Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Don't be Fat
Mjr New Obewlty ,'ond Jui klv lU-riuceft
Your Weight to Normal. Require
o rMarvatlo.? rroces and
, , is AbMilulrljr Safe.
, .
fat Imttrtttsa 8sw Ik IsatrtaMt If scl
f TMt nssaerfoi OSes? Fsis. Wist i Rat
Im far Orkwi M nil far Ysa.
My new Cbeslty Food, taken at mealtime,
compels perfect assimilation of the food and
sends the food nutriment where It belong.
It requires no stsrvatton process. You ran
at all you want. It makes muscle, bone,
sinew, nerve and hratn tissue out of the
exoess fat, and quickly reduces your weight
to normal. It taken oft the big
and rellevea the, compressed condition and
enables th heart to art freely and the
lungs to expand naturally, and the kidney
and liver to perform their function! in a.
natural manner. Tou will feel better the
first day yon try thlii wonderful home
food. Fill out coupon herewith and mail
1 oda y.
Thin f-nttfton 1 g'tftd fr nn triad parkas; it
Klf'aV ObHr Food iih tt Imootalt from
hufiftrfl whr ha mn , freatl? reJv44.
fDil4 ft m plain pucka . Pimply fill tn
rtmr nrn and atlr. rn 4(HtJ lln bain--
til mail to
r. j. Kr.ii.or.(;t s.di k-iiks
Bldff,, Battle Creek. Mich,
will appear If yon use the proper rem
edies to clear your system of Impurities
For Obstinate
, Insomnia, Jaundice, Torpid Liver.
You take one at ted time. -
v ... Tber work so nice and easy.
Contain no opium, no cocaine.
" Ingredients purely vegetable.
2 Be Per Bottle Poet Paid.
Sherman & McConnel Drug Go.
S. W. Corner 16th and Dodge Ets.
$10.00 Suits to Order $20.00
Only a few bargain suitings and
overcoatings left.
While they last they go at
S27.60 for $341 Suits to Order
$23.00 for $43 Suit to Order
$ 20.OO for 940 Suits to Order
917.50 for 933 Suits to Order
915.00 for 930 Suits to Order
These are fine goods. Moat of
them are imported. We are de
termined to sell out every fall and
winter suiting and overcoating.
'Phone Doug. 1808.
. 3IM-304J Sooth 10th St.
Next door to Wabash ticket office.
4T 1
, ,.
The long expected, much talked of,
opening of the White Siver Country,
between Carthage, Mo., and Newport.
Ark., Is now an accomplished fact;
through trains in each direction on the
new White JUver Line having been iu
augnrated on January 21st. '
In connection with the Tide Water Line
along the Mississippi River to the Gait,
this narks the completion of a new root
between the Northwest end the South
east, of great and growing importance.
The commercial in vasionty the railway
of mountain fastnesses in the White
River Country, in Missouri and Arkansas,
and of the lowland river d strict of
Southeastern Arkansas and Louisiana
has not appeared feasible until the present
With the accomplished fact of a through
Mas, a variety ol landscape and social
conditions of the most diverse character
is brought to view.
The products of the mine (coal, cine,
lead, manganese, onyx and building
tones inexhaustible Quarries of fine
marble of almost ever known variety),
of the forest (oak, ptne, walnut, ash,
cypress and cedar lumber), farms in the
valleys (cotton, and the various tem
perate none grains, and grasses), and
the orchards of the uplands (peaches,
m spples, pears, berries snd the fruit the
ff vine), with the sports of the chase, and
of angling in lake and stream, are now
offered to the enterprising who may
plan a shorter or a longer abode in this
new country.
avt 'K aAVE- Una. wr
1 i'. a rnusuiui awwusja
Wf klS mmA Ml MO,
tk I sT M ""T ? n r TV
r 4 k -W h.
, run.
Toot Ball Bulei lommittae Tentatirelj
Agrees to Hake This change.
Oar Kamarri t'aaa May llred
Wheat Hall tea ot Toach
r.rnand Befre Tawehed
by riayer.
NtW YORK. Keb. I". Ten rd to be
gained In three downs wss the principal
foot haJl reform tentatively agreed upon
at a meetlns of the natlonaJ Intercollegiate
foot ball rules committee In this city today.
This rule. If finally adopted, the foot ball
experts believe, will do more than anything
els toward opening tha game. After to
day's meeting tha secretary of tha com
mittee, W. T. Reid, Jr., of Harvard, ex
elther today or at the conference two
weeks ago had been finally adopted,
plained that ntmo of the rules suggested
Tha committee Is framing a set of rales
covering different points of the game and
when these are all covered the completed
rules then will be voted upon. The com
mittee adjourned to meet again In March
In this city.
