THE OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1006. SPECIAL NOTICES Adertlsem ! for these fnlamni Trill be taken until 13 fit. for the evening edition and until p. m. lor ihr mornlne aad Sunday o'ltlon. Ratea 1 l-2o a nord Bret Insert Inn, le a word thereafter. Nothlnsl taken lor less I ha a for the flrat Inser tion. Thrac advertisements maat be ran oueeeutlely. Advertisers, hr renueetlnaj a num bered check, eon liar anawera ad dressed o a numbered Inter la rare if The lire. Anairere eo- addreaaed will b dellrered on preeentatlon of hrvk. MISCELLANEOUS MDVVI NTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE ' '.' IS NOW OPEN DAT ANI NIGHT SESSIONS. Vet It la not too line to enter. New stu lents nro twins enrolled dally. Business, shorthand. Typewi itlne. Telegraphy. Eng lish. Catalogue free. Address II. H. BOVIJiS, President. Boytes 'Iluildlns, Omaha. Neb. , . R ai CITY flAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent R 671 f R YKELUY 8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R 672 UMAHA Hnfe and Iron WmVs make a spe- 'Inlry of Ire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andteen, Prop.. 102 8. loth St R -a 1 1 Columbia Records Reduced. . to 25c, 35c, 50c and 60c. The Columbia Phonograph Co -C21 Far nun) tit., Omaha. R 673 tfila Tiflt Itl'MBbU & SON, 11X4 uuit i it J No. iita St.. Omaha R 67t, SIGN PAINTING, S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. HoTl STKINVi'AY piano, upright, big bargain. perm-lU Piano Co., lull Faruain St. . . 115,8 CHICAGO LAUNDRY, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. , R MW3 F18 CLOCK REPAIRING. 1 guarantee. W. J. Rlclmicio, 2210 Cap. Ave. Tel. Dung. "234. R-M9I2 F1H T WE PRESS 'EM Your bosom friends are safe with us. No larger to vour linen- wltn our up-to-date STEAM PKEriSCRK MACHINE. CITY STKAM ULNLiKV, 209 and 211 So. lull St. Tel. 251. R-M461 M2 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 2Ath and Davenport. R-M301 F23 OMAHA Klectrlc Works. Electrical repair ing. Prices right. 10S-12 N. 11th St. Tel. 1181. R-M356 F24 WE BUY" and Bell typewriters. We will sell your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter exchange, 328 Neville Hlk. Tel. 4603. R 154 Feb20 KINDLING for aale; good wood, sawed and spilt, ready for stove. BALB ACH ft HAGEDORN Planing Mill. Phono 153. . R M329 Feb23 MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to or der. , - R-M330 Feb23 PCDWINC American herb. 1624 N. 21st rCrvMnOgL, Omaha, Neb. Tel Red 72,9. ... v . R M4o9 M2 ELSASSER ft BRICE. Machinists. 317 8. 12th St. Tel. 6837. . , . R.-476 Feb31 GUNSMITH, keys, trunk-locks, repairing. - lleflln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2974. R-20S towa Sanitary Cleaning Ct.-1919 Farnam s- . - R 661 SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer. 312 Bee Bldg. r R 645 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ?ODA FOUNTAINS, any sfse;', 1818 Farnam. Vt'ttf . . Q 911 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST M IXKD PAINT, Sherman si McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. q 663 HALL'S safes, new', 2d hand. ISIS Farnam. Q.-664 UENULNE Hall's safes. 1110 Farnam St, Q MU3ti Feb. 18 FOR SALE At a bargain, material In atone wall at lith and Doufilas Sts. See R. W. Baker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C ROBewator. Bee business oflioe. Q-inx FOR 8ALr-Two life scholarships . on Ontaha business colk'ge. Address Dwlght Williams,. Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nob. i 11-S29 XR 8ALI 3-year-old Hmlletonin Kld Ing. Itay. three miles north of Kru ft Park A. T. Seybolt. Florence. Neb. Q M620 6x SErONI-HANl STEAM FITTINGS rOR SALE If you want a bargalil In steam fittings call sua iook over. mo toiiowing supplies: 1.8-Inch Austin's horlsnntal separator. 1. 4-Inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam ulant and are In Kood condition. Address Bee Building .Co.. or see W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee .mat;., uniana. , (J iJ2 100 SINGLE Iron beds, springs and mattres- ses; 12 each, complete; worm j. 20i D'vpt. Q -M4U7 F2ti MILCH- COWS, on easy terms. 43d and PIANOSquare, $1U; 60 ceiita weekly. Per fleld Piano Co., Kill Farnam St U 63 FOR SALE One 6x4x6 Worthinirtnn n, plex . Boiler Feed Pump; can be seen running jwr ing next iwo weeKS. W. 11. WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easv navm.nt. and lead the world In- cheap prices on 'billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswick Balke ouenaer . wi d. ivin Dt., uniaha. Neb ... q Mta? ' CRIBBING, fir timbers. 80 feet and under seasoned hardwood lumber, uul Douglas. . Q 661 fcJO 8TOVE8 to select from at low prices Chlcagj Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge St, ' U-60S SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA The fiunoua Old Trusty Incubators; made oy tiiiuoii, me. incunaior man. Send for 124-puge free catalogue. 260 poultry 'Illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay ,. enmr, xsco. . i 14660 FOR sale, an 8-room modern house to be niovea, Darguin, unu Webster St. g 467 FOR SALE Two roulette wheels, as good as new; will Sell .' reasonable. Address Box au. Bourn omana. Q 612 8 FINE, upright plana-for sale cheap. 