Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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3uprtm Court ' Dissolve- Injunttion
Ag-aini. Eijuiof ef Contract.
Jelat Hoards f liprnlicrt tm Heet
InnrOatrir aed Slga the Cna
. tract vrlth Saeeeeafal
The supreme 'court of Iowa eaierday
dissolved the Injunction obtained bjr R. A.
Hrown at Co., restraining the supervisors
nt . Pottawattamie end Harrison counties
from .proceeding, further in the matter of
the contracts for the construction of the
joint drainage ditches. According to a
telegram received by former County At
torney Killpeek, who was retained by the
supervisors f Pottawattamie county to
nBt County Attorney Hess In this Ilttga
. t Ion, from Colcgiel W. F. Baker of the
amy board, the supreme court also held
that" Thrown a. Co. had no standing In
urt..The telegram from Colonel Baker
read:' "Supreme court decision wipes out
Brown completely."
The favorable derision of the supreme
court had been looked for and the super
visor of the two counties will meet here
tomorrow In adjourned Joint session to
complete the contracts with the Western
Hredfing company of Omaha and Pollard,
Joff It Co. of Champaign, 111.,' who on
Keptrmber-lt last were declared the euc
ceesful( bidders for the work.
History of the (tar.
brown A Co. were In awarded the
contract for the construction of the Allen
reek and Willow creek ditches, but as the
lUeetlon bf the validity of the drainage law
wa pending before the supreme court the
company' did not proceed with the work.
The drainage law was amended by the
- legislature and Brown Co. claimed that
the contract awarded them in 118 was still
valid and In force under the enabling act
of the. legislature when it corrected the
drainage law which had been declared null
end void by the supreme court. They not
only asked for a permanent Injunction re
straining the two counties from entering
Into any other contracts for the two ditches
covered by their former contract, but asked
for an order authorising them to proceed
under the old contract, both of which hava
len denied by the supreme court.
. On. September IS last at a Joint, session
of the two boards the contract for the
Allen creek ditch was awarded to Pollard,
IJOff VCo,- of Champaign. III., on their bid
f 7H cents per cubic yard, and that for
the Willow creek dftfh and the two Boyer
river cut-offs to the Western Dredging
company of Omaha on its bid of "Vi cents
for the Willow creek ditch and and
104 cents for the Boyer river cut-offs,
respectively. ,.. .
Beth ' Dean of Olenwood, engineer In
charge of the construction of the Joint
drainage ditches, waa in the city Tuesday
and stated everything waa in readiness to
begin the work as soon as the supreme
court passed on the Brown Injunction case.
ow that tha injunction suit Is out of the
' way it s expected the work of construction
wJUV be commenced without further delay.
Kaa-laeer la Charge ( Mlssoarl River
Work iom to aavaaaaa.
t MOrx City, la., Feu. 7. iSpeclal Tele
grem.')Major 'M. M. Chittenden. iTnilOd
States engineer In "charge of tha entire Mis
souri river And Its tributaries and tha Im
provetnent work' at Yellowstone park, has
been transferred to Bavanah. Oa., and will
probably be succeeded In Sioux City by
Colonel J., B. Qulnn, who haa been In
Havana h.
. Major Chittenden has been in Sioux City
six years. . lie is the author of several
books and one of the best known men In
' the engineering department of tha govern
ments . . ...
Practically Aaaoaaees Caadldaey at
Farmera' lasUtatr.
8IOi:?C CITY, la., Feb. 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Governor Cummins opened his
campaign for a renomlnatlon and a third
toha . as governor In the Eleventh district
today. -He spoke at a farmers' Institute
at Prlmghar, O'Brien county, thia after
noon' and at another institute at Cherokee
this evening. At Primghar he practically
- annotiuced that lie would be a candidate
and that he would Issue a formal announce
ment, in a few days.
haa Praarlaro Hears of C'oiaklaatloa
. Betneea Paelffo Roads aad
' tfec Saata Fe.
. SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 7.-K. 11. Hurrl
man. A.' W.' Foster and E. P. Ripley of
tha 8'tnta Fe have, it is said, agreed upon
h1 general plan for railroad extension Into
the northern territory. A new company is
lelng organised, according to report, which
la todo' thre things: First, to take over
lllpley s Pan Freneiaco ac Northern line,
with Its valuable Eureka terminals: sec
ond., to take over Harriman's and Foster's
Callfvtlila Northwestern line between
Willeita and TlQuron and Uiis city, aud
llobabl) the North Shore or Sauaulito
road: third, to build the lou-miie gap north
ot "Wlll.-i to the southern end of Ripley's
A Skin cf Beauty ig m Joy roravor;
DR. T. Falls Oouraud'a Oriental
Craam or Magloal Baautlflar.
Ht'iieTM Ta, yimalaa,
IracfciM. k..;k t-.teiiw?
tat, a4 Mia P.reaxa,
soq averr a aua
oa tosulr. aaSde
Sa daisit Win. It
kaa floe im Um
f 7 TMit mm
1 au barm Iras v
Uatalt tobau,a&
la r' p"7 al.
aotapt aooauDiets
It it ef aimuu
t mm. nr. L. . a.e U a
of tha ksot.
tia ,a sUtiiti
"Aa yoa Mat
vitt uaa tfcrai.
fiearaea's Creaai aa the swat Saraiful al all lbs
Hia arejiaraiMnt " I t aaJa j ail drvuiua aad Faur.
uaoda Dalian u um CaUaa (uw, Can -la aa4 Xaruaa,
tmT.mii, Proa. 17 Brnt Just Sfnrt lasM.
