Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office. 10 PmH St. Tel. 43.
Oouicil ia Committee of tha Wlol
Eipeoted to Settle the Matter.
Talk of Compromise by Derreaalns
the Minimum Meter Rate aad
Increasing the tkarft for
Ilr'rant Rental.
Some definite action on the water works
rate ordinance ia expected to be taken by
the committee of the whole of the city
rouncll at It meeting tonight, but what
that action will be Is a matter of conjec
ture, .., It ia no. secret that the members of
the "city council re divided In opinion on
the minimum meter rate, which has called
forth such a protest from the small con
sumers, and there Is some talk of a pos
sibility of a deadlock at the meeting to
night. V
Aldermen Tounkerman and Olson have
declared themselves as opposed to any min
imum meter rate and it was street talk
yesterday that Aldermen Crlppen and Mc
Mlllen mlrht join their ranks. If this
should prove to be the situation, it would j
cause a deadlock.' but it is believed that
the committee will realize that some defi
nite action Is necessary and a deadlock may
be averted.
While some of the aldermen, especially
two -members of the special committee
which haa worked on the matter for up
wards of a year, are Inclined to stand by
the ordinance with Its minimum meter rate
of tl, seeing that such a rate Is In rogue
In other Iowa cities where the water works
are owned and operated by the municipal
ity, other aldermen favor a sort of com
promise by fixing the hydrant rentals to
$50 for the first 900 and HO for all additional
ones. It Ms believed, however, that this
would not be satisfactory to the water
works company, altlfmigh no official an
nouncement to that effect has been made.
There haa alao been some talk of fixing
the minimum meter rate at a figure not to
exceed the flat rate for five-room residences
and this would place it at about $7 per
annum. -
The ample discussion that the proposed
ordinance haa received since its Introduc
tion has developed the fact that the rate,
on the whole, are below the average of
rates charged In other cities of the same
else as Council Bluffs. It Is also conceded
that the minimum meter rate of tl per
month would affect but a small minority
of householders.
The city council Is scheduled to meet
Tuesday night for1 the direct purpose of re
ceiving the report of the committee of the
whole and acting upon It. Some definite
action Is looked for. as the present city
administration has but seven weeks more
of life In which to carry out its pledge
made to the people of Council Bluffs In Its
platform at the municipal election two
years ago.
wholesalers and Jobbers of all articles
which crme undr the ban to keep a stork
of such goods for sale solely In other states.
All such goods, however, bust be kept en
tirely separate from other merchandise.
Senator Saunders is of the opinion that
the prlmnry election bill will not he passed
at this session of the legislature.
Btewly Fleeted Mayor May Find
Hands Tied by I,aT.
Pliould the people of Council Bluffs, by
their votes on March 25. decide they desire
a change In the city administration, the
new mayor may find himself In a position
whereby he will not be only unable to name
his own chief of police, but will have little
to say as to the men who shall compose
the police force of the city.
It has been suggested that under the Iowa
law providing that preference shall be given
to old soldiers In all cases of state, county
and municipal appointments. Major George
H. Richmond could with all propriety In
sist on retaining the office of chief of po
lice and city marshal. Once in the posi
tion, it la contended that Major Richmond
could ony be removed for cause, end in this
connecon It is proper to state that Major
Richmond has made no declaration that he
Intends to avail himself of the provisions
of the state law in the event of there being
a change In the city administration. His
friends have merely pointed out to him the
opportunity there would be for him to con
tinue as official head of the police force,
no matter of what political complexion the
city administration might be after April 1
Jn this same connection it would be pos
sible for every old soldier In the city to In
sist on being appointed on the police force
should any vacancies occur either by
change of administration or otherwise, and
it Is said the mayor would be compelled to
recognize their right to the positions on
the force under the existing law. At the
same time any old soldier applicant. It Is
presumed, would have to possess the nec
essary physical requirements to fill the
Fine Colorado farm land, $5 per acre.
