Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1P03. HARRIS ON WATCH TOWER Old I.obm Senator Cntrtl Figure at Shorthorn Breeders' Meeting. SHALLENBERGtR ALSO CONVENTION IK S. Pnrkuuret, President Sooth Omaha I.lre Ktotk Exchange, I)e livers Adrlrr.a of Welcome ,. ' In BrUmli ot City, Former United Etate Senator William A Harris, one- of the eld guard of Kan so populists, ia tho central figure nt the ninth annual convention of the Cen tral Shorthorn Brf-odera' association, which r-jan lt- sessions a' the Millard hotel Tuei1y. ' "enatcr Harris w down for an nddrc, on t,le cuaracfcriatlca aubjcct, "A fiotn tb .M'a'ch Tawar." Kx-C'onipfssmnTT 3hrUlonberger of Ne hraslsfl'l nnotlif f siatnsnian at the con vontjlbn.'" ""..' ..' , The convention, hks selected the Millar! lintel as hpaxlfiirtiri Thia had been done ' by President, I.. O,' iJiwwon nf Clark, Neb., '.who reacted town Monday afternoon. , Members are present from a dosen or more ntatrs wet' of .tha ". Mlsalaalppl. Tho at tendance is-not b large aa desired, owlna 'to the fact?, that an Important stock sale at Msryst-llle, Mo.-, :de-w many of the breedera to that .place. Many ame In for the after noon session,, and It la anticipated more will arrive Wednesday morning to attend the . business session. Pnrkhnrs'a Addrr of Welcome. In his address of welcome to the mem bers D. S. .parkhurst, president ' of the South Omaha L4ve Stock exchange, took occasion, to aay the .'packing house Inter ests at -South Omaha would endeavor to keep pace with the phenomenal growth of the state In , stock and grain raising and continue to make South Omaha the natural market for the products of the farms after the stuff had been fed to the hogs and cat . tie nnfl-' heep, which," after all, was the most profitable way tor a farmer to dis pose of his crops. , . Colonel George C. Bellows was not present to make the response In behalf of the association, ' and ex-Congressman Shallenberger responded In his place. Mr. Bhallenbergc-r said: "This has been too greatest year In the history" df Ntbraxka. In the production of live stock, grain and hay. Inaamuch as Nebraska has no natural resources In ores or lumber, -grain and live atock will always be the mainstay of the atate and the greatest source of revenue, surpassing the entire tine ore output of the country In value. " T.i'ii prospects are for Increased production, and thla will make Omaha the best market for live stock In the country." Wednesday's program Is: Reflect rone. A. H. Handera Needed Improvements. . .Hon. T. J. Wurnall The Shorthorn na a Ialry Cow Prof. A. L. lliieokor Felowshlpt a Factor in Business Hela- tlona.i B. C. Hannu Reports of Secretary and Treasurer Election of Officers .. Good Feeding and Breeding!. C. D. Bellows' paper On "Good Feeding an Adjunct to Good Breeding" was listened to attentively and considerable discussion marked Its close. He said In part: In the breeding of pure atock several elementary-principles are essential to suc cess: none of which, however, is entitled to precedence over the problem of good breeding. The party aspiring to make a mark as a breeder may possess capital, u good knowledge of- pedigrees, information as to th history of the breed and the anl- mats that have contributed to its promi nence, and In addition to a.11 of these. mny be a good Judge of Individual merit and by possessed of ample ambition, -, yet ijt hi lacks that one thing the knowledge ami application of. "good feeding as an adjunct to good .breeding " his Ideals will be shat tered arid, worst of .all, iia will be ftiiun- .vcially disappointed. . -. ... . "Good feeding consists In applying tlio methods which most economically produce the best results. Good feeding is the kln.l of feeding .which never permits the aulmuis to be of too light flesh and at the samo Urn. never permits therti to become too fleshy or overdonf. ,Ouod feeding will product- u race of , cattle that will be a source of pir:is ure and profit to the owner and can ho looked upon to improve the breed." In the, discussion, which followed Mr. l:d low'a paper E. B. Mitchell, T. J. Worr.all. A. C.ShlIonbtrger and Prof. H. R. Smith of the fnlverslty of Nebraska tool: part, making, the meeting- very interesting and " profitable to all1 who were present. Harris "tart .omcthlnK. Tuesday afternoon E. B. Mitchell of Clinton, Mo., read a paper on "Management of the Pure Bred Herd," printed January M In The Twentieth Century Farmer. The warmest sort of a discussion was precipitated by n resolution offered by Colonel Harris. It was to the effect that the association should request the Ameri can 8hrU)orn Jlreeders' association to drop from ls-herd book reference to imported cows 10 wnicn. peaigrees are traced. Mr. Harris said lve or. six, generations was far enough back fo go. 