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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, lOOff. It WANTED MALE HELP What a Business College Education Has Led To CHAS. S. FEE. general passenger and ticket agent Northern Pa cific R. R.. St. Paul, Minn., entered the railway service as a stenog rapher In May, 1873, and was pecretary to the general manager of tho Michigan ' Central R. R. Ills duties as a stenographer soon enabled him to got a more thorough grasp of the details of the railway management, ho that In 1875 he became chief clerk to the general manager of the Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R. In 187 7 he was promoted to the posi tion of chief clerk to the general manager of the Northern Pacific R. R. In 1883, Just ten years after he started In work as a stenog lapher, he was appointed general passenger and ticket agent, In which position he has greatly Increased the passenger traffic over the North ern Pacific. A knowledge of stenography opens doors of opportunity that would otherwise be closed to the young man. It enables a young man to go Into a business or railway office and obtain a larger salary at the start than he would receive If he went Into that office minus the business college education. Rail ways and businesses make a habit of training their young men stenographers who are directly under the heads of departments to fill the shoes of that de partment head. In case of an emergency. All the knowledge, all the dexterity In handling details that the head of the department has been year.s and years in acquiring are naturally absorbed by his stenographer. Young men should study stenography. Young men should obtain the very best business education that money will buy. They should realize that It Is quite likely that the extra dollar spent for tuition means ten or twenty extra dollars In their pay roll each month. They should realize that they should obtain their business college education at BOYLES COLLEGE. Our president has been right through the mill as a stenographer and pri vate secretary to two general managers and as Omaha court reporter. Our course Is designed to fit young men for the fight for succss. New classes in all departments tomorrow. Get a catalogue. Boyles College, scS H. B. BOYLES, BOYLE3 BUILDING. DRl'G stores bought and sold. Drop clerks wanted. F. V. Kniost, tU4 N. Y. I.. B-582 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. I. Root. Inc., 1210 Howard St. B 583 MEN of discretion ns solicitors. Call aft ernoons at third floor, Patterson block, 161:3 Farnam. B 103 WANTPn At once, sound young men nn i ll; t0 prepay for firemen and brnkemen on railway. High wngfs; quick promotion; experience unnecessary; hun dreds of good pohltlons open; busy season now on; call or write for full particulars: don't delny. National Hallway Training: Ass'n, No. tWO Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. B M4b4 7 WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodled men between ages of 21 and So; citizens of United States, of good churacter and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 172 -MEN AND BOYS wanted to earn $5 to $8 , a day after completing course of practl " cnl instruction at home or In our schools, graduates admitted to union; positions I secured. coyne Bros. Co. fractlcal Schools Plumbing and Bricklaying, New York, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Free catalogue. B 731 Feb3 Night School Scholar.',... in an Omaha business college for sulo ut a bargain. Address L 61, care Ree. B-44 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we prepare you for positions $12 to $20 weekly; you can practically earn your tuition, tools and board before completing; short time required; positions or locations wait ing. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M047 fex WANTED Expert sign painter; one who can do first-class work on window glass with gold leaf; will give employment for the summer to thoroughly competent - man; state prloe per day. ii. A. Haley & Co., Norfolk, Neb. B M490 3 SALESMAN WANTED Well equipped , salesman to call on physicians. A very exceptional opportunity is offered for im ' mediate work. State age and experience. Lock box tea, Philadelphia. B-M482 Feb7 "BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1G05 Far nam; bst service; nine chairs; no long walling; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 25c. B-S43 FebMx YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and railway business. Oldest school. . Every graduate placed. W. B. Skulton, Bullna, Kan. B MK62 FeblSx BECOME a chauffeur at home; positions guaiauteed ut 4-i weekly. W rite tor par ' ticulars, Automobile, Dept E, 742 Seventh Ave., New York. B M546 Fb3 WANTED Expert paperhanger; none but competent need apply; slate price per day. 11. A. Haley & Co., -Norfolk, Neb. B M449 3 WANTED A registered pharmacist, by Omaha drug store; must be a good sales ' man; short hours and no Sunday work. Address P t, care Bee. B 466 Feblx WANTED Competent man, capable of doing plumbing and heating, to take charge of out-of-town shop; state ex perience, wages expected, etc. Address replies, P. , care Omaha Bee. , B 466 FebSx WANTED A first-class man to take charge of a tea, coffee and spice business; good salary to right man; slate age, experi ence and reference. Address P 25, Bee. 1 B A1354 4 WANTED Men tverywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau, luo Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B MiSJ 4x WAN'l'KlM carpenters; steady work. Ad drees Jos. bhlesiger, Contractor, Yutun, Neb. B U)i WANTED At once, a barber; will guaran tee $15 a week. Address 'drawer D, Lead, S. D. B M6jo 7 DEEP WELL WANTED Want a hole put