Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1906. EARLY SALES OF THE NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND LADIES' APPAREL HERE ARE THE NEW SPRING GOODS Fresh from th 5tylo Centers of Europe and Amtrlci. JiiBt the Innovations that Omaha women of fashion have been wait ing for nrandels to Miow. The delightful variety of the newest and moat exclusive fabrics that always characterizes the Brandels displays together with the most fetching novelties in the fashion favored tailored modes for the new season of 1906. CLOSING OUT VALENTINES Imported designs, celluloid trimmed with silk and satin, $2.60 values, for OC 4 O each aSJC-'T.C Valentino drops and lace novelties, lr, 2Hc He each Comic and Buster Brown Postals, two for ft-. Valentine Cards and Heart Shapes, two for 1c. 10 proroftrMfnifi?nL i 7 EXTREME NOVELTIES IN SPRING DRESS GOODS The best mills of the Old and thi New World never turned out an assemblage of dress fabrics at the beginning of a season that can match these in beauty or variety. We are particularly fortunate in securing in advance of tlie season a splendid assortment of the choicest effects that will enjoy the highest faihionabl e favor. We Mention Some Charming and Exclusive Styles in Crolse Checks, Voile Sole Checks, Check Voile Plumaties. Checked Plumaties, Chene Stilting. Fantalse Pompadour, Carreaux Plumaties, Olace Sole, $1.50 up to $3.50 yd Also a large selection of New Panama Checks at $1 yard. Tolle Checks at $1.25 yard. Shadow Checks at $1 yard. Chiffon Panamas at 91 yard. Chiffon Broadcloths at $3 yard. We are also pleased to announce our beautiful new nembluge of dainty Yah roods both Foreign and . Domestic. The new Swisses are priced at 25c, 39c, We are showing hand embroidered waist 49c and up to $1.50. Unstarched 42-lnch J patterns on linen or sheer lawns and mulls Imported SwiHses with tiny dots and ex- J also hand embroidered full dress tremely fashionable. I patterns. FINE DRESS GOODS ON BARGAIN SQUARES SPRING'S NEWEST IDEAS IN SADIES' SUITS 5(c and 7Bc dress goods In black and all Imported dress patterns. French silk and I to $1-75 yard, in black and Q . . . JJ colors, at yard 0-C colors, also fine walstlngs, special at, yard Even aside from the charming style features of the spring tailor-made suits this year, which are extremely attractive, the stunning colors are enough to mark the suits the prettiest that any previous season has brought out. The new porcelain blue, the bright corals, the many shades of gray, etc., are delightful Innovations. Among the hundreds of beautiful things in tailored suits this season are the broadcloth pony serge coats, the raanlsh cutaway effects, the beau tifully tailored Princess suits and the smart little Ktons of Panama cloths. In pin checks and chiffon Panamas the trimmings are very neat and alto gether charming range of prices from $14.85 up to $75.00 SWAt.GKIt Nt'KIXU SKIHTS The circular tlare skirt is the thing this seasou, and Brandels is showing the widest possible A (Q up T 1C variety T. JO to pJ SPH1XG COVEKT COATS Swugger little pony and polo covert coats beautifully tailored and riKht up-to-date. BRANDEIS GREATEST SILK SALE This Wonderful Offer of New Spring Silks at One-Third Their Value Has Created a. Furore Everybody declares this great sale of 59c silkt in oni of the best bargains we have offered in years. Monday toe bring forward hundreds of yards of freh pretty silk to ail to thii alreal'j remirkable assort tnent fine imported colored taffeta, messaline. peau de cygne, pltids, French poplin brocade, broche peau de cygnes many of the latest spring silks in dainty stripes and chiceh taffsta an I Ionise ne silks These fine silks positively worth $1 and $1.50 a yard going Monday at, yard. Black Taffeta and lVau de Soie, all silk, yard wide, guaranteed, special, yard 59c 98c at .9.98 ?S $35 THK POPl'IiAK sritlXU WAISTS Lingerie waists and new effects in mulls nnd soft dainty wash fabrics, lace inner- f rft 1 ClQ up 1f DP tlon, etc., at l.OKJ-l.JO to ITUJ Two Much Favored New Spring A rrivaJs Jl 27-inch Louiseue checks in black and i Latest novelties in the new grey silks, or hi to unH In hi no nrwl white wnut ' guaranteed, ail size checks, fiO I PC1"1 price, yard OJC I at yard 75c.