r THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 11. MPS. 8 ... rT. r A NEWS OF OMAHA SUBURBS Illvistrattns: their work. u Itlven. n1 Mrs. Wolfe, n sister of Mr A. H. Palmer, who has travelog eatenslvely abroad, gave an Informal talk on tlie twelve wot M pic tures, aliic-h tu thoroughly enjoyed. HW." Ttorn. to Mr. ami Mrs. fklilutrr. a rlatiKli Ur. Kusnel Walsh, hae returned from a vlalt In Mlrinearolls. Mrs. Hrmin WnlfT wrnt to fclair to vlait a few rlays on Wednesday. O. H. Wlli;ans has "rturned home from business trip to Colorado. Bervlres will he held today at oil the Churrhes at th uauiU houra. Mrs. O. 1 I.ellls and dauKhtrr, Jessie, Visited in Benson the last meek. Mr. Ptarson vislti-d at the no-ne of hla . brother, v. A. I'earwin. during the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. la h ate entertaining a brother and wife from Hoi Springs, H. L. The Udlc' Aid society will meet at the homo fif Mrs. do on Wednesday after boor.. Mix Mav f'llssnmn of Helena. Mont., la a sniest at the liome of Mr. and Mra. l.ori Hull.. M;-. ami Mra. S'abrook and family of Oi. rha nave taken one of the Wulft resi dences. I Will O'Connor has mine to South Omaha, where lie wnl act lire man on the Noi lh Wea'etn. Mrs. C. Ii. Tot man waa operated on. In . tier liome. mat weea, and 1a now aiowiy reuoverinfc. tjeoralu Morton will discontinue her acrx.cuiiK for Ui rest of the term, on ac cuunt oi l.er eyes. Sales Lett!e rtr-:ith wl.l viett a few days with fnenos in Benson, visiting Omana acnooia cn Monday. V Mr. and lrs. hrank rVnirler and family. vforrr.eriy rt irmuna, nave taxm poawasluii of ttieir new resilience In tu-Dvon. Mra. Oeoisre Weter of Atcinson. Kan.. arriterl in uonson 'ititii-saay auu la me ftuest if tier parents, Mr. an.i Mra. vedse. Mr K. K. I'arker entertained liiat w-K, Jir. u. J. "w iirimn and win m omani; Mra. Andrews ot etnutn Omana, and Mra. li'jister tif oenaon. Mr. u. H. Ftirhuah waa pleafwntly sur prised ly a iiuink r ot his menus iaat juoniay evening, in honor ut his iintlumy anmveranry. mi: and nlrs. Morton Orlndulf entertained Jur. aim an, it. ..in lat . wlme ear. i-uV teas atienaltig the luinuei men a cou .. vintion in Omaha. I tie Aioui rn tv oi,ni( n lidfjr held Installa tion Ot olititis laM 1 ueaduy evening. Alter toe bUhitit'KH at-Hslon a Miriai tutur wua l nt Dy tue niemoers and tneir luiniliea J ne intant dauxnter ot Mr. and Mra. J. M. i.eiuy ouiieii luat holiday morning, Buort lunerai i rvicea ueing Held by Itev. Air. I'rieat. inli rmr ni was mi mount Iiui Arthur ('. 'J'hoinaa' betrothal to Miaa Jaarie t,. Van .nujs oi New jenny has ovnn aniiuunieo. .Mr. Tlionma la now In .New crK. lily, having gone there tnree Jtais j no women of the Methodiat chureh gave anutner social attalr at the home of Airs. li. 4. Grove Wednesday atteinoon and ev mng. ncen a program waa rendered and luncneon waa served. '1 he menihera of the Women's gyiiyinlii;u p-eaaaiitiy aurpnaed Mrs. C. A. n. lueii- histruilor, iaat rnday ev.:.::: an iio.iur ui ner uiriniuy anmveranry. a t-ui gtama bowl waa presented to the noatcati. J lie town bouru met r etiruai y 3 and dia useu of Uie usual routine of bualnca. bun iiny ciuaing 01 aaloona wait diacuaaed, tne auujecl being raised by the auiuonaeepei , on icarnit.it about tne circulation oi a peti tion luvoinig bunday closing. The 5-year-old aon. Floyd, of Mr. and Mn, Wuiiain Taylor died Thursday morn ing after a short sickness of Bcarlet fever witn complications of dyphtherla. The fu neral, wnicn waa private, waa held Friday luuimnK. with intetmenl at Mount Hope cemetery. Mr. and Mra. Taylor are boili lil, ana the many li lends of butli have done wtkul they could In their bereavement. In the achool report given out laat week a number of honor pupils were mentioned. Miss fvruma Chriatianaon has the lead In tne tenth grade, and those of the ninth are as foilowa: lame Meyer, Walter Kelson, liaroid Horning and Walter Nelson. Others in dntercnt araaes are: -Albert Wilson. Hugh Armstrong, Fred liraen, Anna Chtiatianson. nlle Arnt, Waiuemar Knudaon, Helen Anderson, Mary canton and Daisy meeie. I'larrare. Mrs. F.plnetter of C'nnnri! Pluffs pnt Friday her. the gut of Mrs. W. n. Wall. Mr. Nutting ot Omaha occupied the pul rlt In the iTeabyterlan church Sunday at the regular aerrlees. Martin Imm. a former reidnt of Flor n. but now In western Nebraaka, visited relatives here the past week. Will Matt ox has been sick for two weeks. Clause Anderson Is worklntr In bis place In Anderson A 1 lolling worth's grocery store. Mrs Fields of Oklahoma la visit Irg her father. Harrison Barnes, for a few days. Phe has been at Tekamah for two weeks visiting relative. M F. Powell, with the (Standard Oil com pany, haa moved Into Mrs. Banks' property on ftouth Main street. He formerly lived on Knot State street. John Anderaon of Blair spent two days here this week visiting his brothers, An drejr and Henry. He returned home Wednesday afternoon. C. B. Clark of (Yalg, having business In the Douglas county and federal courts at Omaha, was the guest of Mrs. Sarah