THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1906. There is no man's or boy's build not covered by our stupendous stocks, the most complete in this country. $1.00 Neckwear 50c 50c Neckwear 25c $1.50 Mufflers $1.00 $3-5 E. Gl W. Shirts $2.50 Suit Cases S1.50, $2.00, $2.50 end Up $5.00 Suit Case $3.90 25 Per Cent Discount on all Winter Underwear. CORRECT DRrSS FOR MEN AND BOYS. til mi THE FOLLOWING LETTERS AND TELEGRAM EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF THIS GREAT OVERCOAT SALE. J1 i l 1 aessra. Bars; tnen, 0mI, ta ! to ofTwr tbna 450 Bart Pane? Orerooeta .11 of Web are strictly tend Mdt and . elaan let of goods, ta bar nnr aid oa in tha past but If yo ar opan Tor tMi Una it will ba tha staking of noney for you and at tha mm tla glee yow an Idea of tha kind f aarchandl aa va asks. la offer thee at 8.B0 net oean and the ware taken up at flS.00 at atook taking. It lntarvsCM e a hall ba glad to .and you a aodel and swatohaa or tha. ery titlj jrotxre. Clot. I. K. P. OTHER TRUSTS ON THE LIST Lumber and Insurance Id en to Be Inretti jralad ty Attorney General. SUING STATE OFFICIALS FOR TUITION Oaeatlaa Vketktr Taawa Wfca Mala. tala Vtgml R-ealdc-aea Elavwkcra Mas Pay fer PrlvUecaa mt tha Sckoola. (From a Stail CorrpoDdenL ) IJNCOIN. Feb. I. (Special.) Tha al lteS Lumber trust ajid Uia aJlecad Inaur aooa trust ara next on tha truarram for this rust busting-" administration. Gov ernor Mickey aad Attorney Uenrrai Bron diacussed the matter this mornlDS. ami. whlla they will issue no formal annouuoe merit of tiielr plans. It is nevertheleaa a lact cvidenoa vlll be aecured. If there is any evidence, and proceedings will ba tri atltuted at the proper time. The gov ernor and attorney general wrill look Into tha protests filed against the foreign fire Insurance oompanles and the leg-al depart Bient of the stale will take a band In that matter should the prou-siants produce suffi cient evidence to justify action. Consider able oompiaint haa been made during the last year against the lumber dealers, and these complaints will be looked Into with SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 10 on FURS AND COATS You Can't Duplicate NEAR SEAL AND SABLE CONEY JACKETS-(worth $45.00), at We hate two Persian Lamb Jacket Neck Furs (worth $d.Oo), at Cheviot Coats Plain colors and mixtures worth $10.00 Novelty Coats (worth $18.9$), at Tight Fitting Covert and Black Coats worth up to $35.(0, at $6,00 Shirt "Waist Special S. Fredrick THE HEW C101K SHOP. aaasMwTasJ IUMMIH ClOTHINO Tuoult.l wiTtort OVKMCOAT. .lCOTI New York. -Jan. i. There has never been an overcoat event in the city like this. Think breasted long cut overcoats at $9.50 and .$12. Mind you these garments are worth $18.00, $20. now, buy them for next season. Every one is a solid investment. Remember the price, $9.50 We Have Just Received a Large Shipment of Cravenette Coats The celebrated Atterbury and B. Kuppenheimer makes of coats of the latest approved styles for Spring, 1906. If you are interested in in Cra venettes or Spring Top Coats don't fail to see the greatest line ever shewn in Omaha. Prices always the lowest $10, $12, $15, $18 $20 to $30 out loss of time, and just as soon as the department believes K baa sufficient evi dence to begin a ault it will be Instituted. Tha legal department is particularly pleased with tha decision in the grain case, not only because the suit was won. but because the court established the validity of tha several anti-trust laws which for ao many years have been looked upon as being- possibly faulty. While the ault against tha grain men was purely a civil actien. tha court by upholding- tha several anti-trust laws has also upheld tha penalty sections, thus making it possible for the attorney general to be gin criminal prosecutions for violations whenever be sees fit to act. At thie time Attorney General Brown la not ready to express himself whether be will institute criminal action against the grain men who lost in