Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, ,1906. niCIl SCHOOL HONOR ROLL Lilt of Pnpili Who Are Conjidered Worth j f Men' ion. THIRTY-FIVE PICKED FOR FOUR STUDIES Annoaarement in He Made at Srhaol on Monday t Thou Wk Ht Won Dlatlnetlon Daring Flrat fieme.fer. The hle-h school honor roll for the first Mmwlff will be Hnnonnrrd on Monday, the selection having b"cn nmdo by the faculty. Thirty-five of the pupils have been mentioned for four ntudloo. Tho list for four and throe Htudles In; Pupils mentioned In rath of four classes: Arvld Anderson Mnlda Anderson Hrltna Anderson Jennie Andrecn IirWltt Babblll Jessie Hnnies Waltt-r Rernries Huth Best Albert Urogan WHhelmlna Carlson Mnry Cnrlyle Francos I minor) F.thclyn MeVor It Alary Kch't Urraldlne Gilford l.ouls H.illrr .lean Humllton Arthur Hayum ; Pupils mentioned in three classes: Marie Hodee Hearle Holme lanlel Jett JoflMie Knee Irene Iarmnn Huth I.lndley Allen Mrponuld Iren Mills Florence Paine I. vie Hoberts Mlnnl" Robinson Florence Sherwood lewls Sweet Rernona Taylor Hessie Townsrnd Until Wnterhouse William E. Wilbur Allle Adams Nnnnette Aiken Kva Alden Bessie Allen Mabel Anderson Mvrtlc Hart mas Irene Rellinny Anna HetliKo Arthur Blotti Flsie Hilln Mira lireiKcnrldK Johanna Chnpman Marlon Cochran Margaret Cole Helen Davidson Orie DeVor Adele Oehhurt May Glbbs Grctchen Hnniumi Paul Havens Nenii llelxreii F.unice Howell Olive Hutchinson Klslv Johnson Florence Jones Ida !j! miners Fdna IjpvI I.ynn I Any A Wnlter WininlK Anna McCiirup Marv McCaa-u Frances Martin .Sarah Martin Anna Meyer Ada MJIler Henry Monsky Harriet Mould Mcrtha Neale Fern Nicholas Ruth Partridge Herbert Potter Ruth Randolph Sam Knnenblum Arucs Russell I i a RuKsell Catherine richaub Ctertrude Hchernier horn Elizabeth Sehanuber liena Schonbcrger Corlnne Searla I.loyd Smith (Slndys Solomon Elizabeth Sweet Mabel Vancura Vera Walker Mamuerite Walker Reuluh Whit more Helen Wright SONGS OF THE PEOPLE SUNG Miss Markln Directs a Very Sucrensfnl and Popular Fnlk Jfniiit ' Concert. A program of national folk sours, under the direction of Miss Helen Mackln and the auspices of the Omnhn Hltfh School Choral oclety, was plven last ulffht before wverul hundred people In the rfxims ot the Botird of Education In the city hall. The name program was Riven a shurt time uro in the niiuilcal department of the Woman's club and scored such u decided success that Miss Mackln was Induced to have It repeated. The entertainment was without charge, all concerned cheerfully giving their talent and services. The 'rooms were tastefully deco rated, under the supervision of W. O. Col ling, with the tings of the nations and with riiRS. the latter loaned for the occasion by Orchard Wilhclm. Misa Mackln prefaced the program with a talk on Indian songs and on folk songs in , general, explaining; the meaning of those which were about to be sung. Indian songs, she said, are the distinctly American folk songs, though the negro songs of the south are also peculiar to tills country. She spoke of anotner class of songs which she prophe led Is to come from American ranch llfe F.uch one taking part In the program was warmly applauded and all. responded with encores. Several of these songs had been heard by the singers In lands where they re on the tongue of every peasant. One of tho most striking was "Auf dor Aim," sung by Mrs. Wagner Thomas, who yodelcd after the manner of the peasants she hud