Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat ii Bullish, Sentiment Being
Strengthened by Liverpool Cablet.
Bona lilac by Holders of Long
kl aaa Professional Traders
laellaea to Dlaeoaat
th Reports.
OMAHA. Feb. 6. l!j.
Wheat slightly bullish, the sentiment
established yesterday continuing and
strengthened by stronger Liverpool rain
and reports of a lack of moisture In the 1
wutnwwt. This mas onset to some extent
later by forecasts for snow throughout th
whiter wheat belt. Some selling was done
by holders of long wheat ami professional
traders, who seemed Inclined to discount
reports. The market was nervous and
trade light. Wheat opened from 4c to So
stronger than yesterday and reached up
ward e May closed at Mc July at
3e and September at 824c.
1 orn had about the same range as yes
terday and was very dull, range falling
off 40 split. Little or no trading was
done. There was no export demand and
cash prices were weak. May closed at 44c,
July at 444o and September at 444c
Or Is dragged in sympathy with corn
and fell on Sc. May finished at 304c
July at 2Mc and September at 77Sc.
Clearances were: Wheat, 18. fx) bushels;
corn, 0.tej bushels; oats. 24",O0O bushels;
flour, 1X.U0 barrels. The primary wheat re
ceipts were 430,000 bushels and shipments
349,004 bushels, against receipts last year
of &-3.000 bushels and shipments of
bushels. Corn receipts were 452,000 bushels
and shipments of (77.040 bushels, against
receipts last year of 4fw.ono bushels and
hiptiients of Stt.QOO bushels.
Prtngle wired: "The weather map Is
bullish. No precipitation In winter wheat
country and no prospect of any. Continued
severe cold In northwest."
Broomhall reported: "Cables from Cawn
pnre, India, say tbls district Is still with
out rains. Crops withering and prices ad
vancing Omaha fash Sales.
WHEAT No. 5 hard. 1 car, THic; No. I
nerd. 1 car, 'Vfra.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 3 hard, 754J764c; No. 3 hard,
TlfJWtc; No. 4 hard, WaTiSc; No. 2 spring,
744'ti7iic; No. 1 spring, 72j74c.
CORN No. 3, 8tic; No. 4, 35i!ttV4c; No. t
yellow, Xc; No. 4 whit. 8ti:i'c.
OATS No. 5 mixed, 24c; No. S white.
KYE No. 2, 60V; No. 3, 69c.
, Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Kansas City
8t. Louis ....
... 48
... 4
... 37
... 32
"eatres of the Trading; aad C'loalna;
Prices oat Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. . An official forecast
of snow in Kansas and Nebraska was
chiefly Instrumental today in causing a
weaK tone in tne wnenl market nere. j-rices
at the close were nlmost at the lowest
Jont of the day, with the May option c
ower than yesterday's tinal quotation.
Corn and oats were each oft tyfc-tic. Pro
visions were irom iVjC to Zic nigner.
Weakness In the wheat pit developed
after trading was well under way. At
the opening sentiment favored higher prices
and quotations on May were "h c higher
at S&tffrt&'ic. Shorts were active bidders
and their demand advanced the price of
May to 85Q5c. Shorts were urged to
action by a rcDort that the wheat crop of
India is in an extremely precarious condi
tion Dccause or continueu arouin. ins
slight upturn induced heavy selling by
commission houses, which caused a slight
reaction. Renewed buying by aborts caused
a second rally, and then liberal selling by
commission houses and numerous small
holders who were Influenced by the pre
diction of snow for Kansas and Nebraska
caused the market to weaken. The low
point for May was reached at 84V9&tC
and the close was weak, with May at H4c.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 300,000 bu. Primary receipts were 430. Oia)
bu., compared with :u.m) a year ago. juin
neanolls. rvuluth and Chicago reported re
celpts of 339 cars, as against 243 last weak
' TraiiS'necorn pit w'aa very" "light
and the market was inclined to be weak.
Easy cables and liberal local receipts were
. the chief bearish Influences. The close
was easy, with prices at about the lowest
point or tne day. May opened uncnangea
in a shads lower at 44VC to 44UQ44HC sold
off to 43c and closed at 44c. Liocal receipts
were 281 cars, with 14 of contract grade.
A continued good export demand caused
moderate firmness In the oat a market early
In the day. but later the market waa weak
ned on profit-taking by local holders. May
ooened a shade to Vic hlKher at 30S63oHc
to 80c, sold off to 30e!3oic and closed at
JV'c. Local receipts were ix cars.
Tha mark of 6c for live hogs was realised
todav and caused a deoldwily active pro
visions market. There was active buying
by shorts, which resulted In a considerable
advance in prices. The greatest demand
was for poTK and this showed the most
strengtn. ixcui pacners were uwrui pur
chasers of ribs. The market closed strong
with May pork up 27Hc at 315.15.
Lard was
up 10c at !.
i.Kri. Ribs were 7Vs9'10c higher
at XK.wyEia.flfVi.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
II cars; corn, 274 cars; oats, 116 cars; hogs,
Z3.000 head.
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles ! Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y
May July
May July
May July
85H6 5Hfi SI
44Vfis! 4S!
44i MVvV
44 444S
44 44i
444! 44
15 00
15 0
7 W
15 30
15 10
IS 00
15 00
15 15 14 R7Vi
15 02V 14 tCH
7 82h 7 72H
7 85 7D
7 7HI 7 90
0JH 7
02 7 90
I 10
e n! 8 othI
8 124: 8 ti
Na. t.
Cash oiiota tions were as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter. tents. tJ "S
400: stralarhts. t3.Soi3K5: spring patents.
3.75435; straights. U6at7u; bakers, l
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 83S6c; No. 3, S2i9
84c; No. 2 red, Ktimn.
CORN No. 2. 41c: No. 2 yellow. 41Vie.
OA'lS No. 2, 2?c; No, 1 white, li&JO
No 3 white, 29V031C.
KYE No. 2. 0&c.
BARLEY loort feeding, 399394c; fair to
Choice malting, 4-tlbOC.
8EKI No. 1 flax. 31.10: No. t northwest
ern. 81. 1; prime timothy, 81.26; clwer, con
tract trade. 313 50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 814.90
114 95. Lard, per 1M lbs , 37 'o7.7H. Short
ribs sides (loose. V au07.9u. Short clear
Bldrs (tKixed," so.
Following were tha receipts and ship
men is of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 89. 3 33.300
Wheat, bu 12.00 K.sno
Com. bu 17I.5iO ltl.iO
Oat, bu 124.7U 316,000
Kve bu 9.100
barley, bu SS.luO Ss.SOO
on the Produce exchange to - v the tiu
tcr market was steady: creameries. Ufraic
dairies. lTfiSc. Kftas. weaker; at mark
cases Included. 1til7c: firsts, 17c: prime
firsts, 18c; extras, 2uc. Cbeese, Steady, 11 V
Kaasas City Grala aad ProirlaloBS.
Steady: May. 77c: July. 7E'iiC: September
75Sc; cash. No. J hard. T&ftfelc; No. 3. 7&ii
TK. Na 2 red. KVsdttSc; No. 8, 86Slu.
Krce'its. ss cars.
CORN-Weak; May. 9Hc; July, SSe;
cash, No. i mixed. Vc; No. 2 white, c;
Nti. 1 3ti39c.
OATS oteady; No. 3 white, 30Hfc3U,c;
No. 2 mixed. Sic.
RYE Steady at 60c.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, CO 504 11.00;
choice prairie. 17.7568.00.
EGOS Steady ; Mivaouii and Kansas, new
No. 2 while. ood cases Included. Uc; case
count. 15-: cases returned. He less.
BITTER Steady; creamery, c.
Hecetnts. Snlpments.
Wheat, bu 48,0a 67.01
Corn, bu
tttus, bu
Phlladt-lpbla Prodara Market.
Firm; extra western creamery. 2&o.
IXaGS Weak nd 14c lower; westers
fresh. 17c at mark.
CHEESE Steady ; New York full creams,
.lvrral 4. ralai mm Prwvtslaas.
nominal; fiiures, quiet; March, 6s tu4d;
Mt.-i 8Vd. July. s Sd
CORN Spot, qultt. American mixed. Mew,
4s Id; old. 4a M. Future, quiet; March,
4 lSd; May, ts rd
otatlaa af tho Day - on Varloaa
NEW YORK. Feb. -FLOVR-Recelpts.
lS.of.l bbls ; exports. 1.29 bbls. : market dull
and barely steady; Minnesota patents, 64 0 3
466; Minnesota bakers. 8i.a3u; winter
patents. 34HVa4.40; winter straights. 11'$
4.00; winter extras. $2.75fiS26: winter low
grades, $2.S433.20, Rye flour, steady; fair to
good, 13.70 4 00; choir to fancy, $4.06-4)4.35.