tha civil suit. No word has reached LJncoln regarding- the action tha grain men will take in tha case. Sa Ofllrimla for Tmitiom. The courts will be called upon to decide whether the state officers who maintain legal residences elsewhere and who send their children to school in Lincoln have to pay tuition. Some time apo the School board sent notices to the officers of tha amount of tuition due and the officers re fused to pay. The board then agreed with the officers to settle the matter by a friendly suit, and Charles Allen of Clark ft Allen has been retained by the board to bring the suit. Two questions are to be decided; first, whether the city of Lincoln can enumerate the school children here whose parents maintain legal residences These Prices in Omaha. 21.50 left that will be Bold at a sacrifice sacrifice d $2.50 $1.50 and $2.50 4.25 $7.' $14to$17 ....$2.38 Bergsr S Co. 1517 Fa ream Street wa -1 t.out(i iiTceT nm'iaii HIM era. Berg 4 Swansea, Oman. frentleaemi- Tour letter of reoent data to hand and we are eenalng yov, too nods Is together elth awatohea. are alas giving you a lltt of the sites and quantities, and oo would thank you ta aire ui on reoelpt of aaa If you are Interested. Tha lot will eoaprlae in tha neighborhood of about 430 to 440 Ooata, all good length, both 0. B. and S. ., and are atrietly hand la ha ra had eererel Inquiries asking na to submit saaples and therefor aak pott to kindly wire answer if you wish then. e are arutiouti to open your aooount. Toure wary truly. Diet. H. K. P. Black Thibet Suits Marked We . Could Duplicate Them A SS per crnt rise lnerrMM the TaJur of Imported Thibet Imported cloth, St qtn-Bloch tailor ed, single and double breasted, long cut, welt seam coat, $60 special order value, suit m Hockanum Venetian lined. Journeyman band tailored, Atterberry make, single and double breasted, $50 special order ralue. suit elsewhere, and the aecond. whether the state officers shall pay tha tuition fee charged to non-residents. Last fall the board made Its first demand for tuition and an opinion was aecured from the legal department to tha effect that the school board had no right to collect the money, as aom of tha officers were compelled to reside in Lincoln by the pro visions of the constitution, and at tha same time the state superintendent held tha school authorities of Lincoln school dis trict could not enumerate school children whose parents had legal residences at places other than Lincoln. Just what the nature of tha ault is to be haa not been determined, but it is under stood the school authorities will refuse to allow a child of a state officer to enter school, and then a restraining order will be asked for to prevent tha school authori ties from interfering with the child. Plaaa for Seat Stat Fair. Tha Etata Fair board concluded its ses sion this afternoon and adjourned. Tha board voted to set as'ide $930 to pay fer an educational exhibit at the fair and S390 was set aside to pay for tha premiums to be offered at tha boys' corn growing contest, to be held neit December. Secretary Mellor was authorised to buy 300 loads of cinders to repair the walks and frnake new walks on the fair grounds and contracts were let for the printing of 10,000 copies of the premium list and 25,000 folders advertising the tair. ' The f olio mi n race program was adopted at the meeting last night upon the recom Biendayon of a special committee: Monday. September i Trotting, 1-year-olds or under. stae, purse bom Pacing. 2:12 class, purse J."". Running, half mile and reieat. pusse ti. Tuesaay. September i Pacing, t:S0. stake. ?ure tLO"1. Trotting. 2:3 class, purse JaoO. 'scing, J-yrar-olde or under, siajie, purse SC.'A Running, five-eighths mile dasn. purse tltfi. Wednesday, September I Trotting, 2 17. stake, puree II .('. pacing. 2;it. claa,, r-ire till'. Tmulrig. 1:1 class, purse $if. Kunning, three-fourths mile dasn. purse :.. Thursday. "September Pacirg. 2:30, Ft&ke. purse Il.oOft. Trotting, t:3i elass. purse Kii. Pacing. 