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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY DKE: TUUKSIUY. FEH1U-AKY s, lwfT. Telephone, Douglas CIS. X Now Inratrd in the new retail center, Howard and Blxteenth Street. With oach day during the past two weeks our already large stock has been augmented by the arrival of new things. Today our stock i complete in every detail. Suits, Waists, Coats, Skirts and Cravenettes such as we now show, excel any previous display of this kind. Our knowledge and long experience of this ready-to-wear gannent business places us at the head and enables us ta better cater to the wants of the public than any other house in the west. Waists. Our stock has been selected by buyers who know what fashionable Omaha de mand. Quality la of drat Importance. Hfyle Is next In consideration, and ret the price mint ever ba within a moderate limit and as low or lower thfth possible to make elsewhere. Three Imrajrtant factors, cen tralized In our prent ' waist showing. Kvery waist on our'sedond floor la new. All winter waists are now In ouf Economy basement, priced at figures that will fores tha Renins. White and cream all over lace waists at tt.oo and S.ff. ;',' Chltia ,allk, blacl or white waists at IS.OO and .a . ' : Lawn -and .mull ,, la . and embroidery walata.V with.., or -without Insertion. .$1.60, U.n, $2. $2.60, M.0O; 3.f to $12.60. Dotted White Swiss waists, tl.IB and $1.75. Black silk taffeta waists, with and with out tucks, $5.00. $3.75, $.T5.' Those at $5.76 have lace insertion with tucks. New sprint suit. . ' New spring coats. New sprint skirts. On our popular second floor. Remarkable Showing of the New Grey Dress Goods, Both Plain and Fancy, Thursday. Just now. the feminine fancy turns to the new soft pretty shades of gray the tnost welcomed In tha sprint as a relief from th dark shade of winter Is the cool colors of tray. Tha pretty shepherds' hack, that runs in about three shades, to gether with the new batistes. In tho soft pretty shades of medium, dark or oxford. New panamas In a fine range of plain weaves. Let's glance at a few of the nov elties, pretty bright threads twisted In and out," forming dainty checks, medium and ' large plaids, which are very popular Just now. The New Grey Silks Will Have an Equal Showing Thursday. And right here la where the silk stock is strong. We have splendid choosing In the new fabrics most In demand,. In the most desirable tones and tints, Including Howard much crow In submitting- to parry dicta tion as any man living." ''"Did you. like lt?' asked Mr. Bpooner, And Mr." Tillman replied, ' "No, but I took r lt" . V ' ' The digression .caused a general laugh, which continued as 'Mr. Patterson re marked lhat he, too." had 'eaten some crow leas tough, than that talton by Mr. Tillman. Mr. Patterson aid te hud bolted. some party nominations at home and expected td do so again. Discussing ths democratic caucus binding resolution, he asked: "la la persuasive or coercive?" and an swering his own inquiry ho declared It to ba cruel, "ft may be refined," he went on, "but it 1 cruel It strips aenators of every element Of independence and Is liable to force them to disgrace their high offices or send them Into oblivion." He declared that aucb a course brought the senate down to the level of an ordinary political meet ing. He had always believed that In public office men were more Important than plut fornis. - 11 had thought that the demo cratic party might learn valuable lessons from the republican party In dealing with the membership of the party. He espe cially commended that party for not having "whole states bound and gagged by the unit rule in national conventions. "The democratic party has been out of power for many years. Will my demo cratic friends not concede that lta arbi trary pie! nods are responsible for that fact?" Mr. Patterson declared that tha doctrine that even states have a right to direct the votes of their senatora has been aban doned. H endorsed tho change of view, holding that the freedom of senators could not otherwise be maintained. Ha declared that the caucus rule did not provide for. tha conscience of the senator, and said a senator should be true to but own convictions, constituting himself a monitor of which he should stand In awe. He appealed for relief from tha "cruelty ' and Injustice and Indefenslblo character of the caucus action." He said that the caucus was equivalent fo declaring that senators were dishonest and that senators who could ' not be se cured through reason should be reached through fear. He said that a aenator who stands in fear of being weakened at the poll because of having violated caucus action haw had Ills moral forces weakened. Deploring the use of such terms as "While i i?-'- ... a Mama...'