Buckwheat flour, dull. IJ10A2.15.
OORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low,; coarse, tl.usyl .05; kiln dried. $2.70
RTE Nominal; No. t western, 63c, f. o. b.
New York.
HARLBY Weak; malting, 4752c, c. I. f.
WHEAT Receipts. So.flnn bu.: exports, 47.
8!3 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, fc
elevator; .no. i red, 924c r. o. b. afloat ; jso.
northern Duluth, 9b4c f. o. b. afloat. A
trorg opening In wheal today, caused bv i
better cables and predictions for mors cold !
weather, was replaced by heaviness before
mm. tne marK't yielding to lavoranie crop
ews, prospects lor snow in Kansas and
liquidation. Continuing weak through the
fternoon tne market closed 4no net
lower; May. 90 3-lflS9li4c, closed at 804c;
uly. ir.-l!?J4c. closed at SMS-loe: Sep
tember, WT'&7lc, closed at 844c.
coh.n Keceipts, 11..17S bu.; exports. 70,419
bu. Spot market easy: No. 2. 614c elevator I
and 4!c f. o. b. afloat; No. Z yellow, 4Sc: No. I
: wnite, oic. option market was wunout :
Transactions apofn. closing te net lower; j
May closed at 6oc; July closed at 60o;
September closed at 6T'-c.
OATS-Recelpts, 75.000 bu. Spot market
Bt7'iy:vm.lxe!, to.?2 aHCiec; natural .
white. 30 to 33 lbs., 3rt36Hc; clipped white,
33 to 40 lbs.. 3Sfc39Hc
HAY Barely steady; good to choice, 759
HOPS Steadv: state, common to choice.
1906. l-"517c; 1904. e'filic; olds, o-qSc; Padflc
coast. 1!, 10iil4c: lm. n2e; olds. 6S?8c.
HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 2S lbs..
20c: Texas dry, 14 to 80 lbs.. 19c.
iea I her-steady; acid.
PROVISIONS Peef. steady: family. tll.BO
613 00; mess. 9 OOtflo.00; beef hams. $20.(09
2!60; packet. flO.5Ktril.00; cltv extra India
mess. Cut meats. steady:
pickled bellies, S.2,f9 00; pickled shoulders.
pickled hams. W (oas.50. Lard, firm:
western steamed, f ootia.10; refined, quiet
continent. V10: South America, tt So: com-
nnund lA U'u.ti7 STLt Pn.i, rrm r.miiv i
pound. o.L;41i 374. Pork, firm; family, I
i6.trtl8 60: abort clear. IlB.aift'18 00: mess.
$15.7516 50.
TALLOW Barely steady: city. 64c: coun
try. fcifiSc.
RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, SH
5,: .Irrn. nominal.
BITTER Firm- street orlce. extra
creamery, zrc. Official prices: Creamery,
common to extra, li?7c; held. 17g2'4c; ,
rviiiivaivu, cimmon 19 extra, ivawc.
KtxJH fc-asier;
O n rl ft il..r..l m n rt h. . , , .
fancy, ltvic: state. Octoler. twit, l.tuwiic-' !
state, late made, small average, best, 124c;
sim lsrrp li".c: Slate, ratr. HWfllc
POULTRY Live steady: western chick- I
ens, 11c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed ;
steadier; western chickens.
l'Olc; tur- j
keys, wxk; fowls, 10913c.
St. Loala General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8. WHEAT Lower: No.
2 red, cash, elevator, SsajKio; track, 94ig4c;
May, 82c; July, 814c; No. 2 hard, 504
CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 41c: track. 4-:
May, 424c; July, 4:4'&41Hc.
OATS Lower: No. 3 cash. 814; track,
82c; May. 304fiSOVic; No. 2 white, 32g32i-4p.
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 84.30
450; extra fancy and straight, 83.90C4.25;
clear. $2.9i&3.25.
SEED Timothy. stady. 32.6002.80.
CORNS! KAI Steadv, 32 20.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. Rtfic.
HAY Steady: tlmothv. iK.U0bl4.50: nrairle.
PROVISIONS Pork, hisher: lohhlna-.
314.75. Lard, higher: prime. 37.45. Drv salt
meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, SA.124;
clear ribs, St.374; short clear, 3.00. Bacon
boxed, steady; extra shorts, 8.874; clear
ribs. 39124; short clear, 39.25.
POULTRY Firm: chickens. 10c: anrlnar.
114c; turkeys. 144c; Mucks. 13c; geese. Sc.
HL i iLK-wuiet; creamery. a?.c; dairy,
18Ti 21c.
EGQS Lower, 154e.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls
4.000 7.O00
Wheat, bu
32.010 63,000
90.000 74.000
Corn, bu...... ,
Oats, bu
61,000 94,0,00
Peoria Orala Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Feb. 8 CORN Un
changed; No. 8 yellow, 41c; No. 3, 41c; No.
34c; no graae. wc.
OATS Steady; No. 3 white. 304c; No. 4
hlte, 2S,c.
RYE Steady; No. 1 673674c
WHISKY On the basis of 31.23 for fin.
lshed goods.
Mllwaakea Grala Market.
MILWAUKEE. Feb. 8. WHEAT Steady:
No. 1 northern. 86Sdc; No. 1 northern. 82-3
Soc: May. Mo bid.
RYE Steady; No. 1. 8R4C
BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 66c: samnle. 39
CORN Lower; May, 44c asked.
Dalath Grala Market.
DULUTH, Feb. 8. WHEAT To arrive
and on track. No. 1 northern, 81e; No. 2
northern, 79c; May, S34c; July, Mc.
OATS To arrive and on track, 284c.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Feb. 8 SEEDS Clover, cash
and February. 330; March. 8835; April.
83.22. Timothy, 31.624- Alslke. 87.85.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Feb. 8. Tha strong closing of
the London wool sales and the auspicious
opening of goods In New York have had a
beneficial Influence on the local wool mar
ket. A stronger tone Is evidenced and there
is a renewal of speculative buying among
tha dealers themselves. Pulled wools In
choice lots are Arm. Foreign grades are
steady. Prices' ranged about as follows:
Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 844
tjXc; X, WaUc; No. 2, WSiOc; fine un-washe!-
2Va'2r miArter blrwid. tin-
washed, 'S334': three-eights blood, 334 r"' ." r,,'iVV
ft!Uc: half blnnH a.1(fiA'lWc! unauhsn "l"1 r" H -
i' "T.TT. S 'j-i;.-- a-i
urimiir o-it , iuiv weoiiru ut-miiir, oiiu'
374c; Michigan tine, unwashed, 244125c:
three-eiKhiha blood, 33334c: half blood. 3:4
iS3c; unwaahed delaine, 27S5c; Kentucky,
Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter
bloods. 2?g-23c; Territory and Idaho fine. 23
621c; heavy fine. Hrg'Jiic; floe medium. 21a
23.; medium, la'aT.c: low medium, 27t"c
Wyom'ng fine, 22T23c; heavy fine. 12'oiOr;
Utah and Nevada fine. 23024c; heavy fine,
194jWc; Una medium, 23j:4o; medium. 269
27c; low medium. 37i2Kc; Dakota fine. 21'af
22c; medium. Se&TSc; Montana fine, choice,
2f52Gc; fine average, 24'925c: fine medium,
choice. 2ofg26c; average, 2-1 'u 25c; staple, 27
62c; medium choice, 27ff3tc
8T. LOUIS, Feb. 7. WOOL Steady: me
dium grades comblpg and clothing. 25928c;
light fine. 22324u; heavy fine 16a20c; tub
washed. .Witlc.
LONDON, Feb. 8 WOOL A sale of
sheepskins waa held at Mincing Lane to
day. The offering numbered 4.447 bales.
There was a large attendance and competi
tion was active. Merinos were practically
unchanged, though In sellers' favor. Cross
bred were In good demand at 24 to 6 per
cent advance. Following are tha sales and
prices obtained for clothing and combing:
New South Wales. bales at WTlOd. Vic
toria, 6u8 bales at 6t104d. South Aua
tralla. 162 bales at 64W,d. West Austra-
11a. 833 bales at 4ttl0d. Tasmania. 5M
?; r'eT..z.elJ'T. -w!?
at 7H14d. Punta Arenas, 656 bales at 7u
ST. LOnS, Mo.. Feb. I.-WOOL Steady :
medium grades, combing and clothing. 26
t'-Ac; light fin. 21924c; heavy fine, l420c;
tub washed, 330 tic
Cotlosi Market.'
closed quiet; middling upland. 11.25c; mid
dling rulf. 11.50c; sales. 100 bales.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 6. -COTTON-8 pot ln
fair demand: Driers 0 nolnts higher: Amert-
can middling fair, laid; gool middling,
6 lid; middling, 6.IM; low middling. I.7laj;
good ordinary, l.61d; ordinary. t.45d. The
sale of the day were lo.ouu baiea. oi wnicn
1 U4J wens for speculation ana export, ana
Included 8.100 American. Receipts wers
17,aaj bales. Including 1I.4U) American.
