Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14
TIIE OMAHA' DAILY BEEj SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1906. FOR SALE FARMS CHOICE; FARMS FOR SALE DoukLis and Sarpy Counties Hon per acre for 160 acre. 7 ruling N. W. of Omaha, on Military mud. well Improved. !"0 per aci for 1m acres near Gretna, good Improvements, 140 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. GEORGE A CO.. 1001 Farnam BL H-M517 U Farm and Ranch Land Nebraska, Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming; low pikes; ten years' time. Ijnd Dept. U. I'. H. K., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A. H-621 BUY northwestern Texas land and double your money In one y'ar. One crop more than pays for the land; 14 to $10 per acre. Hot winds unknown; rainfall ample. Ex cursions first and third Tuesdays of each month; . of on fare for the round trip. 8. C. Dlgglo A Co., 213-14 N. Y. Life Bldg. Kansas City. Mo. H-M399 F6 CALIFORNIA Homeseekers' Guide free. Bend today. Great opportunities. Shep-herd-Teague Co., 1123 J Bt., Fresno, Cal. H M514 4x 120 acres 3 miles east of Fremont, Neb., level land, good soil; price, $100 an acre, which Is less than the Improvements cost. Best Improved farm In Dodge county. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. T. I Uldg. Tel. 1781. H-605 I $1,000 FOR 160 ACRES Of good level, rich farm land, located south of Paxton. Neb., In Perkins countv. Can sell you either a quarter, half section or a whole section; can make terms. Also have flvs sections good, level land In Cheyenne county for $j.00 an acre. 4o acres la Kimball county at $3.50 an acre. HASTINGS A HEY DEN, ISO ft Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. H AJ ELEGANT NEBRASKA RANCH FOR SALE OK TRADE. Located In Loup county, Nebraska, on the Calamus river; all bottom hind, conslst Iiik of 2.3JO ai res of deeded land and 2,4.-0 acres of leased land. A thousand acres of this Is elegant farm land and will pro duce any kind of crops; some as good hay land as you can find anywhere In the state; an eight-room house, large barns and cattle sheds; 300 head of cuttle rang ing from yearlings up; 29 head of horses and enough farm machinery that U necessary for the place. The price of this Is $30,0u0; will trade for some good east ern Nebraska or Iowa land. This Is a money-maker for somebody. For partic ulars write Fuller & Tate, Piatt smouth, Neb. 11 64o 4 UNIMPROVED FARM LANDS FOR SALE. 1,923 acres, eastern Colo.; good farm land, $2.75 per acre. II. E. Goodule, Sioux Fails, a D. 11-639 4x OREGON and Washington farms for sale, all descriptions, sizes and prices. Scott h American Farm Lands Co., Branch L, 402 Oregonlan Bldg., Portland, Ore. H HOW TO GET A FARM FREE Vacant government lands, located by counties; valuable 100-page book; also Black Ixian journal, one ear. Price, 60c co.n. Anc hor Publishing Co., Arlon, la. H CALIFORNIA Irrigated grain, alfalfa, fruit farms; In best districts; from ten acres; long terms. All or partially farmed to produce you annual Income wljlle pay ing. We loHn money for Improvements. Deed In trust and representations guar anteed from first payment. Write for details. CALIFORNIA FARM IMPROVEMENT CO., 236 II. W, Hcllman Bldg., Los An gelea, Cal. H TOR SALE Frontier county. Neb. farm and stock ranch; 700 acres; fenced; well, windmill, sod house .etc.; best of soil; nuO acres tillable; $K per acre; spot cush. S. Hawver, 1614 Km met. 722 4 The Texas Panhandle offers the boat of opportunities for Invest ment to farmers, stockmen and agents. From $3 to $8 buys as good farm land as ! mere is in lowa or Nebraska, and you can till the soil practically every month of the fear. We also have fine propositions In Oklahoma and Indian territory. OKLAHOMA-TEXAS LAND CO., Immigration Brokers. JOHN M1CUAKLSEN, Manager, If Arlington lilk. 'Phone 190, Omuha, Neb. H 762 6 DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS WYOMING IRRIGATED LAND PROPOSITION. No better Irrigation project can be found anywhere than the la Prele, located Jus across river from Douglas, a thriving town of some 2,0o people, and In tlio midst of a great aheep and cattle country. Coal, oil, natural gas, gold and cupper are found In the Immediate vicinity. We have an option on wuter for several sections, the choice of this fine tract of land containing 28,000 acres, and can offer It whereby the land, together with this perpetual water right, can be had for 4-0 per acre. Alter this block of stock Is sold water. In cluding land, will cost $30.50. These lands are equal to any In the state, and their location Is choice. They are sure to be worth $50 to $10o per acre Just as soon as title to them Is had, und they can be taken In 40, so, 120 and 100-acre tracts. This Is the best proposition of the kind offered today, and if you are Interested In it write us at once for full particulars. We will leavs Omaha with party tor Doug laa Tuesday, February 20. Ruilroad fare for round trip, $11.70. REYNOLDS LAND COMPANY. U. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha. H-754 4 FARMS FOR RENT Ml ACRES, 1 mile north of Renson, on or phanage road, suitable for dairy pur poses, occupied by Rasmus Nelson; ren tal $400 per year. TO acres t miles N. W. of Benson, unim proved, $3 per acre. GEORGIA & CO., 1601 Farnam. M702 3 FARM FOR RENT SO seres one mile north ot Benaon, on Orphanage road, suitable for dairy purposes, occupied by Rasmus Nel . son; rental, $4u0 per year. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST C92 F3 DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. Farm of 100 acres in East Omaha, wl'h barns for 30 cows; rent, $3 0 p t year. Apply from I to 13 a. m. to John A. Scott, No Ml Omaha National Bank Building. M453 4 FOR RENT Ten sere garden farm four miles from postofflce. Inquire of J It West. H3 Seward Bt. 479 Feb4x HOUSES FOR RENT BEX US when shipping household goods to lltf citi ! V'e -an v vm money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 114 N. Sixteenth St- Tel. 1196 D Mlii F24 nUUaCJu, Peters & Co.. Be Bldic. THE Omaha Van A. Storage Co.. psck. sere and store If. H. goods. Storehouso. H30-M N. lKth. Office, HUH Farnim. Tel. l&a. I-u2 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Vsn & Stor age Co. Tel. 1S4 Ottlco. 1713 Webster Kt. D uli nUUOn3u j., D,vU Co.. 60S Bee Bldg. D H HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Bit D Q3 CHOICE MODERN HOME. " Nine rooms and barn. 4 block from I4th ear, Blnney SU Tel. liamey tuo. D 6ui t-ROOM modern house, except furnace, 130. C M. Bs-hmnn. 4i paxton Bik. Tel. AJta. U--4 I ROOMS, 8U Mary's bldg.. rth nnd 9t. Mary's Avsv. $11; t rooms. St. Mary's bldg-. nth and St. Mary's Ave.. $10; I rooms. Wlthnell bids., steam heat. $14 ; 8"t X. 35th, ft rooms and barn. Hi N. P. Uo4g A Co.. 1714 Farnam Su D M551 6 Iea1rabl modern house, t rooms, nlco plumbing, good furnace, newly painted and pattered, ruod barn, large lawn, X41 Clil eag street. Rent. tiO. QARVtN BROS., 1604 FARNAM D-n rOR RENT Sd and California 8ts.. fr-room houso, era: in housa, SartG; 7-room. ST7.&0. Both mod- rtimjtale repair. Inquire at '7 3X. 1K 8U V 4.4 FOR RENT HOUSES 1.137 Park Ave., 9 rooms, modern. H8. 114 North 27th, 6 rooms, $l-. 815 North 22d, 4 rooms, cottage, 115. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., UM Farnam. D 733 4 7-RoOM house, 1510 South 2hth. Clark Powell, 2o44 Farnam St. Phone 1.1. D 656 J. BCWAIU'Z, Tel. 2044. moving van. 1510 Webster. D Mal7 Hi WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. $35 2"11 Sherman Ave., 9-r- modern, barn. r (081$ 8. 41st Ave., lU-r., modern, barn. Li 25-6 Wirt. 6-r., modern, nearly new. $12 21st and Valley, 4-r., city water. D 414 2218 CHICAGO, 8 rooms, modern. $30; 2MJ Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern. Wo; others. P-ingwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M456 FOR RENT Ten-rpom modern house, 2921 Mason St. Inquire F. P. Klrkendall A Co., 1101 Harney St. D-M401 Ftb3 CENTRAL 4-room corner flat N. 23d. Tlxard, 220 D-M396 FIVE-ROOM modern house and barn. 24U9 N. 2oth. 1345a FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front. 668 So. 28th St., $40 per month. Q. W. Loomls. D 49 1564 N. 20TH ST., 4 rooms, $12.50; 2011 Clark Bt., $12.50; owner pays water rent. Others. Klngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D M519 4 6-ROOM modern 4206 Nicholas Bt. houso $15 per month. D M543 6x $12.00 6-room modern house; 8 blocks from depots; 1317 S. Blxth St. Thone. Douglas 4818. D-6.v9 4x FOR RENT 10-room modern 1910 Webster St. house, $40.00; D-703 4 120 NORTH 25th St., 8 rooms, $35.00. 1515 North 2oth, rooms, $20.00. 2718 S. 16th St., 6-room brick, $18.50. 2526 Seward, 6 rooms, $15.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D W6 4 NEW five-room modern cottage, papered throuehout: cement cellar and walks choice location, one block from Sherman avenue car. 200 Fowler Ave.; r-nt $18 to couple without children. I pay water rent and care for the lawn. W. I. Kler stead. Telephone red 6799. D 676 4 7U8 NORTH 40TH ST., 10-room houso, strictly modern; 2 bath rooms; half block from car line; beautiful home; rent cheap. 310 North 17th St., 3 rooms, 1 block from postofflce. 8318 South 9th St., 6-room house, on car line; $10 per month. 1023 North 24th St., South Omaha, nice modern cottage on Omaha car line. Nice houses for rent all over the city. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St. I-4W7 4 FOR RENT. 2215 Blnney St., 0 rooms, modern, paved street, $40. 2tii2 Poppleton Ave., 9 rooms, all modern, $35. 29"8 Dewey Ave., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $30. 3224 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, $35. 3519 Hawthorne Ave., 8 rooms, thoroughly modern, $30. 972 N. 27th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $25. 1622 Corby, 7 rooms, modern, $20. 2102-4 Maple, 8 rooms, modern except fur nace, line condition, $20. 42nO Cuming, 7 rooais, bath, gas and barn, $18. 2-v'ii Wirt St., 7 rooms, bath and gas, $15. 41311 Decatur, 6 rooms, new, $12. 3U1S Sherman Ave.. $10, store room. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.. Tel. 178. D 713 4 HOUSES FOR RENT. Chicago, 9-r., modern. Harney, 8-r., modern. Charles, 8-r., bath, etc So. 2xth, 7-r., bath. So. 26th, 7-r., modern. Mason. 6-r. cottage. $402541 $35 2!4 $25 252X 120-1907 $20-1607 Hi 8419 $9-3016 Ames Ave.. 6-r. flat. $63118 Burdette, 3-r. cottage. SOUTH OMAHA. $22-1401 N. 23d, 6-r.. bath. $10 37.7 So. 2nh, 5-r. cottage. GARVIN BROS., 1U04 FARNAM. D 714 4 FOR RENT 8-r. modern house, 1148 Uuorgla Ave $35.00 Fine 1-story modern cottage, nice yard and shade, 8002 Mason 35.00 Furnished apartment In "The Norman die" for a few months. Store and 2 rooms. 