2 30. stake parse tl.Oou. Running, half-rmie dash, purse I .Vt rriday, September Trettir.g. 2.10, slake, purse fl.Ovm. Trotting. 2:1. stake, purse l.utf. Pttcin. i 17 c.asp. puree ISO. Bun half-rnile darh. purse HflO. Entries to all u.k races close Monday. June 4. Entrance fee, t per cent, payable aa fpllcws: One per re:,t ta accompany nominal!' n June 4. lfr. when bree must be named; 1 par cent payable July 2 and 1 I-er cent Augjat 1. Party declaring out will be held only for amount paid in. An additional per cent deducted from money winners of ar y part of s'akes. The asso ciation resenes the r.ght to declare off any ijVe not filling satisfactorily. Any burse divtam-lnr the tie Id or any part thereof is entitled to firm money onl. Old distance rules to grern. Entnea can he made in the abee stakes at trie regular time of dosing class races. August 11. by raying t per cent, but horses must be elis-ihie to clara at that time. Money di vided. U. 3. 11 and 10 per cent. All races het three in Ave. Mile hea.ii to harness. Rale cf American Trotting association to govern, of which this asaoclation is a mere, bt-r. All siakes guaranteed for above amounts and lie more. Caraell Bill . Tha state officer this morning went on record favoring the Cornell land ' leasing bill introduced by Congreaaman Kinaaid and pending- in congresa Representative Prank Cunie. from Iawaa eauaty. pre sented a petition ta the officers askisg them ta request tha Nebraska rep reewu tatrr ea ta rosTss to urge the pasaaga of tha bCL Govern r Mickey. Treasurer Morteeaea, At torney General Srewa, Audits- aNaaxlat ii.biauiiUTM'ikjtMt' snaes New York ran. s. r- this atock before shipment rearbed here. 20-Oz. Tasmania Thibet Finest Australian wool, medium conservative s25 double breasted coats, regular $20 quality, suit' Thibet Genuine 1 S20 Vireln wool, flat or GouDie breasted, all sizes, regular stouts and Elimi, Kuppenheimer make. suit... Land Commissioner Eaton and Secretary" of State Galusha signed the petition and en dorsed it. Governor Mickey said: "I think the bill should become a law and I gladly signed the petition asking the con gressmen to support it. Should It become a law the rights of settlers would cot be In terfered with and the cattlemen would be protected in their rights. It would stop any illegal use of the land and the government would derive some revenue from it." Ready ta Reeelve Tax. The insurance department is getting ready to accept the 137.000 due by reason of the re ciprocal tax and which the state has not collected during the last three years because the case has been in courts. Just what the attorneys for the Insurance companies will do now, of course is not known here, but as the case has been heard by the supreme court on five different occasions, the department has hopes further litigation will not be started. Three or four companies during the last two weeks have paid their taxes levied under this law, and it Is thoust in view of the court's decision others will fol low suit. Unofficial Information reached Lincoln today that G. W. Jackson, postmaster at Fairmont, Fillmore county, had Sfnt Lis resignation to Washington. This action has been predicted by several Fillmore county politicians who are well Informed as to con ditions existing there. Jackson was a can didate for reappointment, thouph he had served more than eight years, over ths pro tests of many of the local .politicians. When it becHme generally known that he sought a reappointment a number of protests were filed with Congressman Ilinshaw and it is supposed the resignation is the result. At this time there are two candidates for the place, George Porter of Madison town ship, a young farmer, and Clark Robinson, a pioneer resident of the town. flea ta Revive Sasar Pa-tairy. NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. . (Special.) Nor folk's old sugar fsctory will probably be remade into a sugar factory next summer. Fred Hinx. owner of the factory