415 N , ssa ei. y M7i tix filCl'OWP-HAND '8TEINWAY 1'PRIGHT piano; big bargain. 31 jici'mnm Bldg. ; Q-MiW MchS DRESSMAKING lRESalA'KINO m families or at horn.. MihS (Murdy, 2606 Davenport. Tel. Harney I'MS. . (wt) LADlVji' shirt waist Suits our specialty nui gesa, -. rarnsm oi. lei. uoug. 411; FOR expert dressmaking assistance, 'phone leuglas 3718. Feb2 FASH luNAHLK dressmuker will take a small am lunt of additional work. Spec ialty, shirt waist suits, evening waists and drekses. Miss Bowles, 'Phone Cedar 637S1... 392 Feb' DRESSMAKING by day In families; ex perienced In cutting and designing lizti N. Ith4 -tl F27x MRS. ROYS, cloaks, ladles' tailoring and veiling gowns. 'Phone 2476. 2.t4 Dav'pt. M-o23 Mayi WANTED MALE HELP DRt 'f I stores bought and sold. I'rug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. L. B-SM WANTED Gordon rress feeders. A. I. Hoot, Inc., 1210 Howard St. H 63 MEN of discretion as solicitors. Call aft ernoons at third floor, Patterson block, 123 Farnam. B 403 UANTPH At once, sound youmt men vv rtll I L.LJ to prepare for firemen and hrnkenien on railway. High wnges; quirk promotion; experience unnecessary; hun dreds of Rood positions open; busy season now on; call or write for full particulars; don't delay. National Railway Training Ass'n, No. 620 Paxton Block, Otnnha, Neb. B-M4-4 7 WANTED For IT. S. Army, ablebodlrd men 4etween a Res of 21 and an; citizens of United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Rerrultlna; office. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grund Island, Neb., or Sioux C ity, la. v B 172 Night School Schoiai ..... ,n an Onuiim uusmess college for sale at a bargain. Address L 51, cure ltce. V B 844 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we prepare you for positions $12 to $20 weekly; you can practically earn your tuition, tools and board betore completing; short time required; positions or locations wait ing. Call or write Moler Barber College, llltf Farnam St. B-M647 8x SALESMAN WANTED - Well equipped salesman to call on physicians. A very exceptional opportunity is ottered for Im mediate work, state age anu experience. Lock box m, Philadelphia B M4S2 Feb? BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1605 Far nam; bst service; nine chairs; no long walling; sluivtng. 10c; hair cutting, 26c. B 84i FebUx YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and railway business. Oldest school. Eery graduate placed. W. B. Skelton, Sullna. Kan. B-MA2 FeblSx WANTED Competent man, capable of doing plumbing and heating, to take charge of out-of-town shop; state ex perience, wages expected, etc. Address replies, P. S, care Omaha Bee. U 166 FebDx WANTED 5 carpenters; steady work. Ad dress Jos. Shlesiger, Contractor, Yutan, Neb. b-wh WANTED At once, a barber; will guaran tee li a week. Address drawer u. I.eaa, 8. D B M026 7 PKEH WELL WANTED Want a hole put down about 2,oO0 or 3.0KI feet at ( omni bus. Neb. What can you do for It? It. S. Dickinson, Columbus. Neb. B 621 8 WANTED Good all-around printer; coun try- office. Man with small family pre ferred. Address T. M. Johnson, care Mer chant's hotel, Omaha, or call In person at 2 o'clock p. m. February 1st li. B M572 6x SOLICITOR to Interview business Interests only; profitable work. 12o Paxton block. B M743 5x WANTED A stout boy to take care of horse and deliver goods. Apply 1318 Farnam. B M7S3 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL for general housework, lull Chicago bU C 427 GIRLS Burgess Shirt Co., 21st and Far nam. C MHO F28 GOOD girl for general housework, family of uiree. inquire ai no e. Hin at. c b.o GOOD girl for general housework at 2S33 California bi. - (j ito GIRL for general housework. 1060 Bo. 28th. C M758 6x CAPABLE girl for general housework; no washing. 613 a. i9tn St. c 179 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS ' wanted . everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accidents, diseases und occupations; something en tirely new and issuftd by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; cost but $0 per annum each, payable monthly If desired; - large commissions paid immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident So ciety. 320 Broadway, New Yolk. Estab lished 20 years. J M5S4Mch5 Ui , -: THE Business 'Guide" Mas no equal; a millionaire writes he would not be with out one for Sl.flne.nnc; agents make $.",00 a month; write for exclusive territory and free outfit. J. I Nichols & Co., Naper vllle. III. , ' J MB40 x SITUATIONS WANTED 8TTUATION wanted by lady stenographer; gooa references, t-none to. A A1747 fix WANTED A situation on farm hy man ana wire; have daughter. Address P 40, Bee A M728 6x BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange ii noiei or, see jiart c t o., 4ui N. Y. Life. Y 579 TO BUY OR SELL any business and for uesi iniormatiou ana quick action, sea MOATS, 303 Karbach block. Y-60 ESTABLISHED FIRM-40 years in Omaha, increases capital stocK and oflers to sell a limited amount of preferred stock, which pays 7 per cent dividends, guar anteed, payable semi-annually and return able in five years. Address G-3S, enro Bee. Y-349 LANDS, mdse. & town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange. Module, la FOR SALE A Jewelry store In one of the nesi towns in Nebraska; easy terms. Shook Mfg. Co.. 4u6 8. loth St., Omaha. Y M516 8 MINING INVESTMENTS Buy Empire Tunnel Gold Co. stock of mirgeiown. coin.. Immediately. Thi3 stock will show great strength and ad vances in thirty days, and it will lie hard to get. I control i all of the tloallnit stock and this Is tho time to buy it My price is rlttht. Empire Tunnel will lie a great mine and stock lias sold as hiBh an $1 a share. I will sell at 4o cents and save you (A per cent. I offer niany other stocks and Issue a free market letter. Write for It and remit to bank or to me. o. 8. Derlnger. stock broker. 