The Omaha Daily Bee NEW Bee Phones numbers Htistne ...... inne1 2 Circulation . . . .Dnnclna W07 Ktiitorlnl Douglas BO 1 Bee Phones NUMBERS Ituslness Dnnglas 2M Circulation .... ponging 907 Editorial PonglM SOI ' ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY . MOKXIXfJ, FEBRUARY , 1 fx )(--TEN PAOER. SINGLE COPY TIIKEE CENTS. AFTER RING CAUCUS Sensational Beielntion Introdaoed Ben ate by Mr. Fatterien. in RIGHT TO BIND SLNATORS QUESTIONED Action Alleged to Be Violation of the Oonititution. SENATORS RESPONSIBLE TO STATES Attempt to Get Them to Beoogniie Any ' Other Powet Wrong. ft ILL VOTE ON THE SHIPPING BILL I'ltalmoai Agreement to Tako Action on . This ' Measure Wrdartlar Afternoon, February 1. at 6 O'clock. i AHINOTON Fob. e. The senate was trotted -to a distinct sensation today by .dr. Patterson idem., Colo.), wno followed up hU letliemcnt of ' last Saturday from inc democratic caucus by Introducing In the senate a resolution In effect declaring i lie urtiona of tne cuueus to have been contrary to tiie constitution of the United Mutes. Apparently the senator's action waft nnexp-cted on the part of a majority of the seiiHtors and they listened atten tively an the reading of the rather lung preamble progressed, evidently not a littlo concerned as to what should como next. Mr. Patterson made no effort to secure me privilege of discussing tho resolution today,' but gave notice that he would . ad dress the senate uKn it tomorrow, or tho Urat available day afterwards. It Is expected that the democrats generally will resist the adoption of the resolution and that the icpuullcan senutors will sustain Mr. 1'attcrson's contention. Aside from the effect on Mr. Patterson's political future, the resolution raises a question as to the right for animated dis cussion' and wide margin for differences of opinion. In all probability several days will elapse before the question Is settled. Before Mr. l'atterson's matter came up Mr. Bucon had given sfotlce of a speech for tomorrow, so it la probably that Mr. Patterson' spoeoh will be postponed until Wednesday. .Mr. Calllngcr succeeded during the day ln the fixing of a date for voting on the shipping bill, the hour named being Wednesday, the 14th lust., al 6 p. m. Several bills were passed during the day and Mr Teller made a speech In opposi tion to the shipping bill. Mr. Foraker announced that he had no Intention of attempting to delay action on the statehood bill. Mr. Patterson's Resolution.' Mr. Patterson caused a sensation by In troducing and' having read the following resolution; '. Whereas, The constitution of the United Hlates provides that the senate of the United b la tea shall be composed of two sen- ators from each slate, chosen by the legla lulorl thereof, and that uacii senator auaU W hereto. Imuih senator before assuming tlie duties of his ottlce is required nolenimy to swear or affirm that he will support and defend the constitution of the Cnited States and that be will faithfully discharge the duties of the ottloe upon wnlch he Is about to enter; and. Whereas. The following resolutions were nreiiented and adopted by more tnan two thirds of the renaiora present at the demo cratic caucus tnere was inserted uie reso lutions adopted by the democratic caucus); . and. Whereas, The appurcnt purpose of said resolutions and actions was Improperly to induce or coerce democratic senators who uilglu bellnve that the best Interests of the country required the ratification of said treaty, and because thereof held It to be their duty to vote for Ua ratification, and Into disregarding that part of their oaths In which they declared that they would tslthfiilly discharge the duties of the office or eenatore; thr (ore, dm it, Resolved, Wrst Thut such action by the stiid or any other caucus Is In plain viola tion of the spirit and Intent ot the conatl tuuon of the I'nlted States. Secrnd. That tor two-thirds or ony num Ihv uf the senutors of any party to meet aiul declare that it shall be the duty of , unv senator to vote uhii any question other than his own convictions Impel hint ' is a plain violation of the manifest Intent and fptrll of the cnnxtilution all have aworn ti upnold and defend. Third That the. one vote the constitution Uea-lurcs each senator shall have Is his own vote and not the vote of any other or of any number of other senators, and lor a Kcilittor to cast ihat one vole against his corn Ictluiis ot right and duty In the prem laew Is to disfranchise hi" "lute In the sen "i'l""' hmiy 'The consiltufhn 'rovldes lt Mbiill have. H oin in - Thai when any number of sen ,nlor.. by combination or otherwise, under iiat ,oiiIi any upccles of coercion to iiHiio . ,,.il,er senators lo vote except as 'Hit ..Uilfcim-litH und consciences tell them ,1 Ih ia i,iviis,iii ot the rights of a slute to equal represents! ion with other state ,i lue -oiiaie. .i i iJ is subversive of their 1 11 Is in ii iui iitutloii. und the ui of its Mttulors in tb' seriate (nut tin- . iii.inutioii has provided for. r tf I Ii--That the scim'or iui permits any l.fiti.v ot n her senaiois to declare and de. .,i:e 'for him what Ills duty is In the matter ,1 I. If voie In Hie senuie. :i lift alio t.tsts lis vote Ii. response lo sii. h Interferences. v i s. ii, . us a senator from his o n stRte, but a a m'iwivi r. from me oiner states. t ml i,e aukiiicni Hie power of the other (.laiei. I,,-..,. mi Fnmt permuted ny ine con-j MHMlloll .ml weakens und degrades the IHivtii of bi!i own Flute tn die senate In ,ol4tmii ol I lie spirit of the constitution. rqxl Ii '1 lint for any senator to