Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FKBHUARY 7, The Omaiia Daily Dee E. ROSKWATEn. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Hff (without Sunday., .na ypr..$ lly Bee and Sunday, nrm year oe Illustrated Bee, one year t .50 Sundnv B, one year t.j) Saturday Bee, one year I.fc DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Jmlly Bee (Including Sunday), per week. .17c Iwilly Bee (without Hundayt. per wek..l2e Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week c Evening liee (with Bunday). per weck..l'o Bunday Ree, per copy 5c Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building-. South Omaha rity Hall Building, Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 10 Unity Building. New York 1508 Horn IJfe Ins. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. . , . . REMITTANCES. Remit hy draft. express or postal order payable to The Be Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamp received aa payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 8TATEMENT OF- CIRCULATION. Ftate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.i C. O. Rosewater, secretary of The Bea Publishing company, being duly sworn, ays that the actual number of full nnd complete copies of The Daily, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of January, 19mi, was as follows: 1.. ..... BIMIOO 11 R1.BOO 2 ' 31,TO 18 ai.TTO I Sl.THW It ai.45t 4 8I.TTO 82.K40 6 aicio n ao.ino IM.tMM)- v 81,400 7 . 80.IK0 28 l,l f, ai.T.m 24 ai,47o ft ft MUM) .26 ai.ftTt 10 82,000 26 31,410 11 St.lKtO 27 S2,2 J2 m,OTO HO.ONtt 18 82,440 29 81, HBO 14 1C,!M 80 81.8UO 15 81.N70 31 81..1BO It 81.T70 Total 1,003,400 Less unsold copies 11,03 Net total sales 002,4113 Daily average 82,014 C. C. ROSEWATER, Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 31st day of January, . (Seal) M. ii. II UNGATE. Notary Public. WHEJ OIT.OF TOWS. . Subscribers tearing; tho elty ten. pornrily should hare The Be mailed to them.' Address will be changed as often as requested. The bearing of the Sinoot case has loen again postponed. Congress must have real business on hand. Former Engineer Wallace hag hart an opportunity to tell his troubles to the senators; but it does not seem to have eased them much. If Senator Patterson is successful in his fight against King Caucus his little flellnquency in the Colorado supreme court can be overlooked. Perhaps the reason Mr. Shonts holds office with a railroad whjle acting as chief engineer of .the cannj U.the recol lection that Secretary Taft docs not like men who resign. The report in St. Petersburg that, na tives of Finland are arming may indi cate that the ctar has decided to recall those grants of autonomy made Just be fore the insurrection. General Grosvenor is entitled to his private opinion that the railroad ques tion is a "fake issue" but it is to be noticed the distinguished Ohloan Is do tag nothing to block the people in their Jemand. If the city attorney only manages to worry along without a second assistant ft few months more he may save enough to make up to the taxpayers the In crease of his own salary under the new city charter. 'The decision of Tom Lawson to turn over his life Insurance proxies to a Jommlttee shows either that the Boston "revealer" has failed to corner a ma jority of the votes or that he feels there Is glory enough to go 'round. What has become of the demand of the Bar" association for business men to lerve upon the Jury? Have the law rera come, to admit that the business man Juror is admirable in theory, but not so serviceable in practice? The explanation of the report that the Russian government has decided to go Into the life insurance business doubt less is the grand dukes have discovered that, as ' sometimes conducted, life in surance beats army peculations as a source of wealth. , British liberals have not yet decided o contest the seat offered Former Tre inler Balfour. . Perhaps they nre wait ing: the result of his conference with Joe Chamberlain before deciding whether he Is au asset or a liability to the opposition. The demand for a workhouse for city prisoners la seconded by the police Judge and the police department. Nothing would serve better as a persuader to petty offenders to give Omaha the go-by than 'a workhouse in which a sentence at hard labor would mean real work. Some of the democrats wh6 stand aghast at Senator Patterson's remon strance against caucus rule should go back and read over Colonel Bryan's es say on "The Philosophy of Boltng," which, if we remember correctly, ap pea red first as an editorial In the Worltt llerald. " Omaha club women have been almost persuaded to eulist in a rnovemeut to confine their purchases to goods bearing union labels aft a result of the presenta tion of the case by union labor rep resentatives. A delegation from tho Business Men's association may be ex pected to wait upon the club women at Ikvlf next meeting. THK ALGtAJRAS L'OXFE RI.U f . The conference regarding Moroccan affair Is nearlng the crucial point In Its delllieratloim. This i