TILE OMAUA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. FEHKUAliY 7. 1 V 1 r CURRENT COUNCIL Office), to Ttmri MACRAE IS OUT OF RACE Major Declam Uider lo CircumiUneei , - Will Ha Accept Renomtaatios. POSITION AT BEST A THANKLESS ONE Party is Alt Tara fcr rulttit aad Thr DmIiIm at th Mayor WHI . Mix Matters l War Tku Enr, Th' democratic party In CouncU Bluffs will hav to seek a sow candidate to bead Ita, ticket at the city election on March M. It had been generally understood that Mayor Macrae would accept a renomi na tion provided It came to him without oppo sition. Mayor Macrae has, however. In the last v week chanced hi mind and has ma dared with all 4ae emphasis in his power that ha will not a candidate tor re nominatrori and what ii more will not ac cept a renomi nation at the bands of his party, even tf it Is tendered him upon a golden . platter and with the unanimous consent of every, member of the party in Council Bluff. Hie refusal to accept a re nomination. Mayor Macrae says, is Irre vocable and that absolutely nothing can Induce him to change his mind. Mavor Macrae' decision, to refuse to accept a renomtnatlon for the office of thief executive of the city ts said to have leen brought about by the criticism which he and the members of the city council have been subject to ia their efforts to bring about what they considered was an equitable adjustment of the water rates. Tellln of his decision to refuse a renom tnatlon Mayor Macrae Mid; statemeat by Mayor. "What I the mayor of Council Bluffs, anyhow? He Is merely a figurehead with thd title" of fiiayor attached to his name About all a mayor ha the power to do la to select the chief of police and the mem bers of the police department, and even these appointments, have to be confirmed by the Mty council. There la nothing in It except abuse and censure. The salary of the office, which of course Is a minor consideration, does not pay man's ex venues whit he fills the office of mayor. 1 have had I wo years of it. and now let someone else have the worry. I endeavored to do the best I knew how for the Inter est of the city and It' people and I think the- latter will admit that at least I have given them a cleaner city than they had for many yefcra before. I am out of the mayor business and, as far a that goes. out of politic also. I Bhall, however, leave the office with til feelings towards no one and with the best of good wishes for the future-to all." . . Discs ta the Tart. Not for many years has discord been so rampant In the democratic party of Coun cil Bluffs a It is today and Mayor Macrae's announcement that he will not under any circumstances accept a renomination will not tend to Improve matters. Surface lndl cations, if they ' count for anything, are that not a single democratic member of the present city eouncu win ue irnunuiui this spring, except It may possibly be Alderman McMillen of the Fifth ward. In the First ward Alderman Younker- man'a friends are Insisting that he Is en titled to a renomination, but former Alder man Charles Huber I being prominently mentioned now for the democratic nomina tion and thia will mean a bard fight for Taunkerman and his friends. In the Second ward Alderman Maloney was thought to be safe until a few days ago. but It is said that a certain element In his party ha the knife out for him. In the Third ward Al derman Tinley has announced that he will not seek a renomination. It was, however, a foregone conclusion that he would not be accorded one, owing to the doubts of the legality -of his quasi residence In that werd. in the F6urth ward Aldmnan Weaver Is elated for retirement, but In the Fifth ward Alderman McMillen appears so far to have a good show for a renomination. In the Sixth ward the west ender have announced that Alderman Crippen Is to be placed on the shelf and It la hardly likely that he will STOMACH OX THE BRAIN. What if Man Gain the W hole World " 'and Lose Ills Appetite? The man with the well behaved stomach never . thinks about it. ' He eats what he likes and likea what be eata He knows he'll enjoy it, because ha knows he has a stomach that will easily digest It. AU thing took good to him; he will sit dose to the table, and with a merry twinkle In hla eye and a world-peace expression, he wM "start" on -the delicious meal before Mm. But' the man with the bad. brashy, gurgly stomach Is the man who is always think ing about 11. He can seldom eat what he most likes, and seldom likes what he eats. His stomach worries him before meals, after meals and between meals. It Is on his. brain. It robs him of hla cheer and Interferes' with lite dally work. Around him r a dark spirit which presses Itself forward In his thoughts, crying: ''I am sgony. I am disgust, I am nausea. I am sckne. languor, . worry. I am conceived ln.'fliilck lunches and pappy food, and nour ished by gulpy meals. I rob brains of their force- and bodies of their life. I steal away nerve and vim. I bring heart disease and apoplexy. I make the world a pit of weariness and darkness. I am woe, I an, death. .1 am dyspepsia. But yet, I bring also hope, light and future health, because of my gloomy presence I give you warning and .a chance to escape ma" This ts a bad dream, but It is the dally dream xit th dyspeptic. If U were not for tli white we couldn't tell the black. If It were not for dyspepsia we couldn't know- the Joy. the happiness of a well or dered digestion. All the world looks bright to a man of good health, and good health Is Impossible without a good hearty stoni arh. And say sick- or weak : .tom.ch can ! h bV I" wh ch he cU i'ms lT?SlZnlT.hy '"'I ,klnioue him because of def.matorr remark. " .. - " ' you, weieaa i lamua your urea stomach 1 do it.' Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets are the 1 moat effective little tablet in the world for (his very thing. If you feel bloated after eating, or you have nausea, aversion to fn4. brash. Irritation, sour stomach, heart burn or dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets will stop It I-cause one grain of an In gredient of theee tablets will digest J.0u0 grates of food. Teur stomach ia overworked. Let It take .ret. .You're cot yourself when you have a bad stomach. Tbeae tablets will do th work that the stomach has to do and make yon feel bright, thjnk clearly and give you ambition and powe to concentrate your at tention on your work. You'll feel good. You should always have a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on your dining table. 1'bey will make you get all the good pos uhte ut of .everything you eat. and you'll tajoy It NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS St. TeL 48. eek a renomlntlon stances. under these rlrcum- ERROR IS STEVES SOS HDKTMEST Case Is Dismissed aad He la Held to the Grail Jary. When Charles, alias "Dutch." Stevenson was placed on trial yesterday In the dis trict court on the charge of stealing three overcoat and a woman's cloak from the pawnshop of Bam Friedman at K8 West Broadway on December 11 last his attor ney discovered a clerical error In the in dictment. The date of the robbery was by error given as December 11. un. in the In dictment, which was returned by the grand Jury last month. On the discover of the error County Attorney Hess at once moved to dismiss the charge and asked that Stev enson be reheld to the grand Jury, which Judge Thomell did. at the same time rais ing Stevenson's bond from $300 to 00. As Stevenson was Jointly indicted with Charles Fosdick and Charles Lloyd, the Indictment against these two was also quashed and they were reheld to the grand Jury, their bail likewlae being Increased from $M to $500 each. The grand Jury will reconvene March 6 and County Attorney Hess hopes to be able to bring Stevenson to trial at this term of court. There is a second In dictment pending against Stevenson. Fos dick and Lloyd on the charge of stealing an overcoat and a cravenette from the pawnshop of Bam Snyder at S3 West Broadway on the same date. Their bonds on this charge were placed at $0 each. The three are In the county Jail, where they have been since their arrest last De cember. Stevenson has already served two terms In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. The district coiirt Jury in the case of A. O. Meneray against Wlckham Brothers, contractors, which went out Saturday aft ernoon, brought In a verdict before B o'clock last evening awarding the plaintiff $117.50. Meneray sued for $000 damages for driving Into a mortar box and other obstructions which had been left on the street In front of a house Wlckham Brothers were con structing on Washington avenue and Sec ond street. Originally the suit aaa brought against the city and Wlckham Brothers, but waa dismissed as to the city. The plaintiffs In the Dom St McGinty Cooper libel suit from Neola, not satisfied with the four trials which the case has bad, yesterday filed in the district court a motion for a new trial. At the last trial the plaintiffs were awarded tl damages, but a the defendant had tendered in open court $6 In settlement of the suit the costs were thrown upon the plaintiffs. In sup port of their motion for a new trial Darn & McGlnty have filed an affidavit made by Fhll Bets, one of the Jury before which the suit .was last tried. In his affidavit Bets states while seven of the Jurors were for finding for the defendant he and four others stood out for a verdict for the plain tiffs, and finally consented to a compro mise verdict of $1, believing that it would throw the costs on the defendant. Bets also makes "other statements Impugning the motives of the Jurors who were for re turning a verdict for the defendant. Mrs. Llzsl Williams, who conducts a hotel at Logan, la., filed suit for divorce from 8. P. Williams, to whom she was married September 16, 1881. She alleges that her husband assaulted her on a number of occasions, both In private and public, and one time thrust a loaded revolver Into her face and threatened to shoot her. At lier request the court Issued an order restrain ing the defendant from in any way inter fering with his wife or her management of the hotel. Isnbrella Factory la Proeaeet. C. H. Walker, representing the Sioux City Umbrella company, was in the city yester day conferring with Secretary Reed and members of the executive committee of the Commercial club. The company is anxious to remove Its factory to Council Bluffs. It does not ask any bonus, but expects that about 111.000 to llo.OuO stock in the concern be subscribed for locally. The local stock holder will be empowered to name the board of directors and have practical con trol of the concern. The company at pres ent employea five men and about fifty young women. With Increased facilities the company, If It removed to Council Bluffs, would expect to give employment to about 100 young women. Although nothing definite was arrived at in the conference yesterday several of the local business men approached on the subject appeared to think favorably of the proposition. Now on sale, cut sunburst tumblers, full cut pattern, $2.50 per dosen. W. A. Maurer, Council Bluffs. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel 250. Night, L63i THREE KILLED AT GRADE CROSSING Oa Way to Watch Beside Dead Frlead Whea Killed. SIOUX CITY, la, Feb. 1 Three boys of Meriden. Ia, sons of well-to-do families, were killed by an Illinois Central passenger train at a crossing half a mile east of Meri den late this afternoon. The dead are: JOHN GILI aged 1. EDGAR COSGROVE, aged hi. RAYMOND QCINX. aged 15. The boys were on their way to the home of Richard Cummins to guard the body of Dennis Cummins, a companion of their own age, who died In Omaha. The crossing where the accident occurred ia in a deep cut and the train waa running seventy miles an hour. DIES AT FEET OF SWEETHEART lavlted lata Hoase aad Expiree on Croaalag Threshold. WEBSTER CITY. la.. Feb. . 8peciai Telegram.) Peter Lundgren, a prominent Stratford )oung man, after taking his aweetheart, Misa Barquigt, home from country party, upon being invited to enter the house and get warm fell dead Just a he crossed the threshold. The young man had sever been sick or troubled with heart disease prior to this. The night waa cold and the couple had driven four miles. Saee Preacher far Li he I. EAGLE GROVE. Ia.. Feb. K. Kiser of Kossuth county has started suit against the preacher is oreacher is alleaed to htv mail. Kiser lived on the Hastings farm and avera that the minister accused hiss of stealing corn and oats. Perklae Esasrttt at Leaaara. I.EM ARS. la.. Feb. C (Special Telegram.) Seventy-five people, including spectators, attended a meeting called by seven repub licans of this city to Indorse the candidacy of George D. Perkins of Sioux City for governor, and resolution were adopted to that effect. The Cummin supporter took no part in lb meeting. Latter Day galat Heel. LITTLE BIOUX. la . Feb. (Special.) The quarterly convention of th religious societies and Sunday schools of the Latter Day fUlnta churches of Harrison county will be held her on Thursday and Friday. February I and , at th Little $ioux chuitiit. CUMMINS PEOPLE WIN OUT Becare Reference. They Desire oi Eesolt tion for Election of Senator. DEMOCRAT MEMBERS VOTE WITH THEM Hewse Ceaaaalttee Makes a Favorable Report an the Wasaaa' PaTr;e Amcadcaeat Meat Pro s' nr era Has. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINES, Feb. . (Special. The- I Cummina people won by 3 to 17 In a close factional lineup in the senate today In get ting the Lewis resolution for a conference on voting direct on United Slates senators referred to the appropriations committee. As soon as the resolution was Introduced Senator Crawford, chairman of the federal relations committee, was on the floor. Lewis asked that It be referred to the appropria tions committee. Crawford moved that It be referred to the federal relations commit tee. The Cummins people scented a move to bury the resolution. The federal rela tions committee consists of seven members, only one of which Is said to be a Cummins supporter. The appropriations committee consist of sixteen and Is pro-Cummins, the chairman being Garst, a strong Cummins man. Debate followed. Only one democrat. Wade of Butler, voted with the etand-pat-tera. Eadorse Pare Food. The senate today endorsed the pure food move In congress after taking the name of Hepburn out of the reeolutlon introduced by Harper of Ottumwa. A stiff debate fol lowed the introduction of the resolution. Molsberry leading the opposition. The vote waa on roll call and stood 36 to 9. Bruce. Crawford. Gale, Dunham. Gilliland. Mols berry. Spaulding. Stookey and Stuckalager voting against the resolution. Little Business la Seaate. Only one bill was Introduced In the senate today. That was by Ericson. to complete the historical and state library building. Senator Dunham reported out of committee the bill prohibiting stdoons within 300 feet of any railway passenger station, with the recommendation that it pass, but the bill was sent back to the committee for further hearing. Hoaae Waa Bust. The house today, aside from the Law son speech, had a busy time. A resolution was introduced by Temple making a time limit on new reneral bills, fixing February 20 as the time, and nothing but appropriation bills after that date. The bill to appropriate $3,000 for a bronze bust of Samuel J. Klrkwood for the na tional statuary hall at Washington was passed unanimously. The Mott bill to require that blanks for druggists' liquor permits must be procured from the county auditor and be numbered was passed; also the Robinson bill in re la tion to expense of drainage district mat ters, the Weeks bill In relation to the descent of real property and a bill to ap propriate for the expenses of the visiting committees at state institutions. A bill was Introduced to provide for the election of township school treasurers, also several insurance committee bills making slight changes in the Insurance laws. The house committee this afternoon de cided to report favorably the woman's suf frage resolution. The agricultural committee changed the pure food bill so as to give retailer a year to get rid of old goods and to give Jobbers the privilege to carry In stock a separate line for sale In other states. This la for cities on the border of the state. The bill will be reported out In both houses to morrow. Governor Cummins today signed the Bealer bill for special registration in cities, He held It several days to investigate legal technicalities. Meat Producers at Work The convention of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' association was opened today by an address of welcome by Henry Wal lace. Little time was spent in organising and getting to work. Tonight the conven tion was addressed by Governor Cummins on the rate situation. The association ap pointed the following committee on resolu tions, which will report tomorrow: H. C. Wallace, chairman; J. H. McGinn, Fred