Bi.Yell-0 VAutomalic
najons at j-avocreens
3 I r as
ill . .45ir
Pan Frsmico at Northwestern rd. thirty
one miles south of Eureka.
The proposed new company will then. It
Is said, form the nucleus of a northwestern
California system, which, besides giving
Funka a rail outlet to the west of the
state, will eventually go up the const into
Oregon and finally reach Portland, thus
forming two trunk lines between Los An
geles and Portland, with Pan Francisco as
their greet central point.
The Immediate object of Messrs. Harri
tnan. Foster and Ripley In wanting a Joint
rail line to Eureka, It la said, is to tap the
great redwood forest district In Humboldt
county and build up a big lumber traffic
with the east.
rear Defers Actloa oa lajeaetloa
Ijawyore Potgte.
Judge Kennedy of the equity court lis
tened to affidavits Wednesday morning In
the Injunction case against members of the
local Typographical union. The hearing
was of a formal nature on the application
of the Typothetae for a temporary Injunc
tion to supplant the restraining order Issued
by Judge Beers, At the close of the hear
ing Judge Kennedy took the matter tinder
advisement, saying he . wished to look up
some authorities cited by the attorneys.
W. J. Connell, attorney for the union,
was absent, being engaged In a case In fed
eral court, and the defendants' cam was
presented by W. P. Thomas. Mr. Thomas
called the attention of the court to the fact
that one or two of tha defendants named
In the petition were in business for them
selves and In view of thia he asked that
the bond of tha plaintiffs be increased from
$300 to $2,000, which waa consented to by the
The matter of the use of green "stickers"
or labels by the defendants In branding
nonunion goods as such, which was prohib
ited In the restraining order, was not cov
ered In the affidavits presented by the
plaintiffs and, it la said, may not be In
cluded In the temporary Injunction should
on be Issued.
J. A. C. Kennedy, who represented the
employers, said he had not secured any
proof on this point. He read to the court
twenty-seven affidavits from nonunion
printers and employers In support of the
allegations of the petition. It was alleged
In one of the affidavits that at least four
nonunion workmen had been Assaulted and
that attempts had been made to Intimidate
others. Other allegations were to the effect
that the striking printers passed cards to
the strike breakers and accosted them on
the street. The defense msde no counter
afar Wltaeas la Ware aad Welsh
Cases Gets Liberty oa He
dared Ball.
Frank W. Lmlert, Jointly Indicted with
Rev. Oeorge O. Ware and Harry Welsh for
conspiracy in procuring fraudulent land
filings with the X'. B. I. Isnd enclosure in
Hooker county, was released - from the
Douglas county Jail on $2.W bonds about
noon Wednesday. His sureties are rela
tives and friends in Iowa.
Lambert was the star witness in the
Ware case. He had already pleaded guilty
to tha charge of conspiracy. It was prin
cipally upon his evidence that Ware waa
convicted. Lambert was arrested In Au
gust last at Portland. Ore., and was bound
over to the I'nlted Btatea court of the Ne
braska district. He was -aoon after ar
raigned and pleaded guilty and wss placed
under $10,000 bonds. This bond Is now re
duced. Lambert has not yet been sen
tenced, but will be held as a witness In
other fraudulent, land filing .cases at the
May term of the federal grand Jury-
Widow goes Car t'sapaar.
Mrs. Nellie A. Bherwood. as administra
trix of the estate of her late husband.
Oeorge B. Bherwood, who waa fatally in
jured in a street car accident in South
Omaha last March, has begun suit In dis
trict court for $5,M against the Omaha ft
Council Bluffs Street . Hallway company.
Mr. Sherwood was struck while crossing
the tracks at Thirty-first ami Q streets
Immediately behind the car from which ha
had alighted. Another car going in the
opposite direction caught him just as he
stepped upon the track. The petition
chartres the street railway employes with
carelessness and negligence In running the
car at a rate of thirty miles an hour and
in railing to ring tne gong. Air. snerwooa
wss 40 years old and left a widow and four
children in dependent circumstances, it ia
School Tearker Hart. .
A defective aidewalk at Twenty-fourth
and Locust streets caused Miss Carrie Rob
ertson to slip Wednesday morning and In
jure her left arm. While no bones were
broken the Injury was a painful one. Miss
Robertson Is a teacher at the Bancroft
school and resides at 2112 Locust street.
J. B. Mason Is drawing plans for William
Haverstraw for au $l.Wo frame residence,
to be erected at Forty-first aud Hamilton
Edward Rosewater this evening will S)x-ak
to the men of the South Side at Castellar
Street Presbyterian churau. on "Eminent
Men I Hav6 Seen."
