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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1906)
THE 0MA1IA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1900. Tiir Omaha Daily Bee. E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR. PT'BLISHKD EVERT MORNING. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Dsllr Be (without Sunday , me year..$f Dally Be unci Sunday, onu jrear 6"o Illustrated Bps, on yenr Sunday Be, on year 2.M Saturday Bee, one year 1.50 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. lally Beo (Including Sunday), per week..17o Dally 1 (without 8unda, per week.. 12c Evening Be (without Sunday), pr week c Fvenlng Bee (with Sunday), per week..1ia Sunday Bee, per copy o Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha Th B Building. South Omaha rty Hall Building. Council BlulTa 10 Pearl Street. t'hlcago KMt I'nlty Building. New York 15"$ Home Ufa Ins. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and i ttorial mstter should bo addressed; Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamp received ss payment or mall accounts. Personal cheeks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION.' State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: C. C. Rosewater. secretary of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, ays that the actual number of full and mplete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of January, 106, was a follows: 1 SUJlftO 17 81,800 . 31,970 It 81,7TO( I ai.rno i st,4BO 4 81.TTO 83.MOI S 81.H.-W a 80.11MI 83,000 3 81.400 7 S0.1BO it 31.6UO 1 81.T30 M 81,470 81.600 X ai,670 10 n ai,4io n ai.:io 27 8a.!o IS 81.02O 2s 8O.OS.0 11 83,440 29 SIISO 14 irf,03O 30 81.80O 16 81,870 31 31,550 15 31.770 Total.'. lHKI,4HO Less unsold; copies ll.oax Net total sales 3.4A3 Dally average. 33,014 C. C. ROSEWATER, Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me this Slat day of January, 1906. (Seal) M. B. H UNGATE. . . . Notary Public. WHEN OUT OF TOW. Subscribers leaving the city tem porarily should have The Be mailed io them. Address will be cbaaged as oftea requested. It looks as It Hon. Ed F. Smith had gotten cold feet before Colonel Jim PAhlman could even discard. Before scoring American insurance companies too hard the London Times should recall the Hooley episode. Japanese "Jingoes" are apparently like those of all other nations talk Uie loudest when there is no danger In sight. Nearly every day adds to the list of building Improvements on Omaha's calendar for 1906. But there Is still room or a lot mora. Wanted A candidate for the demo cratic nomination 'Tor1 "mayor who can ride for it fall,-no matter how hard the lti-oTH'howrnay buck. ' ' 1 Attorney General Iladley of Missouri wants it distinctly understood that he can play at the game of hide and seek us long us Mr. Rockefeller. The municipal reform motto equal rights for all and an open race course for every ruaa willing to serve the city In the council for $1,600 a year and found. Intercollegiate" debates are now on the Inmrds. They should be equally as stim ulating as the intercollegiate foot ball contests, although not so profitable In gate receipts. . Vith the British labor party planulug to supplant the liberals former Premier Bnlfour may yet return to power for even Great Britain is hardly ripe for social revolution.; If the relative number of cuudfihitos tiling- for places on the republican and democratic primary tickets Is any index to election prospects, the betting board will be a rather one-sided arrangement. If the Hepburn bill is as unconstitu tional in as many different ways as some lawyers allege the supreme court will not hesitate to declare it void but good lawyers have deceived themselves before. John, ,' Mitchell ' shows considerable sagacity by uot stopping at Pittsburg on his way east. The man who would lead a labor union must let the men be hind the wages settle their own fights in theif own way.' Now. that British, military men are willing, to admit Grant and Lee to the society of great military leaders Amer ica may yet concede that AVelliugton won tho battle of Waterloo without the aid pr consent of Grouchy. What has become of the ordinance that proposes to guarantee 3-cent fares to all men who stand on the back plat form and front vestibule of the street ! and all women who hold on to the shoulder straps while the car Is in iiiolion? A Burlington employe is quoted iu a public interview as saying that "a man who works for this road these days must deliver the goods." If this Is the ease, the public need not be surprised to ilud a complete reorganization of the Hurliugton legislative lobby by the time the next Nebraska legislature meets. Members of the Women's Christian Teroierance union who objected to the presentation of a punch bowl as a wed ding gift of the Ohio delegation In con gress take just as much exception to a loving cup, proposed as a substitute. These women seem to be strangely fa miliar with the customary contents of a IoVUg cup. - j., i TBt L1XCOL AXSJVERSART. 'Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1SW!, so that this is the ninety-seventh anniversary