Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 43.
Kaaanre riling Ratei Will Nt Be Called
Up Tonight.
Eieratlre la Doohtfol If He C'an
Ktrp Aldermen la Line In View
of Fight on Meter
The ordinance fixing the water rate may
not be brought up for its second reading
at the meeting of tho city council tonight
as had been expected. Mayor Macrae said
yesterday that he would favor letting the
ordinance go over for another week at
least so as to give Its opponents further
time In which to "chew the rag." as he
expressed It.
Mayor Macrae makes no secret of the fact
that he la greatly chagrined over the
criticism which has been meted out to the
proposed ordinance. Personally he is In
favor of standing pat on the measure, but
It la doubtful is he can keep a sufficient
number of the aldermen in line. 8me of
the aldermen, it Is said, are now favoring
making some chnngi s in order to pacify
those who are clamoring against the mini
mum meter rate of 112 a year. Alderman
Weaver, chairman of the special committee
to which was entrusted the drafting of the
ordinance with the assistance of Harl &
TInley, the special counsel. Is like Mayor
Macrae, it is said, ready to stand to his
guns and uphold the ordinance to the last
It Is understood that the West End.
West Council Bluffs. South Bide and Pair
mount Improvement clubs have arranged
to be represented at the meeting of the
city council by good sized delegations for
the purpose of voicing their objections to
the proposed ordinance. It Is doubtful,
however, if the ordinance will be brought
up tonight.
"Every taxpayer In the city is benefited
by the material reduction the proposed
ordinance makes In the annual' hydrant
rentals," said Mayor ' Macrae yesterday.
"If we had placed the- hydrant rentals at
a much higher figure and not decided upon
a minimum meter rate of $1 a month there
would not have been this outcry by the
small consumers, but it is Impossible to
please everyone, and therefore I am In
favor of standing by the ordinance in its
present shape. The committee framed this
ordinance as It thought In the best Interests
of the city. It felt that if it could force
the water works company to accept these
rate what might prove to be afmost end
less litigation might be avoided. If some
adjustment of the rates cannot be made
what will ba the result. The water works
company will be able to get the present
hydrant rentals from the city until the
question is finally settled. The city council,
a It looks now, Is between the devil and
the deep aea, with the water works com
pany objecting to the ratea on one side
and the people not satisfied with the work
' of the council on the other."
A member of the city council was yes
terday Inclined to look on the opposition
to the ordinance from another point of
lew. He stated that he had good reasons
t .believe tha Jhe opposition; to the rates
waa being fomented by republican poli
tician, who see In the situation an excel
lent opportunity to deal the democratic
administration and democratlo party in
Council Bluffs a solar plexus blow. That
tho democrats took upon their shoulders
two years ago a mighty hard problem
when they promised the people of Council
Bluffs municipal ownership and an equit
able adjustment of water rates this alder
man admitted was surely the case.
the purpose of dismissing the water rate
question, orgo 3. right, one of the
attorneys for the water works company.
Pleni P. Kimball, City Solicitor . li. Sny
der and Spencer flinlth have been invited
to attend and address the meeting, and
have given provisional promises. Invita
tions have lMn extended to the members
of the Falrmount, South Side and Wst
Counrll Bluffs clubs to be present and
participate in the di-cusslon.
Train Will Itearh oancll Itloffs
Tuesday Mailt, Febraary 20.
The Omit Western railroad lias arranged
to send a seed corn special train over its
roads In lown. Prof. P. O. Holden of the
Iowa State Agricultural college at Ames
will be In charge of the train and head the
list of lecturers. The train will carry a
lecturing car and a seed corn exhibit.
Farmers along the lines of the Great West
ern will be Invited to hear the lectures of
the experts and Inspect the corn exhibit.
The seed corn special will arrive In Coun
cil Bluffs the night of Tuesday. February
20. and Prof. Holden will lecture here at
s:5 a. m , Wednesday, when he will give
a half hour address. The exhibition car.
however, will be thrown open before that
hour In order to give the early visitors
un opportunity to Inspect It before the
lecture. The trip of the seed corn special
is now being advertised and the Commercial
club of this city has been asked to give
Its visit here due publicity.
Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church
Will Visit Europe.