K. Tracy Thursday evening. M. B. Potter, who had the fingers of his right hand crushed by one of the big en gines at the water works some three weeks ajro. Is able to be at work attain. The Pleasant Hour club gave one of its socials and dancing parties Wednesday night, which waa well attended. Miss Mag' gie Franklin and Miss Uetttle Brandt had cliarge of affaire. The surplus money will go to St. Philip's church, Florence. The dunce waa held In Walla hall, with fifty five couplea present. P. V. Shipley returned Sunday afternoon from a three months' trip on the western coast, visiting point in Washington and Oregon. While tliere he mt several former residents or Florence who have settled there. Among them are the Zieglera. Ship leys, ForgyS, Tuttles, Timmons, Larsons quite a- colony of them. Fire damaged the residence of John C. Renlnger on South Fifth street Wednesday morning. Prompt work on the part of the fire department snved most of the building and the household goods, which were re moved from the building. Tie fire was confined to the lower portion, mostly under the floor burning the Joint and sills. The loss is covered by Insurance. The city council held a regular meeting Monday night. Ueorge sorenaon. one of the councilmpn, was absent. The report of the five householders who were appointed as appraisers on account of the vacating of certain streets in Florence Heights, was placed before the council. No damages were assessed, except the cost of appraise ment. Thl Kettles a matter that has been up for more than a year before the coun cil. The Kelrle Ice company has been cutting ice from the reservoirs the past week. A new Icehouse was built on the south end of the reservoirs and this house is rilled. The company Is now cutting and filling the houses on the north end of the reservoirs. The weather the past week haa been favor able for ice cutting, although freezing but little. The ice at present will run about nine Inches. It may be possible that there win oe anotner cutting, although the ice men are not looking for It. The river ha not been frozen over at this place so far this winter. Heretofore several thousand tons of Ice have been cut each aeason from the river, but from appearances there will oe none cut thl winter. Xatlonal t sloa. Omaha council No. 48 gave Its first 1K social Thire?sy evening In Myrtle annex. William Kennedy, president of the council, acted as chairman. There was a good aud ience, and the stunt were all O. K. Mon- ologlxt MeKenna gave several of his In- mltahle Irish sketches, Mrs. W. B. Jacobs recited "The Relief of Lucknow" in a very adept way. James C. Undsav and Jack Hryson recited. A string orchestra led the dance. Council meets in regular session next Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. Improved Order of Red Mea. Vah-Nun-Dah-SIs tribe No. J met Monday evening. A imokr. lunch and cards com prised an Interesting feature of the even- ng. Arrangements were made to form a quartet In the tribe. Among the communi cations received was one from President Roose-elt thanking the trilie for its con gratulations on hi becoming a member of the order through a letter written him by Mr. Huston. Order f Scottlak tlaaa. Clan Gordon No. 63 had a meeting Tues day evening. One candidate was Initiated nd even more applications were handed in. r oiiowing tne business session a very pleasant social hour waa enjoyed. Uaadee. Rev. and Mra. Johns returned on Tuesday from their trip to Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Winn of Osaka, Japan, waa the gueat last week of her sister, Mrs. J. J. ljiiiipe. ,The Round Doien Social club will meet on Wednesday of this week with Mr. D. 1. Johnson. Mrs. Peul of Pine Plain. N. Y., la ex pected thla weak to vlait her sister, Mr. 1. la. Johnson. Mrs. Wolfe of Penver, enroute for a nine months' tourn of Europe, is the gueat ot her slMer. Mrs. A. H. Palmer. Mr. Edwin C. Bennett and family have moved into their new residence at the cor ner of Forty-ninth street and I'nderwood avenue. The Toung People- Christian Endeavor society of the pundee Presbyterian church will give a 10-cent social on Tuesday even ing at the home of Mr. W. U. Selby, and will have some valentine and candy on sale. The Pundee Woman' club met on Wednesday at the home of Mra. T. R. Hunter. A delightful program on some of the early European an lata, with picture What Sulphur Does For tlie Human Body In Health and Diseatte. The mention of sulphur will recall to many of 3 the early days when our moth er and grandmother gave u our dally do of sulphur and niola every spring and tall. It was the universal spring and fall "blood purifier," tonic and cure-all, and mind you, thl old-fashioned remedy waa not without merit. The idea was good, but the remedy waa crude and unpalatable, and a lartx quantity bad to be taken to get any effect. Nowaday wa get all the beneficial effect of sulphur in a palatable, concentrated form, so that a single grain b far more effective than a tableapounf ul of the crude sulphur. In recent year, research and experiment have