In regard to the control of the Moroccan jxillce, which Is the really vital Issue Ix-tweeti France and iSerinany., Although there has not yet tieen any definite settlement of any question considered by the con ference It is lelleved that alt of a minor character will be amicably arranged without much difficulty. In regard to these It Is sold that France Is prepared in a liberal spirit to meet any proposals formulated, but she will take a tlrm stand relative to tl.e police. Germany Is equally determined respecting this qucstlou. It Is the understanding that Germany favors an International ar rangement for the control of the police, under which France would have no greater part than any other nation made a party to the arrangement. This France will not, as now indicated, assent to. She claims that her position in Algeria gives her-the right to a predominant voice In Moroccan affairs and especially in the matter of provldlng'nnd controlling tho military forces necessnry to pro tect her interests. Some sort of compromise as to this may be reached. The delegates are re ported to be earnestly working to-this end. those of the United States as eeal ously as any others. The'latest advices say the ambassadors regard the outlook as being hopeful, but It is plainly evi dent that the main Issue will be disposed of with difficulty, if Indeed its discus sion shall not result in a rupture. There is no longer any talk of the possibility of war growing out of the controversy, but no one can confidently say that such an eventuality Is iuiiwssible. So far the American representatives have taken no very conspicuous part in the delibera tions, but the dispatches note that they are being consulted. ALASKA' DEVELOPMENT. President Roosevelt recommended that Alaska be given a delegate in eou gress. lie said some person should be chosen who chii sneak with authority of the needs of the territory. The sen ate has acted upon this recommenda tion and passed a hill authorizing the election of a delegate. This Is the first step toward doing Justice to the ter ritory. This will undoubtedly be fol lowed in due time, and tho conditions are already favorable, by legislation giv ing Alaska the territorial form of gov ernment which Its people want. It may not yet be quite prepared for this, but it certainly will be In a few years. Alaska is developing rapidly. Its great resources are becoming better known and it is therefore attracting population and capital. Another sug gestion of the president was that the government should aid in the construc tion of a railroad from the Gulf of 'Alaska to the Yukon river," in American territory. This is likely to' be 'eventu ally done. Now railroad builders are appreciating its, valuo as a rich field for occupation and development and its future portunItlea for trade. ' It Is only a question of time when this ap preciation will take form in practical results. Alaska has more than gold to assure its future growth nnd it is cer tain that some day not far distant It will have a large population utilizing its great mineral wealth and exploltlug its vast forests and its valuable fisheries. . A MORE LIBERAL POLtCT- Substantial evidence Is at hand of a serious effort on the part of the authori ties at Washington to do something to at least check the growing antagonism to this country among tho Chinese peo ple. The expediency of this was recognized by the president when he gave directions for a less harsh ad ministration of the exclusion law and this was followed by the appointment of a committee by the secretary of com- merce and labor to consider the matter of revising the. regulations as to the admission of Chinese and report thereon. The report of the committee has been submitted and approved, by Secretary Metcalf and it is expected that the result will be beneficial. It Is stated that the revised regula tions will avoid delay in landing Chinese and also action that would seem offen sive,' among which Is the existing prac tice of measurements for the purpose of identification. This practice Is naturally humlllatiug to thoso Mho are not In the coolie class and its discontinuance is manifestly to be desired.' Another thing proposed, Is to do away with the arbi trary exercise of power by the immi gration officials In the matter of de portation and to give Chinese who have been dented admission the right of ap peal to the secretary of commerce and labor. It Is further proposed that at a port of eutry where there is a Chinese consul he shall be notified of the adverse action of the officers at such port In the case of a Chinese person aud given an opportunity to take such action In the interest of his countryman as he may deem proper. In regard to the first of these provisions it is to be remarked that there is small probability that any Chinese person denied admission would make an appeal from the decision of the Immigration officers unless he had suf ficient grounds for doing so. Such ap peal would be rare except from the exempt classes. As' to the other pro vision, it is