Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Bee Phones numbers
TVaslnrs ...... DoTjglna una
Circulation . . . .Douglas 197
Editorial DouglnaaOl
Bee Phones NUMBERS
lliihiitc ...... Dongla
Circulation .... Douglas KU7
Ktlitorlal IHniglaa 201
7, lPrxj-TEN PAGES.
Attorney General Principal Witnesi in
Trial of, Packer Cue.
Bays One Sentenoo li President'! Hot
. About Case Baa Been Changed.
eUtorneyi for Defense Objaet to Katter
Being Brought Beiore Jury.
. Miller, for the Parker, Brain
Reading Back of Tare Hundred
and Fifty Pages to
tho Jury.
CHICAGO. Feb. 6. United Btates Attor
ney General Moody took an active part
today la the trial of the packers' at a.
At the opening of court lie was called
upon by Attorney John 8. Miikr, who
represent Armour St Co., to produce the
original copy of a letter written to him
by Pretldont Roosevelt, or to admit thu
authenticity of a copy which Mr. Miller
produced In court.
The attorney general admitted the ac
curacy of ;he documont hs a copy, but
declared the clause In the letter which
the attorney of the packers construed u
meaning that the department of juHttce
and the department of commerce and labor
were working ou the case In unison ai
not correct. Ht assertion caused mutli
excitement among the attorney for the
' packers and they objected to the suite-
mont as being improper before the Jury.
L The letter was not offered in evidence, but
was marked for Identification. But three
witnesses were on the stand during the
day, and their evidence was not of general
Interest, relating n It did, entirely to' the
manner in which the agents of the gov
ernment examined the books of Nelson
Morris Co. and the Falrbank Canning
company. '
The -afternoon session of the court Was
in ken up by the reading to the court of
the Garfield report on the packing In
dustry, It in a document of 800 page.
Attorney General Moody Called.
Attorney General Moody was today
called on by the attorneys for the packers
to admit the authenticity of a letter writ
tun to ' blur by - President Roosevelt, In
which It ,vu plainly stated that the
Department of Justice and the Department
of Commerce were working together In
the packers' case and with the permission
of the president, or to produce the orlgiuui
of the document.
The attorney general declared that he
would admit J tho authenticity of the letter,
subject to Its verification by J. A. Krats,
his private secretary. The latter, as pro
duced In court by the attorneys for the
'MsfaletfhtiJrm- VvtnV" tile original' uoca
uient as it appeared In a published account
of the proceedings of the senate.
The attorney general read the letter and
then rose, to his feet. "If It pleases the
court," be said, "l feel It my duty, upon
reading this letter to say In regard to tills
sentence which It contains, 'with my
permission, the department of Justice and
the dopartment of commerce and labor'.
Is not correct."
All the lawyers for the packers rose to
their feet at the words of the attorney
general, several of them addressing the
court excitedly. "I would like to finish "
, nald the attorney general.
l)oi'nrt Sot la Evidence.
"1 understand that the attorney gen
eral merely assented to the authenticity
uf the document," sold Judge Humphrey.
Attorney Miller, for the packers, who
mtioe the request of tho attorney gon ial
to admit tbe. accuracy of the document,
aid not Introduce It In evldencu but had
It n.nmeu for Identification.
Tho cross-examination of C. M. McFar
lune. was then resumed by District Attor
ney Morrison. The questioning was di
rected toward the subsidiary companies,
which. It Is claimed by the government,
were the medium through which the con
trol of prices pn all products was effected.
Mr. McFnrlanc said that lie hud been
plewnt at a meeting of the directors of
the Oppenhelmer company as a representa
tive of one ot the easing men of the Full
hank Canning company.
' f'Dld that mun represent the Moiises?"
'l elon'l know. I have been there for
twenty years, but I don't know unything
about it." ,
The witness declared that the government
agent rximlned the hooks of the Aetna
Trading company and the Kenwood com
lfinV. hut Slid that he knew little about
ihe operations of the subsidiary companies.
At the conclusion of the cross-examina
tion the attorneys for the packers at
tempted fo prove the accuracy of the
books by Mr. McFarlane. but met ob.
Jertlons from the district attorney.
Darius N. Knight, chief clerk of the
figuring department of the Falrbank Can
ning company, was called to the stand.
The greater part of his testimony was
similar to that of the preceding witness,
Mr. McFarlane.
The direct examination of Mr. Knight
was brief and he was not cross-examined
by the government. Harry A. Tlmmons,
chief accountant for tho Falrbank Can
ning company, followed Knight on the
stand, and his testimony did not differ
materially from that offered by McFarlane
and Knight. At the' conclusion of Tlm
mons' evidence Attorney Miller asked per
mission to e.ffer in evidence for the pack
ers the Garfield report of March , line, on
the beef Industry. No objection was
offered and Mr. Miller commenced to read
the report which contains 360 pages.
"Are you going to read the entire book?"
askod the court.
"I so desire," replied Mr. Miller. "U
might aa well be now as at auy time."
"Well, you might as well sit down while
you read," replied the court.
The entire afternoon was occupied by
the reading of the report.
Mlssoarlaaa laveat la Gotham.