Row Harvey Hostetler, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church, has announced
his Intention to resign the pnsturate licfore
the next session of the district presbytery
which wll be held In April at Audubon.
Mr. Hostetler is now serving his fifth year
as pastor of the Second Presbyterian
church and he has In view taking an ex
tended European trip when he leaves here.
Mr. Hostetler in addition to his duties as
pastor of the Second Presbyterian church
has been an active worker in the Pastors'
association of the city. He is also chaplain
of the Council F.luffs lodue of Elks and Ms
determination to leave Council Bluffs will
be regretted not only by his congregation
but also by a large, circle of friends and
More Stolen Braaa Recovered.
Following the arest Saturday of the
Omaha lad, Tom Tracy, with two sections
of a brass engine journal stolen from the
ahopa at the Union Pacific transfer, about
$45 worth more of stolen brass was discov
ered yesterday hid under a pile of lumber
at the transfer. A watch was set and
shortly after dark last evening two men,
g vlng the names of John McCormlck and
Joe Sutton, and claiming to be from Omaha,
were captured while searching the lumber
pile supposedly for the brass which, how
ever, had been removed. McCormlck and
Sutton had a horse and buggy in which it
Is presumed they Intended conveying the
brass across the river. It Is not known
whether the men under arrest are con
nected In any way with young Tracy, but
they will be held tor Investigation.
Y. M. C. A. Rulldlaa; Project.
The general committee In charge of the
Toung Men's Christian association project
will call a mass meeting at an early date
to set In motion the machinery to secure
the needed subscriptions. The plan Is to
first secure from $13,000 to $3),00i in dona
tions from wealthy residents of the city
to form a fund to start with. It Is believed
by tbo committee that If this amount can
be secured at the start there will be but
little difficulty in raising the balance needed
fir the erection of a suitable building. The
committee has been in correspondence with
aecretarlea of associations throughout the
state and have thereby secured useful data
of which It will avail Itself In the campaign
to be shortly Inaugurated in Council Bluffs.
Now on sale, cut sunburst tumblers, full
cut pattern, $2.50 per dozen. W. A. Maurer,
Council Bluffs.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel 250. Night. 1,691
Improvement flab Will Meet.
The West End Improvement club has
called a special meeting for Thursday
night at the county building, corner of
Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street, for
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists. 3) Pearl street.
Woodrlng-Schmldt, undertakers. Tel. 379.
Leffert's improved toric lenses give m'.is
faction. Midwinter term Western Iowa collego
now open. Enroll now.
New spring designs in wallpaper at Ber
wick's. 211 South Main.
School paints and papers. Alexander's
Art Store, 13 Broadway.
Fidelity council. Royal Arcanum, will
meet in regular session this evening.
Results our specialty. Eclipse Collection
Agency, offces 1US Pearl t. 'i'lione U?4,
Mrs. Blgelow of Duhuaue. la.. Is the icuest
of Mrs. Urayton W. llushncll, 127 Bluff
Now on sale, cut sunburst tumblers, full
cut pattern, $2.50 per dozen. W. A. Maurer,
Council Bluffs.
Mrs. J. II. Wheeler of Chicago is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Baldwin,
of First avenue.
Mrs. A. S. Hazelton, 4(8 Oakland avenue,
will entertain the Tuesday Euchre club
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. M. Wentworth of Cedar Rapids.
Ia., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
8. Worley, tilo Bluff street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hafer will leave to
day for San Francisco and from there
proceed to their home ut Medford. Ore.
Our model shoe shop did 4m pairs half
soles and heels In December, and did bet
ter work, if you want them fixed by hami
we do it. Sargent.
20 discount on the entire slock of iron
beds at the Keller-Farnsworth I'u.'s furni
ture store, Broadway. Ureatest bargain
ever offered in furniture.
Missouri oak dry cordwood, $6 a cord,
sliullbark hickory, (7; Arkansas anthracite,
t-.U) per ton lens than hard coal. Win.
Welsh, 16 North Main St. Tel. 128.
The medical staff of Mercy hospital has
organized liy selecting the following ofli
cers: President, Dr. C. H. lluwcr; vice
president. Dr. II. B. Tubbs; secretary, Dr.
J. M. Barstow.
John A. Heiu, aged 89 years, died yes
terday morning at 127 Vine street, death
being due to the infirmities of old uc.