$l-1.25 GRAND EMBROIDERYSALE Thousands of yards of fine cambric and-nainsook embroid eries, good durable qualities, all new dainty patterns, in sertions, bands and edgings many 7 sjri ""71 inches wide, actually worth as high as j)2f, n fifteen cents a yard, at, per yard. ..... " Extra Wide Embroideries Including fine corset cover em broideries and flouncings many are up to 17 inches wide, . worth as high as forty cents a yard IQs at, per yard lanaC'IaC Advance Showing of High Class Spring Novelties in LACES AND EMBROIDERIES at Main Counter Every piece in this elegant new stock is marked at a moderate price. Dainty Da by Irish and elegant combination Batiste, Irish and Venice all overs, with insertions, bands, galoons, edges and flouncings to match. Elegant black silk Crochet, Venice allovers, with handsome bands, edgings and separable galoons to match. New Gold and Silver Cloths in elegant shimmering effects. liHtest Novelties in Dress Trimmings New Persian, gold and silver bands and elegant silk, silver and gold embroidered galoons and ap pliques will be shown Monday. SEVEN SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAINS MONDAY Two cuses fine 40-lnch India linen. They are- the same quality you expect to buy at 20c a yard Monday at yard. . . .' 10c Striped and checked Nain sook, worth 10c yard. for. ....... y2c Mercerized Sateens, a splendid quality for lining purposes, in desirable lengths, great value for, yard , . Litrn, iu w 7k i! New Organdies, large assortment, rosebud and floral effects, mill lengths, for yard 6ic Table Oil Cloth, the regular 18c kind, for c f yard......... lUC Monday forenoon we will Bell mill lengths, Foil Du Nord, A. F. C. and Red Seal gingham, this sea son 8 patterns, elegant value, great .bargain square full, at, yd 5c T I IN THE AFTERNOON BEGINNING AT 1:30 We will sell the finest qualities manufactured Cambric, Long Cloth, Nain sook and Muslins, suitable for fine underwear, etc. plenty of salespeople to wait on you special price, yd 6k GREAT SALE OF MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES MONDAY For the famous W. L. Douglas $;i.50 ; Ladies' Patent leather. Demi Gla.c- 5)50 94 and $3 Shoe for men. Hundreds of pairs of these matchless shoes oought from a Boston shoe house: iol Kid, Gun Miuals, etc All the newest spring lasts the regular III. 50 quality. . Children's. Misses and Boys' Fine Shoes, 89c, 98c, $1.19. $1.29 & $1.59 g50 In Wash Goods and White Goods Dept. We announce an advance sale of fine white dress material. Those desiring exclusive fabrics impossible to obtain later in the season should take advantage of this important opportunity. White sheer linen for shirt waist. at, per yard 2V. Striped and checked sheer linen, at, per yard. 59c and 6IK-, Full line white batistes, prices, 23c, 83c, 46c and 63c a yard. New plaid dress Swisses, yard, lttc Persian lawns that are splendid value at, yard, 13c, 19c and 23c. New white shirt waist madras, dots and figures, yard, 19c and 23c. White pin dot dress lawns, yd., 13c Linen finish Indian head, 44 inches wide, for, yard, 10c. Just received new importation fine white embroidered dress Swisses. Lowest, prices in America. Silk finish poplins, at, yard, 23c. Fine French Organdies, new de signs, at, yard, 23c. Plain and dotted cotton henrietta, at, yard, 19c. Silk mull, fine quality, all the new colors, at, yard, 23c. The new Taku silks, dash effects, at, yard, 39c. Genuine linen suiting, plain shades, at, yard, 19c. Specials ii Lace Curtain Dept. Arabian Curtains, all new styles, heavy corded patterns, J CIQ at, per pair L.JO Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains, new two-toned ecru. "1 nQ white, Ivory, special, pr..JO Scotch Nottingham Curtains, extra heavy weave, 60 inches wide, worth $2.50, pair. Snow Flaked Scrim for dining room curtains, in ctohs stripes, nice line of colors, yard. 150 room 15c LOS ANGELES AND ITS Llt City Where All Peoples Meet and Touch Shoulder! on 8treeti. , LAND OF SUNSHINE AND SUCKERS Tourists the Principal Crop sad Heal IXatc Dealing the Lead Ins, Industry of the Past tirowlna; City. IAjS ANGKUC8, Cal.. Feb. .