NEW TORK, Feb. l-Oa the most ex
pensive piece of ground in America, the
southeastern corner of Wall street and
Broadway, an eighuen-story building will
be erected, beginning next May, by St
Louis capitalists connected with the Mer
cantile Trust company of that city. The
building will be absolutely plain and of
steel end vitrified brick. The plat os )x4u
feet and cost fTiXUsO several months ago.
The building will coat S226.0u.
Children Barn to Death.
HELENA. Mont.. Feb. C. Three children
of J. B. Cv pher. girls, aged 1, I and 4 years
respectively, were burned to death In their
home six miles south of Big Timber last
right. The parents left the children alone.
When tbey returned the house was In ruins.
St. Petersburg 5irntp(rr Claim
They Art Preparing ta Jola
t m TER8BURG. Feb. 8,-The Novoe
tday continued Its revelations in
re, , -the Importations of arms Into
Fll e paper declared It had vi
rion be radical organisation In Fin
land t Sparing for open war In sup
port xt outbreak of the Russian
revolo. !,Not only were well armed
Infantl - being drilled, but horses
were bt - ted for cavalry and artil
lery ser '. shells for field artillery
were bel. "ted.
The stak j-- tn Novo Vremya are
undoubtetniorrect so. far as the 'Finnish
extremists are concerned, but the nation
alists, and even the social democrats or
ganization, disclaim any connection or
even sympathy with violent measures.
The appointment of General Langhoff,
former commander pf the Semlonovsky
regiment, to be state secretary of Finland,
the connecting link between the emperor
and the grand duchy, Is unsatisfactory to
the Flnlandera. General Langhoff, though
a native Finn, has been a lifetime in the
Russian service and haa no administrative
qualities. The governor of RJoerneborg.
who was the Finnish candidate for the
j state secretaryship, was rejected, although
his candidacy was supported by count
Wttte. '
Reports which have been In circulation
for several days to the effect that General
Orodekoff, who was governor of the Amur
irrlnrv itnrlnff the UnlpT linrlslno and
wbo became noted for his ruthless me
ures in restoring order In the Amur region
. . , i.- ..i. i
, ,i, .... .., ....j the I
uj vi tin I
land and sea forces, are seml-authorltit
tlvely confirmed. General Grodekoff. who
Is IS years old, and a member of the coun
cil of the empire, left St. Petersburg last
week for Harbin. General Llnrvlteh, the
commander of the Manchurlan armies, will
probably retire. His name, has been men
tioned In connection with the vleeroyalty
of the Caucasus.
Moroccan Police Force Mot to Ue
I'aed aa Political
ALGECIRAS, Spuln. Feb. . The discus
sion going on between the German and
French -tlelegates to the Moroccan confer-
ence begins to disclose their respective po- ,
sitlons and bow fur each side is willing to
yield on the main Franco-German question.
When France Indicated a desire to control
Morocco's police Germany objected on the
grounds that it would permit of France to
obtain complete political mastery of the
country- France has now sought to meet
this objection by suggesting certain guaran
tees limiting the scope of the police in such
a manner as to guard against their usu as
an instrument for France laying hands on
the Moroccan empire.
There Is reason to believe that the foreign
CapiUtl nave neeil nuunfil oi mi-re Kuniau- i
' t... ,. I
" " V , 1 " ' " " rT"
have responded favorably. However, Ger-
many doubt, the sincerity of Algiers and
police as contrary to the policy of the open
deor, the German conception of the 'open
door being that It should be a safeguard
against exclusive political a well as com
mercial advantages.
Delegates to flonma Will Re Selected
April T and First Meet I nit Will
Be Held April 2.
BT. PETERSRI'RG. Feb. 6. The.electlons
to the National Assembly are fixed for April
7. The opening session will take place April
W. April 7 Is the feast of the annunciation,
one of the great Russian holidays. The
three weeks' Interval between the elections
.,, - -
sembly Is the shortest time in which the
. un i i ,i
iv,i,i.rr. n. ."-...
mote localities could arrive here. The local
authorities have the privilege of beginning
the primary elections to choose delegates to
the electoral college ns soon as the election
districts are complete.
Bodies from Valencia Wreck.
VICTORIA. B. C.', Feb. .-Slx bodies of
the Valencia wreck victims have been
recovered, Including twelve brought In yes
terdaynine men and three women. Of
the former four have been Identified as O.
W. Inglehome of Ferndel, Wash.; Ous
Erickson of San Jose, H. M. Peters of Los
Angeles and Peter Glude of Brownvllle,
Wash. One of the others Is thought to be
the reireains of J. B. Montgomery, quar
termaster. FATAL FIRE IN
jyj lfY LA N D
Mne Negroes Born to Death
Flames Started hy a
RALT1MORE, Feb. About S o'clock
this morning an Isolated small frame house
near the village of Curtis Bay in Anne
Arundel county was consumed by fire. In
which were burned to death nine negroes,
only one of the inmates escaping alive. The
only Inmate who escaped with her life was
Ella Webster, a woman who managed to
get to a window and Jumped from the sec-
ond story to the ground. For a few mln-
uies aner sinning me grounu sne was un- j Crosse, Wis., the mercury fell to IS below
conscious, and on recovering made her way ; g(.10 and the extreme cold weather is In
to neighboring houses and gave the alarm. terfering with the running of trains, all
When the neighbors arrived the house trains being from ten to thirteen hours lute.
was a pile or Dlasing and smoking debris,
and when the bodies were recovered noth
ing but the charred bones of the victims
were left. According to a statement of the
survivor the fire was caused by one of the
younger children, who got up to stir the
lire In thu chimney place and accidentally
scattered coals on the floor.