43 Endicott Btdg., St., Iaul. Y-M727 6 KIR 8AI.K-3ulck. a good grocery stork In Grand Island. Neb.; furniture, fixtures, horses and wugnns complete: lonir leas.. can Iks had; must lie sold quirk. For further details apply to John B. Waldo, (.rand Island, Neb. Y M?';' Sx i i luirttirr w nn small capital to manufac ture electrical appliance; sure money maker. Inquire of or address U T. Albertl. 19 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Y-M7S4 5 PATENTS H. A. 6TURGES. registered attorney; pat ents, trade ins rks. copyrights; no tee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. 6s5 F. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldtf., 0:naha, Neb. 8HARPE MACHINE WOHKS-Paicnts procured, fnt'eniious developed, drawings pattern, castings, marhine work, fitil-'ilj S. 10th St. r v- PATENTS procurel, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 53 Dou!as Block lt FWEJRS. WAGONS I GOOD large btirn for rent at 27th and Leavenworth sis.. $15. N. I. TJodije & Co.. 1614 Farnam St. -1' 669 FOR SALE SO head big mules, good see. sound and well bmke. Forty head big horses, at our feeding barns at Pa,1flc Junction la. Omaha office. 333 Board of Trade Bldg. "Phone Douglas I7t3 P-M-75 FENCING FENCE ycur lawn with iron or wire fence made by Ani-hcr Fence "Mfc. Co. 2"5-7 N 17th St. Tel. Red 814. . ' -4X9 Ml ' want ads are coming up every i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-692 VIENNA Hotel; private dining room'', cafe. E-691 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E 695 FURNISHED room with hot and cold water, gas, electric light and lelepohne, for gentleman, 217 8. 26th St. E M ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and up. Call 151. Chicago St. E 61)7 PRIVATE FAMILY, elegant iulte of rooms, strictly modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. 63!". E M4j7 Mi NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534 Davenport; walking distance. E -432 OXFORD EUROPEAN HOTEL. WEEKLY RATES. E M4!5 Fet31 NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, with or without board; reasonable. Mid land Hotel, 16th and Chicago. E M621 NEATLY furnished room, strictly modern, suitable for three gentlemen. 2TvS0 Harney. IS M 573 7x TO COUPLE, two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport St. E 753 5x WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms. 2234 Fat nam, Flat 6. Tel. 2203. E 781 FURNISHED ROOMS Front rooms In modern house; use of telephone. S2f 8. 20th St. E 7S2 5x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-698 NEWLY furnished rooms In private family, gentlemen preferred. 2634 Davenport. E M-7U4 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR modern rooms, parlor floor. 15v 8. 28th St. G M264 TWO rooms, 1120 North 17th street. G 699 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms In prUate family; south front; very desira ble for light housekeeping; heat and light. 2608 Dewey Ave. G 6Wx FOUR unfurnlBhed rooms, modern. 2224 N. 19th. Tel. Dou glas 62.S6. G M774 6 HOUSES FOR RENT SEE US when shipping household goods to large cltK'W west. We can save you monej'. EXPRESSMEN'8 DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. 1195. D M3aa F24 UnilPln parts of the city. R. nUUODSt Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. 601 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store H H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lth. Office, 1511H Farnam. Tel. lot. D 603 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster St. D 00 UOIlQPQ'n all parts of the city. The nUUOCOo. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 604 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. . . D-u6 CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nine rooms and barn, block from 24th car, Ulnney St. Tel. Harney 630. D 6u6 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $20. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. Tel. A5639. D 224 3 ROOMS, St. Mary's bldg.. 27th and St. Mary's Ave., $11; 2 rooms. St. Mary's bldg.. 27lh and St. Mary's Ave.. $10; 2 rooms, Withnell bldg.. steam heat, $14; 322 N. 36th, 6 rooms and barn, $12. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. D-M551 B Desirable modern house, 9 rooms, nice plumbing, good furnace, newly painted and papered, good barn, large lawn, 2641 Chi cago street. Rent, $40. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. D-607 FOR RENT 22d and California Sts., -room house, $32.50; 7-room, $27.60. Both mod ern; in complete repair. Inquire at 6u7 N. 19th St. D-474 7-ROOM house, 1530 South 2Sth. Clarke Powell, 2044 Farnam St. 