THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY.. FKBMWKY GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ( old Wave Predic'.ioD tod Crsp Com plaints Ccuc.' WHEAT ADVANCES PRACTICALLY CENT urn anf Oat Show t a.aal Strength for aatanlar Material titrnte la Whil VLIbl eplr Kiperted Moaila. OMAHA, Feb. S. l!i. i .1 . ...... ! r wrainer tonight and tomorrow riiftnt. complaint from Kanran and Ne ntacka reppertin; the, winter wh'at crop und the proppertp of a material decrease In the visible rnpply for the wfck gave th. wheat market a tront tone and dis- oncrtd horta. MinnapoiiK markPt was fully aa Ptrons aa the Chicago market and an over-aold condition la prfiiim-d to exist there. The bullish features In the domeettc rltuutlon ofr?-t tho larae Auwtralian Bhin-int-nts and raxler continental cables. Senti ment underwent cnnalderable chanire. Flour tor ka the tlret or the month were 5",nn0 , barrels ks than for the correcpondlnK I ptwii a, )ar ago ana about the same on the flrat of January. Clearances were quite liberal at half a million. f'orn waa firm throughout the aepion with a continuation of purchases of May xlnnt aalea of July, the May tw-llmif 1-Kc higher. The utrerajth. In provisions and punhaees by packing Interests had something to do with the strength In Corn. It Is quite possible that the visible supply will show 'meidrrable decrease on Monday. Oats were very firm, advancing moder ately on a light trade. The strength else wh. r on. the floor had considerable Influ nce In inducing short .to cover. Tliere Wiis little of interest In the news. May wheat i-lopwd at 8Vifto4c. July at MsfcM'ic, and Scpumaer ai 83.4iijM-',c. My corn olosed at 44Tc. July ut 449 44-r-, and September at 45Vj46i.4c. May oats closed at 30aifti;c; July at -".': . uuii September at 2&c. I.ivei closed uncnanged on both w.v-nt and corn. h No. I northern, sold at Minneapolis l'Jay .it "tiilo under Mnv, and No. 2 in ! II .-it under May. Hrin'.PI i-eet's cleaninces show the Pacific aet ehipiK-d ;;UMi bushels wheat and .n. M limri'l Hour; the Atlantic coast 1.117,' bushels wheat and SiOfiO barrels flMir.-. Tin- Henboard reported export sales Msterday of rt.-mo bushels corn and 100,'jOO bushf'ls oats. A l.n-ge Clik-ago grain deiVr who has been traveling In Iowa and Nebraska pre-ll-ts a larger corn movement In those Mutes f roads Improve. World s shipments for Monday are esti mated by Hrooml.all at ll.LfnuiuO bushels. Hgnlnst lO.ljn.mjn bushels last week and M.'ttiom bushels a year ago. Australian wh at shipments were J,272,fi0 bushels, against .7(M. bushels last week and fttiSi OfMI hnuKelM liiat Petri -of St. Ixiuis says reports of dam age to the crop do not come from one point or to one Arm, but are getting gen eral. A Chicago trader says: "The east prob ably will be In the market for oats again soon, particularly If the market here holdp firm. Trie recent sudden increase In the supply of cars east piled up a lot of oats at Junction points through that section. These hiive now disappeared, but new buying has been checked by the weakness shown In the' western markets. Omaha lash Prlee. WHF.AT No. 2 lmrd. "H-STKc: No. 3 bard. T.iTfic; No 4 hard. rVxijjTSV: No. 2 sprlnK. 7i''i;G4c; No. 3 spring. 72(T741je. CORN-No. !. 37-(i:I7sc; No. 3 yellow, 374c; No. 7, white, JIV, . OATS No. : nvxed. iKrUSi.c; No. 3 white, LTir; No. t while. 2S(fi2Mic. . ItYK No. 2, WH: No. 3. fVi Oniirhii Cash titles. WHEAT NO. 3 l'rd. 1 car at 76c. 1 car at 74c, 1 car at I)c; Ko. 3 spring, 1 car at 71c; No. 4 hard. 2 ciirs at 72c. f'ORX-No. 3 yellow. 7 cars at 37Vc. RYE-No. S, 1 car at lilc. ( arlnl Krrrlil. . , Wheat. Ouru Oats. 384 47 t'liUsgu ,. Kansas City Allnrieasijls 1'uluth ....... St. Louta .... 13 314 7i 234 4 3ti 73 CHKAf.O 4RAI AD PROVISIONS Features of the 'Trading; and Closing -. Prices on Board of Trad CHICA40r-Fva. -A Tlie fiiat -speclfio r prts of fiarnaKv to lu" sown wheat whb:h have' lieen received here caused unusual activity and strength In the w hftat market! rranulated cane, in sacks, cs.Ol; At the close heat for May delivery ! bcelt In sacks, 4.i'l to. Corn was up V-Sc. Oats i BYRL'F i 'oonls, 2ic per today. At was tin showed a yaln of V4C. Provisions were IWti 32Vo higher. . r Strength In the market developed toward the end of the first hour. At the Immedi ate opening the market was somewhat weak mid initial uiioiations on May were a shade, to 'iV! lower at 84-'iM'c. Factors con tributing' to the 'easier tone were liberal shipments from Australia and mild weather : in the winter wheat belt In the I nited j States. As the session advanced trading in- creased in volume, shorts, commission i houses and cash Interests buying freely. I The selling was chiefly by longs. Respond ing' to the increased demand prices ad-' vanced steadily. Late in the day a report I was received from Kansas City to the ef- j feet that the crop in Hurton county. Kan sas, bad been damaged 20 per cent by the I unseasonable weather In the last .month. Other reports of damage enie from Mis- 1 sourl and southern Illinois. An official fore- ; cast of much colder weather tomorrow and ' a report of a blizzard In North Dakota I which might temporarily check the move- inent of grain caused Increased anxiety among the shorts. The market rlosed 1 strong with prices at the, highest point of the day. Final quotations on May were at KT.Sf'Sfc'tc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to SAl.OM bu. Primary receipts were 41.. "CO bu.. against 3M.i0 hu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Imluth and Chicago re ported receipts of i! cars, against 305 cars last week and 239 ears a year ago. lesplte heavy primary receipts, the corn market was tirm lor the greater part of the day in sympathy with wheat. Shorts were active buyers and the sellinit was mainly by longs. The market closed firm, with prloea at the highest point of the day. May opened a shade lower to l Bimuti niKoer 111 and closed at the 444ut4Nc, sold up to 44V' lop nKure. i.ucai receipts were a-4 cars, ern puteu cnerries. i,e; .-sew Turk evap with 11 cars of contract grade. orated black raspberries. 