'Others Insisted the whole pedigree was the only proper pro tection, to the buyer. ,; The resolution was lost af 4Viloriel Harris offered It, but T. J. Wornall, who had opposed It, brought It before. -MiCf n.eeting agaln-in a spirit of fun and it was carried. IJsl of those who registered: I rsvwson; president. Clarks; U. o C.o,-an-,'cret;iry1-Chicago: 11. 11. Clav' treasurer, rhkngo; E U Mitchell. Clinton,' Mo.; nit:s'A.'. C. Slwllenberger. Alum Coluiie) A. Harris, Chicago; H. C Ouncarf. born,- Mo.;, IMnmr Mclann. Kennardi-K. J. Hayes'Briidshaw; H K 'Io'lOn,,ha: V . W. Hrrvey, Omaha; F. K. Thompson. Cedar Rapids la - C W rdwef.Uarlan. la.; U. A. Saunders. Ma- lla', -);V-iii,Ge0rs "u i'"er "fHun. la.; H. I. William.. Gothenburg; l H. Noves Waterloo; O. A. tranm.ll. Tekuin ih; Jam.-s O. Hn-nuu-r. Brpken Jlow; John M. Hasel ton. Kansas City; J. K. Mann. Woodbine la,.; (frank ..FHltooHoii, Irwin. Ia.; G H Hael,if),ke. ,Hladn John Wirth ' Ne brask 'V'hy; K. R. M"lellanJ. Omaha A. - Sonot-l.tnd, Harlan, Ia.: J. T. Juda-e' Carroll, In.; A. Hlelck, Benson; T V Sturati. Ti Twentieth CVntury Farmer' malm: O, Overtoa. .Nebraska City; S r! McKelvle. 'N'-brnnka Farmer, Lincoln ' W . Stuilev.-' Haatings: H. Flrnie. Hastlngs: T. J., Wornall. UUerty. Mo.; prof. R K urnitl. Lincoln; K. H. Smith, IJncoln C. II. Hall.. Omaha: . T. Hall. Omaha: Hobt-rt. Hurt. Uve Stock World. Chicago1 I). S.'-raikhurst, pi-sl,1ent 8outh Onmha MvetSUx-k !tchang; J. C Uuild. aecre- ' - r Received the Grand Prize highest award over all Cham pa tjne at Su Lovh World', Fair, n With' thb expert, evi dence, ythr buy foreign makes. Cook .1 Imperial is one "tilf the price because there is po duty or ship freight to pay. f- SCRVEO CVCRYWHCRt .. -''CICN WINS CO.. ST. LOUIS m ' tary South Omah Uve Stock exchange; John O Knne. Pender: S. S. Hall. Tender; Hnlwrt Guthrie. S'iprrlor: C, C. Rnsewater. Omaha; J. J. Blelck, Hfnwn; Henry Davis. Defiance, la.; A. Ia Blxby, Lincoln. B4Sq,IF.T FOR THE STOt KMKX Sooth Omaha Kxehaaae Plays Host for the F.renlna. The banquet of the Central Shorthorn Breedera' association last night waa one nf the most enjoyed functions that has been celebrated in the city during the past jear. H waa an expression of good will on the part of the South Omaha Dive Stock ex change and the members spared no effort to make the occasion a memorable one. The Central Shorthorn Breeders have been In session here for the last two days and have been entertained by the Commercial club of the city. Last night, however, the enter tainment waa left In the hands of the South Omaha Dive Stock exchange. Tho guests, about 160 In number, assembled promptly at 8 p. m. at the banquet tin II In the Mil lard hotel, which was arranged with the speakers' tables at the south side of tho room and at thla the gnests of honor, to gether with those who were it respond to the toasts were seated. Th- other tables were set at right angles to this and all were decorated fittingly. After the generous menu Mr. Jay lAverty, representing the South Omaha exchange, presented the toasts of the evening. In troductory to this the Elks' quartet of Council Bluffs rendered "Robin Adair" ef fectively, and as an encore Bang ' 'Cause I've Nothing Else to Do." . - . . James H. Van Dusen had the role of mak ing the guests of the evening welcome, which he did under the Introduction of the ' toast-master, responding to the toast, "Not Strangers, But Friends." Tb this Mr. D). C. Dawson, president of the Breed ers' association, responded briefly and then delegated the task to the secretary, Mr. B. O. Cowen of Chicago, stating that he was not a public speaker and that he knew he could rely on the secretory to have something to say In any emergency. ' After this response the banqueters were delighted by half a dozen pithy stories told by F. T. Tomson, editor of the Breeders' Gasette. His topic was "The Sisterhood of Cows and the Brotherhood of Men." Out of the Incongruity of his subject he managed to extract a good deal of fun. W. J. C. Kenyon and C. C. Paly confined their remarks to the more serious aspects of the live stock industry and Mr. Kenyon gave a part of his response in a statistical and historical form, dealing with the estab lishment of the South Omaha trade centers. Mr. Daly told of the great necessity for the organization known as the Dive Stock exchange. He also dwelt at some length on the rules which govern the organization. Other representative - men among the speakers were James Dahlman, Thomaa B. McPherson and Bruce McCullough of the South Omaha exchange. ' Perhaps one of the most enjoyed treats of the evening was the response of A. D. Blxhy of Dincoln. His acquaintance with the muses Is well known In Nebraska and much farther. Koine of his especially happy rhymes are based on the scenes of the farm ami Just such Industry as was repre sented at the banquet last night. He was given the toast "Amusing Muses." on ac- i count of this propensity, and It la certain that he met the expectations of