Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1906, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee.
Dee Phones mSSo
Ituslnrsa . . . . Douglas 2: IX
Clrrnlallon .... Douglas HOT
Kdltorial Potigim 201
Bee Phones numbers
ltaMncs tkvngla 2-1
OrculMInn . . . .Douglas 7
tentorial Douplns SOI '
Hotm Will Ritame Diicawion o. tht E&te
Bill Tlii orning-
! r. Hepburn Eai Fifty Democnli Deiir
to B Bearl io Iti Faror.
Opposi'.ioa to Enao'.in ImoLiw Ixeou.m
Ordst RcUiitt to kgt.
Uoraker Auifum, Which Pro
iHm for Division '( the 4ues
iln. 1VII1 Be tauter of
the Discussion.
. ....lliNGTuN. Feb. 4. Chairman Uom-
in unargo u the railroad rate bill in
i..j ii.ulcsiul Ji6u or representatives, la un
nuiu to'.seu the nu of thu discussion of
that measure. Under sptolul order It has
lite riglit-U-wuy until duposid uf. The
very lirst da of the. -dabalu, which benan
uisl Tuesday, developed the desire of many
niuiulx is to mako speeches. An extra, hour
whs added tci each day and sti.l tnc list of
uipllcatits fof time giew larger. Mr. Hep
burn haa a long list of republicans who are
unxlou to be heard., and Mr. Ariamsoii.
controlling -th time on the minority side,
nay there are fifty democrat who visit
to be heard In favor of 'the measure.
Speaker Cannon la Inclined to let the de
bate -run and estimates that it will be
Wednesday or Thursday before the- last
rrpeecn IB aeuverea aim me icnn-u
oh th measure.' Ai oon as this ia ac-
eompllshed. tle pension appropriation bill,
reported from committee last week, will be
taken up. This bill carries a total of 1140,
245,600 to pay. the. pensions of veterans for
the year. It la generally disposed of In the
shortest time of any of the annual supply
measures, but this year It contains provis
ions which vlrtrually mako ft statute of thu
prealdent'a order of last year, making age
an evidence of disability,
There la said to be decided opposition to
enacting thla executive oriler Into law. As
the provision la without question "new leg
islation", and subject to a point of order
under the rules of the house. It is not un
likely that a rule will be brought In when
the bill la taken up which will provide that
the amendment shall be In order.
The fortification appropriation bill will be
reported to the house from the approprta
tlona committee today. , It will be consid
ered as soon as the pension bill la out of
the war. Thla hill fa a short measure and
carries' thla year between $.000,000 and
17,000,000. There are said to be no matters
Incorporated In It which will cause serious
discussion. .
Program e( Senate.
Tha friends In the aenate of the shipping
hill are hopeful of securing aome time
during; the week an agreement to vote on
" ' thaf measure and the understanding la that
T4 ff"enr .' 1trrirrhpoef of the etatehood
Jblll will auoceed It as the unfinished busl
' nes. ,' There are .no more set speeches on
the shipping blU In sight, but the rxpeeta
tlon la that the running debate which has
cliaracterlaed the recent consideration of
the bill will be continued for aome daya,
. Senator Oalllnger. who, aa the chairman
of the merchant marine committee haa
charge of the bill, says ne win oe sausnea
with tha setting of any time within reason
for the taking of a vote, knowing that
with a unanimous consent to vote arrived
at there will be no doubt that the vote will
be secured. . The bill will be amended
somewhat before a vote ia taken.
Much Interest ia manifested In the ap
proaching conteat in the senate over the
statehood question. Senator Beveridge, who
W..t again have charge of the bill, la hope
ful of securing a comparatively early vote,
but many of his colleagues fail to agree
with him on that . point. Tho supporters
of the bill are very strenuous In Its ad
vocacy and their opponents are just aa
r determined., It 1 not generally expected
that t either aide will yield until there ia
more definite Information aa to the prob
able reault of the vote than can now be
secured.' The critical point of the con
troversy will be the Foraker amendment
giving the Arizona people the privilege of
voting on the question of admission. It Is
understood that the democratic, senators
will be almost a unit In support of thla
amendment and that' It will also secure a
number - of republican votea. Juat how
many republican supporters there may be
la not known and until here la definite
Information on that point the opponents
of the bill will not agree to let a vote be
taken. If this ahowlng should be favorable
to the amendment the friends of the bill
will not press the vote, but In view o
the fact that they would even In that event
be aura of the admission of Oklahoma,
they might not be so determined aa thel
opponents. They will probably , meet Mr.
Foraker'a proposition for a separate vote
with one for the submission of the ques
tion of admission to the people of Arizona
and New Mexico combined. s
t'rgaat Dedcleacy BUI.
The ugent deficiency bill will be taken
up In the committee on appropriations early
In the week and will probably be reported
a few days later. The provision In thla
bill which will be most debated la that
relating to the abrogation of . tho eight
hour law on the canal lone. As the bill
carries the remainder of the deficiency fur
the canal asked by th War department.
which waa cut off in th first bill passed,
It Is believed canwl matters In general will
again be th subject of considerable talk
in the senate. There 1 no such emergency
aa whan th first canal appropriation bill
passed, and consequently th aeuutors will
feel free to give a much attention to the
administration of th canal as they choose.
ganator Macon will revive the Morocco
question in a speech on Tuesday, and on
Wednesday Senator Scott will speak ' in
support of th bill giving a pensionable '
statue to telegraph toperators employed
with th Union force during the civil war. t
Senator Furaker will take th first oppor- '
lunlty in executive session to secur con- :
siaeruiion ni ine isie or t'lnc-a treaty. In
th absenc of Senator Hepburn, who Is
rnnHn. to hla hA,n, mi....... . ....