Improved ranches, $10 to $30 per acre. One
Improved ranch, four miles from town, $4
per acre. A big snap. Excursion February
10. Fare $10.0. F. C. Lougee, 124 South
Ignito Burners complete, each $1.25. Self
lighting mantle burner and opal globe for
aale by W. A. Maurer China Store.
' For Sal.
Babbitt Place lot, graded, 136.
Highland Dae lots, $150.
Broadway Place lots, $250.
Large Glen avenue lot, $1,800.
Fifth avenue lot, H.SOO.
Dwelling. $500 to $7,000.
Insurance written.
Charles T. Officer, 41$ Broadway, Council
Bound to Born Cottage.
What was evidently a second Incendiary
attempt to burn down the unoccupied cot
tage at 810 Fifteenth avenue wus made last
night. The Are started In a closet, but had
made only slight headway by the time the
fire department reached the place. A can
which had undoubtedly contained kerosene
was found in the room adjoining the closet
In which the fire' started. An attempt to
bum the place down was made last Friday
evening and the house was badly damaged
before the firemen succeeded In extinguish
ing the Maze.
In addition to the three fires reported,
the department was given two other runs
Saturday evening. At the residence, of E.
A. Van Kirk, 707 Sixteenth avenue, an In
cipient blaze was caused by a defective
flue, but was extinguished with but slight
At the residence of Captain Frank Hitch
cock a rope portler caught , fire and an
alarm was turned In. One of the family
succeeded In tearing the burning portler
down and throwing It Into the yard, but In
doing so the flames communicated to the
carpet, which was badly damaged.
N., T. Pluming Co. Tel. 260. Night L 698.
Par Food Bill Likely to Pass.
State Senator Saunders, who spent Sun
day with his family In this city, fs of the
opinion that the pure food bill will be
paased by the present legislature. The bill
has been reported out of the senate com
mittee for passage and the wholesale groc
ers have withdrawn their opposition to the
, measure now that they have been granted
two conceaslons and the bill amended ac
cordingly. One of the amendments givea
,, wholesaler and retailers until July 1, 1907,
In which to dispose of all prescribed goods
received by them prior to July 1. 1906. The
other amendment permlta manufacturers,
m a '
anrains strains Yh
Cuts. Bruises
fr Burns
AtiJl Drujteist
Makes Bl Change la Mnth.
The bill Introduced last Thursday by Rep
resentative Greene of Madison to change
the congressional districts of lows makes
a sweeping alteration In the composition of
the Ninth district. As the district now
stands It la composed of the following nine
counties: Adair, AudulKn. Cass. GtUlirle.
Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Pottawatta
mie and Shelby.
I'nder the Greene bill the Ninth district.
It is proposed, will be composed of Audo
bon, Boone, Carroll. Greene. Guthrie. Har
rison. Monona, Pottawattamie and Shelby.
Adair Is to be transferred to the Seventh
district and Cass. Mills and Montgomery
to the Eighth district.
Davis sells drug.
8tockrt sells carpeta.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists. 30 Pearl street
Woodrlng-Schmldt, undertakers. Tel. V
Leffert'a Improved toric If rises give iUa
faction. Midwinter term Western Iowa college
now open. Enroll now.
New spring designs In wallpaper at Ber
wick's. i 8ouit Main.
Red hearts for valentine favors; place
cards and decorations. Alexander's.
Results our specialty. Eclipse Collection
Agency, offces 103 i'eart St. 'fuoue 1474.
For sale, Studebaker Ice wagon, used five
months. Brldenitein A S111I111, Co. bluffs.
The regular monthly session of the board
of trustees of the pubitc library is scheduled
tor this evening.
Our model shoe shop dors better work and
at one-third iexs price. Our machine does
the work. of twenty men. Sargent.
1,000 fengiish decorated porcelain Jugs now
on sale, t uur sizes, iot, ooc, ioc, t,c Neat
and tasty utcoruimn. Call ana see them.