Other ( ( Agreed I !"
In addition to agreeing upon the ten
yard rule, which exactly doubles the dis
tance to be gained in three downs under
tha playing of the last several years, the
committee agreed on the following:
That every player on the kicJting side
shall be on side when the kicked ball
touches tha ground.
That the question of affording proper
protection for the mancatching thh bxll
be taken up and carefully defined at the
next meeting.
That one forward pans shall be allowed
on a play, provided the bail does not touch
the ground before being touched by a
player of either aide; such a pans to be
made by any man who was behind the line
of scrimmage when the ball was put In
play. If the ball touched the ground be
fore being touched by a player of either
side It shall go to tl'e opponents on the
spot from which the pssa was made. The
pars shall not be received by a man who
waa on the Una of scrimmage when the bull
waa put In play, except for the two men
tilavina- on the ends of the line when the
ball was put iu play. A direct lob over the
line within the space of five yards on each
side of the center shall be unlawful.
Snggeatloais for Test Ground.'
Nothing was done with regard to a field
lavatory, but Paul Pashicl, In behalf of
Annapolis, offered the naval sesdemy field
and its facilities for use of the committee
in the matter.
Tha report of the subcommittee appointed
to formulate suggestions relative to the
formation of a permanent board of offi
cial was received and it was screed to
make It public with a view to receiving
suggestions from persons Interested in the
game, every member of the committee
being aked to Invite criticisms of the plsn.
The subcommittee's recommendations arc
that a central governing committee of three
or five be appointed as a subcommittee of
the intercollegiate rules body, to constitute
a national committee on officials. In addi
tion to this committee it Is proposed that
sectional committees of three each be ap
pointed to represent the different geo
graphical sections of the country or sepa
rate league groups. A salnried secretary
is proposed to attend to the executive
and clerical details of the committees
All universities and colleges accepting the
provisions of the rules committee prior to
the fall of IK are to submit lints of r-'-l
college men whom they consider desirable
and competent game officials. This list is
to be carefully Investigated by the national
and sectional committees and a general
official announcement will be issued con
taining first a complete list of officials
Judged competent br the central committee
with appropriate addresses.
Foar t'laaaes of'Gautra.
The various games scheduled during the
season are to be subdivided in order
college Importsnce to determine the re
muneration of official. There are to be
four classes, tha remuneration grading as
follows: $100, 5o. 3 snd (10.
Colleges and universities will he required
to select officials from the list agreed upon.
Reports will be received as to the clasn of
work by the different officials and complete
records kept.
Some changes In the rules agreed uyon
at the last conference were made. To
prevent piling up it was agreed that the
ball shall be considered dead when any
portion of Uie person of the runner with
the ball, except his hands or feet, touch
the ground within the grasp of an op
ponent. Either captain may ask that time be
taken off three times during each half
without a penalty. If thereafter either
captain requests that time be called his
side shall be penalised by a loss of two
ysrds for each request, unless the injured
player be removed from the game.
11 81
Coarse far the Big SOW-MII Contest
Today la Fine tondltion.
HAVANA. Feb. 10. The road over which
the ?M0-mlle automobile race will be run
tomorrow is in splendid condition. The
starters will be: Lancia, driving E. F.
ConnlU's 110-horsepower machine; Cedrino,
in Gustav Bocks loi-horsepower mschine;
Da Mogoet. in Luis Mrs tw-horepvwr
machine, and Bern In In W. Gould Brokaw's
V"0-horsewer machine.
All the cars are propelled by gaaoline
power. The distance of the race will be
2174 miles. In four Itj-a rf it ;r75 m.'.is ca. h.
with at oacii end of the toute.
There aJt w-!l be a rare for three lighter
local m. tilneM at half the distance of the
big rsie, and following the latter on tl-
l;t two laps. Tha prise for tha minor
race. tljH. has been posted by the owners
ct the three ma hln- that are to com
pete. Webster City Drlvtasi Club.
WEBSTER CITY. la.. Feb. 10 (Special.)
A meeting of the horsemen of tnis city
was U-ld last night and arrangements were
made tor the formation of s driving club
to hirfd a raring meet here next season. The
following oRVere were elected: President.
W. N. Merrill: vice president. F. A. P.
Ijitham: secretarr, t'r. N. C. A. Berg ;
treasurer. P. J. Brsndmp. The new ssso
clation nlll enter the Cedar Valley circuit
of Iowa and hold a four-day meet.
Raeesel rhaasaloaahla Match.
