Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Visit of Epinish King Kay Chanje Ha
lation fie'.wtei Pope and King.
Friend of Archbishop Ireland Hope He
ity Ge'.EedEat.
Ca hilio Preu Aocusei Leaden of Failing
to Show Faoti
Official fttttmrit tram Pope Saya All
Possible Cnoceealoaa Were Made
In 4h Matte? of 5atn
lif Bishops.
ROME. Feb. I (Special Cablegram to The
Bee.) Some of the really significant move
ments In world politics may be expected to
emanate from the, Vatican during the next
twelve months. First, there is the vexed
question of the relations of the church and
state in Italy. This Is liable to be forced to
the front by the visit of the king of Spain
in connection with his approaching mar
riage. The king of Spain Is very anxious to
visit his royal relative, the king of Italy
Being an earnest Roman Catholic he does
not desire to do anything which will in any
fashion wound the feelings of the head of
the church. Hence efforts are being made
to find out Just how far the king of Spain
may go in this matter of establishing more
friendly relations with the king of Italy.
Ever since the downfall of the states of
the church and the temporal power of the
pope, while Protestant rulers have been
free, to come and go at will Roman Catholic
monarchs, as a general thing, have been
obliged to be rather diplomatic, and some
kings have even preferred to avoid Italy as
they would avoid a pestilence Infested coun
try, fearing that their very presence might
tend to stir up strife. Hence it has hap
pened that some of the real questions of
clerical and political etlquet have never
been taken up for solution, and it remain. i
to' be seen whether they are capable of
being solved.
Then there are questions of vast Import
ance growing out of the extension of the
work of the church In America and other
parts of the world. One reason for this ex
tension has been the vast Increase in Italian
emigration to the new world. The Vatican,
while In no way responsible for this shift
ing of population from the old world to the
new, in the capacity of supreme pastor of
souls is bound to take cognizance of such a
world-wide movement. It is said that one
of the results will be the creation In the
near future of several new American car
dinals. Admirers of Archbishop Ireland
here in Rome are confident that he will be
among those honored..
French Question Perplexing.
Perhaps the most burning question of the
. hour In ntoricaJ .olrulaa la tha adjustment of
relations with France on somo kind of a
basis. In fact the subject uppermost In the
minds of the clericals at the present time Is
what may be termed the fn-st volume of Im
portance Issued during the first decade of
this twentieth century the white book. It
is an exposition, supported and Justified by
documents. Issued by the holy see on the
subject of the Reparation of the state from
the church In France. According to the Oh
servatore Romano the purpose of the publi
cation Is to demonstrate to the w-holo civil
ized world how false was the thesis main
tained by the French partisans of separa
tion that separation was after all the detre
of the holy see or that it was rendered In
evitable by its attitude. The object is to
make it perfectly plain that the responsi
bility for this separation-should full upon
the politicians of France, who wanted it at
any cost and at all hazards.
What the separation really means Is ninde
most plain In the comments of the ctvilts
Cathollca on the subject of the white book
of the Vatican. Clvljta Catholloa says that
the separation Implies thnt the France
which governs that Is to sny the republic
which Is Impersonated In very restricted
number of It dignitaries separates Itself
from the Roman Catholic church, renounces
Its dogmas and proscribes Its symbols, de
taches its ministers from the great tree of
the state, confines Its worship within the
private limits of the churches, and with
legul rapine It arrogates to Itself the prop
erty of the churches, and at a not far ois
tunt time it destines the use of them to the
oalabrutton of Masonic gatherings.
In tha first place the first three chapters
of the white book point out and denounce
the policy of -he French government. The
tw sucecedliiK chapters upset the pretext
put itorward by the Fiench government
pot Worwai
tii.tlth h
I'ltl . is ocr
holy ww itself furnished a rro
eraslon or h plt.usihl pretext to
th" ftnnbllc for Its hostile attitude toward
the tviitff The white book contends tht
the gientest .onsideratlon wss shown the
Faeinh republic by the holy see The same
htk r)lntatns that the holy see scrupu
lously maintained the obligations of the
cortorrtp.t. The charges that the holy see
vlotti the concordat undoubtedly arose
fro t. willful confusion between that fact
and.'be organic articles attached to It
by lapoleon I as an afterthought and in
wl.lq tne holy see hd no part and always
expltnly rejected.
; Combe. Mostly to Blame.
Thejiast four chapters furnish a picture
of iMefforts of the French government to !
seek I p:-elett In order to bring aliout a
mr1"! In the relations with the holy see. J
Of Hlllhe public men of France the while
book vpeai-s to blame M. Emlle Combes i
the nut. It Is claimed that the questions !
betwee, the French government and the '
luly sel and 'hich It Is claimed the !
desiredio force In its own interpretation i
on the tter concerned the nomination of j
bishops. The pope. It is asserted by the i
white bk. made all possible concessions '
shtrt ofhe essential rights of the churrh. -It
la kit asserted that the visit of Presi- '
4 tut I-oiel to Rome was treated by Pius
X In tli'very same way thst Leo XIII
had arrayed for sovereigns of Catholic ,
couiitrirs(lu have made visits to Italy. i
In Catlif newspapers and clerical cir- :
clee M. lille Combes is accused of keep-
Ing back I'unents which might have in- '
fluenrsd tlFrench by reaaon of their very '
roasonablsa. So bitter la the feeling
against Mombea that the Catholic press
hna no betttlon of accuking him of prac- j
tleally tryh to ' get even'" with the church '
twifcuse hai.g studied for the priesthood !
he. like XRenan. "failed to qualify."!