The death of Mrs. Brldwell occurred at
the family home. 2720 North Twenty-sixth
street, early yesterdsy forenoon. The fu
neral date will probably be announced to
day. Judge Day granted a decree of divorce
Wednesday to Laura Davia. who charged
her husband. Charles lnis, with non
support. Their little daughter Is placed in
her care hy the court. "
The capacity of the Omahu hotels is
taxed to the utmost to accommodate the
delegates to the Central Shorthorn Breed
ers' convention now in session at the Mil
lard and the lumbermeu'a meeting to con
vene here Thursday.
The trial of David 6t. Cyr. charged with
stealing the Winnebago nulla n ailotru-nt
records for the years 1N7-!I. while he was a
clerk at that agency, will le called in the
I'nlted States district court Thursday morn
ing before Judge Munger.
Myer Ooldsteln, a Junk dealer, fell from
his wagon at Benson because of a defective
seat, vtriklng the pavement and suffering
a fractured rib. at S o'clock yesterday aft
ernoon, lie was able to drive to his home,
lulti Pacific street, where he was attended
by Police Surgeon Morsman.
Mrs. Sarah Abrahamson has tiled a ieti
tlon In district court asking for a divorce
from Bernard Abrahamson. to whom she
wss married In Omaha, March 22. 1S3U. She
charges him with desertion and non-sup
port. Site asks the court lo give her the
custisdy of their four minor children.
Henry A. Preston is seeking in a suit
tiled Wednesday In district court 10 recover
ll.Sor. which ha says he paid as s deposit
in a deal in which ne proposed to nuy two
sections of Cheyenne county land from
Isaac Conner and William 11. Meyers. He
says it was a part ot the agreement thai
the defendants furnish him with a good
bstract. which they failed lo do. When
he refused to pay the $.( balance on the
purchase price they refuaed to return the
deposit hu had made.
Mike and Tom Vaughn of Thirty-eighth
and Davenport sireets have been arrested
by Constable Mcutnnls and taken Into J us
tfw Foster's court cia complaints to keep
the pea-e. The complaints were hied by
Henry Toney. saloon keeper at Twenty
ninth and Cuming streets, at which place a
disturbance was raised Monday evening
about l:i. The police patrol was sent on
a hurry call to the saloon at Ihe time of
the trouble, but the Uisturbers had gone
by the lime the conveyance arrived. The
aughns gave bonds in the justice court
for their appearance lor trial at a later
Ml asad hs tlUeas as k,rtk tnr ato
SbiMlrsa aaiia Tssuub. tar er nt Tsars.
I moums Ska aaiid. aarvaas t gmaia. aUarS
all sua. cans la oulto, aad Is saaimt
lea-ad fur diarearaaw
tsiiiTif -fits cgarra a atarrtxs.
Board tf Education Looki Oter Proposed
litti for School Bnildicf.
Talk of S aerial Sewer Bead Kleettoa
Which Orrart Wltela a Week
Has Seaslded City Hall
Site tioeslu.
After considerable consideration ester
day af term on the Board of Kducatlon
put the question of a decision on the
site for the new school building over to
another time. A number expressed a
preference for the three lots offered st
Sixteenth and H streets. The board took .
pains to go over the grounds and take
note of the good features of each. It
la the object to get a aite as near the
center of the district ss possible. The
only drswback to the location at Six
teenth and H streets is that the ap
proaches have not been graded. The grad
ing of Sixteenth street has been ordered
as far north as I street, but this lacks
a block of reaching the proposed site.
It Is likely that provision ran be made
for extending this grade by interesting
the residents In thst quarter In the mat
ter. At all events the grade can be es
tablished by the city engineer at this
point, so the board will know how to
plan for the construction of a new build
ing. There are three kits offered here.
The board had another meeting last night
to settle with the contractors for the
additions to the Uncoln and Madison
Improvemeat Clak Meeting Postponed.
The regular meeting of the Highland
Park Improvement club, scheduled for
Thursday evening, will not
be held that
night on .account qf conflicting with the
charity ball, but will be postponed one
week, to Thursday evening, the 15th Inst.
Arrangements have been made to give
an Interesting program of addresses and
music on that occasion and light refresh
ments will be served. The music will
be furnished by the Elks' quartet of
Council Bluffs. , which made such a hit
at the high school auditorium last month.
The program of speakers win be an
nounced later.
Candidates Barred from Board.
It has been discovered that according to
the new election law the parties who file as
candidates for any office cannot legally act
as registrars for the revision of the polling
lists, neither can they act as clerks nor
Judges of the elections. In connection It
haa been discovered that not less than
seven of the present board of-registration
appointed last fall have filed as candidates
for the approaching election. Therefore
there will be seven vacancies to be filled
by tha mayor before the first day of regis
tration, which is next Saturday, February
10. Testerday the clerk sent out letters
notifying these parties of the effect the
matter of filing had on their right to serve
as members of the board of registration.
All other members of these boards have re
ceived due notice of the day of revision snd
will ba on hand.
Talk of Hood Election.
There has been absolutely no discussion
in a public wsy on the matter of the special
election which is now only one week dis
tant. It appears that the discussion has
been pretty well threshed out In the strug
gle to have the question csrrled over to the
regular- election. Except for the occasional
comment in the newspapers no one says
anything about the bonds.
