THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1006. SPECIAL NOTICES will he taken til 13 a, for tho e-ealas edlttoa mm until . m. for tho moraine mm Sua- odltloa. RUM 1 le a word Aral laeerHoa, Jo word thereafter. Nothla taken for I Ma tkaa aoe for the arat Inser- loa. Theae ad-ertlseaeats atast he raa eoaaeratlrelr. Aavertlarre, kr reaaeatla a tiered rkerk, eaa haee aaa ere dressed to a aamkered letter la eare f The Mee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will ho delivered preaeatatloa at rlitrk. MISCELLANEOUS MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLE8 COL LEGE 18 NOW OPEN. Day and Night sessions. Yet It la not too late to enter. New student are being enrolled dully. Business, Shorthand. Typewriting, Tele graphy. English. Catalogue free. Ad dress ir. B. BOYLES. President, Boylea Building. Omaha, Neb. R 670 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. K oil OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of Are escape, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen. Prop., 103 8. 10th St. II i 4 Columbia Records Reduced. to 25c, 35c, 50c and 60c. The Columbia Phonograph Co ' 1621 Famam St., Omaha. R 675 -WE PRESS 'IV Your bosom friends are safe with us. No danger to your linen with our up-to-date STt-AM PRESSURE MACHINE. ClTY STEAM LAUNDRY. 209 and ill Bo. 11th Bt. Tel. Doug.. 254. It m1 Mi R-jIo Tioc K- HL'MBEL A BON, 1124 Ddltf 1 lea no. Uta at., Omaha. , R-676 GION PAINTING. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. BTEINWAY piano, upright, big barualn. WANTED- carpenters; .steady worlt Al- Perfleld Piaoo Co., Ibll VarnaiTi hu dress Jos. Shlesiger. Contractor. Yutan. K 678 Neb. CLOCK REPAIRING; I guarantee. W. J. WANTED-At once a barber; will g Richard., -ma Cap. Ave. Tel. Doug. 7234. tee $15 a week. Address drawer D. Lead, ' R biiHZ Fl 8. D. B M53b 7 i.NCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. DEEP WELL WANTED Want a hole put Burr Incubator Co., M and Davenporu down about 2,600 or 3.000 feet at Colum- K M301 F2a bus. Neb. What can you do It for? K. S. . Dickinson, Columbus, Neb. B 629 a MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to or- r r Tl dec. - . K M330 FebZ3 WANTED A s;ood live man who has had experience In moving buildings; will pay PPRkf I NIC. American herbs. 1624 N. 21st Rood wages and give steady y0 b rfcKMINOB,., Omaha, Neb. Tel Red TM. l0" r r urfyKtch?i .', I R M4i M4 Falls, S. U. u ibo an."" BUNSMITH. keys, trunk-locks, repairing. ElV!-hnmV- none Hetlln. i!7 8. 14th. TeL Douglas 2K.4. Pnl8r8; f,eyA '. ISnW ' Fre! rt sot but first-class workmen need apply, r re- w niont Carriage Manufacturing Co., Fre- DMAHA Electric Works. Electrical repair- mont, Neb. F. Shenberger, Supt Ing. Prices right. Me-12 N. 11th St. Tel. - HUl B Doug, mi. R-M366 F.24 RAILWAY mall clerks: salary. S00; March WE BUY and sell typewriters. We will sell examinations; preparation free. Franklin your machine on a small comnilasion. Institute, Rochester, N. Tt. usia x ' Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 32 Nevlllt ; . , , BIK. Tel. Doug. mi. H 164 Feb. 20 WANTED Men to accept bargains in land, hotel and gallery. R. 8. Koftrath. Lltch- KINDLINQ for sale; good wood, sawed and field, Neb. B M808 M5x epltt, ready for stove. '. BALBACH A liAGETJOKN Planing mill. "Phone Har- . My im- . . : R-M32Feba WANTED FEMALE HELP ELBAS8ER St BRICE. : Machlnlsu. 317 8. 12th Bt. Tel. Doug. 6S37. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago ' K 476 J; eb31 BU CM JTRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TeL GOOD girl for general housework at 2S33 Doug. 8630. It 673 California St. C 74a CHICAGO LAUNDRY. 314 N. 16th. TeL CAPABLE girl for general housework; no Doug. 2. R M943 FeblS washing. b!3 8. 19th St. C 779 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. 1919 Farnam BOYS Burgess Shirt Co., 21st and Far- , . R-titil. nam. C M410 F PURVEYING, BUckensderfer, 2 Bee Bldg. WANTED Apprentices for dressmaking. . P.-646 'Phone Douglas 2604. C MS 9 GIRL for general housework. - F. E. Olney, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS c-msioj. ODA FOUNTAINS, any slse. 1811 Farnam. AGENTS WANTED . Q "11 i i BHrnwiH wit t tmo cn nnnn fivcr AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our paint iS!jl mS?' bEST MIXED popular policies, covering all accidents. ntHI' Shermttn McOonnell Drug Co.. Sis'eases and occupations? something en- umc- W tirely new and issued by JJils society HALL'S aafea new 2d huiM im ir.rnn only; easily understood and easily sold; HA a faxes, new. Zd Hand, 18 arnam. cogt but w per annum each, payable monthly If desired; large commissions bENUlNE llaJla aafea nin VH,rnu c, paid Immediately and exclusive territory Ul-suiw-l iall safes. 