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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1906)
-r;.2. TUB UMAI1A DAILY BEK; FRIDAY",' FEBRUARY 9, 190(3. Telephone, Douglat 618. N located Is- th retJl center, Howard and SUteenth fttreeta. ' IW ' . bloM-erfl, whirh rhnnge the air iu the entire store every few minutes. It's, as well stocked and enred for as the main silk department. Here are inexpensive dress goods, wash goods, dress accessories' and' furnishings at an incomparable low price. Friday will be the shrewd shoppers' harvest time .here, article. In r Our Cloak Department, . ;:. Second Floor. Ladles' ,new spring- suits, from Ja.iK up to IW.00. Indies' new 'spring 'short fitting coat from 110.50 to $18.00. , ; v . , ,. Ladles' hrr spring pony coat from $7.60 to tr,M. .' : " ' : Ladiffii new spring .walking skirt from 7.60 to 1.M. Ladle n'e spring long loose coats from 4.7$ to tS. . ..... i ladles' new cravnette. coata from $12.80 to tcs.oo. ', ' . ',; . . ; .In pitf Economy Basement. ' We are showing a moat beautiful line of now spring garment ' for lad tel. ' New spring ermv suits for $1S.. New pnhg'bog adits for $9.9. ' New spring long covert coata for M.M. -New 'spHntr lona Idoee mixed coata for $5.w. y ''' 1 New spring iliorf pony coata fo? $4.19. New spring short covert coata for $4 9, Also a" large tine' of woolen and wash waists at., very reduced price. Remnants on "Bargain Square, Economy Basement. Here you'll aee remnant ' of , Muslins, Oinghama. Waistlngs, 'Scotch Plalda, Call i'W.' Percales and other wash goods at Howard teor attorney, Judge Iefton In his syllabus said: ' " ' In a txsutt Uin1r'tha scavenger act the action of the district court, in disregarding a volunteer and unauthorized appearance of 'iin attorney purporting to answer for all de fendants 1h default, ami In rendering a de fault deerc against such defendants, held to te proper. . . V . Bankers 1 nlon .Most Pay. .-The judgment . of the district court of Seward county for $500 against the Banker) Union of the World and In favor of Elam ..11. Landla, .guardian of Alice N. Landis, la affirmed by the supreme court, the evidence being held by the supreme court sufficient to sustain the judgment-,. The guardian brought ault on a life. Insurance policy Is sued b the company.- . v , Clerk and Sheriff Her Old Salary. The supreme nurt ' has construed the statute of. 1905 to moan that In counties of mora- thaa .18,000 Inhabitants the salary of the county clerk is fifed at $2,600 per annum .and he la also ent1ttcd"to one deputy, whoue salary shall b $l.6o. per annum. This In lerpretatloa ts held fej he. court to carry out th ialetitlon of the Inghila ture . A- writ of mandamus to compel the county, clerk' of ,Ioiiglaa .ceunty. ;to pay.ovsi to ih county ajl.fcea .nxis"ef 44oWc pAr-amnum -la' denied. 7he decision: applies also to the office of sheriff and County. treasurer. ' j. Other 0,plalons. , . , , 'X'la following opinions w'efe filed:. Shannon against City' of Omaha, on r hvarlng former opinion adhered to; Wil liams avaJnst Miles, former opinion adhered to: (Jlliman agjn.stCossman, affirmed: Kerr wttalnst Parks, affirmed: Shackelford and lilckey against. Indemnity Fire Insurance Company, affirmed: Hayea against Hayes, s (firmed ; Gles aglnst Htors Brewing Com pany, affirmed: Stoltenburg against State. reversed -nd remanded: Oammel Book .Company against Faiiu affirmed: Mohat against .. Hott, reversed -lth directions; Hubert against State, motion for rehearing overruled;, in re application of McMonies for a writ of habeas corpus, reversed with directions; Chapln Against Seward .County, affirmed: Teats against ' Fox, affirmed; Bangs against Dworak. affirmed; Brookway vgainst Pomerny, affinned; Getchell against Porter, 'affirmed r Power against DourIhs County,' affirmed; Olsen against Collins, af firmed; rarratt agiiinat Hurtsuff, reversed and dismissed as to defendant Hendrlx, re versed and remanded sa to defendant Cadv, affirmed .a , to defendant Parratt: South Omaha National Bank against Stewart, re versed; Lincoln Street Railway Companv aaalnst Lincoln, reversed and dlsmiHsed; elser against Portsmouth Savings Bank, reversed and reniunded: State ex rel. Pond against- Clark, reversed with directions: Bicles against Vplted States Fidelity and ftuaranty Company, reversed and dlsmlased so far as judgment is sought against the company for the. atatutory penalty of $B0; j'all against Moore, affirmed; State ex rel Crenln. against Cronln. judgment denying writ. affirmed, order taxing costs against re lator reversed and causrf remanded, with .HrectloinS to tax Coats of the proceedings to respondent. HIQ LOCAI. IKTKimST IX CASKS Caaael) aad Howell, Vict orions At toraeys, Express Ura tlflcatloa. .'Manifestly great interest is aroused In Omaha by'botli the decision on the Grain trust aricTclty council 'matter, aside from iho widespread concern felt In the former rfcllng throshout the state. "Wo are much gratified Indeed." said F. 8, Howell. 