'Phone 921. D-656 J. SCWARTZ, moving van. 1610 Webster. Tel. 2046. D M917 Fli WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK.. $35 3)11 Sherman Ave., 9-r., modern, barn. ,0 816 S. 41st ,Ave., 10-r.. modern, barn. $222626 Wirt, 6-r., modern, nearly new. $12 21st and Valley, 4-r., city water. JJ 414 2218 CHICAGO, 8 rooms, modern, $30; 2M3 Wool worth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, iZi; others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M406 CENTRAL 4-room corner fiat. N. 23d. Tizard. 220 D-M:iat FIVE-ROOM modern house and barn. 2409 N. 20th. . D453 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front. &6 So. 2Sth St., $40 per month. O. W. Loomis. D 49 6-ROOM modern house $15 per month. 4206 Nicholas St. 1 M543 5x Sl'BURBAN HOME of twenty acres, good house, barn and poultry houses, large grounds, garden, orchard, water system, etc.; on paved road; handy to the city. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 New York Life. Tel. 314. D-M770 5 NINE rooms, modern. 3112 Mason St.. $; month. Owner. 209 S. 12th St. D-769 ELEVEN-ROOM house, all modern. $28. Tel. Mn9. I 77S l.x HOI'PE Six rims. city water, 309 Frank lin St., $11. Dexter L. Thomas, t:; Hee. r 4N1 20x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Iarge store room and two basement rooms. 1M2 and IMS Harney. Oermanla hail to rent after April 15, suit able for garage, or m inufacturing. 66 x 70. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. I M552 S FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N 25th St., Soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xluO; three floors and Ims mcnt, elevator; will rent 22x1m Separately; liiir.-t3 Fnrnam St. Inquire 311 First Na tional Hank Bldg. I 47 LARGE STORE ROOM We have u large store room. 50 x 43, that will he moved to corner of 29th and Fur nar.i It will be rented as it Is or di vined Into three stores. Iiix4:t, to suit ten ants. U ill be ready March 1. X. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 FARNAM. 1756 6 WANTED TO RENT WANTED A furnished flat. 6 to 8 rooms; must be first class and modern In every particular. Hriikcoiu Park or West Far nam St. preferred. References given. 'Phone Douglas 7109. 'Phone Monday. K-M732 5 WANTED TO RENT Room shout 5xl50 In shopping district in Omaha. Address with location, alse of room. etc.. 1. o. box 219. Sioux City, U. K-L2 Feb day they pay. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real-Es-tater, Blair, Neb. RE BETTER THAN A FARM. 6 rooms, new, Sherman Ave. t Emmet, $2,700. 6 rooms, nearly new, 24th ft Locust. $3,200. 5 rooms, modern. 2Kth and Fmmet, $l,iJ0. For homes or Investment these are all bargains, combining safety with large re turns. Easy payments. C. 8. SHEPARD, N. Y. LIFE FtLDG. RE-M726 5 rooms, modern, 8112 Mason St.; part cash, bal. monthly. See owner, 209 S. 12th St. RE M 768 March3 GOOD INVESTMENT Two elegant, mod ern houses, full lots, growing value, nat ural trees, rentals near $500 a year. Only $4,500; terms easv. Inquire 1411 Vinton 8t. RB-M708 6x BEAUTIFUL modern house, full lot, good location, sightly; will sell at reduced price of only $2,400: very easy terms, inquire Owner, 1411 Vinton St., cit ,E M709 8x A SNAP Good 160, S miles from Norfolk, $25 per acre; must be sold before March 1. J. II. Conley, Norfolk. Neb. KB M 668 7 FOR SALE. 6 S-room houses, lot lOnxl.iO. east front, one block to school, one block to Harney and Walnut Hill cars, close to Crelghton col lege; rents for $1,200 a year. l"rlre, $8,610. J-story brick building, corner, on South 16th St., lot 60x187; more room to build: $10,0uo. Lot 66x140, double flat, 6-room cottage in rear. North 17th St.; always occupied, good tenants; rental, $984 a year: $6,500. 8-story 8-apartment flat, lot 6oxl4, on North lSth St.; monthly rental, $12o; $7.0o0. -room house, city water, bath, lot oiixloo, close to Hanscom park, south front, $2,250. 11-room house, all modern except furnace, lot 65x128. east front. 22d and Poppleton Ave., $2,500. C. M. BACHMANN, Tel. Red-2639. 436 Paxton Block. RE M697 6x THE Glover Cuban Land Co., Room S, N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb., sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana, $57.i5. R15-667 W illiamson Co. y MooV.11- RU 77 FOR SALEA home worth $30,000 for $12, 000; weat side. Address L 17. Bee. RE-MS5S FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on N. Uth St., only $4,&0u. This is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. HE 617 FARM FOR SALE Section 36-10-16, Buf falo county, Nebraska, 820 cultivated, bal ance pasture, fenced, good soil, good buildings; price $16,000. Address owner, 443 Board of Trade building, Omaha, Neb. RE M541 9 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City luuns and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-622 MONEY 'iO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 623 BUILDING loans on tesldence property; S per cem. . a. jueiaie, itamge B1K. LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. W-625 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W-626 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, I and 6Vs per cent Interest; no delay. W-627 $1,000,(100 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. l, N. Y. Life. W-628 6 & bte PER CENT loans on city property W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W 629 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W-630 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 631 WANTED-SOME 1XJANS OF $1,000 TO $2,000. BREEN & BLOOM, 613 BEE BLDG. W 632 LOW RATES O. F. Carson ft Co., 413 N. Y. Life. V-3M-Feb26 FOR SALE FARMS CHOICE FARMS FOR SAI-E Douglas and Sarpy Counties $100 per acre for 150 acres, 7 miles N. W. of Omaha, on Military road, well improved. $!