all who 1 heard him. The binquet hall was not de- ; serted entirely until after 12 o'clock, and 1 some of the South Omaha men had to hurry to make tho last cars. The meetings of the association, which will be held today will be open to the pub- lie and they are promised the most hearty welcomo. The last annual meeting of the association waa held in Sioux City, and, as expressed by the president of the Breeders' association,' though he accommodations there were the best, there -was a warmth f about the entertainment here that the asso ciation had never experienced before. One of the moat spontaneous outbursts of en- tliutlasm during the course of the evening was In rejqxniHc to the eloquent words of Senator V. A. Harris of Kansas, whose al t ti e status of the cattle raisers of h:tji-. both ii ihU country and In all nseg, wt," it jr.:y to the point and apt. .:V.U OF MARKETS Harris IVm-a l;trea if Legislation lr Not Come goon. I-'ouy.u- l uiteJ Statea Senator W. A. Harris of Kiinsus expressed himself Tues day morning on the trade relations be tween thla country and continental Europe. I'nless legislative relief Is received soon. Mr. Harries believes, the United States will be so shut out of European markets hs to make the sjtuation In thia country something to think about. "Our capacity for production is increas ing more rapidly than our power for con sumption," said tho former senator. "We are gradually being excluded from the i.'ll ... ....... 1 1 r. 1 A. VI. 1 . r-m ; many wm put into enect dutiea Increased j from 80 to 2u0 per cent. , Section 4 of the I Dlngley bill, giving tho president power to I I reauce uie existing tarins a) per cent, sub ject to ratification by the senate, has ex pired. What we need now, and that quickly, la cither to have that section revived or the passage of a maximum and minimum tariff bill, giving the president the authority to exorVlso rates as occasions demand and without referring the matter to the Hen ate; that is, ullow the president to make commercial arrangements with European nations. "I was In Washington', last mouth and conferred with Secretary Root, who, with the president, is in favor of legislation in this matter and anxious to make a fair treaty with Germany. The mass of the people is in favor of having- prompt relief in the Tnatter, but congreaa will not act. Pressure should be brought to bear at Washington and the national legislator aroused. The talk about meeting the raises of other countries with retaliation is all rot; our tariffs uro already high enough. In view -of the- meat and breadstuff indus tries of this state Nebraakans should be vitally Interested in this matter." Mr. Harris is general representative for several live stock associations. He has a breeding farm at Linwood. Deavenworth county, Kan Last August he represented the live stock Industry ot the central weat at the reciprocal congress held at Chicago. ftllAIXKSBERGER SOT FOR OFFICE Does .Not Want Governorship Thinks Democrats May Win. "You may say Mr me I do not want the democratic nomination for governor next year." said ex-Congressman A. C. Shallen berger. who is a member of the Shorthorn Breeders' association. "I am going to rut In my time at Alma raising cattle. At present. I do not think I could pick any man for the nomination. I think W. H. Thompson of Grand Island. R. V. Suther land of Nelson and C. J. Smyth of Omaha r.?.'hr ot the Probable candidates. "Events may develop so that tlM demo cratic party will have an excellent chance to win Nebraska next fall. If the railway rate regulation and the reciprocity bills are passed, then this atate will be over whelmingly republican; but If they ehouid fail to go through, then there will be an Inevitable split the party In this state which ought to allow the democrats to win. trance Adventure In auto led to painful accident, but Buck len'a Arnica Salve quickly healed all wounds. $c; guaranteed. . for sale by Sherman V MoCoaneU Drug Co. DIAMONDS Edholni, ism ,n1 H.rney CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Eepori from .Inspector Mahammitt Gats Scant Caniideration. LETTING OF CONTRACTS STARTS DEBATE "leant tool and Uruaj Items Bring Ont O'Brien's Eloqnenae and He Wins In Both Argument. An spneal by Inspector of Weights and Measures Mahammitt for legislation to pre vent grocers and small coal dealera from systematically robbing the poor was not given even the consideration of a respectful hearing by the city council last night. The charges were made and new ordinances re quested in the annual report of the Inspec tor. The document was brief and to th" point, but was not rend. Apart from statis tics the lnseclor said: I desire to call your attention to a grow ing tendency upon the part of grocers to use paper bag or sacks as measures In selling commodities, without having pre viously measured or weighed such com modity in duly Inspected nnd standard