THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: THURSDAY, KEHHITAHY 8. 11K. DR. flYDLV IRELAND'S ENVOY President of Otelio Lssgvs in Omaha to Eptak tt Bcyi PLEASED WITH RECEPTION IN AMERICA i dtasBaB etr. Fally .Appreciated Slealteaaee of ttepablleaalas latll Ho Met 7 tho Fresldeat of the ""' ;reat flepablle. full 1q Order Hon. C. J. Smyth Irish Konaw ' Mr. Thomaa J. Kelly (a) 'Thro' Brin'a Isle to Fport Awhile" 'Moore's Melodies), ib) "The Nlncpenny Fldll" (Old Irish " Melody), (c) "Ora MHChrc' (Old Ballad). Introductory Address . ; Kt. Kev. Hlchard Scannell, D. D. "The Garlic; Revival" Mr. IUKla Hyde. L.L. D. Heading Subscription to Gaelic league Fund Hon. C. J. Hmyth Harp Plet tlonK ..Mia Eileen McC'rann "G'hI Bavc Ireland'..... Knight of Columbus. Quartet and Audience Accompanist, Mia Margaret Swift. Dr. Douglas Hyde, president of the Oaclic I.fKRue of -Ireland and looked upon a the foremost atdivklual in the effbrt to regen erate the material and Intellectual aide of that country from the ln1de, arrived in Omaha Tuedny morning. He will lecture at the Boyd theater Thursday night under the t:pice of the most prominent Irlsh AmrVhnS Of Oinah.1 ' T)r. Hyde Is accompanied on his tour of th- t'nlf d States by his wife. They ar i' ;ir(erd at the llor Grand. . The doctor gatr proof of his versatility lieor submitting to ah Inlervlew by show Ing liow a safety match can be Ignited on slnse If the customary prepared paper Is not .handy. This was not a special exhibi tion, it occurred during the process of light inn h. I)r. Hyde explained Immediately that the revival of lh.' tJueilo langunxe sought by the league was mrrrly the medium or lev-i-rince by whl'-h It Im hoicd to build a spirit i'f national self-reliance (ind self-resource InHf Hd of "poor jM iond-liiiml KngliHll Ini! Uil Ions " Ilia dusitel Is Popular. He ai(!. ' "Aft r speaking lii about forty American cities I fii-d Jrl.Hli-Ariercans are taking to tlx.- 1iMi-liv I tin prenching with wonderful uvldlty. it was nei-essnry only to bring our lesblnKs before (he Irish In the United Stat" to win tin Ir most cordial support and sympathy. I have been amaied to hoar not one word of dlR.iirrcemeiit. Mv mission to Ames-it a Is to t xplaln to my countrymen hen- the work we are doing at home and to auk th"ir co-operation. They have not been r.lcgnrdly In giving It. "A know-ledge of what I lelng done at home to make In-lnnd a self-respecting na tion will have a powerful influence upon the Irish hire toward making them more val uable citizen" .r the Tnlted States. Tho Jellr ler.gue Is bringing to the front the great deeds of Irel.ind in tho past; her con tributions to lltriature and to the civilisa tion of mankind, mid It Is necessary America should know thno things also. Majority nuln Well. . "X think the Irish race In this country is getting on as well as could be expected. The bulk of our people came here in a starving condition after the great famine of 1847-48 and were forced to take employ ment In menial capacities. Their sons and ofttn themselves moved forward to better (hinge. In going through the New Eng land states I found that, a a rule, our countrymen had almost full control of. the press and of pgMtical appointment and far more than thlr share of the Judicature and of the medical profession. "It Is an anomaly to have Kngllsh history taught In your rchools and riot Irish hla- lory, considering the fact that ' the Irish are Infinitely morn Important as a factor In the life of almost every town In America than are the English. "The constitution of the Gaelic league Is absolutely nonpolltlcal and nonsectarlan. People cf all politics, United Irish Leaguers, the Clan-Na-Qacl and the Sinn-Fein men are all united, ai well as the conservative and the proteatanla. upon our platform. We have met with no opposition from the clergy. Sobriety and Indaatry. "We am attempting to recreate a self, respecting; obr Ireland, un Ireland of iiood cltlxen. which shall develop along It own line i that come naturally and In stinctively to It; an Ireland that shall sup port Its own Industries, write it own . books end speak It own language. We do not propose to cease using the English language, for it is a commercial necessity, but Irish Is a national necessity. "I had the honor of dining with Presi dent JKoosevelt and was. very much Im pressed by his- charm of manner, his gra clouances and hi amaxlng knowledge of Irish literature.'