heard In the Alps. The program: Indian Song Miss Helen Mackln. (a) "Iu On in la du Frlska" Swedish (hi "Kn LJtetl Fogel" Swedish A. Helgren. "Mary" Scotch Lucius Pryor. (a) "The Coolun" Irish 4b) "The Lass with the Delicate Air".... English Mrs. A. L. Sheet. Piano Solo A it. by Coleridge-Taylor (ai "At the pawn of Day" Southeast African b) "Hnmbniila" West Indian W) "Pilgrims' Song" American Negro Miss Ingrld Pedcison. a "Rolero Caslellano (b) "Santa Lucia." Mrs. Wagner Thomas. "Ottchlsua" Dr. K. Holovtehlner. (a) "Die Auserwachlto" to) lloch dem fiesanir : liprimn (b-"Auf der Aim" Hwlvs Mrs. Wagner Thomas. Violin Solo-Hejra Kail Hungarian Miss Louise Shadduck. Quartet Oil "All Through the Night" Welsh ib "Funiculi. Lunlcula" Italian Mrs. Walter Dale. Mrs. A. Hrnwn, Miss Ilarliolm, Mrs. A. L. Shociz. Accompanists Miss tvderson, Frank Htrnwn and Mr. Peterson. Spanish . Italian Russian Pwablan Manila Kvtdenre la dally advanced of the curative powers of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. Siv and fl. Fnr sale by Sherman & McConnoll Drug Co. folio) jQ m II X A .M a a lor i Bi Shirt saie on i Page U THE SEASONS GREATEST SALE MEN'S PANTS SURPLUS STOCK of ROSE BROS.. 715 Broadway. N. Y. There are hundreds ot very special bargains to be found here that will appeal to every well dressed man. In addition to Rose Bros.' splendid stock, we have grouped all our own odd pants from broken lines of well-made winter suits. Not a pair of pants in the entire lot worth less than $3 and most of them worth $4 and $5. Well tailored and stylish, made of) worsteds, cnssl meres, Scotches, plain black Thib et, etc. select a pnir Saturday and you save1 iiuin t s one to three dol-f lars fe-ii i hum? SATURDAY WILL BE Special Overcoat Day We offer some of the greatest values in fine Overcoats ever r i known. See them now on display In the window. Regular 10 aud $12. uO Overcoats, in fancy cheviot, belted effects. S2 inch long, stylish cuts, whip sweep nine and black kerseys, Irish frieze, etc. at "750 U 20 Per Cent on All Rogers-Peat & Co's. Clothing The finest, best-fitting' and moat serviceable suits and overcoats that loonej can buy. Your tailor can't improve on them. i may we '20 Reduced Prices on tdl Fur Lined Overcoats Saturday we v:iil sell $40 Australian sable and water mink $ lined coats with musA rat, beaver, near semi and Persian lamb collars to clean up at, each. . A SALE OF BOYS AND CHILDREN' SUITS Boys' $2.50 and $3 Kussiau Norfolk and double-breasted suits sailor Xorfolks, etc. newest patterns, handsomely trimmed in becoming style for little fellows every 4 69 suit mismmt'ped mir voo-iilnr' nn1 'ilin II 11 values, will sm tt 7 C jrasrsiiMniris. LOfi, a. IV if" All Dr. Reed's and FlorsKeim s cushion and double sole shoes, worth $5, $6 and $6.50 a pairs Here is a dollar saving sale on the highest quality of men's shoes that are turned out of the best shoe factories in the land. All win ter styles and weights of Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoe and Florsheim's double sole shoes all sizes and widths all new extreme and moderate lasts box calf, velours, gun metal, viei kid, enamel colt, etc., in Blucher and lace. $6.00 Shoes $6.50 Shoes BRANDEIS. BOSTON STORE FLORAL DEPARTMENT IN THE ANNEX A DOZEN CARNATIONS for 39c ' Always Sell for 75c to $1.01) a Dozen Hnllriloar rrrmlti. Th "ily hsu Issued prinllf to Mr. J. r'niiimiiiK for n frani dwlllnit n KlxteiMitli ami Manilprxoii Ktrrt! and to A. Hnrlanil for n. M.nnn fraiiin dnrllinK nt f,3?l Koith Twenty-sixth !r.rt. UVATCHKS Kremer. 