Other Committee Work Prevent At
tendance of Qaoram ot Seaate
Elect loaa Committee.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 The resumption
of the hearings iu the caae of Senator
Bmoot before the senate committee on
privileges and elections, which was to have
begun today, was postponed until tomor
row. A large number of witnesses and
lawyers were present in the witness
room, but It was found at the last moment
that so many members of the committee
bad committee engagements that It would
be Impossible to maintain a quorum.
There wus evidently a disappointment
over the postponement on the part of the
people assembled. John G. Carlisle repre
sented the protestunts in place of Judge
Taylor, who apeared previously In the case.
As in the former hearings, 'a large number
of th spectators were women.
Mr. Tillman's resolution for an Investiga
tion of the CbJnsM boycott was adopted.
Bet. George Simmon of Peoria Take
Poiion and Diet at Borne.
Sensational Confessions from Boys
Affecting; Morals of Minister
Believed to Be Cnnso
, of the Sntclde.
PEORIA, 111., Feb". . Rev. George Sim
mons, pastor of the First Baptist church,
president of the Interstate havings bunk
and the People's Savings bank, and re
cently appointed manager ot the Yates sen
atorial campaign In Peoria county, was
found dead In bed this morning", tie has
. - ... ,. t I
banks, and hi. congregation on'th. gravest !
charges, and It is presumed to be a case
of suicide.
The body was found by his wife when
she called htm to breakfast. He had re
mained downtown until a late hour last i
night disposing of some business matters. ,
found beside him showed his d ath I
been premeditated. He said this .
A letter
to-have been premeditated. He said this."1 n..r,,.i,.,.,pWf WWn Bonnt Mr Jf.mmfi lt ,9 tated. has practically
was his last night on earth and wanted to I Ohio., He said he Imd received a large ; dwlded ,, R iarKe number of proseru
leave a message wf undying love to all. In J number of proxb from policyhold. rs In ; tlonB nnd , on)v awaltln(C th publicatioA
Part lt said' I jum tiie mm nutuni iire oi
"Also no blame must attach to ex-Gov- w Tork- Which, Wjlh the others he ex
ernor Yates nor his asBoclatrs. He simply ' P""8 to rt- and whirt? h 18 confident
gave mc an opportunity which his op- w'" col" lf the committee plan goes
my enemies have prevented
nly URng.
Tho last line. "Thai time fails me sliould
I attempt to write personal messages." in- !
., . . . . ....
uieuLes ne whs ovinu fia lie orooirnL mm
letter to a close ' I
letter to a close.
Three physicians who were hastily sum
moned arc of the opinion that death was
caused by cyanide of potassium. Coroner
Baker has taken clung') of the remains.
Tho People's Savings bunk, of which Sim
mons was president, in tho workmen's
quarter of the clly did not open Its doors l
this morninir. Cushiee txxik said It would
remain closed until some further action
was determined upon.
Ron on Bank.
There was a run on tho bank yesterday
and by 10 o'clock this morning a largu
crowd surrounded the building clamoring
for their money. The Interstate Havings
bank, of which he was president up to yes- ,
terday. when his resignation was accepted
and K. R. Hedrick elected iu his steitd, was
&U( obJect of yesU,rdllv and lo.
day. Early this morning the bank building
was crowded with depositors demanding
their money. Cushler Anicker said they
would be able tq stand the drain.
Dr. tilmmons came to the First BaDtist
church five years ago from Tcrre Haute,
Ind., and had been remarkably successful, j
He secured national publicity two years
ago by advocating a dramatisation of that
I i Ta a C'K.t.l t. l, n.unnA..-. .1 1 , I
" r' " "T . ""' "" I
, I State s Attorney Hclioles undertook un in-
, .... .
Btate s Attorney Hclioles undertook un in-
Kestlgatlon yesterday and secured some sen-
" , , I
i aUonal confessions f rom bu-a, of his con-.
ago and leave", widow. He held charges
in Texas, Jackson, Tcnn., and Louisville,
Ky., before coming here.
Bank Said to Be Nolvent.
No proof has been produced today to show
that the suicide was a defuulLer, although
the secrecy maintained by the orlio'.a of 111
private bank lias led to much uneasiness.
Mr. Simmons had little property himself,
nnd his estate in not expected to run above
,0. His, interest In the Interstate bank
was but $1,000. The Interstate bank suf- ;
fered withdrawals of tat, 000 today, but paid
all demands.
The coroner's inquest will begin at 10
, oYiorit Wednesday morning. The aiilopsy
prrfonned late tonight indicated cyanide of
potash poisoning,
ww-" nwniii mil L-rw
,.-,.,. n.o,,.. l,. 7.-.-., I. It erf
from Points In new
Vol k.