.V. A og ress If ro VKo t nwalra a ea of ttv bsk man tlsuxt Hi this socnlwoxm. vrlw four nm 4rs Is shov lur ir this Battle t reek convince you in this ad, oi the value to You of our Free new s book, "The Battle CYeelt Idea," you would be gUuj. to pay $10.00 for it. This' Wok U Tsluskle kraua It thorn t ,mi kw te k ll s4 streaa vttbwit using rua e BMSU'in. AU rsv. hovr. Is tbe trice ! a stnrHit mo4 u sbulsKIr rrsa. It ta attaiasKQt sr rMntla ot four swa sw4 awlth i4 th ( hMlih et llM Imh ta M worth Mtal. Mas us on tdr (r UM sksra rcapeai sn wa Will for. want ! kk amati. Taa 4 sat eailttta vaaraalf Is as? war er eaawarfog Uila a4f DlatroiMt. Yaa ara salthar raa.ta is aw, aofthlnt a at ta aramiaa anf Uiaa. All wa aaa la that ,a raa4 tha Wot caralur. It tall taw o asa lira, la jtut awa kaaaa, with eat: siatarbiaf your aallr rvatlna ta aar war, .aaaa. htaKMul Jita taa Ilia that haa raatara ' thavaaaaa ta taanb at tha laaiaua aiti) graah aaaitartaaf It k raracalaa that alaa-taathe af all llliiis ara eaaaaS kr laiarafxr alet. law. aat tlaaaaa; aat'rea, aat health. It Is til la tha ahlee at faaaa. 'Tha natila Creak taWV wig Ull raa haw la rkaaaa right, as ' aa ta al ae heap to4 haaltk. If Ua kaSMh la warth balaa. tha kaak Is worth aestiia fcw taaar. Ataraat llMt.ktaa pvwek gatnltarinaa mm lt4. b:t B44la) Crocki lcn . s . r wvwumr n man m aaaitartnnt to.. Ltd.. I-rS-ZT""- ". g: Hal. a OlJ 7s. L reek, I If we could Great Assemblage of Ultra. Fashionable Garments on our Popular Second Floor. a very complete line of the new cream and evenlnt tints. The new gray broehe silks for suits, new gray Mental pongee In the new soft chiffon finish, new tray princess crepe, the new chiffon gray taffetas,' tha new novelties In tiny checks, pin stripes, pretty plaids outlined here and there with colored threads, giving them a stamp of extreme newness. It will pay you to In vestigate these pretty new silks. It will help the planning of the new town. New St. Gall Swisses and Mulls. We have Just received our first shipment of these beautiful white goods. They are our own Importation and among them will bo found exclusive patterns and designs. Call and see them while tha Una la com plete. They are $2 In. wide and range In price from 3Ko yard up to $1 a yard. "Wa also have a complete line of other new white goods for the spring and sum mer. B.ilow wa mention only a few. New flna white French piques. New fine white embroidered piques. New white mercerised poplins. New white walstlngs. New white hand-embroidered waist pat terns. Ask to see them at our linen de partment. Special Sale. Remnants of table damask and odd one. half dozen napkins. This is a good chance to pick up some rare values. We have all sizes from 1H yards to 3 yards long and prices to suit all. The napkins are excep tionally cheap In price and we have all sizes. The Lesser Articles of Utility. Priced at less than you would 'expect to pay. FANCY BACK COMBS Jeweled and plain, French and Roman told finished, 26c, 60c. PLAIN BIDE COMBB-Of best quality celluloid, 30c and 2Bc pair. CELLfLOID HAIR PINS Good length and crimped to assist In secure fastening, 1 loe a dozen. SHOPPING BAGS Black snd brown braided cotton, liberal site, specially priced, 2Sc. DARNING COTTON-In black, white and brown, speclnl at S spools for 5c. u and Sixteenth Streets House democrats" and "insurgent repub licans" when Independence was ahown, he repeated that it wan the duty of every senator, regardless of party, to vote his solemn convictions . Aa to the qualification that a aenator should be 39 years of age, Mr. Patterson quoted Judge Story, that thirty yeara was not to : long for. due . maturity, and said that "tried Integrity"; was one qualifica tion.. He spoke of "taunts'' having passed back and forth across the chamber aa to coercive mcasurea and also spoke of aum mons of senators, to the White House. "I don't hesitate to say that the sena tor or member who surrenders his own convictions In the hope of patronage and that tho president who promisee It are, to say the least, to ba condemned," he said, adding that such a course was nothing less than bribery. Such a course waa im moral and Indefensive and was the same aa aecuring votes for venal considerations. Quoting the different .sections of the pre ample to his resolution. Mr. Patterson commented upon them. Referring to one of these sections, he said there Is neither constitutional nor statutory authority for twenty-five or thirty senators to attempt to coerce the vote of one of their colleagues. Such a course Is calculated to deprive a state of lta proper representation In the senate, he declared, and'iskml: "Who is willing to be Impaled by the public con tempt for submitting to such dictation?" He declared that In the public view a senator becomes a representative of other statea other than his own. He concluded substantially as follows: "I have no regrets for tho course I have pursued and shall continue, to pursue it. It la true I may not be admitted to the councils of my party In the senate, but realizing that I am excluded because I am striving to perform my duty as I have sworn to execute It, I will bear tha seclu sion in perfect equanimity by simply say ing to my democratic friends that I expect to meet them In the next democratic con vention, where I hope we will help nom Inuto a candidate for president who will be equally aa brave as Mr. Roosevelt In