rates Into the state are also better i -"i",' bushels last year.
from Kansas City. The southern roads now Minn,a'polls. bushels? including
come to Grand Island and have an Immense .j:t.6t bushels No. 1. showing decrease in
advantage over Omaha on grain from that total of 3M.193 bushels for week. Elevator
point, which all should admit Is Omaha ,er- N,0n1-nort"h',!r,:,r:rrivea,,,nK S&W"
rltory if any Is. I notice was posted at the exchange an-
The grain exchange Is going to make announcing the transfer of n membership
fleht for better rates on corn and oats to r'rt1flcate from '. T. Peavey to J. T.
hgnt ror nett. r rates on corn ana oats to, Kuhn T n -orrall. Peavevs partner.
Texarkana and Little Rock. While the rate : transferred his certificate to N. A. Duff
to the gulf is but 1 cent higher from
Omaha than from Kansas City, the rate to
Texarkana Is 6 cents higher.
lr rhllip Mngnns Wonld Establish
. SehonI Seennn' to lost
on F.nrth.
LONDON. Feb. 11. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.V-One of the result of the re
turn of Sir Philip Magnus as member of
J. M. Welslinns struck by Train at
Woodbine and Lives Bnt a
Short Time.
The body of J. M. Welshans. who was
killed Saturday by a Northwestern train at
Woodbine, la., wss received here Sunday
morning and taken to the. residence of Mrs.
Welshan's father. A. T. Ayers. 4irJ7 Seward
street. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial at Pros
pect Hill cemetery. Mr. Welshans was ":!
years old and was employed as a traveling
salesman by the Coal Hill Coal company of
this city.
Mr. Welshans met his death In his eager
ness to catch a train that would bring him
to his family to spend the Sabbath dav.
First, In order to make time. It mas neces
sary for him to catch a freight train out of
Woodbine. As he started to cross a track
to get the freight his foot slipped and be
fore he could extricate himself from a catch
In, the trackage a passenger train struck
him. The leg, which was held secure, was
torn from his body, his skull was fractured
and he was otherwise Injured. He survived
but a little while.
Mr. Welshans was a brother of William J.
Welshans, who with his family eft Omaha
something over two years ago. or Southern
California, where they now reside.
Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke and Rev. Newman
Hall Burdlck will have charge of the
funeral services. Mr. Welshans was a
member of the Second Presbyterian church,
of which Dr. Burdlck is the pastor, and
Mrs. Welshans is a member of the Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian, Rev. Mr. Clarke's
February 3.
Omaha tash Sales.
WHEAT 1 car No. 2 spring, 7T'o.
CORN 1 car No. 4. ST.ifec: S cars No. 3,
UGHc: 1 car No. 3, 3tVe; 1 car No. 3 yel
low, 36i.c
Omaha ash Prices.
WHEAT-No.' 2 hard. TWjTTV-: No. 3
hard. TSJiioHc; No. 4 hard. i'q TV; No. 2
spring. loft'i1'; No. 3 spring. 721 744c.
CORN No. o. 3c; No. i white, 37',f&3Sc;
No. 3 vellow, 36c.
OATS No. S mixed. 27c; No. 1 white,
RYE No. .2. Wc; No. 3, 59c.
Carlot Receipts.
When. Corn. Oat
Kansas City
St. Ixnils ....
14 j
Features of the Trading and t losing
Prices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. 10. Covering by shorts
late in the sion tcdny cauwil a firm tone
each. 50f."ufl.25. Tallow, No. 1. 4c; No. 2
3"c-. rougn. ly
tATKS-Per. Ikix of no l-lo. pkgs . $2;
Hallowe'en In 70-lb. lioxes per lb, 6c; Bay
ers, per lb.. 4c: walnut-stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs..
LI per dox: S-lb. boxes, fl.
ORANOES-Callfornla fancy Redland
navels, all slies. $.1 Oft; choice navels, $2 73.
LEMONS Llinoiileis. extra fancy, 240
sise. t.1.25: m to 9 biases. JS.75.
FIGS-Caliromla. p- 10-lb. carton. TVfT
85c: imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c;
six-crown, lie.
BANANAS- Per medium alzed bunch.
tl.7f.fi2 25: .lumbos. $2.53.nn.
TANGERINES Florida, tier box Of about
12S. M.
GRAPE, per box. 7.0Cf
r?5"; California, rer box, $4.f?5.0O.
PEARS Winter Nellis and Mount Ver
non. t2.nO.
APPLES-Callfornla Bellflowers. $1.4" per
bu. box: Ren Davis, 11.75 per bu. box:
Winesaps. 12.23 per bu. box: other varieties.
$?.!?! ;d per bu.; New York apples. $5.00
per bbl.
CR ANPERRIF.S Jereev. $1(1.50 per bbl.
GRAPES Imported Mslaeas. $C.5r?.00.
POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. S9
65c: South Lskota, per bu., 7Tc.
ONIONS Homo grown, yellow snd red,
per bu., f5c; Spanish, per crate, $1.50; Colo
rado, red and yellow, per bu.. $1.00.
NAVY BEANS Per bn., :.M.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 514c.
CAfcHAGK Home grown and Wisconsin,
In crates, per lb.. 2c.
Per bu.. d5$iac.
CELERY Kalama S oo, per dog.. 25'J35c.
6WEET POTATOES Kansas, per 2-bu
bbl.. $109.
TOMATOES California, per crat of 20
lbs . 2.5o; Florida. 6 baskr t crates. 16.0).
WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30
lbs. net, piW.
STRING BEANS Per hamper of about
30 lbs. net, $3.00j4 00.
EG(J PLANT Florida, per dox.. $!.2D01.5O.
GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper
of about 10 dox.. $3.50.
TL'RNII'S Ixjulslana. doz. bunches. 75c.
SUA LLOTTS Louisiana. pr doz.
bunches. 75c.
HEAD LETTFCE tiulslann. per bbl.,
$12.(gio.00: per dozen heads. $1.7562.00.
LEAF LETT I'CE Hothouse, per dozen
hesds. 50c.
CI CI MBERS Hothouse, per dozen. $2.
RADISHES Hothouse;, per dozen bunch
es. 5ofi7ue.
MCSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., fioc.
CACLIKI-OWER California, about 24
heads to crate, $H.fA
No. 1 ribs. 13c;' No. t ribs. wn,c: No. S
ribs, 7',t': No. 1 loin, l'''sc: No. 2 loin. Ili':
No. 3 loin, fto; No. 1 liiuck, R'ac; No. i
chuck. 4V.c: No. 3 chuck. 4r; No." 1 rounu,
7Hi': No. I round, il'ic; No. 3 round. Be; No.
1 plates, 4c; No. 2 plates. 3'c; No. 3 plates,
CIDER Per keg. $.17;.: per bbl , $75.
HONEY New. per 21 lbs., fc;.50.
CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c; Wisconsin
brick, lie; Wisconsin limberger. 13'ics
new, 4s ld; American mixed old. 4s M ,
futures quiet; March, 48 lud; May, 4s
i Varlana
Sheep anal Lamha fienerally I'rn to
Fifteen Higher Than Week Ago.
with Mneh More Healthy
Ten to the Irnrte.
(tantatloaa ef the Day
NEW TOP.K. Feb. In.-FIAM'R-Receipts.
H.i bbls.; exports. 13..V7 bbls : market doll
and featureless; Minnesota patents. $4
4 V.: Minnesota bakers. $1 9"; winter
patents. 4.b."fl4 ; winter straights. $3.!T
4 winter extras. $i7:.'n3.o; winter low
grades, $.'.'i3.:v. Rye flour, quiet: fair to
good. $.1 7i4j4.i'. choice to fancy. $4.(XVi4 3f.
Buckwheat flour, dull, $2.1im2.15, spot and to
RI'CKWHEAT-Dull. 1'ic delivered New
York. CORN MEAL Stead v: tine white and yrl-lo-.
$1.16; coarse. tl.t7l.'; kiln dried. $2.i
'17 2 !.
RYE Nominal; No. 2 western. 73c f. o. b.
New York
BARLEY Steady : feeding. 4:v c. 1. f. Buf
falo; malting. 47if2e c. i. f. Buffalo.
VH SAT Receipts, 2rt.f bu.: exports. 3?.
bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red. fl"1"':
elevator; No. 2 red. s2te f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 northern Duluth. ITiS" f b. afloat. In
response to poor cables, reports of snow In
the southwest and liberal northwest receipts
whent showed arly weakness today, fol
lowed by rallies on room covering. The
'Ins wm biamv at 1 .... i n I., n.-i Hecline.
May. t-l'.'nn-. closed at - 'uly, t'4 Same week last vear ....15.11
ciosea ai ;
All Desirable Kindt of Cattle b.w Dt
cided ImproTeruen:.
I j ij ... ; "o
' 1 i ... 5 7
I :
J . IU I
... -.M . . i
74 j . . :. :.
f: .-:t ... i :n
;m; ti. ;. ;.
It . . M
:-j " i. i"
t ;;i 4- ;
Tt u. ... r ,
... 7.-',
I.- Mi ... '''m
' ...
5 m ... i
t :: ?:,
k m ... I
Receiuis ele.
fncial Monday
.ftliiii Tuesjay ...
Official Wednesday
Onicinl Thursuay ..
Official Friday
Official Saturday ..
This ek
Last ween
Week bef .rc
Three weeks ago ..
rour weeks ago
SOl TH OMAHA. Feb. lo. Hi.
inc. ji.-'g. Sheep
4.3' lu.ix ll'H
b . 7
; . . TT
r.v m t: .
m .. ... r't is .
k rt ... '
j .... . m; ... nt
..' i :.. ' ".
Ti :'r- ... lt!
M . . H
: : 4e i
'. MS Jj
.. I 7t
V :".4 (
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; . i4 ... i .
r.. j I
S ... It'
74 ;-M ...
) . ... ...Ill 44 1
: su ID
S'Hc, ch-S' d at 9V; S ptetnner c
oti.S." i
he toilowum table shuws the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
1 ,V . "PCPJP. ' . ' i v- "&iLV .i. or year o duU, coini-ailng with last
bu. Spot market steady: No. 2. oOVic eleva- ..ap. 1ftL. Ino
tor and 4.4o afloat; No. 2 yellow. 4Mc: No. i,attl'e 110740 93 "' 10 44
2 white, ouV- A'pfon market wss quiet ami 1 n0-, o- ss'm
weaker, reflecting g""d weather, easy sheen V.".'.'."'.".".".'.'.'."'.:!:;" kV.SU 163:130 11
cables ami nrosnects for larger receipts.
The close showed i,c to 'c net loss; May
closed at 4Sc: July closed at 4'c: Septem
ber closed at 5o-c.
OATS Receipts. 72,W0 bu.: exports. 30.5T
bu. Spot market steadv; mixed. 2J to X2
lbs.. 35eUic: natural white, 3l to 33 lbs.,
K6'fr3c; clipped white, !!S to 10 lbs., toifl
HAY Dull; spring. SofySoc: gool to choice.
HOPS Steadv; state common to choice.
I!i5, llfiiHc: 1;4. Sftlle: olds, in'c. l'aclflc
const tnf. Qrttllr.- 1s I iiMr Ttfilv.
HIIlKS-'steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lb., j Bulls, stags, Kt
2"c: California. 21 to 25 lbs., 2lc; Texas dry.
24 to ,V lbs.. 19c.
LEATHER Stead v; ac!d. 2;H 27Vi,c.
PRt)V18K)NS B-ef. eteudv. family. $11.50
filS.M; mess. $!.fi 10.00: beef hams.. I20.0HU
2150: packet. $10 .VKill.On; cj'v extra India
mess. $1s.iSl!.IV. Cit meats. quiet;
pickled bellies. $s.Smfi.00; pickled shouldeis.
$7: pickled hams. $S.25i9.75. Ird. brely
steady; western steamed. $.0u)ia.l0: refined.
steady; continent, js.1.1; Soutli America. j;ni ji..
$.(; compound. tH.12HUti.S7Vk. Hoik. stidy; I Jan. $1..
family. $1 v,nv&u; short clears, $15.0tf'7l7.5; I "Vb. 1...
mess. $15.7r.'iilH.5. Feb. 2...
TALLOW Steady; citv, 5'; country. 59 Feb. 2. . .
5V,c. Feb. I. .
Kit 1-i steady: domestic, lair 10 extra. s? , rn. 5.
Hi'?; J: nan. nominal. Feb. 6.
BCTTER Firm: held, creamery, common j Feb. 7.
to extra, 17fi23c: western factory, common Feb. s.
to firsts. Ill) 17c. I Feb. .
The following will show the pi Ice paid
for the different kinds of catllu on the
eioiitn Omana market.
Good to choice corn-fed steers
Fair to choice eurn-fed steers 4.5
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... g.'i94i4.
Good to choice cows and heifers... So')!"1"
Fair to cons and heifers. ... 2 b 'o.t-.W
Canners and cutters 2 J .I.5"
Good to choice stockers and f ciders S.'.5'g l.t
Fair to good atoi krs ami feeders.. S.2i'i.l
Common to fair Blockers 2.751J.25
Bulls, stags, etj '.' i.V.!.7j
Good veal calves 5.00C6.5C
The following la hie l.ows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha tor the last
several day, with comparisons.
Slll.1.1 'Receipts of Slieep Mils nun nln
co:.sisiia 01 a few loads t lamosot omj
1 1 . . 1 1 . iji. h sol.i teadily at $7. Thit
looked like a steady market and waf cn
tneiy eai!rietory to sellers. "
The icceipts of sheep tins week show a
loaxy gain over la ft week, the total b
Itik almost double, but only about , tha.