-o per acre for 16u acres near Gretna, good Improvements, 140 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Furuam St. U--M517 11 Farm and Kanch Landi Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. I'. R. R.. Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A. H 6.1 BUY northwestern Texas land anil double your money In one year, one crop more than pays for the land; $1 to $10 per ucrn. Hot winds unknown; rainfall ample. Ex curnlons first and third Tuesdays of each month; of one fare for the round trip. S. ('. Diggle & Co., 213-14 N. Y. Lite Bldg. KansiiK City, Mo. H M3t'9 l'i The Texas Panhandle offers the best of opportunities for Invest ment to farmers, Htockmen and agents. Frdm $ to t buys as good farm laud as I here Is In Iowa or Nebraska, and you c:in till the soil practically every month of the j ear. We also have fine propositions In Oklahoma and Indian territory. OKLAHOMA TEXAS LAND CO., immigration Brokers. JOHN MkdAKI,.siiN. Manager. 14 Arlington Blk. 'Phone 190, Omaha, Neb. J 1-762 6 FARMS FOR RENT 0 ACRES. 1 mile north of Benson, on or phanage road, suitable for dairy pur poses, occupied by Rasmus Nelson; ren tal $ per year. 70 acres 3 miles N. W. of Benson, unim proved. $3 per acre. UEOKUE & CO., 1601 Farnam. M702 S FARM FOR RI' NT 10 acres one mile north ot Benson, on Orphanage toad, suitable tor dairy pin penes, uie tl by itasmus Nel son, rental, $4uu per year. GEORGE & CO., pjfl FARNAM ST. 692 F3 FOR EXCHANGE WANTED To trade for farm Implements, 3ji acres Rood larni land, with l.'i acres now in f ill wheat; near good school, six mill, from county sen ami railroad sta tion; all clay; worth $';.0s. Address W. 8. Matllty. Ansley. Neb. Z M7"U S FOR SALE OR TRADE-Fruit farm, well Improved, dose to Omaha; will trade for suck of good hardware or lumber, pre ftrred In eastern Nebraska. Address P 22. care Bee. 52 M 21 5x IF YOU do cot find what you want in this column, put an ad. in und you will soon . ; . V flx3 OSTEOPATHY I JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. 1664. -691 DR. WELLS. D. O. und M. D. Neville Block. M45 M3 PLUMBING CHAPMAN ft M A H AX. Repairs promptly done. Prices reasonable. 5U N. 16th. Tel. Red 664. KiJ Feb23 PERSONAL LAUNDRY c1m CITY STEAM Telephone Zo4. 211 6. 11th bt. R--711 MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 8. 20th. Tel. 4W6. U M520 Marl JOIN THE "HOSPE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC CUT RATE CLUB.'' Save you one-half your sheet music bills, or give you twice as much music for your money. Write us for particulars or call at the sheet music department. A. liospe Co., 1613 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. U-M481 Feb31 HAIRDRKSSING, manicuring, specialties, scalp treatment and facial massage. Miss Hattie Haul, 20 Neville blk. Tel. Doug las 61 ?5. U M665 Ml DR. JACKSON, R. 4. Frenzer block. Chronic diseases a specialty, consulta tion free. U 635 I ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 636 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk ge Bin li-637 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths, 720 8. 13th, U-639 M AfiNPTIf treatment ft Baths. Mme. lUtttjnC 1 I1-Smith. 118 N. 15, !d ft., r. 2. U-360 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lUli St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U-611 MASSAGE specialist for chronic diseases, Joseph Ruben, room 218, Bee Bldg. Tel. 68; Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed. U 392 Feb6 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All tnusio lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfteld Piano Co., 16U Farnam 8t. U 640 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U-641 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special intention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 PLEATING RuohlnsT. K Buttotfs! , lilv-Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. 1936. U-642 ' VALUABLE INFORMATION. Are you Interested in the opening of the Shoshone, or Wind River, Indian reserva tion? If so send 25 cents for full and latest Information respecting the same to John A. Honrath, Lander, Wyo. U-M554 7x RKiTnT.l:R:,,CrRED1-No knlfe' o 'na tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg.. 0mana- U-643 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 1' arnam. - t t .... ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR Removed from 1820 Douglas St to room. AJnn5 Blk.. loll6 iSodge Mr. Tn"! Bpalnhowcr Savage. Prop. Tel. Douglas - U-M2W FS TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. , 'PHONE 3530. c Mil SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall- cut prices. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha . . U 290 F21 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY MRS. M. R1TTENHOUSE 412 No. 16th, Room 2, Second l loor U-M914 F17 PRIV ATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best and cheapest in the city. 2319 8. 13th St.. omuho. Neb U-391 Febl7 DR. ROY. Chiropody, K. 21 3, 1506 Farnam. : U61t PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted Mrs. Dr. King, 21$ No. 21st St Tel. 3569. U-M524 FS ' MASQUE costumes. Liebon. Tel. 4115 U M526 F8' MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massatte; thoroughly first class work. Lutie Bryant. 316 Hee Bldg U M944 Flu ' MME. PAREE of N. Y.-Shavlng. Facial Massage, Manicuring. 209 Douglas Blk U 41941 FISx WE TAKE CARE of clothi7igby the month. L. SOI KI P & CO., expert clean ers und dyers, 618 8. 13th St. Tel. y, '9 ' U Ml 55 F20 PRIVATE HOME during conTlnTnienT; babies adopted. Call at Kn9 N. 22d- terms reasonable. 'Phone Red 5990. ' U-M300 F22 WANTED To communicate with a strictly first-class dressmaker who would con sider locating In small town. Address l 17. care Bee. U-M667 6 OMAHA PRESSING CO. Clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Tel. !. l'tn and Dodge Sts. U 6C.9 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women: 110 pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Price. $2 by mail. Raymonds Monthly Regulator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Re nedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 647 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I posltively guirantee my Never-Failing ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 3 to 5 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall 1 60 Double strength $.'.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H South iNGTON co., Kansas city, MO. 648 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman ft MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 649 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES LETOVSKY'S union orchestra. Tel. Dg.7210, -M4J F-ju 'PRIVATE instruction In German, French. I Spar.ish. Italian, English and history; classes tormea. zena I-. iteinx. .-so 1, Hamilton Flat. 453 Feb29x LAW AND COLLECTIONS- ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow- Church Co., main floor, N. Y. 1.. Tel. 113. -6o7 J. M. Macfarland,309 N. Y. L. Bldg Tel. 6MA 1 DANCING ACADEMY MPiRANrVQ for private or class les-mtTAAl,ll- O gons. at 15th ft Jiarnev. Tel. 1041. Adults Tuts, ft Fridays, u p. m. 653 F-9 FLORISTS HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 59 L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. Tel. 1-58. 4!tt DEATH NOTICES ROMIGH Helen Psrah. rebmarr 4. lsn. wife of James R. Romish, after two years of suffering, at the family resi dence, 2033 North Nineteenth street. Funeral notice later. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann ft Gentleman, 701 N. llth. T. M-622 Marl PRINTING LYNGSTAD H'h-grade 108 Calendars. 9 lobviT 8 B. Cor. 16th St. and & JORVb Capitol Ave. TM DOUGLAS P't g Co., 16o Howard. Tel. 614. 142 Fit THE JENNINGS P'TG CO. "Phone $3S0i 6M kT)TFRA co Job rrtntlne;. IS.U I CKA !6io Howard. Tel. $007. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS the COST WE think you will agree with us that the cost should always be known before a contract Is made, and If you apply to us we will tell you In advance to the cent what the transaction will cost you. YOU can borrow of us on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and other chattels, or on own agreement to repay If you have regular employment. WE charge as little as anyone in the city for our class of loans and we charge much less than some concerns, so you can't make a mistake by seeing us IX you want to borrow. GIVE us a trial Is all we ask and we will by just treatment attempt to retain your patronage. OMAHA MORTGAOE LOAN COMPANY, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2290. (Established lt2), 306 8. 16th St X 60S DR. PRIBENOW8 PRIVATE1 MONEY loaned 011 furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 2i9 8. 16th St. X-4412 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obliged to others? 1 have plenty of money that s easy to get. No red tape of any kind. Come and get what you want today pay when you can. BOW EN. Open evenings until 7. 708 N. Y. IJfe. X-M487 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New Vork Life Bldg. X-431 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Tel. 745. 632-3 Paxton Blk. , x-at9 SEE the Western Loan oompany for furni ture, diamotid and salary loans. 811 Ne ville Blk., 16th and Harney. Tel. 6619. X-613 FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., Room 8 Barker Block. X 483 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 15o4 Farnam St. X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry", horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 13. X-4716 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. X 618 WANTED TO BUY AUTOMOBILES We have customers for good second-hand automobiles. We will tell yours on commission. Auto Exchange, 618 South 14th. A. E. Bihler. Mgr.- Tel. 2777. . -. N-844 TO BUY A small business or a partnership. Address P-36, care Bee. N 706 6x TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784. T-465 LARSON ft JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. Tel. 1936. 