Tl'XEno PARK. X. T.. Feb. 10-In the
opening round of the racquet championship
fr the gold racouet. held under the. man
agement ct tbe Tuxedo Tennis and Racquet
Will Vo Try the Battle
Creek Life for 30 Days?
Will Yea Est tbe Feci and Uve
the Life Our Experts Recommend?
De Yse Keally Wast te le Eerttctiy Well?
Tell us tfaen if yuu are ailing or if in
good health that ou wtsb to remain so.
Let us smd you our book. It is very
lnteseattng. Tbe life It recommends you
can live tn your own home. Tou ought to
read about It.
Nowhere else are su mauy specialists
studying this one thing alone bow to get
well and how to stay W1L Ko organisa
tion anywhere has been so successful.
None other Is so near tbe truth. And the
bas.a of ail this Is right food right living
kerplng the stomach right.
til this we explain In our book. Explain
dearly logically interestingly so Uuu you
may understand. Isn t It worth the mere
effort of writing us simply to know Won t
you ak for our book today? Address
Tbe Battle Creak Sanitarium Ud.. Ltd.,
LtrpL r. Battle Creek. Mtoulfa.
club oa tha courts here today, Lawrence
Woodburv of the New Tnrk Tenn.1" and
KTJet Huh defeated Frskine Hewitt of
Tuxedo. The eoiih tournament we also
opened today for the amateur championship
of America. In the opening mtind A. L.
Pevln of New TorH defeated William Post
of the Tuxio Tennis and Racquet club.
Proper Win the Palaee lletel Haadl.
rap at Oakland.
PAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 10.-ln his last
appearance on a 4'atlfornia truck tnlS
s-awnn ITiiper captured the Talsce hotel
handicnp in nanHv tnhton at tukiand to
day. This was me feature event and l.t
went to the winner. I'roper and Grasslllo.
coupled tn the betting as tne Jennings
rntrv, ruled nm favorites st even money.
Tnere was very little delay st the pot
snd sfter tho barrier went up leuts-hiand
liened up a big gnp and led his Held to
tne stretch, where he giew weary. Corn
liloBeom tnn went to the front and looked
the winner, but Knspp went to work on
the son of Prest'.pMii!" and the home re
P'nded gamely to stall Pf I.nnnork Belle
and won by a neck. Weather rainy, track
muddy. Results:
Flret race, tour furlongs: Plmkln won.
Nappa second. Charley Payne third. Time:
Uccnnd race, seven furlongs: El Chihua
hua won. standard second, ulenarvon third.
Time: l:.
Third race, one mile: Avonalls won,
Wntchful second, Tavora third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth.
Palace hotel handicap, purse SJ.WO: Proper.
122 (Knappi. even, won: Kannocfc Belle, V
J. J Valeh, 1 to 1. second: Corn Blossom,
liil Ricei. to to 1. third. Time: 1:WV
Fifth race, five furlong: Bdlntwowgh
won. Pad Sam second, Pickaway third.
Time: 1:02.
6irth rare, one mile and twenty yards:
Clyde O. won, Fkersall second. Theo Csse
third. Time: l:t:'.
ANUKlKS, Feb. 1.-Results at
Mrt race, one mile: "herifT Bell won.
Finn King second. Rockev third. Time:
Second race, one mile and a furkn:
Mis Bettv won. Ludsn second. The Huge
not third. Time: l:Abi.
Third race; one mile and seventy yards:
Morita won, Embarrnesment second. Work
man third. Time: l:es.
Fourth race, the Woodland stakes, half
mile. tl.6t added: Horace E. won. Al
lerlon second, Silver Stocking third. Time:
Fifth race, aeven furlongs: Gilpin won.
Chailcy set-ond. J. F. Dunohue third. Time:
1 :?V
8lxth race, six and a half furlongs: Con
fesKcr won, George P. McNear second,
Qulndaro third. Time: 1:22.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 1ft. Results at
City Hark:
Hnl race, two and nit eighth miles:
ilelgerson won. fiegale second, Hymettus
third. Time: .fctfc-
Second race. steenlechMSe. short course:
Oould won, New Amsterdam second. Oliver
Mac third. Time: 3:44.
Third race, one mile: Oatiw won. Ma
nevre second, Girard third. Time: 1.4W.
Fourth race, handicap, two miles: Harry
Stephen" won, lioubie second, Allllla. third.
Time: 3:46.
Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth,
handicap: Ksigut won. Six Le second.