0-H I same as lor the corresponding week of a
.2.. ear a no. The week started out with a
4.i-i i,eay break in values, but Monoay proved
to be the low dav. and from tnat time on
tne market not only held its own. but
gi-udually lirmed up. At the close, of the
w eek prices are generally JiWii.V , higher
than one week ago and 2.'c or more higher
than on Monday. Excepting the first day
01 the week, toe market has lsen In a
good, healthy condition, the demand being
lully cijual to the receipts and the trade
on moyi days active at prevailing prices
Salesmen on the market have mora confi
dence than at any time since the break
look place, the feeling being general that
there air none too many sneep or lambs
to supply tho requirements of the trad
and t ni4t the market will be good If ahlp
pers will strive to keep only good stuff
coming and avoid gluts.
Quotations for fed sheep and lambs are
as follows: Good to choice lambs, Colo
rados. $. 751 7.10; geod westerns, eS';
good light weight yearlings. $5.7&Ji.0";
good heavy yearlings. $5.siV06.86; good
wethers. $5 48.i'5: ewes, $4.Sty6 26.
Representative sales:
27.1 -It
.;1 :57
Date, j im. ':!. 19M.lWi:..;i9j2.19u1. 11900.
in the wheat market and the closing prices j twins. 15c; Young Ameri-ss. U'tc
were almoFt at the highest point of the day.
Compared witn yesterdays nnai quotations,
however, the close today showed very llttje
change. Corn was down 1r'i,jC. Oats were
practically unchanged. I'rovlslons were i'jfi
12Hc lower.
During the early part of the session the
market ass inclined to be weak and there
mas considerable selling by pit traders. An
early dispatch from Liverpool quoted the
market as being off ( to 'jd Iwauw of
rain in the drouth stricken portion of India.
Another depressing influence was the ab
sence of extreme cold weather in the winter
wheat belt of the I'nited Slates. Primary
receipts were liberal, but their effect was
offset by a decidedly strong tone to the
market for cash wheat in the northwest
and soutflwest. Reports from Kansas Citv
; claiming a fair export bjsinet in Hour stim
ulated demand late In the day. The high
Little Fellew Asks Lord to Bleaa
Whole Banrh, not Stopping
for araes.
"Rev." Jack T. Clark of Omaha and
Grand Island, and a lover of children and
birds, came in Sunday morning for a day of
rest at his Omaha home, the Merchants
"I have a new one and a' true one on the
kids," remarked Mr. Clark yesterday morn
ing, at he impaled the hotel pen Into a
half potato used for a penwiper. 11
"Willis. 6j yeara of age, had been taught
by his parenta to pray every evening be
fore retiring," began the genial president
of the Goose club, "WUHe's favorite prayer
waa the familiar one beginning with, 'Now
I lay me down to sleep.' After repeating
that prayer It was the boy's habit to . In
voke the divine blessing on every member
of the family, his aunts, uncles, teachers,
cousins and several bad boys of the neigh
borhood, mentioning each one by name with
scrupulous care. The other evening Willie
was very tired, bm managed to get througl
Nl.'TR Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per in., la'rc; hard shells, per lh.,
l.iAc. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small,
per lb.. 12c. I'eanuls. per lb., 7c; roasted,
per lb., ec. Chili walnuts, per lb.. 12Tl3Vie.
Almonds, soft shells, .per lb.. 17c; hard
shells, per lb., 15c. Riellbark hickory nuts,
ler bu.. $2.25; large hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1 50. Chestnuts, per ll.. 15c. Cocnanuts,
$4.5' per sack of 1ml.
FRESH FISH Trout, lie: halibut, 10c;
pickerel, dressed, 7c: white bass, 11c; sun
rish. SfiSe; perch, skinned and dressed, Sc;
pike, pic: redsnapKrf. JAc: salmon. 11c:
crapples. G'h'm '. eels. lc: black bass, 2-'c;
wli'elish. )2c; Irog Jugs. . per dox.. 65c;
lobsters, green, 3c; besVd lobsters, .17c;
bluefish. 15c; herring. 4- Spanish mackerel.
Iiic: huddnck. 10c; shrimp, fl.004M.o0 per
gallon; smelts, lJc; cod, 12c.
Ulsl tun rresn sisnwara. per sje'
point for Mav was X5V nd the market , shell oysters. fl.onfil.W) per W: Little Neck
closed firm, with May at 85Wc. Clearances clams. $1.60 per loft -of
wheat and flour were equal to 25ti.(w I SCGARS-Granulated cane. In bbls. . taS.
bushels. Primary receipts were 5Ji.0il , granulated cane, in sacks, $3.01; granulated
htih? mruinul ttlQftO u v.ur n fro MinnA. . heet. In sacks. 11.91.
apolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re- SYRUP In barrels. 24 o per gal.: cases,
Jan. 27...I 6 26 4 C XI! 0U' U' I 4 62
.'Ma. i i mi i -q i r.T & v., r. 's.
Jan. ... s usl 7$i 4 soj b 4 at
a . 1 in. 1 i; 1 ,., ft u s .ii i m
6 43 lie I 69 I 171 5 Is; I
5 41', i (J. 4 71 ! 5 aii 5 :!! 4 :'7
5 48 ! 4 4 73 4 61 I 5 25, 4 65
i 53; 72' 4 S5 C 70 5 92. 4 6S
I 4 74 4 SI : C M0 6 03 S 31 i
o 03
125 western lambs
119 western lambs
"7 western lambs
! western lambs
173 western lambs .
1 western lamb .
232 Colorado lambs
Av. v
. M '
. 7
. fl
. 81
.. M
. loo.
. 71
7 00
7 ta
1 (
7 f
7 00
7 0
7 00
Weak Sherp
Heady Hogs
Mrong. -
CHICAGO. Feb. lO.-CATTLE-Recelpls.
4'Sj head: market steady; beeves, $3.t'y 30;
cows. $1 ,Vii4.40; heifers. $2$"4i4i; calves.
$ good ptinw steers, $o.5o430: poor
lo medium, $3.mi'5.L5: stockers and feeders.
2.C14 60.
II, H;s-Receipts. 21,0"U head; estimated
Monday, 5".t head; market weak and 5c
low.r; mixed and butchers. ..iu .
CHEESE Firm; Btato. full cream, small
and large, colored and white September,
fancy, 14'4c: state. October, best. 13Vrl4c;
state, lat" made, small average, best. 12"ic;
stete larre. liu,e; state, fair. 114fll2c.
EGGS Easier; stnte. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white. 2ri25c; slate
choice, 22'ii23c; state mixed extra, 21c:
western firsts. ISHtjISc; state western
seconds, 17Vt'nl8c; southerns, l.Vijl9c.
POCLTRY Alive, firm; western chickens.
11c; fowls, lie; turkeys. 14c. Dressed,
steady to firm; western cblcketis. I"il3c;
turk ys. 15i2lc; fowls, IiUjIIc.
Feb. 10...