vote ex cept as lits Judgment nnd sense of duty iimicr his oil id of ottlce requires Is to de kiadc I he high office of senator and to annul I the diKintv and standing of the sen ale of th I'mtiii Slates -qualltica po.i : erse.i in such Inuli degree by no other leg islative Imrtv In the world. The rrsolutiun came us a surprise. Mr. I'ailemn and wir. Tillman rose slmultane ,.iisi, i.ul Mr. Patterson rccelvod reccgnl I nil rum the i lialr. "Docs the ernuloi from Colorado ) leld lo lOo senator Irom South Carolina: ' asked Ine vli-e president, but before Mr. Patterson coUiU rpiy air. Tlilmiiii stated that he merely ie to make Inquiry as to the'pH liamentary Matua: "is it a quesilon of per sonill privilege, ' ne uskrd, and Mr. Patter son rescinded In tne negative. "I object to consideration this morning," jaut Mi. Tillman. "Th re Im no Intention of asking consid eration at this lime." rrsonded Mr. Pat terson. "The resolution is of such a ehai acter that no harm can come from Its lying over. I ask that the consideration of the esoliition be postponed until tomorrow and to give notice that I shall then ask to lie heard on It " The further consideration of the resolu tion waa accordingly postponed for twciity lour hours. After the passage of a few bills of .uiimr Interest the statehood bill was reached on the calendar and Mr. -resent consideration. Mr. Heverldge aald could be read and a I dispose of It. Mr. F rker said hi Ixslge objected to he buried the bill line llxed finally to opposed the bill In lts present form and hoped to see It modi- .Continued on oV-voud lage.) COUNTESS ASKS FOR DIVORCE Daughter of Jar Gonial "Will Ko Longer Lle with Bonl de Castellane. PARIS, Feb. 6. Countess Bonl de Cas tellans (formerly Anna Gould) entered a plea for divorce today. Representatlvee of the countess and tho count appeared be fore Judge Henri Dltte of the court of first Instance, who, In conformity with the French law, endeavored to arrange a con ciliation before allowing a definite suit to proceed. It is said on unquestionable au thority that Judge Ditle'a efforts were not successful, tho countess absolutely declin ing to resu ' r relations with her hus band, and t 'lor repeated but vain at tempts by ' de Castellnne's advisers to arrange a s, ment, the representatives of the coun t countess left the court and the suit roceed. Another Jt. ' effort at reconciliation will almost i ily be made before the suit comes t lh the ordinary course. No decision ' een reached relative to the eventual .' . dy of tho children of the count an itess. but being under age they will e persent naturally re main In the c( their mother. Friends of tho Count and Countess do Castellane express little hope, that any adjustment of their differences will be brought abuut, but i as divorce proceedings under the French , law are very lengthy, new developments may occur before the case comes up for trial. A decree cannot be pronounced un der from three to six months. With reference to the count's conduct the name of a prominent society leader of Paris, a woniii of very high Bimiuiiiff, "(.a inriuiuiiru ill iuiiiict - tlon with the affair. The count Is said to standing, has been mentioned In eonnec be In the southeast of France. REINFORCEMENTS FOR FRANCE (unit Mt. Rene Talllandler f'omes to Assistance of Delegates nt Alareclraa. ALiJKClRAS, Spain, Februury 5. The French delegation at the Moroccan confer ence was reinforced today by the arrival of Count St. Rene Talllandler. who was the French minister at Fex during the Fiunco- German crisis last summer. The count had talks with Ambassador White and other delegates. His presence Is considered to relate to the private dixcusstons going on between tho delegates on the main Franco- (Jerman Issue. The ambassadors say thnt the outlook continues hopeful, but they ad mit that the efforts of the disinterested powers are not yet resulting in securing an exact baxls for accord. BERLIN, Feb. 5. Germany's attitude to ward the proposition to place tho control of the Slorocoan police In the hands of France and Spain is one of firm opposition, since tho arrangement would, according to the German view, amount practically to give France authority over the police, which Germany hitherto has steadily resisted. Tho Foreign office says that the delegates to tho conference at Algeclras will devote the next few days, while the conference Is not sitting, to an informal exchange of views on the subject of tho management of the police In an attempt 'to shape some ac ceptable plan for adjusting this vexed question. I Pi R,igv Feb. -5.- Ministerial , c,h:!es . Jvf.,-ft- consider It probable that ibo AlgitClras con ference wilt terminate within a month and express the opinion that an agreement will be reached relrtlve to the customs and also, the police, with whose organization France will be charged on the condition that A certain number of foreign officers are appointed. FRENCH RIOTERS ARE FINED Men Who Restated Inventory Cbnrch Property Also Ulven Jail Sentences. of PARIS. Feb. S. MM. De Billy and Petit were each sentenced to six months' Impris onment and a fine of ?I0 today for connec tion with the recent disturbances at the Church of St. Roch when an Inventory of the property of the church was being laado In conformity with the church and state separation law. Several other persons acre given sentences ranging from two to six months and fines of $40 for resisting tho commissioners at St. Clothllde's church. Today's making of Inventories was pro ductive of many disturbances In the provinces. At Montpelller a small