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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1906. to rn CHAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET Ehorts CjTtr tnd Esip AdTance Whal .. fricea. FEAR RESULTS CF f KEEZING WEATHER Grotvlaa- Crop Sot (orrrrd r now loithwnWor Slrona om Small Receipts aad Ar eeptances l.laht. OMAHA, Feb. 6, 1. Short were covering- (Miny, giving their reason tnat they i parrel the results ot cuicl weather tn tne soutnwest, wtiere tno wheat I not covered itn snow. 1'he mar ket opened unrhaiiged, uioi.iie-d on -c "J later rallied iu "c above steria.T. 'l'ne ciose was H'S'-.c oelow the high point. Ar gentina and Indian new had a bullish fleet. May closed at ij'i :. July at IwtC and ttepteniber at Mlo. Jorn was tlrm. Receipts are light and country acceptances amah, .-.vcn Iowa, which haa been selling- liberally, accepted few offers yesterday. May cloned at 4Vf 1414c. July at i'tc arid Beptember at 44vtif 4&c. uati opened tint-hanged, lost ',?, then re trained l-i.ic. May closed at itOVyS'Wc, July at rtH" and Beptorhber at i9c. Primary wheat receipts were 360,000 bu., and ahipmenta Zlb.M bu., against receipt) laat year of Kti.uiu bu. and shipments of KuO.DOO bu. Corn reci.lita were 7u7.U00 bu. and ahipmenta 47a.ovo bu., against receipt last year uf S7,J0 bu. and shipments of ,,'"" bu. Clearances were 41S.WJO bu. corn. 14o,jo bu. oata, bu. wmat, and 6o,0uu ihiis. nour. Mradslreet a wheat Increase waa 730,0') ou.; corn Increase. i.Mi.uuo bu., and , bats ii'-crease. LiMLvw bu. Liverpool cioxed unchanged to Hd lower on wheat and Vd lower on oorn. The apprehension that will be created by sero weathet in the MisslsKlnpl valleys, where there la no snow covering, will prevent the disposition to sell short from being so prevalent the next few weeks as It has been. Dealers say It will not bo definitely known whether wheat has been damaged - to any extent until growing weather begins, aoout April 30. llroomhall cabled the situation In India Is still doubtful; there is no change In the situation in Argentina and there is an In creased acreage In Portugal, with condi tions favorable there. W. H. ftartlett says the trade must have nlther lietter cash demand or positive crop damage news to keep wheat from working lower. Chicago wired BIsJ.OOO bushels of oats had been sold to go to France tn the lust forty- eight hours. Kankln wired to the Von Dorn Grain company: "Light receipts of wheat and unfavorable winter wheat condition should .help to a little better market. Think it will be hard to keen wheat under ioc anv time In the near future for very long at a time." Sales of cash grain in Chicago yesterday were 10,000 bushels wheat, 50.000 bushels corn and 186.000 bushels oats. There were 100.000 bushels cash oats bought at Mlnne apolls to go to Chicago. The seaboard sold 14.000 bushels Manitoba wheat. 45.OU0 bushels corn and iS.Oflo bushels oats. Omaha, Cash Sales. CORN No. 3, t ears, S7Me; 1 car, rc. OATS No. 4 white, 1 car. 2c; 1 car, BHc. 1 Omaha C'aah Prices. WHBAT-No. 2 hard. 7iV!i7ttc; No. 3 hard, pn76Hc; no. 4 hard, wtiiWi ino. z spring, retfi'ific: No. 8 snrlng. f2'74Vc. CORN-No. 3. 3ir.V.c: No. 4. 35436c; o grade, JMiriRe; No. 3 yellow, 37'&37c; No. white, iwnanvtc. OATS No. 8 mixed. 2fOiffl4c; No white. 2ftVlfi9o: No, t white, 2SViC RYE No. 2. 60c; No. 3. 69c. , Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat. rhicHgo i 6o J: Mlnneapejla 143 Kansas City .......... .129 17 61 Omaha 8 72 II Duluth 64 St. Louis........ 68 79 71 CHICAGO ORA1X ASD PROVISIONS Feat res of the Trading and Closing; Prices an) Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 6. A relatively small In crease In the world's visible, simply of whaajWAS. tlL kafl -of sharp advance in the price of wfifat here today. At the close wheat for May delivery waa up wV.. torn , and oata were practically uncnangen. i-ro vlslona were E'ifiuc lower tn Be higher. During the first hour of trading the wheat market waa Inclined to be weak. Opening quotations on May were unchanged to M,o higher at M'SM74e. The demand was not sufficiently active to prevent a email de cline and the price of the May option soon dropped to 84VS84Ho. The market then be rame stronger because of buying by shorts, who were driven to cover by Bradstreet's ' report of the world's visible supply, which showed an increase of only 763,000 bushels for the week, compared with an Increase of l.300,0"0 bushels for the same period a year go. For May the highest point was reached at 85Vr end the market closed strong with May at 86ifi5fcc. Clearances of wheat and Dour were equal to 462,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 360,000 bushels, compared with 127,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 223 rars, against 514 last week and l a year igo. Liberal 'local receipts had a bearish in- Suence on the corn market early In the day, ut later the market became Arm as a re mit of the strength of wheat. Prices, how tver, showed but little change throughout ;he day. May opened unchanged to a shado lower to 44lfH4AfeO to 4c. sold between k'.e and 44 "40 and closed steady at 44Sc. Local receipts were 664 cars, with 30 cars of contract grade. Recause of profit-taking by several heavy bolder oata were at first inclined to be a-eak. Reports from New York that a ffrge quantity of oats would soon be Ihlnned to Kranca ami the strensrth of BrtiAAt eaiiMMt a llrnnirnr fAjkllnr Xfav I ipened unchanged to a shade lower at SoS9 Mc tn ftMaC sold off to Suc and closed at shade lower at S041 KrttQSOHc. Local receipts were i3 cars. A decline of 10c In the price of live hogs ;aused a slightly easier tone In provisions. Late In the day, however, covering by lliorts caused a slight gain In the price of pork and a steadier feeling throughout the list. At the close May pork was up 6o at W4.70. lard waa off 5-n74o at r.67H&7.70. ribs Were oK 6fr7V4c at $7.8:'H7.S6. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, I cars; corn, Z14 cars; oats, 67 curs; hogs, 16.0(4 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Onen.j High.! Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May July . Julv Sept. Oats Mav July Pork . May July Lsrd May July Rlh May July I I 8.MV844?4l85eA,! 84NT'1,I S3VJT 814 S34, 84! SI 444 4t4i4l444A4 44V44Sfi4 44S 444 444 444 44V444&46 44j4 iuIw4h! S4 44Sf,4444j46l JOHNS' 84! i Wi 14 6 14 70 T 724 785 1 874 7 95 ll AS 14 75 7 76 7 874 7! I 00 No. I. fash nuots lions were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3 aMj 1.00; straights, $.8tv:a3.06: spring patents. H 75 '33. 95; straight. $3.sOa3.7o; bakers,. $2.30 0300. WHEAT No. I spring. 4-fiS6c; No. 1. 80 Mc; No. 2 red, 854'fi4c. . CORN No t. 414c; No. i yellpw. 41uc. OATS No. I. 304c; No. 3 white, 83c; No. $ white. 30H-314C. RYE No. 5. 65c. " ' BA RLE y Oood feeding. S94j34c; fair to choice, malting, 43joOc. SEED-No. 1 flax, $l.o; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.16; prime timothy, $3.30; clover, con tract grade. $13.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14 453 14 60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $;.624t7.5i. Short ribs sides (loose). $7.0tJ7.J0. Short clear ldea (boxed), W 16S.2S. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain; Kecetpta. shipments. 40.900 30.4u 34.0 J 43.600 corn, bu Oats, bu ,,. Rye, bu 302. ftW V-t.WO 4U3.4KO 436.VI0 , . 5? l Barley, bu n ms r-roaure exenange to.' w tne bui. ter market was steady; creameries. lSflJiio; dairies, lMjJSr. Fgss. strong; at mark, cases Included, 17ilac: flrsta, 18c; prime firsts, 19c; extras. 21c. Cheque, aitajy, U C' 13c. PhlUdelphla Prodaro Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. . BUTTER Half cent higher; extra western creamery, ax-: extra nearby prints, $lc. EGGS One cent, higher; nearby fresh hd westero fresh, Itn: at mark. . rHKESK-6teadi New York full cream. Dnlnth Grain Market. IlULUTH. Fb. $. M'HEAT To arrive: iSo. norilierp. aCSi.-i No. i Horthtru, twSe. 14 ) 14 4 14 70 14 924 1474 14 724 7 75 7 !5 7 70 7 85 7 774 7 80 7 90 7 824 7 85 $024 7 924 76 On track; No. 1 northern, 82V; No. 2 northern, 0V; May, WTc; July, WHe. ja is-io arrive and on track. c SEW YORK (iEJERAL MARKET Qeetatloas of the Day Yrlos Commodities. NBW YORK. Feb. FIXIL'R Receipts. 23.S34 bbls.: exports. 0.731 bbis.: market oulet and barely steady; Minnesota patents, $4.6t?t ."o; MtnneroiA baiters, fc.tJ4ii; winter patents, $4 luti4.40; winter straights, Uit 4.M: winter extras, z.'i.'3.JS; winter low grades, t2.tVIi3.U. Rye flour, steady; fair to good.; choiw to lancy, S4.tWa4.Si Buck when t flour, steady, I2.104i21. t'OKNMICAl-Steady; line wnlte and yel low, tl.lo; coarse, sl.uiil.06; kiln dried, U 0 Ui.. HJB-Norn nal: No. I western, 63c. f. o. D. New York. . . UARl-tj-Mull: malting. 474762c, c. 1. I. Buffulo. WHEAT Receipts. 50.000 bu.l exports. 17U.:wo bu. Spot firm; No. 2 red, 9hc, ele vator, l.'c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, uc, I a. b. afloat. Althougn rather firm at the opening on steady cables and light northwest receipts, wheat weak ened snarply under bear pressure and liqui dation. Recovering later on the small In crease In world's stocks and less favorable crop news, it closed mSc net higher; May, M a-Wu0 13-ltio, closed W'J-ln'c, July, S9!K-i-c, closed tWc; Beptember, Witi&iV:. closed 87!4c. CORN Receipts, sn.zzo ou. ; exports, ss., bu. Spot market barely steady; No. 2, ll V 3b2c, elevator, and 4iiVc, f. D. b. afloat; No. i yellow. 4Vkc; No. 3 white, tVc. I He op tion market waa without transactions, rlos I" 'Vh'hC net higher. May closed at &"4C July closed at Erf'ic and Beptember closed at 6tMkC. OATS Receipts. 76.000 bu.: exports, bu. Spot market steadv; mixed oats, SS to 32 lbs., 36Wci3ic ;natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 'frjic: clipped White. 33 to IDs., v.xn 40c. 11AY Dull: shipping. 60'8C'5c: . good to choice, 77tj5ROt. HOPS bteady; state, common to choice, 19i, italic; HK4. fffil.ic; olds, 6ic; Pacific coast. Wril4c; ln4, wtiltc; olds. 64iSc. HIDK8 Urm: Galveston. 20 to io lbs.. 20c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., lc. LEATHER -Steadv: acd. kuVtUiVkC. I'HOV IHlONS R-f. steady, laiuiiy, 111.50 vr.imi; mess, .aoi1o.OO: beef hams. p.w ai.6; packet, $10hO(ill.Oo; el'v extra India Mess. S18.6(.fl9.C0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, I. J5&9.00; pickled shoulders, 17.10: nic'.led hams. IK (Va s.6ii. Ijird. easy; western steamed, r7.H54j.uU; refined, easy; continent, th.lO: South America,; com pound. lu.UVa'd iiW Pork, linn: family, short Clear, 16.0(ti 17.00; mess, 15.2S TALLOW Steady: city, iic: country ItioVc. RICE Steadv: domestic, fa r to extra. 3'A ; Junan, nominal, BUTi BR Firm ; street pnee. extra cream ery, 2MiM'tC. Oiliclal prices: Creamery, common tu extra. lnWa.'oo; held, common to extra, lHa'iZc: state dulry, common to extra.' Hii24c: renovated, common to extra lifl-kOc; wtwtern factory, common to firsts. l-VuliUc; western Imitation creamery. extran. :r mealnrn II rum 17UllSViC CHF.ESK Steady; stale, lull cream, small and large, colored and white, September, fancy, 14c; state. October, best, lSr'altc; state, late made, amall average, best, 2c; tate large, U4c; state, fair. HVrffUc. . K(JOS Strong; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, ZiiTQTtc; western firsts, 20Vic; western seconds, lim4)c; south em, ISSa;. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, Waits; traca. 6Hc; May, 8(883Hci July, 8Jc; No. hunt RlrnHle. CORN-Firm; No. 2 cash. 41 He; track, 42Vu4?Hc; May, t'S'Hc; July, 43c. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 3H4o; track, i u.a vi a v anur No. '1 white. !c. FLOVR Steady: winter patents, 84 3" 4.60; extra fancy and straight, S3.MKd4.Za clear, $2.90g3.. . BK ED Timothy, steady, $2.60(82.80. CORNMEAL-Steady, $120. A M llrm fiacked. east track. 8141 85c. HAY-Steady; timothy, 88.00il4.50; prairie, 18.001 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-11.02. BAGGING 9Vic. Hk-MP TWIN F 71 c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lobbing. 114.50. Lard, lower; prime steam. $7.36. Dry salt meats, firm; boxed extra shorts, J8.I.0; clear ribs, s.a; anon cicar, oncm firm; boxed extra short, $8.75; clear ribg, $9.00; short clear, $9.25. PfVCLTRY Firm: chickens. 10c: springs, HHc; turkeys, 14Ho; ducks. 13c; geese. 7VpO. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 21(328c; dairy, 183 21c. F.rjfiR lllaher at 17e. - Receipts. Shipments. WotmMl4;..S.'..i-v-' Wheat, bu.. .... 68.0 74,000 Corn, bu 78,000 112.0X1 Oats, bu 18.0U0 84.UX) Mlaneapolls Grain Market MINNRAPOLIS. Feb. . FLOUR Quiet I first patents. 4 3"54 40: second patents, $4.20 n4.3n; nrst Clears, J.oira J.ou; second clears, $2.465266. BRAN In bulk, $14.50614.76. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, Artlcles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May... S3HH 84 83 MS 3H July... & fcoVi 84 86 86 Flax May... 1 18-4 1 18 1 17 1 17? X 18 July... 1 19i i i igifc i 18 Sept... 1174 117H 117 117 118 Oct.... 1 16 1 15H 1 16t 1 16 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 834; No. 1 northern, 83c; to arrive, Sic; No. 2 northern, 814c; to arrive, 81c; No. 1 northern, 7944j4c: No. 1 durum, 73c; No. 2 durum, 7oc. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 84c; No. 3. 3Mc. Oals: No. 3 white. 28c; No. 8, 27S27V.C Barley, 37fa48c. Bye, 694 60-c. Flax: Cash. $1,144: May, $1,164. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradetreet'a show the following changes In available aupplies as compared with laat wheat TTnlted States and Canada, east Rockies, decreased, 7o8,0uD bushels; afloat for and In Europe, Increased, l,6flO,0flu bush els; total supply, decreased, 732,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east Rockies, increased. 1.847,000 bushels. Oats, United States and Canada, east Rockies, decreased. 1,231,000 bushels. The leading Increases reported this week are 191,000 bushels at Omaha and l,0u0 bushels In elevators In the vicinity of Lin coln, Neb. Stocks held in the Chicago private ele vators decreased 266,000 bushels and those held In Portland, M., decreased 1S9.0U0 bushels. Kansas City Grnln nd ProTlslons. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 8. WHEAT Dull; May, 784c; July. 7Sc: September, 754c Cash: No, 1 hard. 7k44l82c; No. , 76j79c; No 1 red. 93c: No. $. 86&V3c. CORN 8teady ; May. ;4c; July, 40c. Caah: No. $ mixed, 384i&39c; No. 2 white, JV4tt4rtc; No. 8, 8S4e. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 3046 SI 4c: No. 2 mixed, 30c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $10.&0O 11.00; choice prairie. $7.75188.00. RYE Steady at 60c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansus, new No. 1 whltewood cases Included, 15c; case count, 14c; casea returned. 4c less. BUTTER Steady; creamery, :6c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4i;,000 . SO.ono Corn, bu 8i,(i0 4.0(M Oats, bu 11.000 9,000 Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. I WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 8.Vfj6c; No. 2 northern, l'fi34c: May. 8546'Sc. bid. RYE Pull; No. 1, 4Vij84o,. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 6&c; sample. 894e 61c. CORN Steady; May, 444444c, usked. LlTornool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. . WIIEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, steady; March, 6a loSd; Mav. 6a 84d; July, ts 8d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new. 4s Id: American mixed, old. 4s M: futures, steady; March. 4a 1T.J; May, 4a 2Td. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. METALS There waa a sanere break In the London tin mar ket, where snot closed at cUo5 10s and futures at U3 Its U. The looal market was weak, with stiot quoted at $3d.Ou2r3d.3o. There was a break of over 1 In the Eng lish copper market, with spot quoted at 77 and futures at 76 lim In London. The local market is unsettled. Large producers are still said to be holding at $18.60, but there appears to be no doubt that supplies are obtainable under that figure and lake Is 0'ioled at $17.75tf'18.Si), electrolytic at 117.824? 18.60 and caatlng at $17.50yi7 824. Lead was Is Sd lower at ! ks 9d iu Iindivi. Locally the market waa easy, but unchanged, with spot ouoted at $5 6046 76. Spelter waa higher at 24 Us ad In London, but the local market waa eaaler at $t. ( a 16. Iron was easier abroad, with- standard foundry quoted at 61s 4d and Clei-eland warrants at 61s Sd. Loonlly the market was. unchanged, with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at $18 7519.S5, No. t north ern foundry at $1&.(adls.a5. No. 1 southern foundry at $.(al..7i and N. !,sjuthern foondiy at $17,757; 18.26. - ST. irl1S. Krs a-a-MirrALS-rLeiid, lower, $5.52'. Spelter, quiet, HM NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Market in Etodi of Professional f peculator! of Smaller Class. RAILWAY SHARES FIRM AND HIGHER Probability of Averting; Strike of Anthracite Miners and Increased K.arnlnas the Principal lews Factors. NEW YORK. Feb. . The stock market gave further convincing evidence today of us lapse into the hands of professional operators on the smaller class. It was evident that transactions originated for the most part within the walls of the exchange. i ne inclination was to close up transactions during the day, the result being a tutor retracing or earlier advances. The aaies for the day ajraln fell below the million share mark, thua putting an end to a series oi one to one and one-hair miiiton-anare days extending without Interruption back to the first week In December. This Is claimed as a record period for the mainte nance of such great activity, exceeding dv several days the great bull market of the spring of 1H)1 and also that of 1904. although the great record daya of those movements have not been approached at any time during the movement now cul minating. The narrow dimensions of the market deprived It of any great algnlflcance in its bearings on larger conditions. The recovery winch set In duing the latter part of yes terday was extended In the absence of ob stacles In the shape of renewed liquida tion. But the demand became more lan guid as the advance made progress and a hesitating tone develoned at the higher levels. Such activity as there was. centered largely in special stocks and the strengtn Shown ltv thefie had a. nnffihle avmnAthetic, effect on the general list. The Hill rail - roads once more rose, notably on the repetl tion or long familiar rumors or the dis posal of Great Northern Iron oro lands on advantageous terms to the United States Steel corporation, the common stock of the latter sharing In the strength. I'nlon Pa cific showed Its usual benefit from a rise In price In Great Northern preferred. It was also affected by the conspicuous ad vance In Illinois Central, which was at tributed to the rumors of absorption iu the interest of Vnion racltlc. A wide spread effect In the market resulted from these particular movements. Reading was another conspicuous figure and Its sharp rebound was due to some subsidence of the acute apprehension felt yesterday re garding a general strike In the coal trade. Sentiment on this subject took on the form of uncertainty and uneasiness rather than the conviction felt yesterday that the strike was inevitable. The decision to send rep resentatives of the miners to New York for a conference with operators and offi cials of the railroads on February 15 was responsible for the modified feeling on the strike outlook. Southern railway reported an Increase in gross earnings for that pe riod of 31 per cent; t'hlcago Great West ern, 26 per cent; Colorado Southern, 21 per cent for the month of January; Great Northern, 23 per cent, and Illinois Central t per cent. The regular dividend on Can adian Pacific disappointed some speculative holders who sold the stock, with consequent weakness. The price of copper was lower, both In London and here, but Amalga mated Copper was moved In concert with the rest of the market. The subtreasury continues to take funds from the money market, which was firmer for time loans today. Foreign exchange was also Inclined to advance. Prices of stocks yielded easily to the professional profit-taking of the latter part of the day. The closing tone was easy and the earllor advances were much impaired. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $2,296,000. United States bonds were all un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change were as follows: galea. Hifn. ixw. no. Ada ma Expreaa Amalgamated Coppar Amaiictn C. A F 144 li4 lit 4 44 4S 10S1 1024 U l M4 240 U .. U.MO 4ftH inn jnjv American C. A V. pfd American Cotton Oil America a Cotton Oil pi J... Amarlras Kxprest Amsrlran II. A L. pfd American loo serufiliaa. ... Amartcaa Linaaed Oil 1,400 lH r 1,000 454 46 444 244 47 1 114 14S 12t4 14 106Vi 177 t4 loa 161 1144 M M 1724 224 s4 12 75 1 231 1M4 Wt 17 10SV 7S-ta I4 71 M 1784 184 S74 214 446 American Uneeed Oil pfd.. Americas Locomollre .... Amer. Locomotive pfd American B. A Tt American a. A R. pfd American Bosar Refining.., Am. Toliacco pfd. etfa Anacootta Mining Co Atchlaon Atchison pfd Atlantic Coaat Lino Btltlmoro A Ohio Ball I mora A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit... Canadian PaclAc Central of New Jersey.... Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chlcaso Great Western Chlrefo A Northwealern.. Chicaao, Mil. A' Bt. Paul. Chlcaso T. A T Chlraxo T. A T. pfd C, C.. C. A St. Loula Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A southern Colo. A B. lat pfd Colo. A Bo. td pfd Consolidated Gaa Corn Troducta Corn Producta pfd Tlelawar A Hudson Delaware, b. A V' Denver A Rio Grande Denver A Rio Granda pfd. Met mere' rlecurlllea Erie Krle 1st pfd , Krle 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valler llllnola Central International Paper International Paper pfd.... International Pump International Pump pfd... Iowa Central low Central pfd Kansas Cite southern Kansas City southern pfd. Louisville A Nashvtll.... Manhattan L Metropolitan Securities ... Metropolitan Street Ky. ... Mexican Central U.SO0 7Tt io 1174 .no ith 1.6O0 124H 744 117V IMS 121 J,4fl. 14'4 Mtft lm lli mi 17.M10 n 12,000 M . ino ins ins in 1.500 114H 100 18 I 12.4110 174 1I.S0O 1T34 X7 11 103 1(14 114VI ' 1724 4,700 M4 U 2.100 124 1,200 234 11.6O0 184 214 232 14 100 10T4 21. 8o0 76 , S.litO 344 tit) 714 ! " ini i74 600 11 14 73 314 7114 V 11 1.300 117 211 2,000 1110 13.XI0 12.700 700 484 89 V 66 47 74 48 474 4 80 i2 644 4 44 7 71 714 724 1741 171 1.2U0 73 1.400 1774 Ill 11.200 1794 1744 1774 100 24 24 24 17 15 si ii u 114 e f4 H4 too lis) 600 100 400 io 1.400 I0 1.400 1.100 lk, too too uo i!iai 24 at 32V, M 114 't HIV tl 1 614 21 414 1504 160 71 S 1314 24 774 163 174 1014 47 S 714 s!4 11 141 63 61 te 1014 41 1424 114 (1 i4 loss 240 134 3 1M4 35 1074 274 4 4s 60S 24 644 6S 1 111 41S4 101 I54 2514 K'i 67' lf.f.4 1S 1M 7 5:4 llns, 444 l:ti s, 40 114 24 'e MS 210 14 IS 151 lstn iio J1 T14 12 i 24 S 71 1414 io:a 374 714 121 24 7S 1664 iois 364 71 864 31 Si 141 61 M ioi" 41 1424 tits lis 414 101 i.174 14 14 16 111 144 S 41 2IS 641 44 Minneapolis A 8t. Louis... M , rt. p. a a. a. M M . Bt. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.. Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kanaaa A Tekta. Missouri, K. A T. pfd Natlona.1 Lead National R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central New York. O. A W Norfolk A Weetern Norfolk A Weitern pfd.... North American Pacific Mall 4.700 too 700 400 34 I.400 114 14 1,700 f!4 '. i.o iot". 100 41 . 11.100 144 , l.sno loo too 114 . 1,700 434 , 1,100 104 ' 61.106 iiiiii PennarlTsnla People's Gee , ... Pittsburg. C , r. A St. L. Pressed Sleel Car Pressed Steel Car pfd Pullman Paleca Car Reading Heading lat pfd Reading 2d pfd Republic Hieei Republic gteel pfd Kock Island Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd 8t. Louia Southweatern.... St. L. 8. W. pfd Bout hern Pacific Snutbern Pacific pfd Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Coal A Iron... Teaaa A PtclAe Toledo. Bt. Louis A W... IW 14 300 . 100 . l.soo , 21.4 10 . 4,2"0 . 4.600 S00 600 . 11,100 loS 36 Wj 1S 's 41 614 24'. 614 44 20.400 414 4l4 1.000 10 lnHS 364 M 67S4 1S54 17 1,400 J-'s 600 6.0 34V Toledo. 8t. L. A W. pfd 674 1674 t nion racmo I'nlon Pacific pfd ...121.100 too rolled states Kipress ... 1 tilted Slates Really l otted State Rubber 00 6:4 uos 444 110 494 114 214 44 I nurd Si st rs Rubber pfd.. 400 110' lulled Stats mel 121UO 4.i4 t. . e. Bteei pin., ex-aiv.... ju. i"0 no-. Va-croltn Chemical 2.20 (04 ta-iarouna t.oenocai pia.. loj Wabash V Wabash pfd lv.Soa WtllsKsrio Kipress WeetlotbouB Klectrle Western L'nlos loo W heeling A Lk Erie 3.14 Wisconsin Central too Wlsrousla Central Bid 114 S44 4.4 3S 114 21 '4 MS 214 it 1124 4iJ 1U74 Northern Pacific 16.,0 214S Central Leather 4.400 4i Central Leather pfd luo lu" aiosa-SheBleld liO Total ealet for the day. 175. ) shares 213 S4 107 sew York Mining storks. NEW YORK, Feb. . Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adam Coa A Ike Brac Brunswick To .. Comslot-k Tuunl Com. Cal. V.. Hot 8llvr Iroa Silver Leeavlll Can ... .. 20 ..lot .. 46 .. 61 .. t .110 ..210 ..446 Little Chief ... 74 ..t . .67.". . 2 ,. It . 40 . U .. au .4 Ontario omtr Phoeul Potoal 8ava Sierra K hniall Hop .. SUB4UU- Foreign Financial. BERLIN, Feb. (.Trading or) the bourse was quiet, but prices were firm. LONDON. Feb. 6. Money waa In good Stock exchange demand In the market today. Discounts were steady. On the Stock exchange business was at a stand still, operators being chiefly occupied with the cvrry-over. Consols, were steady and home rails had a better tone In anticipation of dividends. Americana opened nriu and moved mostly to above parity. - Union Pa cific was the feature. Frlues generally hard eued during the list hour and vloet-g 1 steady at the best quotations of the dnv. Japsy nee Imperial a of 1!"4 Were quoted at lnni. PARIS. Keb. a. Trading on the bourse today opened Inactive, but prlcea were firm. They reacted Inter, but Improved toward the close. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 83.36 and Russian bonds of 1!H4 at 44. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 1-MONBT-On call, easier; highest.. 4 per cent; lowest, S"4j per cent; ruling rates and last loan. 3 per cent; closing bid. Si per cent: offered, at J per cent. Time loans, firmer: 0 and 90 dnys and months, 4S4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4W4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4 87'JF9 4K730 for demsnd and at $4.M1i4.S3iiO for 0-day bills; posted rates, $4.84fa4 &8; com mercial bills, $4.$3'S. SILVER Bar, u5V; Mexican dollars. 60Vc. RONP8 Government and railroad, steady. The following were the closing quota- tlons on bonds: u. . nr. H, rs 4o coupon ...... t). 8. s. reg do eoupon C. a. old 4t, res.. oo coupon 17. a. n. 4, r... io coupon Am. Tobacco 4l. .. do Atchlonn sen. 4... japan , u wr 1 1 . . i . - ,1M I do 41 ctr 47S ft1 do 4a, ctf. M do 1-1 oerlro II H .lot L. N. nl. 4o .lcil .10 Mnhtl!l e (. 4. ..IU Ani Mcxlron Central 4... ) .1 do Irt inc IS . W' Minn. A St. L 4i... Kv, lit M.. K. T. 1K1H .10"4 do 14 do adj. 4i N. K. R. ot M. o. . IT Atlimlc C. L. 4 loi4 N. V. C. f SV, t 6 Ill'i Bl. V Ohio 4o ...1"S N. J. r. s do Stt Brk. R. T. r. 4r Contra I of Ol. it do 1st Inc do 14 Inc. do Sd Inc. ...... M4l No P.clAc 4s. ...liV i do h 114 N. A W. r. 4s s n. 8. L. rfds. ... 7S ...10114 ... T ...1114 ...101' H'K Pnn. eonv. im o't Keanlni (n. 4 rheo. V Ohio 4Hi....liH'S si L. ft I M. e. 51,.117't (hlrfo at A. It.... Ill St L. 4V 8. F. (f 41. M C, H. A Q. n. 4i .1011 St. L. S. W. c. 4a... MVt C, K. 1. A P. 4.... imnnlHtird A. h. . 1 . H . 1 .111' .12J . 4 .1K, . U.i . t4 .tlfiV .. T' ,. ft1 . N . as do col. 6 Il't Us. racltlc 4" ... CIX'. A at. L. . do lrt 4 etf. Colo. Ind. ol, ovr. A. M So. Rillwiy t. do ierl B 7!H Tn A P. It.. coiondo Mid. 4 ;; T., St. I. A W, Colo. A So. 4a.. . S41 Luton Pidnc 4... .17 do conr. 4s AMh, x. b. m 2d 6a. . IT W'ahanh lat , .1014s do deb. B . tl Western Md. 4s.. ., .lfts'4 W. A L. K. 4s..., .IOOMi Wis Central 4a..., Cuba 6s i D. R. . Ptvtlllcri O. 4s , era Sec. St. J Kris-p. I. 4... do sen. 4a Hocklni Val. 4ta. Japan aa Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Feb. . Bank clearings for today were $1,671,977 80 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,221 ,743.93. OMAHA WHOLFAt.K, HtRKET. Coadltlon of Trade and annotations n Staple and Fsscy Prod ace. EQQS - Ueceipts liberal; candled stock unsettled at 15c. LIVE POULTRT-Hns. tic; old roost ers, 6c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 10c, young roosters, (Hi 9c: geeee, 8c. DRK8SED POU LTR T Turkeys, i;s19c; old tonis, H'15c; chickens. lOullc: old roost ers. 7C; ducks. Uifllc; geese, rSlOo. BUTTER Packing stock, lie; choice to fancy duiry, lo019c; creamery, iliilcj HAY--rrlces quoted bv Omaha F'ecd com pany; No. 1 upland, $0.50; medium, $o.00; course. $ Rye straw, $6.50. BRAN Per ton, $16.00. HIUK8, PBI.T8 AND TALt.OW-No. 1 green hides, 9,c. No. t 4: No. 1 salted. 