He-Cumber will have char.-, nf '.h.
food. bill. The calendar waa atrioed bare
last wvk and will furnish no recourse
wb JlecusaiOD. on th shipping bill flags,
a It w;ss mad to do on more than uu oc-
easion last week.
Glane. at Affair. Abroad.
. The death of King Christian IX of Ieu
mark has cast a shadow over so many of
th court of Lurope that it will make
this week a period of almost universal
mourning, but th linportunt events which
- - (Continued on Second Pa)
Chinese A re Demanding Dlscbarac at
Imerlcana In th Public
PKKIN, Feb. 4.-Vuan Sim Kal. viceroy
of Chili province, has discharged Prof. C.
D. Tenney, the foreign director of educa
tion who organizi-d the new school system
in this province ivlthtn three years
IIIHUt: Jl U IIKKlfl .
Vim empire. Strong
opposition haa urlse
agement of the sc.
against Mr. Tenney,
on American. Yuui
Tonnry that he appi1
Tuan Shi Kal has si
S-ly to foreign man
s and particularly
Vly because ho la
fl Kal tulU Dr.
-fd hiii work, but
.. ny enemies that
he could not afford to
The iHivcutt agnatic
goods la being revive
Mr. Rockhill, the Amu.
the American consuls t
alnst American
Vhen It began
4 minister, and
A the Chinese
to. wait until congress huti vime to act on
their demands, and the failure of congreea
to do so has aroused their resentment.
Strong presrurc has been brought to bear
upon the government to remove B. 1.
Drew, the commissioner of customs at
Canton, who is considered one of the
ablest men In the establishment of Sir
Kobert Hart, director general of maritime
customs, because he Is an American.
Prof. Tenney was an appointee of Yuan
Shi Kal and started the construction of
the college at Paotlngfu, the seat of tho
viceroy. - ,
In July, 1900, at the time of the Boxer up
rising, Dr. Tenney whs president of the
University of Tien Tsln. He became angry
over the nightly entertainments given by
the high officers of the allied troops and
at tho dWay of the forces to march from
Tien Tsln to I'eklng. offering to guide the
army thither.
'This business is now progressing In ac
cordance with Anglo-Saxon traditions,"
he said. "Twenty thousand soldiers stay
ing here while women and children of their
own race are starving and awaiting mas
sacre eighty mile away, military and
naval officers meanwhile wasting time In
bickering over petty politics. Is a sorry
spectacle. V will be a dark blot on the
reputation of every commanding officer
here if the white people n Peking are
allowed to perish without a despcrrvte ef
fort to save thein." '
Mr. f hamherlnln Will Probably Or
ganise an Independent Pro
tection Party.
LONDON, Feb. 4. That there Is a split
In the Unionist party Is recognised as an
existing fact by the unionist newspapers
this morning. They say it Is definitely
known that Mr. Palfour and Mr. Chamber
lain have agreed to disagree and that It
ia believed Mr. Chamberlain will withdraw
from hla adhesion to Mr. Balfour and or
ganise a separate party on tariff reform.
This. It is admitted by the Standard, the
Morning Poat and' other unionist news
papers, wllf be the only course left open to
Mr. Chamberlain unless Indeed Mr. Balfour
decides to call a meeting "of the party and
allow lta members to cecido the' question of
leadership. Even then, the papers say, It
la not believed that Mr. "Balfour or Mr.
Chamberlain will -recede, the former pre
mier having , told Ms. Chum)erlain that he
would uot accept hi tariff' reform policy.
The whole situation forma the political
sensation of the hour and nothing elso Is
discussed In the' political clubs. It waa
stated very emphatically yesterday that If
Mr. Balfour would not agree to call a
meeting of the party, former Secretary of
Slate for Home Affairs Akers-Douglaa
would be appointed leader ad Interim until
Mr. Balfour ia returned to parliament by
the city of London. There ia still a remote
chance of Walter Hume Long, former pres
ident of the local government board, being
asked to accept the leadership under a
compromise, but well Informed persons say
positively that Mr. Balfour will refuse any
thing like a compromise while Mr. Cham
berlain insists on standing for protection.
. It la even Intimated that th invitation
to atand for the seat for the city of Lon
don resigned In hla favor by Alvan O. H.
Olbba may be wihdrawn unless he goes over
to Mr. Chamberlain, but this la believed to
be hardly likely.
The liberals win decide , today whether
they will conteat the seat for the city of
London and In view of the latest develop
ments there la' a liklthood -of Mf. Balfour
having o fight for It.
Impressive Service Held la Gardea
Room at Palace la Ctopea
' hagen.