army composed of Infantry, engineers and gendarmes stormed the church of Notre I Dame. Fierce fighting ensued Inside tho ' ehuroh Rnd many I'r,,rm wounded. Seven of those resisting the efforts of the commissioners were arrested, among them lieing Count Kergaylo." There was also lighting outside the church lietweeij Cat ho - lies and auti-CHthollcs. itlon At Toulouse members of the congrega burred themselves In the cathedrals and .fi,,u im l.iiiln fuiilinr tli n 111 I,,, ell l,t I., I , ..r. i iih irmiup ,,." t i-vit-i. ,1, i in; Masonic temple nnd knocked In the doors. " iirnnflrri inr t r-r-v ! YOUNG NEGROES ARE TO MEET j Religious Congress Will Assemble In Washington with Prominent People in Attendance. WASHINGTON. Feb t. executive committee of the colored young people's religious congress will meet In this city February 14 to complete arrangements for the meeting of the congress here ii.'Xt Au gust. At the meeting of the congress In At binla. Gil., three years ago the delegates and frlciidi numbered about 7.0, and It Is tiaiieed Ihat over thai number will at tend the coming meeting Bishop W. J. Gaines and Prof. Penn are leading the movement, and nhde Booker T. Washington. Bishop G. W. Clinton, Rev. C. T. Walker. Dr. D. J. Sanders nnd other noted men lu sniiaihy with the ohjirta of the congress, will attend its meeting The biHly will lie in session nearly one week and the music will be furnished by some of the most ucud singers and musi cians of the '.ace. WILL SEGREGATE THE SEXES j Kisrrlairal In Hdacallonal Work Will He Tried in Knglewood j lllah H.-houl. ' CHICAGO. Feb. r-8egregatlon of the sexes In educational work, which has been established III many college and universi ties, is to lie Iried as an experiment In the Chicago public schools Action favor ing such a lest was taken tonight by the school management committee when It was voted to Introduce segregation In I be midj ninter entering class of tho Knglewood High school. The plan is to divide the class Into throe parts one division of boys, one division of girls and the third division both boys and girls and make the experi ment along these lines. NO AID FROM MR. GARFIELD Attorney General Saji Department of Jnitice Did Hot Uie Bepert. SLOW PROGRESS IN PACKERS' CASES Constant Objections to questions Takes Ip Time of the Conrt Wit ness Accnsed of Making: False Statements. CHICAGO. Feb. S But one witness was on the stand today In the packers' case. This was C M. McFarlanc, office manager for Morris & Co. His evidence related to the manner In which the agents of the gov ernment were given Information In the case of Morris & Co. The cross-examination by District Attorney Morrison was ex ceedingly sharp. Just before the adjourn ment of court today the district attorney put some leading westlon- regarding the wnrklng of the Oppenhelmer company. hUh I. I- ..!..!..... 1. .. ,W WAS I ' : ' . i one of the affiliated concerns through which tho packers controlled the price of by products. He made the assertion that the , i witness was not telling the truth and i un i brought on a warm argument, In which all the attorneys took part. The question wss i finally ruled out of the court. A 1. . . I in if T . . . . . ... , Interested observer today at the opening of i the trial of the Immunity pleas advanced by the porkers. C. M. McFnrlane, mannger of the Fairbanks Canning company, who was 1 on the stand when court adjourned on Fri day, resumed his evidence this morning. It 'ut.. irsumru ilia r( iit-iii d una mi' r - i related entirely to the numlier and charac- . ter of books which he had shown to tho agents of the government who made the In vestigation tinder the direction of Commis sioner Garfield. The witness Identified a number of papers which he declared were the requisitions Is sued by Commissioner Garfield and his agents for the production of certain books. 3o Information from Garfield. During tho noon recess of court Attorney j General Moody said In reply to questions: "I notice that the attorneys for the packers have produced evidence to the ef fect that Commissioner Garfield said that he would not give to the Department of Justice the information he secured from the packers. If he ever said that ho cer tainly kept his word, for the Department of Justice never received uny Information from him. Neither did we receive In formation from the president, nor any of the subordinate officers of the Department of Corporations." District Attorney Morrison at the opening of the afternoon session of court refused In admit the authenticity of o section of a let- ter written by President Roosevelt and In- corporated in a report froni Attorney Gen-j eml Moody to the senate. The mutter Is , now a public document. j The portion of the letter has io do with the allegation of the packers thut put t of the report of Commissioner Oarneld was ' used by the Department of Justice. It Is as j follows: j With my approval the Department of Jus- ; tlce. with the assistance of the Depart- r,w..,t nt i-'nm.nei-r.e n, I i.nhor h for mine months been endeavoring to find out , inn l 1 1 irijwiivin.Mi " an himm rium. . the ivrand jury now sitting In Chicago finds indictments against uny individuals con nected with the packing corporations It ; will be because In their Judgment such legal , evidence of such violation of the Injunction has been laid before theni. j Moody AaaUta District Attorney. The cross-examination of Mr. McFarlane by District Attorney Morrison related en- tirely to the facts shown In the books and what could be shown by them. Frequently tho attorneys