Belle Indian third. Time: 1:MH-
Sixth raee, one mile and severity yards:
Tryon won. Taplola second, Ctdin George
third. Time:
Seventh race, one mile and seventy yards:
Thiailedo won, Fonsuluca second. Labor
third. Time: 1-.51H-
Results at fair grounds:
First race, ix furlongs: Lsdy Henrietta
won. Gav Adelaide sweond, Doilnda third.
Time: 1:16V-
Second race, half mile: Zick Abrams
a on. Our Own second, Glad Pirate third.
Time: 0:5;.
Third race, one mile and seventy ysrdu:
Canyon won. Sincerity Belle second, Harry
Scott third. Time: l:ia
Fourth race. Audubon aelllng stakes, one
mile: Goldsmith won, Colonel White sec
ond. Joe Lesser third. Time: 1:44V
Fifth race, cup preliminary, handicap,
two miles and seventy yards: Footlights
Favorite won. Captain Bob second, Los
AngeU-no third. Time: 3:Cv
Sixth luce, one mile and seventy yards:
Tristan Shandy won. Kenton second, Cot
Maid third. Time: 1:U.
Seventh race, one mile and seventy yards:
Colonist won. Katie Powers second. Lemon
Girl third. Time: 1:61,
Seaedale for Raeea.
The Nebraska Speed association has pre
pared the schedule of races for the meets
which will be held in the state during tbe
summer and have added a 2-year-old and
under trot with a purse of 2H. alao 3-yeax-old
and under pace, with purse of 6200. Sec
retary Swan of Auburn has sent out the
following schedule, and the classes and
purses adopted are now as follows:
Trotting 1:17 class, purse 64X; 1:12 class,
purse t4"i; 2:27 t lui-n. purse 644ii; 2:35 class,
purse 64i0: 3-year-old and under. tJl'l.
Pacing 2:10 class, purse t): 2:16 class,
purse 2:22 class, purse 6400; 1.30 cIsks,
purse 64'; S-yeax-old and under, purse SSOu,
Standing of teams in Omaha Bowling
league at the end of the third round:
Won. Lort. P C. Pins.
j Cuduhys 44 19 . S7.4S2
aieis riros .ifu .t.ti
Armours ? 27 .571 R".,SiJ
Stors Bluest 5 2 W.VSi)
Kruir Parks X IS .MO 117 1
! Oninmds i JS .47 io.Ctl
I Benos lit 44 .32 63.M2
Black Kats 13 50 .jog 53.517
Detailed work of teams
P C. S. Sp. Spl. Ef S.
Krug Parks sfj 1.119 1.411 3
Cudahys s 1.145 1.3T Si7 20
Storz Blues W8 l.ii&S 1.3SI 377 M
Men Bros 14 l.uM 1.4nS i
Armours 6M 1.1JS L32 Xao JSS
Onimods (tvi l.oHs 4) .17
Benos iih Itji 1..176 24 47
Black Kats H S71 ,jb0 :3 444
Men with a percentage above .fWO
McCsgue 935 Huntington 11
W. O. Johnson. .si Ntale 9K
Anderson :4(j O. Francisco .90i
Potter 8-JGJorde
Spr-uc 91H C. J. Francisco. ,J6
Frltacher MtS Griffiths A
Conrad M Cochran .tot
French 916Zarp j
Tonneman 915Bengele 9J0
Hull 2
Leaders for spare prise
GJerde 2?JNeale 2l
Tonneman 2k Frusrt 27k
Huntington 2U
Leaders in errorless games
Potter 33McCsgue 29
Huntington ' French
Tonneman 21' Hull .1
Leaders oa "3fJ" games
V .crtt '-'JConrad 17
I Fritsrher ISO-jerde 1
: t.uuiiDaton 17
Individual averutrea f
Flayed. A. Played. Av.
Rnrsgue &t t'.ruuke $ .1
C.miad -H. I. Reed ...41 ,1hB
McCague - 1K' M.irble 54 .160
Baldwin .1 Pickering t .W
W. Johtienn.. .4S 3 .170
KTilscher 3 iWHull 67 .176
G Franoi. 3li .1W Mairill 61 .176
Z2mm-rnutn...i7 Encll a .177
Cochran ' 1Hodus C .17
Bengele .14 Sheldon 57 .174
Neale S lMDerrian 54 .174
Forscutt .lA. C. Reed .... .174
Huntington . . to .1S3 Tracy 67 .172
C. Francisco. 42 .IS rVhreider t .171
Tonneman ... lHughes M .170
Gjerde .1S2 G. Johnson.... .1
Clav W .11 Hu-iter M .1
Griffiths .mchjindler M .hi
Potler X .lei Welt y X AM
Willianuk ,1M Si.yder 41 .lta
FYuch ta .11 Chatlain 61 .166
Anderaun 4i 1S1 Nicoll 4s ,1'A
Wtber ' ll Mullis 30 .lit
French M .1 Rempka 11 .K2
7arp 67 lsOWaber iu .140
Hartley SO .180
CoBBaaerelal Leasee.