COPENHAGEN!" Feb. 4.-There waa an
Impressive memorial service over the body
of King Christian In the "garden" room
of the palace tonight. All the members
of the royal family were present, but
otherwise the ceremony, was strictly pri
vate. -
Early In the duy a representative of the
Associated Press was permitted to visit
the "garden" room. It Is called "garden
shoal" ' because the windows open on the
beautiful palace gardens.
A massive sliver crucifix stands on a
white covered table, while palms and ferns
are arranged In the corners of the room
to complete the picture of Impressive sim
plicity. The entire absence of bluck from
the "garden" room ' ia noteworthy. The
rear walls, gilded window frames and the
multi-colored flowers, among which the
king's favorite Magna Charta rose predom-
Inates, ernplet'iy remove the gloom of the
usual death chamber. The whole grouping
! rather suggests the glorious crowning of
: an honored life.
This note waa also struck by the pdayera
j and sermons in all the churches today. In
which King Christian was eulogised not
' so much as e. monarch, but a a splendid
1 pattern for every Christian,
ATHENS. Fi b. 4.-King George left here
! tot'av for Conenliaeen to attend the fu-
ueral of King Christian.
Klne Bodlea Taken from Rain and
Three Women Die' of
j ,
' KENNEH. Feb. . All the buildings of1
the Honu for the Aged In the Fauhour !
de Parla. kept by the Utile Sisters of the
Poor- wr deatroyed by fire tonight. Nine j
bodies have been found In the ruins. Three j
women dk-d from fright, ' Chaplain St. Rou. '
while attempting to save the Inmates of I
the home, fell and was seriously Injured.
, Indian, accused of Hunk Robbery.
- , TUI 8A. 1. T . Vel. 4.-Bunk Matv'l,l
I Mud Pensen. Nat Hlnes and Hb Calvin,
Cherokee Indians, were arr-btcil last nhrht
at their Ixmies in the Chenikeu nation,
dial md with robbing i he First National
tank at Owiihhi. I. T. on January j.
They were tiken- to Jail at Claremore.
The bank vault was wrecked and looud
ot ?;.on).
Brilliant and Blood tpjouole in Honor of
or?ccan Loifennce.
Delegates from the United gtatea
ad Great Britain D Sot
Attend the Spec ,
ALOEOIHA8. Feb. 4. The brilliant
though bloody spectacle of a bull fight In
honor of the conference on Moroccan re
forms was the event of today. Crowds came
from all parts of Andalusia to the vast
atone amphitheater and more than (.000
persona saw the fight.
A box gaily decorated with the Spanish
colora accommodated the ambassadors and
officials of many countries. Most of th
delegation to the conference were repre
sented and many of the envoys were ac
companied by their wives and daughters.
The duke of Almodovar, the Spanish for
eign minister, who Is president of the Con
ference, accompanied by the duchess, waa
the center of a group of ambassadors, and
garbed Moors and throngs of Spanish
women in picturesque costumes lent a
touch of qiialntncss to the animated scent:.
The American and British delegates did not
Three celebrated bull fighters furnished
the ai'.m-t, and the bulls were from tho
famous herd of Don Moreno Santa Maria
of Seville. The first animal brought Into
the ring, a huge, black Andaluslan beast,
killed two horses before the matador.
Lngartijo, skillfully drove his sword to the
hilt into the animal, which fell dead.
Thousands cheered this and the band played
a Spanish fandango.
The seonnd 'hull was ceremoniously dedi
cated to the duke of Almodovar by Matador
Morenita, which Is the custom of the coun
try. It proved to he an ugly fighter and
gored the blind horse of a picador. This
bull also was dlopntched. Another bull
killed five horses, four of them dying in
the arena, while the fifth, terribly gored,
staggered outside and died. The picadors
were often unhorsed, hut none of them
was seriously hurt. The skill of the mata
dors was shown as they plroutted before
the bellowing anlmnls, which were stung
to madness by the darts with their gay
streamers stuck Into thein.
The foreigners, present witnessed the
scene with mingled admiration at the
audacity of the matadors and horror at Its
cruelty. ,
Story .that Hla Aaaoclatca Have Ar
quired Lara; Interests In
Illinois Central.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-The Herald tomor
row will say: "It waa loomed In this city
yesterday that there ar many Indicationa
tiat the Illinois Central Railroad company
has been acquired by Interests Identified
with the Harrlman party. It haa been
known for aome time that tha JUlnola Cen
tral holding, In the hands of this party
have been,.ftgured .aahjgh a . lyno Kljare
Wr' I"' par'.' value- ,ot '-ilOOaooui r According
to statements made by person who ar
In a position to Inspect the transfer book
of the Illinois Central there ia , evidence
there that goes far toward confirming the
story of a merger.
"It Is said that the Union Pacific some
time ago took over all the Illinois Central
stock owned by th Railroad Securities
company, a New Jersey corporation, or
ganized by the Harrlman Interests for the
purpose of owning and holding Illinois Cen
tral shares. The records show that thl
company had acquired at least 80,000 shares
of this stock and this, added to the stock
already in. the fiands of the Union Pacific,
would make that road at preaent a holder
or at least 240.C00 shares a par value of,eo. .