for the packers strenuously objected to the questions asked by the dls- trlct attorney, saying that he was trying to forco from the witness tacts bearing on the main Issue of the case. "Waa there anything in those hooks to show that there was a combination between the packers?" asked the district attorney. Objection was made to this and the objec- tlon was sustained Dy me courc Attorney t.onenu .Moody wait an inter- ested listener during the cross examination of Mr. Morariano ana maoe many sug- geatlons to the district attorney. "Did you ever hear Mr. Morris say that ho did not want the hooks examined be- causo there was something In them that might Incriminate him?" "1 think noL" "Do your hooks show all of the profits?" Ves.' I "Do they show the dividends paid by the I Onnenheimer Mnnufncturinc comnanv?" I The witness produced a book allowing an account for more than H.tiOO. which amount he declared to be a dividend from the Op- i i perhelmer company. j I "Where did the Oppenhelmer company get the saiisHge casings that are mentioned j ! in Ihls transaction?" . Questions Veracll) of Witness. The attorneys for the packers objected s'nmglv. and District Attorney Morrison . I ... ' . . , ., . ., .. ! "I want to show thnt the Item on book relative to these casings Is not reel, and that the statements of this ness regarding them are not true." "That is not so," said the witness. "Walt a moment, don't get excited," piled the district attorney. "Ths government Is doing something here that is a violation of the law," said Attor ney Hynes, who is In court for the packers. Vnnrli' all nf t h. Altnm.v. In lha .aaA ' were on their feet at this Juncture, and all of them tried tn talk to the court at the same time. Attorney Genera) Moody talked earnestly with the dlstrirt attor ney, making suggestions us to the method of procedure. "Did you not aay in your opening statu ment that these men had not been sworn and could not he prosecuted for perjury?" asked the court. "Ves. but that has nothing to do with this matter," replied the district attorney. "1 have Ihe right to teat the credibility of these books, ami of this witness." "Don't you want to elicit from this wit ness an answer to the effect that the Op- penhelmer company was an illegal com- binatlon? asked Judge Humphrey. "No, sir. We have all the Information on that we need," replied the district at torney. "We do not have to depend on this evidence for the other case." Tho i-ourt then ruled against the govern ment, and ordered the questions regarding the oppenhelmer company be stricken out. Tho court adjourned with Mr. McFarlane still on the stand. SOFT COAL ring Strike, Chicago Wholesalers Advnnee Rnte on Fuel Twenty Five rents n Ton. CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Because of the possi bility of a strike of the coal miners a num ber of wholesalers In this city today ad vanced the l-rlce of soft coal 3 cents nr ton. SCHEME FOR GETTING RICH Men Arrmeit of Rnnntnar Pofai Investment Concern Arrested In e York. NEW YORK. Feb. 5.-John 8. Whlt, presldnt of the Imperial Trustees com pany of Jersey City,, and Robert O. Bux ton and Clyde Colt, brokers of this city, were arrested today by I'nlted States shal Henkcl on Indictment charging them with using the malls to defraud. When ar raigned they pleaded not guilty and an nd Journment of the case was taken until Feb ruary 9. Ball was fixed at TJ.W for White and $2,500 each for Colt and Ruxton. It Is alleged that Colt and Ruxton ("lit out thousands of circulars setting forth that they represented clients with millions of Idle capital to Invest In first-class securities. When visited by reiirrsontatlves of various concerns, It Is alleged. Ruxton and Colt proposed to handle the serurltles offered provided they were guaranteed by the Im perial Trustees company of Jersey City. 1 1 r v. i u i ..M. ... . I m for 1(irnn,lnB hn uritie.' , - The principal complainant was T. B. Car- ter. gcnernl counsel of the HoranUm. Fao- toryvllle & Tunkhanmark Railroad com pany, lie swore that his corporations ar- ranged with Colt to 41mt $l,ol,00ft Of Its fifty-year 4 per cent bonds. He affirms that . , . the company paid White $S,noo for having ! tho bonds guaranteed, by the Trustees company, but that not Imperial a single bond was disposed or, ,,,., .,' . K, It Is not known how trrurh money the three men secured, but tb Imperial Trus tees company Is believed to have guaran teed bonds to the amount of millions. . k a SI rSir MAIL PIGHT ' AT AN END All Lines Agree n Increase Time from ' Chicago to Const Two Honrs. CHICAGO, Feb. 5 The Record-Herald tomorrow will say: Transcontinental rail roads reached an agreement yesterday that will practically eliminate all competition for com11K nuln contracts west of Chicago to the Pacific const. In pursuance of the agreement notices were sent on by tho three roads operating fast transcontinental mall trains that after next Sunday the running times of the California, limited of the Santa Fc. the txis Angeles limited train of tho Burlinglon-L'nlon Pacltlc- : San Pedro rouds and the Golden Gate I Limited of the Rock lvlnnd and Southern j Pacific would be increased from sixty-seven and one-quarter hours between Chicago and Los Anguloa to sixty-nine and oue j quarter hours. ! By this arrangement the Santa Fe will relinquish some of tho mail It now secures t KansAs City and tho Rock Island will get some of this, whllo the Burlington an,j fnlon Pacific will secure some now mu at Chicago from the eaat. Repeated 'conferences bet ween the highest officials led to the final conclusion