I 4 .. ft Mi 6 12 5 23 4 i6 i , V .. .- i-e,...oh heovv 15 Toa
4 fC 4 81, 76' 6 1 6 21' 4 71 '? ...V. r,. If, 2Ka6.70: bulk
i ? 1 Si ! S, . 6-"i 5 rj 1 i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2i
! head; market strong; sheep. $J.50it&.30; yeat-
lings. $o.sri. J; lambs. xu.AUti
5 02! 611 I 01'
Rllnnenpnlis (.ruin Market.
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery;. The range ot prices, as reported by
F. D. Day & Co.. lln-111 Board of Trade
building, was:
Articles. Open.! High.; Low. Close. Yes'y.
$5.7C"rl5 S
My.. July..
Sept.. May..
1 IS
1 18
1 IK',
1 is I 1 17!
1 iri '-,l 1 19 ,
1 18
1 IS
1 19';,
Omalin $l.5'iiC.75
Chicago 1.5VS76.:
Kansas City 2.5'Wi.o"
St. Louis 2.504il.u5
I Hloux Citv 2.5015.2..
The following list miows the number of
cars of stockers and f. i-ders shipped to the
country Friday und their points of destination:
F. Havnes. Stewart. la. R. I.
H. Illff. Eldorado. Nrb. -N. W.
11 Eno. O'Neill, Neb.-N. W
J. Fell, Storm I-ake. la I. C
C. M. S:ixlv. 111. -I. C
I H. Wllklns, West Side. la.-N. W
I J. 8. Miller, Me, li; noils, la. C
j Smythe Bros., Norfolk. Va. It. 1
I Charles Frost. Hartlngton. Nob. W
I S. F. Miller, Hiawatha. Klin Mo. p..
E. B. Shutt. Craig. Neb. M. O.
Kansas City Live Slock Market.
ceipts, 2io head. Including bo southerns.
Choice export and dressed beef steers,
jtiai.lp; lair to gixd. 4.i?t5. A: western
led steers. $3.557S.tili; stockers and feeders.
$3.Ui'a4.k; southern steers. $:'5fit.75; south
ern cows. 2.26"i3.75: native cows, $2.25'iJ4.2j;
native heifers, jSi'iVft1"'; bulls, $i.5a4 0i':
calves. $3.i"i.''fi7.2f.. Receipts for week. 44.6
IK GS Receipts. S.jon head; market ateady
to shade lower. rop. ta ft. oui oi va.
Cars. $6.75'((5.K5: tii-avv,"4 .: p;ickers, $..
1 ! I.IO.NV. I'lH" ""d lights. 5.5j5.0. Receipts
- ! lor tne week, neau.
1 111 ' " ' f""", l'S. .eu. .'I. CV J I
' 2, I V. A. Jnckson. Rich Valley, lnd Wah.... 1
1 in.
1 19
Minneapolis Cash Close Whctt: No. 1
hard. Mo; No. 1 northern, 8.Htc: to arrive.
!: No. 2 northern. d2c; to arrive. 82c:
No. 3. 8'iSu"ic; No. 1 durum. 73H-; No. 2
durum, i2c. Corn: No. 3 yellow. .V": N"
J. 36t.4c. Oats: No. 3 white. 2Sc; No. 3.
anuu-27c. Barley. 3;'4'j7c. Rye, 04fi'4c.
Flax: Cash, $1.15T: Mav, $1.17.
Peoria firaln Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Feb. 10. CORN Lower
No. S vellow, 4c; No. 3, 40c; No. 4. SS'.io.
OATS Easy; No. 2 white. 3"jc; No. I
Wh'te, 29.730c; No. 4 white. 29c.
RYE I'ncliBpeed; No. 2, 67c.-. .
WHISKY $1.29.
fl Folken. Schtiler. Neb C P 1
William Gootsch. West Side, la. N. W... 1
The official iijmlw: of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C . M. St. P 2
Wabash 2 .. 4
Missouri Pacific 1
Cnlon Pacific
C. & N. W., east
C. ft N. W., west
C, St. P.. M. &. O
C. B. & Q.. cast
C. H. & y wesl
C. R. 1. t: P., east
Illinois Central
Chicago Qreat Western
Total receipts
The disposition of the day's receipts was
las rollows, eacn buyer purchasing the num-
I Buyers.
celpts of 31 cars, against ino last week and
1 a year ago.
The feature of trading In corn was selling
py a prominent commission House, nut thi
-lb. cani.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Feb. 10. Supplies of
were ra'her more plentiful in the market
, ...... .. . 1 .. , .... u , .1 . - niuutiinlt
were firmer, and trading on Uie stock ex- """""" ,
change was quiet and Irregular. Horn" f''1'. "nV. .!llpHn?
securities were affected by fears of new
flotations In the near future. Consols were
easy on the Moroccan situation. Ameri
cans opened firm, eased on expectations
of a poor New York bank statement fo
ratlter below parity and closed dull.
Canadian Pacific suffered on profit-taking.
Parliament for Imdon university Is that , the 'Now I Inr me down to sleen' traver.
Is believed to foreshadow the establish- i arter which he faltered, his little head
ment of a university of science for Lon- J bobbed, hia eyes blinked: then he rallied
don. Sir Philip has served for the last two ' and mith one supreme effort said, 'And.
God, Mess the whole hum-h; I'm too llred
to give the names.' '
veers on the departmental committee ap
pointed by the marquis of lndonderty
llie lote president of the hoard of educa
tlon. to inquire Inlo the working of the ; SPIRITS ARE NOT MATERIAL
Royal College of Science and the Ruyul I
College of Mines, and the relation between ; Rev. Kdllh Ktrln Kilwsrdi Talks
those colleges anil other similar schools.
V hen congratulated Uun his election he i
said: ' I
I shall Ih divulging no secret in dis- .
closliiar the fact that If effect is given to I
the '"commendation of the departmental
cor e London will before Iouk
m.s an inslitiillon (loselv connected
wlih ...Is university for tie higher siien-.
tiiic titiiiihig and the application of science
to eiiglueorlng. industrial and olhei pur
:!'. ai.loh will be the equal, if not the
sulK-rior. of any other school on the con
tinent or In the Culled Slates.