1110 Farnam SU luwed. Address National Accident So- f W Aiaju ieo. ia Cety, 320 Broadway, New York. Estab- rOR BALE At a bargain, material in atone "hed 20 J-M664MchS Bake?' m-SrterKuln "THE Business Guide" ha. no equal; a KoMwtuer ''' millionaire writes he would not be with- y.. ttosewater, uem business offlej. out one for li0ooiOW); agents mako 1300 a , i " . , ' ' month; write for exclusive territory and TOR BALE-Two - life .; hoiarshlp. on I "ttt- 3' Klchols & V.mK1"' Omaha business college. Address Dwlght vllle' 11L : J A1640 x WllllamOnUiha Bee, Omaha. Neb GOOD MAN to sell best nopular-prlced . ' ' . v . ' . - ' ' 4-& CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE on mar- . ket. Nebraska and Iowa. Call or write SECOND-HAND J. 8. Graves, Dellone Hotel. J 7S8 Sx STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE tf you want a bargain In steam fittings call " iuuk over i no ionowing supplies Id-inch Austin's horlsontal separator. It-Inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H, Bridges, engineer. Bee 100 8INGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres- !, - cuiupieie; worm so, auig JJ'vpt. 4 MWi FOR 8A EE Furniture, carneta. atnv. -.i everything to furnish the home, on easy payments. We, don't ask Installment prices.. f ' OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO 13US-1J11-1218 Famam St. -l.k- - Var : alilA-H vows, en easy terms. - 13d and center. U Alt PIANO Square. $10; SO cents weekly. Per mR Tn R.l.l ki r.. - T" - ' W,,1MU,UI U - plex Bujler. Feed . Pump;, oan be seen Bridge.. Engineer Bee Bldg. Q W3 WW TRt ST EVERYBODY, easy payments and lead thrf world In cheap prices on ,oiiniftru aiui puui inuiw anu Dar iLxtures iire,un we. t ne prunswick Balk 1 oileimer fjo. J7 B. will St., Omaha, Ne eb. CRIBBING, fir timbers. M feet and under; 'easoned mardwood lumber. S01 DouKlas. ) y- ' (4 661 Wo STOVES 4a eeleetafrom at low prices. t urnuure o., itiu-1412 Dodge St BPU'IAU PRICES FOR NEBRASKA by Johnsoh. the IncuoaLur . man. - Send far l4-igf free nj-atalugue, , i6 Doultrv llhi.l, . . 1 1 ' 4 ' KT 1 . r , .1 , ... hvhiimjii yu.. via tyoltr, Neb.-: .. - Q ti0 roli SALE Two roulette wheels, aa v.mrf na eij- will sell reasonable. AdViiem tosr- eu, aouin unani, - q 13 s SECOND-HAND STEINWAY 1PRIGHT pianot- Dig oara-am. sis Mcuague Hl.lg. TOR' 8Af Oater Me. cuttlhc machine ruts anl-tlnvads IU to 4-inch nine: powerr In good condition; used only three irnHim, win eeii ror. no; aisa rnain tongM wreeohea a)d ither lU; write for list. J, it. jMuwr, oneiMtnaoan, ia.- ; j Q-M801 7 rOR jSALE Two H. P. boilers. Two ( ook dees well pumps, one Dunlex Ku fl pame. . One 0-font aninke- et. U-MS07 11 LOST AND FOUND UST-Bugllh bull-dog; one brown eye; Urge brass collar. TeL 4-8 Loat-448 : LARGE dark bay horse, weight, l.o to 1.4i pounds; hati set ot harass on and nam, i r 3rfl on right front boof. Firmer return to l alien tate express co., yM-s. JI18T Bar- mare. 'I -years old, old brand. George Leach, list and L Sts.. So. Amahs. .;- : .. , . . " . ... . Jst Mu J -vT 4old chain 'bracelet; Initials F. B. Jf ,: 7i4.1a pck Return! to 18 N Jt.hj rawatttf. A - -11 TK WANTED MALE HELP iJRfO stores bought and sold. Drug clerka wanted. F. V. Kntest, 624 N. T. L. B-681 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A 1. Iloot. Inc., 1210 Howard St. B-6R3 MEN of discretion aa aollcHnr. Call aft ernoons at third floor, Patterson block. 1623 Famam. B-403 LET ua know If you are open for a posi tion ana we win snnmit our inn vr WESTERN REE. A BOND ASSN (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-1-2 J$. Y. I-fe 1 '.fstn g WAMTPh At once, sound young men Y AW! I L. VJ to prepare for firemen and brakemen on railway. High wages; quick promotion: experience unnecessary; hun dreds of good pohltlona open; busy season now on; call or write for full particulars: don't delay National Railway Training Ass'n, No. 620 Paxton Block. Omnha, Neb. WANTED For V. 8. Army, ablebndled v, - oa 1 n-. nltlaana fif flit-II If I W ri r1KB tt 61 Hliu ou , vms' - United States, of Rood character and torn- jwraie nanus, who can pptapi, writ KnKllflh. For information apply to T 1 . : itta ink .-.I Iktuirlna Vlt m -v 1 ui 1 if ig uiin e, join niiti -'wp, u. Omaha; I.lnroln and Grand Island, Neb., or eioux -iiy, J.a. - Night School Scholarship in an Omaha business college lor sale at bargain. Address L. oi, emu Bee. B 4t WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we prepare you ior posiuuna i- iu .-v " " 1 J ...... i ii..' , 1 1 1 1 i o M uu i (i ii uiaLiivniiv cm t ...... .. , toola and board before completing; short lug. Call or write Molcr Barber College, SALESMAN WANTED Well equipped salesman to call on physicians. A very exceptional opportunity is ottered for im mediate work. Slate age and experience. Lock box 858, Philadelphia. B M4S2 Feb7 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1605 Far- nam; best service; nine cnairs; no iohb waiting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting. 26o. B M3 Febltx YOUNO men wanted to learn telegraphy and railway buslnesa. Oldest scnoot. Every graduate placed. W. B. Skclton, Balina, Kan. B-MU63 FeblSx HUSTLING agents wanted, samples free. previous experience unnecessary; send io stamp for particulars. A. E. Morrlah, tiaylord. Mien. J Mian x BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see iari et to., 4ui N. i. Lire. x TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best Information and quick action, see MOATS, 803 K&rbach block. x wu ESTABLISHED FIRM 40 years In Omaha, Increases capital siock ana oners to sell a limited amount or pre r erred stock, which pays 7 per cent dividends, guar anteed, payable semi-annually and return' able in live years. Address, O-IS, care Bee. . X U49 LANDS, nidse. Sc town property for sale or exchange, interstate fc.xcliunKo. .Module, la I 4ol Feb29 FOR SALE A Jewelry store in one of the neat towns In Iet)ra.sKU","'eany terms, Shook Mrg. Co., s. lbtn St., Omaha. Y MJ16 8 A $4,500 STOCK of clothing and gents' fur lushing in the city or Cresion, la. ; also a complete set of fixtures which we will sell at the right price; lease on store can be had: a tine cnance for a new starter. Address McClelland Bros. A. Kavics, Min neapolis, Minn. y M794-9 FOR SALE Only drug stock in new town central NeurttSKa; invoice xj,uuu; Dec sales,; Jan. salea. 