Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Tt-lejbone, Dfniglt 61S. '
r- n't j- ....,-.
Si v-V; n
retail crntcr, Howard
nd ftlatt-ratM'
.'"If. is . it : plaii from every point of view, more particularly since stocks are glistening
with spring newness and such economical opportunities await you, as briefly told in this adver
tisement". vIt will save you an unsatisfactory journey through other crowded stores, and decided
savings on your purchases. '
. O'ote Out ..warm vestibules are heated purposely for the comfort of those awaiting cars,
XorUt&4irh-.St.f"IIanscom Park, both east and west lines, and So. Omaha cars can bo seen a block
away. We invite the public to use them or better still, spend a few leisure moments in our
modern store, walk down the aisles, take elevators to our rest room on the third floor, or what
ever suggests liieelf' to your pleasure. You are welcome.
CorSetS. "' " '
, t , " ;? ' .
Individuality is beyond ouestlon the first
essential qualification in the attributes of
I . .1 . . . T" Ul. ..... 1
casual reader seem a 'far-fetched Idea to
bring Into a cornet tartf,' Viut. Individuality
being J tie., lundaroemaY principle in our
method -of. corset Attlrta', we wish to em
phaslgavakla eryv Important fact. In no
way does Individuality so truly express
Itself In tlje numberless lines and
of the figure. Let our corset fitters take
you. tntp,, bur cosy fitting' rooms near by
and,, hays your good' lines brought Into
effect by a scientifically fitted corset. Each
model iptbur exclusive lines Is designed
just- for -on figure. When fitted by one
of our iptfngesslonal staff of fitters, .per
fection 4 Itv. -assured. Prices of those m
lit, CMM $20.00 each,,..
Ne-Spring Embroideries.
New. freeh embroideries" for line lingerie
nd evening gowns.
The line 4s an unusually large one and
Includes "many novelties difficult to- de
scribe. Medallions Inserting, fancy bands
and all-overs all figure largely In . the
EmbrokWrh'S for children's wear are es
peclally'dsllnly. -
Some pifltty hemstitched embroideilus for
turn-over collars Ahffijrs. These 'from
ISO to jjuc.. yd. ' ''
Swiss Viniirulderles from 23c a yd. to
$5.00 -a y, v
Cambric" and ?falnsook embroideries from
Iftu a yd. up. . ,- . -.
All-oyera or entire waists and for chil
dren's, .yolfba from $1.00 a yd. up.
. Einbroidered Robes.
This .is-a pretty and .sensible Idea in
partly mads white, and colored dresses.
Ask abous-fM-in at the embroidery counter,
destlnc.9 t"fce tho reigning -fad for spring
und summer dresses,,
Unequaled ; Variety and Values
in :NftwfDresst Goods and
. We are flrit to show H0rfng dress'goods
and silks. We are leaders still with the
greatest number of advance styles; great
est variety af 'Clie"' greatest price range.
Trices begin as low at 39c and go to $.3.00
a yd., but ..bear In mind. .Uiey are excep
tional value" and all new coiners at each
prlee. . ' 'yV '" ' '
First Glimpse of Pretty New
" 'Silks 'for 'Suits.
Among th-new.tlk which first attract
on' ettofiftojwaro the, pretty sliadea ot
grey, In tiny .check, hair stripes, and the
very njiMachetflgarefetrfcet In th hew
soft chiffon, finish. Anotner-.out of the
ordinary dnrw ah -tho-rage in New
Vfork are h now saf rtrxtrrtait chiffon
Spot Proof Bilks for suits, dark rich
ground .colors of navy, black, hello' and
greens,- .' Scattered . over ,, the surface- are
pretty ftguresrcqloiv-WUen shown against
they .wredftiied several hours and were
ultimately 'released without a word of Ex
planation. afV r, betif( subjected to great
indignities,. "Trio".. bffaV, as, .soon . as it be
came knowntp .their, relatives, here, was
brought. o1ie Js'ttenMon of Secretary Root,
who has 'wr.ltiejWohe American minister
in Turkey ' directing him to make a. full
Investigation,, and, if; the. facts are found
as stated1, ii' iJentfuyf" Immediate redress
and aueh, teps 'by thej "f"urkih government
as will assure Immunity from such Indigni
ties upon Americans In' he future.
' ." No'f Jepartmt-at ures. i ' .'.'
TJjo. apjillcutlon of Abram Rutt, Lincoln
Rutt! H!&"fa(lthr Wlllltfin Valentine and
John organise, the Abram
Rutt t'Kai&tiUt' ttaacy. la.', " with
$25.60O capital has bcen'ftpprored by the?
comptroller of the currency.
ftural carriers appointed: Nebruska
Aniberst, fup je;. john FbMows, car
rler( HayatoQTirtgiey' 'aubstftutc. Iowa
Vest t'nlon, route 1; C. E. Culllns, cur
iltn Addle Culllns, sutstitute. ,- .
