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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1906)
5 The Bennett Deliv eries cover every section of the city. Tho rlose-to-stor district"., (on mile? around In all directions at that.) are coverrd four Mmrs a day. Large consumers, hoardlup houses, hotels, restaurants, nre within this favored circle. I'se the wire and have your toods delivered on the dot. Wagon deliveries in Walnut Hill. Benson, North Onuhn, South Omaha, Council HlnrTu, etc. every day. VALENTINE SUGGESTIONS Art Section Not1 Display, Harney Street Window Kant. Handsomest Display in the City Second Floor. 5.000 MOTTOKS. neatly made In rassepartont. the best written sayings of 1 h world's great writers. THKKK LOTS. Iot 1 Cute Mot loos for every one Ke Lor 2 Mottoes la leatherette frames, red and green, with easel standards. Just the article for father, brother or sweetheart, sold exclusively by us. snle price Lot :t The grandest display of HAND PAINTED MOTTOES ever shown In Omaha Mottoes by such writers as Van Dvrk, Channlnp. Stevenson. n rook s, etc. ALL ONE TRICE '. :We Water color Head are very suitable-Valentine Rifts, j riCtlKK FHAMIXti Double-(ireelTTrading Htampsfor Saturday. CIGAR SECTION A genuine Trench Briar l'ipe. bent of straight Horn. Celluloid or Rub ber Stem Or And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. Patterson's Seal Smoking; Tobacco, 8-ounce tins 21c And Five Oreen Trading Stamps. Black Bess, a good Clgur, 25 In box, for 5c And Fifteen Green Trading Stamps. A Fanetclla shape Imported Cigar. ! for 25c We handle a full line of Pittsburg Stogies. 100 for 1.S5 and up. Pyrcgraphy Gifts for Valentines Are Appropriate Remembrances $1.85 Dresser Rnxra... .1.39 $1.40 Dresser . Boxes . . . . 1.10 $1.00 Thoto Boxes 79c 90c 3-Opon Frames 69c fi5c 2-Open Frames 50c (50c Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes 48c Outfits, $3, $3.25 and. . .1.69 OMAHA VKATIII:K f'OHWAST ntnilf lair LI! M M GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME THE OMWTTA PATLT BEE: RATT.TJPAY.- FEBRUARY 3. 0 MID-SEASON COATS Ladies' Tan Covert Jackets The new, nobby spring styles half fitting, tight fitting and box stvles; prices, C CI C $12.50, $9.90 and " .. D Ladies' New Three-Quarter Length Tan Covert A PA Coats -Strictly tailor made I'fWU Ladies' New Cravenette Rain and Shine Coats Tan. oxford and olive shades; prices, $14.50, $12.50, $9.90 C QC and. . . $1.00 Ladies' Union Suits, 75c 20 dozen Ladies' Jersey Bib bed Union Suits, in sizes 4 to 0, regular $1.00 value; j C this sale only. First Showing of New Spring Neckwear Pretty Laee Stocks. All Silk, Silk Embroidered and Fine Linen Embroidered Wash Stocks, Dainty Turnovers and Collar and CulT Sets large assortment to select from; special Saturday, each, 50c and aaaiJC Silk Coat Scarfs Special Fine Silk Crepe de Chine Coat Scarfs, 22 inches wide 1 1-3 yards long, black, white, red, pink and lemon colors, regular $2.50 value; sale fl 7 C price Saturday, each J French Kid Gloves Ladies' Real French Kid Gloves, in the dressed and undressed in a full range of colors and PA sizes, every pair warranted and fitted; a pair V Sale of Face Veilings at One-third Off 300 yards of fine Chif : fon Veilings, with fancy dots, in all the desirable shades, every yard in this lot sold for 75c; Saturday, a yard only . JC Golf, Cashmere and Woolen Gloves Worth 50c, 75c and $1 a pair, sizes for -women and children we have them P in blacks and colors; while they last Saturday, pair. D Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Big lot of Woolen, Fleece Lined and Heavy Cotton Maco Hose, worth 20c a J a pair; sale price Saturday, a pair laWoC Ladies' and Children's Fine Quality Hose In Woolen, Fleece Lined and Plain Cotton Lisle Hose, Avarrauted fast P atrial Is Saturday in the Big Shoe Section S00 pairs Manufacturer's Samples Ladies' Shoes, in Gun Metal Calf, Patent Colt and Vici Kid, $3.00 shoes, at. $1.93 200 pairs Men's Union Made Kangaroo Calf Work Shoes, at .