3tn anu Dodg Sta, I . j 1 ! am TREATMENT THE NEW WAY OP CUKINO OLD DISORDERS IS WORTH INVESTIOATINO Rhtumtllsm turalila lolatloa lumkafo Klan.y Troukl. Naart Trouhl. tlontaoli Trouble low Vitality Varlow. Valna Pear Clroulatlon Catarrh Sickly Children laadar Trauhl. Ipaimodlo Craup Sickly Woman Chingo al lit. Dotpondtney Sloaplasonaat Druf Habit Constipation Place a crom next to the ailments you have and tend this in with your name ana address plainly written, and you will receive by re turn mail a marked oepy of Dr. E. C Scott' New 64 Pag Book FREE, tailing all about this new treatment. It shows how E-LIM I NA TUM stops pain without the use of opium, morphine, cocaine, or narcotics in any form. It shows how E LIM-I-NO cleans tho blood, restores the circulation, and overcomes depression without alcoholic stimulation. It shows how E-LIM-I -NETS our. ohranlo Constipation and makes unnecessary the con tinued use of physic. F.liminets 15 cents; Klimino and Elimination $1.00 each. If you art willing to be shown something worth knowing, write for this free book today. Send us no money. Get the remedies of your druggist. A Few J Solid vestlbuled trains of elegant equipment. Owna and operates its own Bleeping and dining car. Longer, higher and wider bertha In Bleeping cars. . Lighted by electricity. Heated with steam. Protected by a thorough system of block signals. Union Depot Omaha and Chicago. Th r only a faw raaaon why you should travol via tha Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul E Railway Thr fast trains to Chicago every day, lea re Union Station Omaha at 7:56 a. m., 6:45 p. m. and S:85 p. m. F. A. NASH, ' Qanaral Wtern Agent, 1524 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. I-LIMHME wo w TS H Ths Reeiedles Thai Romsv the Causa of Sickness. KUMIRO MSDtCINI CO., DM Maine, bw I OUR BOYS' "SPECIAL" Our special' "Ster! Shod" boys' alines have the material and workmanship in them that you don't find In the or dinary boys' shoe. That is why they wear so well anil when we tell you that one pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of the ordinary boys' shoes we mean every word of It. Boys' sizes 2 to 6 Youths' sizes 1 to 2 Little Gents' sizes 10 to U Just drop in Saturday and bring- the boysQIt s boys' day. Drexel Shoe Co. U19 Farnam St. .2.50 .u.a .$2.00 SATURDAY AND MONDAY Housewife's llargaln Days at C. II. DILLONS, 000 S. 13th. 'Phones 2431 and 2132. 4 8 lbs High Patent Klour $1.05 24 lbs. High Patent Flour 55c 20 lbs. (full weight) granulated Sugar l.oo 1 gallon Jug catsup 1 Kullnn jug- white wine vlne- Sr 1 gallon Jug muxtard .... I gallon i:hor 1 gallon sour pickles 1 gallon dill pickles 1 gallon sweet 71p pickles ' 2 cans sweet On i-nrn 3 cans pie Klrawberle 8 cans red 0Q mon ' Can fancy syrun 6 pounds i.iiii.-yOriA prunes u" Aloc.ha k Java rorree. lb Ixg Cabin ma ple syrup, ftH.. r u 3 35c 60c 65c 35c 35c 11c 9c 18c 29c Logr Cabin maple syrup, one- CQ half gul 00C Can strawberry peruerves Can raspberry Q , preserves. 1.' bars soap, OK a till sold out ... 3C 8 bars oatmeal ) f toilet SOilD I Ml .2 lbs. seedless raisins .... 2 lbs, pop i-orn Package, mince meat, llH: Cn size 3" CM)klng tigs, OflP 3 lbs U Breakfast bacon. tir c ..