13th and William.. 11.00 3-r. cottage, 13th and William 8.00 JOHN V. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-721 4 SUBURBAN HOME of twenty acres, good house, barn and poultry houses, large grounds, garden, orchard, water system, etc.; on paved road; handy to the city. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 New York Life. Tel. 314. D-M770 6 NINE rooms, modern, 3112 Mason St., $30 month. Owner, m) B. 12lh St. D 7U9 ELEVEN-ROOM Tel. 53o9. house, all modern. $28. D 778 6x FOUR-ROOM cottage, 2444 Larltnore ave., $11. Sweet & Best, C13 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1473. D 777 4 WE furnish the home complete on easv payments. The best stock in Omaha to select from. $100 worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., 12U9-UU-1213 Farnam Bt. D-734 4 HOU8n-81x rooms, city water, 3009 Frank lin St., $11. Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee. D 481 20x 216 H1USTOL ST. House with seven large rooms, modern; In fine shape. W. F. Dun ineler, J) Chicago St. D 750 4x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RE JT Large store room and two basement rooms, 1M2 and 1816 Harney. Germanla hail to rent after April 15, suit able for garage or manufacturing, 66x70, N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. I-M553 ( FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N 25th St., Bouth Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xluu separately; Iuu3-u6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First Na tional Bunk Bldg. I 147 FOR SALE Lease of storeroom In Or- pneum tneater ouuning. Address for par ticulars, P 17, Bee ollice. 1 Mi-6 4 WE WILL start any worthy person In the advertising business; experience or capital unnecessary. Commercial Service, 7173 Downing Bldg., N. Y. I UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BIJJU. Big banking room, several thousand square feet of Hoor space, together with cloak rooms. toilet rooms, storaKe rooms, etc. This can be had on special terms. Also fine offices upstairs and on the ground Hoor. Call and see us. CHAS. lv WILLIAMSON CO., LMl Farnum Su 1-670 4 WANTED Tenant for brick store on 19th St., south of Farnam. Ground 47x85 feet. Will build to suit one or mora tenants.' GARVIN BROS, 1C04 FARNAM. I-71S 4 FOR RENT $150 per month, corner store or o trice; one of the best locations In the city; rlxtures for Bale cheap. D. V. 8IIOI.ES CO., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. 1-718 4 LARGE STORE ROOM We have a large store room, 60x 43, that will be moved to comer of ;fth and Far nam It will bo rented as It Is or di vided into three stores. Iix43, to suit ten ants. Will be ready March L N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 FARNAM. 1-756 WANTED TO RENT WANTED A furnished flat, to t rooms; must be first class and modern In every particular. lianacnm Park or West Far nam St. preferred. References given. 'Phone Douglas 716S. 'Phone Monday. WANTED TO RENT Room about 50x150 In shoiailng district In Omaha. Address with location, slxe of room, etc., P. O. box 11$, Sioux City, la, K 43 Feb WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and room In quiet fam ily by lady stenographer; references. Ad dress P 33, Bee. K 701 4x YOT'NQ MAN wants room and one or two meals a day In private family; must bfl modern and walking distance. Address P 41, Bee. K-730 4x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Money to Loan on Real Estate Payne Investment Company First Floor N Y. Life Building. Telephone 1781. w Money to Loan At 6 and 6 per cent on Improved real estate, In amounts $500 and upward. No delay. We pass on security. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam St. W-716 4 Low Rates. Private Money. $100 and Up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith A Co., 182 Farnam St. W-623 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-623 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. vv. is. AieiKie, Kamge Blk. W-624 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W-625 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W 16 GARVIN BROS.. 1U04 Farnam; city loans, B anu ox per cent interest; no aoiav. W-627 xi,cuu,uw it) 1-oain on Dusiness and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay, mourns arennan, K. l, N. Y. Life. W-28 5 A 6V4 PER CE.NT loans on city property w. ii. i nomas, isi national tsanK Tfldir, Wb'i) WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W C30 FARM. CITY AND BUILDINO Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. LOAN'S. W-631 WANTED SOME LOANS OF $1,000 TO $2,000. BREEN & BLOOM, 613 BEE BLDG. W-632 LOW RATES- O. F. Carson & Co.. 413 N, W-3S9-Feb25 Y. Life. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS THE COST WE think you will agree with us that the cost should always be known before contract Is made, and if vuu auolv to us we will tell you In advance to the cent what trio transaction will cost you. YOU can borrow of us on Furniture, rianos, Live stock and other chattels, or on own agreement to repay If you have regular employment. WE charge as little as anyone in the city for our class of loans and we charge mucn less than some concerns, so you can t muKd a mistake by seeing us If you want to borrow. GIVE us a trial Is all we ask and we will oy just treatment attempt to retain your ptiLruuuae. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, xi cuimi oi iruue uiug. lei. ZZtfa. (Established 16; J, 3uti S. lGth St. X-608 DR. PRIBENOWS PRIVATE MONEY toaneu on lurniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than nuit tne ram; no red tape; perfect prl vncy; immediate attention; on uny terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 14 naroacn bik., w s. 15th Bt. X 612 t $ INDEPENDENCE t 1 Why be obliged to others? 1 have plentv of money thai s easy to get. No led tape of any kind. Come und net what you want luuuy pay wnen you can. BO WEN. Open evenings until 7. 7o3 N. Y. Life. X-M4S7 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE anu otners witnout security; easy pay ments, oinufs in oo principal cmes. lol man, room 714 New fork Life Bldg. X-611 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Tel. 715. &ii-3 Paxton Blk. X 609 BEE the W'estern Loan company for furni ture, aiamonu ana suiury loans. 311 .e VUle Blk., ltitn and Harney. Tel. U19. X-613 FURNITURE, Live Duff Green Loan Block. Stock, Salary Loans. Co., Room a Barker CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., loot Farnam St. X 614 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 8 li! 5. 13. X il& EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, lug; all business confidential. arcommodat 13il Douglas. X 018 FOR EXCHANGE WANTED To trade, for farm Implements, 3io acres good farm land, with 17b acres now In fall wheat; near good school, six miles from county seat and railroad sta tion; all clay; worth fcJ.Ouu. Address W. 8. Mattley. Ansley, Neb. Z M700 S FINE suburban home, near Kansas City, Mo.; acres very fine, level, smooth land; good house, burn, outbuildings; about 4 blocks from station on electric line; 30 minutes to heart of city; a prop erty with a future; want good Nebraska farm, or residence or Income property in Omaha; price, $7,500. C. W. Lincoln, Z1H West 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. Z-691 4 FjOR SALE OR TRADE Fruit farm, well Tinprovsd, close to Omaha; will trade for stock of good hardware or lumber, pre rred In eastern Nebraska. Addreta P S!" care Bee. Z M'jl x WANTED To trade 100 acres of good, level black land, all tillable. In Boyd county, Nebraska, near Rosebud reserva tion, for Omaha property. Address owner, John H. P. Harvey, care Ueneral Delivery, Omaha, Neb. Z 71S 4x IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get It. Z s3 TO TRADE Modern eight room house, Chicago, for Omaha property. Address P-ll. Bee. Z M40 Feb4x WANTED TO BUY POSITIVELY TOO BUSY WaltlnK on customers to write our adver tising copy. If you want to sell, better list It. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. N-763 4 AUTOMOBILES We have customers for good second-hand automobiles. We will sell yours on commission. Auto Exshange. 1X South 14th. A. E. Bihler, Mgr. Tel. '.'777. N-314 WANTED TO BUY Seven or elifht room house; all modern; practically new; park or west Farnam district; terms cash. Mia McKnlght, 1044 8. 2Mh St. N M47S Febl ROLL. P-3S). top desk Bee. nd office chulr. Address N-7J4 4X TO BUY A small business or a partnership. Address P-36, care Bee. N 706 5x WANTED Second-hand, 16-Inch trunk, In good condition. Address P 30, Bee. N-678 4x WANTED Shetland pony, surrey; state Srice, condition and manufacture. Ad ims, A. B, C. York, Neb, N-wtf 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS The Test WILL ALWAYS BE TIIE STANDARD BY WHICH MERIT IS JUDGED Since the world began, man has done much, but of nil his efforts in Science, Art nnd Music only the best has survived. This test applies particularly to Smith & Nixon, established 1813 Haines Bros., established ....1831 Marshall & Wendell, established 185o Story & Clarke, established 18G5 These instruments represent the accumulated knowledge of generations of successful piano manufacturing, sound materials, skilled workmanship in perfectly equipped factories with a con tinuous striving toward the ideal of musical perfection, has re sulted in pianos whose tonal quality, durability and appearance are a source of legitimate pride to their makers and satisfaction to purchasers. PERFIELD PIANO CO., 1611 FARNAM STREET. WE SELL THEM. PIANOS nt half price nt our Great Removal rbIp. Many bargains Btlll on band. Cull In this week and get one of these: French upright, good tone $fS. Stetson upright, Mahogany case, $08. Chlckerlng upright. Ebony case, $1123. Sterling upright, $130. Everett upright. Hurt . Wulnut case, $190. Steinway & Sons upright, Uosewood, $275. On $5.00 monthly payments. Square pianos, all makes, $10, $12, $18, $22, $25 to $35. Organs at your own price. SC1IMOLLEU & MUKLLEK PIANO COMPANY Closing out the entire stock at 1407 Harney street Q Second - Hand Typewriters. The following machines have been put In good condition and are bitrguius for the money: Caligraph $12 Chicago 20 Densmore No. 4 45 Bllckensderfer No. 7 25 Keuilugtou No. 2 17 Bllckeusderl'er No. 5 15 Remington No. 0 35 Itemlugtou No. 0 50 Itemlngtou No. 0 55 Kemiugtuu No. 7 70 Smith Premier No. 4 40 Oliver No. 3 55 Nebraska Cycle Go. Cor. 16tii and Harney. Q SODA FOUNTAINS, any size. ISIS farnam. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, bheriuun it McCoiincu Drug Co., Omaha. y-uo. HALL'S safes, new, 2d hand. ltlS Faruuin. U tit4 FOR SALE Furniture, carpets, stoves and every ming to furnish tlie homo on easy payinuiiis. We uou't ask Installment prices. OaiAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Uutf-111-113 Farnam St. Q 736 4 OENU1NK Hall's safes. 1110 Farnum y Ml) t eu. SL la FOR SALE At a bargain, material In stone wall at 17th and Douglas bts. bee R. Vv. Baker, superintendent Bee bunding, or C. C. Rosewaler, lieu business ollice. W-lTlx FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address uwiglit Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. y-829 FOR SALE-3-year-old Hambletonlan geld ing, bay, three miles north of Krug l'urk A. T. Seybolt, Florence, Neb. y MJ0 6x SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS rOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fillings call and look over tne following supplies: l.-lnch Austin's horizontal stpaiaior. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been laaen out on uccount ot changes In our steam plum und are In good condition. Address Bee Builulnt: Co., or see W. 11. liridges, engineer, t ;- Bldg., Omaha. y-53 100 BINOLE Iron beds, springs and mattres ses; li each, complete; wortn $u. .wis D vpt. W Mlu7 F-Jti MILCH COWS. Center. on easy terms. 43d and PIANO Square, $10; 50 cents weekly. Per tleld Piano Co., ltfll Faruain St Q 603 FOR SALE One 6x4x6 Worthlngton Du plex Boiler Feed Pump; can be seen running for the next two weeks. W. 11. Bridges, Engiueer Bee Bldg. Q u3 WB TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices im billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407 S. loth St., Omaha, Neb. y-Alta7 CRIBBING, fir timbers. SO feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber, fed Douglas. y oii Lvo STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1413 Dodge St. U-6iD SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators; made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue, 20 poultry Illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Cliy Center. Neb. Q 600 FOR sale, an 8-room modern house to be moved, a bargain, lalO Webster St. Q 467 FOR SALE Two roulette wheels, as good as new; will sell reasonable. Addrexs Box 60. South Omaha. y 612 FOR SALE Ten shares Union Stock Yards riinmanv stock. One real estate mort- ae. Al security; tSitk W. L. Selby 440 Board of Trade Bldg- y-M54 3 HOLLOW concrete building blnck machine $ii making 2i Mocks dally, handling wet concrete. Abel Machine Co , St Louis. y-613 4x FOR SALE Dining table, four chairs. hlKh chalr. one sanitary couch and mattreiis. iita N. 4ih St. y 725 4x $100 CASH REGISTER $4": Remington typewriter (at. Address P i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS of Time the Piano, and we offer as proof: FOR SALE I-ni'Ko solid oak wardrobe and golden oak roll top desk, very cheap. Na tional Investment Co., Douglas block. y 74S 4 FINE upright piano for sale cheap. 415 N. 23d St. y-M70 6x FOR SALE Wood working machinery, sliaftiiiB, pulleys, pumps, etc. Apply W. P. Montgomery, Nebraska City, .Neb. U 664 4x SECOND-HAND STEINWAY UPRIGHT piano; big barguln. 3!8 McCngue Bldg. y-M600 Mcb3 ENCYCljOrEDIA BIIITTANICA, latest edition, 31 volumes; half morocco binding. If you want a bargain address P 2'. care Bee. Rr?y-Li, BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy. Bell or exchange u Hotel or restaurant, Bee liarl ot Co., 401 N. V. Life. Y-578 TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information and quick action, see MOATS, aw Karbuch block. Y too A FEW shares In a long-established excep tionally successful Omaha wholesale busi ness; can be purchased by desirable party or parties having from $100 to $o,0w tor In vestment; purchasers will be given privi lege to Investigate fully bufoie buying. Address P 6, Bee. Y M4uo F4 FOR SALE First-class general store, doing 4V0,0iiO cash business early, in first class town ol sou; central Nebraska; best store In town; main line Union Pacino; best of reasons lor belling. Address P 7, Omaha Bee. Y M42 4x ESTABLISHED FIRM 10 years In Omaha, increases cupital slock und otters to sell a limited amount of preferred stock, whiili pays 7 per cent dividends, guar anteed, payable semi-annually and return able in tivo years. Address O-ii, care Bee. Y-3W YOUNG man in first-class photograph studi will teach you the business at small cost and sell half interest when taught; don't miss this chance. Address P 20, care Bee. Y M544 4x FOR SALE Stock of millinery in town of 1,200; Invoice $W0; good discount for cash. Address P-13, Bee. Y M476 Feb3x LANDS, mdso. & town property for sale or exchange. Interstate Exchange. Module, la Y 451 Feb29 FOR SALE A jewelry store In one of the best towns In Nebraska; easy terms. Shook Mfg. Co.. 4vj6 S. 15th St., Omaha. Y M515 8 STATIONERY' nnd news business; low rent, large store, space for living rooms; a bargain. Address P 23, Bee. Y M545 4x MANUFACTURING concern with growing business handling a product that con sumers are in constant need of, desires to make arrangements with enterprising party for this city and vicinity to Intro duce and further sales; article revolution izes modern Industry; must have push mid some capital; splendid opportunity for enterprising man; goods advertised ex tensively. Address for particulars, p. O. Box 5ti4. New York. Y 687 4x START a mall order business; we furnish everything necessary; only few dollars required; new plan; success certain; costs nothing to Investigate. MUburn-Hlcks, 3IS Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 604 4x WOULD you consider purchase very profitable? Iowa manufacturing busi ness, earning 50 per cent, or more than $0.