. A. Ataurer ciutia Store.
Mikaoui'i uun ary cuidwooU. $6 a cord;
liellbark. hickory, 7; Anutnui antaravuo,
-.u per ton ! limn hard coal. Win.
Welsh. It Norm Main t. Tel. lis.
Monarch malleable iron range, haa pol
ished top and body, requlrea no blacking
or enaniol, and ia aosoluiely luctesirucuuie.
All siren and styles now on aale. Keller oc
The election of officers of the senior clasa
of toe high school will be held this evening.
The claa Is composed of sixty-eight stu
dents and will b one of the largest ever
graduated from the institution.
The men at No. V engine house were
treated to a banquet last evening by Rich
ard Wren, manager of the Nebraska Cycle
company. The banquet waa served in the
rooms over the engine house and a good
time was had by ail fortunate enough 10 be
The funeral of the late Claude A. Kirk
land waa held yesterday afternoon from the
residence of hla aunt, iM bouth t-lghth
street. The service were conducted by
Kev. W. li. Clemmer of the First Christian
church and the following members of the
Barbers' union acted as palllearera: Ueorge
Broyles. Ueorge Ciiiton. K. Miller, C
Uttleneld. A. C. Puryear and C. A. Gil
ba.igh. Mra. Anna L. Carlisle, widow of Daniel
Car.lsle, died yesterday afternoon at her
home. WW becond avenue, from uaralvsi.
70c ' axed 82 years, one daughter. Mra. W. W.
Osborn. with whom deceased made her
7"fO home, survives her. Funeral services will
7"c be held thl afternoon at I o'clock at the
Sue house, conduct! d bv Rev. H. W. Starr, rec-
$3 Chester a Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1 1 lor of St. Paul's Episcopal churcn, after
11.00 Orange Hlosom 79c which the ho,iy will t taken to Buchanan,
$1.00 Bliss Native Herb Tablets 7c Mich., for burial.
Kki Denver Mud te I
Senator Croafcj Annonncei that E Will
Puih it to an lime.
Knye that If Railroads Block It He
Will o Before the People oa the
Issue Bnsr Week Akead to
the Senators.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE8 MOINES. Feb. lLtSpeclal.) Sena
tor Crossley, the author of the rrlmary
election bill now In the hand of the elec
tions committee of the senate, stated today
that unless the bill is passed at this session
he will Introduce a resolution lste In the ses
sion asking that the matter be submitted to
the people for a constitutional amendment.
"We do not propose that the railroads ehall
forever block his measure," said Senator
Crossley today. "It is too Important a mat
ter. Their tactics may be tolerated for
time, but not for all time. Vnlese the bill
is passed at this session I shall Introduce a
resolution late In the session submitting the
matter to the vote of the people for a con
stitutional amendment. We will know then
where the people stand on the measure. The
bill will come from the committee tome
time next week, it wss necessary 'or me
to be away this week for a time attending
court In my county or the bill would have
been out before. There will be very few
changes reported by the committee. It was
thought best to change the provisions as to
registration somewhat. I understand there
has been some objections to requiring a
candidate for a state office to file a petition
from voters In fifteen counties. These ob
jections do not come from member on the
committee, but outsiders. It Is absolutely
necessary to require such petitions where
a plurality vote Is required or the ticket
would be so burdened with candidates that
no reasonable selection would ever be
For the Moral Kchools.
Senator Warren stated today that the pur
pose of his school bill providing for only
state certificates for school teachers waa to
aid the rural schools. "In the cities there
Is a city superintendent who devotes his en
tire attention to the running of the
schools." said Senator Warren today, "while
In the country there is no one to look after
the country schools. The county euperln-
tendent devotes about half of his time each
.month to holding teachers examinations
and the rest is mostly given to the routine
duties of his office, so that he haa no time
to give attcntfon to the rural schools. This
bill will relieve the county superintendent
of all that work and give him time to visit
the rural schools and look after their wel
fare." The bill has been put on the calendar for
special order for Thursday, following the
Lewis hill, for more specific quarterly
statements from state and savings bank.