Larrabee, William Kltch, H. L. Wilson, James Edmonds, Ci. E. Dempster, James Nichols, Charles Hunt, K. R. Knight. D. Muir and W. J. Read. Dee Molars Bars BaBTalo. Th Park board today concluded the pur chase of a herd of buffalo from Eaton Bros, of Wyoming, which will be placed In Greenwood park. W. B. Keffer, as score tary, signed the contract and the buffalo, one bull and three cows, will be shipped next month. The price paid is $400 each, delivered in this city, being very reasonable when the rarity and quality of the animals purchased are considered. The herd Is the first in Des Moines. Labor Leader Wlaa. In the supreme court today the conviction of D. F. Caine of Sioux City of conspiracy to injure a peace officer was reversed. The case grew out of the packers' strike there. Prealdeat I.rach Here. President Lynch of the International Typographical union arrived in this city today. He slated that be was not here for a conference with the employers. "The position of the striking printers in De Moines is secure," said President Lynch. "There was no need for me to come here. I merely stopped over on my way West" Mr. Lynch was in conference with the eight-hour committee of the union. Read Gaea ta Aasea, J. L Blake, superintendent of the New ton It Northwestern, which is building aa lnterurban from Kelley to Dea Moines, today affirmed the report that the road i will be built from Kelley to Ames and a regular lnterurban established between Ames and Des Moines, aa well as between Boone and Des Moines. Pleas for lalvereltr. The Iowa Holiness association ia having prepared by Des Moines architects plans for a university, which it ia proposed to erect at Oskaloosa. The main building ia planned to be 70x120 feet. The city of Oskaloosa has given a tract of 230 acres of land to the movement. A woman's dormitory costing between $12.00 snd $15,4(0 Is also under consideration. I UAKrV UAT IN WINUT CITY owds aad Bsaaka Reader Tra s aetlaat af Baalaaa Pi !!( la Catcaga. CHICAGO, Feb. C From early morning until long after noon a dense cloud of sinoka and clouda bung over thl city, making It on of the darkest days ever experienced her. All of the store were lighted as though It waa night and th street car raa with lamp lit and head lights biasing as In th night time. At times it waa not poaalbl to sea more than on aguare In any direction. Much diffi culty waa experienced in th street, th darkness causing many collision. On th Board of Trad for the first tint in many years there was no announcement ef the price of rash wheat at th closing :f pies because of the darkness. The weather bureau declared the darkness to be purely local and said that It would continue In all probability throughout the day. SCHEME TO GET INSURGENT -Barb, It la Alleged, la the Charge Preferred Aaalast Raaslaa Esalgraat. NEW YOKk. Feb. . Attorney Rosenthal said last night that he would appeal to Secretary Root for the release on bail of his client. Felix Gaidsls. the Russian fugi tive who Is held here on a charge of lar ceny preferred through the federal authori ties by the police of SU Petersburg. Mr. Rosenthal says that the larceny .KuWA la ,i i a t n nhtftin 1 1 1 niKlmtv nf Mils client, who fled from Russia to escape punishment for his political opinions. Mr. Rosenthal said: 'My client was a privati- soldier In a St. Petersburg regiment and was detailed as an orderly to General Evegenl Lamanskl, who lived In Molko street. The revolution ists gathered, the general being In sym pathy with them. General Lamanskl was not suspected for a long time. His orderly became thoroughly Imbued with the spirit of the plotters. It became known tu Lamanskl three months ago that, he mas auspeoted. He fled to Salt set land, where lie Is now. ilA fore going he did not forget his faithful orderly and advised him to go to the United States. He gave him rubles. Uxldsis, arter many adventures, crossed the border, reached Hamburg and then came here. The charge is a dummy one to get back this man Into the handa of Russian courts. shall apply to Secretary Root, demand ing that the man be admitted to bail. Of course prisoners in-extradition cases can not ordinarily be admitted to ball. There Is a precedent however, under Secretary Hay." ARTHUR SHIVERICK FUNERAL Cereatoalea Will Be Coadacted Wedaeaday Afteraaoa nan Radx Will Be Taken East. The Arthur Shlverick funeral service wiJl be held at 5 p. m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Shlverick, 373 Jones street. Rev. T.. J. Mackay, rector of Al! Saints' church, officiating. At 8: o'clock the body will be accompanied east by Asa Shlverick of New York, a nephew of the deceased. The burial will be at Wood s Hall, Mass., where Arthur Shlveriok's mother resides. Frank Shlverick of Chicago, a brother, will accompany the body an far as Chicago. The pallbearers wili be Floyd M. Smith and William H. Crary of Omaha and four nephews Asa, Charles, Nathan and Robert Shlverick. BIG SUIT IS COMPROMISED Miaaeaota Laaaher Case lavolvlag Over 2tO,00 fettled Oat of Coart. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. . Edaln C. Shev lin, who about two years ago brought suit against his brother. Thomas Shevlln. the millionaire lumberman, alleging fraudulent transfer of stock In theJCrookston and St. Hallaire Lumber company amounting to between HA 000 and HUO.OOu, has "affected a settlement with his brother, and today ati order was made in the Hennepin court dis missing the case. Edwio C. Shevlln's at torney claims his client got all he sued for In the case. The second trial of the case was to begin lp..,,Uie : district court today. " . "' PRISONERS TO WORK FOR STATE Ohio Hoaae Paaaea Bill AKolUhlaa Coatrart System Im Pent teatlary. COLUMBUS, O.. Feb. i.