Standing of the teams in the Commercial
league :
Played. Won. Lost. PC.
Life Malts 51 41 6 .til
lamp's Falstaffs .... 51 -A 17 .Mi
Jetter (iold lr..s ... 61 ."C! Ik .7
Stephens A Smith... 51 X jr. .4y0
P. A- G. Kamos 4 IS 2V .X6
Ttiurston Rifles .... 61 J 21 .!
Hugo F. Bill 61 1 X, .Ii4
Armours No. 2...... 4s 13 1 .27
Individual averages:
Games. Av. GsuurS.
Molyiteaux Is'1 White 4J
Walens 4a ls4 Drinkwater ...
Berger 42 .1": Mshonry to
FXiray -I'd Paxton Is
Nelson .l? Jay 27
lavia It I t Havens ....... ,4a
Sutton -172Grotte 4i
Be sell n 46 .1.1 Collins 42
Coughlan 46 .17" Butler
Klouck a -KvSuno M
Kinrlcks 4J .1 Weiinei 4s
I it 4 l- Baehr 46
Stapenhorst .! Burke 4
Foley 31 lis IWholts t4
Johnson 2 .bMoyna 16
H. Primaux...3 .l7Voaa 24
4 Hinricks ..JH .KTRi.-e II
Carman 4S .lssGrifTan 46
McKclvey ... .14 MaSining M
Solomon 48 .14 C. Pnmaux ...U
Hamblet U .ki4
Lob Dillon Alleged to Hare Beta Drugged
f e ore Cip tact-
SherlsT Seises iinl Trkr la Apart
ments of r.. F.. fmathera. Orrner
f the A Inning
NEW TOlCK. Feb. 10. The American
today says: The rnost sensational turf
scandal of recent years was revealed last
night when It bees me known that E. E.
Smathers, the millionaire Jiorseman. hsd
been accused of knowing that drugs had
been administered to Lou Dillon. C. K. G.
Billings' famous trotter, when at Memphis
In October, lfK, Smathers driving his own
horse, Msjor Del mar. best Lou Dillon.
The gold cup, worth $5,000, which Smath
ers won at that time, has been taken by a
deputy sheriff out of Smathers' suite In the
Plerrepont, and is now In the sheriff s
office. Mr. Smathers. when seen lsst night,
said the cup had been seised before be
learned ef the startling accusations. Smath
ers learned that the proceedings had been
begun by Murray Howe, the secretary of
the Memphis Racing association, who had
supervision over the meeting at which
Major Dtlmsr beat Lou Dillon In two
straight heats.
Attached to the complaint were affidavits
made try two men named Speer and Saun
ders, their first names not having been
nistory of the Hare.
MEMPHIS. Tann.. Feb. 10.-Muiray Howe,
secretary of the Memphis Trotting aasoola
tion at the Urn of the race for the
Memphis gold cup in 14. and Frank O.
Jones, president of tha club, are out of
the city and no one In authsrity is com
petent to speak on the question of the
possibility that -Lou Dillon had been given
drugs before her race with Major Del mar.
The race was one of the most sensational
in the history of the local trotting turf.
The (5.000 gold cup, which, it is said, has
been taken away from Mr. Srnather's
apartments In New Tork, was offered by
the Mem pills association and was to be
long to the driving club whose member
won It twice. E. E. Smathers took the
first race In 190 with Lord Derby. C. K. G.
BUUngs won the next one, ir. I'M. with
Lou Dillon, and tha final race was won by
Mr. Smathers, who drove Major Delmar.
Before the race Lou Dillou bad worked
close to the record and she was favorite
In the betting, although Major Delmar was
at the top of his form. In the first heat
Lou Dillon, driven by Mr. Billings, went
well to the half mile post and then dropped
back, hopelessly beaten. When the horses
were brought out for the second heat It
was decided by Millard Sanders of the
Billings stable and a veterinary, that the
mare had thumps, and Mr. Billings drove
tha second heat merely to give the event
the appearance of a contest, although he
made no attempt to win.
Bllllaaa Goes East,
CHICAGO, Feb. 10.-C. K. O. Billings;
owner of Lou Dillon, is now on his way to
New Tork and it is understood that he
is decidedly averse to any participation in
the controversy regarding the cup.