- I never knew what re publicanism meant until I met the presi dent. He seemed to understand the work of the Oaelio league by instinct, and I feci quite certain he thoroughly sympathises with It. He spoke a great deal about Irish taga and the ancient Irish eplos. He struok m a being a scholar of the very broadest sympathies." Ooss Makes Maiden Pprrrn. The trial of the case of the United States against 11. Marowlts, on the charge of re- and !hf! Pot-stHI Scotch -Vfearo's. a omly 4'.stii. tapplyimg wklaky vo tao HOUSE OF LORDS. Now Everywhere The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor. ke bsa ef Rile Co.. and Oak. Osfss, 'Jotela sad f DMlar, TU Cook & Bernhrimer Co., KBW YORK. OI.R AC.F.VIS fr'OR v. S. A. o.y woman istarwwJantl ahrolX knew MARVEL Vnirum) Sprgy Iteasaa- -no. 1im(- s'iT -Mt( onTafiint, l rw ar rtol auiwil i otter, l4ii tri mm f iiliiurr,i- l-v4 -. ftfl . full ivartiriulftratvnrf .irtm. i. , For Bait by BHXRMAN WHiNNKLT, DRUO CO. loth and Dodge 8U. J:P. Tboae suflnritig front weak nesses watck sap las aieasurc ot 1)1 should take J uvea fills. One bo I will 111 a, inn tt marvelous result. This medirins aa more rejuvenating, vitalising futre thaa ha eter iK-for been offered. Sent post-paid in plaia package only oa receipt ef this adv. and ii. VI sdo br lis r.gtDM,r t. L iieud o.. prv 'arialor Huod' :krttarUia. Lowell. Hut. ,V All' VII aileS" Jl efrJ 1 r 111111 1( rw rr not auiwil ka .TfnT. trees "Vi 'V THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. few People Kaow How sefwl It la l Preservlaa- Health aad Beaatr. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier in nature, taut few realise It value taken Into the human system for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal la a remedy that the more you take of it the better; It I not a drug at all. but simply absorb tho gases and Im purities alway present In the stomach and Intestines and carries them out of the ystem. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok ing, drinking or after eating onion and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clear and Improve the complexion. It whiten the teeth and further act a a natural and eminently af cathartic. It absorbs injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects trfc mouth and throat from tho poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money Is In Stuart' Charcoal Loienges; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form or rather In the form of largo, pleasant tasting loxcngea, the charcoal being mixed with honey; The dally use of these losenge will soon tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better 'complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of tt Is, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician In speaking of the benefl'g cf charcoal says: "I advise Stuarf Charcoal Loicngc to all patient suffering from gas In stomach and bowel, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth. and throat; I also believe the liver Is greatly benented by the daily, use of them; they cf t but 25 cents a box at drug stores, and although In some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal In Stuart' Charcoal Losenge than In any of the ordinary char coal tableta." rolvlng In pawn a United States army re volver from a soldier of the Fort Crook garrison In November last was completed before Judge M'.inger In the United State district court Wednesday evening and the arguments made to the Jury. Owing to the latenn of tho hour Jutuje Munger de ferred riving his charge to the Jury until Thursday morning. The llnal argument in the case was made by District Attorney fioss. whicli was his maiden argument In his new position as district attorney. OMAHA, GREATEST, LEFT OUT City -Whlrh Makes Ilia Best Rain la llalldlaa ot In Sew York Paper's 1. 1st. The Real K'state exchange Wednesday- talked ov'er steps which must be taken to condemn buildings, und decided to confer with the building Inspector and do what It could toward securing the removal of cer tain unsightly shacks In the business dis trict of the city. A clipping from the New York Sun was read and became the source of much right eous Indignation. It gave a list of sixty cities, with the percentage of building in- crease for l!. and omitted Oninhii lareest Increase noted was 2S per The cent, while the real estate men hold that Oinnha's Increase for 19fl over 1M4 wa 11R per rent. A committee was appointed to Investigate the source of the article. Announcements of the Theaters. Friday evening at the Boyd Paul Oilinore will be seen in hi newest and best of plays, "Captain Debonnalre," This la a romantic drama of the seventeenth century with Its scene laid in France and at Quebec, Mr. Gilmore ha the role of dashing gallant of the time, who has many adventures, but finally wins the woman he loves. The com- I pany in support I the largest he ha ever ! had. and the -play ha a magnificent pic-' torlul letting. The engagement is for Frl- day and Saturday evenings, and a matinee on Saturday. This morning at the Boyd seats go on sale ror the coming engagement of "The Wlcard of O," which opens for four nights on Sunday. A matinee will bo played on Wednesday. Till is the original company. with Fred Stone and David Montgomery in their famous parts of the Scnrecrow and the Tin Woodman. All the, beautiful seen- ern and magnificent costumes used are new for the present tour, and the good old piece is as fresh as If It were out for the first time. . At the Burwood this afternoon the regu- . . l ...Ill V.. .1.M larshopners matlnee wlll be given. Char- ley s Aunt being the bill. Next week "Iroquois." a comedy dram by Sodley Brown will lie the bill. It Js a story of modern life. In which an I.idlan figures as tho central character.