i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9,' 1906'. 1 i it FAIRS IT SOUTH OM AHA Charity Ball at the Exchange the Premier fecial Even. or ibe Beaton. - RUMORS OF TWO NlW PACKING PLANTS cnvrnrssehtld A ttalsoerger and Sw (nine frapur Talked of, bat Jfn Degnlte Information la Obtainable. The I rent thing before the mind of South Omaha people last night was the rharlty hull at the exchange building. The entire floor of the largo dining room n utilised for dancing. Ae noon a the lunrh hour . was over yeaterday the women In teracted in the hospital association took matter In hand. Thr spent moat of the afternoon, in preparing the decoration. There consisted of long loops of bunting and tissue overhead' and along the side of th room and alternated with them were a hundred or more of red cross pen nant. Thee" pennant were while, each bearing the familiar red cross near the bait. Then from every available, place were: hung variou pattern of Japanese lantern. About the raised platform which wti occupied by the orchestra a large rumor of palm were grouped. This was along the north wall of the building. Opposite- this was the department set apart fo '.refreshment.' ' The crowd began to gather between the hour of arid a In the evenlns nd con Untied to nwt'J until nearly lo o'clock. A a result th'e hall wa filled to overflowing by th time of the opening grand march This began promptly at 9 p. in. and It was jxirtlclnnted In by several hundred of the best people of the city. Almost every prominent family in town had its representatives. Everybody caught the spirit of good feeling as the ticket we're passed to the doorkeepers. In each dance the floor was occupied to Its capacity ami the people eager to participate were still' standing abdut the walls. The open ing march and quadrille were equally well enjoyed. Number 8 and It of the pro gram, besldf the opening, were the only diversion from the "round dances." so- called:' No. 8 was the lanciers and No. 14 . aa another regular quadrille. No. 5, the walta, ."Oxford," and No. 11 the "Chicago Glide," and No. 13, the "Berlin," were espc dallr enjoyed, by the dancers. The or chestra- frequently encored and four extra dances were given. The effort of the committees which have been planning the entertainment for so many - week received many hearty com mendatlon from every Ide. The officer of.tha South Omaha Hospital association were ' ex-ofUcio helpers among the guests last night and mado themselves almost omnipresent. The proceeds of the cigar stand In the Exchange lobby as well as the refreshment sold inside were turned to the credit of the association. The ball closed at too late an hour to get the status of the finance, but there I no doubt of there being a large margin of profit. V - Talk Sew Parking- riant. No' one about the South Omaha yard nor among the real estate men was to be foond yesterday who knew about the ru mored' proposition of the Schwarzschtld & Hulaberger company of Chicago locating a , branch packing establishment at this point Though many of them thought that It was nof without the pale of possibility, end that' such a company would be most wel come both to the yard's company and the: people of the city, few were found who held out a definite belief In the matter HI known, however, that a representative of the'tbiTsJiy'Wr'in the -city- about a month ago trying to make arrangements ,wth one of the local butchers to do some killing for the company to supply the local market. It was desired to have this market kill' fifty bead or more dally which might be distributed at once from this point and save a shipment from Chicago or other RAILWAY TIME CARD VNtOS STATIOW TKHTII AND MARCT Union Paelga. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a, : am a 1:11 am The China and Japan vmt Mail ..a 4:15 em a 5:19 em Colo.- & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a :0 am California at Ore. i.x..a 4:U pm a 5:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 im al0:46 pm Fast Mail il:Bnm a 3:10 pm Colorado Special a 7:4fi am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 9:10 am a 4:M pm Beatrice Local b 1:16 pm b 2:00 pm Cnleago, Rack Island reelne. EABT. rttlram Limited a 1:3 am a T:10 am Chicago Express ....... a !: am a l:ti pm Chloago Express, Locai.bl':!K am a 4:30 pm De Mom ex Express. .. .a 4:W pm bll:Mara Chicago Fast express.. a :tv pm a i:i pm WKST. Rocky Mountain Ltd.. a 7:30 am a 1:15 am Colorado Express a 1:80 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma tk Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm at! :0S pm Chicago t Hortnwestern. St. Paul Daylight a T-.S0 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight ......a t:U am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited a 1:38 pin :U am Carroll Local a :SL pm 1:60 am St. Paul Fast Mall a 1: 31 pm T:fl am Cloux C & St. P. Local. b 3:50 pm :3o am Fast Mail 1:10 pm Chicago Kxprs a 5:1 pm a 7:50 am Norfolk ft Monsatee....