Hrerkrarldc Discerns Insstraacr.
Mil. Brekenrldge wjll tomorrow appear
before the Wlhryru-iinilttee .of the house
to' dlsuosktlifi'fties'tlcn wltp'llier congress
hs a constitutional right to regulate in
slA'unce. . , ;
fj PRE RECORD , ,,- v,
frt, LjOI'18, Feb. . Tho new $3.tM stone
UMii building at Marissa, III., twenty-three
mH(s southeast of here, and the general
stirB of KawtfjoWalkiop were destroyed hy
flii' last n,ight- .The. First National bank
huhding, in"' &-our 'MK eonsiruci)oiii Vs
bady damaged. The losa aggregates $75,000.
v It Poaltry Haaae.
WATER JjrFeJ f beoial Trte.
grRi.) Fire ea'riy this morning destroyed
th' plant of the Bllx Poultry and Egg com
p4ay; loss, estimated at $:t.000; Insurance,
tU on btflpiagvuip;! op k, . -
boys) at Boyd's tonight. Robert Cuscaden,
director. Joseph Gahm, soloist.
A ; I I II I
Uoaaly iLTmvi.isv$jto4'
LOl'ISVILLE. Ky.. Feb. was
learned here today th President' Michael
rotnelly of the Amalgamated Meat Cut
ir union kft IulxvilLe at s o'clo g lust
niaht ovsrrtht Bti'tfjur ttathroad lov Clil--(.
A search was instituted here four
day ago i? Cf r6nella-. - - .
; .'
It recommende4'byth4 Wat' .
fpliyslclans beVtiuse- li tulrtV
back from coffee ails.
MaaaaKi -1.1,,
; ID!
. ii; run z tat rr rz -v r-rr i
Have Your Shopping List
RcaLd Go to Thompson-Bel-den's
oi "Wednesda.y.
lB 5arlt back-ground, the general effect Is
beautiful. These new silks while moil
I luMnm w ot . ith watM. ,0
: w . .
The Black Dress Goods Stock
Has Many New Things to
' Show You Wednesday.
Here you -will not find a scarcity of good
black dress goods which Is complained of
elsewhere. The quality of goods shown
here Is just what Thompson, Belden & Co.
pride themselves on. The new soft finish
chiffon Panamas at SOc, 75c $1.00 and 54-In.
1.60 are , simply - beautiful. New Batiste
and Nun's Veiling at 50c, 6Cc, Too and $1.00
are Just, that superior quality of goods
you are looking for. . -'
Our new black Coating Bei ges ' In the
different weaves'. In rain-proof finish are
the materials for genuine hard. wear. The
new Bilk and Wool Poplins for the dressy
gowns are simply charming, $l.uo to $2.50
a yd. '
New Spring Rain Proof Coats.
Attractive coat with all the style dis
tinctiveness of the finest coats procurable,
yet combining this same beauty with use
fulness In all seasons of the year. . The
reigning fads in rnln coats are here In all
the -completeness of the spring showing.
Bprlng drizzles and downpours have no
terrors for the wearer of this excellent gar
menta rain coat If It rains, a dress coat
In sunshine.
Hlue. tan, oxford and black, in full liberal
pleated 'skirts' and blouse wslsts, very re
cent arrivals at . - . . -
Full loose effect raln-repelllng coat with
belt, a style that W "different,'-' In tnn and
gray, very special, $12.50. '
In .he. favored shapes and colors.!
Two Skirt Opportunities Wor
thy of Your Response, ,
Black, blue and white mohair skirts,
black and 'blue, small chocks on white
grounds, very stylish, exclusive and pretty,
A shipment of misses' skirts Just received,
specially ' priced, black, blue and green. In
solid colors, and small checks of somber
shades, lengths from 36 to 39 In., $5.75.
Three Specials in Ladies' Hose.
One lot medium weight black cotton hose,
high spliced heel and double sole, just the
hose for present wear, :26c a pair.
One lot niidlum weight black hose, high
spliced heel and double sole, also spliced
selyede, very elastic, an excellent hose,
priced usually at 2ft per' cent -Wore, Co. t
pairs for $1.