measures ind scales, as the ordinances clearly contemplate. I also desire to call your attention to the constantly Increasing selling of coal In baskets. It Is believed by the purchaser thtit he buying a bushel of coal, when, as a matter of fact, the largest of these baskets used will not hold over sixty-five pounds, whereas eighty pounds Is the weight of a bushel. These abuses de fraud the poor people whose circumstances force them to make purchases In small quantities. I recommend that your honorable body take sueh appropriate action aa may cor rect the abuse. Awards of Contracts. Bids for printing and other city supplies were awarded to the Arms announced, with the exception of the 2.0U0 tons of steam coal used at the city hall and drugs for the health department. Tho arrangements In these particulars were tripped up and de cision deferred a week. All the printing, books, blanks, stationery, chemicals and apparatus for the laboratories were awarded to Klopp A Bartlett company, the litho graphing blda being rejected. It had been arranged to give the drug contract to Myers & Dillon, but Councilman O'Brien blocked the move. ft team Coal Contracts. The stea mcoal matter had been threshed out In the general committee. Superintend ent Hugh of the city hall wants the steam coal of the Central Coal, Coke and Lime company, but this firm bid $19C per ton. whereas another firm bid $2.96. For two weeka the superintendent haa been experi menting with coal furnished by the three lowest bidders. Assistant City Attorney Herdman said Monday afternoon that the contract could be let to the Central com pany regardless of the fact It was not the low bidder. On Tuesday an attorney rep resenting the Victor White company, the low bidder, called on City Attorney Brecn. argued that the contract had to go to his client and said legal proceedings would fol low If it wa granted to anyone else. The legal department thereupon discovered that the three low bidders had all submitted figures on Cherokee steam coal, and In view of this fact the city attorney told the coun cil It had to let the contract to the lowest In price. Superintendent Bugh aaserted the coal he wanted effected a saving of 15 per cent and that he had discovered a vast dif ference In Cherokee coal as supplied by dif ferent local dealers. Councilman O'Brien took the Victor White end of the argument and had rather a warm session with Mr. Bugh. O'Brien for Klopp 4t Bnrtlrtt. On the drug bids the controversy was over the right of the Klopp & Bartlett company to bid for H. J. Penfold. The legal depart ment held against It on the theory that dealer In drugs and prescriptions must be registered pharmacists or have the same In their employment. In this debate O'Brien had hold of the Klopp tt Bartlett end. It was hinted by him that each of the three firms bidding were low on various Items, and that it might be Illegal to let the con tracts other than by items. The lumber contracts for the year were split up among Chris Jensen, the C. N. Diet company and the Chicago Dumber company. SPORTS OF A DAY. EVEXTS OX THE Rl.VVING TRACKS Graceful Win Third Race at Oakland la a Hard Drive. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 6.-There was a spirited race for the long end of the purse between Graceful and Cerro Santo In the third race today. Only a neck separated the pair at the wire, and Walsh outrode Herbert, which won the race. M. M. Brat tain made the pace to the paddock, and although he hung on gamely, the route waa a little too long for him and he dropped Into third place. Supreme Court, favorite, in the fourth, was pounds the best, and after being shut off the lirst part, finished in the place. C'ataline. away flying, led all the way and won. Weather clear; track fast. Results: First race, three and a half furlongs: Elmdale won. Pa lemon second. Yankee Jim tulrd. Time: 0:4i. Second race, five furlongs: Salntalat won, Sirs second, Lovey Mary third. Time: 1:02. Third race, six furlongs: Graceful won, Cerro Santo second. E. M. Uraltuin third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards: Catallne won, Supreme Court second. Jack ful third. Time: Fifth race, one mile: Quick Rich won, Abe Meyer second, Legal Form third. Time: 1:41. Kixth race, the Rosslngton handicap, six furlongs: Deutschlaud won, Pilncuss Tl tanla second. Martinmas third, lime: LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6.-Resulta at Ascot : First race, four furlongs: Josle 8. won. Valeureux second, Emily M. third. Time: o.u 4. Second race, futurity course: Huachuaca won, 1-ady Kispar second. El Bernardo third. Time: 1:1(A. Third race, six furlongs: Charley won. Brlliery second. Cleelly third. Time: i:H. Fourth race, handicap, one mile and an eighth: ltiiinus won. Cholk lledrlck second, Good Luck third. Time: 1:63. Fifth r-iee ne H,Midwlnk won, Tk- e imesa second, Rublnon third. Time: 1:42'. 