down about 2,6oo or 3.000 feet at Colum bus, Neb. What can you do for it? R. S. Dickinson, Columbus, Neb. B 4a 8 AGENTS in every locality, send for our terms and special Inducements; no com petition, great demand, sales tremendous and easy. Standard U. R. Co., 395 Broad way, New York. B tiSti 4x OUR representatives circle the globe; greatest selling device of modern times; a necessity in every home, office and fac tory; no Competition; big money. Colonial Co., 20 Wilson Ave., Wellsvllle, N. Y. B- 11 AN wanted in the real estate business; experience unnecessary; if honest, ambi tious and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mail and earn $300 to $oO0 monthly as our local representative, write immediately for full particulars. Address National Co-Operative Really Co., 7uo B, Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago. B 63 4x 30VERNM ENT CIVIL SERVICE exam inations will hw held in this state during March and April; full information and questions recently used by the Civil Serv ice commission, free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washington, D. C. U WANTED By Chicago mall order house, assistant manager, each county; $J0 weekly and expenses; expense money ad vanced; position permanent; experience unnecessary. Address Manager, 132 Luke St., Chicago. B &S5 4x SVANTED Man to travel; good salary; ex penses advanced; reliable house; manu facturer; placing sample goods and sell ing trade; traveling experience unneces sary; references. Address Mgr., 70i 8tar Bldg., Chicago. B 686 4x WANTED Young man with strong church connections. Interested in economics, to organise lecture course In resident city; most excellent opportunity for student, teacher or professional men with some leisure. For basis of compensation and full particulars address F. H. Monroe, Mgr., 610 Slelnway Hall, Chicago, 111. BU2 4 WE PAY $20 per week and commission extra to travelers; salary paid weekly; expense money advanced; staple goods; choice route. Smith. Sexton & Co., ivi Dearborn St., Chicago B 687 4x 100 MEN, good pay, permanent; pass cir culars, tack signs; no canvassing. Con UuonUU Pialrlbull&f Co- Chicago. 11-674 4x WANTED MALE HELP PRESIDENT. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RE , BILLING clerk hand, $65.00. Stenographer, $40.00. Stenographer and bookkeeper, $4b.oo. Stenographer and bookkeeper, bank, $50.00. Stenographer, young man, not over 22, $j0. Traveling salesman, familiar with general merchandise, $::, 500.00. If In need of a location, call or write for our list and plan of placing high grade competent men. If your services are on the market let "S know about it, for we may be able to dispose of them. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS N., (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-712 4 WANTED Men and women to travel and lecture; big money in It. Address 2.1 St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Tex. till 4x NEW lnkless pen; big sensation; 20th cen tury wonder; just out; sample pen mailed upon receipt of 10c; write today. Man hattan Novelty Co., Room 12, 2ii6 Broad way. N. Y. B 696 4x AUTOMOBILE drivers, repair men, chauffeurs and others wanted all over the country; 60,000 machines built this year In the United States, n Hording great opportunities for our students; tic a day will qualify you for good wages In this growing field. For full particulars and one free lesson. Including a dictionary on motoring terms, address The Correspondence School of Automobile Engineering, suite 1SJ4, Flat iron Bldg., New York. B (9 4x WANTED Business manager in every town; no canvassing; no investment; good money for good service; references re quired. U. E. Wingate, Mgr., Glenwood, la. B ti4a 4x WANTED Good all-around printer; coun try office. Man with small family pre ferred. Address T. M. Johnson, care Mer chant's hotel, Omaha, or call in person at 2 o'clock p. m. February 13th. B M572 6x MANAGER to represent a large manufac turing concern; no money, but plenty of brains needed. Write, stating age and previous experience. Address O 47, care Bee. B $3 TO $5 thousand paid for distributing cir culars, samples, etc. American Union, Pontlao Bldg., Chicago, B 692 4x WANTED Mechanics of all kinds, $3.50 to $6 a day; clerks, bookkeepers and sales men, $00 to $100 a month; teamsters, $2.60 a day; farm hands. $36 to $50 a month; work guaranteed. Send $1 with applica tion. Golden West Employment Agency, 412& S Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. R 068 4x DRAFTSMEN Railroad construction, cars and locomotives, engines, steam shovels, electrical machinery, structural steel and tridKrs and architectural; $70 to $170; per manent positions. Write experience fully. The Engineering Agency, 1208 Monadnock, Chicago. B-604 4x RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Salary, $X00; March examinations; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. B-664 4x GOVERNMENT position, clerk or bright young man. to fit for same; salary from $G0O to $1,500 per annum; examinations soon: call early. Underhill, Mannirer Omaha office, 3320 No. 24th. B 675 4 WANTED Four men to travel in each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods; salary $21 per week-and ex penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced; experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 429 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 670 4x ; LUCRATIVE position for an experienced fraternal solicitor. Royal Achates. Ar lington Block. B 773 4x SOLICITOR to Interview business Interests only; profitable work. 125 Paxton block. B M743 Bx , WANTED Experienced printer. Good po sition for right man. Superior Journal, Superior, Neb. B 731 4x WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper and stenographer. If not competent to take full set of double entry books, do not answer. Address P-14, Bee. C M4S6 Feb3 WANTED Piano player; state lowest, and If work In acts or do specialty; g8jd amateur write. The Zat Zams, Oriental Vaudeville Co., Wood River, Neb. C-537 4X ' GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago BU c L;7 GIRLS Burgess Shirt Co.. 21st and Far nam. C M410 F2s WANTED Girl for general housework: small family. 