of his birthday. In gome of the states the day will be ob served as a legal holiday, while at many banquet tables the memory of IJncoln next to Washington, the most Impos ing and the most revered character In American history will be duly honored. Eloquent tongues will tell the story of that great man's life and the hearts of millions who contemplate the lofty character of Lincoln will swell with patriotic and reverential emotion. Ap preciation of the great qualities of this illustrious man, admiration of his char acter and gratitude for the mighty work he accomplished, grow with the passing years. Great Interest has leen devel oped within a few years In the study of the character of Abraham Lincoln, In uie Investigation of those elements that were so mixed In him as to give him a distinct Individuality more marked and unique than, that of any other man who was ever prominent or distinguished in American public life. As was said by a distinguished con temporary of Lincoln, there cannot be any exaggerated estimate of him. The more - his character hi. studied ,-tha stronger becomes his claim to be classed among the .most Illustrious statesmen and patriots the world has produced. Of his patriotism the world needs no new evidence. Ills love "for and devotion to free institutions was profound, in tense, boundless. He had also an un failing faith In the survival of those institutions and in the grand destiny of the republic. His patriotic example Is a legacy to his countrymen which cannot be too often presented to their attention. It has been said that the world will never know , the sum total of betterment that came to it through Lincoln's incarnation of some of the highest Ideals of life. A niaiiy-slded man, on no side was he other than an entirely good man. He had a gentle nature. All his Instincts were humane and kindly. He was easily moved by an appeal from the humble and helpless, yet he could be as firm as adamant and Immovable its the rock-ribbed hills when firmness was demanded. He could and often did temper justice with mercy, hut never with any sacrifice or sur render of right His patience seemed Inexhaustible and even when conditions appeared gravest and the nicniliors of his administration were almost In de spair he could manifest n cheerfulness that was surprising. So long as the republic stands, or so long as free institutions are cherished, the memory of Abraham Lincoln, eman cipator of a race and savior of the union, will not fade from the minds of men or cease to command their affec tion and reverence. SHIRE IXJCRY WOVLD FALL It Is the agricultural Interests of the United States which Will suffer most from, the new German tariff. The in creased duties were for the most part imposed with a view to the protection of German agricultural products. They were demanded by the agrarians. These duties will consequently bear most heav ily upon some of the principal articles we export to Germany. It is pointed out that the difference between the general rates and the conventional rates, the latter being for countries which have effected some reciprocity ar rangements with the German govern ment, is very great, in many cases as much as 100 per cent. This Is so as to wheat, flour, com, lard and some other articles. At present fresh apples are admitted free into Germany, but after March 1 the duty on them will be $2.38 per 100 kilograms, equal to 220.4 pounds. The New York Times remarks that any one can see that here Is a matter not to be neglected. "The consequence of neglecting it will be to make Ger- I uiauy increasingly Independent of our products. She will look to Argentine for her foodstuffs, a little country of S.OOO.wmj people already having a for eign trade of $iol.000,0O0, which Is rap idly increasing. She will look to her European ueighliors for a larger propor tion of her supplies, and Europe, enjoy ing the benefit of the lower duties, would have a decisive advantage over us." This exactly states the situation If no arrangement is effected between this country and Germany, by which American products can obtain the "con ventional" rates that wll be enjoyed by the countries that have made reci procity treaties with Germany, our agricultural interests will experience a loss ao far as the German market is concerned, and what is thus lost may never be regained. It is possible that this Is not as well understood at Wash ington as it should be. WILL FIQHT FOR HER RIGHTS This is what China will do, according to the statement of her minister at Ber lin. He Is reivorted as saying that China will no longer tolerate foreign aggres sions and . will not allow the Chinese abroad to be treated as an Inferior race. China being now in a posit iou to place In the field a modern army of 200,000 men, which is being steadily increased, the minister said she will now at least try to stand up for her rights. The Indications certainly appear to warrant such a statement. Recent events quite plainly show that China Is as rapidly as possible preparing to assert herself, to say to the rest of the world that she has confidence in her capacity for self protection and that she intends to