ST. LOnS. Feb. 8 COTTON Quiet;
middling. 10 15-1 Ac: sales, none; receipt.
747 bales: shipments. 201 bakes; stock, 43.251
Spot closed quiet: sales, B.4U0 bales; ordi
nary, kc; good ordinary, 8-ltic; low mid
dling, iui3-ic; good miiaunT. u n-ioc
nilddllng fair. 11 4c; receipts. 35.65 bales:
stock 824 536 bales.
Igr aad Molasses.
nominal. ' fair refining. fc: centritu?al. tsi
lest, 3 ll3i'34!; moLsas-s susrar. 2Sjc. Ro
flned. quiet; crushed, 6 4uc; powdered. 4 Six;;
granulated. 4.70c
open kettle retitrif ugal. Vc: centrifugal
wlilte. 3S4j4c; yellow, 34f3So; sronUs. ;
3 l-16c.
MOLASSES Open kslUa, 3Ufc-30c; iwuirif
usal. 7f"J2c. ,
Speculation Fails to Ebow Any Initiative
end Market is Inactive.
Traders Appear Dlslnrllaea to Follow
Frleea Very Far la Either
Direction Beads Are
NEW YORK. Feb. I. -Speculation failed
to show any Initiative today. There was tv
falling off In the volume of activity from
the recent level and the trading fell at
times Into a condition of seml-stagnatlon
which la rarely seen in the market except
at what Is called the period of mid-summer
dullness, t rices drifted aimlessly and soon
reached the limits of fluctuation, coming
back over the earlier course and barklnK
and filling under varying operations of !
. u i . , T...m.Kiiitw nf I
":z-.j.x."x:r'r .
v. i?;- i' "
rmim in ntfmin m in niv ill iiiv iiivi nv
wuii tne expectation oi -aeriving a rrom
from price changes, and the growth of
discouragement will' Induce such holders i
to throw over their contracts as a con- .
sequence of the very dullness of the mar-
),pt. Soma such operations were perceptl-
Ur' today.
' .....i
y. It was assumed that recent :
Bm me new Influence was awaited to .
gtRrt pTic ln rither direction. No such '
influ-nce develored today of sufficient Im- i
ge speculative accounts were sojd out ;
In st
tocks. The closing weakness of yes-
Unlnv u a a t rrlt.4 nvr Int. tha asrlv
hours of today. !
Movements In the fnlted States Steel
stocks, usually sluggish, are of marked
effect on general sentiment. The special
weakness In these stocks today therefore
hurt the whole market. The postponement ,
of action on the Union Pacific dividend 1
until next week was also a disappointment.
Uncertainties of the coal strike outlook
were underlying influences towards de
pression owing to the wide-spread effect
such a contest would have on the whole
'""""JI ,a' Tr th. .i
the house of representatives of the rail
road rate regulation bill seemed to be
accepted with tranquility.
Sub-treasury operations for tne day made
a small coninouuon 10 ine supplies oi inn
banks, thus reducing the heavy absorption
of the previous portion of the week. But
the government Institution again appear-!
at the clearing house today with a credit
balance, thus nrnmlsinr another Inroad
upon banking supplies to figure In to-
flH I BTS.T S. SOmt f 1 1 T H PIT! T I, (111 L RT lOWn
lenders, which are transferred to the New
York banks. This Is expected to make a
lurinrr rxpannion in low iun anvuiu ui
the banks In spite of the languid specula-
tion In the stock market. There waa a
auDsianuai rany late in tne aay, wnicn
seemea 10 oe aue to me aisincunauun 01
traders to follow prices far In any dlrec
ti"" Th closing tone was quite strong.
Bonds were heavy. Total sales par value,
$3. 44. United States bonds were all un
changed on call.
Quotations on the New York Stock ex
change were as follows:
Ele. Hlih. Low. Cloae.
Adama FJxprass 345
Amalsjamatrd Copper 10J,(io 114 US' 114
American C. a F 1.400 44 43 44
America C. F. fd JOO W 1CJ M
American Cotton Oil S4 U la
Amarlran Cotton Oil ptd M4
Amariru Expi
1W 240 I4 1W
Amarlran H. A L. rfd.
Amrrlcan Ic rrltt.
Amarlcan Llnaaf-d Oil...
It 444
4 444
... 4"
... 44
American Linaead Oil pfd.. ..
American uocomotlr ....
Arotr. Locomotive ptd
American B. A R
American I. A R. pfd....
American Sugar Rcflninf ..
Am. TotAcro pfd ctfa
Anacood alining Co
t.tno 74 74 75
loe 11C4 licv, ii4
W,"0 !(!, 141 1434
tvo 12S4 m ik
7.400 14'.4 144 144
ne i4 101,4 v6
m.soo vt t7j n
u.ooe n ii4 4i
jno 1094 lotv 101V,
410 141 11 11 ,
i,Too 114 ins n
Alchlaon pfd
Atlantle Coast Lin
Baltimore at Ohio
Baltimore A Ohio
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt....
Canadian Paelne
Central of Now Joraay
Cheaapaak A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chicago A Alton pfd
Chleaso Ureal Weatern
it'iioi M '434 MiJ
l.WXI 1734 1714 17S4
I. i 584 H
too tl ti4 14
M tit i?4 txi
10.400 1144 1U 144
Chlrato at Northwoatcrn...
Chlraao. Mil. A 8t. Paul..
Chicago T. A T . . . .-
Chicago T. T. pre
C, C. C. A St. Louis
Colorado Fuel A Iran
Colorado A Southern
Colorado A So. lat pfd
Colorado A Bo. Id pfd
Consolidated Gaa
Corn Producta
Corn Producta pfd
Delaware at Hudaoa
Fielaarara L. A W
Denver A Rio Grand
Denver A Rio Orand pfd..
UlaUilerV Securities
Erl lat pfd
Erie id pfd
General Eletrlo
Hocking Valley
Illlnola Central
International Paper
international Paper pfd....
International Pump
international Pump pfd
low Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kansas City Southern
Kanaaa City So. pfd
Loulavlllo A NaahvllI
Manhattan L
Metropolitan Securltlea ....
Metropolitan Street Ry
Meilcu Central
Mlnnfpolia A St. L
M.. St. P. S. 8. M
M . St P. A 8. 8. M. pfd..
Miaaourl Pacific
Mlaanurl Kanaaa A Texaa..
M., K. A T. pfd
National Lead
National R. R. of M. pfd..
New York Central
New York. O A W
Norfolk a Weetern
Norfolk A Western pfd
North American
Pacific Mall
People' Uaa
400 1"
K.we 724
1.400 US
t.ino 724
1.300 114
100 171
ls los
T04 714
704 us
17T 177
1(4 1'4
400 a4
H 47 Va
104 J12S ins 110
1.400 47 4
33.100 SS
1.100 44
1. 100 714
l.loO T!S
mo ins 1754 1714 , 1774 171S 174
1.000 134
V los
luo sou
S.I4 IK'S 14
100 10 10
100 71 7V
I o it4 ims it4
l.oo :i4 tJS t'S
TOO T1U T7V 71
t.oo. wis iftis loi s
I. wo is !(4 i4
1.400 144 at
1.400 144 144 141
t.SoO S3 i,24 5J'4
i.oue k ts t
1.400 ift4 ins 1014
O0 414 41 44
14.100 1414 14 1414
1.400 MS II 14
Pittsburg. C, C a St. L .
1 too lis ' 04 i
i Palo car.
13. too 13K 1S 1U4
100 II M II
1.100 I4S 134 14
1.400 HC-, o?S 1074
11 , fS 274
Reading lat pfd
Reading 2d pfd
Republt Steel ,
Republic steel pfd ,
Rork Island Co
Kk Island Co. pfd
St. L. A S. F. td pfd...
fct. Loula Southareetern. .
I.ioo as
. 4S
41 I
loo X
St. Loula South-teeters pfd..
eouinera rartnc
Southern Prlflc pfd
Southern Railway
Xnuthern Railway pfd ...
Tenneasee t'oal it Iron...