Rosy Week la Senate.
Four bills are on the calendar for special
order for next week. The pure food bill
comes up Tuesday forenoon; the Smith bill
to circulate petitions of .consent in cities
every three years, on Wednesday; the lwls
bank bill on Thursday, and the Warren
echool bill on Thursday, following the Iewls
bill. This will be a full week of work for
the senate. The senate will meet Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock for routine business.
. Honae Awaits Senate,
The house will await the action of the
senate on the pure food bill, as well as on
the other bills to come before the senate
for passage next week. The house finished
Friday with Representative Cummlnga" on
the floor speaking on the boiler Insurance
bill. This will be the first thing up Mon
day. The house has voted to visit the
Agricultural college at Ames Thursday, but
will likely recall It unless the senate recon
siders Its vote and decides to accept the
Invitation and go to Ames also.
C. O. D. Bill Killed.
The house committee on Judiciary has de
cided that the bill drawn by A. I. Smith
of Mount Ayr to put an occupation tax of
j $1,000 on solicitors for C. O. D. liquor Is
unconstitutional and hence killed the bill.
Cummins' Announcement.
It Is unders:i od that the formal announce
ment of Governor Cummins' candidacy as
governor will probably be made Tuesday.
Governor Cummins was first elected gov
ernor in IM, the election being for two
years. He waa re-elected In 1908. and by
the operation of the biennial elections law
his term was extended one year, which haa
given him five years. His term will expire
January 1, 1007. This Is one year more al
ready than haa been given any other gov
ernor of the state. If re-elected for a third
term he will be continued In the office for
seven years.
Important fortrer at Shakara, which I;
occupied by rebels, have been abandoned,
the besieger leaving four gun behind ow
ing to a lack of transport facilities. Tusef
Pasha wa wounded during the assaults
and Rixa Pasha, who formerly commanded
the expedition, but waa superseded by
Marshal Ahmed Fezl Pasha, was killed.
Prwsalaa Commissioners Tint K.nlo-
static of Those la lulled
BERLIN. Feb. ll.-prlvy Councillors M.
Holt and F. Schwabach, whom the Prus
lan government sent to the t'nlted States
In 1904 to atudy American railroad systems,
have Just published an exhaustive work
on their findings, which Is attracting much
attention In the German press. Messrs.
Hoff and Schwabach make many striking
comparisons of the American and Prussian
railroads, often to the disadvantage of the
former. They quote official statistics show
ing that per 1.000.0(0 passengers carried the
American roads killed six times and
wounded twenty-nine time as many of
them as the Prussian roads.
The writer found that the average pas
senger rate waa 105 rents per mile against
.W cent In Prusla. while freight rates
nomlnaly average .78 cent per ton per
mile In the United State against 1.36 cents
In Prussia. Thl comparison, the author
affirm, la fallacious because It Ignore
some essential facts. The American sta
tistics, they say, include freight carried
for the railway themselves, while the
Prussian statistic show only pay freight.
On the other hand, the American statis
tic do not Include high class goods car
ried by express companies, which class Is
Included In the Prussian figures. Further
more, they say, the American roads receive
immense sums for carrying the malls and
the Prussian lines almost nothing, and be
sides, the lotter carry a volume of postal
packages for which the American roads
get large sum from the express com
panies. The original cost of construction of the
Prusslun lines was 36 per cent higher per
mile than that of the American roads.
If conditions were equalized at ell on these
points. Messrs. Hoff and Schwabach figure
that the American average for freight
would be 1.44 cents per ton per mile and
that of Prussia .85 cents.