exer cise it. . The Chinese minister at Washington has been quoted as declaring that there Is nothing to 1m? feared from the present agitation lit his country against foreign era. He certainly should be well In formed regarding conditions, yet reports from China are of a nature to create distrust and apprehension. It Is per haps true, as the minister said, that the agitation U being carried on almost wholly by the young men, largely the student class, but there la not lacking evidence that these are able to exert a very considerable Influence. They compelled one very prominent official to remove an American from a public po-. sitlon In which he had rendered valua ble service. It is not wise to attempt to depreciate the anti-foreign movement In China. It has a very serious aspect and we are Inclined to think that the Chinese minister at Berlin has a better understanding of the Inciting motive than the minister at Washington has, or else the former Is the more candid. roz.rcECo.Hafssojr is politics. The prime object of the creation of a Board of Fire and Police Commissioner for Uie city of Omaha was to divorce the police and fire departments from politics, and minimize the Influence of the saloon in the selection of city coun cil men. Before entering upon their duties each member of the fire and io lice commission is required to take and subscribe an oath to "faithfully, Im partially, honestly and to the best of his ability to discharge hla duties as a mem ber of said board, and that in making appointments or considering promotions or removals Jie will not bo guided or actuated by political motives or Influ ence, bnt will consider only the interest of the city and the success and effec tiveness of the police and fire depart meuts." It Is further provided by the charter that no member or officer of the police or Are departments shall be dis charged for political reasons nor shall a person 1e employed or taken Into either of the city departments for politi cal reasons. Manifestly no member of the police commission can use his position for the promotion of political ends without vio lating the plain letter of the law and his oath of office. This principle applies not merely to the discipline, appoint ment or removal of members of the police and fire departments, but also to the exercise of the powers vested In the police commission in their capacity as an excise Ixutrd and the supervision of the liquor traffic. When Governor Mickey turned down tho appeal of citizens of Omaha, who recently sought to Invoke his Influence for a better enforcement of law and order in tills city, he gave them to un derstand that he did not deem it to be his function to exercise powers devolv ing u)ou the mayor, but that he would hold the police commission responsible for carrying out the letter and spirit of the law relating to the government of the police and would remove any member of the police commission who would misuse his authority by bringing the police Into politics. Governor Mickey should now be taken at his word. It Is an open secret that William J. Broatch would have never ventured to become a candidate for mayor if he did not occupy a position on the police commission which affords him an op portunity to dragoon the police and fire departments into politics and club the liquor dealers Into line by the menace of police interference. It is also an oieu secret that Commissioners Broatch and Sprat Ion are making a regular round-up of the saloons on behalf of Uie candidacy of Broatch, supplemented by pernicious activity of the police force and especially the plain-clothes-men. This attempt to terrorize the brewers and liquor dealers, and corral thugs, toughs and habitual law-breakers of the Third ward into the Broatch fol lowing is a most scandalous disregard of the spirit and letter of the law. But William J. Broatch, like necessity, knows no law, and will resort to any means to gain his end. Even if Mr. Broatch were not disposed to swing the police club or the license blacksnake to force policemen, firemen and saloon keepers into line, it would not be possi ble for him to carry on a compalgu for his own election as mayor without mak ing the police commission a factor iu politics. Under these circumstances, It Is the plain duty of Governor Mickey to politely Invite Mr. Broatch to resign. The bunco game of machine and auti machine will soon cease to attract suck ers. The anti-machine has become the machine and the machine only exists as a political bogle. With Machine Smasher Broatch swinging the police club, and Tom Dennlson, Walter Molse and the Midway plugging for' Broatch, while Era st us Benson is backed and buttressed by Vic Walker and other noted municipal reformers, the situa tion is almost as well mixed as Sunday drug store drinks. The threat U again made that certain Insurance companies will withdraw from Nebraska business if the reciprocal tax law Just upheld by the supreme court Is enforced. On the other hand, we are told that the tax will simply le shifted on to Nebraska policy holders. This solicitude of the insurance man agers for the welfare of their patrons is really