2tio3 Pierce St. C-467 Feb4 A COMPETENT woman for general house work; references required. Mrs. Warren Switxler, 2604 St. Mary's Ave. C 631 tx WANTED A good girl to do plain wash ing ut the Creche, 19th and Harney. C-&30 4 GOOD girl for general housework, family of three. Inquire at 116 S. 84th St. C 676 LADIES for letter copying; $26 thousand; stamped envelope for particulars. Schlos ser. 440 W. 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. C-4WI 4x WANTED Business women to represent us; must be well acquainted and recom mended; to the right persons, permanent and lucrative position is offered. Call or write. The Vital Co., 1320 Main St., Kan as City, Mo. C 034 4x LADY TO TRAVEL Reference required; salary $21 per week; expenses advanced. J. 8. Zlegler & Co , 323 Dearborn St., Chicago. c GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Wil liamson, 3420 Lincoln Boulevard. C 608 4 HOME WORK Ladles wanted to do sew ing at home; material furnished reliable women; particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept. 633. Chicago. C 681 4x LADIES To do piece work at home: we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe, Chicago. C-601 4x LADIES To take' orders for dress goods and watstlngs; samples spring styles worth $3.00 free; name responsible refer ences: write for particulars. Scott Nov elty Co., 99 Franklin St., New York. C-696 4x GOOD girl for general housework at 283) California St. O 746 GIRL tor general housework, joao So. - C M76 if WANTED FEMALE HELP CAPARLE girl for general housework; no washing. 613 8. 19th St. C 779 SITUATIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPER or general assistant; six years' experience bookkeeper and cashier; accurate figures; best reference from em ployer; willing to start at $12. Address O 37, care Bee. A M3G1 Feb3x WANTED Steady position by Journeyman pressman; familinr with high-grade work on Job presses; married, sober. Address P IS. Bee. A-M628 4x WHEN YOU WRITE TO ADVERTISERS remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad. in The Bee. YOUNG man, 26, experienced; desires posi tion as salesman. References. Address P-34, Bee. A 706 4x WANTED Charge of roomlru? house: have had all kinds of .experience. Address P 31, Bee. A-479 4x WOULD work few hours a day for 2 rooms for housekeeping for self and husband. Address P 32, Bee. A 680 4x COMPETENT Christian young woman wishes position housekeeping In widower's home; out of Omaha preferred; or place for two sisters; references. Address P 43, Bee. A 780 4x (SITUATION wanted by lady stenographer; good references. 'Phone 6S0. A M747 6x WANTED A situation on farm by man and wife; have daughter. Address P 40, Bee. A-M728 6x SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN, local and traveling, required in each locality; $W per week to start; must be of good address, willing to work, special experience not necessary; refer ences required. Standard G. R. Co., 395 Broadway, New York. L ti88 4x SALESMEN To sell candles to dealers; $75 monthly and expenses; experience un necessary. Aldrlch, 324 Dearborn St., Chi cago, 111. L 693 4x WANTED 30 salesmen by March 1, salary or commission; must send good refer ences with R ppllratlon or n notice taken. United States Whip Co., Westfield, Mass. L 63 4x WANTED Experienced salesman of good appearunce and energy can secure posi tion In city that will pay hustler $250 to $350 per month. Address P 28, care Kee. L 6u5 4x SIDE line traveling men can make $25 to $50 per week carrying side line of most up-to-date advertising fans of our exclu sive and special designs; season now open ing; apply at onre. The Kemper-Thomas company, fan dept., Station H, Cincinnati, Ohio. L 672 4x WANTED Salesmen of ability and noat ap pearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, convenient to carry; good commission; prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O. L 673 4X SALESMEN Side line. We want only a limited number of men. Standard article. Sells to dry goods, hnrdware, furniture and general stores. Liberal commission. Sample is small. Trojan Mfg. Co.. Sta tion O, South Bend, Ind. L 628 4x WANTED Salesmen by an old established wholesale grocery house, to sell hotels, farmers and other large consumers; ex clusive territory; fine Income assured to hoti'Ht, energetic men; unquestionable reference required. John Sexton & Co., 16-22 State St., Chicago. L 33 4 WANTED Hustling, experienced road salesmen to sell good regular line; good pay; give references; state experience. W. J. Lorack, sales manager, Iowa City, la. L 643 4x SALESMEN Several first-class, experi enced traveling salesmen; must come highly recommended; men who are able to earn from $3,000 to $5,000 a year; staple line for retail merchants. Room 601, 264 Hennepin Ave , Minneapolis, Minn. L-642 4X SALESMAN WANTED, calling on the drug and cigar trade, to handle our goods as main or side line)-big profits and, perma nent work. The Chicago Commercial A. Specialty Co., 628-636 W. 63d St . Chicago. L 648 4x TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa: strong, staple line; great Induce ments to trade; high commissions; $30 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. F. Cook. Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. L WANTED Traveling salesman, February 15; permanent and well-paying position' to qualified man. N. Schneider, Melnttre Bldg., Dayton, O. L 6S0 4x EXPERIENCED proprietary medicine salesman to retail drug trade choice ter ritory; salary, expense, commission. Beggs, Union Park Ct., Chicago. L 678 4X WANTED Two men In each county to represent hardware department; estab lished house; salary $21 weekly: expense money advanced. Address Hardware, Desk C, The Columbia House, Chicago. L-684 4x SALESMEN. NOTICE-Large manufac turer wants plain every day salesman for Nebraska territory, to sell staple well advertised line; no hot air or blue sky salesmen need apply; state qualifications fully. Box 1343. St. Ixuls. L 614 4x WANTED Traveler for Nebraska at once; line staple for general trade; position pays $1,800 per nnnum with commissions. John 8. Allan, Detroit. Mich. L 618 4x SALESMEN Tobacco; experience un necessary; excellent opportunity; good Income; steady employment. Address Belle Meade Tobacco Works, Tioulsvllle, Ky. L 607 4x WANTED Experienced traveling sales man; must have a clean record and give bond. In reply state age,- experience and references. Address Box 766, Chicago. L 606 4x SALESMEN Specialty men preferred; opening for two; permanent position: have at present 23 salesmen who are paid better than $300 per month and expenses. Address Manufacturer, Box 1063. St. Louis. Mo. L 699 4x EXPERIENCED specialty or medicine salesmen, by established house, with strong advertising Inducements to dealer; commission or salary and expenses when ability proven. Address Warner Remedy Co.. Chicago, III. L 698 4x SALESMFN By manufacturers of paint and roofing specialties; 15 years' success ful sale; many reorders; packet samples; permanent, commission line. Thomas Mfg. Co.. St. Louis, Mo. L 601 4x WE 4iave the most attractive money mak ing proposition for salesmen and an equullv attractive proposition for them to offer their customers. Longwear Tinted Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 692 4x WE plense salesmen with liberal commis sions and make It easy to sell dealers under our guarantees to both them and consumers. D. T. Weir White Iead Co., St. Louis, Mo. L-6D3 4x WANTED Salesmen with experience In this or other lines to sell Jewelry with special advertising features to general trade; bond and references required. Mc-AUlster-Coman Co., 366 Dearborn St.. Chi cago. L 694 4x TWELVE first-class salesmen with years of experience on the road; must be busi ness getters with good references; pay every week. W. F. Dunmeler, 3820 Chl- cago St. L 751 4x WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations; something en tirely new and issued by this society only; easily understood and easily sold; coat but $6 per annum each, payable monthly If desired; large commissions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 3:0 Broadway, New York. Estab lished 20 years. J M684Mch $80 A MONTH salary and expenses to men with rig to introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock remedies; send for contract; we mean business and furnish best references. U. R. Blgler Co., X 619. Springfield, lit J M638 4x MAKE $6 TO $10 A DAY CONDUCTING A MAIL ORDER BUSINESS at home or of fice, using evenings or spare hours If em ployed; we teach you how and furnish everything needed, catalogues, advertis ing etc.; supply merchandise as orders come in to you; small expense starts you; big profits; stamp for particulars. Chi cago 8lsalA44 Cssi sJwSst Chicago. AGENTS WANTED "THE Business Guide" has no equal; a millionaire writes he would not be with out one for II.ium.OOc; agents make $3UV a month; write for exclusive territory and fre outfit. J. U Nichols & Co.. Nflper vllie, Hi. J-M540 9X RELIABLE man or woman to travel, dis tribute samples and employ agents; local managers also; $18 a week and expenses. Zlegler Co., 226 Locust St., Philadelphia. J M542 4x AGENTS Keep posted: "Novelty News," 171 Washington St., Chicago, illustrated monthly, covers novelty field; trial three months. 10c J 690 4x MANAGER wanted, every city and county, handle best paying business known, legiti mate, new, exclusive control, no Insur ance or book oanvasslng. Address Chas. Halstead, 84 West 26th St., New York. J 6tS2 4x AGENTS 0-3-6-8 gnme sells In every cigar store; 4,832 sold December-January; good side ilne. Union Mfg. Co., Joplln, Mo. J-6S2 4x GAS LAMP Makes its own gas, light equal to electricity; heater heats any room In sero weather, cooker cooks any thing; all three In one at cost of 1 cent daily; agents making big money. Crown Co., 123 Liberty St., Dept 236, New York. J 6S3 4x AGENTS, can easily make $10 a day selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St , Chi cago, III J 662 4x OUR big $1.50 combination box containing perfume, talcum powder, dentifrice, soaps; costs agent 15c; sells at sight; deal with manufacturer. Davis Soap Works, 33 Union Park Place, Chicago. J MEN willing to work positively make $2,000 to $8,000 per year selling our Just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B 429, Clncln natl. O. J 671 4x INTELLIGENT, refined people to represent old reliable firm. Salary $18 per week. Expenses paid. Can double salary In com mission. Outfit free. Morse & Co., 46 Van Buren St., Chicago. J 622 4x AGENTS Learn to fit glasses by sending for our free book on the eye. It will tell you all about It; get a profession that pays from $75 to $160 a month. The optical profession will do It for you; no field so pleasant, profitable or so little worked; no longer necessary to work for some one else at a meager salary. For a short time only we are sending our book free; It will teach you to be an optician and costs you nothing. A postal