According to Wall street theory this
stock has been accumulated, but has not
yet been transferred to any corporation
and still stands In the names of indi
viduals." CHICAGO. Feb. S.-The Record-Herald to
day says: It has been known In Chicago
for several months that E. 11. Harrlman
was planning to enlarge hla holdings of
Illinois Central so as to, gain absolute con
trol and thus to Join It with the Union
",m "" lu Jm u wun tne Union
Pacific system. The belief in New York
that the deal haa been completed created
little surprise and several Illinois Central
officials said while they were not ac-
qualnted with the latest details of the
merger, they had reasons to feel that Mr.
Harriman had become the dominating
factor In the company.
One of the most prominent of these offl-
rials who is a director and has been as-
soclated with the Illinois Central for many
years made the following statement
"For weeks. I may say months. It has
oeen understood In, Wall street that Mr.
namman ana tne interests with which he
t aIlle1 hav b'n gradually working to
secure control or the Illinois Central. It is th top of the shaft when In some unac
true that he obtained large blocks of stock ' countable way he became wedged between
and that he organized the Railroad Be- : the shaft wall and the cage and waa
purines company to further his plans."
Hurry W. Smith of Worcester, Mass..
wlla Thirty Animals
for 3,8M.
WORCESTER. Mass.. Feb. 4. Harrv W.
Smith has sold his entire pack of fox j
hounds, thirty In all. and received the
highest price ever paid Jn America at
leaEt, for a pack of fox hounds. s:,St.
The buyer la John P. Townsend, master
of fox hounds of Orange County Hunt, promulgated at dinner formation at the
of Goshen. N. Y.. and aUamaster of the ! Naval academy today and Miller resumed
Plains Hunt of Virginia. j jllB ' position aa captain of the Twelfth
Th inventory Included several puppiea I company. The Navy department haa asked
that have not yet put their noaea to the I for information relative to the cases of
ground, for which an average price of ) Midshipman Stepheu LVcatur, Jr., of Ports
was secured. For tha crack hounds of the ! mouth and Petterson B. Marzonl of Pen
pack. Sinner. Splc, Sam. Simple and Sin. , CoIa. both formerly members of the
Mr. 8mith received several hundred dollars
each. The sa e Includes the fourteen hounds
with which Mr. Smith beat a Henry Hin-
! gins pack of English bounds In Virginia.
pi lip
Bkr"' Shlaer and Livery Em
ploy Arrcated la Terr Ha
for Sunday Work.
TERRE HAUTE. Ind.. Feb. 5.-A a re
sult of th strict enforcement of th Sun
day closing law, thirty-seven offenders
were arrested today. Hotels, restaurants,
drug store and news stands were th only
business houses open.
Twenty-four bakers were among thoea
arrested. One man waa arrested for shin.
ing shoes and anothar for washing a buggy cathedral, tha American Museum of Nat
al a livery stabl. i uruH'"ul',.,!:n,l'"lii",f , K'rmd
It la Kxpocted that Formal Order Will
Be lnSeA sj-Corc Hoard
' Adionrna, "
INDIANAPOLIS, nd.. Feb. 4.-U ' waa
Intimated at the international headquarters
of the United Min Worker uf America
today that before t be adjournment of the
present ' sension of the ext-riitive board,
feecrotary-Trcasurer ,W. It. Wilson will be
Instructed to prepare a formal strike or
der, effective April ' 1. -In eider to avoid
tho necessity of ritasembUng the board
after the adjournment Of the present ses
sion. :,,
No meeting of th board was held today.
The question of a pir capita tax of $1 for
the establishment 4 a national - defense
fund, which waa Informally discussed Just
before the adjournment of the board meet
ing Saturday - evening, is extracted to be
the first subject taki up when that body
resumes It meeting londay morning.
Aa all of the memier of the board are
anxious to depart forthelr homes, an effort
will be made to adjourn the board meet
ing some tlmeomorrw. President Mltchll
will leave Immediately for th east to pre
pare for' the meeting with .the operators
of the anthracite fTHt February 18.
An interesting situation in this connection
haa come In connection with tho reso
lution passed . by thu national convention
providing lhat no district shall sign a wage
scale, until all have obtained . satisfactory
settlements. Thla rerilutlon 4iaa been de
fined by W. J. Ryalt, treasurer-secretary
of the Illinois district, who proposed it; 1 urcd by the president upon the consiilera
by Vice President TTwn . L. - Lewis, who : tlon of the senate. 1 shall vote with my
spoke in favor of lta passage, and by Presi
dent Mitchell, who pinced the motion be
fore the convention, .to include Vevcry dls-
trlct tinder the Jurlsdletlnn of- the United
Mine Workers of America, whether -anthracite,
bituminous or btckcoal regions, In
the United States and Canada."
Under this rule the wxgv scale committee
appointed by the anthracite miners in their
Shumiikiu convention eiirly In December will
have no power to sign a-..cnntract. eve
If their demands are conceded, by the an
thracite operator, ui lees the miners of
all other district :ef Vets an agreement
with their employers. '. . .-,
MAHANOT. CITY, 1 i, Feb. 4. The col
lieries throughout the anthracite,- region
have orders to opera tt with full-capacity
from now until next April. A -number of
washeries In the SchiylkllJ fields, which
have been closed, will resume operatlona
tomorrow on full tints' The., companies
expect to add .I.OOO.nno ins of coal, to their
storage stock ln(the Vtl xt week.j '
8CKANTON, Pa., Feb, 4.-"-Qn being shown
the Mahanoy 'City dtpfteh to tho effect
that all collerles .In the anthracite, region
have been ordered on full time, n leading
coal operator said the report waa "foolish'4
and It la absolutely without truth. . The
mild winter has caused a glut ef large else
and the companies! will hAve to -curtail
production. . ,'.
