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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRTTABY II, 1908, Report of 4h Eiamlitatloa of fhe Rrl Mataal Life luxrair rnmpinr aa Made or tlta Ininranr Depurtinf ( of Iowa, Piled la the OBlr at the Aadltor of -State February 1. THIS REPORT H IMRMSHEn RY THR tflMPUT. !! Moines, lorn. Nov. . 19yn Hon. It. P. Csrroll, Auditor if State. Dee Moines, la. Sir: In compliance with your Instructions. I rntnmnnd an examina tion of the condition of affairs of the loyal I'tilon Mutiinl I Jfe Insur ance t'ntnptny on October 9th. 19T, anil havlhir thla day completed the ante, I beg to report as follow: This company was first organised January 12th. 185. In Marahalltnwn. fa., under the nam of tho Royal I'nlon Fr1ndlv Society, ort the fraternal plan, with rate, however, equal to thoee of a etn reserve i'nnipn. On March ISth, a reorganisation and reincorporation waa effected on a legal reserve basis, and the name was ohanged to the Royal I'nlon Mutual Llfo Insurance Companv. New Articles of Incorporation and Ry-lvtws were adopted at thla time, and on September 21. 1886. the mid Article were mended, fixing tlie Inflation of the company home office at Des Moines, Iowa. On Mav 57th. IW. the company reinsured the risks of the Iowa Mutual IIf Insurance Company of Cedar Rapids. Iowa, a legal reserve ompanv organized on the mu'tml plan, acquiring thereby an amount of Insurance of about (Jftnwn by Individual agreements with each policyholder. The German-American Mutual I.lfc Association of Atlanta. .. a stipulated premium association, which had been In existence for about nine months, bv an agreement dated Sept. 171th. 1896. reinsured Its mem bers, bv re-exanilnatlon and re-rarina- on ft legal reserve basis, In the Royal Mutual Company, the said company taking; over by this agreement an amount of t'2it),"' of Insurance. On Mav 18th. 1899. the I'nlon Ufa Insurance Company of Omaha, Neb., legal reserve stock company, re-Insured lt risks with the Royal I'nlon Company, the latlr company acquiring by this transfer and agreement Some (2.000.000 of Insurance., It Is evident from the fact of the large proportion of the risks re Insured ns above now remaining on this company's books, that an ex cellent clrss of huslnena won obtained thereby. There Is no evidence that any consideration whatever oiher ttuin that stated In the agreements on file, was paid for the nald btisineHS, and the agreement Indicate that It waa obtained at a low cost. UlARANTEB PI'Mll. "Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation, provide aa follows: Section 1 At any time or times when In the Judgment of the di rectors It shall be to the best Interests of the company to establish a guar antee fund there may be a guarantee fund subscribed to this corporation, which shall not exceed One Hundred Thouaand Dollars In the aggregate, to lie dlvried Into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, and at least half of the tots! amount of the gusrantee fund so established shall be paid In. In money, wfthln ninety days after the subscribing of such funds, and the remainder shall be subscribed and secured as by taw required In urh cases of subscription to the capital stock of Joint stock companies. The )wrt of snld guarantee fund which Is subscribed and secured aa aforesaid may be called for by the directors from time to time when they deem It neces sary or expedient, and shall bo paid In, In money, when 'so called for. Bald entire guarantee fund shall stand aa a guaranty with the other assets of the. company, to meet all obligations to policyholders and all liabilities of the company. Section 2 The paid In guarantee fund shall be Invested In such e curltles as are provided by the statutes of the state of Iowa for the In vestment of life Insurance funds, and such securities shall become a part of the assets of the company. The entire assets of .the company shall stand ns an Indemnity and guarantee of all risks and liabilities of the company. Section 8 The Investment of the guarantee fund shall be at the same rate at that of other Invested assets of the company, and all Interest readied from such Investment shall Insure solely to the benefit of and be long only to the shareholder of said fund, and thn amount thereof shall be PAia over to the shareholders at the time and In such manner and amounts (but at least once a year) aa the board of directors may determine. v Section 4 The Hoard of Directors shall have power to declare dividends on the unimpaired guarantee funJ from the net surplus earnings of the cc ir.pany In an amount not exceeding the equivalent of 7 per cent per annum, as compensation to said shsre holders for guaranteeing with such fund the risks and obligations of thn company. Section & A majority of the directors may at any time, after twelve years from the dates of establishing such fund, authorize the withdrawal of aid fund; provided that such withdrawal shall not Impair the strength and stability of the company. pectlon 8 No transfer of the guarantee fund shares of this company hall be deemed valid unless made upon the books of the company by the person or persons having the power to transfer the same upon the surrender of the certificate. In accordance with the above. It was voted by the Board of Directors, at a meeting held October 6th, 18!7, to establish ft Guarantee Fund, and subscriptions and cash to the amount .of (nO.OOO were received before the date of December 31. 