obviously right that a Chinese consul should be given nn op portunity to interest himself In behalf of a countryman and. it is quite sufe to say that no consul would venture to do so unless he had a good case. It Is therefore entirely certain that neither of these provisions would cause any trouble to the . secretary of commerce and labor or to the Immigration offi cials, while they would be very likely to go far toward placating the now hostile feeling of the Chinese. The desire of the administration to deal fairly and Justly with the Chluest undoubtedly 'Is approved by the Intelli gent and unprejudiced opinion of the country. It should be seconded by con gress in such modifications of the ex clusion law and the practices under It ns the present conditions show to be expedient. The president said in his hist stimuli message: "As n eople we have talked much of the open door In China, and we expect, and quite rightly Intend to Insist upon. Justice being shown us by the Chinese. But we can not expect to receive equity unless we do equity. We can not ask the Chinese to do to us what we are unwilling to do to them." When we shall accord fair treatment to the Chinese doubtless the hostility to Americans and American goods now existing and growing will come to, an end and the citizens and the products of this country will re ceive in China at least equal favor with the citizens and products of other nations. TEACHERS1 PAT. In the new schedule of salaries Just adopted the school board seems to have arrived at about as fair a solution of the problem of teachers' pay as could be reached under existing conditions. The new salary schedule is not up to what the school teachers demanded and it Is said that some of the teachers are not satisfied with the concessions made, but the increases granted recognize the Justice of the arguments they have ad vanced, based on Increased cost of liv ing and increased exactions and re sponsibilities, and at the same time keeps in view the limited resources of the school district and the relative pay of women working in other vocations. Although each single salary is aug mented only slightly, the Increase in the teachers' payroll of f 17.000 n year will represent a material increase in the amount of money to be raised by tho school district. The taxpayers of Omaha take pride In their public schools and are willing to make any necessary sac-1 rlflce to maintain their standing and efficiency. It is Omahu's good fortune that it has In Its public school teaching corps a larger proportionate number of experienced teachers than most cities and more teachers who are making their profession a life work. The new salary schedule which rates the cotn petisntion according to length of serv ice, reaching its maximum after the eighth year, will continue to attract this class of teachers by offering a yearly Increase of salary as a prize to those who continue their employment with the schools. Making the two highest places in the school dependent both on length of service and demonstration of ability by re-examlnatlon should also tend to Improve the quality of the teaching force by making It conform constantly to the latest and most im proved, methods. Among other features, the new scale is also accompanied by a more generous rule as to pay during sick leave, while another commendable point Is to be found In the fact that it can be applied so as to eliminate discrimination and favoritism in preference for promotion. There Is. it is true, and always will be, danger In applying rigid rules In fixing compensation for the service of em ployes, but where there is a large num ber of employes It Is practically impera tive to avoid partiality that they be governed by some established rule and be made to realize that the rules will not be suspended under pressure or In fluence. The suggestion that we have daytime meetings of the city council and that this be made one of the issues of the coming municipal campaign is hardly worth serious consideration. If we have honest and capable men in the i council It will make no difference In the transaction of public business whether they hold their meetings In the after noon or In the evening. The idea that night sessions have resulted In sur rounding the council with a bad atmos phere due to attendance of contractors, office seekers, hangers-on, corporation lobbyists and others who have axes to grind, is not borne out by the fucts. The main part of the council's business is now transacted in committee of the whole, which meets afternoons, but the contractors, lobbyists and on-hangers are there just the same, while the pres ence of good citizens Is no more noticea ble than at night The contractors, lobbyists, place hunters, etc., make it their business to bang around the city council and they would accommodate themselves Immediately to any change In the hour of the council . meeting whether 10 o'clock In the morning, 2 o'clock In the afternoon, 8 o'clock in the evening, or 12 o'clock midnight. When republican insurgents antag