There are. however, several gentlemen
in this city who witnessed the race be
tween Lou Dillon and Major Delmar and
have been familiar with the progress of
the Investigation of the race inaugurated
by the Memphis Driving association shortly
after its conclusion. One of those men
said today:
"It Is Incredible that the Memphis Driving
association would take steps of so radical
a nature without possessing evidence which
it regards as conclusive that the mare, Lou
Dillon, was tampered with.
"The matter was of such Importance that
the action which has been taken could not
be the result of any sudden determination,
but must have been the result of long, pre
meditated and carefully conceived and exe
cuted plans. In view of this fact the driv
ing association, while believing that a gross
wrong has been perpetrated, had to be
carefully persistent and unflagging In run
ning down all of the clues which were de
veloped. War la Injnred.
"The association met. with the usual
difficuties attendant upon unearthing a
premeditated conspiracy and It was only
after the conspiracy was developed and
attendant circumstances pointing uner
ringly to the Inspiration of the scheme
had been disclosed thst all the evidence
secured wss laid before eminent counsel,
who it appears hare taken some action In
the courts. The best veterinarians In this
country have in turn had Lou Dillon un
der their care and scrutiny and to this day
Any Meal Can Be Thoroagbly
BaJoyed Br Any Stomach.
Men, as a rule, are first discovered by
their enemies. Their antagonists turn on
the searchlight, and' the proof of merit will
lie in being able to stand the flash.
It was only In this way that Mr. White
ever knew that dyspepsia was one of Mr.
Black's worst enemies, sitting face to face
at a two-by-four table, he handed his
afflicted friend the bill or fare.
Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Olives.
Boston Clam Chowder.
Strained Gumbo.
Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms.
Roast Beef Hash.
Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut.
Lobster a la Nemburg.
Baked Pork snd Beans.
Cumbinatioin Crab Salad.
Hot Mince Pie.
Pineapple Fritters.
Mr. White ordered a "litthe of each."
Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers and
A glass of milk. "1 had such a big break
fast this morning." be said, "that I'll Just
take a bite to keep you company." But
Mr. White could not be deceived: "I am
afraid you can't stand the gleam. Mr.
Black. Why don't you say you have dys
pepsia and be done with It? Tou'll always
have that hungry look anyhow as long as
you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My
stomach waa in Just aa bad condition as
yours at one time. Bjt now I ran eat
anything, at any time. For Instance, this
clam chowder or sirloin steak or even the
lobster would be Just as welcome to tny
stomach as your crackers and milk. You
don't realise how tbls dyspepsia busmen
is robbing you of your spirit, or your en
ergy aud ability to think quickly., I can't
help notice it. Tou haven't the cheer and
sociability you bad three months ago.
Now I'll tall you what to do." and thereat
the cheerful Mr. Wblte took a vial from
his pocket and extracted a wee tablet.
"There, there is a tablet that contains an
Ingredient, one gram of which digests I. ( u
grains of food. For even the worst dys
peptic it's the only thing that really gives
relief. The reason Is it relieves the stom
ach of nearly all tbe wark It has te do,
digests everything in the stomach aud
stimulates the gastric juice. I can't get
along without them. They are Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.. You can get them
anywhere oa earth for 60e a package."
Yea. it is true. Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets
absolutely stop heartburn, r. a a sea. indiges
tion, dyspepsia of the worst type, sour
stomach, bloaty feeling snd all eructations
and Irritation, and freshen and invigorate
tho stomach. They cheer you up. and
make you get all the good there is in your
food. You will forget that you ever had
1 a etoinecB to worry you
TERMS of $6? CASH and $3? MONTHLY
4We re selling high grade, latent style pianos with beautiful tone nut! guaranteeti
satisfactory or your money back, as follows.
fcVJ.-i.oo NEW PIANOS-SALE PRICE $215.00
!fvJo0.f0 NEW 1IAXOS-SALE PRICE .$240.00
These splendid pianos cannot be secured 'ater at the price now ijuotetl it will surely
pay you to investigate at once before they ure all sold, look over the complete stock, there
are tempting bargains on every floor in Steiuway & Sons pianos, Steger & Sons, Emerson.
Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Kurtrman, Schubert, Rau and twenty other makes,
all being closed out at lowest' prices and easiest terms ever quote! in Omaha. We ship
pianos everywhere. Write for catalogue and complete information.
Temporary Location-1407 Harney St.; Omaha
Nine connecting offices
on the fifth floor
These offices are particularly suitable for anj-one wishing a suite of several connect
ing rooms. They will be rented only in suites of three or more rooms. There is one
large southeast corner room trith a vault, two splendid rooms facing Farnam street
and the other smaller rooms facing Seventeenth street on the fifth floor of
These are the offices now occupied by tbe Updike Grain Co., who will move to the first floor as (
soon as the business office of Tbe Bee Is transferred to the corner room on the ground floor.