-The house this afternoon passed the Werts bill abolishing prison contract labor In Ohio and providing that state prisoners shall be employed In the manufacture of materials for construc tion of roads-and articles for the use of state institutions. It also provides that persons sentenced to Imprisonment in county Jails may be employed on the roads In the county In which they are aentenoed. Tht bill goes to the senate. BUI for Money. WASHINGTON. Feb. . Representative Fowler (N. J.) has introduced a "clean money" bill which provides that any person or corporation haying mutilated or worn currency may aend It by registered mail to the treasury of the United States and receive In exchange new currency without postage or registration charge either way. The bill also appropriates $100,000 for the transportation of worn out currency from subtreasurles and fiscal agents of the gov ernment to the treasury of the United States and for the return of new currency. Fear Mldahlpmea Dismissed. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 Secretary Bona parte today signed formal orders for dis missal for basing of Midshipman Richard De Sasaasure of the First South Carolina district, and Midshipman George H. Mel vln of the Fifteenth Illinois district. "ebraaka Ma a Aamed. WASHINGTON. Feb. a-Th president to day sent to the senate the nomination of Olof Olson, to be receiver of public moneys at Valentine. Neb.' D. A. Ft. Chapter. - The February meeting or the Omaha chapter, DauKhters of the American Revo lution, was held at 2: p. m. Monday at the home of Mrs. C H. Pickens. 112 North Thirty-ninth street. After the usual busi ness session the following program waa given, Mrs. J. R. Webster presiding: Vocal koIo. Miss Klla Clarke; vocal solo, Mrs. William E. Johnson: paper, Mrs. Walter D. Williams: vocal solo. Miss Ella Clarke: recitation. Miss Gwendoline Patea; vocal solo. Mrs. William E. Johnson. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were served in the dining room. The hostess was assisted by the following: Mrs. Muwhlnney, Mrs. Pennock, Mrs. Hovt, Mis. Beea. Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. W. B. Millard, Mra. Alfred Millard. Mrs. Montgomery. Mra. Neely and Mra. Penny, Mrs. Blanche B. Heller, historian Omaha chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. Mortality etatlatle. Th following birth and deaths have been reported to the Bdard of Health dur. Ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births Evan R. Stroud. 4017 North Twenty-sixth, girl; Frank Kangior. "411 South Twenty-ninth, boy; John O'Grady, 311) Burt, girl: J. H. Olaen. 30O) Maple, boy; Martin Dineen. Sit North Twenty-fifth, boy; P. M. Tobin. Twenty-second and Paul, girl; Fred Blausnlch, CI North Twenty- first, girl: Mwiril Roth. US North Twentv. sixth, girl; B. Zlckefoose. 1011 South Elev enth, girt. . Deaths Marie Rossitter, ICS North Twentieth. : Helen Sarah Romigh. 3uC3 North Nineteenth. 51; Dennia Curnmlngs, Meriden. Ia.. 30; Mary M. Wakefield. Harney. $7; Nels J. EdquuM, i&a Chicago, 43. Grata Bayer WELLINGTON. Baraed ta Death, Kan., Feb. t A frame hotel buildina at Rome, thia count mam destroyed by fire early today. W. L Rich ardson, a grain buyer, was suffocated in his bed. Th landlord, W. F. Popplewell and hi wife, badly burned, made their escape in their nigtitclolhea. The financial loss was small. Isa-la-Law Mlaslag;. George Webber of Groslnger, Nurtinger. Germany, haa written Chh-f of Police Donahue - concerning th whereabouts of Frank Cuebeck. who married Webber' daughter In Omaha during IsM aad later la reported to have aent hla wife to Ger many, but baa not been heard ef since. of the session. Dealer pronounced ft Im possible to determine the character of sem AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA country Club Fn rebate. Froster Trittsi Its Ftrmintnt Berne. HOUSE ON PLACE fOH TIMP0RARY USE Laad Lie Aleaa evr Trailer Line I'art f'raak aad aa Ideal Traet for the Paraoaee of -the tlah. There was an informal meeting of the board of directors of the South Omaha Country club Monday afternoon, but no election of officers. Tho object of the meet ing was for the consideration of the pur chase of a site for the club grounds. It Was decided to purchase the Peter Frenxer tract, which lies three-quarters of a mile south of the Sarpy county line on the Thir teenth street boulevard. Since the meeting the deal has been closed and the first pay- j ment has bceu mude. There Is a good hous! infl nam nn the his. Rlrpadv. and It Is 1 likely these buildings will be used for the accommodation of the club members until better ones can be erected. The grounds are Ideal and lie Just north of the well known Child's property. There Is enough native timber already on the ground for the finest parking. The land lies In n ob long form and It is believed a golf course can be laid out without any crossing. In that way there will be no confusion of tho placers at any time. The property lies on the proposed car line to Fort Crook, so that It is within easy rench of all the mem bers. Fire aad Police Board Meella. There a-a a session of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners last night. The principal business was. the report of Chief Briggs for the month of January. F. O. Hill and P. J. Harder were elected to perm anent positions on the police force, both haying passed satisfactory the thirty days probation required. During the year I!i5 the fire department made 147 runs, of which four proved lo be false alarms. The board recommended that the city council take steps necessary