Charity Ball Toalgkt.
Tonight will be the occasion of the Char
ity ball. Judging from the advance sale of
tickets thia will be one of the largest at
tended balls in the history of the charity
organisation. The final arrangements were
made nearly a month ago and the society
people and many who do not lay claim to
tha rank, but who make up the firm and
admirable following will ba there to enjoy
the pleasure and add to the funds of the
UossId of City Hall.
With the order on the part of the city
council last Mondsy directing the city
clerk to advertise for propositions for the
site of the proposed city hall, the ques-
tlon arises
Whst has become of the
Plvonka Injunction case?" It is well
known thst notice of appeal was filed
after the last decision In the esse, but
since that time no one has given the
public any light on the matter. It was
evident that Spltser & Co. were not afraid
of another tleup when they bought the
city hall bends when they were last of
fered for sale. It Is bsrely possible that
they knew- that the appeal would be
dropped at that time. There has been a
statement to this effect within the past
two days. City Attorney Lambert declared
last night that he had i.eard that the
Injunction suit had been dropped, but that
It was- not lo be taken as the final v.-ord.
for there Is yet plenty of time for a
change of mind with regard to the case.
It ia aaid that the restricted area, within
which offera for the site will be con
sidered, leaves out the Plvonka property
entirely. They will not. therefore, be
able to enter the conij etltlon even if they
should enntinus the Injunction.
Reaabllcaa t labs' M-ss Meetla.
The Good Government Republican club
met in force Tuet-d;iy night at its Uai:
at the corner of Twenty-fifth and N
streets. St vera 1 visitors were present
from other dubs and not a few of the
candidates were to be seen among the
crowd. Among other things it was voted
ununimou.-ly to hold a joint mass meet
ing of all the South Omaha renublican
clubs Tuesday evening, February a). The
necesMry committees were appointed to
arrange the details of the meeting. An
invitation ia extended to all the candi
dates who have filed for auy of the city
offices under the designation of republican
to present themselves at this meeting, and
opportunity will be given us far as the
lima will allow for each to declare his
Tt.t Swedish-Norwegian Repblican club
win noia ita regular nuetlng la Common
wealth hall. Twenty-fifth and N streets,
next Thursday evening. Theae meetings
will be held every week during the spring
campaign. Candidates of the republican
party are specially requested to be pres
ent. There will ba plenty of chance for
such to be beard.
Magrlc 4 Itr Oasaiu.
wM'. McNeils little dauahter aud
Marie and Raymond, are reported 111.
wuiiam v. Brass of Beemer. Neb., Is
visiting his brother, H. T. Brass. n this
Mrs. L. D. ttion and children left Tues
vfait,VW Mob'l. Ala., for a month a
1 frothy Howe, living at 131 North Twenty-eighth
street. Is suffering from an at
tack of scarlet fever.
Joe Bates will work four davs trvlng to
Increase the height of the city rock pile He
fell under Judge King s definition of va
grancy yesterday.
Besides the campaign cigars, which coma
perforce. K. R. lielgh will have to face ....
other requisition in honor of the arrival of
ari ttmuj si nis noma yesterday.
The Jetter company haa a permit to build
a 4.axi Cray brick building on the corner of
Thirtieth and T atreeta. The rermii . -
secured by the builder. P. J. Bock. It will
m ssiuuii.
The Indies' Aid society of the First Meth
diet church will give a valentine social
Tuesday evening. February 1J. at the resi
dence of Mra V. U Williams, 1414 North
Twenty-third street.
Russell A Beavers held a grand opening
yesterday evening and a large crowd of
friends took occasion to call at the n
store snd wish them well. Music was fur
nished by a brass band.
Rev. Father Cyril Miters has leen for
several davs at Columbus, Neb., on account
of the ehknese snd death of his mother
The funeral was held last Monday. Fnther
Mttera Is prtt of 'the polish Catholic
lesoree Fisher was arrested yesterday
afternoon, chare-t-d with intoxication and
the use of Insulting langnege. He lives
near Thirty-seventh snd K streets. It is
stated that he went to a neighbor s house,
where the daughter was alone, and at
tempted undue familiarity. The girl se
cured his srrest and appeared against him
in police court. A simple statement was all
that was necessary to convince the judge
snd he gave Flher thirty days In the
Iwum.) jmi, iiiwii m inn- aii'i
. costs was given es the alternative. In the
j evenlrg the fn was paid.
John Holier, who lives at i wenty-nrst
snd 8 sireets. and a ho runs a saloon at
Twentieth and P. says he was hold up snd
robbed of $15 Tuesday nltrht at about
ut U. S in '
the vicinity of Twenty-first and T streets.
There he mas met by two men with masks,
who held him up. and after his hands were
In tne nr tnev nil turn on tne ncaa ana
threw him down, taking his money from his
pocken. H described one as rather heavy
and strongly built, snd the other as a boy
of not more than 14. years and very slim
and light In welrht. He did not report the
loss nor the robbery until yesterday.
Tweatleth Aaalveraary of lastltatloa
f Local Lodge Kathaalaatlcally
The twentieth anniversary of Ihe estab
lishment of local lodge No. 39 of the order
of Elks In Omaha was celebrated Wednes
day night at the lodge rooms by -local
Elks and guests from neighboring lodge.