35c; fancy pears, fiats had a strong undertone, based prln- i 1m:: choice,- 15c; ' fancy nectarines. He; clpally on the condition of ihe wheat mar- 1 fancy apricots, llc; choice royal. lOVc; kit. Early in the day trading was quiet, but later n good demand developed May op4-nrd unchanged at 3'Vft-W'Sic, sold up 10 30' c and closed at SoVgSo'so. Local re ceipts were 164 csrs. Trading in provisions whs exceedingly ac tivH and the market showed unusual strengi h. A 56 10c advance In the price of live hogs was the chief cause of the stron market, but In addition to packers, com mission bout-en were active buyers. At the dose May pork- was op 31VO at $!4I7V lrd wss up "V ' $7 7'.''t Ribs wort' 12V,e higher st $7.9oi1.!2V Estimated receipts for Monday are: Wheat. 13 cars; corn, 3S cars; oats. 244 cars; hogs. 4.otvi head. Th leading futures ranged a follows: Articles.) Open. ' High 1 Low. Close. ,Yes'y. Wheat May July C01 n M a v July Sept. Oats Ms v July poi K Mir Julv U.M May Juiy R ibs Mav July I ' I I I 1 M Si'O S 85 -,'! , 4"'i S5", a , M V0 S M'3.;i, S4-s3Vlli H'sWiiii I .44',, 5S 41V tl'u S 44Vj ' 45 45HHU I ' 1 .StVJV , 'T i. 2S, 2: 44U 4U 44', 4 l34 'i" 15 45', '.1 '. S'V" 2'' II 4o 14 fl t 14 74V, : 14 sis 14 40 14 50 ! 14 67V : H 7.-, It 35 14 47- I 7 7?H 7 S2, TW ' 7 Ml, 71 ' 7'!.-. ; I I ."IV 8 02", 7 7 : 8 02 t x.. No. a. Cash y loiatious were as follows: FTxUR-Sternly; winter patents. $3.mVo !: straiglns. $3.jW3.K5: spring patents. 75-13 S5. straights, 8J.wfl3.7o; hakers,, $2.20 :D'. . WHEAT No. i spring. M'-j8.V; No. 3. TSti M4i-; No. 3 red, 8.VSrs6V. CORN No. 2. 4:i4.''jc; No. 2 yellow. 4-'c. OATS -No. ;. : V; No. 2 w hite, 3ovi.Vi No. 3 white, 3n'i31'e. RYE No. 2. tic. , BARLEY 4 iood feeding, wtjv ; fa(r xo 1 Imice. niultii.g. 435ta-. SKKPS-No. 1 $l.l; No. 1 northwesl ern. $1 16. Timothy, prime, $1 :i. Clover, counsel graiie. lu.ii' PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.55 4JM4" 1-ard. )er loo lbs. $. 6Vu7 65. Sluill j iiim. mm ikmm-. i.ny,..B. Film i Clear Slot S ll-'Xedl, $WOIVllV Fo!lowlu were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: ReCelMS Slliptiian Flour, bbl Wheat, hu corn, bu I'.ttS. tu Rye. bu Barley, hu ' " (' l- l- r.:!Mk"t ' f- l.r.t'. 18 ;3V- Js.7o i ! 15 on 2: :i t . -(. b".;n- 5-'.. 6 0 14: ; :5.3 7 1.4 1 , " 1 'x-Otif: mark. , Egg. lit 1.1, at esses firsts. 411c. luded. IVi I'.Vjc-: firsts, 1c; prime ; extras, 1 Cheese, st sdy, 11 OMAHA WHOLESAti MtRRF.T. Coadltloa of Trade ajad qaotalioas a taple aad Faaer Prednee. ECU; 3 - Here I pus liberal; candied stock Unsettled at l.'c. LIVE FuULTRT Hens, Hc; old roost ers. ic; turkeys, 16c: ducks. 10c; voung roosters, 'iK;- geete. c. DRfcSSJiiJ FOULTRr-Turkeys, liaise; eld toms. M'rlV: chl kens. lOulle; old roost ers, "c; ducks. U4il2c; geese, IS 10c B F T T K R Farking stock, IV ; choice to fancy dairy, lx'filfc.-; creamery. il'U21itc ; HAY Prices qumed bv Omaha F'e d com. pany; No. 1 upland, t Vi; medium, IS.w; coare. 5.ilia6"0. Rve straw, KM URAN per ton. II5.0O. HIOKS, PBI.TS AM) TALI.OW-No. 1 green hides. ,c; No. 2, t; No. 1 salted. 12c; No. i l;c; green bull bides, Mi'Jc; cured, tv 10c; dry hides, 16u20c. Horse hides: t.aige. J1.2.",; small, $2. jo. Sheep pelts, each 6x"o$1.2.i. Tallow: No. 1, 44c; No. , Zq; rough, H,c. TROPICAL FPt'ITS. t)ATES Per box of 30 -n. pes.. 12; Hal lowe'en 'n 70-lb. b lies, pr 10., oc; Sayers. per lb.. 4c; walnut-Ttniled, J-;b. pkga , 12 per dot.; s-lb. bxei. tl. ORAXOES - California fam-v Redland navels, all sizes, 2.704j3.OO; choice navels, 12.75. LEMONS Umoniert. extra fancy, 240 slse, IS 25 : 300 to 360 sizes. t3;50. FlGS--Callforni, per 10-lu carton. 7&5Kc: Imported emjrca, three-trown. lie; six crown, 13c. BANANAS Fer rnedlumlsed bunch. 11.75 pi 25: Jumb, K.ZMiZ.Vm. TANGERINES Florida, per bo of about Lib. l'. GRAPE FRUIT Florid . rr bog, 17 00; California, per box. 5.00. FRUITS. PEARS-Winter Nelis ai d Mount Vernon, 12.50. , APFLES-Callfornla Bel.flowera. 1.48 per bu. box; Ren Davis. $1 7 jer bu. box; Wine saps, 12.00 per bu box: ot ier varieties, liot per bu.; New York apples 14.75 per bbl. CRANRERR1ES Jersey,' ier bbl. GRAPES imported Malagas. st.Sti6o.0u. OLl VfcsJSTLfiB. 1 OTA1 Ok.a Hoine-ioun, per bu., Vii foe; South Liakota, per bu., 76c. OXIONS Home-grown, v"lluw and red, per bu., S6c; bpan'-ta per crate, $; Colo lucki, red and y,oie, jier tiu., tl.yo NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12 00. LIMA BUAN8 Per lb.. JVic CABBAUE Hume-grown and Wisconsio. In crates, per lb., 2w CARROTS PAKbNlPB AND TURNIPS Per bu., &fi7Rc. CELt.i; Y Kalamazoo, per do., 2.VjfL5c SWEET POTATOES - Kansas, per 2-bo. bbl.. $2.00. NEW VEOETABI.F.S TOMATOES California, per crate of 21 lbs., $2.0; 1'lorlda. H-basket crates, M.00. WAX BEANS Per hamper t,, about 30 lbs. net, .uo. eTKiNO BEANS Per hamper of about M ibs. net, $3wi'g4.00. r;Gt PLANT Florid i. per doi., $1.2.".ei 50 GREEN PEPPERS- Florida, per hamper of abojt 10 doz., $3.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, dox. bunches, 75c BHALLOTTS Louisiana, per doz. bunches, 7&c. MKAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl.. $8.iii l.i; per d.iz. head. Jl.iiKffl.75 LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per bo of 12 to 15 heads, 65c. crcuMHEHS-Hothouse. per doz,, $2.00. RADISHES Hothruse. tier dos. sOe. MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., 00c CAULIFLOWER - California, about 24 heads to crate, Vino. tEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib, 13c; No. Z rlo, I'OVjc; No. t rib 7!c; No. 1 lound, 7!c: Wu. 2 rojnd, 6Vf No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 loin, itiVsc; No 3 loin, 12c; No. 3 loin. 9c; No. 1 piate 4W; No. 2 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate. 3c, No. ' chucks, 5Vsc; No. 2 chucks, 4'ac; No. 3 chucks. 3Vc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. Jj.Tb, per bbl., 6.7i. llu.NiiY New, pc-r 24 lbs.. ta.JO. CiitESE-Swlss. nev lie Wisconsin brick, luc. Wisconsin llmbercr, 13c; twtn. loc; 30U11K Amencas, LuWm. N L La V alnuu. Nc. I soft shells, now crop, per ib., :Vjc; hard jiiells, per lb., 13tc. pvcuns. ite. Pfr l;., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. fe inu'.?, tics- IS , 7c; toasted, per ib., Sc. Chili walnuts, per lb.. 12il3fc. Al monds, soft bhells, pel lb., l.c, ha id shells, per lb., lie. Shellbark lilckor' nuts, per bu., 12.25; large hickory nuik, per bu., tl.50. Cht stnuls. per lb., lac. Cocua'iuis, J4 io per ba !t ' loo. FRESH FISH-Trouv, lie: halibut, 10c; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass, lie; sun linn, to '-' peicn SKinnod and dressed, sc; pike. Hie; led snapper, 11c; smmon, 11c; 1 rappies, B'aSc; eels, ISc; black bass, 22c; whlteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per ooz., 6ic: lob sters, green, 33c; boiled lobsters. 