for the Imme diate purchase of a patrol wagon for the police department and also that a new one horse rig be purchased for the fire chief. A number of letters were presented for the consideration of the board from dif ferent ministers and the Young Men's Christian association with regard to the question of Sunday closing. Those letters will be duly answervd by the secretary of the board. All of them plead for the strict observance of the Sunday closing law. No definite orders were issued to the police with regard to the matter, but It ia under stood by the police they are to take note of the conduct of all suloons In this re spect. Hospital Aaaoelatloa Meetlna. There was ft brief session of the South Omaha Hospital association yesterday aft ernoon. It being the regular monthly meeting only current bills came up for consideration. The nurses' salaries were allowed and Adjournment taken until after the charity ball. City Hall Happealaas. ' The city treasurer paid the teachers' warrants yesterday to the amount of $7,U00. The total cost of running the schools last month will reach nearly Is.OOO. The city clerk is getting out warrants for the general bills for January. Notices have been sent to nil registrars to be on hand Saturday, January W. for the first revision of registration. So far no vacancies have appeared on the list and If any occur they will be filed by the mayor, according to a resolution passed by the council last Monday night. Tax Commissioner Rldgeway haa gotten up a device for handling the voting ma chines, consisting of a tripod and a set of chain blocks, with the proper attachmenta; also a handy wooden base for the machines to rest upon when taken out of the boxes. With this device the machines can be handled without heavy lifting. Good Stolea from tar. Monday night a freight car containing a consignment of shoes and dry goods to South Omaha merchants was broken open ; In the Union Pacific yards and twenty-four ' palra of ahoes stolen, together with a lot of silk and thread and laces, the value of which cannot be told until the consign ment is Invoiced. The police have found no trace of the missing goods. Besides the goods taken the. thieves tore and scattered considerable about the car. The dry goods belonged to Flynn it Co. Magle ntr Oeasla. Mrs. David Condron left for Chicago this morning for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. William Brooks. Friday of last week about twelve Swedes went through the process of naturalisation In the same way. The Ladiea' Aid society of the Christian church will meet all day Friday with Mrs. J. G. Orange, i&d H street. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church held a business meet ing at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Bchlndel. The body of J. A. Bent, formerly of thia city, who died in Los Angeles two weeks ago, passed through the city yesterday eu route to tne old nome, Wheaton. 111. Harry McCandless, who haa recent". i,ad forced him to return to the hospital. Is now irpiirim w iw s'UUA"Jr iiiifi v ma. The evening whist party to be given by Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Elliott will be on Feb ruary 3u Instead of February 12, as form erly announced. It will be at the residence, ZM J street. Mrs. Waddell left for California this morning. Intending to make an extended tour of that atate and alao to visit Honolulu and other parts of the Hawaiian Islands before her return. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mra. Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Jasner and Mr. and Mrs. Kel ley wili give a dancing party at the Wood men temple February is to a number of their circle of friends. The "Greens" entertained the "Reds" at a matinee party at the Hurwood theater yesteraay aiternoon. There were twenty eight women in the parly. They all en Joed the humorous production to th limit. The death of Mrs. Harriet Bauman North Thirty-third street. The funeral) vtrrvnB mil, i- iiriu iiui j t muu uir body will be sent to Prairie City, la., for burial. Mra. G. G. Fisher and son LeRoy of Chicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wldlam J. Mctiurney. ali K street. After a few day Mrs. Usher will go to Casper, W yo. Bhe and Mrs. McBurney were old friends In Chicago. The Lithuanian societies of South Omaha will meet next Sunday afternoon at tne New Bettlera' hall. Twentieth and U streets. I It Is stated that a new republican nun will be formed among the Polish people which compose the membership. RALPH MAKES NEW "METHODS Health t'oaaaalaalaaer Create Refers la gysteaa far Reavrtlag Caatagloa Disease. sa aasrylng out his program for a more thorough supervision of th health and sani tary conditions of tbe city. Health Com missioner Ralph haa prepared a new form of cards for reporting contagious dlaeaaea. It calls for much more specific Information than the old blanks. The list of diseases which must be reported by attending phy sician Is now as follows: Cerebro-splnal fever, chickenpos, diphtheria, measles, membraneous croup, puerperal fever, small pox, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and whoop ing cough. Th new question propounded begin by asking wbo supplies th milk used In th affected family and whether hydrant or wall water 1 used. It la Incumbent upon th doctor ta say if th cas la in any way connected with a xitlk shop or depot, lun- dry, shop or other busirs place. In rase of tuberculosis the qix-rtion is asked If Inspection Is desired and Information rtv.ist be given regarding the patient's past !' dence If he arrived In Omaha within thl-y days from the time of repot L OMAHA MACHINIST IS KILLED