BT'ifriTrn -i i.-1!. a, r--ifi i.iu
' . ..' , ,
morning the mercury stands at 20V3 IkIow
aero. Yesterday's record of 28 below ot
8 a. m. was broken at Hibblng, Minn.,
where the mercury fell to 31 below.
BALLS-TON, N. Y.. Feb. 0. The tempera-
ture dropped to 2 b low sero here today.
HOME, N. Y.. Feb. 6. Northern New
York was today ewvpt by 1 cold wave,
ahich Involved greater hardship because of
the unusual warmtn of the winter thus
I far. Today was by far the coldest of the
I winter. One of the coldest points was at
1 Cumdcn, where 10 below was recorded. It
j whs 32 below lu this city. :to kt Nortlivllie,
! at l,,"""',0,vn' 1!t at Amsterdam .ind SO
tidSTOiN, rel. 6. A cold wave driven by
a high wind sent a shiver over New En,-
land tiMiay. The coldest point was at
Northllcld, VL, where the thermometer
registered 3 below sero. In this city and
on the coast generally It averaged 2 to 4
degrees below.
NEW YORK, Feb. .-Today was the
j coldest of the present winter in New York
City, the thermometer touching & above
sero. This was 1 degree colder than the
previous low record for the winter.
ST. PAUL. Feb. 6. Street thermometers
registered 10 degrees below lirre today i
degrees warmer than yesterday. At La
PITTSBCRO, Feb. 6. With the thermom-
eter registering 10 below xero, Pittsburg
today experienced the coldest weather of
the winter. Last night the police stations
were filled with the homeless and a gas
shortage in several sections of the city
caused much suffering. Colder conditions
are expected.
PLATTSBCRO. N. Y.. Feb. .-A tem
perature of 40 below sero was reached to
day from Loon lake in the Adirondack
Manufacturer Who .Break Law la
Displaying Good Are la Hand
of Pollen.
CHICAGO, Feb. (.Considerable friction
has developed between the local police and
the agents of automobile companies from
other cities who are exhibiting at the auto
mobile show now In progress in this city.
The agents, when desirous of showing the
good points of their automobiles to pros
pective customers, run out on the streets
and many of thein give speed exhibitions.
Every day since the commencement of the
show a number of them have been arrested
for speeding on the streets and for oper
ating without a city license. When ar
raigned In the police courta nearly all of
them bavo been fined, much to their disgust.
j senatorial campaign of former Governor ' of the American Tyra vFonndors' assocla
n Yates a week ago and shortly after serious j 11 ak.v'kdWARDs' i.f S:'nl
I stories affecting his morals were circulated. GEORijE '.V Bt'CJIANAN, accountant,
Ronton Man footers with Governor
Cnmmlna Heanrritng Insnrnuee
In vetlgaoa In town.
DES MOINES. la.. Fab. l-Thomas W.
Lawson of Boston . today called on and
Invited Governor Albert B. Cummins to
serve with four other distinguished re
formers of America on a committee to
which he will turn over tils New Turk Life
and Mutual Life of New York proxies
and which he asks to vattend tho coming
annual meetings of these two companies
for the -purpose; of electing good, honest,
sound, business men,.ifls directors.
Governor Cummins replied that he would
consider the proposition, and after a con
ference with -Governor Johnson of Min
nesota, one of the otuif members, would
make definite answer.''
The conference betitwn Mr. Lawson and
Governor Cummins wa held In Governor
Cummin's private office at the state hous'
M.r; w" " . compi.nled by E. J,
Rldgeway, on of the publishers of Every
body's Magazine, 4n which Mr. Lawsuit's
story, "Frensled Finance" appeared.
Mr. Lawson told Mr.' Cummins that the
other member of the committee will be
Governor Johnson of - Minnesota, S"nator
LaFollette of AViseonsiri. George Braward !
f Florida, and ex-Att.frney General Monett
tnrougn, win give pun control ot ootn
companies. :
The proxies s re
tn'.. worded that
Lawson cannot tote tmtn Himself.
mini turn them vAr"h a mmn,ltt,w. r.t
- -- -- .- ...
unquestionably lesrmfM.
men to he rep
resented by him. whlcti commit teu will at
tend tho annual nie thigs and vote the
proxies. y'
Mr. Lawson also told J(lr. Cummin that
he desired the eoinmltti-o lo take steps
to have the, New York statutes amended
to miw a miijonvj ui uic-, oireciors oi me
At present less man a majority are elected
each year.
Lawson addressed
th"' lowit legislature
this morning by rfpcclul. Ilivllnllon, niul de
livered one of his chara,.UTistlculIy pointed
l but brief speeches on th josurancu investi-
atlon al)cj controversy,
. . '
rniip VII I Cn TtJ IMIHRPn
UUK MLLtU. ,1 tN llJUHtU
Rear-End Collision Between Pas
senger Trains rpr Brlilul
i ' Veil. Oregon.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. . Four persons
were killed and tet were :mtire or less seri
ously Injured In the cclllsion today on the
Oregon -Rnllroud and NavUtion company's
line nesr Bridal Vell Ore.