4566 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $1.5n0. good security, very good Interest, for term of 3 or 5 years. Address P 87, care Bee. V M711 Ex CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given.' 8651 LOST AND FOUND LOST English bull-dog; one brown eye; large brass collar. Tel. 42S6. Lost 448 Wnen You Write to Advertisers WHEN YOU WRITE TO ADVERTISERS remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the nd. In The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAL8 FOR FROZEN FRESH beef and mutton. Headquarters Phil ippines Division, Office of the Chief Com missary, Manilla, P. I . November 10. 19o6. Sealed proposals. In trioleate, will be received at this office until II . o'clock a. in.. March 20, 1906. at which lime and place tht-v will be opened in the presence of the tit tending bidders, for the furnish ing and delivery of six million six hundred thousand (6.6oo,000 pounds of frozen fresh leef, and . two hundred thousand (2(0.OK)i pounds of frozen fresh mutton, to the Sub sistence department at Manila, P. I., during the year ending June 30. 19117. The accepted beef and mutton will be admitted free of customs duties The United States reserves the right to decrease the amount called for In the contract by not to exceed 40 per cent upon reasonable notice to the contractor, or to Increa! the amount called for. with the consent of the contractor. Each pro posal must be accompanied by n bidder a guarantee in the amount of $20,o. or by certified r'icek for that amount on a bank of approved s.andlng In Manila. The bidder to whim contract Is awarded will be re quired to .'ive bond., the penalty of whtch will be fixed by the Chief Commissary, information turnlshed on application. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for frozen fresh beef and mutton for fiscal jear 1907, to be opened March 2". iv. ' and addressed to the under signed. A. 1. Smith. Lt. Col.. D. C. G. U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. N U-D1I-J11-F6. , OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb. February . 3. 19"6. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be reel veil here until 10 a. m., central standard time. March 6. 19n. for furnishing transportation, drayage and for banoiinic stores In Department ot tn Mis- : aourl, during year commencing July 1, l!Mi. I . 8. rtrerxes right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. In formation furnished on applicatlbn. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Transportation on Route No. . " addressed to Maj.'r t. GRAY ZALINSKI. C Q M. F3-6-6--M3-i PROPOSALS FOR SHOEING AN1MAIJ Otiice Chief Q. M . Omaha. Nb., Febru ary 3. 16. Seal'd proposals for shoeing animals m Q M. lepot. Omaha. Forte Omaha and "Took. Nebraska, and Fort Maikenxle. Wyoming, during fiscal y-ar betrinnlng July 1. Ij"C. will be received here and st posts named above until 10 'a. m.. Aiarch . lie, and then opened. In formation furnished on application. F.nS veiopcs c ontaining proposals should be in dorsed "Proposals for Shoeing Animals" and addressed to MAJOR M. OH AY ZA LINSKI. Chief Q. M., Omaha, Neb. F3-6-S-7-M3-6 OFFICE OF CONHTRl'CTINn QUARTER master. Fort Robinson, Neb., Jan. 26. lwrt. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until 10 a. m.. Western atandard time. February . 1. for con struction of a lakery. Q. M. workshop and squadron blacksmith shop at Fort Robinson. Neb. Envelopes containing pro posals will be markrd "Proposals for Pub lic Buildings." snd addteased to H. C Whitehead. Construction Q M. J27-28-JO-FV LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK FOR BTT'P FOR 8TATB PRINTING. Bids will be received by the State Trip. Ing beard at the office of the secretary 1 sta'e at Lincoln. Nebraska, on or before $ o'clock p. m , Wednesday. February II, 1 for printing and binding l.noo coptea each of the official reports of the Nebraska supreme court, volumes numbered 69 t. 74. Inclusive; elso 2.0nn copies of th" re port ef the Nebraska Dairymen s associa tion for 19o5. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the right to refect any and nil bids Lincoln. Nebraska. Februarv 3 1W. TATE PR IN TIN 14 BOARD. By IX1U W. FRA7.1KR. Secretary to the Board. F4d5tm NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the 8011th Platte Land Co. will be held ut the office of said company in Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day Of March. A. D. 1906. By order of the board of directors. , C. H. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. $. 1906. Felw-D30t RAILWAY TIME CARD I'RLIIOTOIf STATIOJI 10TH & MAsO Barllafftea. Leave. .a 4:10 pin .all:10 pm .all:lo pm .a 8:00 am Arrive, a 1:30 pm a 8:30 tni a 6:30 pm a 7:40 pni f :0t am al2:20 pm al0:26 ant b 8:60 am a 7:10 am Denver California Black Hills Northwest Express Nebraska I-oeal Nebraska Express.. Innnl. T AM I a 9:10 am Lincoln Fast Mall. ..r...b 2:1$ pm Ft. Crook ft riaiism n.D s:w pm Bellevue ft Flattsm'h..a 7:6 pm Denver Limited Bellevue ft Pacific June. a 8:30 am Bellevue A pacino juno.. s:iu am ChlKim Sneclal .a 7:26 nm Chicago F.xpress .. Chlcsfo Flyer Iowa Local St. Loulr Express. K. C. ft ftt. Joseph. K. C. St. Joseph. K C. ft St. Joseph. .a 4:00 pm ..a 8:05 pm ..a 9:15 am ..a 4:46 pin ..al0 45 pm a 16 am . .a .45 pin a 8:68 pm a 7:25 pm a 10 At pm all :30 am a It: 45 ant a 6:10 pm UNION STATION TENTH AND M AR47T Talon Paclflo. Leave, .a 9:40 am Arrive, a 8:18 ant Overland Limited The China and Japai Fast Mall Colo, ft Calif. Ex California ft Ore. Ex. Los Angeles Limited.., Fast Mall Colorado Special , North Platte Local Beatrice Local Chicago, Reek lalai .a 4:15 pm a 5:10 pm , .k pm urn .a 4:28 pm a 5:10 pm .all:30 im 10: 1:1 pm 1 'fv. Itm A 4'tO nm a am .a 7:45 nm a 7:44 am .a trio am a 4:60 pm , .b 3:15 pm b 2:00 pm id Facia. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express ...a 7:00 am a 9:85 pm Chicago Express,! :!r am a 4:S0 pm Des Moines Express a 4::W pm bll :50 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..a7:20sm a 8:15 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:55 pm Oklahoma ft Texas Ex. a 4:10 pm al2:0 pm Chicago ft Northwestern. St. Paul Davllght a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am 11:60 pin Chicago Limited a 8:38 pm 9:15 am Carroll Local a 4:32 pm 9:60 am Bt. Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm !:06 am Bloux C. ft Bt. P. Local. b 8:50 pm 1:85 am Fast Mall 8:30 pm Chicago Express a 6:5t pm a 7:30 am Norfolk ft Bnnesteel....a 7:40 am 10:35 am Lincoln ft Iong Plne...e 7:40 am 10:36 am Casper ft Wyoming e 2:6t pm 6:li pm Deadwood ft Lincoln. .a 2:50 pm 5:15 pm Hastings ft Albion b 2:50 pm 6:15 pm Chicago Local all :30 am 8:45 pm Chicago Limited all:00 pm U :16 am Chlcaao Great Western. y Leave. Arrive: St. Paul ft Minn a 8:30 pm n 7.15 am St. Paul ft Minn a 7:46 am a 7:68 pm Chicago iimuea o.w pm tiv sitm Chicago txpreis a e.-wam a 8:30 pm Wabash. Bt. Louis Express... a 6:30pm a 8: 8t. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am alO 6tn,nberry laical (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00pm bll: 40 am 30 pm SO am Chlcaao, .Milwaukee & It. Paal Chicago ft Colo. Bpec'L.a 7:55 am a 7:: :8S am California ft Ore. Ex. ..a 5:45 om a 8: Overland Limited a 8:3b pm a 9 Marlon ft Cedar R. Lo..b 6:45 am bU Illinois Central.' :iu pm :30 am :00 pm Chicago Express a 8:0 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ex..b8:00am Minn, ft St. Paul Ltd. .a 8:30 pm Mlaaoorl PaclSo. a 8 :66 pm :Kn am a 7 b 8 :66 pm a 7 :ju am St. Louis Exjiress ..a 9:00 am a 6 a 6 80 pm 00 pm K. C. ft St. L. Express.. all :15 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH ft WEBSTER Missouri Paelfla. Nebraska Ixcal. via Iave. Arrive. Weeping Water b 3:60 pm bl2:30 pm Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis Omaha- 1 Twin City Passenger b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.... a 2:00 pm all :10 am Oakland Local b 5:4c pm b 910 am Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 6:0 pm a Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Daily ex cept Monday. START OF A FLORIDA FEUD Man's Farm Built on 4'oral Floated Array and ' a Neighbor Took It. "Speaking about feuds," said John I Humphries of Tampa. Fla., "I think that the strangest, in Its Inception, is one be tween two families In Marion county, in our state. It came about In this way. You know in our state sometimes land disap pears during the night and a man wakes up to find his garden a great sinkhole. This Is, of course, due to the fact that Florida Is built on coral and not very substantially built at that, especially In some of tho Interior counties. Harry Rod dlng had a nice patch of Irish potatoes, and Oliver Vance, his neighbor, had what he railed a farm and near the house was a sinkhole. "tine night Redding s potato patch disap peared and the next morning he had a nice large sinkhole filled with water where his garden waa. The same night Vance, who had a sinkhole when he went to bed. woke up to find that the whole was filled with dirt. In which there seemed to be a lot of pebbles about the slzfl of a man's fist. Naturally he was surprised. He ex amined the pebbles to find them potatoes, and after calling the family up they got to work and guthered In six bushels of potatoes ready for the market. "Thnfs where tho trouble began. Red ding claimed that under the law where a man s stock wanders onto the premises of another, without his fault, he can go after It. He argued that the same doctrine ap plied to potatoes which had wandering habits. For he wa very sure that the potatoes on the Vance farm belonged to him. Vance and his friends Invoked an other principle of law that a man owns his land from heaven to hades and he re fused to dig up the potatoes for the benefit of hla neighbor. "All that happened ten yeara ago." con tinued Mr. Humphries, "and the Reddlngs and the Vance ere still armed against each other. Two or three skirmishes hsve taken place between the parties and one of the Vance boys, 18 years old, was wounded by fire from tho enrmy. "They have never spoken to each other feince that eventful night ten years ago. Lawyers and politicians have gone out to help them settle their difficulties, but they were obdurate, and It the feud grows for twenty years as It has already Florida and Marion county will have a feud e.iia to the best that Kentucky has eer pro duced.' When you have anything to trade, adve, tUe It In the For Exchange Column ( fta Be Want Ad Page