M. A. tadereoa Loses l ife la Arcldeat Ulasearl ParlMe at Falls City, M. A. Aiidoitoii. ,a former resident of Omaha and a member of Waea lodge, 1 " pendent Order of Odd Fellow s, of this rll , was killed In a wreck on th" Missouri Pacific railroad near Falls City Tjedaj morning. Anderson, who was a brother of Carl A. And-rson of Omaha, was coming from Pt. louls to make preparations to go to th Panama canal inn. where he expected to oik as a machinist for the government. The wreck was caused by a head-on col lision of a passenger train from Kansas City and a southbound freight train. Ni other person though the was seriously Irjuid, al conductor ef the passenger train was slightly cut about the head. The Injjred: John Hall. Ksnsaa City, passenger con ductor, cut and bruised. Owen K. Trueblood. Kansas City, express messenger, badlv cut and bruised. E. L. Nickel, train auditor, shoulder dis located. , . Pr. B. F. Bailey. IJncoln, neck wrenched. ltTnil,r U-l',ii,hrlHii, KiUISHS CUV. bream crushed I William P. Sullivan. Ueavenworui. man clerk, cut and bruised. Both engines were badly demolished and the tender of the passenger engine was Jammed into the baggage car, which In turn was Jammed Into the mall car. until there waa but six feet of space In one end. lu which the mail clerk found refuge, with slight Injury. One car of cattle was put In the ditch. The train from Omaha was reversed and brought hack the passengers from the wrecked train, while the cars of the train which were not demolished were t-ent on to Kansas City with the passenger going south. i The w re. k'occurred at MS a. ra. and the train arrived In Omaha Ave iiours late. The wreck was due to the carelessness of the freight conductor. After taking on cara at Strausville he pulled out about a half mile, when he reniemliered he w;U running on passenger time. He stopped , the train and begun to back when the pas- senger ran Into Itwrecking both engines, baggage car and two cattle cars filled with ! cattle, killing nine of them. Neither train left the track. JUDGE SITS 0NEACH BENCH Xaaaer la District aad Carlaad la Clrealt Taart Heassemhle November Term. The adjourned November tiui of the United States district and circuit courts rearsembled Tuesday morning at the fed eral building, with the Jry panel present and Judge Munger occupying the district bench In the north court room and Judge Carland the circuit bench In the south court room. No cases being ready for trial In the circuit court the morning session was devoted to hearing motions and demurrers by Judge Carland and the assignment of trial cases. The first case to come up for trial In the circuit court will be that of Dr. Charles Roar water against the Illinois Central Railroad company for $20.ono dam ages for personal injuries. This case la ret for trial Wednesday morning. The case of the United States against Frank Bailey Is on trial in the United , States district court before Judge Munger, with Assistant District Attorney A. W. I.an representing the government and. At torney MacFarland for the defense. Bailey Is Indicted for stealing a bugle, govern ment property, from one of the armories of the Omaha National Guard companies In May of ISflt. , The case la being tried be fore a Jury. SUIT AGAINST JOHN P. BREEN Aetlea Filed ta Recover Two Tho as sad. Fire Hwadred Dollars frosa City Atteraey. An amended petition was filed Tuesday in the suit of Susan E. 8 perry against City Attorney John P. Breen. In which she Is seeking to recover $2,500 alleged to have been collected by Mr. Breen for A. D. i Smith before the death of the latter Sep tember . 1XX. The suit Is brought by her aa administratrix of the estate of Mr. Smith. The petition alleges thst Mr. Smith and Mr. Breen entered into a contract by the terms of which the latter was to atttempt the collecting of a claim held by the former against the Blue Valley Plaster company, amounting, to $4.K5. Smith, It Is asserted, paid Breen $1515 to cover the cost of the litigation which followed and subse quently sent him $73 as his fees. As th result of the litigation he is said to have collected $2,500 on the claim, which he re fused to turn over to Mr. Smith and still refuses to pay to the estate. The suit is for thia amount. The petition waa filed j by W. 8. Stillman, attorney for the estate. t HASTINGS NEXT TO OMAHA Adaaaa Caaaty Capital Boasted by Mayor Mtlea a ftecead Beat la Stat. Mayer C. J. MUes of Hastings was caller at The Bee office Tuesday morning. Mayor Mile Is spending the day here at tending to business matters. "Too busy down our way to talk politic Just now." replied the Hastings mayor In answer to one query. "Hastings Is the best town in the state, except Omaha. Jot that down. Four fine hanks, one having $1,600,000 on deposit. New luMH hospital being erected under auspices of the ITlka ft - 1 1 k. k .. 4 Jut organised the Central Ne- ursa vxiriri r air association, with a capital of $20,000. Tea, saloon closed on Sundays; been closed on Sunday for three years. Fin town I Hastings. 