One lot black lisle hose. In light weight,
high"' spficed heel, spllfled seairt-and sole,
5uc pair. ' i-- . ., , -.'i
New arrivals In luce stripe .hose for the
coming season, Vc and 60c,
New embroidered hose, In various colors
and Sixteenth Streets
Strong Iudieationi that Tbera ill B Two
Opposition Parties. . (
Foi'mer Premier Will Probably Kind
Tariff, Vnloplst'and Liberal
, . Caudlijiatea Acalnst
LONDON, ; FebSfl. Surfdt Indications
tend to strengthen-the belief that "'former
Premier Kalfour, if he is elected to Parlia
ment for the city of London, will remain
the leader of the conservatives, lnfthe House
Of Cbrnhions and thaV.Jwsejjh Chamberlain
will become the leader of' Ine tariff reform
ers with a separate .. orWtnizatlon. The
Times, the Dally Telegripb and other for
mer newsnHper friends of both Balfour and
Chamberlain have gone over completely to
Balfour, and the. opinion, at the: political
clubs hi' that the breach will widen as the
days pass and that only a miracle can pre
vent the. passing, iif the , usefulness of the
unionists us one' party machine. IVhlle It
Ik .protested- tha '.the friendship fcetween
Messrs. Kalfour ..and , Chamberlain in as
strong u ever, this may be takt-n to refef
solely to personal relations. Those who are
best Informed say that unless the unex
pected happens the two statesmen, wilt iu
ittj'fiiture: political enemies'! '
' Borne ,conservafJVe . newspapwrs declure
thut recent dc-'elopmcnts have shown all
the evidences of deep-laid Infrtgues against '
Mr. Balfour, firstly. Iu the chorus of de
mand foe; JJ'altoc- Uymo IOJig as Ittader,
anl now in the open threat to place a tariff
reformer la tli Held against Mr. Balfour.
While the liberal party Is still undecided as
to whether U shall run a vaAdidaie. one an
tOM).ceinent already has lwen made by a
liberal. t. 'Ml Mason, a "promlnemV London
financier,. ; wlo unsucoessfully: : contested
Tradeston, OlasROw, at the recent election.
L.. fj.( Howies .mafcea,. Uw .positive ai
noilncctn. nt that he "will opposd Utr. Bal
four' uuli-ss liellatt r-dejHa,rc,defliitely for
free trade, and from Birmingham comes a
strong Vernation 4)sV-..Urrff retonner
will enter the lists." Meanwhile Mr. Bal
four, undismayed.. ind to hla guns and
says h, wll not withdraw, and. up to the
present time he ha not called- a meeting of
the. utdonists, though some of the news
papers this morning say such a meeting
will be called. It is an open secret, how.
ever, that Mr. Balfour has stated that he
ha W tpm tau5'ajeetmg would
lad to conciliation or harmony.
Gaardtaa a Prlsoaer.
tUATTANOOQA. Tenn., Feb. .-d
Johnson Ui m gro who was rrated here
tf n daa ago on the charge 'c( asauultlng
a young white woman and wiio "narrowly
scaieil mob violence while in Jail here,
was relumed to Chattanooga this morn
ing from Nashville, where he was taken
for safe keeping and placed on trial. The
court, bouse )s surrounded by a detail jt
polio and admission, wJ denied to all
oA thwa c(innMUMt ;wUli ta trtak i Jobs
sou was brought to the court bouse in a
Pee, Feb. 6. 1906.
of figures and spots, pink, blue, red, green
and black on black grounds, 60c up.
Infants' Necessities.
We exercise the same painstaking care In
the selection of infants wear which char
acterlies the superior qualities and the low
price we quote throughout the entire store.
By personal constant attention to this sec
tion, giving it a prominent place among our
larger departments, we are prepared to
show the largest assortment of dressy gar
ments for the Infant to be found in Omaha
and even at the lowest possible price con
sistent with high quality.
FROM 80C TO $6.
A full line of Infants' hand-embroidered
Jackets and nightingales, $1.50. $2, $2.25.
Sllk-llned ones at $3. $3 25. $3.50.
Infants' shoes and moccasins, a great va
riety at 50c, TRc, $1.
Infants' hand-embroidered toilet sets
come In four pieces, $2.50, $3 a se.t.
lnfsnts' long and short slips from 50e to
lnfsnts' pillow cas-es, plain ones at 50e,
fancy, 7c, $1, $1.25.
Infants' fancy baskets, beautifully
trimmed In pink and blue China silk, $6.30,
with toilet set, $9.
Afghans for Infants' cart. $2.50. in pink
and pale blue.
Afghans, made of the heavy eiderdown
yurn, very pretty In pink and blue, $3 and
Infants' bibs from 5c to $3 each.
A full line of Infants' colored dresses In
linen, percale, gingham and chumbruy, from
$1.50 up to $3.50.
Artistic Art Goods.
No cities apart altogether from the ordi
nary advertised assortments displayed In
the smaller departments elsewhere. Par
ticular untiring attention Is paid to this
pnrt of our store, giving it a pi-ominent
place on our spacious second floor.
A very new and attractive stitch now
shown Is called the Oltterlyl embroidery,
We have many delightfully pretty patterns,
also net by the ynrd, and all the materials
for working.