$2.00 We still have 180 pairs of Dorothy Dodd Shoes in broken sizes, $3.00 and $3.5 values, at $2.48 Hoys' Storm Calf, Kant Rip, Cap Toe Hal morals, at $2.00 Ladies' Warm Slippers, at 69c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Infants' Moccasins, at 30c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Big Saturday Sale in Crockery ALL THE PIECES OF DINNERWARE (In Win dow up to Friday) Such as Plates, Meat Plat ters, Cover Dishes, Gravy Boats, Cups and Saucers, etc., all on sale HI If Saturday, 8 A. M., choice, each iLjS German China Dinner Sets, pretty pink decora tion, gold traced, full 100 pieces, a 1 1 CQ $1(5.50 set, to close out quick llaaO Gas Tapers, 30 in a box, the 10c kind, Z Saturday, each J'C Welsbach Lights complete, best of burn- P ers, each in a separate box, Saturday. . . New lot Japanese China Sugar and Creams, values up to $1.25, Saturday, J P a pair black; special, a pair. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL WIN TER UNDERWEAR AND HOSE SATURDAY. Sale of Corsets Fifty dozen French Coutille Corsets, lace trimmed, straight front and short hips, hose supporters attached, in white and drab; sale price Saturday, w each. a3b aV i 1 YT i J 0 ntiPA NhPtvf " A Solid Gold Spectacles or Eyeglasses, regular $10 value, for.., $6.30 And two hundred Green Trading Stamps. Very best Gold Filled Spectacles or Eyeglasses, $5 value, for $;..-() And one hundred Green Trading Stamps. All of our regular $2 Gold Filled Spectacles go at $J.tto And twenty Green Trading Stamps. Alflf"our regular GOc Spectacles go at uric J Bennett's Great MeaLt Department ALWAYS RELIABLE. We sr-H os we advertise. Nothing short plenty on hand. Everything guaranteed. A few of our many specinl for Saturday at Wholesale prices: CHICKENS. Strictly flesh dressed hens or springs, lb...llV43 Strictly fresh dressed roomers, heads nnd feet off, lb SVie. HAMS. HAMS. A BHJ HAM SALK. Your choice of Armour's Star or Cudal.y's Dia mond "C", Hams, every i ham guaranteed, on snip at. a pound lltyo And thirty Green Trading Stamps with each ham. LARD. LARD. Just rendered a fresh lot of Bennett's Special Lard, every pall guaran teed to be strictly fresh kettle rendered Leaf lard, In 5 pound palls.. 5Go And thirty Green Trading Stamps with each pall. Pork Shoulder Roast, per pound 6?40 Choice small Pig Pork IiOlns, pound fHc Sirloin Roast of our choice native steers, lb 10c No. 1 Lean Rib Boiling Beef, 8 pounds for 25o Veal Shoulder Boast, 4 pounds for 2Sc Veal Stew, 8 pounds for..2no BACON. BACON. The following best and leading bacon on the market, average of each strip tlve to six pounds. Swifts Premium 17c Cudahy's Diamond C 17Wo Armour's Star liVjo Omaha Packing Co's. Sunflower 17c John Morrell & Co's. Wapello 174 And thirty Green Trading Stumps with each strip. Specials in Hardware Saturday Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Cof- If. fee Mill, prices Jj( 68c to "wv Ten Green Trading with any Scrub Palmetto, Tamp ico. Rice Root, etc., only Forty Green Trading with best grade Point. Short Handle Shovel Ten ti: en Trad ing Stamps with potato Masher Big lot of Round Trays, rt gular 10c, special Stamps Brush, 10c Stamps Round 50c 8c 6c Forty Green Trading Stamps with any GarVan- O ized Wash Tub. 4rl at. 72c, Mc, Mc v Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Gal vanized Water Pall. 24, 22c and... A beautiful Picture FREK with each box Tacks Ten Green Trading stamps with As tos Toaster Twenty Green Stamps with cone shape Toaster Twenty Green Stamps with Hammer, 25c and 19c 5c 15c Trading 25c Trading 15c Bennett's Big Grocery Saturday's Bunch of Economical Items for the Home Provider. Sixty Green Trading Stamps with 6-pound can Bennett's t'apitol Baking Powder. .. .$1.00 Forty Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea. any kind..6Sc Thirty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond S Fruits. 28c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with quart bottle lJiamond S Catsup 35c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound package Bennett's Capitol Coffee 2Sc Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound Golden Santos Coffee 26c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound package Batavia Seeded Raisins 15c Ten Green Trading Stamps with two packages Bennett s Capi tol Wheat 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Uneeda Bis cuits 10c Tea Slftings, pound package. 