Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Bee Phones NUMBERS:
Huslne Douglas 238
Ctrrnlatlon .... ItouKlas 07
Kftltorlal Louglaa 201
Bee Phones numbers.
I'.uslncss ...... lunula JM
Circulation. . . . lonlii 81)7
Kdltorlal IHrnglas 201
Senate Committee Eeiomet Hearing in the
Sin oo t ' Me.
Purpoeeoftie Inquiry ia to Develop This
. U J Li
Saya Praotios Hal Inoreated Bince Utah
Beeame a State.
Outh of Yenaenuce Taken There, He
Mr, la the Seed of Treason
Woodruff Manifesto Only
a Trlek.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Hearlngs In the
rase of. Senator Reed Bmoot was resumed
today before the committee on privilege
and elections. The Investigation of the
protect against the Utah senator retain
ing his seat continued through the two ses
sions of congress and today marked the
beginning of meetings which the committee
In likely to hold Intermittently throughout
I he present session.
The first witness was Prof. Walter N.
Wolfe, former teacher of geology In Brig
ham Young college at Logan, Utah, and
an apostata of tin church. John O. Car
lisle of New Tork conducted the prosecu
tion and A. S. Wortlilngton of this city
defended the senator.
Prof. Wolfe testified that he had been a
Mormon until January 1, this year, when
his connection was severed through failure
to comply with the demands for tithes.
He was asked to tell what he knew of the
alleged plural marriage of Prof. Benjamin
fluff and Florence Reynolds, both teachers
at Provo. This case occupied a prominent
place in the former hearings. In detailing
what he knew of their relations he told
f f a Mormon expedition to Mexico. Prof.
Wolfe said he had been Informed at that
time by Cluff that he was married to
Florence Reynolds and that they lived to
gether on that trip. President Smith, he
said, referred to Florence as "Sister Cluff."
Twehs Times In Endowment House.
"Twelve times," answered Prof. Wolfe,
when asked how many times he had been
through the endowment house or temple,
he explained, as the endowment house was
torn down many years ago.'
"Did you take any obligations or oaths
when you went through T" asked Mr. Car
lisle. "Every time," he replied.
inked to detail them, he said there had
been obligations of chastity, sacrifice and
vengeance., i
"What do you mean by vengeance,"
asked Mr, Carlisle. "Do you mean there
was a promise or pledge given to avenge
something T" . '. ' -
The witness then aald that this oath had
been ftikenV.'Tra arid each of you do
covenant and pray, and never cease to
pray, God, to avenge the blood of the
prophet of this nation."
The oath, he said, was taken standing,
and at the conclusion each one taking it
was required to bow their heads and say
"I do."
After giving many other details of the
ceremony, such as the manner of annolnt
lng, he was asked concerning a trial had
by the board of Brlgham Young academy
as to the reasons for a long absence of
fluff from tha Mexican expedition. The
witness said Apostle Reed Smoot was
among those In attendance, and that he
had heard testimony given by the witness
himself that the reason for fluff's absence
wss because he was living apart with a
plural wife.
Another Plural Marriage.
Another plural marriage was qpoken of
uy the witness. This was between Ovena
Jorgenson, a student at Brlgham Young
academy, and "Brother" Ikey, with whom
the girl became enamored, according to a
confession she la alleged to have made to
ITof. Wolfe. He said the girl came to his
house and gave. as an excuse for an ab
sence from school that she had gone to
Juares. Mex., and had been married In
polygamy. This had been with the con'
sent of fluke President George Q. Can
non. The girl came back to the school untl
graduated In the class of 1800, said the
On further examination, conducted , by
Chairman Burrows, Prof. Wolfs said that
In southern Utah and New Mexico polyg
amy is talked with some freedom. He
quoted Apostle John Henry 8mlth as hav
ing raid concerning the manifesto: "It Is
a. trick to beat the devil at his own game."
He Quoted John Wilson of Logan, a
prominent Mormon, as saying: "The man
ifesto enables the church to exclude men
who outtht not to have more than one
wife and gives to worthy men an oppor
tunity to take plural wives."
Both of these statements, the witness
said, were made In his church.
"To the beet of my knowledge.'' said
Prof. Wotfe. "polygamous cohabitation has
Increased very materially since Utah was
admitted a a state."
Dismissed for Drunkenness.
On cross-examination Mr. Worthingion
produced the original charges brought
ugalnst Cluff by Prof. Wolf and other
memlicrs of the Mexican expedition.
The witness was asked why he had re
frained from making the charge that Cluff
was living In Mexico with Florence Rey
nolds. "For several reasons," replied Wolfe.
"The chief one w as that polygamy was
not a crime in the eyes of the church."
When asked concerning some of the pro
ceedings of that trial, particularly con
cerning Intimate details, he said there was
ii gentleman In the room who was butler
itualltied to answer.
"WhoT" asked Mr. ' Worthlngton.
"The senator from Utah," he replied.