that It would be better, to inaugurate schedules , that the trains could knalntaln than to be continually arriving late at the terminals, Tho roads concerned have agreed not to engage In any spoed war to secure undue nrpfn,;a in thp mii contracts to ba preierenie in me man contracts to oa awarded in the spring.' i inwnin villi aVW - fimv Writer Hxcluded from, .New York Theater Srorea First -Point In Leital Battle. ! j NEW YORK. Feb. R Jamrs S. Metcalfe, I the theatrical critic, who was last summer excluded from forty-seven theaters of this j CtJ. because of his criticisms, today scored a pnt in the legal proceedings which he instituted against tho theatrical maiiHgers w-ho barred him out. Ho brought u charge of conspiracy against the managers. A test case was made against Charles Burnham, nnnager of Wallack's theater, who secured a writ of luilxas corpus. This writ waa to- day dismissed by Supreme Court Justice j Kltzgerald, who remanded Burnham for j further proceedings and lifter saying tho lav affords ample remedies against writers nnd publishers who transcend h-gal latunds i added: j "it In true that a theatrical manager owes , no duty to the public to give performances, t He may even refuse to sell tickets to some j nppiicanls while freely disposing of theni to ; others, provided sueh discrimination Is not j u-count of race, color, etc., but, conccd- ! him these lights, they cannot be held to j excuse agreements between a numlier of j managers to the prejudice of an Individual I ..t i,..n, I ' COLONEL MANN ON TRIAL Kxanilnn tlon of Kdltor of Ton n Topics on f'linrne of Perjury Begins. I NKW YORK, feb. 3. The examination I of Colonel Willam D. Mann, editor of i Town Topics, on a charge of perjury was this continued today. This charge grew out of cor- th recent sensntlolinl trial of Norman Hap-wlt- good, editor of Ciller's Weekly, on a chaige j of criminal libel preferred by Justice Joseph i M. Duell. one of the stoekliohlers uf Town rs- j Topics. Testimony was given by Bartholomew Moynhnn. of)e:i stenographer at the Hap good trial, showing that Colonel Maun had J sworn be had not written the "O. K., W. 1 1. M." on Hie iteginald Ward letters. William L. Daniels, secretary and treas urer of the Town Topics company, who wss called to the witness stand, said he hud made no effort to get the free list of Town Topics as directed by the court und wits directed to appear In court tomorrow, at which time Assistant District Attorney Hart will move that the witness show cause why he should not be punished for contempt of court. WALLACE BEFORE SENATORS . " Former Canal Knginrer Telle of Trouble with Neeretary Taft Over Resignation. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5,-John F. Wal lace waa liefore the senate Interoneanlc canal commission today and made a state ment regarding the severance of his rela tions with the canal commission. In it he j spoke of tho violent attack of Secretary I Tsft and Mr. Cromwell, the only baais of ' which was & difference of opinion between himself and Taft and Cromwell ss to his right to decide when he thought the welfare rnlLt luHcl,, ,n" enterprise and his own Jin tined his resignation. He was liable to tie dismissed at any time by tele, graph. He came north lo have a private talk with. Secretary Taft. which waa denied He referred to the statement made In re.ilj to secretary Tan and Incorporated In hla present statement. He asked to be excused from any state ment as to the type of canal until, he had read the majority and minority report of 1 banks In Colorado. Hammond came to Chl the consulting engineers, . I igo two weeks ago. RURAL HEADQUARTERS MOVE Change in Poitoffice Sjetem Difiiion to Eaneae City. Takei ACTION TAKEN ON .CORE OF ECQNCMY Office of Unperlnteuflent la Abolished nnd Field Anents Report to Chief of Inspectors of the l'ost offlra Department. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. a. (Special Tele gram.) As has been anticipated the rurl free delivery division headquarters at Omaha is marked for a change In July, the beglnntng of the next fiscal year. Ever since the change made In transferring the rural free delivery service from the fourth assistant postmaster general to the first assistant postmaster general and placing all general agents under the Inspector In charge there has been more or less Inquiry as to where the. division agents would land. In the transfer of division headquarters in the creation of the Omaha division there was considerable criticism on account of Omnha succeeding over Kansas City. Post master General Cortelyou found that In the transfer he was saving the government some money In locating the division head quarters at Omaha. Now the new change is to be made and the division headquarters will terminate In July, according to the following letter which Senator Millard to day'recelved from Postmaster General Cor telyou: Referring to your letter of recent date. making inquiry as to discontinuance of di vision headquarters, rural free delivery service, at Omaha, I have to say that on December 1, by the reorganization of the department, rural ugents were assigned to the division of inspectors, and it Is the In tention to consolidate the two forces at an early date. After July 1 next It Is expected thnt all of the rural agents will become postottice inspectors " and will report dl-r.