fight ing the fight of the people." ' CUT GLAKS-Frensrtr. ILin and Dod. MORMONS ON RACK (Continued from First Page.) the next day it might have been true," tha witness replied.; '. Mr. Wolfe's dissatisfaction with the church has been a growth since the hostil ity seemed to raise up between the church and the I'nited Plates government, but be ; had not lost hia faith until late in 1!M. He I was arked concerning the hostility in the church to the nation and where the lines were drawn. He thought the lines were be tween those Itvtng In polygamy and thoae not. He said that a number of hymns of the church breathed hostility und these were favorites In tha churcj'.. Obligation of Vrtfttsre, Mr. Worthlngton asked concerning the oaths In the temple and the witness said ha believed that In the "ohllgatlou of vengeance" "the aed of treason is planted." He said he rwallxed that within an hour after he had taken the oath and had taken it bn- once for himself. The other eleven times, he said, had been for dead persons. An effort waa made by Mr. Worthlngton to procuro an . unqualified answer aa to whether there was anything In the endow ment bouas ceremony which would Inter fere with anyone taking It in serving in the I'nited Stales senate and whether such person's dutiea to the church and country would conflict. The witness declared that every Mormon's first duty la to the church of Latttr Day Saints, Replying to questions by Chairman Bur rowa tha wttnesa gave a deacrlptlon of tha Interior of the temple. Ha said that In the secret annex or chapel there were paint ings In oil of ths president and all of tho apostles. eVuator 8m sot a picture waa there.. 'tie said, and Aenator Knox axked tf ! there were any htiot; ever th.'.. The wll- Bee, February 7, 106. Ladies' Neckwear. New spring wash collars of linen, em broidery, Ince and embroidery batiste. New coat sets, new chemisettes, new coat collars for children, "takenparf detachable two-piece stock collars and tailor-made stock collars, sll popular shapes, very nrtistic In design and very low In price to add a touch of attractiveness to your entire attire. Linen, embroidery batiste and lace collars. 25c. up. Tailor-made stocks of white linen, some with touches of color, 6Cc. "Takeaparf stocks especially designed for long wear, 60c and 76c. White coat sets, niad of embroidered pique. $2 and $2.50. Chemisettes, In white lace and embroi dery, TTiC up. Children's coat collars In white lace and embroidery, "So up. A Ribbon Inducement. Plain taffeta ribbon, 4 to 6V4 In. wide. In all colors, expressly adapted for the hair, neck and girdles. 15c, 20c. 3c yard. Undermuslins Underpriced. CORSET COVERS Very dainty nainsook and muslin styles, with lace, embroidery and Insertion trimmings and tucked backs. The bucks of some! are also lace and em broidery trimmed. 60c, 75c, 6e, $1 up to $7. CHEMISE Made of fine quality nainsook and long cloth, with lace or embroidery trimmed necks and skirts, extra good lengths, with fitted backs, 50o. 76c, 85c, $1 to $5. DRAWERS In plain hemstitched ruffles or with Valenciennes late edging or em broidery trimmed, many with embroidery medallions with valenclennes lace and In sertion to match, 50c. "tic, 83c, $1 to $5. Millinery Opening on or About March First. This Is going to be one of the most talked of events among fashionable feminine Omaha, thnt baa occurred for many sea sons. Defer your purchases until you see how closely we are In touch with things European. nees replied that the pictures were un varnished. The witness said he had told C. M. Owen, who la assisting In the prosecution, In Oc tober and November of last year that he waa becoming dissatisfied with the church because laws of the land had been broken and would not remain in It much longer. He had told of the- Cluff ca.ia, he said, and believed that was what he waa called for. Tha committee adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. Wortb Knowing; that Allcock's are the oilglnal and genuine porous plasters; all opera are imitations. CONVENTION GOES TO SEATTLE Christian Kndeavor Society Will Meet In Northwestern City Neat Year. NEW YORK. reb. 7.-At a meeting to day of the trustees of the I'nlted Society of Christian Kndeavor Seattle, Wash., was unanimously decided upon aa the place for the next general convention In 1907. Kour cities were In the race, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kansas City und Seattle. Bcattle had the endorsement of many of the leading state, civic and church organi sations throughout the country and the personal recommendation of Vice President Fairbanks. MAYORS TO MEET IN CHICAGO Plan to Have President Roosevelt Address Heads of American ManK-lpalltlrs. CHICAGO. Feb. 7.-John McVlcker, mayor of pes Moines, la., outlined a plan to have a meeting of the League of Ameri can Municipalities held In Chicago next September before the ways and means committee of the Chicago Commercial as sociation here today. The league, of which Mr. McVlcker Is secretary. Is composed of j the mayors of all the principal cities of the Lmted States. President rtoosevelt will be Invited to attend the meeting. DEATH RECORD. Aitoatlc M. W. Merrill. SALT LAKE CITY, Ltah. Feb. I.