New novelties arriving daily in Hedobo,
shadow, Mountmclllck. Norwegian, scrim
and Hardanger embroidery.
A new assortment of varied Shetland
floss for shawls In all colors. These shawls
are beautiful and a useful addition to any
woman's wardrobe.
Note Miss Steenstrup, recognized ns one
of the greatest needle artists, gives free
Instructions In every known stitch to pur
chasers of materials. Afternoons, from 2
to 5, second floor.
, . . SPECIAL. .
' Omaha, aouvcnir;pUlow tops, regular ,50e
value, i6c. - -
' Stamped pillow tops. In conventional and
floral designs, also birthday pillow top,
extra speclul. 19c.
A few hand cmbroMered pillow tops that
sold for $5.00, halt prk-e to close, $2.50.
patrol wagon and guarded by mounted offi
Bodies of Men Arc Iturned Hive
After Freight Strikes Pas
senger Train.
UJLENA, Mont., veo. . The most dis
astrous railroad wreck that has taken
place in the vicinity of Helena for many
years . occurred lust night shortly before
midnight, two and a half miles west of
A runaway Nrrthern Pacific freight train
crashed into a pas&enger train on the same
line, wrecked it completely, set Are to it,
and up to' 3 o'clock this morning four per
sons, 'whose identity Is ussured, were
known to be dead, with a probability thut
two more, whose, names it is Impossible to
luarn, may have been burnCd in the wreck.
' Brake man Edward Blown ' was seriously
Injured, but an examination shows not fa
tally. None of the passengers who escaped
with their lives wUs seriously Injured.
In a few miniates fire started and for
hours the lumber burned firecely. The
crash of the collision was heard by per
sons living lu the vicinity, who immedi
ately started for the wreck. When the
got there an awful scune met their gaze.
The combination car was on tire and pin
ned under a mans of wreckage was Jcssup.
He was conscious, and heroic efforts were
fade to releuse him fiom his situation.
Fl.lly the fire became so hot that the
rescuers had to give up the test:
Jesaup, still conscious, cried: "It Is hard
to lie her and burn to death." He strug
gled to rcl wise himself aa the firo took hold
of his limbs, but the effort was fruitless
and after few screams of agony uncon
sciousness came to him.
Exposcl to full view, with biasing shing.
lea all a'jout him and his bed a muss -of
red hot coals, was the body of an unidenti
fied It was slowly consumed until all
that was left was the skull, and out
stretched were two stumps that a few
hours before had been arms.
There are supposed to have been eight
passengers on the train, of which number
two are still unaccounted for.
All An I'nlted r
In saying that for all Stomach, Liver or
Kidney diseases there is no remedy Uka
Electrlo Bitten, toe. guaranteed. For sale
by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
Investigating- "Life" Company.
NEW YORK. Feb. Investigation Into
charges that the "Fore of Life'' comiany.
a medical fliin. sold through the mails a
preparation which was claimed to make the
old young again, to straighten ciooked
banes and in one instance to have re t.. red
a dead person to life, was resumed today
before I'nlted States Commissioner Ridge
way. The company is charged with con
spiracy to defraud Lucille Hoffman of
Watorvllle, Me., and others through use of
the mails. Several prnnimem persons are
connected with the company, among-them
being General James R. O'Brien.
- ' " - Trvnsary Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. (.-Today state
ment of the treasury balance in the gen.
era! fund, exclusive of the 15O.0on,ftio gold
rMWve, shows; Available raait balance.
ll.lo,51. ; gold ooln and bulliou, !:., Itio:
gold certiiKaU. V7.M.7X '
lotus A frees to Take Final Attiok oo
keainre at 4i30 O'clock.
All of Them .ire ' la Favor of
Pending: . BUI aad ltallroads
Are (Generally Criticised1.
WASHINGTON, eh. 6. Having nxed the
end of tue general debate on tne rate bill
at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow, tne recognition
of the cuair was pjacA' around at a ilveiy
laic In tne house tod,iy. Seventeen speeenes
Were made, all of them for tne measure.
The railroads came In Tor an unusual
amount of criticism. Mr.' Gillespie flex.)
expressed his dissatisfaction witn tne reply
to nis lesoiution hinting at a combination
between the Pennsylvania and other rail
roads. Ho will address a request to tne
president to havo tne luterstale Commerce
commission make's thorough Investigation
along linos he will Indicate to clear up
this subject. Mr. Gaines of West Virginia
placed In the record evidences of combina
tions of roads to control the coal output
of his state and a traffic . agreement be
tween many southern roads and steamship
lines indicating a division of the territory
to control business. , He said it was be
cause competition had ceased already that
th pending bill was demanded.