-. Merriment Is all predominating at the Or pheum, where the midweek popular price matinee so In favor with the women will be given this afternoon. Harry Le Clair, the female Impersonator, with his takeoff on "Vanity Fair." are especially calculated to J please the gent I j sex. The bill throughout Is well suppllej with good, lively comedy. The most re'iable Indication of the excel lence is manifested In the full houses that are attending. How to Care a Cold The quickest way to get rid of a trouble some cold I question In which many a-. Interested Just now. If you are one of the urfortunates the opinion of, Mr. B. W. L. Kolt of Waverly, Va., Is worthy of your consideration. Mr. Holt says: "I have l used Chamberlain's Cough Remejy for j years and firmly believe It to be absolutely I the best preparation on the market for J colds. I have recommended it to many of my friends and they all agree with me." Out Pare for the Ronrnt Trio. Via Chicago Great Western railway to 'point within ISO mile. Tickets on sal every Saturday and Bunday to April L Good returning the following Monday. Low rate to other point on sal every Friday. For full information apply to H. H. Churcbi't a. A.. 1512 Farnam St Musicians' convert and ball. 20u musicians in orchestra, r.cxt Monday at Auditorium. Id mission 60 cents. Marrlaae Licenses. marriage licenses have ' been Is These sued: Name and Residence. Horace H. Templeton, Omaha.. I-onota Jennings. Kansas t'Uy Charles Fous. Omaha Mar Blecha. Omaha WI'Ham Ottens. lJnculn Willie Albright. Lincoln J unes Spats, Butler county .... Rosa Shandra. Butler county ,. Age. Mo. ABCORT "ARROW cLuroco h mm qua ana irm CLUCTT. PCABODY V CO. osfls or s'ffTV aa momasqm shints can I INSURANCE FOR LUMBERMEN Protection from Fir on fcutnel BtiU Advocated by tho Convtntion. THREE HUNDRED 0 (.LEGATES PRESENT President Sayder and Secretary rltchaeld Adrorate aereral He sages to Association. Willi a register showing aw name, the Nebraska Lumber Dealers association be gan Its slxtenth annual convention Wednes day morning In the Auditorium. The time cf the forenoon session was mainly taken up with the address of the president, the report of secretary and treasurer and the appointment of committee. More than 100 men were present, which 1 remarkably good for the first session, when the busi ness Is principally of a routine nature. President O. O. Snyder of O'Neill called the convention to order promptly at 10:) and read his annual address. The report of Secretary Bird S. Crltclt lield of IJncoln covered an extensive field, the most Important subjects being those of mutual Insurance and demurrage. Mr. Critlchfleld told of the effort of the lumbermen to organise a mutual Insurance company. After a consultation with Dep uty Insurance Auditor Plence the orig inators of the plan framed a copy of arti cles, the plan and purpose of which I identical with that of the Retail Lumber men' Insurance association of Minneap olis. The 100 member required for or ganization were secured, but at a called meeting the representation was so small It was thought best to defer the organisa tion until the annual convention, and In the meantime try to secure SW members, the number requisite under the law for the issuance of 12,000 policies. Address of President. In his annual address President O. O. Snyder of O'Neill declared the association reaffirmed Its endorsement of a year ago of President Roosevelt railway rate reg ulation policy, gave a warm hand to "Kit's Trade Display Exhibit" Idea, asserted that the association's member were pros perous, Jubilant and hopeful, but trusted that, since the price of lumber had advanced seven times since the laat con ventlon, "the manufacturer might give us a breathing spell and some encourage ment by holding oft another advance until after the assessor Is through suing up things the first of April." He advocated, in behalf of himself and the association, the Insurance department to which the association had previously committed Itself and said one of the prime objects of the association was the creation of such an adjunct. He hoped the board of director would take speedy action on It. Mr. Snyder said: The last year naa been one in which the "searchlight . of public investigation has played a prominent part. Here it is, hat with the uninformed we are sometimes wrongfully termed the "lumber trust." VotMnir Im tnorp t'orebin to our constitution land association principles than tho idea of I even attempting to regulate the supply or tho fixing or a price on any commoaiiy, which any lumber dealer throughout the 'state desire to place on the market. ast differences In freight rates, the different classes of lumber and building materials bandied at various polnte. with the local conditions at a wide variance, successfully bar and effectually destroy the very thought of such a term. Furthermore, the original intent of the early organisers of our association, which In the main has been