6f Jefferl ft Howell. Mr. Howell lng h leading' attorney for Tom Woe. rail In 'Ilia flghf npori the Nebraska Grain Ufalers' 'association. Tt is a victory, yes, but I MOuld count It a victory, not for any milvlrtual'or set of Individuals so much FIRST PEEP OF SPRING! Many new things being unpacked daily-fresh from the maker's hands. Hats BOYS1 Shirts Just opened, a superb line of nobby SHIRTS' OU" ,nn" HAT8'AND Young Men's Hats, in new pearl and !".'?. fy ttU- in "Telescope" ,"d "Alpine" styles-- ,,'iS at Jl.Sj) and 6.UU College styles, in stitch brim cloth hats, colors gray, tan and Cf white t $1.0u and i.OU Shirt In new weaves and patterns of fine madras, collars attached or de tached, sise n to I4U 1 Bl at ll 00 and I.3U Boys' land Girls' Caps Largest assortment of boy' and girls pretty caps to be seen In Omaha now on dlsplsy. BENSON firTHORNES Writ for catalogue. i Ever Been ii Our It's light,, airy, roomy, Painstaking, courteous salespeoi)Ie to aid price that will Jempt you to lay In a sup ply. AVe have on special aale a Ann quality of printed Madras that haa never been equaled for the price. Whits ground, printed with mall figures or stripes. Tou'll regret It If you don't get some of these nice, goods at this low price, 10c a yard. Usually Bold for 15o a yard. ... Special Offering in Economy Basement Dress Goods De . ' partmeht . Friday. Grand opportunity for the woman or ohlld who needs a new waists sk'lrt , or dress length, or perhaps - Just 'enough to finish out the . winter la .needed. Every mother wants her children dressed' as prettily as the family ' purse will allow. Drees Goods Department In Economy Basement' Is the place, Friday la the day, to And lust what you want,' First of all, look the remnants over. Mother will appreciate this ' oppor tunity' to save". Study the fojlowlng ratur- estlng reductions':- . ' 86c mixed Suiting, invisible check, broken plaids, 4S In. Wide, a fabric that Is right up to the minute In style, quality and fin ish, 3c a yard. $1.60 handsome all wool Taffeta, light weight, beautiful 'quality, 54 In. wide, in the tiny shepherd's check, with a top check of some pretty contrasting color. One of thla aeason's most dressy fabrics. In four and Sixteenth Streets aa for the state at large. It means a great deal for Nebraska. It means a great deal for the small. Independent grain dealer and the farmer. It means a great deal also for the friends of fair play, for those people who are working against class legislation and corporation rule and for equal, rights and freo competition. . "So far as the Grain trust is concerned, no effort will bo made to revive It and the decision of the court will he compiled with, I feel certain. As a matter of fact the members of the association saw the hand writing on the wal' aoon after we begun our fight; they were forced to tho con viction that it was uselesa for them to go up against such a determined fight as we were making, and so they simply cut their cloth accordingly. As you know, they dis solved their association soma wueks ago, knowing this result waa Inevitable. "I want to say we certainly must give Attorney General Brown a vast amount of credit for the part he played In this fight. Had It not been for the prompt and manful- stand he took we could not have got through so well. And Judge Sullivan, too, deserves great credit." - M. I.. Learned of Kennedy 6 Letired, leading attorney foi some Of the association grain firms, said ha did not care to make a statement until he had viewed tSe court's decision In full. ' ' ' , . ; "The court's decision Is In accordance of tho Only law I know anything about,", re marked W. ,J. Connell, attorney for the ma jority council members exonerated by the decision of the supreme court in . the gas ordinance case. "When we went Into that case It was such a dead open and shut game of cinch that I really felt some mls-glvlngs- just because It waa such a certain thing. This decision wipes the whole thing out. It pulls it' up by the roots and throws it over the fence." This litigation originated from th most exciting and 'memorable council meeting In many years in Omaha. It waa at that meet ing when Mayor Moores stood In tha coun cil chamber and exchanged heated words with members and kept policemen sta tioned at the doors to prevent councllmen Inimical to the pending measure from leav ing and thus avoid voting. The measure under fire was the socalled $.'