Teiaa A rariflr
Toledo. 81. L. A W
11.400 lis
tt.700 44 "4 4(,1
100 III
11 ill l.'i ns
l.i0 140 1M4 1S7S
luO 3S MS
Toledo. St. LAW. pfd
l Dio rftrtno
Vnlon Pacific pfd
t'nlted Sialee Eapreea
....144.7'SJ 1HS l'4 IMS
IW l?s IT S
1 1'4 S2S US MS
lo 1HS 10S IK'S
lll.Xe 444 43S 44
M.4u0 IMS 1S 1S
1.V0V U 47 S 474
i.40i t4S 24 (4S
114) 474 444 474
mo is lis ns
500 II n tl
ti US t4 IS
11 IT IT 174
17.WJ 1144 HIS IUS
1 44 4SS 4-S
To II ns 74
t'nlted Rlatea Rubber.
t'nlted S'atea Rubber pfd..
tnlted State Steel
t'nlted State Steel pfd. ..
V - arollne Chemlral
Va-Carollu Chal(i pfd..
Wabash pfd
Wella-Pergo Kipreaa
Weetlnghoua Electric
Weeterw Vnlon
Wheeling A Lake Erl
JJiroais CMral .
J w?."1 9
! rXES'vSSiS .::::::
Total is for th ay. Ml. 700 eharea
Bostoa Stocks mmd Boida,
BOSTON, Feb. 8 -Call loans. 4t0 per
cent; time loans. 44t54 per cent, ofrlcial
quotations on stock and b-inds:
Alrhieoa d). 4a MS A4vealur
do ts 101 Alloue
. 14
. 2
. :i
. la
. 12
. 14
. 24S
. los
. 14
. kl
. 4
" I
. 4S
. 44
. 10
. 74
. tS
. i:
. 4
Mai. antral 4.
.. 7S Amalgaaulad ..
.. 1S aAmarli'a Xloc
..10IS Atlantic
. .2..IS Blrgkasi
. 171 Cel. A Heel...
nin j. s iL-V.
do pfd
Hoaion A Mam
Boato Klavatad
Fitrhburg pfd .
....m -l eoietialal ...
141 S Copper Rang . .
!'S !aly Went
II. ..Jo. Uomlnlo Cua
Mne i enirai
I also Pacific 14 s Kranklla
Atnar. Arga. Ckcm... t Granny
do pfd la Isle floral
Amer Pneu. Tube.... IT Mssa Mining ..
Am.r. Sugar I44S Vl-hlsaa
. do p:d is Mohawk
Asuer. T. A T 14S Mont. f. dr c..
Aner. a eoles 44 Old Dominion . .
' Dominion I. m S U Parrot
kdla'n Blec 111. ..147 Uulncy
Masa. Electric IIS Snaonen
d pfd 17 Tkaiaraik
Maaa. Uaa hi Trinity
Voited t rait luiS l'i-..d Cpper .
Viillad Sboa Main ... II I'. S. Mining...
do pfd I.i, 1. 4. OH
Nortk butt r Viak ,
V. S. Steal 44 Wtorl
de pfd WiV e Winona
Weellag. veaaoMM ... 41 Wetvenne
-t-lu. Aat.ed.
Trratary Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6 -Today stat.
men! of the treasury balance in thl gen
eral fund exclusive of 'the $!5f..lai0.ojt gold
rsserv shuws available caau balance) $147.-
tlt.OSl; gold coin and bullion, t74.6M.7S2;
gold certificates. 840. ss 590.
Kew York Moaey Market,
NEW YORK, Feb. 8-MONEY-On call,
steady; highest, 44 per cent; .lowest, 34
per cent: ruling rate. 4 per cent; last loan.
44 per cent: closing bid. 4 per cent; offered
st 6 per cent. Time loans, steady; alxtv
and ninety days and six months, 44 per
per cent.
actual business In bankers' Mils at iK,2'9
4.S7SO for demand and at H.tSi4 S3s for
rlxlT-day bills: posted rates, 84 944 and
84 M; commercial bills, 4 f.TV
SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars,
BONDH Government, steady; railroad,
The following were tha closing quota
lions on bonds:
V. B. erf. si. res 1" lJran la. id sorts
do rotipon 1 I do a rlfa
f . t. 3a. r1 1PJ do 4Sa rlfa
do coupon lot1 do 2d aerlea
r t. old 4a, rrg 105 I. N. unl. ta..
do cotipoTi Man. e. ( 4
V. 8. a. 4a. rag ...... I4 Mrx. lntrl 4s...
do coupon 1"IS do lat Itir...
.10 4
... t'
... 4j
.. . W
Am. Tnbarro 4a V Minn aV St. L. 4a.
do aa
m II., K. T. 4a...
1MV do la
Atrhiaon sa. 4a
do adj. 4
l a N. R. It. m M. f
A,i.Dtic r. u t. im
N. Y. C c Sa-
N. J. C. a. hi...
Bal. Ohio 4a I
Q ua
944 No PacISc 4a...
n.w n t r
do la
intri of Ca. (a 114
do let Inc II o' s. h.'ntt 4e
do 2d Inc .. pens, ronv. Se vu
s"S Reading sen 4e ii
J"- V ' e. I, -ins
. i- ':.,:
c.; R. j, P, ,1VT gMboa A. U 4..... i
Loe f- r' . " , 'J
rvc. 8. L. (. 4a..
Colo. Ind. la. aw. A. I
So. PeclSc 4a 4S
do 1M 4a ctfa T
So. Rallw.f im !!
It1 Taiaa at P i 1121
Colorado Mid. 4a.,
.. 77 T.. St. L. W 4a.. MS
.. 44 Vnlon Pafltlr 4a Ida1
..107(4 do coot. 4a IM
..1'oiii' 8 Sisal Id aa ... 1i
.. M Wabaah la
..11 do dab. R n
.. t4 Weatarn Md. 4a....'..
. .1OT w. U K. 4a US
1 ' DO- 4
Jil r o"ia
iiMni' bc "ia
fn, . 4, '
do . 4a
Hotklns Val. 4Ha
apn a ..
l"u Wla. Central 4a
Conditio of Trade aad Qaotatloas oa
Staple aad Fancy Produce.
EGOS Receipts liberal; candled stock un
settled at 15tjlc.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 94c: old rvst-
ers. oc; turkeys, lftc; ducks, 10c; young
iwnir,, 1 , n, o....
DPESSED POULTRY Turkeys. 17i519c;
"Id toms, 14gi5c; chickens, lollc; old
roosters. 7c; ducks. 114il2c; geese, fr&lOc.
BUTTER Packing stock. 15c; choice to
! fancy dairy. lS19c; creamery. 21ffi214c.
I HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Fed com
' null, iru'ivrv, " '
hides, large, 83.25: small, 3'J.60. Sheep pelts,
Jch. G31.25. Tallow, No. 1. 4c; No. 2.
"-o ...
I t'A 1 h-i per rmx or a l-ib. pkgs.. 2;
: n"nu"n m iviu. uur, i-r iu, ot, m-
a i"71 "luui-ixuiira, i-iu. ikso-
33 per dog; 8-lb. boxes, 31.
ORANGES California fancy -Redland
navels, all sizes, S3.0u; choice navels, 32.75.
LEMONS Llmoners. extra fancy, 240
slze. 83.25; 3"0 to 360 sizes. 33.75.
FIGS-Callfomla. per 10-lb. carton, 75?
85c; Imnort'd Smyrna, three-crown, 11c;
six-crown, 13c
BANANAS Per mortlum sized bunch,
$1.757 25: Jumbos. $2.5i3.0O.
TANGERINES Florida, per box of about
12S 33.
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, per box. $7 003
$7.60; California, rwr box. $4 OOfrS.OO.
PEARS Wlntor Nellls and Mount Ver
non. $2.50.
APPLES-Oalifomla Bellflowers. $1.40 per
bu. box; Ben- Davis. $1.75 per bu. box;
Wlnesapg, $2.25 per bu. box; other varlet'es.
$;o(f?50 per bu.; New York apples, $5.00
per bbl.
CRANBERRIES Jersey. $16 50 per bbl.
GRAPES Imported Malnaras. $5.5036.00.
POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. 6r9
65c; Routh Ikota. pe-r bu., 75c
ONIONS Home srrown. yellow and red.
bu- Spanish, per crate. $1.50; Colo-
'.i., I viiiu "ii.'w, wi 1111.. oi.W.
NAVY BRANS Per bu.. 32 00.
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 54c
CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin,
ln crates, per lb., 2c.
Per bu., 8Vff75c. '
CET.ERY KalSmsTlJno, per dot.. 254J35C.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 2-bu.
bbl.. $2.00.