onize party measures they are surfeited with applause and words of comfort from the popocratlc press. When, how ever, a democratic senator announces that he will not be bound by the de crees of the democratic caucus the pop ocratlc organs come back at him de nouncing him aa a traitor who should be disciplined. If not ousted, from the party ranks. It all depends on whose ox is gored. It seems to us that the school board Is lapsing Into a bad habit In ordering the schools closed early on two days of next month to allow the children to look at a trained horse which, no doubt. Is to be displayed in consideration of the gate receipts. If the pupils of the schools are to be favored with the loss of part of their Instruction every time a trained horse comes to town, the other animal shows will soon be asking equal treatment New Yorkers who are the toys of a 40 degree below aero temperature should remember that the weather grew colder as It went east and that the "blizzard swept" plain of the west are ftgaln get- to enjoy spring-like tetn- The newness of Omaha and the won derful strides It has made In the short fifty years of Its existence Is impressed anew by the fact that the widow of Omaha's first mayor has Just come to her end at a ripe old age. It Is Serarlatna. . Washington Post. Opponents of the railway rate legislation Insist that the Hepburn bill Is unconstitu tional and would be worthless if passed. It's surprising that, they are not urging its enactment, then, Instead of trying to kill It. t'aaae and FaTeet. Washington Pot. The commercial agencies report that rail way earnings In January were 14 per p'nt larger than for the corresponding month of last year. Mad no Idea the fares of con gressmen and legislators would count up like that. Effective Arnr Reserve. Brooklyn Eagle. It Is hardly worth while to create the pro posed army reserve, now that the militia has picked tip. The militia Is an army re serve with 100,000 well picked men. Keep that In shape and the army need not be Increased. ' Oalerlsm la Fmctlee. , , . St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Several years ago a physician wrote to a medical journal that he had put a suffering patient to death with morphine and re quested an pinion. He received the follow ing consoling reply: "No man. In sickness, or otherwise, has a right, moral or other wise, of abbreviation- of human life one lota. Tou are a murderer." The Inquirer asked no further Information. Projected strike of Coal Miners. Chicago Chronicle. Whether the coal miners have any meri torious grievances or not we are unable to say. but whether they have or not they are , entitled to public sympathy If they have to conduct a coal strike this year. The oper- tors have long been preparing for It and i have filled the country as far aS possible with stocks pf coal, which the mild winter has not reduced 'nearly so much as usual. The struggle will Involve terrible losses on both sides nnd the probability Is that It will end without any satisfactory results. Weather Experts Stomped. New York Tribune. A week ago there was a wood famine at Pawson and the temperature registered 70 degrees below sero. T'noccupled cabins were torn down and used for fuel. The coldest official record before the present winter was made on January 13, 1901, when the ther ' mometer touched (18 degrees below, whereas this winter It lias mode a record of 73. The extreme cold of the far north and the ex treme mildness of winter In this latitude constitute a weather problem sufficient to baffle the best experts. Expression of College Cultivation. New York Sun. Study Is nothing, and even foot ball Is not everything. A good "yell" la the supreme expression of college cultivation. The New Zealandcrs who played the Rugby game In this town emitted a. masterpiece of savage chant, a good old Maori "yell." Here Is a piece of this wonderous howl: i Hupa pa nei. ' Hupa pa net, Hupa p pel, i Kau pa nel whltl te ra. The Maoris outhbwled and outyelled us. nd New Zealand tnakes mouth at our speech. Observe 't1i'"ra,' the mother of "rah." -- signal Corps Work. Army and Navy Register. Important work Is In contemplation un der the army slgoal officers at Benlcla arsenal and Omaha, where there are some ten or twelve war balloons, not counting the two new balloons of recent type or dered In France. -The signal officers are going on with the development of the gen eration and transportation of hydrogen, which Is something of a problem, but which becomes of vital Interest In connec tion with military ballooning, the preju dice against which- even among some army officers has survfvea other memories of our campaign against the Spaniards In Santiago. The signal officers have a choice of several efficient methods of producing hydrogen either by Its storage In tubes and so carried on the field or-by portable generation plants which become a part of the balloon train. .: HKALTHV REACTIOX. Flnrry In Life Insnrnnee Business tiradnallr Passing:. Baltimore American. Knw that the ituilrn oimini from