-ilai-Iner W. Merrill, an apostle of the Mormon church, dkd late last night at Richmond. Vtah. aged Tl years. Apostle Merrill twice had been subpoenaed as a witness before the 8 moot Investigation in Washington, the last subpoena having boen served but a few days ago. He waa wanted to testify In relation to reports that he had taken u plural wife since the Woodruff manifesto. i Apostle Merrill waa one of the wealthiest men in the Mormon church and waa tha richest cltiaen of Cache county. He hod been married nine times, and at the time i of his death had seven living wives, each I of whom waa maintained on a separata I estate. . He leaves furty-nlne sons and daughters, 140 grandchildren and several great grand children. , i J. C. Fisher. , NKOLA. la.. Feb. 7. (Soecial J Fisher, aged years, died at hia home In Neola township at 6 o'clock this morning from cancer of tbe face, from which he had , tuffered only a few weeks. Mr. Fisher I waa born tu Qulncy, Hi., and came to Pottawattamie county In 147. He served duiing tha war of the rebellion. Dr. Frank Urlflln. ONAWA. Ia., Feb. 7.-(8pcial.-Di . Frank Griffin is dead at hia borne In Ma pleton, la., aged (0 years. Dr. Urlflln came to Mapleton, Monona county, lu 1K78 and haa since been engaged Id tha drug busi ness. Ik Dakota Scnrosa Conrt. PIERRE, 8. P.. Feb. T.-(Spclal Tele gram. ) In tha supreme court today aa opinion was handed down by Justice Cor. son in the '.." of William Peano. appel lant, against John R.Ujrannan, Fall River, affirmed. SHAW- REPLIES 10 BANKERS Secretary fieri. tk Raiolationi of tha New fork Chamber of I emmaroa. GENERAL ACCORD ON RESULT SOUGHT nifferenre Art sea as to Method of Accomplish meat and Secretary Thlnka Ills flan la Heat One Yet Proposed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Secretary Shsw has received through Jacob H. 8-hlft of New York a oopy of the resolutions recently adopted by the Chamber of Commerce of New York City, In which exception Is taken to some of the secretary's well known views on the subject of curtenCy letlslatlon. In his reply the secretary says under yester day's date: My Dear Mr. SMrlff! I am In receipt of your letter of February 3, accompanied by a copy of the report of the . committee on finance and currency of the New York f hamlwr of Commerce. Of those who study the question nine met out of ten agree that something should he done to make our cur rency system elastic, but of the nine who unite that something should be done. It is difficult to find two who agree on the meas ure that shall lie adopted. In the commit tee's report' I find this language: "The redemption of the. national bank notes Is limited to a total of I3.0no.noo per nionth, thus tying up, to a large extent, the only source of redemption we have." The most, unfortunate feature of this statement Is the fact that" there Is now no limitation on the redemption of national bank circulation. . - Some- Illustration In Point. The secretary points otit that the commit tee recommended trie repeat of the law re ferred to and aays: In the face of the fart that the banks at New York City alone returned to the treas ury for redemption over 12,0n0,0or In na tional bank notes during the single nionth of December last," the-foregoing recommen dation justifies my regret that the commit tee did not give the subject that considera tion which is its due. While there Is a law limiting the amount of lawful monev which the hanks may deposit for the retirement of circulation to 3,Mju,oiiQ per month, there Is no mmiHuun on redemption or national bank notes and no limitation on the retire. ment of national bank circulation bv banks that Which to riennxlt thoir nm-n nM Th, miunuuii m wiion ine contraction or law- riii tv ..... , V... -i ... . i - - . , i .... .iiw,,, u.-yonii inereoi inr ine re tirement of bank circulation. I beg to sug gest that In my opinion the repeal of the provision would not effect the remedv. Logically banks find It profitable to retire their circulation, sell their bonds and swell their reserve whenever money is worth ex cessively high rates or interest. I regret that the committee of the Chamber of Com merce did not study the question In the IlKht of the actual operations of the bunks of New York City. The repeal of the M.OuO, per month limitation on the amount of lawful money that can be taken out of cir culation for the retirement of national bank circulation would make It possible to retire all our national bank circulation In a given month, If national bunks studied the question as closely a few banks In New York City. Deposit of Government Fnnda. In your letter you urge that the chamber's recommendation that the secretary of the treasury be authorised to deposit all public funds, except the gold reserve and a reason able working balance, In national banks at a reasonable rate of Interest, should be brought to thw immediate attention of con gress. I think favorably of the commit tee's recommendation that these deposits he at