F.x-aLbe" d "disappointed priest " at I
am, ng the irms of rebuke hurled at M I
Combes In cnectlon with this controversy
They talkbout tha Balkar.s and all the
lime they aithlnktng of Italy. They have
Italy ou thetaln." said a few daya since
hading At rlan public man who had
U'oo'icd on Jlfth Page j
Same Hrnntlnllr on Poll llnnk and
he fast Ballot Despite
LONDON. Feb. 3. (Special Cablegram to
The Itee.j-London politicians have evi
dently Mken a leaf from the methods of
Tammany ball, in one respect, at least.
When the M.teg are once In the boxes
they stay there and there appears to be
no way of opening the boxes and getting
out the votes, even though It is admitted
on all hands that the voters had no right
lo vote.
The most noted case in point was perhaps
that of the only woman in all Iondon who
voted so far as known for the Parlia
mentary candidates during the recent gen
eral elections. And like the famous "only
woman Mason," she appears to have "but
ted Into the game" without being "butted
out" again and without appearing to know
exactly what she was doing.
In the first place her name was mis
leading. She is Miss Alwyn Bussey, and
the local politicians appear to have thought
"Alwyn" was the name of a man. She Is
of German ,1-scent, her father being a
naturalized Kngltshman. She Is a teacher
of singing and the place where she voted
at the polls was Kast Maryletmne. Telling
the story herself she said:
"How did It happen? It Is hard to say.
For eight years I have lived here In my
house (The Studio, Welheck house. No. W
Wells street). One day a man came to me
and said: 'You have a vote.' It appeared
that my name was on the register. Was
It for me to quarrel with the authorities?
mentary election that I have teen through
and naturally I didn't know much about It.
"Lord Robert Cecil sent a canvasser. He
asked In a loud voice:
T. T - T7..... .. Ir.",' 1
i. ; Z , ll
is no Mr. Itussej. I
I answered: 'There
am Alwyn Bussey. If that is any Infor
mation for you.' With that I closed the
door and left the man standing speechless.
I didn't want to talk with him all day
and he really wasn't very civil.
"Then his opponent. Mr. Lnngdun. sent a
canvasser. He was a n!ce man a nal
politician. 1 think. He said: 'Alwyn Bus
sey, I presume?' I said. 'Yes.' He smiled
and added, 'Well, yon have got a vote and
we will send a carriage for you. With that
he smiled and went away.
"On the dny of the lection the carriage
came, and I couldn't resist getting Into it
and going for the ride. It was such a
frolic. I was driven to the I.itile Titehfield
polling station. There was a policeman at
the door, and when he (taw me get out
of the carriage l.e waved his hand Just as
they do when thiy try to stop traffic.
"1 said: 'What ia the matter, my good
man? I am going in to vote. He looked at
me as though he were paralyzed with sur
prise, and then porhitps concluding that
there miKht be one woman in the country
entitled to vote, he fell back and s.ilil noth
ing more, allowing me to p ss. sort of re
spoctfullike. So I walked hi.
"The presiding officer declined to issue a
polling paper. I said. 'My name is on that
register and I am going to vote.' He
seemed impressed, then suid. 'Walt a little,'
and then there was a consultation.
"Then a young man with a red face came
UP to me and said. 'Y'ou can vote,! and
issued a polling ticket, and I voted. But
before ho would give me the ticket he tried
to coax me' and terijporize.' "Won't "yon
please come around this ufteriioon?' he In
quired anxiously. And I of course replied:
"No, .1 shall bo very busy this afternoon.
I am here to vote now and I am going lo
vote now." And I did. .
"I don't know how my name came on the
register. No doubt they mistook nie for a
man, but in that case they made a big
mistake. I thought It was funny at the
time imd I still consider It amusing, but I
hope that I won't get my 1-nr-dldiitc into any
trouble, even though I should get Into
trouble myself."
Attempt Will Re Made to
Sreret. from Hills of
CAPETOWN. Feb.. 3. 'Special Cable.
gram to The Bee.) Many attempts havn
been made to scale the Mountains of th
Moon on the I'ganda border, but ro far
without success. Advices from Entebbe
are to the effect that Mr. Douglas Fresh
field, president, and Mr. Arnold L. Munn.
secretary of the Alpine club, hud probably
chosen the worst possible time rt the year.
when the tropical storms were the worst
rrom ins norse on tne way to tlie moun
tains. Three other gentlemen have goti"
out to try their fortunes. Mr. K. Orntier,
Austrian Alpine club; Mr. C. IF. Werner.
M. A. Oxon and Rev. Mr. Tegnrt
One of the mountains especially is ex.
citing grent Interest in Fganda. as (t Is
believed tn be inetnllfernus. A party of J
four men. a geologist, an engineer, a doc- I
tor and a financier, are exploring it al- I
for mnking the latest attempt at an as- uments uoon the subject. Mnrnuia Ito ! n. , -.,. v, ...... " control, "and there is the fifth, the age of ' five h..ys. but on re-entering t!,e 1..,. 'rre ,03;,y ' ,ne ' r"cl
cent. It is stated that Mr. Munn will re- ,Hbored for four hours to convince hi,,. ! .he ,ii ' government ow nershlp-from which may i for a sixth student he Warne. evhf...-.i I Rtc3nu'r- tne z'h'th. Te
turn next year and make another attempt : thnt the ,,,. wfl, necessary. He .-tM ; , r v ' n h with three Isjys was drowned T,.. ron,r,,band rm toT the
at a more favorable season. Mr. Fresh- ! r,ar,.. enonch that the steo he n nLc,t I ..t c . v i Mr. Crumpacker find.) discussed the four bodies were recovered i, tf,d'. lt Hamiira, is
field met with a nasty accident, filling'... ,'u . ii nK.o.i.. ,. '. ...1, . . rate-making power conferred upon the In- ward. Father, ai... 1 vicinity of Murchlca. The
ready, giving out that they are interested j ben Induced mainly by an engagement
scientifically only. The explorations will , rom Marquis ito that the security of the
take at least two years. Geographically ! Imperial house would be strengthened by
the whole of the mountain is In or on the tho proposed arrangement. Such a prnm
border of the Congo Free State. Though l" might well weigh heavily with a mon-
little Is known about It here In Cape Town,
it is known that there ia a large deposit
of plumbago on it.