Three daughters and rive sons survive him.
Tho remains will ho taken to Corning, la.,
Tuesday for Interment.
Owing to the number of peddlers who
Invade Council Bluilu from Omaha, Chief
of 1'olico Richmond has decided to plavo
an otllcet at the east end of the motor
company's bridge, and every itinerant mer
chant found without a license will be ar
rested. Flro of an unknown origin In the barn
of Mrs. C. 1a. Neunas. at tho rear of Ml
Soutn Main street, gave the tire depart
ment a run about noon yesterday. As No.
1 hose company Is located In the immediate
vicinity the blaze was cMUiKUIMlif d L oie
It had obtained much headway and but
little damage was done.
The illustrated lecture on the "Passion
Play," as given at flier Ammcrgatt, Ha
vana, given at tne iiroadwuy Methodirt
ct'iitvh last evening, attracted an audience
which completely tilled the large audi
torium. Tne description of the fajuous
sacred play was given most interestingly
by Key. James O'May and was illustrated
by numerous stereopttcon views. A pe
clal musical program was remit red liy me
choir, under tne direction ot .Mr. Mitchell,
a feature of which was the singing of the
anthem. "Be With l's Vet," by Kipling,
with baritone solo by W. B. Sintleld.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Ogdcn, iigcd 74, died
last evening at the home of her son, Ben
jamin 1.. OKdcu, bej Fifth avenue. Mis.
)4den and her husband came here from
Mondainin, la., about three weeks ago to
secure medical treatment for Mrs. linden.
Besides her husliauil, Mrs. Ogilen leaves
a daughter, Mrs. . E. Livingston of
Omaha, and the son at whose Home she
died. The funeral will be held Tuesday
morning at lo: o'clock from the residence,
and interment will be In Walnut Hill ceme
tery. Rev. V . N. Graves, pastor ot tliu
Kit I ti Avenue church, will conduct the services.
Primary Election and An'i-Pa Bills Will
Come Up Thii Week.
Fnar Wnmplrs of tmrd Costing; from
7 I -a to IK Cents a Pound Foanit
to Contain Cottonseed Oil
and Stearin.
tFtotn a Ptaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Feb. 4 (Special.) The
analysis for five samples of lard were sub
mitted to the committees of the house and
senate having III charge the pure food
hills. The samples were secured by the
stste dairy commissioner and the analysis
was made by the state chemist. The price
of four of the samples were respectively
"j. 1" and 15 cents a pound and the
anaylsls showed exactly the same for each
that they composed of cottonseed
oil and sterlne. The only difference was In
the labels on tha cans, which did not war
rant the difference In price. The fifth
sample contained real lard adulterated with
beef tallow and was sold for U'i cents a
pound. These samples. It Is claimed, are
only typical of tho conditions over the
state. It Is claimed that It Is practically
Impossible to buy pure lard In Iowa. The
same is claimed of sausages and mince
meats, which have been extensively ana
lyzed by the state chemist for the dairy
commissioner. The sausages are always
adulterated with powdered crackers and
preserved with sulphite and bornx. It is
expected the pure food bill will be reported
from the committees this week.
Will Re Busy Week.
The coming week promises to be one of
the busiest since the legislature opened.
There 1m to be a light early in the week
on the bill for new trials In criminal cases.
There is to be an effort to get the Weeks
resolution memorializing congress on the
rale question out of the committee and
the school bill for a board of regents for
educational Institutions will be introduced
and the committee will report out the bill
for state certificates for teachers. The
primary bill and the anti-pnss bill will
take the center of the stage this week und
something Is looked for from both com
mittees having those matters.
After Spcclnl Charters.
Senator Crawford of Dubuque denies that
the railroads are in any way back of his
bill to make the section of the code rela
tive to the assessable value of property
being 25 per cent of its real value applicable
to special charter cities. In connection
with the introduction of the bill some of
thu special charter cities became worried
and there is talk afloat that there Is a
scheme to abolish special charters for
cities entirely. Senator Crawford let it
slip that "business men had told" him the
special charters ought to be abolished. He
denied, however, that, the bill wsi any
thing more than an attempt to make the
law clear. "The railroads fought the cities
that assessed the property at its full
value," said Senator Crawford. "In Daven
port the railroads lost their case and In
Cedar Rapids they lost. Then In the appeal
to the supreme court the court was equally
divided on the case, and both lower courts
were affirmed. There was no chance,
through the courts, of ever getting the
thing straightened out. .Now, In these
cities the' bulk of the property Is assessed
at its full value, but the railroad property
at but one-fourth. That Is unfair'. My
bill makes the law relating to assessments
applicable to these special charter cities.