A story' that gains credence here la to
the effect that the operator are eon- j
templatlng the shutting down ef all the
collerles during March as a, means of cur
tailing stocks, and Incidentally hindering
the mine worker In .following President
Mitchell's advice to store up anoney for
Apni i. . i-. , -.
Recto of t. ' OtftM-fte'a KpUeopni
' C'hnreh, Serf' York, fteeltrae aa
Account of 111 Health..
NEW YORK. Feb. 4.-Rev. Dr. WIHlam
8. Rainsferd, for twenty-two years rector
of St. - George's Protestant . Episcopal
i clurch," this city, has resigned the rector-
.hln nwtn. tA Mintiniiail III htflllh nA
hip owing tot continued ill health, and
Rev. Hugh Blrckhead, the assistant rector,
has been elected by the vestry to succeed
. The resignation of Dr. Ralnsford was In
the form of a letter to I. Plerpont Morgan,
senior warden of the church, from Cairo,
Egypt, dated January 7 last. , '
Dr. Ralnsford wrote ihat while hla
health was better than it was a . year ago
he had definitely concluded that he had
, ,nh i th rerr.hin
, w .i ..... . . i pledge my best endeavors, regardless of
Rev. Mr Blrckhead the new rector, has p . political
been assistant rector for several years. He,, " -
1. but 29 years of age. 1 fortunes.
Dr. Ralnsford Is one or tho most widely Friendly to Both .
known Episcopal clergymen In the country. Th senator's private secretary, through
being noted both as a preacher and as a I om th" cme. " tot hlm'
writer, and ha been very active in phil
anthropic work.
' DMU M,n otut DinU IVI I IM C
i . w. Killed In ,. , rrrU
I Shaft - and Three Ar la
Serious Condition
1 CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Feb. 4. Bad
I sir In the Rlue Bird mine caused thedeath
1 of two men and the injury of three others
today. Allen Webster and T. Oleaon were
t overcome and were being holnted to the
top when Oleson tutnbled out of the cage I
and waa dashed to death. Webster ex-
pired from asphyxiation before , the cage j
, reached the aurface. Fred Benjamin was
j waiting to be hauled to . tho opening at
badly crushed. He may not recover. Fred
Harvey and W. P. . Gunzman were over-
com" nd ren,erd unconscious, but will
Mldahlpmaa Pnrdoaed hy President
Hesuiaea Commaad of Hla
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Feb. 4. The action of
the . president In pardoning Midshipman
John P. Miller of Lancaster, K. who was
convicted of hazing "by court-martial,-waa
first class.
Heyborn aad Hltt Better.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. Senator Hey
burn of Idaho, who la III with an attack
of appendicitis, was reported aa slightly
better today, The attack is proving more
severe than expected, but the attending
physicians are making every effort to avert
resorting to an operation. -
The condition of Representative Hltt of
Illinois, chairman of the house foreign
affair committee, continue encouraging,
although h is still confined to his bed.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4-The Chinese com
missioners who are here studying Amer
ican conditions snd Institutions devoted
several hours today to visits to the Metro
politan - Museum or Art. St. Patrick's
Benior Senator from Ksbtaika Beitatei
His Position.
Says He I on rrlendly Term with
the President and In Line
with th Uxeeotlv
WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. tSpeclal.) Sen
ator Millard hac given out tne following
prepared statement replying to a Nebraska
newspaper that asserted that he had not
for a year been on the bat of terma with
the president:
"Nothing could be further from the truth.
The story must have been invented by
some one who is unfriendly. Why, only
within the Inst week or .ten days President
Roosevelt took occsslnn to say to me that
he considered me to be one of hi staunch
esl friend In the senate.
'Republicans throughout the atate know
that I am a strong parttsan-that I always
uppurt the republican ticket (as the record ,
win snow;, ana nave a.,- o-v " ,eparted at i a. m. carrying mall for south
ported the republican administration. It , BmonK tnem btlnR 7jlttlo
is my purpose to continue to support ad- ; K. i,iim. vwt Worth. Oal-
ministration measures In the eonate whli
Include statehood for tile territories, the
Phlilplne tariff reduction, the railway rat.;
question and all questions of party policy
party In all cases,
Justice to the Railroads. t
As my residence In eorn-Ka ameuaiee
the advent of most of the citizens of the
state, having settled In the territory In 1867.
I b-lieve I know the people and the people
have come to know me. Some of them ,
know, os 1 do, what It is to reside In a
region without railroads, and the value of
railroads to the business Interests and t
land value everywhere.' While railway me.i ; j.i: I. southwestern Kansas. Arkansas, In
In many cases have done things they should . im Territory, Oklahoma and practically
not hv rt.m... it Is none the less true i nil of Tcxa, and It Is estimated will be
thai the great wealth of Nebraska Is In
an Important degree due to tho help of
the railways In gctlng our products to
market, and In many other ways. This
tact should be recognised by men of nil
"Conceding that abu-es have grown up
In the method of making railroad tariffs
which call for restrictive legislation, we
must not forget that the railroads are
entitled to fair treatment at the hands of
congress, notwithstanding they do things
at times that we cannot commend. My
opinion Is that the railway Is entitled to the
same consideration that in due any great
corporation, large business concern or In
dividual nothing less, nothing more. -
Position of the Senator.'