Arier stating that Mr. Smoot had not
been a member of the subcommittee mak
ing the Investigation, Mr. Worthlngton
asked concerning his habits and whether
lied had been discharged from his position
as a teacher because of drunkenness. , He
aald his resignation had been "Involun
tarily voluntary," and explained that he
bad drank for twenty years, and there
haj been no change In his habits all thotw
years, but that after refusing to pay tithes
he had been asked to resign on account of
having brn intoxicated on a Sunday early
In Junuary of this year. He said he knew
the consequence of refusing to pay tithes.
Senator Hopkins asked If the charge had
been true that ha was drunk on the Sun
day referred to.
"Not sir; if the charge had been made
"Continued vu Second Psge.J
Balfour Accedes to Chamberlain's
Wish that r.eneral Council
ft l ollo.l.
I.ONDON, Feb. 7.-A. J. Balfour hss
finally acceded to ,IoS"ph Chamberlain's
wish that a call be made for a general
meeting of the unionist party, which, It
Is expected, will be fixed for February 15,
tho'-' no details have yet been settled.
In meantime Mr. Chamberlain has
Issu?. Important manifesto, which,
whlls.V nttiatlng rather than lessening
the pa", nsinn. still leaves Mr. Balfour
a brldg. ' which to cross Into the tariff
reform otherwise, beyond exactly
deflnlng 5. Vhamlwrlaln's position, the
letter leat -ittrrs much as they were
The f liar. Inite newspaper organs
this morning" rcntly assume that Mr.
Balfour will .v the bridge, for they
head Mr. CbamWInln'e letter "The Crisis
Ended." "A United Party." etc., and edi
torialize in the same strain. The sugges
tion, however. Is made by the Chronicle
thst Mr. Chamberlain has abandoned the
frontal attack on Mr. Balfour In favor
of an enveloping movement In an attempt
to capture the party machinery.
That Mr. Chamberlain has no idea of
abandoning tariff agitation is shown by his
declaration of an Intention to form his
own parliamentary group. He ulso, in bis
letter, suggests that questions of social
reform now arising will require large
revenues, the raising of which may be
Indirectly connected with tariff policy. This
Is regarded as a bid for the support of the
new labor party.
American Woman Refuses to Be Led
Into Further Marital Relations
. with rnatellane.
PARIS, Feb. 7. Strong efforts contlnuo
to be made in behalf of the Castellane
family to bring about the abandonment, of
the divorce suit begun by the Countess
Bonl de Castelllne (formerly Anna Gould)
but up to the present the desired result
has not been achieved. An attempt made
to obtain the countess' assent to a Judicial
separation without an absolute divorce hns
also been unsuccessful and probably the
case will pursue the ordinary course, com
ing up for a hearing at no fixed date, but
It is expected that It will be heard three
weeks hence.
According to the French law there Is no
further necessity for the defendant to
appear unless the judge decides that his
evidence Is essential. The pronouncement
of a decree dissolves any contract relative
to marriage settlements, each party resum
ing control of their own property. A
divorced woman may not remarry within
ten months after a Judgement, while an
appeal against a decision must be lodged
within six months.
A report which cannot be ronflsmed, says
that Count Bonl has entered a counter
plea, claiming heavy damages.
Premier Fejerrnry Declares Hun
garian Coalition Beara Too
Heavily Upon Francis Joseph.
BUDAPEST. Hungary, Feb. 7.-The
hunger for sovereign power and the at
tempt to restrict the constitutional rights
and functions of the chief of state In such
a way as "even tho president of a repub
lic would not submit to," are declared by
Premier Fejervary to be the real causes of
the crisis In Hungary.
The coalition, he says. In an Interview,
wishes to restrict the legal, sovereign
rights of the king In regard to the control
and organization of tho army and make
them dependent on the discretion of chang
ing parliamentary majorities, whereas the
right of Parliament la limited by law to
approval or rejection of votes for army
credits and the annual contingent of re
cruits. 1
Residents of Hebrides Island Knforce
Their Demands In Absence
of Troops.
EDINBURGH, Scotlund. Feb. 7. The
crofters of Barra Island, Hebrides, have
seized the neighboring Island of Vatersay
and declare their Intention to resist by
force of arms any attempt to dislodge them.
A regular war expedition was fitted out by
the Islanders, who collected a fleet of boats
and soon effected a bloodless landing on
Vatersay, hitherto used as a game preserve.
Tho Rarramen for years have claimed the
right to cultivate Vatersay, but have been
unable to get the necessary permission from
the authorities and have now seized the
Island, have apportioned It into small farms
and have distributed them among them
selves. There are no police or troops in the
immediate vicinity of this far-away Islet, so
the government's action Is hampered.
Imperial Hescrlpt Describes Decora
tions for the Men Who Fought
Ajralnst Japan.
ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 7. Medals for
all those who participated in the war with
Japan have been ordered according to an
Imperial rescript published In the Russkl
Invalid today. Those who defended Port
Arthur are singled out for speclul distinc
tion. They will be given a silver medal
and light bronze medals will be bestowed
on those who were engaged In battles on
land or sea. The soldiers who were not
under Are will receive dark bronze medals.
Gossip Is busy with changes at the ad
miralty. The Blovo, which usuully Is well
Informed on naval matters, says Admiral
Birlleff. the minister of marine, has been
succeeded by Admiral Diknff and that Ad
mirals Choukln and Batnik have been
chosen for the posts of vice ministers of
marine, recently created.
Attorney for Indicted Meat Paekrra
Spend Entire Session Head.
In Doenment.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. The reading of the
report on the beef Industry made by Com
missioner Garland occupied the entire day
in the trial of the packers' case today,
and when court adjourned for the day a
large part of the report remained to be
read. In all probability the reading will
not be finished before a lute hour tomor
row or sonic time on Friday.
Attorney General Moody left Chicago this
afternoou for Haverhill, Mass. He had
received a telegram that Joecph M. Pearl,
with whom he had associated for years
In the law business, had died suddenly.
Mr. Moody said he would go direct to
Haverhill without first going to Washington.
Honse Will Take Final Vote on
lieatnre at Noon Today.
Principal Speeches of the Day Are
by Messrs. fork ran, Mann,
Williams and Hep.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. By continuing
Its session practically to 7 o'clock, the
house concluded all preliminary steps to
the passage of the railroad rate bill, or
dered a roll call on the measure and put
off the final action until tomorrow at noon.
The time for amendment came at 4 o'clock
and for three hours following one amend
ment after another came up, was read,
debated In some Instances and went down
to defeat. So fierce was the struggle to
amend that Often when a paragraph of the
bill was concluded in the reading a dozen
members waived I heir amendments and
shouted for recognition.
Not one of these was adopted. They
contained nil manner of opinions, suclt as
regulating preferentials, tho long and short
haul, free passes, court procedure, whole
rate hills and parts of bills. All went "by
the board."
Previous to these proceedings the house
had been entertained for five hours by
the oratory of its best speakers. Mr.
Bourke Cockran of New York gave his
approval to the measure In an elaborate
speech. Mr. Maun of Illinois followed,
then the minority leader, Mr. Williams,
expounded the measure and congratulated
everybody on Its success. Chainman Hep
burn closed the debate in a comprehensive
speech, dealing with the arguments of its
opponents and tho terms of the bill.
Throughout the day the attendance of
members was largo and the galleries were
Cockran Opens Debate,
Mr. Cockran announced his position In
favor of the bill. While he did not con
sider It a panacea for all evils. It was a
most wholesome expression of a unani
mous public manifestation to deal with the
rate evil. It was the only means by which
public ownership could be stopped and
checked, the most plausible argument of
the socialists.
"The hintory of railroad management In
this country," he said, "Is the history of
favoritism, of corruption and of fraud."
In spite of this he would not say the rail
roads had not rendered enormous service,
but they had not been as efficient ns they
should be. His next assertion was that
railway influences predominated both )
Iltical parties.
Illustrating this, he showed how the rep
resentatives of wealth ignored the courts
and dominated state administrations. The
very court which had dropped the pro
ceedings against H. H. Rogers had the
next day Issued a most vigorous injunc
tion against striking printers. In this
connection he reviewed the Northern Se
curities decision, which, he said, declared
criminals and conspirators those responsi
ble for that combination. . Harrlman and
Morgan, he said, "quarreled over tho con
trol of several railways in the northwest
which - threatened to Interfere with their
plunder. The president directed an action
against them. The court declared a con
spiracy. "What was the result?" he asked. "It
was to reduce the control of those prop
erties from two to one. When they came
to distribute the stocks Harrlman had been
eliminated; Morgan was supreme. A more
perfect conspiracy was perfected through
the decision of the court Itself. And the
stock, which was selling at "100 to 102
when the decision was pending, sold for
160 after it was announced, thus enrich
ing the conspirators, who walked out of
court Just $240,000,000 richer for having beeu
convicted." ,
Compliments to Rockefeller.
The fact that no criminal proceedings
had been begun was dwelt on at some
length and the Jail sentence of Debs and
the conviction of two senators for "mere
Indiscretions" were contrasted. Compli
ments were paid to Rockefeller, "at once
the richest and most despised of our whole
population "
The most effective feature of the bill,
he maintained, was the popular disposition
back of it, the next was its publicity fea
ture. Universal applause greeted Mr. Cock
ran's conclusion and after the Informal
congratulatory reception to him concluded
Mr. Mann (111.) took the floor.
Expressing some reticence at doing so,
Mr. Mann said he would explain why the
bill contained nothing relating to passenger
and sleeping car rates.