distressing. MemlHrs of the lower house of con gress are elected for two-year terms by direct vote of the people while mem bers of the senate get their commis sions for six years for the most part by manipulations of state legislatures. The distinction will be again strikingly emphasized in the difference between the two hotises iu restonding to the pop ular demand for railroad rate regula tion. It Is announced in due form that an extra matinee will be given by the Fontauelle braves to W. J. Broatch be fore March 4, the last day of filing, with an enthusiastic invitation to redeem his pledge to support all the candidates en dorsed by the club. The contemptuous rouncilmeu who .have been vindicated by the state su preme eourt now propo to appeal to the supreme court as a last resort, the high court of public opinion, for a final vindication In the form of a certificate of re-election. Patristic Trlbste. New York Tribune. Benjamin Franklin Is once more on his way to France this time In bronze that ap propriately typifies America's lasting appre ciation of services rendered by France In the cause of freedom. Wonder of the Xew teatury. Pittsburg Despatch. ScotttRh crofters, led by pipers skirling Highland battle tunes, have captured an island In the Hebrides and are defying the British government to dispossess them. This Is probably the first instance of conquest by noise since the fall of Jericho. What Io They Waatf Philadelphia Press. The democrats are talking of reading Senator Patterson of Colorado out of the party because lie said President Roosevelt should be sustained when he Is right. What is the matter? Do they only want to sup port the president when he Is wrong? l.oarln Precedes a. Sqaeese. Chicago Record-Herald. The supply of coal, we are told. Is the greatest on record: therefore a strike must fall and the miners are too wise to court failure. The logic Is good, but the consumer would be more Inclined to trust It if he saw that operators and dealers relied on It suN ficlently not to raise the price of coal in ad vance of any strike. Two Conclusions front One Premise. Chicago Chronicle. If it be true, as the president says, that the dismissal of twenty midshipmen from the naval academy will endanger the future efficiency of the navy the law ought, of course, to be amended as he suggests, but most people will think that the loss of twenty midshipmen who will not obey the orders of their superior officers would strengthen the navy Instead of weakening It. Union of Two Titles. Philadelphia Press. The Ureator Pittsburg bill has been signed by the governor In a shape that Is probably constitution proof and will make Pittsburg and Allegheny one of the half dozen largest cities In the United States. Allegheny cannot defeat the union by Its separate vote, but If Its people have any sense of hardship in this they failed to make it known. Allegheny politicians are reduced In relative importance by the mer ger, and that is why some of them so stead fastly fought It. The union of the two cities Is natural and logical. There are two other cities In the union larger than Phila delphia, but no other state than Pennsyl vania has so large a second city as Greater Pittsburg will be. CLOSKD AMJ MI.KVI' ( HI R( IIKK. Kdlflees Xonprodnetlre Six Days Out of Seven. Cleveland Moffett in Success. Imagine 100.000 department stores doing active business only one day Iu seven and remaining closed for the other six days or, at best, doing a languid business on one or two odd afternoons! Imagine 100,000 theaters giving performances two or three evenings a week and then remaining closed and silent for four or Ave evenings! Imagine 100,000 factories working ten hours a day for a single day in seven and perhaps working five hours a day for two other days, and then letting their . fine engines and ma chinery He Idle all the rest of the time! We should call It stupid, and extravagant folly, we . Bhould expect such foolish factories, theaters and department stores to lose both In money and In gt-neral esteem and. If such conditions perflated, we should con clude either that the directors of these ac tivities were hopelessly Incompetent, or that thcr was a very small demand for what they were trying to furnish. Of course we have grown up In the Idea that it Is the right and natural state of churches to be closed and silent most of the time, just why no one can say, but, being creatures of habit, we accept things as we find them. We expect our houses to be used every day, our barns to be used every day, our shops, libraries, hospitals, office buildings, nil the structures on our soil we expect to be used every day, save only the churches which are the most costly and the most beautiful. These we expect to be used occasionally, less than half the time, prob ably not one-third of the time, yet the churches represent a huge material invest ment based on Infinite labor and saving, a value far greater than all the gold coin in the United. States, a value, counting land and buildings, that certainly exceeds $2.0u0, 000,000! On which the money Interest at S per cent would be $250,000 a day! And the spiritual