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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1906)
THE OMAnA' DAILY BEE: TTTT7RSDAT, FEBRUAKT S, lfK)6. WE RECOMMEND APENTA THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Bottled at,the Springs JJudapest,Hungary. a wlneglassful a dose ALSO Sparkling Apenta, IN SPLITS ONLY, Natural Apenta Carbonated, A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient f : for Morning Use. DRINK WHILE EFFERVESCENT. SeU Exporttrt: THE APOLLINARIS CO. U.. Lndo. TA1GNY REACHES NEW 0RK La's Charge d' Affaires at Garaoai Telli Wkj la Left Foit POLICE REFUSE LET TO HIM LEAVE SHIP Freaoh Diplomat Dor Not Talk Much, hat Intimates that President of Vcnmrl lard Duplicity la Statements. NEW ' YOHK, Kcb. 7. Oliver Talgny, former French charge d'affaires at Cara cas. Venezuela, who arrived here last right, talked briefly upon landing today of condition in Venexueta. He expressed the opinion that the Industrial classes In that country are not giving active support to the government's position on French affairs..,. . . "The people of Venezuela," he continued, "were quiet when I left there and their interest seemed to me to center principally in bettering their conditions, industrially." lie said .that until he should confer with French Ambassabor Jusserand at Wash ington lie. had no opinion to express con cerning the conditions under which he was forced to leave Venesuela, "I received no passports," he said, "and no wrfLten orders from the Venexuelan government authorities directing me to leave. It was because the police prevented me from1 re-landing at La Ouayria that I left the country." : -Whea Trouble Began. The difficulties with Venezuela," he aid, "began on September 18 last, when on behalf of my government I protested sigalnst .the seliure of the offices of the French Cable company." Mr. Talngy said, in answer to questions, that relations later became so strained that - he Was the only ' member of the diplomatic corps at Caracas who did not receive an Invitation to the official New Tear's ball. Asked to explain what President Castro's objects at.o-p.ln ytha. political conUoversy, Mr. Talgny Said: 'J "I do not know. Perhaps President Cactro does not know himself." t'What did President Castro say to you?" Many things;" replied Mr. Talgny. Asked whether he meant that he believed Castro Used duplicity in his statements, he replied: . . Yes, that is It." Mr. Talgny said he would proceed to 'Washington Immediately. '- strange Adventure In auto led to painful accident, but Buck leu's . Arnica Salve quickly healed all mounds. 25c; guaranteed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . ": Hoki Bring Good Prices. ' BLAIR. Neb.. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) Sjjrhe. E. M. Russell stile of Dtiroc-Jersey brood sows held here today drew a large crowd, many of the buyers being from oit COHD LIBS I Little Girl's Obstinate Case of Ecrema Instantaneous Relief By Cuticura Little Boy's Hands and Arms Also Were a Mass of ' Torturing Sores Grateful Mother Says J aaaaBBBBa-Bnaaxai "CUTICURA REMEDIES A HOUSEHOLD STANDBY" "In reply to your letter I writ you my experience, and you arc privileged to use it as you see fit. Last year, after having my little girl treated Dy a , very prominent physician for an obsti . nate rase of ecrema, 1 resorted to the ' Cuticura Remedies, and was so well pleased with the almost instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied en 1 tirely on the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura I'uls. When . , we commenced with the Cuticura Rem edies her feet and limbs were covered , withtunning sores. In about six weeks we had her completely well, and there haa been no recurrence of the trouble. "In July of this year a little boy in our family poisone tniis hands and arms with poison oak, , and in twenty-four hours nis hands and arms were a mass of torturing sore. We used only the Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointed them with the Cuticura Oint ment, and then gave him the Cuticura Resolvent. In about three weeks his hands and arms healed up; so we have lots of cause for feeling grateful for the Cuticura Remedies. VV find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable fiousehold standby, living as we do twelve miles from a elector, and where H costs from twenty to twenty-fiwa dol lars to coma up oa th mountain. Respectfully, lira. Liiii Vincent Thomas, Fairmeunt, Waldan'g Ridge, Tana.. Oct. 13, 105.M H, Ma. (m turn CfcmhH Om4 Ml M. r tal 4H,BnkMill4nn1 iwl(M(iM ktMtUiatti luatiaddakllk Fa ImM Cha Cr-, Sab rrga. I turn. wr Malta IW. - k Cn TiilltSPhlWlt Ik mi Ska RUNNING SORES of the state. Olendale Queen sold for J260, the second highest for $235 and the third for rx. - The thirty-eight head sold aver aged t.