.' '"My position In this regard I In harmony
with that of ' President Roosevelt, who in
his message at the opening of enngress, I
suggesting remedial legislation In the In
terest of shippers,-used this language:
"Let m most earnestly -any that these
recommendations are mil made In any
spirit of hostility to the railroads. On
ethical grounds, on grounds of right, such
hostility would be intolerable; and on the
grounds of more national self-interest we
mind, jremember- that such hostility would
c-jig?init Jth ar e 1 J1 i 14. coi'Vlf
investors, a multitude of railway employes,
wageworker: and" most - severely- against
the Interest of the public as a whole. I
believe that on the whole our railroads
have done well and not 111; but the rail
road men who wish to well snouia not
be exposed to competition with those who
have no such desire, and the only way to
! ecure this end Is to give to some govern
merit tribunal the power to see that Justice
Is done.
"Business - men throughout Nebraska
know that I am disposed to be conserva
tive In expressing views on any Important
subject of legislation. In rospect to a
revision of the Interstate commerce law,
there la every reaBon to believe that the
senate will adopt such amendments to
the statutes as will meet the approval ef
the presldent.and the people of Nebraska.
In my Judgment, the new legislation will
nl , . , ,1 . '" "Lnl to which 1
1 principle of the anuare deal, to which I
i self
"Senator Millard's best friends will under
stand this. While he is friendly with the
' railway interest, ne is equally inenaiy witn
tho buBiness lnterens and producers of
! railway interest, he Is equally friendly with
' Nebraska, and he will treat every Interest
fairly, whether It be that of cltlxen. firm
I corporatlon; If the good cltlzena of
Nebraska will wait until the railroad rate Roosevelt , waa dead and later ' theae de
bill comes up In - the senate thla aesslon ' veloped into a report that he had been as-
they will have every reason to be satisfied
with Senator Millard's action In regard
to It."
! x.w v.rk nutrlet Attorney Preoar-
Ing; to Begin Proceeding. Against
Inaurnnc C'ompanlca.
NEW YORK, Feb. The legislative In
suranc Investigating committee expects
to practically complete the labors of fram
ing Its 76,000 word report thl week. A
meeting will be held in this city on Wed
nesday or Thursday, at which . a rough
draft of the report will be read to the full
committee. Such final changes aa the re
port needs will be made then.
District Attorney Jerome for a week has
been going over the testimony brought out
at the Investigation. Some statement as to
the poasltiilitles of a grand Jury investiga
tion are looked for tomorrow-. The case
of the Mutual Reaerve Life. Insurance com
pany has been Investigated by two ot his
assistants. They are reported to have ar
rived at a conclusion in tho matter, but
are waiting for the return of their chief
before taking further steps.
The Fowler "house cleaning" committee
of the New York Life Insurance company
expects to be aide to present Its report to
the trustees at a apeclal meeting next
Thursday. It Is said that the report Is de
voted largely to Illuminating the account
of Andrew Hamilton, the company's leg
islative agent, wIh ia now In Paris, and to
the syndicating enterprises In which the
officers of the company figured.
One ot Them Is Positively Ideatlded
' ws that of I. J. Braer of
VICTORIA. B.' C. Feb. 4-The body of
I. J. Bruar of Minneapolis was iden tilled
this evening by hla niece. Mia Minna
Bruer.'by the dental work, a description
of which waa telegraphed by Minneapolis
dentists. Three bodies wers brought here
today from the acene of the Valencia
wreck. One is believed to be th body of
Mark Smith of Rockford, III. -
Fair Monday Warmer In Western
Portion. Tuesday Fair and Warmer.
Temneratnre nt Umahn Yrsterdnyi
Hoar. De. Hoar. Ie.
. A a. m N I p. in .....
l t, m,.,,t, ft X p. m...... IO
T a. m...... ft 8 p. ra It
in. m ..... . Q 4 p. ni 11
n. m 5 5 p. m 1"
10 a. m 4 p. m 1"
11 I, m ft 7 p. m.,.. f
IS m N H p. ni H
I) p. T
Month's Speed Contest Between
Sonthwcstern Honda Begins nt
St. Louis csjerdny.
ST. LOU IS, Feb. 4. A month speed
contest between th mall trains on the
Iron Mountain and the 'FTlsco-Mlssourl,
Kansas & Texas roads combination t se
cure the government's award for carrying
the southwestern mall begun thla morning.
The Frisco mall train started the race
when its mall train pulled out at 2:30 a. m.
to connect with the Missouri, Kansas &
Tpxa. rwd and lr, Texa8 mA ftt
vtnUi - T Tm Iron Mountain train
vesioii. Houston, nan Antonio, uairuu aim
the City of Mexico.