The day ended with a general laugh at
Mr. Bulxer (N. V.) who made his appearance
as a humorist. He toasted the opponents of
the bill, viewed with suspicion the unani
mous report and pointed out as the African
In tho woodpile the word "suspended,"
which he said Would apply to every rate
fixed until the poor shipper was financially
suspended In trying to enforce it. How
ever, he : will vote for the. bill.
The list of ' speakers Included Burnett
(Ala.). Lewis (Ga.), Gudger (N. C), Dick
son (111.), Gillespie (Tex ), Stanley (Ky.),
Murdork (Kan.), Connor (la.), Hubbard
(Iu.), Haugcn (la ), Gaines (W. Va.), 8mall
(N. C), Sinley (N. C), Madden (111.), Wnl
don (N. V.), Candler (Miss,) and Sulxcr
(N. T.), ; . . .
f;lllesile on Herders. .,
Diversion was caused by decidedly ani
mated remarks regarding railway mergers
by Mr. Gillespie (Tex.K'outhor ot the reso
lution answered by Mr. Koosevelt yester
day, concerning an alleged merger ot rail
ways with the Pennsylvania system as the
Important factor. .
Mr. Gillespie declared that that answer
was an insult; thut with the great ma
chinery at hand a complete Investigation
of actual conditions should have been
made. He suid such an Investigation would
show traffic agreements of an important
and qiif stlonable character.
The Investigation provided for in the
Gillespie resolution consists of eight
queries to be made by the Interstate Com
merce commission:
"First Whether the roads carrying coal
have any ownership or Interest In the
"Second Whether, the officers of these
roads are interested personally in the
mines. v
"Third Whether there Is any contract
between the mines and the roads amount
ing to a restralnt-o trade or creating a
monopoly In bituminous coal.
"Fourth If such, above facts are found
to exist, then th. commission Is required
to represent tho detail's ot the relationship
and set forth t'l'e agreements on terms of
monopoly or ow'ncr.-slijp Interests.,,,
"Fifth The comii)lssloji Is to report as to
the system of- coal car distribution.
"Sixth It la to suggest a remedy.
"Seventh To report facts and conclu
sions it may deem' pertinent.
"Eighth To make the Investigation at
Its earliest opportunity." .
Mr. Racon Spends Three Honrs In Crit
icising President's Foreign Pulley.
WASHINGTON, Feb. .-The senate did
not have an opportunity to hear the dis
cussion of Mr. Patterson's resolution on
tho action of the democratic caucus, a
was partially promised yesterday, but gave
the entire day .10 a revival of the preroga
tives of the senate In the matter of fram
ing treaties. The question was raised by
Mr. Bacon In a speech on his resolution
requesting Information on the Algeclras
cenference. He. talked for almost three
hours and wss followed by , Mr. Spooner,
who spoke for considerably more than an
hour. Both speeches were interspersed
with debate, largely between Messrs, Bacon
and Spooner and there wera two or three
very warm clashes between them. Mr.
Patterson ybdded the floor at the beginning
ot tho day's sitting to Mr. Bucon, giving
notice that ho would speak tomorrow. Mr.
Ixtdge gave notice of a speech Monday on
the railroad rate bill. '
Mr. Tillman's resolution for an Investiga
tion of the Chinese- boycott was adopted.
Mr. Hale, who has been ill, was In" his
seal when the senate met today for th)
i first time In threo weeks, and at his In
stance the senate consented Unanimously
to reconsider the votes by which the bill
for the recognition of the dental corps
of the army and the bill Increasing the
efficiency of the medical department of the
army were passed..
Neeretar) Bonanurtv Katrrtalna la
Honor of President.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.-For the first
limn since August S of last year, the his
toric day 011 w hich lie brought Russia and
Japan together in friendly conference on
board the Mayflower at Oyster Bay, the
president was again in the bistorlo cabin
of the vessel this evening at a dinner given
him by Secretary Bonaparte.
The approach to the vessel was lined
with incandescent MalUs and the Dolphin
and Mayflower were decorated with fes
toons of Incandescent s from the mastheads.
The Marine band orchestra and a mandolin
trio furnished music. I Those invited to meet
the president and Mrs. Roosevelt included
Cardinal Gibbons, the governor of Mary
land and Mrs. Warfield, Senator and Mrs.
Hale, the assistant secretary of the navy
Fresh milk is absolutely
necessary for the baby. No
driec) milk food, or food which
la used without fresh milk will meat
th requirements, Mellin's Food la
always to be used with fresh milk; if
satisfies and feeds ths baby. Bend lor eul
sea, " The Cars reading e Infants," im. .
, Tat OXIT afanta feed recaisiag
the CRAM) kUE al . laai. lM.
Geld Hadal, Bigkest Award.
PartU&d, Or. 105.