the In surance Investigation has practically cleared ting ready ! futures. away, It is possible to note some of the country than In Europe; out on non results of the agitation. Passing over the competitive and local business they are changes In management that have been higher. Specifically, Mr. Hlnshaw declared made, It may be well to note that the that local rates In his home state are companies are taking no precautions what- j shown by investigation to be four times ever this year against the passage of In jurious laws. No effort Is made to keep watch of proposed legislation and the com panies have no representatives at the va rious state capitals, as they formerly had. They have been accused of corrupting leg islatures and squandering policyholders' money because of their efforts In the past to avert this peculiar peril, and have, therefore, discontinued this precaution. It Is now up to the policyholders to pro tect themselves, and one whd remembers mat me average poucynoiaer is aimosi as Ignorant of Insurance business as Is the average lawmaker, and Is. moreover, thor oughly indifferent to what his representa- tlves at the state capital may do, will realize something of the flood of fool legis- latlon that may be expected. This flood has already bgun. and the managers of the big companies are looklsg on with grim dissatisfaction. . They know the trouble that is coming for the policyholders, but they dare not interfere, lest they be charged again with corruption. There are to be no more contrlbutlons to campaign funds and for this result there Is no complaint to be made. 1 Perhaps the most unfortunate fact in the whole disturbance Is the tremendous falling off In business shown by the annual re ports of the various companies. This Is no special Injury to the companies, or, in other words, to the policyholders who re main, for the solvency of the companies Is unquestioned and unquestionable; but It Is a distinct misfortune to the thousands who have allowed their policies to lapse, and to other thousands wbo have abstained from Insuring because of the agitation and the consequent panic. The losses these In dividuals have sustained are In many cases irreparable. It Is now highly satisfactory to note from the reports that are coming in from all parts of the country that a decided reaction has begun. Three months ago It was freely predicted that many of the magnates ef the business would be Jailed and millions would be disgorged. Now that it Is found that nobody is to be Jailed and no millions have been stolen, the people are ready to do business as usual. The companies are going on precisely as they were, with the exceptions noted. Business Is Improving dally and the American people are once more vindicating their reputation or com mon sens RAILROAD CnXt-RVntATIO. Hew the Rallroan Properties of the Inltea states Are Uronned. Chicago Record-Herald. With tho acquisition of the Illinois Central tailrond Edward II. llarrlman gets Undisputed title as railroad king of Amer ica, tils system of roads contains 22.27 miles of track, or over 2.0u0 miles more than any other single group of railroads in the country. Mr. Harrlman now Is the dominating figure In the I'nlon Pacific, Southern Pacific, Chicago A Alton, Kansas City Southern and Illinois Central roads. Next to the Harrlman group of lines is the Vanderbllt group, and almost equal to the latter Is the Pennsylvania system. The Hill roads, the Oould, the Morgan, the Rockefeller and other groups of railroads also are tremendous In slxc. Mr. Harrl man. however, has large Interests In many companies which are not placed In the Harrlman list. This Is true of the Santa Fe. In which he Is said to be the largest Individual stockholder. His Interests In Northern Pacific also are considerable. The following tables give an Idea of the various systems and groupings: Bonds Group. Mileage. Stocks. and Debts. Vanderbllt ...20.4H3 I 675.000,000 ft 652.000.000 Pennsylvania 10,13 Harrlman ....22.27 7M.000.nnO 09.000.000 828,000, 000 29,000.000 279,000.000 J33. 000,000 lSO.OOO.OOt) 872.000,000 226,000.000 Hill 1.4OT Morgan 18.879 Gould 1S.7S9 Moores ........13,028 Rockefeller .10.283 Santa Fe T.80S 27.000,000,oon 422.000.000 m.ouo.ouo 216,000,000 Total 144.082 13,827.000.000 $3,625,000,000 In the following detailed tables the column marked bonds Includes all lia bilities aside from stocks. A number of minor railroad holdings are omitted, but the tables give a general Idea of the situa tion: HARRIMAN SYSTEM. Mllenge. Storks. HondS. t'nlon Pftrlftc lines 7.oi) $ )xtl.27n,ooO Southern Pacific... 9,oi! Alton KM SO.OOO.OiiO 2n.floo.ni0 Illinois Central 4,5iO 7.Ki0.(0O l.vl.ono.OK) K. C. Southern.... 840 9,000,000 18,000,000 Totnl 22,276 WO.000,000 ti25,270,000 GOl'LD SYSTEM. Mlleae-e. Stocks. Bonds. Missouri Pacific... B.9 W $ 77.0"O,O0O $ (M.OOO.OOO WabHOh 2.3i7 R2.OO.0O0 10.Oii0.00O 90.000.01 24.0OO.0O0 4!t.5no,flon 2j.000.000 Inter, ft Ot. North 928 Texas & Pacific... 