TOMATOES California, per crate of 20
lbs.. $2.50; Florida. 6-basket crates, $6.00.
WAX BEANS Per . hamper of about 80
lbs. net, $6.00.
STRING BEANS Per hamper of about
30 lbs. net, $3.00(34.00.
EGG PLANT Florida, per dox.. tl.254ri.SO-
GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper
Of about 10 dox., ?3.50.
TURNIPS Louisiana.' dot. bunches, 75c.
BHAT.LOTTS Louisiana, .per dos.
bunches, 75c.
HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl.,
tl2,orSl5.00; per driEen heads, $1.75ii2.00.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dosen
heads, 60c.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dosen, 82.
RADISHES Hothouse, per dosen bunch
es. (VVfiTac
MT'SHROOMS-Hothouse. per lb.. SOc.
CAULIFLOWER California, about 24
I cl-.
No. 1 rib, 13c; No 2 rib. 104c; No. t rib.
"4c; No. 1 round. 74c; No. 2 round, 64c;
No. 3 round, 6c: No. 1 loin, 164c; No. 2
loin. 12c: No. 3 loin. 8c: No. 1 plate. 44c:
No. 2 plate. 4c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. 1
! chucks, 54c; No.
fHc: no. z crru
chucks. 34c.
CIDER Per keg. $3.75; per bbl., $6.7S.
HONK Y New, per 24 lbs., $3.50.
CHEESE1 6 wlss, new, 15o: Wisconsin
brick. 15c; Wisconsin llmbereer, 134c;
twins. 15c; Young Americas, 154c.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 154c; hsrd shells, per lb.,
134c. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small,
per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted,
per lb.. Sc. Chili walnuts, per lb., 12$134c.
Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard
shells, per lb., 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts.
i prr uu., -.o, laraei 1111 aury iiuio. per uu.,
il.5o. Chestnuts, per lb.. 15c. Cocoanut.
rt iw per sacK or I'ai.
FRESH FISH Trout, lie; halibut, loo;
pickerel, dressed. 7c; white bass, 11c; sun-
sh, 6ftc: perch, skinned and dressed, c;
pike, loc; redsnapper. lie: salmon, uc;
crapples. 6i4r; e-la. lc: black baas, 22c;
whlfetish, 12c; frog legs, per dox.. 55c;
lobsters, green. S3c; boiled lobsters. S7c;
Muensh. 15c: herring. 4c: Spanish mackerel.
16c; haddock. 10c; shrimp, $1.0C1.50 per
era linn: smelts. 12c: cod. 12c.
OYSTERS Fresh standard. $1.40 per ral.;
' sneii oysters, ll.iaf s.iio per luu; Lime rveca
clHms 11. nt per luu.
SUGARS Granulated cane, In bbl . $1.06:
granulated cane, ln sacks, $5.01; granulated
beet. In sacks. 34 SL
SYRUP In barrt-U, 24c per gal.; cases,
6 10-lb. cans. 11.8"; cases, 11 5-lb. cam,
$1.80: cases. 24 24-lb. cans. $1 90.
tX)FFEF-Rcafcted: No. 35, 254c per lb.;
No. 30, 2040 per lb.; No. 25. l4c per lb.;
No. 20. 154 per lb.: No. 215. 12V Per lb.
FLOUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne.
branka, per cwt., ,32.00; best high rrudo
patent Minnesota, per cwt.. $2 140; straight
patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2.00; second
patent Nebraska, 110.
CURED FISH-Famlly whlteflsh. per 4
bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 50; Norway mackerel, per
DDI., zuu ins.: rimaiera, wiu; o. l, irsi;
No. 3, $A00: No. 3. $;".fa: Irish No. 2.
$17.00. Herring, in bbls., 200 lbs. each; Nor
way, 4k. $13 00: Norway. 3k. 31J.0U; Hol
land, mixed, $11.50. Holland herring ln
kt-gs: Milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c.
BROOMS No. 1 carpet. $3.26; No. $ car
pet. $2 ; No. 8 plain. 83.25.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, tVap6ir; Maine. $125. Tomatoes, 8-lb.
cans. $1.E11.50: 2-lb.. 74ct$l.i; pine
apples, grated. 2-lb.. $2.062.30; sliced. $1 85 ,
472.2U; gallon apples, fancy. $3.5u; Call-
fornla apricots, 81.4"32.0O; pears, $1,750 .
2.50; peaches. fsncy. $1.752 40; H. C. j
peaches. $2.iu2.5i: Alaska salmon, red. I
$1 16: pink. 80c; fancy Chinook. F.. $2.1;
fancy sockeye. F., $1 D6; sardines. 4-oll, !
$2.50; 4-mustards. $2 50ti8 10; sweet pota
toes, 31.15Til.26: sauerkraut, $1.0ii; pump- !
kins. Ia.icj$1.00: wax beans. 2-lb.. 75wic; j
Lima beans, Z-lb.. 73l.'u11.S6: spinach.
tl.85S2-0i: cheap peas. 2-lb., 0c; extra,
757iiiOc: fancy. 31 SMU 7S.
peaches, 124c; choice Mulr peaches. ll:,c;
fancy yellow. 124c; 50-60 prunes. 7,c; -7u,
74c; fancy New York ring appl-s, 114c;
tel rajslns. 7V4C; 3-crown, 7c: 2-crown. i'c;
fancy seeded raisins in 1-lb. cartons. 7c.
choice seedt-d, in 12-og. cartoons. 7'c; east
ern pitted cherrifs, 17c; New York evap-
tiled, 16c; lemon. 144c; orange, 144c.
Cos? Market
market for eoffe futures ruled unchanged
to an advance of 6 polnta Sales were re
ported of 62.500 baga. Including February,
at 6oc; March, at lkstj86c: Msy. T.lOtf
t.iac; September, t.suc, and December at
7.7:r Bp. jtiis siaaar; Jta. I in vole I,
orated niacM raMX-erries. 3bc; rancy pears, 1
lsc; choice. 15c; fa my nectarine, kc; fancy , '
apricots, 114c; choice royal. Iu4c; Hal- . !
lowe'en dates. 64c; glace citron. 17c: can- ..
Killing; Cattle of All Kinds Show
Btrosger f rices.
keep aad La na b Active Sellers at
Prices m Itresg Tea Higher
with Everrthla elllag
la Uooal Seasoa.
SOI.TH OMAHA. Feb. 8. 190C.
RecetDts were:
Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.
Otticial Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday ...
Official Thursday
4.8Z 4 ti 1Q.14.
.. 6.64A
.. 3 j2
.. 3.100
Four days this week ... .16 41 J
-ame last week lii,3V4
Same week before 14.677
Same three weeks aaro. . .1A.7i
Same four weeks aao. .. .16 on So 4o r&.7iL
Same day last year 14.96 4u,7o8 34 00.
The following table shows th recelptt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
'or the year to dtt. comparing with last
ar: jaj. )9 Inc
tattle 101.946 8S.793 13.1."w.
Hogs S.673 259,119 3J.4o
Sheep 159.438 154.914 4,57
The following will show the price palii
for the different kinds of rattle on the
South omana market:
Oood to choice corn-fed steers $4.765.5v
I air to choice corn-fed steers 4 5oj4.i.
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 8.7k4.U
Good to choice cows and heifers... 3.40U4.1.
Fair to good cows and heifers 2 41-4.3
Cannera and cutt.-r 1.75e2.6
Good to choice Blockers and feeders I KAJt
Fair to good Blockers and feeders.. S.2ju3 6
Common to fair stocksrs '. Lstrus:
Bulls, stags, etc 2.1!5r3.7
Good veal calves J.
Th following table snows ths avem.
price of hogs at South Omaha for tha las.
aeversl days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1906. 11306. 119071903.11901. 11900
Jan. 22...I6 8T, j 4 56! 6 54 6 02J 5 1X1 4
Jan. 2-1... 6 J74I 4 63 4 881 6 59; 6 03 t 15l 4 5
Jan. 24... I 6 S34i 4 6 I 6 tki, 6 Oni 6 221 4 .
8 4. 4 711 4 fV) I S 14 8 13 4 4
I 1 4 W
I 8 36 I 4 63; 4 ill 6 06, I 121
I 38 4 0.
21 4 1
6 181 4 6
. I 4 Ml 4 79 6 D7 0 Sn
384! I 4 7 6 Iti 8 to.
00 1 4 5i 4 Mi 1 At 6 Uu
43 4 68 I 6 681 I 9
5 4141 4 l 4 74) 1 5 96
8 22! 4
Cattle. Hogs.
$2.2ouo.;5 $5.624415.75
KanHHS City ...