1897. On November 1st. 1900. the Board of Directors voted to Increase the amount of the Guarantee Kund to the run limit or 1100. non, as provided In the Articles of Incorporation above quoted, and cash subscriptions to the amount of tho additional (50,000 were received before the date of December 31, 1900. A copy of the share certificate Issued to subscribers, and a list of the share holders with the amounts of Individual Interests, are attached hereto. A, total of 7 per cent, Including Interest and dividends. Is now paid annually on the par value of the shares. . Rome question has been raised as to whether or not the company should treat this fund as a liability In making up Its annual statement. In view of the ubove, I deem it but proper to state that In an opinion now on file In your office, the Attorney General of Iowa has held that the Guaran tee Fund of this company, created aa It has been and as it Is now being held, is not a liability and should not be so treated In the annual statement of the company. . MAXAGEME3T. The affair's of the company are now managed by a board of eleven directors, six of whom are elected by the policy holders and five by the share holders. Regarding the election of directors. Article V, Section 2, of the Arti cles of Incorporation; read as follows: ' " Section 2 The Board of Directors named In these Articles shall be divided by lot Into three equal classes. Tho first class shall hold office until the next ensuing Annual Meeting; the second class until the second Annual Meeting; the third class until the third Annual Meeting. Their suc cessors shall be elected by the policy holders ul ihelr Annual Meeting In January of each year, for terms of three years each, and until their sue. censors arc elected and qualified. In the event of the establishing of a guarantee fund, as by these arti cles provided, the share holders of such fund shall have the right to select by election, additional directors equal In number to those to be elected by the policy holders, who shall have powers co-ordinate with the existing di rectors In the management of the affairs of this company until the redemp tion of the guarantee fund, when their offices shall cease. Said additional directors and their successors shall be elected In such manner and. for such terms of ofllce aa the share holders may provide; provided, that nothing In the above shall operate to prevent the share holders from selecting among Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company OF DES MOINES. IOWA. f flAXK D. JACKSON. PrwtluVfit. GILBERT B. PBAV. JAMES TAOfJAKT PRIETLE", Med. Director. SmXKV A. FOSTER, Secretary. Treasurer. N. M. HUBBARD, Jr., Oeneral Counarl. TWENTIETH ANNUAL; STATEMENT, DECEMBER 31, 1905 AVAILABLY! FTTNDS LIABILITY ES. .. . ... . I Present Value of Outstanding Policies, being amount required by .Mortgage ioans secured oy nrst liens on larm lano in rowa. , ,-,.-,, hv Insurance Department of Iowa. it.ltr. t on us.;.tm nn present Value of supplemental Lontract not involving Ufa Con tlngepoles Without Improve tnents. Amount loe ned. No. of A App. Value Av. Amr, Rate of Loaned Interest Missouri. Nebraska, South Dakota and Oklahoma Loans to Policy Holders Agents' Balances Bee u red br Bond Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Amount of Premium Due and Preferred Cash In Bank and Office '. Total Available Funds. ... INCOME DURING 1906. Deceived for Premiums Received from Interest and all Other Sources.. ' Total Interna ...... i.n.M 9,066 33.116.30 K.XH.fll ft, 756,35 ..n, .1 MO.M.m ,438.0tl 838,72. 88 All Other Liability Total Liability Surplus to Follcy Holders DISBURSEMENTS AND A CCTTM UI xAT I ON 8 . Paid Policy Holders All Other Disbursements . Total Disbursements Balance of Income Accumulated a.nfiaoo io.5.a ,...1.3f.7.Stt!W .... l&o.4.7 l.(O7,917.00 ....$ 142.4a.1ft Pre Value. Acres. Per Acre. Per Acre. Realized ioxva rAnvt tms'R. t !tT.!Ufi linear II4V5 4,xM R. 24 SOUTH DAKOTA FARM LOANS. 47.S1 14.241 LS3.V .L'14 9 M C"A FARM t1ANS. 40.f.' " -"V" 104 UISHOURI FARM LOAK& , its; .. ..iMA FARM liOANS .?) T. HC..HH 11.417 33 S3 KANSAS FARM I1AN8. nn n urt ji 2 XI DES MOINK8 AND OTHRR cTT LOANS (WITH IMPROVEMENTS J'.jn 70.04" 40.1HI $.f7 7 4F. I 44 13 34 8 s 3i tn I fe ll 43. THS flP.Ml Il.f,1.:i4 $ 35. Wl 4 343.070. i4 Total Disbursed and Aeoumulated $ 638,728.69 Insurance) in Force December 81, 1905 f 15,170,104.00 Deposit with Auditor of Htate of Iowa 1,879,077.44 Kxceaa: of Irpoit above amount required by law. . . 71,214.44 Gain Poring Yoar in surplu to Policy Holders $27,810.00 Per cent of actual eipectcd Death Loaatw 50.2 Pet. Rate of Interest and Profit earned on mean Invested funds. . .6.11 lflnn 1SW2 19"3 1904 ,40,CM i6on,5M t.3J,477 4.246.160 ,f l,t6,6m .1M.4 i,C3S.S0S 2.1W.SW .606.SM t6i,0 10,2T7.4 772,07 1.34.60n 12.SW.725 a,0t.2M 1.1RH.794 14.34Z1W a.06, 4tW The eomnanv had. oil June 30. 1905. s,M policies in fore. Insuring 114.429.08. In thla total I have Included no policies on which the premiums were more than sixty days overdue on June 10. 1P0&. Tha valuation schedule includes 676 new policies, insuring 1872,000, on which tha premiums had re mained unpaid more than sixty dsya, which policies were deducted from the total shown by the said schedule. I had allowed tham to remain on tha schedule for the reason that about two-thirds of them have since been paid and the work of adjustment by cancellation and reinstatement on Decem ber Jl. 1906, will thus be lessened. It should be stated that had the premium collection been made with the same doaenesa In June as ia usual in Decem ber, the amount of Insurance herein shown to b In forco would be about $16,016,000. ... I 1 And that the company carries policies payable In a fixed number of Installments at death without other option, at the said face amount of the Insurance account. I have advlsod that this should be changed, and that In the future all such policies should be carried at the present value of the in stallments. On the other hand, the company has failed to take credit In Its Insurance account for the accrued temporary Insurance on return premium policies, of which there are a considerable' number. Aa the amounts Involved In these two omissions will but slightly reduce the Insurance account when adjusted, and aa proper reserves are held on both forms of policy, 1 have not corrected the reported amount In forca Juna 80, 106, but an ad justment will be made In future reports. LOSSKS BY DEATH. The following table shows th percantago of death losssa to mean mm,n, mt fnr the. niaat ten veaTSl Year. Mean Amount of Risk. Death Losses Incurred. 16 f 1.836.813 I M IK 2.H81.971 17,000 1.S7 4.090,813 23.000 lsf 4,761,!T 26.000 W9 6.102.67 68,500 KK 6.174.707 103.000 1901 8.348,401 . 1902 ,8S1,39 71,026 190S I 11.280.62 8.600 inru . 