(nW net, yearly, and good salary, profit easily more than doubled; best reason for selling. Address O 7, care Bee. Y-699 4 FOR SALE Large pine and hard wood timber tracts In Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and North Curollna. I. II. Saunders, 1407 F St., Washington. D. C. Y 685 4x LIBRARY of 1,000 books, some very rare und valuable, worth at least $1,000, can be had this wtek for $400. Address P 35, care Bee. Y 666 4 FOR SALE All rights or part Interest In patented device for household use; will consider taking Omaha real estate In trade. Address P 26. care Bee. Y 663 4X WOULD you Invest In a good sound, money. milking concern that will pay 10 per cent In dividends tills year? A few share for sale at $10 per share; write for particu lars. Heud &. Co., Keller Bldg., UjuIs vtlle, Ky. Y 677 4x FOR SALE Millinery stock, In good Iowa town of 4.0U), doing $l,5oo yearly. $.XiO for stock and fixtures. Address P-l. care Bee. Y 626 4X SMALL payment down secures paying Job printing ofllce In town of lO.tmO in central Nebraska. Electric power. Fully equipped for Job and newspuper business. Address C. C. McLeese, Davenport. Neb. Y 625 4X $15.oo0 WANTED a working capital uerainst an equal amount In plant to in crease profl's to $25.oi; references ex changed; Information to right party. Ad dress Box 4047, West Philadelphia. Pa. Y 637 4X WANTED To lease, a good hotel, 40 rooms or more, furnished or unfurnished; also have for sale the furniture of a 35 room hotel. This stock Includes a fine range und hot water tank, dishes, kitchen utensils. 7 dining tubles, 50 dining chairs, office chair and rockers, 36 beds am P'ete In fnct, a bargain. A. F. Swart, Beatrice, Neb. Y 636 4 CAN you make a few monthly payment of $5 or more for protected Interest In established co-oHratlve business, secured by clear real estate held in trust, now paying 10 per cent (8 per cent guaranteedi dividends? Expects soon to pay up to 22 per cent. Nearly S.Ono persons now re ceiving profits. Send postal for free Illus trated booklet. Address "A Life In come," 71 Drexel building, Philadel phia, Pu. Y-671 4x BARGAIN! BARGAIN! MUST be sold this week. Schonfeld's Anti quarian Book store. 1220 Farnam St.; old established business; 1.2uo volumes, some very rare and valuable. Large trade by mail all through the est. $KiU buys books, business and good will. Will ex change for omalia rul estate. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam bt. - 6.T4 4 YOU can never profit by business rhano unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large, fortune ; start a savlncs account with J. L. Lrandeis A Sons. Bankers, 16th aud Douglas Sts. Assets over $4ou,0C0.u0. A YOUNG man with $1,000 or $2,000 can e cure u permanent posi:ion at good salary by an old and well established Jobbing house in Omaha, can realise a good rate of interest en Investment. Address P H, Lie utUu. X BUSINESS CHANCES BUY 7 AND 8 PER CfiNT BONDS W offer for sale 350,000 of T pr cent three year and per cent five-year bonds. There Is no safer Investment In the world than these bonds, as they have behind them th assets of the most successful trust company In the southwest, the honor of flnsnclers of unexceptionable standtiur and the resources of beautiful Indian Territory, which produces wheat, corn and cotton on the same 160 acres; and Muskogee, the greatest and fastest grow ing city of In the world. Write us todsy. Investigate us. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Muskogee. Indian Territory. YtZi 4 PATENTS GUARANTEED- PATENTS RRrt'RBD OR FEB RETTRNBD. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated Uulde Book. Contains 100 mechanical move ments end LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free In World a Progress. Sample copy free. Address: EVANS. WILKENS & CO., Reg. Attorneys, 688 F Street, Washington, D. C. T $1,000 WILL secure Interest In manufactur ing business and good salaried position as blanch manager; references required. Address Manager, Dept. O, Temple Court Bldg., Chicago. Y 600 4x MONEY Do you need It? We are In a position to furnish capital for any mer itorious enterprises: we can sell your stocks and bonds quickly on commission basis; money advanced on good securi ties; charters procured In any state; do not fail to confer with us; It will be to your interest. Kami Co., Bankers, Ta coma Bldg., Chicago. Y 5W 4x MINING STOCKS AM Mining and Industrial Stocks Bought and Sold. Victoria CO Penobscot 05 Clipper 30 Anglo-Saxon 10 v. a. i reau wen. .. i .w Dpcarnsn Highland 