daily equivalent well that Is be yond our reckoning, but it should be very great and precious to offset so huge a sum. And most of the days it is wasted! LICOLVS FAMOl'S ADDRESS, Gettysburg Hassle Mttle Thooatbt of t Time of Delivery. St. Liouls Globe-Democrat. Alexander H. Stephens said the finest ut terances ever made by presidents were Jef ferson's first inaugural address and Lin coln' a second. Neither, however, was ap preciated at the time. The expression, ''Wo are all republicans, we are all federalists," was laughed at In the beginning by most of Jefferson's contemporaries, republicans and federalists, republicans being Jeffer son's name for the democrats of a later time. Ills statement of the cardinal prin ciples of the republican party did not Im press his contemporaries In anything like the degree that it did his party of half a century or a century later. In like manner it took a year or two for the country to grasp the majesty of Lincoln's inaugural address of IStiu, delivered a little over a month before Appomattox. The absence of immediate appreciation was even more strikingly shown in the case of Lincoln's address at Gettysburg a few months before his second inauguration, but just after hla second election. The speaker of the day was Edward Everett. He was pre-eminently the silver-tongued orator of a ptrlod which produced more great orators Prentiss of Mississippi, Pres ton of South Carolina, Corwln of Ohio, Phillips of Massachusetts and many others than any other period of United States history. It was the Augustan age of Amer ican eloquence. Everett delivered an ora tion at the dedication of the Gettysburg national cemetery which was described by the newspapers of the day aa being "emi nently worthy of the occasion and of the man." But nobody at the time seemed to think that there was anything in Lincoln's words which was worth printing or remembering. Hon. Clark E. t'arf, In an address just de livered before the Illinois Historical so ciety, who was present at the Gettysburg exercises, said that Seward, Everett, Lin coln's friend Ward H. Lamon, who after ward wrote a biography of him, aqd th. rest of the prominent persons who heurd Lincoln's talk, expressed disappointment at It. All said It did not do justice to the theme or to Its author. It took several years for the country to grasp Its grace of language and the nobility of its sentiments. Seldom has the appraisement of the mo ment been ao conspicuously and so sweep lngly reversed aa It has been In this In stance. While Everett's two hours' oration has been forgotten by everybody except the student of history, Lincoln's two min utes' talk will live while the English lan guage lasts ROUXD ABOfT SEW YORK. Ripples on the Cnrrent of I. lie In the Metropolis. A stock-watering job rivaling the best efforts of Wall street was pulled off within ten days by Belmont. Ryan and other magnates of the traction Interests of Greater New Tork. The surface, elevated and underground street railways were con solidated and capitalised at S.OOO.000. Prior to the) consolidation the companies In the met ger were capitalized at IllT.ono,. wo. Thus by grouping the various trans portation systems In a holding company. "In the interest of economy" the promoters Inflated the value of the property tloS.OOO, 00S, most of which fattens the already fat purses of Belmont. Ryan & Co. As against the average capitalization of the steam railways of the United Slates of ITO.OnO a mile, the merger of New Tork City's transportation capitalize It at tl.oon.ono a mile. And yet the merged companies did not pay for the construction of the subway and cars and power house are not compar able in cost with the equipment of a steam railway. The announcement Is made on expert au thority that the new $2,000,000 criminal court building on Center street Is crum bling and Is welt on Us way to ruin. It Is further declared that parts of It are kept In place only by being buttressed here and there by strong beams of oak. It was built en fllled-in ground, which was formerly occupied by the collect pond, and the foundations are sinking and the condition of the structure dally becoming worse and worse. The sinking of the foundation has put the walls out of plumb. The floorings have cracked. Interior arches are Incapable of the work for which thoy were Intended and one sees on every floor fissures in the blocks forming the gal lerfes. It la a matter of a little time, it is con ceded by those having to do with the building, by the mechanics and others who are constantly tinkering and patching, un til the stairway and galleries will have to be torn down and rebuilt, if 'there is not such a sinking of the foundations as will necessitate the demolition of the en tire structure to prevent Its collapse. "Old Charlie" Miller, the richest waiter In tho country, who has served patrons at the Astor houSe for thirty years, retired to live from his Income which he will de rive from 1110.000, most of It saved from tips and Judiciously Jnvested. Miller was one of those men, rare in his class, who held close to his money. There are dozens of waiters in the WHldorf, Holland, etc.. who