8ixth race, six furlongs: Revolt won, Hilona second, Ninnasguaw third. Time: l:14'i NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6.-Rsull at City Park: First race, selling, six and a half furlongs: Colic won. Foreigner second, Merry Acro bat third. Time: 1:22. Second race, selling, five and a half fur longs: Libation won, Tadellos second, Afcawegang third. Time: l:osH. Third race, handicap, five and a half furlongs: I-dy Esther won, Astarita sec ond. Qulnn Brady third. Time: 1:07V Fourth race, one mile: Alma Dufoiir won. Bryan second, Debar third. Time; 1:41H. Fifth t-ace. selling, one mile and seventy yards: Huxsah won. Gllfain second. Orient third Time: 1 4&H- Sixth race, selling, six furlongs: April Showers won, Braden second. Lochgoil third. Time: 1:15. Seventh race, selling, one mile and a sixteenth: Fonsoltica won. Marlin second. Amberlta third. Time: l:CC. , Beaulta at the Fair Grounds: First race, selling, six furlongs: Proteus won. Grove Center second, Loretta il. third. Time: 1:11. Second race, three and a half furlongs: Bemsy won, Creole Girl second, Bitter Miss third. Time: 0:43V Third race, five and a half furlongs: Van Ness won. Colonel White second. Plater third. Time: 1:V Fourth race, selling, bne mile and seventy yards: Nine won, Charlie Thompson sec ond. Whlppoorwlll third. Time: 1:47. Fifth race, selling, one mile: Joe Lesser won. Bravery second. Sincerity Relle third. Time: 1:43. Sixth race, one mile: I'dy Free Knight won. Da pie Gold sooond. Depend third. Time: 1:43. Ooteh Throw Throo Men. ROCHESTER. N. Y., Feb. .-In a handi cap rtUn4 tnaicli bore 'th'i ''-"If Gotrh ef !o threw Charles Kslser. fJeorge Gray and Con Albright, all of Rochester, twice each In fortv-slx minutes and twelve seconds. WITH TIIK nnWLKR. The Black Kats bowled three good games wvi games las just a 11. Pott-r ihsi riant, nut the Metz team lime stronger am Innb I hem a and Zam tied fm- the h.i. with f.74 ami the liest slnple gnme was Bninkcs TonlRht there will be a speclsl inntch between two tennis of hnnk clerks. Score: METZ BROS. 1st. ....170 ....19 . . . .iwi ....112 ....via 2d. 2W 2 147 147 17! .Id. Total. Ifl5 Wl in 674 ina f!W 1 47T. 192 o74 Brunke Potter Huntington . Ienmati .... Knrp Totals.... 91 904 BLACK KATS. 1st. 2d. 143 1! ISO 140 1 147 11 1V7 90S 2.720 3d. Total Chnndler Chatelaln Sheirlon . r2 K7 4.19 4W 611 K23 149 l.Vt 1M 175 Reed Baldwin 107 1S1 Totals Ml SI5 16 2.502 P. & G. K AMOS. 1st. 2d. Utivts isi 17:: O'Connor 1311 i(l!,. Hush us Hnrtniiin 7H l.V Peterson isi 13U M. Total 1.-.; 17 1ls IfiO 2S M7 4M 4: Totals ..810 JC.7 SW 2.517 LEMPS' FA 1 .STAFFS. 1st. 2d. M. Total. Carman ... Klauek .... Voss Hinileks .. Besclln .... Totnls.. ...223 ...173 ...19 ...ISO ...15o 15fi 13S 129 IfW 190 778 140 i'A 128 120 147 old 644 4-1 438 492 ..KM 77S 771 2.439 The Hugo F. Bill team took three gamea last night on Ient A Williams' alleys from the Stephens Smiths. Patterson had the high single game witn i'i2 and Hlndrlcks the high total of ore. Score: HI GO F. B1LZ. 1st. 2d. Patterson 2.12 saw Griffith 1!H 171 It. Nl-hols 1fi0 147 W. Nichols 157 157 Rice 1X1 M6 3d. Total. lf.7 140 177 ISO Totals.. ....929 AS9 843 2,6111 STEPHENS & SMITH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total W. Hinricks C. Rice Burke Drlnkwater Caughlan Totals .tl 1K7 6 405 4M ...ira ...144 ...124 ...17 ..1(47 ir w 147 171 "844 16 119 1M 150 780 4;w 2.471 Hanson Moyna's La Saborns took three games from the Acorns last night on Lenta Williams' alleys. Score: LA SABORAS. 1st. 2d. d. Total. Wilson 158 148 193 Hanson 176 14 138 Ward 136 140 12 Beardsley 9S 1M 113 Bamberg 114 1H3 93 499 Totals 712 804 ACORNS. 1st. 2d. Nielsen 134 18" Moynn 192 1-" Llndstrand 1W 116 Nelson 134 145 Peterson ... 110 X Totals 678 664 714 2,230 3d. Total. ltio 479 470 329 437 326 150 115 168 -121 709 2,061 Sporting Brevltle. It Is said that over $2,000,000 worth of autos were on exhibition at the Chicago show. Mont of the automobile dealera and many owners of tho city have gone to Chicago to attend the big show. Some one has asked what a real base ball team must be worth when J250.0O0 is re fused for the Boston Nationals. Howard and Dolan ure fixtures in Bos ton' outfield, and Manager Tenney is look ing for a good man for Uie other position. Cook, who played with Pueblo last year. Is a graduate from the University of Illi nois and has been signed by the St. Louis Browns. The Joint, coraiillttee of the American and National leagues will meet February 14 to talk over important matters and to consider any possible changes In the great game. . ., nw.. Danny Shay wttnu-nls release from the Robinsons, aa bid health will not permit him to pluy outsjiio'of California. He says he will retire from Jthe ame If his wish is not granted..- j. Congalton. the new outfielder of tin Cleveland team, has been tried in last company betore. Several seasons ago he was purchased by the Cubs and leu the league In bitting in the spring, but as soon as the pitchers got in snupe his average commenced to shrink. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Today 1 11 Ne braska, Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri and -Kansas. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 6. Forecast of tho weather for Wednesday and Thurs day: For Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and Missouri Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thursday, fair. For Wyoming and Montanu Fair Wednesday and Thursday. Local Ret-ord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BL'REAV. OMAHA, Feb. 6. Official record of tem- peiaiure and precipitation, comparea wiin the corresponding day of the last three years: Maximum temperature 1906. 1905. 1H4. 1SW. 10 47 Minimum temperature 84 10 1 Mean temperature 17 14 Precipitation Of) T 1 T Teninoritiire and Dreclpltatlon departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and corptwrlson with the last two years: Normal teniperoture 26 ToTal 'excess' since Marcli i,' i9ift! "',!!!!! !l,062 Normal precipitation 02 inch Ietlclency for the day .u3 Inch l-i-fl rainfcll fc'm'e March 1....29 99 inches Deficiency since March 1. 19o6.... 3.04 inches Deficiency for cor. period limi.... 4. M inches Excess for cor. period 1904 1.83 Inches Report frous. stations at T P. M. Station and State - temp. Moxl- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. in. mum. fall Bismarck, cloudy 4 Cheyenne, clear 24 Chicago, pt. cloudy 14 Davenport, clear 16 Ienver, clear 34 Havre, clear 30 Helena, clear 24 Huron, cleor 14 Kansns City, clear 3 North Platte, clear 24 Omahn, clear 22 Rapid City, clear 2i St. I mls, clear 14 St. 111111. Clenr 6 Salt I-ake City, cloudy 26 Valentine, clear ., 20 Wllllxton. cloudy .: 16 10 .03 .00 .02 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 AH .00 .110 .00 .00 .00 .00 34 lii 'J 42 30 26 30 25 i ;o 10 28 24 18 'i Indleutcs trce or precipitation. Indicates below xero. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. BAD BLOOD Every parfof the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, and when from any cause this vital stream of life becomes impov erished or run-doxvn, it invites disease to enter. No one can be well when the blood is impure; they lack the energy that is natural with health, the com plexion becomes pale and sallow, the vital energies are at a low ebb, and they suffer from a general broken-down condition of health. The system is weak ened and unable to resist the diseases and disorders that are constantly assail ing it. The Liver and Kidneys, failing to receive the proper stimulation and nourishment from the blood, grow inactive and dull, and the waste matters and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels of nature are left in the system to produce Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases or some other blood disorder. When the blood is in this weak' cned and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is not only thorough, but gentle ia its action. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, is just what is needed. It not only cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisons; and enriches and strengthens it, but PURELY VEGETABLE. PromPtly n gives better results than any other medicine. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores md Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders, and cures them per manently. Our Medical Department will be glad to five advice without haxgt to all Safferiaf with blood or skia diseases. Addxtss T1I 8 WITT MPCVtnO CO. ATLANTA CAm IN THE POLITICAL AttENA Major Moorei PasiUTel Deniei Alliance With Brottch as Hit Snoceuor YELLOW STORIES NOT BASED ON TRUTH Hennlnc Repudiates Report that Mayor Tried to Exact Promise of lllra Regarding; Fotoro Appointment. Two positive statement were given out Tuesday morning that ought to clear up the republican political atmosphere consid erably. Both were made to deny stories printed In the yellow newspaper. The first I authorised hy Mayor Moores. who state positively that he ha not committed him self to the mayoralty candidacy of W. J. Broatch In any way. The second conies from City Treasurer Hennings. who ssorti with emphasis that Mayor Moores never sought an understanding with him regard ing appointments to city Jobs or any other concessions for support In the mayoralty race. At the mayor's home thia statement was given out for the mayor: "The mayor says he was for George West for mayor, but he haa made no statement regarding his willingness to support W. J. Broatch or anyono else. Neither haa he made any agreements with Broatch or other candidates. Statement printed to the con trary aro absolutely false. The statement quoting the mayor as saying he wanted to 'get oven' with Hlnnlnga and Rosewater if It was the last act of his life. Is doubly false. He never said or Intimated anything of the kind. He Is a good friend of Edward Rosewater' and will remain so regardless 496 - of any differences of oninlon nh.