card will bring It by return mall, al charges paid. Jacksonlan Optical cullege, Dept B-33, Jackson, Mich. BIG MONEY; exclusive territory; abso lutely new patented article for hotels, bakeries, restaurants and household usu. Jay A. Fisher & Co., 60 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. J-38 4x EXPERIENCED, competent salesmen, sal ary and expense, to sell a high grade roof paint, exclusively; good demand, ready seller; on the market over 10 years; busi ness references required with applica tion; state experience, whom represent ing and how long. The Sterling Refining Co., Cleveland, O. J 641 4 WE START you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our liberal offer; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 4M7 4x A PERMANENT BUSINESS-$50 to $150 and upward por week, POSITIVE. Rep resentatives wanted everywhere to oper ate sales parlors for the BEST ladles' and gents' dress shoe known; ten orig inal sight-selling, health and comfort1 features; factory to consumer; previous experience unnecessary; profit possibili ties unlimited; NO RISK. Reply quick. KUSHION KOMFORT SHOE CO., Bos ton, Mass. J $84 A MONTH salary and all expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock remedies. Send for con tract. We mean business and furnish best references. Defiance Mfg. Co., Dept. 26, Parsons, Kan. J WRITE us about our Common Sense Glove; splendid line for .country stores and gro ceries; good money in it. Common Sense Manufacturing Company, Box 81, St. Louis, Mo. J WANTED A business woman In each town. If you are a dressmaker, milliner, teacher, saleslady or a bright, energetic woman, we will start you in our ladles' tailoring business, that will pay you $26 to t'MO a month; we furnish everything necessary. Write today, giving refer ences and state your business experi ences. Faultless Tailoring Co., Chicago Ave. and Carpenter St, Chicago. J QUIT struggling; we put new blood In your work; free money-bursting sample case; no competition; sells on sight. Colonial Supply Co., Factory 23, Wells vllle, N. Y. J WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J AGENTS wanted In every town and city, high-grade proposition; easy seller; work all year and make ten to twenty dollar a day. Write Hansen-Naylor Co., Orcutt Building, 8loux City. Iowa. J $25 WEEKLY easily earned by lady agents taking orders for us; outfit prepaid; we start you in business and make you in dependent; write for circular and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. AGENTS everywhere to sell flat Iron shoes; something new. very useful; $20 weekly; spare time valuable. Dexter Co., 334 Dearborn, Chicago. J 679 4x AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of sarsaparllla for 36c; best seller; 350 per cent profit; write today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene. 116 Lake St., Chicago. J PICTURE AGENTS Get your pictures di rect from artist, save middle men's profit, best work at lowest prices. A. Hlnger, artist, 1106 S. Hoyne Ave., Chlcngo. J-68S 4x SALESMEN to handle new advertising proposition; exclusive territory; splendid opportunity for hustlers. Owens Bros., Hillson Co., Boston, Mass. J 619 4x AGENTS WANTED-omethlng new; a great seller; big money In It. Address 221 St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Tex. J-609 4x BIO COMMISSION: also goods furnlshe.i you to exchange for expenses; quick sel ler. Economy Farm Record Co., Newton, la. J-608 4x AGENTS making fortunes with our soap; large, handsome mirror free with every six-cake dollar box at Introductory, price 8S cents: 133 per pent profit; outsells every thing: branch office and crew manager wanted. Parker Chemical Co., Chlcngo. J 6X9 4x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SOME MORE SNAPS SEE THEM QUICK $2,000 GETS TWO HOUSES. Two cottages, one 4 rooms, one S rooms, on lot 50x15; fruit and shade trees; half block from Harney car; booth bouses In good repair; here Is a chance to get a cheap home or a good Invest ment; will sell separately If desired; 3214 and 3216 Charles St HERE'S ANOTHER FOR $1,800.' 3034 N. 23d St, 5 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, house nearly new, corner lot (35x50; will rent for $20 per month or will make desirable borne. R. H. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doup!as-215L RE 741 4 W. G. SHR1VER 1028 New York Ufa Bid. SNAP In trackage property lot feet oa 11th. near Nicholas, paved tit.; it sold quick, LU0 wJU Uk lb 4 ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE BYRON 'Phone 297. $ 1,250 ?1C6 Manrterson St., R-room eottapn, closet, gas, city water only j.100 down. $ 1.400 2W8 S. 13th St., 6-room cottajre. hath tub, closet, gas, sewer, city water. I 1,6002714 Decatur St.. 6 rooms, city water and gas. House Is In fine repair and rents for $180 per year. t 1,200 On N. 22d St., near Clark St.. a good 7-room house, with porcelain bath tub. closet, gas, sewer, etc.; cement walks, east front. $ 2,750 26"fi Poppleton Ave., 6 rooms, bath, closet, gas, sewer, fine mantel; south front, on psved street, good barn, cement walks. Belongs to nonresi dent, who needs the money. $ 2,750 6-room cottage, on Parker St., porce 1 lain bath, closet, gss. hot water heat, good barn, full lot, south front. Owners itolng to leave city reason for selling. f 2,500 New 6-room cottage, bath, closet, sewer, city water, gas, furnace; norvh part 'of city, only 1 Wock to car 1900 cash. f 3,250 A new "-room, all modern home, built for a home: electric light, gas, good futnace, fine plumbing; bouse Is nil r.ewly ratre('! pt pet ,s pavd; permanent walks around house. This is the best thing In town for the money. t 4,250 A new house In Bemls park, all modern; large south-front lot, on Lincoln r..