attained, was along the line of better ments, the same being alike beneficial both to the retail lumber dealer and hi custo mer. Several Thing's Wasted. Since association efforts' have been put forth a more uniform system of grading has been adopted and a bureau of inspec tion of grades bus been established, better and more rapid traffic arrangements are in effect; we are also thoroughly investigating the Advantages and merit that aomo classes of building materials have over others, and those best adapted to builders' use In our state; the use of new woods as they have at various times been placed On the market, the Interchanging of ideas of how best to Improve the business of the retail lumber dealer by adopting new meth od?, and of the benefits to be derived by carrying Insurance In a strictly mutual lumbermen s insurance company. Thebe and numerous other advantages to bo at tained by association efforts appealed to , t . . nluil 1 1 tutrniAn if ...... ... V . , end that nnriv 95 per cent of those In the 1 retail business are enrolled as members of ! ouf association. Frankly, our constitution i-Kii ot- ichii uy anyone, our annual meet' Inge are oen and are always attended by the representatives of the public press, and this year a new feature. In the wav of a tradi'S display exhibit. Is added, which will without doubt prove h popular addition la this year's convent ten and interest of those present. Not only our members and visiting lUIUOfTIOtMl, HOI III UUOIIC 18 WCII, B re lllOHt wrrtally lnvltrd toMt th display and Inspect and enjoy the same. "Our member, are aliVe with the reciprocal Idea." said Mr. Snyder. He bespoke a close and cordial relation be tween the retail and .wholesale lumber dealers of the state. He spoke a warm word in favor of the action that had been taken in the nation tor forestry preserva tion. Beside felicitating the - association and Omaha, President Snyder closed by .say ing: I would recommend that the legislative committee sppolnted a year ago, and whose excellent work will be made mention of in our secretary's report be continued for another year, and in all casea of dispute with railroad companies to the collec tion and payment of demurrage charges, the chairman of this committee act as arbitrator for our association. Further- ....,- tt ahia (tr. n.l 1 1 11 ( . I . i,.iresis w ill be safeguarded. Thev will no in a position to iouk alter in a position to look aftur the Inter ests of the association and its member on bills covering the demurrage proposi tion or affecting changes In the mechanics lien laws now In force upon our statute docks, ir same is introduced at our next session of the legislature. Secretary for Drmarrage. Concerning demurrage Secretary Critch field said: At the last unnual convention held In Lin coln January U and Id, lo, your conven tion appointed a committee to take up the question of demurrage, with the view of having a bill Introduced in the legislature then In session, which would regulate de murrage charges. The bill was prepared and placed in the hands of one of our sen ators, who is also one of our prominent members, but was afterward withdrawn by request of the committee. The Coal Dealers' association had a like committee appointed at their annual meet ing, and by special arrangement the two committees, together with representatives of several railroads, held a meeting at Omaha February 14. 1906. After a full dis cussion of the question an agreement waa entered Into which is as follows: "By and between the railroad companies of the state of Nebraska and the coal and lumber dealers' association with reference I to demurrage rule, effective March 1, 16. Ti i "That no demurrage will be collected hv 111 j agents when cbarge are questioned until 2j after investigation ny the manager of tiie ig I Car Service association of the railroad com . I panics. If after Investigation charges are ,., , found correct same will be paid. If incor- reel, charges will be cancelled. 27 "Cars bunched by railroad companies or 3 delayed III transit. Inclement weather or oiuer ii.nuuions over wnicn consignors or consignees nave no control, additional time will lie allowed. "All disputes that may arise under this ameement will be submitted to a repre- sentauvs oi me oai ueaiera association, together with the manager Of the Western Car Service association, their findings to be runuing upon an parties concerned. "A. C. JONFS. "Manager, for Western Car Service Aso elation. "JOHN T. DORGAN. "Chairman, for Cal Dealers' Association. "GEOROK W. BALDWIN. "Chairman, for Lumber Dealers' Associa tion. This agreement went Into effect Mirnh 1 1i6. but it was soon discovered that It only operated at points directly under the Juris drctlon of the Western Car Service associa tion, which only included competitive point on the Burlington. Northwestern and In Ion Pacific and all points on lb Chicago. Rock I I'll nd A- Pacific, and Missouri Pmi HV. This left us in trouble at what I tanned exclusive points, or point where h-re Is but one road, on the fturllngton snd North western, the Union Paclft,-. having Imme diately taken action through their proper authorities to make the agreement cover all points on their line. We at once took the matter up with the Burlington and after considerable rorre- , pondence the terms of the agreement, with i a slight modification, wem put Into effect I at the exclusive points. The Northwestern ! also followed suit Inur. hut not until the matter was made a special order of busi ness at a meeting of the hjoard of directors held Ootoher .1. 