1.68t 3,flno,0no 61.0o0.0iO 17.MO.0iO 7,250,000 $nv" .R"V--: w"-tGrnMrviHnd 9.000.0HO 7.700,000 Ann Arbor 291 Total 1S.7S9 $2B4,7rjrt,O00 $333,200,000 MOORE BROS. SYSTEM. Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. Rock Island (new) .... $150,000,000 $ Rock Island (old). 7.038 126,000.000 75,000,000 'Frisco line 8414 110,00O,0O M.i,C0O Pere Marfiuette.... 1.S38 31.OO.O00 Eastern Illinois.... 738 19.000,000 23.0u0.000 . Total 13.028 $22,000,000 $180,000,000 SANTA FE SYSTEM. Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. S.F.nnd allied lines 7.809 $216,000,000 $225,000,000 MORGAN. (Southern Railway System.) Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. Southern rallwav.. 6.728 $lM.OUO.O00 174.(M).OO0 Atlantic Co'st LJne 4 437 33.000,010 80,000.000 f "Xville NT....' 2,824 soiono.ottt lll0.oo0 Monnn IJne 546 Georgia Central.... 1.844 15,500,000 15,600,000 49.000,000 5,000,000 Total 18,879 $297,500,000 $279,500,000 HIM.-MORGAN GROl'P. (Capitalisation $400,000,000.) Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. Northern Pacific... 4.966 $155,000,000 $173.00,000 Great Northern.... S.451 12B.ono.000 96,000,000 C, B. & Q 9.000 215.000,000 Total .19.407 $495,000,000 $26,00O,000 VANDERBIL.T SYSTEM. Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. N. T r-en'l system 3.360 $200,000,000 $187,00,000 i.ig fTOur Pittsburg A L. E. 200 lke Shore 1.500 Mlohlenn Central.. l.hoO 87,O00,0ii0 63,000,0(10 4,00.000 10,00.000 60,000,000 75.000,000 19,000,00) S2.000.O1O 30,000,000 22.O10.OO 24.OI0.OO 12,000,000 64,O)0,OJ0 170.010.0)0 34,000,00 83,000.000 2,0t,0OO 18.OO.000 6.00,000 5.500,000 26,000,000 25.000,000 Nickel Plate. Lake Erie W.. Chicago & N. W.. C. Bt4 P. & O.... F.. E & M. V.... lO0 8.676 1.SO0 1.3R2 Ind.. III. & Iowa.. 806 tAckawanua .. 1,000 Total 20,493 $495,000,000 $652,500,000 PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM. Mlleaee. Stocks. Bonds. 1ine.10.559 J39).00,tOO fc35 00o.0O) Reading railway... 1,455 140,000,000 96,000,000 Chesapeake & O.. 1.561 60.0Oi.0o0 76.Oo.000 Baltimore & Ohio. 4.368 lu4.O0O.000 225.0O),000 Vandalla 158 3.9oO.OOO 4.100,000 N Y N. H. & H. 2,037 54.O0o.0o0 54,000,000 Total 20,138 $751,900,O'0 $690,100,000 ROCKEFELLER ROADS. Mileage. Stocks. Bonds. C M. Sc St. P.... 6,746 $100,000,000 $256,000,0)0 M' K & T 2,600 68.000.OJ0 87.OKi.0O Wisconsin Central. 1.047 29,OoO,oOO Total 10,203 $198,000,000 $372,000,000 SOME OF THE COLD FACTS. Congressman lllnshnw'a Xotnblo Speech on Railroad Rates. Washington Times. One of the speakers who, during the house debate on the rate bill, has con tributed real enlightenment of a practical sort Is Congressman Hlnshaw ot Nebraska. He compressed Into an address of less than a half hour some propositions that are hard to meet, and some answers to the opponents of regulation which likewise are very effective. The average freight haul In this country, he said. Is over 240 miles; In Europe, twenty-five miles. On competitive business i over long distances rates are lower In this as high aa the English average. Again, the opponents of regulation have urged that rates have steadily fallen In this country. Mr. Hlnshaw admitted this as to the period from 1863 to 19oO; but as to the period since 1900. he Insisted that there had been a striking rise in rates which be estimated, on domestic freight, at 20 per cent, though the railroads admit only 6 per cent. That there lias been an increase, however. In these years of the greateat volume and greatest Increase of trafn0 ever known is admitted on Dotn sides of the argument. Further on Mr. Hlnshaw took up the argument that the railroads pay higher ,. h. th .broad. Ho admitted that th) u tnja to th6 avera,0 waga prr employ((. but on the other hand he pointed out ,nat ,n Europ(S the number of em- , Immensely greater, so that the J of , patd per mlle 1er an. ,t 26O0 mlle , th a dl(tfrenca that ,a cerUlny h,n Mp Inahaw took UD th, " . ,,. , ralIpnal, railroad construction In this country and European nations, showing that It has been several times as much abroad because of the very high prices that had to be paid for terminals and right-of-way, and of the immensely superior construction and safety of for eign roads. In England, for Instance, there Is not a single grade crossing. These and many other extremely signifi cant and enlightening facts, gathered from accepted and approved statistical studies, were presented In compressed and striking form. Much more of the same sort might have been added. The speaker went Into specific cases of unwarranted Increase of rates, which have seriously affected the price of commodities used hy great num bers of people. Thus the railroads south of the Ohio river, be said, at one time raised the rata on lumber to the Ohio liver 40 per cent, despite the fact that at that time the business . was growing very fast and there was no apparent need of tho Increase except tbat the t raffles could be made to bear it. This increase greatly added to the cost of lumber throughout the entire middle west. These are some of the facts. The debate may be relied upon to bring others to light. It may