The same thing could have been accom
plished by making it not applicable, and
one method would be about as good as
another. If the law were not applicable
these cities could assess railroads at the
full value, the same as other property, and
the thing would be equitable. Special
charter cities do not have any advantages
that other cities do not, particularly. They
work under a little different arrangement,
but are no better off thun regularly In
corporated cities. All this excitement about
losing their charters is groundless, so far
as I have known."
Ilflli Coming, I p.
The wide tire bill that has passed the
house has been reported out of committee
in the senate and so has a fair chance of
The judiciary committee of the senate
has reported favorably on the bill giving
petit jurors bods. The custom of the past
has been to keep a Jury up till it decided
a case. Sometimes this meant two or three
days. The supposition seemed to be that
after a case had been given to a Jury it
should be allowed to do nothing but eat
till it decided. This bill provides that a
has planned to take up the anti-pass legis
lation the first thing, nnrt as P.nntor
Smith of Mitchell 's chairman and he is
in ftivor of si. on legislation the com
mittee will limn to the task. There Is a
disposition to substitute the Turner bill
for the Hughes bill and make the Turner
bill the bill recommended by the com
mittee. The Mils approach the subject
from opposite sides. Senator Hughes pro
hibits drlrgabs to ion vent Ions and offi
cials and persons In the employ of the
state from riding on passes. He also In
cludes telephone and tMgraph companies
and express companies from which the
persons named are prohibited from re
ceiving "courtesies."
Senator Turner npprunclic the subject
ftom the opposite side and prohibits every
body from riding on passes except certain
perrons. He confines his bill entirely to
the railroads and street railways. It has
been pointed out that the Hughes bill
would shut oft the seed corn specials. Sen
ator Turner prohibits all persons from re
ceiving or asking for passes or from re-
senirer fare than anv other nerson eveent ! meetings were held In the
employes of railroads and street railways,
and these, too. If they are nlso employes of
the., state. Not more than one lawyer or
firm of lawyers is allowed to represent
one railroad In one town. Clergymen are
permitted to ride on half fare. The bill
excepts excursions such as the seed corn
specials and permits newspapers to ex
change advertising for transportation. It
Is argued by those favoring the Turner
bill that Is has less objections than the
other bill, is simpler and will have less
opposition on the Moor of the senate and
house than the other measure.
Wanted at Beatrice Arrested
After n Lona- Chase.
SHENENDOAH. In., Feb. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Fred McBride of Beatrice,
Neb., was captured by a deputy sheriff
fifteen miles south of here today after
giving the officers that much of a chase.
He Is wanted In Beatrice on an Indictment
returned against him some time ago. What
the exact charge Is the officers here do
not know and McBride will not tell. He is
silent, except to say he was formerly In
Beatrice and owed a small debt there.
"But," he said, "that was two years ago.
and they surely wouldn't arrest me for
McBride refuses to return to Nebraska
without requisition papers. The sheriff of
Gage county lert Beatrice today for Lin
coln, where he will apply to the governor
Monday morning for the papers unpn the
governor of Iowa. This was telephoned to
the sheriff here, as also was the Instruction
to arrest McBride.
McBride has been in this section of Iowa
some time. His occupation has been re
pairing typewriters, not for any particular
firm, but rather on his own hook, lie was
In his hotel today when the sheriff came
to arrest him. He culmly submitted, but
In a few minutes said that before going
with the officer he would have to step out
for a minute or two. He was in his shirt
sleeves and had no hat on, so the officer
thought of no danger In his not returning.
But he took advantage of it and Ib-d. He
got to Farrngut, seven miles away, hired
a livery team and. had gone eight miles
further before Intercepted. The sheriff
telegraphed and un officer took after him,
capturing him after a real chase of some
two miles.
Evangelists Torrey and Alexander Begin a
Thru Months' Campaign.