13 312.9fi 101.600 The figures for the percent urn oi aciuat to expeciea mortality ior ine v,iri nrovinna to 190a were, unfortunately, not made by the company. and I could not take the time necessary to compute them without unduly prolonging the examination. It must be understood that the percentages given above are only valuable as an approximate comparison between the years, and should not be taken aa illustrating the true mortality experience of the company. ' , ...... A close estimate of the percentage of actual to xpected deaths for 1905 gives the low figure of 60.3, which Indicates a careful selection of risks, and this condition is verllled by an inspection of the proofs of death and the applications. , . , , , . The Iowa business of all companies shows a remarkably low mortal ity the lowest, In fact, of any state; this being due In part to the salu brity of the climate, but is principally due to the temperate habits of the people themselves. Cases of fraud or misstatement in the applications are comparatlvoly rare, which fact speaks well for the honesty of the Insuring public In this state. . .....,., Under the above heading It should be stated that all the company' policies provide that payment shall be made within sixty days from the date of acceptance of proofs of death. It is the practice of this company to defer payment until the end of the sixty-day period specified In the policy, making partial payment In cases where money Is urgently needed by the beneficiary. This practice Is defended on the ground that there Is a considerable saving of Interest on account of the deferred payment, for the remaining pollcv holders, and thnt It allows time for the company to detect possible cases or rraua. i no inner conicnuun in piainuu jus tified by the experience of the company. It may be questioned, however, whether the gain In interest alone warrants the deferring of payment. It Is evident that there la no unnecessary delay In obtaining proof and com pleting claims and releases. This fact 1 have verified by a careful In spection of the profits of death on file. RECEIPTS AD EXPEXDITIRES. I have brought the examination to the date of September 3wtli. 1905, Inclusive and have made a careful audit of the books and accounts to that date. The following are the receipts and expenditures during 1904 and 1906. according to the ledger accounts: (RRCBIPTS 1904. Balance of Ledger assets Dec. SI, 19o8r as reported 21,011,529.08 Add agents' debit bals. and other not admitted Itema December 31, 1903 14.789.99 Pet. .83 .69 .66 . .63 .97 1.26 .84 .72 .61 76 I 32.61(03 48.917.uu NON-LEDOBR ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1906. Interest due and accrued Net uncollected and deterred premiums .. Orosa asset, June 30, 1906..... Lesa items urutdmlted: Furniture and fixtures 4 6.010.67 Commuted commission ...m. 6.HU.M Agents' debit balances unsecured 10,112.13 11,744 35 Total admitted assets, June 80, 1906 LIABILI1IE8, JUNE JO, 1906. Terminal reserve on policies and addition. Act, 4 per cant.. Lesa reserve on policies reinsured ...11,407,12(13 .. LIS7,(88.00 .. 1,(26.00 l,,.tH,HW, Nat reserve mm,... Death losses unpaid , Leaui luaecv rcvmiou., ,,... Present value of supplementary contract iTemlums paid in advance Dlvidenda due policy holders Agents' salaries and expenses due and accrued Salaries of officers and director due and accrued, durplus Total liabilities 81,407.126.33 The following are tha receipt and expenditure during 1906, to and in cluding September 20: RECEIPTS TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1906. Balance of net ledger assets, December 31. 19i4 11,227,327.94 Oross new premiums received $ 89,607,(4 Less returned premium (424.12 Heinsurano premium 170.00 695.02 41,226,28.00 6,0400 6,oijo.oO 83.844 00 ..i0 i.lMM 810.00 4ft. 84 181,940.96 I 89,312.92 Dividend applied to purchase add. (no ledger ac count) , 271.96 Surrender value applied to purchase adds, (no ledger ac count) 435.60 Total new premiums 90,038.88 Oross renewal premiums received ,. M,b6o.9i Less: Return premiums 44298 Reinsurance premiums 8,M8.o2 4,131.60 1302, 434.10 Dividends applied to pay renewal premiums, no ledger account 8.924.84 Total renewal premium $306,858.94 Premium note, loan or lien restored by revival of policies 4,661.72 Total premium Income Interest on mortgage loans , Interest on premium notes, loan or Hen ...t 36.44S.94 ... 15.6J3.10 t 400,(49.04 Total Interest 62.070.04 Bills payable 4.UU0.O0 'Total halance of net ledger asset Dec. 31, 1903.. their representatives on tha board of directors one or more of tho then ex-' Gros new premiums receivea isting directors, who shall act In common a representatives of both Inter- l,ess: neiurn premiums... .$ 440.15 n,O26.S19.07 ..$US8,871.D4 esis. . Any vacancies occurring In the board of directors, shall, at their an nual meeting, be filled by the representative bodies who originally elected the directors whose office has become vacant. 1 Five of tha six directors elected by the policy holders under the above quoted, section, are directly Interested In the guarantee fund aa share holders therein, so that the policy holders have but one representative on the .board who is not interested In tho said fund. I think that this condi tion should be changed and that no dlretcor elected by the policy holders should be In any way Interested,' as a shareholder or otherwise, in the Guarantee Fund. . Unusually full and complete racords of the proceedings of the Board of directors and the Executive Committee of said board are kept, and K is evident from a careful reading of these records from organization, that the responsibilities and direction of the affairs of the company have been and are conscientiously and faithfully assumed. A list of the Board aa at present constituted is hereto attached. ' .'Notices are sent to policy holders sixty duys before the annual meet ing for the election of directors, and proxy forms are sent to the new pol icy holders with these notices. Copies of the nottcu and proxy form, are attached hereto. ripeuklng generally concerning the matter of proxies, I believe that, If given at all; they should not be valid for a longer period than the date of tho annual meeting of the policy holders for the election of directors next