proven that the beat sulphur for medicinal aae U that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold in drug stores Mudar the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafen. They are small chocolate-coated pellets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly concentrated, effective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur In restoring and maintain ing bodily vigor and heslth; sulphur acta directly on the liver and excretory organ end purines and enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew- this wnen they dc.cJ us with sulphur aud molasses every spring and fall, but the crudity and im purity of ordinary flowers of sulphur wie uiten worse than the disease, aud cannot compare with the modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's . Calcium Wafers is undoubtedly the best and most widely used.' They are the natural antidotes for liver and kidney troubles and cure constipation and purify the blood In a way that often suipriaes patieut and physician alike. Dr. It. M. Wllklns, wniie experimenting with sulphur remedies, soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was fcupeiior to any other form. He says: "For liver, kidney and blood troubles, especially when result ing from constipation or malaria. I have been surprised at the reaults obtained from Stuart 8 Calcium Wafers. In patients ' suffering from boils and pimples and even deep-seuted carbuncles, 1 have repeatedly seen them dry up and disappear in four or five days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart s Calcium Wafers Is a pro prietary article, and s Jd by druggists, snd fur that reason tabooed by many physi cians, yet I know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and especially In all forms of skin disease, as this remedy." At any rat people who a' tired of pill, cathartic and Bi-c-.'ed olood "putifteia" will find In Stuart's Calcium Wafers a far safer, mora palatable and effective pi pais t.oav West Ambler, Little Martha Fa vert y Is suffering from a severe com. Miss Edith Darling was the guest of South Omaha friend on Thursday. lnley Eenewlts Is ill at his home on orty-slxth avenue and Pacific street. Mra. Bnoerri's niece, who spent the last week here, returned to her home at RU Oak. Ia., Saturday. Mr. L. Boyer of Eckerman attended the funeral of her uncle, Hiram L. Pickard, In Omaha the first of the week. Miss Martha Crumpacker has recovered from her recent severe illness and re turned to her duties at the Beals school. Mrs. Nelson Pratt and daughter. Miss Minnie, spent Saturday with the narenta Mary Krause, the rormer. Key. and Mrs. K, M. 1 lender Oil. Mr. Sullivsn of South Omaha and hi friend. Miss Ada Gents, were guests oi Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aug he Wednesday evening. Mr. Jensen and family have moved lnt the home of Grandma Hickman, on South Forty-second street, to keep her company mis w;nter. Kev. and Mrs. K. M. Henderson- were entertained at dinner Wednesday evening by George Blakely and wife at their home in c.ast Ambler. Mr. John Blake of Eckerman returned to his position at Orchard & Wilhelm's this week after an enforced vacation of three weeks with a crushed hand. Miss Jessie Faverty re-entered the sixth grade st school here this week. She and her mother recently removed from out the stale to Forty-eighth and Poppleton avenue. J. E. Aughe and wife entertained their youngest brother. W. L Aughe. of Ash land on Saturday. He also visited a nephew, Clonle Ennis, who recently arrived from Wyoming to attend a commercial college here. Rev. W. P. Btambaugh delivered his able lecture. "Cyclones." at Southwest Meth odist Episcopal church Friday night. He gave a graphic description of his terrible experience at Herman, Neb., June 13, 1S99, when that town waa wrecked by a cyclone in four minutes of time. He llluatrated his lecture throughout by scenes which were highly Interesting and showed the cave where he and fifteen other took refuge near the only building left standing in the town of inhabitants. The Ladles Aid society was delightfully entertained at the hospitable home of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Stamhaugh, South Omaha, on Thursday. An excellent dinner was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss M. Hare of California and Mrs. Alton of Chapman. A fine large quilt was com pleted. Miss Herman, principal of the Al bright school, and her corps of six teachers were guest at dinner, as were Mrs. Hon ner and slater, Mrs. Andrews, Mra Ridge way. Mrs. PHI, Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Stowell. There were twenty-eight In at tendance. Proceeds of the dsy. 17. The next meeting will be held next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Josephine Benewlts, Forty-eighth and Parlnc. to quilt all day. Mrs. Flnley Benewits and Mrs. John Gants are on the commute to assist with the lunch. ECHOES OF THE AITEOH Woodaaea of the World. Alpha camp's hall hss been given for Tuesday night to the Cnlform Rank for tne purpose or a masked