The'dead: -', ' i
T . l.-.'ll ' J ..... , J . 1
7 V V;l,i,J-
i-ortmna. ; ,-
The more- jterlfmnly. lii)ird: - . . .. ,
- ,,rf; wHlla.' Wash.: bad!
James J. Ffussell, F. is
Oakland, . Cal.;
ImiUy Injured: may die. i
F,n'jine r Swnin of No.-,
scalded, not nerious.
Passenger tralu No. 5. known as the Pa
cific Express, from Chicago, ran into the
rear of passenger train No. 3, known as
the Spokane-Portiond Special, which was
standing on the main track with a dls-
nhled engine. The rear Pullman car on
the Spokane-Portland special was badly
wrecked. The other curs were not en badly
wrecked, while almost the only damage
done to the rear train was to the engine.
The Pacific Express was lute and was
making up time. At rtriilal Veil the engine
of No. S broke down and an effort was be
ing made to repair the breik. Binkemen
were sent out. with the customary signals,
but through some mishap the heavy train
!'" not slopped In time and crashed Into
1 rear car of the stnillnir train.
From advices received nt the division su
perintendent's office in Portland an Injector
pipe on the enirine of train No. 5 ruirst
when Engineer Swain tried to stop it. The
' scalding steam drove the two engine men
from the cab before Inev could stop the
i 1
I ,rn,n
Corpse Discovered ct ltiianouv, Va.,
Identified an that of Pitts,
bnrg; Bnuker.
PlTTSBl'RG. Feb. 6. The badly decom-
posed body of . a m;:n with u biillethole.
through his head, which was found jester -
day lu ti . thicket on the outskirts of
Roanoke, Va., Is lelicvcd
to le that of
cashier of the
1 muriey t . ai mfci 1 oiik, ine
" ....... ......... ....
! ,,usl uixapp. ar.Hi ironi miw cny on .ianu-
nry 2. I he Identincatloii wan made possi
ble early today when the number, 243,211,
attached to a bunch of kejs which were
found on the body was identified us tile
j number of the accident insurance policy
carried by the missing cashier.
Mr. Armstrong's wife and four children
were prostrated on hearing the news. Since
his disappearance they have hotted he
would come back safe, and the news of
iiis death was a great shock to them.
Mr. Armstrong was well known In bank
ing circles In this city and bad held re
sponsible positions for twenty years.
Notwithstanding the fact that his ac
counts were found to be entirely correct,
many of the foreign depositors of the bank.
becoming frightened at his prolonged ab
sence, withdrew their money, but tiie de
posits from others fur exceeded the amount
withdrawn and confidence was quickly re
Mrs. Armstrong, the cashier's wife, de
clared it was her belief that her husband's
mind had become deranged from overwork
and auxiety.
Approximately Oae and One-Half Mil.
lloa Dollar Will Be Spent
In Ohio.
CANTON, O., Feb. 6. Announcement is
made here that a contract was let by the
Wabash Railway company Monday for the
construction of the Bollvar-OrrvUle cut-off
of twenty-two miles. The price Is 14&0.0u0
and work is to begin within ten days. It
Is gtven out that a contract for the con
struction of the new shops of the company
at Justus, O., for which a large tract of
land has been purchased, will be let In a
short time. The outlay for the shops and
yards is estimated at Il.0n0.000.
It Is admitted by railroad officials that
the Sugar Creek & Northern railroad, a
corporation recently organised under th
laws of Ohio, is a Wabash project. The
contract for a cut-off awarded Monday is
given tn the name ef the Sugar Creek 4k
District Attorney Will Present Insurance
Fraadi to Grand Jury.
Witnesses Instructed to Be Ready
to Appear Thursday Cost
of In vestlaatlnar the
NEW YORK, Feb. 6. Witnesses In one of
the life Insurance cases under examination
by the district attorney's office were today
notified to be in readiness to appear before
the grand Jury on Thursday. This will be
the first active step taken by District At
torney Jerome in the prosecution of life In
surance officials. It indicates abandonment
on the part of Mr. Jerome of his original
plan to have an extraordinary grand Jury
Impanelled for the special consideration
!f life insurance eases. Whether an extra
ordinary grand jury will be Impanelled
later depends on the number and character
of the cases which the district attorney
shall decide on aa deserving of criminal in-
Mr j
of the report of the legislative Investigating
committee for the additional light it will
throw upon some of the matters Involved.
Investlaatlon Are Expensive.
Seclal Investigations of the Equitable
I Life Assurance society within a year have
cost that corporation more than l.W,0On. ac
cording to a statement authorised today by
Paul Morton, president of the Kquitahle.
who added ihat while these Investigations
1 had been exceedingly expensive, tltey hnd
j been worth to the policyholders more than
they hnd conf. H was reported in life In
surance circles that the bills rendered by
chartered uccountunts employed last sum
mer by Mr. Morton to Investigate the so
ciety's affairs amounted to about t-TT&.uuO.
"That would he an over statement," said
Mr. Morton, "tt Is true, however, that
their services have been expensive. lt
must be remembered that this task has en
gnged the services of seventy men here for
six months. This, together with sfiec ial ex
renditures of a similar nature, collectively
have amounted to between $3i0, and I0i.