9.06.40; two rrc scribing doctors: two-story frame build ing. Address r 4. uee, y aisos lox FIRST-CLASS Jewelry stock and business for sale cheap: county seat and the only store of the kind. Leon E. Miner. Foley, Minn. Y-MS26 9x SMALL stock of groceries and fixtures; good location and good established trado, for sale cheap If taken at once. Fremont, Neb., 150 Muin St. Y MS32 13 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING in families or at home. Miss Sturdy, 26U6 Davenport. Tel. Harney 1UI2. -660 LADIES' shirt waist suits our specialty. Burgess, 2024 Farnam BU Tel. Doug. 4113. M-9U F17 FOR expert dressmaking assistance, 'phone Douglas 3718. 3.S8 Feb26 FASHIONABLE dressmaker will take a small amount of additional work. Spec ialty, shirt waist suits, evening waists and dresses. Mies Bowles, 'Phone Cedar S37S1. . -J92 FebJOx DRESSMAKING by day In families; ex- Krlenced in cutting and designing. . 19ih. Bl F27x MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladles' tailoring and evening gowns. 'Phoue 2476. 2604 Dav'pu M 623 Mar 1 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent at ?7th and Leavenworth Bts.. $15T ' N. P." Dodgo A Co.. 1614 Farnam St. - ' P tXlR RALE 60 head Pig mules, good age. Vound and well broke. " Forty head big horses, at our feeding rwrna at Pactflo Junction: la. Omaha office, 833 Board of Trade Bldg- 'Phone Douglaa 1703 V .. , vvr T , : P-M77V It Always Pays You L FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 591 VIENNA Hotel; private dining room', cafe. 1.-. cm FURNISHED room with hot and cold water, gas, electrlo light and teleponno, for gentleman. 217 8. 26th Bt. E 66 ROOMS and good board, 6 per week and up. can 1617 Chicago St. K 637 FURNISHED rooms rent quickly If prop erly furnlahed. We sell everything to f ! i r n I u i hAm Aaa. fu.mant, W m don't ask Inatallment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., E-7 Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E 695 Oxford European Hotel. Weekly Rates. E M485 r etwl WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms. 2234 Farnam, Flat 6. Tel. Dong. 03. E 781 PRIVATE FAMILY, elegant suit Ot rooms. sinewy modern, zsio Webster, lei. E M4a7 M2 NEWLY furnished rooms, 2634 Davenport; wanting distance. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, with or without board; reasonable. Mid land Hotel, lGth and Chicago. E M621 fNEATEY furnished room, strictly modern. suitable tor three gentlemen. 'oH0 Harney. B Ma 7 3 7x EXCELLENT modern furnished room; tele phone in houie: meals close. Dr. Prib- Jenow,25"4 HarneySt. i 813 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-698 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1509 8. 28th SU G M7 74 HOUSES FOR flENT nUUOLJc Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. oul Hnll9Fln "J1 P-1-1 of the cty- The nUUOCJo, F. Da via CO., 608 Bee Bldg. D 604 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D tiuo CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nine rooms and barn, H block from 24th car, ttlnney HU Tel. Harney 6M. D eu WE furnish the home complete on easy payments. 1 ne nest siock in Omaha to select from. $100 worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., 1209-1211-121S Farnam St. D 814 6 Desirable modern house, 9 rooms, nice plumbing, good furnace, newly painted and papered, gooa Darn, large lawn, u Chi cago street. Rent, $40. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D-607 FOR RENT 22d and California Sts., 9-room nouse, fZ.Mi; Y-room, -(.to. now mod ern; In complete repair. Inquire at 6u7 N. 19th St. D 474 7-ROOM house, 1630 South 2Sth. Clarke Powell, 2044 Farnam SU 'Phone 931. D 666 WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. $362011 Sherman Ave., 9-r., modern, barn. HO 816 S. 41st Ave.. 10-r.. modern, barn. $222626 Wirt, 6-r., modern, nearly new. $12 21st and Valley, 4-r., city water, D 414 SEE US when shipping household goods to large cities weal. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 4 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. llo. D M36j THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lath. Ottice, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. D 602 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14a6. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-603 t-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. D 224 J. SCHWARTZ. Moving Van. 1510 Webster Tel. Doug. 2046. D M917.F17 2218 CHICAGO, 8 rooms, modern, $30; 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $26; others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. 