To assist In the festivities were three char
ter members of the lodge who are still resi
dents of the city and they were accorded
special honors by the younger members.
They mere Isaac W. Miner. Sans F. Wood
bridge and Al Sorenson. Sests of honor on
the platform were given them and at the
close of the first part of the program they
were called on to recount some of the ex-
perlences as pioneer Elks. Two other char
trr members, A. B. Davenport and Thomas
V. Bcyd. sent letters of regret.
The program whs in direct charge of
Ernest L. Page, who presided during the
entertslnment. The first hnlf of the pro
gram was given by Omaha and Council
Bluffs amateur talent. After an Intermis
sion during which refreshments were
served professional "stunts" were put on
by talent from the local theaters. A take- I
off on locsl condltlohs proved a hit. After ; drawn favoring le.ialng or sale of the pub
the audience had been called to order the . uP domain.
chairman read a letter purporting to come
from the Civic Federution and signed by
Elmer Thomas presenting the lodge with a
brand new lid. The lid. which was ex
hibited, bore the motto, "The Lid, open for
short engagements only."
A quartet of Elks from the Council Bluffs
lodge opened the program with several se
lections and w recalled by the audience.
Oeorge P. Cronk, past grand exalted ruler
of the order, gave the principal address of
the evening in which he took occasion to
review the history of the order from Its be
ginning In a small organisation formed In
New Yolk In 1867. William Kennedy pro
vided entertainment by a reading, followed
by a Scotch song and a selection on the
bag pipe. Frank Kimball gave a humor
ous reading and vocal, solo selections were
rendered by Dr. Claud Lewis and Mr. Zeiss.
Isaac Walten Miner In a short address re
freshed the memories of the older Elks
with some statistics concerning the growth
of the Omaha lodge from Its charter mem
bership of twenty to ..Its present roll of
over Tort.
The Interest In the celebration attracted
a large crowd and tha, lodge hall was com
pletely filled. During the Informal smoker
and feed which folloireJ Ihe program or
chestral music was provided.
This committee had general charge of the
arrangements: Dr. J. S. Alexander, chair,
man; Qua RentxV?'TtllHam Marshall.
Thomas Pwlft. Peter Burke. John Lund and
Frank Kimball.
Says She Took Moaey to Hay Ticket
Home aad Inteaded to Pay
It Berk.
T'pon a telegraphic request received by
the Omaha police from the authorities
at North Platte, Neb., early this morning.
Helen Watson was arrested on I'nlon Pa
cific train No. $ by Officer Sandstrom and
locked up at the city jail. The charge
against the young woman, who Is about
2t years of age, is the theft of $:5 from a
roommate In a hotel at North Platte.
Miss Watson said she did not like her
place of employment and wished to return
to her home at Chicago, and not havlna
sufficient funds, took her roommate's
money, buying a through ticket to Chi
cago. She said she intended to return
the money as soon uu she reached Chi
cago. She will be held until the arrival
of officers from North Platte.
srartltn RnJeser
is dally advanced of the curative Dowers
of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds. 60c and .
For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug
Curmaa Geta ievere Bantp.
In a row at Blind's saloon. Twentieth
street and Poonleton avenue, at 7:10 o'clock
last night William Gorman, Twenty-third
and Mason streets, received a blow on the
head with the large end of a billiard cue.
Do Yoa Want to Know
What You Swallow
There r a (rowing sentiment in thia
euuotry in fas or of medicikes or ggw
coairoanioif. It Is but natural that one
should hava some interest in the compo
st liou of that which he or she is eiperved
to swallow, whether it be food, arm. or
Recognitlng this growing disposition
on the part of the pa bile, ami satUDea
that tha fullest puuiicltv can only add to
the well-earned reputation of his medi
cines. Dr. K, V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y..
has "taken time by the furelock." a it
were, and is publishing broadeuat a list
of til the ingrodlenu entering Into bit
leading medicine, the "ioiaeu .veuirai
Discovery the popular liver inrigorakir,
stomach tonic, blood purifier ana heart
regulator; also of nU'VaTorlU Prescrip
tion' for weak, over -worked, brokea
4wd, nervous and invalid women.
This bold and oiit-apoken movement oa
the part of Dr. Pierce, haa. by ahowtug
siactlv what his well-known medicine
are composed of. completely disarmed all
harping critics wbo hava heretofore us
justly attacked them. A little pamphlet
Las been eompllnd. from the standard
medical authorities of all the several
schools of practice, showing the strongest
endorsements by lead lug medical writers
of the several ingredient which enter Into
Dr. Pleree'i medlclnea. A copy of thia
little hook is mailed .free to any one de
siring to learn more concerning the valu
able, native, medicinal plants w hlch enter
iulo tb composition of Dr. Pierce's med
icine. Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Pr. Pierce's Pleswnt Pelleu are tiuy. sugar-coaled
anti-bilious granule. Tbey rear
ulate and Inrtfforaua Stomach. Liver and
Bowels. Do not be M the " pill habit," but
care oonetipalintt. One or two each dsy tas
a laxative and regulator, three or tout tor aa
scuts cathartic. Ouce tried always In f aeot.