"We have a bill which will pass tlilB
and the other body: we did not want to ar
ray southern senators against the bill und
open up In this body the question of sepa
rate cars for whites and blacks in the
As to passes, he said, the old interstate
commerce act prohibited free transporta
tion and the present bill did not Interfere
with that.
Mr. Williams summarized Hhe bill and all
that had been done by congress and went
over the ground that had been debated at
length during the last ten days. He re
ceived close attention from his democratic
associates as well as from the republican
side of the house.
Mr. Williams concluded with an expres
sion of the hope that the house would stay
In session until the beginning of the next
session before It would yield to any amend-
i msnt wnicn mignt u pui tin in me euai
i the effect of which might be to weaken the
I bill.
I Hepburn Closes Debate.
I , - irAnliirn heaan tha concluding Hrwvrh
ixi i . -
on the bill at 2:45 o'clock.
Mr. Hepburn took up In turn the points
made In opposition to the bill and disposed
of each in a brief manner. Flrstvhe depre
cated the effort to clslm political credit.
He reviewed the progress and development
of roads during the last twenty years to
show that the interstate commerce act of
j that time had not Impeded railroad prog
i ress.
j Touching on the construction of words
J which had been made a point of opposition.
; Mr. Hepburn declared the utter futility of
j getting a legislative unanimity on that
i point. He asserted not a member of the
! house could write a twenty word sentence
I would not be capable of two construe,
j tlons.
I "You doubtless have heard the story of
! the little girl whose people were to move
', to Missouri and who prayed, 'Good-bye,
God. we are going to move to Missouri.'
"Her brother heard her and in his joy
at the prospect of travel amended the
prayer in this way: "Good, by God! we
I are going to move to Missouri.' " (Pro
longed laughter.)
He maintained that no court rights were
lust tinder .the bill, and concluded with an
(Continued on Second Page.)
Witness Testifies that Editor of Town
Topics Placed Initial tin Docu
ment In His Presence.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-The examination
of Colonel William D. Mann on a charge
of perjury preferred by Robert J. Colllet,
publisher of Collier's Weekly, was con
tinued today. Moses Ellis Woostr, who
was an agent for "Fad and Fancies'' and
who testified )esterdny was cross-examined
today by ColOnd Mann's counsel.
The witness said that After Colonel Mann
had written "O. K." and his initials on ,
the letter of Count Reginald Ward, which '
forms the basis of tha' perjury charge, he
(Wooster)) took the letter again and
showed It to the circulation clerk.
Wooster said that he kept this letter nfter
showing it to the clclk and that lie after
ward put It In a tin box at his home.
Ijtter, he said, he gave-It to the law firm
which Is at present acting ns counsel for
Robert J. Collier, rind about a month after
giving them the letter, went Into their em
ployment. 1 "
Martin W. Littleton, Colonel Mann's
counsel, during' sharp' cross-examination i
cf Wooster, elicited from him that In two 1
particulars his prevlnius testimony at this
hearing was In errjir concerning 20,000 j
shares of mining stncll which be said fount j
Ward gave hint. Mf. Wooster corrected
these points, one brting about the date
of receiving the stock!' and the other about
the number of shares in each Installment.
At this point, while Assistant Attorney
General Hart was objecting to the line of
questioning pursued by Mr. Littleton, Jus
tice McAvoy Interrupted the lawyers to
say that the cross-examination w-as pro
gressing satisfactorily to him and that It
tended to impeach tUs testimony of the
witness. He added tttnt although Wooster
had sworn that he saw Colonel Mann
"O. K." and sign the Initials "W. D. M."
to the Count Ward letter that did not make
it so., .
Referring again to t the salary which
Wooster says he receives, Mr. Uttletnn
asked: "And you are Vetting $100 from the
Colliers?" i
"I am."
"What aro you doing for them?"
"There Is nothing ff)r me to do but to
come hero and testify Under subpoena."
The witness said that the placing of the
"O. K." and the Inltthls "W. D. M." on
Ward's application wajs only for the pur
pose of putting Count RVard's name on the
posting or free lists end that It had no
other significance. I
Mr. Littleton then liffered to Wooster
what he said was tw free mailing list
of Town Topics for lfi3 and the witness
snld ho could not find L'ount Ward's name
After Wooster left Ithe witness stand
Kdwln B. Hay, a handwriting expert testi
fied that In his oplnl
Jh the "O. K." and
the Initials "W. D. M.'
on the Ward letter
were In Colonel Mann'
Court then adjourned! until tomorrow.
Delegates WrsncI .Ino'ther Duy Over
Deponing: President Dolnm and
Adjourn Wlthlut Action-
PITTSBURG. Pa., FJi. I. National Vice
President T. I Lewis iUV t n representa
tive of the "Associated l'fcas. XonlgnTthat
he had received Instructions., from Presi
dent Mitchell how to deal with, the contro
versy of the miners In Pittsburg No. 6, but
having sent for further clearer statements
he would not make them public, until they
were before the convention.