31c; Diu. rlsh, luc; herring, 4c; Spanish mackerel loc; haddock, luc; -hrtrr.p, ll.wral.6o per gal.; smi Its. 12c, cod, 12c; fresh standard oys 'lers, 1.40 per gal.: shelf oysters, fl.txrji 2,0n per V; little neck clams. J1.50 per 300 SUGARS uranuiateo. cane. i bbls., J5.O6; 4; ran uia led gal.: rases 10-lb. cans. $160; cases. 1! 5-lb. cans. $1.6"; cases, 24 2V,. cans, $1. n. COFFEE Roasted: No. 35. 25Hc per lb.: ! No. 30, 2Vc per lb.; No. 26. lo per Ib ; No. 20, l&Wc uer lb.; No. 215. 12'o per lb. I FLOCK twholesaiej iel high grade Ne I braska, per cwl., $2.10; best hlgb grade patent Minnesota, per cwt., $2.4'. sliaignt 1 patent Nebraska, per twt., $2.00; second j patent Nebraska. $1.1)0 C'L'KEr- riH rumtry whlteflsh, per i bbl., bv lbs., $4.50; Norway mackerel, per I bbl., 200 lbs.; aioaters, mo. 1, $2s.w. No. 2, $26.00: No. 3. ?-'.v.w; Irish No. 2. I $17.00. Herrlns. in bbls.. 200 lbs. each: Nor I way. 4k. $3.u0; Norwa. 3k. $13.00; Hol i land, mixed. $11 50. Hollanti berrmg. Id kes: Milkers, mc; kegs, mixed, 7oc. BROOMS No. I carpel. 3.2i; No. 1 Carpet, $2.40; No 3 plain. 82.25. 1 CANNED GOODS corn, standard west ; ern, batt&ic: Maine. U .2c. iimaioei, 3-ib ! cans, $l.2iryl so; 2-lw.. SVUoaji.uu; pme I apples, grated, 2-ib., $2.05(S2.3u; sliced. $1,113 12.JO; gallon apples, fancy, 83.ra; fali 1 f'irnia apricots, $1.4ii2.oo; ears. $1.75 peaches. $2.JfruIoo: Alaska salmon, red!; pink. Sc; fancy Chinook. F., $2.10; fancy eockeyo, F., $1.91; saraines. 4-oil $2.50. S-mustards, tl.Wiii 3lr; "-v-x-et pota toes, $i.1j"(1.25; sauei'Kiaut. $1.00; pump kins. Oc(S$.100: wax beans. 2-lb., 7bi9.ic; Uma beans. .-)b., 75(u-jc'u$i.35; .plnach, Vl.ail'.oo; chesp peas, 2-lb.. 0c; extra, iutnsic; fancy. 11 ai..a. EVAPORATED FRCITS Fancy Muir peaches, 12V:; choice Muir peaches, llWc fancy yellow, 12lic; 00-60 prunes, 60-70, 7'jc; fancy New Tork ring apples, llc; choice, lotc-. fancy 4-crown loose musca tel rcislns. 7ic: 3-crown. Tc: 2-crown. Sue 1 jancv eeieu raisins in l-iu. carton, 7c: I choice seeded. In 12-ux. cartons, 7'c; east- Uallowe' n dates. teWc; glace citron. 17c: candied. lflc; lemon. V4Vc; orange, 14V;. St. Loots (.rnrral Market. ST. I.41IIS, Feb. 3 WH EAT Futures, higher; cash, steady: Xo. 2 red cash, ele vator, S!ft3o; track, emft9.iV; May, aSc; July. 2c; No. 3 hard, usinSUc. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash! 41V; track, 42c May. 41'7.c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash. 31V; track, 32V: May, 30e; No 2 white. 32V'. FLOUR Quiet ; red w inter intents. $4.3541 4 5"; extra fancy and straight, 81. ! "04 .30; clear. $;l.4il. SEED Timothy, steady. $2,600 1.80. ' i. .i r;.l steady, 13.20. RRAN Firm; sacked, east track', HAY Firm; timothy, $6.u"313.5"; $1inAj10 50. , $4tfli prairie. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.02. RAGGING 91, e. HEMP T IN IE- "-.-. PROVISIONS - Pork, higliei ; jobbing, $14.50. Iard. higher: prime stemmed, $7. 47V Dry sail meats, higher: boxed extra short, 8.': clear nbs, s.2; short clears. $vs7V Bacon, higher; Ix.xed extra sluu-ts. $ To; clear ribs. $:.i; nbort clear. fS.5o. POULTRY Quiet ; t hickens. Pi-; 11V; turkeys. 14V; ducks, 12V 7'.c. BUTTE R Q uie t ; c rea mery , dairy. Iwi21c. springs, ; geese, 21jr2Jc; EGGS -Higher at 15c, case count. The receipt and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. r tour, nois b.n Wheat, bu 36.000 Corn, bu l0.fli1l Osts. bu i.0oo 53 .000 9.1.1" lO iwi.ono Kaasas City 'iraln and Provlslwus. KANSAS i.1TV, Feb 3 WHEAT Steady: May, . l,t-: July. 76Nc: Sepifmbcr. 75V". Cash: No. 2 hard. 7jV3,"C; No. 3, T5i7!S'i N-. 2 led. WflW'-r; No. 3. 8Vfll'?t-c. CORN-Stt-sOv : May. ec.- Julv. 4 v. Cash: No. mixtd, 'c; No. 2 wUite. 4"'c; No. 3. 'Ok OATS-Stcady; X.i. 2 white. 31(u32c; No. t mixed. 2sV. HAY Sleauy: choice liutothy, $10.5n''3 11. 00; choice prairie. $7 75'aS.i4. RYE Steady at tije. EGGS-Steady: Atissouri ami Kansas, new No. 2 whiiewood cases included. IJc; case count. 12c; cases relumed, xc less. BI TTER Creameiy, 2."c. Receipts. Shipment j. Wheat, bu... Core, bu .... Oats, bu . . . . . . . .l' .... 16,141- 4o,mw iil.'Mj S.'IOJ Ilalulh (irain Market. 1HLUTH. Feb 1-WHEAT-To an iye. No. 1 northern. (L'V; No. 2 northern. 8o',xc; in track. No. 1 northern, 82V; No. ! norlu trn. stVc; May. 84c; July, 85V- Mlltinukee Oral Market, MILWAUKEE. Feb 3. -WHEAT . lliur, No. 1 northern, tegHc, Nu. i lui tk- crn, 81HTi4c. May. &," 1V.4C asked, puts, .vc; chiIh. Vi"gc bid. l i r.-fiiaj ; .no, i, w-1 BARLEY Liull; N sample. 4oS'a k1c. OATS Dull: stumlanl, CORN Slead ; May. sskcu. calls. 44'c asked 31 '11 2. 4(-,r. puis 4l-'.' M1W KHIK I.KMinO. HAH KET Hantations nf the Day on arloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb :i -FIM R-Re.-eipts. 23,P5t bbls ; exports. 14 HI 9 bbls ; market dull and Ftendv; .Minnesota iatents. $4 .Vi'?74.Si; Minnesota bakers. :tSiiiJ i; winter patents, Jt.l'i4 4i; w inter straights. t;.V"a H'; w in ter xtras. Ii.7i--i3.25; winter low grades, 2'i5u3 J0. Re Hour, fiub-t: fair to good. 3.7'"i.'4.i'; ehoiee to fam-v. H.05.i4.3.'v Buck wheat Mmir. dull. $2.1012.15; spot and to ar rle. dull. 'sfi-, delivered New York. CORNMEAL Steady ; fine white and jel low. l.l.i, coarse. Mi: kiln dried. $2.70 RYK Nominal: No. 2 western. 53i New York. BARLEY-Firm; malting. 47'(i52c, f. o. b. c. I. f. BurTalo. HEAT Receipts. 2.0"j bu.; exports. 51. W bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red. elevator: No. 2 red. ?2'4C, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. !t5t4e, f. o. b. afloat. The opening of wheat was lower in response to h-.-irlsh foreign news, but the market Im mediately rallied and for the balance of the forenoon was strong, governed by unfavor able rrop news from the west, closing v& c net higher; Slav, X9 ll-lt:ftiV closed at SN: July. n -c. closed at tlbc; Sep tember. x7i7---, closed at S7Sc. :oRN Receipts. M.flnO bit.: exports. 20S.S57 bn. S(ot. steady: No. 2, o2-, elevator, and 4'.-1-!e. f. (i. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 4!i:ic; No. 2 white, 4V. Options were without transac tions, but closed firm at So net advance. May closed at 50V: July closed at &0S0; September closed at 5f'7c. OATS-Receipts, 19,500 bu. : exports. S05 bu. Spot market stead v: mixed. 32 to : lbs.. aitj-fCJoV". natural white. 30 to 33 lbs., &iH7c; etlpped w hite. ;w to 40 lbs., SMrffic. HAY Dull; shipping. 50o65c; good to choice. 77H'ftSOi'. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, I'ioi. U-Fil7c: 1S4. S'nKlc; olds, oifiRc. Pacific coast. i;in, 10ffil4c: 114. (iiillc: olds. Mi8c. HIDES Firm; (Halvestnn, 33 to 26 lbs., 20c; Texas dry. II to 30 lbs., inc. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. $11.50 mess. $9.m'iio.0ft: beef hams. $20.0fvff ll.fni. p'-ket. $"i1l.ti; city extra India nie-s. Jin .'m'.il!.ii. Cut meats, dull: pickled l.!lies. Js.ji', ph-kled shoulders. $'.. i .ii; ruckled hams. $.(5jR.,Vi. lard. steady; st-nni' ,1. $7 vfi7.fto: refined, steady; con tinent. $V South America, $S.5d: compound. J'"i.r.V'i;..'17,s. Fork, firm: family. $lij; short clear. $15 'i'il7.i; mess. $ TALLOW Steady ; city. oHc; country. SI''jC. 11U L Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 34 fiii.': Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady : street price, extra creamery, 2Ji28c. Offlcial prices: Creamery, common, to extra, liiv.-giilc: creamery, held extras. 2l'i22V-l state dairy, common to extra. J.rri24c; renovated, common to extra. 1VoLk-; western factory, common to tirsts, 15617isc; western Imitation creamery, ex tras. 2o-; western tirsts, lTValSSe. CHEESE-Firm; state full cream, small and latge, colored nnd white. September, fancy, I4t-4c; October best. 14iiW13c; late made, small, average best, 12V4c; slate larce. UV; fair, lH212c. EGGS Firmer: state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 25'it2(c: state choke. 23ii24c; state mixed, extra. 21ii22c; western firsts, lSWc; western seconds, 17 &lSe. POULTRY" Live steady; western chl'k ens. He; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14c; dressed irregular; western chickens, l(il7c; turkeys, la-gi'Oc; fowls, lial34c. Minneapolis l.rnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 3.-FLOUR-Firm ; first imtenlb. $4."o 4.40: second patents. $4.20 SI4.3": first clears. $3.5yo3.t0; second cleats, 2.4,a2.55. RRAN In bulk, $14.50-?i 14.75. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de llV( ry. The range of prices, as reported bv F. D. Day & Co., llo-lll Board of Trade building, was: Articles.! Open. I High. Low. Close. iY'est'y. YVheat-1 May.. July.. Flax May.. July.. Sept.. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., Feb. 3.-ORN-Higher; No. 8 ellow, 41c; No. 3, 41c; No. 4. Koc; no grade, 3tic. OATS Strong; No. 3 white, SOigsO'sc; No. 4 white, 29U.C. RY E Steady; No. 2. 67c. YVHISK.Y on the basis of $1,29 for n itly d goods. Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 3.-BUTTEK Steady; extra western creamery, 27'ac; ex- tin nearby prints, 30c. 1 BUGS- Firm; nearby fresh. ISo, st mark. fresh and western CHEESE-Steady: New York full crevnn, I fancy, 14'4c; choice, I314c; New York, Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 3. WH EAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet; March, 6slod; May, 6sS'd; July. 6s 7",d. CORN SiHit, quiet; American mixed, new, Isl'd; American mixed, old, 4s sd. Futures, quiet; March, 4slSjd; May, Is 2"-d. Toledo tired Market. TOLEDO, Feb. 3.-SEED Clover, and February, $i.25; March, $y3n; 8v20; timothy. $1.62; alslke. $7.85. cash April. Forelitn Financial. LONDON. Feb 3. Money was in keen demand in the market t.xjay and the sup plies were not plonftiul, owing to the Bank of Englimd ubsurhiiig a iurse amount of the floating supply. 'Discounts were fairly steady, continental exenanges being favor able. The supplies of gold bound lor Eng land are steadily Increasing. Trading 011 the Stock exenange was idlel and dull, is being the eve .,1 the hi t i.enieiu. ineie were some weeK-ena realisations. Consols were easy and home rails w. le dull. Deal- ers are anxious regarding ihe results of next week. Americans were dull and easier I and mostly under parity owing lo tne lack of support, except in the case of a few specialties. Canadian Pacific was ucuve unu uiana irunk was cheerful on the traffic Increase. Foreigners were Jalily firm and quiet. imperial im of lis were, quoted at 103V PARIS, Feb. 3. Trauirig on the Bourse today was Inactive, but prices were firm throughout. Russian imperial 4s wet quoted ai S3.45 and Russian bonds of r.M at iMi. The private rate of discount was 2 7-16 pi r cent. BERLIN, Feb. 3 Trading on the Bourse was quiet and prices Were steady. Cana dian Pacific was higher. toffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 3.- COFFEE Mai ket for coffee lii'ures opened hi umnang'-d prices to a decline of o points in sympauiv with lower European cai.lcs and under Eu ropean selling. Wall strev a very heavy buyer on the strengthening stuils tioal position and the :narset ruled verv active and generally flrmet with prices ai one time about lisiilb point net higher Just before the close theiv was realizing and heavier European offerings, under which the market eased oft slignily. the close was barely steady, hut at a net ad vance of 5'15 points. Sales were reported of liags. -inoludlng February at 6.H5u 1 vac: -Marcn, ii,.i"c; Aprn, i.pc; aiav. ,.;v 1 r7.2: July. 7 4"c; September. 7.55o" 7lk'; I lK-remrxr, 'a. si-c; January, 7.9Pc. 01 the business reported only about 45,000 bug wero swiictu-s. Spot Rio. steady; No. Invoice, k 7-16C- tlearluar Honae Averaars. NEW Y'ORK. Feb. 3. The statement of tne clearing hoiibe banks for the week I shows t'.at the bunks hoid il.ll,.i.2." over 1 the legal reserve le.juireineiiis. 'i Ins is a! uecrease of $4,.U2.i2o over last week. The statement follows: Ians, l,.jf7,;v.j,iOO: increase, $16,251, x. lH-poit. l.i)l,4"3.1ii; intrtase. IH.S'.sOO. Circulation. i.,l,n7-i: decrease. 4ix,,'-. tenders, 8S3.w;,3.iO; decrease. $615,30". Rpecie. l.w:,l'K decic-sse, $514,300. Reserve, $.'7b.47S.s-, drrrvMse. tl,l.H,4uo. Reserve required. -.j,775; in.'rease, $7l.i..2.28. Surplus. $11.127 625; decrease, $1,702,215. Ex-l'niled States deposists, $13,266,378; de. . $4 0S-2.550. Haak ( tearing. OMAHA. Feb. 3 Bank clearings lor to day were $1 ,;' W 155 29. and for the corie sp. nduig date last year $1,1!3.226.72. The clearings for the week, compared Willi the corresponding week of last year, were: 1M. 1905. Monday 81.Ms.77."2 $1.357. 5ul. 02 Tuesday 1.355.573.66 1.333.7j3.t4 Wednesday 1.701 .60 45 1,18.746.8 Thursday 1.52.774 .85 , l.l6.7n2. 16 Friday 1.647,743.66 1,275.5. 65 Saturday 1.686.155.2SI 1.1KJ.225.72 Totals $'J. 560,528. 