Cdn nnn oiveN away, in eopieaof
99UtUUU The People s feus
Medical Adviser, a book that aula U Uae as
ked of VV.UUV niplea a lea
fears ago. at $i.H per ouiy.
ut year n gee saay
gsi.OflO worth of tbeaa ipvaius
Ms books. This rear we shall
give away tao.oon worth of
them. Will yota sbars in this
banefltt If so. send only a
ooe-rent stamps to eovrr nuat
of mailing only for book in
stiff paper covers, or Si stamps
t.M ckAh-bound. Address l)r.
ft. V. Fierce. Buffalo. V V.
cutting a gash several Inches long. lr.
Hosteller waa called and took six stitches
In the wound The blow was said to have
been struck by Frank Simmons, bartender
for Michael Mlnlkus. l?e South Twentieth
street. The police were not notified for
several hours, by a hlch time Blnimnhe had
made his escape and no arrest" aere msde
last night
Omaha t'eaasaerrlal f lak I'aasea ttesa
latleas Proposed kg t attleatea
ff Vekterw rfcr.a.a.
A boost was given the movement for s
proposed national lesslng law Wednesday,
when the executive committee of the Com-
menial club passed these resolutions favor
ing leasing or sale of the public domain to
I"'" "-"'"a
"" -nesicrn cattlemen
Resolved. That the Commercial club of
Omaha, at a meeting called to consider the
serious conditions confronting the cattle in
terests of tin- slate, indorses the principle
of disclosing of the unoi-cupied public lands
of northwestern Nebraska, popularly known
as the "sand hills." by lease or sale, for
cattle rxising and grailng purposes. Be ii
Resolved. Thst the need of srmie measure
cf this sort Is ura-ent and early action is
most esrnestlv urged upon our representa
tives In congress. Be It further
Resolved. That such a measure, properly
framed, will be In the Interest not alone of .
th- cattle Industry of this state, which Is '
now Imperilled, but will bring relief to a
large number of settlers In the region af-fecu-d.
in which confusion and uncertalnty
now prevail. Be It further
Resolved. That It Is the sense of this or
gnnixatlon that a bill making provision for
this emergency will not only greatly benefit
the Mate, but will yield considerable rev
enue to the government upon lands other
wise unoccupied and unmarketable.
State Representative Frank Ctirrle and
State Senator Reynolds aptesred before a
special Joint session of the public a (tali
committee and the executive committee.
They laid Wf ore the members the wos of
the western Nebraska cattlemen under the
present system and asked that the club
take some action showing Its sympathy
with 4,he, cattle raisers. John Steel. A. C.
Smith, E. Rosewater. O. M. Hitchcock.
William A. Paxton. Q. W. Holdrege and
C. F. MeGrew spoke on the subject, all of
them favoring leasing except Mr. Roso-
water, who thought it would be more prao- j
Ileal for the government to sell to the cat- ;
tlemen land w hich Is only fit for ararina. !
A motion to send a representative to
Washington to help the cattlemen was nol
received with fsvor. The committee was I
unanimous In Its sympathy with Mr. Cur-
rie and his associates, and resolutions wer?
When the meeting hud adjourned. P. K.
Her took occasion to tell those who stayed
of plans which" he hHS for building and
opf rating a big amusement park at Parpv
City lie had with him Fred S. Phlnney
of the Phlnney Brothers Amusement com-
pany of Chicago, who said enough power
could be obtained from the creek at Sarpy
City to operate such a park.
Mlsa Barbara Brigae, lakaaaa
llaiaha, Droits Dead at Thir
teenth and Mason.
Miss Barbara Btiggs. a stranger In the
city, dropped dead Wednesday noon at
Thirteenth and Mason streets. The po
lice surgeon was summoned, but his sorv-
Ices were not needed. Coroner Bralley took
charge of the body snd will hold -n in-
qu-si worn relatives snail nsve oeen neara
The coroner haa not Uarned the woman's
address. In her personal effects were found
ijuuuic oi papers. An unmaueo polhi j
card was addressed to Mr. Free Rrlggs, a
brother, at Antigo. The woman had deeds :
to various properties at Duluth. Minn., and '
Los Angee and. Judging from these docu- ,
ments, she was a single woman. Letters j
were found from Bay City. Mich., and
Minneapolis. The postal curd addressed
to the brother at Antigo indicated the .
woman Intended leaving Omaha on the
16th for Los Angelea.
All that is known of the woman here is
she engaged a room with Mm. Sullivan, f20
South Thirteenth street, a week ago and
spoke of her 111 health. Just what the ail
ment was could not be learned.
Cororter Bralley has wired relatives at
places Indicated In the dead woman's ef
fects. Miss Brlggs apparently . was 30
years of age.
Remains of Maa Killed la Trala
Wreck Broaght ta Omaha
for lalermeal.
The body of Martin A. Anderson, tha
young man killed in a wreck Tuesdsy at
Falls City, was brought In Wednesday
morning for burial at Forest Lawn ceme
tery. The service will be held at the Odd
Fellows' hall. Fourteenth and Dodge
streets, at S o'clock. Thursday afternoon.