&..r 15c I'ncolored Ja- 0C pan tea, lb ...y1'' .9c .15c ...5c Saturday at the Triple Sale. On 2nd. floor. Men's Strona; Suits and Overcoats, P.7S; Cravenette Coats, same price; a few Over coats as low ns $2 W; Heavy nc Bocks. Rc; Men's Extra Heavy Corduroy Pants. 11.2a; Corduroy Knee Pants, 26c; Men's or Hoys' Caps, 10c; all sorts of Men's and Boys' Shirts, including Jersey, 2fic; Fleece-lined t'ndershlrta, 25c; Cotton Flannel Drawers, loo; Bilk Bows, 5c: Boys' Knee Pants Suits. 9Se and 11.48; Young Men's Suits, up tn sge 20, tl.W. $1. !M and 12 4ft; Men's Strong Suspenders, 9c; Men's Swenters, 25c and 48c, and so on. On Mala Floor. Men's Tants. It.Oft. worth up to 12.00; Pants, sale price $1.90. are worth up to $3.50; Men's Extreme Fine Pants. $3.00, sell everywhere for $6.00; Men's Suits, worth up to $11.60, your choice, $5.00; Men's Suits, worth to $20.00. your choice, $9.90; Young Men's Suits, worth up to $10.00, choice, $4.S6; President Suspenders, 39c; Shaw Knit Hose, toe; Silk Mufflers, 25c; Way mufflers, 16c; poilar Shirts, 4Sc; Pure All Iamb's Wool X'nderwear, worth $1.28 and $1.50, your choice, 75c a garment; Fur Mittens, 69c; Pllko Handkerchiefs, 10c; Men's Fancy Em broidered Hose, 9c; Men's Fur-llned Caps. 39c; Jersey Gloves, 15c; IndTan Tan Buck Gloves, flannel-lined, 25c; Men's 35e Suspen ders, one in a box. 15c; $2.00 Sweaters, 69c; choice of any Overcoat In the house, for merly as high as $21.00 (except fur-llned), your choice, $16.00. This Is only a small portion of the many good things offered. In th Baaamant. Men's $2.60 Ehoes, $1.50; Men's Rubbers, 60c; Leather Coats, finnnel-lined. $2.9S; Black Duck Coats, blanket-lined. 9Sc; Waterproof Coats, with sheep collars, $1.98; Duck Coats, sheep-lined, with coduroy col lars, $2.98; Heavy Overalls or Jumpers, 45c: a few light weight Overalls. 25c; Blue and White Plaited Jackets,' 2:c; German Socks, ibc. Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519 and 1521 Douglas St. Grtaf Sale of Lace Cur tains and Rugs Monday. See Sunday Papeis flWDBS 1U1C ICKI.IAItl.U MIOItK. Don't Miss Saturday's Furnishing' Bargains. See large Ad. POINTKKS TOR VOl'H SUNDAY DINNKK Buy Where the goodr are always new ami fresh and the prices ths ' most reasonable. ceevamn. 7e Pork loins ... Pot Roast .... Rib Boll Rib Roast .... f..otn Steak ... Rib Steak Corn Reef of Lamb. Veal Roast ... No. 1 Hams... No. 1 Bacon... No. 1 Geese . .'. Ducks, Turkeys, Chlrkens and Home Made Sausage. P . n . -Ml' It It A V 317 South 16th St. Tel. 1741 : lOe 7c ....12i,c & So 7,c 4c loc fit: 1oc 11'iiC 12'.c A Word With You Do your marketing with u if you are n lover of ohoiee outs of meats, ns this market noted for selling only the very bent ijualitleH of beef, pork and poultry of all kinds. Our motto Jk. "t'Jet the lNt and kpII at reasonable prices." This we do every business day of the year. NOTE TIIKSE PllICES: Pork Loin 8i" Pork Butts 7'iC Sparerlbs H8o, Roillug Beef Baeon v. . . . .12lse Turkeys, Iueks, Geese and our own Iiressed Chickens at lowest prices. , JOS. BATH'S NEW MEAT MARKET Tel. 6984. 