following thn dale of fhelr Issue; in other words, that they should expire at the time of adjournment of the meeting for which they aro given and a new proxy should be issued for every subsequent annual meeting and eleo tion. It should not, however, 'In my opinion, be mode too easy for an hon est and efficient management to he. removed from office. lllri)!JM)S. ' The company writes most (' ita policies with a deferred dividend pro vttlon. though annual dividends are provided. If asked for In the applica tion, commencing two years after Issue. A very conservative policy is fol li.wr't tv th company lu tlxliig the amount of these annual dividends; mall Initial amounts, with a steady Increuse each year, being puld. Com Ieti,in lias Increased thn cost of obtulnlng new business during the past ,en years or more in thin and most other companies to such an extent that dividends . have been materially affected thereby. V - " POLICY 4-4IXTRACTS. The policy contracts are curefully drawn and cleur &nd liberal In their provisions; the Interests of the. policy holders being conserved therein, mid cash, loun, paid-up and extended insurance values are granted. The earlier issues were written on the full reserve hnsls without preliminary term, but all policies issued during the past ten years provide fur valuation and loading on the one-year preliminary term basis. The usual plans or forms of ' Insurance are followed wit1 some few exceptions, the rates In all eases being adequate, to provide the legal reserve with a proper, loading for expenses. There aro a few assessment policies still In force taken over rrom the I'nlon Life Insurance Co. of Omaha. Neb. The company treate these .policies as natural premium lasuea and properly charges a rate equal to the full natural net premium on the basis of the Actuaries' 4 Per Cent Table, with a small loading for expenses, and any saving on mor tality or Interest Is returned to the iolley holder In the form of dividends. 1 Dtuing a period from 1X9K to 194 Inclusive, the company issued policies with a provision for a loan of 26 per rent or more of each premium called nn "Advance Dividend." which loan with Interest wus made an Increasing ' lien against the policy, to he deducted at death or surrender or maturity, some of these policies providing for a return of a part of the premium loan, In case of. death during a specified period. No policies with the "Advance Dividend" feature have hern issued since July 1st. 19i4. ' , The guarantees are. In most cases, equal to the Actuaries' 4 Per Cent llcserve, hut a careful examination shows that they are not in excess of the said reserve In any cane, and are therefore within the legal limit. 1 Speaking, generally, 1 should ray that while the payment of the full reserve In ease of surrender may be an attractive feature to prospective ."' and retiring policy holders. It works somewhat to the Injustice of those who remain. dnce the cost of replacing the surrendered policy must be borne by them collectively. A moderate forfeit should be required of those withdrawing, for the purpose of meeting this cost. The higher surrender values also offer a great temptation to policy holders to drop their Insurance artel to "twlHt" the policy that Is. to Induce the Insured to surrender it and ' apply ha value to the payment of premium on a new iiollcy In the same or ' Home 'other Company at an advanced age. This practice aim-ays results In an eventual loss to the Insurer, even If. bs In many of these cases, he obtains a rebate on the nw premium from the agent (notwithstanding the law and the rules of the company against It) In addition to his surrender ; value en the old policy. I find that the company has. in one rase, accepted the principal sum .' under one policy tlo.Onn, which sum became payable at deathi. as a trust fund paying to the widow of the insured 4 per cent Interest thereon. While this ia undoubtedly a good business proposition for the company, , since the average rate of interest on their mean assets exceeds per rent, 1 have advised that this arrangement la not poriulselble, for the reason that the policy did not provide for It as an option, and therefore there was no ' life contingency. . The amount has since been paid i$5.0iio to the beneficiary. ' AttKST. COMMISSION" A D 0Tlt At TO. I 'have marie a thorough examination of the company's agency con tracts, and I find that In some cases thn commission and bonuses paid thereunder, are. In my Judgment, excessive. lu many cuses. continuous .. renewals are allowed, idepondlng. however, upon the production of a stated , amount of business. While the three managing agents having the largest y allowances are producing business in excees 01' the minimum required by the rontracts. and the tutld hurtneps Is 01 good quality and persistent, I do . not consider that the company would be justified In renewing those con tracts on the same terms, as the cont is too heavy in proportion to Its ' resources. . There would be equal. If not greater persistence in premium ., payments If more margin were retained on commissions and paid nut in r, increased dividends to policy holders. t'nder these conditions, agents should nud It easier to write Insurance, and their renewal Income would be increased. Aa before state,!, under the headin "Dividends." the cost of new busi- ness is excessive in most companies, and I beg to state It as my opinion thjt V the evil can only be satisfactorily cured by concerted action by the state for .the restriction of expenses and compensation to tgenls. It Is undeniable v that It Is dentiable to increase the volume of Insurance In force if It can b done at a reasonable cost, since the Vroportlunate expense of management " is. or should tie. decreased thereby, and there is also a gain on account of ' frh medical ne,.rtloii. 1 nese ara rarlora which should Increase dividend ia a company which Is otherwise carefully and economically managed, which IS' tha fact In the present instance . ISt HA4 K ACt Ol ST. ' The following la thn Insurance account for the past ten years, compiled from tho annual reporta to ttie auditor of state: Veer. Risks Written Terminated. In Force Dec 'Reinsurance premium 1.879.75 1.ST9.90 Dividends applied to purchase adds (no ledger avect). Surrender values to purchase adds (no ledger acct).. Total new premiums ' rAB. ...... -1 1 nrnmhimt received Less: Return premiums ....