! Prof. (Irth of tiermany Talk, of Pres.
I ent Method, of Flahtina:
BERLIN, Feb. 3. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Piof. nrth. who since the death
of Prof. Vlrchow bus been the most not
danger of contracting tulHrc,ilosis through
able German physiologist, said that tha
the rse of milk and flesh had been greatly
exaggerated. Among other things he this
wcrk said:
"If the flesh he cooked and the milk
boiled or sterilized there Is absolutely no
danger. Kxp. ctoi ation is the first thing to ,
htf. riiantil a ff-iir-.l Tim 1 .... I ... . k. ....... '
" . desired change and tt will require. a sum .... JU3l puunsnea " t'"""' " "" ".""e..
rings should lv strengthens against tu- of ahout i15(vy,o,w H I. Intended to have"1" flr8t ",,"'n",' details regarding the! t"iscussing the bill Mr. Floyd illo.i d--bercuhwla
by nutritious food, sanitary . hnr),, throughout the coun tir at I ,mm"nse fi"hi Per of H. M. S. Iiread-, clared il was th McCulls, Md urdys,
dwellings, air. light and warmth. The gov- ,h en1 nf ,hr r,refM-ribed period everv ,1MUh' ,M nrw ,-vm? of battleship under Bo. keiellers and Morgans who were the should come to our aid by efTec- I on, of wh,rh w, b, from for., ' f .onstruction at Portsmouth. gays that 1 aeeds of anarchy and socialism this
live laws for meat Insertion and for the i ,u. . .,,.,. , . . ' technical Journal in an issue this week fair land, lie predicted that 11. H. w,,,,
control of dairies
Prof. Orth thinks that enough has been
uont. i,i .,' i-rr.iton , sanatoria tor pa
urn,, in ,ne iniuai singes ot consumption!
and more should be done for those in ad- i
. . m
vanced stages. Every law or measure cal-
ciliated to make bread and meat dearer as.
sist in the spread 'of tuberculosis, he
thinks, and every measure which cheapens
these necessities of life ia a blow struck at
this terrlhle disease. In conclusion the pro
fessor said that much confidence should
not 1 placed In the recent reports about
the discoveries of methods for combating
tuberculosis. The problems connected with
the solutions of thes questions ar In his
opinion still among the mysteries of medl-rlce.
Seek to SoWe Problem Produced bj Famine
Following the Recent War.
Have Plan to Help Sufferers and Transvaal
Liners at Ones.
HOW mrfan fmp,.. wac rnNiroTrr.
Ito Used Warm Argument in o:
Japanese Frotec.orate.
Ruler of Cores ' Evidently Feared
Anger of Ancestors Less Than
Prospect of Living as
TOKIO, Feb. .-6pecial Cable
The Bee.) The Japanese are o
nothing If not up-to-date as a nation. Not
onlv are thev LH of ,he.r'ne.v an.
, - , -
Z ST?" 7 "h ? ?r"7u T'
the, are determined to use it to the fuUeat ,
meanlng-the dc pest import. The treaty ;
1 wor r. 7h 7m " IT
a wond pocr th.y could not hav,
won in hal. a century along ordinary ines.
The Anmo-Japanese trea y p. actually
nmkes the m not only the ally but In some
things almost the partner of Lngland. Tho
. ...
'"T" n uPre,n -
acy of tne Japanese over ttic yellow 'cf.
l,,pst: tn'ngs-an up-io-aaie army ana
navy-have enabled Japan to borrow vast
euu,, ... Mmi.rii. 01 uic o..u, mu
tionul finance as well.
Then as ill luck would have It, just as
treaty matters appeared to be settled or
settling, a famine broke out In the Japanese
pit vlnces affecting, it Is estimated, at least
1,Xni.0 souls. Naturally a thing like this
In a country whose resources arc not un
derstood throughout the world, might lie
expected to affect Japanese credits and
possibly cause a slump in the markets of
the world ln the matter of Japanese bonds.
Thereupon the Japanese cltixens com
menced an investigation. They came to the
conclusion that Japan is overcrowded in
sections. The governments of "civilized"
countries like Germany or France or Eng
land would probably have folded their
hands and confessed th'lr inability to cope
with the situation thus created.
Nothing of the "dolec far nltntc" meth
ods for the energetic Jap. First he orig
inates colonial schemes for the settlement
of newiy-acqulred lands on Corea and
Manchuria. "ICven this does not appear to
aftord all of the relief necessary. Ac
cordingly Japanese emigration to all parts
of the world is being encouraged. The
theory is that if the Japs prosper and
return the wealth of the Flowery Klng-
Arm le ln.r.Diiil a 1 .... ut ... Mm Irnnvfutn :
-' " "".
that the traveler brings back with him
It Is for reasons like this that the Jap Is
l'airly begging .. to. Jje..JiUawud to . cultivate
newly planted TlSc fhlds In Cuba and ' newiy
planted tea Helds In Texas.
The latest proposition will lie made by the
enterprising and energetic f ilerid and ally j
of Japan England. Owing to the results
of the general election in Great Brltnln it
Is understood here that Chinese emigration
to the Bouth African mines will be stopped.