-mt hmvnr. JJi I alty candidates. Mayor Moores Is not per sonally nosnio or 111-disposed toward Mr. Hennings, as has been reported." The Information that Mayor Moorea felt keenly the charges that he had attempted to get promises from Mr. Hennings to ap point certain persons to positions In the city hall If elected was conveyed to the city treasurer. Mr. Hennings said "As a matter of fairness to Mayor Moores I want to say he never made any requests of the character upon me, nor has he tried in any way to have an understanding re garding the appnintmenta. He haa not 473 ! made overtures toward any bargaining of 4"8 the kind and has not attempted to dictate I what I should do about my candidacy or my policies alter election ir 1 gained toe omce. Letters felicitating City Treasurer Hen nings upon his mayoralty candidacy con tinue to be received by him from unex pected sources. .The other day one arrived from Egbert M. Badgrrnw, a former Oma han now in the real estate business In Tacoma. Mr. Badgerow writes: Omaha Is certainly in need of a good business administration, such as you are eminently fitted to administer, and I, for one, while at present a long distance from home, am pleased to note that affairs are shaping themselves in the proper direction. I regret not being In tho eltv to perform my part of the work to be done, but 1 shall watch the progress with interest, wishing you success In the present move. Tho first democratic filing for the munici pal primaries crept into the city clerk' office late Monday. It came from Charles W. Young, who would like to be a city committeeman from the Third district of the First ward. Two other republican fil ings were made. They are those of Samuel McLeon, who cherishes deep design on the office of building Inspector, and J. A. Lov gren, who submits his name In the coun cllmnmic contest In the Eleventh' ward. , The Ninth ward division of the Equal Rights club concurred In the action of the central body Tuesday night by endorsing the candidacy of A. H. Hennings for mayor. The Equal Rights club of the Fourth ward held a large and enthusiastic meeting last night, at which zeal for the coming campaign waa freely expressed. The chief business of the meeting was to endorse the ' action of the central body of the Equal Rights league, which adopted resolutions endorsing the candidacy of A. H. Hennings for the mayoralty and William Elbourne for the city clerkship. i SIX DIVISIONS TO GO OUT ""'! uive III View as to Transfer of Free Rnral De livery Headquarter. Superintendent C. E. Llewellyn of the 1 Omaha division, rural free delivery, wa asked Tuesday morning relative to the prospective changes In the divisional lines of the service and the possibility of the removal of the Omaha division to Kansas t-u a impiiea in the special correspond- ence of Tho Bee from Washington. Mr. I Llewellyn auld: ,., ... . ,. ... I ""u me wasnington dispatch in I lhe Bee stating that the Ohiaha division1 of rural delivery will be transferred to ' Ka : Mo., on July 1. and then placed ; . under the supervision of the postoflice In- speetor In charge of the Kansas Cltv di-' Vgion . ha... P.r.ivj --.,., ' .. I , '"'on' 1 ,la.f reC? ,Vd no t,fflcl"1 notlce ' that this division will be moved to Kansas I City. In my opinion, however, the offices of the six division superintendents of rural dellverv located at In,1lfnn,u.uu c 1 I Nashville, Omaha and Washington, will be discontinued and the supervision of the service placed under the supervision of the postofflce Inspectors in charge of the respective divisions. This change Is In the line of economy and with a view of con centrating the Investigating forcea of the department under the supervision of the chief postofflce inspector. These changes are for the good of the service." Building; Permit. The city has Issued a permit to Josenh Baier for a 6.000 brick double dwelling at Twenty-fourth and Harney streets, anil to RafTaelo Bonarcl for a SI. GOO frame duelling at .'XJI9 South Nineteenth street. WAKENS THE SYSTEM AND INVITES DISEASE genuy uuuas up uie enure system Dy us fine tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every mem ber of the body, gives tone and vigor to the blood, and as it goes to the different part, carries ro bust health and strength. S. S. S. acts trior bit BBCAt'Pl it I. krrr sraiMatuee ef tk V"" " 'lot the fault mt . BBCAl'Sg It aurpuaea Is Mllawaaas a ad aor avarrthlng aa tba markat. BCAi;X n awaals equally la the taasr of Uia eanaolasaur ana la tka Usu at woaua ana lavalMa. BBCAl'SS Ha auparlor uallty, teata aaa porttr naka n a an!arsa favorite. BBCALtiK it ucala all atkar wtlakan ft aina a kst aaotck, a kat todar or a kifhba.ll BECAUSE It la tba oalr Malt Wklaka? at tend bjr Ita bona Ada dlatlllar; la navar aald la kulk, but out? aadar tka dlattliafs kaUl Inl and label, BICAl Bg it u dlat Hied at aaa af tka Wrsast distilleries m tha country. BRCAl'RK It la tb onljr whlskar Bold uaaar a aubaiantial guarantee .