( 3K5-j Reinsurance premiums 6,132.24- 8187.0G1.R4 180.36 6M.90 .(167.9aj.80 372,956.44 6,518.10 1367.438.84 . 4.783.86 Total receipt to Sept. 80th, 1906. inclusive 1,6M,347.02 EXPENDITURES TO SEPT. 30. 1905. Death claims, including additions 67,777.00 Matured endowments l.OuO.Oo Premium notes, loans or Hens voided by lapse 34.640 45 Surrender values paid In cash li,67fi.35 Surrender value applied to purchase additions 453.60 Dividends paid policy holder in cash 3,391.81 Dividends applied on renewal premium 3,94.84 Dividends applied to purchase additions 271.1M Total paid policy holders Dividends to guarantee fund share holder Commissions and bonuses to agents, first year... Renewal commissions to agent Agents' salaries Other agency expenses Agency supervision and managerial ex p. (traveling! Medical examiners' fees Mcdlcnl directors' fees Inspection of risks Officers' salaries , Employes' salaries Rent Advertising Printing and stationery Postage .. Legal expenses Insurance taxes and department fees , Acturlal services Collection and exchange Express and freight Loan expense Office expense Subscriptions to Insurance Journals Telegraph and telephone : Bill payable 1 Dividends applied tJ premium (no ledger aocount). Total renewal premiums 3372.222.20 Premium notes, loans or Hens restored. by revival of policies i.bfA.iA Total premium Income Interest on mortgage loans.. , .itt .ys Interest on premium notes, loans or Uena 23.lfc9.08 ..( 113,535.91 7,000.00 75.384.10 21.ttbO.tiO 4.015.00 tf.61J.00 1.2J6.10 4.675.60 2.023.00 1.666.66 16.9iH.u6 8,132.98 2.340.92 1.953.68 .. 3.861.66 i.200.18 4.334.2S 9.971.31 1.010.63 612.84 188.78 1.071.37 783.31 121.60 282.H8 4.O0O.0O Total Interest Bills payable , Total receipts EXPENDITURES 1904. Death claims, Including additions Premium notes, loans or Hens voided by lapse , Surrender values paid In cash...... Surrender values applied to purchase adds, (no ledger account). Dividends applied to pay reiwi premiums mo iiroi Total exDendltures : Balance of net ledger assets, Sept. 30. 196 I Invested in the following I LEDGER ASSETS. SEPT. 30TH, 1905. . I Mortgage loans (Including loan tax Hen, (38.66) ru" :s 4 1 Policy loans ; iV.....ot J Advance dividend certificates i Interest on advance certificates . 1 Premium notes and Interest ' Commuted commissions Furniture and fixtures Agents' debit balances Cash In ofllce Cash In bank ( H7.iK16.14 13,000.00 (1,649,090.75 ..( 94.683.67 .. 28,768.12 .. 17,671.86 .( 293.950.10 . 1,390.396.92 ,.t 919.589.65 1 .. 179.3il.70l .. 203, (99.63 I 22.416.02 : 22.418.65' 5.621.55! 6.167.12 1 28,087.96 ! 1,013.16 1.961.68 Total ledger assets. Sept. SO, 1905 NON-LEDGER ASdETS, SEPT. 80TH, 1906. au' I Interest due and accrued 4,783.86 I K't uncollected and deferred premiums nu-iHenris armlied to nurchaee additions (no ledger account) 180.26, Dividends paid policy holders In cash 3,234. id Total paid policy holders...... Dividends to guarantee fund snare holders Commissions and bonuses 10 agents lat year.. Renewals, commissions and bonuses to agents Agents' salaries Other agency expenses and allowances Agency supervision and managerial exp. (traveling, etc.). Mexlical examiners' fees Medical directors' fee Inspection of risks Officers salaries - Employees' salaries , - Rent Advertising Postage Printing and Stationery ' l'gal expenses Furniture and fixtures Insurance, taxes and department fees Acturlal services , Collection and exchange Express Iiun expense Office expense 1 Subscriptions to insurance Journals Telegraph and Telephone Bills payable ' Total expenditures .' Bulance of net ledger assets, Dec. 31, 1904 Invested in the following: LEDOER ASSETS. DEC. 81, 1904. ,. Mortgage loans (including loan tax Hens. (343. 26 Collateral loana Policy loans Advance dividend certificates. 1st yr. tprem. note acct.)... Advunce dlv. certificates renewal (prem. uote acct.) Interest on advance dividend certificates Premium notes and Interest Agents' debit balance (gross) Commuted commissions Furniture and Fixtures Cash in bsnks Cash In office , v .(150,012.42 7,000.00 181.417.3S 81,349.70 4,340.00 11.587.90 1.420.47 6,711.50 Gross assets. Sept. 30, 1906 Iess items unadmitted: Furniture and fixtures Commuted commissions Agents' debit balance, unsecured.. ..(1,390,396.92 ..( S3.771.S2 42.473.52 ..(1.465.G42.26 ...( 6,167.12 ... 5.621.55 ... 11,125.08 22,923.76 The valuation of the Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansa land and of the lots end Improvements In Ie. Moines snd other Iowa cities on which loans have been made are so evidently conservative that I have not con sidered It necessary to have them re-appraised. Hellahle appraisements of the South Dakota land which I have caused to be made by your direction how that the valuations of this land made by the company ara not ex cessive. Appraisements of the Nebraska land are not yet completed at tha fine this report Is written, and they will be suhiect of a supplemental report. Insurance to the amount of the legal requirement Is carried on bulldlnga Included In the admitted security, and complete abstracts of title by com petent attorneys are filed with the mortgage. The amount of overdue Interest nn all mortgages on September 30th. 190R. ws (S.34S.91: the annual Interest Income from mortgage at that date being approximately (48.0m). Foreclosure proceedings have been commenced In a few cases, but have always been discontinued by settlement out of court. I POLICY LOANS. The policy loans have been thoroughly checked and the total by the card record found to agree with the amount shown by the ledger account, and the total on deposit as recorded in the office o? the Auditor of State also agrees with the ledger account. The policies on which loans are re- rirted are all In force and there are Tin hmns In excess of the Artusries' per cent terminal reserve. "ADVANCE DIVIDEND" CERTIFICATES. The company Includes In Its premium note sccount (2n3.7W.n3 of "Advsnca Dividends" before described under the heading "Policy Contracts." It will be noted In the annual statement for 1904. that (18.346.46 of premium notes were not admitted aa assets because not covered by reserve. This amount was composed of first-year advance dividends, which, of course, has no security behind them, on the preliminary term terminal I. aula until the second year from Issue. The company having ceased to Issue policies with the advance dividend feature on July 1st, 1904. all of these policies now In force are In their second year, and the reserve being sufficient to cover the amount of the advance dividend note or certificates, there will be no tich deduction from the l9oB assets on December 81. 