ratu. l he drill team haa made extensive preparations for the affair. A feature of the entertainment of Tuesday evening will be the presence of the Hoys of w oodcraft. which organization Is making extensive preparations for Its trip to Jacksonville. Fla.. where It will compete for the grand prise to be given the best drilled organisation of the order. The meeting of I'nlted States ranro. Feb ruary I. was a pleasant one. Smoke, story nd song contributed to the enioyment of all. New logs are being rolled Into the camp. Preparations are now being made ror an entertainment to be given In the near future. At the meeting of Omaha-Sevmour cftmn No. 18 last Wednesday evening It was de rided to give a minstrel show In connec tion with the monthly dance of April IS. Next Wednesday evening. Lincoln and Washington's birthday will be celebrated by reading the emancipation proclamation and the farewell address. The glee club will furnish music and speeches will be made by noted orators. The enterrlnmnt committee promises a pleasant evening to tne memrjers, and a large attendance is desired. Fraternal I'aloa of Asserlea. Omaha lodge No. Sll rave a largely at tended social dance at Fraternity hall. Refreshments added materially to the en joyment of the evening. The degree of Mondamln lodge No. Ill will give a mask ball at Its hall. Seven teenth and Famam streets Monday even ing, February 15. The team will alsn give an exhibition drill during the even ing, lasting about fifteen minutes. State Organiser George A. Ostrom ha appointed A. J. Whldden supervising deputy for Banner lodge. Order of Eastera Star. Vesta chapter No. , Order of the East ern Star, will give a valentine card party at Masonic temple on Tuesday evening. February 13, to which all members of the order and their friends are invited. Ancient Order of fatted Workmea. For North Omaha lodge No. ICS the drill team Is preparing to initiate a large class of candidates. The committee In charge of the annual mask hall to be given Wednesday evening. February II. at the temple, reported all arrangements have been completed. Ladles of the Graod Army. The meeting of the Aid soeletv of Gar field circle No. 11. was held Friday after noon at the home of Miss Rose Martin. fi3S South Twenty-second street and was largely attended, as well as being a mot enjoyable affair. The circle will meet In regular aeaislon Monday evening in Its new hall in the Rohrbough block. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Arrengements will be made at this meeting for the reception to be tendered Nat to mil President Mrs. L. R. Foote of penver, who will visit the city In a week or ten days. Members are re minded that the meeting nights of the circle will hereafter be the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Royal Arcanam. Grand Regent T. J. Mackay of the Ne braska Grand Council has sent out a no tice announcing the visit of Supreme Re gent Howard C. Wlgglna to this city on Friday evening. February lfi. A reception will be tendered the distinguished Arcanlan at Edward Crelrhton Institute. 210 South Eighteenth street, between Douglas and Famam streets. The reception will berln promptly at S o'clock. Members of the Omaha and South Omaha and Council muffs councils are cordially Invited to be present. Modem Brotherhood of Aaaerlea. The degree team will give a rrlxe box social and dance the evening of February 22, at Ancient Order of United Workmen temple. Thursday evening the team will hold a business session at the home of E. P. Hicks, 2122 North Twenty-eighth street. Knights of Maccabees. On the night of February 22. the enter tainment committee will furnish something new. John J. Holden, champion wrestler of Nebraska and his trainer will give an exhibition match. Two amateur boxers will also do a stunt. State Commander J. R. Carrothers was present at the last meeting and gave an interesting talk upon the order. Card of Thaaka. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to tho officers and members of Wasa lodge No. 1S3 I. O. O. F.; also Omaha lodge No. SI, International Association of Ma chinists,, and the many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown m during my late bereavement and for the many beautiful floral offerings. ' CARL A. ANDERSON. NEWS CF THE ARMY. Modern Woodmea of America. Benson camp No. Sft Installed Its offi cers last Tuesday. Peputv Head Consul C. H. T. Riepen. assisted by the drill team, commanded by Captain H. G. Armstrong, was the installing officer. After the in stallation ceremony a very entertaining program waa rendered, which consisted of music both vocal and Instrumental. This waa followed with refreshments. On the invitation of Fort Crook camn. No. the drill team of ramp No. 12U will attend a celebration of that camp and give-an exhibition drill. The team will be In command of Captain H. C. Martens, Saturday. February 17, at the post hall. Camp No. 1J0 had an enjoyable smoker last Wednesday evening, the program in cluded muKic both vocal and instrumental. The champion drill learn of Camp No. 120 