Pretenalona of Sura
Rev. Edith Evelyn Edwards delivered a
10-lb. cans. $1.60: rases. 11
$l.ftt; cases, 24 2-lb. cans,
COFFEE Roasted: No, 35. 2r.v,c per lb.;
No. :, 2isc per lb.; No. 25. lMe per lb.;
volume of ceneral business was Nrrnll Vetr - No. 20. 15lc tier lb.: No. 215. Uc per lb.
of the dav favored lower nrfees and tlie torn. : KI.OITR i wholesale! Best high grade Ne- , Forelcneis were a shade lower.
of the market was easy. Local receipts braska. per cwt., $2.00; best high grade ' rallied slightly after yesterday's exten
were In excess of estimates, weather ' patent Minnesota, per cwt.. Z3; straight , slve sales and closed easier.
throughout the corn belt continued favor- putcnt Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; seconl
able for grading and a slight decline was patent Nebraska, $1.90.
reported on the Liverpool market. Mav ' Cl'RED FISH Family whlteftsh. per ti
opened v,f?'c lower at 4:tai&43V and ' bbl., lbs., $4.6": Norway mackerel, per
throughout the day held within these tla- i.hl .. l-oo lbs Bloaters. $4o.00: No. 1. $28.00:
ures. Final quotations were at 441 447,1-. ; ;0. 2, $26.00: No. 3. $20.00; Irish No. 2,
Local receipts were 3; cars, with 25 of con- $17.00. IlcrriDg. in bbls., M lbs. each: Nor
traet grade. , .v. 4k. H3.(n: Norway. 71k, tn.tO; Hol-
The oats market held steady all day. but '. land, mixed, $11.50. Holland herring in throughout In consequence of the
" " - i"""'-. ...... i-prvei fcegs: Milkers, wi, Krn. mixeu. IW.
at SCV- "old up to and closed at 30,i 1 urOOMS-No. 1 carpet. $3.25; No. 2 car-
"e. Local receipts were 127 cars. Det. t2.: No. 1 plain. $3.36.
provisions were weak because of selling! CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west-
Cudahy Packing Co 2
Armour & Co 2
Cudahy 1'kg. Co,, country ..
Totals 4 6.565 1,256
CATTLE It is rather monotonous to be
compelled to repeat every Saturday the
statement that there are no fresh receipts
Imnsrlal I of ennsenlipnce and no murket but sueh
nsnese 6s of 1!4 were quoted at W2-,. ' was the case today, and such is the case , market steady; native muttons. li.PJMS;
RERLIN. Feb. 10. Prices on the Bourse ! every Saturday, the last day of the week lambs. t3.("ifi. on: culls and bucks. $
SlOCk IS, J.'.'U 1, twvi-
SUKI'.P AND LAMBS Receipts, none.
Market nominally steady; native lambs.
$5 5i7.10; western lambs. $ft.75M ..10; ewes
and vt-arlings. $4.25'ifiu: western fed veai -II11KS,
$.("' 6.211: western fed sheep, $4.'1
5.i5: stm'kers and feeders. $3ta4.7S. Re
ceipts for week, 3!'.P head.
rs Urk I.I11 Mock Market.
ceipts, 6G3 head; none on sale; market feel
ing nominallv steady; dressed beef, firm at
6t!t'ac per lb. for native sides; no later
cables. Exports, 760 bet ves and 9,400 quar
ters of beef.
CALVEs Receipts. 5 head; none on
sale; market feeling nominally steady for
; all trades of veals: citv dresseu veais 111
I fair demand at 9fiMc per lb.; country
dressed, steadv, fi 1214c per lb.
I. head: sheep nominally steady.- lambs sold
1 at $6.904i7.65. Dressed mutton, firm at fi-p
i 10c per lb.; dressed lambs, slow at ICAeflUc;
country dressed spring lambs, ateady at
$4.U!i 11.00. x , ,
HOGS Receipts. 1790 head; none on sale;
I market feeling steady. . .
' ,. . - . ...
I Bt. I.onla Live Stock Market.
' ST. IjOCIS. Feb. 10. CATTLE Receipts,
ISO head, including 1 Texans; market
Hogs. Sheep. ; Meady; native shipping and export stews.
.... I $4 1016 ik'.; dressed lecf and uuuner steers.
'$::6Miu.40; steers under jiounds. liu'd
S16 4 90; stockers and feeders. $2.5l1l4.30; cows
'r- and heifers, $2.i5iii4.4; canners. $1.75ti2.lo:
2i' bulls. $2.50n 4.00; calves. $2.2'a7.26; Texas
land Indian steers, 3.0Kg4.00; cows and heif-
er VV 1IKn: 90
HOGS Receipts &.5"io head; market 5c
lower; pigs and lights. $5.pi'(j 5.90; packers.
i" 2515 to; butchers and best heavy, $6.1uj
t. ...
SHEEP AND l.AMHS lieceipie, ..w neau.
inH.v Kcntniiv were denressed Renorrs ; having become, to all intents and purposes
to the effect 'that the delegates at the a holiday so far as the cattle trade is con
Moroccan conference had disagreed pro- I cerned. The few cattle here sold at prices
duced an unfavorable effect. nominally steady with yesterday.
PARIS. Fch. 10,-prices on the Bourse 1 Receipts of cattle this week show a slight
today were weak and business was dull ean "ver the previous week and an increase
V. V .I..- ii"s. (m, b.ii6oc: siaine. i.. lomaiues, -io.
At the close May pork was down 12Hc at ' cans, $1.264i1.50; 2-lb.. !7'cti$l.O0: pine
$16. lard was off SVtjo it $...5rt7..,. ribs ! apples, grated. 2-lb.. $2.062.30; sliced. $195
were K:-,c lower at $..87H. 2 20; gallon apples, fancy, $3.50; Cali
Lstimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. .X. i.. ...i.i. uu ral-. n
nroachlng discussion of the Moroccan no
lice question. Russian Imperial 4s were
quoted at 83.30 and - Russian bonds of
1!M at 492.
w ears, corn, in cars, una, Jiiu cars: noes, a en. t..r,. tt -r.4 jn- fl f
r . . L. J - . nrat lira, int?, . . x" , , . ...
50;tTal.1 ... ......... peaches, $2.0(2.50; Alaska salmon, red,
coin's birthday.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
In other words, there has been a good lib
eral run of cattle this week. During the
first three days the tendency of values was
steadily downward. Beef sleers weie
u noted weak to lc lower on Monday and
. . ... j rij j lower again on Tuesday. In addition to
Kvaporated A pplea and Dried I Irilti. Iorr ,n1 trad(, 0 da WBB
NEW YORK, I-eb. 10. E APORATED ' slow, and to that extent at least unsatis
APPLEiJ The market was unchanged: . factor)'. (Commencing with Wednesday the
common are quoted at "tfisc, fair to good market began looking upward and prices
at Vac, prime at 9Vc. choice at 10c and became a little stronger each day until the
fancy at lllHic. I close of the week. In fact. Wednesday's
Ions 4 Ity Live Slock Market.
SIOCX CITY. la., Feb. 10 (Special Tele
gram. CATTLE Receipts, WO head; mar
ket steadv: beeves, $3.K5i5.25; cows and
heifers. $2.5f''i7-4.O0; stockers and feeders.
$H.ij4 0o; calves and yearlings. $2 7M)3 5
HOGS Receipts. 2! head: market
steady, selling at JS.i'.ai.TO, bulk of sales.
$5.605 65.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 800 bead;
market steady. . ;
Ht. Joseph l.lve Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 10. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 6:58 head: market steady; natives.