at Chip pewa Falls. Wis., haa written proposing to start the plant, buy the machinery and run it, providing a certain amount of stock: is taken by local men and the farmers. Farmers will be allowed to pay fer their stock in beets during the first five years. lea w'erken strike. NORFOLK. Neb. Fb . Special.) Clearwater, a village of 600. had a full fledged strike today, tne first in the history of Antelope county. The Ice men were tha strikers, and they took advantage of THE WEAK STOMACH retain , P 0 S T U M FOOD COFFEE ui raeaire itranf th. "THEtE'S A IE A SON." THE WSSTXZZlZff 23,000 OFFICES in AMERICA. a.iwiaj or OVUIVTTT OT 1. Iff Wa.jBaaaaws, ROBERT RECEIVED at 212 South lathtrtOmtht, Rib. 214 DH DX Cp 9 PAID 1157a 3J New York JAN 27thl906 Berg 3wan3on Co Omaha NEB Offer accepted les3 ten percent cash will ship Reiter, Fruhauf & Co. aCWavs open. MONEY Less Than Wholesale length, single and SI5 Llama Thibet velt seam, single and XMb1 O U V 1800 the shortness of the season and the' Ice famine that stares the town in tha face for next summer to isaue a demand for a raise in their wares. The raise was sot granted and the workmen struck. Recruita who we re secured by the employes were shouted down by the strikers, their wives and their children with cries of 'scab," and then they, too, dropped their tools and quit, ao that there is nothing doing on tha ire. Trarellna Mrs RaeW Pseklsg Plaat. NORFOLK. Neb., J"b . (Special.) More light hue been thrown on tha pro jected packing riant which will be built in Norfolk. One hundred commercial trav elers of the Norfolk, Omaha and Sioux City territory operate it. Each will put in tlOO to start on and then each mill put up another $300 each month for five more montha. until the pla.nt geta on a paying basis. Each traveling salesman will act, on the side, as a representative of the company and will sell the gnoit all.threugh the territory, so that there wilj be no extra expense for salesmen. The matter will be presented before the convention of the Jowa State Commercial Travelera. Xews ef earaak.a. PI.ATTPMOT-TH-The m-reury registered 2 below tero this morning. ST'TTIFFLANT A fsrmers' institute is to be held here February 22. PAPILLION The fasrpv rountv Farmers' institute will be held in Papillion. February r3 sn4 Z4 MATiISON The county board has ordered plans and s-ieciflrarions drawn for an addi tion to the ce.tmty js.ll. BKATRTCE-There was a sudden drop In the temperature hee yesterday after noon, followed by a light snow-fall. owr.lrg small ice houses are havicg them flUed with ice this thick' Whieh ,rom 1X to 1"nt lushes PAPILLION The Papillion roller mill has changed hands. William Eirhner selling to Andrew Fri. k.e. Mr. Trickle took charge this morning. VADlsiON-The- loeel castle of Roval ; Iiirnianders gave a public installation, ball ?i'L ' ,u nal1 n1"1"- More I than Sufi were preent. ii!.THLAVD-Th locti P of tha I Modem Woodmen will give an ovster sup Ir to the rrembers ana their famlliea the tvenfnr of February 10. February 10. I "RETNA-ThU week Pat McDonald pur : chad -from Charles and rete Common eighty acres of farm Isnd lying three and , one-half miles southwest of Waterloo. ' BLATftrt E The Woman's Christian Temperance union held a largely attended meeting yesterday afternoon. The topc discussed waa Nonalcoholic Medication." ALDA-Mr. B C. Johe, aped 57, living three miles north of here, end one of our t.iost prosperous fsrmers. died early Thurs day n-.orntpg A wife and seven children are left. TBCTM.EHMrs. Sarah Pickering, wife of Cnarles Pickering, died at the faroiJy home in Tecumseh this morning at U o'clock, after an illness of some two montha or more, of dropsy. PAPILUON The commissioners of Caaa munif win meet tne commissioners of Ssrpy county next Tuesday to confer upon tne most feasible way to repair the Louis ville bridge across the Platte river. NORFOLK EmfJ . Herkmaa and Mrs Clara Bearnhardt of this city, with the aid of Cupid, defeated the object of the law