-;u!cvard. 5,000 On 86th St.. 1 block north of Far nam, a (mod 8-room, all modem home, built 6 years ao; electric and gas light, furnace; fine paved street. Owners leaving the city. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 So. 14th St. SOt'TH OMAHA BARGAINS. 6-R. house, 570 S. 17th St., hot and cold water, bath, corner lot, east front: fl.srv, $250 cash, balance monthly, $15 and Inter est Two'5-R. houses, city water, large lots 1532 and 1536 Y St.; $1,010 each, cash $160, bal ance monthly, $15 per month and Interest. $650. one-half lot, one block paved street; $250 cash, balance $10 month and Interest. $l,500Two 6-R. houses, . city water, street on grade, hard walk In street, one-half block from Armour's office. $4,000 Thirtv-room boarding house and saloon, one block from Armour's office; modern except furnace. Snap at price. VACANT IjOTS OMAHA. S. B. corner nth and Parker, $750 cash. S. B. corner th and Decatur, $760 cash. SOUTH OMAHA. Lot 7. block 63. snnp at $1,200. I have vacant lots from $00 up. Cheap lots In Albright. .- F. J. PERSONS. OLASOOW RT1CK, SOUTH OMAHA. RE 772 4 A BIG SNAP DUNDEE Eastern owners have Just Instructed us to force the sale of a splendid property at 6011 California street, reducing the price to $3,500. This property has cost present owners about $0,500 and consists of two lots 100xlS5 feet, with two-story, nine room house, two mantels and grates, double parlors, four bedrooms, strictly modern, with large porches, slate roof, good barn; all In splendid condition; tine shade and permanent walk. Terms reason able. See us quick. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., (SOLE AGENTS), 601-3 N. Y. LIFE. 'PHONE 1016. PvE 771 4 FRUIT FARM Southwest of Hanscom Park, 10 acres, all In fruit, good house, large barn, chicken houses, hog houses, cave, store house, an Ideal fruit place; Im mediate possession. Don't fall to look this up. Price Is right. 2 Vi acres, northwest part of city with good 6-room house, barn, sheds, etc., fruit, water, only $2,400. Owner will exchange this property for a good 7-room house closer In. In Benson, one acre with good house, barn end all kinds of fruit. Price reduced to $2,300. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. Sixth Floor, New York Life Building. RE CLOSE IN PROPOSITION 2411 Indiana Ave. 6-room house, city water, renting for $12 per month, paved street, parnianent walk. Price, $1,250. 2413 Indiana Ave. 5-rooms, city rater, renting for $13.50 per month. Price, $1,250. 983 N. 25 th St. 6 rooms, city water, paved street, permanent walk, renting for $16 per month. Price, $1,600. 985 N. 25th St. 6 rooms, city water, paved street, permanent walk, renting for $17 per month. Price, $1,700. Here's a bunch of houses to be sold quick at a bargain on reasonable terms to right party. Don't fail to Investi gate this at once. Please don't ask tenants in bouses to show you through, but come to our office and we will show you the property. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents, Sixth Floor, New York Life Building. Ris- BETTER THAN A FARM. 8 rooms, new, Sherman Ave. & Emmet, $2,700. 6 rooms, nearly new, 24th & Locust, $3,200. 5 rooms, modern, 20th and Emmet, $l,7u0. For homes or Investment these are all bargains, combining safety with large re turns. Easy payments. C. 8. SHEPAHi, at N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-M726 6 9 rooms, modern, S112 Mason St.; part cash, bal. monthly. See owner, 209 S. 12th St. RE M768 March3 GEORGE & 1601 Farnam. HOUSES FOR SALE $5,500 for a very desirable 7-room, modern house. In first-class condition, on S. 3Gth Ave., near Farnam St.; lot 60x136 ft. $5,000 for a well built. -room, modern house on S. 28th St., near Poppleton Ave.; hot water heat, In flrst-cla condition, nice shade; east-front lot. 60x150 ft. $4,200 for a modern. 8-room square house, oak finish and built only about 4 years, on Lincoln boulevard, In Bemls park; large lot, 68x207 ft. $3,600 for a very desirable 7-room bouse, all modern except furnace, beautifully fin ished In highly polished mountain oak, sliding doors, 10-ft. ceilings, electric light, fine mantel and grate, on Spauldlng St., east of 26th St.; lot 60xl2S ft. $3,400 for 2825 California St., large 8-room, modern house and good barn In first-class condition throughout; lot 50x155 ft. Re duced from $3,6o0 for quick sale; easy terms. $2,750 for a well built. 7-room. modern cot tage, In excellent condition; large, pleas ant rooms, mantel and grate, cistern water In kitchen, full cemented basement, Car ton furnace, cement walks, fine lawn, on Bristol St.. near 26th St. $2,700 for (rood 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace. In best of condition, built for a home about 4 vears ago, with good barn, beautiful shade trees: a fine cor ner lot. fOxl?S ft., 8. E, -corner 25th and Rnauldln Sts. $2,660 for SIS N. 25th St., good 8-room house, modern except furnace, near hlffh school, close in, easy walking distance from post office. $2,650 for 8. E. comer 2Sth Ave. and Chl csrro St.. new 4-rnnm hptise. Including re "ceptlon hall; modern except heat, fact" boulevard: lot 6xl52 ft. with room to build on rear of lot, feeing 28th Ave. t.150 for 1111 N. 18th St.. 7-room cottage, well built and all modern except furnace; convenient for U. P. shop man; reason able terms. $2 ino for 7-room house and bam. on Prlstol 8t.. near $7th Ave.; larre lot. 6xir! ft : paving all paid fr: w,u divide nd sell Improvements with SI feet for $ $2,100 for S-room, t-stonr house, modern ex cept furnace; In need of some repairs; close In and always rented, on 8. 