$5. CONDITION OF WHEAT CROP Experts Differ, bat J. E. Von Dorn Ray Grata la Safe Thoa Far. Conflicting reports are going about the various grain exchanges of the country as to the condition of the wheat crop of Ne braska and Kansas. Some are to the ef fect that the recent cold snap Injured the wheat, and others are directly to the con trary. There Is also much talk of the dry weather. "There Is no change In the Nebraska crop as yet." said J. E. Von Dorn, who has an extensive correspondence with all parts of the state. "It takes alternate freezing and thawing to hurt the wheat, and so far we have had no such weather. There Is no snow covering on the ground, however, and the crop is In dally danger of thawing and freezing weather. The ground is very dry, and although this has not caused damage yet, we must have moisture In a few weeks or we will have no crop. "In some section" of Kansas the wheat has been hurt by thawing and freezing. That state is In as dry a condition as Ne braska." SAUNDERS HAS THE FLOOR Argues Against Reassessment Sewer Tax Against Property that Has Been Sold. of The time of the city Board of Equaliza tion was taken up Wednesday morning by the arguments of Attorney W. A. Saun ders against reassessing a number of old sewer districts In which taxes were knocked out by the courts. Mr. Saunders' chief plea was that some of the property has changed hands since and the new pur chasers obtained the sewers but had no idea they would be called upon to foot the bflls." In the absence of City Attorneys Breen and Herdman who are attending the supreme court at Lincoln no action was taken and the board adjourned to meet again Thursday morning at 1 o'clock. The action Tuesday In overruling the protest to the plan for the paving on Twenty-flfth street from California to Dodge, waa rescinded, and the plan re jected. A new district will be made to Include additional territory. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing: of Hog Fairly Liberal anil Considerable In Excess of 'Same Week Last Year. CINCINNATI. Feb. 7.-(Speciat Telegram.) Price Current says: The current market Ing of hogs continues of moderate pro portions. Total western packing was 625.- ono, compared with 640,000 for the preceding week and 690.000 last year. From November i ine total is s.ttto.uoo, against 1,760.000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: 1905-6. 1904-6. Chicago . 2.3Vi0 Kansas City 875,000 l.iKjB.onn Omaha 615.0m St. Loula 6S8.O0O St. Joseph S03.000 Indianapolis , 636,mi0 6I6.O1O 656.01 670.OH0 470,000 34O.01 0 124.0W 220,000 191. OfO Milwaukee 4116.000 Cincinnati .... Ottumwa Cedar Rapids Sioux City ... St. Paul Cleveland 218.000 anon 228.0110 n.fto SlO.OfiO 218.OU0 A. iwiooo 330.000 236.000 Musicians' concert and ball. 200 musician In orchestra, next Monday at Auditorium. Admisalon 64 cent. Bolldlng Permit. . The city haa issued a permit to E. J. Lar son for a $1,400 frame dwelling at Thirty fifth and Davenport streets; to John F. Mawiilnney, for a 14.000 frame dwelling at 118 South Thirty-seventh, and to A. C. Busk for a I2.5T0 frame dwelling at Thirty-fourth street ana lAiayeue avenue. FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Fair Today- and Tomorrow in 9ie braaka, Iowa, Sonth Dakota and Montana. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, Kansas, Okla homa, Indian Territory and Mlatouii Fair Thursday and Friday. Loral Reeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Feb. 7. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last thre years: i'juk. isuo. iw. 1903. Maximum temperature.... 37 1 12 27 Minimum temperature.... la 0 16 Mean temperature 3n 4 23 Precipitation 00 .16 T . Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March L and comparison with the last two ysars: Normal temperature at Excess for the day 2 Normal precipitation .03 Inch Deficiency for 00 r. period 1906..., 4 52 inch Excess for cor. period 1904 1.80 Indies Report from Station at T P. M. Button and 8tat Temp. Mail- Rain- of Weather. Ip. in. mum. fall. Bismarck, snowing .a...... 4 I T Cheyenne, clear $4 4C .00 Chicago, lear 18 22 T Davenport, clear ............ 11 J .00 Itonver, clear ................ 42 - 60 ,00 Havre, cloudy 2 34 .00 Helena, clear SB 20 .10 Huron, cloudy 12 l ,00 Kansas City, clear... M M ,00 North Flatta. olear 14 44 j0 Omaha, clear ., 2 , 27 .00 Rapid City, clear 24 14 .00 bl ra-ui, wear 1 m T Salt Lake City, aloudy B 3o T Valentine, clear 20 S .00 wu list on. ciouay f g .00 T Indicate trace 'of precipitation. Indicate below sere. - U A. WELSH, Local Forecast sr. REPUBLICAN CLUB BANQUET Eon. John F. 8wager of k'iuonri On f the Orttort to Show the Hebraikani; LEGISLATORS TALK OF STATE POLITICS Woodmen of the World Tax Case and the fathers Treasury Injunction Submitted to the Supreme Coart on Briefs. (From a Buff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 7. (Bpeclal.)