03 Increase over last year $7,545,555.68 $-.'J14.Wl.JS Trraanry statement. WASHINGTON. Feb 3. -Today state lueni of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the $150. ujt'.iuo gold re.i rve. shows: Available cash balance. $l!5.!5j.:i7: g .l.l ti ln i.nd ouUtttn. $;7,477,lu, k '14 vet Ulicales, $Ju,766,S7ul 1 I I I I 83V M S3 I S4 I 834 M- Nu-Y 84 V S5Sj M-s 1 17',' 1 l''1 1 17" 1 1&Y 1 i"lis 1 ls-V 1 lHHi 1 liSi 1 194; 1 17V 1 18 I 1 17V 1 1V 1 17V. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eeceip s of (ttle Larger :'or Thaa t fear Ago. tbe Wsek HOGS REACH HIGH POINT THIS WEEK::: Cattle and Hobs Miiht l.ala In aloes for Week. 'While heep and l.amhs Are Ten to Tnrnt). Fle Cents Lower. Sot l"H OMAHA, Feb. S. I!. fteceipls rn Official Monday .. tni.-ial 1 11 -sday Offlcial Wednesday Official Thursday Official Frtdav .... Cfflclal Saturday , Cattle Sheep. 4.5VS 6.371 7.0.1$ . D.1M . 4.211 . 2.331 . 1.255 . 246 .17.Ki ,16.s .19.311 .12 423 13. MS 13.02 12.777 12.171 9.200 7.4.'!0 5o.v9 55.144 S.S7J 3X.047 4."1 2.751 71 1.112 1 15.7 .".4.375 31.357 .12.11 This week Iast week eek before Three weeks ago . Four weeks ago ... Same week last year 14, 13 35.29 23,'iro The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: Cattle Hogs Sheep iSV. Inc. 7.77s 3S.9M 987 R5.525 77.747 2S2,&7 nt.719 135.SS2 134.675 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Tbe following will show the price paid for the different kinds ot cattle on tbe South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers $4.S55 "0 Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4.407 1 W Common to fair ca rn-fed steers.... 3.5.t4.40 Good to choice cows and hellers.... 3.4043.10 Fair to good cows and heifers 2 4"i3.40 fanners and cutters 1.7;cr2.40 Good to choice stockers and feeders'j-i.a Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 3.25'u3 & Common to fair stockers 2.50-H3.23 Bulls, stags, etc 2.253.75 Good venl calves 6.0t"S 50 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days, with comparisons: Dale. I 108. il.'l!!ib. '1902. 11S01. 11900. Jan. Jan. Jan. Juu. Jan. Jan. Jon. Jan. Jan Jan. t-'eb. Feb. Feb. i 35 5 374 5 32S: 6 14 Sj, 6 36 I 5 M . 5 43 5 41HI S 48 I 1 4 Sfl' C 54' 021 0 131 4 64 4 K3' 4 s 591 6 03 ! 5 15! 4 5!i 4 66 ; I) 0b 6 0b S 22i 4 56 4 71! 89' I ( 1 1-! 4 73,' 4 E7 73' ! 8 1S 4 65 4 S3, 4 (tl! ! 12! I 4 62 4 Ml 4 79 6 57. 6 B K 23... I 24... 26... 20.. , 27... a... 2S-...I 30... 31... 1.... 2... 2... 4 7 4 6 18 j 6 2$ 4 hi 4 Ml I 63l 4 SI, 6 ill b 00! h 4 C4 I 6 63; 5 97' 5 W 4 56 4 74 : 3 95 5 1-2; 4 ti7 4 i 4 70 4 73 6 S. 16 25 ! 4 0.8 4 72, 4 Sb, 6 7 5 93) 1 i 63 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES Cattle. $2.25'ir6 55 . I.u6.25 2.25'(Hi.oo 2.015.95 2.75fi6,lo Hogs. $5.3fl'a5.574 & ln6.95 4. K. rt,-,. 75 5.0017 5.95 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. I,ouls Sloug City FRIDAY'S The following list 6.4Vb5.5u SHIPMENTS. shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to of me country rrlday and their points uestinauon: CATTLE. Cars. G. M. Brittoii, Prescott, la. y A. KHenfeller, Conrad, la. N. W Charles Smith, Ienox, la. Q T. R. Orlup, Ohiowa Q R. H. Mitchell, Lincoln Q Crandall & H. Cj.. Buffalo. N. Y.-Q. G. V. Strohl, Strahn, la. Wab J. V. Odgen, Red Oak, la. Q Hesley & T.. Mlnden. la. 1. W A. E. Shelleck. Woodbine, la. I, C... H. Mendt. Walnut. la R. I YV. C. Davis. MC'leliabd, In. G. YV... C. J. Reese. Dunlap. la. 1. C S. C. Fletcher. Arlon. la. N. W J. D. Sievera, Rockvllle 1". P Stream Bros., Overton. la. Q C. J. Ward. Cedoso, 111. R. I George Flint. Manilla; la. Mil The official number of cars of stock U ses .. 1 2 ., 2 .. brought in today by each road Cattle. C M. &. St. P , Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific C. & N. W.. east ..!.,..;..... 1 C. & N. ' west 4 C, St. P.. M. & O C, B. & Q., east ,.1 C, B. & Q.. west Illinois Central was: Hogs. 11 1 31 12 32 Great Western .. . int Total receipts 9 126 5 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country .. Armour & Co.. Denver Other buyers 2 1.701 12 2.071 4 3.M5 1 2.OT1 24 Totals .12S 10.653 CATTLE A usual on a Saturday, there , was no market here today, the receipts being extremely light and nothing of any eonsequence doing. The total receipts this I . 1. 1. n . I ..... n ellDh,!,, lu rsi.r l,an 1 tf 1 nmi imvr urrn v..i, v. the previous week and larger than a year ago by over 3,t"X head. In spile of this large run the market has been In veiy satisfactory condition. Fat cattle begun the week with a steady market and good kinds were steady on Tuesday, with the common kinds slow and easier. On Wednesday, under the influ ences of moderate receipts and a goi.d. active demand, values firmed up snd were generally o,uoted a little better than tho previous day. This upward movement was continued on Thursday, when salesmen pretty generally quoted their sales as strong lo 10c. higher. With no material charge In value during the last two days of the week It follows that prices are now Hist SDoiit joc nigner man a week r ti e.t.iu r.i an ui-eraee hv n. I been anv too rood in point of Quality, but still there were a few good enough to bring $5.50. showing thst really prime cat tie will bring high prices. What has been said regarding the mar- I j,P( ,, fat gieers would apply in the main to the cow and heifer market. As was the case with fat cattle, cows and heifers be gan tbe week about steady, eased off a little, only to strengthen up again later 011. so that at me close or tne week they ; showed an advance of about 10c, the same as steers. Blockers and feeder have also been very good seller all the week and have been in excellent demand for this season of the year. Prices during the first half of the week were very strong, but, as Is apt to be the case with this kind of rattle,- es pecially when receipts are running well up with the demand, the market eased off somewhat toward the latter part of the week. At the close of the week it is diffi cult to distinguish any very marked differ ence In valuta between now and a week ago. Representatives sales: COWS A. Tr. Ko A. Fr. p6 :o HEIFERS. Ke. .. I '. II t 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 t Si t i iss j or. I 6 S tO 1 4n 3 2i t 4(l I 1 1 J 7i HOGS There was a fair run of hogs here for a Saturday, although the receipts were iy no means large, still thev were scjnewhat in excess of previous Saturdays 1 of recent date. Under the infloence of en I roursging reiiorts irom all selling points. eoupleil with a good local demand, the inurket opened about 5c higher. The early sales were un the basis of $5 6l'S for rood hogs. This price secured the bulk of the receipts, with some of the better hoes sell ing as high as $5.55 and on up to $5 57V for choice loads. The early market was quite active st the advance noted above and the big bulk of the receipts changed bands in good season. Some of the heaviest buyers, however, were still following bear tactics, so that after the more urgent orders were filled tbe market became less brisk and th feeling a little easier. The course of value this week has I leen aioiosi MC1U117 uinia. 