Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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tiirirti" EadetTCT Uaict Ctltbr.ta lis
"lraaati ar-aMlaaal bare la
Cawaleat ay Iate-rea' l.lsteaer
ta tb- AMmwa' aa kr
' Fiela1 e-r-tarlr.
WT-flia't"n of the "hri1ian Endeavor
c4etT f observed Monday evenlrg at
tb pljuifiuih Con-r-gationl church. undT
th upnir"f of the Christian Endeavor
union of Omaha. Tb proceeding -r i
Wg-jn with a b nonet In tle lerture. room
of the rhurch. which was attended by
nearly y person. v The Iwrnuet bog-an at
' M and comprised four or five course.
tw-mlnating with to cream, cake and
In the meanwhile the church had filled
with other Endvorer and tbe m-allrg
rapacity nf the rfcarch wa tad to the
utmott to accommodate the crewd.
Arthur Chase, president of the Omaha
hr)tln Endeavor tiniofe., acted aa master
f ceremonies, and after devotional excr
ij lnlrodur-ed William HardoaMh of
Irfacoln. UMil e-retry of the. Nebraska
"hntlan r.Ti6vi scr1atl"n. mho told
f the work of tbe ocity In tbe state.
He Mid: .
T Christian llndeavor association in
Vabrasieii t not iiy any inesr. "m"
afirjety at York reports an increase f 4H
i"r cnt during tl nion'b of January arid
t enTth of Jannnrv .met efnaed a r-en I
with In ( nrtciiio r.nd-nvor iro'k t
rtr 1 In rt three eat! Ninety-nine in-r I
"nt of tre rnenibern of tlie eceltl
of the
"tate are ap faithfMl to th'ir !!
the nemh:r tl tie fhurrh are to iheit
i! .in. Iei fre-lhy ae th t-T,t-
Ifth rnlvrry if the tiirth of the "hri- i
tjan KnJeuvor riiovem'nt. ml.irh hud it i
!! ptirn a.ih Tr. t'lark m Willmton hur ii
at "ortland Me., and a-hal a aork it hF !
aorimptfhe'd lr that uuarter nf a ventury. I
Oraarfb f tar farlrty.
Hoea Johnpn of "nir:ha wini !'eeir:i
tenor eolo and Rev. A. K K'pf"rd or I j
M'Hne. fieM aet retry of th'- Clinrtiaa Et.-
tvnr t'nl'in aenfw lmioii tif 1'iaa, 'p;!
brbfly upon the p'nral a-ork of the aoci' ty
in that tte. IT" mid In part:
No tnwTmenl fn tbe htitory of the wot Id
hap done fnore tor the ufitiuiidlns ef ioti P
'ork than ha h- ,(irioiiaa K!id vor t f
Krotn nn hJme 1 glnninc of r tlian 1
, weni-tn- year i(i it pnv lir rT.i -
ai" and t.(.ivn. menhir. What femp n-
ioii potmlalittea yet lie before thi ornani
Katior. I rm In faorii letting the Endeavor
l4edge etand c it if YW rar.tiot iniprre
uaon or take from the iron- towd pledge "
Ita infl'ienr-e i teit amuod the aorld. It
ha taken th young man and the young
a-omaji and made them the itrotigM fa
ter in our ohurchip. It ha gone din
and lifted up the children Into active work
era tor tjod'n ktnrdom. It har built up a
mighty f'hrlMtnn eitigenahip.
A Tnotion prevailed that the greUiiga of
the Omaha union nhoutd tie nt to the
nie-etttig of the Natiitnal Iiard oi Trjw- I
which convene in New York Tuesday even-
ing for" the purpose fixing the time 6J1J
plaoe for the next national meeting
Tbt: Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Pcxiety of
knM.ian Endeavor award'-d the prize i
aanner for the largest attendance at the
meeting, there being thirty out of thirty
thre. members of th society present.
The thank of th tnikin were tendered to
those, whose effort bad made the meeting
a ucoes and to the ladies who serve the
ha ncut .