Il is true thnt finVM Japanese aro threat
ened wilh starvation. The eonimiltee j
favors sending the Japanese to tkiutli
Africa, provided the consent of the British j
government can bo obtained, in this way,
it is ligured, the troubles whirl) have arisen
between the miners in the Transvaal and
j the government at London can be rectified,
I since It is believed here that the British
premier will be willing to allow this con
cession to be made to an ally like Japan,
especially w lie., luu ,ei 01 uivumuu. iiii.y i
' 1 ... o ... 1 ..I
be saved and the South African colonists !
will also be abl, to secure the unskilled
..,.,. t. M,.im..rf ,1..... 1,
It is now known that the emperor of j
Corea not only interposed the objection j
thnt the arrangements proposed py Mar-
quis Ito regarding Japan looking after the j
loreign reuit'.ons 01 ior weuiu ne ois-
meaning to his ancestors, inn aiso mat at
first he absolutely refused to listen to ar- '
sovereignty, and it necessity om not pre- j Major (ilhhons was able to become fa
ser.t Itself to him with at all equal vivid- miliar with the subject. The commission
ness. P.ut In the end he reluctantly ac- landed 'at Xombasa and took train for
e.nn.1 . 1 . .1 Innn ,..-nr 1 11.1 . .. I . , - I I 1 . 1 .... . ...
j ...'-. '-u i.. "iiinnrr
I of the Japanese statesman's nrguments ;
j and promised tn Instruct Ms ministers ar. j
i cordlngly. j
Yielded to Threata.
This yielding mood Is reported to have J
arch whos. career ha. been so chequered.
But more than the arguments and more I
than the promises, it Is now asserted, were
statements to the effect that If he refused
to vield Marquis Ito wouia merely report I
j back to the emperor of Japan, that force !
would be used and that another would
reign in his stead over tTie affairs of the
hermit kingdom and that the present em
peror would lie seut Into exile. Tlie en
tire scene reminds one of similar incidents
during the days of the Persian, the
Grecian and the Roman empires.
establishing a remount bureau, composed
of, commissioners from the army, the Pe- j
partnient of Agriculture and the Treasury, j
retailed plans pave been drawn up. the '
gist of which la that horse breeding Is to
be modeled after that obtaining In certain i
fnrelvn fitnntrie. Seventeen v.... I - i- I
on,d the .riod in which t ,hl
. '
1 Kvery year a certain number of stallions '
i. . . .. . ...ii .u.wu-iiuiiianin nreen. i
... , k. in.r..i. , . .v.
, are to be Imported for the purpose and
j the number of breeding stations Increased
, .,i IT ,h .v..- .. . .
i an migni
surmised that the Japanese are neglect, i
Ing to foster the introduction of the auto
mobile, but clever machinists have been
sent abroad to study automobile manu
facturing. 1ivr.iv i-.k i T.. " .
LONDON. Feb. I -Lady Grey, wife ef
flir Edward Grey, the foreign secretary, '
who waa thrown from a trap February 1 I
whil. driving near Elllngham. Northum-1
berland. sustaining a concussion of tha !
brain. Ia dying She ha not regained co'i-
" "
Winston rhnrehlll Tatkasttf Import-
anee of Proposed Conference
LONlKiN, Feb. S.-tPp-clal Cablegram to
Tlu Roe. 'Mr. Winston Churchill, under
secretary fur the eolnnlen mho fov.e.l In
general elections, has lien making public
his Ideas upon colonial policies.
of the possibilities of a colonial conference
which "dors things." Mr. Churchill said
, l.!,nt '". " colonial omce Lord
tigin una been obliged to fucc mam dim
cultles, but the question of the Coloniul
conference presented no dliliculties to the
government. Tne periodic assembly of rep
resentative men from all pnrta of the
British empire to discuss questions of Im
perial Intci est was attended by great ad
vantages and believed that such a policy
would recc' 11 potrnlblo assistance and
encourae y trom Ijprd Elgin. Before
Mr. N' .1 left omce ho had suggested
trie v moment to l!to7 of the conference
' assemble jn the summer of iuOG.
postponement to the year UK was In
-vera! cases actually convenient for the
.colonial ministers t.Kmselves and lilted in
' OlOSt ha, .t,.lv v.-ifn thom ...... ...-..!
, rangomciits. The advantage of tne conter-
r r . . j . . . . . . . ...... wis . lwi i. a.
! tnc; niee.lnit ln "ii,? 7. ... ti 7.7,7.
! "'et"n "T" 'V'"" 11 -
u- uce, unieuina ana untiummeled. nine speeches Which oceuniid rlx and r
ChU,,'h11' U,"u-nt '"ttt -"tlha.f hours Th.rcom .des1
mwly uesuons of Imperial imporunc j the discussion, hut the end Is not yet Many
ulHm Wl.lcn a colonltt, conierentB wouia ' members on l.o.l s . s o. he house des e
most lu.cruct.v .i.ul una ,n .anl j to r-cord th-lr Mews and general debate
to wnlcn al, ,ere optful o lrulUu, re. he allow d to eontlnue.
,ulu. , glnelH, way h, l)oritlIial view, Mr vl o( Alal)ama pai he ,
were lllat wa8,no reaaon W(1. th8 I , ion In principle ws as old as the common
omo BOVe,-nni-nt snould wiau to txtend ! Mr. H, nrv of Texas showed how It
iw A.uth - - . .. I ... .... v... .... . ....