Delegates of District No. C In another
day of their convention failed to arrive at
any definite action upon a method to oust
President Dolan and Vice President Bell
lngham and made an attempt to holt the
convention and elect other officers. The lat
ter move was frustrated by National Vice
President Lewis, who arrived here this
morning. Mr. Lewis was dispatched here
by President Mitchell upon receipt of ap
peals by telegraph from some of the dele
gates to the local convention.
Mr. Lewis attended the convention
thtoughout the day, but made no sugges
tion as to how the delegates could reach a
settlement of their differences.
Today'e meeting of the convention like
the three preceding was one of disorder
and bitterness. Repeated resolutions In j
one form and another were offered, all hav- j
lng for their object the removal of Dolan
and Belllnghunv were refused recognition
by the chair and declared out of order.
Mr. Lewis remained pusslve at the con
vention until the cries to holt the conven
tion were raised and then he informed the
malcontents that such action would be un
constitutional and would not be recognized
by the nutlonal executive hoard. He re
minded the delegates that harmony was ab
solutely essential now in view of what tho
developments may bring about.
The convention adjourned until tomorrow
Beautiful Uobelln from France and
Collar of Penrla from
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Miss Alice
Roosevelt yesterday received the wedding
gift which the French government had
Intended for her. The gift consists of a
beautiful Gobelin representing "Justice"
and was offered to Miss Roosevelt by M.
Jusserand, the French ambassador In this
city. It was understood that President
Roosevelt had Informed several European
powers that it would not be agreeable If
they sent especially expensive gifts and
accordingly most European governments
are expected to send simtll gifts, merely
to express their good will and wishes to
the daughter of America's first citizen, but
the French government had already given
orders for the manufacture of this rare
piece of tapestry. Tha piece, though not
very large, is invaluable, as that particular
kind of Gobelin is solely mude for the
French government on special occasions.
HAVANA. Feb. 7 Dr. Ferrer, the Cuban
minister to Paris, reported today to Presi
dent Palma that he had purchased a collar
of pearls a Cuba's wedding gift for Miss
Alice Roosevelt, and that the gift would
be forwarded to Mr. Quesada, the Cuban
minister at Washington.
f ongrevationnllsts. I nited Brethren
and Methodist Protestant Coun.
ells In session nt Dayton.
DAYTON, O.. Feb. 7.-Thc Trl-church
council of the Congregational, the United
Brethren and the Methodist-Protestant
churches assembled here today.
Dr. A. 8. Stephens, chancellor of the Uni
versity of Kansas, City, was made chair
man. The object of the council la to form'
a union of tha three denominations.
A commutes of fifteen from each denomi
nation was appointed to agree on a plan of
union which will bo discussed tomorrow.
Prrw of Work Too Great to-rormit of
Accepting l. cZinley las Invitation.
Senntor Rurkett Introduces Rill for
Flah Culture stations nt Nellah
ml Wither, Nebraska n
.National Ranks,
(From, a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. (Special Tele
gram J Congressman ISode of Minnesota
wll not go to Omaha to participate In the
McKlnley club celebration. Today he In
formed Mr. Kennedy that It would be Im
possible for him to meet the Omaha people
because of overwork, but he hoped to be
the guest of the McKlnley club at some
other time.
Itnllrnnd Men nt Capitol,
11. R. Mcfullough of Chicago, vico presi
dent, and George F. Bldwell of Omaha,
general manager of the Northwestern In
Nebraska, were In Washington on matters
connected with tho Department of the In
terior. Both were spectators today In thi
house gallery during the speeches of Bourke
Cockran of New York and Colonel Hep
burn of Iowa on the bill regulatjng rail
road rates.
HrecWcnrldste' Forced to Wnlt.
R. W. BreckenrMge, who Is In Washing
ton for the purpose of appearing before tlio
Judiciary committee of the house in favor
of national control of insurance companies,
was not permitted to present his arguments
before the committee today, the commltt -e
being greatly Interested in the debate on
the bill regulating railroad rates and de
cided to postpone the hearing until Friday;
when Mr. Breckenrldge will be heard.
Charles J. Mngill, clerk In the Omaha
postoffiee, has been ordered before the ex
amining hoard for an inspectorship.
' Appropriations for the West.
Senator Burkett today Introduced bills for
the purchase of a site and the establish
ment of fish culture stations at Nellgh, An
telope county, and at Wllbcr, Saline county.
These bills call for an appropriation of
$r5.0oi) for each of the proposed stations.
Senator Warren, from the committee on
public buildings, mnde a favorable report
on the bill appropriating $lflO.CflO for the
purchase of a slto and the erection of a
public building at Rawlins, Wyo.
Dr. J. L. Van Gordon has been appointed
pension examining surgeon at Emmotsburg,
la., vice Dr. Hunter, deceased.
Kerr Banks Anthorlsed.