The recejijui for tie memorial fund aeie
leponed a being up la this time
!low-ing the c'ose of the addrese an
ififormal reception wa tend rd the peai
er. the affair ekwlng atmut 11 o'clock.
MaMea ( e af ew Diatrlr JLtlmrnrr
. laralte large PaatatBrc
aaey Uratr.
The first enpWint lor infraction of the
federal law pa orn out by Vnited Slate
rirV-t Attorrev Chaile A. Vs wa
tiled Mijriday afier.ioon agalnFt William H
"tinninghant. who is alleged to have forged
a pom office, ni'.mey tndr for 110 and ap
propriated the tirooeed to his own uw.
The order wa iwm 4 by the portofflor at
Hawthorn, Nev a.nd made payable to
Q. n. p.aker of Omaha The date of the
order was August a. 16. The order
obtained in Crrraha five day later. It ia
all4red. by tu'it.uithfcni. The1 letter con
taining the money order was received at
trie armory of on- of tue Omaha militia
oompanies for IUikT. but by some than:
fen into CunntnghKij hands with the re
sult alleged. The matter was place in the
band of prist office lnvpe"Ur A, J. Moin
for invftur.itloM. n suiting In the arrert
' ttt CumitDhani two or three days ago.
Ctinliirham HI hae his hearing before
Vnlted State C'immistiioiier Anderson
Tuea-day morning at 16 o clotk.
ratraas Tfcraar rataaa at tha Bark
Mar aad Praprleia Kire
An ecite1 voice uifortued the polu-e over
the teu phone at ! 10 o Uk k last night
that somen tie wa shooting un the saloon
at Twrnty-aintlv and Cuming street amH
ttt tilood was flowing froeiy. All avail
able ofrk-e-- at Ihe atauon were bundled
into tb aatrol w ajrea and went on a callop
to the plai. Arrlvirg there, they were told
that 3tke and Tnan Vaughn, brothers, hud
been In tbe aaloan of Henry Totiey and,
without apparent ra'vocction, begun to
i -ajar a distaruaoca, tlirow itig cuspidor and
chair about. One of tbera hur)4l a chair
.at the hack bar among the botUea. but was
not sufficiently proficient as a salons
amaeher ta do rourb damage. However,
faney became solicitous for the safety of
f I -Any kitKl vua want wiH 1 delivered promptly and well ar-iieejel.
I Tou name the coal and we will Vell-o wagop it out to your piaoe ol
I I atHl m vght y quick.
i Among cor Wler r: 1. BCUII-MH Nt"T. I. EOONuMY NTT l
i I tk . t7..HK GRATE. 1
J FIRST -S4.50 TON i
( I A tea! wociooucaj r-jal for otxiking. Man) use it, aotl a maue I
I I ate pleas-d. 1 ,
Nemi evfary one know !-iiDomy Washed Nut Coal. Xu iiir.ket J
I 1 No waste Just coal. ! x.aL j j
Tne Oaatk Arkansas Anthraetle a winner. Try it for furiiatv
v"- Sundfirland Brns. Pn.
V -.WW. WW. f .
X BOB Hamt7 St Pfaene 252 S
Hara Sine 1SS9 S
rir-r,eif rod ptTcr tw 1b rora nd r
iurM a mnlrT. which be 11 red twice, but
ero of the he--' her naught hi arm and
the bt V- 5ect only in U wall and
D. Blurneothai, a tixarby grocer, bearing
the dial urbanee. rave tbe alarm. When
the poiicw arr.-i-eJ nothing wa to be seen
of the to-other Vaughn. N on had b-cn
Injured In tbe tnelee and liule dimi? wa
laa! Baaker eearrt Iecree
af earaltaa la IMrlrt art
m ilmil at flat.
Fliiniui 6uno-r. the Bloomflcld banker,
was given a df re of divorte from Alice
M. Punder at S.' MoridRV aftmoon t'j-
Troun. The 6rm ; c-ram-d on
Mr Paondvrp oron-r tit ion In the aim
b"nin by hia wife. Mm. Saundfia a not
prer'-nt duilng t?e tnking of t-f tlrmnv.
but aa TTVrn-l by her attorn''. T. J.