UOU." Begin Work on Mntunl.
Having just completed their Joint exami
nation of tho New York Life company, the
Insurance superintendents of Wisconsin.
New York, Kentucky, Tennessee nnd Ne
braska, It was stated today, have practi
cally determined to begin nt an early day
a similar Inquiry into the affairs of the Mu
tual life Insurance company.
Former Pennsylvania Commissioners
May Be Charged with
. HARRISRI RG.. Pa., Feb. 8.-eThe legisla
tive Investigating committee, which has
been inniiii-inr into tho .methods e.mnloved
in., rhv srtie.nstmtrW vif pattwetia.TH"0
senled Its report lo the senate and .house
this afternoon.
The commltleo in ltn report calls the at
tention nt Governor l'eiinyparker and At
torney General Carson to the testimony se
cured by It which may tend to establish
malfeasance In office on the part of former
Insurance Commissioners Luper. I-amlicrt
ami Durham.
The committee, further recommends that
all the employes of the Insurance depart
ment be salaried. .
The report details the amounts received
In fees by the different insurance commis
sioners during their respective terms of
orilee. According to these figures Commis
sioner Luper received In his three-year
term llti.422 and Commissioner Lambert In a
four-year term t".ifn. In Commissioner
Duilmm's term of five years J. Clayton
Krh. who was acting ns actuary, wss given
141."-." in fees. The records showed that
only $ was paid direct to Durham him
self. 1 tRllOLITC fJC IflRflR IN PflllRT
Hayes Faction of Soelety la Re
strained from Holding fieneral
Assembly Meeting.
WASHINGTON, Feb. . Justice Ander
son. In equity court No. 1 yesterday, signed
sn Injunction against the Hayes faction
of the Knights of Labor. John W. Hayes,
Isaac H. Sanderson, Isaac D. Chnmbcr-
j lain. Henry A. Heckmeyer and Michael T.
I Judge are restrained as individuals and as
, alleged officer of the Knights of Labor
I from injuring, destroying or in any wise
disposing of the records of the order: from
calling or holding any meeting of the gen
eral assembly of the order pending the
determination of the quo wsrranto pro
ceedings on the law side of the court.
The defendants named may not, accord
ing to the injunction order, effect a change
of parties to the controversies involved er
receive any monies from the members of
the order, or disbursing the same without
keeping accurate hooka of account. The
restraining order is not to go into effect
until the complainants file an undertaking
to be approved by the court
Federal Circuit Court I'pholda Right
of Indianapolis to Buy
CHICAGO. Fell. 6.- Purchase of the gas
plant of the Consumers' Gas Trust company
of Indianapolis, Ind., by the city of Indian
apolis for municipal ownership purposes is
declared to bo legal In an opinion given
here today by the t'nlted States circuit
court of appeals. The decision reverses the
decree of the district court in Indianapolis
restraining the city from purchasing the
plant of the gas company, ii.e franchise of
which has been terminated. Today's de
cision of the court of appeals Is In an
auxiliary proceeding, in which the city of '
Indianapolis asserted the right to become
the exclusive purchaser of the gas plant
Maay Conferences Held Preliminary
to Opening of Satloaal Cob.
veatloa Today.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 6 As the number of
delegates arriving Increases there Is multi
plication of conferences looking to the per
fecting of details of matters to come before
the thirty-eighth annual convention of the
National Woman fluff rage association, the
regular sesaion of which commences tomor
row. The business committee waa in ses
sion practically all day, and at a meeting
of the executive committee held tonight its
recommendations were received and the
plan of work ot the oonventloa wag ooo-aldered.
Fair anil Warmer Wednesday.
Temperatore at Omntm Yesterday!
. . 12
. . 11
. . lO
. . n
1 .
2 p.
a p.
4 p.
R p.
T p.
It a. m,
A a. m ,
7 a. ni.
s S. IS,
ft a. m.
10 a. m,
11 a. in,
13 m....
Men Detected In Act of Firing Honse
Occupied by ontn Dakota
MI NOT. N. D.. Feb. . The village of
Portal Is greatly excited over what appears
to have been a deliberate attempt to burn
a home and cremate Its nine Inmates.
The scene was at the home of Lee Olson,
foreman of the 8oo roundhouse. Sheriff
John Lee of Ward county also lives there,
and the plot. It is thought, was against
Olson was awakened at 1 o'clock this
morning by the sound of someone boring
beneath his bedroom window. Jumping from
bed he saw three men outside, who started
to run away when they saw Olson. The
latter awakened Sheriff Lee, and tho tw
started In pursuit. After a running fight
one man, who gave his name as Howard
Smith, was captured. Another man was
shot by Olson, but escnped. lie was found
later at a hotel on the Canadian side. Jt
proved to be William Coyne, and the Can
adian authorities turned him over tn the
American offWr. Rolh men were brought
to Minot. Coyne's condition is critical.
On examination It was discovered that the
men had bored a hole through the side of
the house. Resides this there was n large
can of gasoline. It Is thought by both the
sheriff and Olson that the men Intended to
pour the gasoline Into the hole and then set
fire to the house In the hone of cremating
the sheriff, who last we, k caused the nr
rest of eleven Portal gamblers.