1906. PRRMII'M NOTES. I have made a careful Inven ory of the premium notes on file In the company's office and find the tot il amount remaining unpaid on the same to agree with the ledger aocount. A comparison of the unpaid portion of the said notes with lue lenn.nai reserve on the policies, shows that the said reserve Is not exceeded In any case. AGENTS' DEBIT BALANCE8. An exhaustive examination of the agents' accounts shows them to be In good condition, and I find the ledger balances are being rapidly reduced by applied commissions. Most of the agents to whom salaries und allowances have been made are producing sufficient persistent business to Justify the said allowances and the company has sustained few losses on account of un productive agents. OTHER ASSET8. The Interest due and accrued on mortgage loans, premium notes, advance dividend certificates and policy loans, has been computed from tha card records. The uncollected and deferred premiums have been tabulated on the basis of the dates of the policies aa given In the valuation schedule: no allowance In this tabulation ha been made for uncollected first premiums on new Issues, since the company values Its policies on the terminal basis with fltst year preliminary lorm, and therefore carries no reserve lia bility the first year. The premiums on all policies Issued prior to 19u6. which were 60 days or less overdue, have been Included lu the above tabu lation. The cash balance In the Valley National bank September 80, 19"6. cer tified to by the attached certificate. Is (8,583.10. This amount, less the total' of checks outstanding. (6.620.42. equals the balance shown In my state ment nf assets on that date. (1.961.68. The cash In office was counted In my presence by the cashier on Oc tober 31, 19(6, and the amount thus found added to the total cash paid out since September 30. 1906. and the total cash receipts since that date, according to the cashier's books deducted. The balance agreed exactly with the amount reported to me to be on hand September 30, 19u6. LIABILITIES. RESERVE VALUATION. I have made a complete and Independent valuation nf all the com pany's policies and additions In force on June 30, 19o5, on both the terminal and mean baais, nn the department schedules, according to thn actuaries' 4 per cent, one-year preliminary term method. The company bases Its reserve liability, in common with most Iowa companies, on the terminal assumption that Is. that December 21 is the end of the policy year, taking credit lor the net deferred premiums aa assets, and I havs calculated the surplus on that basis. I made careful verification of the various reserve table In use by the company, finding them to be correct, with one exception. I have also examined and read the policy contracts for the purpose of determining the of the descriptions given on the valuation schedules. I have also completed a valuation of all the policies In force June 80th. 1906. on the mean and terminal bases as of December 31. 1916. for the pur pose of lessening the work of valuation by the Department after the latter date. The total amount of the reserve on the mean basis. June 30th, 1906, deducting the reserve on the portion of policies reinsured, and Includ ing additional paid-up insurance purchased by dividends. Is (1,277.619. an in crease on that dute xover the terminal method of valuation of (51.256. The supplementary contracts not involving life contingencies, which consist of .obligations to pay annuities certain to beneficiaries under In stallment policies terminated by the drath of the Insured. I have valued without regard to the actual datxa of the contracts, thus following strlotly the method of policy valuation. OTHER LIABILITIES. An Itemized list of the unadjusted and unpaid claims ha been fur nished me by the company, and I am satisfied that this list Is correct. There are now no claims in litigation, and where claims have been restated, the records show aa above stated, that there was Just cause for contest In the Interest of all the policy holders. The item "Salaries of Officers and Directors accrued and due," and will not appear In subsequent statements, as the company now pay all salaries on the last Instead of tho ftrat day of each month. The expenses of the company have considerably exceeded the loading on the premiums, but It must be remembered. In Justice, that this is the case in nearly all companies there being few exceptions. The cause Is, of course, the fierce competition for business and the consequent Increase in agency expense. It is proper to stste. however, that suggestions which I have made for the reduction of this expense have been adopted by the company, and that the agency contracts for the year 1906. have been ma terially modified with thla end In view. All "miscellaneous'' or other accounts, legal expenses or sundry Items that were not fully explained by the book entries, have been carefully analysed and Investigated, und I have found no evidence of any transaction or expenditure that was not legitimate. There are no subsidiary companies for the handling of Investments and no loans have been made to officials of the company. Those methods of management which I have felt called upon to criti cise are not such as affect In any way the inherent soundness or solvency of the company, and the said method can readily be and are now being corrected and changed. The reduction In the cost of new business is the most difficult prob lem with which the management has to deal, but I am satisfied that much can be done toward the eventual solving of this problem If the efforts of the oflicers are supported by proper co-operation on tho part of the agency forces. In conclusion I beg to state it is my belief that there Is a sincere desire on the putt of the present management to guard carefully the policy holders' Interests, and to welcome any suggestions for the furtherance of the suid interests. This, and the evident spirit of loyalty among the offi cers, agents and employes, speaks well for the future of the company. I also wisii to say that I have had the co-operation and assistance of the officers und employes during the examination, and that all document or hook or information asked for have been cheerfully furnished. Respect fully submitted, (Signed 1, F. S. WITHINGTON. Actuary and Insurance Examiner. LIST OF AXSI AI, SALAIIIES PAID. .