(rent Crowds, Fnable to net Into
Armory. Attend Overflow
Meetings In Mearby
t torches.
rHII.ADKL.FHIA. Feb. 4.-Atter an
evangelistic campaign of four years, which
took them through Australasia, India, Eng
land. Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Canada,
R"V. Reuben A. Torrey and Charles M.
Alexander, the revivalists, today began In
this city a three months' mission which
Is expected to eclipse any similar move
mint ever undertaken here. Two large
rmory of the
Second regiment, the first in the afternoon
and the second tonight. So great was the
Interest that there was an overflow of
several thousand persons who were unable
to gain admittance to the big building
nnd hundreds attended services In nearby
The crowd that vainly attempted to get
Into the night meeting was greater than
the one that was unable to participate In
the afternoon services.
Handbills and small cards announcing
the meetings have been distributed by
thousands and throughout the city on
dead walls and fences, side by side with
theatrical advertisements, large posters
bearing a picture of the cross and ap
propriate Bible verses may be seen. The
religious awakening is expected to cost
close to $50,0ti.
Those engaged In the work of evangelism
hope that the revival begun here today
will spread throughout the country an
Interest such as that witnessed In Great
Britain. After their three months' work
in this city Messrs. Torrey and Alexander
will go to Atlanta for the month of May,
Al Ketrhum of Meeteetse, Wyo., Kills
GlKnntle Beast After Kearly
Losing Ills Life.
I .id Goes on In Albia.
ALBIA, la., Feb. 4. A general attack
was made today on saloons nnd resorts
and fifteen arrests for violation of pro
hibition laws were mode.
fiale Carries Aeronauts from London
' - to nermoovillw. France, In
Fonr Honrs.
LONDON. Feb. 4.-The balloon ot the
Aero dub. which left Ijondon Saturady aft
ernoon lor France and was sighted from
Eastbourne pier moving seaward, success
fully crossed the English channel and dr
bcended la safety at Bermouville. twenty
miles Inland In France. The entire time
consumed from London to the place of de
scent was four hours and ten minutes. The
occupants of the balloon were Messrs. Pol
lock and Dale, who lire members ot the
Aero club of the I'nlted Kingdom. The
name of the balloon is the Vlvlenne III,
A strong northwest gale was blowing din
ing the passage across the channel, which
was made In an hour and three-quarters.
Once the balloon ascended to IO.ium feet,
where a snowstorm was encountered and
the entire airship was encrusted with frost.
MEETEETSE, Wyo., Feb. 4.-(Special.)
Al Ketchum, now known as "Catch'em,"
of this place had a most terrific fight with
a mountain lion a few days ago, by which
he nearly lost his life. Ketchum had been
hut.tlng cats und lynx, when he struck
the trail of this mountain lion and decided
to capture it. He followed the trail nearly
twenty-four hours, when one of his dogs
camo upon the Hon and was killed by tho
huge beast. Ketchum, after this was all
the more determined to kill the lion, and
after about four more tulles trailing again
overhauled him and the dogs treed hlin.
Ketchum came up to within about 200
yards, and at the crack of the gun the
lion dropped. Kechum, thinking him dead
or nearly so, made a run for the tree, but
the beast had only been shot In the moutii
and his teeth torn away. Without these
he was unable to bite, but he began fight
ing furiously, and there is little doubt but
that Ketchum would have been fatally In
jured hod It not been for the help of his
dogs, who hung onto the lion's back and
finally succeeded in getting him away from
the man. The lion airain took to the tree
and two more shots put an end to his
career. The skin of the lion, after being
laid by a hot fire all night, measured just
nine feet four inches from tip to tip, one
of the largest of Its kind ever killed In the
state. The same beast had been glvin
the stockmen of the whole country much
trouble by his continued depredations and
no one heretofore had been able to capture
Baking Powder
complies with tho puro
food laws of all states
Food prepared with it
is free from Rochcllo
salts, lime, alum and
Trust Baking Powders sell for 4 or
50 cents per pound and may be iden
tified by this exorbitant pries.
They are a menace to publlo health,
as food prepared from them con
tains large quantities of Roc hells
salts, a dangerous catbaxtia drug.
We Cure
Men for
Until March 3d .