Both trains were stripped, consisting of
only mil and express cars, and Were
drawn by the speediest locomotives pro-
cumw m .n- n-.r ,.,.,n,
The speed contest will be continued for
a month and oll tns showing made the
.,.,, mn ,,,., for .he outh-
, west will bo awanled.
i The objective point of each train is Dal
las and Fort Worth, Tex.; the Iron Moun-
! tain train running on its own tracks and
the 'Frisco running over the Missouri,
U-::-sas & Texas tracks from Vlnlta, I. T.
VI new service will cover half of Mis-
a gain . of practically
day In the malt
DALLAS. Tex.. Feb. 4. The 'Frtsco
Katy fast mall, which left St. Louis st
2:45 o'clock this morning, reached Denlson
at 4:K o'clock this afternoon, three min
utes early, after attaining a maximum
speed of seventy-six and one-hnlf miles
an hour to recover thirteen minutes lost
north of South McAlester. The connec
tions of the train passed Dallas on time.
The Iron 'Mountain-Cotton Belt fast mail
which left St. Louis at S a. m. reached
Texarkana forty minutes late. Fifteen
minutes of the loss waa recovered, but the
train broke In two at Sulphur Springs and
reached Dallas at 9:35, an hour and eight
mlnutee late. A train connecting at Tex
arl'a'm for South Texas passed Lnngvlew
on time. ' .
Announcement that Money
la All i
Raised la Premature. Thosgb
Coal la In Sight.
t - , ',
Despite repeated faint! alarms, the com
aiuasnluucd. i& iJuiritf wUuk. if tV liga
tion for the new'tosmopolitan hotel -'ar
still busy to complete th work, being as
yet short several thousand dollars of thu
sum required to Insure erection - Of the
building .under the plan agreed.
"Th statement that all the money has
been raised tor the new hotel Is not cor
rect," says oiie member of tha soliciting
committee, "although I am sure It will be
raised within a very short time. We have
been annoyed nd obstructed by repeated
announcements that the work is all done.
Some have Intimated that these publica
tions are possibly due to those Interested
in the Her Grand hotel project, with a view
to stopping further subscriptions to our
proposed hotel. I hardly think, however,
this is the explanation, aa they are more
I p, my ,nBp,rea Djr -ver-xeai on me part
of one newspaper to get ahead of another
probably inspired by over-zeal on the part
in giving the uews to the public. But
these obstacles will all be overcome, and
with a -final pull the money necessary to
make the hotel a reality will be in sight."
Rumor of Assassination Busily Circu
lated Over City, but Provea
Without Foundation.
Persistent rumors were circulated about
he city hall all day Sunday that President
sasslnated. The telephone wires were kept
; busy carrying the rumor and It was widely
' spread. Anxiuus people called up the tele-
j phone company at Intervals throughout the
day and wanted to know the particulars.
Numerous Inquiries came also to the news
paper offices.
- Until into the night The Bee was fre
quently asked over telephone about the
ruiiur. So persistent had it ferreted
through the channels of gossip that some
excited inquirer actually seemed sur
prised, as all were . relieved, to learn
ther waa no truth In the report.
The Associated Press has had no news
to the effect that anything ha happened
to the president. Neither can It account
for the origin of the report.
Veteran Showman la Rnroate
Kurope for Final Tour of
. Colonel Cody Is now ready tu umlertjiko i 1
the last season for his Wild West show
and arrived In Omaha yesterday afternoon
en route from hla home at Cody, Wyo.,
to Europe. That this year will witness
the last of the exhibition with the colonel
at the head has been given out as a fact.
Colonel Cody retired early last evening at
the Merchanta hotel, being greutly fatigued
after his Journey, and as he will take an
early train this morning for New York.
Hla sister, Mrs. H. C. Wetmore, la with
him. Others composing the party are
George Rose and Samuel Penry of Cody
and M. A. Russell of Deadwood. These
men will accompany Colonel Cody to Eu-
rope ana win eacn nave out its with the
Wild West aggregation.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Feb. 4.
At New York Arrived: Carmanla. from
Liverpool; Rheln, from Bremen; Perugia,
from Naples; Minneapolis, from Londou'
Prliixesstn Victoria Lulse, from West In
dies; Columbia, from Glasgow. Sailed-
TsiiK-w, ivr lumuuii, curopa, ior LAn-
A Liverpool Arrived: Umbrla, from
New York.
At Naples Arrived: Canopic. from Alex
andria. At Queenstown Sailed: Lueania, for
New York.
At Iovt Sailed: Graf Waldersee. for
New York.
At Loudon lalled: Columbian, for Bo-
Frediotion for Bandit Bight Oiten Oat bj
Wta'her Foreotiter Wlih.
Eeoord Thai Far is Tbre Bolow Zero,
Occurring on Eighth of January. .
Ho Predicf.ion is Xada as to Duration Or
Degree; of teTeritj.
Ice and Coal Men Take Heart at
Tara la Conditions SuCerlaa;
at the- Mlnlmaia la
Omaha. ' .
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4,-rTh weathw
bureau sent out the following special cold
wave forecast: '
Th severe cold wave that covers th
western states tonay will sweep eouthward
to tna gulf coast tonight and eastward
over the Atluntic states and tue hurl item
naif of Florida Monday and Monday night.