a reasonable rate of Interest, pro vided they be made, without specific se curity. You being a. banker, must recog nise that hanks cannot afford to pay 2 per cent Interest on government deposits except when Interest rates, are below 8 per cent If COmncllert tO rive fnv,riiiiinni t-tj.nHa aa security. It Is not likely, however, that I any bank would surrender a government deposit Kim ply because of a fluctuation In current rates .of Interests. Thus you will see that, the two 'recommendations of the chamber. If they had any effect whatever, would result In further expansion during the seasons of plenty, and further contrac tion when Interest rates are high. I also note tbe suggestion" In the report that additional 'Plrctilatlnn equal to 50 per cent, oi inn DoiKi-aequrea circulation main talned by th,a bunk of issue would be excessive- and result tin "Inflation. Nearly all advocates -of elanue.'.. currency urge the necessity of joint) clan . which will relieve local stringency. The scarcity of money which called forth the reference of the question to tho committee of the Chamber of Commerce ,aa, ,ronfined,uto. New York City And therefore local, Circulation T a Regrnlator. Had the stringency been aa acute through out the Cnltea Htates as it was In New York In December- I doubt -whethor an Increase of national bank circulation equal to 60 per cent of the aggregate circulation then existing would have been excessive. If less than the limit authorised by law did prove excessive. If less than the limit authorized by law did prove sufficient to restore normal rates of Interest certainly no more would Issue If subjected to a tax of 6 or 6 per cent. The wholu theory of heavily taxed circulation la to prevent excessive lssno at any time and to Insure its retirement when normal conditions are restored. Hut this Is simply a detail and not essential to the method outlined in my report. While tho committee In general terms declared against I In- plan briefly stated in the report of the secretary of thu treasury, which is substantially the system now and for many years In successful operation In Germany, It failed to point out any defect therein except as to the volume of addi tional circulation that might be Issued In case of an emergency. You will quite agree with me, I think, that greater latitude of discussion would have ensued had the com mittee formulated some system of its own. While I think the German plan the best and most practicable, I do not consider It the only workable method. If none other can be formulated, however, there is great hope that sooner or later the country will agree upon the recommendation contulned In the report. Very truly yours. U M. SHAW. LAWSON VISITS ST. PAUL Promoter Says He Has. lOnough Proxies to Cpnlrol Two III Inatrtuee Coin pan lea. ST. PAUL, Minn ! Feb. 7. Thomas W. Lawaon of Boston held a four hours' con ference with Governor Johnson at the capl tol today, which ended at ti o'clock this evening. Immediately afterward Ma. Law noil left for Chicago. The subject of the conference waa the ' forming of a commit tee of governors and other prominent men to Investigate the affaire of the New York Ufe and the Mutual Lifo Insurance com panies. At the close of the conference Mr. Law son stated that his Interview with Gov ernor Johnson bad been very satisfactory. "Governor Johnson has consented to servs as a member of the committee I have In mind," said Mr. Lawson, "and the others who will make up a part of the commit- A llOVS Hit KAK FAST There's a Satarat Food That It's Own War. Makes There s a boy up In Hoosk k Falls, N. Y., who la growing into aturdy manhood on Grape-Nuts breakfasts. It might have been different with him, as his mother explains: "My 11-year-old boy is large, welt de veloped and active, and haa been made ao by hia fondness for Grape-Nuts food. At five years ha waa a very nervous child and was subject to frequent attacks of ludlgestlon which usod to rob him of his strength and warn very troublesome to deal with. He never seemed to rare for anything for " his breakfast until I tried Grape-Nuts, and I have never had to change from that. He makes hia entire breakfaat of Grape-Nuts food. It la always relished by him and he says that It satisfies him better than the ordinary kind of a meal. "Better than all ha l no longer troub led with Indigestion or nervousness, and haa got to be a' splendidly developed fellow alnca ha began to ua Qrapa-Nuta food." Name given by Poatum Co., Bat tle Creek. Mloh. . 