28th St., one-half block south of lvawortU St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REED CO. 212 So. 14th St. t 8,500 A beautiful 9-room, nil modern home, on one of the b-st corners in tho Hansoom Park district; gas and electric llRht, hot water heat, etc.; fine barn. Owner will take smnller house In part payment. A beautiful 8-room, all modern home, on 24th St., near Karnam, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, etc.; lot lOOxl'K). on corner: cost over J2S,iO, but owner must sell and wants nn offer. If Interested call us up for further particulars. INVESTMENTS We sold two of our good Investments Inst week. The good ones are going every day. If you are In the market for an Investment buy now. Here are a few good ones: f l.Hnv 2618 S. 13th. ft rooms, modern except furnace; rents for $216 per year. This must be sold. I 2,0110 5814 and 2S16 N. lfith, n double brick, gas, city water and sewer In each; rents are $275 per year. All special taxes paid. $ 4,0002 double bricks, on lflth St.; rents are $12.57 per month. This Is one of the best Investments In Omaha. $ 5.5'XV 3 cottages. In fine , repair, on 21th St.. on corner lot; rents for $672 per year. $ 7,500 A double brick, on 2Sth St.. near Farnam St. corner lot; rents for $S40 per year. $10,1X10 Three bricks, near 27th and Jack son, renting for $1,260 per year, all modern. $11,0003 bricks, on 20th and Webster, well built; rents for $97 per month; close In. 'Phone 297. RE W. H. GATES. 017 N. Y. Life Hltlg. .Tel. loUf.'lns-12'.)4. $1X10 Small cottiiK', mid ground 7oxHX, ut 11013 Hurdftte St $!)0() A good Uve-room cottage at 2'.f-'-Bimlette St. $1.3K A well built five-room cottage nt 4ISK) Burdctte St., barn, shed and ground linixlil.'i' two blocks to car. $l,40O A large five-room bouse at Spauldliiir, giMxl barn, sluule and some fruit; a nice home place. $l,fiOO At '-'221 Pacific St. Is a six-room cottage in good order, city water and a lot 00x183, running clear through and fronting on Pierce St. $2,000 Eight-room two-story house nt 2818 N. 1Mb Ave., modern except fur nace, lot 00x81; a very cheap place. $3,400 Seven-room modern new house at 102."i IMnkney, hardwood finish, size of house 24x30, on corner lot 42x124. 4J4.200 An eight-room modern up-to-date home, about four years old. hardwood finish on first floor, nice large living room with fireplace and mantel; good heating plant; house is 30x40 nnd built by owner for a home; south front, lot 60x128, on paved street; shade and fruit 100x128 on southwest corner 28th and Cass for $1,600. 57xlOi, north front, on Davenport Just ,west of 31st Ave, paved street, nice location, $1,500. 33x140, east front, on 19th St Just north of Grace, $750. RE-749 4 A BARGAIN $1,300 buys two buildings on South 13th St., paved street, sewer and water con nection. Rental value $240 per year. Easy terms if desired. 1617-19 ELM STREET. Two nice dwellings, barn, gas, city water; rental value, $360 per year. Price $2,800. O. C. OLSEN 1704 Farnam St. RE 723 4 REFEREE SALE A referees sale of real estate will be held at the east front door of the court house Monday, February 6, at 10 o'clock a. m., to sell to the highest bidder for cash lot 10, block 8, in E. V. Smith's addition to Omaha. Here is a chance to buy a lot at your own price. i - JOHN A. RINE, iVti"!.!tv JOHN POWER, TTt"-rv"T Referees. RE 761 4 80 ACRES NEAR GRETNA. Must be sold, ho nee price Is only $J6 per acre; 30 acres in cultivation, balance grass; 4 miles north of Gretna; lays nice; eastern owner. This will be sold soon. CHAS. IX WILLIAMSON CO. 12Jl Farnam St. It's a speculation as well as Investment. Also 40 near Valley, $6.75 per acre. RE-563 4x COMPANY 'Phone Douglas-756. VACANT $4,500 for 66x132 ft., N. B. corner ISth and Webster Sts., close in; old house on lot. Nonresident anxious to sell and says sub mit offer. I $4,000 for 64-ft. double frontage, facing two paved streets; all specials paid in full; located between St. Mary's and Dewey A vps., west of 2th St.; suitable for brick flats. $3,000 for 22x6 ft. on 13th St. between Har ney and Howard. $2,500 for 66x64 feet, with 14-ft. strip ad lolning, making 66x68 ft., west front, on 22d St.. beginning 66 ft. north of Cali fornia St. $1,800 for 50x140 ft., west front, on 32d St., 250 ft. north of Woolworth Ave; all clear. Nonresident owner savs submit offer. $1,600 for seversl choice lots, 48x136 ft., with double frontage; nicely located, facing boulevard and park, near Farnam car line. $1 5o0 for 60x103 ft., east front, on Sherman Ave., Just south of Charles Bt. $825 for lot 4? 9x132 ft., south front, on Bris tol St.. 128 ft. west of 24th St. ;. choice; all medals paid In full. $8o for 4 lots. 52x1.T3 each, south "front, on Ootd St. between 34th and 35th Sts.; only t9 cash down, balance $10 per month. $7ro for oi30 ft., southeast corner 38th and flows rd St $600 for lots near Sth and Grand Ave.; part facing new boulevard. $4r for lot 60x137 ft., double fronte. on Caldwell and Indiana Ave., near 2th St. $300 for 50x130 ft., north front, on Decatur St.. 350 ft. east of 40th St. $250 for 43x1" ft., northeast corner 46th and N'lcholaa St. $1?5 for 120rl30 ft., north f-ot. on Sara toga St., 120 ft. west of 40th St. INVESTMENTS $14,500 for t modern. 2-story, brick fists, In desirable residence district and in best of reiialr; rental, $1,500 per year. $10,500 for 3 new 7-room. J-story, modem, square bouses, 12 blocks west of business center; rent. HOB per month. Will sell separately If desired. ' $3 000 for 143J 8. 