be we shall get to the bottom ef tills railway rale busiutss afur ail. Royal Baking Powdtes? Saves Health and Saves Moneyo ROYAL BAKIMQ POWDt CO.. NEW VOK PERSONAL XOTE9. Admiral Togo will visit America in April. It Is announced upon trustworthy authority, with two armored cruisers. Think of it, the late Charles Lockhart, Standard Oil magnate, ot Pittsburg, died worth $150,000,000, and jet In comparative obscurity, ' Where else could this happen but In the Vnlted States? One-third of the go meters which were tested In New York last year were found to be running In favor of the companies, and users are complaining. Somehow these New Yorkers do not seem to understand the purpose of a gas meter. Ralph D. Cole, the new congressman from the Eighth Ohio district, is the youngest niomber in the delegation. He Is the thir teenth child of a family of seventeen chil dren. He received noarly double the num ber of votes of his democratic opponent. Garrett P. Srrvlss, the celebrated astron omer, says that in July, 1907, Mars will be 10,000 miles nearer the earth than today, when the planet will attract attention not only from astronomers, but from the gen eral public, so striking will It appear in the heavens. After looking over the upper branch of congress from the reserved gallery, Mark Twain was asked what he thought of the United States senate. "Oh, I always make It a point not to criticise my neighbors," sold Mr. Clemens. "How does that apply to the senate?" was asked. "Why, I live In Connecticut and Mr. Aldiich lives in Rhode Island." Judge James Wickersham, who presides over tho federal court of the Third district of Alaska, with headquarters In Fair banks, has a sphere of operations about coequal in extent with all that part of the United States lying south of the Ohio and east of the Mlsslssipoi. It embraces all of the great interior region of Alaska, an empire within Itself, which, the Judge says, will be pouring a golden flood into Its parent country for generations to come. The new naval aide to the president, Lieu tenant Commander Albert L. Key, seems to have been made to pose In a brilliant military uniform. He la more than six feet tall, broad In proportion and straight as an arrow. Standing at attention at the side of the president on all official functions at the White House and when the president attends official affairs elsewhere Lieutenant Commander Key never falls to attract fa vorable notice. NEWSPAPERS AND TRUTH. 1'abellef Follows When the Chronicler Indnlces ta Bias. Chicago Tribune. Should a historian tell the truth? The question would seem superfluous If It were not that the practice of some writers has Indicated that they have mentally resolved on a negative decision. With 'moral alms Parson Weems Interwove his life of Wash ington with pleasing and instructive false hoods. From sheer iaxlness and a failure to realise the Importance of accuracy Cas telar made Innumerable errors in his study of Columbus and his voyages. For greater brilliancy Innumerable writers have omitted or suppressed tiresome facts which might have altered the reader's conclusions. But the greatest of all offenders in this regard are those who alter, suppress or falsify events In order to make a triumphant argu ment for one side of a controversy. The late James Anthony Froude was a conspic uous example of this. He wrote as If he were a paid advocato who regards it as legitimate to win his case by any means possible. The result Is that already, after only a few years' test, his works are disre garded by earnest students who wish to know what really happened. It often happens that a man Is mentally Incapable of seeing both sides of a ques tion. Every fact enters his mind through a medium which colors or distorts it so that he really does not see what other men see. Such a man la unfortunate when he essays to record events for others. He may not be morally guilty, but the Judgment of. pos terity cannot Indorse his work. And when to this malady of mental vision la added a deliberate Intention to deceive there can be no hope that brilliancy of style can save such a work from oblivion. A cause good in Itself may suffer in the estimation of posterity by having such a champion. The historian of the day Is subject to the same rules. The newspaper which habit tialiy gives news a particular bias by any of the arts of the unfaithful historian comes quickly to occupy the same place In popular credence as any other liar. On the other hand, the practice of stating all essential facts In regard to anything In which the public Is interested and founding comment upon cold truth Is sure in the end to secure approval. The reader of a history or of a dally paper does not wish to feel that he must wait until statements are corrobo rated by others before he can accept them aa true. He may enjoy fiction as fiction; he may appreciate the rhetorical art of magnificent lies, but he does not Wish them to be presented to him in the name of truth. He will not Intrust his Judgment, any more than bis life, to a known betrayer. The Beautiful Water Color Paintingg from America's best artists are now on exhibition and sale at A. HOSPE'CO. 1513 Douglas Street Hare and exquisite etchings and steel engravings are another great feature at this art store. 1906 Picture Moulding Patterns Are now in our Display Boom for inspection, SIDE JABS AT OMAHA. Petersburg Index: Omaha threatens to try the experiment of 3 -cent street car fare for those who are compelled to stand In a crowded car. Whether or not the experi ment will be a success remains to be found out, but we can hardly see how it will work out.' Instead of the old way we can Imagine a gentleman saying to a lady who gets on a car, "Take my strap, please, I'll sit down and pay the little nickel." Hooker County Tribune: The attitude of the Omaha press In connection with the recent persecution of western Nebraska stock Interests lacks a long way of being overlooked In this part of the state. If Omaha can afford to lose the best con tributors to Its financial welfare ever known to the extent of encouraging its papers in their base, unfair onslaught, aa was done during the Ware trial, Nebraska cattlemen can quite well afford to accept the earnest solicitation of other towns for their beef. Weeping Water Herald: The Independent telephone companies are very angry at th manner in which the councllmen of Omaha vote to keep them from doing business In that city, and they have resolved to boy cott the metropolis merchants In revenge and Induce all the people in all the towns If they can to buy goods in other cities. The Independent Companies mean all right, but It is a poor way to fight competition. Perhaps the Omaha councllmen have se' their price too high, but It is not the fault of the wholesalers doing business there. By the way, the Independent telephons companies come pretty near having a graft In Nebraska. Kearney Hub: The executive commtttei of the Omaha Commercial club will hav a conference soon with representatives ot the Independent telephone Interests regard ing connections which will enable the independent lines to reach that city. With the state covered by the Independent llnea it ought not to be difficult to get into Omaha, but It has been demonstrated every time the effort was made that th Bell Interests had absolute control of the council and were considerably bigger than the people themselves. But the monopoly Is nearly at an end. When the Commercial club gets In the thin edge of the toll line wedge there will soon be something doing. MlnTHFl'b REMARKS. Mr. Upjohn (at the banquet) The colone! is a good after dinner speaker, but did you notice how quecrly he mixed his met aphors? Mr. Struckovle Why er no; he's been taking 'em straight, I think, so for. Chi cago Tribune. Friend of tho Family You are very lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son. It will bring you everlasting fortune. Son No. Seven If hasn't so far. All Iff brought yet Is the old clothea of my six brothers. Illustrated Bits. "Yes, she's pretty. Hep-ose Is slightly er retrousse, Is It not?" "Oh, yes; she has what we call the stock yards nose." Chicago Tribune. Teas Mr. Gnyman, of course. Is a noto rious flirt, and yet his wife declares she has great faith In him. Jess My dear girl, when a society woman speaks of her faith in her husband she simply means faith In his ability to make money for her. Philadelphia Standard. "I suppose your feelings sometimes lead you to say more than you Intend," said the man who admires oratory. "Never," answered Senator Sorghum. "But It sometimes happens that my inten tions lead me to say more than 1 feel." Washington Star. "Give me a fiver on this ticker!" The pawnbroker shook his head. "Isn't it worth It?" "It's worth more. Any Judge In towr would give you five years." Here negotiations ceased. Philadelphia Ledger. "Pop!" "Yes, my son." "What is it a man loses and then can'l tell you what It is until he finds It?" "I really don't know, my boy." "Why, his breath!" Yonkers Statesman "I want you to notice this man," "What Is peculiar about him?" "He baa achieved distinguished success In life In the face of the worst discourage ments any man ever had. He la the sor of rich parents and wasn't born and raised on a farm." Chicago Tribune. "Poor woman! She works hard all day and then she's up nearly all night with tht babies." "What's the matter with her husband I Why doesn't he help her?" "Oh. he puts In all his time agitating fot an eight-hour day for the worklngman." Philadelphia Press. SIGGESTIOJS. Somervllle Journal. He: If I were you, and you were I, I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd smile upon you pleasantly. Whene'er you came to woo. And some day when you told me that Your lifelong happiness Depended on my shy consent. Id softly whisper "Yes!" She: If you were I. and I were you, Instead of standing there And beating all around the bush. As if I didn't dare. I'd make my mind up, once for all. From doubting to be free. And plump and straight I'd ask of you: "Iar, will you marry me?" w , i