12c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound Peeled P;aches 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with frame Colorado Honey lie Teh Green Trading Stamps with pound package Schepp's (yocoanut 25c Fresh roasted Coffee, pound. .15c Tan Green Trading Stamps with two packages Jell-O Ice Cream X'owdec 25c Corn, 2-pound can...., oc Pas, S-nound can 6c Sardines, can 3c Salmon, 1-pound can 9c Pibkles, assorted, bottle 8c Sue bottle Gedney's Pickles... 15c ltic"' package Wetmore's Gela tine . oc 12Hc eah Brockport Corn 8c 2uc pint bottle Columbia Cat sup 12c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond 8 Chili Sauce 25c THIRTY GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH TWENTY POVNDS BEST GRAN1' lxATED SUGAR 81.00 Ten Green Trading Stamps with six 5c sticks Wiggle Stick Bluing 25o Ten Green Trading Stamps with three 10c sticks Wiggle Stick Bluing 25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with U-pound can Sweet Mixed Spices 15c Ten Green Trading Stamps with large can Red Cross Cream. 10c BULK MINCEMEAT SPECIAL Three pounds for 25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 3-pound can Camp Fire Baked Beans 15c Diamond C Soap, 10 bars 25c HEADQUARTERS FOK BUTTER. Just received a large quantity of New Laid Eggs, docen..l6c Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Sour Pickles loo Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Chow Chow 15c CHEESE. CHEESE. Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound Full Cream Canadian Red Cloud Cneese 2oc Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound flnest Domestic Swiss Cheese 22c Ten Green Trading Stamps with Jar Baylrs' After Dinner Cheese 24o BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION Stick Candy Special fresh made, assorted flavors: Twenty-tive sticks for 3c Five sticks for lc Five Green Trading Stamps with box Marshmallows 10c Valentines Great Sale SaLturda.y THOUSANDS OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL NOVKLTTKS-Fnncy Celluloid. Silk and Hand Painted Designs the largest . lino of Comic Valentines ever displayed In Omaha. ALL VALENTINES SOIJ AT CUT PRICES. New Onmlc Valentines. 6 for Buster Brnwn Valentines. for Buster Brown Post Cards, each 1 Comic Post Cards, assorted. 2 for Beautiful Valentine Cards, from 10c down to ' lc ,......!. hr lc Fanev Celluloid. Silk and Hand Tainted Novel! le at CUT PRIOES-from 110.00 down to , "w Stationery See Window Displays. t CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED FROM OUR BUYER IN THE EAST THE BEST SUIT VALUES EVER SHOWN IN OMAHA. THINK OF IT- Men'a and Young Men's Suits. at Men's and Young Men's Suits, at Men's and Young Men's Suits, at Men's and Young Men's Suits, at ALL OUR $20.00 OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND A AA YOUNG MEN ON SALE AT IU.UU New line of Children's Suits-$6.95, $2.95, $1.95 J QQ A Special for Saturday only Children's Reefers, QQrt 3 to 8, sold for $2.50, at OC All Boys' Wool Sweaters on sale, at And one hundred green trading stamps. 3.98 4.98 6.98 8.98 89c BARGAIN SQUARE MAIN AISLE. Boy's Outing Flannel Pyjamas, worth $1.00, at Men's Outing Flannel Pyjamas, worth up to $2.00, at 65c 90c 95c Men's "Wool Sweaters, worth up to $1.50, at And thirty green trading stamps. Boys' Stiff Bosom Shirts, worth 50c, at Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, worth $1.50, at Wool Underwear, worth $1.00, at Silk lined dress Gloves, Kid and Mocha, worth $1.00 and $1.50. one dav onlv. a nair .v. t .! . j. - JC Regulation Fireman's "Wool Shirt, worth $3.00, f C at h Those. $1.00 soft and stiff Shirts still on sale at And thirty green trading stamps. 25c 95c 75c 1 50c j IS THE POLMCAl ARENA Heniings Endorsed for Vajor by Two Clubs Thniiday Night CAREER OF SIX YEARS IS COMMENDED V, J. Broatch Files Ilia Candidacy and Incidentally Heslatera Iluaat lie ! Actuall)- In Earnest as May He shewn. The "kquaio deal" and thu aimeiiuu ot trail piomluud by City Treasurer Hn nings If be is elected mayor has appealed to the Swedish-American voters ot the city. At a nieetinu of the Swedish-American Republican league held lu Patterson liu.ll Thursday evening a resolution unanimously adopted with enthusiasm en dorsing Mr. lltiiiiings for mayor. A good representation of the republicans of tue nationality was present. New officers were elected. A. W. Johnson being chosen pres ident, V. W. I'lodman vice president, John