Mhonv. ho amt-d to ihe decree a
it had bn pirred br Gjrl A Wo.k3
roucrh. hc revreented Mr. Snund-r.
Tliere U no jrorirton for alimony in the
decree, though It la wild an agreement
4ravn -up out of ceart provides her aith
an alloaanoe of atwut e.V a month.
Mr. Panndera a the principal altnew
emmlned and lie detailed tho rjuiei of
th"tr marital unhapplne. He said hla
alfe had teen reared very rtrirtlv by tier
pr-tiU and had mt te-en allowed many
lfbertiea. Aft'T thir marriage, in W.
le had provided tier with a literal allo-w-anr-e
and the r-nri' tjona ftie hJ t- n
tinder '? telal. He lhied thia had
turned ber head and rajaed her to d"
... . ,r
- -- i- m
field talk about her. W bin he remon-
F:ralr ,jtf, i.r 8n4 told her abojt tli
giKKip lie vm causing, he iid. Plie
moulO a newer. "lt the old hcii talk!"
Tie said Fhe ap in the habit of laying
out very lae at night and a hen he pressed
her for an spla nation he would f J i:.lo
I hynerlea. He frat kly told Judge Troup it
' would be impofoitile for him to live with
hi wife Bgm tie entered a general de
nial to tl, chargi made in lu wift pt ti
tlon. Only one other witnea M examined,
Mr. MfTv of Creighton, who tititi'id
k had knuan Mr. P jno-r for a tiuiutier
of years and kn w he did not ii intoxi-
catir.g liquors to exceMS. at- cuarg-d. No '
witness were examined lor Mrs. Saun
ders. The settlement of the w was anw
thing of a surprise to those who bae toi- plight to have 1h same thing J hata
lowed the development in it. Serious l no doubt but the Auditorium could be com
charges were made on lioth sio. but U j pletety filled with exhibits and we oould
was the understanding that all of these ' draw visitor from all parts of the state.
ahould be withdrawn except the general
charge of cruelty made by Mr. baunuer.
The decree of J udge Troup doe pot nn n
tiun any specific ails of cruelty cm either
Judge Troup also granted a decree of
divorce to Nellie Hn'f'C. who sougM lgu.l
s'liaration from Jotm
Haegen on
was awarded
I ground of cruelty. Phe
ustc1y of the two children. ilUdred and
Evyhn, and he is required to pay her
a week alimony and K attorney fee.
Juflge 8-ars grajited a divorce to Sadie
Seeholts, who charged Frank Peeholts with
aliandonmcnt for over two years.
Ella Folding ha filed a petition for di
vorce from James M. Holding, to whom ?e
ill married In Council Bluff In Novemtier.
luti. Bha charge him with cruelty, non
support and desertion and ask for the
custody of their one child.
Ella S. Hale makes several peoific
i chnrgc of cruelty in her petition for a di-
i in ii"iii ' i j . jiBir. Dur ttnvri
that he lKked her in the cellar all night
one night and that he allowed his brother.
wba is mentally weak. to tr ber. Fh1
alo nay be mode her work so hard her
health gave way under the strain. They
were married In Norton. Kan.. June 4. 1KS2.
and have one child, which he wants pluoed
in her care-
(aat lltrier Eiperle4 at MrH
las at Miartkara Breesert'
aeaciat iaa.
L. C. 1-iweoii of Clatks. Neh.. presid-fil of
the Cenfal Shorthorn r.Tcders' assiK-ia-tion.
arrived at Omaha yesterday afternoon
and is stopping at tlw Millard hoK-l He
i here to attend the ninth aiiiiual ni'-eting
of the association, which open at the Mil
Uird tcniay. "t'p to 1w enty-four hour
ago," said Mr. Urwn last night, "ti e
prospect for a record-breaking attendance
t the annual convention were Wight, but
the weaJher since that time causes some
tiiiHgiviug. For my own part were it not
for this meeting I would J at home now.