$ gaa ordinance. Acting for Interested parties, said to be a Cleveland lighting syndicate which sought a franchise In Omaha, T. W. Blackburn had secured th Issuance of a restraining ofder to prevent th council from passing this ordinance. Five of the members attempted to pass it, and claimed they did pass It, though City Clerk Flbourn did not read It the third time, and other, formalities, such as being put from the chalr. were omitted. These five men were fryball, Schroeder, Evans, Huntington and Back and the four opposing the ordinance and complying with the In junction were Hoye, Zlmnian. Nicholson and O'Brlon. Nicholson was In the chair, Zlmman having vacated it. When this ordinance came up Nicholson refused to put it to a vote. This precipitated the riot of words which came near developing Into blows. Huntington finally declared he wo chair man for the time being and he would put the question. He did so and declared it pawed, i The five couni ilmen - voting for the ordi nance, which was not passed, were the Mia. For SHOES Girls. There are no shoes made that will stand the hard wear Id snow and shiBh like our "Lilliputian Special" These shoe ar built especially for '"L n ,h nw College' and -Orthopedic" lasta, and will re tain their shape and beauty longer then other shoes. They cost no mori than ordinary shoes. $2.00 $2.50- $3.00 $3.50 Ask to see our special low heel dan- cina Dumm fn viri ..i i Bo. Feb. , inort. Economy Basement? ventilated by the best approved you in securing just the wanted good colors tsn, brown, navy blue and black and white Friday, ,7o a yard. Handsome Crepe de Chine in Black and Wlute, Friday, 39c a Yard. 23 In. wide, beautiful durable Crepe de Chine, makes lovely evening gowna, dainty pretty dresses for all occasions, pretty waists at exceedingly small cost if you take advantage of this great opportunity. Friday's special price, 89c a yard. Note-Thls Crepe fie Chine on sale at silk counter. Our New Millinery Department Opens on or About March 1. . As one waits for the bright sunshine and flowers of spring after a dreary winter's season, counting each day one day less until the bursting Into bloom of the slum bering grasses and flowers, so you should swatt, the crowning feature of the season the opening of this department. Free Art Instruction. Miss Steenstrup. recognised as one of the greatest needle artists, gives free In struction In all the new embroidery stitches, Including Hardanger, Qlttertyl, Hedebo, Mt. Melllck. Norwegian, Scrim and Shadow embroidery. Afternoons from 2 to 5. Tou are Invited to Join her classes. next day declared by Judge Sutton to be In contempt of court for violating his previous Injunction. Later they had their hearing and were sentenced to serve thirty days in the county jail. But Connell then appealed the case to the supreme court. RATE BILL IS PASSED (Continued from First Page.) the bill waa explained by Mr. Gardner. This order was Intended to work auto niatlcally and to make age the only proof Of disability. CommlsHloner Warnor found the order in conflict with statute provision, and it was thereby robbed of Its operation. By eliminating surgeons' fees, Mr. Gard ner estimated that by enacting the order Into law money would be saved the gov ernment and benefit extended to the veter ans. Th amendment he regarded a virtual service pension law, saying In time It would place every , soldier of the civil war on the pension roll at a maximum pension of $13 a month. Mr. .Garrett advocated higher pensious for Mexican war veterans,, Mr. Kline. (PaJ advocated increasing to $30 a month the al lowance to pensioners totally blind or bed ridden. ' ' .. . " The bill was read and passed wlthoufob Jectlon. It 'carries $139,Cu0.M0 for pensions and $l.i!4S,XV) for the pension administration. Other Bills Passed. Kills were passed as follows: To open for settlement 506,000 acres of land In tne Kiowa, Comanche and Apache reservations in Oklahoma; for the estab lishment and sale of townBites in this same reservation; for the issuance of patents to 40 acres of land to Columbia and Colvllle Indians In the Columbia valley, Washing ton, th land having been granted to them In 18SS under th Moses agreement. At the suggestion of Mr. Clayton (Ala.) a bill was passed to prevent officials and efhployes of the government from divulg ing Information on crop statistics prema turely and making It criminal for such per sons to speculate In products. Th penalty for violating Its provisions Is fixed at $Mro and Imprisonment for ten years. Mr. Lacey (la.) secured the passage of a bill authorising the commissioner of the general land office to quit claim the title conveyed to th United States for land In forest reservations. At 5 o'clock the house adjourned until tomorrow at noon. RECEPTIOX AT Willi K HOI SB President aad Mr. Roosevelt Eater tala la Honor of Army and Navy. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 8.,-Presldent and Mrs. Roosevelt save a night In honor of the army and navy. It was the last of the evening levees at the White House for the season and was very largely attended. Invited to meet the guests of the evening were the dlplomatio corps and congressional, official and resi dential society. j President and Mrs. Roosevelt entered the Blue room at 9 o'clock while the Marine band played the national anthem. In the receiving tin were the members of th cabinet and the women of their families, while th list in th Blue room Included a large number of persons. Admiral Dewey headed the line of callers and he was fol lowed by. Lieutenant General John C. Bates, the head of the army. There waa a lack of floral decorations, but th national color with the flags of the president, th admiral of the navy and other distinctive national emblem war conspicuously displayed. Miss Alice Roose velt and Representative Nicholas Long, worth formed th center of an Interesting group, whll th sister of the latter, th Countess De Chambrun, was among those Invited to th Blue room. Five German ' officer who, as representative of th m peror of Germany, ar making a tour of me initea mates, were among th g jests. ITKHKATIOTl! TRADE UROWI Aga-resale Volant of Comameroo la 10OK Largest la Hlatory of World. WASHINGTON. Feb. I.-Accordlng to a report iasued by th Department of Com merce and Labor, th aggregate volume of International commerce during IM6 wa un doubtedly th largest for any correspond ing period In the history of th country. Th report says: Th greatly increased activities in th Iron, steel and copper Industries were par- m-uiarijr wonaw- ui note, naving caused Iron production, according to reliable com mercial sources, to advance 40 per cent and copper nearly li per cent over similar I production in 19U4." gealey la Army and Jiavy I'aloa. 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. I. Rear Admiral W. 8. Schley. V. S. N., retired, was last night mustered in a a member of Colonel Theodora Roosevelt garrison No. T4 of th Army and Navy union. Several hundred member of th union from th different garrison in Ut city were present. iMOOT CASE NEAR THE END Protestant Will Fiolik Inirodncti of . Teitimonj Today. PROF. W01FE SEVERELY CROSS-EXAMINED Three Witnesses Testify to Taking the Oath of Vengeance in the Kndowment Hon. WASHINGTON, Feb. S.-The Senator 8 moot case, so far as introduction of testi mony hy the prote.iants is conceined, prob ably will be closed tomorrow. Announce ment to that effect waa made by John G. Carlisle, who hss been prorecuting the case at the present session of congress, at the close of the proceedings today. The defense has not announced the num ber of witnesses it' expects to call nor when It will be ready to proceed. Th hearing today dealt with alleged Mormon Interference In business affairs and with the endowment house ceremony. Three witnesses testified that they had taken thf obligation administered and as they recalled It there was a variance in the form aa it related to an agreement to avenge the blood of the prophet. Henry W. Lawrence of Salt tako City said he had been called upon to promise to avenge Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, David Pat ten and Parley P. r'tt. all church lead ers who met death at the hands of mobs. The witness declared that no Mormon could go through the endowment house without taking the oath. Chairman Burrows said today that lie would Insist upon concluding the Investiga tion and making a report to the senate this session. Prof. Wolfe (ruH-Kmlnrd. In the Investigation of protests against Senator Reed Smoot of Ctah before the committee on privileges and elections. Prof. Walter M. Wolfe, who was a teacher In Mormon schools and a member of the chnrrh until very recently, was today sub- .ected to a severe cross-examination by A. 8. Worthington. counsel for the senator. A large number of letters which ha 4 been written by Wolfe to members of th church were put Into the record to show that he had not made complaints of the conduct of Benjamin Cluff on the Mexican. expedition, as he bad testified In direct ex- mlnatlon. He denied charges by counsel that he had been Intoxicated In several pub lic places and that he had expressed con trition because of his refusal to nav tith ing. Mr. Worthington will call a lane number of witnesses to discredit Wolfe. On re-dlrect examination the names of a number of residents of Provo were read to the witness and ten of them, he said. wore living In polygamous cohabitation. He said he knew George Taylor, brother-in-law of Mr. Smoot and that Taylor had asked him (Wolfe.) to give up his demo cratic faith and come in with "the great majority." This was Just previous to the election of the legislature that elected Smoot to th senate, h said, and further that Taylor asked him to do all he could for the election of Smoot. . Plaral Wives la School. "I told him," said the witness, "that I would if I thought It to be the will of the Lord. Mr. Taylor said he believed It was the will of God and It seems to have been. He told me then, tfiSt' Smoot's candidacy had been discussed and endorsed by the high counclt of Ctah, convened aa a prayer circle." . In response to question by several mem