(L442. 718.51 Total admlttad assets. Sept. 30. 1906 LIABILITIES. SEPT. 30TH, 1906. Terminal reserve on policies and Adds. Act. 4 pel. (est.),... Death loses unadusted and unpaid 'oa'ii Present value of supplementary contracts 1 3vj 79 1 Due- and uncollected on supplementary contract 18 279 60 ' Premiums paid in advance 9 463 20 Dividends due policy holders uncollected 0 424 50 i Carles of officers and directors accrued and due 1 510 75 Agents' salaries and allowances , iVm.'ST i Surplus 5.952 95 To,al ''abilities. Sept. 30. 1906 (1.442,718.61 1 09 66 n company has included In the Item "Loan Expense" the accrued 11 315 73 1 interest on mortgages purchased, and has added to its interest receipts the S'i8 84 ' moun ot ald accrued interest when paid. This has the effect or unduly . J91 g4 , increasing the Interest receipts.- I have advised that the amount paid to j- .1 , KiL.iT., im iivvivii 111 ilia icugiu ns mi uitnr, lu uiivicev .M.OT u.. K1. n.,,l..i.l ...ill l K ...,.. K (1,263.330.00 10.567.50 33.911. Ul I 1,000.00 2.451.50 2.233.65 1,146.64 285.00 , 127,ftM3 1905. (6.OO11 6,000 S.fico 1.500 600 2.0O8.5', 1.413.50 126.50 received, and this method will in the future be followed. In cases where the death nf the Insured has occurred under a policy contract, providing for the payment of the face amount In installments In- eteud of in one Hum. the coiiiiiunv lias included In ItH reitm-teit Atrwmnt nf ii.iif, death claims paid the amount of Installment paid to beneficiaries during 14 the year. This Is incorrect the true method, wnlch is provided for in the t JwT-ita lit annual statement, Is to include the present value of the Installment In the "11 !'-'- aj amount paid for death claims, and to enter the same amount as Income ..ii.z-i.a-, .sh undj,P item No. 16. The amount of Installments puld during the year under , these supplementary contracts should be entered under Item No. 13 of DIs- OFFICERS. 1904 F. D. Jsckson, President (5,000 S. A. Foster, Secretary .' 6.0ro O. B. Pray, Treasurer 2,500 J. T. Priestley. M. D., Medical Director 750' N. M. Hubbard. Jr.. Attorney 300 D. H. Foster. Superintendent of Agencies BOARD OF DIRECTORS. lftOff. REPRESENTING POLICY HOLDERS. x F. li. Jackson. J. T. Priestley, M. 1., W. K. Boardmafl, S. A. Foster, J. S. Graydon. S. A. Robertson. REPRESENTING GUARANTEE FI ND SHARE HOLDERS. G. B. Pray. J. A. Graydon. D. G. Batsnnr. N. M. Hubbard. Jr.. I M. Priestley. Each director receives a salary of (Sfti.OO per annum and five member receive In addition (120.00 as members of the Executive Committee and five others (120.00 as members of Aud'tlng Committee. Ol AB.ttTKK h'l AD SHAKE ItOI.DEHg. NOVEMBER 28TH. 1906. estate. Jr. 805.476. 25 375.110! 169.505. 12 ; 59.619. 66 1 12fi.9tK.49 1 16.6S3.Xi 16.4ti'.!5 ; 19.118. ." 5.621.. 3.4;. 0,- 437.38 1,565.37 : .(1.227.327.94 ! bursements. I SALARIES AMD OTHER 4 OMPESATIOX TO OKFK KKS AD DIRECTORS. A list of annual salaries- palo to officers and directors, with the annual , amount paid to employes, for the years 1'4 and 1905. is hereto attached. ; The President. Secretary and Treasurer each receive, In addition to : tlielr salaries. (300 per year as members of the Board of Directors, and (120 per year as members of the Executive Committee tf the said Board. tne i-ame amount heln(! paid to other members. As these are salaried of-, fleer mho are presumed to glvr their entire time to the affairs of the Coniunv. they should not receive this additional compensation. The I President snd Secretary received renewal commiaeintis In 1W4. on business I ncrsonnl v written bv them In previous years, amounting to W37.26 and (12501, respectively. In 19n6. to Sept. 30th. Inclusive, their renewals on the same huMnesa amounted to 3260.41 and (223.65, respectively. The amounts received from this source In IW4, they have previously reported to the Auditor of State. A resolution or the Hoard or mrectors, passed at a meeting neifl May Name. T. V. Gra ydon. J. T. Priestley... F. D. Jackson... N. M. Hubbard, G. B. Pray S. A. Foster D. J. Batsner K. Martlndale estate.. Lillian ,M. Priestley.... J. S. Graydon W. K. Boardman C. F. Kuehnle Harriett H. Hubbard.. W. L. Eaton B. J. Patrick No. Shares. 30 176 3-4 ISO 1-10 80 87 2-10 63 2-10 60 a-. 20 10 10 10 8 6 3-4 Amount. ( 3o,ouo 17,675 13.010 8. 0iX 8,70 U.22K 6.11OO 2.500 2.500 2.CO0 l.oo 1,000 l.oOO 875 oOu Total leds-er asset The above balance will not agree witu uia annual report, ror tne . reason that It Includes all accounts whtch are necessary to make a com nlete leduer balance. In mskinv its Annual Report to the Auditor of j State, the company haa attempted to reduce the statement to a cash basis.! Kth ,m r.Aa follows: Any omcer or airector wno snail solicit, insurance snau receive as 185 1896 , 1ST IDs) .