-ctly to tho inspectors In charge of di visions. This will not make any difference in the number of agents assigned to each state or the manner of handling tho work. The postofhee Inspectors who now work In the stute of Nebraska will report to tho Inspector In charge at Kansus City. The consolidation of the Omaha headquarters with that of Kansas City will be In the Interest of economy, and us tho division headquarters In connected with the Held service largely by use of the malls the lo cation of the headquarters can make but little difference. In the new arrangement there will be as many rural agents assigned to the atat'e of Nebraska ns at the present and tho work will be handled Just us well. Iowa Hnlldin Hills. Representative Blrdsall today introduced bills providing for tho purchusc of sites and the erection of public - buildings at Manchester and Iowa Falls, euch bill cull ing for an appropriation of $100,000. LnlverMity to Get Cannon. Senator Gambia today secured the pas sage, through the Semite, of his joint reso lution authorizing tho secretary of war to furnish a condemned cannon to be placed in the campus of th"" I'nlverslty of South Dakota al Vermilion, to commemorate the services of students of that Institution who participated in the Spanish-American wur. Personal Mention. Judge W. V. Mciiiigh of Omaha Is iu Washington. . . Rev. - Kdwin Hart Jcnks, pastor of the I ktBUlUglOU eU 1 OUIC IU) lllu Jiul U4UU, 1 Postal Matters. PotitniUHUi a appointed: Nebraska 1-lgh. Colfax county, Henry C. Hooker vice G. W. Klbler, resigned. Iowa Gander, Clayton county. John E. Jitcobson vice Mark- Hulvorsen, resigned. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: 1'oslville, route 1, Guddls A. Brooks, enr rler; James Steele, substitute. Wall Lake, route 1, Arthur Goodwin, carrier; Alice Llmke, substitute. Woodhurn, route 1, Samuel T. Hoolman, carrier; Selh 13. Hoot- j ""M, f ev Unnka Authorised, Applications to organize Ncbrut-ka mi j lloiial banks approved today: The First ) National bunk of Benedict, with k'a.WO I capital, by B. B. Crownover, George W. Host, N. W. Dean, li. J. Wlghtman nnd I August SCIininerer; The First National bank of Bradshaw, with $j,o0o capital, by J. F. Houseman, George W. Post, N. V Dean, K. J. Wlghtmnn und August Zlm merer. The Farmers National bank of Oska loosa, la , has been authorized to la'gln business Willi u copital of $lUu,uuo; W. 1, Beans, president; W. II. like, vice prosl dent; K. K. Davis, cashier. CADET OFFICERS ANNOUNCED Phillip U. I.numnn of Dea Molnea One of the l.lrutennnts In Xext Year's Brigade. ANNAPOLIS. Md., Feb. E. The apiInt ments of the midshipmen who will art a cadet officers of the brigade after the grad uation of the First class next Monday hnvo been announced. Arthur W. Frank of Mobile. Ala., has been appointed cadet commander, the rank ing officer of the brigade. His adjutant Is Calvin Page of Frederick, Md. The cadet lieutenant commanders are Midshipmen rhillp O. l.aunian of Ties Moines, la., and Richard Hill of Fort Dodge, is., who command the first and second battalions respectfully, lallon adjutants are Claudus R Jonesvllle, Va.. and Alfred H. The bat Hyatt of Cohen of Philadelphia, Pa. CHIEF KIELY IS SUSPENDED Head of ' St. I.ouls Police Force Refuses to Resign When Requested. ST. LOCIS. Mo.. Feb. 5. The resignation of Chief of Police Kiely was requested this afternoon by Ihe Board of police commis sioners, but he refused to accede to the re-i quest. Chief Kiely said that he had writ - I ten the police board, refusing to resign and I demanding a trial. Pending the trial the) police board suspended Chief Kiely and ill- ; reeled Night Chief Gallnspy to act Instead ' and IJcutenant Wilson lo temporarily serve an aclinv nleiit chief. The reasons for the request of Chief Kie Iv'a resignation are not made nubile. He has b.-. n connected with the police depart- ment for thirty years. ALLEGED FORGER ARRESTED Harry C. llnmuiond. Wanted at Fort Morgan, Colo... Apprehended In Cbleaso, CHICAGO.' Feb. t. -Harry C. Hammond, wanted at Fort Morgan, Colo.. 011 several chargea of forgery, waa arrested here to night on complaint of Sheriff J. K. Brown of Fort Morgan. According to Sheriff Brown, Hammond obtained several thou sand dollars by uttering forged paper 011 NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Warmer TnesHnj I Prnhably Mooot nt Maht or Wednesday In Southern Portions Fair In Xorth. Temperature nt Omehn Yesterday I llonr. Deac. Hour. Den. A a. m 1 I p. m...... tit a n. m...... 3t up. m IS T n. m ..... . .t a p. m. . . . , 12 M n. m...... 4 4 i. in...... i:l ft n. m...... 'J ft p. in 1ft IO a., m 1 Hp. in,,.... 14 It n. m 4 T p. m in 13 nt ft n p. m 1-1 p. m H Indicate below aero. GREENE AND GAYNOR CASE Evidence thnt Accnsed Mm llnd Dummy lllda Filed for Contracts. SAVANNAH. Oa., Feb. 5.-The trial of Greene and Gaynor In the federal court to day was taken up largely In presentation of oral testimony. Mr. C. W. McCauley of Savannah gave testimony relating to proposals on con tracts Issued under the supervision of former Captain O. M. Carter, sueh pro posals, according to the government's coun sel, having been but blinds, Greene and Gaynor having really been behind them. Mr. McCauley was shown to have been In nocent of any collusion. He had acted only as bondsman and that as a personal favor John F. Gaynor. who had ossured him protection against any possible loss save ii one Instance, wherein he has signed a proposal upon the $.1,15(1.000 Savannah con tract of ISS2. In this Instance he had signed the bid personally, though It had been made for the Savannah Dredging company. Mr. McCauley had expected to make no experdl- ure had the contract been awarded to him as the Savannah Dredging company would iave done the work. It was brought out that Greene and Gay nor each owned $24,O0ii worth of stock of the Savannah Dredging company. SUFFRAGISTS IN BALTIMORE Delegates Gathering for Annual Con vention of the National Association. BALTIMORK, Feb. 5. Prominent woman ruffragists are arriving In considerable numbers nnd meetings are being held In preparation for' the thirty-eighth annual convention of the National American Wo man Suffrage association, which will bo foinuilly opened on Wednesduy. Miss Mary Garrett has as her guests Miss Susan B. Anthony, honorary president of the associ ation; Dr. Anna Howard Shaw of Phila delphia, the president, and Miss M. Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Muwr college Others here includo Miss Kate M. Gordon of New Orleans, corresponding secretary; Miss Alice Stone Blnckwell of Boston, recording secretary; Mrs. Harriet Taylpr Colon of Warren. O.. treasurer: Miss Mary i Anthony of Rochester and Miss Klliabeth J. Hauser. headquarters secretary, und Miss Lucy Anthony. PATTERSON FINE STANDS ttuprenie Court of Colorado Says Newspaper Owner la Guilty lyr-x'.i DKNVKR. Feb. o.-The opinion of the supremo court Of the state of Colorado, upon which was based the decision fining Senator T. M. Patterson $1,000 for con tempt of court, was handed down today. Justice Julius C. Gunter rendered the ma jority opinion, which six Justices approved. Justice Robert W. Steele presented a dis senting opinion. In which he held that the court erred In Imposing a fine upon Senutur Patterson without giving hlin an ' oppor tunity to prove the charges ho made. The filing of the opinions of the court now completes the records In the case and application will be made to tho United States supreme, court by the uttorneys for Fenutor Patterson to assume jurisdiction and review tho action of the Colorado court. WILL RAISEN LICENSE FEE Chicago Committee Would Tax Saloons f 1.4MHI u Yenr Inatead of SVMIO. CHICAGO, Feb. 5. The license coniuiit tec of the city council by a vote of seven to six tonight recommended the passage of an ordinance increasing the license of saloons from W, the present figure, to $1.0)0. Action on the recommendation by the council went over for h week. The move for hl;ther saloon licenses Is the direct re sult of the recent series of murders und robberies and Ihe demand for a large increase in the police force of the city. A minority report recommends thut the license fee he placed at $D0O. MICHAEL DONNELLY FOUND Ixilinr Lender Reported Missing la lu Louisville and Will Return to ( hlcusTo. I CHICAGO. Feb. .-Mirhael Donnelly, president of tho Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen, who dissppearcd last Thursday from Cincinnati, Is In I.ouls. vllle, Ky., according to the Record-Herald. Mrs. Donnelly, who is 111 in her home In this city, yesterday received a telegram from Louisville saying that she might ex pect her husband home today. The tele gram wus signed "Mike," hut contained no particulars regarding his departure from Cincinnati. WRECK ON NORTHERN PACIFIC Great Northern Freight Pas Xear Helena, . , . . TTK. Mont.. aVh. S.-Pas.enger train N"- sl " ,n Northern Pacific was struck by a freight train at the Great Northern crossing two miles west of Helena. It j is reported ihat the freight plowed Its way 1 through one of the roaches, killing and ! wounding a numlier of persons The cars are burning. Movements of Oecau t easels Keh Ii. , , . . . u ,. . . " At Uoiierdam-Salled: Statendam. for .w ,; o.M.j , , At Bremen Balled: Barliarossa. for New ,lrM . At Genoa Arrived: Prim Oskar. from from New York. At Hmibiirg Arrived: ! New York. Bs-tavia. I At Boulogne-Hailed: Graf YVtalderae. for New York: Statendam. for New York At Naples Sailed : Algeria, for New York. i. L 1 1 1 limner ciH lieu New York. Arrived: . York. 1 At Halifax-Arrived: Km nig Allien, for Republic, from Ne Sicilian, from IJver pool. At Uvei pool Arrived: Nuordland. from Philadelphia. A I Glasgow Sailed: Buenos Ayeres. fur Philadelphia, Arrived: Caledonia, from New Yurk. TEACHERS GET MORE Pay for Omaha (choolma'ame Boot ted by Board of Education. . MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM HIGHER One Raised forty and the Other Seventy Dollar. Fer Tear. GRADE TEACHERS ALL SHARE IN RAISE Schedule Providing for Inoreaee Adopted Withoat Argument. FULL TEXT Or COMMITTEE REPORT Kew Plan of trading Salaries with Annual Inerense t'ntll Seven Years of Service and by Ctamlnt. tlon Thereafter. Term of Service. First year... Second vear. Third year... Fourth year. Fifth yenr... New. Salnties. $W 4vi Bill ) ...... SM Present Balnrlee.. tm ot i'.T so 47b 10 622 HI S.O on till 60 M5 00 ) iviO Flxth year. .Mb,, frmi n.v Seventh year TOO I nerrarter 74'1 Mnxlmum 1 830 ;) 0(1 The new schedule will take effect after September 1. 