( eurllr. sSarlng ll.eoo te anrene who eaa detect la tka same an 7 Impurities. BKCAIBE It la properlr dietlllad from tka Terr rbolreit materials sod never aoid uolll :u 1 ir matured. , BCCAl'HK it la sold entirety uaua Ha menu, without tha aid of fabulaua auree (or ad tot ttalnf, for which tha consumer alwajra saa is tha end. BCCAt'SC It Is offered not aa s patent aa. trum claiming to cure all Incurable dlaeaeea. but for what it la worth a fret rlaas tonic. rational stimulant and a concentrated food at the hlfheet poealble value. BECAl'RI It la aold at a amell kil.... pralt. warranted br Ita manufacture and aala In extraordinary quantities br s distillery pay. ... - ..ii. nimpB uonars annually fey in. r-T-noe tax aiona. ill DOCTORS FOR IV2EB3 THE MEN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS. THERE are thousand of men who mind are weak and Impaired, and whoso bodies are unsound and decreased. They Buffer from the follle n5'xeeBf"'8 of 'uh. which weaken their physical, mental and sexual I"1'- lheV are weak, nervous, tired, dlriy. lang-uid. despondent, absent minded; have weak, achlrtg back, palpitation of the heart, capraclous apppetita frlR-htrul dreams, a constant fear of Impending danger, night losses and day drains, which unfits them for work, study, business or marriage. Others are suffering from private diseases, such aa Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Billet ure. Varico cele. Enlarged Prostate or Blood Poison (Syphilis). Are you one of thes men? Aw you staggering under the burden of a secret weakness, which Is a slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality? In your present condition are you fit to hold a responsible position? Can any. body rely on you or can you rely on yourself? Is your body almost wrecked and your brain in a whirl? It Is terrible to be In this condition, but It is still worse to allow it to progress and become more aggravated, for It will then fill your whole life with failure, misery and woe. There are thousands of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhapplness. lacking in love und companionship through the sexual weakness and physical Impairment of men whose years do not Justify sue h a condition. We nave gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and mlddle-ag-d men who were plunging to- full of vim? vand" vl'tlTy.10 PerfeCt "pectmen" oI Ph"l0ttl nianhood, We Cure Safely and Thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance evil habit, ex cesses, celf-abuse or the result of specifics or private disease. We make no misleading; statements, deceptive or nn busineaa-Ilk) proposition (o the afflicted, neither do we promlae to rare them in a few days nor offer cheap, worth less treatment In order to aecare their patronase. Honest doctor of reeogalsert ability do not reaort to such method. We sxnaraatee perfect, safe and lastlnsr enro In the quickest possible time, wlthont leavlnsT injurious after effect In the syatem. and nt tho lowest coat possible for honest, skillful nod successful trentment. FRFE Consultation If you cannot call writ for symptom blank. ' "k and Eiamlnstlon Office Hours I a, m. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Furnnm St., Between I8U1 nnd 14th Sl OMAHA, NEB. i RATES CUT IN TWO Every Saturday and Sunday up to April 1st. 1906 ROUTt ROUND TRIP RATES. Minder -Harlan -Manning -Carroll - -Fort Dodfa - SI. 00 - 1.60 2.25 - 2.80 4.25 Cod returning SAME RATES TO OMAHA flOH ABOVE STATIONS v fr tun lmUrmikn ( H. H. ChuroaH Cnrt A$m. Iff J rrmm 3trt. FkJhr ai Byoroeele, i'ViiiH r an cnronic rprc " :. II. UUUKl at OAMUBb Iffr OFFERED AS A Rational Stimulant OF Guaranteed Purity Not as a Nostrum to cure Incurable Diseases. II Eagle Grove Clarion . -Hampton Belmond S4.80 5.10 3.90 5 45 6.40 Mason City following Monday. WEAK. NERVOUS MEN from rcee or victim to Nervous Debility or can aauatlon, Wasting Weakness, with Early IoUn Is) young and middie-aged: lack of vim, vigor nj tranjrth. with organ impaired and weak. Our treatment will correct all of thto evils and rector you to what nature Intended, a hale, healthy, happy man. with all power vlvorou and perfect. WlRimrn F ourd perfectly and permanently foe nlUlrUleLLE. l,f, by one treatment. No cutting, n CI a. no danger, no detention from work. No othat eatment will CURE aa quick. Rl mil PflKMa uicl"r than at Hot Spring, a disappear, no sore cm on body (sore In sicuth, throat, tongue, hair falling nut stop at unc. W also euro all contagious or acquired disease- Prostatic Catarrh nf Bladder. Kidney. qihiki or men ana women. examination and consultation. Write Bywiotom c?iauia for noma treatment. fog Trtf Ittnttfli