is making preparation for their fif teenth annual hop on the 21st ef tins month. Like Wild animals that tear and rend you are the pains of Biliousness, Kidney Trouble. ;Cure guar anteed by Electric Bitters; 5oc. For sale by Sherman '& McConnell Drug Co. leave of absence for two months has been granted Major Robert D. Read. Tenth cav alry. Fort Robinson. Private Jacob J. Browning. Troop G, Eleventh cavalry, has been detailed as a clerk at department headguarters. Private John D. Junes, Troop G, Eleventh cavalry, has been relieved from duty as a clerk at de;rlnitnt headquarters and la ordered to report to Fort pes Moines fur outy. Private- Malcom J. lloagland. Troop M. Eleventh cavalry. Fort Les Moines, has been ordered transferred to the hospital coti upon the recommendation of the chief surgeon of the department. Bids will 1 opened at the office of Cap tain T. H. Hacker purchasing commissary at the army building February 20, for lait, I'V pounds of bacon and hams for use of the I'nlted States army in the Philippines. Honorable diachargea from the army have been granted the following named enlisted men of this department: fori oral Charles A. Bond. Co F. Eleventh Infantry, Fort P. A. Rjseell; Artificer. Lawrence C. Faliley, Co. M. Lie ven I h infantry. Fort Mackensie; Corrtoral Alexander Graham. Troon R. Thirteenth cavalry. Fort Kiley and Cor- ! poral Edgar Hall. Co. li. Eleventh infantry. Fort P. A. RusaelL A general court-martial has been ordere.t to convent at Fort Niobrara. Nebraska. February 11 The detail for the court is: Captain John P. O Nell. Joseph P. LelU'h Edgar A Macklln: First lJeutenant Louis li. Chandler: Second lieutenants Do.iai.m t . i i , irMj ih,,., 1 . . . . i. . Ueorge C. Lwrnn. Puul H. Clark, end ' lesh-builder First Lieutenant Frank A. Ball. Judge ad vocate. All f the officers are ot tne Twenty-fifth infantry. The following general court-martial wn tence Uave been promulgat, -0 through headquarter. Department of the Missouri: Private Thomas Robinst n. Troop 1.. Tenth cavalry. Fort Robinson, for conduct preju diical to good order and military discipline, distionnruble discharge and eixht months' imprisonment : Recruit George Morgan. ahite. Infantry. Foit Pes lloines. fir' fiaudulaat f nllminirst. ; dUhuaorabi d- j chaig and our ye.ii iwii-riaoiuui-ui.. la Federal Coort. James Ford, txeoutor of the estate of Elizabeth Ford, deceased, and Jamea and Patrick Ford have transferred their suit from the district to the I'nlted States cir cuit court to enjoin the Burlington from building its railway tracks along Daven port street between Tenth and Eleventh and other streets. Jacob Loodrock sells Salooa. Ja -ob Landroek. who formerly owned the saloon at Twentieth and Popplnton avenue, informs The Bee he is not now the owner of that place and mi not Wednesday night when a fight occurred between two patrons. In which one broae s billiard cue over the other fellow's bead. Mr. Iandrork eaya when he ran the place bil liard rue were not used lor that purpose Roses all the Year Round ! Bloom in cheek once white and sunken, now plump and firm, owing to the use of Uiiiliilj sigoajiin pnanigniii inrfi i . 111 Tkt Cd Lfcwr Oil B mtrns "Far EMalUnci." and Blood-maker. A true l'OOD, not a nerve deadener, nor a mocking stimulant. For consump tive and dyspeptics; for all who art thin, pallid, weak and bloodless. Strengthen your grip on life by taking OZOMULSION at once. Every tis sue in your body will fee! the benefit. At all druggi&ts. There are t inn--ot. and M-es. Bettlesi th fruraiiils it pnaicd ta 7 languages oa sack. OTOMULSION LABORATORIES M P'ne Su Nw York. I lETTEMflM-fflyilf I AN INCOME FOR LIFENOT A SPECULATION In fairness to yourself, and those who depend upon you, read the following THEN ACT. Caution to Investors ITTY STESS! ' " rnse and mat nni te ronfiwd with the mni oiMlwt mining ihism in which In in are irn4 slort. 11 Hooanr Tumi sad attain Ccoiima rrfwi bj sperul Sh. UKO. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. Capital Natlomal Dask, Dewver, Colo. . 1 HK FIRT RATIO'S 4L BAK. Idabo Horloa-a, Colo. N. C. . BIHKIA. Pree't Merrhaate and Miners Natleaal Bank, Mnho prlng, Colo. MR. JOH1 T. NtLLAMRl, Kefr Chaasber of C ommeree, Idaho MR? "uEORMK W. Dl'TTOK, Mining Editor ilf tsnga-ewa, Idaho 9PutwVSw whe'er mom" fw thetr nwwier tr wl e prmtm ft snfl to ke It in-wrtnn-d the tMsaes. rernllr wv.f and a!. JjfJ " ?J?T1 an nsn tw mmm in dMrrwuum in m)j and ri"t nrno Mimes th T'ertywj T. w.M --t te art a. th, nnn-.aj aenl r U,; Ynpanj PI F H( H IHIIKRWOOD, Bperlallat la ProBtahle laveetnaents, 14 Uenr kera street. Chicoa. The earnings of this company should not only pay YOU enormous dividends all the nat ural days ol your Hie, but your children and grandchildren can reap the same benefits. No persons are so poor they can not buy this stock on the Instalments and see better days. No persons are so wealthy that they can profitably alford to Ignore this oiler. H wbo doubts the truth of every stmtemeat mad sneers mt every proof, never becomes wealthy or fmmous for shrewd Judgement. Devoted to Mining as a Businen. 