St. Louis
Sioux City
I.WlU M J) tio.irji
i.uxuv.w P.Ml
2.1vK9.36 6.UU U.V0
The following list snows the number 1.
cars of stockers and feeders shipped to th
country yesterday and their points of dea
ti nation:
A. Gamandt, Gencseo, 111. R. I
William Gradost, Mineral, 111. R. 1
H. Keedler. Geneseo, 111. Mil
E. Held, Perry, la. R. I
. H. Archer, M.iiiopolis, la. Q
Fred Miller. Walnut, la. R. I
A. E. Cole. Cooper, la. Mil
John Wilson, Cooper, la. Mil
D. Richardson, Vail. Ia. N. W
A. Klinefelter. Conrad. Ia. N. W
Ed Eno, O'Neill, Neb. F. E
A. Dammrow, Council Bluffs, Ia. R. I j
E. H. Potter. Shelby. la.-K. 1 1
L. Hurboid, Piano, la. 4J ,
C. Anderson, lrwln, la. G. W 1
E. K. Bchlosser, Dickens. Ia. Mil
B. T. Merrill & Co., Creston, Ia.-Q
The official number of cars of loci.
brought ln today by each road was:
Cattle. Hoar. BhD.H'sea
P., M. St. P
Mo. Pacific 1
Union Pacific System 30
C. & N. W., east.... 3
C. & N. W.. west.... 86
C, St. P., M. A O.... It
C, B. eV Q.. east
C, B. aV Q.. west 35
P., R. I. & P., east.. I
C. R. I. A P., west.. ..
Illinois Central
Chicago Ot. Western, t
5 271
43.o4 38.4:,
s.069 14.SV HI 641
M MI i 44
4 .. 1
33 8
6 2..
38 1
18 2
16 7
3 .. 1
3 3
138 It 1
day s receipts waa
Total receipts
ber of head Indicated
Omaha Packing Co...
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
2, MB
Swift and Company....
Cudahy Pkg. Co
Armour 4 Co
Bwlft and Co.. K. C...
Vansant A Co
Lobman A Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Son
Hamilton A Rothschild
L. F. Husi
Mike Haggerty
J. U. Hoot oi CO.
Bulla & Kline...
Krey Packing Co
Other buyers
. 47
. 446
'. "is
. 66
. 78
. 114
. 13
. 87
. 50
. 80
! -3ui
.3,142 $,547
CA 1 1LE Receipts of caiue. alter Uie
light run yesterday seemed small, but ln
reality there were more here man yester
day and aa many as there were on i'tiurs
aay two weeks ago.
Packers evidently had need of all the fat
cattle in sight this morning, at least, all
those that were of good quality. The re
sult was that the market opened early and
active and there was free buying all alon;
the line, so much so that the supply of
desirable stock waa soon clsaned up. Prices
ranged anywhere from strong to luc higher
than yesterday. Some very well finished
cattle weighing 1366 pounds sold at $6.15,
which was the top price of tha day.
Cows and heifers were also In good de
mand and the better grades sold generally
a little stronger than yesterday. Unde
sirable kinds were not especially sought
after aid holders of such were reporting
their sales as no more than steady.
Stockers and feeders were in quite liberal
supply for this late In the week, but there
was a reasonable demand and everything
In first hands sold ln good see son at fully
steady prices.
Representative sales:
BtW bTKavKS,
K Av. Pr. No
1 40 I 00 II
Av. Pr.
...40 I 00
...lilt 144
... 4V I II
... Ml 4 Ou
...1114 4 00
... Me 4 W
... Hi IU
... IW 4 14
...1210 4 f
...1071 4 u
...1020 4 It
...lAsI 4 at 4 Ml
...UU4 4 44
...1MI 4 lu
. . .li4 4 44
...llli 4 40
...1112 4 4
...1147 4 ao
.. 1177 4 14
,..1177 4 1
...111 4 M
1110 4 40
1143 4 TO
mi 4 ti
1144 4 76
UU 4 40
Ui4 4 H
1UI 4 i
1M1 4 Ii
121 4 4
114. 4 10
1X1 4 M
4 4 44
llaO I 0
1277 I
121 I 00
1171 I tU
1144 6 V
1711 I lu
11S I U
114 I 11
UU I 24
14 I It
1144 I V
4.7 It
1044 I UK
lull I 44
..4. ..1210 I M
1161 I It
1U7 1 II
ion I k
2e I lu
Uttl I JO
171 I 21
Ill 144 It..
1 140 I II 40.
I 4 Ou II.
12 ...
I ...
I. ..
II. ...
.4 ...
1 ..
1 ..
I .
...lit! 4 14
7t 1 It
10 I U
4U I Ml
71 I Ik
10 I 14
10t) I
140 I lb
Iv74 1 14
130 I tt
10M 24
ITT 11.
440 t M
M l
1.3 IB
Is 111
Uu I 40
124) 14
es I 40
Ill I 44
t-4 I 40
440 1 4
140 I 40
1140 I 40
T70 1 in
11:4 I 44
1124 I a
167 III
1(44 I 14
M Ik
Iv7w I 4o
M lb
Hit I II
171 111
IU 3 T4
44 t t
K4 I
441 It
1210 t lu
. I
I 0
40 I
luJ I 24
1.4 I M
liao I is
i:t t tt
ivil I 14
lit I lu
11.7 I I'.
1.41 I 4u
101 41
-M4 I 4
11 I 44
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I !:::
: 11...
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.. -I!'i4 I .
. . -ltju I t
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ij 4
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...I It 1 44.1 I y
... la l 4 l 2 x oo
... 74v I 44 1 I I
4 1
1 I 1 ft 1 as
I (a I ! 'S I It
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1 m in 1 ti
1 Tie I I I TV I T
7 Ml I to 1 49 I TI
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I M IN 1 114 I SI
1 44 I e 1011 e
I Tao I fa 1 4 4 a
1 im 1 ts 1 114 1 1
1 144A I 44 I Ill I 14
1 1J40 t t ltt t II
1 117 I S 1 14S I
I iM I v t lir 1 is
1 nao t a 1 im 1 to
I 14 I ea 1 mm I U
1 W 1 I ln I St
1 1404 I 1 1M I M
1 11T0 I 00 1 1TM I U
1 1U0 I 4 1 It4 I II
t Bt II" 1 140 I SI
1 141 I 0 1 me 1 as
I 144 I a 1...., it 1 4
I 1141 I I 1 1TM 1 a
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1 ao 1 i 1 iim I a
1 11 10 I 1 1 it 4
I 4T4 4 I II I TI
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1 IH IS 1 10 4 S
I I 4o 1 140 0
1 lis 4 11 I too 4 0
1 40 4 H I ,.. mite
1 7 4 I 1 10 6 a)
1 1 10 It I I 4
1 11 I a 1 IS IU
1 40 I M M It I I
t til ITI 1 77 I M
t Ill I TI 4 14 I 4
t 44S I 1 71 I
I IN 1 44 I 71
I r 1 a 4 i7i I n
I w is 1 in id
4 ISO I 0 4 IH I I
I..... 410 I 0 14 13 I M
1 710 I 10 I T4 4 M
.1 7n I 0 1 100 4 0
1 4H I II 14 TU 4 1
4 4-7 I 14 1 4' 4 II
I Ill IM 14 Nl 4 4
a tut 1 is
1 1ITS I 40 ' I ITM I 41
ii ltM a m
.1 711 I o 14 M 4 II
2 feeders.. 48 4 10 23 feeders. .1068 t S3
I feeders.. 1088 4 16
9 heifers .. 730 2 80 7 heifers... 601 I 80
HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning
joked very light, there being only 137
rs reported In, as against 171 cars on
'hursday of last week and 168 two weeks
go. This light run, together with the
igher prices st other selling points and
lie very good demand caused the market
o open higher this morning. First bids
vere generally 5c higher. In Some cases
(710c higher, letter on under ths Influ
ence of the higher provision market the
narket became very active and 109124c
igher. Ths hogs sold quickly at th's
dvance, the most of them bringing 85.474
15.70. aa against 35.6606.674 yesterday. As
!gh as $5.75 was paid for big heavy hog
t arnnrt nnslltv which waa Ulr hlarher
han tha too yesterday.
Today's advance carries the market to
e highest point touched this year. It
no inn more than It
was one year ago and 80c higher than two
vears ago. Three years ago, however, hogs
were just about $1.00 a 100 higher than
they are now.
No. Av. h. r.- ..a Av. Sh. Pr.