Many threats of lynching have been made.
Contest with Divorced Wife
Custody of Adopted Little
T.KWIBTON. Mont.. Feb. .-(Speelal Tele
gram.) Habeas corpus proceedings insti
tuted by William 8. VanDusen, an Omaha
business man, against Ills divorced wife,
Minnie VanDusen, In which he seeks to re
cover a 2-year-old child adopted by them
Jointly prior to the divorce, has been heard
by Judge Cheudle and taken under advise
ment. The woman was located here by
VanDusen after a long search. He claims
that under the decree of the Nebraska
court the woman was forbidden to take the
child from that Jurisdiction. The defense
asserts there is nothing In the decree lo
warrant such a 'conclusion, and that the
little one, not being a child of the parties,
cannot be taken from her and turned over
to her former husband. - If the . little one
w,as actually the child 6f the parties they
are doing, i
In Xew York Town and Waiting for
Wo unn Who Evidently ni.
appointed Hlni.
R1NGR AM TON. N. Y.. Feb. . (Special
lciegram.j-iimnias Biara or uneans. .nod..
. . . n. . . n . ...
was found lying on the floor of a room In
the Hotel Holahaii at I'nadllla yesterday
with a 44-ealibre revolver bullet through his
head. A few days previously he had re
ceived a package from T. M. Shea of Or
leans, Neb., who he said was his closest
friend. IIC had lieen expecting a woman
from Omaha and left directions at the hotel
that should she arilve he he told without
disclosing to her the fact that he was In
the house.
According lo his statements he had Hied
In Nebraska forty years, and was worth
$.r.0iHi in Nebraska real estate. The remains
have been held waiting Instructions from
Nebraska relatives.
Boston Concern Can No Longer
Transact Business in State of
Massachusetts. '
BOSTON, Feb. 6. A temporary injunction
restraining the Hanover bank of this city
from doing further business in this state
was issued today in the equity session of
the Massachusetts supreme court.
A representative of the attorney general's 1
department Informed the court that the
condition of the Institution was hazardous
and that public necessity required that it
lie rioseq. ine injunction is tne result of 1 obtain k1 would be sufficient lo tide the de
an Investigation into the bank's affairs. I partment over until next fiscal year. It ta
Foster Hooper, vice president of the In- believed Secretary Wilson Mill see the ine
stitutinn. was arrested here on the charge
of using the malls to further a conspiracy
to derraun. tne arrest oeing made on a
bench warrant Issued by the I.'nlted States
district court of New Jersey.
Solicitor for Fads and Fancies
Teatlflee Against Town Topics
NEW YORK. Feb. O.-Moses E. Wooster.
solicitor for "Fads and Fancies," - was a
witness in the hearing of th case against
Colonel W. D. Mann, editor of Town Pop
lcs, who is charged with perjury.
Wooster testified that he taw Colonel
Mann write the characters "O. K." arid
"W. D. M." on a letter written by Count
Reginald Ward. Colonel Matin's denial in
the Hapgood libel trial that he wrote these
characters on the letter forma the basis
of the perjury charge against him.
W. L. Daniels, secretary-treasurer of the
Town Topics Publishing company, testified
that the company hud a free list.
Movement of Oeean Vessels Feb. H.
At New York Arrived: Pleucher, from
Hamburg; Vaderland. from Antwerp: Prlnx
August William, from Hamburg. Sailed:
Kaiser Wllhelm der Grouse, for Rremen;
Prlnzessln Victoria Louise, for St. Thomas:
Georgia, for Naples; Deulchland, for
At Antwerp Arrived: Zeeland, from New
York, via Dover.
At Bremen Arrived: Neckar, from New
At Chrtstlansand Sailed: Oscar II. for
New York.
At Trieste Arrived: Carpathia, from New
At Genoa Arrived: Brasl!, from New
At Cardiff Sailed: Massachusetts, for
New York
At Indun Arrived: Jason, from Ta
coma: Maine, from New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Laurentlun. from
At LiverpiHil Arrived: Mont fort, from Bt
Johns. N. B. : Victoria, from New York.
Sailed: Devonian, for Boston; lvernla, for
At Southampton Arrived; Miunatonka.
trow Nw York.
Object to Having tost of Inspection
to: vice Thrown on Ihem.
Congreesmm Kennedy Bestirs Himself to
Becnre an Appropriation.
Beady Letter Writer of the titilroadi Fall
Into ImpoT ant Error.
gelsed- and Thrown ta Jail n
Arrival In Constantinople and
Then Discharged With
ont Explanation.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Congressman ' Kennedy is deter
mined. If such n Chlng be possible, to secure
as Inrge an appropriation for meat Inspec
tion at the pucklng houses as w-ns carried
In Inst year's agricultural budget and to
emphasize in some way the necessity for
continmd inspection hy the government.
Flnce the failure of the efforts put forth
hy himself and Mr. Pollard ' when tho
urgency deficiency bill was before the house
lo secure an Increase in the appropriation
reported by the committee on appropria
tions, to the end that Secretary Wilson
might put on an additional force Of In
spectors to meet present demands, Mr.