1'3. At this meeting were present the representatives of the car serv ice association, and after a full discussion of the Important terms of the agreement as to Its Intentions and meaning we seemed to get together and mutually un derstand them. Slnoe that time each case which has been reported lias been amlcablv settled. tVa recommend that this convention elect a man to be known as the "demurrare rep resentative." who shall act with a like rep resentative selected by the Owl Dealers' association In the settlement of all disputed claims a provided In the last paragraph of the agreement previously referred to. Flinches at Criticism. Concerning the attitude of the public toward the association, Mr. CrltchficM ' said: ' i Much of the criticism which ha been I flung at the drain Dealers' association bv the public press, we think, has been un- j fairly cast at the door of other associations . of the state, and our organization ha rtcelred an unjust share of these attacks. We firmly believe that with an Invest ment of over 10, in taxable property In the state of Nebraska, by the retail lumber men, and the employment of some of the best business cltisens of the state. ; the public ress of our state owes us better treatment. Our retail dealers are In this I oiganlsatlon. not only for their own pro tection, hut for that of their customers. The coping with the demurrage question, the protection from Imposition of the manufacturer in shipping off grade lum ber, discounts, mutual Insurance, keeping upon the statute books proper lien laws, railroad rates, etc.. are ail Indirectly In the interest of the customer. Other points covered by Secretary Critch fleld's address may be summed up as fol lows: The year 1906 was one of largely In creased business and higher values, dur ing which lumber to the value of ,0OO.'M was shipped Into the state. The volume of orders booked ahead exceeds any year In the history of the country, and building prospects are far better than a year ago. Though lumber prices are high, they but keep pace with the general Increase. Notification lias been received from the bureau of Information of the national association that all agreements with manu facturers' associations have been abro gated. Forty-eight new members were added to the association at the last an nual meeting, forty-five since then, and the present membership Is 664. The Ne braska lumbermen made a decidedly pleas ant and profitable trip to the northwest coast last summer. Finance and Committees. The treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of 1326.15. A committee was appointed on resolu tions, consisting of A. H. Weir of Lincoln, S. D. Ayers of Central City, and M. L. Fries of Arcadia; one on auditing, con sisting of Howard Miller of Battle Creek, E. C. Huston nf Tekamah, and Mr. Has sett of Tecumseh; one on constitution con sisting of H, J. Tucker of Howe. J. C. Newconib of Friend, and S. D. Ilghton of Lynch. A. Barrett of Bertiand and J. F. Bir mingham of O'Neill were appointed to get the needed names to bring the member ship of the mutual Insurance company up to y. Mr. Barrett asked" for the appointment of two committees, one to work in the legislation for laws on reciprocal demur rage, and one to work for legislation com pelling the railroads to weigh coal on scale nesrest the place where it la un loaded. At present, he said, It Is not weighed after It comes Into the state. Mr. Barrett asserted that the railroads had broken all their asjrqments on these sub jects, .and he thoujghl .(he only way to get satisfaction from .them, was through the legislature. The convention authorized the president to appoint, the committees sug gested. . Wednesday afternoon the convention was addressed on technical subjects by repre sentative of a number of. mills. The rel ative valuOf the various kinds of pine and fir were discussed, along with other sub jects of the same -nature. Hlnrlc Cata an the Roof. The Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo held a meeting at the O'Brien cafe beginning at 8:31) o'clock last night. Forty-eight new members were Inllliited Into the organiza tion, requiring nearly four hours. During the evening many of the Hoo-Hnos had been at the theater, the entire main floor of the Orpheum having been reserved by the lumbermen and at the close of the show these went to the cafe, thoroughly filling the hall. The officers having charge of the evening's ceremonies were: Stiark. Lew Wentworth; senior Hoo-Hoo, F. W. Hend erson; Junior Hoo-Ifoo. Joseph I-anslng: bojum, J. Pierson; scrlvcnoter, 