-The Toung Men's Republican club held it regular monthly meeting tonight at the Capitol hotel and made final arrangement for the seventeenth annual banquet of the club. which la to be given at the Llndell hotel next Monday night, February 12, the anni versary of Lincoln's birth. Indications are that thla banquet will be on of the most successful In the seventeen years of the club's exlatence. President Walter L. An derson of the club will preside a toast- master and toasts will be responded to as follows: "The Republican West," Hon. John IS. Swanger, secretary of state of Mis souri, and "Lincoln and His Party," Hon. Norrls Brown, attorney general of Ne braska. Both speakers are splendid orator and the members of the club are looking forward to the program with Joyful antici pation. The price of tickets has been placed at SI. BO each and they are being taken at such a rate that the sale will probably be limited. Mr. Bwanger will be met by a reception committee at the state line and escorted to Lincoln. The general reception committee ap pointed by President Anderson tonight I as follows: Don C. Dcspaln. chairman; Dr. F. A. Graham. A. R. Talbot, M. W. Foisom, W. C. Frampton, E. 8. Mickey, A. Hayden Myer, H. T. Dobbins, W. O. Crandall. Ver non Hodge. J. M. O'Neill, E. C. Strode. T. F. A. Williams. P. James Cosgrave, Victor Seymour, Frank C. Burke. Allen L. Gale, Philip F. Greene, Dr. 11. W. Orr. Legislator Talk Politic. Representatives Davis of Buffalo county and Doran of Garfield county were In Lin coln last night, the former on his way to Omaha on business and the latter on his way to Iowa to visit his brother, who is a member of the Iowa legislature, Mr. Davis said he was not one of the two members of the legislature who returned railroad passes for the good and sufficient reason he had not received such courtesies for the present year. The Vnlon Pncltlo, said Mr. . Davis, did not send him passes last year, even though he was a member of the legislature. When the legislature ad journed Mr. Davis was one of the members who paid his own way home, though he had a pass in his pocket. After the repub lican state convention Mr. Davis returned his annuals. He did this though he had not ridden on any of them after the legislature adjourned. Representative Deles Denier of Cass county whs here last night. "We are for George Sheldon for whatever lie wants." said the Cass county man. "whether It bo governor, railroad commissioner or what not. But the fact Is I don't believe he wants anything. He is down on his Mississippi plantation living easily and attending to his own affairs and he don't care anything about political honors. Sheldon Is a Ann young man and worthy of anything the people can give him." Argument on Woodmen Case. The point raised by H. C. Brome. attorney for County Clerk Drexel of Douglas county. that the state had no right to ask for a mandamus to compel him to Include lh the assessment of the Woodmen of the World the amount of the reserve fund of that order, but the proper procedure would be an appeal from the action of the county board, was argued before the supreme court this afternoon. Deputy Attorney General Thompson argued ' the appeal from the county board was not the exclusive pro cedure. Tho board, as an assessing board, he said, had ceased to exist when the writ of mandanfus was asked for, and further he said it was the right of the authorities to proceed by mandamus to compel the county clerk to rectify any mistake made against the property of any person after the county board had adjourned and ceased to exist as an assessing board. Briefs In Charter Case. The Omaha charter case, wherein John T. Cathers seeks to prevent by Injunction the consolidation of the offices of county and city treasurers, has been submitted to the supreme court on briefs. City Attorney Breen and Assistant Attorney Herdman, for the charter, and Carl Herring, repre senting the school board, and Frank Ran som, appearing for Cathers, were all here today to argue the case, but as none of J them were here yesterday when the docket was called the Judges merely took the case on briefs. As the three briefs of the out side attorneys together make a pile a large as the one died bv the city attorney and his assistant all agreed to let the case go without argument. Wayne Officials In Coart. State Superintendent McBrlen and County Superintendent Hyland of Wayne county have met and the world still moves and no electric sparks have been generated and no date has yet been set for that com petitive examination. Superintendent Hy land and Superintendent Coney of Wayne A QUESTION OF COST. In any number of stores you'll see various prepara tions of cod liver oil at as many different prices. You'll wonder, perhaps, why Scott's Emulsion costs more than some other kind in as large a bottle. Hearing only one side of the question you may be led into buying the - just as good as. Scott's" at the lower price. That's false economy. Scott's Emulsion costs more because its more expensive to make. Every ingredient is tested and guar anteed of the purest quality. No adulteration, no shaving of quality. There's no econ omy in bargain medicine. If you can afford to experiment with your health, substitutes may satisfy you. We take It, however, that you want a pure preparation, a reliable remedy and something that's going to hdp you. That's what you get in Scott's Emubion. Thirty jean tho standard. 