Tbe Ftonnv and cold weather bring mar
new care for tocknien and it is possible
that some will not venture away to be with
ua. Another unfortunate circumstancv is
that an important sale will be held on the I In auto led to painful accident, but Buck
same days at Marysrilte, Mo., and aorr.e ' len'a Arnica Selve auickly healed ail
breeder will be drawn there. A a rule ! wouttds. lie: guaranteed". For sale by
the date are fixed so as not to interfere
with any event and I do not know how- it
bappem-d that the promoter of the sale
failed to notice the convention date, ptill
I e?xpe-t a good attendance, a good" aa any
we have bad, and iierhap liefer. We will
have men of high standing from all parts of
the territory represented in the asmv lation.
It is ioftble that Mr. gander of tb- Breed
ers' Gapette. Chicago, will lie unable to ui-icpd-
I understand, a he ha tieti mdie
kisi1 recently and -upon ttir advice of his
physician, nvay have to stay at home and
later take a trip to Cuba for his liealth."
The convention begins it deliberation In
eiuarter provided at the M,flard botel thi
morning and will continue throughout the
day and tomorrow. A big hanquet will ba
held this evening which will 1 the crow-Q-Ing
number cm the program.
LnUrpT.M u TiTored bj Ixpottau ef
Ctnr.HieiTAl Is'trsitj f Dica.
Lrt teatiae Woala Make It aa
Eapaattiaa af 4a Utaaafa.
Iire4 Arttelea af tba
f.atlre tate.
The Bee auggeatton far a "hi'iw prod- J
urtf" eipoattion In Omaha i the auhtect '
of ronrtderable diaruplon among the bu
r men of the city, and It eeema to be
meeting w-th hearty approval. The ub
Ject ha been talked over before by tha
manufacturer in the Commercial club, but
no de.ioive acUoB ha ever been taken.
The ugg"tion of The Bee cornea at an
opportune time, auya the manufacturera,
and the auranoe that the pajer 1 ready
and anxiou to "boot ' an eiposltiott la
grateful t them They think the united
effort of the manufacturer? and the presa
could organise an exposition movement
which would not only prove beneficial lo
cally and temporarily, but by establishing
the exposition as au annual Institution and
inviling manufacturer from other Ne
braska tow n would come to be an exten
sive and permanent good to the mate.
Mary of the men who have talked on tha
auhject expreaa the opinion that all th
manufacturing IntereM of tt atate ought
to be enlisted" at the atart-
m Qaratlaa af Iteaeglt.
E. J. MrYann. commlssKitier if the L'ont-
j tiieriial clutt. as id.
I '"There can 1 no queptioii a to tha
heneflt of a Nebraska manufacturer' ex
1 poaition. both to the tate at large and to
i Omaha.. N brai-ka a a late is growing
j every year In the importance of Its mauu-
factured output, and an exposition of these
products in Omaha would prove a very
j popular thing. Omaha has ail the facilltl- i
' jieceseary to glvt uch a show in proper
style and undoubtedly all ol Omaha mana
factjrer would co-operate bejtriily."
J. M CJillan. Manage.r of the Audi
torium Ever since the fair held in the faU
of lfl is the old l-e-Glaea-Atid.recsn
building. I have wanted to a similar
rxpositirm undertaken in Orniiha on
much wider cale. In Chicago young and
rapidly growing days that city had Juet
such a manufacturer' fair every fail, and
It waa one of the big oraw ing cards for
people within a radlu of 2M' mile. Omaha
It would lie one of the best ways of adver
tising Omaha 1 know. September would
le the Idea nrnnth lor such an exposition.
The Auditorium is not othrwihe engnfd
nt that time, and it would le the month I
more than any otlr which would allow )
poi pie from the tate to come hre. I
Takes la M hole llr.