1 ni w pea siartea out with values a shade higher, with a sllsht resction on Tuesdsv. followed by a good stiff advance on Wednesday and a slisht reaction the dsv after and the big advance on Friday. The furtb"v dvance today places the market at a oinf that is lTie Oghe O-in tbe eose of last week and the h'irhei of anv day so far this year. Representative sales: Nt, Sh Pr Sfi. Sr. Uli Pr 7t 144 lf I S-i T 2114 ... S svi.. 1 171 ... $ 4'- t HI 40 SSV, JOS 15 ... 47C, tH SI I ... SMI, i ... s T ; to ( r,2i, 1 so :it ... I'M ti 4 ... Il'i, ' 7 tit i S 241 ... Ill tl J"7 K'U 1 hu ki ... 3 m i"i ... I is st v 4 I .-. !"4 ... s" m tn ... s t"J ... 1:4 :'4 ... IK 7 foil ..SI" IT, 871 is, 5 :r. ; 7 ' 4ii 5:.- ;rt ki ja ! l"t l-O II iM f J34 40 S 13 M 114 . . I os t tit in S iV" 7 :44 In S 2i, M i-?7 ... r. rr -n 4 1 ;:u h y,t it i 7S t7 4 5 T.21, J 2H& ... i s- 4 t' ... I t 4 4f IV. ' 4 n:. Hu 40 ; ! Sis vi r. ;, t ... ! S'. I 4T 271 ... : 71 i; . . ;. :t ' !r. 7 jv. . . '71 til in i U'.t 17 :: ... , j S". T'. . 70. :i J r- ::: ... ( ', ! 27. - . Tl S4t . . i cs : t-.i S ii ,:;?4 iMl ! - ... if, ... 5 ' 14, IT ! : i. t s:1 j: m i hi', it . . ( Mv, . L-sn to I ls ff. : " S (!', 74 t 41 6 s 7: :i l ' M', 7: I'll1 ... .". : ... $ ms : "" 5 72 .' :'7 4" 4 M't 70 tM 4 c 4" i p:s " L'O., 5 f.Jf r. 40 i :s 7 i n i 7 ; 4n f s;u 91 ?7i " t ifi 71 24S " S M' M itS S .". Mt, ;! ... us t;T ... p &-l SO B its 71 Tl 0 6 r:s i s-.- . . t.:s '-' i : i Ms M : ... i sjs 3 40 o MS As usual on the last $ ; ..'2'. 1 Is:: t H . .1 .1 . .Stl'l 14 l.-n :si :r. in .i:' .277 1M 76. 7? r, 4:. f, k:. .VI i . : . i. . 1 . i K i it, i I ; 7'i r. ms of the week, there was coninaralu elv little domic on tho sheep market, not nougli In faci to call It a market. This has been a week of extremely light sheep receipts he total being less than half what It was for the previous week and a little n -"e than half the receipts of a year ago. flits light run has tieen due entirely to the efforts of coni- mission men and newspapers to keep down 1 the receipts at this point on account of the limited demand. Had all othr markets followed the same policy prices for th week would unquestionably have been maintained, but In spite of the fact that the eastern mutton market was badly de moralised shipments of sheep and lambs were encouraged at some points, with the result that (hose markets broke and car ried down with them the markets st other ' points. The decline for tbe week at South Omahs amounts to lfKEr".r some kinds showing more loss than others. In spit" of J this seemingly heavy loss prices at this 1 point nave ranged higher comparatively than at any other simply because the re ceipts being light here Uie market has been In a good, healthy condition. Sheepmen do not anticipate any Improve ment In the market so long us the demand for mutton is so light In the large eastern consuming centers. Cold weather would have a tendency to stimulate the demand for mutton and might be followed by a radical Improvement in the sheep and lamb market. This means that the market Just at present Is largely under the Influence of weather conditions, and so far as can be seen there is no other apparent reason for th" present weakness in values. Qotations for fed sheep and lambs are as follows: Good to choice lambs (Colo rados). $9.KOfd7.10; good westerns. $6.75417.00: good lightweight yearlinrs, $5.65f6.0o; good heavy yearlings. $5 So'tS .75; good wethers, $5.4("q5.65; ewes. .$4.75496.15. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKKT Cattle Steady Hogs Ten Cents Higher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. CATTLE Receipts. 5o" bead; market steady; beeves. $3.5fi6.25; cows. $1 4ia4.4"; heifers. 82..VMU4.80; calves. $5 5'ft7. .0: good prime, $S.3ifi6.25: poor me dium. $3.6'' o5. 1.5: stockers and feeders, $2.60 t4 50. HOGS Receipts. 14,000 bead; estimated Monday. uo.'JS? head: market 10c higher; mixed and b:chers. $5.65fg6.9f : good heavy, 5 Mrti fiS; rough heavy, $5.655.75: liKht. 5 .fr''V pigs, $5.10(56.6(1; bulk of sales, $6.75'u5.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. head: market steady; sheep'. $."; 506.70; yearlings, $5.9cJj6.60; lambs, $5.507. 50. Knn-ns City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 3. CATTLE Receipts, head; no southerns; market unenanged; cnolce export and dressed btef steers, $5.2ft3.00; fair to good, $4.0ofi6.2B; westein fed steers, f3.7a"jo.90; stocKers and feeders. $3.0041 4.1m; southern steers, $3.25'u4.76; southern cows, $3.2.Vu3 wi; native cows, 2.25(i4.oo; native heifers. $3.00 (fi4.W.i; bulls. $2.6o'n3.t; calves, H.Wyi.OO; re ceipts for the week. 44, boo head. HOGS Receipts, J,2o0 head; market 5-a t 7jc nigher; top, kS.siH! buU of sao s. $a.t .frio.70; heavy, $5.C5t5.iu; packers. $5.60?iu.70; ' pigs and lights. (5.;e5'a5.63; receipts tor the 1 week, 66,000 bead. ! SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 700 ! lead; market steady; native lambs. $5.S0'a ; 7.11': western lambs. ti.tni4i7.0i; ewes and yearlings, Jl.lfejiS.iS; western fed yearling, ka.w i.o; western fed sheep, $1.25a5.75; stockers and teeders, 4.25'; receipts lor tne week, 33,700 head. Sew York Lite Mock Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. BEEVES Receipts, 59o bead; none oh sale. Market feeling nominally steady: dressed beef slow at 7--'i eSfce per lb. for ordinary lo choice native siues. Exports. 1.1W0 beeves, li-9 sneep and 5,14o quarters of beef. CAL ES Receipts. M2 head; none on sale. Market feeling uuchanged; city dressed veals, fair active and steady at !'&14c per lb.; country dressed, 8VPl2c. HOGS Receipts, l.'ioi head; no sales re ported. Market feeling firm. SHEEP AND UnlHS- Receipts. l,t)2 I head: no sales of sheep. Market feeling 1 i weak: lambs In very poor demand and a, fraction easier; good lo prime lambs sold at $7.5"'(i7.N: dressed muiton, extremely dull at Mi 10c l"-r lb.; dressud lam us, slow and easier at ltol2c. St. Loots Live Stoek Market. ST LOUIS. Feb. J CATTLE Receipts, 2O0 head; no 1 exans. Market strong; na. j tive shipping and export steers. $4i'ij it Ij; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3 !