1-M466 CENTRA 4-roora corner flat. Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. D Mm FIVE-ROOM modern house and barn. 2409 N. 20tb. D463 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front. 668 So. 28th St., $40 per month. G. W. . Loonila, D 449 NIN1J rooms, modern, 3112 Mason St., $30 month. Owner. 2t 8. 12th St. D 769 ELEVEN-ROOM house, all modern. $28. Tel. 6309. D 778 6x HOUSE 'Six rooms, city water, 3009 Frank lin Su. $1L Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee. D 800 20x 6-ROOM house, modern. 2012 Elm St., $25.00. Inquire 6U2 Park Ave. D 787 10 HOUSE for rent. Apply 2012 N. 23d St. D M70 8x 7 ROOMS and bath, 1946 Bo. 11th St. Phone, Douglas-7227. D 820 FOR RENT, 4 rooms; water, gas. sewer; $9. it)!! Piirker St. D M831 9x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manuger. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufacture ..... ' - 1 1 . . ..... .1 ...... elevator; will rent 22x100 separately; Iuu3-u6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Na tional Bank Bld. 1-847 LARGE STORE ROOM We have a large store room, 60x 43. that will be moved to comer of 29tu and Far nam. It will be rented as 11 is or di vided Into three stores. lbx43, to suit ten aula. Will be ready March L N. P. Dodge It Co., 1714 FARNAM. 1766 6 WANTED TO RENT WANTED I rooms, and board for four. near or convenient 10 mm ana Jackson; give location and state terms. Address P 47, Bee. K-Mnj 7x PATENTS 11. A. 8TURGE8, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -685 F. J. LARSON ft CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -686 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-611 B. ICth St. 687 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 53 Douglas Block. PLUMBING CHAPMAN & MAHAN. Repairs promptly done. Prices reasonable. U2 N. 16th. TeL Red $864. - 127 Feb23 BEE WANT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BrECIAL (Bee. February . 1906.) FACTORY SITE ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A FACTORY BITE? . We have the exclusive sale of what Is known as the Murphy-Wasey Chair fac tory, located on the Belt line and Mander on street. There are S buildings 1. Ware house, 120x120, t stories. 2. factory, 60x160, t stories. 1 Engine room, 20x26, 1 story. 4. Boiler room, 20x7, 1 story. 6. Coal house, capacity 60 tons. This property was built In 1889. A rough estimate of its present cost is $80,000. It ia now rented to Beebe at Runyon Furniture Co. tor $3,600 a year. We offer It for less than half Us present construction cost. HARRISON & MORTON. . 912-91J N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE 819 6 FOR 8ALH. A FRUIT FARM containing 1H acres; large house and good barn, chicken house and sheds, all built in last 3 years; good well nt house. Price $4.6u0. 600 fruit trees, all young, some bearing . small fruits. mile from station. Cal . houn, on Blair road. Address E. A. Blodgett, Fort Calhoun, Neb. RE 812 6x AN OUTSIDE BARGAIN $3,600. New 7-room, all modern, hot water heat, good barn and shed; one ot the best built houses In Omaha; owner leaving city. Call 3417 Charles street. REM830 U FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real-Es-tater, Blair, Neb. R Uo 9 rooms, modern, 3112 Mason St.; part cash, bul. monthly. Bee owner, 2i S. 12th St. HE M768 Marchi BEAUTIFUL modern house, full lot, good location, sightly; will sell at reduced price of only $2,400: very easy terms. Inquire Owner, 1411 Vinton St., city. REM709 8x A SNAP Good 190, t miles from Norfolk, $26 per acre; must be sold before March L J. H. Conley, Norfolk, Neb. IRE MtiGS 7 6, 10 AND 20 acres, near Benson, $226 an D nr. naw C ninm l,..ii.. .. it r w-vwii, iivua. itu buds, $1,400; easy terms. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Famam St. RE 794 6 THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. 3, N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, Sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana, $67.86. RE 00 7 FOR BALE Store, lots and stock clean general merchandise; consideration, $l,00u; ' snap if taken' soon1; 20 miles from Sioux City on Omaha road. Address P 45, care Bee. RE M802 20x C Williamson Co. T RB-779 FOR SALE A borne worth $30,000 for $12, 000; west side. Address L 17, Bee. HE M869 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and vwu mil 101s, on si. mtn bu, only H.oou. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. KE-617 FARM FOR SALE Section 86-10-16, Buf- i-iu county, xxeDrasKa, uu cultivated, bal ance pasture, fenced, good soil, good -buildings; price 816.000. Address owner, 443 Board of Trade-building, .Omaha, Neb. it' ' .pi": RE M641 9 FIVE. 10 and 20 acres, near Benson, $226 an acre; new a-room nouse and i acres, $1,400; easy terms. N. P, Dodge & Co., 1714 Far nam St. ' IRE M834 7 ACRE LOTS on S. 40th, South Omaha, ww; nve acres near eoutn umana,; acre lots on county line, $260. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam. RE 796 6 FOR SALE FARMS GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 200 acres, Greeley Co., 6 miles 8. E. Scotia, good valley land, 160 avres under cultiva tion, 40 acres meadow and pasture, good 4-room house, stable, granary, well with ' windmill, only. $36 per acre; will take half of value in Omaha improved property. This is a square deal and an unusual op portunity. George G. Wallace J. J. BROWN BLOCK. H-M806 8 IF YOUR backbone was as long as your wishbone you would stop wishing you had a farm and would get up enough nerve to buy the following: ' 160 acres situated. In the Willow valley. Antelope county, .Nebraska. Large new . nine-room house, good outbuildings, fair barn, fine well of splendid water, large grove around house and barns, small bearing orchard, lots of. small fruit, 26 acres pasture of blue grass, red top and wild grass; has running water, 16 acres of meadow, 10 acres alfalfa, fenced hog tight: balance under cultivation: soil la clay and heavy black sand loam with clay subsoil, just rolling enough to make lino farm land, school house on one cor ner, 6V4 miles from town, H4 miles from church; 60 bushels of corn to the acre the past season. Owner's wile's health has failed and must leave the farm; will be sold to the llrst ' coiner for $6,400. - Neighbors are neither "Canucks." "coons" nor "greasers"; they are American cltl sens, and that is worth considering. I also have 320 ucres of fine grazing and hay laud for sale at $1,01X1 cash. Do you want something good? If so, bow about the above? "Vou'U have to hurry." J. C. Jenkins. Nellgh. Neb. 11 M821 9 The Texas "Panhandle" offers the best opportunities for invest ment to farmers. Mock men and capital ists. From $3 to $k buys as good farm land as there Is In Iowa or Nebraska and you can till the' soil practically every month of the year. We also have fine propositions In Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory. OKLAHOMA-TEXAS LAND CO., Immigration Agents. JOHN MICHAEIjSEN, Manager, 16 Arlington Blk. 'Phone Doug. 190, Omaha, Neb. H-762 6 CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE Douglas and Sarpy Counties $100 per acre for 160 acres. 7 miles N. W. of Omaha, on Military road, well Improved. f.D per acre for 160 acres near Uretna, good Improvements. 140 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. GEORGE CO.. lull Farnam ctt- H-M517 11 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." . l2j THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmer and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement la krtiilW rents per word in small type or 2.W per Inch it set la large type. to Read PERSONAL LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 264. 211 8. 11 Ui hi. R-H9 JOJN TTIE "HOSrE POPULAR SHEET Ml SIC CUT RATE CLUB." Save you one-hnlf your sheet music bills, or give t.u twice as much music for your money. rite us for particulars or call at the f.. muslo department. A. Hospe Co., li13 Douglaa St., Omaha, Neb. U M4S1 FebSl PLEATING""0"- K Buttons! Set"1 Iur Pr4ce and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1936. U-642 CAN you make a few monthly payments of $6 or more for protected Interest In established co-operative business, secured by clear real estate held in trust, now paying 10 per cent (8 per cent guaranteed) dividends? Expects soon to pay up to 22 per cent. Nearly 3,000 persons now re ceiving profits. Send postal for free illus trated booklet. Address "A Life Income," , 701 Diexel building, Philadelphia, Pa. U-826 7x DR. JACKSON, R. 4. Frenxer block, thronlo diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U 616 ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3814 N. 24th Bt., Omaha, Neb. U M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U-637 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 730 8. 13th. U-G39 MACiNPTIf treatment & Baths. Mme. UAVtjnc I IV-Smith. 118 N. 16, 2d fl., r. 2. U 3fi0 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U-40 MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 8. 20th Tel. Doug. 4686. U M520 Marl PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 636 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. nth St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U 611 MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases, Joseph Ruben, room 218, Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6608; Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed. U 392 Feb6 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-641 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 'Phone Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 644 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE Doug. 3630. U 645 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 No. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3569. U M524 Feb8 MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tel.' Doug. ! ' 1 U M526 F8 WE TAKE CARE of clothing by the month. L. SOUK UP & CO., expert clean era and dyers, 618 S. 13th St. Tel. Dour. 1729. U M166 F20 OMAHA PRESSING CO. Clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Tel. Doug. 6666, 16th and Dodge Sts. U 669. GET our prices if you have a house, flat or room to furnish. We don't ask in stallment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. U 816 6 VALUABLE INFORMATION- Are you Interested In the opening of the Shoshone, or Wind River, Indian reserva tion? If so send 25 cents for full and latest Information respecting the same to jonn a. iionrain, inder, vv yo. U-M566 7x RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. U 643 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mail; cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 290 F21 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY MRS. M. RITTENHOUSE, 412 No. 16th, Room 2, Second Floor. U MD14 F17 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest in the city. Zili 8. -in Bt.. Omaha, Neb. U-9l Febl7 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 3, 1606 Farnam. U-646 MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, taclal massage; thoroughly tirst- - - inui, 019 nee rildg, U M944 Fls MME. PAREE of N. Y. Shaving, Facial jMuaauttd, uiauivui 111. U9 UOUglaS tHK U-41W1 Flax PRIVATE HOME durlna- rntin.n,.nl. babies adopted. Call al li9 N. 22d; terms runinnuhla 'Uhnn 1 4, . 1 duu-i U M300 F23 ADROIT llltn ni7lm removed from 16a) DouKlas street to Mrs. Inza Spalnhuwer Savage, prop. Tel wu."0 .uw. l ni , ay-Ala TRY my new method of dry shampoo for .no nun, pi rvruuiiB in necessity 01 too iituchi Honing. aucKiiuieiy removes all oil anil dilHl frntii tliA huir n ml lu.... - - - ...w -..v iioyra ii Knft unii nuffv Miua llunl 'rul X. in. Blk., loth and Harney. 'Phone DoiiRlas MAS8AGE specialist for chronic diseases. Joseph Ruben, room 218. Bee Hlriir. Tel 6w. Omaha; 27 years' experience; work . IuMineru. L M833 Mch6 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pill women's monthly regulator, has brought hupplnesa to thousands of anxious women; 110 pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to t days. We nave never Known ok a single failure. Price. $2 by mail. Raymonds Monthly Regulator in liquid. $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond He nedy Co., Room 36, 84 Adams St l liicagu, 411. 647 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGo KOLO Remedy. Safely rclievea longest. most obstinate rases of delayed Monthly r-enoa 111 10 oay wunoui narm, pain or Interference with work. Mail tl.fin Double strciiKth $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER Ktm I.AUlto KKJ.K. DR. B. H. SOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. ai'J. 04s BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman Mcfonneii nniK t o., umana. 649 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES LETOVSKY'S union orchestra. Tel. Dg.72ia M406 F-26 PRIVATE instruction In German. French'. .Spanish, Italian, English and history; classes formed. Zella. F. Helns. No. t. rtajmiion r isi. im r eu.'ai WILLIAM MILLER. VIOLIN TEACHER. Lsaone at pupils' borne. 2233 Famam Bt. TeL Red 6136. 829 1J I ADS. I DEATH NOTICES RIECK Mrs. Anna C, February 1 19V, sue 68 year. Funeral Thursday at 2 p. m. from resi dence, 2f-40 Capitol avenue. Interment. For est Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. ROCHE Mrs. Ann Pcallon. a;ed 74 years, at her home, llli; Bherwood avenue. Funeral notice later. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann Gentleman, 708 N. 16th. T. 6596. M 622 Marl PRINTING LYNGSTAD "'h-grade 1906 Calendars. o inm 1" E Cor. 16tn SL and & JORVt Capitol Ave. -764 DOUGLAS Ptg. Co., 1508 Howard. Doug.-W4. 842- F9 THE JENNINGS P"TG CO., Doug.-KWV 668 kmPRA CO-, "ne Job printing. rvVJ ' 1 Clt 16io Howard. Tel. Doug. 21. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS the COST WE think you will agree with us that the cost should always be known before a contract Is made, and If you apply to ua we will tell you in advance to the cent what the transaction will coat you. YOU can borrow of us on Furniture, Pianos. Live Stock and other chattels, or on own agreement to repay if you have regular employment. WE charge as little as anyone in the city for our class of loans and we charge much less than some concerns, so you can t make a mistake by seeing us If you want to borrow. GIVE us a trial is all we ask and Wo will by Just treatment attempt to retain your patronage. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, ii duwu 01 iraoe mag. t el. l.oug. ZJita. (Established 1892), 306 S. 16lh St. X-6U8 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY Kianea on lurniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 209 S. 15th St. X 612 $$ INDEPENDENCE $$ Why be obligated to others? It's easy to gei money 01 me. iso tea tape, pay when you can. BOW EN. 708 N. Y. Life. Open evenings until 7. X 822 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otners witnout security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. X-6U CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Tel. Doug. 745. 632-3 Paxton Blk. X 609 BEE the Western Loan company for furni ture, aiamona ana saiury loans. 311 Se ville Blk., 16lh and Harney. Tel. Doug. 6619. X-613 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Saiury Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Room s Barker Block. X 483 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X 615 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; a-ii Dusiness connuentiai. 