10 Black Pearl ... frlday 08 C. C. Homestake.. .1 Homestake 84.00 January Jones 48 Night Hawk 06 Tenderfoot IB Reliance 12 Rhehn Bic Four is 'I'RcnmA rv 07 Con's, Jefferson 20 Penn-Wyomlng .. .45 Monarch U. & C. .46 Manhattan Com... .14 Waldorf 48 Austin Hanapah.. .95 WILIJS TODD, 1021 N. Y. Life Bldg. I 717 4 MINING INVESTMENTS Buy Empire Tunnel Gold Co. stock of Georgetown, Colo., Immediately. This stock will show great strength and ad vances In thirty days, and It will be hard to get. I control all of the floating stock and this is the time to buy It My price Is right. Empire Tunnel will be a great mine and stock has sold as high in $1 a share. I will sell at 40 cents and save you 60 per cent. I offer many other stocks and Issue a free market letter. Write for It and remit to bank or to me. O. S. Derlnger, stock broker, 438 Endlcott Bldg., St. Paul. Y-M727 6 FOR SALR-Qulck, a good grocery stock In Grand Island. Neb.; furniture, fixtures, horses and wagons complete; long lease can be had; must be sold quick. For further details apply to John B. Waldo, Grand Island, Neb. Y M72S 6x MANAGER WANTED. One of the best known specialty wholesale manufacturing companies In Illinois de sires a capable, trustworthy representa tive at Omaha; will pay expenses and sal ary of $1,600 per annum, also liberal com mission allowance; investment of $1,500 re quired during term of employment; high est commercial references given and re quired. Address R. C. Wlllson, Audi torium Bldg., Chicago, 111. Y ESTABLISHED, well known house, large clientele Investors and connections, de sires stock or bond offering Industrial, mining or railroad corporation of merit, commission basis. Bend full particular and references. P. O. Box 217, New York. Y- WANTED A German blacksmith to rent, buy or run on shares a first-class shop. Address L. L. Fischer, Tamora, Neb. Y-615 4x WANTED Reliable man with 1500 In each locality to take an Interest in our busi ness and represent tis in hi territory; good salary and liberal commission will be paid to the right man. W are a strictly reliable manufacturing company; salary and commission should earn you $3,000 to $5,000 per year. If you are open for a first-class business proposition ad dress N. L. H. & P. Co., 802 W. Lake St., Chicago. Y boG 4x CORPORATION controlling established business desires services of energetic and responsible business man to manage branch ofllce; Investment $1,000 upward; references regarding ability required; salary $:I0 monthly and commission. Manager, 18 River St, Chicago. Y-604 4x CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located If you desire a quirk sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312. Rank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. V- MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pill, women's monthly regulator, ha brought happiness to thousand of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief In 1 to 5 days. We have never known of a single failure. Price, $2 by mull. Raymond Monthly Regulator In liquid, $3. Ir. R. G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 86, 84 Adam St., Chicago, 111. 647 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieve longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 8 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60 Double strength $J00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. BoUTHINQTON CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. -648 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnel) Drug Co.. Omaha. 4 DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and rhlli'-en. Office 22 j6 Cuming. 'Phone Douglas $007. INDIES Chichester" English Pennyroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable. Take, no other. Send 4c stamp for particulars, "Relief for Ladle," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CLAIRVOYANTS PROF. AND MRS. FAUST. The world' greutest adviser. Reliable ad vice given on all affair of life. Call und be convinced. Reading, 60 cent. 17ov Jackson St. S 759 4x FORTUNE TOLD FREE Send a 2-cnt stamp, name, address, blrthdate, and I will tell your FORTUNE FKER I tell more than all other and It comes true; J 'lease try me and see. Jose Irving. Dept. 7, Box 98, Hammond, Ind. S 603 4x YOUR FORTUNE told free, with, names, dates, facts, etc.; love, business, every thing: send birth date, dime and stamp. Verne, U43 Michigan Ave., Chicago. S 656 4x MM C. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South Uth St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely giveu. S 61 REV. EDWARDS snd Madam Bean, the world's greatest mediums, located in rooms 1 and I Patterson block, 17th and Farnam. Do not tall to consult them. BV-M112 Fl WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $2. (10, on ample security. $ or 6 years; very good Interest. Address P 38, care Hex. V-710 4x WANTED TO BORROW $1,500. gcod security, vei y good Interest, for term of 3 or 6 years. Aldresi p S", car Bee. V-M711 tx WANTED $1,000 loan at 8 on oo-acre ranch In McPberson county, with good Improvements. SC00 loan at 6 on cottage and full lot on car line In South Omaha. $816 at 6 on 7-room house and corner lot on car Una, In South Omaha. K. P, DUDOa CO., 1714 FarnaraSt DEATH NOTICES