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln l Long P!ne... 7:40 am 10.36 m . Casper A Wyoming e 2:o pm :15 pm L"dwod & Lincoln.. a 1:mi pm 6:16 pm Hastings at Moion d i:m pm Chicago Local ....all:) am Chicago Limited all:00 pm Ckteaeo Great Western, 6:16 di 3:4S pm U:iS am Lav. Arrive. ,..a 6 Sc pm n 7:1 am ...a 7:43 am a t:M pm .. .a 5:00 pm a!0 SO am ...a6:uta:o tliUpn St. Paul ft Minn. - tft. Paul c Minn. Chlcasc Limited CHWago Lxpres .., Wabash, ; lit. Louis Express, lit. Louis Lorbl Council Bluffs) . 6:31pm a 1:4 am .a 1:15 am alO'SOpm St;rberry l-oeal (from Council Blulf) ....b 6:00 pm bll:Sftam Chleaso, Milwaukee at. Panl. Shlcsgo A Colo. Spec l..a 7:56 am a 7:33 am uUfnrnia A Or. Kx...a 6:4n oin a 2:10 pm Overland Limited a : pm a t:iW am Marlon A- Cedur R. Lo..b 6.43 am bll.uo pm Illinois Central. Chicago Lxprc.s ...... a 6 V am a ti pm AMM"- LtmilAd a :e pm a 7:30 am Miou. at. faul Ex..b S: JU am o r,in Minn. A Ht. Paui Ltd..a 6:30 im a 7:a am Missouri I'aeiae. Ht. Louis Exjiiey ...... .a 9:00 am a(:Mni K. C. to H. L. Express, .all :i pm a 6:UU pm ailtLIG'-OK STATtOK IOTH MAIO arllaatou. , . ,, . Leave. Arrive. Denver & California.... a 4.10 pm a 1:30 nm Black Hills aU:10 pm a I. to pni Noitnw'st fc-xir-ss ....ail 10 mil a A pis Nebraska Local a l oo am a 7:40 pm Nebraska Express a 8:10 am Unco) iv Local 6:06 am Lincoln Fast Mall h 2:15 pm U:J m Ft. Crook A Plattam'h.b 2:t0 pm al(i:2C am tiellevue ft Plttsiu'h..a 7:5u pm b 6:60 am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevu ft Pacifio Juno.. a I Si) am Bellevu ft 1'acins June.. 1:10 am Chicago Special a 7: J am ;tica0 Express ... Chicago Flyer lea a Local 6u Loulf Express.. K. C. ft at- Joseph.. K. C. 4 St. Joseph., K C. e It Joseph... ..a 4 iv pm a I 66 pm ...a 6 pm a 7:25 ..r. ...a I :li am alOfJ pm ...a44ipm a 11 :30 am ...elOiipm attain ..a 6:16 am a 6:10 pm ...a . 44 pm WEBITCB DerOTWlSTH ft WEBSTOR Mtssonrl Paelga. Nebrsska Local, via Leave. Arrive. . jt rnv. . r bl sopm birstsm aai. Mlnnonnolia ft weeping wwr Chioaaa, at. ' Dntana, ' Twin rnty Passenger :3 am t it pm ious Cltr Passenger.... 2:00 pm all:2tam Oakland. Local 6:4 pm a t ie am Kuieraoo Local ........ ... 1:46 am 00 pm a Datly. . Daily' enrept Snadav. 4 rall j exoept Saturday, e Sunday only, a Datly eg. cpt Moodaj. point. It Is likely that tne company will In the near future erect a small cold stor- ge such as the packing companies al ready have In Omaha. But there Is no evi dence In South Omaha to warrant the belief n any immediate plan which will affect his city. The Swift. Morris & Fairbanks com pany ha taken tlie preliminary steps oward erecting a plant on the old Tom Ryan property which has been In the possession of the company for the paat ve year. This lies just south of the present Swift plant. It is raid that this will be a tannery and soap factory and will also be for the tnsnufaeture of cer tain grades of canned meats for the export rade. The first thing necessary will be to secure the promise of the railroads to build a spur track for the accommodation of the locality. It may be that with the opening of the spring construction will be begun, but this is not positively af- rmed. No definite announcement of plans can be expected from tne pacKing com panies while the Investigations are lit progress in Chicago. Work an Hamiaesi riant. C. P. Monahan and O. V. Christlansoa of Chicago are In the city looking after the Interests of the National Packing com pany, and more especially to talk over the plans of the company with respect to the Hammond plant.. Few people are aware of the extent of the renovations being effected there. They now have most of the gTound cluSied west of the plant, which wu formerly occupied by a serlea of yards and a few of the smaller building. It Is n this) place that the new power plant In all probability will be erected. Space for a great building has been cleared there und It It Is true that the prlolpal plant of the National company Is to b- transferred from Chlcugo to South Omaha. It will call for a powerful plant. The work has been progressing rapidly and the buildings have been stripped of the unround timbers for the greater part and the work of recon struction csn begin on a large scale. For this work the first consignment of new timber has arrived. Before the week Is out there will be great piles of timbers ricked up on the ground. Knough Is on the way to fill all the available snace on the side next .o the O street viaduct. ew Feed In a- Ranch, Lehmer Erothere, rattle feeders, have re cently bought forty acres of land in the vicinity of Seymour lake for the location of their new cattle feeding operations. They bought the property belonging to Dr. stiller. They have sent out four carloads of lumber fop the yarding and buildings ! and are vacating their former location at , rorij-iuuiiu ng vi nircu. ix-uil-i , ers have their principal ranches in Dundy county and they bring consignments of stock here for feeding to hsve them near the local markets. School Board Rays Property. The Board of Education, contrary to ex pectatlons, took up the matter of the school site at Its meeting Wednesday night. It derided to purchase the site at the southwest corner of Sixteenth and II streets as the location for the new school. It was bought for 21,400, and comprises lots 1, 2. 