8. Steven son; jabberwock, J. M. Mullen; custocation, P. R- Cook: arcanoper, W. M. Beebee, and gurdon, W. Liggett. A light lunch wa served after the con clusion of the secret work. Several toast were responded to, Btymest Stevenson act ing as toastmaster. Music was furnished by Dlmlck's orchestra. In order to give everyone an opportunity to view the exhibit at the Auditorium the public I invited to be present thl evening and inspect the contents of the large room at leisure. Musicians' concert and ball. KiD musician In orchestra, next Monday at Auditorium Admission M cent. Shrlver & Rmening. uentisit. s Barkar blk. Skating; Drains Friday. Roller skating will be resumed at the Auditorium on Friday afternoon. It will be "ladles' day," with music by the band, and all women will be admitted free. Mil Hair is era Do like it? you tented with it? Have to be? Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and .have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." SUA kw a I. C. Ayes Oa.. Lewoll, atass. aUse ataasfaafiais ef ITBI'f AJtSaPaSaLA-rer th stood. aTBB'S ntf-tot eoastipstie. Mali's f&BTraCIXsUJr-rra. J.TBK'8 aQOTj CUKS i aialana aad iM. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS A very good audience was out to jticet the Omaha rhllharmnulc orchestra on Its premier night. A great many familiar faces among the musicians added to the Interest taken In the concert. The orchestra num bers about fifty players and shows much careful training and unlimited work. Tak ing Into consideration the fact that few among them are soloists, the work was sur prisingly good, lacking somewhat Iti pre cision: but that will come. It takes years to build up a fine orchestra. Boundless credit then Is due to Mr. Cuscaden's con- sclentlou and able leadership, seconded by Max Baumelster, concert master. The concert opened with the overture, j "Rosamunde." from Schubert's "Magic i Flute." It wa a w-ell chosen numlier and de livered finely from the opening strains to the magntllcent climax. The second number, a symphonic prelude to "Boabdll," written by Moskowskl. was very picturesque and wield. The violins lacked depth of tone in this number and the climax was Inadequate. Mr. Joseph Gahm was the soloist chosen for this concert and every one was de lighted with the manner In which he gave the third number mi the program, an a. b and c. This always give so many oppor tunities for those charming little breaths of music which are passed over among heavier numbers. The "c" was a quaint mlnuetto of 6tavenhagen, the "b" Schumann's "Ro mance, op. T. No. 2," and for the "c" Bchu-bert-Llstx's "Hark. Hark, the Lark!" so redolent of spring and sunshine. These were all played In a masterful manner, but In the Chopin "Polonaise, op. 44." Mr. Gahm wa brilliant In his Interpretation. In response to an insistent demand Mr. Gahm gave two encore numbers. The Haydn "Symphony In O" was a great number and well executed, the best work being noticed In the "scherzo" movement. The Introduction to the fifth act of "King Manfred," by Rcineck, formed the sixth number on the program, and Strauss' sparkling concert waltz. "Wiener Blut," closed the splendid program. Altogether it was a series of very well chosen numbers and reflect un Immense amount of credit on this body of faithful and earnest worker. HYMENEAL Krellne-Orcntt. Two of the prominent families of Omaha and Council Bluffs were united Wednesday by the marriage of Miss Jane Orcutt, daughter of the late Clinton D. Orcutt. and Mr. Arthur Keellne, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Keellne of Council Bluffs, which was solemnized at I o'clock last evening at tho home of the bride on South Twenty sixth street. Cut flowers and greens were combined In a decorative scheme at once simple and beautiful In the trimming of the spacious rooms, making the wedding one of tho most beautiful home functions of the year. The large drawing mom was a bower of ferns and white roses, and before the east windows an altar wa Improvised be neath a canopy of white Illusion covered with plumoims fern and from which was suspended a large white floral wedding bell. Candles In brass holder burned at the back and on either side stood a tall cluster of American Beauty roses. The hour of the ceremony was announced by the ringing of chime and their final tones were mingled with the opening chord of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by a stringed orchestra as the bridal party came down the stairway. ' The banister were wound with smllax and the newel posts were surmounted by baskets of showering red roses. From these ropes' of white chiffon were stretched acros the hall to the drawing room door by Mr. Harley Moorehead and Mr. I,awrence Blinker. The groom, with Mr. Odin Mackay a grooms man, came first, and directly after Miss Blanche Klnsler as maid of honor, gowned In white and carrying' American Beauty roses. Then came the bridesmaids. Misses Margaret Wood and Faith Potter. Mary Lee McShane and Bessie Brady. Edna Kee llne and Marie Coffman, walking two