09 TT MVM4, m ewt4MrV county, both of whom claim to be the only original bonaflde superintendent, came to Lincoln to try out their right In the supreme court this afternoon. Coney, who reoelved the majority of the Yote cast at the last election,' is trying by mandamus to oust Hyland. who I holding the office because he allege Coney did not have a first-grade certificate on the day of elec tion. McBrlen recognized Coney as the rightful heir to the office. When the case was called the attorneys for the belllger ents, Benator Voung for Coney and T. J. Doyle for Hyland, were asked by the court If they had agreed on the facts. They had not. Th court, then announced It would refuse to hear testimony, and unless the attorney agreed on the facts a referee would have to be appointed. Later In the day the attorney agreed to submit affi davits and allow the court to try the case on these. When asked If he still Intended to Insist on McBrlen competing with him In an examination Mr. Hyland, who I good natured and appreciate humor, replied that he did not know the Stanton news paper wa going to attack McBrlen and challenge him to the examination until ho read It. He thought th affair more humor ous than serious. Governor Talk to "Indents. Governor Mickey thl morning went out to University Place and made a talk to the student at Wealeyan university. Governor Mickey I a member of the board of trus tee of this institution, and a WO student are enrolled the governor 1 well pleased with the management of the Institution. New Maaufacturlug Concern. The T. F. Meni'men company I a Lincoln concern which filed Its articles of Incorpora- i tlon this morning. The company will en- , rase In the manufacture and sale of mer- I chandlse, with a capital stock of $100,000. The other member of the firm I C. F. Mc Cain. School Bond Held fp. Auditor Searle has not yet decided whether he will register the $60,000 bonds Issued by the school district of Grand Island, after a most exciting election held In that city. The firm which bought the bonds now claim the history of the Issu ance is not correct and will refuse to take them unless they are voted again at a special election. The notice for the election did not contain the location of the polling places and the company holds this In validates the bonds. Representative Ferrar, with a committee from Grand Island, ap peared before the auditor today to show him the history of the bonds was correct and legal, but the matter Is still under advisement. The committee asserts inas much a the bond election was held the same day as the general election and the county clerk had advertised the polling places for that election it was not neces sary for the school board to do this. Those who favored the Issuance of the bonds fear they would not carry at another election. RECORD FOR MODERS WOODMEN Two Hundred Sixty-Four Member Taken In at One Time. KEARNEY, Neb., Feb. 7.Speclal Tele gram.) A larger class of candidates was adopted into the Modern Woodmen of America In this city Tuesday night than was ever taken In at one meeting In the state of Nebraska. The exercises took place at the armory and the obligation wa administered to 264 new member. The ex ercises at the armory began early, but it was nearly S o'clock before they were con cluded. ' Two prizes had been offered to the camp presenting the largest number of candidates for adoption. The first prise went to the Miller camp, which had forty-one candi dates, while the second prixe was awarded to Sumner, which had ! forty. The prlxes consisted of valuable .Initiation parapher nalia. The ceremony of. adoption was ex ecuted under the ' supervision of Deputy Head Counsul Burgess' of Blue Hill, and the work wa8 exemplified by the forester of Kearney camp, commanded by Captain W. F. Sammons. , Farmer at Falrbnry. FAIRBUR-Y, Neb.. Feb. 7.