WF.XTEN Herman II- Thursday, Febru ary 1. aged 72 year. Funeral from Church nf th Covenant, Twentv-seventh and Pratt streets, Hundav, February 4. st 2 o'clock p. m. Interment at Forest lMwn cemetery. Friends Invited. Hastings papers pleas copy. PICKARD-H'ram L.. February t, lIOil, aged 71 years $ month. Funeral from residence of his son, L. I. Plcknrd, i4 South Seventeenth street, Monday afternoon, February 5, st 2 o'clock. Interment, Evergreen. No flowers. KTXJU1ST John. M2.t cuss s-reet, Friday morning, February t. Funeral at the Swedish Evangelical Mis sion church. Twenty-third and Davenport streets, Sunday, February 4, at 2 p. m. UNDERTAKERS Hoffmann Gentleman, 702 N. 16th. T. 6,Y.G, M-622 Marl PRINTING I VNjnTAIl High-grade ltKHi Calenuaia. L . . B. E Cor. 16th bt. and & JORVb Capitol Are. -764 DOUGLAS P t g Co., lTXW Howard. Tel. 644 THE JENNINGS P T O CO. 'Fhon 6SS lflTPDA CO., fin Job printing. NU 1 CKA i,io Howard. Tel. w7. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING in families or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2u06 Davenport. Tel. Harney 1002. LADIES' shirt waist suit our specialty. Burgess, 2024 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 41 U. Um F17 FOR expert dressmaking assistance, 'phono Douglas 8718. 388 FebJ6 FASHIONABLE dressmaker will take a small amount of additional work. Spec ialty, shirt waist suits, evening waists nnd dresses. Miss Bowies, 'Phone Cedur 637M. S'-'a Feb20x DRESSMAKING by day In families; ex perienced In cutting and designing. 182$ N. ISth -691 F77X MRS ROYS, cloaks, ladles' tailoring and evening gowns. 'Phone 247S. 2.V4 Dav'pt. M-623 May! PATENTS II. A. 8TURGES. registered attorney ; pat enta, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 685 F. J. LARSON CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 686 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work, 604-611 8. 10th St. 687 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 53 Douglas Block. fSS LOST AND FOUND LOST Plain gold band ring on Farnam 6t., between 20th and 2Gth Sts. Reward for return to this ollice. LosU-660 4x LOST Two college banners. Amherst and Harvard, Thursday evening. February 1: finder please return to 2i First National bank building and receive reward, or telephone 1278. Lost M550 8x LOST English bull-dog; one brown eyo; large bra8SollarTel. 4286. Lost 448 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent at Z7th and Leavenworth Sts- $15. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam Bt. P 60s FOR SALE 60 head big mules, good age, sound and well broke. Forty head big horse, at our feeding barns at Paclflo Junction, la, Omaha office, 833 Board of Trade Bldg- 'Phone Douglas 1703. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES LETOVBK.Y'8 union orchestra, TBl. Dg.7aa, M40S X1 -M PRIVATE instruction In German, French, Spanish, Italian. English and history; classe. formed. ZelU F. Helns. No. 1. Hamllton Flat. Febd LAW AND COLLECTIONS- ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main floor, N. Y. L. Tei.un. J. M. Macfarland.809 N. Y. U Bldg. TeL 668. TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin. 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 4t6e LARSON & JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. TeU 1S35. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. 1 TelJi4' DR. WELLS, D. O. and M. D. Nevlll Block. M458 Mi FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 689 L. HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. Tel. 1258. DANCING ACADEMY mnDiWH'C for private or class les NlOKAiNL) b sons at A Harney. Tel. 1041. Adults Tues. & ,,r'da;6 u WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow, $1.6o0 on Omaha real estate; private loan preferred Addrea P16, Bee V M0I6 ta PLUMBING I CHAPMAN MAHAN Repairs promptly done. Price reasonable. 6UN. l6th.1eL MiA. 327 PebJl FENCING FENCE your lawn with Iron or wire fenra made by Anchor Feins Mfg. Co.. 805-7 N. 17th Bt. Tel. Red 814. -4H Mt SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES OMAHA Seymour Camp No. 1$ will meet a4 Xlvrfl hall. CAtnmendrnf fi Wednesday evening. Go ' r.v.A 10, isnK M. II. REDFIEI.D, Consul Commander. JNO. N. (RAW FORD, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE! PRINTINO. Bids will be received by th State Print ing board st the office of the secretary of state st Lincoln, Nebraska, on or tx for $ o'clock p. m- Wednesday, February 14, 19 for printing and binding l,o copies each of the official reports of th Nebraska, supreme court, volume numbered 69 to 74, Inclusive; also 2,0n0 copies of the re port of the Nebraska Dairymen' associa tion for 1H0C. " Specifications for earn can bs found on file In the office of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equsl In smount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, February 3. lso6. STATE PRINTING BOARD, By LOL' W. FRA1ER, Secretary to th Board. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to sfl.OOO homes of farmer and stock raisers, so If you I ave a good piece of land lo sell at a reasonable price )ou will tlml a buyer among tl. m. The cost of an advertisement Is kn.all-2 cents per word lu small tj ya , H. ..... nI., If Kbl In IktW. t f.M fW - "- -W .