MttLiHfi roeo co. soiton, maii,
and Mrs. Newberry, th admiral ot the
navy, Representative and Mrs. Foax,
Madame Bonaparte. Jerome Bonaparte,
Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Longworth, Misa Tuck
erman, Mrs. David Everett Wheeler of
Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall Harris of
Baltimore, Robert Garrett of Baltimore,
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hart of Phila
delphia. Lieutenant Commander A. T. Long,
t. 8. N.( commanding the Ma flower, and
Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. 1-Xlgar.
Former thief Engineer of Canal
Tells of renditions as He
Fonnd Them.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6Johu F. Wal
lace, former chief engineer of the Isthmian
canal, was again before the senate com
mittee on lnter-oceanic canals today. Yes
terday he was diverted from a description
of conditions on the Isthmus which' h
made today. Ho gave a minute account
of the conditions he found there and the
difficulties he encountered In getting ma
terial and supplies and the delays that
occurred In filling requisitions.
While he was cabling to have -the orders
expedlated. he said, he received word from
Admiral Walker that cablegrams cost
money. ' It was a delicate hint he said, that
lie had better not use the cables too much.
Mr. Wallace said to the committee that
he did a year's work ad that his successors
nad no benefit of his analysis, "because,"
he said, "the secretary of war told me he
did not want It and had no use for me ex
cept on the Isthmus as a directing engineer.
He was so angry in his treatment that he
all but cursed me."'
"The work I did." said Mr. Wallace, "ex
tended over a complete year, taking In dry
and wet seasons. I was working along a
definite program, which I intended to put
In writing In my annual report, and would
have dono so If I had been permitted to
make a report. I experimented with the
French excavators so as to tell whether It
would be the more eeonomlcnl to use or de
stroy these machines, which cost probably
$30,000,009. I experimented enough to know
that these machines were not fit for Use."
Telling of these experiments, Mr. Wallace
said he had not estimated that, because ex
cavating could be done In March for 30
cents a cubic yard; It could be done for the
same cost in the rainy season in May. It
was Important to determine whether the
highest cost of excavating waa due to the
heavy rainfall, the reduction of time to an
eight-hour day or tho use of the French
excavators, said Mr. Wallace.
Continuing, he said that he understood
that the cost had gone up a great deal after
he left. The organization was demoralized,
he said, for the reason that the men had
seen their chief discredited and knew that
a successor waa to be appointed who would
not be In sympathy with the work that had
been done.
At this point a recess was taken until
2: p. m.
At the ufternoon session of the com
mittee Mr. Wallace said that In all his
experience Iu railroad work he had never
seen men better fed and housed than they
arc on the Isthmus. Tho complaints, he
said, came from clerks, who went to the
Isthmus from Washington or New York,
who had gotten the idea from musical
comedies that life In a tropical climate
was to lie In hammocks and enjoy them
selves. Efforts to establish a Young Men's
Christian association on the Isthmus for
the benefit of the canal employes was
stopped because of an official objection to
it, said Mr. Wallace. He was asked to be
more explicit and said that Governor Ma
goon had said that Secretary Taft did not
wish the work to go on. Mr. Wallace 1
thought this, was because the community'
was Catholic. - When Mr. Wallace showed j
some feeling in referring to tho statement j
of Mr. Shouts that dirt had been wasted
by him, Senator Hopkins said:
"If yo'i are as careful of the reputa
tion of Mr. Shonts as he was of yours
when he came before tho commission there
will be no Ul feeling here."
"Nothing can repair the damage that
has been done to my reputation," the wit
ness replied.
"Many criticisms of me have been made
which I had no chance to answer. This
Is my only opportunity and I simply de
sire to set myself right. I hope you will i
pardon me if I show some heat." I
Speaking of the Bahlo dam, Mr. Wallace ;
said he discovered that solid rock bottom '
could not be found nearer than 1ST feet
instead of 12$ feet, as shown by the Walker
borings. He did not favor the eight-hour .
day and recommended that as few restrlc- :
tlons as possible should be placed' on Mr. '
Stevens, and "that the wolves should be
kept off his back." If the canal work
should be let by contract, said Mr. Wal
lace, It would Increase the contract price
about 20 per cent. He thought tho man lu
charge should be permitted ' to get his
men In China, Japan, India, Spain or
where he pleased. The hearing was ad
journed until 2 o'clock tomorrow.
ftenatc Confirms .Nominations.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. The senate in
.1... . ... 1 Injlu. I..nflr..i Ait . 1 . f ,t I
lowing nominations:
James F . Smith, California, governor
general Philippines.
District Attorney Charles A. Hoynlon,
western district of Texas.
MurshalH Eugene Nolle, western dis
trict of Texas; W. M. Hanson, southern
district of Texas; Orosvenor A. Porter,
southern district of Indian Territory.