Prominent Veaesaelan Waiting to
Aid Any Demonstration
ly France,
$106 Kodol ;
$1 00 LJquozon
$1.00 Hoosack' Sarsaparllla
$1 00 Gordon Malt Whiskey (Cana
dian 1
$1.00 Duffy Malt Whiskey
!. Lleheg'e Beef, Wine and Iron
Authorities at Cantoa Take So Pain
to Suppress Autl-Forelgn
HONGKONG. Feb. 11. A dispatch re
ceived here from Canton state that the
anti-foreign sentiment there Is due to the
attitude of the viceroy, who appears to be
determined to create friction with the
Cnlted States. The viceroy up to the pres
ent has taken no action In connection with
the representations of the consular body
regarding the recent attack on foreigner.
A leaflet baa been widely circulated In
the city of Canton urging the people to
co-operate with a view to the expulsion
of the viceroy.
7c Ienver Mud Air
25c M-nnen'a T dciim Powder ISii
S6c 4T11 White Rose Glycerine Soap K'c
I6c Juvenile Soap
2hr Culicura Soap
"c Societe Hygenique Soap 2fic
Tic IMver'e Aiurae Satchet, os ftnc
tta Shlnolii outfit (brushes and paste).. 35c
1 do. 1-graln Quinine Capsules pie
1 do t-grain Quinine Capsules 7c
1 do, e-graln Quinine Capsules iv
$1.50 Fellow s Syrup Hypophosphates. . .$1 11
Do you pay full prices for these goods
cut cniurrrn'p
E T. TATES. Proprieter.
Corner Fifth avenue and Main atreet.
Council Bluffs, la. Phone JS3
Corner Sixteenth and Chicago Sts., Omaha,
Twenty-fourth and N 6ta., South Onwha..
LEWIS cutlerI
28 Petri St. Pbones. Ret 63, Cfflci
Lady Attendant If Deaired
Bl gale of Walnut Timber.
ONAWA. la . Feb. 11. tBpeclal.) William
McFarlane of Blencoe, who now owns the
"Old Jim Cook" farm on the Miasouri river,
has sold twenty-five carload of black wal
nut timber for shipment to a Des Moines
firm. This farm, in early days, had the
finest body of Umber any where north of
Council Bluffs, and waa taken as a claim In
1S56. For many year "Cook's Woodyard'"
waa an Important place on the old river
mapa. and wa used for a steamboat land
ing for all goods shipped to the western
part of Monona county, but with the ad
vent of the Sioux City & Pacific railroad
Its glory departed,
Dangerous Cough. Colds. Sore Throat
are quickly cured by Dr. King a New Dis
covery. Soc and $1.00; guaranteed. For
sal by Sherman at McCooneU Drug Co.
Musicians' concert and ball. Sua musician
In orchestra; tortlgtit at Audltorlnm. Ad
mission. 5 cent.
Turks Compelled to Retire.
to the statement emanating from Turkish
sources, Marshal Ahmed Fed Pasha, com
manding the Turkish troop In Temen. ha
returned to Sanaa with a few prisoner
and haa announced the complete success
of his expedition against the Temen rebels.
Nevertheless, the operation against the
Pot-still Scotch
-iraare's. a aaly 4luUt.
lor supply lag waiakr to Lku
The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor.
To a ho of alley In. Co,
aad at aaaa. Can. Hotel aad uf ftsak.
Tie Cook 3 Bernheimer Co..
W lORat.
.vols Acshia roai i. . a.
WILLEMSTED, Curacao, Feb. . (delayed
In transmission). Conditions In Venezuela
were unchanged al the date of the latest
advices from that country. The censorship
Is rigid. One report is that the attitude
of General Vloente Gomez, who ia said to
be plotting a revolution against Castro In
case of a French blockade. Is causing some
It la reported also that General Antonto
Velutlnl, second vice president, has a se
cret understanding with France and that
he aspires to the presidency. All the tur
moil over the French cable company's con
cession is attributed to General Velutlni,
and it is said that be will soon abandon
President Castro.