It 221 124 4 424 71 II 1414
4 IK ... 6 44 47 S4I ... t Tl
2 131 40 I IS 17 t'.l 10 I TO
71 104 ... 6 6 II t ... ITS
ew 7 IJ2 ... IT
, Ill N IU 44 144 It I Tl
I Ill 110 I 41 4T 141 40 I 7
44 171 ... I H IT Ill ... IT
I Ill 40 I 44 11 lei ... I TO
1 to 40 I CI 140 S 111
.1 Ill ... 11 II 211 240 I 7
4 171 40 I 44 It 124 ... I TO
I Ill 10 IU 16 IM 40 7
15 Ill It IK It MO ... 170
41 100 40 I 41 41 Ill 111
10 147 ... I 49 IT 104 44 6 TO
It Ill ... 6 a Ti 221 ... I TO
II Ill ... 1174 1 4I 120 S TO
71 221 40 I ITS 41 ... IT
41 217 10 8 ITS 74 Ml ... I T4
,1 221 40 I 174 II 21 20 T
21 14 MO I IIS It K4 ... I Tl
74 IU 40 4 41S 72 140 ... 1 70
II 1D4 ... i 47S 4 101 44 I 74
11. ...... .132 40 1 47 4 1 M4 40 6 TS
71 Ill 140 I 47 S 61 " MIT
71 21 ... I ITS 14 144 N ITI
41 Ill I 6 474 71 Ill ... 17
76 Ill SO i CT4 77 Ill ... 17
81 til SO I 474 4T 141 44) I TO
.11 Ill 144 I 474 41 121 14 I Tl
HI t4 0 I 47 S 44 211 44 I 7
I 114 140 I 1714 41 141 SO I TS
K Ill 1S 1 474 77 131 ... IT
71 224 ... 6 ITS 70 147 14 I 7
74 Ill ... 1 174 40. .127 40 I 76
21 24 40 174 44 211 40 I TO
a (70 . SO I 17 S 74 til 10 I ft
5 Ill ... 1 74 40 141 ... 6 TO
46 124 44 6 474 74 Ill ... I 76
71 IN ... I 174 41 144 44 6 TO
40., ! ... 1 474 41 114 ... 1 14
II. I..... Ill ... I 47 H II I7 64 I 724
Tl 104 ... 1 474 4 14 ... 1 714
71 .K0 144 1 474 41 1714
10 ISO ... I 47S 76 tit ... 1714
M 117 ... 6 474 70 141 ... 6 714
17 04 ... 6 474 tl 27 tt I 714
11 101 ... I 474 44 WO ... I 714
77 Ill ... 1474 M Ill ... 6 714
71 171 IN I 174 71 144 ... I 71
7 121 10 6 174 40 241 ... 6 76
40 tit 400 6 174 41 101 110 I 71
I 40 I 474 42 144 ... I 71
Tl 221 ... 1 174 44 17 ... 6 71
40 IN ... 1174 I Ill lit I 71
SHEEP Tha sheep market looked v
this morning, values being a strong 10c
higher under ths Influence of the very good
local demand and th moderate receipts.
Packers seemed to want everything In
Ight and they mad short work of clear
ing the pens at ths advance noted. Choice
weatern Iowa-fed ewes sold as high as
$5.26. with rood westerns at 86 10. A few
right good western lambs touched $7.00,
wtth good lambs at 36.85 and from that
on down to $6.25 for light stuff. Some
good breeding ewes sold up to 85.00 per
head. There were no yearlings or wethers
of any consequence among tha receipts.
As hinted above, the advance this morn
ing seemed to be due entirely to local
conditions, as other market points were
not sending out anything very encourag
ing, at least not In their early messages.
Operators on tha market at this point are
ssjll advising a conservative policy In
the matter of shipments to all market
points. Ths fact that this msrket has
continued In such a healthy condition and
Is showing strength at the present time
is due entirely to the good judgment dis
played by shippers In not rushing In their
sheep and lambs faster then they ran be
taken care of. It Is not believed that
ther are enough sheep or lambs In Ne
braska to any more than supply the mar
ket at this point, and If they can be kept
coming in moderate numbers snd gluts
avoided, there la no reason why they
should not command very fair prices.
Quotations for fed sheep and lambs aro
ss follows: Good to choice lamhs, Colo
rados, to.7r.f07.OO; good westerns. $4.75Zf7.0O;
good light weight yearlings. $.i.aiij00;
good heavy yearlihgB. 85.5uTj 75: a-orvl
- wemers, o. '; ewes, ti
No. av. Pr.
16 western ewes si 4 25
4M Colorado ewes 83 4 60
817 western ewes 103 6 10
110 western ewes Uu 6 25
2u6 western lambs 74 6 7.1
77 western lambs 75 6 75
89 western lambs 87 7 00
13 western stag 156 4 Ou
41 western ewes 7 4 IS
7 aethers H5 i 3b
IS; weetern lambs 56 6 IS
U western lambs 68 6 75
Kauai City Mr Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 8.-CATTU5-Receipts.
6.00U head, including 1KIO heavd
southerns; market strong to 10c higher:
choice export and dressed beef steers, $6 26
U.uu; lair to good, M tnnu la; western fed
steers. M6O'u60; stockers and feeders, $3.00
tH.80; southern steers. $3.25444.66; southern
cows, l3iVi6U; native cows. 8i7t5'(i4.J;
native helf-rs. $3 00Q6.4J0; bulls. tJ.hife4.iM;
calves. $3 00447.15. -
HOB Receipts, 8.0(4) head; market iiJ
16c higher; top. $5,874; bulk of sales, $6.76
(ioss; reavy, eo.a-'Vtlo.. 4
DaVcker. 85.77U
Ii6 h5: rlara and llarhte IA fu'.ftL Mi
SHEEP AND LAM Bit Receipt 9 OU)
head; market steady; top lambs. $7 05; nu -
live lambs. $5.75'47 10; western lambs. t5.76
i7 1ft- evs.a and vssrltnrs u -a
ern fed yearlings, totia. 15;
ef e tern fed
sheep, $4.24j5.7i; stockers and feeders.
t. Loals LI Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. t.-CATTLE-Re-oelpts.
2.0s head, including head Tex
an; market 10c higher; native shipping and
export steers. $4 5xu6.3B: dressed beef and
butcher steers. $3 40V.Ui; steers under l.tas)
pounds, 330104.110; stockers and feeders,
42.Dvg4.00; calves. $3.Cu4j6.t4; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.t34.u; cows and heifer.
I.' 10&8.85.
HOGS Receipts. T.&oo had: market ttnoo
higher: Pigs and lights. 85.0036 96: oackers
--. :v. uuicners ana best pea
W. Sn.kuU
mEl?5J!U?Zii?'-. LWS
r, i7'T.. arir-.;""..":?
84.;-'4.Ui; stockers, Utf jilK; Texan, $3.00
tutt-a ,
Kew York Uri Stork Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8.-REEVES-Re-celrts.
K31 hs-ad ; no trsdlng of lutioriani ;
f.-ellng stesdy; dressed beef In fair dementi
at 5-fi4c per lb.; extra quality, tc.
CAT.VKU-Hecelpta lit head: veals,
steady; barnyard calves firm; veals, 8 t&lf
9 if: no very prime here: barnyard calves,
Ki 'giM'; Utile calves, lo ; dressed calves
Ann; cltv dressed veals, tJjHc per lb.;
country dressed. 9) 1!4'.
H041B Receipts. 2.56-j head; no sales re
ported; feeling firm on buffalo advices.
8MEEP AND LAMHH R'celnts. 1 Kit
( bead; sheep almost uomlnal, fehng stesdy;
tsmns weak In 10c lower; prime lambs sold
at 67.75.
Cattle aad Hogs Tea t eats Higher
keep and laaaka Urnmm.
CHICAGO. Feb. .CATTLE- Receipts,
t,M head: market 1v higher: common to
prime steers, 83 t 35; cow. ti.tM 4';
heifers. 82.2.45i i'; bulls. K (ai4jl.n0; calves.
$.Vii4 Ol; Blockers and feeders. 3teaf4 i.
HvnlS Receipts. 25 0O head; market V-o
higher; choice to prime he-avy. 8of6.;
medium to good heavy. $B.0v; butcher
eights, $6 ".tJK.flt; good to choice heavy
mixed. $R.WrV ia; packing. loT.f00.
8HKBP AND 1.AMB8 Receipts, 14f"0
head; market Strong; sheep. $3 5f6 Oo;
yearlings, 6006 40. lambs. K.WT 40.
at. Joseph live llock Market.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 8 -CATTLE Re
ceipts. 1,504 bead: market steady to strong:
natives, $3.756.75; cows and heifers, $1.60
fl 4 70; stockers and feeders. $i.M(i4.a.
HOGS Receipts. 7.!aJ head: market 10o
higher; light. $o.666.0; medium and heavy,
A T. u
8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $28
head; market steady; wethers, $5.76; swes.