( tx;,io 7.8a6,6'7 2.738.93ft 2.801.635 6.437,419 ( 377.650 1.14O.5U0 2.007.37 j.r63 I (.038.877 8.7J5.W4 4.454.569 6.047.404 7.157.964 31. Ouin. ( 4.6.106 1.6s,m 731.616 590.836 3,110.550 k This was done on the mistaken advice and belief that that method was correct. It is erroneous, for the reason that all transactions, whether cash or otherw ise, should be reported and are .necessary In order to find the true condition of the company s nuances. It will be noted that I have added to the reported balance December (L 1903, the amount of several ltema necessary to complete the gross ledger balance. The method I have foil iwed does not alter tho amount reported by the company as admitted asse s. (1.266.798.20, which Is correct. Other items not affected by the change to a ledger basis, have bsan correctly reported with the exception of "Bills payable, (13,000," which' was omitted from both sides of the aocount. As the company's legal expenses seemed rather large for the past two years. I made a careful analysis nf these accounta. and found that the amount reported covered settlements on an arouinulatlon of cases which had been pending In the courts ttr seversl years past. There are now no contested claims outstanding. In making the analysis of tha legal expenses. I have found no item except those which were legitimately paid for attorneys' fees or court rests. An examination of the pipers In these rases show that the ex penses of litigation were ampl Justified by the circumstances, and that thev were properly Incurred as a protection to the policy holder. Having made a reserve valuation of the police aa of June 30th, 194. I have compiled a complete statement of afceet and liabilities on that date, which follow. . . I.UXIKH AO ft. IB, Jl .MS u, lSOO. Mortgage loans Policy loans or Hens.. 4 Advance dividend certificates Interest on advance dividend certificates Premium notes .. Cash In bank Commuted commission Furniture and fixture Agent' debit balance (gross). mi.6!W.65 176.8S-8.47 102.61(68 30.976.96 24.282.63 4.467.77 (.8:4.55 (.01067 24.87268 (1.347,4375 his compensstlon 40 per cent commission on the first annual premium and 7 per rent renewal on each subsequent premium for the term of ten years, and expenses to be paid ny tne company. Another resolution of the Board passed Jan. 17, 1899, Is as follows: "Resolved, That on any Insurance written, out of the first premium shall be paid the full maturity cost, according to the Actuaries' Table of Mortality and 4 per cent interest, the cost of the medical examination and Medical Directors' fees and col of inspection. On each renewal of such premium the Interest of such officer or director shall be 7 per ceut." While these resolutions are now practically Inoperative, I recom mend. In view of the Increased compensation now received by the officers and directors that they be resclnd"d. snd. acting upon this recommenda tion, the ExecutKe Committee of the Board of Directors unanimously adopted the following resolution at Its meeting on Ort. Sail. 1906: "Resolved. That 110 commissions on llrst, premium or renewal com missions on subsequent premiums shall be paid to sny director or ofllrer on business written by such director or officer sfter this date." It is proper to state In this connection . thnt most of the renewal commission! now received by (he officers sre paid on business, written Ing th earlier years of the comaii)'s existence, when the si Utiles psld the said officer were small. I think it should, in Justice, else be stat'-d that in several instances as shown by the minute of the Board of Directors' meetings, some of the officer have declined to areept advances in salary voted to them by the Board of Directors. I At the meeting of the directors on January 22. 1894. President Jack son' salary was. at his request. In view of his election as Governor of Iowa, reduced from (2.(00 to (700, and at the Directors' Annual meeting tha following year, January 23, 1895, th same amount was fixed for that year, on his insistence. . ASSET. MORTGAGE LOAN 8. The following table show the distribution of the loan September 30, 1906, on real aataM. mad by th company: A pp. Value , 1.000 (100000 (il AKAM'F.E KIM1 MHARE HOI DERs' CERTIFICATE. Royal I talon Mslisl Life Insurance ( oniptsr. This certifies thst is the owner and holder of .. shares of (10o each in the guarantee fund of the Kovul I'nlon Mutual Llf Insurance Company of lies Moines. Iowa, snd that there has been nnld on the same the sum of Dollars. The Maid shares aro fully paid up and nonassessable and are entitled to the interem earnings and dividends as provided by the amended Articles of Incorporation of the Royal I'nlon Mutual Life Insurance Company, adopted September 26th. A. D 197. These shares are transferable only on the books of the' said Royal I'nlon Mutual Life Insurants Company, In person or by attorney, on return of lid certificate. In Testimony Hereof, and by order of the Hoard of Directors of the Royal I'nlon Mutual IJfe Insurance Company, witness our hands and cor porate crI this day of A. D. 1 Secretary. President! LETTER OF NOTIFICATION OF POLICY HOLDERS' MEETING. DEAR SIR: As a member of this company you are entitled to a vote In the matter of Its management. As It may not lie convenient for you to aot personally, will you please sign the enclosed proxy, which li 'the usual form, and forward the same to the secretary of this ruiiany, to be num bered and compared with the company's books. The bv-l&ws require all proxies to be on file with the secretary sixty days before the annual meet ing In order to be effective. I am, truly yours. SIDNRY'A. FOSTER. Secretary. AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ROYAL L'NIOK Mt'Tl'AI, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Article 6. Section 2 The annual meeting of the policy holders for tha election of directors, and the annual meeting of the director, for th trans action of business, and for the election of officers whose terms havs expired shall be held on the first Tuesday after the 16th day of January In each y ax! at the office nf tho company In Dee Moines, la. PROXY. o the Officer of the Royal Cnlun Mutual Lifa Insurance Company: w-liiifiiit-n 1 ucio.-r nuinuni, ana appoint r. I. Jui'KSOIl. B. A. Foster and J. T. Priestley, or any one of thein, as my attorney or proxy for nte and In my natu. to represent me and caat my vote fully as I might do If personally present, at all annual meetings of the policy holders of tho Royal I'nlon Mutual Life Insurance Company of De Moines Iowa ex cept when I am personally present. ' Signed Address Data Policy No............... SHERtllAlM MARTIN. General Agent, 919 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska.