Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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. I.
Aiki for Rstrgntusnt-'of 0ns Poiit la
Woodman of the World Tax Cats.
. "
a?romlnent Drmwrid Think They e
Hope f Party " the
rinpulg This Coming
(From s Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. (Special.) The su
preme court has asked for a reargument on
n of the points raised In the cane wherein
the State Board of Equalisation la seeking
by mandamus to compel the county clerk
to Include the reserve fund of the Wood-
Men of the World and the Woodmen Circle
In the assessment of the societies. The
jolnt to be argued la whether tlie state
had a right to appeal from the order of
the county board or whether It should have
eked for a writ of mandamus. It Is merely
question of procedure.
The commission which listened to the
arguments In the case filed Its opinion with
the court today and then the court asked
for the argument on this one point. While
ft cannot be said with, accuracy what the
opinion will be,' lawyere believe that the
commission has decided that fraternal se
curities must be assessed and taxed. They
say that If the commission haa decided In
favor of 'the order the court would not
have laked for the hearing on the mode of
procedure. However, telling a decision In
advance In only guesswork on the part of
the lawyers. 'The arguments probably will
be heard tomorrow.
Sheriffs to Sne for Pees.
Suit will be filed In the Lancaster county
district court within a few days to test the
light of the auditor" to reduce the bill of
sheriffs for boarding1 state prisoners. The
plaintiffs will be John Power, ex-sheriff, and
John McDonald, piesent sheriff of Douglas
county. Auditor Seaxle had adopted the
rule of paying to the sheriffs an amount of
tnoney for caring for state prisoners equal
to that ' paid by the various counties for
county prisoners. Acting under that rule
he refused to pay to Mr. Power the 75 cents
formerly paid and offered to settle the obli
gation for GO cents a day for each prisoner.
McDonald is Interested In the case because
it would mean a reduction in his bill
against the state from 76 cents to 30 cents
day. The men are represented by Ed. P.
Smith and H. C. Brome.
According to Mr. Smith) the state has paid
75 cents a day for boarding prisoners since
IMS and that Is the law at this time, he
claims. The attorney general, under whose
advice Auditor Bearle Is acting, claims this
law Is not constitutional and that the
auditor should pay the sheriffs the amount
of money allowed him by each county for
caring for county prisoners. After the case
is passed upon by the district court it will
be appealed.
Proposes (Merest of Bills.
County Attorney Stanley of Hamilton
county, a member ei'the republican state
committee, haa a plan he thinks will ma
terially facilitate tbe work of the next
legislature should It be adopted, and he be
lieves further that his plan would result in
the members of the legislature more thor
oughly understanding the bills upon whloh
they are called upon to vote.
' ,rl would suggest." ha said, "that a com
mittee of-five or. nine members be appointed
to draft n tfbstraot of every bill Introduced
end have It on the desks of the members
the following morning before It Is to be dis
cussed. I hnve learned when a bill is called
-HB 1Sflfil'0.".,'-,PaW J?w &t .the
lur-mbAH fhftow atfythlng. abput it. I have
seen them turn hurriedly to their files and
look at It, but it ft is an amendment to the
statutes and the thange Is not set out In
plain sight it Is Impossible for the legisla
tor to understand what the bill is. He haa
to ask hlsnelghbor and if he says vote for
It he will, or vote against It if the other
says to do that.
'Now.' 1f the committee should be ap
pointed every member of the legislature
would know just what a bill was when he
came to look at It. and he would not have
to spend a great deal of time reading it
over. In fact, where the bill Is unusually
long the- legislator who is not interested
personally by reason of the Interests of the
people of his district will not read the bill
"Of course .the committee should be com
potted of men of ability and men of the
strictest Integrity, and there would be no
question regarding the correctness of the
work." ' ,' f
.Mr. Stanley said he had talked to no
Unqualified Buoceaa of Lydia X. Pink'
',. ham's Vegetable Compound In the -Casa
of Mra. Fannie D. Fox.
member of the state committee regarding
the date of the convention and did not
know what time would be selected, though
ha looked for a late convention.
Democrats Are Hopefal.
W. H. Thompson of Orand Island, a lead
ing democrat of the state, thus expresses
himself on the coming campaign:
"The democrats will go Into the campaign
with a splendid organisation and they have
a good chance to elect a state ticket and
members of- the n.'xt legislature. I do not
know whether the convention will endorse
a candidate for the 1'nlted States senate
or not. That Is a matter of politics and It
will depend upon conditions at that time."
It haa been generally talked that Mr.
Thompson would be a candidate before the
convention for the senatorial endorsement,
but the Orand Island man does not discuss
this for publication. It Is understood
though, that W. J. Bryan would not ac
cept the endorsement of the convention, and
neither would he accept the office were It
tendered to him by the legislature.
Chairman Allen of the democratic state
committee says:
"We will have our meeting In Lincoln
during the first part of March and at that
meeting we wilt perfect an organisation
capable of winning sx victory In the coming
election.' It Is my InVpresslon that we will
endorse a candidate for the senate, though,
of course, I cannot speak for the conven
tion. We have not set the date of the meet
ing because we are trying to get some out
side speakers, and we -will fix tbe time .to
suit them. We expect to have Governor
Folk of Missouri with us that day."
' Mother Seeks Her Boy.
' The labor bureau has been asked to lo
cate Norman Brown, who secured work In
the harvest fields a year ago through the
medium of the bureau. When last heard
from by his mother and an aunt In Brook
lyn the young man was at work In the
office of the Burlington in this city. He is
not there now, so Inquiry develops, and the
department of labor Is trying to locate him.
at the request of his relatives. Young
Brown, pale and emaciated from office
work In Brooklyn, came to Nebraska over
a year ago and applied at the labor bureau
for employment In the harvest fields. A
place was aecured for him by Mr. Despain
with John Wall of Arcadia. After the
harvest Brown came to Lincoln so improved
in health and so bronzed that he was not
recognized by those who had seen hjm
upon his arrival here. Me 'Iked the hard
work and a place was s; for him In
the Burlington shops at Havnlock.
He possessed a good education and soon
won prtfmotion, being transferred to the
Lincoln office. His mother wrote to the de
partment of labor this morning that she
had not heard of him for nine months and
was greatly distressed about him.
Dooming the Loop Valley.
Copies of the Loup Valley Magaclne, a
of the Ord Quiz, were received at the state
new publication Just started by the editor
house this morning. The publication con
tains matters of Interest concerning the
Loup valley, some Action and a lengthy
endorsement of State Treasurer Peter Mor-
tensen for governor, together with a pic
ture of the treasurer.
Vlsltlnc State Institutions.
Secretary of Slate Galusha and Deputy
Auditor Cook will visit the state Institu
tions of Hastings and Orand Island during
the next few days. While Mr. Galusha
visits tbe state institutions at frequent in
tervals, the deputy auditor tries to make
a trip of Inspection to each Institution at
least once a year. During these trips Mr.
Cook checks up the books of the institu
tions. Cancel I nar State Warrants.
State Treasurer Mortensen tomorrow will
cancel warrants to the amount of $100,000
and thus reduce the debt against the state
by that amount. These warrants have been
drawing interest since September L 1901,
against Troup, State ex rel. Coney against
The following cases were submitted on
Woodworth against Allen, Clark A Lo
nnrd against Lindgren, Cathers against
The following cases were continued:
Brewster against Meng. Von Holler
against State, In re application of K. A.
Butler et al. for writ of habeas corpus.
On recommendation of the bar commis
sion Arthur W. Fees, George K. Howell,
and William W. Mathewson were admitted
to practice.
On motion of O. B. Polk L. H. Osla of
Lincoln was admitted to practice In this
Oherlla Stadeats at
The first annual banquet of the Nebraska
Association of the Oberlln Alumni and
Students was held at the Llndell hotel to
night, the occasion being the visit of Presi
dent H. C. King of Oberlln college. Covers
were laid for fifty and following the feed a
number of speeches were made, among
those on the program being Q. W. Noble
and F. P. Loomls of Omaha.
Man Held at Lincoln Lucky In World's
Fair finessing Contest.
LINCOLN, Feb. .-It Is reported that the
winner of the $.000 prise for correctly
naming the attendance at the St. Louis ex
position in 1904 was a convict in the Ne
brnska state penitentiary who still has
about one year more to serve. His name la
Frank Campbell and he comes from Web
ster county, where he was convicted of em
bexzlement. The winner, however, will re
ceive only H2.600 of the prize, as he, fear
ing that he might have difficulty In secur
ing the money while Imprisoned, agreed to
pay a lawyer half of the prize In case he
was successful In securing it. Campbell s
attorney had a conference with him at the
penitentiary In regard to the disposition of
the money, which will be received in a few
days. The convict will be unable to use
the money until his sentence has expired,
ST. LOt'IS. Mo., Feb. . Prior to the
opening of the World's fair. E. O. Lewis,
publisher of the Woman's Magazine, and
his associates advertised that the company
would award a total of $76,000 In cosh prizes
to persons guessing correctly or nearest
the number of paid admissions to the ex
position. The official report of paid ad
missions placed the number at 12.804.61ft,
and there have been many claimants for
the prizes, especially the grand prize of
8ults have been filed and the Missouri-
Lincoln Trust company, which is holding
the money, was recently enjoined from
paying any of It out until the pending suits
have been settled.
Over One Thousand in Parade at tbe
Kearney Meeting.
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The Modern Woodmen rally, com
prising members from all over the state.
was held In this city today and over 1.000
members were In line In the big parade this
afternoon. Head Consul A. R. Talbot of
Lincoln and other head officers came In on
the Burlington In the afternoon and were
met by local Woodmen and visitors. This
evening at the armory occurred the Initia
tion of candidates, followed by an address
by the head consul. The work was exem
pllfled by the foresters of Hope camp No,
J16 of Kearney. Valuable prizes are to be
awarded to the two camps presenting the
greatest number of candidates for Initia
Albion Commercial Clnb Takes Action
on the Question.
ALBION. Neb., Feb. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The Albion Commercial dtfb held
Its regular meeting tonight and a resolution
fV. .. - (LU I . . I . . - 1
Z . "-Murer . ,ntrodured by former Senator J. T. Brady
behind In meeting the warrants about ser-' . ... ,. ... M
enteen months, while some time ago war
rants were running as long as twenty-six
months. The warrunt cancellation tomor
row is dun to the enormous amount of
money being paid Into the treasury during
the Inst month.
'Varsity Cadets Select Camp.
The cadets of the State university this
morning voted to go to Nebraska City on
their annual encampment. The com
mandant has the final say where the en
campment shall be held, and Captain
Worktzer said the city which offered the
best inducements would be selected.
Baggageman Killed.
Clarence Tibbets, a baggageman employed
by the Burlington, was run over and killed
by an engine In the Burlington yards near
the station at an early hour this morning.
Tibbets was assisting In transferring bag
gage at the time of his death. He was
Itf years of age and lived at Twentieth and
O streets.
Two Xew Corporations.
The Patrick Builders' association of
I Omaha filed articles of Incorporation with
t the secretary of state this morning. The
capital stock of the company - Is $50,000
was adopted to appoint a committee of five
to confer with the county commissioners to
effect a mass meeting of the taxpayers of
Boone county to ask the Union Pacific Rail
road company to pay Its delinquent taxes
and to comply with our city ordinance,
which it has failed to do. Oreat enthusiasm
was manifested.
Movement for Good Roads.
EXETER, Neb., Feb. S. The "good
roads" proposition which has been so tlior
otigliky expounded through The Sunday
Bee and The Twentieth Century Farmer
and some other papers has thoroughly
waked up the Exeter citizens to their need
of good roads. About three months ago
the matter was taken up and a paper was
circulated among the buslnesa men and in
less than two days over $300 was sub
scribed to start 'the work. The associa
tion now has twelve of the King road
drags completed and contracts made with
farmers to use them on all roads coming
into town and for six miles out In the
country in every direction. At the farmers'
Institute held here the last week In Janu
ary W. H. Wallace of Wallace A Co.,
bankers, offered a prize of $16 to the per-
and the incorporators are A. L. Patrick, ' ,on or P0"" keeping one mile of road In
' One of the greatest trlampha of Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is
the conquering of woman's dread en
emy. Tumor.
The growth of s tumor Is so sly that
frequently its presence is not suspected
until it is far atlranood.
fr Jennie j3
So-called "wandering pains" may
come from its early atages, or the
presence of danger may be made mani
fest by profuse monthly periods, accom
panied by nnasual pain, from the
abdomen through the! groin and thighs.
If yon have mysterious pains, if there
are indications of inflammation or dls
' placement, secure a bottle of Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetable Compound right
sway and begin its use.
Mrs. link ham, of Lynn, Mass., will
give you her advice if you will write
her about yourself. She is the daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham and
for twenty-five years has been ad rising
sick women free of charge.
Dear Mrs. Plnkbamt ,
" I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I hava had with your wonderful
medicine. Eighteen months ago my periods
stopped. Rbortly after I felt so badly that
1 submitted to a thorough examination by a
phrsfciaa and was told that I had a tumor
and would have to undergo an operation.
Boost after I read one of your advertise
ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink
hams Vegetable Compound a trial. After
taking five bottles as directed the tumor is
entirely gone. I have been examined by a
physician and he says I have no signs of a
tumor now. It has also brought my periods
around once more, and I am entirely
well." Fannie D. rex, T Chestnut bueek
Sradlord, Pa.
M. A. Patrick and C. B. Patrick.
Hickman Is to have a telephone system.
Articles of Incorporation were filed with
the secretary of state this morning. The
the best condition during the year 1908,
using the King road drag, aaid road to be
within six miles of Exeter. Drs. McClurte
and Stratton offer $10 for the second best
capital stock of the company Is $6,000 and "oa1, on same conditions, so there will be
the directors are Adam Brandle, Charles
H. Hempel and August Schmltte.
Bailiff Calls Uwrer Down.
The dignity of the supreme court per
sonified In Frank Coleman, bailiff, was se
verely ruffled this morning. Judge Sin
clair of Kearney caused it. Coleman, as
bailiff, has charge of the records In the
court and Is responsible for them. He Is
the most particular bailiff the court ever
appointed. He is also very nervous and
"fidgety." While Coleman was out of his
office Sinclair, following the custom of
lawyers In the past, proceeded to take unto
himself a record In a cane In which he
was Interested. When Coleman came back
Into the office he wanted that record and
couldn't And It. He bounced Into the at
torney general's office and saw Judge Sin
clair quietly studying It. .
"Why In the world did you take that
out of my office." he demanded In a voice
ten degrees above the normal. "Don't
ever do that again," he concluded, at the
something doing in the good roads line In
ltos in and around Exeter.
Hew Motor Car in Service.
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) I'nlon Pacific motor car No. 4 ar
rived here direct from the shops in Omaha
and was put into service on the branch I
line. Motor car No. 4 Is absolutely new and
greatly resembles No. ii, though the engine
is of greatly Improved construction. It la
also provided with a baggage compartment.
Motor No. 2 has been sent to the shops in
Omaha for repairs under direction of Mr.
McKeen and will probably be there for
some time. In the meantime No. 4 will do
all the work here and both Nos. 2 and 4
will be kept here all the time. No. 1 Is
entirely too small to handle the traffic here.
attributed to a defective chimney. The
property belonged to the Jesse Ervln estate.
ALBION The countv commissioners are
mDrovlna the Interior of the courthouse by
having seversl of the offices and corridor
painted and decorated. This Is something
that has been needed for several years.
BEATRICE The farmere living In the
vicinity of Hoag have decided to organize
an elevator company and have started a
paper to secure funds for the building or
an elevator to cost not less than $,0oo.
msnn, aged 72 years, died last night of
rheumatism. She hns resided in this city
since the fall of 18. Bhe Is survived by
two eons, Louis and Peter Prue of this
ALBION For three consecutive nights
the tnercurv has dropped to the zero point
and Icemen are hopeful that they yet may
secure at least a partial crop. It is re
ported thst the Ice Is now about six Inches
PLATTBMOt'TH Seventeen men from
the locaJ Hurllngton car shops have been
sent to Sheridan, Wyo.. to repair some
cars, as it is considered preferable to
sending the cars here and then returning
NEBRASKA CITT-Georee Trullinger
and Miss Rose Auslck. prominent young
people of this city, were united In mar
riage Saturday afternoon at est. Mary s
Cstnollc parsonage. Kev. J. T. Koche
BEATRICE Ravmond Hill, a resident of
this city, departed last evening for the
City of Mexico, where he has secured a
position wltn a surveying corps in the
employ of the Mexico Light and Power
BEATRICE Mrs. William Waxham was
called to Ottawa, 111., yesterday by a
telegram announcing the sudden death ot
her father. Benjamin .Martin, an old resi
dent of that section of the state. He was
71 years of age.
BEATRICE Fire this afternoon de
stroyed the residence of Frank Wolfe in
Glenover, a suburb of Beatrice, wltu all
lis contents. Loss U,uu, partly covered by
Insurance. A defective flue is supposed
to have caused the fire.
GENEVA The women of the Equal Suf
frage club give a burlesque, "Tlie Milk
maids' Convention, next Friday evening In
the assembly room of tlie new school build
ing, the proceeds to go toward furnishing
the domestic science room in the hlgn
TABLE ROCK People are much pleased
over the prospects oi a new train from
both the east and the north in the morning
as under tlie old arrangement morning
papers did not arrive until about 2: So p. m.
It will also be a great Improvement In the
passenger service.
TABLE ROCK The cold weather of the
last two or three days has caused the
ice men of this locality to be a little more
hopeful. Ordinarily considerable les is put
here. The ice on the Nemaha is about
six inches thick, and on the lakes a couple
or three lncnes thicker.
CULBERTSON The farmers' InsUtute,
held hero yesterday, was well attended
and much Interest manifested by all
present. The principal speakers were T.
G. Ferguson of Beaver Crossing and N.
E. Leonard ot Pawnee City. The next
meeting will be held r'ebruary 24.
PLATTSMOUTH In county court
Charles 8. Johnson, the local Burlington
yardmaster, was given judgment against
the Bankers' Union of the World insurance
company for xico on a policy issued to his
deceased wife. It is understood that the
case will be taken to a higher court.
LYONS At a meeting in tne opera house
of the business men ot Lyons, committees
were appointed for tne purpose of
organizing a commercial club and the main
object ot tne meeting was assured, that
of organizing a stocn company for the
purpose of building a new zm.uuu hotel.
FREMONT At the regular meeting of
the city school board last evening Prot. W.
H. Gardner was re-elected superintendent
for next year and his salary fixed at l.tA.
His management ot the schools has been
very satisfactory to the board and there
were no others mentioned fur the position.
NEBRASKA CITY The annual fair
given by the women of St. Mary s Catholic
church opened this evening in the parlors
of the Grand Pacific hotel and will con
tinue throughout the week. The rooms
have been tastily decorated and the ladles
are arranging to entertain many people
each evening.
PLATTSMOUTH While E. M. Toogood
was engaged In chopping down a tree in
the timber three miles southwest of
plattsmoulh with another man, the tree
fell and one of the limbs struck him on
the head, rendering his unconscious. Too
good was removed to his home east of the
Missouri river. 'J
EXETER The balmy1 spring weather'
took a sudden change for the worse Satur
day night and after a cold, blustery Sun
day the thermometer crawled down to 6 de
grees below zero Monday morning and 2
above this morning. Prospects now are
that it is going to get warmer again;
south wind and clear sky.
FREMONT Milo Draemel of this city Is
a member ot the first class at the naval
school at Annapolis whloh graduates next
week and is the first Fremont boy to com
plete a course at that institution. He has
never been in any way implicated with any
of the hazing aftalrs which have disgraced
the records of so many of his classmates,
and has maintained a high rank.
BEATRICE Mrs. Elisabeth Beck, wife
of Rev. li Beck of the German Methodist
church of this city, died bunday alter a
week's illness of pneumonia. She was
born In Altensteig, Germany, January 26,
lXoO and had been a resident of this
city but a short time. She is survived by
her husband and three sons. The remains
will be Interred at Eustls, Neb.
OSCEOLA During the last few days
there has been a great sale of residences
here. Hon. Keene Ludden sold his to Mr.
Haniuelson. Dr. Byers has sold to Peter
Nelson. The old Thomas Reagan residence
has been bought by Mrs. C. M. Pulver.
Judge Saunders haa sold one of his resi
dence properties to Dr. M. V. Byers and the
other one to Mrs. Hattle C. Monson.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Board
of Education last night Superintendent
Fulmer's monthly report was submitted
showing the total enrollment of scholars
to be 1.930. Of tnls number 902 are boys
and 1,021 girls. The superintendent was
granted permission to attend the national
mtetlng of superintendents and principals
to be held at Louisville, Ky., February 2d
and March 1.
PLATTSMOUTH John Arn attempted to
clean out a flue by putting a quantity of
powder in the stove. The explosion came
with much more force than anticipated,
blowing open the stove door and the blaze
went up the sleeves of his coat Instead
of up the flue. His right arm was severely
burned and later blood poison followed
and for several days his condition was
considered serious.
PLATTSMOUTH H. . F. Swaback of
Greenwood was in this city today. JHe
is the constable in Salt Creek precinct
tne nonor or being tne oldest
Gordon Banker and Weiltytn President
Pretest Connection with Land Case.
Declare raise and t ajnst Statement
that They Were Interested In
Case of Hell Seenrlnaj
Land Filings.
t. W. C. Huntington of University Place,
president of the Nebraska Wesloyan uni
versity, the Methodist college, of the state,
and his son, Thomas M. Huntington of
Gordon, most emphatically deny the report
puousnea in Omaha and Lincoln papers
that they are connected with land frauds
with which Irving D. Hull of Mirage,
Cherry county, has been charged by federal
The report which the papers published
was given out by a United States official
It said Hull, who was bound over to the
federal grand Jury on $3,000 bonds by Com
missioner E. M. Slattery at Chadron, was
charged with "subornation of perjury In
securing fraudulent land filings for D. W.
C. and Thomas M. Huntington, bankers
at Gordon." The papers also were supplied
with the Information that both the Hunt
Ingtons were "interested In the Bank of
Mullen, which cut an Important figure In
the trial of Rev. George G. Ware."
The authorities also gave out that the
charge implicated J. W. Ostrander and the
Modisett brothers of Rushville as persons
for whom Hull procured filings contrary
to law.
Denial of Huntlnnrton.
Thomas M. Huntington, son of D. W.
C. Huntington, came to The Bee office
lost night and msde this statement:
"The report Is positively false Insofar
as it includes my father and me in that
charge. Neither of us is connected with
the case In the remotest degree, and the
information on which Hull was arrested
does not so state. Somebody, in working
up this case, has gone a little too far and
we think we know where the responsibility
rests. I was talking with Hull the other
day, since his arrest, and he told me the
charge against him was for subornation
of perjury In procuring fraudulant land
filings for Ostrander. He said he saw the
information and that it did not contain the
names of my father or me or the Modisett
brothers either, for that matter.
"My father Is president of the Wesleyan
university; a man past 70 years of age.
He does not own a foot of land anywhere
and is not in the slightest degree, directly
or indirectly. Interested In land and could
not possibly have any connection or re
lation to this or any other land case. It
Is a gross Injustice to him for the authori
ties to drag him into this affair, and it Is
Just as unjust to me, for that matter, but
I don't care so much for myself as I do
for my father. .His position makes it
worse for him than me, though I am no
more connected with the affair than he.
Neither In Mullen Bank..
"Your informant said my father and I
were interested in the Bank of Mullen
There Isn't one syllable of truth In that
statement. Neither of us has a penny'
worth of stock or Interest in the Bank of
Mullen. How In the world they could
have concocted that I cannot, for the life
of me, guess.
"Your Informant said my father and I
were bankers at Gordon. I am a banker
at Gordon; my father is not. He has not
a penny's worth of stock in the bank at
Gordon, nor Is he. In any way, connected
with It. The only bank In which my
father is interested is the one at University
Place. Of this he is vice president. I am
president of the Maverick Loan and Trust
company at Gordon. My father owns
$2,000 of stock in that concern."
mUTUAL life
Offices, 921, 923 and 925 Chestnut Street.
Pursuant to the requirements of Its Charter, this Comrny publishes the follow.
Ing statement, being the principal features of Its nfty-etghth Annual Report to
Ket Assets. Jaaaarr 1, lOB SflTi.artn.ftnT 49
For Premiums and Annuities I 14.tno.t41 M ......,
For Interest, etc Of. I 1T..4MM
D I S II r ft 9 R MK !fT9 1
i turns. is
1.M9.TM t?
l.Olt.Ttl 94
fr,KK,t23 M
I 114,408 01)
6.U974 J
124,089 74
111.40 71
130.44 11-1
lo.mtsM ss
Claims by teath
Matured Endowments and Annuities
Surrender Values
Premium Abatements
Total Paid roller-Holders .
Installment Payments
Pennsylvania and other State taxes
Salaries, Medical Fees. Office and Legal Expenses..
Commissions to Agents and Rents
Agency and other Expenses
Advertising. Printing and Supplies
Office Furniture, Maintenance ot Properties, ste
Ket Assets, Jaanarr 1. UKM .' T.8,ST Bl
City Loans, Railroad and other Bonds (Market Value. t,tl,S34,4M.S7)....t , B.030.1U T
Bank and Other Stocks t Market Value. IMO.OM10) 47.l6Tlt
Mortgages and Ground Rents, first liens (Valuation. ffcW.e4S.W0 r7.IM.091
Premium Notes Secured by Reserve on Policies, etc. (Reserve Value. '
tl.71g.SO0) J.tT4.7
Policy Loans (Reserve Value, $.67l.4O0) hj0.4fa00
Loans on Bonds. Stocks, etc. (Market value. 6.801,ra 2) ... T.sttf.ltO 06
Home Offlse, Boston Office and other Real Estate , t. MS. 607 12
Cash on Deposit and In Company's Office .. X30.WO 13
Net Deferred and Unreported Premiums
Interest Due and Accrued, etc
Market Value of Bonds and Stocks overcoat
Gross assets, January 1, 190
Reserve at 8. 8H and 4 per cent, required by law
Outstanding Policy Claims
Surplus on Unreported Policies, etc
Surplus Accumulated upon Deferred Distribution Policies.. ..tft.004.t8S U
Surplus for all other Contingencies (,077,184 01
Total Surplus
Gross Assets, as above
,t 71,M7 61
- 1.S2S.M4 29
t 7ft.t44.611 61
t S5.444.158 00
480.13 It
10,081.86 it
78,844.411 1
Premiums and Annuities received
Interest Receipts, etc
Premium Abatements (Dividends to the) i, ,
Losses Paid
Matured Endowments and Annuities
84,289 Policies Issued, Insuring .,
Total Policies in force, 159.224, Insuring
Total payments to Policy-holders since Organisation
14.toO.t41 68
8. $28,196 Ot
1.018.T81 94
8,716,608 11
1.284,746 04
88.719.800 00
877.438,264 0U
8,68;,791 01
In addition to the dividends paid to policy-holders In cash, applied to settle run
nlng premiums and to purchase paid-up additions and annuities, together -$1,019
781.94, the Company allotted to deferred distribution policies the sum of 8S60 688.78
(which Is carried in Liabilities), making ths total apportionment of surplus durlna
10, 1, 870, 470.67.
C. Z. GOULD, General Agent,
F. W. Foster, J. A. Williams, Wm, T. BentoB.
620 Bee Building.
O'Donahoe Goes East.
D. J. O'Donahoe of the O'Donahoe-Red-mond
company (Bennett building) left this
afternoon for the east. Mr. O'Donahoe will
visit Philadelphia, Boston, New York and
other big eastern centers, with the object of
purchasing new spring goods for his de
partment. Mr. O'Donahoe will Investigate
latest ideas in store fixtures, with a view to
the equipment of the new dry goods store
to be operated by the O'Donahoe-Redmond
company In the Sunderland-Webster build
ing next fall.
Musicians' concert and ball, 200 musicians
In orchestra, next Monday at Auditorium.
Admission 60 cents.
Tooagrera Snceeeda Rathbun.
G. R. Rathbun, who has been an assist
ant to Probation Officer Bernstein since the
first of the year, transmitted his resigna
tion to the district Judges Tuesday after
noon. In his letter he said he has become
convinced the place demanded a younger
and more active man. The district Judges
met immediately and appointed Charles H.
Youngers, formerly bailiff In court room
No. t, to fill the vacanoy.
Fitttbnrg Distriot Coal 11 inert Btqustt
f rtiident to VscsU Offios.
He : Says He Is Respon
sible Only to Members of
I'nion and Stands
PITTSBURG, Pa., Feb. t.-Just before ad
journing for the day the delegates of the
local district of the United Mine Workers
succeeded in passing by a vote of 99 to 6 a
resolution demanding the resignations of
President Patrick Dolan and Vice President
Uriah Belllngham, because they voted with
the operators at Indianapolis last week sus
taining the present wage scale. The resolu
tion was not passed without a battle which
lasted throughout the day. It started at
the opening ot the day's session, when the
committee reported the resolution to the
convention. This committee was appointed
last night and to It was referred ths reso
lution to oust Dolan and Belllngham after
the chair had refused to recognize It, '
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rote
upon the demand for the resignation Presi
dent Dolan maintained his firm stand
against his opponents and again declared
to the delegates that he would not resign
and that he was responsible only to ths
miners of his district.
A similar resolution demanding the resig
nation of Secretary-Treasurer Dodds was
also adopted and Dodds "said he would re
sign upon the expiration of his office on
April 1. -i
The convention adjourned until tomorrow
Cattlemen ( Hebrask Appeal to
Commercial dab to join la
Petitioning! Congress.
A committee of cattlemen, consisting of
Representative Frank Currle of Crawford,
ex-State Senator Reynolds and Mr. Myers
of Ravenna, accompanied by State Auditor
Soarle, appeared before the executive com
mute of the Commercial club at Its meet
ing Tuesday and asked the aid ot ths club
In getting congress Interested In ths pro
posed leasing law, whereby cattlemen will
bs allowed to lease the national -domain.
All three of the cattlemen addressed the
committee, telling of the advantages to be
derived from the law and of sure death to
the cattle business In the western part of
ths state under the present system. They
asked ths club to pass strong resolution
In favor of the law and to send a delegate
to Washington to act with ths cattlemen
In trying to procure legislation.
The matter was referred to the public
affairs committee, for consideration with
the executive committee, and the two will
meet Wednesday at 11;0 and discuss the
A resolution was passed formally to In
vite the Baptist Young People's Union of
America to meet In Omaha In July, the
club to guarantee expenses.
Bee Want Ads Are Buslnesa Boosters.
Grand Jnry in Boone Coantr.
ALBION. Neh.. Feb. . (Special.) For
the first time within twenty years a grand
Jury is called to convene In Boons county.
Heretofore crimes and offenses sgalnst the
same time grabbing the record from the , laws have been prosecuted under Informa-
Kearney man and starting out of the
"The ' Impudence of that ' fellow," ex
claimed Judge Sinclair, as he struggled
to catch his breath. "I got that record
by permission of the court. Why, I never
saw such Impudence, The Idea."
But other lawyers who have had dealings
with the careful bailiff know that it will
not do to take out a record without his
Sapreme foart Proebeedlaga.
The Judges got down to business early
with all members of the court present and
the proceedings were as follows:
Ths following cases were argued and sub
mitted: i
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha
Railway Company acainsl Ui-Utnlnl .-.
crilt against Mif-haeUon. David Bradley ft
Co. against Union Pacific Railroad Com-
sek against Cisek. Jenkins
pany. tiering against School District No. 28
1, 1 isrs ssai
Campbell. County of Lancaster
I Cass county
sgalnst Brown, Talnter against Abrams
Pins against Mangus. Wlllvts against WII
lets. Security Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany against Ress, Jakway against Proud
flt. United States Fidelity and Guaranty
Company against McLaughlin, Topllff
against Richardson (14186). Topllff against
Richardson 114187). Bettie against Tiedgen.
Shuman against Heater. Countv mf I
ter against Whedon, Union Pacific Railway
Company against Nelson. C'uatt against
Ross. Holllday against McWIlllams, Baker
rumuur 1 ompany against Mall. K la wit ter
against State, Simmons agalust Ketsey, tills
Hons filed by the county attorney. At the
next term of the district court, which con
venes February 20, the grand Jury will be
asked to Investigate several alleged viola
tions ot the laws of the stste.
Rlrl Killed by Fall.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. .-(8peclal
Telegram.) Llllle, the 11-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. Peter Schacht, residing
smith of here, fell from a horse while as
sisting driving cattle, struck her head on
the ground and sustained a fragture of the
skull near ths base of the brain, resulting
In death In a few hours. She was an only
twi of Nebraska.
OENKVA The weather has been cold
since Saturday night, the mercury drop
ping to 4 below zero.
GENEVA District court Is now In ses
sion. The docket contains a number of
aivorre rases, as usual.
BEATRICE While assisting In moving
s house yesterday diaries Reddlck had
his left foot badly crushed by one of the
trucks passing over ths member.
EXETER F. D. Day Co. of Omaha
have purchased the board of trade business
of Sleuman Co. In Exeter and have taken
possession. H. R. Hill of this place is man
NEBRASKA CITT-The home of William
Curtis at 816 North Seventh street was
destroyed by Are this morning. Ths loss
will amount to f?.uu) and is covered by
II. to insurance. The cause ot the fire Is
person holding that office in tins state.
being 91 years of age, and is us spry as
nany at vu. He served in two wars in
Germany and in the civil war since com
ing to this country. He reads a news
paper readily without glasses.
BEATRICE W. M. Summers, an old
resident of Beatrice, died at his home in
this city Sunday afternoon, aged 84 years.
Mr. Summers was born In ttussex, Eng
land, and located in Beatrice with his
family in IS18, where he spent the re
mainder of his life. He Is survived by a
family of seven children, Mrs. Summers
having died about a year ago. Funeral
services will be held Wednesday afternoon
from the Christian church at 8 o'clock.
GENEVA Last night a meeting of the
citizens of the town was held in the court
room in regard to entertaining the teachers
who would attend the Junior normal if lo
cated here this coming summer. The mem
bers of the Equal Suffrage club had met on
Saturday afternoon and planned a canvass
of tbe city for this purpose, and this was
done so effectually yesterday that it was
reported to the chairman of the Commercial
club, E. Sandrock. that there were places
already promised for over 6uu teachers. Su
perintendent Taylor, F. O. Edgecombe and
one or two others addressed ths meeting
and thanked the women for their work.
FREMONT James Bracken, a 15-year-old
boy who claims Omaha as his home, la
under arrest here on the charge of stealing
a bicycle. The boy has caused the officers
considerable trouble during the last eight
or ten months he has been In this part ot
uie cuuiiujr vn Hi-ruuui ot nis petty thiev
ing propensities. The last lime ha w r-
rested his parents took him home, but me
fore long he was back here again with the
same rather loose Ideas about the owner
ship of personal property. He uvi i.
does not want to be sent home "because pa
ivc iiib auiiiv wiui iicmngs ior steal
ing." He is a bright, intelligent boy and
looks much younger than he really is.
Barteo Held for Brown Killlna-.
The Inquest over the body of George
Brown was held at the undertaking rooms
of Bralley Ac Dorranca yesterday afternoon
A number of witnesses were examined
after which the Jury returned a verdict of
death at the hands of William Bartea
Brown was killed while in a fight with
Bartee late Saturday night at tut North
Eleventh street.
Omaha Phllharmonle orchestra (fifty mem
bers) at Boyd's tonight. Robert Cuacaden,
director. Joseph Gahm, soloist.
CUT GLASS rrsnser, uu, M Dodge.
MWI bj
Important Change in Service to the Northwest .
two Daily Trains1 to
Montana, Washington, Puget Sound and Portland
Taking effect February 11th, the Burlington and Northern Pacific Com
panies will jointly establish an additional daily through train service from Omaha,
Lincoln and Kansas City to the Northwest Billings, Butte, Helena, Spokane, Se
attle, Tacoma and Portland.
New Schedule: Leave Omaha at 4:10 p. m. daily, arrive Dead wood next after
noon at 4 o'clock, Butte and Helena second forenoon, Spokane second night, Puget
Sound third noon, Portland that night. i
Equipment: Through Chair Cars, Dining Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleeping ;
Car service to Seattle and Portland.
Important Change of Time in Black Hills Service: Commencing February 11,
the Omaha-Black Hills train for Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead will leave Omaha
at 4:10 p. m, daily, instead of 11:10 p. m. as heretofore.
Other Northwest Service: Daily train will continue to leave Omaha at llilO
p. m. for all principal Montana, Washington and Puget Sound points.
East Bound Service From the Northwest': In addition to the present train, Ne.
42, from the Northwest, a new and additional daily through train service will be es
tablished from Portland and Puget Sound in connection with the Burlington's new
train, 44, leaving Billings at 10:30 p. m., arriving Omaha at 7:10 a. m. the second '
, The moring train service from Omaha at 9:10 a. m. will be extended to Broken
Omaha Neb. 1503 Farnaxa St., Omaha.