-To the Edi tor ot The live: Los Angeles the land of sunshine and flowers, the. land of perpetual summer, the mnglcal dreamland of Thomas Moore Where simply t know that you breathe, that you live, In wortli iho best Joy that life clseVhcre ran give. Kveryonc tells you that here, and you be lieve It, for out on the hills the orange and strawberry arc ripe, tho tomato litmus red on the vine in mld-wlntcr and the bee gathers honey from the roses thut clamber over 'your window. Take an electric tram way, and us you are whirled out to the sea,' past olive and orange, and lemon or chards, "Where a leaf never dies In the att.ll blooming bowers," you are sure that at last you have found the mystical land ' of tho Irish poet. The Los Augclan Is sure of It. too. and "betters the Instructions" by making this 'lly of the angels (? the best advertised place on earth much to the enlargement of his fast growing bank account. He Is a very hospitable rw t. too, this IihII fel low well met." t'pins the gates of the City to you, shows you a good time, bids you help yourself generously to the sun- shin and air, while he la helping himself even mora generously to tho "tvatm" within your pocket book and shouting lustily for more to follow. And they come. The "wise men from the cast" and the foolish ones, too, by the thousands. lrl The people here depend Just as much on their crop of eastern tourists an you In Nebraska do on the corn crop, and would feel a failure Just as keenly. There Is a bountiful crop hero this year the streets are crowded. From New York, from Maine and Massachutettsi and Pennsyvaniu, from very state in tho union, on every train "77" Dr. Humphreys' Sercnty SeTen breaks up Grip and COLPS Whn the ,lnitiativeM Cold is ear4 for. no serious results fol. low; the timely uss of "Seventy seven" b'eaks up a cold at the Uart. Neglected, hard, stubborn olds. Crip. Influenza, Catarrh, Roughs and Sore Tnroii are ured by the continual of Seventy-seven." "77" works wonder in any ailment arising from Colds. AO Druggists, lie, or mailed. Humphrey's Homao. Uedlclna Co., Cor. VVOUam and John tkreelo. New York. they come. One jostles up against the Spaniard and Parsee, the Jap and the Yogi of India, the pagan and Christian, the Jew and the Mohammedan. Down town, on a doscn streets, the throng surges by all day. an endless procession, people, street cars, automobiles, trucks. Ono crosses the street at the peril of his neck. A stranger might imagine a circus was at the gates or that the strenuous president of the tTnlted States was a gueyt of the city. Ixis Angeles Is a city of hills very steep and very picturesque, very beautiful. There Is Runker'llill, Crescent Heights nnd Angels' Flight, with l"ng. lovel stretches, hills rising beyond hills, and so on and on for forty, square miles. Hero the hills have been left in their beauty as they came from tho hand of Ood, and not cut and graded ami disfigured, as was done in Omaha. Just now they are talking Greater Iios Angeles, which would mean, I sup pose, everything between here and the Pa cific ocean. The whole country Is a network of elec tric roads, and still they are building more. Huntington has done most of this work. The city council and county commissioners bavo been very prodigal, granting perpetual franchises to him right and loft, until, realising their mistake, of late they have been limiting new franchises to twenty-five and thirty years, much to Mr. Huntington's ! disgust. Mammoth hotels and there are 1 hundreds of them crown the crest of the hills. commanding magnificent views. Winding roads lead up to these hostelrles. where the ambitious tourist can develop his inusi-le and spore Ills purse, or for a penny an electric lift will whirl him in a Jiffy to his dinner 'among the clouds. Boainesa of soaklna; "Hackers." Everywhere-In the cafe, in the car, tn the babble of voices that rise above the noise of the street one hears of lots of investments, of acreage and syndicates. Real estate ofnees spring up like the frogs of Egypt and the property man, with his wares, dogs your steps like the villain In the play. You pause to listen to his glib tale of a golden opportunity for you, and while you are delving into your pocket to dig tip the hard cash and gain a moment for reflection, you are told that the bar gain has been nabbed up and the price advanced 80 per rent. You are vexed and resolve to be more expeditious next time. And you are, alas! but then you are wiser and have discovered the trick for making new dollars, and making them quick. We have read much of late about frenzied flnunce. Here we have frenxied real estate. What Wall street' Is to finance Ioi An. geles Is to the realty market In a way. An agent buys up a tract, charges the original owner a good, fat commission for selling the land to himself, 'advances the price from 60 to 100 per cent, forms a syn dicate, sells the land to It, pocketing an other big commission, proceeds to plat and kulidlvldc the tract; charges another good round commlsvlun for directing this work sens