'fla Hroau Tunnel and Minin Cflmpan?, a no JJ""I" t churned ,", i.r-j . stor tuii paid rj T?n fa A M pJMi H ia- tjd B awn of toe nitao renuuuon reveniMa win nnaa w ta nruduo. t uoitt-Dt iac Ufa. Idaho Sprins", Colo. tdalw Ppringa. Colorado ene tt ' tha l"" 2J? 3 th olueia wwmuf ramie In the Btta It i lwtv on tl (Wade 4 SwiUumi lUilreaa. Uolrt I"""": .u.. l-ut ailer. Itd uid line f mind in quantlti-. acrt .m, ewSw. Tb. vahi. of lt "re pmdoo-d hm rum. "V bua ir.liuUt. and (tmi'.-Mt njiiJnj meMaa tat mM Ka. but juat Driu a te owner oieir onunnoua tonn.g. et 3i3;"ltKM,UrNDaE.DI'KODt OlNa M1SW I" tk diaJi aud twi as many new aon to b "J'ji Vhi t raqoirn di.tp trannyo. uuon naut la t lb oras w nulraul k nulla and Uim aiaaus uausinirtaUon uinnait. Vktt is a Trttnt.porlation Tunnel? ... c . ui rk.M nMrtiia nraruoanj In iwar IHNJ -m . . - - - , . . u I t.. tnrid mi inr.r v( aa aaaoj uia. Bit not oiieraud. mm of wian NUJ- " " ITv-ITmTi.. an UTald. nj 1 uwn, in ai-nuBBMore-nhl. ptaeaa spon tb wanunaiu Us sad SV U- v r YXJEZrl. TdJin miow rvwr or emnpanv nrunf baa followed t n '- "to iraild ."VuffiUt aaaac. huil liuJ - irtra. p tb or.. Hue J' stoain and rniaim ensi. llie eoal naa to b. . uT7a-d, aiir-ti-a 1 nan ball a mil. tos mownuia tow otfaumm HHM t2Tl? ihrft. and to tb, tailtoad n-na that anlr Jd. or. ran .IJTljZ oSTrSTTwiSd. Uto hundred, ot 5TrrSad" bTi. tf k-T'r BU of too, iTa .wnW fart, t; "Ji that tl.. on- lna I"- thl-lwr 1 OOO JlK ttaai thlJia. iS thToirfa.0 and lrn two to ton Urae, H1 12, i. ,!S !( imwu tann run thnaajh . surh irl.. t".n into th. totinol and Wtn .tb. or. ftoaa or inad and d.m.p rt Into our raj. aijd Tatuaina " " V"' tLronsh our Vtimcl dirwet to th. railroad at a root to t nun. . "iaV k wbat on. S.IM ran prodnc .h such a i". It, ..in under the etreum.-ane. fim-wlM. In " , r wil nrrue. . tau a.era. ol 6.0t)0 .. a da 20 would , pro- the mtitaa. fx mi our iwmer also eiortne 7r . di. et.. wi'rh at an arera. rate of S! oft tb enat oi operatiu l romnarauvrii ai.Tv ftorti a tui.nel atoo dralna lh walor ret which a nwrfonabte rlsartf i mmrm u in. Irr th. rarlona mines .i fnr th. minora, all of which mean, a nro6t to aa Rich Properties and Perfect Title, ew. ii .nd nrrHlrse of fh llnnane Tonnel and Minir rpanf .- title to the Sr-.Sr.vite.r. rala of United fut. rttjat. it Safety of the Company'" Munasrement. The neoa Ttmnet and ht.n'n Ompanj ' JT'TS Went and Artrrr Manwr. apd "n tlie nnnrlpal -wwwie. Mr. a. Ii. Qmalej. who tm M TJI.V TTT Qniller is a mar ofciejonal aHUtf. "Ch of rtrw and awnsln. wonb. H. u bhlT inrtemwd bj all tb. f"'" of Idaho Sneil-oi and ae.-ral of tu rfiar.1 hanta of toiir, b the liewwr"rr ni'bl"-r. rw th. iwnW ot Omuewir. ana t all who rvwua and inurorlate fl won snd real Bvan horirl. Mr. Qutf.ey If nlillrd to th. OmiranT to earrr lerp-iM wilhoui dirTeoln or hnorrupiie.. to th. fiwaiasx mfile aiirni and in in. aleJi nrwaihl. '" " mrant to aaf-tT. eTncnj and aeniraj hutna nmnwirj. sr. Ouicler s lint i Wall nm ir.m". orboelM la th On. a of atrx k Jnbblns aniT manipulation of the pr' YL., Jl ia a Jrarucal rvl etinipevent man oi B"nrw. i" -'i " rnrtion. xrienr and .urewBi to b. th. orfan'air in. Itudor. and the nwr-etod etiW of Uila entarprtae. M. well ee-atn-Ton ilia rouilliiKKt a iwi.tlr eprie4 in aa editorial ia the Irlaho Snirinfa SlftlnsvNrtwa, as foilowa: "Mr (J'liiil.T. to whom th. omllt ia due for saving mar r.mfu.:r Anaaied this nrnona 'ion. 1 en. of our oldwu ana nvTt impfi latire mtn- -pe-atora. Hi Trin of th. mwia -w (ll'i ard flr Bliona thofein romliis a penod of .MripmH and rj nnoiiMtfrwifd inlrenrT. onromlttMl to lii. ear. will o emiwKTated to tb onwa' de'vant of th. prorrrtoa nndor bis rhu'r. "Iliia takam In eonnfrtlos with the wterh. of the BronanltMns named. W a giiaranto. of s sun aaaf ul iwai.." . .u. on ... i m. . v. u, vi i ' h". a. tnormnn awrwi- , 400 no. t-rwrw taronuwi. nm j-r-y . m.ff, tBrt (m naraol. 1 i r.ara. n w T.'r' mm ni. mi) and etrj ooiiar ; , i. 8. B. QUIOUT, Frost. X. T. k kt Co. the titii rortnf the Mimnf to th. nansporxa AVhy Yon Are Asked to .loin. TV. NrxMr Tnnmtl and Minins Oa. ran borrow snoneh awff. to BOMmlllsh Ita purpnae. bnt tn. diroetnra and at o-fcholr win n pormlt the rowmny to nm tn dew lo audi n j ,t TVm r hta ramLlitt who would rait up tn. moeT. bnt th..- would want to own th buanxi Uaraarl.e. and th th. mml ewrverm and rou. il wu wt a northoMor. would not hatr th proms Uiat th nustnem will sum? earn, r son ar. akl to tome in wtth niit.drls of oth.-a aa a partner and buy at the praaont frwiuaU ttour prir aa murk stork ion T to.Tosl ar yon feel pui ran afford to bur. Th. raanaam.nt of thia Vsnpanr is stvh that tout tnnwt jnt of Si ( or 150 (Vi or S'nnno. or whatrttw anar h. will b. an eniiwientio-.nlT arrountfO for and w-otabrr mors a than if too no th owner of the Company and baa the aetiac nianaaemoat la rout own ebarae. THIS Tl NKXT. (whir is already Bored i . si. l. iarlaVa aeta. sntli saa Wlkl'-fl Ila.Alt tlak B'Taararr TaTa i nnrarprBi a 1 a rn.