Carl A. Anderson ot this city Is a brother
cf the dead man. s
Prlatera larrease Heurgla.
Omaha Typographical union had made an
Increase In the weekly benefits of members
at present out on strike. ' The increase ls
from W to 17 per week for single men and
from 19 to 110 per week for married men.
All Are Inlted
In saying tnat for all Stomach. Liver or
Kidney diseases there Is no remedy like
Electric Bitters, 50c. guaranteed. For eala
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
DIAMONDS Krenrer. 16th and Dodaa
faaalagaaaa Oat aa Boas'.
V. R. Cunningham, who was given a
preliminary hearing and bound over to the
federal grand jury by I'nited Statea Com
missioner Anderson Tuesday in t'wo on ihe
charge of forging au endorsement to a lis
money order, has been released on bail.
His aureties are a number of friends und
associates. Cunningham was arrested at
Ihe Instance of Postoffloe Inspector A. J.
Moore for alleged appropriation of a post
office money order add reused to Q. R.
Baker from Hawthorn. Nevada, and forg
ing an endorsement on Ihe, same and ap
propriating the proceeds to his own use.
Walters' Ball a Saeeess,
Bright and smiling faces to the number
of several hundred crowded Creighton ball
last niKiil. indicating tne degree at which
the wearer was entoing the occasion,
which was the eighth annual ball of
Omaha Walters' union No. 23. In everv
way the management could have desired
the et-rirt was a complete success. The
preparations had been painstaking and well
crred out. L. J. Pascal acted as master
of ceremonies.
O. A. Bailey of Crab Orchard. G. W.
Hassett of Teouniseh. W. H. Hut-k of Gib
bon. C. E. Woodruff of Grand Island. Q. H.
Parr. E. O Dav. G. H. Palmer. L. W.
Garoutte. W. T. Whltten of Llocoln. J. W.
Lindsay of Sterling. Colo.: A. W. Lawrence
e Ted'ord. 8. D. ; K. C. Burns of Mcribner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Randolnh. K
J. F-rford of Stapleuiii and C. II. Chapln
of I'lysses are at tha Murray.
W. A. Meyer of Ban Francisco, F. H.
Toung of Callaway. J. M. Neff of Lexing
ton L. L. Weaver of helton. O. E. Fnglor
of Plalnvieaf, F. 8. Gallagher of Humphrey.
A. F. Wells of Bcribner. Mr. and Mrs. C.
K. Huston of Pierce. Mr. and Mra. F. L.
Uuvits of I'llra, O. H. Clark, O C. Paulsen
of Minden. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ottens, A. W.
Hsecker of Lincoln and G. A. Becker of
Lav id City are at tha Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knight of Walton.
Mrs Bird Critchfleld. C. M. Kincade. F.
R. Fruer, C. A. Lnamond. 8. A. Foste- C.
L. Chaff of Lincoln. H. Blnger of Wllber,
J. M. Dixon. William Fried of Fremont.
Mr. H. H. Mohr. Mr. and Mrs Thomas
Chalmers of fierce. Mr. and Mra. P. - D.
Cornell of Plalnview. O. H. Warts ef
Creighton. G. A. Bei-ker ef David City,
J. W. Woodard of Denver, Ray Fink. P.
E. tV-hreeder ef Bertrand. Mr. and Mra
E M. LaOrange of Puliation and & M.
Wise ef Seattle are at the Pstton.
Mlllloa Toaa of tathraclle in
riled lila lady City
April I.
CHICAGO. FcK 7. T" greatest supp'.v
of coal In the history of Chicago Is lieirg
sstheved Ivte !n antidilution ef tlie cool
miners' strike April 1. Within the next
sixty 1ae. if the preartins that hsve
been made are carried out. It Is estioinled
that nearly tors of coal a 111 have
been stored ay In Chicago.
"There are 4TAUT tons of hard coal now
stored In Chlcugi." said C. I.. li.-erltig.
western con! mai.aser for the Lackawanna
r.iilroad. "This mean" that one-fourth of
Ihe totl amount onsnmrd In Chicago In a
ear Is on hand. In addition to thia hun
dreds of carloads are being rushed here
dally. It Is the Intention to keep the coal
movii.g westward rapidly as possible, so
that In case there Is a strike of the miners
a srvlty of furl can be avoided."
NepreseatatUea of Harllngloa Hoad
Pay They ld ot (irast
Freight nehatea.
CHICAGO. Feb. -.-Pleas of nut - guilt
to chsrges of granting Illegal rebates were
entered todsy before Judge Bethea in the
I'nlted States district court by represents
tlves of the Chicago. Burlington ft Qulncy
Railroad company.
The corporation and officers were Indicted
on tha charge of granting Illegal rebates
to the I'nlted fits tea Steel Products Export
company, one of the subsidiary companies
of the I'nlted States Steel corporation.
Judge Bethea accepted the pleas.
Kansas Has First f ell.
G. Conway of Atchison was brought from
the county to the police jail yesterday aft
ernoon and bouked at tn latter place on
the charge of being a fugitive from Justice.