$5 26. ' ,-
loax City Live e-ek Market.
SIOUX CITY. Itj reb. 8-(8peelal Tela-
fram.1 CATTLE Receipts, ftnohead; mar
et steady; beeves. $3 7V96.25; cows, bull
and mixed. $2 iotjt w; storker and feeders,
$2 7544.00: calves and yearlings, $2.7oi3 80.
H( KJS Receipts, head; market 10a
higher, selling at $5.568l.7l; bulk of sales,
toek la lght.
Receipts Of live stock at ths six principal
western markets yesterday:
cattle. Ms. snwn
South Omaha..
Flaux Cl'y
Kansas City.-..
St Joseph
St. Louis
... 600
... I OXI
... 1.504
... 8.50O
' 4 nm
, 7.5-4)
.17.704- 6l,W 30.6 4
Loaded Closlac Stocks.
LONDON, Feb. $.-Closlng quotations on
stock were:
Console, snoaay
do accenst ..
... 04 M T. Central
to II II Norfolk A W
... 144 do ptd
... 44 Ontario W
...los Pennsylvania ....
.. tlS Rand Mine
...174', Reading
... lS do lat pfd
... tJS de Id pfd
...Ill Southern Railway
.... 114! do pfd
... 4
... M
... M4
... tS
... 14
... 4
... 41
... II
... 414
... !
... 41
... st
... 44
... 114
d pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Pacific ..
Ckaa. A Ohio......
Chicago Ot. W
C. M. A St. P....
Denver A R. 0 ...
do pfd
de lat pfd
do td pfd
Illlnola Central ...
. . 44 Boutkern Parlto .
.. II iVnlon Pacific ....
..47 de pfd
.. II ,t'. 8. Steel
..74 do pfd
..ill wenojn
. .iJV d ptd
. . 17 p-paaieh 4s
. uiviii a ni
1 . K A T..
Loulevill Nash.
i 'Bx-dlvldend
SILVER Bar, firm, 304d per ounce.
toON Li S4'4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills la 3 16-16434 per cent; for
three months' bills. 3T per cent.
Tew York Mlalagr Storks.
NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-Closlng quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adams Cob
atrunewlck Cos . .
t emetock Tunnel
Cos. CaJ. A Vs..
Hot Silver
Iron Sliver
baadvllle Cob ...
.. to
.. 41
.. 40
.. T
Uttl Chief ...
I Sierra Krad
small Hope ..
. 74
. i
.. ii
. i
. U
. SO
Bank of England Itateaseat.
LONDON. Feb. 8 The weekly statement
of the Bakn of England shows the follow
ing changes: Total reserve. Increase, 1,
664.000; circulation, decrease, 240,010; bul
lion. Increase. 813.626; other securities, d
creased. l,566.0u0; other deposits, decrease,
3.647.000; public deposits. Increase, 1.617.
OtiO: notes reserve, Increase, 1,04S.OOO; gov
ernment securities, decrease, 1.3o5,ono. Tho
proportion of the bank's reserve to lia
bility this week Is 46.14 per cent, as com
pared with 62.62 per cent last week.
Buk ot Frame Statemant.
PARIS, Feb. 8 The, weekly statement
of the Bank of France shows the follow
ing changes: Notes in circulation, decrease.
86,226,00) francs; treasury deposits, decrease,
45.x26.0fl0 francs; general deposits, decrease.
84.82t.000 francs; gold In hand, decrease, .
126,000 francs; silver In hand. Increase,
3.460.000 francs; bills discounted, decrease,
184.575,000 francs; advances, Increase, 3.260,
008 francs.
Bask Cleartaga.
OMAHA.' Feb.' 8.-Bank clearings for to
day were $1,618,788.49, and for the corre
sponding date last year 31.211,763 28. i
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. t M ETA Lfl Th
London tin market was unchanged to a
shade hlgh.v. . with spot closing at 1M
10s; and futurvs at 168 2a 6d. Locallv
the market was quiet and about fH points
higher on the average with spot quoted
at $36.000j36.tO. Copper had a sharp ad
vance In London; closed at 78 10s for
spot and 76 for futures. Locally con
ditions remain aa previously reported.
Lake and electrolytic copper are) quoted
at $17.75018.00; outside prices being nominal
Lead was dull, at 8S.flui5T6.75 In the local
market. Tha London market was Is M
lower. Spelter advanced to 27 7d in Lon
don, but remained unchanged locally. Fur-
j ther decline was reported In the English
Iron market, with standard foundry
closed at 60s 4d and Cleveland wan-ant
at 60s td. Locally the market for Iron
la quiet and some holders are reported
to be shading recent prices. No 1 foundry
northern is quoted at 3is.zr4T7.s5; no. j
foundry Northern at 817.7E7yi8.85; No. 1
foundry southern, at $18 25fr).75, and No.
S foundry southern, at $17.7613 25.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. t METALS-Lead.
weak, $5,524. Spelter dull. $6,924-
Oils aad Roala.
NEW TORK. Feb. 8 OILS Cottonseed
oil, steady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 2444.
26c; prime yellow, 314t733c. Turpentine,
quiet. 666694c -
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good,
$3.86fit,90. . I
OIL. CITY. Pa.. Feb. 8. OILe-Oadit bal
ances, 3168; shipments, 75.274 bbls.; average,
59.476 bbls.: runs, 64.856 bbls ; average, 43.'
bbls.; shipments. Lima, 87,918 bbls.; average,
7l.2 bhls.: runs. Lima, 42,64$ bbls.; aver
age. 33,691 bbls.
TINE Firm, 65c; sales. 167 bbls.: receipts.
117 bbls shipments. 2M bbls.
ROSIN Firm; sales. 2 3S4 bbls.; receipts,
1.653 bbls.; shipments, 696 bbls.) stock. 71.11
bbls : A. H and C. $3 36: D, $8.36473.40: K.
83 35434 40; F. $3 40- O, 88 46: H, 8S.8": 1. 84 40;
K. 8510: M. $5.25; N. $5.85; W. O.. $600;
W. W.. $6.15.
William Robertson and wife to Emma
Norton, lot 16, Burdrtte Court add..$ 850
Elian M. Hicks and husband to Na
tlonul Life Insurance company, eW
feet lots 11 and 12, block 7, Hanscom
Plac $
8a rah J. Merrow to Clara Schuebel,
lot 28. Tuttle's subdlv 1.360
3. Herbert McMillan to ths Conserva
tive Savings and Loan association,
tract In n4 11 v. 4 9-14-13 1
Edwin Haney and wlf to the supreme
forest of th Woodmen Circle, lot 1,
block 142 Omaha 10.00"
John H. Levy and wife to Joseph
and Tlllle Zorgoakl. lot 1 block 2.
Levy's add 3R0
Ianlel C'aah tt al to George W. Fore
man. w8v feet lot 8. block 359. South
Omaha l.0a
Franklin H. Monrue to T. J. Sterner,
tract 35x140 feet In taslots 66 and 56.
j John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Charles
I H BTOWrl. lot 20. block t. and lots 8
nl Melrose H1U..;..
! Nels II. W lnthsr to Hrvev Nelson.
t lu , ... uii.'iiigiiaiii ex pirmian s ana
Martin Pahhtulst and wife to Aim-
nnhlouist. lots 7 and 8, block t.
Thornhurg Place
W. H. Gts and wife to Adallna F.
Shriver, lot 22. block 10. and lot 4.
block 13 North Omaha add
Adallna F. Shriver and husband tu
Carrt Hamilton, n4 lot 23. block lo.
North Omaha
Llllle A. Olson to Mary Olson, undi
vided half interest In 60 feet lot
f. block 1. Boyd s add
Josenh W. Olson to same, same.'
Frederick C. Rice and wire to O. C.
Olsen. lot 13. block 4. DuPont Place.
John Power et al, referees, to Joseph
n. riiierry lot iu. block 9. E. v.
1 tl.l.k . .AA
J'n Kow alsktaud 'irVf to Mlnnl K.
Ff. lot 2. h-oclt 8. . subdlv
8 uth Omaha.
Caroline 1.. pupnlrton and William .
PoDnletun. trustees, to Mary - K
Keetle. lot 16. block t. Sulphur
springs aua.
F. Da Day & Co.
Bealarvs ta
toK. Ora n, Proylsion
kl Var Crala I ta,
rk OtB. 314V.133 Hoard of Treai
"Ida., uaaaba. . Tlik 87.1 b
r-2-214 Exehavig Bldg , aVnith Omaha
Boll Phone 81a lade yea 1 eat f hoa t
lit siaavdr: No. 1 in