in Nebraska which says that raurni shall I not marrv. They went to Sioux City and were married there. I GRAND ISLAND George wsem. aged , S- a stranger, appeared at the T ailed Statea ! lerruiting station is thia rltv and upon 1 f oir.g out sneaked a package ef laundry and two overcoats- He pinsded uilf and tu sentenced te twenty days and casts. MADISON O. H Gillespie. Who for the last fifteen reara haa eeaanrted a Miwrai merchandise e'er la V" ty. w-iil anortlv nwigs ris business into a ateek etenpanw irpoeed la part of farm era and reel dears 4 of Maaiaoa. The aana ef rae eenewra u IT j X7IUZOI7 TniHGItAIH COIKIFAXTSr. IM0OftPOAT(D CADLC SERVICE TO panena. Hd urn Orta uiaiaavwmu. Hd ifc. en m pjwajjg wMI at af aria paid Uarwa. ear Mim by nova of the CjCLOWRY, Prwaloant and Ownvral Mtrwiar. TRANSFERRED NY TELEGRAPH.' of selling fine hand made box and double Q 00 and $25.00. If you don't need them M and $12. On sale Saturday, February 10. Small Men Save 50 on Suits Wanted, 300 small men who can wear S3. S4. SS and 36 aire Suits only. Entire season's surplus and balance of half price suits. $10.00 Suits for. .....S 5.00 $12.00 Suits for ; .$ 6.00 $15.00 Suits for $ 7.50 $18.00 Suits for $ 9.00 $20.00 Suits for $10.00 $25.00 Suits for $12.50 Big Men Save 40 to BO Per Cent on 44-Inch Long Overcoats $12 to $18 Values at $7.50 Sizes 40, 42, 44 and 46, chest only; entire season's surplus of Vicunas, Meltons, Friezes and Kerseys famous makes 7 CH clearance price -JU to be the Madison Mercantile company and the capital stock IXi.CUO. BEATRICE Testerday 1.000 feet of new fire hose was received by the fire depart ment to replace some that was so badly damaged in the Dempster fire aa to make it useless. ALBION At a business meeting of the Congregational church last evening the resignation of itev. A. C. Townsend. pastor, was accepted, to take effect the first of May next. A large majority of the congregation is in favc.r of the retention of Mr. Town send, but upon his earnest solicitation the reJignstion was accepted. Sl'TH ERLAND The camps on the North Platte river branch of the Vnlon Pacific at Sutherland and Paxton have resumed work. The most of the timber for the bridres on the new extension is now on the around and as soon as the additional piling ie received the bridge gang will be put to work on construction. SUTHERLAND At the election of the Keith end Lincoln counties irrigation dis trict the bond proposition carried by an almost unanimous vote. The following officers were elected: John Cox, assessor; .Tsmes Shoup. treasurer; Gus Hartman. David Hunter and 6. E. Anderson, direc tors, respectively, for districts L j and . SCHVTLER The largest snd most com plete church fair ever held in this city was opened this momirg. The lair, which is a mar.ufacturera' fair given by the women of the Methodist Episcopal church, contains donations from about thirty large manu facturing houses in the I nited Slates. The donations are maue through the local mer chants ALEION The weather still continues cold but pleasant, testerday a little anow fell, but the skj- soon cleared. The mercury dropped last night a few degreea below cere and this morning the aun ia shining brightly, with little prospect of thawing during the day. ice is salj to be about six inches thick, and aa soon aa there are indi cations of thawing the crop will ba bar sestea. GRETNA Arthur Donahoo and Miss Lot tie La Horde went to Omaha last Thurs day and went to the residence of Kev. C. W. Savtuge. where tney were made man and wife. Immediately after the ceremony they took the train for California, going by tiie way or Kansas and Texas, i'bey expect to be gone about a month, after which they will be at home to their friends on a farm north of Gretna. BEATRICE Six young men. 