12c; No. 2 l.c; green bull hides, S-89c; cured, 910c; dry hides. l&ffSOc. Horse hides: Large. J.25; small, $2.50. Sheep pelts, each 60c&$1.23. Tallow: No. 1, 44c; No. 2. 34c; rough, 14c. TROPICAL FPI'ITS. DATES Per box or ZD e-m. ps.. $2: Hal lowe'en. In 70-lb. bjces, pr ko oc; Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut-tttiiTed, l-lb. pkga., l per do.; 8-lb. boxei, $1. ORANGES - California fancy Redland navels, all gles, t"J.753.00; choice navels, $2.76. LEMONS T.lmonlers. extra fancy,! sute, $3.2o: 300 to 3G0 sices. $3.60- FIGS--Callfornlw, per 10-lu. carton. 75j85c; Imported Smyrna, three-trown, Jlc; six crown, ISo. BANANAS Per medlum-.4lzed bunch. $1.76 ?2 2i: Jumbos, $2.50?i.. TANGERINES Florida, per box or about 126, $V - GRAPE FRUIT-Klorld t. per box, $7.00; California, per box. S4ffi5.00. rRUITS. PEARS-Winter Nells at d Mount Vernon, APPLES-Callfomla Bell (lowers. $14 per bu. box; Ben Davis, $1.7t jei bu. box; W ine saps, $2.00 per bu. box; otaer varieties, $2.0a per bu.; New York apdea $4.76 per bbL CRANBERRIES Jerser. l.6n "er bbU GRAPES imported Malagse. t.oT6.00. OLD VKGiDTABLES. POTATOES Home-grovn, per bu., 60O 66c; South Dakota, per bu., 75c. ONIONS Home-grown, vlow and red, per bu.. 88c; Span'-kt' -pet" crate, $1.50; Colo rado, red and yefOS per tu., $1.00. NAVY BEANS Pel" bu.. K 00. LIMA BEANfl-Per lb.; 64c CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb.. 'A. CARROT8, PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 667Rc. CELERY Kalamazoo, per doa., 2&7S5e. SWEET POTATOES - Kansas. pr a-bu, bbl., $2.00. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES California, per crate of 2 lbs , $2.50: Florida. 6-basket crates, $6.00. WAX BEANS Per hamper el about $0 lbs. net. S6.U0. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 3 lbs. net, $3.0og4.00. . TOGO PLANT Florid, per doa., $1.256160. GREEN PEPPERS Kiorida. per hamper TURNIPS Louisiana, doa. bunches. T&c. 8HALLOTT3 Ivoulslana, per doa. bunches. 76c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl. $8.0'iji 10.00; per drs. heads, $1.6offll,76. LEAF LETTtrcE Hothouse, per bos of 12 lo 15 heads, 5c. Cl'CUM HERS Hothouse, per doa,, $2.00. RADISHES Huthcusa. per doa, buncheu, 0c. Mt.'SHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, about 24 heads to crate. 14. 0l. BEEF CUT No. 1 rib, 13c; No. I no, i04c; No. S rib, 74c; No. 1 round, J4ci round, i'Ac.i No. S round, tic: No. 1 loin, lo4c; No. 1 aunt, ev, iu. a piate, .S4C o. plate. 4c; No. i plate, 3c; No. i chucks, 64c; No, chucks. 2Sc. a vnucas, tvfcc; r,0. J MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, U.t per bbl., $6.7. llOAEY-New. per 24 llm.. H.M. CHEESE Swiss. nev loc Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin llmberger, 134c; twins. 16c; oung Americas, l4c Null Walnuts. No soft shells, now crop, per lb., ".4c; hard ahell. per lb., 134c Pecans, targe, per I':., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Veanutt, per It , 70 ; roasted, per ib., 6c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12&134C. Al monds, soft shells, pur lb., l.c; luard shells, per lb., 16c. Shellburk hickory nuts, per bu., $2.26; large hickory nuiv per bu., $1.60. Chestnuts, per lb.r 16c. Cocoanuta, $4.60 per sack ' 1 1 JO. FHESH FiSH-Trouv 11c; halibut, 10c; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass. He; sun fish, ti9c; perch skinned and dressed, c; Dike, loc; led snappet, 11c; salmon, lie: tiappies. 6Uc; eels. ISc; black bass, 22c; WniteilBIl, 1-., iivb ,caa, icr uut, ooc; Job- sters, green, S3c; boiled lobsters. I,c; blue, fish, 16c; herring. 4c; Spanish mackerel, lie: haddock, 10c; "hrlmp, el.0oal.tu per gal.; iKidla, 12c, cod. 1-c. fieth standard uys ters, $1.40 per gal.: shelf .yters, $1 Otrol 2 00 per 100; little ne:k clams, $1.50 per lo BUG AR8 Granulated, cane, in bbls., $6.01; granulated cane, in sacks, aa.oi; granulated beet. In sacks, $4.9L SYRLP-Ir ?,'". Per ral cases, 8 10-lb. cans. $l.u; cases. 11 6-lb. cans, fl 8i". i-e. 24 24--e cans, $1.-4 COFf !.E Koasted; No. M, 2340 per lb.; No. IW. 2u4o per lb.; No. 25. IU40 per lb.; No. iW, Uhfi per lb.; No. 215. 124c par lb. K1';R (wholesale; tel hlgli grade Ne braska. er cwt.. $210; best Mgb grade pait-ut Minnesota, per cwt., 12.40; straight patent Nebraska, per" cwt.,- $j.00; secund Ijateiil INCUrusnu, ex.v 4-iH.:r. ?iII fcaiutrv whiteflsh n.. i bbl., ltJ Iba.. $4.50; Nurway mackerel, pair bbl., 2u0 Iba.: yioters, atu.oO. o. 1, ia.w. No. 2. $-.(. No, 3, $ai.uo; Irian No. J $17.00. Herring, in bbls., 2ov Iba. each: Nor way. 4k. $13.'i0; Norway, sk. $13.t; Hoi laud, mixed, $11 lifclland hernng. In kets: Milkers, ouc: kegx, mixed. 7uc. BROOMS No. 1 carptt, u.ii; No. caioei. $:' 40; No 8 plain. $3.25. CANNED OOOnS-Corn, standard west ern, aofeOuc; Maine, ti.25, eoimetoe. 3-1 b ji cans, 11..J01 w. fi-tvv.w: pine- -tu I apples, grated, Z-ib.,, sin ed, ti.Hi 674i--o; gallon apples, fancy. $3.10; Cali- I'i ma apucuiw, el-"'.""; -tears, 11.407 a.5o; peaches, fancy. I1.75Q2 .40; Ji. ueachea $2.o3a-5t: Alaska salmon, red. i. io; pink, sue; fancy ChlnooK. F.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F., II 9C; saraities. 4.0II $2.50; 4-mustards, l.ioul 10; ' sweet pota toes. $l.iyul.J5; sauerh.ra.ut, $1.00: rump kins. 0cj$.lu0: wax beans, 2-1 b., 76)9c; Lima bcana. i-lb., 75toc'll.S5; epinach. $1 3i.2.00: chesp peas. x-ib.. aOc; extra, J5iiHc: fnncy. $1 $641 1.75. F.VAPORATED FRUITS Fancy Muir peaches, 124c; choice Muir peaches. Hv; fancy yellow, 124c; 6(v6v prunes, "): (0-70, 7SC; fancy New York ring apples. H4e; choice, 104c; fancy 4-crown louse musca tel rapilns. Tic; S-crown, 7c; 2-crown, 64c ; fanrv seeded ralains la l-lb. cartons. To; choice seeded. In l-'-oi, cartons, 74c; east ern pitted cherries. 17c; New York evap orated black raspiserrlet, Soc;- fancy pears. He; choice, 15c; fancy, nectarines, lc; fancy apricots, ll'jc; choice royal. 104c; Hallowe'en dates, i'c: glace citron, lie; canoled. lc; lemon. 144c; neucge, 144c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb. (.CORN Steady : No. 3 yellow. 4lc: No. 3, 41c; No. 4, 4c; no grade. So4i3!ic. OATS-Steady: No. I while. 3Q4c; No. 4 white. a'4c. R YK-I'nchiiraed: No. 2. 674'ij, ' WHISKY-$l-fc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET rat Cattl 8taady with Oowa Lower and Fesdara 8troag. HOGS OPEN EASIER, BUT CLOSE STRONG aheeo Onened Ten to TwentyFlve Higher, rioelaar with Adranee Lost I .oaths Slow and So More Than Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 18u8. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. i Crucial Monday 4,83 4.6! 10.147 6,306 10,300 6.6VO ' omc, Tuesday Two days thia week.. I.67 14.96 16.M7 Same days laat week..., .86j 20.J00 11.113 Same days week before.. 7,o!l 13,9 21.6M Same three weeks ago.. I.1B4 l.96t) 17., Same four weeks ago.... 8.83 16.667 20.579 Same day last year .860 16.319 14,291 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha 'or the year to date, comparing with last year: i9o, 19. Inc. Cattle 93,201 70,74 24,4f Hogs t 277,913 244.274 43.S3 Sheep 161,5t 141.61H 9,915 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinds ut cattle on the South Omaha market! Good to choice corn-fed steers $4.85g6 60 Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4.40g401 Common to fair corn-feed steers... $.&0a4.40 Oood to choice cows and heifers... 3.4ik(j4.0O Fair to good cows and heifers J4Cu3.40 Canners and cutters 1.75(92.40 Good to choice Blockers and feeders 3.664.26 Fair to good Blockers and feeders.. a.2itf3 a Common to fair mockers 15i'a3.Z5 Bulls, stags, etc J.3W.7S Good veal calves 6.006.50 The following table shows the aveiage price, of hogs at South Omaha lor the last several daya, with comparisons: Date. 1M. 1905.!HO4.lBOi.1902. 1901. 11900. Jan. 23... Jan. 2:1... Jan. 24... Juii. 26... Jan. 2tl... Jan. H7... Jan. Jan. H9... Jan .)... Jam 31... a I 4 86 e 64 i a o: i is 4 64 6 374 63 4 68 8 69i 8 03) 5 16 4 69 I 8241 4 64 I 0 tW, $ 0 6 2'-' 4 6 a i'44; 4 71! 4 si a mi a "I " 6 3241 4 73) 4 871 ( 73 $ 131 4 66 i 36 I 4 63 4 811 06i 1 12 4 63 4 64 4 79' 6 57! 6 96 I 28 1 4 61 b Mi 4 64 5 $84 6 a 4 7f I f t4 W 4 661 4 hi s 711 Oo 6 43 I 63 6 69 6 97 5 18 4 68 6 23! 4 67 h'eb. 1. Feb. 3. .1 6 4141 4 tit 4 74 6 95, 6 93 6 03 5 12 6 16 6 48 4 701 4 731 4 72! 4 S5l 6 68 6 25 4 68 4 63 Feb. $. Feb. I. Feb. 6. Feb. 8. & 634 6 63 6 70i a 6 81 4 74 4 611 6 f I 4 771 6 83 4 83, 4 81 1 76 6 23 4 ft 4 71 6 21 Sunday. SHEEP The sheep market has been In RANG 13 OF PRICES. Cattle. ' H"gs. Omaha , $1.V.4j6.O0 $5.624f)5 Chicago 1.4!'y.35 6.10 fi5.! Kansas City 2.SVS.1 6.30 4i5.7i St. Louis S.UKiS.nb 5.01 ii5.8R Sioux City 2.7diS.2o 5.40 tto.oo MONDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list snosvs tue number of cars of Blockers and feeders shipped to tne country yesterday and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. Khu:ey Bros., Denlson, la. N. W 1 Peter Schlnstock, Reenter, Neb. F. K... t J. N. Johnson. Creston, la. F, E.... L. Wolst, Ida Grove, la N. W William Fitzgerald, Melrose, la. Q... :.i B. Tinned. Hamburg, la y M. McDonald, Boyer, la. Mil , D. 8. Sullivan, Panama. la. Mil Mueller Bros., Nebraska City Mo. P., V. B. Sullivan, Turner, la. R. I , H. 8. Gerrett, Turner, la. R. I Wm. Prlestman, Shenandoah, la. Wab The official number of cars of stock brought tn today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs.Sh p. H'ses. C. M. St. P Mlsfourl Pacific I'nlon Pacific system..., C. ok N. W. (east) C. N. W. (west) C, St. P., M. & O C, B. A Q. (east) , C, B. & Q. (west) , t' R. I. A P. (east) , C. R. I. P. (west) Illinois Central ............ Chicago Gt. Western 4 a .... 6 J! .. .. 78 58 1" 1 7 6 .. 1 II SI 30 13 t 6 .. 1 52 25 4 4 11 1 2 Total receipts S3S 140 24 The disposition of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; Buyers. cattle. Hogs, sheep, Omaha Packing Co 793 1.419 2.614 13 Swift and Company I,u3t Cudahy Packing Co 1,1:3 Armour & Co 1.192 Vanaant & Co 172' Carey 46 ljobman V Co..., 38 McCreary 37 W. I. Stephen 84 Hill A Son 06 Huston Co 61 Hamilton & Rothschild... 182 L. F. Husz 7o Mike Haggerty 72 Sol Douan 15 J. B. Root & Co 2b9 Bulla & Kline 7 S. & S Independent Pkg;. Co Huffman Other buyers 611 2,t4! 2,539 2.745 9W J42 580 1,589 Totals 5,871 10,1E 5.293 i At 1 Li. iteceipts or cattle were very targe this morning, over 230 cars being re ported In, or about the lame number that was here a week ago. A considerable pro portion of the receipts consisted of cow stuff, with a liberal sprinkling of fat steers. The market on the desirable kinds of fat beef did not show any very material change and the trade was without any especially new features. It waa not what might be called an active market, and still buyers were out In good season and began picking up such loads as came the nearest tu meeting their requirements. With quite a good many cattle here to select from buy ers wore enabled to be a little more dis criminating, and hence the least desirable kinds were slow and In some case a little weak. Aa high as $5.00 was paid for a load of steers with three heifers. Cows and heifers were In large supply and a considerable proportion ot the re ceipts consisted of that kind of cattle, as noted above. Owing to the very large of ferings the market on cow stuff opened slow and weak and It was late before' very much business was transacted. When the cattle did sell they went at prices any. where from weak to 10c lower than ye terdav. There was no great number of etockera and feeders In sight, but there were some Quite sizable bunches of westerns. The demand was very good and the market active at good, strong prices. It waa In fact the kind of a market that seller like, practically everything being sold early at prices entirely satisfactory to own era. Representative aales: UEEF STEERS. Ko At. Pr. N. A. Pr. 1 120 I 00 I. 1147 4 4 1 lot i 1 IT 1214 4 46 4 716 I 40 4 1071 4 to 1 100 I 40 20 1116 4 60 1 liO I Tl 16 1141 4 60 I 121 1 16 21 li:i 4 60 to 1014 4 M 20 104T 4 60 4 161 4 00 4 llll 61 1 1011 4 00 t 1216 4 U 1 160 4 00 20 1 Its 4 40 1 lua 4 00 It.... lot 4 70 20 101t 4 00 126 4 To II til 4 II M 1141 4 Tl II 107 4 2t 20 , nut 4 7j 1 4"0 4 M 2 10. 4 76 21 UM 4 26 1 1304 4 10 1., .....1)6 4 16 16. 121 au 10 140 4 te 16 111 I 0 II 4 le . 12 111 t II 21 1U4 4 41 cowa 1 lit 1 H 10..... 67 oa I lout I 16 1 1064 I In 1 130 2 21 1 1161 1 1 t'Jt I 2 . t 106 1 1 M t tt 11 lo-jl 1 l 1 10 8 21 ts t,t io 1 tit 8 It 17 ltf.1 II 1 lo I 2 t I. n 1 to I 24 t uu 2 17 I 10 I lluO to t tit t w it luue i ie T 11 It 17 M u 4 IsT I It II :( I 2 io is i 4 it ion a tatf t 4V I ;o I 3 I Ut I 41 1 10 I 26 I lOMI I ho 10 102 I t lil W t like 2e I M IM I Sio It 2 1100 I 60 t 141 M 1 too I 10 I i;o I lo 1 140 I 60 2T 114 1 10 17 I7t t 60 11 1072 8 1 1 1036 I 4k 4 lt7 1 10 I T II 1U4 I 40 1 leO I 7 t Ill 1 110 t T 11 lout 6o I lilt I Tl If 110 t 1UI I Tl . t lilt 8 la t 1V4I t II It 11(7 I I l'HO t 76 4 1117 I to 1 1070 I Tl t Iv4 4 I lull I Iu II 1 w 1 161 I II 4.... net M ( 1 Ut t te IO Ut! i I ....lUt I t 12 16 76 T 171 I t 4 1!I ) 110 ut HEIFERS, tot t to 21 I4 I e 6tt III 62 1 1 . . 77 I 4 ..... 777 I 41 tie I tt 4 .... 412 ,. 730 It., t 2 to 1 .... 46 I 76 J.... it 11 m tt m 1 is 1 HI 1 a M M I 1 m is $. jti 4 14 it 1 te 1 ij4 4 u 1 1049 I OS BULLS. 1 1?4 I 40 1 114S I tl 1 1270 I 4" 1 171 I II 1 1411 I 7 t IISO t ! t loan I r 1 no I te 1 11 I ti 1 1140 1 te I its te 1 m id 1 lite I 1 1M I to t last 1 e 1 170 1 ts 1 imo 1 so 1 i M 1 140 I M I Ift4) I tl 1 1471 I 1 1 IstO I M 1 lost 1 1 1 iiwi 1 1 110 I 1 1 IMS Ml STAGS. 1 TM t 00 . 1 1011 ) it I tot I M n MO I te I lt I 21 CALVES. 