1301 Douglas. X 616 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City 10411s and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-622 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 623 BUILDING loans on residence property; S per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. v"- 4 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Baxton Block. W- PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. w 626 GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam; city loans. ( - and 6Vs per cent Interest; no delay. V-27 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-628 6 & 6H PER CENT loans on city property W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W-629 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-630 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Famam St. W 631 WANTED SOME LOANS OF $1,000 TO $2,000. BREEN & BLOOM, 613 BEE BLIMJ. W-632 LOW RATES O. F. Carson & Co., 413 N. Y. Life. W 389-Feb2B FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this .column, put an ad. in and you will soon get It. Z-83 WANTED Nebraska or Dakota land in ex- cnange ror improveu lowa lurui. vsiv descriptlon and price in first letter, i. M. Chappell, Independence, la. Z-M827 13 WANTED TO BUY WANTED A pair of young mare mules, well matched, dark color. Kennard Glass and Paint Co., 15th and Dodge Sts. N 793 WANTED Shetland pony surrey; stato price, condition und manufacture. Address A. B. C. York. Neb. N-828 7 LAW AND COLLECTIONS- ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co.. main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 133. i7 J. M. Macfarland. 309 N. Y. L. Bldg- Tel. Doug. 6S58. 668 OSTEOPATHY DR. WELLS, D. O. and M. D. Neville Block. M158 M3 JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. Iti64. OKI TICKET BROKERS LARSON A JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. TeL Douglas 1935. 84 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, I806 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. V FLORISTS L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1258. 690 H EB8 ft BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 6S9 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St.. upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. a 651 DANCING ACADEMY 1-1D a NTVC fr private or class les MUKAINU O sons, at 15th A Harney. Tel Doug. 141. Adults Tuea. & Fridays, 8 p. m. ' 563 J"9 FENCING FENCE your lawn with iron or wire fence made by Anchor Fence Mfg. Co.. 26-7 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. -649 Ml Wheal Writing to Advertiser remember It takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROISISAIS FOR HORSES AND MU1.F.9V Chief guartrrmaster a Office, Omaha, Nebraska, February 7. 1906 Sealed pro ruiwls. in trlnlicnte. will be received at thla office, until II o'clock a. tn.. central standard time. March 12. 15n. and t:ien opened. In the Sri'sem-e of attending bidders, for one hun Ired and twentv-flve il25) cavalry, artillery, riding and draft horses; also twenty-one (21) draft and three (81 pack mules, for delivery at Omaha. Nebraska, or other prominent rnuroad points. The animals to conrnrm to specifications. United States reaerves right to accent or reject anv or all rrorxwale or nny part thereof. Particular and blanks for proposals will he furnished on application. Envelopes! containing propoaala to be In dorsed "Prnposnla for Horses," and ad dressed to Major M. GRAY ZAIJNSKt, Chief Quartermaster. FT-8-9-10M9-10 CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICTX Omaha, Neb., February 6. 1908. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will he received here until 10 a. m , central standard time, March 6. 1K, and then opened In the presence of attend ing bidders, for printing required at head quarters Department of the Missouri, dur ing the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1SH;. and ending June 30, l!o7. U. 8. reaerves the right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Blank forma for bidding and circular giving full Information and requirements will be furnished on ap plication. Envelopes containing proposals vhould be marked "Proposals for Printing," end addressed to Major M. GRAY ZA1.1N SKI, C. Q. M. -F7-8-9-KM5-6 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb. February $, 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be reclved here until 10 a. m., central standard time, March 6, 190. for furnishing transportation, dray age and for handling stores in Department of the Mis souri, during year commencing July 1, U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. In-' formation furnished on application. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked proposals tor rransportatlon on Route No. ." addressed to Major M. GRAY ZAL1NSK1. C Q. M. F3-6-6-7-M3-6 PROPOSALS FOR SHORING ANIMAI.8 Office Chief Q. M., Omaha. Neb., Febru ary 3, 19". Sealed proposals for shoeing animals at Q M. liepot, Omaha, Forts Omnha and Crook. Nebraska, and Fort Mackenxle, Wyoming, during fiscal vear beginning July 1, IM16. will be received here and at posts named above until 10 a. m.. March 6, 1906, and then opened. In formation furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals should be In dorsed "Proposals for Shoeing Animals" and addressed to MAJOR M. GRAY ZA L1NS1CI, Chief Q. M., Omaha. Neb. F3-6-6-7-M3-S LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE) PRINTING. Bids will he received