F. AV. Judson. rn sidcnt of the Com- I
mercial Club and Manager of the Wid- i
land Glass and Paint Comi.any 1 aui
j heartily in favor of a Lome product ex-
! ptisition, "hotTit NeLirka.. j
rather than Omaha. VI ctiurse the bulk
of th exlubit would be from Omaha,
but we have urr factorie. catitirrlct.
mill, foundries and other manulacturing
in J us trie t,a;tered over the slate, aud i
a cusht to get inem in. Whatever ad- j
verUse and lielj Beatrice. Grand li-land. !
Kremont, Ann tr Ljneoln, a far as fac
torie are concerned, helps Omaha. We :
want to advertise tbt w hole state at one ;
time, and we will get people from all j
part of it- . I
Since the new committoe wa appointed
it has not brought in a report, but 1 tliink
the general imprsiou among the members
i that an exposition could be successfully
held this fall, either in connection with !
the Ak-Sar-Htn festivities, or just pre
vious. 1 think the nuement is oomuienda
tile and the exposition out lit to be mad
annual. .
rtereptiua aaal Hit qrt 1111 Be Held
at wjilard Hotel et .
lay l'vealag. j
The si-cond annual bannuet and teeepuou '
of the ex-Canadian will be held at the j
Jillard hotel M'mday evening next, the re- j
oeption tieing held lrotn to ' o'clock and :
the tmngjit at T o'chK-k. luatitiguitliiia j
gu sts w ill be present atid ginid speaker I
have accepted the iuvitatiou to tjicik, tiirut
have been sent to all who were known, and !
if others are overlooked they are requested ;
to Hcnd their names to lr. S. H. Waiiauu
pee - building. Aw iitanof s are to be
sent to lite same address. All member of
the society are r-i 'jested to send uaine
of en ex-Canadian they niav know.
1 Mrnir tttratar
Sherman ft McCcnnell Drug Co.
.(rsarali af tbe Theater.
The preeent engagement of parslfal'" at
the Boyd theater close witk the ;ierf..rin-
! ane thi evening. Thi 1 one of the most
j Impressive spectacle ever offered on the .
stare of thi theater, and as a drama :os- '
H'tu'i strength and attra-'ion far l-ond j
the average, on rriday evening faul iiii-
ruore will begin his short engagement in
Captain IVbonnatre." This Is a charming
romantic drama of the sev-entee-nt h century.
and aftord Mr. ;ilmore a chance for his i
delightful capabilities as a romat.tio actor.
Ttie engagement 1 for Friday and Satur
day ecni!ig-s and a matinee on Saturday.
At the Purwood ttii atlertioon the TraTt
ageinetit will le glad to wehtmie tl so
mr'iit.g actor folk, it being the n-gulat
Tuesday prolei.iinia inatiiv-e. "Charity's
Aunt" is the hill and the con pan y is doing
finely Willi the. colli' king farce.
taellaa Rale.
Iiou't fotget to attend auction sle of
futnitvrre and storage good at lb Far-
nam street Tuesday. Fehruarv . at a tn j
J. U. KAKER. Trustee. '
Rallwa .aie. aat Paraaaala, I
A. l. I-arker. iwoud -i-e president and t
gr-ral anfitfir of tbe Colorado t Sei'j'hern, 1
weni east Sunday.
V. C. lieguii is apjioiiited traveling pas-
i-enger agent of th.- Wabash, aitb bea4-
ouarter at mcmnau.
1, K Weatherall hps tw-en ar-pouited trav
eling freight agetit ,.f ihe liurlington. with
l hi p'-atrv-ei
J.ilin K ler. general live stork agent of
tie riiirlirurtoi' is enntlnad to hi home 1?h
a slignl ati.vt-k f niiiiinHiiiUi. wiiich lie con
t:a'ted While attendllig Ile rmurtifO S
en cut ion at rer.ei .
l"J'vtot ape lieir.g instrueted at the
sii-tioti along tbe hne of ie treat North
ern eut-itT Irtirn Asliland tu Sioux I'lty.