(44.i"0; steers tinder l.'XI lbs.. $3.i"'u4.15; sioci.ers and feeders, 82.Mrit3.7a; cow and heifeis, $2.jo4.2o; canncrs. $1.75''i 2.35; bulls, K.7o 3.55; calves, 2.2a'n r.Ou; Texas and Indian steers, 3.ooi4i; cows and heifers, $i.oo;(i 3. so. HOGS Receipts, head. Market was higher; pigs and light. 5.vf43.!r'; packers, e5.i'ij6.j)0; butchers and best heavv, $5.8o'ij 5 95. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 300 head. Market steady; nauve muttons. tn;(625; lambs, $5 .Oco ."-'; cuils and bucks. $3.00'u4 00; stockers, $3.noi3.50; Texans, 83.oO'J4.0n. St. Joseph l.lvt ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 3. Stock Market. BATTLE Receipt. 1.0J4 head. Markel steady ; nu lives, 43. .5ir d.sO; cows and heifers, $1 75344.80; stockers ana u ecu-is, ..,j' HOGS-Receipts. 5,244 head. Market t'cWV higher; light. $j.5o5.5; medium and heavy, $5.o'ii5.71V bulk of sales. $5 6J6 u. V SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, none. Market nominally steady. Sioux City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 3 iSperlal Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 200 head; market steady; beeves. $3.75i5.1o; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.5Otj4.00; stockers and feeders, $ii.0o 4.i; caives and yearlings, 2.76'ij3.80. HOGS Receipts. 4n head; market, a big 5e higher, at I5.404i6.5o; bulk of sales. $5.45. MorU In Sigh. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesierday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I South Omaha 246 s.21! 1 i Sioux City 20 4i Kansas City I.000 3.100 700 St. Joseph 1.028 5.244 St. Louis 200 2.000 Chicago 5. 14.0ii0 !.0i10 Totals 3.274 3s.644 3,ooi Cotton Market. NEW YORK", Feb. 3. CoTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands, li.45o; middling gulf. 11.7"c; sales none. NEW ORLEANS. Feb 3-4'OTTON-Bteady; sales. 4.150 bales: ordinary. 8 l-16c; good ordinary. 940: low- middling. KVc: middling. IOV; good middling. UV; mid dling fair. 11 9-16c; receipts, 8,556 bales; siocg, 319.320 bales ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. . COTTON-Un- changed; middling, 111,4c; sales none; re shipments, 210 bales; c lpis, 422 bales stoik, 42.'.1 bales LlVEKPfiOL. Feb. 3. COTTON Spot, good business done; prices g points lower; American middling tair. 6.43d; good mid dling. 6.ood; ordinary, 5.43d. The sales of the day were hales, of which Lino I Knlea Here t ... cr.ftrnl t i, m mw9 ex'Nirt and included .2oo bales American. Receipts. 32. OKI bales, Including 26.1ii bales Ameri can. UII and Rosin. NEW YORK. Feb. i -Oil J-Cottonseed. firm; prime crude, f. o. b.. 241a2f'C. Petro leum, steady: refined. New York. $7.M; Phil adelphia and Baltimore. $7.55; Philadelphia, and Baltimore, in bulk, $4.60. Turpentine, steady; 6sVii6Hc asked. ROSIN Steady; strained. common lo good. $i.! SAVANNAH. Ga line, firm at 5bc. JIOSIN Firm: A. , Feb. 3. OIL Turpen B and C. $2 4o: E, $3.40 '03 45: F. f3.4.Vt$.80; 3 S5; I. $i.3yo4 40; IC. O, 3.5-v.j35t; H. $iya 8V1; M. $5.35; N. $5.S5; WtS. $5: WW, $6 15. ilL CITY. Pa.. Feb. 3. Oil, Credit bal ances, fl.&M; shipments. February 2, 5s,L'.n bbls.: runs. Fetiruary 1. 62.7M bbls.; ship ments. IJn.a. February 2, 51,311 bbls.: aver age, 67.460 bbls.; runs, Lima, February 1. :,,,S1 bids. Metal Market. YORK. Feb 8 METALS The NEW metal na gels we'e eiiiel W illi pi H-t s Ull- I char. in -e or uli-n eab'-p I Tin a tjotvu a l ; .' : lt and , ! -le-trolytlc copper were nominal at $!'', 5o and cssflng st $l'"i l.ead was oinet st $5 w -1,0 6. so and spelter at p ln-th..'". iron : was reporteci steady. i ST. LOUIS. Fob. 3.-METAIJ4 Lead. I 1 stesdy at $6 n Sts'lter. stead.- st ." Kiapnrated Apples. NEW YORK. Feb 1 - EVAPORATED 1 ; APPLES The msrket Is quiet, the demand I showlrg very little Improvement and st rhS j ! ere well held, how ever, and pi ices are lit m . jWith choice nuoled st 7,.fiS. nearlv pi line st S4",'. eholre st loi fancy st U'ollSc , ( AI.IFOH.MA PRlBi FRI iTS--Ptline j re In good demand on spot, w ith quotations ! firm st 4Vnc. according to ginde. Aprn ots i s's.-i are In fair demand and firmly held. Choice ar quoted at l'MoUc. extra ciioii-e j at loSj'iilOtic and tam-y at llfilU I'eai ! vs r unchanged, with extra choice quoted at I KV. fancy u 10'tfjllc. ( xtru fsncv st HS f - IV. Raisins are quiet; oise Muscutels are quoted at iy4iic. s-ed.-ii raisins at .'', 11 j 7 v snd lxmdon layers at $l.w. naar and Mo:naara. NEW YORK. Feb. 3 SUUA U Raw . fair refining, i 15-l';fi"c; i-t-nirtl'ugal. S6 st. :i 7-16ti.Is,c; molasses sugar. 2 U-l-r refined, steady; No. fi 4.30c; No. 7. line; No, S. 4 1'V-; No. 9, 4.ic- No. I. 4e; No. 11, 3.95c; No. U 3"c; N'o. 14. HV; confectioners "A." 4 55c; mould "A." 6.a?c; cut lost. .40c: crushed. & 4V: ' powdered. 4 .: gianulatid. 4.7o: cubes. 4 95c MOLASSES Hrm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. .'kii3c. NEW ORLEANS. Feb 8 -SUOAR-FIrm: open kettle. 2H2-Sc: open kettle centri fugal. 3V?3V: tenttifugal whites. .IS '9 4c; yellows. Kvo'S-'V; seconds. 2t?3 1-1 Wool Market. ST. IJUIS. Mo.. Feb. H.-W'tK L Steady ; medium grades combing and clothing. 263 30c; light fine. :25r2ic; heavy tine. l!"321c; tub washed, JCC&41V'. LONDON. Feb. 8.-W001-The arrivals of wool for the second series of auction sales amounted to S3.s.4 hales. Including M.50O hales forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: New South Wales, 6 Victoria. 6.81S boles; uueensiund. 2.413 Dales; 1.S94 hales; New Zealand. 