and two, all gowned alike In white, with-girdles of rose red and carrying shower of Amer ican Beauty roses. Short white tulle veils held to place at the left side with princess Jeweled tip of rose red completed their costumes. Miss Ella May Brown, as tnaid of honor, camo next. Her gown waa of Inl descent gauze, shading from the rose red to silver, and she carried a shower of Amer ican Beauties. The brldo came last with her brother-in-law, Mr. A. J. Beaton. Her gown was of soft white chiffon satin, made princess and Inset with panels of duchess und point lace that extended up Into the bodice and down the skirt. The yoke and bolero were of rose point lace. The wed ding veil of tulle hung to the carpet and was held to place by a wreath of orange blossoms and Jeweled butterfly. Her only ornament was a necklace pendant In form of a bunch of grapes, the front made of shaded pearls and combined with diamonds. Rev. Father Strltch celebrated the mar riage. The Wedding guests were received Infor mally after the ceremony. The den had been transformed Into a bower of wild cherry blossom, adjoining which waa a grotto of orange bows and rocks, over which a waterfall played. The punch was served here from a bowl sunk in a rustic : well, studded with small colored lights. The ! windows and doorway of the rear parlor 1 were outlined with American Beauty rose and asparagus fern, and the color scheme of red extended to the dining room, where smart red satin bows combined with Amer ican Beauties In the decoration. In the center of the table a little electric fountain splashed Into a bed of lilies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mr. Keellne departed for their wedding Then why be con Oh, no! trlp. which will Include a two months' visit to California and Honolulu. They will be .t home In Omaha upon their return, but ; iiavc made no definite plans regarding their j residence. Mrs. Keellne la one of the most generally opulsr young women In the fashionable set and three seasons In society have only served to Increase her popularity. Mr. Keellne. who Is associated with his father In extensive cattle Interests In Wyoming, waji reare.'. In Council Bluffs, where his ismily Is one of the oldest and best known, and he has been equally prom inent In society ttiere and In Omaha. Wolnert-Dasea brack. LKIGH. Neb.. Feb. T. (Special.) At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. raenoroe' yesterday occurred the marriage of tl-elr ...... t! t. ... t, . . fx.......... ... , ' , .. . ,. ., . ' among the oldest and most highly respected Germans of this neighborhood, and the bride is a very popular young lady. Rev. Wolpert Is pastor of a German Lutheran church at Norfolk, at which place they will make their home. lonble Wrddina In Missouri. 8T. LOUIS. Feb. 7. It became known today that on Monday James H. Hopkins, only son of James Hopkins, wealthy vice president of the Diamond Match company, and Miss I. B. Kelly were secretly mar ried In Clayton by Justice Campbell. Julius Meyer and Mary E. Smith were married at the same ceremony. In getting the license Hopkins gave his address at Detroit and Miss Kelly as Buffalo. Both have lived in St. Iiuls for a' number of years. NEBRASKA INSTITUTION GROWS Work of the Wesleyan Conservatory f Maale to Be Presented Throsgh. Concert, With a view to bringing Its work before the public, the Nebraska Wesleyan lnl verslty Conservatory of Music will give Its first annual complimentary concert Friday evening at the First Methodist church. Five member of the conservatory faculty will render a select pmrram. No admission fee will be charged. Tickets for the concert may be obtained from interested ministers and music stores. A new conservatory building Is In-In if erected at a cost of $75.0Of, with thirty teaching and class rooms and on auditorium with seating rapacity for l.SOO. All ExDnrienee Points to LIEBIG COMPANYtS Extract of Beef as tho finest sick -room strength food. ives results in. Health. . MUST hove THIS signature l. in blue or it's a i HlX IT B THE E-L1-I-N0 TREATMENT APPEALS TO SENSIBLE WOMEN Dr. E. C. Scott won the support of intelligent women when he originated his famous prescription, because they are pure medicines and are free from all elements that produce drug habits and leave bad after effect. E-LIM-I-NO ovsrOQmes Weakness and Depression without using alcohol, whisky, wine, or strichnins stimulants. E-llm-l-no acts by cleaning poisonous wast products from the blood and thus restores th circulation. . , E-LIM-I-NET8 Cure Chronlo Constipation without the .continued uss of physic They ars a delight to all thus afflicted. . v. .. E-LIM-I-NA'TUM Stops Pain and Relieves Soreness without the use of opium, morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics. E-llm-l-na-tum acts by dissolving the poisons that are settling in the joints and tissues and causing pain. OUR FREE OFFER To prove the great superiority of th Elimino Remedies over all others for the ailment named below we will send a marked copy of Dr. E. C. Scott' New 64-Pago Book Free to