1!XY.. The teachers In their pe tition for Increase suggested maximum of $1.0'0 and a minimum of $.') yearly. Accord ing to the new school eight yeArs' service and an examination la necessary to gain $70 a year and nine years' service and another examination to get I) annually, tn ' the new scale distinctions heretofore msde with regard to the Seventh and Ktghth grades lire levelled. Instructors In these grades have been paid $71U.Sn and $7) a year. Now tho scale will apply the same In all grades. The advance in salaries will mean an addi tional expenditure of something more than tl7,0ti for the next school year. Adopted Without Debate.' The new wage scale for public school teachers In tho grades nnd kindergarten?, waa adopted by a unanimous vote. Member Fnnis being the only absentee. The matter had been decided by the entire board, with the exception of Member- Detweller, In ad vance at secret meetings. The long and In tricate report rend by Chairman Vance of the teachers' committee was favorably acted upon under a suspension of the rules and without debate. No teachers were pres ent to lenrn of tho action by the board. The petition of the teachers requesting more pay wos presented to the board sev-' ernl months ago' and waa signed by all of the' approximately too grade . and kinder garten teachers of the city. During Janu ary the committee on teachers to which th matter was referred held frequent meetings. I Abont the Examinations. j It became known among the teachers I that an examination plan was under enn- "Iteration as a means of attaining the max imum tragea proposed. . This rxelted much antagonism, which Is said to still exist. Thu professional examinations are optional with ' the teacher and IC eh? does not cane- to take Hurt At'aa.yJoUnaUi htts .w4oJfct. th eighth year's salary, $,. .The examinations are to he In the following subjects: History of education, philosophy of education, school management, English literature and ' history' of western Europe. Examinations may be taken whenever any teacher electa and In ns many of the subjects as she chooses. She may try' as often as rhe likes I in case of failure. All Eighth grade teach ers receiving $7H0 a yenr are excused from the first, examination and will receive $7H0. New arrangements am ninde for d"duc tlons In wages for absences and a scale Is provided for substitutes. Hereafter salaries are to lie paid In ten equal Installments. .Text of the Report. The text of the report Is us follows: Teachers In the grades below the hlgn I school shall be paid UJi for the first year s . service. laO for the second, grss) for the? third, $G50 for the fourth, Wn for the fifth, $iG or the slxtli. $7(in for the seven! I and $i4u thereafter, provided each year's ser vice shows satisfactory advancement In teaching und governing. Teacher wno are graduated of the full or advanced course of a state normal school of recognized standing, or of it college, or of it university of recognised stunning shall receive not less than $nii for tho first years service, provided. First That such noimul school, uni versity or college shall nave been placed u;on a list of schools of such utandiim as may be approved by the Board of Kdu catlon on th" recommendation of the su perintendent of instruction. Second That the preparatory work cov ered by such norinul scnooi graduates shall have beer, equivalent lo the course of study In a firsi-clasa high school, and, Third Thai Die work covered by such university Or iniugo graduates shall, have Included the lull omi 111 H-uagoK of Ihe institution of wnloh they are gradu ates. For Kmirrlrsrril Teachers. Touchers of not less I ban sev en yenr of suecessfin. experience in gruded school Work, when tirsi vmpioyeu i,y me Hour. I ol education, sunn ii,: paid ,."') for one year nnd ik tnereaiter, provided their work in leucning ami m govci nii- is in every way ml istuitory. Directors III Im KimiergiuienS without previous expei b ill ,, snail receive onn for i t be nrst years service, and men advance py ine yearly increase., uniii . maximum ol .l'i Is reached, provided that luey shall have had at least two years of successful experience as paid, assistant In some well eht bHshed system of kinder garten schools, and. provided each yenr s service shows sailsluiiory advancement In teaching and in governing. Kindergarten teachers of no! less lhan five jeurs of successful and approved, ex perience as directors, when first employed by I lie Board of t'-dui ation, shall be paid IcO for one yenr and $ii thereafter, pro vided thev shall have had at least two yearn' suecesj-iul exierlence as puid as sistants in some well established system ol kindergarten schools, and, provided their work while in tne employ of llio Jjoard iC KducHtion is lu every way satisfactory. 1'uld nesisinnt In the Kindergarten shall receive W-H for the first year s service. tt-O for the second and thereafter, pro vided eacn year's service uhuws satisfactory advancement in leaching and governing Km Ira Par for Katrn Work. Kindergarten directors and tsehera In grades Im-!iiw tne high school who teach two school.! roinpuwil of dinennl pupils, one In ine torctioon and one In the aller lioon of each day, snnll receive Mo per annum more Ibun the amount staled In the schedule of teachers' salaries for such work. ' Kindergarten assistants who leseh two schools composed of different pupils, on In Ihe forenoon and one In the afternoon of' each day, shall receive tJt per annum 1 more lhan the amount stated In the ' senenuie ot icucncrs saturirs for I worg. . All teachers having taught one year al I ,ie maximum salary of $740 shall be ejl- I gible to write Ihe rUst professional nam- 1 i...i.... -.,.1 A..i.T i. o .1... .a ulurv uf tTMll ru-r annum unit hii.c teacniug one year at $7m shall be eligible to write the second professional examina tion, and upon passing II ahull receive a salary of $Mo per annum. Professional Kiimlaslina, In the llrst profession-!! exsrr liatlon teachers shall lie srqiilrrfl to pass In Ihe mowing snoj M-ia: tua.ory or 1. fit ation, .htloHo.hv if eihieu 1 Inn, it h I rtnti if 'ment uml Kng.lah U'ei at lire, 'i'l.e s:ai d.i. d for passing shall Is- r. r cent in each subject. In the second examination teachers shall lie required to pass In the following subjects: History of education, philosophy of education, school manage ment ami blstor ul ueaicfn fcurOfie, 'i'. I