.... Bu.,, o . .iiv.c i.uiikaui
c"nr", lnan ,oe vrum,.nt .U.d
, ,,Vnr ,h. .nir.v,n,in. rn..l. ,., ,
.0vi.. i.wtwuiv. ar wa v.aiiuua (
Australlu anu .Vew a,and
,..,,.. ,., , ....
.tiwn wi auv -iuu Ua'
tlit oilier day HfH Karl,,, nr....
lUeiit of the Hoard of Agriculture, received
his tlrBt aeputation, cousiHtin 01 a large
representation from the Free Importation
.Mnadmn cttle An-.,u.. ...
Asjociatiun ut lilval
Britain. Bailie Watson of Glasgow ex- I w'thstandlng the granted authority In tho
plained thai the object of the association I bl11' wh!ch " approved. Mr. Ellis of Mis
was to secure the repeul of the act of ! Bourl "aw n 'h hill what he regarded as a
which placed an embargo on the Imooita-
tloti of Canadian cattle. They wanted Can
adian cattle to be freely imported and al
lowed to fatten and be crossed with home '
stock. Lord Carrlngton In the course of
his reply said that ou this question he
associated himself entirely with the attl-
tude of his orerleeesHnr Mr v-i,
... . . ...
far that ihe interests of the general public
were to be considered before any one par
ticular interest. He regarded the question
from two points of view, the imperial and
the national and tho domestic He admitted
that both on imperial and sanitary grounds
the advocates of the repeal of the act of
l!Si had advanced many strong arguments.
On the other hand there waa an overwhelm
ing mass of opinion that the luw could
not be safely altered on account of the I common law. The states have always ex
grave risk of the Introduction of disease ' "clsed this power to the full exient. Con
that would be run by the teant farmers i Kress, he said, has the same plenary power
and small occupiers in the United Kingdom over Interstate commerce and ought to e-
I He AHSllreH Ih. mcmKcM n K. I
. ' 1
However, that the government would ln the
near future consider tiia matter ln all of !
its bearing, remcmberi'w that the. re-i
atriotUna UHNt lmp4t-ixmiitrUvv ) thrf'Vilfb.rf,e.hates and textijina.1 charges. .
duty In the Int.'l'eBts' of a particular class, Mr' Clayton - maintained that the Elklns
but solely aa a protection against the Intro- ,aw Preventing rebates could not be en
ductlon of dangeroua and Infectious dia- 1'0'1 without an espionage which was
Still Hope, that Russian Jena Will
Seek A.ylara I n.lrr Hrltl.h
,.,viiov , ,a 'victory. inn wss the opening pred ct on
LXJ.NUON, reb. 3 (Special Cablegram to! Mr ,Ta. , .!,
The Ree M.lnr I'.IKI..,. i. ...... I "
....r.c. in me ...'i'o.-u seiiiement or bast
Africa by the Zionists. Tliough tlie Zionist
movement has suffered severely by reason
of the death of its founder and more re
cently by reason of the death of Sir
xf ,-..,.. ... ,
Jiountstuart Grant Duff, who served as
..,,,, , ....,,.... . ,
, 7i7o ,, ;.n7d . , .
i'V'1 o '"ns dead or even sleeping.
presiueni or me society for four years, it rlorh. Hnu-n t. ...... .... !
I MaW Gibbons h. wn .. : ;. i
,s,8 sbiut ,h(. trnct or u.rrltorj. o(tored
... . . , v ;
ln .ontrollers of the Zionist movement
by the British government. One of the first
conditions Imposed in connection with the 1
offer ol terr'iorv was that
a comnil.ssi jn
a ..,...,
h,.,.i,i r.,e..e,, . .., . . . ,
t " ' ' " v
f hut
.tunuoi nu ine wuoie oi me expcdiiouury
equipment. Major Gibbons described the
Journey of the expedition nnd the country
to Nairobi and onward to the Ouas N'lirsliu
plateau, which was uninhabited. In point
nI,""de' ,no.,'e ry small proportion
of the Ouas Nigshu was under 6.0.0 feet
the basin of the Nioio. where the river
quits the territory, was about 400 feet under .
that standard There were few healthier : in Africa or elsewhere Th.
... u . ...... fu.i.. ... .
"ZZ n. Vn . the area, r,
f-""181"8 'na rMt ro'n ,
h""' ' i"t formed
l?,C enrfn;fnt ,of f'ateau. supplied on j
,.he. ,,ckrou"' heavily.
W 8 country, in fact. It ...
a., .iiv .u.t.iT, in ttn inaustriril
way, of Guas Ngishu would In the nmlii 1
the outcome of tlie forest rough limber
and live cattle rust and eventually no
doubt the carpenter, tlie cabinet milker, the
tanner, the calmer and other craftsmen
would supplement tlie Kpulation.
,,",,, Teehalral Journal gee. Hrvn.
lotion of Naval Warfare la
the Dreadaauaut.
(Special Cablegram to I
TV.. I iTk. I." i . . , ... 1
Ten 'ears ugn H.e Majestl.-s were the '
nnee, si.ip. in ine worm, loilay there I.
no ouestiou mat the r.rertn . , "
yurda and altik an eunre fleet of
Maitsllcs as eas:.y as the Jrn.
gUlK the Kussians at Tsuslilnia Indeed
th. Miest.c. would or....,i. J iJiw. '""t?'
,ne jaoaneae ,
, re. ineir as-iits noi txing effective
much over &.iM yards.
Later ships would of course be better
off. but il is probably no exaggeration to
say that the Dn-adnaught eou:d giv a
couple of our lauat King Juivard Vll tytw
Incidentally it could probably tackle the
,,,,( German battle fleet singIe.ttndV,i
a4 so ia a guarantee of peace. '
U hnul' remembered, however, that
13 iio MnJ""":.
the I'nited elates coniemplates a couple
Vd xhi FraI?;" h"' ,"u" ,or "".