16th St.. 1-story frame store building, large living rooms above; small bouse In rear; rental, $3e4 per year. Feb, 4, 1904. , . BE- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Wm n Rhr ) I (. T T Ills IS e -w ' 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. TRACKAGE Lnrfre corner, centrally located, on M. P. It. It., 74xt:i2 feet, desirable for coal yard, wholennle feed or manufacturing, l'rlce $ti.roo. BRICK YARDS A tract of about 8 acres near Omaha on H. & M. II. It. If j on are looking for brick yard proposition Investigate this. Trice $;i.roo. Wm. D. REED r.0! X. Y. Life Hlds. Tel. DoUKlns-8217. R 10738 4 GOOD COTTAGE HOME CLOSE IN $2,150 for 1111 N. lMh St., 7 rooms, well built and all modern except furnace, convenient for 1'. 1". Khops man. Easy terms. GLORUE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. KK-ertl t WALKING DISTANCE Uetween 27th and 2Mh on Webster In Avon dale Park, south front, only $050. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY First Floor N. V. L. lildg. Tel. 17U. RE 504 t FARM FOR SALE-Sectlon 35-10-15, Ruf talo county, Nebraska, cultivated, bal ance pasture, fenced, good soil, good buildings; price $16,000. Audress owner, iU Itoiud ot Trado building, Omahn, Neb. RE-M541 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB to i RAO 8 or' 'i l i ik are the safest, i'ou are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors, you don't buy a lawsuit when Jou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 108 N. V. . Lite Ukltf. 'Phone 2244 RE 4-room cottage, 27th and Decatur, city water, lot 00x127 feet; $1,600. 6-iuoin cotuihc, 3:'d and Lalk, good well, paving paid lor; $)ui; easy terms. In business district. hir;,e brick building, with inreo 6-room apaitments on the id floor and three store rooms on the ground lloor, rentiiiK for SlJu per month; worn, tlii.u; will be worth $lo,ooi) in two years; price for a short tune. U.uoO. llo feet weal frontage on South 13lh St.. near Loulevard. with city water and sewer in itie street; price for a short hlLAti Ko lib INS, Frcnz.r Hlk. RE Vol 4x FOR SALE Large house, two burns and two iuii lots, on is. jsui hi., only l,aUO. Tins is a LiaiKain. THOMAS HKENNAN, Room 1, .Nt loik Lite iildg. RE 617 ACRE LOTS on S. 40th, South Omaha, HUO; live acres near South Omaha $l,oou; acre lots on county line Wo0. N. P. Dodga & Co., 1714 Farnam. RE M563 3 THE Glover Cuban 1-nnd Co., Room 3, N. Y. Lite Hldg.. Omaha, Neb., sell lands In Cuba. Round trip Omaha to Havana, $u7.s5. RE-667 s- Williamson Cau-tBF- RE 770 FOR SALE A home worth $30,000 for $13. OoO; west side. Address L 17, Bee. RE M85 GILT EDGE INVESTMENT $10,500 cash will purchase corner lot, 66x66. balance on time. The cash investment will brln if you 20 NET per year. . W. R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnam SU RE 666 4 JOHN N. HASKELL Offers new cottage at 22d and Brown, C rooms, besides bath room, fine front porch, good back porch, which could be used for a wash room; Is being finished In excellent shape and good taste. Can be ready for delivery in 30 to 60 days. Built by day labor and with good material. The price Is right. If you want a brand new house with good yard this spring, now is the time to look at this. 614 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas-6133. RE W. G. SHRIVER 10-J3 New York Life Bldg. Here Is something worth looking at. Four bed rooms and bath upstanrs, double parlor, sitting room and den on first floor, large dining room and kitchen in basemen moduli in uvury respect; west i'aruuiu bt. $2,5U0. 1 have buyers for: Six cottages, 1,V(J to $1,500; Three dwellings, -',xu to $3,000, modern; Four modern dwellings, JJ.uio to $3,000. Three homes, $:,0uO to $U,0UO. What have you gut? RE FOR SALE. 6 8-room houses, lot luoxljO, east front, one block to schuol, one block to Harney and Wulnut Hill cars, close to Crelehton col lege; rents for $1,200 a year. Pile, $8,500. ,L 3-story brick building, corner, on South 16th St., lot 60X187; more room to build; $10,UU0. Lot 66x140, Uoublu flat, 5-room cottage in rear, North 17 th St.; always occupied, Koud tenants; rental, $:4 a year; $6,500. 3-story 3-apartmcnt fiat, lot 6oxl4o, on North ISth St.; monthly rental, $12o; $7,000. 9-room house, city water, bath, lot 50x150, close to lianscom park, south front, $,2!j0. 11-room house, all modern except furnace, lot 55x18, east front, Z2d and Poppletonj Ave., $J,500. C. M. UACHMANN, Tel. Red-26S3. 4J6 1'axton Rlock. RE M697 6X 6, 10 AND 20 acres, neir Benson, $.25 an acre; new 6-room house and 2 acres, $1,400; eusy terms. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1714 Farnam St. RE 69S 4 200.000 acres in Ianglade, Oneida and Forest counties, Wisconsin, to be sold on easy terms to peoplo who wil eventually settle and Improve. Antigo Land Co., Antlgo, Wis. RE (4 4x A SNAP Good 100, S miles from Norfolk, $ per acre; must be sold before March L J. 1L Conley, Norfolk, Neb. 'RE M668 7 SOUTH Dakota unimproved farm lands under $7 per acre wanted. Q. E. Goodale, Sioux Fails, S. D. RE 6J3 4x FOR SALE 7-room house and one acre of ground, all In fruit, all In beurlng, on Florence car line. M. A. Stephens, iiysn Curtis Ave. RE 636 4x SACRIFICE SALE. I am going into another business and must sell the $loo,'io worth of Harlan county lur.d I own to pay for It. Have all kinds and sized farms, all good ones, so write what you want and will send full descriptions, prices, terms, etc. I will guarantee to sell thein for $10 aa e-cre less than you can duplicate one of them in the county; possession given If sold soon. If you want a home, or to buy for specula tion, write at once. DR. II. J. HILL, Alma, Neb. RE-050 4 GOOD INVESTMENT Two eleeant. , mod- I u, nat- ern houtes, full lots, growing value. ural trees, rentals near $."i00 a year. Only $4,5oCl; terms easy. Inquire 1411 Vinton St. RE M70U 6x BEAl'TIFI'L modern house, full lot, good location, sightly; will sell at reduced price of only t-AW- very eMsy terms. Inquire Owner, 111! Vinton St., city. RE M70 BX Wnen You Write to Advertisers llentlon Tht Em,