tne lots to eastern tourists "suckers" they call them here getting another big. Juicy site for his services. All the kernel ana a good share of the shell has been appropriated by this timo and the sucker Is left in peaceful possession of the rest of it. after ho has footed all the bills. Little wonder that a number of resi' es tate men have made a million or so In the lust year or two. The average agent la as conscienceless as an oyster and will look you In the eye and lie and He again with out the quiver of an eyelash. Land varies in price from lwi to H.000 per acre, according to locality and uualltv. Much of this land Is sandy, but will pro duce good crops If there la plenty of rain. tain. nowever, is very scarce in southern California, and as there are only limited possibilities for Irrigation, crops are fre quently entirely out of the question over larjje areas. Now. I do not wish to dis parage the country. It Is beautiful and the climate is mist delightful and varied, from the bracing air of the seaside to the eternal summer of the foothills. Los Angeles has, I believe, a bright future and la rapidly becoming a great metropolis In fact. Is that now but it Is the rich man's country. The man with a substan tial bank account may build an ideal home here, but the poor man will find wages low, every line of business overcrowded and often no employment at any price. Omnhana Iolna; Well There. By the way, there Is quite a Nebraska colony here for the winter. . Mr. Beeson of Plattsmouth has opened law offices In the Mason building. There, too, may be found Joseph A. Connor ofOmaha. with the rest of the frenxied financiers engaged in this battle of dirt and dollars. In company with Miss Catherine Olbllu of South Omaha I dropped Into their offices the other day and had the pleasure of meeting a former Plattsmouth boy, Denle Hlatt, who Is rapidly coming to the front In the the atrical world. Mr. Connor had just returned froth In specting a tract of fifty acres adjoining the city. The price was only tl,y0 per acre, but, true to his commercial Instincts, Mr. Connor was driving a hard bargain and offered J1.000 per acre, or $00,000 for the tract. Quite a neat sum for only fifty acres of land. It appears that this tract lies near 28,000 acres owned by the Cudahys. A number 'Of years ago Mr. Cudahy took the tract from the Hibernian bank of San Francisco on a mortgage. Now it has in creased In value until It U worth several millions. Mr. Connor expressed great satisfaction at the good fortune of this Omaha gentle man, who Is noted for his kindly nature and generosity. This sentiment was heartily applauded by all the Nebrnskans there assembled. Indeed,' Omaha and Omaha people have a warm place In the hearts of all these wanderers. Distance and a strange land makes even casunl acquaintances friends, when you know that they have summered and wintered In the dear old (Sate City by the turbid Missouri. KL1ZABKTH SH1RLKY. ' The ' Left Handed barber. Being a sympathetic man the boss barber hated to discharge the latest addition to his working force, but he had to do It. "It's no use, John," he ssld, "you've got to go.'.' "Why so?"1 asked John. Don't I give the customers a clean shave? Don't I give "cm a straight, even hair out?" . ."You do' said the boss barber, "but you do it with the wrong hand. That means the left one. Men don't like to be shaved by a left-handed barber. It makes them feel every minute as If they were about to get their throats cut. Every fellow who has submitted to ' the manipulations of your rnxor has told me so. , They begin to say their prayers when you make your first dash at them, and they keep it up till you get throughi" New York Post. RAILROADING FOR YOUXG MEN Btsiseu Offnra Good Opportunities to Iidnstrious, -Saji J. T. Harahan. CERTAIN HIGH . PRINCIPLES ESSENTIAL Industry, Intelligence, Perseverance nad Fair Kdncatlnn Mentioned )- Illinois Central Vice Presi dent aa Prerequisites. Second Vice President J. T. Harahan of the Illinois Central railroad takes the posi tion that the railroad business is not a contracted field of human endeavor and has many excellent opportunities to offer to ambitious young men. Mr. Harahan is generally given credit as having graduated from hlB offices more young men who have gone to the top of the railroad ladder than any other railroad official In the country. Ills Interest In young men always has been keen and active. "Success in a tn II road career, as In any other line. Is. as an abstract proposition, due "to the possession and application of certain essential qualifications," says Mr. Harahan. "Industry, Intelligence, perse verence and a fair education, together with the faculty of promptly grasping a situa- DREAM CITY AND ITS- PROMISED ATTRACTIONS. 