Applications to organize national banks
approved: The Farmers National bank of
Corning. Ia., with $25,000 capital, by Charles
C. Norton, S. C. Scott, D. O. Arthur, W.
H. Cochrane and J. W. Blggar; the German-American
National bank of Redfleld,
S. D., with $25,000 capital, by N. P. Brom
ley, T. 8. Everett, L. Prltzkan, J. A. PrlU
kan und Frank Muxen.
Postal Mnttera.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Saw
yer, Fillmore county, Robert H. Win, vice
Robert H. Lowdon, resigned. Iowa Wnl
ford, Benton county, Anna Zabokrtsky, vice
Charles Zabokrtsky, deceased. Wyoming
Yellowstone; park. National Park Reserve,
Alexander 'T.yu'll, vice J.' H.-Ash. resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Hampton, Route 1, Richard E. Youst, car
rier; Alonzo Youst, substitute. Iowu Deep
River, Route S, James F. Holllngsworth,
carrier; Will Holllngsworth, substitute. Es
sex. Route 4, Malloy Mather, carrier; Jesse
Mather, substitute. Murray, Route 3,
Stephen H. Andrews, carrier; Mitchell Ev
ans, substitute. Stuart, Route 1, Oliver
Lamb, carrier; Mabel Lamb, substitute.
South Dakota Letcher. Route 1, David
Bubb, carrier; Mlna Bubb, substitute. Wa
kfinda. Route 4, John B. Kuhler, carrier;
George C. Kuhler, substitute.
I o wit Wlna Monument Contest.
Secretary of War Taft has advised Sena
tor Dolllver and Representatives Hull and
Lacey of Iowa that he will order the monu
ments on the Sliiloh battlefield to the Fif
teenth and Sixteenth Iowa regiments in
scribed with the time of the regiment's ar
rival as di sired by those organizations
stating In the inscription the time as given
by commanding colonels. The War depart
ment records do not agree with the claims
of members of the regiments and Secretary
Taft's action settles a dispute of long
Imperial Commissioners Visit Manu
facturing: Kstabllshmeuts In
Quaker City.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 7. Tho Imperial
Chinese commission which Is touring the
United States spent today in this city visit
ing the principal manufacturing establish
ments and other places of Interest. The
envoys, accompanied by Sir Chentung
Liang Cheng, the Chinese minister to the
United States, secretaries and other at
taches of the commission, arrived at the
Philadelphia Sc. Reading ra.'.wuy terminal
early in the day and were driven to the
city hall, where the distinguished visitors
were welcomed by Mayor Weaver.
Among the places visited were tho United
States mint and shipyards und locomotive
plants. A part of the commission's purty
also visited the University of Pennsylvania
and the armories ot the National Guard of
The party left for Elmiru, N. Y., this
evening. The Chinese minister returned to
Washington during the afternoon.
Maklua (Mron Defense for Soldiers
Who, I'nder Orders, Killed
a Civilian.
WA8IIlNorON. Feb. 7.-The War de
partment Is making ready to test to the ut
most Its right to protect the soldier who, in
the execution of lawful orders, kills a
civilian. To that end preparations are in
progress for a sturdy defense before the
oyer and terminer court of Allegheny
county, Pennsylvania, In the case uf Sen
tinel Down, who, with Ills officer, Lieu
tenant Ralph W. Drury, was indicted for
killing a young men named Crowley two
years ago last Septemlx-r while the latter
was stealing copper from the .Allegheny
Illinois Supreme Court Refuses to In.
terlero In Soneuforeement of
Sunday Closing Us,
SPRINGFIELD, "ill.. Feb. 7.-The su
preme court today denied a motion for
leave to file a petition for a writ to compel
Mayor Dunne of Chicago to enforce the
Sunday closing law aa applied to saloons.
The court held that It had oo Jurisdiction
in the matter.
Fair Thursday nnd Friday.
Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday)
Hnnr. Dear. Hour. Den.
1 a. m IS I p. n .1
On. nt in 2 p. m nil
T n. m t :ti
ft n. m...... IT I p. ra nil
' n. ni is it p. in . . . . . !tt
t n. m 2.1 t p. m 2
11 n. n 27 T p. nt 2
12 m 2 H p, m 2tt
O p. m VI
Rnnk Depositors Gnln Confidence, but
Doors of One Institution Re
main Closed.
PEORIA, III.. Feb. .-The bank situation
Is greatly relieved today. Much of the ex
citement caused by the suicide of Dr.
George H. Slmmoni, pastor of the First
Baptist church and Interested In two banks,
had subsided. The banks of the city all
came to the relief of the Interstate Savings
and Trust bank and accepted their psper
ot par. They met every demand for de
posits yesterday, the run continuing
through tho day. Today confidence has
been restored nnd but few people have
made demands for their money. All comers
are accommodated, the other banks being
willing to render such assistance as neces
sary. Funeral services for the Iste Dr. George
Simmons will be held from the First Bap
tist church, of which the dead man was
pastor, at 10 o'clock Friday morning.