Tney wtil lie controlled by ibe aatiie firiii
whi- h already iiave evtT r along the lire
H the Burling'on in Nebraaaa.
"baric Piack tbe hatter, left for the
eastern euajkeui lewterdav to bur new
J spring hat and f urmsbins.
Mayor ami Mrs t j Mile of Hut in a.
Neb., are r.-iieee4 fct tbe Mlliard hou-l,
having amv ed csterlay aftansion Mr.
M !)' brotlier. II B., of St Ltouia, ia also
a guesr at lb kvOteJL
At tt four member af tbe Nebraska
letnklaiura were ia umi ha festarday. Kea
reaer ia ii ea Frank tim of Crawford
W. N. k.t of Ktuart. A. H. Copaey af
Broken P"w n R K. Windham of i'latta
mouta. Mr. in lhani fwke at tba Mc
Kinie ciaO dmiMrr last niftl.
kw " I A.
k " . ah
Seuion that Will Try 1 rowe in C'idkh.v
CkM it CciLIEg.
Mara Dela A atlclaaird la t.ettiag
Dana la Basiaraia'la Kldaaviaat
Case It era a ee af Ililfleallj
la Serariag Jar).
Tbt February term of tin dit-tricl cuan
began Monday morning. Toe jurj panei
drawn for service the fyst three mi;i of
the term n ported to Jude Sutton, w ho
ha charge of the criminal dotkel. 'i'lie
patii 1 number V!(J, but aljier the usuul g,ri't
of excuse ha gone thpougti the lnill it i
probable only eighty or filnety ol this num
ber will 1 av.ulable. inr at". Jul erv ice.
The list, already printed.S!itns kihh prom
inent men. ( .
The neriuus biusines of the court wlti not
begin until Tui-sday or Wcdnetobi . the in
tervening time Is leg returned for the Uis
poaal of prt-liuunury niiittiei's of h routine
natuie. Wednt-aday. before Juclgi-- friuuon. ,
a Hart will be made in lh securing of a j
jury in the pat Crowe case. Tin.-, it is 1
believed, will be a hard tak. owing t" the I
J publicity pi"en the case and the ivide atnl
general comment it has
."-isioiii-vi. At
the conclusion of this case the inal of lije j
niurd' r chajge against Jay O H -aru ui I
I til wi.
The eviuity dticket are in thi
Judges Kennedy. Iiay and Triuj
occupyirig the court moms in
ilUU ol
i. w b... aii-
The lii-t
Mvrialily statist ira.
The following deaths bave lti ! ported
to the Hoard of Health dunr.g the f.nty
elght hours ending in leKin Mnnday:
leath -Neis j. td..iuiet. eass
Every ntw tikt pleasure lu that w-iict
i i dainty and a-.lrartive. and when use
i fulness ii
fulness i added Ihe article is ot do-lble ,
value: I, yard of lawn and i ara ot
insertion form the apron abowii anal lttUe i
lalxir wa eijn-ted on the making For j
use in fancy work or Uiendmg the (.ni-l j
is very ornivtmi i.t. teiiijy pmy en"ut'ti tti '
hold a variety of ana l. s. Ti t I attrac- i
lively outlined with the inM-ni.m. while
the tiny bows of riblKin "nly add to us
beauty. Tbe bib is cf lare if ul shaping and I
seem to I u c otlnuatinn if the j.t ket
portion. For tny aprons ttete are la ana
Sw-t, mull, batinie and nainaock in ma
terll. with lace, ribbon and embroider)
a aid ta attractiveness. Su- h dainty hits
of finery are pleasing gift and valuod it.
esaiona. One s .se
rar tha aoccfrrrvoAatasn af reader af Tb
Ba tha pattema whtck usnsaly retail at
frau Sua cent each, will b runub4
at tba aoailnal prioa of I cents. A apply
la ttow kept at ur often, so tbaas wu
wtau any pattern ran get it aitber by call
ing ar ascleatxuj 10 ccnta. addnasaad "pat
tar Iepai-tmal. (, Bea. Omaaa. .