'Rah for Omaha and Hasting!" HOSPITAL FUND IS GROWING Maaey ta Take r Dr. Jeaaa' Baa as Coallaae ta aaa ta th Methadleta. The Methodlat hospital fund still con tinue to grow snd t (he present rate will com within th requirement of th bequest of Dr. Jona. who gave Sao,0M on ronditlon that $fie,000 additional waa raised by the remainder of th stale. There are fourteen general districts In th state and all are working hard to raise the required amount. All tbe presiding elder, including Dr. William Oarst of th Omaha district, are making special efforts to have th aura raised by th required time. Hooper sent In :ie Mooday, which waa It full apportionment. Many others hav don th aam. Over $2b,0u0 ha been raised besides Dr. Jonas' subscription of 30.ooe. Manila! avvideaa ia dally advanced ef th curative power of Dr. King Nw Discovery for Con. sumption. Coughs and Cold, loc and $L For aal by barman A MoConnall Drug Oa, DIAMOND rraf. 1KS aad Dodge, 03R LETTER BOX thrlstlaa eleaee Aa Joke. OMAHA. Feb. -To the litor of .The I'.ee: In Vhe Pee 8unly there appear a story entitled, "tfr.e toe,J Uiiiit," oopied from Harper's Vevkiy. w hich gives a wrong and unjust Impi-esstin of Christian Science. A Christian SceT.tIsf'njors a Joke as well as any one. but v,n It tak's the form of misrepresentation It cses to be a Joke.. To those who are urinfonned as to tine true scientitic process by which the Slk ate hev( and the sinner reformed this etory gives the iniprensiiin that Christian Science is nien-ly a "tedious mischief-maker." coldly arsertlng to eary Invalid. "Nothing alls you." On pag " of the textbook of Christian Science. "SMrnce and Health. With Key tn the Scriptures." by Vary Baker O. Eddy, she says. "Pleknees Is neither Imaginary nor unreal that Is. to the frtahtened. false eetme of th patient. It is more than fancy, for It Is solid conviction. It Is, therefore, t bo icalt with through right apprehension of the truth of being." Those who have studied the textbook of Christian Science, who have been healed of diseases, many of them, previous to coming to Christian Soltnce pronou'iced Incurabie, have a convtctkm that God Is 'n ever present help." that the scriptural promises are being fulfilled; that when Jesus said. "And these slgna shall follow them that be lieve; In My name shall they cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and If thy drink any deadly thing It shall not hurt them: they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark xVl.l7-li. the promise whs Intended, as He said, for all "that believe" and that it was perpetual. Christian Scientists, umong whom may b found prominent business men, educators, teachers and lawyers, as well aa the meek and lowly, only desire "fair play" end Jus tlco from the press, and they are striving tn fulfill the command of Jesus. "Do unta others as ye would that they should d unto you." GRAY MONTGOMERY. , Assistant Publication Committee. BRIEF FOR NEW WARE TRIAL Matloa Prepared by Mahaaey aad Will Be nahmltted ta Jade Monger. T. J. Mahotiey. attorney for Rev. George O. Ware, recently convicted In the United States district court for conspiracy In pro curing fraudulent land filings within the U. B. I. enclosure, has prepared bis brief for a new trial in the case, which will be submitted to Judge Munger upon Mr. Ma honey's return from Lincoln. The allega tions In the brief plead error in the trial of the case, the statute of limitations re garding the date of the alleged formation of the conspiracy as bearing upon the date of the Indictment and miscellaneous objec tions presented by Messrs. . Mahoney and Frawley during the fourteen days of the trial. HORSES AND CATTLE SEIZED Live (Mock Will Be Held to gatlsfy Mortgage of Tweaty-Sevea Thoaaaad Hollars. The Cattle Feeders' Loan company of Omaha haa brought suit in replevin in the United States circuit court against Mary S. Brown. Robert Brown and others of Keith county to recover on a chattel mort gage for a balance due of $27,268.10. Deputy United Statea Marahal Moore wus dispatched to Keith county Monday after-, noon to levy upon several hundred head of cattle ou the ranch of the defendants In satisfaction ef'the ' 'mortgage? rThe writ of replevin also calls for the seisure of a number of head of horses and a quantity of hay on the ranch. YOUR BAD TiriE Ii yon take a cold, r it take ycra, and you eneeze and choke and almost cough your head off, GEX 7 as Ci Lirrr Otl Emmlntn "Pur Exctllrwu." the New Cod' Lfver Oil Emulsion Guaiacol. Glycerine and the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda. ' Then the cold will end in cute, not in consumption. Under-nflurished folk, with thin blood and sluggish di gestion, canned get rid of a cold. Consumption' shadow is always over them. Come out of the shadow, and ttay out. - Fortify yourself with the great food, OZOMULSION. At all druggists. There arc tw sues t-ot. aad Ilea Bettlesi the Formula is printed ia T languages an -sea. Ozomulsion Laboratories I Pine St., New Tork. ' Shermncs La Grippe Cough Syrup IS WELIj ntMEU. ' It was first corn pour! ded whea tbe scours waa At Ita worst O- SO. It has proved Its efBManey thousands of time. There iruty M other remedte for a timcA cough. LA OR1PPB COUGH IH DIFFKiHtVT. ThJ yrup uiets at one nd aup. that tickling ta th threat. MRrVr DO SB RELnSVaVS. tAMPLF: FREE. Bottlea Kc and Ha, Far hranlq cases, pint. $1.ML Mad and suld by Sberaii I KcCoBiell Org. Ci. Car. lth aad Daaa Bta, Osaakaw A- Bampaon. Oen'l Sale Agsnt. Omaaa, 15 -LI MI-NETS i Ties rtnrkbl rem! sr as sat ky tk tost p"i ta ) tit j. B-LI S IHO irtrrnw H'Mkaaa sat Sea. prssslaa w 1l bo til slcobsile r tmcLsiM siunsis boe. at 1 1 -! acts kj elaaalo tks ismhn waste fwaeia treat tk hta, 4 taa rsatws U etrralftiioe. ua i imrm rhi-ewts ra1a. tea without lbs eoetiase um t krslc. Tks r s deilrbt is sil tnua tflietec. St.LIM I- A.Tt aiepe Pata ts Is weeal toruof Btheaaaailsaa. Jearalla as etat. iea without lbs of Opium. Morifcis. larsiaa, rNsrMiicslassTMrai. Bt slaa-l-aa-Smaa acta fc slMolvtas ih scums Ikal sr aeilllas ta Iks isiaia a tlaaacs aa cava to p4a. AK yor irr,.ii. a rHICUaTlLK-k Kr4.U2 la ttaa few mm,m, taaav "SU""" t,Vinak 1aaa mna al iIiHim aa lau. Smi j at r iwa ar mm a, a "" " f- - Tl " i 'it SaawKaai, it-SHI a. n n kaa; D. aaaae raiu, r