Colonel W. F. Allen.
NKW YORK. Feb. . F. H. Allen re
ceived a cable message yesterday from J
Honolulu, announcing the death of his half
brother, Colonel William F. Allen, aged M
years. He Is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Cordelia Allen. Colonel Allen was horn In
Bratlleboro, VI.. and went to Hawaii' when
his father, Elijah H. Allen, was sent there
as I'nlted Stales minister. He served as
collector of the port o' Honolulu for many
years. His title was granted by King
Kalakaua, on whose staff he served.
Bobert Herpolsheluier.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. . (Special Tele
gram.) Robert Herpolsheluier, manager of
the H. Herpolsheluier store here and sou
of the proprietor, died tonight of appendi
citis, following an operation performed a
week ago. He was 11 yeurs old and about
three months ago married the daughter of
A. L. Hoover, proprietor of the Llndell
Fidelia Baaas-tt.
I.I TTLK SIOI'X. Ia.. Feb. . (Special.)
The funeral .of Fidelia Basset t occurred 5
. ...i.. ..... ,u hnin nf hr nlA. I
Mrs. B. F. Crossdale, with Rev. A. L.
Curtis officiating. The deceased was born
at Arkwright. N. Y., in May. lftti. and set
tled in Little Sioux In 1W7. She was a
sister to Attorney Linus H. Basset t.
Mrs. Henry Barker.
RIVER SIOCX. Ia., Feb. 8ueclal.)
Mrs. Barbara Ellen Barker, wife of Henry
Barker, died and was buried hera this week.
She was born in Oentrv county, Missouri,
September X 1870, married Henry Barker
at Biouz City on September 29, . 1SS, and
leaves eight children.
Funeral of Mrs. lion. '
The funeral services (or the late Mrs.
Sophia Lowe will be held at Trinity cathe
dral. Eighteenth and Capitol avenue, at 2
o'clock on Thursday afternoon, February s.
Friends invited. Interment to be In the
family Iota, Forest Lawn cemetery.
Ta Cor a Col4 la en Day
tske LAXATIVB BROMO Quinine Tablet.
trrglsts refund money If It falls to eura,
. w. drove k -lgnatur la oa eaca baa. 2ta.
is ilotortniiutl by its security first, by its convenience second
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guarantees all of these; safe because its loans are very,
stringently governed by recent State Law, convenient 'be
cause it can be turned into money at any time, a good rate
since 4 per cent after paying loan expenses is very common.
We respectfully solicit your attention to our advantages.
Oldest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska.
City Savings Bank,
President Urges Gos?re;i to Modify Law
Prohibiting h Practice.
Dismissal ' for All ' Offenses, W hether
Agaravateri or ot, Hating
Und F.ffect on nal
WASHINGTON, Dl C. Feb. ti.-The presi
dent today made public a letter urging
upon congress a modification of the law
against hazing at the naval academy. Un
less congress shall promptly amend the ex
isting law against hazing, which makes
mandatory the dismissal of any midship
man found guilty of any form of hazing,
the secretory of the navy may bo forced
to dismiss thirty-three midshipmen from
the naval academy within the next month.
In addition to the eight who have already
suffered this penalty and three whose esses
are awaiting action of the-department. Sec
retary Bonaparte, after urging up on mem
bers of congress the necessity of imme
diate action, finally laid the whole matter
before the president.
It Is admitted at the Navy department
that if the present law Is allowed to stand
the service will suffer severely. The in
vestigating board of officers appointed by
the superintendent of the naval academy
to obtain evidence against all midshipmen
guilty of any form of hazing has already
brought to light evidence resulting In the
trial of fourteen midshipman, of whom two
have been acquitted, eight dismissed, one
pardoned while under sentence of dlsmlsFal
and another Midshipman Miner Meri
wether, Jn, whose case is now awaiting ac
tion by tho department has been found
guilty and recommended for pasdon.
The Investigating board has left with the
superintendent of ; the academy evidence
against thirty-three other midshipmen, who
will probably be ordered for. eourt-niartUl.
The, law wUl necessitate- the . dismissal of
each midshipman found guilty. Ipduded In
the list are. midshipmen whose records are
otherwise above reproach, among them
members of the first class, who will grad
uate next week, and a number related to
prominent members of congress.
Text of tho Letter.