Tnc weather burwtu tuiiigiit announced
that the cuki wave was ten from Texas
north to luunltoha, including the states
of Kansas, NenrasHa. Mismouii, Iowa, Min
nesota, Wisconsin, upper Mionlgan, Colo
rado. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucay, western
Tennesseo and Arkansas. Although tho
indications are tint the freestng weather
will extend to the nortnern half of Florida,
the wea titer ourcnu officials say lhat from
present Indications they do not look for.
cold enougn weather in , :nat section tu
damage tue orange crop. ,
Hume of tne ii.w temperatures reported
to the weatner bureau at o'clock tonight
were the tot. owing:
At Dulutn 14 degrees below, at White
River, Canada. 34 nelow and about aero
in various parts of tne Michigan peninsula,
in portiouw of Oklahoma the temperature
fell to ln'ahove x-ro and at Abilene, Tex.,
It mas decree above.
"This vicinity will probably have the se
verest weather of the winter tonight,"
said Weather Forecyistei Welsh Sunday
Renders of The' Bee will recall that
Colonel Welsh announced at :46 Satur
day fa advent of a cold wave and hoisted
his llaK and that at 10:11 the Careful Ob
server proclaimed that a flock of geeee
had -Just passed through "our city" en
route for the north. The Oldest Inhab
itant, who has known Colonel Welsh longer
than any jother man In Omaha, at the
time deprecated the geese' apparent de
fiance of the weather man, and yesterday
he said that so far as he knew, the geese
had not been seen coming back. Thus
far everything seems to be In favor of the
Accumulating a good quantity of mo
mentum from the strenuous wind which
ushered It In Saturday, the cold wave got
down to nusiness yesicroay,. us dcbi irww
being at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, when
rt. was able to register four degrees abov
rero At a. ni. Itwas five; at 11, six.
and at 9 laat rrtght, seven. ero npt having
been, reached. , , '. .J,: r .,..
x''yv'"tmf'' t,'
Colonel Welsh uttered ho prediclloir ad tat.
fho, duration or degreo of severity of .thja
cold period; aU he had to. uy. yesterday,
wo It probably will be the severest of the
winter. And. that sufiKcst teat up to
night the coldest tins winter -was . three
degrees below zero, January S. January
23 showed oner degreo below zero, whlcu
was next to the coldest day. .So. after nil,
as compared with twenty-nlno or thirty be
low during that , memorublo cold spell of
1'JfA when the legislature was In session
the record is not a hard one. to beat, but
people generally were talking about . the
weather yesterday,! feeling It th mora be
cause of the extremely mild winter so tar.
Ice men and coal men, naturally, are not
cast down over the turn In tho weather.
Ice men, though with a little time on which
to count, were beginning to place their or
ders with Ice factories In large number,
fearing no natural product, for. th season,
and even yet they have no assurance from
Colonel Welsh, for he has not said that
this cold spell won't b brief and about the
lUSt. - '
No report of extreme suffering from the
cold were received at the offices of charity
last night or yesterday. The misfortune
of that kind is at the minimum In prosper
ous Omaha, but agenciea ar available tu
caie tor all who need and deaerv atten
tion. - v i . " .
- High Wind la Kansas.'
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 4.-In tha twenty,
four hour since last ' night the tempera
ture In this part of the southwest dropped
from 40 to 00 degrees, with close to zero
j weather reported at Trenton, Mo., and
Wltchita. Kan., tonight. A drop to below
! zero Is predicted for western Missouri, por
tions of Kansas, Oklahoma and northern
Indian Territory by morning. A light snaw
fell today and was driven by a high north
wind that from Wichita south Into Okla
homa and northern Indian Territory be
came a gale.- In Oklahoma ' the wind
reached a velocity of forty-eight miles an
hour. At Kansas City and Topeka tonight
the temperature waa 10 degrees above asro.
BHssard la Black' HIU. '
STURGIS, S. D., Feb. 4.-(Special Tele
gram.) The first real storm of th winter
continued here yesterday afternoon and
last night. Rome snow fell accompanied
by high winds, making a blizsard. The
mercury was down to 6 below last night,
the lowest of the season. Advices indicate
! a severe storm throughout th Black Hills
and la thought to have extended out to
cattle ranges. It wss clear ant4, cold lo-
! ' .
lr' n """"a River. . ,
I TECUMUEH, Neb... Feb. 4 (Special.)
This - section was visited by a decided
change in the weather daring last night.
Up to that time the weather had been very
warm, cspecla'ly favoring the farmer' In-
stltute which' was In suasion in ' this city
last week. mi night a cold -wave pre
vailed from the north and there was a de
cided change In the temperature. .Thar
is about alx or seven Inches of Ice on th
Nemaha river, and the continued ' warm
weather was threatening that, but the local
' ice dealera are now of the opinion thsre
will be a good crop by the first of another
week. , .'',..
Bllaaard la Tesaa. .
AUSTIN. Tex., Feb. 4A blhttard Swept
all through central and southern Texas to
day. Tonight at S o'clock th inwrury reg
istered twenty-five degrees, a drop of forty-
di-creos since t o clock A heavy
rainfall accompanied th norther,
Snowstorm tm '-dinar. '' -
EVANS VILLE, Ind- l'h. i.-Tlt btv
lest snowstorm of the sc'risitn in raging
tonight in southern Indiana and western
Kentucky. The 'thermometer i i falliug
rapidly. Many train ar dulayed. '