1 ". There's a eaaon. .' Read tha little book, "TUa Road to Wellvlile," In pkgs. tee are Governor Broward of Florida, Tormer Attorney General Frank 8. Mon nett of Ohio and Fremont Older of Ban Flanclsio. I am not yet ready to announce the other names. "I have enough proxies right now to give me a voting control of the New Tork Life and the Mutual Life." Governor Johnson said to the Associated Press after the conference that he had agreed to remain on the committee, "al though I refused to act as chairman of It. as Mr. I,awson urged me to do, as It would take too much of iny time away from tha etate." he added. "Has Mr. Iawsou the necessary proxies from policyholders to control the voting In the two big life Insurance companies?" was asked. "I believe from the showing he made this afternoon that he has," replied the governor, "and I believe Mr. Lawaon has a card up his sleeve that will astonish the folks." RATE BILL IS REPORTED (Continued from First Page.) expression of the hope that the bill would Be sent to the senate without amendment. He concluded at 4 o'clock and asked at once for the reading of the bill. Mr. Grosvenor (O.) stated that he had reconsidered his Intention to offer an amendment prohibiting railroad officials from owning industrial properties along tha lines of their roads. An amendment was presented by Mr. T'n derwood (Ala.) extending the regulations of the existing laws and the proposed bill to express companies. Mr. Hepburn declined to discuss the mat ter. Ho had stated, he said, the reasons why amendments ought not adopted. All Amendments Voted Down. Mr. Townsend made the statement that the bill really Included express companies and Pullman cars under the language "Joint instrumentalities" of traffic. On a vote by tellers the amendment waa defeated. 118 to Hfl. A number of other amendments were de feated, among them being: By Mr. Shackelford (Mo.), to add a "long and short haul clause"; by Mr. Prince (111.), n iu require all roads after 19W to own the cars run over their roads; by Mr. She pai d (Tex.), to Include carriers "wholly by water"; by Mr. Shackelford Mo.), several amendments for freight classification. An nntl-pnss amendment by Mr. Gaines (Tenn.) caused some amusement, aa Mr. Gainea Insisted on discussing Its merits and was continuously applauded. "You must all have passes In your pockets," he ejaculated, shaking his finger toward the republican side. On a vote by tellers the amendment was defeated, 137 to 99. Mr. Sulxer (N. V.) offered his bill as an amendment, but It wont out on a point of order. It was 6:45 when all amendments were disposed of. All proposed changes had been rejected and tho bill was reported to the house exactly as It came from Mr. Hepburn's committee. Mr. Gaines pursued his anti-pass cam paign further by endeavoring to recommit the bill to committee, with Instructions to report his amendment on it. Tills failed. A roll call was demanded on the passage of the bill. Just as it was about to begin the house, at 6:55, adjourned on motion of Mr. Hepburn, until tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon. WALLACE FOR COSTRACT SVSTKM Former Knalneer Says Canal. Can Ba Bnllt Cheaper that Wny. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-John Findley Wallace, former chief engineer of tho canal commission, today concluded his testimony before the senate canal commission except In relation to the type of canal, to be taken up after the report of the board of consult ing engineers has been made public. He says the red tape necessary to the eysteui Involved In governmental work compelled him to favor the contract plan of building the canal In order to expedite Its comple tion. He thought the man In charge of the work on the Isthmus should be the undis puted head, with the governor of the sone second and the man who has charge of the procuring of supplies and men third in au thority. Headquarters of tho commission j should be on the isthmus, Mr, Wallace said. and the harder the communication with Washington the less the work would bo re tarded. He thought the engineer In charge was not paid an excessive salary. Mr. Morgan suggested Mr. Stevens was receiving us much as all six of the sena tora In the committee room and Mr. Wallace replied: "Yes. and I presume he earns It." He thought the chairman of the commis sion if he was to live in the I'nited States was receiving too much, but said he could not speak confidently concerning that. The hearing was adjourned until Friday at 11 o'clock. ASKS 4 XK.MF.NCY FOR MERItt KTIIER Secretary Bonaparte Requests Pardon 'for Cadet Convicted of Hasina. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Secretary Hona parte today recommended to tho president the pardon of Midshipman Minor Meri wether, Jr.. convicted of hazing and sen tenced to dismissal from the naval acad emy. He said there Is room for reasonable doubt aa to whether the acta were com mitted with criminal Intent and adds that the accused stood on his head and per formed the "rabbit dance" and various other nonvnslcul acts In the presence of the same midshipmen whom he is accused of hazing. "The acts of hazing proved ' against the accused." aays the secretary, "are not only as the courts says 'mild in form,' but rather good natured 'horse play than any deliberate attempt to usurp authority over the midshipmen, of t lie fourth cloxs to op press or humiliate them and wince the court has found with the upproyal of the super intendent of the HCHil'-my that the accused Is seeking to comply with, the admonition given Jilm by the previous court-martial the department feels that the ends of Jus tice will be more nearly attended by the exercise of executive clemency in this case than by the execution of the sentence of dlsmlsHal." SK.NATK t'OM'lUMa tOMIVVIIOtft Sdinlnatlon of l.lentenant General Hatra Hands the Mst. WASHINGTON. Feb. T.