, these shlp are all ailoat tum,,,
batile.hipa will hardly count. k J"t,-
line Members of the House Talk on
Hepburn Rate Bill.
! Il I ti 1 1 1 C Ifl M
Many Wish to Make Addresses and End is
Not in Bight.
He Says Measnre ii Enough to
Inolnde Ej press Companies.
Southern Member ar Bill Is Hnt
the EiempllO it Ion of Common
Law Governing lligb.
mi s.
WA8HINGTON, Feb. 3. Various phases
. ra"rona ralc nuestion were tntesnca
over ln the house today in tie course of
: " o rujfnru lilt' COIlMUUIlon a ,1,1 lite
courts. Mr. Ksch of Wisconsin explained
:,,. mm . .. . ,. ...
; ' i'iii "O.'' tI ' '1 tJ f lit HI II III IIHllUlf
i ,,e regulation f express companies. Mr. !
I ki,i.. ,.t rn a .... I
, " - ' hiu ' i ftiiiru tail aiHU:ilT'lll J
contrndlct tho claim that the control of
railways wss Interference with private
! Property. Mr. Crumpacker of Indiana be-
I ved eco
trol in in
momlc conditions would still con-
lrr" ln ,'n" matters, as they should, not
,nervatlve move in the rlKlit direction.
Mr. Hogg of Colorado opposed granting
legislative and Judicial functloas to the
same body, which he said will result from
the enactment of the pending hill Into law.
Mr. Floyd of Missouri said It was a saving
of the country from socialism mid radical
I "it man a siep in trial direction.
i Mr. P,
ie of North Carolina indorsed the
bill In ull its features. A complaint re
garding tho manner in which the news
papers handled the cotton statistics yester
day was made by Mr. Sims of Tennessee.
Sir. Clayton Open. Itebntr.
The rate debate was opened by Mr. Clay
ton (Ala.). Instead of being a new thing,
he declared, the legislative regulation of
Interstate commerce to be as old as the
erclse It In restraint nf the . nil
. .. . ... ...
,or lne Dt,lent 01 tn public, xne neces-
"" 'or ,he legislation it brought about
by tne U"J""t discriminations of the roads
ttn-Anierican and the present bill would
make It possible to obtain information
without resort to the spy system because
the books of railroad corporations would
not be open to the agents of the commls-
: slon.
"Whether It be communism, anarchy or
not. the time will come when the people
j will rise and follow William J. nt jnn to
ciayton for m bin
He was replying to
Mr. Sibley's recent characterization of the
pending bill. The maximum rate case, he
said, settled affirmatively the constitution
ality of granting the power to fix rates.
He regretted the president's change of at
titude on the question.
"I believe !n his honesty and sincerity.
but wish he had adhered to hfc original
'"""" to give power to establish a rea
sonable rate and left the question of the
maximum rate out of consideration," he
Mr. Esch tWIs.) said there were five
ages in railroading in America the age of
construction, the age of competition, the
of combinations, the age of government
terstate Commerce commission as the all-
important provision of the bill. In hi,
opinion the only localities which would
be benefited by the proposed bill were .'
those which had only a single railway!
and did not profit by competition. '
The excessively low rate grniiled to some I
points, Mr. Crumpacker said, were gen
erally found upon Investigation to be
franted by carriers becsuse they could
rot get their share of business In any
other manner.
Mr. Ellis (Mo ), expressed his approval
of the measure, saying he favored the
bill because ha believed it to be rnn..rva.
tiv. and one which would reault in benefit
, ...,al interests
,0 aU ""J""18' Interests
Mr. Hog. H.I.e. a Point.
Mr. Hogg (Colo.) questioned the right to
delegate both legislative and Judicial
nuinorny 10 a c"i,iiji..-e.ou. xie quote.i tne
supreme court to show that the comniis-
ion was not a Judicial tribunal. It was
a judicial function, he said, lo say where
a given rate was or was not u lsunable
and a legislative function to prescribe a
rate for the future. He favored creating
a special court to determliie tlie judicial
function and clothing the commission with
authority to legislate the future rate.
Complaint against what he termed an
effort on the part of certain newspapers
to belittle the information obtiiined by
the house yesterday In regard to cotton
yet to be ginned was made by Mr. Kims
iTenn.). He declared the information was
, .. o .. .- I 1 1. .l tt th cr.......
"ught for a lime d fy the courts of M
souri but an outraged people would not
long submit lo that practice.
The concluding speech of the day waa
delivered by Mr. Page (X. C), who fa
vored the bill. The house adjourned ai
6:25 o'clock until Monday at 11 o'clock.
Minority Atfrres lo Make Dominican
Treaty Party Mra.nre.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1-IVnioeratlc sen
tors perfected today what they believe to be
a compact organization to defeat the Santo
rioniir.go treaty and place the minority in a
position to compel a strict party vote on
(Continued, on second I'agt.)
Forecast tor Nrttrnakn Fair In orlti.
tearing In niilh Portion nndtii
Mneh folder. Tilth t old niir, Mon
day fair and nl Quite So (old
In nrthnral I'ortloni Illah orth
V Inds.
KM KninW-cht Paae..
I Politics In Kins'. Visit to ltal.
.UMiifw lln vr rtl Task at Home.
flehnte on Rate Hill In llon.e.
Crnelnl Point In Moroccan Affair.
S Prnluiblff t hnnae In Ktntehoo,! mil.
Fontnnellen Kndnrnc Westlicra.
8 c from All Ports of Nebraska.