ber of the committee Wolfe said that In Brlgham Toung VoYlcge, Oveha Jorgenson and Florence ReyhoKJs were - hm only j students whom m'kne-w to have become j plural wives. He" thought that children of I polygamous relations 'looked upon po I lygamy as a divine Institution. Of th 1 Provo citizens ' Whoso names wer read, only one, Thoma Chamberlain, had en- tercd polygamy since the manifesto. A ' number of the songs' alleged to have been hostile to the government of the United States were put Into the record and Wolfe said these songs -were sung frequently. ' William J. Thomas of Spanish Fork, Utah, the next witness, said he had gon through the endowment houso in 1869, and had taken an oath to "avenge the blood of the prophet Joseph Smith, upon this nation and to teach hi children to do j so down to the third and fourth genera- j Hons." He said he was dropped from the ' church in tn w s Det--uj no u. i"i too openly against plural marriages. Senator Knox asked if he had ever done anything to carry out his obligation to "avenge the blood of the prophet upon this j nation." "No. sir. I enlisted twica to defend this natlin," said Thomas. The witness told of M. Mlchelson, form erly an employe of Thoma. going to Mexico to take a plural wife. Mlchelson told the witness he was going "where he could live his religion." John P. Holugren of Bear River City, IT tali, a member of the t'tah legislature from 1898 to 190S, testified that he voted against the Evans bill, prohibiting th first wife from testifying against her husband in polygamy proceedings. Ha was de feated after this, but said lie thought it I was not bis vote tht defeated him. Ho j said he took the endowment house oath in . 18S9. He repeated the oath of vengeance, and, as he remembered It, he agreed to I avenge the blood of both Joseph and Hiram i Smith. I Batarthwalte oa Stand. j Charles A. gmurthwalte of Ogden, I'tah, testified that he had been excommunicated BUTTERMILK A Dart Way Out. The" buttermilk fad," which It follow irs insisted was the cure for nil the Ills ! that human flesh Is ' heir to. has pretty well had Us day. Buttermilk Is a pleasant and healthy drink, but there are a whole lot of desir able things that It cannot do. A Nebr. woman found something much more worth wh'le. She says: "Thre years ago my stomach was in such a frightful condition that I could scarcely bear to take any fond at all. Indeed there waa once that I went for 14 day without a morsel of nourishment preferring starvation to the acute agony that I suffered when I ate anything. And all this entailed upon me almost constant headaches and nervousness. My condi tion waa truly pitiable. "The doctor warned me that th coffee I drank wa chiefly responsible for this condition, and ordered m to drink buttermilk instead. But I despised but termilk and could not bring myself to use It. "Then I was advised to try Postum Food Coffee. It tia completely renovatod and made over my whole system. The salutary effect on my poor stomach was simply marvelous, and that straightened out, the headaches, nervousness and other troubles soon vanished. For more than a year I have not felt any distress or pain, such a I one thought would kill m. "I can truthfully say that Postum haa brought me th blessing of th perfect health I enjoy, for I gav up medicine when I began It use." Nam given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Ther a reason. Itoad h little book. "Th Road t WallvUi", In pkg. by the Mormon church in April, lf5. II IS a director In the Beck Salt works, and told of having been called to Salt Lake City to see President Joseph F. Smith and member of the first presidency which held th controlling Interests In the Inland Crys tal Salt company. In company with Rich ard Taylor Mr. Smurthwaite met th first presidency, he said, and was t"ld by Presi dent Smith that if he remained. In the salt business In competition with th? church he would be ruined. "I told President Smith," SAld the wit ness, "that I had the power to crush my child, but not the right. Mr. Smith r piled that this was business and I told him that I thought business meant profit." The witness then detailed the entire Interview, which resulted In no agreement, as the church Insisted that none of its members should enter Into competition with the church. Mr. Smurthwalte waa excommunicated, he said, in consequence of this disagreement. He spoke against the church being In business and had told his bishop that aa Joseph F. Smith was the exclusive agent of God In th church his participation In business was equivalent to God being in business. Finally he said he had publicly disclaimed Smith' authority as a prophet and spoke against his testimony on the subjeot of polygamous cohabitation and was tried on charges of apostscy and unchristtanlike conduct and found guilty. Lawrence Telia of Oath of Vengeance. Henry W. Lawrence of Salt Lake City