S. llelgren secretary and N. 1'. Swanson treasurer, i - . The resolution read: Whereas, Hon. A. H. IlennliiKS, for the at nix years treasurer of the city of Omaha, has shown himself to bo a mail of unusual executive ability, a man of hon esty, integrity, nnd u leader; unJ. Whereas, B.tid Hon. A. 11. Ilennings has concluded tv become a candidate for mayor of our city; and. Whereas, Oinul.u at present, more so than ever, is in need of a business admin istration, with a man nt its helm who t:iiids for a "square deal'' to all. and who puts a bun on all grafting: therefore, be It Resolved, That we most heartily endorse liis ramhdaey for our next mayor and pledge him our loyul and unanimous sup port. Fire and Police Commissioner W. J. Droatch has filed Ms name as a republican mayoralty candidate with the city clerk, llw entered the office alone and tilled out the form quickly after ascertaining the number of the precinct in which he resides. "I want It understood," he said to a re porter, "that I am In this contest If I have no more than a corporal's guard for sup port. Some people seem to have the Idea that I'm doing this thing for fun, but tbey want to get rid of It. 1 am not going to pull out of the race in favor of anybody else's candidacy, and the sooner -this Is un derstood the better." "Are you going to have a platform?" was asked. "Platforms have been known to tumble In and bury candidates," was the reply. "I have one and I guess It is pretty well known what It Is." With that the mayoralty candidate made for the door. In response to the daily question if he Is to be a candidate for mayor George V. West submitted the dally reply that there is no news on the subject. desires again to introduce this copy, hence the "foundation" by the formal demand for the original. Three more Fontanelle endorsees have tiled with the city clerk for counellnianlc nominations. They are J. C. Pedersen of the Ninth ward, Henry I. Plumb of the Third and John A. Scott of the Fourth. Altstadt still' administers justice at the "old stand." 433-431 Paxton block. BUILDING WILL BE TESTED Hit den tiros'. w Structure Will lie Inspected aa the Pro prietors Desire. Now conies the dreadful rumor tlmt an attempt may be made In the Fontanelle club's star chamber session Saturday night to rescind some of the endorsements made two weeks agj. .It Is well known that a number of the tags was applied in a way to cause considerable gnashing of teeth and the employment of explosive language. Due of the endorsements that has given rise to u large amount of dissatisfaction is that of V. A. N. Chase for councilman from the Twelfth ward. With such thor oughbred politicians as Bob Houghton, James C. Lindsay. W. H. Hlslop and James T. Dougherty and others In the field. Chase's selection was a big surprise, us ' he Is comparatively new In the waid and , Fontanelle politics.. The same situation is j true of several other offices. The talk about going back on the previous action I no doubt will be squelched by the organ ization, particularly as Chase and others have taken tin; precaution to tile their names officially as candidates, presumably on the strength of the endorsement. But the proposition shows how shaky things are getting in the Indian wigwam. The conference ,luld by Councilman Hoye, City Attorney Brecn and Building Inspector Wlthnell- about the tests of con struction In Hayden Bros." new building ordered by the council resulted in a de cision by the attorney that the city should Insist uiHin the experiments being made. He promised the councilman and Inspec ! tor to take the matter' up with Hayden Bros., but said the contractors ought to make the tests in the presence of the building inspector Instead of the latter doing It. Councilman Hoye insists that the win dows of the store should be restricted to eighteen inches In the street. Instead of four feet, as proposed. COLLINS & MORRISON SELL Badd'e and Harness Factory 8old to Alfred Garnish, Veteran Dealer, Does your baby sleep well? A baby should not fret and be rest less at night, but on the contrary, iter his evening meal, if bis food is right, ba should go to sleep and sleep sweetly and peacefully until early morning. Us Melhn'a Food and your baby wilt sleep well, and f row strong and good tuituted day by day. Send