2, 143. The land lies a little above grade. The board will have enough avail able funds to order the plans drawn for the new building, but there will not be enough to begin the building until after the next levy. This will not be available until the first of August. It Is hoped after that to get the building completed before the time of the opening of the school in the fan. Rlle-y Fined for BltlnsT Bar. Fred Riley, a colored man, who bit Atvln William's ear off In a fight in the Cudahy Packing company's boiler room last Sat urday evening, was fined 1100 end coats yesterday;- Williams is the chief fireman for the Cudahy company and he ordered Riley to let a certain Are alone, saying that somebody els would attend to it. , For some reason this angered Riley, who Is said to have struck Williams. . After this a fight occurred. In the course of which Riley got hold of Williams' right ear and began tearing and biting. He severed It almost completely from the head. Special Election of Officers. ' The following ar the Judge and clerk of election In th various ward and pre cincts at the coming special election: First Ward First precinct: Frank Fits slmmons, John McMillan, George W. Home, Judges; J. J. Breen, J. V. Miller, clerks. Second precinct: E. Q. Busson, John F. Schults, J. B. Smith, judges; John Banter, Charles F. Mann, clerks. Second Ward First Dreclnct: H. C. Mil- ler. Qua Olson, clerks: J. Curtain, James Pivonka, J. L. Barta, judges. Second pre cinct: P. Delaney, John Murray, B. Duens bler, judges; P. J. Llnahan, Burton Rice, clerk. Third Ward First precinct: Andrew Mc Onlre. Steve Carroll. C. W. Knight. Judge; Mike Barrett, Robert Benson, clerks. Sec ond precinct: . Ed Hanley H. F. Ryan. Ivor Thomas. Judges; Frank Good. George Byrne, clerks. Fourth Ward First precinct: Thomas Sullivan, M. Hughes, S. A. Furguson, Judges; James Cunnlnghnm, John A. Nel son, clerks. Second precinct: M.-J. Cor coran, George Dunseombe, T. C. Erwln, Judges; William Murphy.x C. M. Sanford, clerks. Fifth Ward First precinct: George Ra worth, Oeorpe flkow, John Elliott, judges; H. C. Murphy, clerk. Second precinct; Peter Ijrnaah. Tom Broderlck, Otto Wurm bach, Juilpes; Peter Peterson, Frank Ko blela. clerks. Sixth Ward First precinct: Charles Furnlund, George C. Hnskins. W. S. Bailey, Juctres; John E. lAUghlln, Daniel C. Kobb, clerks. Second precinct: J. O. Cushing, M. J. Rawlev. F. F. Schmidt. Judges; A. Delanny, Charle E. Fay. clerks. !Harlo City Gossip. The Northeast Improvement club wUl hold sn election Tuesday night. R. O. Waters of Grand Isiund Is visiting friends In the city. He was' once in the nen'spai.er business here. George T. Douthty was fined $3 and cosis for Intoxication and petit larceny. Frank Stephens got 61 and cr-sis for being drunk. R. L. Wheeler will deliver Ills lecture on Ahiahum Lincoln before the Voting Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. J. S. Thomas and wife of Lexington were visiting In the city yesterday. '1 ney have Just returned from a trip through the Urit isli Isles. Phil Kearney post No. 2 of- the Grand Army of the Kepubllc and a'o tits member of tlie ticiiot coips will meet Saturday nlKht In teu.ar hi esion In the hall over the South Omaha National bank. Large delegations from' the Irish so cieties of Houtu omsha went to tne clly last night to attend tne lecture of Douglas Hde. There was much enthusiasm ex-. firessed on the road home after tne meet ng. M'GILL IN OMAHA FOUR YEARS PostoMiro Clerk to Uo Promoted rant from Waaalantea to This City. Charles L. McGlll. th clerk in the money erder division of the Omaha postofflca, who has been ordered before sn examining board for promotion to th position of postefP.ee Inspector. Is regarded as one of th moat enVtent of the Omaha postofflce force and Ms selection for the position of Inspector Is in rt-cognltlon of his special qualifications along this line. Mr. M'Gill was traosfttred from Washington to th Omaha postnfflce about four years ago. The date of bis ex amination has not yet bwn fixed, and It Is not known at thl time who will be ap pointed to succeed him In th Omaha office. DIAMONDS Frenaer. ltn and Donga, LOCAL BREVITIES. Judge and Mrs. C. T. Reave