was the first witness at tha afternoon ses sion. He was born of Mormon parents and left the church in 1W! because he became doubtful of the church system. He said he was associated with others In the publica tion of the Vtah Magaslne, which advocated the opening of mines against the teaching of the holy prlesthopd. His associates were excommunicated because of this policy esrly In 1S9, but action against him failed for the reason, he thought, that he was then a man of affairs. , Concerning the endowment house ceremony, which he said he took early In his life, he said no oath was ad ministered obligating him to covenant and agree before God, HIS agents and the wit nesses assembled to avenge the blood of the prophets "Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, I David Patten and Parley P. Pratt. His tes timony is the first that has been given by any witnesses using the names of David Patten and Parley P. Pratt in the obliga tion. Ife said that as administered to him the oath did not stipulate that the ven geance must be taken upon "this nation" and In that respect the oath wa ambig uous. He said he had participated later In administering the ceremonies to others and that no person could go through the en dowment house without taking the oaths. These were administered orally, he said, and that as different parties officiated It was likely that the wording of the obliga tion might vary at the different cere monies. Lawrence referred frequently to the tyranny of the priesthood that existed dur ing ills membership In the church and Chairman Burrows ssked If that tyranny existed today. The witness said that there was more liberality shown now, but that a man who desired to continue In good stand Ing In the church must obey the leaders In all things. In regard to teachings of the church he said that nowhere In the books was there to be found anything directing loyalty to the government and that they sang a song containing the lines. "Brlgham Toung Is our king." He said from the preochlngs he had heard he believed that the teachings were the same today. He said the revelation of polygamy must be be lieved by a good church momber. whether he practiced it or not, for to suspend one revelation would be to suspend them all. , - Mormon Control State. C. M. Owen, who has been employed In getting evidence against Mr. Smoot. was then called." Mr. Carlisle submitted-a list of th members of the constitutional conven tion, all of the members of the legislatures and state officers and others who have held office since Utah was admitted to statehood. Mr. Owen marked the list showing that of those represented, every governor, secre tary of state, treasurer, auditor and super, lntendent of schools had been Mormons; that two-thirds of the members of every legislature were Mormons; that in each legislature there had been from one to ten polygamists and in the constitutional con vention out of 115 members there were sev enty Mormons, thirty of whom were polyga mists. The supreme court was Gentile, he said, and the other courts mixed. Mr. Worthington sought to show that two third of the Utah population was Mor mon, but Owen said he did not think this was true at the present time. The committee adjourned until 12 o'clock tomorrow. Mr. Carlisle aaid he thought he could close protestants case at the forenoon session tomorrow. FINANCIAL REPORT OF WOMEN Kebraaka stands with the FIt High est State la Equal- Snf. frage Movement. BALTIMORE. Feb. I. At the second day' Session of the annual convention of the Woman's National Suffrage associa tion the report of the secretary was read by MrA Harriet Taylor Upton, of which the following is an abstract: Receipts, Including last year's balance, $at.2S3.W 1 disbursements, 1G.5;4.S7; balance, U.7ti9.0G. The fivk states standing at the head in I point Of imbeishlp are New York. Massa chusetts, 'allfornla, Nebraska and Iowa. The five Stat nt olj ii ea contributing the largest aniou money to tne treasury are Pennsylvania Oregon, California, Massa chusetts snl New Turk. A new asfk-iatlnn. "The College Woman's Equal 8ulTike league," was admitted to membership The merobi ship wa never so large or th financial kiowlng so good, but with an active womaii suffrag campaign In prog ress In OregoV. to be terminated by th voters at the Vectlon in June, 19U6, there never was so mW-h need for money. Every believer is urgi-k to show his or her belief in a practical wky. Th address oA.Mrs. Mary E. Craigl on "Ignorance and Tic" wa a lengthly ap peal. Including mkieroua statistics, to con tinue the effort V. secure th ballot in order that au end tiay b put to th liquor business, th mosn hostile and dangerous foe which society tag to encounter. She maintained that this evil could not b suc cessfully met until 4. men had been clothed with the right to vol MINERS CAUGj BY f!flVF.IN ! ' "- Two Men Isanrlsoi HOO F'eet'l nder