'Deacon" Burroughs. Harry Carter. James Coon, Burt Gue and two atranxers named Adklns and Butterbaugh. engaged in a fight yesterday sf'ernoon in a room in the Schmuca blr-ck. where the party had started a crap game. Ia the mixup Burrougha was badly injured by being struck on the head with A tioa end tirtt, racking couph forecast tha early development of eonsuiEp. or croncbitiB, and early death unless cured promptly with the famous penoine doctor's prescription. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 3 AVOID TMI IUBSTI ja naming iu ter . Sail awUk boat M 4 ALL THE WORLD. Ml to ay the eaaar of tb Mtowww will apt adttf atohrwin oraai.4 saw east today CABLE OFFICE a chair. Coon. Carter and Burrougha were arrested for fighting-, but the other three escaped. BEATRICE Mayor ShulU. Councilman Harper and Water Commissioner Field re turned yesterday from Blue Rapida and Manhattan. Kan., where they inspected the water plants with a view to Improv ing the system here. They found nothing that would materially' change conditions wt this point. The committee which was se lected at the last regular meeting of thr city council nay visit Quincy, 111., next week and lnsrwct the water plant ther-. . SUTHERLAND At the meeting; of tha local orani n oi tne i'latte Valley Beet Growers' association officers were elect fad aa follows: David Hunter, president; John .ox. vice presiaeni; inariee tasrence, aeo retary; J. R. White, treasurer. Bylaws of the association were adopted. It ia tha intention to bold a big meeting at North Platte February U fr the purpose of getting the whole of Lincoln county or ganised properly. Great interest ia being manifested In the new organisation. EN OLA The town of Enola ia steadily growing. Marshall a; Co. will represent the ruerteriiue ana banking interests, building for the purpose being under way. Tbomaa M alone, who started the place and la oper ating an elevator, haa sold his residence and will at once erect another. Hume-Robert-son-W ycoff company of Madison will also build an elevator and handle lumber. vl and hardware. The place haa a tair-slaed ' Krriiory, oeing nine miles from Jiorfoiit. six from Madison and fourteen each fruia. Biamm atia Bailie t rf f 1L li E EM ER The sixteenth annual nMtl.. of the stockholders and direntnra f . -.i'. peemer State bank waa held last eveolnevt Their president. A- D. Beemer of Lancaster -w as In attendance, aa was alao C. Uorcw . , Bowlus of Scrit.ner, one of th directors V'V both of whom hold large interests in thmf bank. Out of an earning- of nearly 11 p.r jri.i uuiiiiB ian unu year mi stock holders will oe paid an a per cent dividend. 1 he same officers were re-elected for an other year. Including- Ira E. Wil llama cashier, and Charles E. Mead, assistant cashier, who are the two active officers of tha bank. BEATRICES Superintendent Fullmer de llvered a v-y Interesting and eniertalniua lecture yesterday before the high :hJ& He devoted a few moments at the outset to a discussion of nature, and particularly to a peculiar form or species of Ufa known aa parasitea. Several exaniplea were riven of sue h kind of life, and the ajperintendent then made a practical application and of fered valuable suggestions to the students. He asserted that some students were para, sites, securing help entirely from othera and sot relying or depending upon self. Such students, he said, injure themselves because they are unable to advance when the source of their help departs. 1 su tiered from a bad cold tor some Uae, and very at Boytaf-and racking cough. J made up my mind to toy Dr. Bull's tough Svrup andifttr hiring takes two bottles, cor cough and cold were cured aod 1 Jed as well at evet. I wouid not be without DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP fa my hoc and recommend1 ft cheerfuSy to aB mj frieois. My boy, lour year old, was alio cured of a srrerc sore thrait by this gacat remedy. T. Kerrigan, Elk Point, S. D. 8amplo sent free to all readers. Ve want yon to bar absolute ootifldeaoa In Itr. Bull' Cough f rrup and. to that end. will aead you a eaifJSa" U you WU1 writ lor U and raentK.a this pirJr address c. ilEVUt 4 tXlT V-alltiaora. Md Of uflsva. Iltkia, aso, m4 Ha