-e cwwi wiii nj r "-.f" ----!. i""" dred Per Cent. Annually. Tnia Is troasrrrr atnrk that ia offered and th. prin at wklrh on ran pur it e-dav k far below th iM at wbirh ii will h keld whoa th- Tl NNEL M1T.L and MISa wf tb. ConipanT si. in aetiTe operation. If th. atlttat of our rap.ru are rawllaMl bj on-tbina th fin" thay atot.. this atork will be wort divxtord. ht i, rnwicaht. to auppos.. would b. anmiallj pel t Bin vm paj sot n iw, j . ..,. ,.ti. niAinani. rcr iion frnViwi lUvm -d usder tb. law. of tn. Stu of UulofwtOO, How the Company Will Make Money. First op ALL THE -rt si. "'77' iT.J. T dat. mwiiired aljcut S:on.0.,(i6 00 bj .ipwialre aur- fie and ahart wwkimra. B.rrl will D rut una rar. i m "no. n oi ..o.h or. throuan our tunnel to arn tor S. Mnnailr proru of brtwwn on. satwo rni 11 lew o, rtiMlans. ilf.rr "aduAjrii all oirruliis wwl Thai tunnel wtll be b nrodurn fT w.ro than a sacural lifeum. pB.u.ilT.MOOSAi:)al.NE.B ar. th FIRST lo b. ew. V . ., whirt, la now bored to within HWI feet of tn '.h- 3', If or.. arTVBOWNHL.Kl.IB. nbleb ro.iUUn .r.o.i.h ore. e-twrd by enneer, to run ',1 Si cost of minmc or- 4. -o .UtrU that Vrir. KiJOrVaC MILL will b tb third -wnt of lroat. 1Kb wwarsaitk rV lImi TT NNKL thip OoDip-niy will erart at mrt l6! toT ronoSTtratin, rnill whieh will t,ot only trrat th. orwi of th fVmpai.y a rnm-w, but win also do enatom work tor nT MhiTain. " the nexbborhood. H. mii of sock a Liii wSi I. hrtaNi S30(o and IM.OhO a yr of them of .normoua proporriona eonstituto the bnatnaaa ef tb U-vimr, Tunnel and Mlnin Ot.n Pany Thi baiaa a ur.lik n powiuons effansd tne nobuc. IT SOT a apooulauoB ar a uoriBot. (X InreWnl ia Jars rm" ta 1W4 ia now worth SI Ml on, and H arffhtlOB eou wvnU ha. reretd $;ino wi dTtdM-ta. S100 isfasied ia tne ' EJbiou" aunes n stioal 60 daya Bsaj laeit M M "Oeanrt MmrartaJn ahaa wer tartdleri on th strwts of ?t. txaua at lOr, wits but rw berrra. in wi monlna it aoid for It.OO. and In loo ihan two years It was q.naed for 176.00 per Sham, and kas parfd or l.UO0.OOu in diTidrnda. M hat Your Money Should Karn. f 6 SO rash, or 00 patiM. 1.00 down snd 1 00 a month for fl months, will buy 10 shuts of atoi k par ralim I0 no es tlmalwd alu. within ow raar. S2h 00. within two years SMi.no. SI 1.00 rash, or 111 0 parsbi. 10 nrr rnt o.ws and 10 prr cent a Dvnlh for rns nmilha. will bay 30 aharea of Mork. pal fahw S30.0O ostiatod val'M wlthia on year SW.On, .-tuna two years, IICIO.OO , Srs.no raah, or 24 00 narabl. 10 par rent w and 10 per rent a month for nm. nvwtha, will bu 40 .Ham- of atorB. par ralu. SlC.OO, M'maled rain within on year S100.0O. wilhis too Tmra. S Jraj Sao OA .mL or S4S oft isnH. 10 ner rent down and 10 per ewtt a rnith tor n nr ai aitna, will buy Ho share, of atork pa' . wiuiiu o per rent down ana le n srlll bur ISO atiaiw of stork. In. wiinla on rear S4O0.O0. IthlM M H. r. tSISl Of, 17 00 raah. or S1P2 ' psyahlr lo per rrt down and 10 pn sent a nv-nth for nine saotitha. w-.Il ha) 330 shares of stork par ttIub S33O 00. ntanatod .sine wlthia on ytwr SftnoOO. within two .... I Sufi SST2.0O eaah. or fllM On parabl 10 per rmt down and 10 p' rwrt a month for nine montha. will Nit 40 atiarea of " par rains feed 00 sttmstru salo within ose fra SVM within twr yr.ni, S3 ?lO. , I70 00 mail, or Sisaioo pawahle 10 t eeet down snd 10 ir rant par month for run. maclha. will buy t.20 aharraof stork, rau- ralw 1,10. rrtlsialr 1 ralu within on ysar SS.IOO. wllhio bwo ywara. S6.400. ... tl X-& 00 raah or II, WW OS narabl. 10 prr rent down and 10 par n-ot anonth for Bine mobtba. will hwr IMS ahsrtw of stork, par ralu. 2 mo swUSBstol ralu. wtUis one year .0u. wilhln two years. 1 1 2 , "00. . . I X r, nil raidi. or $S.T2 00 parable 10 per rent down and 10 per rant s month 1 w nin. moelba. will bey a.ll aharrw of ato-k par ra! $5 12n satiniaud ralua within so year$ ll.soti. wllhau twe nan. Slib.000. Be One of TJ on Eay Term. Ton ran Uke adranlae of a real OPPOP.TTMTT and to a iiartner tn tho ntrpr1e on terms thst ran not he a sunr.w of rrK-onrenasnrav Yon ptooahlT nftm snmd nw. wirmry is a atnei. itai an aatttsnMot r thinaa that sr. uwneraasary than would be rasiiked to hay a Uod bloi-k of Una stork. Subscribe at Once to Inwurc (iettiiifr Any of Thin Stock. If row wast further particulars bfnr suharrininf . wri'e at mm t th. inMaiaTiod. The dlrortor rrf the Hooaar Tunn.1 and altntns Oosnpsny hay. das-ided to oflrr thla atoi k st bo rents a ahare on iTiatsHm-nta, er 66 rout, a aharr If paid for ossh Titli aubarrlptjoti. for a abort period only. Tny liaiil iha pnrflr. of advanrinr V'-r pnr wi-iimii ncsins pric WILJ. Bbj i' hcsci' i.fti ii'i.i aa trsltfv rrrtJl It raarnoa or earreda tb par salne ef II. On par ahasw. The Crnmimrj rearrvaa th. rtyht to tak. th. atork off tha m'k.t at any l-m- th derrlofmrnt of the biia1nea would asris to hviir.1. that th. ftimrr Mi. of atork in eatir-ly unna-mary. It r b)i-d that Ui Tunnel, whlrh is alrrsdy run ft and whlrh will aonn stnk. tb. arost Hooaar Tain, will pmdwee ramarh rwsoBisr fnm our own MINE to pay sll furtbrr opera I in npmav