19 J I Farnam St If you vre desirous of obtaining Groceries and Heals I'nexcelled in quality at the least possible cost we would be pleased to be ufforded an opportunity to quote you prices, which, we ure confident, will Interest you. Maple Syrup t)u;' Canadian Sap Is war ranted to be absolutely pure A I f p uud unadulterated, possess- 11 JL ing a delicacy of flavor lm- l mt-aurably superior to any 11 I f I maple syrup on the market. UlslsU Per gallon Pure Maple Sugar .i Per pound laisC Stric tly Fresh Eggs j Per dozen 1 C Creamery Butter fl- Per pound OUC N. Y. Buckwheat Branded "Cohocton" alone con stltutes sutflcirnt guarantee of Ui An purity. It Is unquestionably the highest grade of buckwheat flour 4MP that can he procured. Put up in llll' full weight 10-pound cloth sacks UUU at Puffed Rice -5 Three packages u Quaker Oats IE Three packages Choice Dates OBLr Three pounds " Navel Oranges largest. Brightest. Sweetest. OQr Juiciest pi-r dosen " S0MMER BROS., EXPONENTS OP GOOD LIVING, Twenty-Eighth and Farnam Sts. Your Overcoats Here! Your Suit iiIho, nt loat they will lo yoiii'H if you tnko tli trouble to htpp in ami examine thom. Not just a few ihM anneiits, but 00111 jilete lines of jierft'ct fitinp:, honestly tniloreil suits ami overcoats at un matelied low prices. Every man (should take advantage of these great February Clearing sale bar gains. Men's Kuits In great variety of colors. ' patterns and materials, well tailored and worth up to $10.00 C HA sale price Jttf Men's Suit's A complete assortment In the very best styles and materials, worth $12.50 and $10.00 at. n C t choice I J J Men's Overcoats In all the best fabrics, plain nnd fancy colors, long or medium length, with or without belt, perfect tittlnK garments, worth $9.00 to $18.00, In two lots for this sale, at C nrt $10.00 and J.UU Men's Pants Worth up to $3.60, in stripes, fancy mixed and plain colors 500 garments from w hich to f QC select at. pair i.JD Youth' Lour; Punt Suits Double or single breasted styles, perfect fitting unit, in all sizes, worth up to $9.00 sale price Children's Knee Pnnts Suits In double breasted and Norfolk styles well made. stylish garments, worth up to $3.50 in two lots at $1.93 . and Children's Odd Knee Pants Regular 50c and 65c values sale price Choice of Our Children's Overcoats In ages :! to 8 years, gar ments In the lot worth up to $ti.50 Saturday If (lMSS;' 5.00 .1.50 . 29c 3.45 mill ATTENTION ! .2.98 I ALL HltOKKX LINKS OK PATKXT I.KATHKK. IIOX CALK ,1X11 XH l KID $4.0( AMI $5.00 SHOKS KOK Broken lines in $3.00 and $;l.50 Shot-H for Odds ami ends in ladies shoes 11 a now widths nnd toes for. . Hoys' solid school shoes for Youths' solid school shoes for 2.48 98c 1.50 1.25 T. B. NORRIS, 1517 Douglas St. ASK FOIt CiltKEX TItADING STAMPS. Z2ML 1Z T A CTC DENTAL lAri-b ROOMS, 1517 Douglas St, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beat Farm Paper! a Year. V ' UOTKU. tei in Cmcago' Stop at The JlMnli .jIJI1 FRUIT CAKES. PUDDINGS Z In 2-Pie 10c Packages and cookies. I MERRELL-SOULE CO. 9UXCV IV AT Bee WantAds Produce Results Stfatterd Hotel European Plan Rediwd. Elecaat, Quiet. Located cor ner o( city', two aoett boulT.rdi, coarenleot to entire buln.. center. Close to best theetret end .hoppiof dl.trict. Zi room. ISH pnv.te btb; Ituorjone wrltlDC end teceptloa room.; woodwork m.bog.u throurhout: br.t. bed. and all modera comtnrt.; telephone la every room; beautiful dining room. tbe beat oi .vcrytblcir at moderate prkea. Mlcnigsa and Jackson Blvds Ctakatfo I Our $3.50 Men's Shoes will please the most particular fellow. They are made in the styles of the higher grade shoes and are as well fitted by our expert fitters. They appeal to the man who wants to appear well, and they apptal to every man's purse. FRY SHOE CO. 1 nmmmamJ SAVE M.ONEY You run do it ensy if you ti hundreds of people alrendy that WK MEAX EXACTLY