.ir ii
1' J
. ........
t il rkr A
aj"7! HI
Susie H Mauret. Casper. Wye.. 4"i : Hiram
Pickard, Wit rtouth Seventeenth, 71.
Haw ta tare a ( lt.
Th- oui ket way to get rid ol a truulile
Some eeild is a question in wi.ii h mtny r.
interfiled just now. If you ale one of the
uti'ortunat'-s the opinion of Mr. B. W. L.
Holt of Wbverly. Va., Is worthy of our
cititnd rati in. Mi. Holt mif: "I have
ud Clian.U tlain s Cough Ketnedy foi
years ..t il firmly believe it to lie absolutely
the best pr pti ra tifin on the market for
col-is. 1 have ree-.imtriiiu-d it to many of
my friends and they all agree with me,"
O? Pare far tbe Raaatt Tela.
Via Chicago Great Western railway t
points within 150 miles. Ticket on aal
every Saturday and Sunday to April 1, law.
Good returning tie following Monday. Low
rate to other point on sale every Friday.
For full information apply to H. H
Churcbi'L G. A luli Farnam St.
No place in Omaha sells diamond, tmy
own import!, watches and jewelry a cheap
a A. F. 1 J ubt rmann's store, under guar
anty. ii years at comr J'ith and Lo-jglas.
MusiiiMiis cotiert fi ball. 2ii musicians
In orchestra, next Monday at Auditorium
AdmiHslon &" oiits.
WATCHES Frenrer. M.n ana iKidt Sta
Maria Hansen died at the iatnily
"1" Pierce street, liite Sunday night,
v.-srs T!- arraugemetit
wiH I
a i-iiiiuiiceu tudav
j in-s was ttie tirst ej tint to citne
tK-iutt Junse Cini'Mi for seiiteiK-e Monduv.
He entered a pl-a of guilty to a enatge
of assault upon Oeotge Stouey tiut on
Walnut Hill last summer and was given
i.ltiete da.vs in the county jail.
Euwir iM ury of Wats-ka. 111., -M e t Ui ief
of Polii-i iKinahui fur itif ormution cn
irning the w her"i-b(iut ol jits sister. Mary
Kilti I fry. m Kili'.owsky. who lift nnnie
in IKx The woman is Inlicved to b- living
in .nriaha. T'e brother stated that im
Tairtant lit w awaits his sistei
The nias'.ier;ide hall of the Presto Social
club will lie held this evening at Chamber
hall. Twe'ity-nfth ;itid Farnam streets, in.
n-ii.j o! at Hie iiarighl society hall. Ttj
eluh dariet-s hate alaays le--n hut-i at thi
I latter plai-e and Ai,-ivarintis wete issued as :
usual lor tun'cht. w neti it was diaenveied !
that th- ti nit rait did not give the club the j
use of the hall lor that dnie.
The Dynamo
of the
American People
We are a race of workers.
Work requires brain, nerve, energy.
We glory in achievemenL
To work and work with might and main, good food U
absolutely essential.
Although neariy every one eat soda crackers sometime,
yet there are a few people who do not consider their true
value as an article of daily food. But it is now a recognized and
established fact mat the soda cracker contains the roost tissue, fat
and muscle f arming elements of any article of food made from flour.
Great as is the value of the common soda cracker, yet it
is small in comparison with U need a Biscuit the most
wonderful soda cracker ever baked, and of which nearly
400.900,000 packages have been sold.
U needs DiSCUit the food of power, transmitting
as they do the elements so vital to our w ell-bang, rnay in Very
truth be called Tbe Dynamo of the American People.
When you see trouble coming
Act quickly!
Headaches and sick stomach
Must be met energetically.
acts promptly but not harshly.
It CURES the trouble by
removing the CAUSE.
Its taste is so good
everybody likes it
Sold Everywhere,
15Cts: ;
E psrt of Eamisu Eujicg Illinoii Ctitral
Crtatei Liule luireEt H re,
j Owe OHIrlal a;eata PaaalMlllr
oae arh Deal aa Sartawf-at.
era lakia Over Ike OH
Klkkara Road.