of rail Cltv. Neb., are at the Htr Grand, having arrived yesterday, ( Dr. !ws, rrefessor of tlreek at the l"ni versitv of Kebratka. will lecture an "A Trip Through CJrei-e" at the Boar r4 KUu catiun room in the city ball FitUiy uiglit. WCMA1 U CLUI ARB CHARITY The Boston Olobe relates an amusing sequel to the recent decision of the su preme court of New Brunswick that a woman could not be admitted to the bsr even though sh- passed the examination. The statute . provides, that any "person" with certain qualifications shall be ad mitted, but the supreme court held that a won, an Is not n person within the meaning of the law. "Shortly after this remarkable decision," says the Olobe. "a sharp-eyed representative of the sex saw In that fe clslon a loophole to escape when arraigned before the judge of the 81. John's police court on a minor offense. She contended that only 'persons' were subject to the penalty and pointed out that under the ruling of the supremo court women do not come In that category. She declared that she was determined to stand on her rights. The claim wa so novel that the judge re leased her, but announced that his decision was not to be taken a a precedent." Editor Frank Kennedy of the Western Laborer announced before the social science department of the Woman's club thl week that in his opinion men made their chief mistake in not admitting women more gen erally a their helpers In th struggle of the trade unions. He saw, through the women, the fullest possibilities of th union label, as the women do most of th buying. He concluded by saying: "Th woman who keeps the home going, the children dressed presentably and in school and meet all th other domands Incidental to her position on the average man's salary. Is, In my opin ion, the greatest financier of th age." Mr. Kennedy expressed his Intention of adding the cut of the Consumers' league label to the list of union labels now being published In the Western Laborer that union men and women may become familiar with It and help Its cause as well as their own. There Is every reason why women should be Interested In the agitation for puro food legislation so general Just at present. Iowa women are especially Interested In view of the pure food bill to com before their state legislature this winter, and Mrs. J. C. Cory, chairman of the house hold economics committee of the Iowa Federation of Women's club ha sent out the following reasons for the consideration of club women: 1. Because statistics tell us that 75 tier cent of all the money spent. 1 spent by or for women. As a purchasing agent JVVrod nnsminiifd. deleterious iooos may not with safety be put on the market in Iowa; ana ml in money ne urmaa m bring its true equivalent in purity, strength and nutrition. 2. Bersuso P5 per cent of all f od eaten is prepared by women. In a woman's hands lies the safe keeping of the health of the family. It Is her duty to us only thore foods wmrn sue Knows to ne pun and tu nosKtss the requisite nutritive , GarnM. .Beatrice; Robert Hyland .Winner; values: the range of variety In food would ' " ' ' be grestly Increased could the house. I Martin Hoff, Wlsner: Mathew B. Hogan, keeper be assured that, under state super- ! Hubbard; A. B. Hull. L'lsea; J. W. Het yislon. the package, canned and prepared j r,cfc McCool Junction; W. II. Jackson. were reasonably pure and contained only sucn suDsiances as ineir inoeis ntaien and not some Inferior and deleterious com pound. 2. Because a pur food law well en forced would result In a saving of time to women. The hours spent. In - home preparation of foods, purchased as nearly natural products as possible, might be saved If women could with safety substi tute foods prepared In factory, packing house or bakery. Our grocers would than realise an Increase In their trade. ,4. Because these easy, sure methods of preserving food by the help of chemicals are gradually creeping Into the home preservation of frnlls. vegetables, pickle, etc., which has hitherto depended on good quality of material and upon absolute cleanliness, sterilization and car. A phy sician who is also a housekeeper, used a powder, wnirn nas,ieen extensively sold in Iowa, In putting up some rorn.- Upon opening her oens recently she found her corn "beaumuliy emnaimea." but unilt for food. o. Because women have studied the chemlsiry of foods and principles of nu trition; They know that digestion is largely a fermentative- process and most of tho chemical preservative are used to arrest fermentation. Whatever stops fermenta tion In the csn arrests it In the human nmciiine ana maigesuon ronows. . Because it is the poor who suffer. The hiaheet grades of food are less llabli to be adulterated. People of i.