make $:X) a month, but only a few of them have the knack of saving their money. Miller worked for 130 a month. He has been putting in ten hours a day ever since 1S76. With his tips lie has bought the Brooklyn fiats and Is sending a nephew- to college. There are two other rich waiters In the Astor house rotunda Henry Brlggs, at the oyster counter, and Mowen, Ht the roast beef counter. Briggs is said to be worth JHO.000. The usual! group of politicians and trans ient guests, swelled by a sudden rush of letwecn-the-act "thirsts" from the thea ters, were ranged along the bar of the Fifth Avenue hotel. Before them stood a long row of "balls" high and low. A short man In a fur-lined coat wandered up to the brass rail. Ho crowded close to the man on his left aa if to make room for another on his right. Suddenly in the vacant place reared a massive Great Dane dog, towering a full foot above hla master's head. The dog rested his front feet against the rail and looked nonchalantly up and down the bar. "A little rye for mine," said the man. "Wough!" said the Great Dane. "Shake hands with the barkeep, Dun," suggested the man. "Maybe he can spare you a drop." A black paw was promptly stretched half way across the bar. It was grasped In all cordiality from the other side. r "We we don't serve dogs in glasses!" exclaimed the astonished bartender. "Never mind; Dan isn't proud. He'll take a drop or so right off the mahogany," re plied the man In fur. Then to the dog, Lookln' at you!" A red tongue licked up the stray drops. "Ah-h!" said the man, "That helped." "Wough! Wough!" the dog assented. The crowd: "Well, wouldn't that freeze you?" The County Medical society is doing ex cellent work In hounding down the assorted charlatans who are carrying on the trades of murder and theft in the name of the medical profession. Following the ex posure of the "Force of Lifers," who claimed to raise the dead, tho attention of the public has been called to the absurd ity of the claims of a man that "mugic boots" which he has been selling for from K00 to $1,501) a pair, would cure various dis eases. It is astonishing that so many per sons (Home of tiem prominent) have given up large sums of money for a thing that had "humbug" written all over It. There Is gloom in Bellevue hospital, for little Smoke, the water spaniel that has done duty at the gate for the lust four years, was crushed under the wheels of an ambulance while saving a child from being run over, and was so badly Injured that the doctors had to chloroform Jilm to end Ills sufferings. An ambulance driven by Jack Russell came speeding through Twenty-sixth street with a dying patient. Smoke heard the clanging of the bell when the ambulance was as far awuy as Socond avenue, and, as has been his custom since -tie became the unofficial gutekcepert he darted out of the gate house to meet the ambulance and warn Frank Nugent, the gatekeeper, to swing open 'tho gales. Russell was lashing the horse, which wus galloping at top speed, while Dr. Hunt hung onto the rear seat as the ambulance swayed to and fro. Just as the ambulance crossed First ave nue a little girl came out through the gate and walked light into the center of the street. Russell saw the child and pulled with might and main on the lines to check the horse, but it was going at such a rate that it was impossible fur him to draw up. When the unibulunce was within fifteen feet of the child Smoke darted into the street and made a lunge for the girl. The little one fell to the pavement and rolled out of the wuy of the speeding ambulance, but before Smoke could escape the wheels passed over him, breaking his back. Possible Woe far Scalpers. Chicago Chronicle. All of the achievements of science are not In the Interest of public morality. The lutst invention is a prepared writing paper, which looks like any other writing paper, but from which all writing made on It will vanish within a day or two and leave no trace behind. This will make the drawing of wills and the making of notes a little more dangerous than formerly, but possibly the Invention may be applied to railroad tickets In a way that will destroy the business of the scalper. A State of Preparedness. Philadelphia Record. The heavy export movement of grain Is partly accounted for by the efforts of the German buyers to anticipate the shut-down that will follow the enforcement of the new tariff regulations In March. They are piling up wheat and corn In their warehouses as the coJ companies are piling up eoal against the declaration of the threatened strike Acrll 1. For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures hard coughs, hard colds, bron chitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor. If he says it's good, take it. If he has any thing better, take that. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Malt y . O. Arr Co.. lewsll, . Alee ataa&fhatnrers ef AVER'S HA1K TIOOR-Per the kalr. ATBR S PlLLTor cocttiKtioi. AISR'S SAftSAPARIUA-rer the Moos. ATIR'8 A0U1 CUSS-Pet malaria Aid t(M. POINTERS OX KKBRASKA POLITICS IJncoln Journal: If there Is to be a choice between Millard and Rosewater for the ecnatnfshlp by all means let it be Rosewater. ' O'Neill Frontier: In selecting a successor to Senator Millard it would be well for the party to pick the man who Is equipped with a large fund of Information rather than dollars, who lias legislative fighting qualities and who has an Interest In the state in general. One who will simply vote right Is not what is wanted. York Times: The people of Nebraska are not looking for candidates for office who are "antl." They want men who are for things and not against. The man who Is for every Interest in the state, for the republican party, for the square deal, for honest politics and honorable methods, will have the support of the republican party In the future as In the past. Norfolk Press: Senator Millard Is entirely too conservative about taking a stand on proposed legislation, and commits himself on a rate law only to such a measure aa the senate decides to finally put forth. The general public is fairly well satisfied witli the Hepburn rate bill, which will undoubt edly pass the house by a praotlcally unan imous vote this week, and what the public wants to know Is whether Millard will help to put this measure through the senate. That Is the only way to avoid a controversy between the two houses which might de feat rate legislation altogether. Fremont Tribune: Mr. Millard's private secretary has written out an Interview with the senator and forwarded it to a number of Nebraska newspapers. In this Interview he announces that he Is a great favorite of the president and that he (tho senator) will probably stand with the pres ident for some kind of railroad regulation, a kind that will not be hostile to the rail roads, but a help ti them, if they do right, and a help to the people. This interview is an Interesting contribution to contempo raneous political literature, for Senator Mil lard has a vote tin this session of congress. Gibbon Reporter: In the Sunday Issue of The Omaha Bee It is stated that only two of the members of the state legislature hav returned the posses sent them by the railroads for the year 1iXi6. While this may be and doubtless Is true, it Is also true that there are some members of the last legis lature for whom the railroads have so little use that they do not send them free trans portation and therefore they have none to be returned: among the latter number Is Hon. James H. Davis of Buffalo county, who was a member of the committee In troducing the commodity rate bill iu the last legislature. Central City Nonpariel: A few papers over the state think that Norrls Brown Is entitled to no special praise or reward, because, as they put it, he has "only done his duty." When you stop to look at that side of It, what has Theodore Roosevelt done but his duty?" And Folk and La Fol lette and Dlneen and Hadley and all the rest of the men who are distinguished for their fearlessness, what have they done but their plain "duty?" The fact of the mutter Is the men who are willing to do their "duty," and their full "duty," are tolerably scarce nowadays and that's why the people are so anxious to put them In places of trust and responsibility. It's be cause Norrls Bromn has done his "duty" that Nebraska wants to send him to the United States senate. Osceola Record: The news that Senator Millard "is growing In popular favor" is certainly very refreshing. Uncle Tim. When did he commence this "growth?" He has been in the senate for nearly six years and is Just commencing to "grow In popular favor." Well, at the present rate. he'll never get his growth for he will hardly he kept in office long enough to accommo date so slow a process. Senator Millard la a pretty fair financier and a good busi ness man, but his election was a political accident, much more so than bis retirement will be. He is the only one of the Ne braska delegation who is an unknown quantity on the reforms urged by the presi dent Senator Millard haa for many years affiliated in a business way with the heads of corporations, and he Is now affiliating in a political way with the same kind of people. This is the class of people with whom Millard is growing In favor. His growth in favor with the people is not so rapid as to produce a stampede no, not yet. Antalanaaated Order of Toadies. Newman Grove Reporter. The Nebraska chapter of the Ancient and Amalgamated Order of American Toadies, pursuant to a call from the Omaha Daily News, Is going to send a message of congratulation to Miss Alice Roosevelt upon her marriage to Congress man Longwnrth, signed by ali who are willing to contribute the modest sum of five cents, postage stamps accepted. Just what Miss Roosevelt wants this list of names for has not been fully explained. As she would hardly care to treasure them In an autograph album there seems to lie no other destination than the waste basket to which they will undoubtedly lie con signed. The Reporter heartily wishes Miss Roosevelt long life and abundant happiness but even Hs license does not allow It to butt in with a telegram to that effect. Coal. Wood. Cokes Kindling. W. .all th beat Ohio, end Colorado Coala -eloan, hot, lasting: Also tho Illinois, Hanna, Shorldan, Walnut