$3.75fi5.9e; cows and heifers, $1.65'ti4.$); stock-
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes'y. 1
Wheat I
p. s
Mav July
Ma v
44 frx
HOI Wilt". " . CiI.II.YlRN- A nFlKn 1 Rl ITS froviA I raBrbl wa nro v iiii.laH aa l.'w. hl.L.r I ITS IIU leeueii.,
I I?Vy srVrir" ik i? .eV continued in fair demand, with quotations j Thursday s market strong to a little higher t , eipts 6.448 head; mark t'J;
$2 50; -mustarda. $2.ooi3.10, aneet pota- 17 ,.. M-.,.pHln , ' rf kvi.isv'a mrit..i .1.... i irk. hiJV..- to 6o lower; light. $o.6oo50: medium and
toes. $1.15il.2a; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump- . . . Tifferinaa resist business in anricat , At the close of the week It is safe to onoie i heavy. $."..75'(i5.; bulk of sales. $j.i&tt5l.
Vina. Mtil.(iO: wax beans. I-lb.. 75ii9(: ' f ' .. 1 u. Li" T.V.VI "I1? ! SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2t4 head:
itli h.;;.. :-lh 754I9U..4.I1.1S: aninach. - some exiein iini uuiurii - ' . '. V j ' l V.T.' . . . n,ariii,i atAusle
il kSs-OO: chean pe.sT 2-lb.. Wc: 'extra lMl':LSP?,T:,J&u.K.l. . .1" r"S"f "i " A" ' " "
I 15 10 15 10
I 11 95 ! 14 96
i I
I 7 75 I
I 7 90 I
' VI
I 7 95 I 7 97'l 7 874
8 06 I S 07! 7 97Va
l I I
2??..... ?y 7Jifcic: fancy. 11.3501. 75.
"T"'"'' fVIPflRATEh FRUITS Fane v Mulr
l.'rt.XltfiTj aa peachea, 12ac; choice Muir peaches. lVtc;
44 I S '44tl fancy yellow. 12ie: 60-60 prunes, 74c; 6O-70.
44l 44'4' 4Iic: fa"' -Nw York rin" "PP'r-
, i choice, 104C; fancy 4-crown loose musca-
w.':iuii.' -tif I tel raisins. 7lic; 3-crown, ,7c; 2-crown, i'yc;
" e ....... .luln in 1.1k f.urtnn. In-
choice seeded. In 12-oz. cartoons. 7V4e; east
ern pitted cherries. 17c; New York evap
orated black raspberries. Jac; fancy pears.
He; choice, 15c; fancy nectarines. 8c; fancy
apricots, lllc; choice royal, loc; Hal
lowe'en dates. BVjc; glace citron, 17c: can
died. 16c; lemon. 14' ic; orange, H'-rC.
W 21 S Vj 29HS
14 97S' 15 00 I IS 124
I 14 &5 ; 14 ?5 15 on
7 k7V,
7 $7'i II (t
8 00 h 10
75 I
7 RO
7 !s)
No. i.
Cash qiintalions were aa follows:
FIXH'R Dull, easy; winter patents, $3.70
84 00; winter straights, $3.7(sg35; spring
paterts. $' 7("fi3 .!!: spring straights, $3.-&'
2.70; bakers, $ 201 l.ot.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. Mftrtc: No. 3
lo1-. extra choice at 10W'
t ll'nl2c. pescnes are in ugnt demand.
but steady, with extra choice quoted at
lac, fancy at lOVfillc, extra fancy at 1H4,
ft'lSc. Seeded raisins are barely steady,
but the general market ia unchanged: loose
Muscatels are quoted at iWJfCc. seeded
at filg'7Sc and London layers at $1.6jl.6o.
rially pi. ..sing to sellers is the increased
activity manifested during the lust half of
the week.
During the early part of the week the
market on cows ana neuere eased on aome-
Mock In Bight.
Receipts of live stock at the six prinii-
South Omaha.
Sioux City.
Oils anal Rosin.
what in sympathy with Hie decline on fat
cajlle. but later on the loss was recovered, Kansas- City...
so inai goon 10 ciioice giaoes 01 lat cows s;t. josepn...
and heifers cloned the week 10-&15c higher. St. luis
rhe common to medium grades have not , Chicago
sr.n iunp. r en. i nio k 011011 been verv muin sonant arter ana are no
seed oil, stead: prime crude, f. o. b. mills. no more than steady mith the close of last
st. Loots General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. l'i WHEAT Futures,
higher; cash, lower; No. 2 red. cash, ele
vator, SS'82c; track. H4fi5c: May, 83c;
July. S2c; .o. 2 naru, irgeuc.
iuearw?: prime yellow. Sl.Tft-.c. Petroleum
steady; refined New York. $7.6: Philadel
phia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4.60. Turpen
tine quiet, 64V.
ROSIN Steady ; strained common to
good. $3wt3.s&
week in fact, some would say that thev
are If anything a little lower.
Stockers and feeders have been In good
demand every day this week, with good,
strong prices prevailing all the tune. This
j has heen due largely to the fact that the
balances. $l.afe; shipments. M n bbls.: aver
age. 62.02 bbls.; runs. 63. e bbls : average.
Lima, 96,5.40 bbls.;
spiritualistic lecture last night at the Pat. , 'sf: yS'W
terson block to an audience of about 150 OATS No. 2. 2S7,;1V; No. I white, Sit,
Injaretl Mm Are Hrrovrrlua.
Sl-a'l McMahon, the voting man who;
was Ktabbed during a tow in front of the '
Iwnvrr rertuurunt. ft6" North Sixteenth
strc-t. e.rly yesterday morning, aas rest
S'l, will Ik.-I night and showed progress .
toward recovery. Jc.seph Kovnek. who re- 1
.1 t 1,1 cuts In the back at the haml
of Wil'et Vilncha at Met 3' hall. Thiree:it:i
and 'il:ia-i stneis. at hViih the eaioc .
hour, is experiencing little l;icoiei-(em-e
from his wounds, lb- Is being lield al ll.e
c:ty aii as c-itrnplalning wit-uss. llatiey :
rti. k. ".he Japanese prirr!etor oi the Den-!
vci restaurant, was released fii'i'i cumIihIv j
slrduy, the iio'tre h.itlng go'.d e idenc" ' BAUMAN
iiini iijc viuooing 01 air.-ua.-ioii m.hb aout. 1
"There are mediums." she said, "who '
claim to be able to bring back the material '
body from the spirit world. Some people ;
say they have held the material hand of '
departed friends. 1 do not believe this. 1
They may have held a hand, but it did
not belong to a spirit. I have known of
many who call themselves mediums who
are frbuds. I believe thi body Is aur-
jzc; .no. a wime. 9-aic.
RYE No. 2. 64c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 3sj3Sc; fair to
chol-e malting, 42i41c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1 11: No. 1 northwest
ern. $1.16Vs. Timothy, prime, $3.25. Clover,
contract grade. $13 76.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $14.75
fiH.oO. Iard. per lm lbs.. $7.rtiij 7 2L. Snort
rib sides (loose). $7. Short clear
shies (boxed 1. $v20i$.3O.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain;
Receipts. Shipments.