-The senate In executive session today confirmed the fol lowing nominations: Major General John '. Bales. V. 8. A., to be lieutenant general; Brigadier Gen eral Adolphus V Ureelny, chief signal offi cer, to be major general: Colonel James Allan to be chief signal officer, with rang of brigadier general. Postmasters: Iowa 8. D. Henry. Coon Rapids; G. W. Gray. Corning; N. C. Nel son. Essex; G. I,. Whlnery. Iowa Falls; W. F. Kopn, Mount Pleasant; H. E. Hull. Williamsburg. Kansas W. Chapman. Mound Valley; J. M. Watson, Frankfort; 8. Hkovgaurd. Grnen leaf: Frank Harlow, Kingman: D. Deputy, Manhattan: D. Fltspatrhk. Halina; W. A. Hopkins, Solomon; J. O. Hanson, James town; F. Fuhr, Meads. Nebiaska W. W. Hopkins, Oakland. tioaalnatlona hy President. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. The preaident to day sent tha following nominations to the sanate: To ba major general: Brigadier General Frederick D. Grant. l.leutenant colonels to be brigadier gen erals: William R. Hirkhtmer. artillery corps; Palmer O. Wood. Eleventh Infantry; Heury A. Read, artillery corps. postmasters: Iowa R. W. Hllleary, New !ndon. Mlssourt--C Conger. I'nionville. Nebraska Orlfflth 1. Thomas. Hat-yard, To Core a Col 4 In One Bar take LAXATIVB BROUO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund monsy if ll falls to euro. C. W. drove a slgnatara la on each bog. &a Building Loans Are a spmalty with this association. firing in your plans, give us the location of your lot and we will promptly toll ,you how much we can loan for the building of the house. Aa a rule we do not loan over 50 per cent of the actual cost of a house and lot. Our loans repayable in monthly install ments, borrowers having the privilege of pay-,' ing off $100 of principal at any time, at ohce stopping interest on that amount. Our borrowing members also share fully in dividends with investing members. Kesourres, $1,535,000.00.' . Call for booklet, fully explaining our plan. The Conservative Savings & Loan Association 7 , 203 o. 16th Stratt, Out aha. Nab. . AFTER HARD COAL COMBINE Eeiolution in FennsjUania Legiilaturt Bays Railroad. Are Violating Law. RULED CUT AFTER STORMY DEBATE It Directs Attorney (ienertl to Brlnsr Proceedings t nrter Sec tion of Mate ronstltn tlon. HARRISUVRtl, Ta., Feb. 7.-In the today Mr. Crcac' of Columbia county of fered the following concurrent rcsplutlon: Whereas, article xvll, aectlon 5, of tho constitution of Pennsylvania provides as follows: ,- No Incorporated company doing the busi ness of a common carrier shall directly or InrilrAi.!!,. nr. . iwit 1 ri r gtnuuun In til I II 1 1 1 If I or manufacturing articles tor transporta tion over its works, nor shall such com ' Hum- riireotiv nr iruilrectlv. cnifaae in anv other business than that of common car riers or hold or acquire lands, freehold or leasehold, directly or Indirectly, except such as shall be necessary for carrying on Its business, but any mining or manufac turing company- may carry the ptoduct of its mines and manufactures on Its rail roads or canal not exceeding fifty miles In length. Whereas, it Is well known that the greater part of the anthracite coal lands are owned or leaded either directly or In directly bv the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road company, the Delaware & Lacka wanna Railroad company, and tlieu said railroad companies are mining said coal, either directly or Indirectly, lor the pur pose of shipping the same over their lines, thus giving said railroads a monopoly In Its transportation to market. Whereas, It Is alleged by coal miners that the price of such coal has been raised since the lntt anthracite coal strike II to 1 15 per ton; yet the so-called operators are refusing to allow the miners any in crease in wages, and thus another strike Is threatened, therefore, be It Resolved. Hy the house of representa tives, the senate concurring, that the at torney general lie and he Is hereby In structed to make careful Inquiry, and If after such lavextlgatlon he' shall And any of ald railroad companies or . any. other - rauroau conuan o m . ." I directly or Indlrertly.' violating the afore mentioned section of the constitution he shall proceed forthwith in the law or equity I courts of the commonwealth to prevent 'such violation of the constitution of the state. The resolutkm waa ruled out on a point of order that resolutions were In order only on Mondays and Fridays. V m rinrner of flchuvlklll moved that the ' rules be suspended for tha purpose of tho Introduction of the resolution. Various motions followed. Including one to adjourn, the adjournment motion was rejected and Anally after a protracted wrangle Mr. McClaln of Iincaster raised tho point of order that motions to suspend the rules He oh tbe table one day and was sustained by the speaker, nfter which the house adjourned. ' Remarkable Progreaa. The success , that has been attained In bringing into