Block, Staam Coal, Etc. For gonoral purposas, us. Chorokoo Lump, 98.50; Nut, $5.00 par ton Missouri Lump, $4.75; Lar. Nut, f 4.50-makca a hot, quick fir, ur hard eoal l tho 8CRANT0N, tho boat Pennsylvania anthraelta Wo alao soil Spadra, th hardoat and olanst Arkanaaa hard eoal All our eoal hand aoroonod and vlghd ovor any elty aoala d.slrad COUTANT C SQUIRES ufUVSS' "POOR OLD BILL." Canal Knockers and the Secretary of Wnr. New York Globe. It is evident that Secretary Taft is a vers wicked man. He "all but cursed me," testifies the Panama canal's cx-chlef en gineer, John F. Wallace. Horrors! But this is not all! Mr. Tracy Robinson of Colon, Republic of Panama, guide to Poult new Bigelow, and, but for the smallness of the perquisites, Alcade of Cristobal, is suro that the secretary of war "is a rein carnation of some turbaned, robed and sworded despot of some orient, who goes about tho world to rob men of their Just and honorable fame." A trafficker in "cold, stony, cruel. Indefinite delay and neglect." To have our military destinies In the hands of such a profane reincarnation as "Bill Taft" proves to be will send an Icy shiver down the backs of all good citizens. The case only shows how mistaken one's Idenls may be. We venture to Relieve that before Mr. Robinson's exposure there wasn't a person In this country with even a suspicion that "Bill" was a turbaned despot In disguise. "Typically American" was the phrase used to describe him. "Good natured, honester than the average, and u blooniln' hustler" was the verdict of the country store critics. Poor old Taft! Your reputation must be laid away, a sacrifice to duty. As for th firm of Wallace. Bigriow and Robinson, they recall Quirk, Gammon and Snap. PERSONAL OTE9. An Ohio legislator hus Introduced a bill to tax a bachelor enough to support one spinster. The man who remains single for the sake of economy will have to look about for a better excuse. Miss Caroline Murclal of Seville, Spain, who is one of the best known women In that country, is in America In the Interest of the International Institute league. . Alfred Jlarmsworth, the noted newspaper owner, wno was recently creaiea a peer, has adopted two rolls of paper as his arms. A London paper, commenting on the choice, says "the selection of them betrays a cyni cal humor." Mark Twain's Idea of the project of secur ing Abraham Lincoln's birthplace as a na tional park Is that "in the present political, moial and social atmosphere of the Amer ican people thero is nothing in that Hue that can compare with this little model, farm that raised a Man." A bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin has Just been completed in New York at a cost of $10,000, and will be presented to the munclpallty of Paris by John H&rjes of Now York. The gaekwar of Baroda, the Indian poten tate who has been entertaining the prince and princess of Wales, can boast of possess ing the most wonderful necklace in the world. It Is a collar composed of five rows of 100 diamonds each, the whole set between rows of emeralds. Some of the stones are as large as walnuts and all of them are of the greatest purity. HIRTHPl'L REMARKS. "So' you won't abide by the decision of the caucus?" "I wouldn't say that." replied the senator, thoughtfully. "If the caucus will permit me to formulate Its decision, I'll abide all right." Philadelphia Ledger. Knlcker Is Newrlch happy? Bocker No; by the time fortuiiaVs cup canio to him his wife wouldn't let him drink out of the saucer. Brooklyn Life. "Do yon think that the railways will yield anything.?" "Yen." answered Senator Sorghum. "I am confident that whatever happens they will continue to yield a profit. Washington Star. "A man who is as big a fool as you are should never have married." "But, of course. If I hadn't been as big a fool as I whs I wouldn't have married. It works both ways, my dear." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tess Oh, yes, the very mention of organ ized labor makes MIhs Passu v wince. Jen The idea! Why should it? Tess She hates to think of all the unions being formed throushout the country anil none for her. Philadelphia Press. Dr. Pills Why are you always ao careful to inquire whut your patients eat? Does It SHNiHt you in diagnosis? Dr. Squills Yes. I can form some Idea from their dinners what to charge in. Cleveland Leader, v When the young man who has just begun making his way in the world goes around arkinv his friends how to take tiie measure of a finger lor a ring the isrd engraver is generally justified In thinking that he Is going to gel a Job. Somervllle Journal. LINCOLN THE BOY. Juiiies Whltcomb Riley In Collier's. O simple as the rhymes that tell ; The Nitnplept talex of youth. Or Mlinpie as a miracle Beside the Hitliplent truth So simple seems the view we share Witli our Immortal, yheer From Glory looking down Io where They were as children here. Or thus we know, nor drtul.t it not, The hoy he must have been Whose budding heart bloomed with ths thought All men are kith and kin Wit h luveillght in Ills ees ami shade Of prescient tear Becauae Ohlv of sin h a buy were made The loving man lie was. f