The sermon will be preached by a minis
ter from out of the city who has not been
selected. A storm of protests which was
raised in the church this morning when
there was talk of holding services In the
church hns quieted down and there will be
no strenuous objections.
foroner Jtaker concluded his Inquest this
afternoon and the Jury returned a simple
verdict of death from cyanide of potassium
taken with suicidal intent.
A mass meeting of the depositors of the
People's Savings hank, of which Dr. Sim
mons was chief owner, was held tonight
and a report made there Indicates that the
bank will pay from 80 to 100 cents on the
dollar. The plan of the coroner to go Into
the Investigation of the charges which
brought disgrace on the dead minister was
abandoned under pressure, of public
On Ranchman Klionts Another and Is
Himself Killed by Father of
THERMOPOLIS, Wyo.. Feb. 7. (Special
Telegram.) News of a sensational double
killing, In which John Tyndall and James
Kester, ranchmen living on the Cottonwood,
lost their lives, was brought here today by
Leonard Short of Embar. According to
Short, Kester came to the Tyndall ranch
and started an altercation over horses.
Kester drew a gun and In an effort to wrest
It from him John Tyndall was killed. The
father. Dick Tyndall, continued to struggle
with Kester, finally wrested the gun from
him and In his anger at the death of his
sou and In fear of his own life literally
pounded Kester'e brains out with stone
bef(r,he desisted. --s,., y ..r aj;,C..v
Dick Tyndall 'M ona'of the largest horse
breeders In northwestern Wyoming and
bears a good reputation. Kester owns a
ranch on Prospect creek, adjoining tho Tyn
dall ranch, nnd had frequently quarreled
with the Tyndalls over the ownership of
horses. Kester was recently married, his
young wife lenvlng her parents In Oregon.
Soldiers BinuKgle Poison Into Federal
Prison on Governor's
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. From drinking too
freely today of wood alcohol which had
been smuggled into Castle William, the
military prison on Governor's Island, one
soldier is dead, another is dying and eight
are seriously ill in the hospital. Georgo
Frederick Dent Grant, In command of tho
Department of the East, hus ordered a
rigid Investigation.
Robert Elwell, 2ti years of age, a private
serving a two-year's sentence for deser
tion from a New England post, died shortly
after being removed to the hospital.
It was not until nine other prisoners
were found writhing and moaning from
pain that the real source of the trouble
was learned. Then it leaked out that all
had partaken freely of wood alcohol, a
quantity of which had been smuggled Into
the prison late on Monday.
Wouiuu Gives University I .VMXH as
Result of Abolition ot
Foot Bull.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. It was stated to
night that the gift of $li0,0U0 recently re
ceived by Columbia university was given as
the result of tho university's action In abol
ishing foot ball. The money was given by
Mrs. Maria H. Williamson of New York
City to endow a chair for Instruction In the
origin and development of civilization.
According to the statement Mrs. William
son considers the abolishment of foot ball
one of the greatest steps in the Interest of
civilization that has been taken in many
Strike In ClearHeld (Pa.) Coal Fields
Also Affects y.ffUO Railroad
DUBOIS, Pa.. Feb. 7. All mines along
the Buffalo, Rochester ft Pittsburg railroad
operated by the Clearfield and Jefferson
Coal and Iron company were closed today
pending settlement of trouble at Yatesboro.
Helvetia and Sykesvllle. Fully 10,000 min
ers are affected by the strike. As a result
of the mining strike orders were Issued I'y
the railroad authorities tonight to discon
tinue all coal and coke shipments. This
movement will affect about I.ow railroad
men besides Vi machinists In the shops at
this place.
Movements of Ocean t raaels . 7,
At New Tork Arrived: Lonihardia. from
Naples Sailed: Teutonic, for Ilver,ool:
Nord Amerika. for Naples: Nordam, for
At LI vernooh Arrived: Canadian, from
Boston; Milwaukee, from New Orleans.
Sailed: Maiestlc. for New York.
At Arrived: Corinthian, from St.
John and Halifax.
A Havre Arrived: California, from New
York. t Glasgow Arrived: Mongolian, from
At Funchal Arrived: Moltke, from New
At Ma rsellbs Arrived: Italia, from New
At Naples Sailed : Canoplc, from Alex,
andrla for Boston.
At f herhourg-rSalled: Kaiser WUhelm II.
for New York,
Democrat in the Eena'.e Attempt to
Discipline) Mr. faltenon.
Colorado Man Arraigned aa a Traitor to
Hia Party.
Bight of Party raucut to Bind Eonatora ia
Qneationed. .
He Says His Action la oa
Dictated hy Any Motive Save
that of Duty to Con
stituency. WASHINGTON. Fell. 7. Today for the
first time In many years the senate cham
ber was made the scene of an effort to ad
minister party discipline to a member of
that body and the occurrence was one of
so many dramatic details that the many
witnesses will not soon forget it.