all sufferers who will place a cross (X) in front of their ailment and send this in with their name and address plainly written. Send no money, the Book is free. You get th medicine of your druggist. Poor Circulation Low Vitality Catarrh S'okly Women Painful Periods Change of Life Despondency Sleeplessness Drug Habits Sickly Children The Ellmlno Remedies Are Best for Emergencies and will he kept tn erery home wbrrs their worth Ii know. Wbea orer-taied wttb boms rare and aor.lal eiartlona until yuo feel 4pre4 and undone, try Ellmlno. When suffertn pain til F.llmlnatnm. When rea'leaa and alecplrsa. or nave ripnsed to wet or cold, take a dote or two of Kllmlnatum. Yon will he dell hti-d wlib iie reaslu. Toor drucilat can auppi you wlib the Ellmloett at tie. and with thsotbara at ai.lflearh. if be will sot ft tbem for yon wa will send tbaui direct, prepaid, oa receipt ef price. -L I M-l-N0 i -LI MI-NETS . M NATUM DOT i THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS Wen whose vitality is exhausted, those who have aome private disease or weakrss lurking in their system, and who are prematurely old while tlll young- in years, broken down wrecks of what tliey ought to lie, and who want to tie strona and feel a vlgorou as they did before they wasted their strength to enyoy life agnin to win back th vim. vifor and vitality Inst should consult with the eminent specialist connected with the Stata Medical Institute before It is too late. . It I humiliating- to know that your manly strength is slipping away to be weak, nervous.fretful and gloomy, have pains snd aches In different parts of the body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headaihea, despondency, melan cholia, too frequent urination, palpitation of the heart, unable to concentrate your thought, poor memory, easily fatigued, speeks before the eyes, aversion to society, lack of ambition, will-power depleted, dissy spells, vital losses, poor circulation, to feel cold, lifeless and worn out, primarily Induced In many case by abuaes, excesses, overwork,- etc. Vigorous manhood la the stepping stone to success In life. The man who p"wnra me viiamy given mm ny .yu"f'ur'n'r nroPr treatment In time, .nun iiiiiriw ins progress, ootn commercially ana socially, it force me ironi in an wain or lire, uo you want to he strong, steel, self-confidence, strength in every muscle, ambition endurance, in order to make your life of thousands of young and middle-aged men, who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them o perfect specimens of physical manhood. If you are larking In these essential elements of manhood, you should consult with us at once before It is too late. . . . , ' We cure safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid- - ney and Urinary Diseases . and all disease and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits" self. abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private disease. . , , .Wo swak sslalradlaa statesueata, Seecaitlvo or wabaslaesaltke raltl)a to the amicteat. aeltner do wo promise to care thesa la m few day aer slrr eaeasi, worthless treataseat la order to are a re their patrssa, Hoaeat doctors of reeesjalaed ability da aat resort to asek method. Wo gaaraalra perfect, eafo aad laatlas; ear la the ajaleateat possible time, wtfhaat Ira via lajarloa after-effect la tho syateat, aad at tho lowest cost possible (or aoaest, sklllfal aad soecesafal trratasoat. FREE Ceasultatloa If you sad Saamlaatloa Office iioura STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE tao rsrssai St., Bt. ISth .Reductions I jjffor Men! ii i i i Underwear, Mufflers, Caps. Men's t'ui Worth up to f 1. reduced to. ... . Men's Mufflers Worth up to 76c. reduced to 59c 29c Men's Ho worsted. Heavy Cavslmere and merino, ifgular too quality reduced to I5c Men's 1'inlerwseai" Medium and heavy welpht. merino and fleers lined, odd lota, worth !0c, reduced to ...... 29c Men's Intienvear Kitie ribbed wool, odd lots and sizes, worth up to $1.60 n r reduced to . . . . DC I TJ EER ii tn erVervccM pro duct, most susceptible to taint, therefore, to ntain it life and purity it mutt be kept sir proof. STORZ BEER is sged in hermetically waled van, then drawn via our new Mrs un I (the only en in th west) direct to th automatic bottling machine. No air toucbea it. It 's vim and pur ity is w holly retained. ( B sun you order STORZ. A mm A Rheumatism Kidney Trouble Neuralgia Stomach Trouble Solatioa Heart Trouble Lumbago Varicose Veins Headaches Constipation GEESE, J awraKyiiii insnij -wmMmf These remarkable remedies sre based upon the principle of elimination instead of the common practice of stimulation and stupefaction. The Book and the Remedies hould be in every home. Write todiy. Do it now. Address ELIMINO MEDICINE CO., Des Moines, Iowa E3 FOR nature or having lost It. has regained is enabled to shove as Ids the barriers men to possess nerve of avrlt, energy antt Complete? We have gladdened the hean rannnt call write for rmrtom blank a. m. to I p . m. Sunday. 10 to 1 only, a ad 141b St- Omaha, II eh. I