14.672 bales; elsewhere, 979 bales. of of Merchandise and specie. NEW TORK. Feb. X Total Imports inerclisndlse and dry goods at the port New York for the week ending today were vtilued at $16.03.670. Total Imports of siweis were $11,214 silver and $22.91 gold. Total exports of specie were $1.S76.299 silver nnd $17,875 gold. The Amamliia- Pea not. At the word we smell not only that good food of man and child and beast, but the sawdust of the circus. The lions roar. The clown pours out bis pleasantries. The fender crackling of shells Is heard all around. Peanuts! Peanuts In the south, the west, the north. In the United States, a nut contemporary tells us. are 350,(0 acres of peanut land and 170,000 peanutters. Three hundred million pounds of peanuts, worth TWO "EXTRA WOMAN'S HOME COlvNJON THK TWENTIETH CTCNTTJRY FARMER RKVIRW OP REVIEWS COSMOPOLITAN WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION THK TWENTIETH CENTVRY FARMER REVIEW OF REVIEWS COSMOPOLITAN . WOM4 '8 HOMR COMPANION COUNTRY CALENDAR We are rery fortunate la blug able to arranfre with tbe pobllrtera of these well known magazines to offer their publication at thlaae atlonal price. It is an opportunltr not often presented. Nerer JOT baa a publisher been able to make so liberal aa offer on exclualTe ht$70 grade and high priced magazines. You ask how Is this offer possible if the three magazine haT a fixed value and are not like the commodities usually offered M bargala prices. THE EXPLANATION It is well known to ereryone In business that In fixing a selling price there must be added to the manufacturing cost the cost of mar keting. The cost of marketing a magazine Is a big Item, and these three publishing housea decided to unify their efforts to get new read ers, making one organization do the work, and dlride the cost mi mar keting by three. That is why you can buy theoe magazine, that it tbe needs of every home, for nearly half trice. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This Is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home. Special articles on subjects of the giestest interest are printed each week. These ore written by men of national reputation and cover a field so diversified as to embrace during the year all branches of far activity and life. Frank G. Carpenter's "Letters of Travel" and Wil liam Jennings Bryan's "Around the World Letters" appear In no other agricultural paper. Either One of these features are worth the price of a year's subscription. No other farm rapor maintains so maay regular departments, such as Feeding, Live Stock, Veterinary. Dairy. Poultry, Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garden, with four pages devoted to the women, young folks and children. Each of thee partments la edited by a practical editor and not by a theorist, REVIEW OF REVIEWS. This magazine is almost necessary for the np-te-date maa 48 woman who pretends to keep abreast with the times. Its Illustrations will consist of 1.200 pictures a year. Its departments give tbe best that is in all of the other Important magazines all over the world. Timely and informing article, almost as fresh and as full of newt In terest as the daily papers. THE COSMOPOLITAN. This has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. With Us recent change in ownership it has been Improved and Is far better Ib every respect. Its gain in newsstand sales and in subscriptions haro been remarkable, and these are due to the new life and real merit The Cosmopolitan Is printing what the people want. It contains regu larly the best Action, the best spocial articlee on timely topics and too beat Illustrations money can buy. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. -This magazine is for every member ot the family. It Is an Idoal entertainer and helper in a thousand congenial ways. The Issues for the forthcoming year will be unique In conception and execution, rich and varied in content and brilliant with tbe finest and moat elaborats and mort artistic Illustrations obtainable COUNTRY CALENDAR. . This is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by tho Re view of Reviews Comrany. It is tbe most sumptuous, beat illustrated and most costly magazine made in the world. It duplet rural or coun try life in America, both intelligently and instructively. It lllnstrate and tolls of tbe life and home surroundings of tbe farmer aad rano bulb, as well as tho multi-millionaire and his country estate. Tim Nov T(7, ,4 Arrange tor yvur magnrrM reading sow. Tern are vm is nail, rvjy jettUig the entire list Include tn this wonder tnl offer at but little more thn the regular price of oce taagaxlae, so great Is the reiuetlca. Tho offer is good for oew and roaowal svfeoRrljttltDM aad will be ssads for out a United time. C.n :n Order Ttftstav Yen cannot afford to nxfass tbis oo tnfLnJLyS!rZ'' port unity. Pend romlttajioes aad A dress all com-m-rplratirn to THE TWKKTXKZU CTV&Y FA KM KM, OMIUi. KKKSAOKA. in .moio. Hre produce here every j-eai. and yet peopl-- tnlk of "peanut" poUtlolans rontempiuously. There are whole rplc poems In 'he pctinuu It is accomplished 1 tin- AdnilraHIr Crlchlon of nuts. Eer part of It Is uycful. It heats pens and corn as a fattrner of stx k and poultry. II en riches the soil as well as tho farmer. Praise, honor and ent tin pean'it! St. loHls Re public. HARVEST OF WILD OATS Mean and When They 4. re Imssnae. The age at which drunkenness is estab lished whs Investigated by Dr. Charles U. Dana snd his conclusions, belnjt baaed upon some thousands of eases, are not only of gieut scleiitidc value, but have a practl-c:-l applicatkm as well, briefly It might i be said that Inebriety usually begins be fore 20 years of age and if a man ha net Indulged to excess before he is 25 he Is not likely to do so later. There are o few who begin excessive drinking between 9f and 40 years of sge that ope who has reached the age of 30 without excesses is almost surely ssfc. Dana stated that no cases arte after 40 years of sge. There It a popular Idea, no doubt, that numerous cases do arise after 40. but It Is not at all unlikely that Investigation Into their early histories wDJ bring to light a long serins of occasional overindulgence with some symptom dat ing back to childhood. Dana evidently re fers to resl inebriety In yotith and not to the lapses which so many young men wrongly assume to be a part of their edu cation, nor does he assert that all youth ful inebriates are Incurable, hut merely thst old case began at an early age.' Wild I oals must be reaped In sorrow and pain. i but they do not necessarily chok the whole t crop of good seed. These statistics are of such profound significance that It Is quite remarkable they have elicited so little com ment and have not been made the basis of practical measures for the prevention of drunkenness. American Medicine. F. D. Day & Co. Dealer In Stocks. Gra n. Provision Shin Voir drain to Co, Braneh, IIO-lll Board of Trad Bide. Omaha. 5 eh. Telenhon SS.14L 212-214 Exchange BIdg , South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 21& Independent 'Phone t SPECIALS" ncpnlar Prir f, wr f , ( fer for limited time voir f $3.25 f All to One Addreaa. ReignUr ITice 0.0O. Oma Offer Onlf AH t Ob Addreaa.