f.rona! at Jai tovrn, Cnl., Since Mi liny. I , STOCKTON. Cal.. Fel. L-Caught under a giant cave-in, two miter have been en tombed " feet beneath the surface of the earth In the App mine at Jamestown sine Monday night. Day aiM night rescuers have been at work diggilg In an effort t save the Imprisoned met. Th porno Sublle and M. VukWich. They wer working Monday night, (when the roof caved In. Signals were (heard by the rescuer this afternoon ail a faint voice aid "V ar very weak; lurry." Xoaalnatioaa oy Ptesldeat. SASiiiKuiuft, reo. s Th president today sent the following nor nations to the senate: Collector of (diatoms Myrln H. MtM'ord Pure, Healthful, Refreshing AboUm "The Queen of MITCHELL ACAlNSr DOLAN President of Mine Worker. Eiyi Convsntion Hg Power to Oust Offloial. DOLAN INSISTS ON HOLDING CHMR Rnmor that He Will Start Separate Organisation If He I F.i nelled Mo Aetloa Taken. PITTSBURG. Feb. I. Notwithstanding the fact that President John Mitchell of the I'nlted Mine Workers of America has de cided that local district No. t haa the power In its present convention to oust President Dolan and Vice President Belllngham of the district No. ft, President Dolan still maintains that he was elected by a referen dum vote and can be removed only In th same manner. President Dolan still defies th delegates and refuses to vacate his office, snd a split In the district Is not be yond a possibility according to some of the delegates, who announce that Dolan haa re ceived a number of telegrams and letters advising him to fight the Issue and If de feated, to start an Independent organisa tion. I President Mitchell's decision was made public In his instructions to National Vice President Lewis, who read thm to tho con vention todHy, Mr. Mitchell gave it as his Judgment that the delegates had power to oust Dolan and Bclllngham. Mr. Lewis re ceived them last night, but held them until late today before making them public. Tarinoll In Convention. When the decision was read to the con vention there was turmoil, strife and con fusion. Delegates rushed to tho center of the floor, demanding that Dolan Instantly, vacate the chair. Cheer and hisses rose from the crowd of excited delegates and for a time It eemed that the president would be forcibly removed from his seat. The storm was calmed by Mr. Lewis, who made himself heard In moving a reeef-s whllo the telegrams and decision of Presi dent Mitchell Vere given to the newspapers. When the convention was railed to order again a number of resolutions amending 1 tne constitution were offered and rnssed. A resolution was passed appointing a commit- i tee to draft rules for a new election and to fix the dite. It is said Dolan will be a can didate for re-election, but that Belllnghani will not. While watting through the day for th Mitchell decision the work Of th conven tion was at a comparative deadlock. Dolan' friends are bitter tonight against President Mitchell's derision. They claim that he has prejudged th case and I un aware of the exact situation. Another ses sion of the convention will be held tomor row. Miner Insist I'pon ' Settlement. -"PUNXSUTAWNEV. Pa.,' Feb. 8. At a maea meeting held 'today ' of miners em ployed " the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts burg Coal and Iron company, the Jeffer son & Clearfield Coal and Iron company and allied concerns' with headquarter here, It was decided unanimously not to go to work again until all grievances between th men and the companies have been ad Justed. The miners today claimed that the Altoona agreement la being violated. When the coal company' official were notified yesterday that work would be suspended today in order to allow the miner to at tend the meeting, the shipment of coal over the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railroad was at once suspended. All night operator and day operator In coal yards over the entire area of production In Buf falo. Rochester 4 Pittsburg territory hav been laid off. About 10, CM) miner ar affected. After tha adjournment of th meetings of the miners" officer they received word from General Manager Robinson that he will meet them at Ptinxautawney tomorrow In an effort to adjust differences, and to night there I a hopeful feeling that the trlke will be settled. Demands of Anthracite Men. WILKESBARRE. Pa., Feb. s.-The an thracite seal committee of the United Mine Workers went Into session her this afternoon. Thee was a large attendance of officer from the hard coal regions. In the absence of President John Mitchell, District President Fahy of District No. T, called the convention to order which at once went Into secret session. Nothing was made public, but It Is understood that six requests are to b mad when th miner delegates and the railroad and j mine official meet. They are a follow: An eight hour day for the company : hand. ... . A trade agreement with the operators. I Slight Increase In wages for all classes . lr rd about the mine. I nlform scale ror roca. siie, water ana all "Ihef kinds of dead work. . Think Strike Will B Avoided. TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. . "tittle If any material strike sentiment Is being ex- I pressed among Kansas coal miners," said I H. C. Cowan, member of the legislature I from the Cherokee coal district, today. 