The total strength of the Venezuelan
army Is reported to be 8,000 men, and not
23.000 as the army accounts state. The to
tal armament ia 60,000 Mauser rifles and
20.000.000 ball cartridges, eighty pieces of
small artillery of old-fashioned type and
ten modern gun in position at the porta.
The treasury show a balance of $.W,0l0.
President Castro. J: said boasting
that be will test tlie Monroe doctrine.
The report say that the best informa
tion in Venezuela shows that France or
any other power can rely upon almost the
entire populace to fight President Castro
and that anxiety is everywhere expressed
for the arrival of the French to solve the
problem which Is beyond the resources
of the Venezuelan.
Money will be decidedly scarcer If a war
should break out. and the government has
made no provision whatever for the com
President Castro continues his campaign
against foreigners and haa expelled a man
named Van Kestern.
Earthquake ia Italy.
ROME. Feb. 11. An earthquake shock
lasting eight seconds caused serious dam
age in Calabria today and especially at
Cantanzaro and Monteloen. the populations
of which places became terror-stricken, left
their houses and camped in the streets, not
withstanding the stormy weather prevailing.
Representative Long-worth Better.
WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.-Repreeentative
Longworth. of Ohio, who has been suffering
from an attack of tonsllltis, waa much Im
proved today. Tonight he ate dinner with
the member of the household. He will
probably be able to go out tomorrow If the
weather continues favorable.
jIUUX lose their scalps
Jome Down to Get Renege from tbe
Omaha Pin Artist.
f.lve Omaha Bowlers a Cloe Call la
The Klve-Mea Tram Match, hat
re Easy Victims In the
Doubles and Singles.
Three event were bowled yesterday aft
ernoon at the association alleys between
the men who went to Sioux City two weeks
ago and an aggregation from that place
who came down to get buck some of their
money. They did not do real well, finan
cially, for the Omaha boys won everything
n sight.
The first match of flve-men teams wa
closely contested and Interesting, ut the
Omahas managed to finish a few pin to
the good In all three games. Sweeney,
for the Sioux, was high man with SI 8. and
Fritscher led the Omahas with 674.
In the two-men affair the home boy
gained an overwhelming lead In the first
game and then went easy to the finish.
Sweeney picked up a wild Idea that he
could beat Hartley single-handed and he
rolled a nice game, but the city abstracter
showed him a total of WW. or an average
of 230 and Sioux City went home. Score:
1. i . Total.
Fritscher IK! 77 IIS ,r7
Anderson 159 170 171 600
Tonneman 1 IBS 191 524
Hnrtlev 167 300 1V 517
Sprague -....1S8 16S 131 647
Totals SS2 SS4 91
Flannngan 1R1
Bundliff lfl
Meek 178
Sweeney ITS
Jandt 137
Totals 8:2
Anderson IKfi
Hartley 241
Totals 477
Sweeney 173
Meek 181
Hartley .
S. Total.
ICS 6"12
20 5'C
151 499
2CB G1i
171 4G8
Sll 2.589
S. Total.
1.19 h:6
201 613
340 1.1C9
3. Total.
1T5 49t
168 618
343 1,016
3. Total.
2" 693
2 640
Millard Sanders, Who Trained Mare,
Talks oa Dope Story.
PLKASANTON. Cal., Feb. 11. In con
nection with tlie Lou LMilon-MaJor Delinar
controversy, Millard Sanders, who trained
Lou Dillon for the gold cup event, said
today! "I am not familiar with the pres
ent developments, but 1 have made no affl
dnvlt In this matter. There was consider
able talk about Lou Dillon's Inexplicable
collapse after working In such fast time,
and it was Intimated that she must have
been tampered with. I have no certain
knowledge of any wrong-doing and the
f present act of the Memphis club Is not
iased on any Information they have re
ceived from me. All I know is that every
precaution was taken to protect Lou Dil
lon, a we hired a rpecial officer to keep
guard over her while she also had her
regular attendants."