Ha an it OnnnMes the ew toort Rill.
4 MrKeen to tie Mend of fn Miops.
atlnnl (nmp-lin fnr nnl Mrlna
Plana for FluhtlnR 1 Fever.
Miners In F.irrntlvr Session.
0 Past Week fn Omaha Society.
( In Telephone nmhera.
T Million Hollars la firaln Rnraa.
8 Antoa for Itnral Mall Deliver).
Affairs at Sooth Omaha.
EDITOR F.f TIO Klght Pares.
1 Welsh tiets Fine and Imurlsnnment
.Nelirn.ka Center of Church Morm,
5 Filltorlal.
3 1. M. C. A. In the Japanese Ira),
Condition of Omaha'. Trade.
4 Want Ails.
K Want Ada.
Want Ad..
T Financial nnd Commercial.
H In the Omnha Pol 1 1 len I Field,
ni lour of Soil Coltnre Train.
IIALF-I(IK sr:CTIO I'.Uht Pages.
1 Around the V orld with llrjan.
il f iiinli.K l:ell.i.r of the Mnon.
In the l lrl.l of Kleetrlclty.
Utile Stories for Utile People.
3 Play, and Players. and Mu.lcal Notes.
4 Dr. Hyde and the tiarllc Revival.
IWw Mate of Saskatchewan.
0 lomn. 'anion. Stntr Library.
Stories About Noted People.
HUnd Men lllscn.a Current Topics.
Unerr HldinK Place for Money.
0 For and liout Women.
7 tirl.t of Knortlnst fios.ip.
..mi. on I.nte.t Fashion..
8 ler.ely Tnld Tale..
C Ol.on SEt TION-Foiir Paves.
I nosier Bronn a. nn Anarl.
It Odd. and P.nd. from Far nnd Near.
3 Corea Considered a. n ,nke.
ireat Meat Markets of Worm.
Dnt MiifT A Nen.boy Rhap.ody.
4 Simon's Joke on Mo.e.
The Catch Hobby.
Tempernlnre at Omaha Vrsterdnyi
If onr
. . fl't
.. SI
. . 411
. . 4(1
. . 41
. . 43
. . 41!
B a. m .
t a. ni
7 a. in
lt P.
3 p.
t l.
n p.
7 p.
m .
1 a.
10 a.
11 a.
IS in.
Incident at'sonth Omaha Stock Vnrd.
to Cnlmlnnte In Wrddlaa; of
Two Persona.
ST. LrfJClS, Feb. 3. (Special Telegrani.)
The anno unc, ment today - of the engage
ment of Misr Maud Summers of East 8t;
Louis to Frank G. Sherwood of Omaha,
aheep buyer for a packing plant, la the
happy culmination of an exciting Incident
ln Omaha two years ago. Miss Summers,
with a party of friends, was visiting the
South Omaha stock yards. Somewhat In ad
vance of her friends she hud entered tho
runway when a drove of cattle broke down
the gate of their pen and -stampede. Sher
wood, who happened to be riding through
the yards, sprang from his horse Und swuni;
a gate across the runway, probably saving
Miss Summers life. Then he introduced
himself. They have corresponded regularly
ever since.
Father Simon Ilia Life at Lit
Salle. HI.. trier savin Five
Bo. from Icy Water.
LA SALLK. III.. Frb. 3 -Father Gilbert
Pinion of Pt. Bode s cortege and three s,,..
, dents : were drowned today while skating on
i.o.s uver. several boys were stand-
lug together to have a photograph taken
when tho ice broke and all sank Fa her
Plinon plunged Into 10 water and saved
Rede's six months am. frn... r, vi '
cr liege, fennsvlvania.
drow ned students are:
The nnmes of the 1
CAP? I1ANNIV. rimm.ui..
vl'AP.J:K3 lK1'TK"- Chicago,
KANIv ''Hi; 1ST: K. Pt. Louis
Twenty-Five qnare Miles of Range
Ka.t of f herenne Has Been
CHETKXXR. Wyo.. Feb. S,
Driven hi' '
a hlaii wind n ..rain . '
,..,,. , ' ' " e-ep, ,er
twenty-five souare mi e ..f r.n. ....
here today, destroying great quan.itle. o
ity and otherwise deputing "he Ire,
over whirh it .. r. V.
. me mo, is, a small
town, was tnreatened for a time, but i
no longer in danger. Word comes from
Pnlema. a Swedish settl nient. that all
buildings there wo. destroyed. Xo loss
of life has been reported.
Mrtlm Was Threatening l ife of Ills
Mother When Fatal Shot
Wna Fired.
ST. U .CIS. Feb. ..-Believing that th.
life of his mother Wss n d.tng-r Dr. XV. E.
Meyer tonight shot nnd killed ins brother
Jereph W. Meyer. At tlie time Joseph wa.
brandishing a heavy iron wr'nrh and de.
daring he would kill Ms r.iotlier. f,,.r ,
had remonstrated with him f..r be. ..tiling
intoxica td.
Movement, of Ocean teasel. Feb. 3.
At New York-Sailed: New York for
Southampton: Finland, for Antwerp Cam
pinm. I..r Liverpool: KoMiig,n I.uise tor
Naples; Prlns Adall.e: t. for Genoa; As
toria, for l.lasgow; Brooklyn, for Naole
Arrived: Kt Ixuls. from Bouthamp'to,,
tbrmnriin. from Livcrpo. I; Mlnn.ap.,ll.
from London.
Yo'k iiHtiMf ArrivP'': Braslle. from New
At Kouthampton-Salled: Philadelphia,
for New ork.