Kennedy has been insistent that something
should be done for the farmer. By reason
of his ine.ulrles be has leurned that there
la n feeling ninong seme of the members
on the agricultural committee that the
packers should pay for the inspection
Instead of asking the government to do It.
This is so foieign to what was Intended
by the law that Mr. Kennedy has been
stirring himself for the last few days lu
nn effort to counteract this Influence.
"An inspection on the part of the packers,
where they pm up the money for Inspec
tion purposes, would not create confidence
ubroad," said Mr. Kennedy today. "The
stamp of the government agent Is the only
stamp recogt'lzed. If we should permit
the packers to do their own Inspecting I
have grave doubt lf any of the foreign
governments would accept our meats and
ruin would stare both the packers and the
farmers in tho face? It Is part of the
business of the government to see to It
that the meats that go from our parking
houses nre In prime condition and, that
the Inspection complies with the require
ments of foreign countries."
Protest from Keuroa.
Mr. Kennedy today received from W. J.
C. Kenyon, manager of the t'nlon stock
yards at South Omaha two Important tele
grams. One notifies him that resolutions
passed ycstenlay by Ihe SouttJ . Omah., ',
Llvo Stock exchange, urging the eommltt "
niffrtaiuMraWt t r,iataojaiTWJoPMtton - i
for' paying the oust' we fcispecitou gsiiere.
... -I. '!. . inA K.. it, m.lla tn Ct .ln.
man Wadsworth of the agrtfuirtttiU m
mlttce. The other te'egram was us follows:
I have Just wired you n copy of the reso
lutions passed hy the Live Wtock exchange.
My understanding is taut the government
is now considering the question of inspec
tlcn exiei'sc, which footed up last year to
something like fViO.ouo. ami that there Is a
disposition to saddle this expense upon the
packers, permit ine 10 can your aueniion
f0 tllp f,.t ,h;U , the pl(.Rent time the
puckers purchase live stock treeiy upon an
markets, nnd that lt Is not possible to de-
tect by nn exterior exumiuai 1011 luoerou
IobIs In catile nnd numerous other diseases
in hotrs and shee; until a iKst-mortem
examination ha been had. In the mean
time the. packers hnve purchased and pild
for the animal outright, and when the
animal Is condemned by the government
in the packing house the packer has no
recourse 011 the Keller, lf. however, the
expense of maintaining the inspectors hi
the packing houses is shouldered upon the
packers It will result In the loss of con
demned slock reverting back to the shipper,
as the picker cannot afford to assume
the malnlainance ot inspection cxpensen
and stand the enormous loss which he is
now subject to by reason of post-mortem
examinations bringing to view disease thst
were not apparent, to the eye upon vlsua'
examination. Why should the packer b
compelled lo pav for nn examination of this
kind which is In tho lino of the pure food
commission? H would be class legislation
puro.nnd simple.
Wndsnorth Promise Action.
Tills telegram was shown to Mr. Wads
worth by Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Wadsworth
said that In all probability the agricultural
committee would favor the present svstem
of government Inspection at government eg.
pense. Mr. Wadsworth further said that lf
Secretary Wilson would abandon' certain
lines of work which be has mapped out for
his department th money thuii saved could
i be used for continuing the present iuspec-
' tj(l rivlce without seriously Interfering
j w),n packing Interests, and the money thus
portanre of thin statement and act accor
Bede Relactant to Como.
Congressman J. Adam Uede o( Minnesota,
one of the great oramrs of congress, is re
luctant to go to Omaha on February U to
participate in the celebration of the Mc
Kinley club, although he will bo in Peoria
on February 22. However, It is believed
Congressman Kennedy will land Mr. Bede
for the evening of February 24.
Letter Writer In Rrror.
Letters which are coming from railway
employes in Nebraska to members of the
Nebraska delegation and which appear to
be written by the same typewriter and on
the same quality of paper make on very
serious mistake. They all, or nearly all,
urge the delegation to vote against tho
Esch-Townsend bill. As a matter of fact,
there Is no Esch-Townsend bill pending he
fore congress. That bill died with the close
of the fifty-first congress. The Hepburn
bill has taken the place of the Esch-Townsend
hill, embodying many of the features
ot the former measure, and bears the nam
of the chairman of the interstate and for
eign commerce committee of the house.
This explanation ta made to set right the
Clever letter writer who la undoubtedly
connected with the railroad headquarters
in Omaha.
Calling the Turk to Tim.
Two Americun women bavo been so bru
tally treated recently in Constantinople
that Secretary Root has taken necessary
steps toward securing redress. A short
time ago Miss Anna Snyder, a member of
a prominent family of Cedar Rapids, la.,
and Miss Elsie Stern, daughter of Judge
Stern of Buffalo, N. Y-, took a trip t
I Europe with a party of friends. Whea
tney reacneo ucriiu tr.ey to extent
their trip to Constantinople, where other
friends were aaalttrg them. The,' wera
provided with riassport which hud beta
properly vised by the Turkish representa
tives, yet immediately upon reaching tho
Turkish capital they were seised by gen
dartuee and bustled, off to prison, iln