We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated
so i many a filleted with
private, chronic and pelvic diseases, who are treating with quack special
ists and inexperienced physicians without receiving any benefit, we have de
cided to make a special offer to charge only one-haif of our regular fee for cur
ing those who are now undergoing treatment elsewhere and are dissatisfied,
provided that you come to us before March 3. 1906. For instance, if you are
afflicted with either Hydrocele, Stricture or Nervous Decline, our charge for
curing either of which without any complication is $, we will guarantee to
cure you for 12.o. and accept the money In any way you wish to pay. We will
also cure Contagious Klood Poison for $12 50, which Is just half our regular fee.
The liberal offer Is mado to enable those cured who have spent their
money In doctoring without relief and to show the many who have treated with
doiens of physicians without benefit that we have the only methods that pro-
dUOe0ifnilthotis ar up-to-dato and are Indorsed by the highest med
leal authorities of Europe nnd America. Hence our success in the
treatment of mrn's diseases, llemember, our Hpecinlty Is limited to
the diseases of MUX. and MEN OXLV.
PR1VATB DISKASKS Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours; cures effected In 7 days.
We cover the entire Held of private and chronic, deep-seated, com
plicated diseases.
fleers, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Dlood Poison,' Chronlo
Discharges, Skin Diseases, Tiles and Fistula. Prostatic Disease,
Nervo-Vital Debility, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam.
Entrance ou 13th Street.
Man early Froien to Heath.
riNBI')ALJ3. Wyo.. Feb. 4.-HS peclal.)
8 C. Jennings, In returning from I'iney a
few days ago, lost his way In tho storm
on Muddy Kldge and remained out all
night, reaching the home of Frank Nlchol
sen about 6 o'clock the following morn
ing, more dead than alive. Both feet nnd
both hands were badly frozen, and it is
district judge can order beds for tho Jury , conslderert a marvel that he came through
If ho thinks advisable. If he takes a no- I ttie experience alive.
Water Power Plant Hold.
V.. g. Marrcnner has purchased the
Charles City water power plant here. The
consideration is not definitely known, but
is supposed to be about $25,K)0. The new
purchaser will erect a new concrete dain
and Install an electric power Blant with
a day and night current. The plant has
tion that the Jury is soldiering on him and
stringing out the matter of coming to a de
cision purposely In order to get Ihe per
diem and board he can refuse the comfort
ing bed.
Will Drlntt Lobby.
A lobby of patent medicine men will likely
now descend on the legislature. Two bills
are up, one in the senate and one in the
house, providing that patent medicine men
must tell ou the outside of the bottle what
is on the Inside. The senate bill is the
work of Dr. Young of Calhoun, who Is the
chairman of the committee on public health.
1 1. sides this Mil he has up his sleeve a bill
prohibit the distribution of sample med
icines, salves and the like on doorsteps
where children and pet animals are likely
to get hold of them and poison themselves.
The Young bill Is mostly told in the first
two section, which are as follows:
Kvery proprietary drug or medicine shall
be dearly labeled In black, open tlothlc let
ters on a white background showing the
name and percentage of each of the con
tained constituents, and such label shall be
affixed to each and every package, carton,
box or botile containing such drug or med
icine. Methyl alcohol snail be deemed a
e experle
Strange Adventure
in auto led to painful accident, but Buck
len's Arnica Balve quickly healed all
wounds. 25c; guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
poison and Its sale shall be subject to the I perature,
t.(Hneial.) ' limitations or tne poisonous arugs place. t
Fair Today In Nebraska, Mariner In
Western Portion Fair and
Warmer Tomorron.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.-Forecast of the
weather for Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska Fair Monday, warmer In
western portion; Tuesday, fair and
For Iowa and Missouri Fair, continued
coia Monday; Tuesday, talr and not so
For Kansas Fair, continued cold Mon
day; Tuesday, fair, not so cold.
For Colorado Fair Monday and Tuesday,
warmer in -astern portions.