rat of MII.I. rrnrt-nrttm snd less, an atnni prunt boridsa. It j not .an idle and ateraDtypad phrus to aaj to you. A(T NOW. ' Thar, ia a tide In tii aesrrs of ataa wbirh. taken at ita flood, hwida on to fort on." et Biihr-t rofrrmoa in behalf of hoth fb. rvwipanT and Its ereM, thr nsderaicnod will he forward. to th'a who rsntnT tram. Tb rooat romnlrte infonratKai, Uicioriin rirerrrment niana. nr.. will ha supt I 'd. To swt ir sny inyotirtloo tst anTlXDlilurAU BASK.TRl'eT UPAMT.. OATlTAUaT I c- BTyrtlfATK wishes to undertake, ia Ti i makui aa ..... ., rtrrr farltltT will b aucnlied for sorb aa t-o- ti as lion hot any delas do in eoh witl not power you arainot the inrrsBa. tti th piliw M this stork It la are eflj-ed at maar tlrom lo than lis rwsl saliw in th. ostimatlon of the Irire.-tora and nrsMnt torkholdw. snd will o. sdranrerl 7n rwr owrt r roor.'rebniarT 28th. fltUCK APTION 11 MMKSKAMT IF Tnr-tT;T TO OBT IN AT THE rRBSCNT AB3fRpi.T and the cirruBnatanrea ton. tiluuua At ahar maby tanas more than ran aa te par Pant Opportunities; That Have Produced Vast Fortunes Thought to be Dupli cated by the lloonac Tunnel ana Mining: Co. Enterprise TV. man or woaan wbo baa a prreoncm.ad notion that tn msunenta ia a Vtiiunf enarpns. na tot la nroniakU to th f-all mseator had lit in.mUiStr th fans before bvnmtns IM firmly wrdded to I tlorr A 'sw of the rum op. uvttiu'llas tl-at wore orlrred the amall ln'.ator lib. srnwal pi.lkKI, piorawir to. sasae as tha nronuaiuan is noln uaaraa. si a loaloas. "Talon Ooaaolida ed" was enotse at Me a ahar. and In a rear was l ling for 10 00 B sham. Tha asaa wbo buu(h 60 aharaa at 14.60 ad. tnov on thr transaction, in addition te lua diyt dnds. Tb. asaa who bourbt a fmatrr B.mbor of aharsa aaad la pronortton. Tha "Oonaolidatod Virginia'' raws froaa llr par ahar ta loft within a ainsl rear. 126 la "Isabella" In ISfcS O nuw worth SI iMO.OO. and. in ad anion, rnu nar rrfr4 in dlridenda. 1100 lnrwM "old Ooin" lSf4 la not 52 000 00. aa itioa yon has iwnalro is aUndraoa. milt SMO.tO worth ra ad- Sl.l COUPON ..ii F1EBCK CMsEAWOUD. Haitlanl Bid.. Cbleate. lloar Wr. I hsrsrr mharrlb. for aharaa of th. i-anlial stock ef th. Houaw Thbb1 A Btining CO., Idaho Ruiiis Oolorado. and a? to iwy you prr ahar. inoc rrr ahar if your rrmittano pay your suhaniptlun in fiill or rr if you pay on installment, ef 10 par oant now snd 10 par oral par aunt,) I n class henwith my remittsntw for rieas aekBowMa. rereipt. Vours trily, MaBM NOTKt Ks wbarrintloB for las than ten okaraa will -Kb a verted. If you has 6 60 or ran aas i.00 a Bsontk lor sax avail bs yon ran own ton shares in th Company, mora if ytiu caa any for them. Ifeoa't delay. BHitomba for all you rau uai for, eltlier at im or las a--r '! inatallmoau. TOC WOri'T BsUJKBT IT. O.B.4. HOOAO Tt HNfU, A SUMKO CO. 1 Fill Ont, Cut Off" and mail the Conpon TODAY. fSend r "T SubaTiptlon and ItenrManr dirert te Rank of Oatomaroa. Maatiasa. Nek. Oh PIERCE UNDERWOOD, aerial at la ProntaMo InT.atanenU. Financ'l Apt., 140 Dearhom-at., Chiearro THIS STOCK WILL INCR: SE IN PRICE 25 PER CENT ON OR BEFORE FEB. 28 Make the Profit by Buying Now gror.2 MALT EXTRACT ii,rt not dope or drug, but fc:dt the body and soothes tiie t-rrve in the mott plraunt, nat-u-il any. It is boon to th I -iln-uorLa, the convalescent, :he nurslr.g mother, or any one err ding a nutritious, pabuUe kccce to coax back itrensth I t'x body or the f. uih of health te .he cJiecs.t. proirjnent phj a cits recommend k. Order a caa ( sus. borUta). At I a -IvVt li ra wtaj is l asi'iAiaaonftMuiW i X:4 Homeopathic Medicine Our store Is the larsest aepot for Homoeopathic Medicines In be found ta th wrest. We are in a posi'lon to upiar WHOLESALE nl KETAIL Dl.l'O HOLfeKH. a well as r'rTYPl CIAHfJ and RETAIL TRADE. KOTE When ordering- alwavs stat what form. (pill, liquid or posrler). of Inodloire I desired, sJso what trastb. Stierman&McGonnellDrusCo. Cor. lota and Dodato ttav. Osaaka. Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember it only taaWaa. extra stroke or two of tb pen to mention, tb faot that raa saw lii ad. la Tt ..TO.. forna Daily, February 15 to April 7, via the Koek Island. Use Free Keclininjt; Chair Cars or ay a very moderate cum for berth in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car. Take your ehoiee of two good routes, via KI Paso Short Line or through Scenic Colorado. Through cars both ways. Our Tourist Folder will be of interest. Gladly furnished on request. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS Five Fast Trains DAILY TO Chicago nd the East via the CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY over the only double track ri'lway between the Mis souri River and Chicago. This complete service includes Pullman drawing room and private compart ment sleeping cars, parlor cars, composite observa tion cars with library and buffet-smoking apartment, free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and dining cars (a la carte ser vice.) Ticket an 'tl! lot of Ballon oa H4 cariu is tu ket v&u 1401 and 1403 Fimam St, OMAHA, NEB.