Down to Finals In
T1XETX) PARK, N. Y.. Feb. 11. The
semi-final round in the play for the gold
racquet nt the Tuxedo club today brought
about the decisive defeat of Lawrence
Waterbury. the national racquet champion,
nt the hands of Clarence H. Mackay. Mr,
Mackay, who Is the present holder of the
gold racquet, will meet Payne Whitney in
the finals tomorrow. Play In tho national
squash championship was also narrowed
down to tho finals, Reginald Flncke. the
title holder, and A. L. Devans, jr., of the
Harvard club.
Automobile Rare Postponed.
HAVANA. Feb. 11. Owing to a hard rain,
which fell this morning and continued
fitfully during the day. the course over
which the 100 and 200-mile automobile races
were to have been run was spoiled for fast
speeding, and the eventa were ostponed
until tomorrow. Excursionists who Jour
neyed to various polnta along the route to
watch the contest were greatly disappointed
at the postponement.
Teeumarh Win Two Games.
TECl'MSEH, Feb. 11. (Special.) A double
game of basket ball was prayed at the
Hahn opera house In this city last even
ing, between the hoys' team from the Vesta
high school and a hoys' team from the
Tecumseh high school, snd the girls' teams
of the same schools. Tecumseh won both
games. The score on the boys' game wss
32 to 2, and on the girls' game SO to 6.
Fair Monday In Nebraska, Exeept In
Southwest Portion Tuesday
Rala In Southeast.
WASHINGTON. Feb. ll.-Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska Fair Monday, except rain
or snow In southwest portion. Tuesday,
fair except rain or snow In southeast por
tion. For Iowa Partly cloudy Monday; voider
In central and eastern portion. Tuesday,
rain or snow.
For Colorado Rain or snow Monday.
Tuesday, fair.
For Wyoming Snow Monday. Tuesday,
probably fair.
For' South Dakota Fair Monday and
For Kansas Increasing cloudineaa Mon
day, followed by rain in western portion.
Tuesday, colder, with fair in western and
rain in eastern portion.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, Feb. 11. Official record of tem
perature and. precipitation, compared Witn
the corresponding day of the last thr-e
years: la06. JH06. ISM. Ia03.
Maximum temperature 45 2 18 89
Minimum temperature.... 2.1 t J 2s
Mean temperature 34 4 s Si
Precipitation T .2t .00 .02
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison with the last two years:
Norma) Temperature 21
Excesa for the day jj
Total excess since March 1, 19n6 1,041
Normal precipitation 113 inch
Deficiency for the day 113 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 27 99 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. 1!6 I.W Inches
Ieniency for cor. perkxi l&ii 4 04 Inches
Excess for cor. perlnd 19o4 1.74 Inches
Renorta from Station at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Maxi- Rain-
01 weainer. , p.m. mum.
msmarcu, clear
Cheyenne, clear Jx
Chicago, clear ii
tilenwood Wins aad Loses.
GLENWOOD. la., Feb. 11. (Special.)
Two fast basket ball games between the
boys snd girls of Glenwood and Red Oak
high schools were played at the armory
this afternom. Score: Glenwood girls. In;
Red Oak. 12. Glenwood boys 17; Red Oak,
Davenport, pt. cloudy 3
Denver, clear V
Havre, clear 14
Helena, clear 28
Huron, clear 14
Kansas City, clear 40
North Platte, clear 38
Omaha, clear 4.1
Rapid City, clear
St. I,oui. clear 3i
St. Paul, cloudy V.
Salt Lake City, cloudy
Valentine, clear SO
Wllllston. cloudy li
"T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates r-liw sero.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster
I.Ike Wild Animals
that tear and rend you are the pain of
Biliousness, Kidney Trouble. Cure guar
anteed by Electric Bitters; 60c. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Mayor Turns Smasher.