general demand and niaklnK popular all over the CniU'd States Mod & Chandon "White Seal" champagne, vint age of 1900, Is shown by the custom bouse statistics of Importations during the year 1905. No less than 99.3S7 cases of Moet & Chandon champagne were brought Into the port of New York last year, keeping this grand wine at the head of the list, the amount being over 50 per cent greater than the Importations of the brand which stand aecond on the list. White Seal "1900." acknowledged: as perfection In champagne. Is given preference at all first-class hotels and restailDonts and Is used almost ex clusively at ull prominent functions. Contract for College Bnlldlna; Let. HCRON, S. r.. Feb. 7. (Special.) J. II. Nickel & Co. of 81. Paul haa been awarded the contract for the construction of the Huron college building and will enter at once upon the work, which Is expected to he completed by September 1. The main bulldmg will be 170 feet In length. 65 feet wide and three stories high above the basement. There will be an annex 5tixH5 feet, same height - as the main building and connected with It by a corridor. The entire structure will cost llK,o. and when completed will be one of the best and Food For The GrowingChild Whole-tiral Prepnrntlona Declared of Greatest Vnlno In Uevelop ment of Body and Mind. "The growing child especially needs those elements that are found In whole grain preparations." says the writer of a recent maguaine. article on 'The Best Foods for Growing Children.' Malta-Vita is the perfect whole wheat food rich In every nutratlve element de manded by the tody of the cMU and just at healthful and strengthening for the child's parents and older slaters and brothers. Being a pure grain product-simply tha whole of the best white wheat and a Utile salt, mixed with pure barley malt extract Malta-Vita auppliea the body with all those food elements which make bone, blood, muscle and brain and bring per fect health. The malt extract is added after tha wheat baa been . thoroughly cooked and steamed and couvorta the starch of tha wheat Into maltose, or malt sugar, which la hlahly nutritious and easily aanlmulaud ven by very weak atomacba. Physicians recommend maltose for Its etrength-glvlng qualities and Malta-Vita Is rich In It. After being treated with tha malt artract, the wheat. rp11d Into little wafer flak., goes to Jh ovens, where It la baked crisp and brown, delldotis beyond description. All grrrra, now rents. handsomest college buildings in this part of the country. The walls will be of pressed brick, with Iron - framework and Bedford atone trimmings, and the Interior will be hardwood finish. It Is the purpose of the trustees to make the edifice as nearly fireproof aa possible. DIAMONDS Ldholm, lCth and lit may. Prairie Fire Is Ont. CHEYENNK, Wyol, Feb. 7.-8pecls4.)-The big prairie Are that raged for two days In the eastern part of this county has burned Itself out. A strip of country thirty miles wide and fifty miles long was burned over, but strange to say not a single ranch house was destroyed, although there were many targe ranches In the path of the Are, Some corrals and sheds were destroyed, to gether with several stacks of hay.. .The Are started on the Colorado A--Southern, be tween Islny and Iron Mountain, and fanned by a high wind traveled eastward rapidly. Try Dr-Graves' Tooth Powder It is the most effective tooth preservative and cleanser made. Use it fdr health and economy leaves delicious after taste. Ask your dentist.' In heady metal eaaa or bottles, Se. ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TMM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. ' TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH V . HAND SAPOLIO All Oncers ad. DniggUt , AMCSEMEMTS. DflVn'P Woodward A Burgess, DU I U 0"" Managers. FRIDAY. SAT. MAT. and NIGHT,' PAUL G1LM0RE ii "Captain Dcbonntirc." SUNDAY, MON., TCEtl., WED Y. MONTGOMERY and STONE In THE WIZARD OfOZ . , In. 16. 17 "T HE'OLD HOMK. STRAP." C O M I'N ti . , ' THE CLANSMAN r By Thomas Dixon, Jr., from bis' two famous novels, "The Clansinan and "T h el eopa rd ' a P pot "II- RIIRWnnn Nights & Sun. Mats, loc-c. " Tu ues.,Thurs..SatMats.0-20c THIS WOllV4HI STOCK t THIS AFTKTtNOON. Double Uri'hestra TUN1UHT. Charley's Aunt 21st Bio Week NEXT WFEK 1 IROQUOIS Hy Sedlev Hrnwn CM KIOHTOM I'hone Douglas 401. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY "r;:: 25c CHILDREN, 10c. TONIGHT. 8:13. Prices, 10c, c. Mo. IDlir: Prices 15c, aic-.juc, Too. KUU Mats - Any, tVal, 1o. Tonight, :ln. Mntinee Saturday. Wm. Gillette's Most Notable Achievement, SHERLOCK HOLMES All the Original Electrical and Bceivlc Effects as Presented In New York and London Sunday, I'nclc Josh' Bpruceby AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK HkaUng will he' Resumed.', Friday Afternoon. Ladies' Day. ... j LADIES ADMITTED FR5E ' Oyster Pattie Thursday Dinner tvt ' me CALUMET VIEHHA EUROPEAN HOTEL I0III3IS Farira m St. Omibt.', cetanrnnt, LndUs' Cata? Private Dtnlnv rooms. Bar DawftftB lli,U nartlon, , CIDER MEW MARAOVMBHT; ' C.' K. Wllkloa AT r Pwoffpto'takra, a n