-eans have rh'of". Vrera sary as a labor-saver. It is the poor dweller In the tenement who is attacked aTJ"-" r.Umtlrum"n,,of C,"',ip food and whose families are often eoin- relied to live on prepared foods because both parents are at work all day aw-ty Nat?onal Assmcl'atlon 'of 'BtaIePDalryf and r ooa ijepanment states tnat 4o&.io Infants died In th year !M from adulterated food. Womeu are the babies' natural protector. Let them then push this pure food movement not only for their own benefit, but -for the help of those weaker one. BOY PROVES J5G0D AS WORD Lad Goes to Kearney Reformatory VTItnoot Officer, as He ald He Weald. Probation Officer Bernstein is meeting ,ui. success, m senaing oennquent boys to the Kearney reformatory on their honor rther than In the custody of an officer Thursday morning Mr. Bernstein im iron tne .uperin- tendent of the Kearney Institution that John Olarln reached there, making the fourth boy recently sent with hi own commitment. Tuesday Harry Dey.pp. a -ye.r old Xhronlc truant, wa. forwarded on his own promise to get off the train V. !ch?r:,7"nd mMt the 'u,er",An(,n, The Kearney superintendent has re ported that the moral effect on the boys sent up under th circumstance mentioned Is more than might be expected. It gives them a feeling of pride which has a whole some effect. Mr. Bernstein explained he would not take the risk of sending all boys alona committee of the last legislature, will ap Judge Lindsay of th Denver Juvenile pear before th Woman's Club March I to court has tried this plan of sending boys alone and ha met with signal success. UNION PACIFIC LOSES TOO 8am Kate a Barling-ton In Fight In Federal Conrt to Evade Tax. Judge Munger handed down a memoranda opinion In the case of th Union Pacific Railroad company, complainant, against Robert O. Fink, treasurer of Douglas county, and others, In which th assess ment of the State Board of Equalisation is upheld snd the application of the complain ants for an injunction to restrain the col lection of th taxea assessed against th railroad company for 1904 and 190f. by exe cution or dint less warrant, la dismissed. The opinion is very brief, and Is as fol lows: This case is substantially like th caa of the Chicago, Burlington Jb Quinvy Rail, way company against F. C. Babcoek. treas urer of Adams county, et al. heretofore decided, and finding and Judgment is for th respondents, dismissing complainant' bill for want of equity. The ca against th city of Omaha on the supplemental bill Is passed for further consideration. MuelcJa i concert and ball, WO musician In orchestra, next Monday at Auditorium. Admission M cents. Fir Handred Men at Work. Swift and Company is putting Me meg te work rutting Ice at Cut-Off lake. The ic Is SMld'Co b from seven snd one-half te elift-t Ijjrlies thick, and as more eold cathr la promised, a greater tbioko 1 i - J .. counted on. At both regular places on th lake where ie l cut the men wi.l work. ANOTHER COLD WAVE COMING Present One Be t natlfae tnry In Some of tk Minor Details. "Have you heard the news?" asked th Careful Observer of the Oldest Inhabitant ThursOay mntning. ' alien the first men tioned philosopher and fresh air dvorat read a local weather bureau card announc ing another cold wave. ( "Read the latest news What do you mean? I read all the morning papers, met all my neighbors, telephoned our minister and dropped In at the Hoard of Trade. I even saw Pspa Dill Rnurke about hi new shortstop and scanned the police blotter. Are we going to have an earthquake or Workhouse?" responded the Oldest Inhabi tant, hi eye gleaming with Inqulsltlvenee and bis hands covered with a pair of new glove his wife crocheted for him. "Well, William, you had better get your glasses on and have a took." rejoined th Careful Observer, handing his companion the weather bureau card. "Shucks, If that weather department don't seem anxious to start something. 'COLD WAVB TONIGHTf Well, I'm blessed. What do you think of that?" Oldest In habitant. "I think that Bre r Welsh should finish the Job he la oa. - He brought a cold wavs here a week or so ago, and can you tell me what he wants lo do with another cold wave while we have thl one? This Is cold enough for tropical Nebrarkee. My wife's folks down east were thinking about mov ing out her and starting a. feed store on th strength of what I wrote them of our salubrious weather. And unless I can get the papers to suppress the new I'm afraid It la all off with my wife people. Curse the luck, anyway." Careful Observer. "Let' go over and see the weather man and try to have him rescind hi order," r plied the Oldest Inhabitant. They saw Mr. Welsh, but that official sured hi callers the cold wave will com and that no kicks go. NEW JURORS FOR BIG DOCKET Additional ranel for refit Mat Kntn moned for Adjourned Term of Federal Conrt. An additional pauel.of fifteen petit Jurors has been selected for the present ad lotirned November term of the federal