4nuiseinent Park "Winch' P. E. Her Proposes to Open in Connection "With His Other Enterprises. P. E. Her has added to hi . other pro poaed enterprises a park that la to ' be constructed near Sarpy, City, aoroaa the line from South Omaha, where he aays he will outrival the famous Luna park of Coney Island. Associated with Mr. Her In the undertaking 'are the Phlnney Broth ers of Chicago, who have achieved some thing of a standing as constructors and managers of this sort of amusement under main entrance; : TO DREAM CITY, taking. . Thirty a eras are to be enclosed for the park, and various places and ap pllaaoes for dlvertisement will be aet up therein. William Hamilton, a well known designer and builder of amusement places, has been commissioned to work out the details. It la now planned to have har.glng gardens, chutes, a circus, a lagoon, a tower aad similar attractions, together with booth and theaters where exhibition of various sorts may be given. Power for the operation and lighting of Dream City will be obtained from the Papplo, which Is to be harnessed and put to work. Dream City wlil be on the line of the Inter-urban railway, and the car service between the city and the park la promised to be such as will ' serve the people per fectly. The promoters propose ' to begin work of construction early In the sprlDg. (Ion, are prime requisites, and in these days of specialization, even in the opera tion of railroad properties, the Importance of technical knowledge cannot be over looked. This latter I deem especially de sirable as the foundation for a railroad career. " It is not. of course, given to every young man entering the employ of a rail road to possess these attributes, but having them, If he is willing to begin at the bot tom, learn thoroughly every detail of the work of the department In which he Is employed and expect promotion only by reason of merit and ability, he Is bound to win recognition. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the Importance of gaining a thorough knowledge of the basic prin ciples underlying the work assigned a beginner In railroad service. He should learn not only what he has to do, but why lie must do It and what relations his work bear to other departments. Practical ex perience oiily will cover this point. ' Mast . Have Patience. "A young man who hopes to schieve a high position may be disheartened for the time at the prospect of serving years in euhordln.'dft' positions before attaining some thing worth while. He should benr in mind that the successful railroad men of today have followed this course and n.jny of them did not receive as large a salary as Is paid an apprentice today. To do this Involves at the outset the. overcoming of false pride. There is nothing which broad ens the mind of a man of keen perception as close association with his fellow men, and rubbing shoulders with them day by day never hurt anybody, even though they may wenr greasy Jackets, " "I have mentioned the value of a tech nical education. Thousands of boys today must earn a livelihood and many of thein assist in the support of parents and others when they should be in school. This class, of course, rannot attend a c.llege to secure a technical education. However, in every town of considerable slie there are night schools in which one msy educate himself sufficiently to prepare for something higher. After this a correspondence course In any one of tho several techlncal schools will HI a young man for a better position than he might be able to fill with practical knowl edge alone. These techlcal courses take time, probably three to Ave years, but they do not Interfere with the young man's earning capacities, and combine the theo retical with the practical. The environment of a young man of proper spirit entering railroad service Is calculated to develop the qualities I have mentioned, whether he work In the shops, on the tracks, in the train service or office. Of all things avoid getting In a rut. The man who cannot see beyond the confines of his shop or office will remain In that position. The broad man will observe the Interworklngs of the departments and he will become impressed with