Mr. Patterson was the subject of the
effort and Mr. Bailey, to whom in the ab
sence of Mr. Gorman, to whom democratic
leudershlp Is conceded, was the Instrument
of bis party In the Incident.
The proceeding arose in connection with
the consideration of Mr. Patterson's reso
lution of remonstrance against caucuses.
The Colorado senator today called up his
resolution Immediately after the conclusion
of the morning business nnd addressed the
senate upon It. The facts concerning tho
caucus proceedings of Saturday and his
withdrawal from the caucus were fresh
In the minds of senators. Mr. Patterson's
speerh wnV In the main an elaboration of
his resolutions and ho contended stoutly
for the right of a senator to follow the
dictates of his conscience rather than the
demands of his party In all matters regard
ing which the two may be In ponfllet.
Situation Becomes Tense.
It was not until after he had concluded
that the proceedings took on an air of in
tensity and excitement. Mr. Bailey, as well
as most of the members of his party, had
Interpreted Mr. Patterson's resolutions as
a deliberate reflection upon the democratic
caucus, and from the moment Mr. Bslloy
arose he assumed an aggressive and some
what taunting manner toward the Colorado
senator. His speech was based upon the
theory that all senators are under obliga
tion to obey conscience rather than cau
cus, but that In doing so they antagonize
their party and should hold themselves
responsible to their party, but the speech
was more notable for Its arraignment of
Mr. Tatterson for his course than for Its
adherence to any line of argument. Mr.
Bailey charged the senator from Colorado
with having been a party to the addition
to the prevlcus caucus rule, bringing demo
cratic senators to the two-thirds rule. This
charge and Mr. Patterson's, response to It
eoasttttrted -axm., draaUelnuy, and
the feeling throughout the seriate, chamber ,
was very Intense. . Mr. Patterson failed to
recall the proceedings of the provlous cau
cus, but Mr. Bailey's colleague, Mr. Cul
berson, was prepared with a copy of those
proceedings, und when he had exhibited It
Mr. Patterson said that he would not un
dertake to dispute the record. He was In
clined at first to charge complicity to dis
parage him before Ills colleagues In the
country, but afterward said that he was not
so much concerned over this apparent In
consistency on his own part as he was
over the effect the springing of the mat
ter would hnve upon the main issue, which
was to exhibit to the country the. danger
there Is In caucus dictation.
Mr. Patterson Opens Debate.
In anticipation of the spirited discussion
of Mr. Patterson's resolution declaring
ugulnst the policy of caucus dictation In
disposing of treaties with foreign nations
the senate galleries were almost filled when
the senate was called to order today. Many
arrived liefore the doors were opened.
Mr.' Patterson was promptly recognized
by the chair. Ho began with a few words
of a personal nature, saying there was
nothing he disliked more than to inject
1 ills own personality Into a public question,
', but at times such a course was neces
lie had, ho said, supposed that his former
remarks on the Santo Domingo treaty
would be passed over as Inconsequential,
but the action of tho democratic caucus
or last Saturday had made It evident
to him that he fell directly within the
censure of the caucus. He had. he said,
rr.ade up hia mind previous to the caucus
and as It had thrown no new light on the
question he hud not been impelled to
change his position..
He said he had been called a, "bolter"
and a "While House democrat" and that
a New York puper had gone so far as to
say that there hud been an understand
ing between himself and the president
and that an understanding about patron
age and the senator's re-election had been
reached. In refutation of this charge he
said that he had never made but one
request for an official appointment by the
president and in that case It was refused.
The last interview he had with the presi
dent was a month ago, he said, and per
tained to the forest reserves. In that mat
ter he felt that the president had trans
cended his authority and he had so In
formed the president. In that case he
had failed In his mission-. There had beeu
an emphatic exchange of views and a
sudden termination of the lnttrvlew and
he had not since met the chief executive
except in a casual way. He confessed to
a warm friendship for the president and
he felt that in the struggle he wus muklru;
on economic lines he deservwl support.
"I admire und commend jiim for his
brave position," he said.
F.sperta Treaty To Re intended.
Mr. ruttereon said that lie expected to
vote for the Santo Domingo treaty, but
that lie expected the treaty to he amended.
"I do not object to the main features of
the treaty" he said, "but if the treaty
Is not amended as I think It should be
I will take the new condition into con
sideration und in the end do as I think
I should."
Much of this statement was brought out
by questions from Mr. Morgan.
Mr. Daniel asked Mr. Patterson If he
knew of any other senator who would vote
for the treaty, hut Mr. Patterscn did not
reply. Instead I.e referred to the charge
made that he had deserted his party and
that he was in the h.tblt of making party
changes. He admitted thH be h;id left
the detiirM-ratlc party in l'iJ ruther than
suppurt Mi. t'level.ind. In th's connection
he referred to Mr. Tillman's course In bis
own state, and Mr. Tillman Interrupted
u'.tb the remark that "lie bad ealeu