-(Speclal.) The Jefferson County Farmer' institute yesterday closed a two-days' session which was the most successful In the annals of the organization. The district court room was not large enough to acommodate the crowd in attendance. The following pro gram was carried out: "Economic Pork Production," by O. Hull of Alma; "Con tagious Diseases of Stock," by Dr. E. K. Paine of Falrbury; "Our Schools," by Mrs. O. W. True, county superintendent; "Do mestic Science and Home," by Miss Bouton of state university; "The Tillage of Soli," by C. W. Pugsley; "Raising and Caring for Incubator Chicken," by Mr. W. F. John son of Harvard; "Windbreaks and Shelter Belts," by Val Keyser of experiment sta tion; "Breeding and Selecting Seed Corn," by C. W. Pugsley; "Good Roads," by P. S. Easterday; "Road Tax," by F. A. Houston. The display of farm products waa an ex cellent one a were the exhibit In the do mestic science department. Premiums for farm products were awarded a follows: Best white corn, W. Oberhelmer; best yel low corn, O. R. Jones; best sweet corn, W. Oberhelmer; bet pop com, Robert Church: best hard wheat, H. Steggerman; best white oats, S. E. Gay lor: best mixed oats, E. D. Brown; best alfalfa seed. W. H. Brown; best millet seed, J. R. Lansener; best Kaffir corn, F. Richands; best early potatoes, W. H. Clark; best late potatoes, A. W. Danke; best sorghum seed. Falrchlld Bros. Man with Many Offleea. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. 7. Spe- clal.) A friendly auit at law la not Improb able to ascertain whether W. R. King, the recently elected county treasurer, can con- tine the office ofetty treasurer and ex officio school district treasurer. He Is now occupying all three office's and according to an opinion by J. H. Woolley, attorney for the Board of Education, the offices are In- compatible and under the common law the city treasurer qualified for and accepted the office of county treasurer. He was elected to the latter In November on the re publican county ticket. He waa elected to the former last spring without opposition. running by petition. He has held the office of city treasurer for year and hi accounts have always checked up to the greatest of satisfaction, nor I there the least doubt as to hi Integrity or ability even by hi most bitter opponents. Since he would hold the city treasurer's office for more than a year and a regular election is coming on In April It Is not Improbable that a friendly suit will be brought to ascertain If the de cision of th board's attorney Is correct. The latter ha made a thorough Investlga tlon of the case and seems to be very em. phatlc In the opinion. Arrested for Hors Stealing. BARNESTON. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special Telagram.) Marshal Sam Jamea of thla city arrested Fred Knowles, a man ao euaed of stealing a horse from the livery man at Adams, Neb., yesterday. The ao. cused was taken In charge by Sheriff Trud of Beatrice, who arrived her thl after noon. Th horse and saddle Is held her. Th prisoner does not deny th oharge and th only excuse be make 1 th etatement that he was drunk and this Is his first offense. Knowles doe not say much, but Intimates that Ue will plead guilty. Beatrtso Drtvllaar Association O BEATRICE, Dab.. Feb. T. (Special.) Ttj annual maetlng af th Baa trie Driving as soeiatlon waa h14 last night Th work of th past rear was reviewed ad found vary satisfactory. The ftOers vsr elect; William Pennery president; Henry Wlebe. first vice president: J. E. I-ang. second vice president; F. E. Kimball, secretary; J. H. Dunts, treasurer. C. W. Murray, W. W. Scott, William Randall. F. EI Cook. J. P. Beck, board of director. Talk of Oa Prospects. ' BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 7. tSpecial. An other meeting of the Commercial club wa held yesterday to discuss the question of prospecting for oil and gas. It Is the Inten tion of the business men of this city to raise $10,000 for the purpose of sinking one or more wells and to ascertain what there la under this section of the country that Is worth digging for provided the necessary amount is secured. The names of the trustees for the management of the enter prise are a follows: C. C. Knapp. W. P. Norcross, John Warren. T. A. Woodward, F. E. Morrison, Ed 8. Miller, C. B. Demp ster, CI. H. Johnson and W. N. Farlow. The chairman was authorized to appoint the necessary committees to carry out the plan a set forth and he will announce such committees later. Boy Freesea to Death. EDGAR, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.) The body of Guy Carson, son of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Carson of this place, wa found last evening about 6 o'clock In a field belonging to J. C. Nlsely. Ave and a half miles north of here. The boy was 16 year old. He had been suffering for nearly a year with a nervous affliction resembling epilepsy. He had been visiting a sister, Mrs. A. Patton of Fairmont, and left her home some time in the forenoon last Saturday. Hu "" knpw tht h wa homesick, but tr,wl ,0 Persuade him to stay, as his father mother were both away from home. He attempted to walk home across the country and when within six miles of home was overcome by the severe cold and froxe to death. Concrete Worker Organise. GRAND INLAND. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special Telngram.) At a meeting of concrete and cement manufacturers and users today in what Is called a district convention It was decided to call a state convention of con crete stone men at Lincoln February 14, 15 and 16 for the purpose of organizing a state association. Graders Finish Work. OAKIAND, Neb., Feb. 7. (Speclal.)-The Grant Smith company, railroad contractors, have finished their work here and hrokn camp Tuesday. This practically finishes the grading In this vicinity and everything Is In readiness for the tracklayers, who are reported as being seven miles south of Vehllng. ewa of Nebraska. PLATTSMOt'TH Mrs. Henry Wolfe died Sunday at her home in l.lhertv nrerlnrt. where she had resided since 1867, aged 75 year. YORK York Ice men are cutting and r tuning up ice as rast as they can. employ ng all the men and teams nnRsllile. Th Ice houses are being rnpldly filled with good, clear Ice. OAKLAND The cold weather of the last few days has made the Ice crop a sure thing. Two large forces began cutting Ice Tuesday morning. Good Ice a foot thick is being harvested. AINSWOUTH-F. S. Heck, while work ing on an Ice pond slipped and fell and a wsgon load of Ice passed over his right root nreiiaxing tnreo bones. Dr. Murph arcBBcn me : racture. ARNOLD T. B. Hord of Central City wno mint two inrge corn crlhs here a short time ago now has them almost full and will erect two more the same size which he expects to nil. HCMBOLDT Prospects for loe having grown less favorable with each succeeding week. Frank llym-k yesterday began put ting tip Ice from the Nemaha river, a short distance west or this city. NORFOLK Paul Renner. asred B0. a nlo. neer settler In Madison county, is enjoying won wrrii n vimi irmii nm nmilier, noDel'l Renner. of Germuny. aged 30, whom the Nebraska man Hud never seen before. LEIGH A pretty wedding occurred yes terday afternoon nt 8 o'clock at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Mnlter Theel, near Uelgn, When their daughter Anna was united in marriage to Robert Piller of Stanton. Fl'LLERTON John Hlnshllwood. one of Nance county's most respected citizens. died this morning at the home of his daughters In this city, lie came to this county in ls8 and has been a resident of Fullerton for fifteen years. ARNOLD There are numerous land buyers coming and going all the time, to such an extent that It is very hard for them to llnd hotel accommodations, there have been many pieces of real estate sold here In the past two weeks at very good prices. AINSWORTH This morning five of Ainsworth's business men took this morn ing's train for Utah and different point In the west to look up locations 1'or suita ble homes. They are as follows: R. M. Eldred. John Cheney, John Day, H. Hal- stead and John Frits. PAWNEE CITY The grocery store of Raper & Miller was entered and robbed this morning at an early hour. Nothing has been learned as yet wno tne intruders are, but home talent Is suspected. About 22 in sliver was taken but nothing else in the store was molested. ARNOLD The Union Pacific surveyor are attain In town, this time they are put ting In the location stakes. 1 hey moved their camp today from the Ramsey farm near Mllldale to a point about four miles northwest of town and they have been working near town ail day. PLATTSMOl'TH The Plattsmouth school directors have re-elected Superintendent E. L. Rouse for the third time and agreed to pay all of his expenses while attending the national meeting of school superintend ents in Louisville, Ky., on the last two days of this month ana tne nrst ot next. BEATRICE Today County Attorney Kil- len hied an appeal from the allowance by the county board of the claim of J. H. Sparks for S2.1uu for building the new bridge at Barneston. This makes a total of about (14.0ii in warrants allowed Sparks which have been appealed oy tne county attorney. BEBMEIt Mrs. Minnie Zlpp died at her home in Beemer Monday at 8:30, after an Illness of nearly two years. The de ceased was 4Z years or age anu leaves a family of elgnt rniuiren, rour Doys ana four girls. The funeral services will be held in the German Lutheran church at 1 o'clock today. GRAND ISLAND It is learned that Mrs. Max Mobley, formerly of this city, now of North Yakima, Wash., has been ac- -TREASURER Uses Pe-ru-na In Ills Own family as a Catarrh Remedy. GEO 8. ac EO. W. HON BY, Ex-Treasurer of th State of Wisconsin, Is a man of wide cqualntance and extensive experience. He has used Peruna In his own family with the most gratifying results. He gives It unqualified endorsement as an efficient catarrh remedy. It Is Just such testimony as this which ha given Peruna a rlgh standard In th estimation of the American public. There is no possible way to gainsay such frank and genuine