For Wyoming and South Dakota Fair
Monday and Tuesday with rising tern-
Ycu Doai Pay Us
ir what some dead lieat got for nothlt
there another drug store in Conn
uffs on this basis? NO. THERE IS Nil
KIZ ?r,'v"-xV"'51 "n! c,"wiuenee has been Idle since the burning of the mill on ! irlne or drug containing 8 per cent of wood
a BIG iil SCH Of accounts, some of which ,. s ,v The nrnn. ru i. a i-nl,ihl . ... . . "
sre no good. BOMB ONK HAH TO L.OS y ' property is a aiuabie , alcohol, S per cent of morphine, herlon, co-
under schedule B of section 2oM. chapter
xviit, title 12 of the code.
The enforcement of the, bill Is placed in
the hands of the State pharmacy board.
The house bill Is somewhat more drastic.
It provides that each package or bottle
shall be clearly labeled in Gothic type of not
less than eight-point, and that every med
THOSE ACCOL'NTH. Who iuvi a i.ier- one and has been in constant use for a
chant's billsT His customers! If a mer- I half century. The first dam was built by
chant makes any money he has to sell hU , tha iHl- JlM, Vellev the first settler in
goods at a profit Is there any prollt in 'h , , . " . . . t
dead beat accounts? It costs the average 1 Charles City. At the time of the fire the
merchant 20 per cent to conduct a bust- i mill property was in charge of John Kuck.
nrss snd it costs him inst as much to PKI.l, Th .trueture which burned was a four,
goods to DEAD BEATS as to LIVE, HON- structure wnitn mirne.i was ,a rour-
hMT PEOPLE, besides the loss of the , l,r' louring mill with. a J00-barrel capac-
goods! The average person is able to ty.
nraw nis own conclusions trom the above
FACTS, and they are FACTS.
TE. T. TATES, Proprietor.
Cor. Fifth avenue and Main street.
Council Bluffs, Ia. 'Phone S33. Cor. Six
teenth and Chicago streets. Omaha.
Twenty-fourth and N streets, 8. Omaha.
Business Chance ia Tabor.
TABOR. Ia.. Feb. 4. (Special. -The firm
of Dalton & Barbour has been dissolved.
Mr. Barbour buying his partner's interest.
During the past four years the above firm
has conducted the largest general store
In Tabor, having succeeded J. M. Iiaibour.
Mr. Dalton will move to Cunada.
28 Pearl St. Pbonis. Res. 63. 0ff1ct97
Lady Attendant if Desired
Broker Charged with ISnibesilenieBt.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Feb. 4,-Louls Becker.
j member of the firm of Bcker & Degen,
calne, salts, chloral hydrate, belladonna.
cotton root or ergot shall be labeled in red
letters. "Poison." The enforcement of this
bill Is placed with the State Board of
Cannulas for Direct Vote.
Covernor Cummins has received a request
from the Cleveland Press asking his posi
tion on the question of voting direct for
I'nlted States senators. The request bears
the information that the Ohio legislature
Is about to vote on a resolution on the mat
ter. Governor Cummins' position is well
known to be In favor of the direct vote, as
he has expressed It publicly often times.
Tha Anti-Pass Bills.
Anti-pass legislation next week will forge
to the front according to the well In
formed members. Little has been done
along that line thus far except the Intro
duction of two bills, one by Senator Hughes,
iivesioca Droarr. m nie oioux uij sloes the father of snti-pass legislation in the
yards, is under arrest oa the charge of legislature, and the other by Senator Dan
embeiillog 7.&. j Turner ot Corning. The railroad committee
Local Itecurd.
ojiama, reo. . iimciai record or tern
peratuie and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: jyog. 106. 1S04. 19u3
Maximum temperature 11 6 is r
Minimum temperature.... 4 lti 5
Mean temperature 8 o lti I
Precipitation T .17 Ou .?
Tempei iture and precipitation departures
I mm tne normal at umaiia since March 1,
ai:a comparison wiin the lust two years
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the day 14
Total excess since March.!, 19(15 10.37
.Normal precipitation 02 inch
Deficiency for the day K Inch
Totl rainfall since March 1. .. .29 S inches
Deficiency since March 1 2 9S Inche
Denrlency for cor. period 1H05.... 4 7.1 Inches
Excess for cor. period I'M 1.8s inches
Reports from stations mt T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Maxi- RaJn-
ot eatner. 7 p. 111.