1 W IN 1 14t I Tl 1 40 I 21 T 14 I t 441 I 4 1 140 t 1 140 I IS t IX I 1 I Hi IW 1...S. II I m 1 440 4 US 4 It7 t 2 1 240 4 10 1 160 II 1 t 4 M I IN t 26 t Ill I 00 aJTOt KERS AND FEEDERS. t WO I to I tit t Tl I ofi I SO t 712 I Tl 1 1141 t SO I T6 t Tl 1 IM IK 41 till I IS 1 tio 1 n 1 t?s 1 1 1 170 1 as t 711 1 is t ft! I II 11 (M I S I 100 I 4 It 441 IK 21 SI IN 4 142 I s I lot S M 1 It I W t 136 I I I I II 4 tor I H I no I tt I Ml I 10 11 14 I So 41 SOO I 10 7 IM 4 10 I TO I SO 1 40 4 0 12 ht I SO 1 40 4 1 I.... 114 I 70 41 1141 4 20 1 7)4 I 70 1 411 4 tl !.... 410 I 71 t 10 4 tl 1 loot I 71 It 114 4 U HOGS-Early reports rrom nearly all aoll Ing points Indicated a lower range of prlcea this morning and packers here seemed to feel that some concessions should be mado. They accordingly were bidding prices gen erally all rf 24c lower than yesterday, that Is, about $6.b for strings of good hogs, aa agatnat $0.64 yesterday. It turned out that there were a number of good shipping orders in hands of buyers for outside ac count, which had the effect of strengthen ing the feeling very materially, lie vers for shipping account really set the pace, and the market finally . became oulte brisk at Just about steady prices. The fait that the heavy packers held back, still wanting tn fill their orders for less money than yes terday, made the trade somewhat slow, but they had 10 come to 11, ana trie maraei closed stronger'- Representative aaie: No Sh. Pr. NO. N... Tl... tl... 63... Tl... Tl... M... 17... 17... tl... 17... 71... 44... 63... IT... 71... T4... It... It.., T4.., 72... tr... 47... 14... 14... 76... 44... 70... 60... 0.., A. ....116 ....111 171 ... t ....224 ....200 ....1ST ...ill ....117 tit 241 ...tit ....161 ....114 ....141 ....261 ....206 ....I6t ....KM) 231 ,....127 161 IM to 114 264 ...231 261 let 171 247 261 230 221 117 310 I3t 117 121 102 171 10 I4T Pr. I 114 I Its f Its i 114 t 124 I Its t lis I Its i 114 621 . t 62S 6 62s t 12V I US I tt I It I U I tl I ti -t 66 t at t 16 t It I 66 I 64 I 61 I It 6 61 I 66 t 64 I It I It I 66 I M I 64 I 6t ! I 66 t tt I It I 66 I 61 I 66 I tt It. I tt I It I U I 474 t7S I 174 M74 t I7S, 1 114 I 174 I ITS I 67 St II 37 71 71 ..ISO . .114 ..1I4 ..111 ..210 .. It ..ltl .20 ..ill ..l"4 ..too ..210 .214 ..2M ..IN ..226 ..241 ..111 ..202 ..224 ..tut ..111 ..116 .146 ..lit ..121 ..111 ..111 ..16 ..264 ..211 . .244 10 I II ... 1424 .'.. t 46 ... I 474 240 t 474 3 JO...... I so I 60 I 60 60 13 M 10 71 7t Tl tt 63 I 60 I 60 6 to I 60 to 120 24 10 120 I i 10 46 I IIS t 62 I 6! St I 621 I 61 s t 62S t 62S t 62S I 61S 34 71 16 , 76 to tl , 44 T7 TT too 0 140 to I 62 S, t 6KS I 61S 71 It II t r2 I IIS 0 tl , 74 14 , 71 40 120 120 40 120 I 62S I 62 St I Its t 62S I 624 I lis i 62S I 62S I 62S 71 12 II, 41 , Tl tt II 71 IT I 44 tl tl 14 , 71 TS...... tl , Tl , Tl , M tl to 64 IT 71 tt tt 17 TT 6t. .111 71 101 TT. .til .2X1 11 T4 T5 .. .tit ,..11 ..111 ..lit ...241 ,..232 ,..211 ...222 ..too ,..230 ...232 ,..l:0 ...241 ...22T ...110 ..102 ...224 ...206 ...200 ...807 ...tot ...lit ...toe 40 I 62 s II I 62S I 62S. 14 0 T6 Tt T6 II Tl Tl I 0 10 14 Tl 147.... It TT II tt TO II...... t 62 S, i IIS I IIS I lis 1 614 I 61S I 65S I 114 I 61S t II' I 124 I 62 S 6 6:4 I 62 Si 110 140 It 'it 40 tit .144 .212 ..171 ..MS ..22T ..271 ..lit ..170 ,.271 ,..141 .121 ...lot ,..241 ...147 ...IM 120 10 to tt I lis f U4 I 61SI I 624 40 to I 174 I t tist too at t aJj tl.., .101 t 114 KHJO&P Packer evidently wanted a few sheep tnis morning to kill Immediately, and they went after them In a hurry. Such sturf as Just happened to suit them they bought at prices that looked decidedly higher, at least 1 15c higher, and some would say In extreme cases aa much as 25c higher than yesterday. Thia urgent de mand waa soon satisfied, and the market then dropped back to about where It was yesterday, and closed no more than steady, In fact, the late market waa a little in clined to drag, showing that there is no great amount of strength In the present situation. First reports from Chicago In dicated a weak market up there, so that there was nothing tuide from the local de mand to give strength to the market at this point. Lambs were at no time anv more than steady: In fact, the few tiers were not much sought after and were alow aalo. The quality of both the sheep and lambs Was not very desirable today, the most of the stuff being on the plain order. For this reason the sales do not show up es pecially high on paper and It la only when the quality of the receipts la taken Into account that the full amount of the early morning advance can be seen. Quotations for fed aheeD and lambs are aa follows: Good to choice lambs, Colo rado, $t.75j6.liO; good westerns, to.757jo.lrC) good light weight yearlings, $5.6oa.0o: good heavy yearlings, I6.b0ij 6 fi&; good wetners. to.3CqB.w; ewes, 4.ti;t.ou. No. AV. Pr. 3 oo too I 76 4 00 4 60 4 80 4 60 I 60 i 60 $ 60 ( H) 6 711 40 6 40 7 16 7 16 7 400 4 60 4 60 loo i as $36 6 40 40 i so 4 16 62 western bucks 135 80 61 M 4 9 W 7tt 73 30 western cull ewes 63 western cull ewes... 40 Mexican ewes............. 4(18 Colorado tiwes 201 western ewes 411 western ewes IW yearling ewes 299 yearlings and western awea 215 western yearlings 12 western yearlings It native lambs , 291 western ewes 2t western lambs , K4 wsslsrn Inmba .. 76 ... 66 ... 87 ... 87 ..'.if ...106 ...106 ... 81 ...15 ... 90 ... M ...160 ... 95 ...1N0 ...195 ...781 ..Ml 26 western lambs . 6 native lambs ... 110 weetern ewes ... $ bucks - 33 western ewes .. 465 western ewes 11 native ewes .... 24 native wethers . 1 western lambs . 4 western ewes ., 20 western feeders u western feeders Ktsisi Cits- Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 8. CATTLB Receipts. 18.000 head. Including JU hettd southerns; market steady to 16o lower choice export and dressed beef steera, $5.11 fi6.Hi; fair to good, $4.uOii4.15; western fed steers, $3 506.60; stockers and feeders, :.) 94.10; southern steers, sj.ay-4.h6: southern cows, i.Mt'i; native rows, $2.26'&4.26; na tive neuers, 6l.wgiw; Dulls, $Z.6(M,3.80 calves, $3.001.00. UOOS Receipts. 17.CH0 head; market weak to 6c lower; top, K.724; bulk of sales. $6.6 $5671,; packers. 5.twu5,70; heavy, $5.85.' 6724; pigs and Itghta, $6.107jt.24. 6HEEP AND L.A.M HH Receipts, 8.000 head; market weak to lOe lower; native lambs. eo.iWnl.CO; western lambs. $6.76i7.a ewes and yearlings. $4.26S.,6: western fed yearlings, $6.75Q.16; western fed sheep, $1.60 (vs. id; stocaers ana feeders. 83 to 4.1s. t. Loals Lie Stock Market. ST. LOL'IS. Mo.. Feb. 8. CATTLE Ro celpta. 6.000 head, including 1.6U0 head Tex an; market steady; native ahlpplDg and export steers, $4.tx?f6 86; dressed beef and butcher steers, 13.75'y u6; steers under l.ouu pounds, a.OOa4.60; stockers and feeders. $2.5(4.26: cows and heifers. t2 bCi4 2fc; can ners. $1.76(3136; bulls. $2.6(34.0O; calves, $2 50 iilw; Texas and Indian steera, I3.u4.v cows and heifers, $2.00a3.6O. HOGS Receipts, H.OuO head; market 5c lower: pigs and lights. I6.vx(5.S0; packers, $5 10Cu5.6u; butchers and beat heavy, $5. 700 6 86. rJHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.oflu head; market weak, lower; native muttons, $5.2(4,43.16; lambs. $6.0Vo 16; cutis and uu,-,, W ini4.0t; stockers, $3.0uf3.7t; Texana, $X0ij 4. 00. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hon Sheen South Omaha 6,036 10.300 6.600 Sioux Citv .. I.a) . .18.600 .. $.717 .. ,(" .. 6.604 3.3uV 17.0i 11,803 14.0l 18.000 6O0 8, list 8.463 l.iul 14.000 Kansas City St. Joseph ., Ut. Louia .... Chicago Total ... ...46.161 84.461 M.862 4 Slaax Cllr Live Slook Market. HIOl'X CITY, Feb. (.(Special Telegr.tiu.') 'ATTL.r Receipts. i v head; market steadv; beeves. $4,.d(Hh5 .16; cowa. bulls and mixed, $2 5045-4 00: stockers and feeders. 8. "0 t.4.00; ralvee and yearllnas, $2. HCG9 Receipts, $sj head, market Strong, selling at $6,4046 K; tMitt nf soles $6 4744J6.60. BHKKP AND LAMPS-Krcetpta. Son head, market 10c lower. CHICAUO UTK ITtXK MARKRI (Xettle Blew Hams Fire Oata Uwft- stead a t atrnaar. CHICAGO, Feb. a CATTLE Receipts. 6.800 head: ma rVM slow, prices stesdr: com mon to prime steer), ; cvws,.$snru 4.4ft; heifers. li.TMiS f. bulls. $2.irf4nnl calves, $3.0iba.flO; sto::kcra and feeder. $X4( T4 an. HtG8 Receipts. W.onft head: market V lower; choice to prime heavy, $.V64j6 90; me dlum to gnnd heavy, H Mij s: butcher weights. S fiofaVSgi: good to ctinlce heavy, mixed, $3 99JJ6 R6; packlna, $6.6i.r. 8MEKP AND LAMItS-ItecelptS. la.rtM) head; market steady to strong; lamlie weak; sheep, 13 fiofie.fs); yearlings, $...if6 4; lambs, $.50U7.l6. t. Joseph Lire atnek Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo., FeK a. CATTLfJ Re ceipts, 1.717 head: market weak to 14 lower; natives, 13 . 7ft: rows and heifers tl ani4 76: stnekera and feeders. $J.7tti4.1. HOGS Receipts, ll.KS head: market steady to 6c lower; light, K.4rVB : medium and heavy, $0. 561:6.70; bulk, $6.667Ja.G6. SHEEP AND LAJstBS-TRecelpts. 6,462 head; market ateady to weak; lamb, $7.u. Boat (eke aad Beads. . BOSTON. Keb. 8.-Call loans. 4M pet cent; time loans. 44j4 per cent. OITiclsl quotations on stocks and bonds: Atrhlses AJ. 4 14 I Ad vent ur 14 4o 4 104 Allow 411 Me. Central 4 Ttsi ArlsmIH 1164 Atrtilson MSI" Asnsrlean gine so (4 tots Atlantic .. t .. 474 ,.T10 .. It .. 124 .. It .. ! .. to .. 1" .. 11 .. It .. tn .. .. to ..ltl .. 41 ..1l .. t , .107 .. 1s .. T74 .. IIS .. 114 .. t44 .. r. .. t ...122 Rnaloa A Albas? tt-4 Riaihai Hnetm m Main 174S Rottoa F.lereteu ltt ritcbburg pit I4t N. V.. N. It. A H...I0I Vnlos PaHte 1164 (l. A I1t.... (enteeiKlel Copper Rent ... Pair wt nomtnlea Coat Amer. Arte. Chern... 11 rranklln , do art "4 OrnT Amer. Paev. Tube.. .. IT, Amer. Susr leas Man. Mlnlat ... Mirktssa ........ Mohk Mont. 4. aV P.. 1)14 rwatlnioa ,. flereole ' Permf , ao sto it Amerlrsn T. T....ltH Amer. W oola , 444 flo Ma in Tinmlntos I. g It aegdlao glen. ills.. 141 Quincy Uses Kleotiie .s., .. Il't Shasee .. IT tTaenarack .. to Trinity ,,. ..lot Ifnlted ropee ., .. 14 It?, a. tlnln..., ,. H4 -V. K Oil .. 17 rth .. 44H'VIton ......... ..lit iWlneo ,. on Ufa Masa. Oas , t nlted Frull I'nltet aha Mac do pfd North Butt , V. 8. me! to st Westing, romtnns ... II Wslrsrln lild. "Asked London rinsing Stocks. LONDON. Feb. 8. Closing quotations on Stocks were: Consols, siamr ... ie4 N. T. rntrl IM4 to 7-U (Norfolk tt W ttv ,. I44 do sfd 4 .. 6 Oslsrl A W.. ill . .ls,'ennsTlTnl ' T1S . .1I7S Ranri Mine TVs ..17 Readlnt TIS .. tot do let pfd.. 4 ,.. t!4 do 2d pfd 41 ..111 Southern tullsriy ... 42 ,.. HH' do pfd 104 do seeount Anteond ... Atthleee do sfd hslllmnr A Ohio Csnsdisn PsclfVc Che. Ohio Chlraf Ot. W ... r.. m. at. r... De Beers Denrer A R. O... 41 Southern Ti8c 1 . TOS .1404 loos . 44 .114'. . M4 . do pfd . tl Vnlos raclte Krl . 41 . 13 . 7J .171 da pfd ... I,'. 8. Steel.. do pfd ... Wabaeh do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illinois Centre I .. I-ouIsyIII Nash .1.V441 do pfd M., K. T 114 Spanish 4 .... . 114 SILVER Bar. steady. 80 $-10d per ounce MONEY-34V4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for ahort bills Is 8 16-16VS4 per cent; for three months' bills, 34 per cent. . REAL KSTATB TRANSFKRS. Ruth R. Teetael and husband to V. A. Hampton, lot 18, block M, Patrick 2d add $!.! Benson iAnd company to- B. H. Post. lot 26, block ,81, and part diock e, Hennnn .' 1.54 Same to Anna Breltlnger, lot It, block T. Benson a Mary Nelson to Charlotte W. Wahl- strom ana Mnmt uarison, svt 101 tu, Reed's 2d add William Davis et al. to Jamea A. . Davis. n4 lot 4, block 3. Armstrong a 1st add ,0t William Milchrist to Bmil W. Gun- ther, lot a, block 8, Poppleton Park add Jamea U Bean and wife io Hattle U Carpenter, lot U, block 11, wainui Hill add !. James Itucey and wife to Annie Cal- ller, eS7 ret ioi z, . ixi viv wooa- y man's add..... , WK Mary Ruchlau to J. B. Todd, lota 3L 23 and 2. Mnck 1. Portland met,... - 1 Midway Investment company to An drew r. NOdean, 101 w, diocr h, rer aona 4 Berry's add.. South Omaha. 850 J. Ralaton Grant and wife to Emma C. Grant, lot a, block 41, omana e.oon Same to same, wl40 feet lot 66, Hor- bach'a 1st add LloO Same to same, lot X2, block 10, Orebartl Hill , 1 Same to same, lota 10 and 11, block 11 and lot 24. block 1L orchard Hill.... a George M. Grant and wife to earn. ntt feet tot a, oioca a, tt. is. tiogera- add t ame to aame, part lot T, Johnson's add 1 Same to same, lota 20 and a, Keys' subdlv.. and other land I K. P. Brewster and wife to Thqrnae Blackett, 11 acrea in s4 nw4 and neU iU 86-16-13 l.SflO Annie Starr to Veronla Starr, lot I, block 2, Cunningham subdlv l.fO Mary E. IJbble and husband to A. Albert Alexander, lot a, diock a;, Credit Fonder add !vi Edlsaheth C. Graham and husband to Arthur W. Atkinson, west 24. feet lot 6 and east 24) feet lot 8, block 1 Parker's add tOutj THE FIIIAIICIAL WORLD SECESSITT FOX THE SPECUUTOR AND INVESTOR Send for FREE SAMPLE COrif It appals to all who havs money In stocks or bonds, or contemplate Inveatmsnts. It enables tbe speculator to Judge the tendencies of tbe stock usr ket Intelligently. It has bea remarkably accurate la tbe past in forecaattng tbe movementa of most stocks. Its readers who have taken advantage ot Its "HINTS TO INVESTORS" . must have made considerable money. Tbe Financial World , conatantly exposes the many financial swindles and get-rlcb-quick concerns which are ope rating, and its readers are pro tected against losses by worth leas stocks. Another , great feature of this fearless paper is Its ADVICE BUREAU, to which subscribers bare the privilege of writing for Information re ' latlng to Investments. ; : This service is FREE, and tetters from subscribers are promptly answered. You will be B;the safe side and can make money - by reading this highly interest ing paper. No other' financial paper like It; a reritable foun tain of valuable information and the greatest " educattotttil force Jn the financial field. Free copy will be sent for the ask ing. Address, - FINANCIAL WORLD, ICS Schiller Dldg.. Chicago. Z'f -A " , - V .4 F. D. Day & Co. ealora Is Stocks. Gra $$.' Provlsic 1 a Ship Tttt Orala to I t. raaeh OtUeo. 110-111 Board of Tree), klldj Osaalsa, lots. Teletalaeao 1161 i, ;iJ-J14 ICaehaia Bids, tioutli Droahe. Bali 'Phono til lodtptndtBA tfiieat k