11. Littleton, which was practically wiped
nit by flic Friday, will probably never
be rebuilt. Many of the sufferers are dis
heartened and have expressed an Inten
tion to go to other towns. Mayor Bradley
threatened to prosecute the proprietor of
the one remaining saloon If he opened, but
his order was disobeyed. Bradley promptly
sent a man with sledgehammer to the ai
loon and the latter knocked In the heads
of over 100 barrel of beer and allowed ll
to flow Into the creek.
firsz. n"jir cam
You Sometimes Annoy
Tour friends with that hacking eourh.
Why not accept a suggestion of a remedy?
Will be a relief and the relief begin wit
the first,
After sever cold the cough that ro !
mains I somet.mes dangerous. LA .
GRIPPE CfU'OH SIRL'P put you on th j
road to better health. I sixes, 26c, 60c ana I
II. DO. Samples free.
Manufactured and sold by
Sherman & McConntfl Drug Co.
Corner ICth and Dodge Street.
uttle SENNA
LIVER PILLS fsrOlearVassf
For biliousness, constipation, sick
headache, aour stomach.
No opium, no cccalne. A vegetable pill.
25c post paid. lGth and Dodge Sta.
I Arl o pnnmc
L It 1 uuumue
iy 1517 Douglas St
1 ..-.
1 '1 j a-
ffif''l - .1 B. ' .. "
Calumet makes
light, digestible
wholesome food.
Only one heap
ing teaspoon ful
is needed for ono .
quart of flour.
Every Saturday and Sunday,
up to April 1st. 1906
Minder -Harlan
Dodge -
- 1.60
- 2.80
Eagle Grove
Clarion . -Hampton
Mason City
5 45
Good returning following Monday.
For tult In form a flea apply
H. H. Churchill, Central Agtnt. ttli Waramm Strut.
We Cure
Men for
Until March 3d
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
private, chronic and pelvic dlseaae. who are treating with quack apodal
1st and Inexperienced phylclan without receiving any benefit, we have de
cided to make a special offer to charge only one-haif of our regular fe for our
lng those who are now undergoing treatment elsewhere and are dissatisfied,
provided that you come to us before March i. 1106. Tor Instance, if you ar
afflicted with either Hydrocele. Stricture or Nervou Decline, our charge for
curing either of which without any complication 1 J26.00. we wUl guarantee to
cure you for 1Z60. and accept the money in any way you wlh to pay. W will
alao cure Contagiou Blood Poison for 11 SO, which 1 Jut half our regular fee.
The liberal offer 1 made to enable tho to be curd who hav pent their
money In doctoring without relief and to how th many who have treated with
down of physician without benefit that we hav the only method tht pro
duce a lifelong cur. . . . . , , ... . ,
Our methods are up-to-daUj and are Indorsed by the highest med
ical authorities of Europe and America. Uence our auccesa In the
treatment of men'i disenaea. Kemember, our specialty la limited to
the dl-wase of MEN. and MEN ONLY.
PRIVATE) UI8EABE8 Newly contracted snd chronte cases cured. All
burning. Itching and inflammation stopped in J4 hour; curvs effected In 7 days.
We cover the entire field of private and chronic, deep-aeated, con
plicated diM-aaea. '
ricera. Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Blood Poison, ChronUt
Discharges. Skin Disease. Piles and Fistula. Prostatic Disease,
Nervo-Vital Debility, Kidney and Bladder Dlseasea.
Northwest Corner 18th and Farnam.
Entrance on 13th Street.
Heat electric light janitor service
ail night and Sunday elevator ser
vice a fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Build;ng
nothing extra.
Daily, February 15 to April 7, via the Kock
Use Free Reclining Chair Cars or pay a very
moderate sum for berth in Pullman Tourist
Sleeping Car.
Take your choice of two good routes, via El
Paso Short Line or through Scenic Colorado.
Through cars both ways.
Our Tourist Folder will bo of interest. Gladly
furnished on request. , . V