by the State Print ing board at the office of tho secretary of state nt Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 8 o'clock p. m Wednesday, February 14, 19H6 for printing and binding l.ono copies each of the efficial reports of the Nebraska supreme court, volumes numbered 69 to 74, Inclusive; also 2,000 copies ot the re port of the Nebraska Dairymen's associa tion for 19o6. Specifications for same can be found on fUe In the office of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, February 3, 1906. STATE PRINTING BOARD, By LOU W. FRAZ1ER, Secretary to the Board. F4d5tm NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Co. will be held at the office of said company in Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of March. A. D. 1906. By order of the board of directors. C. II MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb; t, 1906. FebS DSOt RAILWAY TIME CARD ITMON STATION TKHTH AKD MARCT Union Paelfle. Arrive, a 8:18 am a 8:10 pm a 9:30 am a 8:10 pm 10:46 pm i a 8:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm b 1:00 Dm Overland Limited a 9:40 am The China and japan Fast Mall 4:ilpm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm California & Ore. Ex.. a 4:26 pm I, os Angeles L,imitea....aii:su am Fast Mail a 1:55 pm rin.n A r. finnnl u 1 m. 7!4 am North Platte Local. .....a S:10 am TOAa.ric 1 ,nrn 1 11 a:iu Dill Chicago, Hock Ialaad A Had EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:3 am a 7:10 am a 1:56 pm a 4:30 pm bU:60 am a 1:15 pm 8:15 am a 4:66 pm al2:06 pm ' 10:00 pm 11:60 pm 9:16 am 9:50 am 7:06 am 9:36 am - 2:80 pm a 7:30 am 10:36 am 10:36 am 6:16 pm 6:15 pm . 6:15 pm 8:46 pm - U:tt am Arrive. a. 7:16 am a 7:55 pm a 10-80 am a 3:80 pm a 1:40 am al0:80 pm bll:S0ara al. a 7:35 am a 3:10 pm a 1:20 am bll:00 pm a $:58 pm a 7:30 am D 8.56 pm a 7:3o am a 6:80 pm a I M) pm Chicago Kxpresa ,.a i .vj am Chicago Express,!:! am - - Wiiina, i.' V liruH, & 4 1 3fl n fro j, u 1 1 ' - - - - r Chicugo Fast Express, .a 5:40 pm ,? . Rocky Mountain Ltd.. a 7:80 m Colorado Express a 1:80 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm Chicago St Nortliweaiern. St Paul Daylight a 7:60 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am rhiraitn T.lmlted a 8:38 Dm Carroll Local a 4: pm St. Paul Fast jnan......a b:s pm Sioux C. & St. P. Local. b 2:50 pm Fast Mall Chicago Express a 6:5t pm Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:40 am Lincoln & Long Plne...e 7:40 am Casper & Wyoming e 2:6o pm Deadwood &. Lincoln. .a 2:60 pm Hastings & Albion b 2:60 pm Chicago Local all:S0 am Chicago Limited 11:00 pm Chlcaso Great Wester. Leave. St. Paul Minn a 8:80 pm St. Paul & Minn a 7:46 am Chicago Limited a 5:00 pm Chicago Express a 6:06 am Wubaak. St. Louis Express a 6:80 pm St. Louis Ixical (from Council Bluffs a 1:18 am Btanberry (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Chlcaso, Milwaukee tc St. Pai Chicago Colo. Spec'L.a 7:56 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 6:4 pm Overland Limited ......a8:pm Marlon & Cedar R. Lo..b 4:45 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:0 am Chicago Limited , a :U0 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ex. .b 8:00 am Minn. It St. Paul Ltd.. a 8:30 pm Missouri PaclBc St. Louis Express a 9:09 am K. C. It SU L- Express.. all :li pro BIRLISGTOJI 8TATIOS lOTH A MASOM Burllugton. Leave. Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm Black Hills all:10 pm Northwest Express ....ail:10 pm Nebraska Local a 8:00 am Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Lincoln Local ... ...... . Lincoln Fast Mall.... ...b 2:15 pm Ft Crook & Plattsm'h.b 2:60 pip Bellevue & Plattam'h..a 7:60 pm Denver Limited i--" Bellevue & Paclflo June. .a 9:30 am Bellevue & Paclflo Juno.. 9:10 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 4:00 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am St. LouU Express a4:4ipm K. C. 4 bt. Joseph al0:45 pm K. C. & St. Joseph a 9:16 am K C. & St. Joseph a 4.46 pm Arrive, a 3:30 pra a 3:30 nn. a 6:30 pm a 7:40 pm 'Voiam al.:20 pm a!0:26 am 8:60 am a 7:10 am 1:66 pra a 7:23 pm alO:68 pin all :30 am 6 46 am 8:10 pra WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBITtlB Mlssoarl Paln. Nebraska Iyeal, via Weeping Water Chicago, st. Paul, Omaha. Twin city Passenger.... Sioux City Passenger... Oakland 1-ocal Emerson Local tave. Arrive, b 160 pm bl 2 :30 pm MlaaeapolU A b 8:80 am bl lOpia ,a 2:00 pm all:X am b 8:46 pm b 1:10 am .0 1:46 am e 8:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Bun 'lay. d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally eg- cept Monday. DRUG MUTER IS NOT ENDED IaveatlKaltoa of Bills Still fader Coaalderatloa of Board of C'oaatr roatatlaaloaera. While no definite action has yet Been taken by the county commissioners In al leged "graft" In the filling of county drug prescriptions. It Is understood the matter Is not ended. When bills now pending be fore the board are considered It Is not un likely they will be rejected or st least held up. This would bring the case tn a head and possibly throw It Into court for set tlement. Thus all the farts concerning al leged duplicate prescriptions could lie brought out fully and Judicially passed up I.