It is very seldom that an opportunity occurs to accom
modate tenants needing; large space and handsome offices.
n, w.
BAKER, Supt.
K. 418 Bee Blclg.
none of them is able to say that she will
ever recover her former greatness. Assum
ing that the legal action for the recovery
of the cup is brought to a successful issue.
It is manifest, of course, that probably the
least important feature of the matter has
been settled and there still remain the
graver questions of responsibility for the
damages done to the mare, as well as the
personal responsibility Involved. If the
association succeeds in the action for the
recovery of the cup the atrocious char
acter of the wrong done would necessarily
indicate to the public officials the next
ptep to be taken."
New York Irish-American and lale
Banners Make Beat Showing.
BOSTON. Msss.. Feb. 10. The speed of
the Irish-American and Ysle runners was
the principal feature of the seventeenth an
nual games of the Boston Athletic associa
tion, held In Mechanics' hall here tonight.
Both Yale teams won from Harvard, the
'varsity by twenty-five yards, tio fresh,
men by a close margin. Dartmouth ran
away from the University of Pennsylvania
and Cornell had an easy victory over
Princeton. The Irish-American team from
New York was well nigh Invincible in the
l"ng distance run. G. V. Bon hag winning
the two-mile American Athletic union
championship, and his teammates. Conn
and Sheppard. getting duces. In the mile
J. P. Sullivan, running from scratch, was
ny far the strongest runner in the neld snd
won without difficulty. Neither Eckersall
nor Hahn, who came from Chicago espe
cially for the event, were factors In the
finals of the forty-yard handicap, although
they won their heats only to lose In the
Hummaty of principal events:
Fort-yard dash, invitation: W. D. Luton.
Cambridge Gymnasium association, won:
C. J. H. Seits, Georgetown, second. Time:
Two-mile run. American Athletic Union
championship; G V. Bonhsg. Irish-American
Athlet'e club, New York, won; li. W.
Conn. Irish-American Athletic club, second;
H. . H. 8iepprd. Irish -American Athletic
clnb, third. Time: :47H-
One thousand-yard run: G. W. J.mes.
Worcester Athletic association (45 yards),
won: W. T. Shsnnon. Exeter (iu yards),
second; H. P. 1, ingle, Princeton 4fi yards),
third. Time: t:3.
Belay race. 1.5 yards: Tale freshmen
defeated Harvard freshmen. Time: H:l.
Cornell defeated Princeton. Time: 1:12.
Relay race. 1 10 yards: Dartmouth de
fested Universitv of Pennsylvania. Time:
7:JS. Yale defeated Harvard. Time: 7:17.
Mile run, handicap: J. P. 6tillivan. Irlsh-me-ican
A'Het'e club (scratch), won: R.
W. Dixon, Worcester Athletic association
Of- ysrds). second. Time: 4:44.
Field events:
Puttlnr the sixteen-pound shot: Won bv
T. A. Scsnlon. Holv Cross 6 feet six
Inches), instance: 4S fe-t T Inches.
Bunning high Jumn: Won bv R. P. Ker
nan. Harvard (1 inrh. Height: feet 1,
York Wins a Close Game.
Lst til KiH In a close and exciting shkic
of V.Bskt bH the York H'gii school de
tested the South Omshs Hirh sch-xil bv
e score of 3 to IS South Omh nlave.1
the cleaner yame. bit York bsd the sd
vantsre of sire Comstock of York excellel
i In foul tmw'ng. Th right before York
"efested th I (neo'n High school. 25 to 23.
Lt rlHt'e lineup:
Po ith Omaha. York.
Vrus .rleM forward CrulcbSeM
Cfcn '...left forward Ciin
l rVnun center MctK)H
..' . .i j jv. a v ii
r 'unii. , riEiii vu,r.i. ...r'i
Obon left gu"rd Comstock
Cntler Visa Bill lord Match.
PWiI,ADF.t PH1A. Feb. V). A O. Culer
of Boston won the Intercity balk line bil
liard tournament which has been in rirog-r-s
dunn the lt week. Cu'ler tonight
defeated Harry 'lin of this cltv by the
score of 4.0 to 7X7. giving him flrst ulsce.
The winner's high run was lui and bis
average for the tournament was 1S1-21
Hne w-s second with. i average of
11 1T-1V Giflsreer of New York waa third
and Taylor of Chlcag.t fourth.