The letter of the president follows:
I have directed that a pardon be Issued
to John Paul Miller, a midshipman at the
I'nited States naval academy, recently con
victed of '-hazing'' and sentenced to dis
missal from the academy. In the discussion
of this case my attention has been called
forcibly to the unsatinfV.rtory condition of
the law on this suhtect. A midshipman
accused of hazing, whether the extent of
his offense be great or small, must lie tried
bv court-martial. The findings of such a
court. If- spproved by the superintendent
of the academy, are declared final and can
not lie reviewed by the seeretsrv of the
navv, or even bv me. and neither the court
Itseif nor the superintendent nor the secre
tary of the navy has any discretion as to
ti, Minithmotit to l-M Imnosed. It Is de
clared that In all cases of conviction the I
offender shall be dismissed and be Ineligible ,
for appointment ns a commissioned officer ;
of the army, navy or marine corps during
a specified time. These provisions of law t
seem to me neither Just nor judicious, and
I am seriously concerned at the Injury
which I fear niay be done to the discipline
of the academy and even to the future
efficiency of the navy If they are permitted
to remain In force without amendment. 1
I heartily disapprove of the prnctlce of
hazing, and In common with nil those In
terested in the welfare of the scademv,
wish to see this practice thoroughly eradi
cated there. But the punishment of dis
missal is altogether disproportionate to the
culpability Involved In some forms of haz
ing. '
Tho president nays further that In his
opinion it is an error to try midshipmen
we nude at tlx beat wiu'i Of color-tut bbmi
V ou caa set whi you waM of your fcW a
yoa fauui os s. il.50 awl awra.
Oa sad oi bio s coal.
CLutTT, pcaaoov a eo.
Irto lUkoraof Colloio oao Shirta la um WorM
Th only high grade Baking; Powdaf
made at a moderate prion.
Invaluable to sufferers from
asthma, bronchitis or throat
trOVlbltS. Ceateia nothing injurious.
- rm
wing :
accused of hazing hy court-martial. TJier
Should, he says, be discretionary power
lodged in some administrative officer or
body to deal summarily with such offenses.
In conclusion the president says he-would
"see with much regret the present session
of congress end without some Temedy being
found for a situation full ot embarrassment
for the Navy department and of. danger
for the best Interests of the navy," .
Child's Death llelng Investigated.
CHICAGO, Feb. . The death of Mer
cedes, the 15-year-old daughter of "Fellp
Bc-rrlozabel. the Mexican consul In . this
city, was reported to the coroner this morn
ing. An investigation Is now being made.
General Aanns'Ifns Appendicitis.
P.ALTIMORR, Md., Fob. 6. General Felix
Agnus, for the past quarter of a century
publisher of the Baltimore Amerlcsn. was
today operated on at the Johns Hopkins
hospital for appendicitis.
Receiver for McReynolda Company.
CHICAGO. Feb. . Th Chicago Title
and Trust company was today appointed
receiver for the McReynolds Elevator com
pany. -. -.
For TonsilltU !
DflVn'P Woodward & Burgess.
BUIU O" Managers.
if "Captain Debtnnaire."
-C O M I N O-
By Thomas Dixon, jr., from his two
ramous novels. "The Clansman and
i neiyeopara s spots.
DIIDUmnn Nights & Sun. Mats. 10c-:Sc.
Charley's Aunt
THI'RS. MAT. Pouble Or
chestra. Next Vek
By Sodlev Brown. "
...Philharmonic Orchestra.:.
Director. J
' tfololst.
Douglas 4B4.
i Kvery Night. MatlBir Thursday-,! " Safar
! day and Sunday. - ' ,
Thorne AV Carleton: Agues; Mr.' ami
Mrs. Alfred Kelcy; Hdny'I.e Clalr ferle
Iiamant: Kto Adler, .Mills & Morris, an i
the Kiitodntme. -it . ,' ,
Prices- 10c; c. Sue. ?,'' ?. ' "
I" D I fl frices-lic, 'Ae. ue. frs.
IVKIJU vats. at., year..
The Melodramatic Success, -
Llqbttuuse By the Sea; '
Magnificent Production, Sterling Cast.
Thurs Olllctta's "Shtrlnck Holmes."
...., )o..o
Nebraska Wtsleyan University '
Conservatory of Music
University Plies, Neb. ' . .
A. J. Vernon rsrtr, Plreetorl
"The greatest school of musla
letween Chicago and the r Pacific
Coast. . , . .
Faenlty of Twenty Tenrners
Sew Balldlag Cosllna ST5OOU
First Annual Complimentary
Faculty Concert ,
Friday. Feb. 0, 'OO., 8;J5 piu
First M. K. Church, ' (SOth v
and Uuvruport Kc Omaha) '
all music stores, . entitling holder
to reserved seat up till i. p. in, .
tfter .00 p. id. aaaiisiilon without
reset. . , '.'... .
' The following luendiera of' the
faculty wll appear: Mnyts A, J.
Vernon 8fencer. plant!; Kdwin
Uowdon, baritone: Edmund Koer
stel. violinist; I II IT C. Oarrlson,
pianist; Ivor A. Thomas, organise
atria A 0