WHAT W PKOMISK. We liave Just received 10,000 pounds of Kancy Ltried Fruits of all kinds and will place them on nule begln nins Saturday and continuing an long aw they la.t at one-half the actual price. Kancy largo ipiicot, regular 01 seller l.'io rnr ll., our price OJC Fancy large Feaehcx. regular O I seller Ijc M?r lit., our price 2 7ic King 7ic FHncy Nectarines, regular acller li''io per lb., uur price.. Fancy Kvaporated Whule or ipplew, regular seler 15c per pound, our price Fancy large Imported Cooking Figs, seller 15c per ll.. our price 7l pound, our price 2C Fancy Cluster liyer Raisins, regu lar seller 2c to Lfo per II)., O I . our price OJC Fancy Seeded KalsinH, 1-lb. pkg., ful weight, regular lne fil seller, our price OJC KHEK! FRKR! Come to our store Haturdav and be served with a dish of new apricots Imported from Cuba: will be demonstrated fre al our store Saturday flrM of its kind ever shipped to this city anil will be placed, on sale for one. half price. Kegular seller lnc per IP., our price Fancy Apple nutter In glass Jars. 10c seller Condensed Soups, assorted. loc seler Fancy Lemons, per dozen Fancy Navel Sweet Oranges. ' per doien Fancy Creamery Mutter, par pound tide with us. We have convinced ww sell good at very low prices. K SAY, AX1 WE DO WHAT WE fancy country Hon Butter, per pound JQ EGtJS fcXJGS fi per dozen 13C Fine Granulated Sugar, f aa 22 pounds for I.UU 48-lb. sack Purity Flour the best on t ne market every sack guaranteed 4S-lh. sack Jersey Cream Flour i.'M! pounds Fancy Whito Urapes. regular seller 2c per pound, our price 74c 5c 5c 12c I2c 25c 1.15 85c Malaga meats: meats: at the lowest pjuces. Chuck Steak per pound Hound Steak per pound Sirloin Sieak per pound Porterhouse Steak per pounil Hoine-Mudu Hamburger - per pound Hulk or Link Sausage per pound nme-Mad Mince Meat. per pound Chuck Itoast per pound ..,.... Trime Rib Roast pr pound Sc to No. 1 Skinned Hams per pound Leaf Lard l.T. pounds for Full line of John Morrell's Haraa nprl Hacoii at low prices. .7c She Me 74c 7ic 5c 5c 6c Sic 1.00 THE LANGE GROCERY CO. V 24TH AND CUMING STS. 2 'Phone. 1530-322.1. M. Bernstein and M. I Woolfson, Props. t iLt.. m i. -.. .wJ ifl I r -7 5lC. "V fl ib and Douglas Sli Sample Free Of Fenner'g Kidney and Backarhe Cure, wlille tliey lust. fl 00 Fenner'a Kidney and Bark ache Cure S9c 5oc Kenner'a KldDey and Back ache Cure 45c uu Fenner'a Blood and Liver Remedy -. Ssc Xe. Kenner'a Golden Relief tie &uc Fenner'a Golden Belief 4Jo Howell Dru Co. 1 6th and Capitol Ave, William Jennings Bryan's Letters Are but one of the many inter esting features which appear in . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE The subject this week is SOCIAL RELATIONS AND CUSTOMS OF JAPAN In the colored supplement Buster Brown's boyish pranks are a source of unending fun for the little folks. Simple Simon and his small friend, Mose, are popular with th youngsters, too, and they ought to pay a weekly visit to your home. The big folks like them as well as the little tots. The Dee photographer Ih always picturing the important things that are passing before tho public gaze. Frank Car penter, the most brilliant writer of letters of travel, contrib 1 ten each week, and there is an abundance of other good rttdlng in its pages Hut above all. The Bee is a newspaper a reliable gath erer of news and holds llrtt place in the ranks of western Journalism. , If You Want thi Tacts Read The Bee