Tarkia Defeats Taksr.
TABOR. la.. Feb. 1(1. iSnecial.i Tabor
collesre was defeated by Tarkio college of
Missouri In a rame of basket bnll nlayed
lust nigl't at the Tabor opera bouse, the
score Icing 1. to 14.
tlsil City Bowlers.
Tl.e crack bowline? team from 8iujx City
will t.lay a nicked team of Omaha bowlers
at the Asenctatkiu alleys this afternoon,
beginning at S '.
Snorting Brevities.
lm. kv Holmes announces the purchase
of Stsrnaale froro ie B'.oux City team.
It is said the schedule for both the big
leagues are TMonared a r.d only have to be
fuimailv ratiried
Pa Rourke l.ku tils e on Runkel for
some time aud is mure liian delignted wi:b
tiis purchase, which he says will complete
a fast Infield.
The service In The Bee Building is Just a little better at least than In any other
building. All night and all day Sunday elevator service steam heat electric light
water and adequate Janitor service all Included In the rental price. Apply to
We'll Loan You Money
Any amount from HO.uo upwards on your
household furniture, piano, organ, etc. Wt
others holding permanent positions, upon
their individual note, without security. W
give you a statement showing the exact
cost of the loan. Our methods are knowi
to be the best for the borrower. Our rate
are the iowest ever quoted by a reputable
money-to-losn concern. Our treatment i
courteous and our business with you it
matter of confidence. We arrange repay
ment of accounts to suit the borrower af.t
ai;ow a FULL REBATE If loan la paid be
fore due. Always INSIST on knowing the
rebate allowed for advance payments. V e
will1 be very much pleased to quote yo-t
rates, WHETHER you wish to borrow o
not. If this announcement does not Inter
est you now, keep us in mind, for yon
msy need nome quick money In the future
We are the oldest concern In our line in
the city and we are the originators of the
easy monthly payment plan. whicrT makes
the cost much less to the borrower.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2Z.
(EMahltrlied lJtfl.) 3"6 So. 16th St-
Come to our office and we will make a thourough. searhmg and scientific
F-XAM1 NATION of your sltments FRKB OF CHARGE. An examination that
will disclose your true physical condition, without a knomiedge of which you
are groping In the dark and without a thorough understanding of which no
phvslcian or specialist should be allowj to treat you. If-you have taken treat
ment without success we will show yn-i why It failed: We want all ailing n-n
to feel that thev can come to our nine freely for examination and evplanatioi
cf their condition without being bound by any obligation to take treatment tin
less tlicv so d.-sire. Every man. writhcr taking treatment or rontempla ting
same, should take advantage of this opportunity to lenrn his true condition,
as we will advice him how to l-et regain his health and strength and preserve
the powers of manhood unto rip old age. I
We are helping weak, nervous, hn,k. n-d..n n young and middle-aged aier.l
back to ruddy health, invariably without Interfering wltn their usual bus'ness'
pursuits. They com to us weakened and debilitated I rom specific or privats
diseases and seret weaknesses. Mnv are dlet-oiiraged. depressed, nervou-.
tired, languid, lull of regret perhe.ns for the errors of youth or later excesses
and Indiscretions. Some are on th brtrk of nervous exhaustion, caused by
worv. overwork, neglect of the hMmsn system, dissipation, etc.
We wish that you could see them change after commencing treatment wi'h
us. Every day their condition improves. You can see the depression vanisii
and a new alertness In their fa-e and bearing as the new red b!i.od of health
courses through their veins and they are inflltersled with new vitality, nsw
lur and new energy. They go away feeling all new strong 4iysically, ment
ally and sexually.
We Cure SatYlr aud Tboroutjilr :
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexual Debility
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, il liat.its. self,
abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases.
We make no misleading ntatrmenta, deceptive or unbusinesslike
propositions to the afflict etl, neither do eve promise to rure I hem iu a
few days, nor offer cheap, worth lews treatment iu order to secure tbeir
patronage. Honest doctors of reragnised ability do uot rt-nort to "ch
method. We guarantee a x-rfrrt. safe, aud lasting rure in the quickest
poesiblp time, without laing injurious after-effects iu the sysK-m, and
at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
rprr CeaeltrUa If you cannot eall write for symptom blank.
".LI. ang Kiemiattloe Office Hours I a. ni. tot p. m. Buadays. 10 to 1 only.
1808 Farnam St,. Between ISth sad 14th St a.. OMAHA. NEB.
, aafrrJL'JIUIMiL JU Afr
b atWmaaaasasWM
R. 1X Bfe Bldf.