29. loo
..1 1. 1. nr.. 1 . ,
.ev;.:ie-n m ms me u blMruiiai aula
. r iuji, innm. ......... ..ivr
which may etherialixe after death and be ! Wheat, bu ,.. 22.ii"0
vislnlt! to the ee. but it ia an eiliei inlli. orn. tu ..j..i(
t!on and not a materialisation." 'Rve' bu!!!
Alter the lecture readings were given by . Barlev. bu.
iier and by Mr. Carrie L. Bean.
1... 1. M l.UP... I m-K. mith I TuL.,ia
uiid-r airest. rhe row Is said lo have ln , !Mrr Dodge (oanty Goa to Iowa
nciieu ') me crowd o wuce men. f ur Man ieeased et Hti li
m . lf (lOO.'ieci e jl'S II lllCII
r.atlorui:ity. 1 Two Wives.
Two Fires In One Bvildlu.
I Rleeiff ItMimiHii i.l f i.i. Bin,.,.4 l
h".- v ak dis -ovei'cd i l Hie Cambridge ho- ,, , , . . .
Ul. Thiru-emh street and Capiiol awnue. n,e 41t '",r(!;, ull on lua way to
Aianon. la., to get Frank Tragard. wanted
at Fremont on 11 charge of bigamv, filed
by Mrs. Fvunk Tragard. No. 2. formerly
Mrs. M'abel Rodger. Tragurd ia said to
have a wife and three children at Oeka
oosa, la., and to have tsei ted the second
wife a few wseka ago.
three-siory fraiue ktru-iuie. at heiw
o'clotk last nlghi. It had i-aieu thrcuah
the nsjf when the department arrived.
I tiHti of a nre wire drenched
and the II re men withdrew', but an hour
later another alarm wua sent In '-ton the
sin place, and II was found that soarks
had probably beoome imbe-lurd under lite
(in roof and tne blaxr broken out afreab.
A mote thorough Job was bne this time
and enough of Ine r(f torn off to dlacioee
' duen rml.era. 1 1.0 pre, Il Is believed,
bad ita origin in a closet either on the Tint
floor or the h.uemut. but Die cause 1
unknewn. There waa so Insurance.
arglara gee n re a Bool).
Twa men effacted aa entrance to the
pwat market of Mis. M. Hanavn, 71 l'a-
Uplnnt Joint Raided.
An opium den at 1)4 Cass street was
raided last night by Sergeants Hayes and
Slgwart and Detectives Davis, Drummy
and Maloney, and William Lee and Mamie
Hicks were arrested. They were locked
up at the citv jail. . the latter on the
charge of keeping an opium joint and the
former of being an inmate.
247. 9KI
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was firm; eieameries, l';tji7c;
dairies. 17'r24c Egg, ateady; at mark,
cases Included, 156i1(m:; firsia, lie; prime
hrais. 17c: extras. Inc. Cheese, steady, lK
Kaaaaa llty Urala i4 Provisions.
Weak; May, 7c; July, 76V?: September.
76Sc; cash. No. 3 hard. S0c; No. 3, 74Jj
747,c; No. ! red, 2ftUc; No. 3. Mitrtlc.
CORN Weak; May. 39sc; July. 3Sc;
cash. No. 2 mixed. 93!Mc; No. i while
JH5c: No. 3. 3Vc.
OATS Steady: No. 2 white. 3oAiilc
No. I mixed. Sue.
RYE Steady, 60c .
HAY Steady; choice timothy. $10 itsu 11.00;
choice prairie. $0(Hig.&0.
BI'TTER-Steady; creamery. 26c.
1X1(18 Steady; Missouri and Kansas,
new No. t whitewood ratea Included. HV;
case count. 13Sc: cases returned. Ac less.
The receipts and shipments of grain were:
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu M.imi J4.nn0
Corn, bu Hii
Oat, bu 2t.0un 31.000
CORN-Lower; No. 2 cash, 40'4c; track, 1 53.123 bbls.; shipments. Llm
41'SJ41Sc'. May, 41c; July, 42Si42ljc. average. 73.460 bbls.
OATS Dull; No 2 cash, Sic; May. 30Hc; SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 10.
Juiy. 2S-; track. OlMi&c; No. 2 while. 32.
FIjOI'R Steady; red winter patents. $4 30)
r4.50: extra fancy and straight, $.;."(i4.J5;
clear. $2.HeH3.25.
SEED Timothy: steudy: $2.6ufi2.u.
CliRN MEAL-Steady; $2.20.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track,
HAY Slow; timothy,,iHi; prairie,
$v t -.ill.ou.
HAGtilNG s'c.
PI.'OVISIONS Pora. lower: Jobbing, $14.5".
Lard, steady; prime steam, $7.4". Dry salt
neat, steady: boxed, extra short. tL't.
dear riba, $s..3'; abort clears. $ i0. bacon.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. lo. OILS Credit supply of such cattle has been sniull. while
there ras teen a goon country dcniund
While no marked advance have taken
place any day. there has been a gradual
firming up In values, so that at the pres
ent time It Is safe to say that the
grades are as much as Kc higher than one
week ago.
Representative sales:
So 4 Sr. K A Pr.
I H lit 4 luCO 1 10
1 jo 1 to
1 ito 4 e 1 N $ 71
HOGS The early market did uot luok
particularly encouraging, as buyers seemed
OIL Turpen
tine firm. 60c.
ROSIN Firm: A. B, C. D. and E. U45;
H. $3.s; I. $4 4: K. $5 lo; M. $5.35; X.
$5.5; WG. $6.06; WW. $6.15.
Clearing Hoaao Averages.
NRW YORK. Feb. 10 The statement of
the clearing house for the bank week show
that the bank holds $5.t3.57& over the legal
requirements. Thi is a decrease of l U4.-
050 under last week. The statement follows:
lans. f: increase. 14 ttMiu. He-.;- 1.- ,
If'1.?' tyH!!Z?: decr'""- L10' , C'rT I to Py nV """"' "an yesterday, in
Clfstlon. M decrease $u'MO0. Iyegal I . ih. f-el thai re,nl. m.r.
tenders. $o 'lni.SUt: decrease. $3.9.5u0. Srecle.
$lc.4.fi00; decrease, $1.67.60i). Reserve. fcTl.-
ciear riu, ai-.j-. : oacon. iM.9: ncreaae, $5.17.1j. Reserve required,
teady: boxed, extra ahorta. ta.a.A,; clear I ,.7. jecre-... 1113, w,. Hiirobi. K .
Dalalh Grain Market.
Dt'Ll'TH. Feb 10-WHEAT-To arrive
No. 1 northern, fCc; No. 2 northern, $.
ribs, f'.'.l-'1; abort clears, $$.26.
POULTRY Quiet ; chickens, loc; springs.
12c; turkey. 15c; ducks. 13c: geese. 7Vnc.
BUTTER Wuiet; creamery. Il'tjAixt;
dairy, Uii'21c.
EGGS Lower, 14V-
H3.575; decreaxe.i$5.1$4.(5. Ex-Unlied Stares
deposits, $t.,ijsoaO ; decrease, $5,179.55.
Fiour. bbls.
Wheal, bu.
Corn. bu. ...
Oats. bu. ..
Hank Clearings.
OMAHA. Feb !0.-Bank clearinas for
Receipt. Shipments 1 today were $1.314. $74.76 and for the cor-
,(ftiij rrsponuina unir mai j ear. ju..;?i.5(v
Milwraakee Grain Market.
ket steady; No. 1 northern 5ih:; No. 2
northern. K2jiv May, Vc. bid.
RYEr-Ixiwer; No. 1. 7VtiSc.
BARLEY Dull: No. 2. a5c; sample. M
CORN Quiet;' May, 43ic bid.
Philadelphia Prod are Market.
flrni: extra western creanery. 2ta-2Wc.
EGGS Steady; western fresh. 17c. at
CHEESE Firm; New York full cream,
Toledo Seeal Market,
TOLEDO. O.. Feb. . SEED Clover,
cash and February. 157; Marcb, $6I;
April, $&.52; timothy. $1,624; alslke. $S00.
Liverpool Grain anal Provisions.
nominal; futures quiet: March, ia lOVd;
May. 6a d; July. ti.
CORN 8pot steady; American mixed
.O0 Monday
67.0WI . Tuesday ...
' VHnedav
Saturday ..
.$1,812 742 14
. 1,571 .177 Ks
. 1.463.'v.l
. 1.51S.7lv 4
. 1.647.116.34
. 1.314. 974. 7
.$a .$2.o67 65 $7,135.115 2
Increase over last year. $2,173,612.36.
Metal Market.
was no change In the various metal mar
kets, business being quiet in the absence
of cables Lake and electrolytic copper
are quoted at $i7 7ip 18.50 and casting at
$17 Mi 17 C-'1. Levi is quiet at 15 405.7$
and spelter full at $650. . Iron la quiet and
ST. IOUI8. Feb. 10. METALS Lead,
dull. $5 524. Spelter, weak. $5 .
light, even for a Saturday. In conseauence
the early market was a little slow, nut II
anon became apparei that there was a
very fair demand, and under this influ
ence the market lietume a shade higher
than yeaterday and the hoga were prac
tically all disposed of before 10 o'clock in
the forenoon. The advance appeared to be
very largely 011 the light and medium
grades of nogs, such a sold mostly at
$5.i6'B574 yesterday. The bulk of all the
hogs brought 15 70A5.7-4. with quite u
sprinkling at $5.75 and comparatively noth
ing below $5 70. As will be noted from
the sales below. $5,724 was the popular
1 211 762 i" price. It will 1st remembered that yester
l'.c93!ou035 day the bulk of the hog sold at $5.674fj
1 lias r?a . 5.72H.
iOuaya wuiauiT cmri ie mr maraei 10
the high point of the year and the week
closed 174v higher than the cloae of the
Drevlou week. The hog sold today on an
average of c higher than on the rirat day
uf tne montn.
Representative sale:
1.1SS i 41
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
16 W) 1.200
M . 2.i4i $no
2i $.5X)
C38 6.44S 264
m $.600 $f)
4(10 21.000 SjOrt)
1.964 CT.K3I ' 4.074
Wool Market.
ST. IU1S. Feb. 10. WOOL Steady ; me
dium grades, combing. and clothing. 3o-g2!-:
light fine 21'i24c; heavy fine, ISgJOc; tub
washed. It'Mlo.
LONDON. Feb. 10. WOOL The arrivals
of wool for the second series of auction
sales amount to 114.52a bales. Including
74.SoO forwarded direct to spinners. The
imports this week are: . New South Wales.
6.2X3 bales; Queensland. 210 hales; Victoria.
7.34U bales: South Australia. 2.430 bales:
New Zealand, 71.330 bale; Cape of Good
Hope and Natal, 2.4it bales; sundry ar
rivals, 1,025 bales.
Cotton Market.
market today; holiday.
Siiot closed steady; sales. 7,400 bales: or
dinary, Sc: good ordinary. 9 6-ltoc; low
mldlllng. in 3-16c: middling, 10c; good
middling, ll'sc; middling fair. 11 7-lic. ' Re
ceipt. 5.442 bales; stock. S..J.'O hales.
ST. UlUIS. Feb. 10 COTTON-Steady ;
middling. 10 15-bk-; sales, not-: receipts,
hi bales; shipments, 153 bale; stock,
43,224 bales.
fcngar and Molaaaea.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 10-8UQAR-Firm:
open ketile centrifugal. 3j34c; cen
trilufal whites. 3V4e: yellows, i(l6'Sc;
aeeonda. WiJ 8-16c.
MOLASSES Steady; syrup, 2tV03Cc.
Merehaadlae anal Ipec4e.
NEW YORK. Feb. 10 -Total Importa of
merchandise and dry good at the port of
New York for the week ending today
were valued at $1S.$04.67. Total importa
for specie were $115,167 silver and U.t
gold. Total export of specie were $3 142.5M
sliver and no gold.
No A 6k. Pr h. Av. IU. Pr
71 114 ... 4 7 71 ta ... ( tt'i
i .til ... S 74 (4 ti: ... ( 7;..
it 17 ... HI 71 114 M n
U tor 4 I 4 ttt 4 I Tt'
II tot ... 7 7i It ... i 7iC
U It I 1 7 11 lu t 7H,
til H III 44 1M IN t Tts,
4 !l ... 4 7 74 X ... I 71 1.
14 I ... I I W t:l 40 ( 7(,
M 1M ... ill ti r ... I TtU
U 1M ... (7 10 Ill M HI",
44 ti! It I 7 M til M i 771,
44 17 ... I W ' 12 1H ... i llZ
1 I 4 6 7 i 71 ... i 7i
4 tl ... I M 44 lit St t 7Z4
1 tti ... i t n m ... 7!
74 4 4 I 7 tl ;n ... nr
74 H4 m I 7 rr n ... riw
r. 14 ... 4 7 64 M I Tte,
Holiday In Sew York.
COFFEE Holiday.
4tnakera Employ Paator.
RICHMOND. Ind.. Feb. 11 Employment
of a regular pastor by the East Main Street
Friend church of thla city today marks an
epoch in the history of the conservative
orthodox Quaker. He Is the nrst regularly
employed piator in the history of the
church, which always ha been opposed to
a hired minister, and mark the taking en
of modern religion met hud, as tha local
congregation ia one of the inofct Influential
In America.
F. Do Day & Co.
Dealers $
Stocks. Or a n. Provision
hip Year Grain la la.
ranch Oftleo. 110-111 Boar 4 ( Trod,
HI4aT On. Ken. Tele phono $414
rs-214 Kzehaoga Bldg . aViuth Omaha.
BU 'Pbona 214 ludeperultot Peo f.