testimony. The only way to account for such testi mony Is the fact that Peruna really doe what Is claimed for It. Because It relieves catarrh. It clears the way for Nature to re-assert her sway over the . physiologi cal force ot the body and thus rid the system of a' PERUNA The Reliable Catarrh Remedy great many different chronlo disease. Catarrh Is the stronghold of lingering diseases. One rid the system of catarrh and It Is very difficult Indeed for disease to linger very long. Followed by Hartman'a Advice. Mr. John C. Nelson. Dayton, Tenn., ' geologist and mining engineer, while a Captain in the Federal Army during the Civil War, contracted a case of rheu matism. This malady was constant and persist ent, including the development of other ailments, which also became chronic. After taking a course of Peruna, Capt. Nelson writes: "Having been painfully afflicted with chronic rheumatism and the adjunctive complications for many years, and after having received many general and special treatments with only temporary relief, I read your scientific treatise on catarrhal diseases. 'At my request, you prescribed for me a special course of the Peruna remedies. which I closely followed, and am happy to report that my rheumatism and com plicated ailments are subdued, and I feel young again at the age of sixty-nine years. 'Koason will accept yottr clarifica tion of catarrhal diseases as scientific and true, and the Pernua remedies as a standard treatment for them. . "I thank yon heartily for your skill ed and logical advice." Mr. James D. King, Alamo Hotel, Col orado Springs, Col., member Youman of America, writes: I had to come-, here on account of lung trouble and found that my recovery wa very stow. t "A friend suggested that I try Peruna and I did so. I began to improve very rapidly and I kept right on using It In four months my lungs were all healed and quitted by a Jury from the charge of being an accomplice of the alleged criminal as sault of her husband upon another man and that Mobley will have a re-hearlng In the supreme court of the state. HCMBOLDT The local brick company has received word from the factory which was to furnish the machinery to the effect that the last samples of clay sent In were not entirely satisfactory and request a second shipment In order to more fully test the requirements in the way of equipment. This will cause some delay In getting th plant In pluce. GRAND ISLAND The Board of Educa tion has taken steps either to remodel considerably the rules of the foot ball and basket ball games as Indulged In by the high school students, or eliminate the game altogether. A committee of three, consisting of McAllister, Ferrar and Paine, has been appointed to investigate the mat ter and report. BEATRICE Fred McBrlde. the type writer repairer wanted here on the charges of Jumping a board bill at the Butler hotel amounting to 140, and for selling a machine belonging to Al Thoman, to Dis trict Clerk John R. Queln. waa brought here last night by Sheriff Trude from Oarlnda, la., and lodged In Jail to await his preliminary 1 tearing. YORK On Monday. February 16, York will entertain the district convention of the Wofidmen of the World In Fraternal hall. The forenoon and afternoon will be taken up by business of the order and in the evening a public meeting will be held. 1" re will be delegates from all over the d. rlct and many of the head officer of the order will be in attendance. PLATTSMOUTH The friends of Joslah Tlmhlln assisted in celebrating hi seventy-, fourth birthday Monday. He homenteaded an eighty-acre tract of land In this county in 18i7, having only a $5 bill after paying for the filings, but by Industry and fru gality he lias prospered and now owns one of the best (arms In Cass county and a comfortable residence and several lots In Weeping Water. BEATRICE H. H. Brown, day clerk at the Paddock hotel and a former resident of Omaha, was severely injured In a fight yesterday with Walter Pllkey, chef at the hotel. Brown's nose was broken In two places and his Injuries were such that the services of a physician were required. The trouble occurred In the kitchen of the hotel, and Mr. Brown will be confined to his room for several days on account of his Injuries. GRAND ISLAND During these day when the farmers are not very busy drives for wolves are becoming very popular in this section. In a drive participated In by many farmers and some sports from the city yesterday eight wolves were scared up, but the gentlemen behind th guns had vicious attacks of buck fever and only one wolf scalp Is drying on the wigwam of the successful htddr. Another hunt will be had next Thursday and a third next Monday. a OSCEOI.A One of the most hotly con tested criminal cases that has been tried before the county Judge Is ended. It was entitled the State of Nebraska against Oscar Stromberg. the complainant being Peter Bundling, who charged assault and battery. There were two score In witnesses The Land of The Land of l 0 meedla I The Modern Soda Cracker Bounded on the North by the Purity of the Snows; on the South by the Nutritious Wealth of the Tropics; on the Hast by the Health fulness of Scientific Baking; on the West by the Energizing Power of the Mountains. 