Bismarck, clear 8
Cheyenne, clear 4
Chicago, snowing 18
Davenport, clear 14
Denver, clear 8
Havre, cb-ar 12
Helena, clear Pi
Huron. cleHr 2
Kansas CUy. clear 14
North Platte, clear 8
Omaha, clear s
Rapid City, clear 8
St. IjoiiIs, snowing lii
St. Paul, clear
Salt I.ake, cloudy X,
alentine, clear 4 r
Wllllston. cloudy 4 .on 00
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Indicates below sero.
A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
mum. fall.
2 .ftfi
22 .01
18 T
14 T
18 .On
11) ,n'i
2 .t
1 .04
14 .no
11 .
12 .no
W .3)
2 .00
is t
You'll Know
when you get the grip, but you won't know
how it happened no one does.
You won t care. You will be too miser
able. But you will Vie intensely Interested
in how to get rid of It.
How to stop those cold chills from chas
ing up and down the spine, the incessant
pains In the limbs and back, nausea, cough
ing tits, sneezing, discharge from the eyes
and nose, muscular pains, and that brain
wivicklng headache.
The iwst treatment known for this dread
ful affliction is
Dr. Miles Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine cures by building un
the nervous system, and destroying the
Reims which poison the blood. If taken
when first symptoms appear Is almost a
sure preventive.
I suffered several weeks with Grip, and
nothing I took seemed to benefit me. I
suffered almost death, until I tried Dr.
Miles Restorative Nervine. From the first
day I felt better. It relieved my misery
and pain, and gave me an appetite, and In
a few days I had fullv recovered " MRS.
GEO. B. HALL. 149 Lee St.. Jackson. Tenn.
The first bottle will benefit. If not. the
druggist will return your money.
. ..... nr victims to Nervous Debility or
haustlon, Wasting Weakness, with Early Decline tj
weak. Our
and restora
you to what nature Intended, a hale, heslthy, happy
man, wttn an po"
haustlon, Wasting weakness, wiin Kiariy
young and middle-aged: lack of vim.
Strength, with organs impaired and w
treatment will correct all of thsse evils
UiDIPnPCI C cured perfectly and permanently nr
IHIMbUUkkk nfe by one treatment. ct cumns. "
pain no danger, no detention from work. No othet
trestment will CURE as quick.
Bl linn DMCnN cured quicker than at Hot Bprlnga,
BLUUU rUldUM At once every trace of the dis.
ase disappears, no sores come on body (sores lt
mouth, throat, tongue, hair falling out stop at once).
We also cure all contagious or acquired diseases-.
Hydrocele, Prostatic, Catarrh of Bladder, Kidney,
all chronic disease of men and women.
m 1 .... I u ItTrllA fnl
tpiamw1 free srp
SR. IeABLKs 3BJJi.n.-,
A fine room with a vault heat
light water janitor service in a
fire proof office building for $18.00
The Bee Building. -
I 8
Important Change in Service .to the Northwest.
Two Daily Trains to ; t:- v
Montana, Washington, Puget Sound and Portland
Taking effect February 11th, the Burlington and Northern Pacific ' Com
panies will jointly establish an additional daily through train service from Omaha,
Lincoln and Kansas City to the Northwest -Billings, Butte, Helena, Spokane,' Se-
attle, Tacoma and Portland.
New Schedule: Leave Omaha at 4:10 p. m. daily, arrive Deadwood next after,
noon at 4 o'clock, Butte and Helena second forenoon, Spokane second night, Puget
Sound third noon, Portland that night. .
Equipment: Through Chair Cars, Dining Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleeping .
Car service to Seattle and Portland.
Important Change of Time in Black Hills Service: Commencing February 11,
the Omaha-Black Hills train for Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead will leave Omaha
at 4:10 p. m. daily, instead of 11:10 p. m. as heretofore.
Other Northwest Service: Daily train will continue to leave Omaha at 11:10
p. m. for all principal Montana, Washington and Puget Sound points.
East Bound Service From the Northwest: In addition to the present train, No.
42, from the Northwest, a new and additional daily through train service will be es
tablished from Portland and Puget Sound in connection with the Burlington's new
train, 44, leaving Billings at 10:30 p. m., arriving Omaha at 7:10 a. m. the second
morning. 1
The moring train service from Omaha at 9:10 a. m. will be extended to Broken
Omaha, Neb.
1502 Farnam St., Omaha.