1 jfr. Cowan Is s mine worker and is fsmll- tar with the conditions In the coal districts of Kansas. "I think Kansas miners do not want a trlke," Mr. Cowan continued. "I am sat- 1 Isfled they will not favor a strike unless they deem It unavoidable. But If there Is a miners' ftrlke at all, It will be general, and Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, In dian Territory and Indiana will be affected. I think the difference between the miner and th mine operator will be adjusted through arbitration." Weston Win First Block. is-r T niTIta Miv IVh. I riiai la W.iia "f Chicago, challengt-r. tonight won the nrst bleek of 30n points in his tW-ball match with Thomas Hiieston of Hcrantou, Pa., holder of the world's championship con tinuous pool emblem, by a acore of 2&i to 115. Play will continue tomorrow and Sat urday night. Hurston waa awarded a new C?yamnr th F?U ln axative ftron ttamina Cbtm CcJ4 is Om Day, GrVa taaovcry bmu2U ans Table Waters" championship emhlein, after Alfred De Oro had refused to surrender the old emblem on demsnd of the donors, the latter claim ing D Oro had forfeited it hy refusing to accept Hueston's challenge. De Orn announced tonight that he has permanently retired and will never play another cham pionship pool match. v Parking noose et glonx Falls. SIOCX FALLS. 8. D., Feb. .-(Special.) Arrangements have now been -completed for the ,early placing in operation of the new packing plant 'in this city. It Is planned to have the plant placed In opera tion within the next ten days. Yh work of placing the machinery In the building was completed a few days ago and it ha been carefully tested, working to the satis faction of the promoters of the ehterprlse. The new companv which will operate the packing house Is made up largely of local capitalists, and therefore might be said to he purely a Sioux Falls concern The plant la new and modern In every respect and will be the first Industry of the kind In ojeratlon here during the last fifteen yesrs. llooh Itented Sew Trial. SPRING Ft RI.D. III.. Feb. .-The su- preme court this morning denied a rehear ing in tne case nr Jol.ann Hoch. senlence.1 to bo hanged in Chicago February 21 for wife murder. .40.00 Suits to Order $20.00 Only a few bargain uitings and overcoatings left. While they last they go at $27..0 for 50 Sulfa to Order $25.00 for $45 Suit to Order $20.00 for $40 Suit to Order $l".."0 for Suits to Ort1r $13.00 for $30 Suit to Order . These are fine goods. Most of them Hie Imported. We are de termined to sell out every fall and winter suiting and overcoating. 'Phone Doug. 1 80S. MacCARTHY WiLS N TAILORING CO. aoi-soo south loth st. Next door to Wabash ticket office, A frind of th homo A fo of th Trust 4Bnplia with tho fur Feed Law OT an !( AMl'SEMEITS. BKBSnHKZBatB3Enna t RnYIVG Woodward A B urges. ""IU U Managers. TONIGHT. SAT. MAT. and NIGHT PAUL GILM0RE ii "Captain Dcbwnn.irc' SUNDAY, MON.. TUES.. WED'T." MONTGOMERY and STONE In THE WIZARD P OZ 18, ! 17--THE OLD HOME8TF7AIV C OMIN G THE CLANSMAN By Thomas Dixon, Jr., from bla two fSr?0"? novel": "Th Clansman" and I BURW00O Nights A Sun. Mara tu.w Tues..Thurs.,6at.Mt.10-gQe HB WOODWAHD STOCK CO? Charley's Aunt TONIGHT NEXT WEEK IROQUOIS 21st Big Week By Sedley Brown. 'Phone Douglas 4M. Tonight and Saturdsy Matinee and Night. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Thone ft Carleton, Agnes Mahn, Mr and Mrs. Keley, Harry ke t'Jalr. Perie ft Dla mant, Flo Adler, Mills It Morris and the Kinodrome. Prices luo, 26o, Mo. C U I T Cm Price-15c, 25c, 60c. 7fcJ. Tonight, t:15. Matinee Saturday, Win. Gillette's Most Notable Achievement, SlIUKLOCK HOLMES All the Original -Electrical and Scenic Effect as Presented in New York and London Sunday, I'nrle Josh Spruceby Nebraska Wesleyan University Conservatory of Music University Place, Neb. A. J. Vernon Bpencer, Director "The greatest school of tnusli between Cnlcago and th Pacing Coast." j Faealty of Twenty Teselien ( w Balldlag Costing gTIMMX First Annua! Complimentan! Faculty Concert - ! Friday, Feb. 9, '06., 8:15 p. m.j First M. E. Church, (20th ( and Davenport St. Omalia) 1 FHEE ADMISSION CARDS at all music siorea, entitling holde to reserved seat up till .0 p. ni tfter :00 p. m. admission without ticket. The following member of the faculty will appear: Messrs A J Vnon Spencer, pianist; Edwin C nowdo-i, haritone; Edmund Foer- el violinist: Illff . Garrison Piaalst; Iwr A.WTrxxn, -organist t ; t t t t 4 4 4 4 4 Calumet Mum .444ooaV 1 ) I 1 i