1 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY WISCONSIN I Ss I i ' 'yf HON. CCO. W. MONEY, my cough all gone. 1 feci that, much ot the credit Is due to Peruna, and I ara pleased to endorse It." "Other Remedies Filled Pt-ra-m Efficacious." Hon. Geo. W. Honey, National Chap lain V. V. TJ., Ex-Chaplain 4th Wisconsin Cavalry. Ex-Treasurer State of Wiscon sin and Ex-Quartermaster General State of Texas G. A. R., writes from 1700 First St., N. W., Washington, D. C, as follows: "I cannot too highly recommend your preparation for the relief of catarrhal troubles in their various forms. "Some memliers of my own fam ily hare used it with most gratify ing results. 'When other remedies failed, Peruna proved most efficacious and I cheerfully certify to its curative excellence. A. L. Hewitt, J. P., West Berlin, VU writes: "I am happy to be able to write yn this letter In relation to what your Peruna has done for my family. "When I brought the first bottle homo, I found my wife and daughter both sick my wife with Indigestion and my daugh ter with a severe cold. They were both cured. "I am willing to state that Peruna, taken In th beginning, will cure the worst cold In M to 88 hours." on the ease and It lasted two days. Th defense satisfied the court that there was no assault and battery, but that Mr. Peter Bundling got full, fell out or his wagon and that waa where he was Injured. NORFOLK "Hollo, Jack," said a voung boy In the postoffico today to County At torney Jack Koenlgsteln. The lad's face Impressed the attorney as one he needed and the boy waa later arrested at school, charged with arson. His name I Ernest Stutsk and he Is ssld to have been mixed up In a stable fire here last summer. H turned state's evidence against two other and then disappeared, so that the -other boys were released with $25 fines Instead of penitentiary sentences. Young Stutck spent the day In Jail and was fined- X. BEATRICE Irving Wetherald, who has been head clerk In the commercial office of the Burlington at this point for nufnv yeara, has been promoted to the position of traveling freight and passenger agent to succeed Theodore Thomas, who wa recently transferred to Denver. Mr. Weth erald will be succeeded by WlllJam F. Gingrich, who has been cashier at th Burlington station here for some tlmo. An extra agent will succeed Mr. Glngricli for the present, until his successor is ap pointed. YORK William Whlttele, a niaoliinlst employed In the York foundry, had a wild ride In Dr. O. M. Moore's automobile yes terdAy that came nearly resulting dis astrously. While making some repairs and thinking the machine woulir run without further work he started It to tuke a spin down South IJncoln avenue, when the machine refused to aton anil the I device became uncontrollable. Ho took a nying ride down the street with full right-of-way and the machine swerved to the right, struck a ditch and stopped, throw ing Whittle out over the dashboard. GRAND ISLAND The Board of Educa tion at Its recent meeting received a com munication from N. W. Ifarris & Co., en closing tho opinion of Its attorney to the effect that he could not approve the recent Issue of school bonds In the amount of IS0.000 owing to alleged defective notice. The board received the communication, as also a proposition from N. W. Harris Ik Co. relative to their willingness to carrv out their contract If another election were held and the bonds so tarried, that their attorney could approve them. It nuk no action as to this since other bidder are standing In readiness to take the bond as they are. in the event the auditor of the state registers the bonds. Thero 1 nr disposition here to contest tle bonds. PLATTSMOUTH At the seventh annual meeting of the stockholders of the liatts mouth Telephone company the following officers were elected: President, T. h. I'armele: vice president. C. C. Parmelf; treasurer and general manager, T. H. Pol. lock; secretary, J. N. Wise. The report of the secretary showed that the business of the company for the last year waa 50 per cent more than the previous year and that the company now owns and operate eleven exchanges with 1.H0O telephones and more than WW miles of first-class toll line. Including the exchange In Bouth Omaha. Lincoln and Nebraska City. The company has connections with nearly every town la Nebraska except Omaha and will soon connect the South Omaha exchange wlta Council Bluffs. The usual 10 per cent dividend wa declared. & ,--.--. 1