Ti revived lory of iiiunman purchase
of tlie Illinoi Central, which has been
tnndied atiout by lucustrious, new agents
in the east for several month, fails short
of creating feverish excitement in Omaha,
where, among railroad and business nitii,
the impression that Harriinan ha for year
controlled the Illinoi Central has been
common property.
"Il may be," aaid one official, "that a
deal has been negotiated like the one
whereby the Northweatern. aftet owning
tii old Kremont, Elkhorn ac Missouri Val
ley for year, 'bouf ht or lok il oer.' P.ail
road are funny Ihings. and railroad mag
nate are rlill funnier. Often transaction
which the public cannot fully appreciate
are necessary 10 perfect some title or gov
ernment of affairs. I think Harrtman ha
been the contrvlling lactor in tin Illinoi
Central almost a long as be na of the
I'nion and Southern Pacific'
General Manager Mohler of the I'nion
Pacific wa asked if he knew anything co:i
oerning the report of the purchase of the
Illinois Central by the I'nion Pacific a
conveyed by I ires reports, and said be had
no information on tne sunject wnatever ex-
cept what he had seen In the paper.
Mr. Mohler say there is no truth what-
'ever in the report that hi road ba changed
I its plans in regard to the North Platte ex-
tension to Nonhport, as the plan have
' -. tieen changed since originally an-
tr Jab far Parkaarst.
S. l. Ptirkliurst ha been appointed coal
traffic agent of the Chicago at Alton rail
way, with beadquarter In Chicago. An
official announcement to tbat efrr. s rr-ed
by C. N. King, general fieieht acent of
the road, was itx-cived by K. J. McVann
Mr. Parkhurst formerly was general
gent for the Great Western St Omaha.
He wa transferred to Kansas City a few
month ago and gRen th posntion of grain
agent there, tieing succeeded in Omaha by
H. IT. Churchill. .In going 1n the Alton
Mr. Parkhurst follow the example of P
K. Stohr. formerly general freight agent of
the tlreat WeMem. now assistant general
freight agent of tbe AMon.
lairstraesit la ttaa.
Salt Lake and Ordew are all worked u,i
over the rumor that large- mechanic 1
shop are to be constructed at Ogden. It
is said plans already have boon submitted
for the erection of a general foundry, car
and paint s-hon. The fact is. f gden is
bectiniing such an important connection
point for the roads -. Utri man -tern
that many Improveitif nt will be made
to facilitate the handling of train. A new
ff-ight house and viaduct also will be con
structed, as well a a new oil bouse and n
new general store.. All these improvement
which are working up tlie town of Salt
T,ke City and Ogden.are not a marker to
the improvement which the Tnlon Pa
cific is making right in this city.
flhrivvr tr Bnieclnc. oentiste. a Barker blk.
Bee Want Ad Ai-e Business Briosters.
Mrlth Baaaa ta lliat.
Freguent internal applii-attons of the fierv
liquid in oOTiiou goantlties rendered
Pst;-ik McTonoub ho full .f ttie hghittig
spirit that, even afcr be bad tK-en arresteit
and Im-ked up at the city eu a charge
of drunkenries last nirht l.e started a
I ""y
with one of hi cellmate. The
nate one was Wll'mm Everett.
j eouHlly
' on the
Incapacitated for proper behavior
atreet for Ike same reason
loeki-d up on he ime charge. McLKinougli
had 'n aome manner been able to smurale
hi knife with him into the cell and when
the quarrel waxed into a finical set-to
drew the weaixHi arid -cut his adversary
twice O" the head. Everett had been
aefirived of all meaa if 43efens eaoept b
bands lielore being lotked up and put ur
such a firhl ttiat Jiler Kmc heard tbe
rncket and ae'wtwt4d tbe men arid rat
them separate ouarter Tlie wound In
F-ereu's head w ere sligrht and did not
require medical attention.
' f