Th " ! wade necessary by the pressure of work in both courts where Jury trials r being held. Omaha I represented on the new panel hy A. JT. Austin, president of th American Hand Sewed Shoe company. The new panel la full consists of th following: A. T. Austin. Omaha; Ellas N. Brings, Bancroft; Joseph Eyers. Memphis; William Burchard: Louis Lesleur. Paptlllon; George Lewis, Winsld C. W. Bobbin. Lyons; Henry Slemerlng. Berada; Wll!l.m Wurta, Btromsbiirir. The new punel is ordered to report Mon tis y, February 12, at a. m. ; VIRTUE ITS OWN GOOD REWARD Mot of Colored ' Mwn Who Finds Cianrs and filves Then. t to Police. . X , ' i . Henry Jaeksun. -a nesro llviuur at 07 South. Tenth stre'er-fynHeve' virtue Is its! Am-n rem-airl Sjf '.iji'flritAn'a via rt liila il- i . . . .h i . k.. I t,le w" ta tui " QJl t0 th VoUc e box 1 of cigars he found Wednesday evening at I the city dumn. Tie, fact that several of; the police offlolalf established a close con- nectlon between tlia. quality of the cigars and the place where tlieyr were found did not prejudice their -minds regarding Jack son's honest, as the colored man. in th most Innocent manner, told Captain Dunn h. ,,,, H.mn.mM t.n nf ih. !.... ,4 I : . . . . -..v. ', would stake his reputation a a tester of cigars that the boa he found contained c,r" of ? thoir:? brand- Howover when Peek Sergeant Havey began to smoke one of the cigars the priioners started to talk of :u treatment at th hand of i .... .... . Ul aches. ! -GHT 0N , SPECIAL TAXES Contest Made .taratast Validity on Uroands Tn Connellmen Were Xot Kntlflrd. Testimony and sr"guments Involving th validity of special taxes In Improvement districts No. 7t and 70 were heard Wednesday by Judge Troup In the scav enger tax milt. These district are On Jones street snd it (s asserted by property owners that th ordinance for paving them were passed at a special meeting of th council April WOO. from which two members of that body were sbsent. While th courts have field that uch ordinance may b. pll,A at pec,a, meetings. It 1 th contention of the property owner that notlc. muiit wrrd on each member of ,h. council in rdee' that ' h. mnv .tt..M th. meetln. if he desires. It la asserted that nolle, wa not serv.d on the two member who were absent and that thl invalidates the asses.ment. i j EPPERSON ON DECEDENT LAW Chairman of Meant Jadlclary Corn mlttee Will Address the Omalia Woman's Clua. . 8enatur Charle' II. Kppersun of Pair Meld, chairman of the senate judiciary discuss the revision cf the decedent law bill presented by - th club women and killed in the last legislature. Senator Ep person comes upon, Invitation of th woman' property right committee of th Omaha Won sn's Club, of which Mrs. George Ttiden I chairman, and which In tend to present a new bill to the next legislature. NEW ADDITION TO THE CITY To key Heights Will Bo Kama of New Tract Oooaod at Thirty-sixth and Grass. To meet th remarkable demand for low priced lot for terns building A. P. Tukey It Son have decided to open a new addi tion In the north part of the city te be known aa Tukey Heights. The tract fronts on Thirty-sixth street and Grand avenue and will have a frontage on th proposed rout of th new northweit boulevard. It comprise about fifteen acre and will tnak about sixty lot. The land Ilea very high and command a fin view in every direction for mile. . tnrtllns; fcTiess Is dally advsnced of th curative powere of ,Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. 0o and H. For al t) Sherman McConaell Drug On. FIRE RECORD. t. Faal'a Chorea In Thloaao. CHICAGO, Feb. I.SI. Paul Methodist Episcopal church. Ashland avenu snd Har rison tr.t, ass drotioy.4 toulght by He. This perfectly natural change tn a woman's life Is too often ac companied by painful, distressing symptoms due to female troubles and slight Irregularities In her deli cate organism. The woman who passes this change without the development of tumors, cancers, or chronic Invalid Ism enters a new field of happiness and usefulness In the domestic cir cle and In social activity. Her phy sical system should receive the necessary assistance at this critical period. ly(liaE.Pinlihamj5 Vegetable Compound Is exactly suited to woman's needs at this time. It strengthens and ! cures all derangements of the female organism. It overcomes the hot flashes and dizzy fainting spells, and all other distressing symptoms. I Wtvs ii Bed for Three Weeks Dear Mrs. Pinrham: I suffered a peat deal durlnf Change of Life. For ' eleven weeka I had hemorrhares and II made me so weak I was In bed for three weeke. I began taking Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound, although It was against my doctor'a will and I had te hide It. I took it regularly until I had taken five bottles, and It brought me out all right, a perfectly strong, well woman. Any