the necessity for perfect organisation. Railroads Are Big Machines. "Railroads as now operated In this coun try are big machines. It would not be amies to consider each department as a wheel and each employe in that depart ment as a cog In that wheel. From the apprentice or office boy to the president each docs specific work. And when a rail road man, regardless of his position, real ises that as a cog of a great working mech anism successful operation depends on how he fulfills his duty. It behooves him to put forth the best that Is In him. The general scheme of railroad operation contemplates the carrying out by subordinate employes or departments of policies outlined by the next superior. As a general proposition everybody on a railroad Is answerable only to his superior officer. So well arranged Js this system that circumstances rarely fxlfl to Justify a subordinate questioning a su perior's orders. However, there is always warrant for the use of Judgment. If an order Is manifestly Incorrect an Inferior would be right tn calling the matter to the attention of his superior officer. Generally speaking, however, strict compliance with I orders is essentia! to the proper operation I of a railroad. 'Obey orders' is a maxim of railroading. While this may sound harsh it will not upon analysis be found to be so. The word 'Obey' is necessary when It Is considered that Instructions sent out by any officer usually affect the operation of hundreds of miles of railroad, thousands of shippers and hundreds of thousands of travelers, while back of these command depends the success of the rond and its ability to meet obligations. Bach System Is Necessary. "By reason of this well oiled system the charge Is often mad a that railroad men an; too much parts of a machine. Now, when one stops and thinks of the gigantic pro portions of a big railroad the logic of offi cers and employes being cogs in a wheel must be apparent. If every man, officer and employe, were left to his own discre tion, giving and taking orders to suit hlH convenience, trains would be .stalled, earn ings decreased and a chaotic condition re sult. It Is this very system of transmit ting orders from superior to subordinate thst makes a railroad the heat managed proposition In the world. In this transmis sion of orders a man's Individuality Is not lost. In fact, there must he strong person ality. There are emergencies where com munication with a superior officer Is Impos sible and a subordinate Is thrown on his own resources. Then the possession or lack of a quick-acting brain comes nut. And In this connection I say. without fear of suc cessful contradiction, that In no line of work today does a man's progress depend so much upon his capability In no line Is It so much 'up to the man' and in none In there so little paternalism as in the trans portation world. That there is no absorp tion of individuality is evidenced by th" fact that few railroad men abandon their work for other lines of business, and when they do they usually return. "Tact, decision, executive ability, integ rity. Judgment of human nature, all these are required to make a successful railroad officer. He must surround his every official move so he will be prepared to give an ex planation for his every art. He must be a logician, figure out everything, do nothing haphasard, and above all things he must train himself to act quickly, as a railroad, notwithstanding its bigness, is so arranged In the way of system that speed is usually the essence of all moves. "One more point I would emphsslxe, thst is the importance of being absolutely Just to all, be they high or low In rank. No higher compliment may be given a manag ing offlcur than the steadfast bellf of his subordinates that he will not permit In justice, to be done them." (.old for last Fraaelseo. NEW YORK. Feb. 10. The subtreasury today made a telegraphic transfer of JJ.OoO, 000 gold to San Francisco. J4J THE VACl'lM CAP CUBES BALDNESS WE ACCEPT NO PAY Nitaa vou aac ritttio arrc 30 DAYS TRIAL Thousand la wse. Thousand cured. The Vacuam Cap Uoq uted lr minute each da draw the blood to the walp aud force the bair into now roih. cure baldiie . ad stops the hir from falling out. Cure Iuiidruff. Wesend it to you on I rial. We only wnnt pay if you are l'--l. I- not thi falrt You ri-k lixtliirK. We rik all. If p).-ibia call at our otlice kud try it free or write for free particulars. Tne moucicn vAcuun cap co. 6UO Barclay Black, Pajr( Colo.