Conway will be taken back to Atchison to
answer to a chaise of burglary. The pris
oner recently was bound over from the
On.uha . ... H ..a n. . , k.,, --I i .Kwt.
the Kansas authorities had a stronger case
srslrst Conway. County Attorney Saliaush
?.er,'t'.1 " non the complaint pending In Ihe
I Douglas county district court.
Mother t'aaaot Have Children.
An order was Issued by County Judge
I.egHe Wednesday directing that the three
minor children of Mrs. James Anderson,
who is living spart from her hushand. be
taken Into custody snd held pending a hesr
!ng on an application of E. p. yulvey of
the Children's Home society lo be appointed
guardian. The petition alleges the mother
is an habitual drunkard nod is of bud chav-
acter and unfit to have the care of the
, children.
Rohert R. Beard and wife to tiattic L.
Denton, lots 13. 14 and In. block .
Hlliside addition. No. 1 $1.T(
George II. Thummel to Montpelier
Savings Bank and Trust company.
tract in lot-4, block 7, ; Sweesy's
addition , lioo
I-TJnkltn II. Monroe and wife to Fred
A. Maxfleld. tract 4'HMO in taxlots 4,
I and 55. 10-1B-U Vc
I Geurj-B Elton and wife to Fred Ros
arker. nC-4 of sw' 1 5 -1 . -1 4,'v
Franklin H. Monroe snd wife to John
. Sterner, tract 3oxl4n In taxlots 4H
and aa Nit'
Edward Rucklns snd wife lo John Ds-
vbs. wiO feet lot H. block M. Lowe s
, Gordon M. 'is'7o''RlhberpVwrand
Wooden ware company. CX feet of
'l."' Jones' U,.:
, ,(!Ut ol block 101. Omaha....
3.0" XI
i Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. to Esther
Horwich. lot 7. block 3, Missouri
Avenu Park
, Henrv K. Owen and wife to Edward
, Owen. n38 feet of lot 1. block 113,
South Omaha
Arson K. Becker nnd wife to
Holootchlncr. lot a, block 6.
S. K.
Rogers addition
Peter McCann an Mary McCann. n4o
feet of s7 feet of lot S. block ti.
Lowe's Second addition
Robert O. Fink to E. R. Hume, lota
IX and 19. block 1. Bowling Green....
Kate K. Vox and Florence K. Fox to
Eliza Wlthrow. lots s and 10, block
T. Kilby Place
Same to same, same
Annia Kilmer to ssme, same
Will Happen
bore Muscles, Cuts
Burns & Scalds
Al AH DetJers Price2JfJCf&.'lOC
Dr. Earl S. Sloan
Boston MsU.S.A.
fi 'tZS IK I
The favorite soap for Toilet
or Bath. Transparent because
miK Xi .
ftuxsjawxagsmaairs. av.' rtE .mTmMUmmmmm
Upon Every
and wrapper of the gen sine Dr. Bell's Pine-
Tar-Himee ! printed the snore uems-a. it
l roth wsoe-nmrh snd gaaxsnlee a war
rant thai the medielne contained la the bot
tle will cure con. ha. colds and all lung,
thront and chett troubles more quickly
sod effectually loan any other reatedi.
Dr. Bell's
I sold hv all drnggista, lie., SSc and
$1.S0 per bottle. Manufactured by
TkJtvctM.- urnrtntT.
Cured for life, al prices that any one, no
matter how ioor, can easily pay.
Treats All Farms of Diseases at
MEJf oxr.
Thirty Years' Experience.
Twenty Yfars in Omaha.
The doctor's remarkable success has
never been equalled. His resouroea ami,
facilities for treating thia class, or disease!
are unlimited, and every aay bring many
flattering reports of the good ha la doing na
the relief lie has given.
Blood Poison
signs of th diseAsa' disappear at once
Varirora!" cures guaranteed in
rtuar 9fl fiflM cases cured of Hydrocele ,
UVer alU.UUU stricture. Gleet. Nervous
Debility, Loss of Strength snd Vitality ant
all forms of chronic dlsesses.
Charges Less Than all Others
Treatment by mall. Call or write, Boi
7C. Office, IIS Souta Hth St., Omaha. Neb
Tha meat severs head
aches will yield ia a tew
minutes to Bromo-Lar
(contains no Ouinlne).
Don't naffer soy longer.
Oetabox today ask your druggist fox
the Orange Colored Poa
A-l druaglsts. 2Sc or by mail.
Cas Bag lot asastaral
disc sua asstiest.
trrlUUoss at alssrsttesa
f aaaasaa aiamtiaaaa.
FalnUa. mmi mni aalrta.
m llmMt CitflCAl 0. aval t saassas.
al kg garasglsu.
ae saai la alals mntput,
kr sxarsas, rai4, let
gl .ss. aw kettle S Tt.
Cwesia saa sa a i a uaa
Chorles A. Potter
Dr post ions, Corrrgpoadence, Uriel
Work and Mpocial Reporting on Short
Vol ice. ....,-.
Tel. 101C . 101 Baa Belldlag.
f f Is ta t
M Iivh t a U
la W mm m aulaaais.
B Pf aaMa Csslaalas
Aa, fvaiDgj n
its purity. Its con
tinued use assures "a
clear and beautiful
Perfumed with the
odor of
n a t
urai flowers.