one can tell how healthy I am by looking at my picture, and any one can write to me or my daughter about our wonderful cures, Mrs. F. M. Mushrush. East Chicago, Ind. The vhole secret of safety at this time of life is thorough preparation before the . ; change begins. Fortify the system with a course of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. This wonderful medicine has carried thousands of women through this danger period. ; No such helpful advice to women who are sick can be had anywhere as will be received tft by addressing Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Plnkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction, and since her decease, she has been advising sick women free of charge. HI Lydia E Pinkliam's oasss u-'.i l.jniaaoi The fire started In the r9Jenieiit from an overheated furnace. Less, 6ia,X. BASE BALL PLAYERS ARRESTED Donlln, McGrnw nnd Bennett Accused . Creating; Disturbance on Train In rw York. ALBANY. N. Y., Feb. 8. Michael J. Dun lin, centerrield of the New York National Base Bull club; Walter Bennett, a Southern i league pitcher, and John J. McQraw, an other professional tase bail player, all mem bers of an Indoor base ball teuni enroute to begin a series of games at Troy, were ar rested here on the arrival of their train this afternoon. They are charged with disorderly conduct on the truin. Donlln Is charged also with drawing a loaded revolver on a porter. According to the story of the porter, the party began drinking soon after the train left Grind Central station, their conduct bucame annoying to other passengers and they were repeatedly cautioned by the con ductor and truin crew. The warnings proved ineffectual, and finally, the porter alleges, Donlln drew a pistol and pointed It at him, throwing the other passengers In the car Into a panic. Home of the more prudent members of the party took the weapon from Donlln. At Potighkeepsie the conductor telegraphed to Albany and when the train arrived her Donlln, Bennett and McQraw were pointed out as the chief offender. A sensation followed the discovery of the Identity of the prisoners and a crowd fol lowed them to the polic station. The other members of the party at once began earnest efforts to secure their release. Member of the legislature from New York City used their Influence in aid of this endeavor. . Other member of the New York Base Ball club on the train were Sucond Base man William Gilbert and Third Baseman Arthur Devlin. Only the three men ar rested are accused by the railroad officials. EXPERT TESTIFIES FOR MANN Says 0. K." on Ward Letter Doe Jtot Look Like Colonel Work. NEW YORK, Feb. $.-Edwln B. Hay, a handwriting expert, wa the first witness today in the trial of Colonel W. D. Mann editor of Town Topics, on a charge of per jury. Th witne was called by the prosecution. He wa questioned about the character "O. K." "W. D. M.," which It I alleged Colonel Mann wrote on a letter from Count Reginald Ward. Answering questions put by Martin W. Littleton, Colonel Mann' counsel, aa tn th "O. K.." the witness said: "It ha no resemblance whatever to the other pieces of handwriting sdmitted to b speci men of Colonel Mann's handwriting." Mr. Hay's tostlmony on cross-examination wa more favorable to Colonel Mann than was his direct evidence yesterday. Today he said the "K" of the "O K" resembled a letter "K" In a specimen of Colonel Mann's writing, but he mas not willing ta wr that they were written by th aame person. After examining a number of cancelled checka bearing the admitted signature of Colonel Mann Mr. Hay said there wa no resemblance lietween thore writings and th disputed endorsement on the Count Ward letter, because the latter endorse ment was a monstrosity written hurriedly and the check endorsements were written most carefully. Th cross examination of th witness Hay occupied th afternoon, th question ing following closely the line laid down during th morning. Federnl Conrt rases. Th trial of th IJO.noo damag cas of Dr. Charles Rosewater against ' the Illi nois Central Railroad company for personal injuries at in crossing or tnat road In this city near Pierce and Thirteenth streets oeron on us tnira day before Judge Car land In th United State circuit court Thursday morning. Th cas Is likely to Occupy the remainder of the week. Th cas of th I'nlted States against David St. Cyr. a Winnebago Indian, was called for trial In the I'nlted Stctea dis trict court before Judge Muntrer Thursday afternoon. SI. Cyr is iiiiwi Indlctiaen lor lb alleged theft of lb land aliuinit i i. i i m9 . .Hii , Change tpM Vegetable Compound Cures nnswua records of the Winnebago Indiana from the office of the Winnebago asency while S Cyr was a clerk at the agency. Several Indian witnesses have been summoned in the case. PURE FOOD BILL REPORTED Likely to Come I p for Consideration In the Meant Seit Week. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. Ia., Feb. 8.-(Speclal.) Th pure food bill, considered one of the most important measures of this session, wa re ported out of the senate agricultural com mittee today and referred to the appropria tions committee because of the fact that it bear an appropriation. The appropriation committee met later In the afternoon and voted the bill out for passage, and It will go on the calendar at once. The bill will be reached In It regular order, which will probably be some time early next week. The committee on railroad will take up the Turner and Hughes anti-pass bills to morrow In commltee. Both bills are now printed and both Senator Turner and Sena tor Hughe will be heard on their meas ures. The Hughes bill prohibit giving passes to delegate to political convention and officials and the Turner Mil prohibits giving passes to any One except employes and a few others. At the closing session of th Corn Belt' Meat Producers association last night the following officers were elected for the com ing year: President A. L. Ainee, Buckingham. Vice President Charles W. Maher. Fort Dodge. Secretary H. C. Wallace. Des Molnea Treasurer Charles (loot! now. Ijik Director First district, J. H. Hughe, Mount Pleasant;. Second, E. P. Uaird, Iowa We Cure Men for private, ehronle and pelvic disease, who ar treating with quack special' lets and Inexperienced physicians without receiving any benefit, w hava. da clded to make a special offer to charge only en-baif of our regular fee for cur ing tboae who ar now undergoing treatment lawhr and ar dissatisfied, provided that you come to us befor March 8, lse. For Instance, If you are afflictad with lthr Hydrocele. Stricture or Nervou Dactln. our charg for urlng either of which without any complication 1 2O0, w will guarantee to cure you for and accept th moacy Invany way yu wish to pay. W will also eur Contagious Blood Poison for $11 V, which is Just half our regular f. Th liberal offer I mad to anabl tho to be cursd who her apnt thtlr money In doctoring without relief and te show th many who have treatad with dosens of physicians without bsnstlt that w bav U only methods that pro duce a ltfdong cur. Our met buds are np-toUto and are) Indorsed by the highest meo leal authorities of Europe and America, Hciic) eur euccee tn Uvo treatment of nien'i disease. Kemember, our specialty la limited to the) diseases of Mi:X. god MEN ONLY. PRIVATE DISEASES Newly contracted and chronic eases cured. All burning, itching and Inflammation stopped In 24 hours; cures effected In T days We rover tho entire field of private) and ehronle, deep-seated, com plicated diseases. ' j A LIFE-LONG CURE FOR l leers, btrlrturo. Hydrocele. Varicocele. Blood Poison, fJhronle Discharges, fckln Diseases, Piles and Fistula, Prostatic Disease, Kerro-Vital Debility, Kidney and Bladder Disease. NORTHWESTERN North weal Corner 18th and Farnani. u. u V. d Not .Batlstig V Suffering Where Others Fall City: Third, George A. Bateman, Waterloo: Fourth, J. P, Sheehan. 0age; Fifth. J. Ward Wilson. Traer: Sixth, John Ooodfol-low.- Garner; Seventh, T. A. Thornburg. Linden; Eighth. Jerome Smith. Coming; Ninth. Hamilton Wilcox, Grlswold; Tenth. Joseph Thompson. Jefferson, and Eleventh, A. Syke. Ida county. FORMER MAIL, CARRIER l TROtBLtC Arrested on Charge of Taking; Goods . from tho Mall. SHENANDOAH. Is.. Feb. 8. (Special.) Charles Rennack of thl place was at tested yesterday at Essex on the charge of tampering with the mall and taken to Council Bluffs, where he was held under bond of tooo for his sppearanoe at th next term of th federal court. Rennack is a man of reputation, having been conceded to be tho chamnlon eorn husker of the country. About' on year ago lie was appointed mail carrier tn this city. Some time ago several barbers In the city wre expecting aome pocketbook. which did not arrive, and on writing the firms which were to swl them they dis covered the firms had receipts for th books, which wcr sent by registered mail. Rennack was asked to resign ss a mail carrier, which he did and Immediately an nounced his candidacy for sheriff, and since has been busily at work furthering his Interests and he was at Essex on that mission when arrested -on the charge of taking the pocketbook from the mall and filling out the receipt for th registered packages. BaUdla Permits. The city ha Issued building permits ta William F. Fowler for a $1,500 frame dwell ing at Thirtieth and Laird street snd to Charles Keindorff for a I2.&00 frame dwell ing at U South Twenty-ninth atreet. Until March 3d We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated Ailment. UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAT UNLESS CURED ' : -OUR SPECIAL OFFER: 'js MEDICAL k SURSIC&L INSTITUTE . Eatrauc on '18th Streo.