At Bremen Sailed
Brandenburg, for
At Glasgow Sailed: F.thiopla. for New
Wk: Sardinian, for Boston.
New- yr'rbour6B"d: Bhiladelphla, for
At I -tverpool Sailed
Lucanla, for Xew
1 or
Al Aniwern RaJle.! - k' . v
York. 1"'w
At Queenaiown Arrived:
Xew York
I'nibiia, from
Moroccan ou'errnc 1 loan Up Most of
Minor Questions Before It.
Point Which Aroused Intenfe Feeling Be
tweet France and Germany.
Frnh Objoct to German Proposal for
Interna' Supervision.
French Crolser la Watchlaa Coaat at
Morocco to Take Vessel ap
poaed to He tarrylnc
Contraband Arm a.
A1GECIRAS, Feb. S.-The conference on
Mui ocean rfiorms hus now b en freed of
most of the minor questions before it. and itself fast upproaching the main la
sue, wliieh ni,Kts on who shall control
tue iollce of Morocco.
The delegates to the conference hava
shown lncr.asing anxiety at the approach
of this issue, knowing the Intense reeling
11 has aroused between France and Oer
muny. KtToits are being made to secure
an accord belore tile question reaches t;ie
open conference Hnd tliereLy avui en
open controversy and a possible deadlock.
On the one hand France wants control
of the semi-military police and on the
other hand (Jennaii objects lo French
control on the ground that it would make
Fiance the virtual master of Morocco's
political future. These positions are so
radically opposed as lo appear to be almosi
irreconcilable, yet the neutral delegates
are alr.nuously continuing their pacllle
olliies toward finding a common ground
acceptable to both countries.
Some Compromise Projects.
Some of the comprise projects are ou
the following genera f lines:
The Hrst is to leave the police to tha
sultan of Morocco, thus avoiding tier
many s objection to French control and
that of r ranee to Intel national contiul.
Tnis compromise is distaste! ui to t rants
bill tne neutral delegates are seeking to
reconcile rrencii opposition to it bv point
ing out thut the allium would nave to
reiy ujion France lo oihcer, instruct and
discipline Hie police.
Anotner Compromise vaguelv put
forward is to gl 8p;.iu of somo
otner of the powers a share witu
Fiance In Hie organization of the
IKillce. Tiiis again meets witn the opposi
tion 10 having France participate in any
control 01 the police, bull anotner com
pro.i.ise. apparently having tno approval
of Cierinany, is to institute an international
police for a limited and experimental
period, and If the experiment laiis, France
will then be in a putiiiion to assume tne
oitaniguuon 01 tne ixnice. France, how
ever, snows no nii-posliion to accept the
plan for an police system,
even for an experimental period.
It is expected that the discussion of the
question of a state bank may aid in a
solution of the troubles, for Germany la
willing to give France a Mrung hand -ovw
Morocco's nuances. Franca may yield con
trol of the police for the present, leaving
the future to decide which power must
provide the force to control Morocco.
The Moroccan conference held a two
hours' session today, resulting In the defi
nite rejection of the plan proposed by tha
Moors for fhe reform of the Moroccuu
tariff and the determination to frame a
customs system more in accord with tha
views of the foreign powers.
The conference further decided to pre
pare a project to overcome Morocco's ant:,
ijunud methods resttictlnfv exports.
Germany More Hopeful.
BERLIN". Feb. 3 tiermany now takes .
more hopeful view of the result of ttw
conference at Algeciras on Moroccan re
forms than It did a week ago.
Two questionsthe smuKSUng of arms
and taxation having been disposed of
without serious differences, the Foreign
office is inclined to believe that an agree,
ment will also be reached with referenc
to the police administration, though this
' admittedly presents greater d'ifflcultles than
the questions already settled,
I.ooklnn- for Contraband.
I yARlti- rb- e-Offlclal advices reached
that anothef
ted of carrying
Moroccan pre-
rrulsing In tha
French cruiser
I -a'ande w;is immedlalely ordered to ascer-
i tain the exact wherabouts of the Zenith.
, The French government is determined lo
show the utmost zeal In the suppression
l of the illicit traffic in arms destined for
j Morocco.
. Rumor that Anna tionld-Castellane
I. fterblna Judicial separation
. from Hosband.
tatto .
diligent In-
qui.-' has been made in many
grflln,r ,r",h h r circu
r , 7 "" T" CUn"" d"
f8tellane (who was Anna Gould of New
York, had separated from her husband.
Count Bonl de Castellane, no confirmation
could le secured in any reliable quarter.
LtiN'rxi.V, Feb. S -The Paris corresK)n.
dent of tlie KxcliHtige Telegraph company
says that he has ..mflrmed Irotn r"litila
sources a stor?' that Countess d- "astean
Is seeking a judicial separation from her
husband on the ground of Infid.ilty.
Merlins Between Balfour and Cham,
nerlalu Break (p In
LOXIkTiX. Feb. 4. The Obaereer this
morning savs that J 's. I h Chamberlain and
former Premier B::lfotir parted in a dia
crrd of disagreement Frliay niglit after t)te
dinner at which they discussed tha question
of leadership of tha unionist party, and that
it is feared that tlie opposition will be spilt
Into two and perhaps three factions.
of Dabe Una Day
Only Our to F.iraye
PREXTICK. Wis.. Feb. 1 Fire i,,uif.
Ing from tha explosion of a lamp In th.
I homo of Grant Stewart this morning de.
atroyea tne nouae ana cost four lives.
Mrs. gtewsrt broke through a window and
escaped. Her husband, a babe bom yes
terday ar.d two other children wera burned
to death. Mrs. Stewart suffered severely
fi -m exposure to tha cold m' J mar dl