for a tree sample for your baby. The NIT IofBts' Food reeemat the GRAND tVlHL at St. Unit. l04. Cold Medal, H:ghest Award, Portland, Or. 1905. at ELL IN S FOOD CO-, BOSTON, MASS. CROWE DENIES WRITING IT Alleged Kidnaper Saa He rier Wrote Letter to t odahy Which Mabauali Seeks. County Attorney Slabaugh'a demand on Messrs. F.ngllsh and Ritchie for tho orig inal letter said to have been sent by I'at Crowe to Kdward A. Cudaliy. demanding J2S.t will raise peculiar qiMsiiuns for tho rourt tit IUR fin. Thfl f.ien.n! . I this time is to " lay u foundation." as the lawyers have it. for future moves when the case is on trial. The county attorney never has seen the letter he demands. He does not know for certain that fuch a letter is in existence. It is liis theory that Crowe, if lie sent the letter, got it luck when the gold was left out on the roadside on Center street. When Mr. Cudahv received ih. Ii.u.r ....i,aini.,a J the demand for the money he was warned a reiurn it. i no state -is going on the theory that it was returned and that Crowe should have it. Crowe insists, of course, that he never wrote such a letter and consequently knows nothing? of It. lu ihe Callahan trial an alleged copy of Ui letter was introduced sua' the state A liuays Uniform Always Reliable Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA have stood the tests of time and service for over 125 yean ttaglnarad, V. a. Pat. oil. Be sure that you get the genuine with thetrade-markonthepackage. Directions for preparing more thin one hundred dainty dishes in our Choice Recipe Book, sent (re on request. Walter Maker & Co. Ltd. Cdatlufui 1780 Dorcbestert Mass, A Highest Awards in vJ Europe and America BOTH MANUFACTURERS WILL HETIRE Kir in tioea Oat of Business After Sic eeaafol Career of Forty Years, Leaving Both 'tilth Com. fortable Fortunes. Alfred Cornish has bought the saddle and harness manufacturing business of Collins & Morrison and will conduct it in connec tion with his retail saddle, harness, trunk and traveling bag store at 1210 Farnam street. The deal has been practically closed. The Collins & Morrison establishment was founded over forty years ago, and besides being a pioneer tirin of the kind in the western country made a great reputation in the Collins saddles, originated and pat ented by the partner of that name. Mr. Cornish obtains thu exclusive right to make and sell these saddles and will carry on the business direct with the ' western ranches and in railroad grading and other large contracts, selling to dealers only in cidental. Number of Emploiei. The factory employs about twenty hands and at present is located at 314 South Twelfth street. It will be moved to the second floor over the Cornish store and the one to the east as soon us proper ar rangements can be made, which will be in less than six months. The store will be conducted the same us It has been during the four years since Mr. Cornish bought It from the Collins & Morrison firm. Tho present transaction will niHke hhn the sole owner of the firm's former interests. The Collins &. Morrison firm was owned by J. 8. Collins and John Morrison, both residents of Omaha. Both will retire from active business with comfortable fortunes. Mr. Moriison is interested in a bank and general store at Mullen, Neb., to which he will give some attention, but Mr. Col lins will put business cares behind him. Prior to entering his present business Mr. Cornish was with the lnummond Car riage company for seven years. He ex pects to greatly enlarge the present de mand for the Collins saddle, which is well known all over the west and is a high grade and high-priced article. lots and cannot get a suitable location for less than 1.5.000. Present plans are for a- building 150'Jn0 feet, three stories in height and costing I45.0U0. The machinery will require an out lay of about llU.Ooo. Some Chicago capital will be interested in the business, which will be known as the W'entworth Showcase company. Mr. Wentworth was formerly superintend ent of a sash and door factory In Minneap olis, but is now Omaha agent for com panies which sell wholesale construction material. ELKS PLAN BIG STAG SOCIAL Omaha Lodge Will Celebrate Twentieth Anniversary at Clan j Rooms with Big: Program. j The Omaha lodge No. 39, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, will fittingly cele : brate the twentieth anniversary of the or ; ganizatlon of the lodge February 7 in the club rooms In this city with a stag social. The program has not been announced, but the committee, consisting of Dr. J. B. Alexander, Frank J. Kimball, Clus A. Renze, Thomas F. Swift, P. P. Eurke, William P. Marshall and John U. Lund, which has the celebration in charge is busy arranging plenty of entertainment for the old-time stag social, for which the local order has become famous. The fun will begin at Si: 15 and each member is entitled to bring a friend to share in the festivities. The lodge was founded February 7, lSSti, with twenty charter members, and the first exalted ruler was John Francis, now re siding in Chicago, and the first secretary was James W. Garneau. The charter mem bers were: John Francis, Dwlght Q. Hull, Henry W. Hyde, H. L Hall, J. W. Gar-, neau, E. 12. Whitemore, William C. Greg ory, S. F. Woodbridge, I. V. Miner, I. V. VanCott, A. B. Davenport, Thomas F, Boyd, A. C. McClure, Frank R. Morrlsey, William E. Annin. Alfred Sorenson, D. W. Haynes, W. J. Curlan, C. O. Hulett and W. N. Babcock. Of these six are still members of the lodge 8. F. Woodbridge, I. W. Miner. I). W. VanCott, A. B. Daven port, Thomas F. Boyd and Aifred Soren sou. During the first ten years of Its existence the lodge had a hard strugglo and met with many reverses, but was able to weather the hardships so that during the lust ten years success has crowned the efforts of the members and the club is now flourish ing. The membership roll shows 6S5 names as uctlve members. During the lifo of the lodge 1,126 members have been initiated. The list includes preachers, doctors, law yers, actors, railroad men und men in nearly every active pursuit of life. Some of the best known citizens of the city are members of the Elks, including Count Creighton, Judge Woolworth, ex-Governor James E. Boyd, Judge Estello and many others. The club has made an enviable reputa tion for charity work. This work Is done quietly by committees and the club does not seek advertisement on account of It, but many homes and many of the local charitable institutions have felt the helping hand and generous gifts of the Elka CHURCHES CLING TO WARE Parishioners of Convicted Itanner Ask Him to Remain aa Leader" of Ills Flock. T. J. Mahoney, principal attorney for Rev. George G. Ware, said Friday morning the motion for a new trial In the Ware case would not be presented until Monday or Tuesday of next week and that the ar guments on the motion might not be heard before Wednesday. Asked if Rev. Ware hud resigned the rectorship of the I.ead and Deadwood . churches, in view of his recent conviction of conspiracy, Mr. Mahoney said: "I do not know that he has, nor that he intends to. However, his parishioners at Lead and Deadwood have asked him to continue as their rector. I do not know what his Intentions are." Strange Adventure in auto led to painful accident, but Buck, len's Arnica Salve quickly healed ai wounds. 25c; guaranteed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . Mayor Feeling- Better. Members of the family of Mavor Moores say he has been feeling much better during the last dav or .two. He has not been Vt the dry hall since the holldnvs. but has remained at his home, not bedridden, but taking life as easily as possible In accord anee with the wish of his physician. SASH FACTORY OVER RIVER large Mill Will Be Built by Lew Wentworth aad Others ia Couucil muffs. I-e w Wentworth is organizing a company with lon,i.) capital stock which will build a showcase, sash and door factory In Omaha or Council BlulTs. The organization is far enough along that Mr. Wentwortn feels safe in announcing the plans. He says the factory will not be built in Omaha, tor the reasons that trackage prop, erty offering the s.inie facilities as similar property In Pouth Omaha or Council Bluffs, commands a firure several times as high. The Backbone of a Mighty Nation is good food food for brain, food for brawn, food that is strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Uneda Biscuit, which have come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people, thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY j Utt U lwwlk4 uumbr of Omaha